interracialcandlove · 1 month
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rolaplayor101 · 2 years
Ok, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought Sam and Tucker has much much more chemistry than Danny and Sam.
Also Danny should have been with Valerie they had has the development, the history, the chemistry even Jack and Technus seemed to ship them.
When I was little I liked Danny/Sam but rewatching the show years later made me realize Sam and Danny weren’t that good for each other. I’m not saying it’s true but sometimes the show made it look as if Sam only started liking Danny for his ghost powers while Valerie’s Character development was literally about learning to understand ghost.
Valerie already loved Danny and her arc would have come full circule had they have gotten together.
I heard Steven wanted to complete Valerie arc by having Danny/Valerie and Sam/Tucker end up together and I really believe that’s what should have happened.
I really think that was the story the show was going to/had to tell.
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Tfw you’re fake-dating your bff for a scheme but when he kisses you he gets surprisingly into it
Redbubble, Commissions open!, DNI proshippers/antiantis/queerphobes/racists and fetishists/etc in About Me, yeah i havent watched it since i was a kid so idk about all that but i still like the idea of veggieburger
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moonfirebrides · 2 years
Sick of the albatross of racist white supremacist stereotypes that so many Black men place around the necks of Black women - Honey Williams @thehoneyeffect
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kateysummers99 · 1 month
Do you think the WWBM Interacial movement has now got to a critical point where momentum has starting to challenge even the majority of White Women now as far as there choices for relationship ? May we as White Males even lose this group of females to African Men more then we keep ourselves ?
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The short answer is definitely yes.
Because of my own personal experiences and also just looking at major social trends, it's pretty obvious that IR relationships (in general, but specifically white girls and black guys) are much more common now than they were 10, 30, and 30 years ago. 
I think there are lots of reasons for this and I’m obviously not an expert (I work in finance, not cultural psychology), but lets just look at the obvious trends:
Girls today are more empowered in general, and especially regarding sexuality and romance. I mention this a lot on this blog, there are less things hold girls back than there used to be. Movies and TV and culture in general are so much more accepting that people can love who they want to love, and that applies especially to society being more accepting of girls expressing their sexuality. I grew up in a time when dating black guys was an obvious but implied no-no, and it's just not the same today. (Note this is NOT true everywhere. Sadly there are racists and homophobes still, but they will probably be holdouts until they die.)
Black men are idolized for their physicality and masculinity by society more and more every day. Sports, music, advertising media, movies, social media and TV shows - you name it, black guys are constantly the icon of masculinity, status and power. This is really true for their masculinity, where we regularly fetishize the sexual prowess of black men in every day culture with phrases like “once you go black you never go back.” 
Porn is free and everywhere. Also something that wasn’t the case when I was growing up, but now you just pick up any cell phone and in a few seconds be privately and anonymously staring at an amazing black man and his huge black cock (or whatever your fantasy is).
Also in the last few years, social justice and institutional racism has become a hot topic, I think a lot of women recognize that the same old white male patriarchy that has been suppressing women since the beginning of time has also been responsible for suppressing Black people. This puts white women and black men on the same side on a pretty deep level, where they see each other in the same existential struggle for happiness against the common enemy that is old white guys.
Another interesting thing that I've read reports about is more and more young white guys who are essentially "staying single" forever, sometimes due to porn addiction. They make a sexual connection with porn that is easy and judgment free, which is the opposite of the real-world dating situation where they deal with complex social dynamics and competition (including trying to compete against more masculine black men who are constantly in movies and music).
So if that's a growing tend... then young women find themselves more free in choosing partners, society idolizing black guys, exposed to IR sex and porn, and more culturally aligned with black guys… and young white guys basically removing themselves from the dating pool.
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As for me personally, I have always thought think black guy / white girl couples are the most beautiful -- there's a special passion and primal attraction that goes deep down that you just don't see with other couples.
So yes, I think black guy and white girl couples are definitely more and more popular. I don’t think we’ll ever get to a point where all white men are unwanted forever (sorry white boys who message me, desperate to live in such a world), but I do think increasingly empowered girls and wider acceptance of female sexuality will naturally trend to more black guys and white girls together - which is all beautiful to me :)
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thisismisogynoir · 1 year
talking to biracial girls that are mixed with white when it comes to race is the fucking WORST holy mother of god. rn i'm schooling in a place where it's 99% black and me and some of my other friends were talking about how white girls treat people. i talk about how white girls have always treated me like rubbish (WHICH THEY HAVE) and this half white half black girl pipes up and says "my mom is white don't say that!" like excuse me madam this was never about your mama??? i was talking about MY EXPERIENCE like are you daft.
also this girl is a resident of the boarding house (like me) and she's the same one who will always remind me of my "privilege" whenever it's a race related thing. like yeah i'm quite grateful that my parents are well off and i don't worry about where my meals come from. i am AWARE of that. but face it babes if someone is accused of stealing in white people country and it's between you and me THEY WILL THINK IT IS ME. like please check yourself??? sorry for the rant but i honestly thought you would understand/get it so yeah. hope you have a good day aisha
No it's okay!
It's always the ones with the white moms too lol, wannabe Karens. A lot of wwbm relationships are rooted in misogynoir and mutual hatred of Black women which they then project onto their children, teach their sons to only date white women and teach their daughters to ignore their Black side unless it's convenient and to see themselves as above Black women when really we are all equal. And it's funny because you almost never see this in bwwm relationships. My maternal aunt and white uncle never act like this, and never teach my male cousin to act like this. And I think it's because Black women won't tolerate that sort of bullshit in a relationship(I hope this doesn't sound strong/sassy Black woman of me or anything) and will refuse to be fetishized and don't date white men to put down Black men so any white man they date has to be one who genuinely loves them for them and is respectful of Black people, but a lot of Black men date white women because they want a "snow bunny" and a lot of white women date Black men because they want a BBC. They date each other because they see Black women as insecure and jealous and not good enough compared to white women. And I'm not saying there aren't relationships that aren't like this but it's far less popular than the reverse. It's also worth mentioning that straight Black men are the most likely to marry outside of their race but straight Black women are the least likely. Of course, love who you want, but it's...something.
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interracialcandlove · 4 months
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Kanwil DJP Sebut PWI Lampung Mitra Strategis dalam Peningkatan Penerimaan Pajak
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BANDARLAMPUNG - Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (Kanwil DJP) Lampung Tri Bowo menyambut baik kunjungan Ketua PWI Lampung Wirahadikusumah dan pengurus harian di kantornya, Rabu (17/5/2023). "PWI Lampung menjadi mitra strategis Kanwil DJP Bengkulu-Lampung untuk menyebarluaskan informasi perpajakan," ucap Tri. Apa lagi, kata dia, Kanwil DJP Bengkulu-Lampung membawahi dua wilayah yakni Bengkulu dan Lampung. "Tugas kita berat dalam rangka menyadarkan masyarakat agar patuh pajak. Oleh sebab itu, kita memerlukan peran semua pihak, termasuk PWI Lampung," jelasnya. Tri memaparkan Kanwil DJP Bengkulu-Lampung membawahi 9 unit vertikal terdiri dari satu madya dan delapan KPP pratama. "Kami sangat senang bersilaturahmi. PWI kami anggap mitra. Melihat peran profesi PWI sangat strategis sekali untuk menyebarluaskan tentang pemberitaan regulasi perpajakan dan memberikan kesadaran ke masyarakat. Kami mohon untuk bisa ikut mengambil peran dan fungsi ikut andil menyarankan masyarakat dalam menjalankan kewajibannya mematuhi pajak," ujarnya. Ia merespons positif tawaran kolaborasi program PWI Lampung. "Kami siap memberikan sosialisasi, tentukan waktu tempat dan jumlah peserta." Lebil lanjut, Tri menjelaskan di masa kepemimpinannya Kanwil DJP Bengkulu-Lampung selama tiga tahun berturut-turut tercapai target. "Ini perjuangan luar biasa yang kami lakukan dan ini memerlukan dukungan PWI. Tahun ini, kami ditarget Rp10 triliun saat ini baru terealisasi Rp3,6 triliun," ungkapnya. Selain itu, masih kata Tri, terdapat prestasi yang diraih. Di antaranya tahun 2021 rangking IV nasional tentang kepatuhan SPT. Lalu pada 2022 rangking II nasional. "Target kami 2023 rangking 1 nasional. Tahun ini masuk nominasi lima Kanwil terbaik. Kinerja kita yang baik tentunya disupport semua stakeholder," tuturnya. "Kanwil kita ini juga sudah mendapat penilaian Menpan-RB status kanwil dengan predikat zona integritas wilayah bebas korupsi. Itu semua dinilai dari pembenahan yang terus kami lakukan menuju WWBM (wilayah birokrasi bersih melayani)," tandasnya. "Ini penghargaan terhadap organisasi PWI sudah dapat diterima dengan sangat baik," ujarnya. Sementara itu, Wirahadikusumah menjelaskan sejarah dan latarbelakang PWI yang saat ini tersebar di seluruh Tanah Air. Menurutnya, ada 1000 lebih wartawan yang tergabung di PWI Lampung, diantaranya 603 sudah menjadi anggota biasa. "PWI Lampung berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kompetensi wartawan dengan memegang terus kode etik jurnalistik dan aturan, " kata Wira, sapaan akrabnya. Direktur Utama Rilis.id Group itu menjelaskan saat ini pers Indonesia tengah dihantam badai distrupsi digital. "Kami terus beradaptasi dan melakukan terobosan agar mampu bertahan. Kami ingin kanwil DJP mengajarkan kepada kami agar dapat menjadi wajib pajak yang baik dan diajarkan bagaimana mekanisme pembayaran pajak. Banyak wartawan tidak mengerti bagaimana aturan pajak," terangnya. Menurutnya, karena media tidak bersedia pajak, melainkan karena ketidaktahuan. Untuk itu, ia berharap terjalinnya kolaborasi yang baik agar seluruh anggota PWI Lampung khususnya dapat menjadi warga negara yang patuh pajak. "Sebab pajak tonggak pembangunan Indonesia. Kami butuh saran masukan dalam melakukan kegiatan jurnalitisiknya." Turut hadir mendampingi Sekretaris PWI Lampung Andi Panjaitan, Wakil Ketua Organisasi Eka Setiawan, Wakil Ketua Kerjasama Segan Petrus Simanjuntak, Wakil Ketua Media Cyber Amirudin Sormin dan pengurus PWI Kalbi Rikardo. (*) Sumber: PWI Lampung Read the full article
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pa-jakartautara · 2 years
HIJRAH ITU SELALU BERJUANG UNTUK MENJADI YANG TERBAIK   Mawar putih suci warnanya Mawar merah semebak harumnya Sadar diri modal utama Sabar hati meraih asa   Martabak Pacenongan gurih rasanya Kue apem manis rasanya WBK sudah di tangan bersama WBBM menjadi tujuan utama   Untuk menjadi yang terbaik harus berjuang terus dan terus berjuang. Hijrah salah satu semangat perjuangan yang harus dimiliki setiap musli/muslimat dalam meraih sukses dunia akhirat.   Mengawali pekan pertama di bulan Agustus 2022, apel pagi pada hari Senin, tanggal 01 Agustus 2022, Drs. Khoiruddin Harahap, M.H., Hakim Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Utara,  selaku Pembina Apel menajak kepada seluruh peserta apel agar menjaga dan meningkatkan kinerja yang sudah baik menjadi lebih baik dan yang terbaik, apalagi PA Jakarta Utara sedang membangun zona integritas menuju WBBM. Hal itu selaras dengan semangat hijrah yang baru saja memasuki Tahun Baru 1444 Hijriyah sejak hari Sabtu, 30 Juli 2022.   Selesai apel besama, dilanjutkan dengan foto bersama Pimpinan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta dan Tim Pembangunan ZI PA Jakarta utara dengan mengelilingi lukisan grafiti oval begambar 5 jari tangan terbuka di halaman Gedung  Kantor yang bertuliskan Zona Integritas PA Jakarta Utara, Pelayanan SMART, WBK Sukses, WWBM Pasti.   Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Utara S.M.A.R.T Sigap Mandiri Akuntabel Responsibel Transparan
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mixdgrlproblems · 2 years
i'm sorry but i'm screaming 😹😹😹😹
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rolaplayor101 · 3 years
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Part 2 of Ships I Had When I Was Young
This one hit hard because they totally set these two up and then pawned Sam off on Danny because he's the main character which is complete BS! A sassy nerd and a sassy goth??? AND it's interracial??? They went TO PROM together for Pete's sake! They spent the most time together, and then after the first season the crew decided "nah, let's just have her be with Danny" like bruh
Anyway here's my redbubble... And my commissions page... I'd really appreciate some reblogs if you could spare some ..DNI queer exclusionists and proshippers
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