#wuwa luck
jaycemeswain · 4 months
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First 5 star for Wuwa. She is pretty cute, but was expecting the Lion boy 1st
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katsukys · 3 months
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zeearts · 4 months
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these two cost me 138 fates/tickets EACH and i was so close to desperately opening sketch comms just to afford them. And I don't even have their weapon/light cone! 😭
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shuuenka · 4 months
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i cant get them out of my brain y'all its serious
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nervocat · 4 months
What is little bro doing here this was my first 10 summon on the standard banner 💀💀
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bufferingbabe · 4 months
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(i knew it was too good to be true)
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aoxizu · 4 months
i have, completely accidentally, finished all of the currently available wuthering waves main questline
meanwhile i still have not touched the 2.2 plot in star rail but shh i'll get that scene finished eventually and then i can start questing
but anyway. obviously jiyan and jing yuan have many similarities (general, initials jy, ponytail, voiced by sun ye, chinese, once knew a guy with white hair who later became a criminal), but jiyan just doesn't quite get to the same level as jing yuan does (also jing yuan showed up for me twice. jiyan has shown up 0 times.)
this will go into jiyan backstory spoilers kind of if you haven't yet seen that part of the main quest, and also tone warning: i'm going to complain a lot, and i am very biased.
but like. geshu lin did nothing wrong change my mind
it's like if the luofu was fighting phantylia and there was no astral express, jing yuan tells the army to guard the frontline with their life if necessary and then goes off to fight phantylia alone, and then the soldiers all have terrible morale so fu xuan decides to have everyone retreat and then jing yuan becomes a criminal for giving that order and fu xuan becomes the general
except fu xuan at least has some higher position in the leadership structure of the luofu, but jiyan does not. jiyan was literally just some random doctor in the army who said "hey what if we didn't lose our lives like we signed up to do and all ran away instead" and for that he was appointed general through magic dragon
it's like the game is trying to take a "war bad" stance at the same time as glorifying the military so they can sell the general and convince people to pull for him
and then (main story spoilers) when you go fight the not-bloodborne boss in the north wilds (i play in cn so i have no idea what anything is called in english) at the very end of the quest, jiyan pretty much does the same thing as geshu lin
he has his soldiers stay back while he goes to fight the big bad and the only difference is that jiyan takes 3 more people along with him and he also has the power of a prophecy on his side
i get that the game is trying to paint geshu lin as this kind of like war crazed general but like jiyan and geshu lin are in nearly the exact same situation here, making almost the exact same decision
i am being told that jiyan is different from geshu lin in some way but it's really hard to believe that when it looks like they're doing the same things
chinese culture doesn't like to glorify leaders who only focus on war and nothing else (see: han wudi, qin shihuang) (note that mao zedong and the cultural changes he brought do not agree with this attitude) and i suppose that's the reasoning for why geshu lin is a criminal while jiyan is fine since jiyan knows when to retreat or whatever, but i do not think the game does a particularly good job of showing that
this inconsistency may have also had something to do with the amount of changes that jiyan's character went through during development, since his (cn) va was originally sang liuze (ratio/neuvillette) (which i think would have fit jiyan better. personal opinion), and was later changed to sun ye, and his character was also originally just supposed to be a doctor in the army without the sudden becoming general part, so to a lot of cn players it just feels like kuro's trying to coast off of jing yuan's popularity
i don't think that's necessarily true but it is definitely affecting how jiyan is being seen in the chinese community
though i will say that despite the whole ???ness of jiyan's decision making process, the not bloodborne boss fight was really cool, and i really liked exploring that area
hsr on the other hand avoids the problem with trying to say war bad but also trying to sell a military general by simply having jing yuan focus on strategy, and clearly placing more importance on outsmarting the enemy rather than throwing people and resources at the enemy until it dies
but anyway. i'm still going to try and get jiyan, since i kind of like his playstyle despite it being burst based, though havoc rover does look cool enough for me to seriously consider using them for as long as possible
right now the game is in the weird place of being so new that i can't take a lot of it seriously, since it's still finding its place in the massive 2d-adjacent mobile game environment, but i'm sure it will either a) grow on me or b) become genshin, where i am a "day one player" but barely touch the game
or a secret third option, where it displaces my star rail addiction to plant a wuthering waves addiction, but i find that unlikely since i don't tend to like open world games as much
i'm excited to see where wuthering waves goes and if it can finally provide a challenge to the behemoth that is genshin
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you know what the actual problem i have with wuthering waves is? when i take a picture with the in game camera and hit save it doesn't actually save. so i'm restricted to screenshots for the time being
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gemkun · 4 months
me : finishes jiyan's story me : starts crying me : loses my 50/50 on jiyan's banner right after me : starts crying even harder
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eclipsinggod · 4 months
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dadizz · 4 months
Thoughts from trying Wuwa
-the exposition is kind of a lot, it could use a slower drip feed of info
-the optimization on lower end hardware, even at bottom of the barrel settings, is abysmal
-the gameplay feels fucking incredible, sorta soulsy with its stagger system and dodge mechanics
-the character designs are cute, but the girls seem pretty samey so far, minus a few exceptions
-the setting seems cool! Fantastical modern settings are awesome
-the theming around sound and frequencies is a neat throughline
Honestly, the gameplay is so smooth and fun, kinda like HI3 met Genshin and they went on a date in Lordran. I'll play it just for the gameplay, at least for now.
Tldr, fun gameplay!! Hope the pacing and optimization is tweaked <33 I've got high hopes.
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authorchia · 3 months
Chat I just played Wuthering Waves only for 2 days and
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I got Yinlin in less than 80 Convenes chat is this real- /ref
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hakusins · 4 months
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Omg my wuwa gacha luck....
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kimsuyeon · 4 months
lost my 50/50 on jiyan to jianxin KMS
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peachyologist · 3 months
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kyuubitplays · 8 days
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bitter---wing · 1 month
should I get my gf to play palia we need a cozy gameee
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