#wrote this all in one go LMAO
halforcdad · 2 years
serenading was really the last thing i ever wanted Kate to do as her grand gesture and i still don’t love it, but the amount of people who keep calling a big, awkward, public gesture hugely ooc for Kate and keep saying they miss the old whistler who wasn't dumb, oh DIA Whistler was so much better. its the show’s first season. i don’t think it’s even possible to be ooc when the writers are just starting to create these characters and we barely know them. we only saw ‘cool, confident, bossy dia whistler’ for about 6 episodes before 1x11 happened and changed everything, and while she’s still all of those things she was changing even before the breakup happened and with all the growth she’s gone through, she’s going to end the season looking pretty different to how she started (fair warning, this is a little unhinged and unorganized, just a little)
her arc has been about her learning to let people in and learning to be more honest with her feelings, to not be afraid of putting herself out there and learning how to stop pushing people away as a result of the impact Lucy and the team have had on her. it’s about making yourself vulnerable and trying to find people who will accept you even if you’re an awkward giraffe. throughout the season the writers have been telling us that she: finds it hard to be open and show her emotions, she puts her orders before her feelings at work causing everyone to view her as the ‘bad cop’ and that sucks, she really wants to make connections with her coworkers, but she doesn’t know how and she’s kinda bad at it, she was afraid of starting something with Lucy (and messing it up) because Lucy’s the most amazing woman she’s ever met and she wanted to keep it on the downlow until she felt she could handle it, is actually very charming and sensitive and goofy underneath that hardened exterior
there’s a reason Ernie describes her as “the tall one acting goofy,” she tries to keep her relationship with Lucy a secret and yet you can see her softening as a result of it and being unable to hide their connection and pull to each other even at work. Jesse notices they’re making googly eyes at each other during the Pearl Harbor tour in 1x09 and remarks that “there’s a certain DIA officer i haven’t seen around your desk recently,” because she couldn’t fight the gravitational pull drawing her to Lucy’s desk everyday, literally the worst kept secret at the office you morons! In 1x12 she’s sprinting after Lucy practically shouting after her (loud enough for all of Pearl Harbor to hear) even when she’s asking if Lucy’s going to throw their relationship away that easily. Kate gets a pass with Jane because how can you pretend you don’t care about Lucy after she could’ve died on an UC mission and as for Kai, well, he has two eyes so he definitely noticed too
the Whistler in 1x01 would definitely not be going over to Tennant’s house after 1x14 and sharing a drink with her (might not have warned her about Glenn Smith either) and maybe she wouldn’t have tried comforting her when Jesse went missing in 1x15 (not because she wouldn’t have wanted to, but maybe it would have been harder without all the stuff that happened in between as a result of the Lucy romance) and that’s growth baby!
as for her acting ‘dumb’ and goofy, whistler’s greatest hits (paraphrased):
1x07: the entire opening scene right in front of Ernie's coffee, like ladies its barely 9 in the morning 
1x09: “i want to be intimate” “here???” 
1x11: "i like this" "the coffee? its fair trade." "so i think i win the dumbass award." "yes...no! NO!"
1x14: “creds... that’s what all the cool agents say :)”
1x17: “the source of the attack was some sort of pineapple” “like the fruit?” (also forgetting she never apologized to Lucy)
1x20: while looking like a beaten bloody piñata “I’m fine just some bruises...and some minor head trauma...” “i did not have Lucy surf quotes on my bingo card today” 
1x21: “about the power of love!” -silence- “...anyway i think that’ll help us get through to David” (we were all raving about this scene and how cute it was, but we don't want to acknowledge all the work it took to get here?)
The writers have been showing it all season, this is just who she is the more you get to know her, not liking it is different than ooc
Kate just sucks at talking and processing her emotions on the spot and can’t always immediately formulate a response right away whether you’re her boss or her colleague or her ex girlfriend (she ghosted a girl for months for god’s sakes which is probably honestly where most of the ‘this feels ooc for Kate’ criticism comes from and it’s hard to blame anyone for that because wth Kate, but it also serves as the biggest indictment of how her lack of social skills has effected her life and now it’s finally catching up to her)
a lot of people call Whistler rushing in without thought or backup to be ooc, and while they’ve shown that she’s smart and good at thinking things through (figuring out a way to help the team in 1x06, with the Clark Lohan thing in 1x10, using David's wife’s fate as leverage to get through to him in 1x21), that’s been behind the scenes we never saw her do field work during her stint at the DIA so there’s nothing really to base the ooc claim on, the first time we see her in the field is in 1x17 (she only transferred to the FBI 3 episodes ago) when she rushes in and Lucy has to stop her so it’s not out of the ordinary for her to do something similar in 1x20 at Agent Jones’s house, Whistler in the office and Whistler out in the field are different because they’re different environments entirely (and she’s new to the field)
i dont think the people calling Whistler ooc for acting goofy and socially inept would call her ooc for turning down a promotion anywhere from 1x06-1x13 to stay close to Lucy after early Whistler was billed as ambitious and career-driven (but i guess it’s different because it’s romantic without being awkward...), if we’re going to throw that term out there we should examine all her actions that way not just the one’s we maybe don’t like 
you can criticize the writing and the show all you want we all have different opinions we’re not all going to agree on how good Whistler’s development has gone, but i don’t think it’s fair to say any public grand gesture or Kate acting ‘dumb’ is completely out of left field, yes she was more cold and distant and mean earlier (and maybe you preferred that way more) but as the show has progressed you get to see a different more shy, uncertain, dorky side of her and that's not ooc that's just how humans are
she’s been slowly stepping out of her comfort zone all season and Lucy’s influence on her has inspired her to finally make a running jump into the deep end to win her back because she loves her and that’s how much she means to her (my favorite post about the grand gesture written before we knew it was a singing gesture LOL) that's the whole point isn't it? the power of love! has changed Whistler! she's never felt this way about anyone before and is clearly woefully inexperienced in love, she misses Lucy and wants to win her back no matter what so she's willing to listen to anything and do anything to show her she's all in and wants to be with her and only her! love makes us do crazy things, but it makes sense after a season of pain and regret
unfortunately for some people, Kate also happens to be less competent socially so that’s going to manifest in truly awkward (and secondhand embarrassing) ways, but she’s always been capable of this because she’s a multifaceted character and the writers have been showing us that
#ncis hawaii#kate whistler#kacy#all the criticism and thoughts ive seen on tumblr has been cool and fine but the twitter folks just make my head explode#its like every time kate shows a not Cool trait shes ooc? theres a reason everyone calls her the dumbest smart person (affectionate)#shes got one braincell for work! whenever she uses it for her personal life or for following ernies advice is laughs at her and explodes#imma be real this is kinda petty and ranty bc of one specific kate stan on twitter i keep seeing firhrgjrg#like i cant even enjoy their fics bc they start all of them with 'i wont do u dirty like the writers have'#like wym the writers have treated me fine i loved 1x20 i loved all the kacy angst lol#like yas and tori are great and theyre 50% of it but who wrote the lines they say that make me love lucy and kate more and more everyday#also i dont think its possible at all for a character to be ooc...in season 1 like the writers barely know them yet how can i claim i do#like ok you like the character but then you hate the writers for half the traits theyve given them so do you actually like them???#this is all incoherent and im sorry#yes i still dislike the serenade but like i understand the point of the big gesture and why u would go there#get you a hot lesbian mess who can do both!#im delirious i probably shouldnt post this and ill regret it but i will anyway#like i saw someone ask what have they done to you whistler#oh idk given her a personality??? made her likeable and made the audience want to root for her? like yall LMAO
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cookinguptales · 2 years
*ruefully puts ‘five times nandor attempted to hypnotize guillermo (and one time he didn’t)’ on the to-do list*
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hisirdovx · 3 years
Douxie is an inferno of a star, limitless and burning. He lives as long as there is a world to keep warm, and when he goes, he erupts into cold supernova, shrinking beneath his own weight, consumed once again by space and light. Perhaps there is another world out there that can see him fall. Perhaps they make a wish upon him.
Claire is as destructive as the sea and as serene as a clear night sky, equally capable of kindness and cruelty. She draws in the light around her, fracturing it like a mirror and spitting back the image of shadowed darkness. That darkness swallows her up earnestly, kindly, as if it was always in her destiny to drown. (It always was, and perhaps she knew it, as well.)
Merlin never moved anywhere that the earth did not delegate him to. It was the only thing he trusted more implicitly than himself, the only thing he knew would last as long as his own body. Perhaps it had outpaced him long ago, left him rooted like old trees to the past and to his priorities. Maybe that was why his end had been far from kind. But it was okay. After so many years with a vice over time, it was only fair that that world caught him up coldly.
Morgana wore her darkness differently than Claire. She burned like a fire and painted the sky charcoal with smoke. When she fell, she scattered her ashes on the earth, left scars where her anger had shone the brightest. Perhaps she was alone. Perhaps she was given a witness, one who thought it odd to see the darkness cradling her dying body in a kind embrace, like she was something deserving of love. But then again, the sweetest roots always bleed fresh from a wildfire's wounds.
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daggery · 3 years
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
bestie help, i need book recommendations (that my teacher will think are grade-appropriate. apparently, hunger games is lower than my grade level) so i’m looking for books that Jason would totally read and enjoy and probably be able to write several essays about. help pls
heck yeah.
ok so necessary reading for every bastard on here:
pride and prejudice - jane austen
fahrenheit 451 - ray bradbury
1984 - george orwell
good omens - neil gaiman and terry pratchet
macbeth - shakespeare
the 7 husbands of evelyn hugo - taylor jenkins reid
slaughterhouse 5 - kurt vonnegut
the picture of dorian gray - oscar wilde
maurice - e.m forster
if we were villains - m.l rio
the goldfinch - donna tartt
books that kinda skirt the edge of YA but are still necessary reading for every bastard on here:
perks of being a wallflower - stephen chbosky
his dark materials trilogy - philip pullman
#ok so here's all the books i think jason would like that i've at least read so im not recommending total crap to you#pride &p you have to read bc it gives you a really great idea of the language of then so it makes other books easier to read as well#fahrenheit 451 and 1984 are kind of the 'go outside and touch grass' of literature and you HAVE to have read at least once in your life#good omens is just good natured fun and as wacky as it is it's excellently written and one of the best modern fantasy novels ever#macbeth is a cool fucking play and it has excellent themes of like the going mad and murder crazy y'all keep talking about w jason#for that matter i'm also a big fan of hamlet (and jason even mentions it in the comics at one point lmao)#the 7 husbands is this excellent story about a hollywood starlet whod been married 7 times retelling her life to a journalist#it's VERY GOOD and has a lot of diversity- but that's really all i can say without spoiling it#personally i just read things without checking the description and it makes the experience so much better#slaughterhouse 5 again is a must read! its a sort of science fiction/anti-war/time travel/introspective novel that deserves to be read#i wont spoil anything bc again reading it without the description makes it so much better but it was written by a ww2 soldier who was a pow#the picture of dorian gray for ppl who havent read it is basically about art and beauty and rabid twinks losing their shit#it's great tho like the deterioration of the inner self being reflected on the painting????? REVOLUTIONARY#i read maurice a few weeks ago and it's this really beautiful look at homosexuality and gay relationships and love in the early 1900s#em forster wrote the book in 1913/1914 but it was only published in the 70s but this is like so fucking interesting to read like DAMN#also maurice is such a funny lil bitch like he's so dramatic i love that little fuckhead#if we were villains is like the most creative adaptation of shakespeare i've ever seen. like it takes a lot of themes and elements from -#shakespeare and then makes that into an entirely new story its FANTASTIC and you should definitely read that AND macbeth together#that's just like an essay idea for you- you can compare a shakespeare play mentioned in the book to the book its great#the goldfinch is 'twink with mental problems should probably see a shrink but instead does drugs and cries over a painting'#but it's kind of good ngl even if i think it sometimes veers into pretentious asshole territory#as for the perks of being a wallflower? fantastic and showstopping and you'll probably cry.#his dark materials is just fun and was fucking cool to read and also has some of the best fucking world building ive ever seen#also it impacted fantasy and childrens books for the next few decades so HELL YEAH read it#if youve read all these tags. i respect you. but yeah these are great books just read them#jason would love them too bc i said so#if someone asks me to i'll probably explain all this in more detail but for now. READ THIS shit i swear to god#anon#bataranswers#book rec
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m3ws-moved · 3 years
sword earrings but make them functional
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
This isn’t his Hyuk.
No, this version looks younger and yet so much older at the same time. Studying Hyuk for a long moment, Patrick can’t help but notice the prominent bags under his eyes. And the wounds not quite treated properly. And the way tension seems to ooze off of him in waves. He rests a hand tentatively on Hyuk’s cheek for a long moment. And here Patrick thought his friend was plenty stressed, but this…Hyuk wouldn’t look this way unless-
Patrick pulls him into a hug. A hand reaches up to comb through his dear friend’s hair, encouraging this Hyuk to rest his head on Patrick’s shoulder.
“…I’m sorry I had to go, Hyuk-ah.”
( alex!! you get...three :D but also hey so remember that hypothetical situation we talked about mainverse!patrick comforting blackknight!hyuk in a dream, well, i guess it's time for pain again hahaha i'm gonna go cry 😭 but feel free to skip any you want alex!! have a wonderful day!! )
@ofgentleresolve ♚did someone say PAIN---     
♔ ———–
    He doesn’t realize he’s fallen asleep on his desk. Abruptly whisked away by the result of endless exhaustion and days without proper sleep, the detective’s fallen dormant against the spinning chair. Limbs are still tense despite the merciless grasp of slumber. However, as time goes by and he’s sent into a spiral of dream, his arms begin to relax; jaw starts to loose the bite of clenched teeth. 
    It’s because he’s unaware about this sudden sleep.     It’s because he feels he’s not alone.     Amid his visions, someone visits him. 
    Here, he’s standing up. A folder rests between his palms. The bags under his eyes are still there, the bandage wrapping his hand still exists; the cuts continue to litter fingers due to hazards faced. Nevertheless, for once, he breathes in relief when a palm searches for his cheek and effectively lands on skin; kind in its effort to rest there despite countenance’s ruggedness. Fingers soft despite being lightly calloused due to years of using markers; due to years of spinning a spoon inside a tea cup; due to years of flipping pages of lustrous books. 
    He looks up to meet palm’s owner.       A faint smile peeks.      There he is; his best friend. 
     name slips from lips with endearment and alleviation, as if something rattled him in the beginning but diminished the moment his dear friend stood in close proximity. Hyuk’s about to ask what brings the Professor here, what led him to place affection on his cheek, yet he’s abruptly pulled into a hug, one that makes the folder from detective’s hands fall off from grasp; sheets within carelessly flying away and landing on the floor. 
     The embrace is warm, but it feels odd. Ghostly, light; like a projection of the real thing. His hands hesitatingly fall onto Patrick’s back, chin landing on best friend’s shoulder. He frowns, feeling the smoothness of touch against his hair; something he secretly adores. 
    “Go? What are you talking about?”
     A chuckle that holds doubt escapes him; pulling away from hug so he can see Patrick fully. 
    “You’re here, why would you---”
     Wait.       He stares at his best friend, slowly blinking.      Wait.       Hyuk looks down; one of the sheets facing up.       His heart shrinks.
    A picture of Patrick is attached with a clip. There are other photographs loosely scattered; images of ashes and destroyed items --- pictures of a crime scene. In this sheet, there’s the basic profile of a victim. Patrick’s date of birth, which he knows by heart and...his date of death. 
    Cause of death: Fire; ruled accidental. 
     “No, no---Patrick, you didn’t---”
     With widened eyes, desperately reaches out to hold Patrick’s shoulders, but he only feels air. He looks up ----- Patrick is no longer there.
     “Patrick? Patrick? No, no, you’re not, you---Patrick,”
     His chest feels constricted; eyes begin to get teary. He runs to open the door, he must be there, right? Wrong. There’s no one outside, just an infinite corridor of despair. 
     A loud gasp; a hand pressed to his chest. Hyuk wakes up, feels like he’s been underwater for too long and is just coming to surface. Tears stain his face, the only thing he could bring back from his dreams. Breathing heavily, he tries to stand up, yet he’s too shaken to let legs handle the whole weight of his body. Upper body leans in; a hand starts to smash the wood of desk, over and over and over and over again. 
     Don’t cry.      Slam.       Don’t cry, don’t cry; don’t---      Slam.       More tears start flooding his eyes.      Slam. 
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   The pain is unbearable. Truth is, it always has been, he just knows how to tightly save it inside. However, there are days where ache conquers him at times, getting a hold of his entire senses; making him shut down. He cries, just like the first time the weight of Patrick’s death came toppling down on him at once. He sobs, he laments, knowing that what he’s doing will never bring Patrick back.
   Maybe the Black Knight was right, after all.     No matter if he clears Patrick’s name, no matter if the culprit gets what they deserve...it won’t bring his best friend back. None of it. 
    amid blurry gaze and trembling hands he calls for him, but he knows he won’t get any answer. Shoulders quiver; reddened fingers slipping away from the desk. Hyuk bends into a crouching position; pressing his forehead against his knees and staining his dark trousers with tears. Hell, it hurts. It hurts just like the first time, perhaps even more nowadays.  
   “I---I miss you. I miss you so much.”   
———– ♔
#ofgentleresolve#♔ || verse three (arc two).#♔ || alternate universe (the black knight).#Not gonna lie I felt like CRYING when I wrote that last line I---#Just realizing how much he's been....compartmentalizing or pushing down as to not let it bubble up with mighty intensity#and then everything comes falling down out of the blue#having days where he just freakin' CRUMBLES when he's by himself because he can't take this grief anymore#It's been FIVE YEARS and he holds onto these memories so tightly and cannot let go#Because there's something within him which bans him from doing so#Something telling him to keep holding onto this and it FRUSTRATES him because he doesn't know what it is#NOT THAT he wants to let go of Patrick's memory---not at all#He just wishes it could hurt less if that makes sense#'Time heals everything'#Hyuk: SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL DECK YOU#AND I JUST IWUEDHIWEUDHKASDHWIUEDHIUEWDH#THIS IS GOING TO SOUND SAD I'M SORRY BUT HE JUST#He's lost so much that he feels it's best to be alone#He doesn't want to get others deeply involved in his shenanigans#He keeps pushing Jae-hwan away even if it doesn't work LMAO#And Suki might notice how he closes himself off tightly when it comes to personal things and will only talk about work#HELP ME I'M FREAKIN' SOBBING I---#OKAY I'M HALTING HERE BEFORE DUMBLR CUTS OFF MY TAGS#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS IN FERRE ;W; EVEN IF IT CAUSED ME PAIN WEIDUHWIEUDHIWUEHD#THANK YOU FOR ALL THESE WONDERFUL UNPROMPTED ASKS#ABSOLUTELY LOVED REPLYING TO THEM ALL!!!!#HOPE THIS REPLY'S OKAY!! IF NOT LMK AND I CAN TOTALLY CHANGE IT!#PLS HAVE A GREAT DAY ;W; <3#♔ || queue.
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mjvnivsbrvtvs · 3 years
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lick his hand, antony
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taketheringtolohac · 2 years
I FINALLY wrote something about the breath mints dying in season 24, and honestly? I’m really proud of this one. Letters at the End of the World is a fic about The Breath Mints. who died in season 24 and the people they left behind. It’s mostly written as letters (and some other written pieces) to and from the breath mints players about dying and the aftermath of their death. You can read it here!
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So Nikki and Courtney are working on a children's book about diversity. Bless him because I know his heart is in the right place but he is fucking delusional if he thinks a book written by a rich white man who was caught on camera using racial slurs and his Republican wife is going to do well.
Directed by Robert B. Weide
#ask#anonymous#the fact that me and andi are talking about this right now in chat lmao#I was gonna say that I would love to read a children's book written by nikki. would love to#if the nikki that wrote that was generation swine nikki when he was high on crack cocaine and Flintstones vitamins#because god knows what horrors that mind would've produced for a children's story lmao#shit would be darker than the Grimm brothers' fables#but yeah I mean you said it. this isn't going to work lmao#and the fucking audacity too lmao especially of his wife because fuck her#I can excuse him (but he's on thin ice) bc he's a boomer but means well#she on the other hand is like five years older than me and is a republican lmao like you know she just wants to pander to the press#like something tells me it was her idea bc her agent told her to do something like that#she suggested that to nikki and he was like hey that's sweet#like I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't tell him she wanted to do that to appear like a good person#she didn't tell him they would've had fucking lions at their wedding either bc why would you tell your future husband that#why would you tell your husband anything#but yeah anyway. obviously they're all suppositions of mine bc I never research anything but at the same time 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️#I mean she's so fucking predictable. everyone can see right through her#everyone apart from nikki who's the one who should more than anyone else but alas he's a dumbass or just doesn't care anymore or both
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jackwalkerstan · 2 years
i think the knife and samuel are key to cracking this stupid fucking plot okay 
1. the knife - if jack had really killed clara with his own knife, why would he leave it at the pond? especially if he is so certain that he will be caught and found guilty? if he had done it, wouldn’t he just return the knife to the block and call it a day? and if he had left the knife behind in a moment of carelessness or emotional turmoil, he had at least a day before they even considered that she had been murdered to go back and get the knife. if there’s no knife, then all the evidence they have is circumstantial (he is not the only butcher in town, nor is he the only person that would have a knife like that) and the case would at least lack the certainty of finding the weapon at the scene of the crime that directly places jack there. to me, it reveals that the person that killed clara has ready access to jack’s shop and meant to frame him. 
2. samuel - if jack had really killed clara, why would he take samuel with him? if he was trying to ‘escape’ a situation he felt trapped in by killing clara, why would he care about samuel? he has grandparents that have the means to care for him and seemed more than willing to raise him. why would he want to continue to be ‘burdened’ by a child that is not his that he likely didn’t want in the first place (all from the perspective of the time-period, of course, the notion that you can’t love a child that isn’t biologically yours is such bs and i hate that mm keeps relying on that idea to tell their stupid stories). i think that watts is going to realize this (causing conflict with milo lmao) and actually appreciate jack’s refusal to leave behind this child when his connection with clara ended, especially when (in my theory) he has concerns for samuel’s safety. 
my theory is that either one of clara’s parents killed her, likely out of rage that she was planning to run away or ask for a divorce (thus why samuel might be in danger in jack’s eyes, bc if they were able to kill their daughter they might be able to hurt their grandson - and i think that jack has done the math in his head about who could have done it and her parents are probably the most likely suspects in his mind) and they framed jack so they could keep samuel, or the neighbour, out of some pseudo-feminist-ish plot where she wanted to make a statement about neglectful husbands or homosexuals marrying women or she was jealous of clara or smthg - listen idk i’m not being paid the big bucks to figure this out 
i just don’t think jack did it and the knife and his ‘stealing’ (which, as i’ve said before, is not stealing because jack is his legal guardian as clara’s husband) of samuel are going to be the things that watts uses to get to the bottom of it (fingers crossed lol bc when has predicting things on this bad mystery show ever gone awry) 
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
You're all giving me so much ideas in the ask box to the point my brain just combusted-
Give me more
Edit: Wait no I take it back-
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metagalacticx · 2 years
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furby-organist · 2 years
// I have a bit of a lunch break left so I’m gonna share what’s on my mind. Alexa is, in fact, genuinely surprised at alts who are rude right off the bat to @concubuck for being a succubus. (Or would be re: the situations he’s not privy to.) Here’s the thing. From Alexa’s perspective, succubi (like some other hellborns):
have some form of topside access.
have access to other rings. 
have a knowledge of Hell (or facets of it) that he as a sinner doesn’t, possibly dependent on the individual and how long they’ve been around.
have magical capablities that he as a sinner, doesn’t. They outrank sinners; they’re magically more powerful.
aren’t afraid of the Radio Demon. To higher-ranking hellborns, he’s just one of the more powerful prisoners in the public restroom of Hell. (That’s what he calls Pride Ring sometimes.)
He’s mentioned it before, but he has done business with succubi! They’re their own people with hobbies and interest outside of sex, and there are a few he can offer something to in exchange for information, something topside, something from other rings, etc.
So like... if you meet an alternate who’s a succubus... the strategic move here is to behave unless given a legitimate reason not to.
Was he jarred as hell to meet an alt, someone with his own face, presenting himself in a way at odds with the way Alexa perceives himself & presents himself? Did he have his own fair share of presumptions or pre-judgments? YEAH! But there’s a difference between having your biases or presumptions, and knowing when to keep them to yourself, and set them aside in favor of proceeding with intellectual curiosity.
Like yeah sure, his alt’s a horny on main Mess sometimes, but Alexa’s not stupid, he’s not disarmed that easily. (Alexa is also a disaster on main in his own way sometimes, half of it functions as a disarming measure!) No matter what, as far as he’s concerned, his alt is still leaps more powerful than he is. He’s got to be a brilliant negotiator/networker and have an envious amount of ambition & executive function to pull off apodiabolosis. He’d expect his alts to be perceptive of this.
(I mean, more importantly, he likes his alt as a friend. He’s genuinely a fun friend. He’s not like, covertly friends with him for like, topside access benefits or anything. That’s not what’s happenin’. But ‘befriend’ is like, at least one or two steps after ‘don’t antagonise your alt for no good reason’, and that’s what this post is about.)
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inkykeiji · 2 years
AWWWW sd!nat reader crying on the phone to shouto n he—of course—validates her feelings w ‘yea i know, i know’ ‘dw i’m so proud of u’ lmao idk but he keeps comforting her until she stops cryING AHHHHHH
YES YES YES ANON EXACTLYYYYY just shouto in that soft, soothing voice—the one that eases her anxiety and ebbs her anger, cascading over her like melted dark chocolate engulfing ice cream—murmuring out agreements and affirmations like, ‘you’re right, he is such a fucking asshole,’ and ‘i know, sweetheart, i hate him too,’ and ‘nobody deserves to be treated that way—least of all you, angel,’ and ‘he’s not worth your tears, princess, i promise,’ <33333 just reader n shouto’s routine weekly phone call shit-talking touya and complaining about how much of a mean jerk he is <3 okayokayokay no one yell at me but i actually did write the aftermath of this,,,, aka, touya heard everything </3
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transboykirito · 2 years
gonna end up just posting all my pride week oneshots in a big heap lmao i've not been having a good few days and editing is kicking my ass
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