#wronchi animation
neatbender · 6 years
Hearthstone: Enter Boom Labs Episode 3
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{Why do none of you ever talk about these officially sponsored animations?}
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letopotato · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-1nCkPUvYY)
I love the Overwatch animations of Wronchi Animation!
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coolthudethecoolest · 4 years
Swag epic Gregory horror show headcannons by me the swag enby
Okay most of these are probably gonna be my son/clock master related I’m sorry I love them so much
-Neko zombie, mummy papa, tv fish, and the clocks? They are enby baby. (Since I headcannon mummy papa as nonbinary, I call them mummy mapa)
-My son’s bloody nose is caused by an illness they had since birth. This illness causes My Son to have an overwhelming amount of blood in their body, which causes to go through occasional episodes where their body tries to dispose the overabundant blood. While these episodes can happen out of the blue, they generally happen when they’ve excercised too much or when they’re sick. They’ve passed out from blood loss a fair amount of times.
-My son also has a poor immune system. When my son’s sick, they’re really sick.
-Mummy dog and My son are best friends. They kinda bonded over how they both bleed like little bitches and take quite a lot of medication.
-The mummies take A LOT of medication. So much medication, in fact, it makes them very forgetful.
-My son has a handkerchief that was given to them by clock master. They use it to wipe their tears since their nose is just always bloody. They also squeeze it when they’re scared and clock master isn’t around.
-The clocks have a shit load of clothes from various time periods. Their closets are just huge eyesores from the amount of clothes they have.
-Clock master owns like 30 Hawaiian shirts.
-Mummy mapa has a painkiller addiction.
-When Mummy mapa has alcohol, they either pass out from a single shot or is still standing after having 15 bottles of alcohol. There is no in between.
-Mummy mapa consistently keeps falling from the ceiling and breaking the floorboards.
-My son is terrified of Catherine.
-My son and Mummy dog like to take care of a small group of snails in the garden area of the Gregory House.
-My son loves animals, particularly cats and snails.
-James likes to pick on My son often.
-Literally everyone in the Gregory House listens to Mr Bungle, Neros Day at Disneyland, and Gangpol and Mit.
-Tv fish sometimes acts like a dog/cat. This behavior is often seen in front of people tv fish generally enjoys being around.
-Tv Fish is very close with the clocks. They love to lay on the laps of the clocks.
-The Clocks send TV fish over to the mummies in order to help them remember various tasks and things they need to fufill.
-Tv fish is also very close to Neko Zombie. They’re like a comfort animal to Neko Zombie. Tv Fish wiggles into their arms when Neko Zombie is sad. Occasionally they show memories to Neko Zombie. Neko Zombie is the guest who has been shown their memories the most.
-Tv fish can speak, however they choose not to. They have various ways of speaking. Since they are very shy, they usually communicate through text on their tv screen. Tv fish has a text-to-speech-like voice (it’s just that voice synthesizer from FAITH). Tv fish also can speak through flipping through various tv channels, film, and even sometimes memories to articulate words.
-Tv fish loves chasing red dots. However, they do have a habit of slamming their entire body onto the red dot.
-My Son is very good at fixing things, and doesn’t just fix clocks. They enjoy fixing whatever old antiques they can find. My son also repairs Tv fish whenever they need it.
-The clocks collect a lot of antiques.
-Mummy dog digs a lot of holes in the garden which Gregory hates.
-James likes to watch a lot of wronchy cartoons.
-My Son LOVES moomins. They have snufkin and moomin plushies and they never separate them. In their own words, they do it because “they belong together.”
-Mummy dog eats grass like the fucking dog he is.
-The mummies are literal zombies. Of course. They don’t notice it.
-The mummies can take off their body parts. However, their body parts often fall off randomly. Since they’re so unaware of their condition, they don’t notice a body part of theirs is gone for several hours, sometimes even longer.
-Clock master is a goofy drunk. They usually end up doing insane things they don’t remember once sober, having to listen to in painful detail what they did while drunk from the witness of another guest.
-Roulette Boy owns every single party game in existence. From Mario Party to all of the way to Imagine Party Babyz, he loves all party games no matter how shitty they may be.
-Judgement boy and roulette boy have echolalia.
-Judgement is very closed minded, which is caused by him being very stubbornly dedicated to his “only two choices in this world” philosophy. He also has a philosophy about only being able to choose one thing only, the importance of making a decision even when it isn’t needed, and you not being able to choose something outside of “x or y.” (I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense this hc in paticular is hard to explain)
-Judgement boy loves to pull out of a bunch of hypotheticals for the other guests to answer. These hypotheticals can either be logical and realistic or absolutely surreal. The surreal ones often end up with the guests getting into big arguments and even full out fistfights. Judgement boy really be getting the guests heated through tiny 6 inch hitler.
-Clock Master enjoys philosophy deeply, especially philosophy revolved around time.
-Clock Master hates Judgement boy with a burning passion. Them and good ol’ JB argue about their philosophies.
-Cactus Gunman is bisexual but won’t admit to liking men.
-Gregory talks to the other guests like they’re his teenage friends and he’s saying he can’t go to McDonald’s with them because his mom said no.
-James watches Family Guy. Nobody watches family guy in the gregory house except for James. Everyone hates James.
-Mummy mapa and Clock Master? They’re dating. Mummy mapa being bisexual and Clock Master being Enbian (nblnb)
-Gregory and Hell’s Chef are secretly dating since Gregorymama is a huge homophobe.
-My son is in a constant dilemma of choosing whether they want to wear pants or skirts. They love to wear skirts but the ones they own don’t have pockets.
-Roulette Boy and James are good friends and they enjoy messing with the other guests.
-The clocks are Japanese (it’s technically cannon but here it is nonetheless)
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(Idk how it says “made in occupied Japan” on the back of their heads led me to think like that.)
-Clock Master can be quite motherly to My Son.
-Clock Master has a thousand-yard stare.
-Clock Master is like 4’9-11” and Gregory is even shorter.
-The Clocks, the cactuses, and Hell’s Chef are all bilingual.
Okay I think that’s all of them! I’ll add any others I’ve forgotten whenever I can.
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archmage--khadgar · 4 years
(I logged on specifically to alert @earthbinder  of this beautiful animation YOU NEED TO SEE THIS )
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darkness-shard · 7 years
This video made my day
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cartoons-with-lauw · 7 years
Wronchi Animation  -  The Legend of Zoldo: A Breath to the Wild  
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This is fucking great-
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“In response, I play Time Spiral…” Stole the joke from Wronchi Animation, but I wanted a photo version of it. Sorry if the text is too small on some computers. Original joke from this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JSZMoiLJ0Q
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By Wronchi Animation
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mtg-realm · 6 years
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Magic: the Gathering - Well Balanced
Recommend you watch this Witty / Funny video by Wronchi Animation sponsored by Wizards of the Coast.
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neatbender · 6 years
Wronchi Uploads an Update Video in Current Year
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“the dota 2 anime sucks” it sucks hard, yes. but the original dota 2 anime, “the dota 2 reporter” by wronchi animations, is the best portrayal of what it feels like to play a moba, so it’s actually the *original* dota 2 anime, and therefore also the best moba-based story ever.
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esportsgg · 7 years
Wronchi Animation - MORGL v TYRANDE: A Hearthstone Cartoon!
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by: Wronchi Animation.
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fish-gaming-blog · 7 years
Research: Enemies
Small Enemy:
Hollow Knight
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 For my small enemy I wanted to have a simple design that could be easily made in pixel art. I also wanted it do be a slug like creature at to help save time when having to animate the sprite.
In order to fulfill this criteria I look at two enemies from the game "Hollow Knight" I look at as this game featured two enemies early on which I could use as a reference to help me in creating my sprite.
I liked how for their sprites they made is so one part of the body layered over the other with the head always being shown; because I like this design idea I will be using this in creating my sprite.
Large Enemy:
Reference Images 
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For my large enemy I wanted a design that looked intimidating and threatening to the player while also keeping the demon aesthetic I want to go for. For this I looked at two images from two games developed by "blizzard entertainment" the first one shown is of an image of one of the demons from the game series "Diablo" this demon is called "Duriel" and he is known as a lesser evil. I liked his design the most as I feel I fitted extremely well with what I wanted for in my large enemy and because of this I want to see if I can implement some aspects of his design into my large enemy.
I also look at some concept art for on of the "Zerg" units in Blizzards other game series StarCraft. This design also fits in well with want I intend to have in my large enemy sprite especially the blades seen on the arms I really like how they are shown and I do prefer that design over the blades that "Duriel" has.  
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For my boss I wanted a design that looked completely different to my other enemies and I wanted a design which made it so the player thinks that the boss looks weaker than the large enemy. Because of this I again looked at the Diablo series and found the design of "Mephisto" a demon who looks physically weak but in fact is quite powerful in his own regard. I also wanted to look at a demon form a different game so I looked at the game "Dota 2" and the character Terrorblade (the character on the left) but instead of looking at the 3D model of the character which would make it hard to translate the design into a 2D pixel format, I instead look at the design of Terrorblade a YouTube animator made called "wronchi animation" and his 2D version of Terrorblade. I especially like his design as he still keeps all the characteristics of Therrorblade's design while also adding in his own art style as well. Because of this combination I feel like I could use Wronchi's design in helping me create my boss sprite.
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