pillowspace · 8 months
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
wwir shit im drawing fukc
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shipmanisms · 3 months
I will never give up on you sweetheart I'll wait until you choose me
wwir tjats so hot lowkey
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ok? she said locked in to the story right shes just eeallg condused so shes gonna keeo wrting righr? yes she is where were u going with that she needs to keep up appearances help me sos theres someone at the door omg shws not condused she just a writinf paerner yes!! 198
auicide botmy yes who suximmmbriannkgesnktgooandorhstsuucideboyokshediwsnrssuicidebottmmttocknedkeywsoksherocketpowermakeupckubtooyesidookrbyesimsihesinthabkusomhchsouthkoeeanwrirergodsrhwbmdesaeweurwrkckedudeeikshecsnrcalmusdaddtr no she cannt u did ir rhat dasr,m we need hwlp shes a good writer etf haooend hahha we kost our voice literallt haha dude hes ok whar jm ok hes gonna south writer god om so she nkt uoerier u no shee not uoset eith me hey! get a rider ew whatM hahha ew rheyr weid no weee nkr okyes rhey no were normal and cool no shes nor! yes i am daddy ew shes nkt ckkl hahha ew sheis cool yes i am still south korewmawrirer god dudee fuck ubbitch gqhhq gahhha nor funnt no irs nkt ur she agrees with us she just laughed bc irs
its funny to me oh ok thank u daddy ew she koves me she called me daddy when or where ew fuck u hahha she right she doesnt know indont kmkw hes right and ue gonnw buy me wn cocobmbut opendocoladw ew ur gonnw buy emher w oeno comwdw yes hebis ibsaved his voice how u wilk swe rheir power wnd might okmso she sthst scaree of gjo yes i wm thwr scaed im w oussy ew she is a pusst ww ew we dont lkm3 her hahha why im cool ok so ur cook hut fur drmmmmmmhomiesarenktckolyestheysrewhosantsclausomsoshes orsf edn i am scaeee of rhem but they kove me yws we do hahha she dure rhwbk u wnd rhey kniw me wleeady we do too no u dont dudee u hate me still ok so shes fertinf heronw her own voi tomorro2 thwbj u yes she is rhmmtahnusomx i didnt do anythinf dudee om she sjerbrkd yay!!! thabk u hahhw hwh wwir rhwrs nkt me yes ire oh shir ir sm3 bur fure yes ehe js i apeoedjee heko me do ublik2him i love him to death ok so she loves u but u love her but she doesnt move
him hmm we see mhm we do see they left rhe universe snd took her with rhem shes km but rheyre scwre thwnk u dwdft shes onlei rhw oh dang nk shes nktshe hsmeen what rhe duck bitfh hws cure tgo eobikm rske it om su let goekwne wirjdis they satray with us yes rheu yws rheydo im gonnalwavw vye3 love u daddy <33 muah
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tiliman2 · 2 years
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My hometown and current city are on this list
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mrgrant9559-blog · 7 years
A War is coming soon...
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downunder1999 · 4 years
das soll sie gewesen sein die schöne zeit ? übermorgen wären wwir 1 monat FIX zusammen und nicht mal das funktioniert icch war der glücklichste mensch auf erden als du dich wieder gemeldet hast und mit mir eine bez haben wolltest ich hatte es erst 1 woche danach richtig begriffen das das jetzt alles wahr ist der traum von dem ich seid 2 jahen geträumt habe ist endlich war wie kann sows passieren die realität hat mich auf den boden zurück geholt und wieder mal merke ich wie sich die schöne zeit in staub auflöst alles gute ist vergessen schmerz und enttäuschung bleiben zurück und das nur weil man seinen traum gelebt hat.... ist es das wert .... taten worte fliegen durch den raum und verursachen wunden die man sich versprochen hat nicht zuzufügen zu wollen der kopf ist leer das herz wird stumm und wieder die frage war es das wert einen menschen so zu lieben? gibt es überhaupt liebe ? sind wir so schwch das wir auf andere menschen so angewiesen sind ? wir können die zeit nicht zurück drehen, die taten nicht ungeschen machen und die wort nicht zurück nehmen ich weiss für mich das ich einen fehler gemacht habe und den estehe ich auch ein.... kannst du das auch ? kannst du von dir aus behaupten das du ncht perfekt bist und das auch du dich täuschen und vertun kannst ? schwäche zu zeigen ist nicht leicht aber es beweist stärke und intiigenz und das ist etwas was auch du in deinem alter anscheinend noch lernen musst.... ich wünsche dir auf jdenfall nur das beste und hoffe das du irgendwann einsiehst wie falsch du gelegen hast auch wenn es noch sehr lange dauern wird .......... ich habe dich immer geliebt und werde dich auch immer lieben martin du bist ein wahsinnig interesanter, inteligenter fescher mann jeder hat sein packerl zum tragen deines ist das du dir selbst oft im weg stehst und leider die hoffung an das gut im meschen verloren hast.... ich hoffe wirklich das du irgendwann die passende frau finden wirst und glücklich werden kannst in liebe dein HONEY
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fangirltothefullest · 5 years
That would be really fun, especially if Logan ended up abudcting Virgil or something,
No abductions badbad but like virg say in he looks so human and Logan's like duh do you think we'd really look.like those littlw grwwn.men ans maybe instead hes like got wwirs eyea or ears or more arms or isblue and virg is like so long as there's no tentacles were good.
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tuesdayslive-blog · 6 years
Tuesday's Live Radio Coming Soon!
Tuesday’s Live Radio Coming Soon!
Remember Butterflies Radio or World Wide Indie Radio (WWIR)? Well, we’re back – this time we’re Tuesday’s Live Radio, and we’ll be streaming the station through video on YouTube, Twitch, Periscope, Twitter and Stream.me! Sure, we’ll still have our regular audio stream as well – so that means a total of SIX ways to watch and listen to our station, and the weekly live video show!
We’ll let ya know…
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No religion is higher than humanity "Abdul Sattar Edhi" first anniversary
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mrgrant9559-blog · 5 years
Safe Keeping: Prologue
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A/N: Ayo, whats gucci? Yup, I’m back with a brand new fic! This one is Tony paired, which is a character I honestly thought I’d never write for, and yet here we are! Funny how things work, huh. I should include that Reader can fly and shoot basically energy blasts from his hands. So, pretty much Captain Marvel but not really Captain Marvel, ya know. Anyways, I’m hoping to be better with this fic than I am with Witch Way Is Right, as far as continuity goes. Btw, WWIR is still continuing!! It’s just I’ve been told by mutiple fic writers that in order to get rid of writer’s block, I should write something else. Hope you guys enjoy this one!!
Subject: Tony Stark x Male!Reader
Prompt: @trampledcactusboy - I am humbly requesting a something parter Tony one shot when you have the time too :) (like 2,3,4 however many parts you choose) I hope it can be in civil war time period so Tony's in that kind of mindset/feel and maybe reader can be a shield agent or hero who helped cap & friends escape but really agrees with Tony so he gets protective over him? if not you do you cuz you can never go wrong <3
Tags: @avengersohyeah @uselessace @writeyouin @trampledcactusboy @thegreatficmaster
You’d been with the Avengers for as long as you could remember. You’ve shared laughs, drinks, food, and a couple of moments along the way. So, you couldn’t believe your eyes when you realized what had become of you guys at this point. If someone would’ve told you 3 years ago that your team, THE Avengers, would split into two disagreeing sections over a stupid Sokovian accord, you would’ve taken a shit on their shoes and laughed in their face.
But now, it was almost like you were living a nightmare. No scratch that, you WERE living a nightmare. The same extraordinary people who you could call your brothers and sisters, were literally at each other’s throats.
You see Steve fighting a man dressed in red and blue spandex. And it looks like Steve is losing? You fly at Steve and swoop him up to the roof of the airport building and drop him off, landing in front of him to give the star spangled jolly rancher an ear full.
“What the hell are guys doing?!” You ask angrily.
“It’s long story, Y/N. And I really don’t have time for this.” He replies.
“We’re supposed to be a team, Steve. Almost like family.” I add. “So, imagine how I feel when I’m informed by SHIELD agents that not only are you and half of this so called family commiting treason, but you’re also protecting the man who killed King T’Chaka in cold blood!”
“I know it sounds crazy, but you’ve gotta believe me, kid. Buck is innocent. He’s being framed.”
“He tried to kill you and Fury just a year ago! If he’s willing to kill his best friend, brother in arms, then how am I supposed to believe that he wouldn’t to do the same to the now former king of Wakanda” I interject.
“That wasn’t him! You know as well as I do that he was under HYDRA’s control for years! He’s been trying to escape his past ever since and he’s been doing a great job so far!”
“Listen, I know Bucky is an innocent man, but what if the Winter Soldier comes out again. He’s a threat to others and himself!” I argue.
Steve sighs, realizing that what you’re saying is sorta true. “What if I can prove to you that Bucky didn’t kill anyone including the Wakanda’s king and that he’s innocent?”
“I don’t know Bucky well, but I do know he’s NOT innocent.” I say causing him to look down at his feet in disappointment. “However, if you have proof that he didn’t kill the king, then I’ll be willing to give him a second chance.” Steve looks up at me with a smile and nods in agreement. “Ok then, what do you need me to do?”
“Can you help us get to the quinjet? Take care of whoever gets in our way without causing permanent damage?” He asks.
“I can try.” You say before flying into the battle zone, making sure Steve and Bucky had a clear opening to the quinjet. You had to admit, these new people that Tony found were tough as nails. Definitely wasn’t their first time in a fight, but luckily, you were no rookie youself.
“Rhodes!!” You hear Tony yell in his suit while flying over to Rhodey’s aid. Rhodey was shot down by Vision, who was aiming for Sam. You tried to fly as fast as you could to catch him, following Tony and Sam in suit, but he had already hit the ground.
The sound. The sound his body had made when it made impact was haunting to say the least. Tony landed down next to Rhodey’s side and took off his helmet to examine the damage. He was unconscious with a bloody nose, which usually means that the person is either dead or damn near. Tony tells FRIDAY to read his vital organs. Thankfully, she replies by saying that there’s a heartbeat and that EMT are on their way.
Finally, Sam swoops in. “I’m sorry”, is all he could really say at the moment, even though he wasn’t entirely at fault. Tony didn’t care though as he raised his hand at Sam and blasted him, knocking him unconscious as well.
“Tony, you didn’t have to do that! It wasn’t his fault!” You say.
He moves his arm in you direction, his repulsors ready to fire. “Shut the hell up, Y/L/N! You’re just as in the wrong as him! I saw you helping Steve and Bucky back there. You’re supposed to be on MY side. You’re supposed to be MY friend!” He yells at you in anger, feeling betrayed and mostly hurt.
Your eyelids start to build up tears, as you find pain in what you’re about to say next. “Last I checked, we’re ALL supposed to be friends.” The look on Tony’s face tells you he was taken back by your words. “Look around you, Tones. Look at what’s become of us. We’re supposed to fight the enemy, not each other, and you know Bucky had nothing to do with the death of King T’Chaka.” Tony starts to lower his arm, which has now powered down.
Realization washes over him as he sees medics take Rhodey away on a stretcher in critical condition and the rest of Cap’s team get detained. The Wakandan Prince disappeared probably gone off to find Steve and Bucky. Tony knows Bucky couldn’t of been the one doing all these terrible things, at least not on purpose.
You and Tony finally arrive at a high max security prison in the middle of the ocean, where they were keeping the rest of Cap’s team for God knows how long. Tony walks over to each cell to talk to them about what they’ve done and how foolish they were being. Clint mostly, who retorted with his own words going back and forth with him. Tony then sees a new guy and wonders who he even is which punt a dent in the poor guy’s ego. He then walks over to Sam and asks if he’s been fed at all.
Sam just replies with snark, “Oh, so you’re good cop now?”
Regardless of what happened, Tony still cares for everyone and wants to make sure they’re at least being treated right. “I’m just the guy who need to know where Steve went.” He replies.
Sam tell hims that the only way he’s gonna get info outta him is if he goes full benny hanna on his ass. Tony starts messing with his watch, shutting off all coms in the prison system.
Tony tells Sam this, and he reveals to him everything he knows about where they could’ve gone. Tony rushes out of the cell block, with you following in suit. “Did you find out where they went?” You ask, following him to his private helicopter.
“Great, I’m coming with you...”
“No, you’re not.” Tony retorts, spinning on his heel to face you.
“But I-“
“No, you don’t.” He interjects before you can finish your sentence. “What I need you to do is to stay here with the general and make sure he doesn’t send any of his people to follow me. I already told him I’m going back to the compound, but he might still suspect something.”
“Just, make sure you come back as friends. Last thing I wanna see is The Avengers break up over some dumbass accords.”
“I promise, we’ll all being sitting in front of a campfire singing Kum Ba Yah, and eating s’mores.” And with that, he enters the helicopter, on his way to help Cap and Buck find Zemo, so we could all be a team again.
Or at least thats how I hoped this day would end.
I’m so sorry for taking so long people! I’m a busy guy, but I knew I needed to out something out for you guys so here it is. This was pretty much my way of adding Reader into the movie without changing much. Also, I’m thinking of upload my fics to Wattspad. Should I do that?? I don’t know, but I hope you guys like this new fic!
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mrgrant9559-blog · 7 years
Witch Way Is Right? Part 2
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A/N: Whats up uglies! Alright so you seemed to love Part 1 of WWIR so much that I now have Clymida-syphilitis (JOKE)... So its only fair that I continue this series, even though I was hoping you guys would hate it so I don’t have to keep writing cause lets face it...
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Summary: (Y/N) is a male witch and also comes from a family of witches. When (Y/N) is backed up in a corner by his brother, who chose the dark path, he is forced to choose his own fate, choosing the light path. This causes an Ecliptic War between Light and Dark Witches. During this war, an eclipse (both solar and lunar) is happening, and won’t end until one brother is left standing. With the help of the Avengers and other helpful heroes, will (Y/N) be able to defeat his brother, or will the world be forever secluded in darkness?
Subject: Avengers x Male!Reader (No pairings YET)
Warnings: Mentions of bullying. Thats it!
Prompt: “I have a crazy idea actually, the reader is a male witch, the avengers didn’t know it. They thought that he was just genius kid like peter that tony recruited to help him in developing his suits. One day he sliped and revealed that he could make vision turns into pink by only saying “rosea” and then he turned pink and the avengers were like ‘wtf?'”
Tags: @uselessace @avengersohyeah @thegreatficmaster @lzzywinchester
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Peter’s POV:
I still think there’s something weird going on with (Y/N). I highly doubt someone just randomly chants a different language when they’re mad, and what makes it more weird is that it’s Greek. I mean we’re in the same grade and I don’t ever remember seeing him in any of my Greek classes. Maybe he learned it in middle school or from a family member but he’s not Greek. Or is he?
“Ned, you’ve known (Y/N) longer than me. Does he usually speak Greek?” I asked. Ned and I finally had time to rebuild the Lego Deathstar, since he let it fall to pieces when he found out I was Spider-Man. I was honestly scared when Ned found out about my secret. We’ve been friends for a long time and if I know anything about him, its that he can’t keep a secret for shit! But so far he’s been pretty good about not telling anyone, except for this one time he blurted out to everyone in gym class that I personally “know Spider-Man” just to impress this girl I liked named Liz Allen, who just so happened to be the daughter of this bad guy I was having major problems with at the time.
He looked up at me with confusion written on his face, “I honestly have no idea. (Y/N) has always been a closed book. He never really showed that much emotion. Plus, if he DID speak Greek, I wouldn’t know because... well mainly because I don’t know Greek myself.”
In the midst of figuring out (Y/N)’s secret, I’m starting to wonder how someone as nice and innocent as Ned got to be friends with someone like (Y/N).
“Yeah, that got me thinking.” I questioned curiously, “How’d you end up getting to know someone like him? I mean you guys are complete opposites yet you seem to know a lot about each other.”
Ned frowned almost like he was serious and he’s usually never serious about things. “Remember in middle school when those 8th graders threw their lunch at me and kept calling me Fathead Ned in front of everyone at lunch?” I nodded in response with my fists clenched HARD.
I remember that day cause everyone was laughing at him while he looked like he was gonna breakdown in tears. It had me beyond pissed. “Well while I was at the front office waiting for my parents to pick me up, (Y/N) came to comfort me. He told me not to worry and that karma always has something big planned for assholes like them. The next day, those same 8th graders all got a bad case of the flu and couldn’t go to the field trip to Universal Studios.”
I couldn’t help the smile that kept growing, “Yeah I remember that day. I also remember they were perfectly fine the day after the field trip, and they were disappointed that they missed out on all the fun.” I chuckled, “I guess (Y/N) was right about karma having big plans for assholes like them, huh?”
Ned shook his head in denial, “No. I think (Y/N) WAS the karma.”
“Ned, what are you saying? You think (Y/N) gave those 8th graders the flu somehow? That doesn’t even make sense.” We were both standing up now, completely disregarding the Lego’s existence at this point.
“Thats what I thought until you mentioned him speaking in Greek.” I was so confused. He walked to my bed where his backpack was sitting and pulled out his laptop. He searched “Greek witchcraft” and a bunch of weird and disturbing images came up but one link in particular, which Ned clicked, stated that Witches usually use Greek to cast spells but also use ancient Egyptian for powerful spells.
Ned finally breaks the silence. “You see? It says here that ‘Witches have been using Greek to cast spell’s for centuries and only the strongest of witches use ancient Egyptian to cast the most powerful of spells’.”
I can’t believe it! Can (Y/N) really cast spells? Is he really a witch? Referring to a guy as a witch sounds kinda weird though. “Not to sound sexist or anything, but aren’t witches usually female?”
Ned rolled his eyes, “Witch is just a title, Pete. I’m pretty sure it isn’t specified towards gender.” I guess he’s right. Which means if (Y/N)s a witch, then that means he casted a spell on someone earlier today when I heard him speak Greek.
“Ned, if all this is true, then that means I must’ve heard him cast a spell on someone at school today. We’ve gotta find out who it was.”
Ned shook his head once more, “No we don’t. Pete, whose the one guy that finds a way to get under almost everyone’s skin?”
We both gave each other a deadpanned look, “Flash Thompson!” we both said in unison. Now it’s starting to come together. I mean I knew I heard him say something about Flash.
The real question is what kind of spell did he cast on him? “What do you think (Y/N) did to Flash? Whatever it is though I’m sure it’s harmless, right? Like maybe he made him completely bald with no eyebrows!” Ned said, causing the both of us to crack up. I decided to add my own joke. “He probably made it so his hands have toes and his feet have fingers.” At this point we were both hysterical. I mean Flash Thompson was a jerk, so whatever he got I’m sure he deserved. Then Ned added, “Maybe he gave him a hankering for crack!” Ned was busting up laughing but I quickly frowned. “Ned! Thats not harmless! That would seriously ruin Flash’s life.” Ned cleared his throat to stop laughing, “You’re right, my bad. But what are you gonna do if (Y/N) really does turn out to be a Witch?” I haven’t thought about that actually. I mean if he does have powers then I’ll probably have to tell Mr. Stark.
“I guess we’ll have to cross that bridge when we get there. In the mean time, lets finish this Deathstar before it gets too late.” Ned nodded in agreement. I don’t know how we’re gonna ease (Y/N) into all this but we gotta play it cool. Otherwise, WE might be the ones with bald heads and no eyebrows.
The Next Day:
Reader’s POV:
I open my eyes to the sun beating down on my face. As a witch you’d think I’d have a dark room with dark curtains but if I’m being honest, I hate the dark. Plus I don’t do dark magic. If I did dark magic then that would make me evil and I’m not an evil guy, I just hate bullies and when people are treated wrong. Which is the exact opposite of a bad guy. Right? I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and as I’m brushing my tongue, I almost choke from laughter when I realize that I casted that hairy tongue spell on Flash Thompson. Serves him right, though. He’s such an arrogant dick and I hate the way he treats Pete and Ned. Even though I’m a little rude myself to them, I still don’t like seeing them get hurt. I’ve known them since middle school. They’re like an annoying cousin you just don’t wanna associate with that much but still wanna make sure no one else is bothering them. I guess I gotta work on being more friendly and talkative with them. Even though Peter almost figured out my secret.
I walk downstairs to find my mom and dad watching the news. Apparently theres a robbery at the Roosevelt Savings Bank on Broadway. Well, there WAS, until Spider-Man stopped them just before they could get far. Gosh, Spider-Man seems like such a cool a guy. In fact, all the Avengers seem real cool to hang out with. Plus, after doing that history report on Captain America, I’ve kinda developed a crush on him. I highly doubt he’d give me a shot, because it doesn’t seem like he was into guys and even if he was then I’m sure him and Bucky are a thing already. I wish I was an Avenger, but after that little war they had at that airport, I don’t think they’re on good terms yet.
“Are you daydreaming about Captain America again? Snap out of it or you’re gonna be late for school” my mom said in my head. Of course my parents are witches too, so they can just interrupt my thoughts whenever they want, even if I try to put a protection spell around my brain, so it’s no surprise to them that I’m bi. I rolled my eyes and turned towards the front door as I waved my parents goodbye. I got a feeling that today is gonna be a long day.
Ok so I got done with this part a lot sooner than I expected... I feel like I covered enough in this part and it seems long enough sooo... Hope you guys enjoy!!
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mrgrant9559-blog · 7 years
WWIR Part 3 Coming Soon!
Part 3 of Witch Way Is Right (WWIR) will be released on Friday so get ready for some action and some horrible attempts at comedy uglies!
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