#misto is gay and autistic
The worst part about shipping what is essentially a crackship as my current main ship is that I literally got no art no anything of them unless I do smth myself
Which, getting myself to make/post any content is like an uphill battle every single time even tho I like it
So yeah XD
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
CATS as cats Misto and human AU Misto both slow-blink at people he likes
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millenari · 1 year
misto for the headcanon asks please !
☾ - sleep headcanon
Misto sleeps curled up in a ball, with his tail curled up over his side. He's slept like that his whole life, and he can even tell roughly how long he's been asleep by how stiff his legs are when he wakes up.
He gets cold easy; when they were smaller he and Tugger could often be found curled up together in a nap. ('But you don't like cuddling' Munk says. 'He gets cold, Munk' baby Tugger says, as if he's speaking to an idiot.)
★ - sad headcanon
Misto gets sad pretty easily. I hc him as autistic, and when he was small it made it hard for him to feel like he was 'part' of any community because the differences in how he acted and thought and behaved. Everyone loved him, but he never felt like he was 'like' everyone else. He's much happier as an adult, but still gets nervous/insecure/paranoid about being the last to understand something and will frequently pretend to know/understand things if he thinks it's something he should know.
Additionally, his palms produce glitter when he's nervous. It's always happened since he was small. He tries to play it off as a deliberate act of magic whenever he notices it happen.
☆ - happy headcanon
He sparkles when he's happy! Misto's favorite thing to do is dance, so oftentimes when he's dancing for fun he'll start sparkling without realizing it.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
On account of growing up in Macavity's shadow, Misto is very very good at not lashing out physically or magically when he's angry. Because of this, he's often only left to lash out with words when the mood takes him, and when it does he can be vicious.
✿ - S‌e‌x headcanon
-Most of the jellicles are bi, it's just kind of how they tend to be. You oftentimes see cats that have a preference one way or another, but 100% straight/gay cats are kind of a rarity. When he hit the cat version of the age of majority/consent and wasn't interested in any queens, everyone thought he was just a late bloomer. They all learned otherwise a year or so later.
-Misto actually happened to have his sexuality crisis while watching Jerrie goof around one night, which is something he plans on taking to his grave. 'MUNGOJERRIE OF ALL TOMS????' he oftentimes thinks to himself when recalling that particular occasion.
(Unrelated to the topic, but while Misto & Jerrie are friends, Misto thinks Jerrie is the most obnoxious motherfucker on the planet, and Jerrie's had an on-and-off crush on Misto since he was small. But like, come on, the guy can get into so many shenanigans with his magic that anyone would like him a little. Right? Right??????)
■ -  Bedroom headcanon
Misto never ends up putting together a den for himself; he ends up moving into Tugger's before he gets around to it. He does spruce Tugger's place up with a big fur coat he stole repossessed from a human as well as some shiny bits and bobs he took from that 'Christmas tree' thing his humans put up every year.
♡ - romantic headcanon
-Misto doesn't think he's particularly good at being romantic. Tugger would entirely disagree: Misto has a tendency to say largely casual but also super meaningful/touching things offhandedly pretty much all the time. Misto never thinks much of these remarks but they mean the world to Tugger, and even make him annoyed sometimes that Misto can be so thoughtful/tender/supportive seemingly without thought-- meanwhile he has to put a lot of thought and work into his (very grand usually) romantic gestures.
-Misto can be lost socially without having a 'script' or expectation on how a conversation should or usually would go. As he got older he gained a lot of 'scripts' and grew better at interacting with people in a way that seemed ''''normal'''' (masking, essentially). When he started getting into the romance trenches with Tugger, Misto was entirely lost for scripts for that kind of interaction, as he'd never been in a romantic situation before and never paid attention to other people's, so it was kind of distressing for him at first.
-Prior to their relationship and in said relationship's early days, Misto & Tugger got frequently stuck in a cycle of 'Tugger makes a romantic gesture' > 'Misto doesn't know how to interpret said gesture or how to respond' > 'Tugger doesn't get the reaction he'd wanted and doubles down with a different gesture' > 'Misto grows even more confused & even distressed by Tugger's unusual behavior' > 'repeat until someone gets sad/annoyed enough that an actual conversation happens'
♥ - family headcanon
Misto & Victoria being siblings is my fav thing. (I never got into Alonzo being their brother even though in terms of cat genetics it would make sense they'd be related). They're not entirely close with their uncle Bustopher, but Misto looks up to him to an insane amount.
Their father was Bustopher's twin, their mother was another white cat like Victoria, and both died when they were young. Neither of them remember their mother well enough to say, but Victoria looks a lot like her.
They were placed in Munkustrap's care by Bustopher after both of their parents died. (As a result Tugger and Misto have been close friends for a long time)
☮ - friendship headcanon
Most of my hcs are at least loosely based off of 98, so this surprised me when I first noticed it, but 98 Misto doesn't seem to like Pouncival and Tumble very much! I always kind of figured the three of them as buddies-- but I was watching 98 a few weeks ago and noticed Misto doesn't seem to enjoy it when either of them are near him.
But whatever, I hc the three of them as pals. They have contests about ballet positions and backflips & dare each other to hassle the older cats without getting caught.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Cat quirk: He scratches behind his ear when he's nervous/overstimulated. When he's going through bad times, he'll scratch it so often it'll get to the point of breaking skin.
Human quirk: He hates clothes that are loose (as well as scratchy or constraining) so he wears a lot of tight-fitting and movable things-- think athleticwear. His closet is also 90% black with some navy blue and the occasional white piece thrown in. ('Why are you dressed like kim kardashian attending a funeral?' -Victoria Jones, expert fashionista)
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
-He's very particular about his fur, especially around his jaw and neck, and doesn't like being nuzzled in the area. Most cats have their own way around this: Skimble pats him on the shoulder, Munk nuzzles the top of his head, he and Victoria bonk foreheads, Tugger (post-get-together) will take one of his hands and rub his face against that whenever he gets nuzzley. Most cats tend not to touch Misto though, they have a vague awareness he doesn't like it, though they don't know the specifics.
-Misto loves to feel useful/helpful, and when he was small Munk was always giving him fake jobs to do because he kept asking for a way to help, to the point where he'd cry if Munk told him there was nothing he could help with. Misto folded up many old cardboard boxes over the course of his kittenhood.
▼ - childhood headcanon
I accidentally talked so much about his childhood because I forgot about this section.
-Munk partially raised Misto and Victoria, as well as a handful of other regulars in the Junkyard, but since Misto and Tugger were such close friends, Munk considers Misto to be essentially another Deuteronomy brother.
-For a long time, when teleporting, Misto couldn't make himself 'go' to a certain place; every time he blinked out he had no idea where he was headed, just that it would be somewhere nearby. He gave Munk several heart attacks with this ability over the years.
∇ - old age/aging headcanon
After Deuteronomy dies, Munk steps into the role of the Jellicle leader and Misto steps into the role of the caretaker that Munk left vacant (while Alonzo gets the protector part of Munk's job, even if Misto's magic makes him a pretty efficient protector himself). This isn't something Misto willingly set himself out to do-- he kind of fell into it. But man, is he a good babysitter. Kitten ran off? No worries, he can teleport them back with a snap of his fingers. No one paying attention for dancing lessons? He has a million tricks to catch the attention of a distracted kitten. Is someone just all around poorly behaved? He grew up alongside Tugger, he's seen the worst London has to offer.
On account of interacting with a lot of kittens of London through the years, as he gets older he's a pretty universally beloved cat. After a certain point just about every cat in London so many years younger than him calls him 'Uncle', a nickname Victoria encouraged after having kittens of her own, very well aware of how much Misto looked up to their own uncle. He becomes the 'kind and wise spiritual leader' figure once he becomes an elder. And Tugger is his crazy old man husband/mate.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Human Misto's not a great cook but he is a bit of a health freak so he can fend for himself in the kitchen. He doesn't really have any sensory issues with food so he'll eat pretty much anything & is always snacking on trail mix, bananas, and other healthy stuff around lunchtime.
His favorite foods are lemonade and dark chocolate. He usually tries to limit his intake of these things, but Tugger is always buying Misto a bar of chocolate or a can of lemonade and then arguing that Misto has to 'pay a fee' to actually receive them. ('You want me to pay a fee for the thing you're giving me?' 'Yes.' 'What- What's the fee?' '😇A kiss.😇' 'WHAT.')
☼ - appearance headcanon
Misto can change the color of cats' fur: add patterns, remove patterns, change color of certain parts, change color of the full body... It's all temporary, though. And that's how he changes his look for his song during the ball.
He's not a fan of his white markings on his arm and legs, which is why he removes them for his big moment. He thinks not having them makes him look more sleek & mature, and dislikes that they're asymmetrical. Plus he heard Tugger call Alonzo 'splotchy' one too many times when they were kittens to not take it to heart.
(Tugger actually likes Misto's leg markings a lot; he was pretty disappointed when Misto came down from the ceiling and they were gone.)
ൠ - random headcanon
Pretty much all of the kittens around his age or younger had a crush on him at some point of their collective childhoods. Just about every cat other than him in the Junkyard is aware of this fact.
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Hyperfixation ask:
First of all, THANK YOU!!! I love an excuse to talk about my hyperfixations so truly thank you :D
I’m currently hyperfixated on Cats the musical, specifically the 1998 film but a few other productions as well. I personally don’t like the 2019 movie but no hate to anyone who does. That being said, assume I’m talking about the 1998 film unless otherwise specified
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
The magical Mr Mistoffelees, my boy <3 headcanons is the way I show my love to characters and media, and Misto is very Headcanonable™️, heavily because he is magic, it has so much potential for headcanons!
I also have a fondness for mute/nonverbal characters, and while there is very little spoken dialogue, Mistoffelees is one of the more in-focus characters and has proportionally fewer lines. I think that’s what drew my attention to him in the first place. That, and his design being very easy to spot (and cute!) even in the background
I have also come to the conclusion about myself that for me to hyperfixate on something, there has to be a character I can look at and go “yeah, that one’s cishetn’t and autistic” which does in fact apply to him, which smoothly brings me to the next question!
🏳️‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro etc) that are important to you?
Mistoffelees being gay and autistic are huge comforts to me, being an autistic lesbian myself with not many characters to represent me. There’s a lot of reasons for the autistic headcanon, some of the main ones being his stimming! He has at least two distinct stims in the 1998 film:
The happy arm winding stim
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And the anxious ear scratchy stim
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(Gif source: me hastily making them just now cause I didn’t have time to look for others’ lol)
There’s also that he seems a bit socially awkward (conveyed completely without dialogue!) and gets excited over things in a way I relate to because I’m autistic. And of course the selectively mute/nonverbal thing, which is also a comfort headcanon.
I also have a general headcanon that neurodiversity and magic are somewhat connected, in the way that magical/mystical cats are more likely to be neurodiverse, which are headcanons I have for Sillabub and Old Deuteronomy. But there are also ND headcanons I have for non-magical cats, like Etcetera and Munkustrap.
Also, there are very few of the cats I look at and think “that one’s cishet”, I have a bunch of lgbt headcanons and I don’t have the time or energy to list them all, but for example Mungojerrie being trans is a big one I’m unwilling to sway on. Reasons being he is often interpreted as a calico cat which mostly ever happens for cats with two X chromosomes, and that I headcanon Rumpleteazer as his identical twin sister, which would mean they have the same genetic structure and therefore the same gender assigned at birth.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
The first thing I come to think of is how many scenes they cut from the 1998 film and how much pain it brings me /lh They at least cut a verse from Jennyanydots’ song and one from Jerrie and Teazer’s song. They also cut quite a bit of dancing out of the Jellicle Ball, and they decided to cut Mistoffelees conjuring turns!!!! Which is like, his signature move!! And those are just the things I know from the top of my head! What I would give to get my gay little hands on those scenes. Jacob Brent (who played Mr Mistoffelees in 1998 and other productions) is our savior for uploading the conjuring turns on his own
I cannot say I’m in the least bit upset about them cutting Growltiger’s Last Stand (although that was due to lack of time and not simply deciding to not include it). It’s a super racist song and I’m so happy it’s not in the production that I love the most. Fck Growltiger’s Last Stand all my homies hate Growltiger’s Last Stand
A bit of a sour note to end on, but again thank you so much for the ask! I had a lot of fun writing this :D
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Macavity Family AU: Misto Does Some Magic and Has Some Babies
Misto’s gender is Magical (he/him)
Part 5: The Magical Mister Mistoffelees and His Seven Magical Kittens
No one was exactly sure of anything when it came to Mistoffelees. He was believed to be a tom and never argued with this belief, but, unlike with most kittens, his parents couldn’t tell. The circumstances around his birth, his powers, which were apparent almost immediately, and his androgynous form made some cats wonder if he was even a cat at all. That was quite rude of them.
From what Alonzo could tell, Misto definitely took after his side of the family, being black and white. But, instead of being black and white in spots and patches like his father and grandmother, he was white only at his chest, paws, and the tip of his tail. His paws and tail didn’t always appear white, for some reason, and even the white patch on his chest grew and shrank at random. When his white spotting was at its maximum, he resembled a tiny Bustopher Jones. When Misto first saw Bustopher, he noticed the similarities immediately and started following him around everywhere until Munkustrap intervened.
It was Munkustrap who raised Mistoffelees. His parents weren’t quite ready to raise a kitten, but Munkustrap was more than ready. Though he was more restrained sexually than Tugger, his younger brother, at least two pregnant queens suspected that at least one of their kittens was his, and even if they weren’t, he’d look after them as if they were his own anyway. Munk adored kittens.
Though Alonzo was a stray, Munkustrap found Mistoffelees a home. Tugger’s humans liked cats considered “unusual”. Tugger was unusually difficult. A cat with magical powers would fit right in. He brought the kitten right to their doorstep. Tugger and Misto didn’t exactly get along at first, but it didn’t lead to any sort of turf war the humans could notice.
Though no one intended to lie about who Misto’s parents were, he didn’t really seem to understand that Alonzo and Cassandra were his father and mother. He didn’t have a mother, because kittens with mothers were raised by their mothers. It was the rule. Kittens that didn’t have mothers were raised by their fathers. That was also the rule. So, Misto was pretty sure that Munkustrap was his father and that he didn’t have a mother and everyone was being really weird about it, for some reason.
Munk told Alonzo and Cassandra not to take it personally. Raising Misto, he’d come to understand some of his quirks. He had rules for how the world worked and even if the rule obviously didn’t apply to his situation, he’d stubbornly stick to it. Forcing him to break his rules upset him and when he was upset, he sometimes lost control of his magic. When the seasons changing meant that Misto’s bedtime was when it was still dark outside, Munk’s den caught fire.
When Misto reached the age where cats began mating, or at least trying to, he seemed to have no interest in any of the queens. All of his friends were queens, with his best friends being Munkustrap’s daughters, Electra and Victoria. Electra had a bit of a crush on him, but it went nowhere. Misto’s interests were dancing, and he was one of the best dancers the tribe had ever seen, and magic. He spent all his time practicing. There were a few exceptions, such as when Bustopher came to visit, as he still couldn’t resist following him around, but he mostly kept to himself.
Only a handful of toms knew that Misto wasn’t as averse to mating as he seemed. He lacked the anatomy one would expect a tom to have. Instead, he mated and got pregnant like a queen. Tugger, who mated with Misto frequently, found this ambiguity fascinating and asked why Misto agreed with those who called him a tom. Misto said that it’s because he was. He could magically alter his body if he wanted to, but he preferred to have a tom’s identity with a queen’s body. He had no interest in changing. Perhaps he wasn’t fully a tom, but he certainly wasn’t a queen. Misto was just Misto (he/him). Tugger, who could never stick to one of two options in most situations, and who valued being able to do as he pleased, fell completely in love with Misto then and there.
Not long before his second Jellicle Ball, Misto had a litter of seven kittens. Most litters came from multiple fathers, and this one was no exception, but Misto never revealed who the fathers were. Tugger knew that some of them had to be his.
When Misto, even younger than Cassandra was when she had him, had this enormous litter, Munkustrap adopted all of them. Jenny also adopted all of them. They shared custody and didn’t tell most of the tribe whose kittens they were, not wanting cats who didn’t understand the complexity of Misto’s character to see him as a queen because he gave birth.
Alonzo and Cassandra knew that they had grandchildren. Cats grow up and reproduce so fast that this wasn’t at all awkward for them. The fact that their son was the one to give birth was a bit of a surprise, but Misto surprised them all the time, so this very quickly became just another Thing That Happened.
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Two Scribbled Screenshots Because They’re Taking a While
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It’s Jacob Brent’s Birthday So I Made a Misto Thing
Here’s some screencaps of Misto and Bustopher that I scribbled over.
CW: Vaguely implies that Misto might have a crush on Bustopher? I don’t even know at this point...
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Those Six Mistos: Bustopher Jones
This ended up ridiculously long
Vienna Misto hears the song start up and he jumps for joy and claps his hands together.
Skimble tries to keep Misto away from Bustopher. Misto follows Bustopher around and pulls his tail. Skimble catches him and shoves him back. Misto continues to have as much physical contact with Bustopher as possible. That is clearly his goal. Bustopher doesn’t seem to notice that he’s even there, not even when Misto nearly pounces on him and Skimble has to, once again, intervene.
Misto dusts off the hat Bustopher sits on with his tail and is able to stand next to him during his solo. Skimble stands on Bustopher’s other side, leaving the toms standing near Misto to handle his antics. Without decent close-ups, I have no idea who these toms are. I can barely identify most of the characters in this version anyway. I believe Coricopat is there and he seems to actually be pretty chill with Misto.
Misto preens and poses during Bustopher’s solo. When some of the kittens get close, he turns to Skimble in protest, as does the cat next to him, who I’m just going to guess is Alonzo.
After the solo, Misto appears to flap his hands while also seeming ready to swoon. He recovers to do his Most Gentlemanly Bow. Bustopher doesn’t notice. He applauds the solo, looking right at Bustopher as he begins to fall backwards, but he catches him, with help from Coricopat and Skimble.
After this point, Skimble becomes The Tom Who’s Losing It, dragging Bustopher to walk past the line of other toms he set up for inspection. Misto is thrilled to be walked past, but he stays put.
Vienna Misto, despite normally being played older than the other Mistos in this set, acts like an over-excited kitten around Bustopher. But, then again, so does Skimble. Since Skimble isn’t behaving any better than Misto, it doesn’t make sense for him to be worried about how Bustopher will react to him. I think Skimble views Misto as competition for Bustopher’s attention. Bustopher only pays attention to either one of them when they force him to, so nobody wins.
This is probably the prototype for all the other Bustopher/Misto interactions it will be compared to.
Paris Misto preens a bit when the number starts up and runs over to where Bustopher is about to appear. He, along with Skimble, lead Bustopher to where the camera can see him. If you can’t tell, in Broadway-based productions, Bustopher Jones is about, among other things, Misto and Skimble competing to get senpai to notice them. As soon as they’re both visible, Skimble shoves Misto away from Bustopher. He was just strutting around behind him and not making any trouble.
Misto gets in a brief fight with someone in the background, who I think might be Alonzo, because everyone’s determined to prevent Misto from having any fun in this number. Skimble catches him near Bustopher again and they continue to squabble. Bustopher hasn’t noticed any of this, another reoccurring theme.
Misto bats at Bustopher’s tail. This is the first time he’s done something that it makes sense for Skimble to scold him for. Skimble drags Bustopher over to the hat so he won’t notice Misto’s antics. Misto runs after them and dusts off the hat. He gets his usual spot beside Bustopher during his solo, on Bustopher’s right, next to Coricopat. Coricopat doesn’t fight with Misto.
During the solo, Misto cannot stay focused, sometimes listening, sometimes looking the void behind him, sometimes preening, and sometimes trying to imitate Bustopher. After the solo, he dances with the other toms and the fact that he’s the only one whose mouth isn’t moving stands out. He’s very quick to help when Bustopher falls.
There’s more bickering between Misto and Skimble. This time, Skimble won’t let Misto wave at Bustopher. Skimble lines up the toms and practically flings Bustopher into them. When Bustopher passes him, Misto waves to him, trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t notice.
Zurich Misto gets into some sort of disagreement with someone right away. He doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do and Skimble drags him into place, teaching him how to bow properly. He practices his bow again behind Bustopher’s back and then runs to grab his tail, possibly trying to get his attention so he can see his New and Improved Bow. Skimble runs in to stop him and they argue over it for a bit. When Skimble’s back is turned, Misto pulls Bustopher’s tail anyway. He’s mute. He can’t just call him. He doesn’t know how else to get his attention. Skimble runs in to distract Bustopher before he notices Misto and leads him to the hat for his solo.
Misto dusts off the hat and takes his usual spot on Bustopher’s right. Bustopher still doesn’t know that it was Misto who pulled his tail, so he’s fine with this. When the kittens roll in, Misto gets upset, but Skimble runs to take care of it.
Plato and Coricopat get up to something in the background that looks very close to making out. Misto notces and tries to direct their attention back to Bustopher, because they’re supposed to be listening to his solo.
After the solo, featuring another moment where everyone but Misto is singing and he’s not sure what to do about that, Skimble teaches Misto how to walk in a certain way. He’s putting a lot of effort into helping Misto impress Bustopher, instead of competing over it, a unique feature from the previous two.
Misto and Skimble run to catch Bustopher when he falls. Bustopher appears to elbow Misto off of him shortly after, and whatever happened, Misto cringes away. He shakes his head and scratches his ear, once again looking kind of lost, before Skimble leads him to the line of toms, standing between Coricopat and Plato, which is worth noting due to their previous interactions. Bustopher passes the line, correcting Plato’s posture slightly. Misto has a big smile when Bustopher finally looks at him, but Bustopher decides this is something that needs to be corrected. Zurich Bustopher is a dick.
Misto cries and Plato turns to comfort him. Misto appears to recover pretty quickly. The moral of this story is that it’s okay if senpai rejects you, as long as you have a good friend.
Buenos Aires Misto runs around hugging people, specifically Jenny and Jelly, when he realizes that Bustopher’s coming. He kitten crawls a bit and then has a talk with Skimble, Bustopher’s other biggest fanboy. Skimble is the one who has no idea what he’s doing in this version, sitting on the floor and nodding while Misto does his Most Gentlemanly Bow.
Bustopher has Skimble dust off the hat before he sits down to begin his solo. Misto is in his usual spot, but he starts further away from Bustopher than he does in other versions. Bustopher beckons Misto closer until he’s practically on top of him and directs the solo to him. Misto silently squees over it.
Skimble starts pawing at Bustopher to get his attention and Bustopher elbows him to stand back. Misto notices that Skimble has upset Bustopher and hisses at him, leaning on Bustopher while he does it, showing off that he has Bustopher and Skimble doesn’t. Skimble hisses back and the exchange has the vibe of two bickering children sticking their tongues out at each other.
Everyone’s allowed to get close to Bustopher towards the end of his solo. Misto gets Alonzo’s attention to make sure that he’s in on this. Skimble enjoys a brief moment of being close to Bustopher before getting waved away again. By pawing at him for attention, Skimble has proved himself to be a nuisance.
Misto and Skimble both wrap their arms around Bustopher at the end of the chorus and he waves them both off this time. They’re both still close enough to catch him when he falls. Skimble forms the line of toms and then interrupts Bustopher’s flirtation with Jenny to get him to walk past the line right now. Misto does what he usually does when someone’s bothering him, turning to Munk to get him to do something about it, which he doesn’t. Skimble shoves Bustopher past the line when he won’t move fast enough. Misto tries complaining to Munk again, but he soon gives up and kitten crawls to watch Bustopher’s fake golf swing. Bustopher is now more interested in flirting with Jenny than he is with either of them.
This version is generally hilarious, with this Bustopher being the opposite of Zurich Bustopher, showing favoritism towards Misto.
1998 Misto loses interest in whatever was up with Grizabella, running up to greet Bustopher immediately. Bustopher is busy examining his reflection in his giant spoon and doesn’t notice. Still, Misto is fine. He runs off to make sure that everything is perfect. He gets all the toms arranged as a group, still in a very good mood, before going back to the tire where Munk is to ask if he did a good job.
Misto realizes that he’s now stuck behind the other toms and he’s too tiny for Bustopher to see, so he runs around the group and blocks Bustopher’s path to do his Most Gentlemanly Bow. Bustopher turns to the nearby Asparagus, seeming at least a bit impressed and greets Misto with a Formal Hand Touch.
Bustopher attempts to leave early and Misto slides after him. Jelly gives him a Disapproving Look, but Munk stops Bustopher to help Misto out. Misto still pulls on Bustopher’s tail though. When Bustopher turns around to see who was pulling his tail, he knocks Misto backwards and is briefly concerned for him. He decides to stay for a bit longer to Misto won’t have a nervous breakdown. Skimble gets the hat and dusts it off. As Bustopher walks towards it, Misto kitten crawls beside him.
Bustopher begins his solo and Misto cannot stay out of his personal space. Bustopher gently waves him back, not calling attention to his mistake. Misto pretends to be okay and then does some preening. He covers one hand with the other to prevent that hand from touching Bustopher, because his limbs no longer obey him.
Bustopher turns to Misto briefly and touches his wrist. Misto is hanging on Bustopher’s every word, but after the wrist touch, he turns to the various other toms and points at himself, bragging about being special. When Bustopher turns back in Misto’s direction, he must once again control his disobedient paws, which appear to want to flap now.
Everyone starts singing and Misto has fun until the kittens edge closer. Misto warns them to stay back. Munk does literally the exact same gesture. They don’t look at each other, so no one is mimicking. They’re just both completely in sync.
For the last line of the solo, Misto leans towards Bustopher, eyes closed, imagining all the tasty food he’s describing, especially the rice pudding. He licks his lips and then scratches at his ear, possibly nervous that Bustopher might’ve seen the lip lick, which is not a very Gentlemanly thing to do.
During the chorus, Misto does a bit more preening and posing. He turns to Asparagus, not noticing that Bustopher is about to fall backwards, because he’s now too busy gossiping. He turns around to save the day at the last second and keeps Bustopher from falling off the stage. He then rushes to line up all the toms, once again having to make sure that everything’s perfect. Plato wonders why this kid is allowed to boss them all around, while Munk seems to find the whole mess endearing.
Misto leads Bustopher to the line, walking behind him in what he considers a “proper” way. It goes way more smoothly than the line formations of other versions. For the finale, he waits for Skimble so they can follow Bustopher together.
NOTE: 1998 is the only London-based production in this set, so you can see some staging differences. In Broadway-based productions, Misto and Skimble host Bustopher’s visit while Munk just stands back. Misto and Skimble usually bicker enough that you’d think Munk would intervene, but he never does. In London-based productions, it’s Munk and Misto who host Bustopher, with Munk managing to hide the fact that he’s as excited as Misto is. Unlike when Skimble is heavily involved, there’s no bickering.
Troika Misto runs off to gossip with Plato while everyone goes to greet Bustopher, stepping into the crowd a moment late. All the toms bow in unison and then the crowd splits up. Misto goes to Skimble who helps him get cleaned up a bit. He lets Skimble take the lead in hosting Bustopher and takes his usual spot for the solo. Unlike the usual arrangement, Munkustrap is next to him.
During the solo, Misto hangs on Bustopher’s every word. His paws keep circling his thighs like he’s trying not to touch them. As Bustopher describes delicious foods, instead of 1998 Misto’s one big lip lick, we get several smaller ones, including when rice pudding is mentioned. It looks like this actor had seen the 1998 version and was trying to do something similar, with both the lip licking and the “paws keep doing weird things”.
Misto bows and preens a bit during the next chorus, with Munkustrap, while also doing some preening, supporting him. Misto briefly gets distracted posing and almost misses Bustopher falling backward. Munk, Misto, Skimble, and Alonzo all crowd together to preen, pose, bow, and generally show off for Bustopher’s attention. I think they’re grooming themselves. This turns into the line of toms, with Skimble sort of organizing it while not paying that much attention.
Bustopher walks by the line and everything goes smoothly. Misto joins Skimble to watch the golf swing and they both seem quite proud of themselves.
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This Might Be Every Misto-related Tag I’ve Ever Used But Probably Not
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Scribbled Screenshots: Bustopher’s Solo
I’m not going to try doing whole musical numbers in one go, unless they’re short. This way, I can get these things done a bit faster. So, this a portion of the number that had enough moments by itself that it gets its own entry.
CW: Usual shenanigans. If you’re new and don’t know what that means, scroll back until you find another entry in this series that has a better written content warning.
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Tumble: I should be standing with the big boys
Pouncival: I just wanna be involved
Etcetera: pay attention 2 me!!!
Electra: I sing!
Jenny: No, Electra, this part’s for men only
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Tumble: Hi Bustopher!
Pouncival: We too are useless males who want to eventually mate and die! Are we cool yet?
Misto: Damn it guys!
Munk: *disapproving glare*
Bustopher, ignoring everyone: Now, Bertie Wooster, the Drones Club member the books follow is absolutely opposed to getting married, mostly because Jeeves, his genius valet, doesn’t work for married men, for some reason. Draw your own conclusions.
(Yes, Bustopher just went off on a tangent and I enjoyed writing every second of it)
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Munk and Misto: Don’t you dare mess this up for me!
Tumble: Literally all we did was show up
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Bustopher: And mutton. Solo over!
Misto: I made a weird face hope he didn’t notice stress
Tumble: Cettie was right. U r a weirdo!
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Misto: I’m best boy!
Tumble: woo!
Etcetera: I can still salute better than the boys!
Victoria: I’d rather imitate what Jenny’s doing
Pouncival: Wanna see my butthole?
Jelly: oh god
(cats are know to do that sometimes...)
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
Having “Mute!Misto and Deaf!Vicky befriending each other because of the other being the only person they know who spoke sign language for most of their childhood but then it grew into an unbreakable bond and they consider themselves platonic soulmates and refer to the other as their sibling despite not being biologically related” on my mind
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
gaylittlewizardcat’s tag master post
The purpose of this post is to avoid duplicate tags (such as having both “Mister Mistoffelees” and “Mr. Mistoffelees” as tags) and to easier navigate my blog (both for others and myself). It will probably get updated a lot with time
This post also includes tags I think I may have use for in the future, even if I haven’t used them yet, and may exclude some other tags I have used for varying reasons
(This also applies to reblogs on my main)
Accessibility tags:
I do my best to tag triggering content, though the format varies a bit (such as using tw or cw, putting it before or after etc) if there’s ever a post you feel is triggering that doesn’t have proper warnings please don’t hesitate to tell me! Anons are on if that makes you more comfortable :]
Negativity: the tag I use when complaining about stuff. I try to keep my blog fun and light hearted so it’s nothing super upsetting, but if you don’t want that this is the tag to blacklist
Undescribed: I try to add image descriptions to all posts with gifs or images, but sometimes I don’t have time or aren’t sure how to describe something, in which case they get this tag so I can easily come back to it later. Things like bingos, “get to know my ship” templates or videos are never described because I simply do not know how to format them in a sensible way. If you use a screen reader and would like for me to add a description to a specific image let me know and I’ll try to prioritize that post! Anons are on if that makes you more comfortable
“Type of content” tags:
My art: art I made!
Doodle: silly very low effort art I made!
Writing: something I wrote or plan on writing, really pretty much anything writing related
Drabble: something small I wrote, usually also has the “writing” tag
Fanfiction: something I wrote I also posted on AO3, always also has the “writing” tag
Gif: this post includes gif(s) I’ve made
Gay little ramblings: me just spewing whatever nonsense is in my brain in the moment
Reblog: self explanatory
Excellent addition: when someone adds stuff to my post I think is neat, always also has the reblog tag
Fandom event: sometimes people do things like ship weeks or gift exchanges! Sometimes I participate!
Cats fanart: both my own and gift exchange stuff!
Incorrect cats: incorrect quotes
Source: my wretched brain: Incorrect quotes I’ve thought up myself
Jellicle queues: queue tag, rarely sees usage lol
Jellicle memes: memes
Jellicle polls: polls! I think they’re fun and I post them sometimes
Jellicle asks: invitations to send asks (such as ask games)
Jellicle answers: answered asks
Cosplay: Cosplay stuff, mostly added to this list symbolically since most posts tagged with this are gay little ramblings about WISHING I did cosplay but not actually doing it
Video: some type of content in video form, most likely edits of some kind
Audio: sometimes I edit audios, most of the time they also have the “video” tag because I upload them in a video format
Edit: a variety of stuff, but usually me doodling over a screenshot
Year in review: yearly tumblr check-in cause I love stats and organization
Discord shenanigans: Discord related shenanigans
Character tags and any possible specific tags that only concerns one character:
Alonzo cats
Amunet cats (I also tend to tag her with “Exotica cats” so people who like her have an easier time finding her, but I use the name Amunet otherwise)
Asparagus Jr
Bustopher Jones
Cassandra cats
Demeter cats
Electra cats (Autistic Electra)
Etcetera cats (Autistic Cettie)
The Everlasting Cat
Jellicle dog George
Gus the theatre cat
Jemima cats (Cryptid Jemmy)
Mistoffelees (Cryptid Misto, Autistic Misto, Mute Misto, Misto and the Glitter Chronicles)
Mungojerrie (Trans Mungojerrie)
Munkustrap (Autistic Munkus)
Old Deuteronomy
Plato cats
Rum tum tugger
Victoria the white cat (Deaf Vicky)
Relationship tags (these tags may or may not get used together with both/all relevant character tags, depending on the specific post):
Bombatuggoffeleesandra (I am in rarepair hell)
Cassoffelees (platonic? romantic? qpr? Yes.)
Demecavity (Mostly past Demecavity)
Monochromatic siblings (Mistoffelees and Victoria)
Monochromatic family (Mistoffelees, Victoria and Bustopher (occasionally Alonzo too but much less frequently))
Chaos twins (Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer)
Chaos trio (Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer and Mistoffelees)
Mystic twins (Tantomile and Coricopat)
Mystic trio (Tantomile, Coricopat and Mistoffelees)
Deuteronomy brothers (Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger)
QPR Amulorum (queer-platonic relactionship between Amunet and Jellylorum)
Oldie squad (Jenny, Jelly, Amunet, Asparagus, Skimble, Bustopher, Gus and Ol’ Deut, on rare occasions also Griz)
The kittens (Electra, Etcetera, Jemima, Tumblebrutus, Pouncival, and sometimes Victoria)
Other tags:
Jellicle Cats
Pollicle Dogs
Cats OLC
Cats OBC
Timothy Scott (I usually don’t post about actors but I have a habit of not shutting up about Scoffelees)
Cats 1998
Cats international tour 2022
Cats non replica
I’m not going to mention all the different productions, I don’t keep great track of them so I just,,,, tag them only sometimes
Jellicle folklore (the Everlasting Cat as a deity and the beliefs Jellicles may hold regaring Her, and some stuff about how the magic in this world may work)
The man over there (sometimes the character himself, but mostly me complaining about people who hate on or fundamentally don’t understand the musical)
Human AU
Which Misto makeup design am I going to be Not Normal about today? (I am completely 100% biased but I think Mistoffelees has some of the most interesting makeup designs and they make me go just a little bit feral sometimes)
peak autism moment (when cats the musical,,,,, but autism <3)
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