#wtdw winnie
chaos-squared-house · 5 months
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Truly a beautiful family
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equinoxartz · 4 months
Just remembered about Welcome to Dreamworld and I got back into it.
And me, as a normal sane person, comes up with the perfect thing to do after remembering about it.
Making the animatronic cast members (that I remember) as ponies! Will probably do more after I rewatch the series.
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your-fav-is-divorced · 3 months
Winnie from Welcome to Dreamworld pretty please :D
Winnie from Welcome To Dreamworld is Divorced!
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myemyehere · 1 year
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Magia Chap. 8- I'm Done With You
T/W Blood WARNING!!! Not a lot, but still...
Next chapter is here! I cried writing this chapter, and you'll see why!
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
In the early morning hours, before the founders came in and continued building the place, Winnie was walking towards what would be the arcade section of the facility.
Once he entered, Litho was waiting for him. “So, what have you found out?” He asked.
“A lot.” Winnie answered.
Litho turned glaring at the pegasus animatronic with his many eyes. “Explain?”
Winnie smirked, “Well let’s start with your lovely partner Sara. I’m sure telling you her powers won’t be a waste of time.” He explained.
Litho growled, “I don’t have time for your jokes, Carlos!” He spat.
“Oh I’m not joking.” Winnie chuckled. “Our little Sara’s powers are time-related.”
Litho’s eyes widened, “how do you know that’s her powers?”
“Well, after you told me to go after Eric, Sara followed him to Lewis’s house which I burnt.” Winnie started. “I had a choice to leave Sara to die because her actions were a betrayal, but suddenly the whole house was frozen in this pink aura, and Sara and Eric came out alive.”
While explaining, Litho glared, growling as he remembered someone from his past. In his memories, he remembered a young girl wielding a pink gemstone and was able to use the time powers from it to protect herself from him.
“I should’ve known it was her,” Litho growled.
Winnie blinked, “O-Oh you knew?” He asked.
“In a way, yes,” Litho replied. “Sara reminded me of an…old adversary in the past. I just thought it was a coincidence, but you know the saying "An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” He snickered, running his claws on the wall, almost scratching it. “Maybe I’ll pay our little “friend” a visit when she arrives with her little termites.”
A bit later, Sara and her friends came by and decided they would go back to where they started before she made her deal with Litho and Winnie. This time Wiatt offered to help out, when it was usually Eric.
“Eric’s not coming today?” Sara asked.
Lewis shook his head, “he’s still shocked he was able to heal so quickly. To make sure, he and Carly will be staying home.” He explained.
Sara sighed, “That’s good.” She looked at her best friend, and wanted to bring up last night.
After telling Lewis what she saw, the founder couldn’t explain why she saw two different people, one who looked like him. The only theory that came to his mind was maybe Sara could unlock secrets of the gems and jewelry box from time to time.
Though Lewis wished his best friend’s powers would’ve shown her what powers he had. So far his powers haven’t activated yet, which disappointed him.
Sara sensed her friend was still disappointed his powers hadn’t come through yet. “Your powers haven't been activated yet?” She asked.
Lewis shook his hand, “I’m more concerned if my powers would be helpful like yours or if it would harm others like Oliver’s.” He explained.
Sara warped her arm around her best friend, “Hey, don’t worry darling.” She joked. “Your powers will activate somehow.”
“Hey.” Lewis groaned, seeing his best friend use his phrase on him. He removed himself from Sara’s hold and gave her a light push, which made her laugh. “I’m surprised you're taking this rather well, yesterday you complained about all this magical power nonsense.”
“Well,” Sara sighed, “my power is why Eric’s alive in the first place.”
Lewis smiled, happy to see his best friend back to her old self.
Oliver came in with Wiatt, who was now wearing one of the many uniforms for Dreamworld. This was his mechanic uniform, a blue and yellow vest themed after the Starlight animatronic over a white shirt, he also wore a pair of dark blue pants as well as a blue hat with an orange bill on top of his head.
“Well, what do you two think?” Wiatt asked.
“I-I figured, Wiatt would make a great mechanic for Dreamworld. We need the extra hands.” Oliver explained.
“Plus, I’ve helped my dad fix arcade cabinets, so I have the skills needed,” Wiatt added.
Lewis smiled and hugged his boyfriend tight. “Your uniform looks amazing on you darling.” He commented, blushing.
Wiatt blushed, giving a nervous chuckle, “Thanks.” He replied. “Although do you need a different uniform for every attraction at Dreamworld? It seems a bit much.”
“Don’t ask me!” Lewis exclaimed. “Sara thought it was a good idea, and we stuck with it.”
“I should add it was my-“ Sara was about to say a bright idea, but Lewis glared at her knowing what she was about to say. “G-Greatest idea ever.” She corrected herself giving a sheepish smile.
Lewis smiled seeing she avoided making the pun.
“Still, I could see just one uniform and maybe a button or pin that would show where people work,” Wiatt commented.
As Wiatt explained, Sara spotted Winnie spying on her and her friends in the distance before leaving. She glared and decided to ignore the Pegasus animatronic for now.
“Uh, Sara?” Oliver spoke up. Sara turned to her friends, who looked nervous seeing her glare.
“Oh sorry.” She apologized.
“Is everything alright?” Oliver asked.
Sara nodded, “Yeah. Just getting used to ignoring him.”
Lewis put his hand on her shoulder and gave a comforting no smile. “It’s going to be a long process, darling.” He started. “But we’re willing to help you along the way.”
“Thanks,” Sara replied, smiling.
Lewis decided it would be best to continue Wiatt’s tour around Dreamworld since it was interrupted due to the whole incident.
In her office, Sara decided to research Wiatt's jewelry box. Sadly her research led to nothing except photos of random jewelry boxes. During her research, Winnie would try and call her, but she ignored them and continued her research.
Soon, she heard her door open and later slam. Sara gasped and looked up, but didn’t see anyone there. She kept on working at her computer, till the lights flickered and soon Litho appeared behind her.
“Sara,” Litho growled.
Sara gasped and got out of her chair, fearful of the demon in front of her. She stepped back as Litho went towards her, cornering her to the wall.
“You TRAITOR!” Litho yelled, growling as he tried to attack her by using his puppet strings.
Sara screamed and dodged the strings. She ran straight for the door only for Litho to use his strings again and grab Sara arm before throwing her against the wall. Pain rushed through her body, as she slowly got up.
“I thought THIS is what you wanted you incompetent fool!” Litho yelled, making his way towards her. 
Sara slowly backed towards the wall. She couldn’t escape, and even if she tried Litho’s puppet strings would just pull her back or worse.
“I’ve seen you kill before, I thought you’d be the perfect pawn in my plans!” Litho yelled.
“I’ve done enough!” Sara yelled back. “I wasn’t going to have Winnie kill the ones I love and care about behind my back! I’m done! I have enough blood on my hands already!”
Litho chuckled and glared, “You signed my contract and agreed to help me.” He stopped as he leaned in on Sara, who sunk back down, “humanity is cruel, dear Sara. You’ve seen it yourself, kids picking on you, hurting you for what?” He started.
Sara whimpered as the memories of her being bullied and hurt played in her head. She remembered three bullies in particular who took their bullying to the next level, really crushing her.
“Your wealth!” Litho finished, his eyes glowing red.
The memory of that fateful day in the woods played in her head. 
Sara sobbed as she pulled her legs close to her chest, hoping it would protect her. The girl didn’t notice that Litho’s many red eyes were surrounding her.
“What about your friends, that pathetic excuse for a teacher, and even that Nicholson kid.” Litho listed down. “How do you think they’ll feel if they know?”
At that point, Sara realized Litho was trying to break her down into pieces. Like he did when they first met, and she accepted the deal. Sara looked up and glared, “I’ve told Lewis and Eric my past! They accepted it!” She exclaimed.
Litho laughed, “You think they accepted it?! Really!?” He asked. “How can you keep this from your best friend for years and he forgives and understands you?”
“That’s how Lewis is!” Sara exclaimed.
“But didn’t he try to end your friendship with you?”
“Only because of you and Winnie! I’ve been locked up in my office for hours and you kept me from talking with them!”
Litho glared as more eyes surrounded the woman. Sara saw she was surrounded as the demon chuckled. “What if he regrets his decision?” Litho asked.
Sara’s eyes widened, “what are you talking about?” She asked.
“I mean, does he really forgive you?” Litho asked. “What if he only forgives you out of pity?”
“I’ve known him since middle school, he’s helped me out more than you or Winnie did!”  
“You would say Lewis is a nice man. However, he could be saying what he truly feels about this to the Nicholson kid and the Acrimony boy.” Litho explained.
Sara gasped, her eyes turning a dull pink for a moment.
Litho smirked seeing he got his puppet right where he wanted her. 
Sara’s eyes widened as she imagined that scenario in her head. Lewis tells Wiatt and Oliver about her past, even though he promised her he wouldn’t tell. The boys hear about this and confront Sara calling her a monster or the worst person ever, and Lewis agrees to it.
The thought of Lewis lying to her just to make her feel better mocked her. Her eyes turned a dull pink at the thought of it. Sara shook it off pushing the thought away, which made her eyes back to normal.
“I don’t believe you,” Sara whispered.
“What?” Litho asked.
“I don’t believe you!” Sara growled. “I’m not listening to what you have to say, I’m moving on from this Frankenstein bullshit you're trying to pull!”
At first, Litho was shocked, but he let out a chuckle before laughing maniacally. Sara was frightened and confused as she saw the many eyes of Litho disappear. 
“Oh, so that’s the game you wanna play?” Litho asked. “No matter, I guess it’s my turn to make my move. I got Winnie setting up a little…gift for a certain shy and pathetic boy.”
Sara’s eyes widened realizing Litho meant Oliver.
“That’s right. I should’ve brought that up.” Litho started, “Winnie told me about your powers, and I just so happened to be there the day that horrible girl and her pests used those against me.”
Sara was shocked to hear Litho had knowledge of the jewelry box. “You know about it?” She asked.
“Of course! I’ve been around since the day that girl created that box to destroy me! However, it turned me into THIS!” He growled as many of Litho’s eyes covered Sara’s office.
Sara shivered, but she knew Litho was talking about Clara.
Litho’s many eyes disappeared as he let out a sigh. “But back to your pathetic friend.” He started, “Winnie told me about your powers, and has been keeping an eye on you since. So he mentioned closets and I just so happened to send your little friend to go there.”
Sara’s eyes widened as what she saw from her powers played in her head. The sickening crunch of the tv falling on Oliver’s head echoed in her ears.
“N-No.” Sara whimpered. Oliver was in danger, if what she saw was going to happen she had to stop it. “Oliver!” She tried to leave, but Litho’s puppet strings grabbed her hand and threw her to the wall, harshly. Sara yelped in pain, and struggled to get up only for Litho to pin her to the wall with his claws. She screamed as Litho’s claws started to pierce her skin, feeling blood starting to trickle down her arm.
“Oh Sara, you're cornered again,” Litho spoke. Sara was breathing heavily as her eyes flashed from brown to pink. “This time you can’t push me away,” the demon lifted his hand, targeting Sara’s heart, “and you can’t run.” Litho’s puppet strings went to Sara’s heart where her soul was located.
Sara struggled and screamed in pain, but soon her body glowed a pink aura, which made Litho scream in pain as a pink pulse pushed him back stunning him. 
The female founder felt pain in her chest, as she held it almost like she was pushing her soul back in. At that point, her eyes glowed a bright pink as she was sent through time again.
Sara saw what appeared to be a wasteland. She couldn’t tell if this was the past or the future, but froze as she saw two silhouettes at the entrance at what appears to be a gateway.
“Ed! Don’t do this!” A younger boy yelled.
Sara’s eyes widened as it dawned on her. When she was touched she saw the person’s future or past. Because Litho attacked her she wondered if one of those boys was Litho before turning into a demon.
Ed, or Edmund, as that was his full name, chuckled, as he put his hand on the switch to activate the portal, “Sorry brother, but I need to gather more souls, think about it! I can change the world! We can change the world” He yelled.
“How is killing people and using their souls going to change the world?!” Edmund’s brother shouted.
Sara gulped, getting her answer, that Ed was Litho in the past. She continued to watch, taking one step closer to the two.
Edmund’s brother growled seeing he wasn’t getting through to his brother, he tackled him, preventing him from opening the gateway. The two pushed, punched, and shoved one another, but during the struggle, the gateway turned on as a red glow appeared from it. It started to suck the two brothers in, even Sara felt like she was being pulled in as she grabbed onto something as she continued to watch.
Edmund’s brother was about to be sucked into the portal, but he held on to the edge of it. “E-Edmund!” He yelled. “Brother help me!”
Edmund showed no emotion as his brother cried for help. He slowly walked over to him and held his hand, before grabbing it tightly. “I’m sorry Agnus. I thought we were a team. I guess I was wrong.” Edmund whispered.
Sara and Agnus watched in horror as Edmund/Litho spoke, “If you won’t help me. I’ll find someone who will carry out my plans, and if they don’t.” Edmund paused as he pushed his own brother into the portal to who knows where before following after him.
Sara watched in horror, realizing Eric was right! She was just a puppet in Litho’s plans. That there were people before her and Winnie killing innocent people to harvest souls for Litho. She was still horrified as she awoke from her time visions.
Sara gasped as she saw Litho struggling to get up, he was still stunned by whatever Sara just did. She got up and quickly escaped her office and ran, hoping to grab Lewis and the others before Litho or Winnie did.
“SARA! You can’t escape me! SARA!” Litho’s voice echoed out.
She didn’t look back, she kept on running and hoping to find her friends soon.
Meanwhile, Oliver got a message from “Sara” about grabbing something from the storage closet. He was confused as to why, even though Sara warned him not to go into one. She claimed she left some important files in there accidentally and he just needs to quickly grab them.
Oliver figured it wouldn’t be too much of a problem and went into the closet where the files were located.
Sara quickly ran as fast as she could, opening doors through every closet to find Oliver and calling his name. “Oliver!” Sara yelled, opening the 5th closet. He wasn’t there and she went to the next room, “Oliver!”
She was scared at this point, at this point it would’ve been too late. Sara kept on running till she heard a door open around the corner. Quickly she ran and saw Oliver walk in. “Oliver,” Sara whispered.
Oliver went in and saw the files on the table. He did see a TV above him, but saw part of the bottom was removed. He gulped and brushed it off as nothing. Oliver saw the files on the table and picked one up, not knowing there was a string attached to the TV.
“Oliver!” Sara yelled.
“S-Sara?” Oliver asked, as he held the files, which in turn set up the TV trap.
Sara’s eyes widened in fear, “Oliver, look out!” Sara screamed, running to her friend and pushing him out of the way. The TV fell on Sara’s back with a sickening crunch.
Oliver was pushed towards a nearby cabinet and groaned. He looked up in horror seeing the TV that almost fell on him, fell on his best friend. “S-SARA!” Oliver screamed. The founder went over to his friend, and pushed the TV off her back. Horrified, he saw blood leaking through the female founder’s clothes, what’s worse she wasn’t breathing.
“Sara,” Oliver whispered, shaking her a bit, but she wasn’t moving. He went in to feel a pulse, but nothing. “Sara! Sara!” He yelled, shaking her as much as he could. Tears were coming out of his eyes at this point as he yelled Sara’s name louder and louder.
Oliver’s cries got the attention of Lewis and Wiatt who ran to where he was and they stood in horror seeing the female founder bleeding on the ground.
“O-Oliver! What happened?!” Lewis yelled.
“I-I was called here to find files, Sara came and pushed me, she was trying to protect me from the TV, and it fell on her.” Oliver cried.
Lewis looked down at his friend and kneeled down, shaking her. “Darling.” He said, but no response. “Sara! Wake up!” He yelled, yet still there was no response. Now, Lewis started to cry too, not noticing his hand was glowing blue. He just made up with his best friend, and now he was going to lose her. “Sara! Wake up!” Upon yelling, Lewis’s eyes glowed blue as ripples of the same color went through Sara’s body.
Oliver and Wiatt stared at the founder seeing his powers activate. “Y-Your powers,” Wiatt whispered.
Lewis looked down seeing the blue ripples going through his best friend’s body. The boys watched in worry not knowing what Lewis’s power was, and if this was harmful to Sara. 
Soon the ripples disappeared, and Sara let out a groan before slowly opening her eyes. Upon doing so, she saw Lewis’s eyes glowing blue. “L-Lewis?” She asked, groggily.
Lewis and Oliver gasped seeing Sara was alright. “Sara!” Lewis exclaimed.
Sara groaned as she slowly sat up. Surprisingly for a TV hitting her in the back, she felt no pain. “W-What happened?” She asked.
Soon she was tackled and hugged by Lewis and Oliver. Sara was confused seeing her two friends cry and hug her as tight as they did, before seeing Oliver was okay, and without a TV on his head.
“You're alright. You're alright.” Oliver cried hugging his friend close.
Sara felt tears in her eyes seeing she saved someone with her powers, again. She hugged her two friends close to her, “I’m glad you're alright too.” She whispered.
“You should thank Lewis,” Wiatt spoke up, as the trio turned to face the boy. “His powers activated, and it turns out he’s a healer!” He exclaimed.
The Founder Trio let go of their hug. Sara and Oliver looked at their best friend seeing his eyes were still blue before fading away. 
Then something clicked in Sara’s mind, if the TV fell on her she’d be in pain or worse by now. To be sure, she faced Lewis and asked, “if you can, could you check my back?” She asked.
Lewis nodded and slowly lifted up the back of her shirt, and was shocked. There was no gash or scar on her back, she was perfectly healed.
“Well?” Sara asked.
“You're fine, darling,” Lewis said. He put her shirt down. He then pulled her into a hug, “You're fine.”
Sara smiled and hugged Lewis back, “thank you, Lewis.”
Oliver didn’t want to feel left out and went to hug his friends back.
Wiatt on the other hand wanted to join in on the hug, but held back. Seeing his boyfriend and his best friends hugging each other close, made him feel hurt. Like a part of him felt jealous, but he also wanted to be part of that hug. This feeling made his eyes glow a dull yellow for a bit.
With all the chaos, Sara realized they were still in the facility and were in danger. “We need to get out of here!” Sara exclaimed.
“W-What?” Wiatt asked, his eyes turning back to normal.
“No time for questions, just run!” Sara then sprinted off with the boys not far behind her.
“D-Darling! May you please tell us what’s going on?!” Lewis asked.
Sara looked back, “I’ll explain once we’re somewhere safe! I promise!” She reminded her friend.
As the four continued to run, they suddenly skidded to a halt seeing the door was blocked with puppet strings; Litho’s Puppet Strings.
“Oh no.” Sara whispered.
“S-Sara what’s going on?” Oliver asked, frightened seeing their only exit was blocked.
Sara turned to her friends, and before she could explain a familiar voice spoke up.
“Well isn’t this a nice reunion!” Litho exclaimed.
The four turned and were in horror seeing Litho and Winnie grinning at them.
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ever-ive-been · 1 year
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hoorary maintenance! nothing ever goes wrong here!!!
kinda sketchy cus i liked it better that way and also so i could fuck around with it more! i forgot a few details here in there but it came out nicely and i like it and i got it done before time so yea!
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Call Here Enraged Engine Racer
Cars couldn't even match her speed, that blur in the roller rink, it won't slow down either.
And nobody thought to calm her down, not even help her grieve a second time when her father was reduced to nothing? shame on you.
Reality is often cruel and careless, so don't be surprised that the teenager you killed, is hunting you down from beyond the dead.
Lies, lies you put into their heads about what they were, over and over again, she was ordered around, and now she's not taking a word from anybody.
Yells and screams will haunt the roller rink, as the blur doesn't leave nor stop for anybody, it's her roller rink, after all, you can't catch her now.
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inkyopposim · 4 months
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It’s true! He doesn’t!
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wolfusmoonstudio · 8 months
I redesigned the WtD Character twimblos, and I may or may not make more later.
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fern-dino · 2 months
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yourfaveswifeisdead · 3 months
Winnie from Welcome to Dreamworld is Widowed!
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thetiredartist101 · 4 months
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Asylum Au
[TW: Mentions and images of Su!cide]
Getting back to drawing more details than just a character 🤌 and making Au’s finally!! I’ve been wanting to make an au of wtdw!! I got a lot of ideas in mind but this is a beginning of one of many so I’m gonna do my best.
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theitalianscribe · 6 months
I can't wait to see more of Owen Nicholson and to write him into fic's because the dissonance between my interpretation of him and how he is written in cannon just shows how I am probably watching Welcome to Dreamworld for the wrong reasons.
Cannon Owen:
"A man is some day going to outlive his father, but it shouldn't be this soon. And not like this."
Serious character. Has kind of film noir vibes.
Is in a tragic situation even now and is understandably solem about it.
Currently being gaslit while in spider robot purgatory
Owen when I write him
A bit of a goofball but very supportive.
Is super supportive of Wiatt.
He made a hat with a pun on it to congratulate Wiatt on figuring himself out and picking a name.
Is either a streamer, a blogger, or journalist.
He is so proud of his son (and maybe his son's sister Sara depending on the au.)
Is aware of the spooky shit going on but pretends to be oblivious and is trying (but unknowingly failing) to keep his kid(s) out of it.
If he is a journalist/news reporter, has the tagline of "This has been News with Nicholson, where you always get more than my two cents!"
Come to think of it, I may be basing him heavily on Patton Sanders. That probably means that he also is masking depression which would make sense now that I think about it.
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foxtime2012 · 20 days
Favorite ships?
oh easy
1 : wiatt x starlight/ wiatt
2 : glory x rex
3 : Oliver x Damien
4 : Norman x Morris
5 :( this isn't canon but a friend of mine on instergram (probably didn't spell that right) ship Hayden x wiatt in a joke why but it's actually quite cute) Hayden x wiatt
6 : Carlos x Lucy
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myemyehere · 11 months
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quick winnie. i like giving him silly pants n shoes
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
Magia Chap. 4-Sara's 'Other Friends'
Next chapter, and a Sara-focused one! This one was my favorite to write! Maybe because Sara is one of my favorite characters, and I wanted to shed some light on what she’s been doing behind the scenes.
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader.
As Sara was walking to her office, she answered her phone and sighed, “Hey Winnie.”
“Hey, Sara,” Winnie replied. “Listen, I've been realizing you're lacking in souls. You said you had that Lewis kid in mind and I don’t see his soul.”
Sara sighed, “Look I’ll get his soul as soon as I can. Things have…come up, recently.” She explained.
Winnie growled, “Well you better hurry up!” He snapped.
Sara flinched on the other side of the phone, whimpering a bit.
“Litho doesn’t like waiting. I promised him a soul, and I better see one, or else he’s not going to be happy.” Winnie explained, before hanging up on her.
The female founder groaned in frustration, as she decided to go to her office, cool down, and think of what to do before Winnie or Litho did something to the facility. Sara was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t realize she bumped into her old teacher and current engineer, Eric.
“Oh, sorry Sara!” Eric apologized, struggling to hold the stacks of papers in his arms.
“N-No it’s fine. I should’ve looked where I was-” Sara was cut off as she froze as her eyes glowed pink.
Sara saw she was no longer at the facility, but in the forest, facing a burning house. She was horrified, stepping back away from the fire. She couldn’t run, or do anything just watch the fire burn as a familiar scream rang inside..
“HELP ME! SOMEBODY PLEASE LET ME OUT!” Eric screamed, banging on the door.
“Eric?” Sara asked. She stepped back, she didn’t want Eric to die. Out of everyone in this plan of immortality, she wanted to spare Eric. “N-No. Winnie…why…why him?”
“CARLY?! ANYONE!?” Eric screamed, begging for help.
“N-No! Eric!” Sara screamed as she tried to rescue him only for the roof of the house to collapse, cutting Eric’s cries off.
“ERIC NO!” Sara screamed, as her eyes went back to normal. She breathed heavily seeing she was back at the facility and not facing a burning building. 
“S-Sara?” Eric asked.
Sara slowly turned to see the older man, looking horrified. The papers he was holding fell to the ground.
“S-Sorry. I-I just…” Sara stuttered as the thoughts of Eric in a house fire plagued her mind.
Eric went over to her and hugged her tightly, shushing her and rubbing her back, “H-hey. It’s been a stressful few months, you and your friends need to take it easy for the day.” He said, in a soothing voice.
Sara sniffled and nodded, hugging Eric back. “A-Alright.” She replied.
Eric let go of the hug, ruffled Sara’s hair, and kneeled down to pick up the papers, “Once I pick all these papers up, I’ll let Lewis and Oliver know ok?”
“Okay,” Sara replied. She walked back to her office slowly, shut the door, and locked it. She slowly sank down to the floor pulled her legs close and buried her face.
At that point, Wiatt was right that she and Lewis did have powers. She wasn’t sure what Lewis’s was yet, but what she saw was a vision of Eric dying. She thought to herself, “Is my power time-related?”
“Wiatt, this is all your fault. You fucking idiot.” Sara whispered as she cried.
Sara quietly cried for about half an hour before calming down. She wiped the tears from her eyes pulled out her phone and called Winnie back. She had some questions to ask him, and hopefully, he’ll have the answers. Sara put the phone to her ear and waited for the Pegasus animatronic to call her back.
“This better be important.” Winnie groaned.
“It is.” Sara replied, “Where are you? I need to speak with you in person.”
Winnie smirked, “You know where I am,” He said.
Sara’s eyes widened knowing where Winnie was located. She hung up, unlocked her door, and looked around hoping no one saw her before stepping out of her office and headed towards the maintenance room. She looked around one more time before going in and shutting the door.
“Are you alone?” Winnie asked.
“I am,” Sara replied. “I made sure of it.”
Winnie groaned and stretched his body, tired of sitting around like he was broken. “Ah, finally! I hate sitting around like some rag doll.” He exclaimed. “So did you get the soul?”
Sara shook her head, which disappointed the Pegasus animatronic. “Before you get angry I have a question.” She stated.
Winnie groaned, “Not again Sara.”
“It’s important and I’ll get back on track with helping you.”
“Fine,” Winnie grumbled a bit, but Sara couldn’t make out what he said.
Sara pulled out her phone went to her photos and showed the most recent photo of Wiatt’s Jewelry Box. “Does this look familiar to you?” She asked.
Winnie looked at the photo and his eyes widened in shock. “Hey! I’ve seen that box before!” He exclaimed, “It was a family heirloom given from my grandfather to my father. What’s it doing in your hands?”
“It’s not mine. It’s Wiatt’s.” Sara replied, putting her phone back in her pocket.
“Who now?” Winnie asked, tilting his head.
“Just some friend of Lewis. He’s not my friend.” Sara answered. “Hey brought over this box, opened it and somehow all of us are acting strange.”
“Well, for starters, did your family ever open the box?” Sara asked. If Winnie mentioned he and his family had it then sure she’ll get answers about how to cure her friends.
Winnie sighed, “We did, but all there was, was jewels. You couldn’t wear them, so we just let them sit on the high shelf as a way to organize books.” He explained.
Sara was surprised Winnie’s family opened the box, but nothing happened. So, why did something…magical happen?
Sara sighed, “Well for us…and this might sound crazy, but I think my friends and I got powers from the box.” She admitted.
Winnie stared at the female founder like she had two heads. He then snickered before going into full-on laughter, surprising Sara. “Oh, that’s rich! You, the other founders, and that Wiatt kid got powers from a box!” He laughed. “What’s next, one of those boys is my grandson!?”
Sara gave a light chuckle as if he wasn’t wrong.
The pegasus animatronic calmed down, and let out a sigh. “Alright, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll speak to Litho about this issue and see if he can issue you more time or let me do all the work.” He explained.
Sara sighed, “Thank you, Winnie.”
“Don’t thank me yet, Sara. Litho will still be angry about you not doing your job, and would probably make you do it for him.” Winnie said, inching close to Sara’s face. The female founder was frightened till Winnie pulled away and went off to where Litho was stationed.
Winnie walked towards a hidden area of the facility, an area that hadn’t been built yet, and the only thing there was caution tape. Despite working alongside Litho, Winnie was still  nervous talking to him.
“Uh…Litho it’s me.” Winnie spoke up.
A black shadow with multiple eyes appeared towering over the animatronic.
“Carlos? What brings you here? Is Sara doing what she was told?” Litho asked, calling Winnie by his former name.
“Uh…no, but she did ask me a weird question,” Winnie answered.
Litho glared as he circled around Winnie like a predator stalking its prey. “Why is that little pest so incompetent!?” He shouted, surprising the animatronic. “I thought I had that incompetent fool wrapped around my finger the day her life came tumbling down!”
“Well, uh…you’ve been around for a very long time Litho. So you must have knowledge of Sara’s question?” Winnie asked.
Litho glared, “this question better be important.” He spat.
“So, does a Jewelry Box with gems containing magical powers sound familiar to you?” Winnie asked, giving a sheepish smile.
Litho glared, but hearing about the Jewelry Box did sound familiar. “It depends, describe it for me.” He said.
“Well, it had four jewels painted on the lid, the box was wooden brown and rectangular in shape, and oh there was a red jewel that looked like your eyes,” Winnie explained.
Litho’s eyes widened before turning into a deep glare as Winnie described the box in full detail. Litho then leaned in closer as he growled at the Pegasus animatronic. “And none of you took it!?” He growled.
“W-Well it’s under the hands of a kid named Wiatt, he opened it and Sara thinks she, him, and her friends have powers or something,” Winnie replied, nervously.
Litho growled and used his puppet strings to pull Winnie close, his eyes glowing bright red. “That box is the reason why I LOOK LIKE THIS, you parasite!” He yelled. “It was the first time I was defeated, before meeting…”
“Meeting who?” Winnie asked. “The kid with the violin?”
“What do you think, Nicholson?” Litho asked.
“Oh. I get it now.” Winnie answered.
Litho dropped the animatronic to the ground as he continued to ramble about the Jewelry Box, “That box was created many years before I met that child. The four of them tried to stop me, but it wasn’t enough for them. Frankly, they're gone now.” He explained before chuckling.
Winnie brushed himself off as he looked at the demon, “So now what? Do you still want Sara and me to create immortality, or-“ Winnie was cut off by Litho.
“OF COURSE I STILL WANT YOU TWO TO HELP ME, YOU PEST!” Litho shouted, making Winnie flinch. Litho then calmed down and continued, “But keep an eye on Sara, her friends, and Wiatt for the time being. I’ll find the victims for you, in hopes it keeps Sara in line.”
“Yes of course,” Winnie replied. “In fact,” he smirked, “I may have someone in mind.”
Back at Eric’s office, Eric finally picked up all the papers off the ground and got them all organized. “Phew…finally got things done.” Eric sighed. He turned around to see Carly, relaxing on the couch in his office as she played a game on her phone.
Eric smiled but was soon interrupted by a text. The text was from a number he didn’t quite recognize. Thinking it was a spam message he was going to delete it until he saw the message started with:
“Hey, the Director here…”
Eric opened up the message and read it:
“Hey, the Director here! I left some important documents over at the household of Mr. Lewis Bright. Please go pick them up as soon as possible.”
Eric sighed and got up, which caught Carly’s attention. “Where are you going?” Carly asked.
“Got a message from the director.” Eric groaned. “He wants me to run by Lewis’s house to pick up paperwork.”
Carly got up, “can I go with you?” She asked.
“No Carly, best you stay here and keep an eye on Lewis and his friends,” Eric told her.
Carly groaned and rolled her eyes as she went back to playing her game.
Eric rushed out of the facility passing by Lewis, who was confused as to where his former teacher was running off. “Eric, where are you going, darling?” Lewis asked.
“Oh, the director texted me that I needed to pick up some important documents at your old home. I’ll be back.” Eric said as he rushed off in his car.
Lewis was confused, did Eric forget to take his medication again? He knew his former teacher had poor memory, but he started to take medication which helped at times. However, there were days when those poor memories would randomly kick in, even if he did take his medication. However, that’s once in a blue moon.
“Lewis,” Sara said. “Where is Eric running off to?”
“Something about some files being left at my house by the director.” Lewis explained. “However, I don’t recall any files left by the director.”
Sara’s eyes widened remembering her memories from her powers earlier. She hated remembering that, however, it was all connected…
The house in the woods…Lewis’s house was in the woods.
Eric…Eric would be in that house…and then…the fire…that dreaded fire.
Sara snapped out of it and ran after her former teacher, “Eric! Wait!” She yelled.
“Sara! What’s going on?!” Lewis shouted, confused where his best friend was going.
“No time to explain! I need to stop Eric, he’s in danger!” Sara yelled as she jumped into her car and went to Lewis’s home, hoping to make it in time to stop the older man.
Lewis stood in shock and confusion, “now what’s going on with her?” He asked.
In the shadows, Winnie snarled and glared at Sara. “What are you doing Sara?”
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