#wtf skimble
miasiegert · 1 year
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@junkyard-gifs that’s so cool you made gifs!!! Is there a way I can save on my phone? I’ve just been sending this one, non-cats meme back and forth with my friend:
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I really love GO2!
Let me see if I can see the Qs/comments (let me know if I miss anything!)
-I don’t know why, and I can’t speak for like ALL Mistos obviously so please no rumors!, but there is a disproportionately high percentage of Mistos who date Skimble. SO HIGH!
-Re:costumes design, we take some influence from everywhere (david knows every production, year, cast member/change, literally everything—he’s an encyclopedia of cats! He tracked down some of my authentic stuff—had a mysterious swing Munk that’s green and I honestly can’t remember but he figured out where/when/everything). We’re working on some of the authentics Troika gifted us (they were deconstructed as patterns which we traced first — very recent gift. One Munk is a swing from US Tour IV for certain who would have been about 6’ and very skinny, but with costume recycling Felix said he’s almost positive he wore that costume too at one point)
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Mine usually have some subconscious US bent to it because when I was a superfan and went to shows in cossie, I saw like 27 maybe… oh to be young, and not have bills.
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But also I just make shit up because I think about the charas I used to RP and started a fic that was totally WTF YOU RUINED CATS WHAT ARE YOU DOING CATS ON DRUGS YOU RUINED MISTO I’M READING THIS SHIT ANYWAY and haven’t touched in years. That’s one thing that SUCKS about writing books: you don’t usually get to write fanfic anymore.
And with the way I wrote them, really anthropomorphic so they all had their own color, and then I often take pics of things I see, like this display at the Cloisters.
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Those Six Mistos: Bustopher Jones
This ended up ridiculously long
Vienna Misto hears the song start up and he jumps for joy and claps his hands together.
Skimble tries to keep Misto away from Bustopher. Misto follows Bustopher around and pulls his tail. Skimble catches him and shoves him back. Misto continues to have as much physical contact with Bustopher as possible. That is clearly his goal. Bustopher doesn’t seem to notice that he’s even there, not even when Misto nearly pounces on him and Skimble has to, once again, intervene.
Misto dusts off the hat Bustopher sits on with his tail and is able to stand next to him during his solo. Skimble stands on Bustopher’s other side, leaving the toms standing near Misto to handle his antics. Without decent close-ups, I have no idea who these toms are. I can barely identify most of the characters in this version anyway. I believe Coricopat is there and he seems to actually be pretty chill with Misto.
Misto preens and poses during Bustopher’s solo. When some of the kittens get close, he turns to Skimble in protest, as does the cat next to him, who I’m just going to guess is Alonzo.
After the solo, Misto appears to flap his hands while also seeming ready to swoon. He recovers to do his Most Gentlemanly Bow. Bustopher doesn’t notice. He applauds the solo, looking right at Bustopher as he begins to fall backwards, but he catches him, with help from Coricopat and Skimble.
After this point, Skimble becomes The Tom Who’s Losing It, dragging Bustopher to walk past the line of other toms he set up for inspection. Misto is thrilled to be walked past, but he stays put.
Vienna Misto, despite normally being played older than the other Mistos in this set, acts like an over-excited kitten around Bustopher. But, then again, so does Skimble. Since Skimble isn’t behaving any better than Misto, it doesn’t make sense for him to be worried about how Bustopher will react to him. I think Skimble views Misto as competition for Bustopher’s attention. Bustopher only pays attention to either one of them when they force him to, so nobody wins.
This is probably the prototype for all the other Bustopher/Misto interactions it will be compared to.
Paris Misto preens a bit when the number starts up and runs over to where Bustopher is about to appear. He, along with Skimble, lead Bustopher to where the camera can see him. If you can’t tell, in Broadway-based productions, Bustopher Jones is about, among other things, Misto and Skimble competing to get senpai to notice them. As soon as they’re both visible, Skimble shoves Misto away from Bustopher. He was just strutting around behind him and not making any trouble.
Misto gets in a brief fight with someone in the background, who I think might be Alonzo, because everyone’s determined to prevent Misto from having any fun in this number. Skimble catches him near Bustopher again and they continue to squabble. Bustopher hasn’t noticed any of this, another reoccurring theme.
Misto bats at Bustopher’s tail. This is the first time he’s done something that it makes sense for Skimble to scold him for. Skimble drags Bustopher over to the hat so he won’t notice Misto’s antics. Misto runs after them and dusts off the hat. He gets his usual spot beside Bustopher during his solo, on Bustopher’s right, next to Coricopat. Coricopat doesn’t fight with Misto.
During the solo, Misto cannot stay focused, sometimes listening, sometimes looking the void behind him, sometimes preening, and sometimes trying to imitate Bustopher. After the solo, he dances with the other toms and the fact that he’s the only one whose mouth isn’t moving stands out. He’s very quick to help when Bustopher falls.
There’s more bickering between Misto and Skimble. This time, Skimble won’t let Misto wave at Bustopher. Skimble lines up the toms and practically flings Bustopher into them. When Bustopher passes him, Misto waves to him, trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t notice.
Zurich Misto gets into some sort of disagreement with someone right away. He doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do and Skimble drags him into place, teaching him how to bow properly. He practices his bow again behind Bustopher’s back and then runs to grab his tail, possibly trying to get his attention so he can see his New and Improved Bow. Skimble runs in to stop him and they argue over it for a bit. When Skimble’s back is turned, Misto pulls Bustopher’s tail anyway. He’s mute. He can’t just call him. He doesn’t know how else to get his attention. Skimble runs in to distract Bustopher before he notices Misto and leads him to the hat for his solo.
Misto dusts off the hat and takes his usual spot on Bustopher’s right. Bustopher still doesn’t know that it was Misto who pulled his tail, so he’s fine with this. When the kittens roll in, Misto gets upset, but Skimble runs to take care of it.
Plato and Coricopat get up to something in the background that looks very close to making out. Misto notces and tries to direct their attention back to Bustopher, because they’re supposed to be listening to his solo.
After the solo, featuring another moment where everyone but Misto is singing and he’s not sure what to do about that, Skimble teaches Misto how to walk in a certain way. He’s putting a lot of effort into helping Misto impress Bustopher, instead of competing over it, a unique feature from the previous two.
Misto and Skimble run to catch Bustopher when he falls. Bustopher appears to elbow Misto off of him shortly after, and whatever happened, Misto cringes away. He shakes his head and scratches his ear, once again looking kind of lost, before Skimble leads him to the line of toms, standing between Coricopat and Plato, which is worth noting due to their previous interactions. Bustopher passes the line, correcting Plato’s posture slightly. Misto has a big smile when Bustopher finally looks at him, but Bustopher decides this is something that needs to be corrected. Zurich Bustopher is a dick.
Misto cries and Plato turns to comfort him. Misto appears to recover pretty quickly. The moral of this story is that it’s okay if senpai rejects you, as long as you have a good friend.
Buenos Aires Misto runs around hugging people, specifically Jenny and Jelly, when he realizes that Bustopher’s coming. He kitten crawls a bit and then has a talk with Skimble, Bustopher’s other biggest fanboy. Skimble is the one who has no idea what he’s doing in this version, sitting on the floor and nodding while Misto does his Most Gentlemanly Bow.
Bustopher has Skimble dust off the hat before he sits down to begin his solo. Misto is in his usual spot, but he starts further away from Bustopher than he does in other versions. Bustopher beckons Misto closer until he’s practically on top of him and directs the solo to him. Misto silently squees over it.
Skimble starts pawing at Bustopher to get his attention and Bustopher elbows him to stand back. Misto notices that Skimble has upset Bustopher and hisses at him, leaning on Bustopher while he does it, showing off that he has Bustopher and Skimble doesn’t. Skimble hisses back and the exchange has the vibe of two bickering children sticking their tongues out at each other.
Everyone’s allowed to get close to Bustopher towards the end of his solo. Misto gets Alonzo’s attention to make sure that he’s in on this. Skimble enjoys a brief moment of being close to Bustopher before getting waved away again. By pawing at him for attention, Skimble has proved himself to be a nuisance.
Misto and Skimble both wrap their arms around Bustopher at the end of the chorus and he waves them both off this time. They’re both still close enough to catch him when he falls. Skimble forms the line of toms and then interrupts Bustopher’s flirtation with Jenny to get him to walk past the line right now. Misto does what he usually does when someone’s bothering him, turning to Munk to get him to do something about it, which he doesn’t. Skimble shoves Bustopher past the line when he won’t move fast enough. Misto tries complaining to Munk again, but he soon gives up and kitten crawls to watch Bustopher’s fake golf swing. Bustopher is now more interested in flirting with Jenny than he is with either of them.
This version is generally hilarious, with this Bustopher being the opposite of Zurich Bustopher, showing favoritism towards Misto.
1998 Misto loses interest in whatever was up with Grizabella, running up to greet Bustopher immediately. Bustopher is busy examining his reflection in his giant spoon and doesn’t notice. Still, Misto is fine. He runs off to make sure that everything is perfect. He gets all the toms arranged as a group, still in a very good mood, before going back to the tire where Munk is to ask if he did a good job.
Misto realizes that he’s now stuck behind the other toms and he’s too tiny for Bustopher to see, so he runs around the group and blocks Bustopher’s path to do his Most Gentlemanly Bow. Bustopher turns to the nearby Asparagus, seeming at least a bit impressed and greets Misto with a Formal Hand Touch.
Bustopher attempts to leave early and Misto slides after him. Jelly gives him a Disapproving Look, but Munk stops Bustopher to help Misto out. Misto still pulls on Bustopher’s tail though. When Bustopher turns around to see who was pulling his tail, he knocks Misto backwards and is briefly concerned for him. He decides to stay for a bit longer to Misto won’t have a nervous breakdown. Skimble gets the hat and dusts it off. As Bustopher walks towards it, Misto kitten crawls beside him.
Bustopher begins his solo and Misto cannot stay out of his personal space. Bustopher gently waves him back, not calling attention to his mistake. Misto pretends to be okay and then does some preening. He covers one hand with the other to prevent that hand from touching Bustopher, because his limbs no longer obey him.
Bustopher turns to Misto briefly and touches his wrist. Misto is hanging on Bustopher’s every word, but after the wrist touch, he turns to the various other toms and points at himself, bragging about being special. When Bustopher turns back in Misto’s direction, he must once again control his disobedient paws, which appear to want to flap now.
Everyone starts singing and Misto has fun until the kittens edge closer. Misto warns them to stay back. Munk does literally the exact same gesture. They don’t look at each other, so no one is mimicking. They’re just both completely in sync.
For the last line of the solo, Misto leans towards Bustopher, eyes closed, imagining all the tasty food he’s describing, especially the rice pudding. He licks his lips and then scratches at his ear, possibly nervous that Bustopher might’ve seen the lip lick, which is not a very Gentlemanly thing to do.
During the chorus, Misto does a bit more preening and posing. He turns to Asparagus, not noticing that Bustopher is about to fall backwards, because he’s now too busy gossiping. He turns around to save the day at the last second and keeps Bustopher from falling off the stage. He then rushes to line up all the toms, once again having to make sure that everything’s perfect. Plato wonders why this kid is allowed to boss them all around, while Munk seems to find the whole mess endearing.
Misto leads Bustopher to the line, walking behind him in what he considers a “proper” way. It goes way more smoothly than the line formations of other versions. For the finale, he waits for Skimble so they can follow Bustopher together.
NOTE: 1998 is the only London-based production in this set, so you can see some staging differences. In Broadway-based productions, Misto and Skimble host Bustopher’s visit while Munk just stands back. Misto and Skimble usually bicker enough that you’d think Munk would intervene, but he never does. In London-based productions, it’s Munk and Misto who host Bustopher, with Munk managing to hide the fact that he’s as excited as Misto is. Unlike when Skimble is heavily involved, there’s no bickering.
Troika Misto runs off to gossip with Plato while everyone goes to greet Bustopher, stepping into the crowd a moment late. All the toms bow in unison and then the crowd splits up. Misto goes to Skimble who helps him get cleaned up a bit. He lets Skimble take the lead in hosting Bustopher and takes his usual spot for the solo. Unlike the usual arrangement, Munkustrap is next to him.
During the solo, Misto hangs on Bustopher’s every word. His paws keep circling his thighs like he’s trying not to touch them. As Bustopher describes delicious foods, instead of 1998 Misto’s one big lip lick, we get several smaller ones, including when rice pudding is mentioned. It looks like this actor had seen the 1998 version and was trying to do something similar, with both the lip licking and the “paws keep doing weird things”.
Misto bows and preens a bit during the next chorus, with Munkustrap, while also doing some preening, supporting him. Misto briefly gets distracted posing and almost misses Bustopher falling backward. Munk, Misto, Skimble, and Alonzo all crowd together to preen, pose, bow, and generally show off for Bustopher’s attention. I think they’re grooming themselves. This turns into the line of toms, with Skimble sort of organizing it while not paying that much attention.
Bustopher walks by the line and everything goes smoothly. Misto joins Skimble to watch the golf swing and they both seem quite proud of themselves.
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mistocore · 3 years
Okay ive noticed another tiny detail again
I dont know if anyone else has pointed this out yet but I was watching Skimbleshanks’s song to see who was actually there singing with him and i noticed something
So when Skimble first shows up, Cassandra seems super enthralled and excited. Shes like genuinely so happy to see him right?? (shes on the far left in the shadow-y bit)
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and as he’s singing shes still sitting up there watching.
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Tugger jumped down from where he was sitting?? So i was like wtf is he doing??? where is he going???
AND I SAW! He walks up to Cassandra!!!!!
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And she can be seen through out the number just having a blast
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Tugger literally noticed that she wanted to join in ;;;; and helped her............... he encouraged her............ im literally weeping over this tiny 5 second detail its so sweet and so telling of his character and who he is underneath his persona
I think Cassandra figures herself too old to join in but he literally just said “come with me” and pushes her to let go and have fun......... oh my GOD i love him so much
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jellicle-jemmy · 3 years
Here is part 2 of my CATS (2019) thoughts that I wrote when I watched the movie for the first time 2 years ago!
Beautiful Ghosts
Francesca you’re doing wonderful sweetie
You’re obviously not a trained singer, but for the purpose of your character’s plot point and reason to be singing it fits so perfectly
Though the arc of beloning with the jellicles came too fast and too soon in the film
She should’ve sung verse 1, chorus, verse 2 and maybe another chorus now and then the bridge later in the film
Moments of Happiness
Judi Dench no
Bring in Syllabub
That is all
Dialogue Interlude
Okay I didn’t mind this bit
However Victoria had already had the arc that she belongs with the Jellicles so her apprehension didn’t make sense
Gus The Theatre Cat
Does ALW suddenly have something against duets?
God Bless Ian McKellen but this number was really quite bleh
I did notice Skimbles putting his tap shoes on side stage
Would’ve been cuter if Misto did the duet with him
Magic Misto boy was cute at the end tho
That “I could do it again” comment was a nice nod though
I’m still not entirely sure how Macavity makes Gus disappear but alright then
This is another number that I really enjoyed
Munkymoo again ur doing so good
Also ur little duet with your daughter syllabub - I saw that and I loved it
Tap dancing skimbles is not something i thought i’d like, but I did really like it
It was a really fun number
How they got to the traintracks, idk but ya know what who cares
Thinking about it now, the transition from the tracks to carriage, I’m just imagining like several minutes of awkward silence as they all shuffle onto a carriage and then “5, 6, 7, 8-″ and the number continues
Plato and Socrates being the guard asking about the tea was adorable
It took everything in me to not shout “WEAK OR STRONG”
Also not totally hating on Skimbles redesign
Deadass though, 2019!Skimbles X 2019! Jenny wouldn’t work
But yeah this is a fun number
He Jay Jay Jetplaned right up there huh
All the other kidnapping, Macavity put actual effort, but Skimbles just went fwoop fwoop fwoop up into the sky
Macavity The Mystery Cat
Okay then
Here we go
Taylor Swift
This number would actually be good if the CGI didn’t look appalling and Taylor Swift wasn’t singing like that
It’s so breathy and weak wtf
Are you trying to be sexy? That ain’t sexy hun. That ain’t it cheif
Low key want a bedazzled thing that says catnip ngl
This choreography is really.... somethin’
Honestly, the best thing about this number was the cinema’s horrified gasps when nakey nakey macavity showed up
Listen listen, mac’s appearance wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t look like he had oil on him, rather than fur!! longer fur please i beg of you
shortest short hair in the history of the world
The catnip looks like fireflies from hell
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer being Bomba’s assistants? Gold. Love it
Why didn’t you do more with Griddlebone? Why didn’t you do more with Griddlebone?!
I never needed to see Taylor Swift and Oiled Up Idris Elba as cats dancing, let alone up a staircase straight from a 1940′s Broadway Musical
Kidnapping Interlude
Dooch (Old Doot Dench) really just said “access denied”
“I judge a cat on his soul” “he has soul!” “i’ve got plenty of soul”
The way that Lonz (???) and Munk all but flying over to M&R - fuckig superb you funky protectors
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer you wonderful chaotic dumbasses what did you think was going to happen
All of the contestants tied up? Yeah okay. Skimbles looks like he’s suffocating and everyone else is just fine with it I guess?
“Walk the plank”
Magical Mr Mistofelees
In case y’all haven’t heard, Laurie Davidson aka Mr Mistofelees is babey
Who is biting on Misto’s hat?
Also Syllabub you are so into this and I love it!
I’m about to say something controversial please don’t come for me - I think it worked that Munk and Misto were singing Mr Mistofelees
Who needs a hype man when you’ve got the Jellicle Tribe?
Cass’ face is a mood and a half and I high key want a gif of it
Victoria’s faith in him is beautiful
Oh no I’m shipping them
oh no
that wasn’t part of the plan
Syllabub you are literally the most fascinated out of the whole group and I adore you so damn much
The summoning attempts went on maybe a little bit too long and there wasn’t as much theatrics about as I had hoped
The happiness on the Jellicles faces is wholesome as heck though - especially Munk and also Tugger
And then misto flew and honestly I am so proud of him
He is my son! Look at my son go!
Also the ending bit with Vic and Misto dancing together in the middle for some reason gave me flashbacks to the end of the Greatest Showman
But very cute
Memory (Reprise)
Let’s first of all address the elephant in the room: I am still furious that they gave Syllabub/Jemima’s roles to Victoria and that definitely showed while I was watching it BUT-
I don’t think it would’ve worked in the film if Syllabub sang those bits
Syllabub works in the show, not the movie
Ummmm why is Victoria touching Griz before the “touch me” line???
Everyone’s - especially Munk’s - distaste for Griz as Vic leads her in was just really good and I liked it
The reprise is better than the original
The way that Cassandra’s expressions and actions change, especially during this number really makes it seem like she is the daughter of Griz and deadass I’m here for it
Still mad about Syllabub’s not getting to sing her but but it’s fiiiiiiine i guessss
Also there is a shot of Syllabub and Demeter together somewhere during this scene and I 1) don’t care that they don’t look anything alike and 2) don’t know who I have to sell my soul to but I will find it and treasure it
Macavity Battle
What the heck is this? It’s epic music that our pal Munkystripes uses to fight Mr Macaroni but it’s... a comedy?
“Don’t mess with the crazy cat lady” Rebel why
Also why did jenny unzip herself again i didn’t like it the first time, why is it even worse in the second but
oop Macavity’s not there
Ahh the use of the Firefrorefiddle line to scare Growltiger off, I genuinely adore
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
Ughh those harmonies always get me going
Again I am all eyes on Sillabub
I wondered how they were going to do the ascension into the heaviside layer
Not like that
Not like that
Chandelier and hot air balloon............oooookay then
All the cats on the lion being happy to see their kidnapped pals was genuinely sweet
Also Syllabub got to stand with all like the other named cats, and not with the ensemble which makes my heart happy
Macavity wtf
The Addressing of Cats
God, I really do ship Mistoria in this film huh? Was the plotline rushed? Yes. Does my hopeless romantic heart care? Nope!
Dooch really just went 😐 huh
I hate it
The adressing of cats should be a final part of the ceremony not a fucking fourth wall break jesus christ
Okay, but Munk’s reaction when Dooch started talking about food
hhhhh Babey
Though if Dooch could stop staring into my soul, that’d be appreciated
“I believe you are a Jellicle Cat - a dear little cat”
I liked that line for two reasons. 1) It is a nod to the origin to the phrase “Jellicle cat”. 2) It makes me think that that is the only true qualifications to be a Jellicle, making Victoria undoubtedly a Jellicle because have you seen her??
Was that final shot of the balloon necessary?
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It seems that every obvious piece of normal clothes in Cats Warsaw (like Griz, Tugger, old D, Skimble, Jenny, Bustopher and Gus's jackets/coats/vests, probably also Tugger and Munk's pants and Carbucketty's overalls) is supposed to be an actual normal piece of clothing that the cats wear for whatever reason
Or at least i think some of them are actual clothes and not just fur?
I mean Tugger and Skimble have working pockets in their jackets (although with Tugger it's only implied)
Old D nearly takes off his coat and Gus actually takes his off
And Tugger just randomly takes off his gloves and gets vest over his jacket in "Mr. Mistoffelees" (honestly, wtf is going on with Warsaw Tugger costume, like in general)
Idk what to do with this, please someone tell me what do you think about it all
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fawkes-rinzler · 4 years
It’s 11 o’clock, time for Skimblestrap Shitposting!
I am laughing hysterically becaue i’m going through gifsets trying to find the particular moment I’m thinking about and I don’t know how to google search it other than “Skimbleshanks 2019 suggestive dance” 
Okay.... this moment
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Because this is the closest I’ll get.
Okay... lemme break this down.
1. Skimble hates his hat. Can we just agree with that right now? He keeps taking it off/tossing it aside/etc. He does not like wearing that hat.
2. WTF are those come hither eyes? 
3. Who is he staring at? Is that Munk over there? 
4. Munkustrap teleports in this scene. Because its absolutely Munk shimmying his way to the front and perching before Skimble like that at the first few moments of the slow taps, but then when he hops onto the rail for the tap dancing sequence, he’s now behind everyone else. So that’s neat.
5. I think it’s cute that Skimbleshanks apparently taught Munkustrap and Tantomile how to tap dance. Can’t say no to Silver Tabbies, Eh Skimble?
6. Munk’s body language this entire song boils down to “I want to be as close to Skimbleshanks as physically possible.” 
7. ASOJFAWPEF Where did Tantomile get that mug?!?!
8. I had to rewatch this entire scene twice to keep an eye on Mistoffelees because I could not for the life of me remember what he did in this dance sequence except “Wave cloths” and “grab cards”.
9. Final Verdict? Skimblestrap shipper says its good shit
10. Bonus points to the idea that Munk taught Skimble ballet, Skimble taught Munk Tap, and the two will sometimes “talk” to each other through dance. 
Two weeks in and I still have a LOT of feeling for this pair. 
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whatsajinglebellcat · 5 years
Soundtrack Thoughts
Hi, this post contains spoilers; so if you would like to avoid those please keep scrolling!
So, I just spent my morning listening to the new soundtrack; granted I couldn't get through most of the songs, but the ones that I could I wanna TALK ABOUT!!
1.) The Old Gumbie Cat
Robert Fairchild is an ACTUAL angel.
I fucking hate how Jenny starts each of her segments, but I will give it to her that it's not the worst thing I've heard.
I do kind of like Munks calm energy in comparison to Jenny's sort of goofy energy, but it does get annoying after a while, and I completely think that is how her character is going to be throughout the film.
Robert has a really pretty voice and it makes me cry.
2.) Bustopher Jones
I only listened to this one to see James was going to sing the line "for I am a bonder".
It was in his falsetto.
I hated it and stopped listening after the line.
It sounds so odd.
Plz stop.
3.) Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer
A fuckn BOP!!
It made me wanna commit a million crimes and I love it!!
I usually hate the OG Londen version, but holy hell it was so good.
And fitting!!!
Like, this 1 (one) song might make the entire film tolerable.
4.) Old Deuteronomy
Usually I'm a hoe for it being a duet, but like I so much didn't mind that Munk was the only one singing.
It really does keep that serene energy to it and I have very few complaints.
Judys voice at the end though was kinda bad.
Bless her heart, I know she's old, but it just sounded sort of sloppy?
Then again, when Ken comes on in 1998, he sounds like he had just been running laps, so perhaps it was a character choice.
5.) Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat
Intro was a little rough, but it was still a banger!
I actually really Kinda like that it was a duet between Munk and Skimbles, honestly it kind of made more sense???
Like there's something so odd to me about these characters hyping themselves up, it just doesn't sit right.
I thought I was gonna hate the tap section, but it kinda slaps. Not gonna lie.
Steven McRae has such a fitting voice?
Like, it's not too over the top and it so much brings in that fun Uncle energy!
6.) Mr. Mistofelees
I feel indifferent.
I liked the initial awkwardness and shyness coming from Misto.
But I hate that it sort of becomes the "that moment sparks fly" for him and Victoria.
I also really dislike that the awkwardness doesn't seem to waver.
I get it- he's supposed to be shy and weird, but it's so much, probably too much.
Like it's a adorable the first time and then it gets tiring.
BUT I am HERE for Misto singing it about himself.
Like bless Tugger, but holy shit that is the only exception to me hating the self hype songs.
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hm.... or jennyanydots swap, because the 2019 version was Disrespectful(TM) but also munku still seemed very fond of her? hmmmmmmmmm - STILL ME
okay Jenny’s going to be interesting 
2019 Rebeldots
- She shows up, and everybody’s basically just like WTF that’s not Jenny. But it is! 
- 2019 Rebeldots is very surprised by the fact that she has kittens, and that one of her kittens is with Munku. She tries to be “hip” with the kittens but they all cringe and don’t really want to interact with her. 
- They’re just really uncomfortable (am I projecting onto the kittens? I think I’m projecting onto the kittens I’m so sorry)
- Tugger just finds it absolutely hysterical, and Misto’s not as freaked out because he’s already met her, and so have Munku and Skimble, so the four of them are just watching and trying not to laugh as 2019 Rebeldots shows her outfit change to the others. 
- Electra and George run away screaming, Pouncival passes out, Tumblebrutus stares off into the distance, traumatized, and Etcetera and Jemima just cry because she SHED HER SKIN WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK
- It’s not a good time for the 1998 Jellicles
1998 Jenny
- She shows up and Munku literally runs to hug her. He is so happy to see her, and Skimble gives her the biggest hug as well because! even though she’s not his mate he really likes her!
- 1998 Jenny sees 2019 Jerrie and Teazer and just claims them for the entire time she’s there. They never leave her sight, and they are very surprised because they don’t really have parents, so suddenly having 1998 Jenny coddle them and worry over them makes them very happy.
- 2019 Demeter is also pleasantly surprised by the amount of affection she gets from 1998 Jenny, who sees her little kitten and immediately just goes “!!!!!! My girl!!!!”
- 1998 Jenny spends so much time with 2019 Deut and they just talk, and 2019 Deut asks for advice about Bombalurina, and they just have the loveliest conversations
- 1998 Jenny also makes sure to make time for every Jellicle, talking to them and getting to know them, and she spends quality time with each of them, making them feel special. 
- She also sees 2019 Victoria and immediately is just “adopted. You’re my daughter now. I’m your mom.” and she mothers the CRAP out of this skittish Jellicle because she sees HER Demeter in 2019 Victoria and just wants to give her all the love. (Victoria may or may not have cried when 1998 Jenny had to leave)
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goblin-iz-whack · 4 years
What everyone was thinking during Tuggers song:
MunkuStrap: Tugger, your dead to me
SkimbleShanks: Did we fail, Asp?
Asparagus Jr: Yes. Yes we did, Skimble.
Mistoffolees: I love you bby, but your being to much rn
Demeter: Tugger, stop screwing with my bae
Bombalurina: He could have dropped me a little less hard
Alonzo: That should be me down there being adored
JennyAnyDots: Kittens these days
JellyLorum: Wtf are Skimble and Asp teaching this boy?
Etcetera: TUGGER!
Jemima: He’s so freakin’ cool!
Pouncival: Hol up, imma do a flip
TumbleBrutus: 🎶I wanna be like you!🎶
George: My dad is awesome :D
Electra: Too bad he’s with Misto :(
Tugger: Lol Im indecisive
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silviartemis · 3 years
Oh here comes the new song
Ok so the song is cute. The vocal are terrible. Plot wise it makes no sense. Moving forward.
This more intimate version of the moments of happiness is nice. Different, but nice.
Sir Ian McKellen Mr Gandalf Magneto sir I love you aaaaaaaaaaand Macavity thanoses another senior citizens. Wtf.
WOAH they were really waiting for Skimbleshanks weren't they. They came to life like why couldn't they do that earlier... These are my favourite munkustrap vocals so far.
And Skimble.... Is good!. Not an amazing singer but. I like thiiiiiiiiis the tapping and the arrangement are gooooood finallyyyy
wait. What the fuck happened to him what was thaaaat omg this Macavity plot is hilarious
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Vienna-Based Mistos Are Very Similar But...
Zurich Misto: *pulls Bustopher’s tail*
Skimble: *separates Misto and Bustopher before this becomes an Incident*
Paris Misto: *waves at Bustopher*
Skimble: *separates Misto and Bustopher before Misto thinks to do something that could be considered an Incident*
The difference is that Zurich Misto does things he shouldn’t do but it’s cute and Paris Misto literally did nothing wrong wtf Skimble
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Best of Cats Screenshots: Buenos Aires
I’m just gonna throw out all the best screenshots I’ve taken of various Cats bootlegs/pro-shots. I’m starting with Buenos Aires because reasons.
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Lots of Bustopher Jones pics. Pretty much all of these have been posted before, but this is a full collection of all of them. Now, have some Mistojerrie:
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When picking dance partners for the Minuet, gender isn’t factored in.
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Mistojerrie and Mungoteazer! Buenos Aires Jerrie is clearly very popular.
“Teazer, how am I supposed to hold this pose with you distracting me like that? I could drop you wtf.”
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And of course, the newest additions: Victoria being adorable. She doesn’t normally get as many cute moments as other kittens, but Buenos Aires is an exception.
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And one last Bustopher for the road:
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This pic was 100% taken just for Misto’s face.
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Bustopher’s Tail and Other Stories
I have found every occurrence of Mistoffelees pulling Bustopher’s tail in my bootleg/pro-shot collection. Of course, almost all of the footage is of low enough quality that I had to circle what was going on.
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This is from Vienna. It’s the oldest footage of Mistoffelees Pulling Bustopher’s Tail that I have. I think. Misto is circled, reaching towards Bustopher, with Skimble ready to pull him away. This is one of the full adult Mistos, so the amount of over-excited kitten behavior in this number comes across as rather odd.
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If the Vienna isn’t the oldest, the Paris one is. Misto doesn’t really pull Bustopher’s tail as much as bat at it. Misto’s paws and the tip of Bustopher’s tail are the same color, so they blend into each other from a distance. Once again, Skimble is ready to do damage control, even though Misto technically didn’t pull this time. Paris Skimble is a bit paranoid about Misto interacting with Bustopher.
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Here’s one from Mexico. There are once again problems with all the black and white things blurring together. Misto actually gets along pretty well with Skimble in this one. He doesn’t even care about the tail-pulling this time!
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Here’s the Zurich one again. All the Vienna-based productions used this bit, but it’s so rarely seen outside of those. It most likely made it into 1998 via the Chambers-Brent overlap that led to several Vienna-based Misto bits going to Broadway, and later in 1998. It’s why I’m comparing Misto in Zurich and 1998 so much.
Speaking of 1998, I’ll throw it in for fun:
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Bonus Features: Other Stuff That Happened in Bustopher Jones:
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Paris Misto: Hi Bustopher! :D
Paris Skimble: Nope!
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Vienna Misto flung himself and Bustopher and fell down/got yanked away by Skimble.
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Misto’s posture here kinda reminds me of:
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Meanwhile, in Zurich, the bootlegger noticed something interesting happening in the background...
Zurich Plato and Coricopat are a thing, apparently.
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Misto also noticed. He thinks they should really be paying more attention to Bustopher.
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Bustopher inspects Skimble’s line of cats and look how happy Misto is!
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Bustopher thinks that gentlemen shouldn’t smile during an inspection.
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RIP Misto’s Self-Esteem. At least he has Plato to support him.
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Shiki Misto begins the number hanging out with who I believe is Bombalurina.
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This screenshot is terrible, even by my standards, since there’s a play button right in the middle. But, you know how the hat that Bustopher sits on needs to be dusted. Well, the backs of these two guys need to be dusted too.
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Over in Madrid, Misto does a bit of grooming. He needs Munk and Alonzo to help him. Skimble has no idea what they’re doing. 
“Bustopher’s not being followed around by any of us! Someone might do something stupid while we’re not looking!”
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The girls are allowed to interact with Bustopher in this version!
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In Mexico, Bustopher invites Misto to lean closer during his speech. Buenos Aires would go on to do the same thing:
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Buenos Aires Skimble was NOT invited though. Bustopher is quite annoyed with him.
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“My Bustopher!”
“Fuck you!”
Bustopher never asked for this shit...
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But in Mexico, Misto and Skimble get along very well. While Bustopher flirts with Jenny, kissing her hand, Skimble holds out a hand to Misto and they shake hands with the exact same timing as the flirtation. I’m not saying this means anything, but it’s funny.
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Best of Cats Screenshots: Vienna and Paris
I don’t have many Vienna screenshots, so I’m once again combining two versions.
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I just really like Misto’s pose here. That’s it.
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Misto paws at Old Deuteronomy in the exact same way my cat does if I turn my back on her for five seconds and she thinks I’m ignoring her. “I will pretend to sharpen my claws on you until you pay attention to me!”
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Meanwhile, in Paris, Skimble spends the entirety of Bustopher Jones keeping Misto away from Bustopher. Is he worried that Misto will upset him or is he trying to get rid of competition for Bustopher’s attention? You decide!
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Tugger. Misto. Old D Cuddles.
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Misto needs a few more Cuddles.
Sex Jokes Under Cut:
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And then there are the ones I scribbled on. Misto seems confused when he gets to dance with Victoria. He didn’t expect to be there. Is it because he thinks she’s out of his league? Is he just nervous around a girl he likes? Does he feel subconsciously miscast due to have this Straight Sexy Scene while still being somewhat gay-coded? Once again, you decide!
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The result, awkwardness. Also, it’s too close to nap time for Victoria to give a shit.
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Jellicle Safety Circle
So, we tend to think of some of the cats as tribe protectors, but outside of Munk and Alonzo, it’s difficult to tell which other cats qualify. I noticed that right before Macavity attacks, several of the adult cats stand in a circle around the kittens, so it actually might be them, or at least some of them. I went over some @fluffytuffles screencaps of the scene to see who does what:
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When the circle starts forming, Munkustrap, Skimble, Asparagus, Alonzo, Demeter, and Bomba are all fully standing. Demeter hasn’t called “Macavity” yet, so none of them know exactly what they’re dealing with.
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Pouncival, wtf are you doing outside the safety circle?
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Jellylorum leads Victoria into the circle. She also stays standing the whole time, put she’s usually looking down at the kittens.
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Mungojerrie and Skimble, with some help from Old D, form a mini-circle around Rumpleteazer. Jerrie isn’t fully standing, so it doesn’t look like he’s getting ready to fight, but he has to make sure his sister is safe.
In the lower right corner, Pouncival has made no attempt to move towards the safety circle. Is nobody watching this kitten?
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Munkustrap and Demeter search for threats while Jelly and Bomba watch the kittens. Jemima and Etcetera are sticking together, because they’ve heard of the Buddy System.
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In this version, Bombalurina usually isn’t one of the more maternal queens, but she’s taken over the job of protecting Victoria. Jenny can be seen standing, so the moms are all rising up.
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Macavity has been sighted by everyone by now. Jemima has her claws out, either prepared to fight, or just startled. Etcetera is being her usual tiger cub self, hissing and moving into a fight stance. Mungojerrie just stares.
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Etcetera and Jemima continue to be tiger cubs while Jerrie curls into a ball. He knows Macavity. He knows what he can do. He might’ve gotten into some kind of trouble with him before.
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Skimbledad steps in to protect the babies, who are at two extremes. Jerrie’s too scared to move and Etcetera’s too bold to realize that she can’t take Macavity and she needs to get out of the way.
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Jerrie is paralyzed in terror. Cassandra is standing to fight and she’s noticed that something’s up over here. Etcetera has also noticed that Jerrie’s scared, which she probably finds quite strange. He’s bigger than her and has probably gotten into fights before, but she’s fine.
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The standing adults on the edge of the circle are Cassandra, Skimble, a very reluctant Mungojerrie, Munkustrap, Demeter, Jelly, and Jenny.
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Despite his fear and the fact that he’s probably not required to stand and fight, Jerrie does so anyway. He seems to feel like he needs to.
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Alonzo, Jenny, and Jelly turn around to check on the kittens one last time. Electra is practically clinging to Jenny’s leg. I think Jerrie’s looking to Skimble for instructions. Skimble’s legs are in Munkustance.
So, who are the Jellicle Protectors?
To some extent, every adult in the tribe could act as a protector, especially when dealing with a threat as serious as Macavity. Munk and Alonzo seem to lead the protection forces, but Skimble is being looked to a lot in this situation as well. As for the queens, being a mom means being a protector. On top of that, Bombalurina and Cassandra are pretty quick to get involved in fighting. Demeter knows Macavity personally, so whether she’s a protector or not, she’s standing up to help. That might also be why Jerrie is helping here.
Jerrie is the youngest cat standing to fight. The other toms around his age are all nowhere to be found and Rumpleteazer seems pretty okay with staying on the floor.
Coricopat and Tantomile are the only full adults who are in the scene but not standing to fight. Despite their charging and hissing at Grizabella, they’re not fighters. That kind of makes them seem like bullies, ready to fight old ladies but backing out when a real threat shows up. This might’ve been an accident of staging that nobody thought through.
Several cats are absent. There are out-of-universe reasons for this, since Plato and Macavity are played by the same actor and Misto has to get ready for his number. I’m not sure if Tugger needs to be absent at this point, since he doesn’t have a costume change, but he is. George and Tumblebrutus have also vanished. They might be playing henchcats. In universe, however, I wonder what happened to them? Plato and George are around Jerrie’s age, tall and strong, and are seen marching around with Munk and Alonzo during parts of the ball. They’re part of the dance that Munk leads, along with Alonzo and Coricopat. It seems like they’re the ones in training to be protectors.
Tumblebrutus is the only Definitely Kitten to be absent, which adds another dimension of horror to this. The family is under attack and one of the kids is missing.
And Pouncival STILL won’t get in the damn safety circle.
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Scribbled Screenshots: Rum Tum Tugger Part 1
Tugger’s taking a long time to work through because too many characters do too many funny things. I also got sidetracked by the Macavity Family AU and IRL Stuff. But, since it’s getting too damn long, here’s the stuff I got done a few days ago:
CW: It’s Tugger. There will be sex jokes.
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Responsible Adults: shit.
Bomba: Oh!
Tugger: hey boy
Pouncival: omfgtugger!!!
Rumpleteazer: omfgtugger!!!
Mungojerrie: I can’t be in this number I still owe him a bag of catnip
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Jemima: George wishes he could :D this hard
Tugger: You are fucking adorable.
Asparagus: I say!
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Tugger: Check out this sexy kick!
Munkustrap: How am I related to you?
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Misto: Fuck!
Skimble: So rude!
Tugger: Blame Plato.
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Misto: You’re gonna die tonight!
Jemima: dat ass!
Tantomile: damn...
Etcetera: Tugger i luv u
Plato: We should have a threesome!
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Tugger: Ready?
Plato: Fuck yeah!
Etcetera: *keysmash*
Misto: I’m plotting my revenge
Skimble: Have some pets
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Etcetera: *keysmash*
Plato: I know right?
Skimble: This is obscene!
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Munkustrap: Are you guys okay?
Tugger: Whatever’s in my hand probably isn’t edible.
Etcetera: Neither is your ass but I’d eat it
Asparagus: wtf?
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Etcetera: Mmm! Tugger-flavored!
Tugger: lol
Plato: Lucky...and you’ve got a good ass too
Asparagus: Misto what are you doing?
Misto: My time has come
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Munk and Misto: Point!
Skimble: There oughta be a law!
Tantomile: I’m so sneaky!
Cassandra: me too lol
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Skimble: Dad conference! Pls stop him
Munkustrap: I hate this shit, but he’s not hurting anyone
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Misto: brb
Skimble: nooooooo!
Electra: Why’s Cettie over with the boys?
Etcetera: I like playing with boys!
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Skimble: This madness must be stopped before Misto’s innocence is corrupted!
Munkustrap: Are you talking about his virginity? He’s had seven kittens!
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Misto: Bitch please
Tugger: Jemima, you have competition
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Misto: You boring lol *maximum eyeroll*
Tugger: That’s hot
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Misto: I’ll have to use my special technique! *full-body eyeroll*
Tugger: You are way too cute to upset me
Plato: that happened.
Etcetera: whatev
Jemima: dat ass!
Tantomile: I know, right?
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Tugger: I’ve just been reminded that I haven’t been playing with the boys nearly enough
Pouncival: Please play gently!
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Plato: whoa!
Etcetera: wee!
Tumblebrutus: Dude, there’s a butt on your butt
Pouncival: My ass is worthy of Tugger...
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Tugger: Someone’s gonna fuck you tonight, but it’s not gonna be me.
Pouncival: Damn it!
Tumble: He’s only one cat on your wish list.
Asparagus: My son is injured!
Munkustrap: I can assure you that he is not.
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Tugger: Someone had better be looking at my dick!
Plato: Once we’re done looking at your ass!
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Misto: don’tlookathisbuttdon’tlookathisbutt...
Plato: My body is ready!
Tantomile: I can’t see Tugger’s ass from here, so I’ll check out Cassandra’s instead.
Pouncival/Tumble: Check out our cool moves!
Skimble: Don’t go down there.
George: How else am I supposed to get laid?
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Etcetera: Plato’s got a boyfriend!
Tantomile: Lucky bastard
Cassandra: My boyfriend’s probably having a stroke from jealousy right about now.
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Jemima: I want!
Plato: I have.
Tugger: I don’t even
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Misto: I am neither bored nor horny I swear
Jenny: Why hasn’t Munk stopped him?
Jelly: idk let’s just wait it out
Bomba: The party don’t start til I walk in
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Plato: Oh sweet it’s that foot thing that Cettie got!
Tumble: Babe alert!
Bomba: comin through
Pouncival: Bomba/Tugger/Me ot3!
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George: I’m going in
Skimble: Not you too!
Misto: Hey I didn’t actually join!
Bomba: y’all are amateurs that man is mine
Tugger: Alright babe, go play with your friends
Jemima: <3
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George: I want in on this!
Skimble: RIP George’s Virtue
Teazer: omfgbomba!
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Tumble: Time to do the thing!
Pouncival: This is gonna be so cool!
George: Do I even know this thing?
(Meanwhile, Plato is thinking with his dick and it cannot be put into words)
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George: I did it!
Pouncival: Notice us, Tugger!
Tumble: Yo!
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Tumble: Did you guys see that?
George: resist urge to :D
Pouncival: Am I the only one taking this seriously?
Plato: Seriously, all I’m aware of is 8=D
Tugger: I’m ignoring all of them lol
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George: fuck it. :D
Pouncival: Tugger look...
Tumble: Why am I less funny than my friends?
Plato: You’re Misto’s stunt double lol
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Bomba: Bitch I’m flawless
Teazer: lemme talk to girls dad
Skimble: Don’t even think about it
Tumble: wait r u lifting me?
Plato: gotta practice
Pouncival: practice sexy dancing!
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Plato: This is the Kiss My Paw move
Tumble: okay...
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