teaprose · 1 year
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snelbz · 2 years
When We Were Young {10}
The DILF series, part 3.
Ship: Hunt x Bryce
Summary: After a series of tragic events, Bryce is forced to raise her daughter alone until her ex and father of her child, Hunt, gets discharged from the military. When he comes back to town, Bryce finds that the past cannot simply be forgotten.
Warnings: Mature content throughout. Language, sex, drinking, etc. 
Written with @theladyofdeath.
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Hunt rolled over in bed to see Bryce, mouth wide open and drooling, lightly snoring. 
In a matter of hours, that beautiful creature would be his wife.
After grabbing his phone off the bedside table, he swore to find it was much later than he thought it would be. 
With a curse, he shook Bryce’s shoulder. “Hey. Sweetheart. Wake up. It’s almost ten.”
Bryce’s eyes fluttered open and she grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Good morning, future husband.”
“Good morning,” he said, unable to stop himself, and kissed her softly.
They had every intention of spending the night before their wedding apart. It had all been planned out but, at some point, Bryce had gotten drunk enough that she called up Hunt, who was also drunk, and begged him for sloppy sex until he couldn’t say no.
An hour later, they were at home, in bed together. 
An hour after that, they were out cold, wrapped in each other’s arms.
And now…they were late.
Her palm was flat against his chest and she pushed him away as soon as his words registered. “Did you say ten?”
“We sort of overslept,” he replied, cringing as he looked around the room. It was wrecked. He hadn’t recalled their lovemaking to be more reckless than normal, but that potted plant was definitely knocked over and Bryce’s perfume bottles and knickknacks on her dresser had all been shoved to the side.
And then there was her hair.
“I was supposed to be at Fury and June’s an hour ago!” She hopped out of bed, grabbing her bag and throwing the things she’d need to get ready at her friend’s home and then the venue. Completely naked.
She paused and put a hand on her hip, an eyebrow raised when she noticed Hunt watching her from the bed, one arm behind his head, amusement dancing on his features. “Shouldn’t you be up and scrambling, too?”
“Absolutely not, I don’t have to be at the venue until three,” he said, letting his other arm join the first. 
Bryce scoffed. “Men.”
After pulling on a pair of leggings and one of his sweatshirts, Bryce was giving him one final kiss and hurrying out the door. 
Next time he saw her, she’d be walking down the aisle. 
Lennox was with Ember and Randall for the day and had been since the night before. Which meant, to Hunt’s satisfaction, that he could go back to sleep. 
Which he did.
After his alarm went off at two, he took a quick shower and checked his phone only to find a dozen texts from various people with questions about the day. He ignored them all.
All but one.
Your ass better be up and heading for the venue, Bryce’s text read.
He sent her back an eyeroll emoji, got dressed, tossed everything he needed plus a bottle of whiskey into a bag, and got into his truck. 
There was a honeymoon bag packed and ready to go by the door, but they wouldn’t be taking that until tomorrow morning. They’d discussed going to a hotel for the night and flying out from there, but it hadn’t been a hard decision. They wanted to spend their first night as man and woman in their home.
So they’d come back after the ceremony, fuck like animals, and they’d catch an Uber to the airport in the morning. After that, they’d spend a week in paradise, likely continuing to fuck like animals, because that’s just who they were.
Hunt had expected that their sex drive would eventually slow down. He’d thought that, at first, it was just them reuniting after being apart for so long, but being home for nearly two years, his need for her was just as insatiable as it was the first time. Bryce was just as bad, and there had been more than a few close calls where there were sure Lennox had either seen or heard something she wasn’t supposed to.
As Hunt pulled up to the venue, with three minutes to spare, he texted Bryce to let him know he was here. Movement in the curtains of one of the upper rooms of the manor house they were getting married in caught his attention, but before he caught a glimpse of his bride-to-be, Juniper was there, pushing her away from the window.
Hunt rolled his eyes, but was in the groom’s suite soon enough. Baxian and Ruhn were sitting on the couch in the corner, talking when he walked through the door.
“It’s your wedding, shouldn’t you have been the first one here?” Baxian asked, standing and hugging him.
Shrugging, Hunt dropped his bag on the ground by a pool table. “It’s my wedding. What are they gonna do, start without me?”
Ruhn snorted, but asked, “Tiberion running late?”
Hunt checked his phone. “Should be here any minute.”
He knew very well that Isaiah would take his sweet time and he would, in fact, not be there any minute. 
Hunt got dressed while Ruhn poured shots and by the time his tie was tied, he was feeling a little buzzed.
“We’ve got an hour,” Baxian announced, just as Isaiah walked in and got his ass chewed by Hunt. It didn’t last long, though, because he brought a twelve pack. 
Which they destroyed in less than half an hour.
“Alright,” Ruhn said, dragging Hunt into the bathroom. “You’re wasted, so here’s what we’re gonna do.”
“I’m not wasted. You’re wasted.”
“I’m allowed to be wasted. I’m not the one saying my vows.”
“True,” Hunt agreed. “But, you are the one with a baby at home, so.”
Ruhn cringed, and Hunt had a feeling that Lidia would be chastising him for getting drunk when she couldn’t because she was breastfeeding. 
“Here,” Ruhn said, turning on the cold water. “Splash some of that on your face, comb your hair, and we’ve got to get downstairs.” 
Hunt did as he was told, careful not her get any errant droplets of water on the ridiculously overpriced tuxedos Bryce had insisted they wear. At least they’d been allowed to go with all black, something all of them, save for Isaiah, had been grateful to hear. As he was drying his face off, he said to Ruhn, “You act like your sister isn’t just as drunk as I am.”
“Oh, I know she is,” he replied, handing him the comb he’d dug out of Hunt’s toiletries bag. “But if you show up three sheets to the wind, she’ll yell at me. I have no interest on being on the receiving end of a Bryce Bitch Out on her wedding day.”
Hunt had to admit that he had a point.
After a few deep breaths, Hunt was walking down the stairs, his groomsmen in step behind him. His heart felt like he was going to beat out of his chest.
He was so ready to see Bryce, even though it had only been a few hours since he’d seen her, far less than most betrothed. All he had to do was endure a few more moments and he’d be face to face with her once again. A few more after that and they’d be man and wife.
After all these years, after everything they’d been through separately, everything they’d been through together, they would finally be married. It was a dream come true, for both of them.
A song started playing, distantly, and Hunt’s heart stopped.
It was time.
Fury, Juniper, and Hypaxia were all beautiful, but they weren’t the ones to make him tear up. And it wasn’t Bryce either.
It was the sight of his daughter, walking down the aisle towards him.
She wore a white dress with flowers made of tulle lined in pearls that matched her flower crown. Her hair, the same shade as her mother’s, were in loose curls, standing out among the ivory. The second she saw Hunt, she grinned and hurried down the aisle toward him. She was supposed to go to the side, but she didn’t. She went straight up to Hunt and hugged him around his waist. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, careful not to knock off her crown.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” he said, voice breaking.
She looked up at him and, with that mischievous look in her eye, said, “You’re such a softie.” 
“Hard not to be with you,” he said, and Lennox hugged him again.
“I love you, dad,” she said, and hurried away to her spot beside the bridesmaids. Bryce had given her the option whether she wanted to stand or sit for the ceremony, and she hadn’t even had to think about it.
I want to be right by you and dad.
It’s exactly where she was supposed to be.
The doors in the back of the room opened for the final time and Hunt hoped he didn’t look like a blubbering mess. Even though he wasn’t an emotional drunk, he blamed it all on the alcohol.
Bryce rounded the corner, her arm in Randall’s, and Hunt could scarcely breathe. 
She was beaming, that smile the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. It was easy to tell that she had been crying and that she was, in fact, just as drunk as Hunt was. Randal murmured something to her and she laughed, neither of them missing a step as they walked closer. It was then that Hunt took in her dress.
He should have known that Bryce would never wear the simple down of ivory most brides are inclined to. No, the gown that hugged each and every one of her curves in the most sinful of ways was made of a gorgeous, modern lace, crystals adorning every inch. And it was…white-ish in color. The lace was at least. He could see her skin beneath that lace, a seductive tease that showed off the magnificent body beneath.
Hunt had been inside her not even twenty-four hours before, yet he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her again. He hoped no one was paying too close attention to the two of them during the reception, because there was a very good chance they would go missing, for at least a few minutes.
It felt like forever, the time it took for her to make it from the door to him, but when she got there and Randal handed her away, Hunt took her hand and vowed to never let it go.
“Hi,” she whispered. “You look handsome.”
A tear slid down her cheek and he quickly reached out and wiped it away. “You are without a doubt the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
The look in Bryce’s eyes as he spoke had him wanting to tell everyone to leave immediately so that he could have her all to himself, but he fought the urge and they faced the officiant.
After discussing it for a few days, they decided not to write their own, personal vows. Hunt had never been a fan of public speaking and Bryce wasn’t exactly sure she could keep it together long enough to read them. Rather, they’d find vows that fit the two of them. It took them weeks, both sending different options back and forth until they finally settled on something they both loved.
The ceremony flew by, Hunt was so captivated by Bryce that he was barely able to keep up as he first recited his vows and slid the ring onto Bryce’s finger, and then she did the same. When he was finally given the okay to kiss her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, careful not to damage her beautiful dress, and kissed her with everything he had.
Bryce was breathless when he pulled away, eyes shining with unshed tears, pure happiness and adoration written across her face.
“I am happy to finally announce, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Athalar.”
Their family and friends were applauding around them, but Hunt dropped his forehead to hers, his dark eyes sparkling, and murmured, “I love you, Mrs. Athalar.” 
Bryce’s voice hitched as she whispered, “I like the sound of that.”
“Yeah?” he asked, and kissed her again. “Good, Mrs. Athalar, because I plan to make it a point to call you that at every given opportunity.” 
“Good,” she said, grinning as she took his hand and they walked back down the aisle and out the door. 
They did the whole reception thing by the book, starting with their first dance then smashing each other in the face with cake. Once everyone was drunk enough to not notice their absence, Hunt dragged Bryce into the Groom’s sitting room.
The second he shut the door, he kissed her and Bryce did not hold back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into him, kissing him with everything she had.
When that kiss broke, with his arms still around her, he asked, “Was today everything you wanted it to be?”
“Yes,” she said, without any hesitation. “I’m glad we waited, Hunt. Today was perfect.”
“Me too,” he confessed, then nearly laughed. There was a time when he would never confess that their marriage should have happened now, with their daughter a preteen, but it should have. It was the right time.
Back then was not.
“Is there a reason you dragged me away from our friends and family?” she asked, softly, realizing that they were slowly swaying, back and forth, as if that first dance had never ended.
“Wanted a moment alone with my wife,” he said, adding emphasis on that last word. 
“How long is a moment?” She asked, running her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, under his jacket. It slid down his arms and Hunt’s grin turned feral.
“Long enough,” he said, tossing it to the side and grabbing Bryce’s face, crashing his lips against hers.
Her giggle was decidedly drunk, which was a sign in itself, but she let him lift her and carry her over to a counter against the wall. As they kissed, Bryce’s hands went to his belt buckle, unlatching it and finding him gloriously hard and ready for her.
He let out a groan as Bryce dropped to her knees, not giving him a moment to catch his breath as she took him into her mouth. His hands dove into her hair, not bothering to be careful of the pins and glittering crystals and pearls adorning it, and she hummed against his skin. She carefully dragged her teeth along the thick length of him and he hissed, grabbing her by the chin. Her amber eyes flicked up to meet his.
“If you want to have any fun of your own, I wouldn’t do that,” he warned her.
He could see a smile in her eyes, but she relented, letting her lips glide over him instead. It was still only another moment before Hunt was hauling Bryce to her feet, capturing her lips in a bruising kiss. “How do I get this gorgeous dress off of you?” He purred, the words sliding along Bryce’s skin like silk.
“You don’t,” she laughed, huskily. “Not until later. For now, we do this.” Pushing him away, she turned, leaning over the counter and lifting her dress over her ass.
Hunt growled as he took in the sight.
The thinnest of lace covered her sex and Hunt had to convince himself that now was not the time to shred yet another thong from her collection. Instead, he fiddled with it for a moment before moving it aside.
Foreplay was irrelevant. 
He needed her, now.
Needed to be inside of her, needed to hear those sweet sounds from her lips before anyone came looking.
Bryce went up on her tiptoes and, after positioning himself at her entrance, Hunt grabbed Bryce by her ass and thrust himself inside, to the hilt, in one swift motion.
He didn’t let her adjust to his size. She was ready, warm and wet, feeling so good that Hunt could hardly keep himself up right as he pounded into her again and again and again.
The sound of Hunt’s name followed by a string of curses intertwined with the sound of Bryce’s ass slamming into him with each hectic thrust of his hips. It took Bryce no time at all to reach that precipice, gripping the counter so hard her knuckles were white as she came with a shout.
One of Hunt’s hands covered her mouth, her pussy so tight and wet and warm around him that he moaned, the sound raw and unchecked, and found his own release, leaning over and wrapping an arm around Bryce’s waist as he at last stilled inside her, after a final harsh thrust.
They were both panting, breathing heavily enough that Hunt rested his forehead on Bryce’s back, left exposed by the sinfully seductive dress she’d chosen for the day. He felt those inner walls squeeze him, tightening around him, and he looked up to find her already watching him over her shoulder. He leaned forward, capturing her lips in a passionate, but tender kiss.
He was still nestled inside her, but knew as soon as he pulled out of her, there would undoubtedly make a mess.
“We should get back out there,” she whispered, lips still brushing his.
He nodded. “Let me clean you up.”
Five minutes and quite a few long, lingering touches later, they were making their way back down into the reception hall, Tharion catching both of their eyes and smirking, but silently sipping from his drink instead.
“There you are!” Ember said, hurrying up to Bryce and taking her hand. “I’ve been looking for you. Where have you been?”
Bryce didn’t hesitate. “What do you mean? We’ve been here the whole time.”
Ember gave her a look that told her she was full of shit, but Lennox was running to her parents and throwing her arms around them. 
Bryce and Hunt caught her at the same time before Hunt laughed and said, “You have icing around your mouth.”
“I had five pieces of cake. Grandma let me have five pieces of cake. It was so good. No one else was eating it, so I ate it.” The words flew out of her mouth so quickly that they were hardly comprehensible. 
Bryce opened her mouth to respond but Lennox was pulling Ember out onto the dance floor.
“I love that little girl,” Hunt said, putting his arm around Bryce. “But, I’m glad we’re not the ones that are going to have to try and get her in bed tonight.”
Bryce’s head fell back as she laughed and Hunt looked at her, in awe of her beauty.
In the middle of the reception hall, as everything fell into place and the world started to make perfect sense, Hunt took Bryce into his arms and kissed her with everything he had, just like he would every day for the rest of his life.
His wife, at last.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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F-4G 561TFS 37TFW WWyw
69-7571、Redflag 1-82。
November 1981。
@headdancer7 via X
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bebemoon · 1 year
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"a summer night's feast . {wwyw}" on urstyle, by me<3
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p1tf4ll · 29 days
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@w3llf4ll ⟡ Meet The Artist ⟡ Twitter ⟡ Art Fight ⟡ Toyhouse ⟡ YouTube
CW GUIDE 🥩 BL00D/G0RE ⟡ 🍁 W33D ⟡ 🔞 SUGG3STIVE/18+ ⟡ 🫀 MALPRACTICE 🪚 0THER H0RR0R Not every post, but has the potential to be stumbled upon in the respective verse. Will be tagged and warned appropriately. Nothing explicit will be posted on tumblr, but the 🔞 cw is still necessary at times. No, I don’t know what weird combos pr0sh1pp3rs have made, none of these are intended to be representative of those. If you’re pr0sh1p, get off my pages.
#Apex Evolution #Apex #AE 🥩🔞🫀🪚
#Business Casual #BC 🍁🔞
#Butcher House #BH 🥩🍁🔞
#Cognitobias #CB 🥩🍁🔞🫀🪚
#Kiss Me Son Of God #KMSOG 🥩🍁🔞🪚
#We Wish You Well #WWYW
#Empires Most Wanted #EMW 🍁🪚
#Hadal Zone #HZ 🥩🪚
#Red Vs Blue #Homestuck #Soul Eater #Therapy With Dr Albert Krueger #Murder Drones #Vast Error +Character Names +[Verse] OC
Organization: #Art Tab #Writing Tab #Animation Tab #Bio Tab #Misc Tab #Silly Tab + #[Verse][Tab]
Other Useful Tags: #Well’s Art #Well’s Talks #Main Account Post #Archive Post #Directory Post #Other Posters #Inbox #Template
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liethatliar · 7 months
the fact i can’t go to wwyw when mcr, fob are playing. dan and phil could come out on stage, along with that cobra and like all my favs r preforming. i wish i was a rich scumbag at times like these but i’m broke 😭😭
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Does a work of art need to be beautiful, why or why not?
Yes, I think all art needs to have some aspect of beauty to it. However, beauty doesn’t have to be aesthetic. Those words are not mutually exclusive. I believe hat most people think that for something to be beautiful it has to be aesthetic or pleasing to the eye. I do not think that is true.
If you look at the aforementioned art exhibit, you see that there is nothing about this exhibit that is visually stunning , and it is talking about a really hard topic (sexual assault) , yet it is still beautiful because the heart behind the art is to fight injustice and spread awareness . The heart behind the hart is beautiful.
Now, on the opposite end of the spectrum,
This exhibit shows a collection of racist art. Racism and hate are not beautiful reasons to make art. Therefore, however aesthetically pleasing the colors of a racist artwork may be, it is not beautiful.
All art must be made out of beauty
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ren-c-leyn · 3 years
It’s Wednesday
 Which means it’s time for world building Wednesday and wwyw.
 Stop into my ask box with a question about my world building, feel free to specify which WIP from my pinned post you want to hear about, or leave it open if you don’t know which one you want and I’ll pick. I’ll always return wbw asks with a question of my own for you.
  If you participate in @hannahs-kudos‘s wwyw event, this blog is open for those positivity asks as well. If you don’t know what wwyw is, details can be found here: https://hannahs-kudos.tumblr.com/post/665844984485986304/wubby-wuvs-you-wednesday
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owlheartt · 3 years
Owl, happy WWYW! I'm sure you know by now what that it so I'm not gonna go into what it is.
As I'm more aware of your art than your writing, that's what I'm gonna compliment and I've just got to say: your art is sooo cute. I love the style that you make it in and the fact that you can do digital art so well is so awesome! I really admire digital artists like you 🥰
Thank you for the Luka pic you made for me. It is so adorable and I cherish it always.
Have a lovely rest of your night (if it's still night there, otherwise have a lovely day).
Ah- sorry for not answering sooner!! Thank you Hannah, that’s so sweet!!!!! I’m so excited to be participating in WWYW, thanks for including me :))))
I’m so glad you like the drawing, and I saw you’re getting a bit of mileage out of it!!!! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :))))))
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I'm hoping to get some writing done tomorrow for my day off. I'm not sure if I'll have the energy to do two parts, but I at least want to complete one.
Also, tomorrow is WWYW, a day to spread love and encouragement to your creator friends, so don't forget to stop by your creator friends and idols' inboxes and spread love to them tomorrow!
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writingonesdreams · 3 years
So I've got a two for one for you this fine Wednesday. Happy WBW and WWYW. For World Building Wednesday, do you have any pieces of world building that originally frustrated you but you were able to turn into something you enjoyed? What was frustrating about it? How did you turn it around and what is something you like about it now?
For WWYW, I think you do a great job of creating unique and vivid settings with very neat details. Like the sentient magic in the 5th magic and the vampires turning into demons in A Myth of Demon Hearts. I always look forward to reading your replies to wbw questions because there's always something fun and new to discover.
Thanks for dropping by, Ren^^
What really frustrated me about worldbuidling was coming up with how the existence of magic would change our modern society. How would people react? That would depend how common magic was, if it was for the elites, needed training, was rare enough to be haunted, hidden, experimented, abused or got out, or usual enough to have to be integrated, how long the history of its use would be...so many different scenarios! Seems to me hidden magic society in urban fantasy is the most used, and I can't really wrap my head around it, but coming up with official jobs for mages is hard too. I just don't seem them in normal professions though I know they would be useful for so many things! XD
I guess that's why magic comes up in various world scenarios in my wips - from war, dystopia and apocalypse to high fantasy kingdoms with political tensions to secret dimension travelling to official professions to magic dying out.
All together that annoying question of how magic would affect the world has created so many worlds and stories, that I actually have a lot of fun coming up with ways the culture, society, history and policies as well as goals, associations and struggles the characters would have to face with magic around. :D
Thank you very much! I'm so happy they look unique! I spend so much time with them in my head it's hard to judge how original or working they are, which is I think a common challnege for writers.^^ I'm glad those two concepts caught your interest. :)
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limetimo · 3 years
today is WWYW! on that occasion I'm sending you this message to hopefully remind you how the world shines brighter with you — okay that's too cheesy 😬 just wanted to send this message to tell you how glad I am to have made friends with you. your creativity and humor never fails to make me smile and I genuinely adore both you and your ideas. and your arts! both writing and drawing; your style is adorable and your words immersive. and you're going to achieve your dreams, I know it! never doubt yourself — just hold on tight to the rope of hope when the storm gets too strong and you'll get through :)
i hope this made sense
Aaaawwww, thank you so much Coin! <3 Never too cheesy xD
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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#PhatomFriday NELLIS AFB NV
F-4G 561TFTS 37TTW WWyw、
Redflag 1-82 November 1981。
@headdancer7 via X
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bebemoon · 3 years
You were a mermaid that wanted to grow legs; not for love or riches, but to explore the world. But your ambition was so powerful, you grew wings instead and now you explore the celestial sky. What are you wearing for your first voyage out of water?
ahh- fantastic question~ ! let's see . . .
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4. alexander mcqueen rtw spring 2o19
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3. elie saab couture spring 2oo7
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2. alexander mcqueen rtw autumn 2o16
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1. valentino couture autumn 2o14
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In a rare cameo reserved only for FAM:
Happy birthday to the greatest performer of all time, OF ALL TIME!
Who wore it best?
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aviatormadness · 6 years
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Caught a wave | @jointheswimteam at Bowery Electric | #repost from @empirestatemusicfest | 📸: @devincruzphotography | Muse Project Out Now . Link in bio . . . . . . . #swimteam #swimszn #goodwaves #boweryelectric #nyc #chicago #losangeles #empirestatemusicfestival #wwyw #museproject #performerslife #allthevibes #rap #pop #outnow (at Bowery Electric) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnq9JHvFH1B/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4w0swap63fjh
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