#wroef headcanons
puzzled-pegasus · 9 months
some christmassy wroef thoughts
Lewis lifting Edith up so she can put the star on the tree.
Dawn being an excellent gift giver.
Sam trying to organize his kids to take a family picture. And getting really frustrated lmao
Sam and Kay took baby (like 3 year old) Gus to see a mall Santa once and he bit Santa.
When Sam would come home for Christmas, he would always come down to visit Walter and give him a gift like a book or something.
Milton liked to wrap gifts in white paper and draw on it with markers to make his own pattern.
Calvin and Sam usually got something from their parents that they were supposed to share. Barbara would get a different one for each of them.
Walter tended to make nice little cards and things because he hardly ever had money to buy stuff.
Lewis would always get presents for the family pets.
Edie would always get art supplies for Milton, she wanted to encourage his interest in painting.
Sven gave Edie's first pet bird to her as a Christmas present.
Rick once stuck a bow on his shirt and said to Barbara, "I am the gift!" Barbara was not amused.
Molly always tried to catch Santa coming into the house. She also always left carrots and peppermints out for the reindeer.
Barbara loved to make and decorate cookies. Walter liked to help her. Calvin liked to steal them and eat them.
Sven's kids often made gingerbread houses, but hardly would they ever listen to his building advice. Because obviously they know more about structure than their father, who literally built the entire house that they live in.
Dawn really didn't try that hard to make her children believe in Santa, so it rather annoyed her when Edie would perpetuate the myth.
When someone died close to Christmas (Molly, Gregory, etc) the family would place their would-be Christmas gifts on their shrine.
Many of Walter's trains were a gift from Sven.
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mrsllyziy · 1 year
I will post some WROEF fanarts I made this afternoon, at some point during the night (prob not aaaaaaa)
im toooooo lazy
but while I don't post my drawings, I'll share some headcanons that I had created. Plsss forgive me for my poor asss english omg
When Gus showed up for the first time with his nails painted black, Sam nearly fainted and argued with Gus about how wrong it is for a boy to do that. Sam even threw the nail polishes away, but Gus kept buying more of them secretly - who knows with what money - So, Sam simply gave up and hoped it was just a rebellious phase
Barbara smoked from a young age (canon), and Edie tried to convince Barbara to change her mind as smoking could damage her vocal cords. However, since Barbara believed she had no more chances to return to her acting career, she continued smoking until she turned 16
The reason Dawn moved rooms was that she couldn't bear to sleep between her deceased brothers' beds every day
Barbara never remembered what her older sister, Molly, looked like before she passed away; she only knew how she looked through her photos spread around the house. The only thing that Barbara really remembered was her laugh
Dawn was bi. The only person she trusted enough to tell was her younger brother Gus, two days before her father's remarriage. He said, "Oh cool I guess now let me sleep"
Walter loved marine animals. He had promised himself that, when he left hiding, the first thing he would like to see was the sea
Sam really liked military and war stuff, he genuinely did, but when Calvin died he lost all the courage to pursue that path. When he turned 18 he received a letter from the army and thought "I can't believe I'm going to have to be a part of this crapp for real ahhh"
Milton never escaped through the magic door he painted. He accidentally locked himself in one of the secret passages and could never get out of there again
Sometimes Barbara would ask to sit alone with Sven and ask him several questions about what her older sister was like. He was the only one besides Edie who took care of Molly until she was 10 years old. Her mother would get quite irritated when Barbara mentioned her in her presence, so she would turn to her father, who kindly answered all her questions.
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just-call-mefr1es · 8 months
got any Walter finch related hcs?
-quiet kid💯
-i feel like hes rlly sensitve too, so like, if barbara or someone slightlu raised their voice at him, hed probabky burst out into tears
-not much friends, whcih made his move to the basement somewhat easier
-big watery blue orbs (not sorry)
-i saw this from somehwere else but i agree: he was definitely curious about molly, asked tons of questions about her, probably stayed in her room a lot
-i think he was pretty peaceful when he died, like, he wantsd to see was the sun, and he got that, even though he died afterwards
-although i feel like he definitely regretted not being able to speak with his other family memebers before oofing
and fhafs all i can think of rn lmao🤧🤧😵‍💫 sorry for all the spellig mistakes🤟🏽🤟🏽
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inbarfink · 8 months
So, in ‘What Remains of Edith Finch’, the main doors in the Finch House are all sealed shut and have peep holes drilled in - requiring Edith to find all sorts of other creative ways to access all of the bedrooms of all the other Finches. 
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This is explained as Dawn having sealed all the doors shut after Milton’s disappearance, and Edie - wanting to retain the connection to her dead children - drilled the peepholes into them.
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However, Edie’s own room is also sealed-and-peeped in much the same way. 
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So what’s going on there?
We’re experiencing the story from the POV of Christopher, Edith’s son, reading her journal and what we’re seeing is not exactly what happened - but rather Christopher’s mental image as he’s reading. Edith wrote that ‘all’ the house’s doors were sealed shut, because Edie’s room was an obvious exception for her and Christopher took it literally and didn’t notice the discrepancy. 
Edie, when she felt she was going to die (or perhaps decided to kill herself), had her door sealed shut to make sure that her room is preserved even without anyone to take care of the house 
Edie asked for her door to be sealed in her Will, for similar reasons as the above
Edie sealed up her door pretty much as soon as Dawn and Edith left, and spent the rest of her days sleeping in her little coop in the library 
After hearing of Edie’s death, Dawn secretly came back to the Finch House without Edith to seal up Edie’s door
Dawn sealed Edie’s door at the same time she sealed all the other doors in the house and Edie has been sleeping in all kinds of odd places or perhaps sneaking in through the window for like ten years before her death
Something else?
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ask-the-finches · 16 days
Hey Edith! Was wondering who’s your baby’s dad?
He was this guy I met in high school. I was part of the marching band and he was part of the football team. He was a silly guy. Nice. Funny.
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sunsetthedragon · 18 days
Since I’ve seen some discussion around The Unfinished Swan, what are your headcanons for The Queen/Monroe’s mom/Milton’s wife?
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Heya peeps! So, I gotta take an itty bitty break from writing. I think I might've pulled a muscle in my shoulder, lol. Don't worry, it isn't bad, just a bit annoying, and I have dealt with worse.
IN THE MEANTIME, however, I came up with a (hopefully) interesting idea. I can probably write short responses to stuff, so...
If any of y'all have Headcanons, be it Welcome Home, one of my own stories (I saw someone mentioning they had Headcanons for one of them! Hooray! That makes me happy!), or anything else mentioned in my writing for list, you can send them to my ask box and I'll try to respond to them. I might also have some extra fandoms in the tag of this post, because I like them, but don't know how to write for them rn. If you are also interested, because I know how much I love to talk about my original characters and such, you can send in info about OCs, too! I'll also try writing small little headcanon posts if I feel up to it.
Anyways, hope to be able to write stories, soon! Idk how long I'll be out for, lol, but I'll try to remember to let y'all know when I feel better. OwO
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ilovelotsofthings · 1 year
Monroe and The King (Milton Finch )
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With Bonus Queen!
I headcanon Monroe as mute!
I don't know ASL so tell me if it is wrong 🙏
I used a website called Baby Sign Language for the signs
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whocanitbenow23 · 1 month
1. Calvin Finch
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An astronaut,obviously. He would do great on the moon,and he could definitely do studying often,as well as helping engineering even with the rockets and such. On his side of the room,tons of books could be seen,it's only right to assume that he read them,and it's not just for decoration or the aesthetic.
2. Barbara Finch
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She would slowly build her way up to being an actress once again. This time,America would love her bigger roles in more popular,"modern" movies and shows,so they'd keep giving her opportunities
3. Walter Finch
Train Driver
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Train driver. With his interest in trains and traveling,being a train driver would be the perfect job for Walter. Sometimes he'd even just drive for the sake of it,even if he wasn't supposed to.
4. Molly Finch
Marine Biologist
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Molly would be a marine biologist because of her love for the marine animals and curiosity for the deep sea. Molly also has a star fish that she was presumably working on. She would've been a good vet of some sort,basically any job with animals.
5. Gus Finch
Pilot or Air Force pilot
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It's hard to tell what Gus wanted to be when he grew up. He had a punching bag,which could possibly mean he enjoyed punching and fighting things or people,so maybe a wrestler or trained fighter. Maybe even a musician. However,how likes being outside (probably) and flying his kite,Gus might enjoy being a pilot. Especially since his father is a veteran,Gus might go into Air Force.
6. Gregory Finch
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Gregory, even if he was a baby,had a passion for frogs specifically,though marine life in general,just like Molly. He could've been a Herpetologist and focus on frogs only,or be a zoologist,showing off his skills to people at zoos and finding random frogs and outside life for the fun of it.
7. Edith Finch
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Edith talks SO much,so what could she be? A journalist,or news reporter. With her patience,curiosity,and poetic mind,she would fit perfectly in with the news reporter path,or being a journalist to document stories or her own life.
8. Christopher Finch
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Christopher would be a sailor. Why? Because he traveled by boat. That's all I gotta say
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zer0cyanz · 1 year
I want to provide you people with more WROEF content, but idk what y’all want 😩
Like- I want to make art, tiktoks, animatics, fanfics, rants, headcanons, etc. But I have no idea if any of y’all would be interested in that,,,
(plus I have no motivation at the moment but maybe social pressure will get me to start on any of these projects)
I want this fandom to /thrive/ but I need help lmfaoo 😔🫨
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Lewis Finch headcanons because I love this guy so much *sarcastic shocking noises*
- He was very close to his father. (see my fanfiction here)
- After Sanjay died he became very silent. He didn’t speak much and spent most of the time in his room.
- He hated his job at the cannery but he kept working there because he didn’t want to disappoint his mother.
- He used to watch anime.
- The prince/queen that he saw in his imagination were based on two of his co-workers. They were twins that spent a lot of time with Lewis before his dreams of being a king began to take control over him. The boy died in a car accident a day after Lewis did.
- Proud pansexual boy.
- When Milton disappeared, Lewis had a strong feeling that he died, but whenever he tried to tell it to Dawn, she yelled at him to stop talking.
- His dream job is to become a writer or a musician.
- Knows how to play the guitar.
- Has no problem with wearing women's’ clothes.
- Taller than Sanjay (And than Dawn, Milton, and Edith... He’s the tallest.)
- After he died he began being afraid of fish.
- Watched all of Barbara’s movies and criticized them.
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puzzled-pegasus · 5 months
I was rewatching someone play wroef and just noticed that the song Molly hears when she's sneaking up on the sailor, he's singing ' What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor'.
Which gave me the fun headcanon that Molly might like sea shanties.
What's the most random/most fun headcanon you came up with based on something small from the game.
ooh, interesting question.
Here's a couple of my smaller, more lighthearted hcs for the finches :)
i think Sam and Dawn got Gus a pair of Doc Martens at some point. They came out in the 60s and were still cool around the time Gus died so I think he would want a pair. Maybe he would like the red ones. History source: my dad who was born the same year as Gus lmao
Barbara liked to cook and bake and would make stuff at home and Calvin and Sam would probably steal cookie dough or batter or frosting from her when she was cooking
Gus kept trying to teach cuss words to Edie's bird(s)
Milton and Lewis liked to play make believe a lot and their games usually involved them being kings and/or princes
Lewis has a good singing voice and used to sing to Edith sometimes
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mrsllyziy · 6 months
Silly hc of the day: In the real story Rick and Barbara hid Walter under the bed because they realized there was someone in the house and they were cornered on the second floor, so they decided to go down and fight/distract the serial killer to protect Walter and they ended up being taken away forever, leaving Walter hidden without knowing what happened :3
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my english kinda bad so im apologizing
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just-call-mefr1es · 4 months
Got any hcs for the Finches while their dead/when they died?
-when edith died, lewis hugged her SO DAMN HARD.
^^^ he missed his baby sister🙁
-hinestly, same with sam n calvin, but at first calvin was liek ‘🤨sam that you??’
-molly was shocked at how much siblings she got after she died, then made sure to hang oht with all of them becuse she feels bad she wasnt there to actually meet them irl💔
-gus haunts the house a lot more, like moving stuff, making it colder. etc etc
-gregory sometimes does his lil baby laugh in death, whicH scares the shit outta anyone alive thats in the house
-lewis is unintentionally spooky, and he feels bad about scaring people (unless he wants to)
-walter just stuck near barbara for a while after he died since he missed her so much (a lot of these hcs r related ro certain sibling bonds idfk why)
-walter saw calvin buzz lightyear off the swing, but was so shocked and horrified that he didnt say anything (he didnt need to, sam edie n sven noticed he was gone pretty quickly afterwards)
-edith begged dawn to stay awake so she ‘wouldnt be alone’ :(
-his urge to get a pretty boyfriend outweighed lewis’ will to live /j
-dawn was the firsr one to notice gus gone and when they found his body she was completely heartbroken
-dawn secretly blames gregory’s death on kay (she doesnt admit it)
-walter never knew about sam’s death until he died too and he got really really sad about it
-lewis forces milton n edith to hang out with each other since they never got to when they were alive (edith was threeish when milton poofed) and they surpringnly get along pretty well
-milton trys to paint the little secret passthrough thingies then gets really frustrated when his hand passes through the paints
-molly n milton become bffs because i said so
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inbarfink · 8 months
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asesinato · 6 years
Send me asks of stuff to draw when I get home
I think imma make it a regular thing to like. Draw after taking my medicine when I get home from work before I sleep to sorta help me get back into the habit of drawing and to make it like, a fun creative thing for me to do so my life isn’t just a cycle of work/sleep
Since I’m in such a sally face mood I’m cool with sf recs but anything I’m into is cool (imma tag this as some fandoms I’m into so if u see this, send me an ask if you wanna!)
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