#wtf do i tag this as . silly old lady
aroaceimp · 1 year
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wohah silly leader from clangen. she does Fuck all its so funny. number 1 generic leader who maybe has a romance with an old man and hates a child . i like her colours though
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icouldbemoreclever · 3 years
I got tagged by @katsintriis!
Three Ships: Leopika, Jonawagon, and Giomis!
Last Song: Pretty sure it was Stay by Lisa Loeb (and I just started playing it again, so...)
Last Movie: Shadow in the Cloud. I thought the concept for it was very interesting (for a good part of the movie, it’s just the main actress in a compartment by herself, communicating with the other actors over radio). Sadly I think about halfway through it got silly without intending to be silly. The soundtrack was great, though!
Currently Reading: Rick by Alex Gino (a teacher recently contested it at a school board meeting here because it has an ace character. Wtf?). It’s an issue book written for 10 year olds so I’m not particularly enjoying it lol. I’m also listening to the audiobook for A Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee -- the audiobooks for this series are impeccable and I totally recommend them!
Currently Watching: I’m just finishing Defending Jacob (i guess you’d call it a miniseries?), and I just started the final final season of Attack on Titan.
Currently consuming: Delicious cold water, and I’m about to grab a fudgesicle I think.
Currently craving: SUSHI and to ride my bike... it’s -20C here and we’ve got a lot of snow, so it ain’t happening.
I’m not tagging 9 people because my social anxiety will not allow it ^^; however anyone who wants to do this, I’d be happy if you tagged me!
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 275: YAAAAY but Also AHHHHH
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all “I’M FIGHTING TOMURA AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME” and set everything on fire. Unlike SOME people, however, it turns out fire is NOT Tomura’s weakness, so he basically just shrugged it off. But before things could progress any further, AFO was all “psst, go get One for All” and Tomura was all “? One for All?” and Endeavor was all “?? One for All?” and Deku and Kacchan, who were listening in on their earpieces, were all “!!!” Having thus realized that Tomura was targeting him, Deku sped off to lead him somewhere away from the civilians... accompanied by his good friend Bakugou “274 chapters of character development have all been leading up to this” Katsuki. Because like hell are you going to have an EPIC BATTLE with the FINAL VILLAIN without him, you damn nerd. Who’s he going to heroically sacrifice himself for if you’re not there?? Hahh!?
Today on BnHA: Deku and Kacchan fly off to battle Tomura after confusing Endeavor into giving them his location (which wasn’t very hard lmao). En route, Deku finally thinks to ask Kacchan why he’s tagging along, and Kacchan is all “DON’T GET ME WRONG, IT’S JUST BECAUSE I WANT REVENGE ON TOMURA, AND DEFINITELY NOT BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL, HOW DARE YOU, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT”, which is super convincing and didn’t make me roll my eyes at all. Anyways so then Tomura shows up and is all “EYO TIME TO KILL YOU NOW” and Deku and Kacchan are all “OH SFFKDFK”, but fortunately Gran shows up to save them in the nick of time, because BnHA is literally the only shounen manga in which grown-ups will see kids trying to lead a battle and be like “lol wtf” and actually try to stop that shit instead of being all ��what are your orders, children.” The chapter then ends with the heroes doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING??Namely, having the guy who can TURN OFF QUIRKS battle the guy with the ultimate death quirk! I’m so proud. But also I swear to god, if Tomura so much as breathes suspiciously in his direction...!! What the fuck. HORIKOSHI.
y’all what in the fresh hell is this bs
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not yet there isn’t son but if you keep trolling like this I can give your nervous system something to actually be nervous about
anyway. this was his comment from last week’s issue of Jump, and I have absolutely no idea what it’s referring to, is the fun part! did he cry because of something he was working on in a chapter that’s coming up? or is he just tired from a combination of stressful mangaka schedule + 2020 in general?? or hell, for all I know he just recently watched Titanic or some shit
anyways I guess it’s time to read and see if I feel like sadly happily crying for two hours afterward
-- oh shit I just realized there are two scanlations out for this?? one from readjump.com, and one from readheroacademia.com. lol now what. uhhh
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lulzes. I guess I’ll go with RHA for now and keep checking back to RJ after each page and I’ll go with whichever translation I liked better
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or would he actually be gen z. he was already in his twenties when this manga started like six years ago, so I’m going with millennial. but on the cusp though I guess. anyway, he plays video games though is the point
and I see he’s already decided to contradict me and my inane speculations not two panels in! I GUESS I AM JUST A FOOL. that’s really interesting though. I wonder if it’s just Monoma’s quirk that doesn’t take the accumulated “save data” from the people he copies from, then? guh. how many of my AFO/OFA theory notes do I have to scrap now
and there’s a little quirk blurb about Search, which is fairly useless given that we already know how it works (actually in even greater detail than shown here), but at least it comes with a cute little picture of Ragdoll in her hero costume, to make us all sad and stuff
so anyways Tomura who are you looking at?? this was a topic of some contention last week! also why were you only seeing nine people then. Ragdoll had seen everyone in 1-A along with Aizawa and her fellow Pussycats at a minimum, so is this confirmation that Tora and Mandalay and Pixie-Bob are all really dead then, because I CAN AND WILL HUNT DOWN A MAN AND MAKE HIM CRY FOR A GOOD DEAL LONGER THAN TWO HOURS IF THAT’S REALLY THE CASE. was Kouta not traumatized enough already?? LET’S JUST ORPHAN HIM AGAIN WHY NOT THAT’S A GOOD PLAN
(ETA: I really hate that we are still up in the air regarding this? and I mean, sure, why not, we only had like a dozen lady heroes to begin with, so why not just kill off two more of them, offscreen, in one fell swoop??)
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(ETA: ??)
-- well hello there
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OR MAYBE I WAS NOT A FOOL AT ALL?? lol guys. please do not tell me my hobo husband is flying his vengeful ass over to where Tomura all heedless of the danger because I really do not need that just yet. CAN MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS PLEASE FUCKING TAKE TURNS BEING IN TERRIBLE DANGER INSTEAD OF ALL AT ONCE
sob we’re cutting back to Endeavor and Deku and Kacchan. ACTUALLY THAT’S GOOD THOUGH why am I complaining. I’m just gonna have to get used to the fact that no one is going to truly be safe for the next god knows however many chapters, and make my peace with that. hahaha. yeah right
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lol he is trying to argue a bit but then he’s suddenly cutting off. so in hindsight I don’t know why I said “lol”, really. I’M JUST NERVOUS OKAY
btw in the other translation Deku straight up asks if Endeavor can redirect Tomura towards them. “sure no problem bucko, let me just tell the walking apocalypse exactly where he can find you, my two sixteen-year-old interns whose safety I am responsible for. I was just thinking to myself that I hadn’t had my fill of crazy ill-thought-out plans with a high risk of death today”
holy --
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okay I have not the SLIGHTEST clue what’s going on here, even after analyzing both scans, except that someone, probably Tomura, either just went CRONCH or just GOT cronched just now lmao. let us read on to find out who was cronched and who did the cronching
the rest of this page is not really much more helpful
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but I am becoming increasingly suspicious that those were in fact Tomura’s new, improved and ridiculously thicc legs doing the cronching as he did a Marvel Superhero Landing from the most RIDICULOUS ANGLE POSSIBLE
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so he just cronched onto the ground and fooshed Endeavor and then went flying off again huh
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he really just fucking hung up on him afterwards too. just, “got it thanks amigo just leave everything to me, [CLICK]”
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-- oh shit
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that’s just. a SLIGHT change in meaning, there. silly me. thinking “get rid of them” meant “get rid of their communications as opposed to FUCKING KILLING THE ONE YOU’RE NOT ACTUALLY AFTER. hmm. well that’s not good
(ETA: never have I been so happy that a translation was wrong lmao.)
so now Endeavor’s shouting at everyone else that Tomura is heading southwest and that he has “SUPER REGENARTION” (sic) and is no longer THE SAME THUG HE WAS BEFORE and yeah RHA you have officially won me over, flaws and all. listen up boyos. this ain’t your granddaddy’s Shigaraki Tomura. this one regenars
also “that damn kid...” like why the hell did my son have to go and befriend two protagonists. why is this my life now
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“MIDORIYA IS IN DANGER...!!” STORY OF THIS MANGA. AHAHA. KACCHAN HE’S COMING. HE’S COMING, KACCHAN. for you two. someone please help me I am both terrified and thrilled beyond all recognition and my body doesn’t know how to handle the conflicting emotions. honestly crying for two hours is starting to sound more and more appealing
oh my god I forgot they didn’t know, though
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fff. Kacchan especially didn’t know, because unlike Deku he doesn’t have random bits of other people’s souls going “heyyyyyyy... transcendent being at 12 o’clock.” what has this kid so bravely and stupidly gone and gotten himself into
look at them go
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damn Deku can you really not float yet?? that’s going to be really inconvenient if that’s the case
(ETA: my boy really would have just straight up died. he would have died so hard.)
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NOW YOU WANT TO ASK HIM LMAOOOO. well it’s because of all the character development!! if you must know
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you’re not as smooth as you think you are, you know. we all know why you actually followed him. but fine, be that way
okay so now he’s giving a real-er answer though
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“understand the situation”, the situation being that your best friend and his secret-trump-card-in-the-battle-against-evil quirk were being targeted by the guy who just obliterated this entire city. got it. you put it quite succinctly
and Deku is all
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and Kacchan is all
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love how he throws that protagonist crack in there too. because we all know that Deku absolutely is the protagonist lol, and so if that part’s obviously not true, we can make some inferences about the rest of what he’s saying too now can’t we
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap
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YOU SURE DO!! and he does with you too!! :) it’s gonna be one big happy reunion! :) :) :) oh gosh golly
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what are you doing to me, I should clarify. please be considerate of my feelings. you can’t just DUMP sudden Kacchan Kamino Angst on me without any warning, you have to let me know in advance so that I can buy some thank you cards
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by the way in the other translation he says “I’ll make up for what I did that day.” so yeah. BOOM. right to the heart. shot of me collapsing to the ground in slow motion
but it’s interesting though that he still can’t admit to having selfless motives yet! even after everything he’s been through and all his character growth! he’s still all GET RID OF THE REFERENCES TO ME CARING ABOUT YOU, WE CAN’T LET PEOPLE KNOW WE HAVE FEELINGS
but even his Kamino feels are notably first and foremost about him feeling responsible for failing All Might. so yeah, buddy. where does that leave you? even your feeble excuses are still rooted in selflessness, JUST GIVE IN AND ADMIT YOU’VE BEEN SECRETLY GIVING A SHIT BEHIND EVERYONE’S BACK. and honestly he might be better off at this point if he didn’t! BUT HE DOES. and that’s that
anyways Deku I sure hope you and your big hero brain can see right through this nonsense
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god. you’re both in so much danger though, do you even have any idea?! of course you fucking don’t. god
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well that’s one hell of a rare sight!! all fresh and chock full of shrewd observations about his best rival’s current skillset. ah what a time we’re living in
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gonna hold off commentary until I read the next part of this lol
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goddamn. Horikoshi really went off this week. just a whole chapter’s worth of Stuff Makeste Really Likes, goddamn is it my birthday or what
so do you guys think he’ll be able to keep pace all the way up to 100%? I can see this part being interpreted in two totally different ways if I’m being honest. on the one hand we have the more pessimistic (some would say realistic) view that Bakugou is desperately trying to convince himself that he’s still on the same level as the rival he so desperately wants to surpass, but with the sinking feeling that he’s actually not going to be able to keep up for much longer. and then on the other side of the coin we have the more glass-half-full perspective that he actually is capable of keeping up with him right to the bitter end. that even as Deku grows stronger, he’ll continue to push himself and use that as motivation to keep getting stronger too. that Deku isn’t out of reach; that his goal isn’t out of reach
and I’m not completely sure which way this is leaning myself! I personally would like to lean more towards the second interpretation, because y’all know I love me some rivals. and also because imo one of the most commendable things about Bakugou’s development has been how he hasn’t once been envious of Deku’s strength or of his position as All Might’s chosen heir since he learned about OFA. he hasn’t once shown any kind of resentment towards him for it, or doubted whether or not he deserves it. and as minor a detail as that may seem to some people, I cherish it. and I don’t want that to change! but I guess we shall see
so now we’re getting the clearest shot we’ve had yet of the new AFO holes in Tomura’s palms as he gets ready to combine some more quirks. also! more information about the quirks he has and is using! fucking thank you, where was this last week
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so “radio waves” is clearly going to be used here to disrupt the heroes’ communication, which is a shame for them, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved given the alternative! the RJ translation is clearly just a hot mess lol. but I still adore that one “I’ll make up for what I did” line though
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(ETA: I just realized he’s nowhere to be found after this, though, so... did he?? or is he now lying somewhere now all wounded and waiting to be found by one, or, dare I say, two of his sons? ...)
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even if you ask him nicely??! somehow I just can’t help feeling that he probably shouldn’t oblige you, though!?!?!
anyways. THAT AIN’T SAFE. and what the hell is happening in that bottom left corner ahhhhhh
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jesus christ it completely slipped my mind that there was one other person currently in the vicinity who knows about OFA. my good sir, maybe you would like to introduce these two dunderfucks to the concept of a “plan.” and maybe you can also find the single shared braincell they apparently dropped and lost somewhere back there in all the city rubble
oh fuck me
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(ETA: does Kacchan look so rattled here because he is being lectured, or because he just saw a vision of his own death and is now having it explained to him just how close he came to being decomposed. you decide! I’ll just sit here and bask in the angst.)
fuck. main character gods were really working overtime here. anyways so how are you all doing this fine Friday afternoon. me, I’m just sitting here wrangling with the knowledge that Tomura’s quirk is even deadlier than I realized, and that my two little boys came within inches of dying horrible deaths just now. but anyways it’s not as humid today as it was yesterday so that’s really nice
anyways so now Gran is continuing to lecture the mayor of Dumb Ideas Town here, along with his friend the deputy mayor who still thinks he outranks the actual mayor
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-- ohhhh shit son are they mounting a counterattack?? don’t tell me!!
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also is Gran seriously faster than Tomura. that makes no fucking sense, and yet these two are only alive now because of it so I’M SURE NOT GONNA QUESTION IT
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excellent question sir. the short answer is “they’re idiots”, and the long answer is just a longer version of “they’re idiots” but with some more complicated BakuDeku feels mixed in. I’ll tell you all about it if you just promise me that you’ll actually live through this, all right?
“is he after the two of them?” listen boy if you don’t finally put two and two together after this I’m gonna be fucking beside myself lol. (though honestly, Deku and Kacchan have been targeted by the League so many other times already that he might just simply accept “yeah they’re after them again” without any further explanation)
my dear gentlefolk would you fucking look at how the lord has blessed us on this day
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Aizawa Fucking Shouta and the motherfucking dramatic intro to end all dramatic intros. finally this man gets his moment
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someone please teach me how to cast a force field. teach me how to reach into the manga and slap this man and tell him to stop talking about how everyone’s noble sacrifices to protect him and his eraser quirk have led him to this day and to this one encounter. my guy. my fucking dude. THERE HAD BETTER BE SUBSEQUENT ENCOUNTERS AFTER THIS
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ISN’T HE THOUGH??? Tomura I love you sweetie but you better BACK THE FUCK. OFF
well FINE THEN! BE THAT WAY. it’s not like my life revolves around you and your stupid manga anyway!! it’s not like I’m obsessed with it or anything!! I have other hobbies!! well I actually do have other hobbies, so that doesn’t really work as sarcasm, so let’s see though. maybe something more like, “this isn’t by far my favorite out of all my hobbies!!” I don’t spend 80-90% of my free time on any given day either actively or passively daydreaming about this series and writing essays in my head and reading fanfic and scrolling through art on tumblr!! etc.!! whatever!! enjoy your break!! have fun living your life!!
please don’t kill Aizawa
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katecarteir · 5 years
writing prompt masterlist #1
 Of course, there’s 75 million prompt lists out there but i figured there’s nothing wrong with making my own. Send me a category + a number + a pairing and i’ll write you a fic. Okay to reblog and use :) (x)
Fake/Secret/Etc Dating AUs:
my parents keep setting me up on blind dates but in reality I’m dating you and it’s so you help me get out of them
i hate commitment but my dad’s dying wish is to see me get married and you’re an old family friend i ran into at the airport on my way to visit him so hey let’s get engaged
you need a plus-one for your brother’s wedding so i’m going as a favor but there’s been a misunderstanding and now your whole family thinks we’re engaged
i’m mad at my parents so i ask you out because they wouldn’t approve of you and you’re well aware that i’m just using you but you agree because you find it funny but hey you’re actually super sweet
there’s this really creepy person hitting on me and i don’t know you but you pretending to be my partner completely saved my ass thanks how about i buy you a drink
we’re just really touchy friends and we get each other gifts all the time but everyone thinks we’re going out and we let them think that but why are you getting upset about me going on a date we’re not actually together? 
I’m sorry you always thought your love for me was unrequited but on to more important matters YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED IN THE MORNING SO YOU HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE YOU ASSHOLE!
Our mutual friend apparently has been waiting for us to get together and so they’re very angry/disappointed/upset when they find out that the reason we kissed last night was because we were black-out drunk
everyone thinks we hate each other and we keep that front up in public, so we have hilarious pretend fights and squabbles and pranks 
when we were little I accidentally mentioned that I had a crush on you but I always thought you didn’t hear me because you just looked at me weird and never commented but now we’re in high school and omg you just introduced me as your boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate wtf we never discussed this
friends to lovers aus
You’ve got a date tonight and you asked for advice on what to wear but I’m so in love with you and damn you look good in the outfit I picked out for you
You’ve liked me for ages and were really obvious about it and I didn’t like all the attention but now you’re over me I really miss it and fuck I think I like you too?
 You want us both to get in shape and I hate working out/running but your ass looks really good in shorts oh the things I do for my friends and their nice asses
Our best friends are that awful ‘cute’ couple that make-out in public and call each other “sweetie” and “sugar” and “babe” and god they’re awful let’s talk about how awful they are – develops into “shit we’re the awful couple now”
Celebrity/Famous AUs
listen, you may be a famous (and extremely attractive) guitarist, but that gives you no right to practise on the electric at two a.m when we live right next to each other.
We broke up and I used my feelings to write songs and now I’m super popular and you want me back
we decided to make a fake vlog drama for our subscribers and they all think it’s real but jokes on us we end up actually liking each other
I run a prank channel and you were some innocent bystander I pranked for a video but then it turns out hey, you’re also famous online haha shit
we met and started talking but i didn’t know you were a rising star until i noticed cameras following me wtf
you’re a reporter and i think you’re super cute so i’ll only give you personal interviews to help your career and also get you to talk to me more
I’m a celebrity and I have a secret social media account and we started talking online and now we’re close friends but you want to meet up oh shit
I’m a celebrity and I may or may not be following your blog which is dedicated to me. reading your comments and tags are hilarious and very flattering and I’m somewhat smitten  
You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to me and started flirting what do I do??
wedding/kids/marriage/long term relationship AUs
we’ve been dating forever, and you just caught the bouquet at our friend’s wedding
remember when we were in high school and we swore that if we were still single at 30 we’d marry each other, well hey guess whose birthday it is
i’m a runaway bride/groom and you’re driving my getaway car
I suddenly bumped into you after years and wow you look good but holy crap is that a kid?? since when?
you had a breakdown because the baby wouldn’t stop crying and you kept saying how you weren’t ready and how you couldn’t do it
whenever my kid starts crying I just hand them to you and then they just stop and start smiling
“i’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually nevermind i agree, that shirt is horrendous”
i always tease you because that’s just our thing we tease each other but for some reason you snapped at me and are you okay? what’s wrong?
my in-laws despise me GREAT but around you they’re super nice so you don’t believe me
neighbours AUs
You always complain about how loud I am (whether it be TV, video games or music/musical instrument is up to you) and this is the first time you’ve actually knocked on my apartment door and given me a lecture there rather than giving me a phone call, but I’m not really listening because I didn’t  realise I had such a cute neighbour
you never open your door for children on halloween so i always pay the kids to smear your door with shaving cream
my printer isnt printing anymore and my papers are due tomorrow so im on my knees in front of your door begging to use your printer when the old lady from above passes us and thinks im proposing to you
we always run into each other on the stairs but we’ve never said more than hello but when we found out that we both hate the other neighbours, we became friends
i came home drunk and wouldnt stop knocking on your door. when you open i keep telling you to get out of my apartment
after a rough party night i find you sleeping on the stairs but since im still a little asshole all i do is put a blanket over you and a pillow under your head
Please help me, I know you have a kid and my sibling just dropped their baby on me where’s the button to put them to sleep?
I’m stressed and sleep-deprived, please let me pet your cat. 
I have really weird dreams and you have really weird dreams so now we’re in this contest to see who has the weirdest dreams.
Strangers/Meet Cute (or meet very NOT cute) AUs 
We were sitting next to each other in a public place and I saw a mosquito on you and my instincts just acted before my mind.
We mixed up our clothes at the laundry service and I have nothing left to wear and every thing you wear is too big/small for me.
We’re at a comic book store and if you tell me your superhero is better than mine I’m gonna have to punch you in the teeth.
There are no table left at this restaurant and you let me sit at yours since you’re alone.
I’m a single grown-up with busy friends but I want to go to Disneyland so I drop a message on a forum to find someone like me to go wear silly Mickey ears headband and stuff ourselves with cotton candy.
My computer broke down so I called an IT and now I need to find a reason to call them back so I delete important files and download adwares and do all kinds of stupid things. 
I almost dropped something and in my fumbling attempts to stop it from hitting the floor I accidentally projectiled it at your face and it’s a really nice face I’m so sorry
first day at a new job and oh fuck my boss is the person I drunkenly hooked up with last weekend/night
I wanted to go on the ferris wheel but there has to be two people to a cart come on random person let’s go oh wait are we stuck at the top? Fuck
 Our mutual friend set us up on a blind date and I thought I’d hate it but you’re actually… kind of funny? But because I expected to hate it in no way am I going to let you change my mind just because you’re gorgeous and funny and intelligent oh no my friend is not winning this
college/high school AUs:
i went on a date with a boy who had plans to take me to dinner and drinks. but he lost his wallet at a pizza place so we just walked around the neighborhood, sat in the park and talked.
we’re in the same study group but we dont talk but you brought goldfish and im starving
we have the same notebook and we took the wrong ones home so i used your notes on my open book test
you were my elementary school crush but you moved away but somehow we end up miraculously going to the same college and i barely recognized you because holy hot damn you are more attractive than i remember?
I tripped over on my way to this party and I’m bleeding profusely from the grazes on my knees and you’re a complete stranger that pretty much jumped me the second I walked in the door to play nurse
ive had a crush on you for 3+ years and now youre going out with my best friend and i definitely havent locked myself in a toilet cubicle to cry
We’re in different debate classes and I was constructing a case on the board and I come in the next morning and you’ve replied to all my points really well?? But I don’t even know your name? And oh shit, we’re taking over the entire whiteboard, is that your phone number squeezed into the corner of the board there?
You have braces and I don’t and I keep forgetting you’re not allowed to have gum so every time I offer, you give this death glare
You sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to prom on the day of prom and I’m not in town
I’m a notorious goody two shoes and you look like you get into fights on a daily basis, so when you were in the library on the first day I was supposed to be a tutor, I assumed I’d be tutoring you. But, as it turns out, we’re both tutors, and the people we’re tutoring keep blowing us off to make out and we have to go round them up
we have a mutual best friend but they cannot find out how much i like you then they’ll tell you, but i need to find out if you’re single!
I sat down in the wrong class and I’m panicking but don’t want to get up and leave because the class has started and you think it’s hilarious 
You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close
soulmate aus
if one soulmate gets an injury, the other gets it as well.
Character A has a soulmate, but Character A died before they got to meet them. As Character A navigates the afterlife in their ghostly form, they discover that they can’t “move on” until they’ve met their soulmate.
 the very first words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed somewhere on your body since the day you are born
when you write something on your skin with pen/marker/whatever, it will show up on your soul mates skin as well.
You get an ‘impression’ of your soulmate when you turn 18 or something but all I got was a strong smell of bananas or something
you have a compass on your wrist and it directs you to where your soulmate is
i usually think i’m having a conversation with myself in my head but it turns out we’re telepathically connected
everybody is born with a map “tattooed” on their forearm that’s centered on the exact location of where they’ll first meet their soul mate 
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seaglassandeelgrass · 4 years
Tagged by @tam--lin to do their custom-crafted bespoke tag game wherein our cozy little tumblr backwater is actually the target demographic.
What sort of music were you into circa age 12?
An unholy amalgam of my parents’ music libraries, so old-school punk ala The Ramones and The Undertones, folksy singer-songwriter ala James Taylor, John Denver, and Peter Paul & Mary, and 80′s poprock ala Billy Joel and Cyndi Lauper
Favorite fantasy or sci-fi thing media released in the last 5 years:
Uh, I just came to the galaxy-brained realization that Weird West is a niche genre in its own right that combines all the best things about fantasty, sci-fi, steampunk, alternate history, speculative fiction, and pulp westerns, and also everyone should go read Sarah Gailey’s books; their American Hippo novellas are great fun.
I also really enjoyed Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers series; it was the first specifically sci-fi thing I had read in a long while (sci-fi as a genre unduly Intimidates me)
Favorite pair of boots:
Bean’s Katahdin Iron Works Engineer Boots; they were an INVESTMENT which I am going to wear for the rest of my LIFE
Song you blare loudly, windows-down, that confuses fellow drivers:
Most of my music tbh. Queen of Argyll by Silly Wizard? Casey Jones (the Union Scab) by Pete Seeger? All you Fascists Bound to Lose by the Tillers? Sacred Harp hymn Idumea? All of which have been broadcast at speed and volume to assorted rural NE rtes
A thing you don't understand about US dating culture:
All Of It. Also how in the joe hill are multiple of my former classmates/colleagues married with actual human children wtf
Vests, y/n:
Yes. I should wear more of them tbh; my two faves of mine are my tincloth down vest and a vintage-ish herringbone tweed waistcoat
Underrated musical artist you think we should listen to:
I need to listen to more of Peggy Seeger’s work, I’ve been remiss in fully appreciating my lady protest folk singers and need to make an effort to fix that.
You have to give up one forever: oceans or mountains. (Personally. You do not affect the world in any way.)
This is a inverse Burridan’s Ass paradox; both choices are EQUALLY HEARTRENDING how am I to choose. O-oceans; PROVIDED I can use brackish estuaries and other liminal tidal zones as a loophole and, if needed, resort to becoming a Great Lakes sailor to fill the GAPING VOID in my soul
Unpopular food opinion:
Ketchup on things as a condiment is bad actually.
Also I willingly drink and enjoy Moxie. OH ALSO liquorice is GOOD y'all are just cowards
Favorite museum:
Port Clyde Marshall Point Lighthouse museum, from a nostalgic point of view. I also quite like the Peabody Essex Museum. I’d really like to go to Chicago’s Field Museum though
How many swords have you owned in your life:
Discounting childhood handmade stick-swords, one(1)- my great-great grandfather’s light cavalry sabre Civil War officer’s sword, which lives under my bed at home
Most obscure word you know in a foreign language you don’t speak:
montgolfier is hot-air balloon in French
Dream cosplay(s):
I never really got into cosplay; all my recreational costuming was RevWar reenactments back in high school. Although there was a Generic Steampunk Person With Surplus Soviet Welding Goggles And Superfluous Belts one year for Halloween in middle school, so someone from Girl Genius could be fun
(actually no, my Theodore Tugboat costume lovingly-crafted by my parents for Halloween when I was three can never be surpassed)
Would you shoot a man to save public libraries, y/n:
If libraries are funded in perpetuity, we can kneecap him, just a little bit?
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faejilly · 5 years
i am for you (7/?)
holy shit you guys, it’s Friday? When did that happen. Like. I finished and then almost forgot to post. It’s been. idk. a week. the working title of this chapter was “my fic needs more ladies” and is also a return to epistolary. (hopefully second-hand brunch is still entertaining. I love Cat.) 
series tag / ao3
[cat]: you two have the worst timing
[dot]: what? are you? IT'S TOO EARLY
[tessa]: why are you yelling at us? Shouldn't you be on your way to brunch?
[cat]: I need reinforcements! Company!
[tessa]: well you can talk to the ALA about their conference schedules then, not us
[cat]: but some sanity would be nice
[dot]: are the boys being especially *boys* at you?
[cat]: yes [cat]: also Magnus is overly infatuated with someone, even for him [cat]: and he only met the guy last night! Sort of? I think [cat]: I'm freaking out, but Ragnor is being very calm about it all, which is weird and not helping
[tessa]: Ragnor's always been a hopeless romantic, of course he's happy for Magnus.
[cat]: but he USUALLY thinks Magnus has terrible taste and no self-preservation instinct
[dot]: I am almost personally offended by that first part considering how I met the rest of you, but he's not wrong on that second part so I suppose I'll let it be
[cat]: Magnus was so nervous I went with him to get a mani/pedi to help him calm down and he was practically vibrating in his chair, they had the hardest time getting his nails finished.
[tessa]: Magnus was nervous before he met the guy? That's... unusual.
[cat]: they'd been chatting via email, and it was their first in person thing. I have no idea what I should expect, or what I should say at brunch [cat]: because I'm going to have to ask, right?
[tessa]: you won't have to ask, you'll know how it went as soon as you see him
[cat]: you would think that, but Raphael's already preparing to murder the guy just in case, and Ragnor's being *mysterious* and I need back-up and you two are in the wrong time zone
[tessa]: sorry?
[cat]: are you though?
[dot]: I am, I want to watch! It will either be horrifyingly entertaining, or it'll be actual good news and Magnus being happy
[tessa]: which is always nice to see
[cat]: maybe I'll bring some extra asti. Either for celebrating or commiserating?
[dot]: now I really wish I was there
[tessa]: so do I. Keep us updated.
[dot]: take pictures! Lots of pictures.
*** ***
[cat]: I hope they get married [cat]: possibly tomorrow [cat]: no wait, we have to wait for you to get back [cat]: next weekend?
[dot]: wtf cat
[tessa]: kl;'/.
[dot]: I'll have you know Tessa just choked on her tea and is a really improbable shade of red right now
[cat]: sorry [cat]: not about that, but I don't have any pictures [cat]: Magnus' boy was embarrassed enough when we got there because they'd clearly lost track of time and he had to find his shirt after we walked in and he blushed half way down his chest
[dot]: oh my 😅 [dot]: where was his shirt?
[cat]: half off the footstool by the couch, pretty sure it got thrown over someone's shoulder last night
[dot]: did Magnus look sad when he put it back on?
[cat]: I was too sad when he put it back on to tell
[dot]: Tessa just choked again. I think you broke her. She doesn't know how to drink anymore.
[cat]: Raphael responded to the shirt fiasco via That Glare™
[dot]: I am so glad I don't get That Glare™ anymore
[cat]: I could tell he was thinking this guy was just using Magnus for a good time last night and trying to decide how thoroughly to murder him. [cat]: But the boy glared back, and I think they had some sort of secret conversation via scowling eyebrows and rolled eyes? Because afterwards they were perfectly civil to each other.
[dot]: what. how.
[tessa]: stop I can't breathe
[dot]: don't stop I wanna see if she turns any other silly colors
[cat]: oh, I can't stop. I am nowhere near being able to stop
[dot]: yay!
[cat]: Ragnor said "it was nice to see him again" and didn't tease him about the shirt thing and actually engaged in small talk about someone they both knew for like five minutes
[tessa]: Ragnor can be nice for Magnus' sake. Occasionally. With a little prodding.
[cat]: He did it on his own! He started the conversation!
[tessa]: no
[cat]: apparently a friend of Alec's (that's the boy, sorry, I am going all out of order aren't I? Magnus calls him *Alexander* but he introduced himself to us as Alec so I'm pretty sure no one else is ever going to get to call him that) [cat]: where was I?
[dot]: I have no idea but don't ever stop
[tessa]: there's a panel starting in fifteen minutes so you'll have to stop eventually but not quite yet
[dot]: whatever, this is better than a panel
[tessa]: not when I'm IN IT
[dot]: I suppose?
[tessa]: not all of us are just here for the shopping and networking
[cat]: ANYWAY [cat]: Friend! Of Alec's! Who apparently needed a leave of absence for a semester but she was past the cut-off date and Alec was personally going to all her professors to get exceptions for her? And Ragnor helped? So he was asking Alec how she was doing now. He remembered her name and everything, he didn't just go by her hair color or a paper she wrote, he used her NAME. Bri? Brand—no. Something with a B at least.
[tessa]: sounds like the friend's pretty remarkable too if Ragnor remembered them both
[cat]: and he's apparently hired Alec for the summer work-study the Classics department does FOUR YEARS IN A ROW, even though he's not even an undergrad anymore so Ragnor had to fill out extra paperwork FROM THE DEAN'S OFFICE
[tessa]: Ragnor voluntarily subjected himself to more Aldertree? Isn't the summer program mostly for putting a student between him and the Dean so he has *less* Aldertree?
[dot]: I know you're generally very honest, and if for some reason you aren't, you're a better liar than this [dot]: but I'm still having trouble believing you
[cat]: I was there and I almost don't believe me
[tessa]: So Ragnor already liked him. And has known him for over four years. At some point Magnus is going to be very upset that he never introduced them.
[cat]: Magnus started to do that wide-eyed hiss thing that he does right before he verbally eviscerates you, you know the thing
[dot]: ouch.
[tessa]: How much blood was shed?
[cat]: None. [cat]: Alec leaned in and said something stupidly sappy like, *but we've met now* and Magnus just... smiled and leaned against his shoulder? That was it.
[dot]: he's a Magnus-Whisperer!
[tessa]: how much did you all drink for Magnus to be that relaxed at a meet-the-boyfriend thing?
[cat]: not a drop. We were all too busy being shocked to even open anything
[dot]: but. Brunch! Mimosas!
[cat]: Gorgeous boy over six feet tall who blushes!
[tessa]: wow [tessa]: I am really really sad about the lack of pictures now. Not as sad as Dot, but still sad
[cat]: And then! He left before we did because he had to go home and change before a thing at a bookstore this afternoon [cat]: like a volunteering thing, not even getting paid, he's just *helping*
[dot]: which bookstore?
[cat]: uh. The one with the name that's actually some names rather than a book pun of some sort, makes it sound all classy? Starts with ffff... fuck it I can't remember.
[dot]: Fray & Garroway? That makes sense... they hire a lot of short-term students and have like twenty children who all show up at events
[cat]: Magnus did mention something about an improbable number of siblings
[dot]: probably one of them, then
[tessa]: how do you know so much about a random bookstore?
[dot]: Elliot used to go to estate sales with Jocelyn Fray before she died. [dot]: He's got a couple pictures of them in his office, grinning over some find or another. He said she had a knack, you know? Always spotted the best stuff. She was mostly going for stuff for herself or fixtures rather than stuff to sell, but they clearly had a good time hunting together. [dot]: He still refers people over there if they're looking for books beyond what we've currently got in stock, or if they're fine with later editions, since we usually just keep firsts or seconds. Luke sends people our way periodically too.
[tessa]: Jocelyn, I haven't thought about her in ages, that must have been what, over ten years ago?
[dot]: must be. Hell, her daughter Clary's probably old enough to drink now. That's a weird thought.
[tessa]: because we're so ancient in comparison? 🙄 [tessa]: regardless, I do have to get going, and put my phone in silent. Don't go too crazy without me
[dot]: too late!
[cat]: nah, I think that's most of it [cat]: for now, at least. I cannot wait until you two meet him next week
[dot]: if you think I'm going to wait until next week to find out more you do not know me as well as I thought you did
[cat]: good luck 😉
[dot]: I don't need luck, kitty cat, you know that
[cat]: you're much more impetuously curious than I am, why am I the kitty cat?
[dot]: you have a much nicer purr?
[cat]: you are ridiculous
[dot]: and proud of it. If you find anything else out, do let us know.
[cat]: I think I'm afraid of what you'd do with it... you could always try Ragnor?
[dot]: you know that's useless, he enjoys knowing shit no one else does WAY too much to share [dot]: he's going to be lording his Alec knowledge over us for ages
[cat]: not too long. He enjoys sharing exasperated looks about Magnus even more
[dot]: ha. True. [dot]: But that won't help me before I get back
[cat]: you're back TOMORROW
[dot]: late tomorrow! That's two whole days! At least!
[cat]: you're exhausting
[dot]: 😘
[cat]: well it's not like I could slow you down, much less stop you. Have fun investigating?
[dot]: will do.
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kattahj · 6 years
Verdict on Legends of Tomorrow, season 3
This season was DEFINITELY a step up. I'm truly enjoying myself now, especially in the standalone episodes. And wow, that final battle was on a whole new level of totally bonkers genius.
So the question arises, is it now better than The Flash? In terms of drama, I would say still no. The arc-heavy stuff gets a bit drab sometimes, and they still haven't quite found the right balance for character stuff, though they're miles better than season 1.
In terms of comedy? Hell yes and then some. (I'm still irritated by that Looney Toons bullshit with Ralph that The Flash pulled.) They may be a LITTLE bit too fond of pop culture pastiches, but hey, it works, so who am I to complain?
I did think Elvis and Barack Obama was a bit much, but I was totally there for Ray's ET ep and for "Helen Hunt". Hell yeah to the fanboying of Hedy Lamarr and to pointing out that Helen of Troy isn't to blame for how men react to her! That was one of those episodes that made me go, "This was written by a woman, wasn't it?"
Speaking of the position of women on the show, I do wish they weren't so often designated to be the straight man to the guys' hijinks. Apart from Sara flirting up various historical ladies, they rarely get to be funny - which is sadly pretty common in other shows too. I think in this case, it's also that the women's personalities are painted on a more subdued palette. I don't mean that they're bland or interchangeable whatsoever (I like all of them), but... well, why don't they get to be the bruiser, or the fusty old professor, or the overenthusiastic wannabe hero, or the innocent optimist?
It reminds me a little of a quote by Swedish children's writer Lennart Hellsing, who said, "Boys never grow up. Only women grow up. They can't goof off, because they know they have to clean up the mess afterwards." Which made me go, wtf, you're nearly a hundred years old so I'm not going after you too hard, but Jesus, clean up the messes sometimes so your wife can act silly! (His wife is a really good comedic actress, which kind of adds insult to injury. But I digress.)
Zari's time loop episode was great from that perspective, she got to be funny in a way she hadn't really before. (Though she still needed a push from Nate before she could HAVE fun. But at least she had it.) I think she may even be my favourite of the ladies on the show, at this point. She's so snarky yet soft and often has an interesting perspective on things.
Sara/Ava was a good pairing, though I don't feel particularly emotionally invested in it, beyond the happy buzz of seeing any wlw dating. I'm glad they're there, and I want to know more about Ava's background. I don't think they have Westallen level chemistry, but then, very few pairings do.
I'm glad Amaya will apparently return, because I like her, and while I'm sure the future is important and everything, it's hard to feel that it's as important as having her on the team.
I didn't rewatch the whole crossover, or even the whole LoT episode of it, but I did rewatch some scenes, and this time I did cry over Martin's death. Which surprises me a little, because I still think it could have been better written, but I guess emotional connection is the key to everything. :-) I'm glad Jax returned for the season finale, and I'm happier with him naming his daughter Martina than with Martin naming his grandson Ronnie. (For starters: why was that even his choice to make? And why was Ronnie's birth celebrated without his actual parents present? Hi, Lily's not just the person who popped out Martin's grandson, she's the MOTHER.)
Didn't cry at Rip's death. Honestly, it seemed like even the Legends themselves shrugged that one off, which is a bit insulting to the poor guy. Especially after he and Wally gifted me with that amazing karaoke scene.
Seeing Wally again was a delight, though I hadn't realized he was in so few episodes of LoT. I would have wanted so much more! (And now Keiynan Lonsdale is all "I don't want a full-time job!" which makes me half want to tell him to follow his dreams, and half wince at the likelihood he'll be swallowed up and spat out by the entertainment industry without even the savings left by a steady paycheck. God, I'm a parent in a John Hughes movie...) On the upside, Wally seemed so much happier than he had been on The Flash lately, so that's good.
On the Viking episode - I won't get too persnickety, but "tomtens"? Nate, that is NOT how plurals are formed in Swedish! It's "tomtar", and the difference between that and gnomes is tiny enough that you didn't really have to include both.
And the Christmas tree has its origins further south and wasn't a thing among the Vikings.
Okay, I got too persnickety.
I love that Ray can't even impersonate a god without pointing out that science, evolution and global warming are all real. :-D
While I’m nitpicking on stuff, returning Laika to the Soviet space program is not "rescuing" her. I've seen video footage of Laika, and I hate those people who sent her into space SO MUCH. She TRUSTED them and they sent her to a slow death, alone in space. Despite having much less to do this season, Mick's still my fave. I've ceased to be surprised by this, because I realized that while physically he's not my type at all, the whole trope of a damaged delinquent who doesn't know how to people totally is. Most of my faves are either criminals or socially inept or, as in this case, both.
I read an interview with Dominic Purcell where they brought up the possibility of romance, and he seemed pretty averse to the idea. That, in combination with the usual "character tag on AO gets swamped with irrelevant stuff, so I need to search for pairings" made me ponder the various Mick ships and how I would feel about them.
Len's the most common on AO3, which makes perfect sense. Only downside is that it doesn't give me present-time Mick, which is what I'm really looking for. (Plus, some fics seem rather uninterested in him as anything else than the second half of the pairing.)
Ray's a fairly popular choice, and I'm not averse to that, but their personalities are so VERY widely apart that it's not really my kind of dynamic.
Sara, Nate, and Amaya are all already taken. Won't stop me from reading, might stop me from active shipping.
Interestingly enough, there seems to be NO shipping him with Zari. Which doesn't seem like it would be such a difficult thing to do, so I'm not sure what gives, there. Maybe just that by the time season 3 arrived, people already had their ships settled.
But really, I don't care much about ships. If you want to rec me some good character stuff, whether shippy or gen, I'll eat that up with a spoon. You can even throw in fics about the other characters, if you happen to know a particularly good one.
And if you want to know my opinion on something I haven't mentioned here, just say so and I'll tell you!
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fors-nat · 7 years
A lil something for @booksnchocolate as a thank you for the lovely tag to my last lamen post (yes, I do read your tags, people)
-       The first friend Laurent ever makes is a teenage son of some nobleman who arrives to the capital for some kind of festivities. He is in this age when he wants to rebel but his father puts too much hope and pressure on him and demands perfect behavior and all kinds of successes. The kid is very annoyed of everything and does not even try to hide his attitude. Yes, he is a bit spoiled. Laurent notices him across the table during a banquet when the conversation turns to something boring, and he catches his eye and causally performs some trick, something silly like an olive disappearing in his hand, trying to cheer him up (like he usually does with kids). But the kid is not a child anymore, he is not so easily amused and he just rolls his eyes (at an Emperor, yes, the audacity!) so Laurent accepts it as a challenge and he tries all kinds of silly stuff to get a reaction from him, all while trying to be unnoticed by anybody else. The kid watches him for some time without showing any emotion, and then calmly pulls some prank on a nearby guest or a passing servant. It’s not a very nice prank, something like putting a bug behind somebodies collar, or rearranging the dishes and glasses in such a way that a person knocks over their wine, but it turns out kind of funny, and people laugh, and Laurent laughs too, and the kid smiles smugly. So Laurent repeats the prank on Damen who is in a middle of a conversation, and the evening turns into a mess after that. The next couple of days they just silently compete at “Who Is The Biggest Prankster” pulling all sorts of jokes and tricks, and the court quickly learns to be on their guard when those too are in the same room. Which only offers them more of a challenge they are only too eager to meet. Also they often request dirty songs from the musicians during the banquets to make everybody uncomfortable on purpose. Damen is amused, the courtiers learned to just roll with it, Nikandros is getting migraines.
-       The second friend is a person who is in charge of teaching the children of the Akielon nobility to fight and… ya know… be athletic in general, because Akielos makes a big deal of sports and all that. For Laurent it’s a good opportunity to learn some Akielon fighting techniques, also Nikandros cannot be teaching him wrestling forever, the dude’s got a job of his own, and Damen is not always available, so Laurent starts practicing with this guy, who is nearing his old age, but is still in good shape, and is the best in the business. He is used to dealing with kings, princes, and other nobilities, so he does not let Laurent slack off, yells at him for mistakes and is strict as heck.  We all know that Laurent is a good learner, so he picks up quickly, and the coach is very pleased. Sometimes Laurent practices with the kids, and the coach even asks him to do it more often, because the kids try harder if they spar with the Emperor. Laurent often lets them win, and gets very over-dramatic in his “defeat” to make kids laugh. At the end of the practice they talk a lot about strategy, and the dude uses Damen and his first days at learning as an example pretty often (best fighter in Akielos, duh). Laurent remembers all those bits of information and uses them to try and defeat Damen in a match. The “I’ll avenge my brother” days are over, but the idea to defeat Damen in a fight is still there. The coach values Laurents determination and hard work, so he gets really proud of him, and he appreciates Laurent being a good listener and a hard-working student, so they often talk for hours.
-       His third friend is a librarian in a public library. Laurent and Damen founded some schools and they gave most of their books to the public library. They still have some private collection of old and/or rare books, but most of the books are accessible to common people now. And Laurent visits the library pretty often to get something to read, or to bring new books he keeps collecting from all over the world. The librarian is an energetic lady who speaks several languages and is super excited about books, and old history and old historical songs and suchlike. So naturally Laurent who opened such a library and keeps bringing her books is a God in her eyes. They have a lot of common topics for conversation, and she gets so carried away that she forgets their difference in social rank, and Laurent can just enjoy a lively conversation about books and history with an equal. Although one time he returned a book in a bad condition (knocked over a jar of water and spilled it over a book), and it nearly killed the librarian. She was visibly worried about letting him take any books from the library after that, and Laurent had to put some effort into regaining her trust.
-       He is also friends with an eccentric scientist guy, who is partly an engineer, partly physicist, partly traveler and cartographer. He travels so much and absorbs the cultures of the countries he visits so much that nobody is sure where he is from or where his home is. Damen and Laurent met him when he came to the court with some request about a permission to use some warehouse for an experiment or something like that, and they were like WTF? Why? So he started to explain and it turned out interesting and complicated and a bit crazy, but they did help him with an experiment, and he gave them some music machine as a gift, which was a huge hit at the court, and that’s how he became persona grata in the country, and every time he visits Delpha, he is invited to stay at the palace, and he has his own special premises for conducting his experiments, and a number of people working for him and taking care of his machines and other staff while he is away. Laurent and Damen give him money for his research, and support him in any way they can, and he shares all his inventions with them, and brings back books and other souvenirs from his travels, and they talk a lot about all sorts of ideas and inventions. He always invites them to go on his travels with him, and they always mean to do it one day, but only really manage to go in their old age, when their kingdom is safe and there are heirs to the throne who can safely take care of things while they are away discovering distant lands and their wonders.
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emca · 7 years
ahhh ❤️
send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
who is more likely to hurt the other?
Dan can be a piece of shit sometimes but they always make up quickly.
who is emotionally stronger?
I guess Phil because he’s more optimistic.
who is physically stronger?
Their only strength comes from their size, but let’s be real here, their muscles are atrophied af. I’d say they’re quite equal, maybe Dan is a tiny little bit stronger.
who is more likely to break a bone?
Phil, that baby is way too clumsy and accident-prone.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
Probably Phil, but he does it jokingly.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? 
Dan loves Phil so much, he can’t see him upset, even when he’s angry with him. He tries to pretend he doesn’t care but when Phil makes that sad puppy face he starts feeling guilty and has to apologize.
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
They both do, maybe too often lol…
who is in constant need of comfort?
I think they both are, in different ways, but it’s more visible when it comes to Dan.
who gets more jealous?
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
Wtf is this question?
who will propose?
Ohhh I can imagine both of them doing it idk…
who has the most difficult parents?
Dan’s parents are a bit distant, while Phil’s are… too present, sometimes. But they’re all really nice.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?
Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I’d say Dan. Right now he seems to be more comfortable with pda. In certain situations, Phil is proud to show everyone that they are a couple, but in other situations… what if there are babies around who haven’t had the hand-holding talk with their parents yet? What if they make that one old lady uncomfortable? You never know. 
who comes up for the other all the time?
Phil haha.
who hogs the blankets?
Definitely both - Dan does it intentionally and Phil does it unintentionally, in his sleep. I can see them fighting over the blanket at 5am.
who gets more sad?
Well… Phil gets sad. Dan is sad™.
who is better at cheering the other up?
he tries really hard to come up with something deep and genuinely helpful, but he always ends up saying something silly which makes Dan giggle and sigh lovingly “you’re so stupid…”
 who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
Phil slaps Dan’s back or thigh. Dan slaps Phil’s butt. They never go for the face though, not even playfully.
who is more streetwise?
Neither haha.
who is more wise?
They both are, just differently.
who’s the shyest?
Phil, definitely. Dan is socially anxious, but not shy.
who boasts about the other more?
Have you ever heard Dan talking? Omg Phil is so creative, he literally invented every youtube challenge/tag ever.
 who sits on who’s lap?
Dan sits on Phil’s lap 100%. He’s heavy and they’re obviously both gigantic, so it’s a bit weird, but he loves it too much.
send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
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sharkafina · 8 years
My Kalafina ask meme answers!
I want to answer them all lol I can't tag people on mobile ;A; but thanks to @putschki1969 for sending in the numbers, and thanks to @youturnitintolight, @japanese-yuri-fanfic-queen and the rest of you for answering the ask meme (sorry if I forgot to tag anyone ;w;) Anyways, here go the answers ^w^ Basic Kalafina questions: 1) First Kalafina song? Lacrimosa lol 2) First Kalafina album? I think it was Red Moon. I mean, I started out by listening to random Kalafina songs from different albums, but most of these random songs were from Red Moon~ 3) Favorite Kalafina song? I have a new "favorite song" every time I take a breath lol ok seriously though, right now it's Koibito no Mukashigatari no Yuugure no 4) Favorite Kalafina album? Either Red Moon of Seventh Heaven. Afted Eden has some of my favorite songs though. 5) Favorite Kalafina single? Hmmm... Probably Magia or Kagayaku sora no shijima ni wa! 6) Favorite Kalafina B-side? Gloria, from Lacrimosa. It's one of my all time faves! 7) Tough question: Favorite member? I try not to be biased, but Wakana has always been my favorite lol but Keiko and Hikaru are also my babies! 8) Favorite Kalafina look/attire? Probably the red dresses from the Red Moon era. I also really love the white dresses from the Kagayaku PV Do you... 9) Own any piece of merch? Nope :/ 10) Own any physical albums/singles? Nope ;A; Have you ever... 11) Attended a Kalafina live? (If so, how many?) Sadly, no :/ the closest they have been to my country, Puerto Rico (it's not even a country lol) is Mexico, I think. 12) Watched any of the shows/movies they have performed for? No, I don't watch much (if any at all lol) anime. 13) Met them (in a greet-and-meet)? I wish lol 14) Gotten their autograph? Nope ;w; I feel like the answer to a lot of these questions are no lol but I'm young, I have a whole life ahead of me... 15) Traveled out of your country for a Kalafina concert? Nope TTwTT 16) Talked about Kalafina with someone else (other than the fans)? Only my twin sister and a group of classmates who were actually quite interested lol Random Kalafina questions: 17) What's your favorite fact about Kalafina? The fact that they are so close to each other, like the best friends ever. I feel like they do a lot of things together! 18) Do you have any ships? (Which one if so) Wakkei and also Hikkei at times, but mostly Wakkei. I mean, Wakana even writes down all of Keiko's little quirks, how cute is that?! 19) Is there any random, non-Kalafina related thing that for some reason reminds you of Kalafina? Yeah, the red and black combinations ^w^ which are also my hometown's official colors... 20) Is there any food that remind you of Kalafina? Xiao long bao, mostly. Name a Kalafina song that... 21) You love Red Moon ♥️ 22) You never get tired of Ongaku~ 23) Makes you cry I usually don't cry much with songs but Kagayaku made me feel like I almost cried. ALMOST. 24) Makes your day a whole lot better Usually Ongaku but idk most of their songs make my day better lol 25) You used to dislike but now love to death A lot of their songs lol Truth to be told, I wasn't much of a Kalafina fan when I first listened to them. Most people probably fell head over heels since the first song, but I actually kind of hated them lol (what was wrong with me ;A;) 26) You listened to over and over until you got fed up :p To the beginning. I swear if I hear that song one more time I will kill myself lol. Seriously though, it's not a bad song, it's just that I got tired of it... 27) Can transport you to another different world with its beauty Fairytale, it makes me feel like I'm in an actual fairytale lol 28) Inspires you to be creative Fairytale as well ^w^ What Kalafina member would you choose to: 29) Go shopping? Keiko and maybe Hikaru. Tbh I would shop with all of them, but Wakana and my mom have very similar style of clothing lol. Tbh I hate shopping with all my might lol 30) Make pizza? Wakana, since she loves to cook. 31) Show her around your hometown? Neither of them lol my town is embarrassing ;A; but probably Hikaru, if I had to choose. 32) Go to the movie theater? Wakana xD She seems to love movies a lot (another thing Wakana and my mom have in common is their TWD obsession...) 33) Play videogames? Definitely Keiko lol 34) Go karaoke? Keiko as well lol 35) Go bungee jumping? Hmmm I wouldn't do that even if my life depended on it (ok if my life depended on it I just might) but I feel like Keiko would be up for it lol 36) Go fishing? Hikaru, but I'm not much of an outdoor person lol and neither is she lol 37) Go to a museum? DEFINITELY WAKANA ON THIS ONE! 38) Rob a bank? I want to make it clear that I'd never do any of the ridiculous things I came up with over here lol but if it were to happen, probably Keiko xD 39) Do a prank call? I've never done that either but probably Keiko too lol but it would be a very silly prank, not something harmful! 40) Make a garage band? Keiko as well. She was a street musician back in the day. 41) Go to a picnic? Probably Hikaru lol. I would proceed to listen to her poetry ^w^ 42) Bake a cake? Hmm, Maybe Hikaru or Keiko 43) Go to Disneyland/world? All three of them~ 44) Backpacking another country? All three of them as well! Backpacking Europe would be such an adventure (at least for me, someone who's never been to Europe). Since they have been to Europe already they probably know a thing or two lol. 45) Re-design your home? I hate indoor decorations ;A; but if anything, probably Hikaru or Wakana (or Keiko because she likes to clean her place) 46) Go to a library? Wakana or Hikaru, but mostly Wakana lol 47) Help you with homework/tests? I don't like asking for help at school but probably Hikaru. Most of the time people ask me for help lol (on a side note, school is starting in 7 days ;A; UGHH) 48) Vandalize a building? I'd never do that either lol but probably Keiko 49) Go to a concert? I know I sound like an old lady here, but concerts aren't my thing (I would make an exception for Kalafina though). If I had to go to a concert, I'd go with all three of them lol 50) Go jogging? Keiko ^w^ Tbh I'm very lazy ;w; 51) Kill that hideous spider in your room? (Before you blow up your house :p)? I would probably blow up my house before any of them had the chance to kill it ;w; but probably Wakana and Hikaru, certainly not Keiko because she would chase me around with the spider (like she did with the dead cicada...) 52) Go to a zoo? Probably Wakana or Keiko ^w^ 53) Hide a corpse? Ufff I would never do that either (just in case y'all were thinking I'm some kind of psycho lmao) but probably all three of them xD 54) Use a ouija board? (Lol wtf is wrong with me?) Something I would never do either (too scary ;A;) but all three of them 55) Go to a party? I hate parties ;w; my mom makes me go to them anyways (idk why because there's no one my age...) but all three of them. Tbh I don't think I want to go to another party ever again, after my NYE party experience. (Just a little tip: Always love your family, but never forget how annoying they can be!) Aaaaand that's it! I had so much fun answering these (and coming up with them)!
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fictionalwonder · 6 years
True Blood Season 4 Review
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Ok It's done. The guessing and spoiling is over for another 9 months leaving us with only a serious fangover and an unprecedented post season body count. True Blood Season 4 was bat shit crazy even more than Season 3, the timeline of such memorables as jar of Talbot and spine ripping TV. So now post Season 4 finale whether you were calling for a Scream award or thought the whole thing blew chances are you're about to embark on 9 months of TB withdrawal. Yup even the haters feel its absence. So let's savor the moment in a post finale look at the best and worst of True Blood Season 4
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THE BIGGEST THANK GOD MOMENT: Wee Marcus and gang finally putting Tommy and us out of the misery that was Tommy Mickens sorry ass life. As soon as he went skinwalker you knew his days were numbered. Sam Tramwell was brilliant doing Tommy doing him and who didn't cheer when said Tommy/Sam fired Sookie! She is the worst waitress ever! Talk about sick leave; is she ever at work for more than half a shift!?! The fall out from his death will certainly carry us through season 5, where we can only hope Sam has some modicum of hope at returning to just running the bar and attending anger management sessions.
Close second was Sookie decisively shooting Debbie Pelt in the head, even though she begged her not to. Yup, we had to wait till the very end of the season for evil, laughing while pouring Talbot down the drain Sookie, to return.
BEST OMG MOMENT: Ginger riding the coffin - nuff said.
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Scary and sexy are often one and the same on True Blood, and this year Eric Northman ripping out, here to be known as, Juice Box Roy's heart will be stamped on my brain as a shining TB moment. Countless screamed everywhere, I had know idea THAT could be sexy! Give Skarsgård a raise!
BTW the T-shirts were on sale a mere 3 hours post show.
BIGGEST WTF MOMENT: Sookie and Eric snow shower then frak in Narnia. I've never read the books but the post Spellbound roar over The Vampire, The Witch and The Shower Stall, chocked up the blog commentary for days. I suspect because nothing could ever live up to this sacred cow of the sookiverse sexcapdes, Ball and company for better or worse decided not to go there; thus sparing us from more Skinmax test reels by getting out of the shower faster than they got in
MOST IMPROVED: King Bill - sure
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he's damaged goods nailing his great great great great granddaughter and watching his ex screw his brain-damaged frenemy but sans Sookie round his neck, Bill was standing a bit taller this year. He even had a sense of humor, and Bill with balls is actually kind of hot. The developing bromance between him and Eric turned out to be one of the best parts of the season close.
MOST POTENTIAL: Laurel and Hardy move over. With Sookie out of the way Bill and Eric make an an awesome tag team, dissing each other on the pyre then cooperatively staking and decapitating Nan and troopers. Here's to more of Bill and Eric's excellent adventure in Season 5.
MOST IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT: Sookie got enough of her spunk back to blow Debbie Pelt's head off, sure, but seriously she spent most of the season literally on her back, well sometimes on top. She was once a gifted mind-reader; we saw that maybe twice this season. Instead we learned more about her castrating powers when it comes to boyfriends. She mommied Eric into a hoody wearing puppy dog, did the dirty with him in every room of grandma's house and then kicked him, alongside Bill, to the curb come finale. In four seasons she truly did go from virgin to love em and leave em fangbanger. The classless moves have got to stop if the Stackhouse angle is to survive. We need an even slightly relate-able protagonist. I'm hoping another eligible lady moves to town, though god forbid she get a job at Merlotts - the most dangerous workplace in America.
SOOKIE'S ONE REDEEMING FEATURE SEASON 4: Sookie had unbelievably great hair this season. I swear to god I saw the camera man reflected in her locks in Eric's cubby.
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MOST IN NEED OF A HUG: From defending herself against zombie slurs to losing an ear, Pam had endured what must go down as the worst week in her hundred plus years. She lost her maker to back country fairy vagina and her face rotted off. And things weren't exactly looking up when we left her, blood tears running down her cheek, hugging Ginger.
Why did they do that to Pam!!! Well for one reason she gave TB viewers some of the best gore the show has ever delivered. Still, writers, you better fix her. At the end of the day we really just want to look at Kristin Bauer being gorgeous and acting snarky.
Coming in second is Hoyt who despite the bitterness of his bad boyfriend rejection could really use a little lov'in right now, if not some of Summer's biscuits.
#1 Bloodworks takes the stakes as a no contest winner. Besides being just the cutest couple in the world, Brian and Any's post show cocktails and theatrics amount to sometimes slurry worded and always hilariously astute recaps. I swear by mid season you look forward to Andy and Brian's upload as much as the episode itself. With its "staking points" and "do bad things" they were the best thing that could happen to a mediocre TB episode. Brian Juergen and Andy Swist @campbloodbuzz @andyswist http://campblood.org/Newblog/
#2 Think Heroes True Blood Review is tried and true. Roth Cornet has hosted solo for two seasons, and this season Jenna Busch was on board. Roth's reviews are first-rate often delving deeper than the show deserves. Busch does a good job of keeping things in the watercooler-moment mood of the short vlog format. The two combined offer a sometimes giggle ridden but always insightful True Blood take. Jennings Roth Cornet @JRothC | http://www.jenningsrothcornet.com/ JennaBusch @JennaBusch | http://girlmeetslightsaber.blogspot.com
#3 BloodBites is family friendly fair with this sister and brother team showcasing familial bonds and blood-dipped funny bones. Reenacting then reviewing a given episode's wtf moments, Blood Bites has cross-gen appeal. It's quality YouTube content you could show your grandmother and your eight year-old niece, who you know are both watching True Blood too.
Honorable Mention My Future Lover's Reason to Ship Sookie and Eric Spawn of You Tube strictly for Team Eric members, My Future Lover's play by play captions to the best and worst Sookie Eric moments capture at least half the audience's joy, tears and tv punching moments.
True Blood in Dallas Straight up fan founded talkshow and review of both book, show and TB culture with revolving guest reviewers each week. A steady dose of all the criticism only a Stackhouse booklover can bring, Talk Blood is laced with plenty of Charlaine Harris loving that fellow fans can appreciate.
Listen to internet radio with True Blood in Dallas on Blog Talk Radio
Best Recaps
Pros and Cons True Blood by Meredith Woerner nails it everytime. for a no holds barred, tell it like is play by play pro con style. This is one of the funniest and most astute TB recaps out there. Meredith Woerner @MdellW | http://io9.com/people/MeredithDW/posts/
After Eltons WTF recap by Steven Frank is an imaginative post morteum with major plot points reviewed then rated in Grace Jones Vamp limps.
Jef With One F's music and episode recap for the Houston's Press is a creative spin that lets the show's lead track set the tone for review and analysis. Jef With One F @HPRocksOff
Best Blogs
Talk True Blood Digging deep and ranting in the best way, Talk True Blood goes so far as to offer scene by scene body language analysis of major characters.
Buddhism and True Blood Dedicated to Alan Ball and the wheel of life, Buddhism and True blood reminds us that life is suffering especially in Bon Temps
True Blood Underground Do you really know what's going on in Bon Temps? Conspiracy theories abound as TB Underground calls out Alan Ball on his addictive mind control experiment.
FINAL WORD Four seasons later there is still a bit of blood left in the series, and while fairy-finger-cop-outs and super silly, supernatural assumptions do show signs of laziness in the writers room, True Blood still does deliver some amazing TV. Godforbid we get bogged down by process oriented stuff like how amnesia Eric lost his shirt post-spell or ends up on a bonfire tied to Bill between episode 11 and 12. Things like how come no one reports a death in Bon Temp anymore or WHO IS running Merlottes only get in the way of a good story or at least a good "oh no they didn't" jaw drop.
I suspect, forty eight episodes later, TB writers actually relish every shark jumping moment as much as fangbanging spectacle. They know they can get away with it because they know how dedicated, creative and forgiving their fan base is. Plus narrative logic be damned, camp and drama are fine edges to play on, and they deserve applause for taking even tasteless risks.
For every bit of hocus pocus cgi True Blood throws at us, such as the anime forcefield surrounding Moon Goddess or the ridiculously bad fx exorcism of Mavis, there was a Pam getting a skin peel or Eric ripping the heart out of juice box Roy to make up for it. For each ridiculous Scooby Doo and the gang moment, there was a Vampire A-team or death by pencil. For each and every minute we tolerated Andy, we had a shot of Ginger riding a coffin or Eric drinking the whole fairy. True Blood IS very uneven but it IS very fun.
So that caps summertime Sundays and True blood still remains my ultimate guilty pleasure. The culture and coverage this year has been as much fun as the show itself and made Sundays feel like a party. I think Alex Skarsgård sums it all up in this quote,
“At 7 in the morning, I’m hanging from the ceiling in a Nazi uniform with fangs in[my mouth]. I look over and I see [Allan] there in his Nazi uniform hanging like a puppet. We’re about to descend down to kill this wolf, you know? And that was the moment where we just looked at each other like, This is what we’re doing for a living?‘”
Yup, IT IS! And even more surprising I CAN"T believe I'm watching you do it and not only that but loving every minute!
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allofbeercom · 6 years
7 WTF Details About Historical Events Everyone Forgets
Tragic events are typically followed by periods of shock, grief, anger, and the occasional flash of inexplicable horniness. So it’s only natural that when we’re dealing with lives lost and places destroyed, we tend to only focus on these important matters and damn everything else to hell. But sometimes, that means we ignore all of the chaotic insanity that typically accompanies history, making textbooks just that little bit blander. So let’s put on our Indiana Jones hats and dive into the past, and remind ourselves of some truly crazypants parts of history that usually get left out of the conversation. For example …
The Manual For The German Tiger Tank Contained Poetry And Porn
War is chaos. With bullets flying and bombs whizzing everywhere, preparation and alertness are the keys to survival. But while combat is exciting, combat training can be mind-numbingly boring. So how do you get a group of disinterested, overly hormonal boys to sit up, pay attention, and remember stuff? By turning that stuff into smut, of course.
During World War II, German commanders needed to quickly familiarize new recruits with the inner workings of the complicated Tiger Tank. Unfortunately, the Fuhrer’s finest were less than thrilled with spending long days memorizing the dry technical manuals. Finally, the Nazis came up with an elegant solution to motivate the laser-like focus necessary to master the tank: They included a naked lady on every other page, and made sure the important parts rhymed.
German Federal ArchivesTranslation: “Danger lurks in the sump! Read your manual well, otherwise your Tiger goes to hell!”
After the war, it was discovered that the manual for the German Panzerkampfwagen was full of nudes, jokes, and dirty limericks. This masterpiece was the brainchild of Josef von Glatter-Goetz, who had novel ideas on how to warm up his cadets’ learning muscles (among others). And most of the warming up was done by Elvira, a buxom blonde who appeared every few pages to keep the boys thumbing — or whatever else helped them get there faster.
German Federal Archives“Klaus, why do you keep taking the manual to the bathroom?”
She would pop up (often with her clothes popped off) whenever the cadets were supposed to pay extra attention to the lesson, like the importance of making accurate measurements when firing or keeping the engines clean, even if it led to making the cockpits sticky.
German Federal Archives“I only read it for the articles.”
The program was a demonstrable success, and both von Glatter-Goetz’s excellent understanding of his target audience and Elvira’s ass helped untold numbers of troops masturbate their way to mastering the Tiger Tank.
Hurricane Katrina Ejected Over A Thousand Coffins From Graves
According to FEMA, Hurricane Katrina was “the single most catastrophic natural disaster in U.S. history.” It caused over $41.1 billion in damage and killed more than 1,800 people. But not content with causing misery for the living, Katrina decided to go after the deceased as well, digging them up so she could pee her hate water on their faces.
Petty Officer Kyle Niemi/US Navy“You whine when it doesn’t rain, you whine when it rains too much, what do you want from me??”
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5 Crazy Scenarios You Didn't Know The Constitution Allows
During the disaster, over 1,000 coffins — and, more gruesomely, those coffin’s residents — were ejected from their places of rest. The transition wasn’t gentle, either. One New Orleans native found his grandmother’s body, still in her pink burial dress, splayed out in the open like she was trying to get a tan. Skeletal remains were sprawled among cemetery statues, and more than one coffin was found up a tree. According to the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (Dmort), it’s unlikely that all the uprooted bodies will ever be located and returned. “Many are in extremely remote and inaccessible areas,” a spokesman said. “They have been carried way downrange into muck and swamp and forest.”
APWe don’t want to sound too alarmist, but this is exactly how a zombie apocalypse would start.
Despite the difficulties, officials are still doing their best to return the drifting dead to their correct burial sites — or as much of them as they can scoop up, at least. Unfortunately, since we have this silly idea that the dead aren’t supposed to move about, corpses and coffins tend to not have any labels of traceable information. Finding a corpse that’s buried with something unique is like finding a corner piece of an especially macabre puzzle. So far, officials have been able to identify bodies buried with their favorite golf club, some unusual rosary beads, and a six-pack of beer. It won’t be long before the government starts insisting we all get buried with a valid driver’s license and two utility bills.
In the meantime, less stringent coffins laws have been introduced in order for us to better retrieve these lost soulless husks. After Katrina, Louisiana passed a law requiring labels for coffins. However, they weren’t clear enough in their wording, so now Louisiana morticians are labeling their coffins with everything from smartphone tracking apps to the less-than-ideal paper tags. Inhabitants of one particularly low-lying cemetery now have beacons attached to their coffins, but the battery life for the floater-be-found is still to be determined.
William Widmer/The New York Times“Warmer … warmer … colder …”
King George V Was Euthanized So His Death Could Make The Right Headlines
For all the perks associated with being born into a royal family (unlimited wealth, the right to eat peasants, fancy hats), living the life of royalty also means you’re always in the public spotlight. Never can you falter from keeping up appearances, making sure your every action benefits the crown as best as possible. That includes your death, because god forbid a royal should die at an inconvenient time of day like some low-class pleb.
Library of CongressGod Save the Facial Hair
When Britain’s King George V lay on his deathbed in 1936, doctors were concerned about more than his failing health. Convinced that the king was not long for this world, medical staff began suspecting he might not kick the gilded bucket at the most dignified of times. Deciding that the matter couldn’t be left in the clumsy hands of God or fate, steps were taken to “hasten” the king’s death, and he was euthanized in his sleep shortly before midnight on January 20th.
Why the rush? According to the notes of his physician, Lord Dawson, the king was given lethal doses of morphine and cocaine so that word of his death would appear ”in the morning papers rather than the less appropriate evening journals.” Dawson administered the injections to King George himself at around 11 p.m., right after he’d had his wife in London ”advise The Times to hold back publication.” That’s right, the king’s life had a literal deadline.
Bradford Timeline“Here is the royal speedball, your grace.”
Whether the injections counted as mercy or murder is still a topic of debate. Though the king had been in generally poor health for some time, the doctor had only been summoned to care for him four days prior to his death. On the morning of his last day, the king held a meeting with his privy counselors, which is pretty lucid for someone who’s about to get injected with mercy coke. Documents give “no indication that the King himself had been consulted,” but seeing as his last words were “God damn you” to a nurse administering a sedative, we don’t think he would’ve liked being involuntarily Belushied so that the morning papers would sell a few extra copies.
Millions Of Landmines Were Left In The Sahara After WWII, And Now ISIS Is Digging Them Up
Aside from proving how adept people can be at killing each other, World War II also highlighted how much the resulting clean-up sucks. Entire continents had to deal with the debris of their broken nations, the costly effects of which can still be felt. One group that was exempt from their collective spring cleaning were, of course, the Nazis, who were a bit busy getting tribunaled to death. Which is a shame, because they had millions of unexploded landmines buried in the African desert, and every other country had already touched their noses and called “Not it!”
German Federal Archives“I’m sure my actions will have no lasting consequences.”
But that was over 70 years ago. Surely we’ve taken care of those pesky balls of death we left buried in the sand since then, right? While countries like Egypt have tried to reduce the 17 million landmines both Nazi and Allied forces left behind in their desert, the place is still a minefield of … minefields. Thanks to the high temperatures and dry climate, the Sahara is doing an amazing job of preserving these war relics, which means they’re still very capable of taking a limb (or life) if fiddled with too much. But while most people are content with not going near any unstable explosives, there’s one pesky little death cult that doesn’t mind going out in a blaze of glory, intentional or otherwise.
In the past few years, ISIS has realized that one man’s minefield is another man’s massive cache of explosives, so they’re digging up and reusing landmines and their components. There have been several reports of ISIS terrorist attacks in which they used old munitions “MacGyvered” into IEDs. At least when it comes to age, ISIS seems to be quite open-minded.
NATOAs well as being adrenaline junkies.
And landmines aren’t the only type of antique firepower people in the region are packing these days. In 2015, video footage showed Syrian rebels firing a 1935 German howitzer. Meanwhile, Iraqi weapons inspectors documented the capture of a 1942 Lee-Enfield rifle, and the Armament Research Services report that British Webley revolvers, Italian cavalry carbines, Mausers, and Bren guns have appeared for sale in Libya. As long as it goes “boom” and someone dies, they’re only too happy to put it to terrible use.
via Shaam News NetworkNazis: ruining your day since 1933.
The Feud Between The Hatfields And The McCoys Was Probably Caused By A Medical Condition
History has seen its share of epic feuds, but few are as legendary as the pissing contest that took place between the Hatfields of West Virginia and the Kentucky McCoys in the late 1800s. Why were they so special? Longevity. They kept their fiery hatred going for a solid decade. But recent medical tests have revealed that, at least on the McCoy side, that might have been because hatred literally runs in their blood.
via Encyclopaedia BritannicaMoments later, the man on the right was riddled with bullets.
Why did these two ornery tribes want to shed each others’ blood so badly? Some say the beef started over a stolen hog, while others think it was residual hostility from the families having fought on opposite sides during the Civil War. Over a hundred years later, we still have no idea what spark started the fire, but we have an idea of where they got the gasoline. In 2007, a young girl called Winnter [sic] Reynolds was struggling at school. She had anger issues, and would often fly into fits of rage. While her teachers thought it was nothing but a bad case of ADHD, a series of medical tests revealed it was worse than that. She had bad blood. McCoy blood, to be specific.
Winnter is the latest offspring of the McCoy bloodline, from whom she had inherited her temper. She suffers from a rare genetic condition called von Hippel-Lindau disease. The illness causes the formation of adrenal tumors which cause, among other things, “hair-trigger rage and violent outbursts.” After Winnter’s diagnosis, it was revealed that several other McCoy descendants had also been diagnosed with the same condition. And while having tumors keeping you pissed off 24/7 still doesn’t shed any light on the start of the feud, it does go a long way toward explaining their whole “I’m going to kill you over some bacon” reputation.
Earl Neikirk/AP“Cleetus, go fetch the tumor chart, we gotta black another circle.”
We Are Still Paying A Civil War Pension
War is never not tragic, but civil wars pile all the hurt on one people. With an estimated 620,000 lives lost during the American Civil War, the cost of that little disagreement hurt the nation badly. The price paid was terrible — not only in human lives, but also in the long-term financial state of the country. How long-term? They’re still adding up, apparently.
US ArmyYeah, were sure their main concern was how much this was gonna cost.
While the indirect ramifications are impossible to calculate, there is still one straightforward bill the U.S. Civil War is serving America: $73.13, to be exact, paid monthly to one woman in North Carolina. You see, because soldiers have a tragic tendency of not always being able to collect what Uncle Sam owes them, the government compensates by also paying out pensions to widows and children of war veterans. And while the Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, believe it or not, there’s still one soldier’s child alive and kicking. That would be Irene Triplett, 86 years young, and she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Irene’s father, Mose Triplett, was born in 1846, and managed to fight on both sides of the Civil War — though that sadly didn’t mean he’d get to draw two pensions. He later married a woman 50 years his junior, who we’re assuming must’ve been into antique cannons. When Irene was born, Mose was 83 years old and ready to mosey on up to Heaven.
via Stoneman Gazette“Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex …”
But Irene’s isn’t the only 19th-century war pension that still being paid out. We’re also still supporting 88 people for their families’ contributions to the Spanish-American War, which started and ended in 1898. And while we’re certainly not begrudging anyone their dues, if we keep up our current military policies, half of our country’s 2080 budget will be going to Iraq vets’ second families.
The Search For Wreckage Of The Challenger Turned Up A Lot Of Junk — And A Duffel Bag Of Cocaine
Being an air crash site investigator must be a harrowing gig. Their entire job revolves around cataloging the most horrific of disaster scenes, where the Earth has gotten a dose of corpse buckshot to the face. But finding 73 separate pieces of the same human being isn’t the only weird thing they might find at a crash site. Sometimes they also find a shit ton of coke.
CNNGodspeed, friends.
Like 9/11, the Challenger disaster is one of those awful tragedies seared into memories of all who witnessed it. Seven people lost their lives simply because some faulty O-rings and unusually cold weather caused their vessel to blow up and plow into the ocean. After the crash, NASA immediately began searching the Atlantic for any and all portions of the shuttle that survived the crash, as well as any remains of the crew that could be retrieved and given a proper burial. But with such a spread out investigation site in constantly shifting water, the crew was bound to encounter some weird stuff.
For nine weeks, experts spent 15-hour days combing sonar data of a 420-mile area. But when their submarines or robots finally found the wreckage, they also stumbled upon what looked like Poseidon’s garage sale. During NASA’s investigation, they encountered a whole warehouse full of lagan (that’s maritime for “junk”). Some of the more ordinary items included batteries and paint cans, a refrigerator, a filing cabinet, a kitchen sink, and a toilet. More interesting finds were eight shipwrecks, a Pershing missile, and half of a torpedo.
But the best non-shuttle find by far was a duffel bag containing 25 kilograms of cocaine. When NASA handed it over to the police (what a bunch of goody-two-shoes), they revealed the estimated street value of the marching powder at $13 million, roughly the cost of the entire salvage mission. So if you’re struggling to find rent money or hoping to remodel your house, maybe spend more time hanging out at the beach.
Kelly Stone remembers watching the Challenger explode, and speaks only as much German as Google Translate does. She sometimes Tweets about cats and Star Trek.
History is insane — find out more from the Cracked De-Textbook!
Support Cracked’s journalism with a visit to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you.
For more, check out 6 Dark Details History Usually Leaves Out (For Good Reason) and 6 Disasters With Details So Awful, History Left Them Out.
It would be a shame if you didn’t follow us on Facebook.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/7-wtf-details-about-historical-events-everyone-forgets/
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
7 WTF Details About Historical Events Everyone Forgets
Tragic events are typically followed by periods of shock, grief, anger, and the occasional flash of inexplicable horniness. So it’s only natural that when we’re dealing with lives lost and places destroyed, we tend to only focus on these important matters and damn everything else to hell. But sometimes, that means we ignore all of the chaotic insanity that typically accompanies history, making textbooks just that little bit blander. So let’s put on our Indiana Jones hats and dive into the past, and remind ourselves of some truly crazypants parts of history that usually get left out of the conversation. For example …
The Manual For The German Tiger Tank Contained Poetry And Porn
War is chaos. With bullets flying and bombs whizzing everywhere, preparation and alertness are the keys to survival. But while combat is exciting, combat training can be mind-numbingly boring. So how do you get a group of disinterested, overly hormonal boys to sit up, pay attention, and remember stuff? By turning that stuff into smut, of course.
During World War II, German commanders needed to quickly familiarize new recruits with the inner workings of the complicated Tiger Tank. Unfortunately, the Fuhrer’s finest were less than thrilled with spending long days memorizing the dry technical manuals. Finally, the Nazis came up with an elegant solution to motivate the laser-like focus necessary to master the tank: They included a naked lady on every other page, and made sure the important parts rhymed.
German Federal ArchivesTranslation: “Danger lurks in the sump! Read your manual well, otherwise your Tiger goes to hell!”
After the war, it was discovered that the manual for the German Panzerkampfwagen was full of nudes, jokes, and dirty limericks. This masterpiece was the brainchild of Josef von Glatter-Goetz, who had novel ideas on how to warm up his cadets’ learning muscles (among others). And most of the warming up was done by Elvira, a buxom blonde who appeared every few pages to keep the boys thumbing — or whatever else helped them get there faster.
German Federal Archives“Klaus, why do you keep taking the manual to the bathroom?”
She would pop up (often with her clothes popped off) whenever the cadets were supposed to pay extra attention to the lesson, like the importance of making accurate measurements when firing or keeping the engines clean, even if it led to making the cockpits sticky.
German Federal Archives“I only read it for the articles.”
The program was a demonstrable success, and both von Glatter-Goetz’s excellent understanding of his target audience and Elvira’s ass helped untold numbers of troops masturbate their way to mastering the Tiger Tank.
Hurricane Katrina Ejected Over A Thousand Coffins From Graves
According to FEMA, Hurricane Katrina was “the single most catastrophic natural disaster in U.S. history.” It caused over $41.1 billion in damage and killed more than 1,800 people. But not content with causing misery for the living, Katrina decided to go after the deceased as well, digging them up so she could pee her hate water on their faces.
Petty Officer Kyle Niemi/US Navy“You whine when it doesn’t rain, you whine when it rains too much, what do you want from me??”
Read Next
5 Crazy Scenarios You Didn't Know The Constitution Allows
During the disaster, over 1,000 coffins — and, more gruesomely, those coffin’s residents — were ejected from their places of rest. The transition wasn’t gentle, either. One New Orleans native found his grandmother’s body, still in her pink burial dress, splayed out in the open like she was trying to get a tan. Skeletal remains were sprawled among cemetery statues, and more than one coffin was found up a tree. According to the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (Dmort), it’s unlikely that all the uprooted bodies will ever be located and returned. “Many are in extremely remote and inaccessible areas,” a spokesman said. “They have been carried way downrange into muck and swamp and forest.”
APWe don’t want to sound too alarmist, but this is exactly how a zombie apocalypse would start.
Despite the difficulties, officials are still doing their best to return the drifting dead to their correct burial sites — or as much of them as they can scoop up, at least. Unfortunately, since we have this silly idea that the dead aren’t supposed to move about, corpses and coffins tend to not have any labels of traceable information. Finding a corpse that’s buried with something unique is like finding a corner piece of an especially macabre puzzle. So far, officials have been able to identify bodies buried with their favorite golf club, some unusual rosary beads, and a six-pack of beer. It won’t be long before the government starts insisting we all get buried with a valid driver’s license and two utility bills.
In the meantime, less stringent coffins laws have been introduced in order for us to better retrieve these lost soulless husks. After Katrina, Louisiana passed a law requiring labels for coffins. However, they weren’t clear enough in their wording, so now Louisiana morticians are labeling their coffins with everything from smartphone tracking apps to the less-than-ideal paper tags. Inhabitants of one particularly low-lying cemetery now have beacons attached to their coffins, but the battery life for the floater-be-found is still to be determined.
William Widmer/The New York Times“Warmer … warmer … colder …”
King George V Was Euthanized So His Death Could Make The Right Headlines
For all the perks associated with being born into a royal family (unlimited wealth, the right to eat peasants, fancy hats), living the life of royalty also means you’re always in the public spotlight. Never can you falter from keeping up appearances, making sure your every action benefits the crown as best as possible. That includes your death, because god forbid a royal should die at an inconvenient time of day like some low-class pleb.
Library of CongressGod Save the Facial Hair
When Britain’s King George V lay on his deathbed in 1936, doctors were concerned about more than his failing health. Convinced that the king was not long for this world, medical staff began suspecting he might not kick the gilded bucket at the most dignified of times. Deciding that the matter couldn’t be left in the clumsy hands of God or fate, steps were taken to “hasten” the king’s death, and he was euthanized in his sleep shortly before midnight on January 20th.
Why the rush? According to the notes of his physician, Lord Dawson, the king was given lethal doses of morphine and cocaine so that word of his death would appear ”in the morning papers rather than the less appropriate evening journals.” Dawson administered the injections to King George himself at around 11 p.m., right after he’d had his wife in London ”advise The Times to hold back publication.” That’s right, the king’s life had a literal deadline.
Bradford Timeline“Here is the royal speedball, your grace.”
Whether the injections counted as mercy or murder is still a topic of debate. Though the king had been in generally poor health for some time, the doctor had only been summoned to care for him four days prior to his death. On the morning of his last day, the king held a meeting with his privy counselors, which is pretty lucid for someone who’s about to get injected with mercy coke. Documents give “no indication that the King himself had been consulted,” but seeing as his last words were “God damn you” to a nurse administering a sedative, we don’t think he would’ve liked being involuntarily Belushied so that the morning papers would sell a few extra copies.
Millions Of Landmines Were Left In The Sahara After WWII, And Now ISIS Is Digging Them Up
Aside from proving how adept people can be at killing each other, World War II also highlighted how much the resulting clean-up sucks. Entire continents had to deal with the debris of their broken nations, the costly effects of which can still be felt. One group that was exempt from their collective spring cleaning were, of course, the Nazis, who were a bit busy getting tribunaled to death. Which is a shame, because they had millions of unexploded landmines buried in the African desert, and every other country had already touched their noses and called “Not it!”
German Federal Archives“I’m sure my actions will have no lasting consequences.”
But that was over 70 years ago. Surely we’ve taken care of those pesky balls of death we left buried in the sand since then, right? While countries like Egypt have tried to reduce the 17 million landmines both Nazi and Allied forces left behind in their desert, the place is still a minefield of … minefields. Thanks to the high temperatures and dry climate, the Sahara is doing an amazing job of preserving these war relics, which means they’re still very capable of taking a limb (or life) if fiddled with too much. But while most people are content with not going near any unstable explosives, there’s one pesky little death cult that doesn’t mind going out in a blaze of glory, intentional or otherwise.
In the past few years, ISIS has realized that one man’s minefield is another man’s massive cache of explosives, so they’re digging up and reusing landmines and their components. There have been several reports of ISIS terrorist attacks in which they used old munitions “MacGyvered” into IEDs. At least when it comes to age, ISIS seems to be quite open-minded.
NATOAs well as being adrenaline junkies.
And landmines aren’t the only type of antique firepower people in the region are packing these days. In 2015, video footage showed Syrian rebels firing a 1935 German howitzer. Meanwhile, Iraqi weapons inspectors documented the capture of a 1942 Lee-Enfield rifle, and the Armament Research Services report that British Webley revolvers, Italian cavalry carbines, Mausers, and Bren guns have appeared for sale in Libya. As long as it goes “boom” and someone dies, they’re only too happy to put it to terrible use.
via Shaam News NetworkNazis: ruining your day since 1933.
The Feud Between The Hatfields And The McCoys Was Probably Caused By A Medical Condition
History has seen its share of epic feuds, but few are as legendary as the pissing contest that took place between the Hatfields of West Virginia and the Kentucky McCoys in the late 1800s. Why were they so special? Longevity. They kept their fiery hatred going for a solid decade. But recent medical tests have revealed that, at least on the McCoy side, that might have been because hatred literally runs in their blood.
via Encyclopaedia BritannicaMoments later, the man on the right was riddled with bullets.
Why did these two ornery tribes want to shed each others’ blood so badly? Some say the beef started over a stolen hog, while others think it was residual hostility from the families having fought on opposite sides during the Civil War. Over a hundred years later, we still have no idea what spark started the fire, but we have an idea of where they got the gasoline. In 2007, a young girl called Winnter [sic] Reynolds was struggling at school. She had anger issues, and would often fly into fits of rage. While her teachers thought it was nothing but a bad case of ADHD, a series of medical tests revealed it was worse than that. She had bad blood. McCoy blood, to be specific.
Winnter is the latest offspring of the McCoy bloodline, from whom she had inherited her temper. She suffers from a rare genetic condition called von Hippel-Lindau disease. The illness causes the formation of adrenal tumors which cause, among other things, “hair-trigger rage and violent outbursts.” After Winnter’s diagnosis, it was revealed that several other McCoy descendants had also been diagnosed with the same condition. And while having tumors keeping you pissed off 24/7 still doesn’t shed any light on the start of the feud, it does go a long way toward explaining their whole “I’m going to kill you over some bacon” reputation.
Earl Neikirk/AP“Cleetus, go fetch the tumor chart, we gotta black another circle.”
We Are Still Paying A Civil War Pension
War is never not tragic, but civil wars pile all the hurt on one people. With an estimated 620,000 lives lost during the American Civil War, the cost of that little disagreement hurt the nation badly. The price paid was terrible — not only in human lives, but also in the long-term financial state of the country. How long-term? They’re still adding up, apparently.
US ArmyYeah, were sure their main concern was how much this was gonna cost.
While the indirect ramifications are impossible to calculate, there is still one straightforward bill the U.S. Civil War is serving America: $73.13, to be exact, paid monthly to one woman in North Carolina. You see, because soldiers have a tragic tendency of not always being able to collect what Uncle Sam owes them, the government compensates by also paying out pensions to widows and children of war veterans. And while the Civil War ended more than 150 years ago, believe it or not, there’s still one soldier’s child alive and kicking. That would be Irene Triplett, 86 years young, and she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Irene’s father, Mose Triplett, was born in 1846, and managed to fight on both sides of the Civil War — though that sadly didn’t mean he’d get to draw two pensions. He later married a woman 50 years his junior, who we’re assuming must’ve been into antique cannons. When Irene was born, Mose was 83 years old and ready to mosey on up to Heaven.
via Stoneman Gazette“Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex …”
But Irene’s isn’t the only 19th-century war pension that still being paid out. We’re also still supporting 88 people for their families’ contributions to the Spanish-American War, which started and ended in 1898. And while we’re certainly not begrudging anyone their dues, if we keep up our current military policies, half of our country’s 2080 budget will be going to Iraq vets’ second families.
The Search For Wreckage Of The Challenger Turned Up A Lot Of Junk — And A Duffel Bag Of Cocaine
Being an air crash site investigator must be a harrowing gig. Their entire job revolves around cataloging the most horrific of disaster scenes, where the Earth has gotten a dose of corpse buckshot to the face. But finding 73 separate pieces of the same human being isn’t the only weird thing they might find at a crash site. Sometimes they also find a shit ton of coke.
CNNGodspeed, friends.
Like 9/11, the Challenger disaster is one of those awful tragedies seared into memories of all who witnessed it. Seven people lost their lives simply because some faulty O-rings and unusually cold weather caused their vessel to blow up and plow into the ocean. After the crash, NASA immediately began searching the Atlantic for any and all portions of the shuttle that survived the crash, as well as any remains of the crew that could be retrieved and given a proper burial. But with such a spread out investigation site in constantly shifting water, the crew was bound to encounter some weird stuff.
For nine weeks, experts spent 15-hour days combing sonar data of a 420-mile area. But when their submarines or robots finally found the wreckage, they also stumbled upon what looked like Poseidon’s garage sale. During NASA’s investigation, they encountered a whole warehouse full of lagan (that’s maritime for “junk”). Some of the more ordinary items included batteries and paint cans, a refrigerator, a filing cabinet, a kitchen sink, and a toilet. More interesting finds were eight shipwrecks, a Pershing missile, and half of a torpedo.
But the best non-shuttle find by far was a duffel bag containing 25 kilograms of cocaine. When NASA handed it over to the police (what a bunch of goody-two-shoes), they revealed the estimated street value of the marching powder at $13 million, roughly the cost of the entire salvage mission. So if you’re struggling to find rent money or hoping to remodel your house, maybe spend more time hanging out at the beach.
Kelly Stone remembers watching the Challenger explode, and speaks only as much German as Google Translate does. She sometimes Tweets about cats and Star Trek.
History is insane — find out more from the Cracked De-Textbook!
Support Cracked’s journalism with a visit to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you.
For more, check out 6 Dark Details History Usually Leaves Out (For Good Reason) and 6 Disasters With Details So Awful, History Left Them Out.
It would be a shame if you didn’t follow us on Facebook.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/7-wtf-details-about-historical-events-everyone-forgets/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/09/02/7-wtf-details-about-historical-events-everyone-forgets/
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 275: YAAAAY but Also AHHHHH
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all “I’M FIGHTING TOMURA AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME” and set everything on fire. Unlike SOME people, however, it turns out fire is NOT Tomura’s weakness, so he basically just shrugged it off. But before things could progress any further, AFO was all “psst, go get One for All” and Tomura was all “? One for All?” and Endeavor was all “?? One for All?” and Deku and Kacchan, who were listening in on their earpieces, were all “!!!” Having thus realized that Tomura was targeting him, Deku sped off to lead him somewhere away from the civilians... accompanied by his good friend Bakugou “274 chapters of character development have all been leading up to this” Katsuki. Because like hell are you going to have an EPIC BATTLE with the FINAL VILLAIN without him, you damn nerd. Who’s he going to heroically sacrifice himself for if you’re not there?? Hahh!?
Today on BnHA: Deku and Kacchan fly off to battle Tomura after confusing Endeavor into giving them his location (which wasn’t very hard lmao). En route, Deku finally thinks to ask Kacchan why he’s tagging along, and Kacchan is all “DON’T GET ME WRONG, IT’S JUST BECAUSE I WANT REVENGE ON TOMURA, AND DEFINITELY NOT BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL, HOW DARE YOU, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT”, which is super convincing and didn’t make me roll my eyes at all. Anyways so then Tomura shows up and is all “EYO TIME TO KILL YOU NOW” and Deku and Kacchan are all “OH SFFKDFK”, but fortunately Gran shows up to save them in the nick of time, because BnHA is literally the only shounen manga in which grown-ups will see kids trying to lead a battle and be like “lol wtf” and actually try to stop that shit instead of being all “what are your orders, children.” The chapter then ends with the heroes doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING??Namely, having the guy who can TURN OFF QUIRKS battle the guy with the ultimate death quirk! I’m so proud. But also I swear to god, if Tomura so much as breathes suspiciously in his direction...!! What the fuck. HORIKOSHI.
y’all what in the fresh hell is this bs
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not yet there isn’t son but if you keep trolling like this I can give your nervous system something to actually be nervous about
anyway. this was his comment from last week’s issue of Jump, and I have absolutely no idea what it’s referring to, is the fun part! did he cry because of something he was working on in a chapter that’s coming up? or is he just tired from a combination of stressful mangaka schedule + 2020 in general?? or hell, for all I know he just recently watched Titanic or some shit
anyways I guess it’s time to read and see if I feel like sadly happily crying for two hours afterward
-- oh shit I just realized there are two scanlations out for this?? one from readjump.com, and one from readheroacademia.com. lol now what. uhhh
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lulzes. I guess I’ll go with RHA for now and keep checking back to RJ after each page and I’ll go with whichever translation I liked better
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or would he actually be gen z. he was already in his twenties when this manga started like six years ago, so I’m going with millennial. but on the cusp though I guess. anyway, he plays video games though is the point
and I see he’s already decided to contradict me and my inane speculations not two panels in! I GUESS I AM JUST A FOOL. that’s really interesting though. I wonder if it’s just Monoma’s quirk that doesn’t take the accumulated “save data” from the people he copies from, then? guh. how many of my AFO/OFA theory notes do I have to scrap now
and there’s a little quirk blurb about Search, which is fairly useless given that we already know how it works (actually in even greater detail than shown here), but at least it comes with a cute little picture of Ragdoll in her hero costume, to make us all sad and stuff
so anyways Tomura who are you looking at?? this was a topic of some contention last week! also why were you only seeing nine people then. Ragdoll had seen everyone in 1-A along with Aizawa and her fellow Pussycats at a minimum, so is this confirmation that Tora and Mandalay and Pixie-Bob are all really dead then, because I CAN AND WILL HUNT DOWN A MAN AND MAKE HIM CRY FOR A GOOD DEAL LONGER THAN TWO HOURS IF THAT’S REALLY THE CASE. was Kouta not traumatized enough already?? LET’S JUST ORPHAN HIM AGAIN WHY NOT THAT’S A GOOD PLAN
(ETA: I really hate that we are still up in the air regarding this? and I mean, sure, why not, we only had like a dozen lady heroes to begin with, so why not just kill off two more of them, offscreen, in one fell swoop??)
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(ETA: ??)
-- well hello there
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OR MAYBE I WAS NOT A FOOL AT ALL?? lol guys. please do not tell me my hobo husband is flying his vengeful ass over to where Tomura all heedless of the danger because I really do not need that just yet. CAN MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS PLEASE FUCKING TAKE TURNS BEING IN TERRIBLE DANGER INSTEAD OF ALL AT ONCE
sob we’re cutting back to Endeavor and Deku and Kacchan. ACTUALLY THAT’S GOOD THOUGH why am I complaining. I’m just gonna have to get used to the fact that no one is going to truly be safe for the next god knows however many chapters, and make my peace with that. hahaha. yeah right
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lol he is trying to argue a bit but then he’s suddenly cutting off. so in hindsight I don’t know why I said “lol”, really. I’M JUST NERVOUS OKAY
btw in the other translation Deku straight up asks if Endeavor can redirect Tomura towards them. “sure no problem bucko, let me just tell the walking apocalypse exactly where he can find you, my two sixteen-year-old interns whose safety I am responsible for. I was just thinking to myself that I hadn’t had my fill of crazy ill-thought-out plans with a high risk of death today”
holy --
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okay I have not the SLIGHTEST clue what’s going on here, even after analyzing both scans, except that someone, probably Tomura, either just went CRONCH or just GOT cronched just now lmao. let us read on to find out who was cronched and who did the cronching
the rest of this page is not really much more helpful
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but I am becoming increasingly suspicious that those were in fact Tomura’s new, improved and ridiculously thicc legs doing the cronching as he did a Marvel Superhero Landing from the most RIDICULOUS ANGLE POSSIBLE
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so he just cronched onto the ground and fooshed Endeavor and then went flying off again huh
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he really just fucking hung up on him afterwards too. just, “got it thanks amigo just leave everything to me, [CLICK]”
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-- oh shit
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that’s just. a SLIGHT change in meaning, there. silly me. thinking “get rid of them” meant “get rid of their communications as opposed to FUCKING KILLING THE ONE YOU’RE NOT ACTUALLY AFTER. hmm. well that’s not good
(ETA: never have I been so happy that a translation was wrong lmao.)
so now Endeavor’s shouting at everyone else that Tomura is heading southwest and that he has “SUPER REGENARTION” (sic) and is no longer THE SAME THUG HE WAS BEFORE and yeah RHA you have officially won me over, flaws and all. listen up boyos. this ain’t your granddaddy’s Shigaraki Tomura. this one regenars
also “that damn kid...” like why the hell did my son have to go and befriend two protagonists. why is this my life now
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“MIDORIYA IS IN DANGER...!!” STORY OF THIS MANGA. AHAHA. KACCHAN HE’S COMING. HE’S COMING, KACCHAN. for you two. someone please help me I am both terrified and thrilled beyond all recognition and my body doesn’t know how to handle the conflicting emotions. honestly crying for two hours is starting to sound more and more appealing
oh my god I forgot they didn’t know, though
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fff. Kacchan especially didn’t know, because unlike Deku he doesn’t have random bits of other people’s souls going “heyyyyyyy... transcendent being at 12 o’clock.” what has this kid so bravely and stupidly gone and gotten himself into
look at them go
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damn Deku can you really not float yet?? that’s going to be really inconvenient if that’s the case
(ETA: my boy really would have just straight up died. he would have died so hard.)
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NOW YOU WANT TO ASK HIM LMAOOOO. well it’s because of all the character development!! if you must know
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you’re not as smooth as you think you are, you know. we all know why you actually followed him. but fine, be that way
okay so now he’s giving a real-er answer though
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“understand the situation”, the situation being that your best friend and his secret-trump-card-in-the-battle-against-evil quirk were being targeted by the guy who just obliterated this entire city. got it. you put it quite succinctly
and Deku is all
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and Kacchan is all
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love how he throws that protagonist crack in there too. because we all know that Deku absolutely is the protagonist lol, and so if that part’s obviously not true, we can make some inferences about the rest of what he’s saying too now can’t we
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap
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YOU SURE DO!! and he does with you too!! :) it’s gonna be one big happy reunion! :) :) :) oh gosh golly
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what are you doing to me, I should clarify. please be considerate of my feelings. you can’t just DUMP sudden Kacchan Kamino Angst on me without any warning, you have to let me know in advance so that I can buy some thank you cards
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by the way in the other translation he says “I’ll make up for what I did that day.” so yeah. BOOM. right to the heart. shot of me collapsing to the ground in slow motion
but it’s interesting though that he still can’t admit to having selfless motives yet! even after everything he’s been through and all his character growth! he’s still all GET RID OF THE REFERENCES TO ME CARING ABOUT YOU, WE CAN’T LET PEOPLE KNOW WE HAVE FEELINGS
but even his Kamino feels are notably first and foremost about him feeling responsible for failing All Might. so yeah, buddy. where does that leave you? even your feeble excuses are still rooted in selflessness, JUST GIVE IN AND ADMIT YOU’VE BEEN SECRETLY GIVING A SHIT BEHIND EVERYONE’S BACK. and honestly he might be better off at this point if he didn’t! BUT HE DOES. and that’s that
anyways Deku I sure hope you and your big hero brain can see right through this nonsense
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god. you’re both in so much danger though, do you even have any idea?! of course you fucking don’t. god
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well that’s one hell of a rare sight!! all fresh and chock full of shrewd observations about his best rival’s current skillset. ah what a time we’re living in
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gonna hold off commentary until I read the next part of this lol
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goddamn. Horikoshi really went off this week. just a whole chapter’s worth of Stuff Makeste Really Likes, goddamn is it my birthday or what
so do you guys think he’ll be able to keep pace all the way up to 100%? I can see this part being interpreted in two totally different ways if I’m being honest. on the one hand we have the more pessimistic (some would say realistic) view that Bakugou is desperately trying to convince himself that he’s still on the same level as the rival he so desperately wants to surpass, but with the sinking feeling that he’s actually not going to be able to keep up for much longer. and then on the other side of the coin we have the more glass-half-full perspective that he actually is capable of keeping up with him right to the bitter end. that even as Deku grows stronger, he’ll continue to push himself and use that as motivation to keep getting stronger too. that Deku isn’t out of reach; that his goal isn’t out of reach
and I’m not completely sure which way this is leaning myself! I personally would like to lean more towards the second interpretation, because y’all know I love me some rivals. and also because imo one of the most commendable things about Bakugou’s development has been how he hasn’t once been envious of Deku’s strength or of his position as All Might’s chosen heir since he learned about OFA. he hasn’t once shown any kind of resentment towards him for it, or doubted whether or not he deserves it. and as minor a detail as that may seem to some people, I cherish it. and I don’t want that to change! but I guess we shall see
so now we’re getting the clearest shot we’ve had yet of the new AFO holes in Tomura’s palms as he gets ready to combine some more quirks. also! more information about the quirks he has and is using! fucking thank you, where was this last week
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so “radio waves” is clearly going to be used here to disrupt the heroes’ communication, which is a shame for them, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved given the alternative! the RJ translation is clearly just a hot mess lol. but I still adore that one “I’ll make up for what I did” line though
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(ETA: I just realized he’s nowhere to be found after this, though, so... did he?? or is he now lying somewhere now all wounded and waiting to be found by one, or, dare I say, two of his sons? ...)
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even if you ask him nicely??! somehow I just can’t help feeling that he probably shouldn’t oblige you, though!?!?!
anyways. THAT AIN’T SAFE. and what the hell is happening in that bottom left corner ahhhhhh
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jesus christ it completely slipped my mind that there was one other person currently in the vicinity who knows about OFA. my good sir, maybe you would like to introduce these two dunderfucks to the concept of a “plan.” and maybe you can also find the single shared braincell they apparently dropped and lost somewhere back there in all the city rubble
oh fuck me
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(ETA: does Kacchan look so rattled here because he is being lectured, or because he just saw a vision of his own death and is now having it explained to him just how close he came to being decomposed. you decide! I’ll just sit here and bask in the angst.)
fuck. main character gods were really working overtime here. anyways so how are you all doing this fine Friday afternoon. me, I’m just sitting here wrangling with the knowledge that Tomura’s quirk is even deadlier than I realized, and that my two little boys came within inches of dying horrible deaths just now. but anyways it’s not as humid today as it was yesterday so that’s really nice
anyways so now Gran is continuing to lecture the mayor of Dumb Ideas Town here, along with his friend the deputy mayor who still thinks he outranks the actual mayor
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-- ohhhh shit son are they mounting a counterattack?? don’t tell me!!
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also is Gran seriously faster than Tomura. that makes no fucking sense, and yet these two are only alive now because of it so I’M SURE NOT GONNA QUESTION IT
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excellent question sir. the short answer is “they’re idiots”, and the long answer is just a longer version of “they’re idiots” but with some more complicated BakuDeku feels mixed in. I’ll tell you all about it if you just promise me that you’ll actually live through this, all right?
“is he after the two of them?” listen boy if you don’t finally put two and two together after this I’m gonna be fucking beside myself lol. (though honestly, Deku and Kacchan have been targeted by the League so many other times already that he might just simply accept “yeah they’re after them again” without any further explanation)
my dear gentlefolk would you fucking look at how the lord has blessed us on this day
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Aizawa Fucking Shouta and the motherfucking dramatic intro to end all dramatic intros. finally this man gets his moment
someone please teach me how to cast a force field. teach me how to reach into the manga and slap this man and tell him to stop talking about how everyone’s noble sacrifices to protect him and his eraser quirk have led him to this day and to this one encounter. my guy. my fucking dude. THERE HAD BETTER BE SUBSEQUENT ENCOUNTERS AFTER THIS
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ISN’T HE THOUGH??? Tomura I love you sweetie but you better BACK THE FUCK. OFF
well FINE THEN! BE THAT WAY. it’s not like my life revolves around you and your stupid manga anyway!! it’s not like I’m obsessed with it or anything!! I have other hobbies!! well I actually do have other hobbies, so that doesn’t really work as sarcasm, so let’s see though. maybe something more like, “this isn’t by far my favorite out of all my hobbies!!” I don’t spend 80-90% of my free time on any given day either actively or passively daydreaming about this series and writing essays in my head and reading fanfic and scrolling through art on tumblr!! etc.!! whatever!! enjoy your break!! have fun living your life!!
please don’t kill Aizawa
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