#wtf liz
This Evening, in UK Politics - What Even is Happening?!
Suella Braverman, somehow an even more vile person than Priti Patel, has resigned because she sent an email from her personal account and also governments should be held accountable for their mistakes. Agreeing with Suella Braverman makes me feel dirty all over. Still, a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The fracking vote is being framed as a confidence vote.
There is a three-line whip. Any Tory MP not voting in line with the party will be removed from the parliamentary party and have to sit as an Independent MP.
The Chief Whip has resigned maybe.
It is no longer a confidence vote.
The deputy Chief Whips have also resigned?!
Jacob Rees Mogg and Thérèse Coffey are manhandling MPs into the lobby to vote?! There's an account of at least one MP crying as they did so.
Liz Truss was too busy arguing with Wendy Morton, the possibly-former Chief Whip to vote. On a vote with a three-line whip.
No Votes were recorded for 40 Tories, including not just the actual Prime Minister but also Boris Johnson (who has more important things to do than represent his constituents in parliament apparently), Nadine Dorries (no doubt wherever Boris is, hoping he notices her or something), David Davis, Greg Clark, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Kwasi Kwarteng, Theresa May, Wendy Morton, Alok Sharma, Priti Patel, and Ben Wallace (who's actually in Washington D.C. on government business, so he gets a let). These are all party grandees, former Prime Minsters, former leaders of the party, and Nadine Dorries.
I mean, I'm assuming they're not going to withdraw the whip from the Prime Minister and members of her own cabinet (Alok Sharma in this case since Mr Wallace is abroad), although I'm willing to bet there are several Tories darkly hoping that someone will. That's one way to get rid of her!
Wendy Morton apparently has resigned.
Wouldn't it be amazing if she said, "No, I didn't resign and I've withdrawn the whip from Liz Truss!"
According to various sources and polls, if there was an election tomorrow, come Friday the SNP would be the official opposition, because the Tories would have fewer seats than the Scottish National Party and Labour would, obviously, be in power.
If Liz Truss had become Prime Minister and then done nothing whatsoever she would be doing better than she is now.
Let's have a look at some quotes!
“It’s a shambles and a disgrace. I think it is utterly appalling. I am livid,” veteran Tory MP Charles Walker told the BBC. “I hope all those people that put Liz Truss in Number 10, I hope it was worth it. I hope it was worth it for the ministerial red box, I hope it was worth it to sit around the Cabinet table, because the damage they have done to our party is extraordinary.”
Asked if the government can survive the night, one Tory MP replied: “I hope not.”
Labour MP, the shadow Scottish secretary Ian Murray, tweeted that he had "never seen scenes like it" in the voting lobby. He said he'd seen Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg shouting at his colleagues, whips "screaming at Tories", and "dragging people in".
Alexander Stafford tweeted -  "Lots of rumours flying around tonight. This vote was never about fracking but about Labour trying to destabilise the country, and take control of Parliament." This is my favourite, because he's trying to blame the Opposition for this!
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7hyein · 5 months
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imdoingsortagay · 24 days
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sailor-aviator · 2 months
Why have rules at all if people should just get to do whatever they want? Why wear seatbelts? Why avoid smoking indoors? Why have rules for games? Why should anything matter at all??????
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urban-swan · 1 year
Recently got a new device which means I had to get a new software. My first time using procreate, got a lot to learn but I’m excited for it. For a tester, I thought I’d draw SCP 682 to celebrate <33
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lackadaisicallizard · 9 months
regulus should be reduced to being james fuck toy at this point that’s all he’s good for and his character only matters when he’s james partner and sirius brother
Who hurt you anon?
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
Aw man I was making tea and we were out of honey and I had to use sugar and I really like honey much more on my tea (thank you bees) and don't really like sugar. And I fucked up the measurement and put too much sugar and now the tea is too sweet!!
I don't like sweets! Even the chocolate I eat is dark chocolate!!
I am so sleep deprived rn...... because I was rereading Liz and Wes moments from the BTTM book since I got excited about NLTM for no reason, and than the entire ending part of the book, and than the basketball game chapter from Wes' pov. And than I saw that it was 4 am and I had to wake up at 6:15 am........
I don't even know what I'm typing anymore. I want a coffee so bad but it's 5:15 pm and I will literally stay awake until 2 am if I drink one now. And that's why I'm drinking tea✨ It's wild berry tea! The only tea flavor I actually enjoy drinking..... The british and the asians don't kill me-
I just love wild berry as a flavor! My favorite flavor of all time!! Ice cream, cake, jam, tea, candy! It's so good because it's not that sweet and it's kind of sour so yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!
You know who else would like wild berry flavored thing? CHOI JUNG SOO!!!! OMG HE JUST LIKE ME FR AJEFVXGNFVHGVHFCV!!!!
............ What was this post about again? I really need a nap
Oh crap I need to charge my phone. Like I'm writing this on the laptop but I remembered I need to charge my phone
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I need to work on my assignments
Sleep well kids don't be like me. Or do because I'm 70% more funny when I'm about to pass out
Ah crap I finished my tea writing this
I wanna read TCF now....
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emma-ofnormandy · 8 months
Netflix didn’t say jack about the third season of Vikings: Valhalla in their big US “what’s coming” announcement today and I’m taking it personally.
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lazer-screwdriver · 5 months
to a Normal Person dr smith is terrifying and lethal. to liz he is a looney toons villain and she is bugs bunny
SO REAL she is sneaking into his lab to mess w his equipment so she can show up later and make fun of him for not having anything calibrated correctly
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Balloon Debate: WTF Is Even This Short Trip?
So, here I am following up on Balloon Debate. It's time to discuss exactly wtf happens in this thing.
I'll include a cut for Spoilers because I'm going to spoil the whole damn thing.
I'll explain the Basic Premise for anyone who hasn't read my previous posts about it. Balloon Debate is a Short Trip in which Sarah Jane writes a little story in universe about some weird interdimensional disaster where the televised companions of the first 7 Doctors all end up in the TARDIS together at the same time. This causes the TARDIS to go all screwy and start getting smaller on the inside. K9, who serves the role of Exposition Bot, reports that the life support will soon only be enough to sustain six passengers. Since a TARDIS is meant to be piloted by six people, this makes sense. As a robot, K9 doesn't need oxygen, so he doesn't count. But, the only way for any of the companions to survive for long enough to help the Doctor/escape the TARDIS, is to throw a few rooms into the vortex with most of the passengers as well.
The vast majority of companions immediately accept that people are gonna die and that the goal is to make it be not them. The only one to immediately protest this is Adric.
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And of course he gets picked on for wanting to find a better solution to the problem, because he is Adric and this was written in 2003.
So, while Adric messes around with the console in an attempt to save everyone's lives, it's decided that everyone will take a turn arguing why they should be among the six survivors. Everyone is also a dick to Mel.
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So, if you're too negative or positive, we hate you. Got it.
Look, this blog is called Cringe Companion Apologist for a reason. I'm always going to complain about unpopular companions being treated unfairly. This story has a lot of that.
Anyway, the debate begins. They go in alphabetical order, so Ace makes her argument first.
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Adric's turn doesn't go very well for him, since he's still trying to save everyone's collective asses. He's taking a while, so Turlough gets impatient, but at least he believes in him.
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Adric tries something and the console zaps him. He dies. Because he's Adric.
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Since Tegan appears to know Turlough, that means she's from a point in her timeline where she's seen Adric die before. You'd think she, and possibly Nyssa, would have some sort of reaction to this, but no one really does and the debate goes on.
I'm not going to throw in a screenshot of every argument because that's too many screenshots. From here on out, I'll only include ones that I can't easily sum up by myself. Most arguments amount to "I'm a badass" or "I'm a genius". Barbara's is one of the more unique.
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While most companions make arguments about why they shouldn't die, there are a few other types of argument. Ben just wants to go where Polly goes, Polly goes where Ben goes, and Ian goes where Barbara goes. I'm skipping around here because of how similar their arguments are. None of them are very complicated.
Dodo is the first of many "I know I'm totally fucked but" arguments.
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Out of the companions that are often treated poorly, unlike with Adric and Mel, this story is actually pretty kind to Dodo.
Harry offers to sacrifice himself for one of the ladies.
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Inspired by Harry's willingness to die, Leela speaks out of turn, skipping several people, to declare her willingness to die a warrior's death.
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Jamie is also ready to die, because he's spent quite a while being willing to die for the people he's loyal to.
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It's sweet that Zoe is invested in someone other than her surviving. Will Ian/Barbara and Ben/Polly are couples who will Live Together or Die Together, Jamie and Zoe come across as just good friends who care about each other.
Then it's Jo's turn to be bullied make her case. Sarah Jane is more special than her and Liz is smarter. A lot of drama with Three's companions here.
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This would be Mel's turn if everyone wasn't awful.
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At least Nyssa feels bad about it. She wins the Good Person Award for this. She also decides that, though she's got science knowledge, other people would be better than her and she's already outlived the rest of her species, so she's ready to go. She'd be useful in keeping the rest of the survivors from killing each other, but okay.
Peri is another unpopular companion who's treated at least decently. She's too young to die, but she knows that she doesn't have many useful skills. There really isn't much for her to say.
The Romanas make their argument together, though they're aware that There Can Be Only One. Then Romana I completely screws over Romana II.
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Since Sarah Jane is the one writing this story, it's sort of a given that she'll be one of the survivors. Whatever her argument is, it's really not important. She just kinda wants to be a companion again and is really motivated.
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Steven is willing to sacrifice himself as long as someone takes care of Hi-Fi, the stuffed panda who was his only friend during two years of solitary confinement. Nobody volunteers to look after the panda because they're all terrible people.
You'd think Susan would be obvious, but Romana I pulls a "where's the birth certificate" on her.
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Again. Terrible People.
Tegan's argument is slightly interrupted by Turlough.
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Turlough, meanwhile, is still with Adric, wondering why they don't try to find a less lethal solution. But he sulks, so we're supposed to not like him.
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I will admit that Turlough seems in-character here, at the very least.
Vicki sees herself as Not Susan and if Susan isn't surviving this, she knows she's not. Because Ian and Barbara were clearly traveling with Susan and hadn't met her yet, Steven is the supportive co-companion.
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Victoria has nothing to appeal to except pity. This somehow works better than when anyone else does it.
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Lastly, Zoe has some simple, logical arguments.
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So, we don't know how voting worked or who voted for who, but the winners are Harry, Liz, Romana I, Sarah Jane, Victoria, and Zoe. We're treated to the last moments of everyone else.
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Honestly, if Peri and approached either Turlough or Jamie and insisted, they probably would've comforted her. Jamie would be a gentleman and Turlough would probably want to be comforted too, but would never admit it. So, they died as they lived: confused, miserable, and annoyed with Mel.
You might be wondering why Harry didn't take the place of one of the women like he said he would. Once it's revealed that this is a story Sarah Jane is writing for her own amusement, she admits that it was out-of-character for him not to do that.
To sum up the rest of the story, they took too long debated and the TARDIS has decided that There Can Be Only Two now, leaving Sarah Jane and Victoria. K9 gets a message from the Doctor (somehow) that he's gone to another dimension, can never return, knew he could only take one companion, and he chose Victoria. The Victoria in the TARDIS is actually Kamelion and K9 shoots him. Sarah Jane seems to think it makes sense that Victoria would be the chosen companion, though I still don't get it.
Sarah Jane had writer's block and she wrote this just to get out of it and it was never meant to be seen by Man. She never met most of the companions she was writing about and wrote them based on...stories she heard about them, or something.
The answer to the WTF Is Wrong with Everybody question is unknown to this very day.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
This popped up in my feed, so I watched it and...yeah, its pretty good, would recommend watching it. Only con is that uh, it doesn't mention the spin offs like Sarah Jane Adventures (the only female led spin off) and Torchwood, cause I honestly feel it showed even more how RTD handled female characters versus the era of Steven Moffat (could have even compared what happens when RTD writes for the 11th doctor in his guest appearance in SJA versus....what happens when Steven's writing him).
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all-things-fic · 1 year
Does anyone else find being a girl really stressful? I’m just thinking about the stuff I need to get done (Botox, eyelashes, eyebrows, nails) and the cost and time and effort and I’m exhausted
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juneberrie · 1 year
why r tjere so many fucjing trees here
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sailor-aviator · 4 months
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imdoingsortagay · 6 months
Just one woman’s match ?????
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heliopolis-in-a-day · 7 months
is American horror story underrated asf or am i jus bad at navigating online fandom bases 😭
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