wolha · 2 years
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Otps → Lee Young-Joon & Kim Mi-So in WHAT’S WRONG WITH SECRETARY KIM 김비서가 왜 그럴까 (2018)
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butbabeitsnotreal · 11 months
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sweetestlamb · 2 years
Hey, I love ur fics.
I’m wondering if you can request any other accounts that write good kdrama fanfics? They’re so hard to find lol.
I’ve been looking for some fics on WWWSK and My Name.
Great question! I haven't been able to find any accounts honestly it's seriously hard to find that's why I usually end up writing myself because most people don't write for kdramas. If anyone knows any accounts please recommend them in the comments!!
Thanks for the love though! I'm glad you enjoyed my fics♥️
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allemirwrites · 3 days
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tinyleia · 2 years
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Kang Ki Young as Park Yoo Sik in What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim? (episode 16, 2018)
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ardeeste · 2 years
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If I had a nickel for every time one of Kang Ki-young’s characters had a hot redhead ex wife, I’d have two nickels.   Which isn’t a lot? but it’s weird glorious that it happened twice. 
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mixedstyles · 2 years
I initially watched the first 10 minutes of What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim and then stopped and watched Fight For My Way instead. But I’ve finished that so I’m ~actually~ watching WWWSK, and boy oh boy do I find Park Seo-joon SO much more attractive now 😭💀😭
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namimikan · 25 days
wwwsk works better as a webtoon because i think the comedy is funnier on page rather than on screen bc it is too stilted for me to enjoy. it’s too practised, too fake and i don’t think it works? but i like the panels so much???? and how expressions can change in goofier doodles???
honestly i still think ml is a shithead for not telling miso about their shared past, for nine years he’s known this!!! known that she’s still looking for someone she can’t quite remember and he’s right in front of her
but then he kinda envies her for forgetting and doesn’t really want to bring up the past bc isn’t better not to remember such an awful ordeal
so i kinda get it but i don’t like it that much tbh
not to mention ml’s older brother really weird gaslighting complex to himself in order to cope with the guilt
and. i might rate it higher than the kdrama, but prolly not that higher. tho i wonder if the later parts that annoy me are also in the webtoon or just a show addition.
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miulore · 11 months
lol it'll break the internet!
they need to go through auditions at least once or like just be a model/endorser don't take acting jobs from actors/actresses 😭
i'm hearing good things! glad it lived up to it's hype!
itll break my heart !!! -O-
some of my fave actors were actually idols at first!! cew is one of the few exceptions!! -O- my jisoo DID audition!!
speaking of unemployed actresses cant believe han so hee breathed only to appear on that mans mv..... get ur clout ig !!
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fyeahfandomtrash · 1 year
sarang and gu won have #real chemistry you don’t understand!!!! i am living for their banter especially the time they spent together in episode 5. i don’t know if those are lee junho and lim yoona adlibs with some of those scenes being so natural and free flowing but whatever it is i am living for these two. sarang especially feels like a three dimensional, fully formed person and that’s (unfortunately) kind of rare in romcom kdramas and gu won’s attempts at assholery just come off as strange/socially awkward and are immediately called out by sarang. these two are just very excellent characters that are so damn likable and there’s a mutual interest in each other’s company as opposed to the typical coercion that sometimes happens with the male chaebol boss and poor female employee dynamic in my other faves (wwwsk and business proposal). king the land has yet to disappoint is all i’m saying!!
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ahundredtimesover · 10 months
Mimiii has this ever happened to tlods jin & oc? 🤣 like maybe yoongi accidentally caught them hugging or kissing in jin's room?
Not this scene 🤣 WWWSK was the first k-drama I watched as an adult and I’m attached to this show. But actually, this type of scene/vibe fits more with a couple and story I’ve yet to write 🤫
BUT you know what Yoongi will catch TLODS Jin and OC doing?
Yoongi, armed with the files that Seokjin needs to sign off on, routinely knocks on his boss’ door and just like always, enters without second thought. There’s often not much to see - Seokjin is always busy on the phone or typing away or checking out new recipes online. Except today, as Yoongi finds you in his boss’ arms, while you bite his cheeks as if they were bread. And it wouldn’t be the first time.
“Can’t you PDA like a normal couple?” Yoongi groans.
“It’s not PDA when we’re in his room,” you point out, having removed yourself from your husband’s face. “Plus, I’m stressed. I can’t get the level of spice right for the new recipe and I’m tired. I need my stress ball.”
Seokjin merely hums, as his one arm wraps around you while the other holds up a book about spices to spark some ideas that could help you.
“Just an odd kink, that’s all,” the secretary shrugs.
“Don’t talk to me about odd kinks, Min Yoongi. You forget that Dara loses her filter when she’s drunk and horny and you’re away,” you laugh.
“I don’t even wanna know what she told you about me and I won’t deny it but shit does she tell you everything,” he pouts, adorably so, as Dara says all the time.
“Get used to it. I’m like your honorary sister-in-law or something,” you laugh.
Yoongi unamusedly shakes his head then leaves the folder on Seokjin’s desk and proceeds to head out. He knows that despite your joking demeanor, you really are stressed and your husband is the only person you look for whenever you are.
“It’s okay, love. I’ll figure it out,” you sigh once you hear the door close. You wrap your arms around his slender waist and bury your head in his neck. “Thank you.”
“Nah, I’ll keep looking into this,” he responds. “I’ll figure it out, too. That way you won’t be too stressed and biting my cheeks so much. You left a mark the other night, you know?”
You laugh with him even if internally, you feel like crying. But Seokjin always makes things better. Even if he’s stressed himself, he always puts you first, and he’d gladly offer whatever part of his body you need to make you feel better.
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wolha · 2 years
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Characters → Kim Mi-So in WHAT’S WRONG WITH SECRETARY KIM 김비서가 왜 그럴까 (2018)
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butbabeitsnotreal · 2 years
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okwonyo · 2 months
HIII. JIII!!!! what’s up?? i’ve been watching wwwsk and omg male lead is high key pissing me off!! miso deserves better but anyways! i have tests next week im so nervous omg
question 4 today!! : triples biases? (tihihi)
- kisses from kimi!! <3
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HIII. KII’!!!!! i did a maths tests today, and i did great ! i also got the a perfect score in english and french, i’m really proud of myself >< oo~ you are stronger than i am because i physically can’t a kdrama where the male lead makes me mad TTT i hope he gets better keke n don’t be nervous, luck is on your side ! ^^ my tripleS bias is xinyu........ i know she is your ult, though ㅎㅎ
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allemirwrites · 3 days
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popsiclemania · 2 years
pmy is doing something
getting my kdrama mojo back from pmy in lic. this is an avial of all rom com tropes i love and i can already see it go off the rails in the second half.
i'd love to know if writers write to pmy or if she does something to the material as it comes to her. because i know people think she's playing the same thing over and over again, but i think with every character in the last few years she's been trying to add to the template of the rom com heroine built through her filmography.
its very interesting that these heroines are super feminine and invest in the motions of mainstream society - in their clothes, in their looks, their extreme politeness, in maintaining their place in social hierarchy - and she plays each of these like armours and weapons as needed. her heroines are always playing against some power dynamic. they are almost always made of steel, extremely efficient, meticulous about work and she uses that competence to give them a kind of fearlessness .
they are living their own lives and yet yearning for some kind of freedom. and it's not freedom from something directly oppressing them (though there is also that in the storyline). her heroines usually want the freedom to not always go through the motions of their daily life, to not have be answerable to family or to work, to live free of these limits, to not be who they are.
i think it's fascinating to see that both in wwwsk and in lic, her heroines don't know exactly what they'll do when they stop working but they are excited by the unknown life it will open to them.
their outward appearance and behaviour does little to make them seem out of step with the world and yet her heroines usually have some element of 'it's me against the world'. (lic is probably a show that's more overt about this, but you can see these taking shape from wwwsk)
it's why i watch her even if the shows falls apart around her.
i mean even her expectations from romance and from the hero are 'typical'. she enjoys and desires a knight in shining arming, she likes them to be gallant, she wants to be coy, to be wooed, she's very disappointed when they do not respond to expectations. her arc with the hero follows the kdrama template but their dynamic doesn't. her heroine doesn't respond well to being rescued from anything. she doesn't capitulate to the demands of romance, instead she waits, assesses the situation and then works it out in a way that makes sense to her character. her heroes are varied - a narcissistic chaebol son (almost satirical in how it was written and played) (wwwsk), a progressive fever dream in ryan gold (hpl), a warm but traumatised introvert (wtwif) and a manic pixie weather forecaster (flw). they are allowed to be human, to be vulnerable, in need of care and capable of giving and receiving it. (though kdrama romances do tend to do a better job of this than other entertainment industries)
it's very different from kim go eun's romance heroine who doesn't always look like the uber-feminine heroine, but stresses it in her actions and emotions. her heroine always yields. who she is is very much in response to who the hero is. without him she'll fall apart. and the hero is varying templates of THE MAN, affording them little to work with except bravery, jealousy and sacrifice.
anyhoo, all of this is just another chapter in my lifelong grudge against indian on-screen romances.
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