nightingaleflow · 6 months
Who You Are At Night, Chapter 6: Photograph
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Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Pairings: Rock Lee/Female OC, Sakura/Female OC, Gaara/Female OC Warnings for this chapter: Injuries, flashbacks, PTSD and anxiety things, mention of parental death A/N: Hello again, isekai enthusiasts! I hope you're enjoying the holiday season!
Please wish a happy birthday to Holly Reed - this chapter was rough on her, so she needs some love from y'all until Gaara's ready to give it to her.
Also a huge thank you to my friend Bananawormz for double-checking the Spanish for me. You're the best!
Enjoy the chapter! <3
Before Evie even opened her eyes, she thought her hands had died. She whimpered as she squinted at her fingers, which looked just as swollen as they had the night before. She tried to stretch them out, but immediately stopped, a loan moan escaping her lips as her fingers screamed in pain. She shakily sat up, then put her leg on and shuffled to the bathroom. She stared down at the bandages as she shut the door, wondering if it would be easier to just cut her hands off.
She had known punching the post was a bad idea even before she threw the first punch yesterday. She had known it would hurt her more than the post. She wasn’t a ninja, she was a gamer. Her hands were her greatest tools, far too valuable to lose. And yet, she’d done it anyway. She could just hear Mariana and Holly’s frustrated scolding, calling her out for acting on her emotions rather than thinking things through.
She thanked her lucky stars that Lee had been there with her. He’d known exactly what to do to keep her hands in one piece, and then helped keep her calm afterwards. She would have been in much worse shape without him. She carefully splashed some water on her face, resolving to do something to thank Lee for his help.
She stuck her head into the living room, listening carefully for any signs of his presence. Lee was a very early riser; typically by the time she woke up, he was either cooking breakfast or doing pushups in the living room. Today, however, she found no sign of his presence. She shuffled into the kitchen, wondering if he’d decided to sleep in for once. Then she spotted a note on the counter.
I have gone out for a run this morning. I intend to be back before you awaken, but if I am not, please make yourself comfortable. I will prepare breakfast once I return.
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Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @strwbrrybxn @nnandmm-archived-hard @therozpoz @undersero @headcanonsmadepublic @iantoyawrites
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nightingaleflow · 6 months
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Happy birthday to my original self-insert and one of the stars of Who You Are At Night, Holly Reed. (December 2)
(New chapter coming as soon as my beta reader gets done with it!)
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nightingaleflow · 7 months
I am so close to being done with this draft.
Someone give me the last bit of energy to finish it. <3
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nightingaleflow · 4 months
🔥💌🏃for anyone you want!
I'm gonna answer these for Holly Reed because she has the most interesting answers (and also because I want to start working on the next WYAAN chapter this week):
🔥 What's the state of their sex life? Are they happy with it?
At the moment in the story, Holly's sex life is in shambles. She just caught her long-term girlfriend, Mel, cheating on her with a mutual friend of theirs, so she's obviously not getting any while recovering from that betrayal. Prior to that, she and Mel were long distance, so it had been months since Holly had gotten to do anything IRL with her.
Holly's obviously not happy with the state of things, but as she says, there's not much she can do right now except wait.
💌 What do they seek out in terms of sexual compatibility?
Holly seeks out people who are excellent at communication and who are willing to have uncomfortable conversations about kinks and hard limits. Consent is also a very big deal from her, so she needs to feel comfortable that they'll respect consent before getting anywhere near the bedroom.
🏃 Are they confident about pursuing sex?
Absolutely. Holly enjoys sex and isn't ashamed of it. So she's not embarrassed about stating what or who she wants.
Thank you so much for the asks! <3
Sexy OC Asks
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
Who You Are At Night, Chapter 5: Dirty Little Secret
AO3 Link
Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Pairings: Rock Lee/Female OC, Sakura/Female OC, Gaara/Female OC Chapter Word Count: 8.4k Warnings for this chapter: Blood/injuries and treatment of said injuries A/N: Holy shit this fic lives.
Sorry about the delay, y'all. Believe it or not, I've been chipping away at this chapter for months. I ran into a brick wall with it like two months ago, and only recently acquired a wrecking ball big enough to smash through it. Hopefully it should be smooth sailing from here on out.
An extra-special shoutout to @mylittlesyn, a dear friend and my Puerto Rican cultural consultant. She took one look at the dish I was going to have Mariana prepare in this chapter and smacked me before giving me a thorough education in Puerto Rican cuisine.
Gracias, amiga. <3
Be advised: Due to AI scraping and anons misbehaving, this fic can only be read in its entirety if you are logged into an AO3 account.
Holly sat in a chair in Gaara’s office, her right leg tucked under her left as she drew in a sketchbook. Gaara sat a few feet away, reviewing the agenda for the upcoming meeting. He set the paper down and glanced at the clock. “It’s about to start.”
Holly glanced up. “How long do you think it’ll be?”
“It’s hard to say,” Gaara replied as he stood. “I’ll leave one of my ANBU with you in case you need something.”
Holly nodded, then returned her attention to her work, allowing herself to sink back into her creative space. She had banned herself from drawing any Naruto characters for the foreseeable future, but not drawing at all was out of the question. She’d been forced to take a break from it two years ago when she’d developed carpal tunnel, and she’d nearly gone insane, her fingers constantly twitching as her mind begged her to create. So she still needed to draw something, whether or not it involved the man she was forcing herself not to look at.
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Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @therozpoz @undersero @headcanonsmadepublic @iantoyawrites
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nightingaleflow · 4 months
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
for any oc <3
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
For Mariana Rosales:
Mariana's greatest fear is water, specifically being submerged in it. She actively avoids it - only showers/no baths, doesn't go swimming, avoids going to the beach. She's not open about it because she A. feels embarrassed about it and B. doesn't want to have to explain why. Holly and Evie know about it though, and they help deflect people when they start getting too close.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
For Aki Kamiya:
The worst possible future for Aki is simply one without Gaara. She can endure a lot of things if he's in her life. But if Gaara dies or vanishes, then quite simply, there is no future for her. That's one of the reasons Aki is so protective of Gaara - he's her everything, and she'll be damned if she lets anything happen to him.
Thank you for the asks! <3
Not So Nice OC Asks
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nightingaleflow · 5 months
Pick a character, OC or canon, and tell me:
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
(50) If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
I'll answer this for Mariana Rosales. <3
Mariana is a chronic overpacker, so forcing her to take only one bag would be excruciating for her. But if she absolutely must, she would bring:
At least 3 complete changes of clothes, taking into account the climate and weather of her destination. Two swimsuits. Basic makeup kit, including her favorite pink lipstick and gold eyeshadow. Bathroom stuff - shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizer, etc. Sewing kit for any emergencies. iPhone with charger and headphones.
Thank you for the ask! <3
Detailed OC Questions
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nightingaleflow · 6 months
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents? for Marianna (hope I spelled her name right)
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
For Mariana Rosales x Sakura Haruno:
Mariana and Sakura both wanted kids, but they were both nervous about it. For one, they were both worried about what kind of parents they would be - would they be too strict? Too lienient? Mariana had the added concern of being raised by abusive parents - she never had good parents as role models, so would that end up hurting her kids? They had the added adventure of being the first WLW couple in Konoha to have kids, so they had added concerns of their kids being harassed for that.
In the end, they needn't have worried. They had two children - Sakura giving birth to a son, Haruki, and Mariana giving birth to a daughter, Camila. Both Sakura and Mariana proved to be good if slightly strict parents, and the kids were adventurous and creative who loved pushing their moms' buttons.
Thank you for the ask! <3
OC/SI Couple Ask Game
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nightingaleflow · 6 months
Oh song 69 for the Spotify + oc/ship ask!
(69) (nice)
This is both a Holly and Gaara song as well as another potential Holly and Mel song. Basically, this song's getting a lot of mileage in Who You Are At Night. XD
Thank you for the ask! <3
Spotify OC Game
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nightingaleflow · 7 months
⌨ + who you are at night
Gaara felt a pang of sympathy. He hadn’t considered the ramifications of Holly’s transference beyond the effect it would have on his own life. Whenever Holly left, her presence would fade away, becoming little more than an odd blip in his life. But every area of Holly’s life would be adversely affected by her coming here. And the longer she was here, the worse it would become.
Send me ⌨ + title to one of my fics and I’ll write a sentence for that fic! (if you want one back - add "tag you're it" to your ask)
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
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(Picrew links: One | Two | Three)
Happy (belated) birthday to my beautiful OC and my first self insert, Holly Reed! (December 2)
I'm sure Gaara's making her birthday a lovely one.
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
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I am still incredibly amused by this exchange from Who You Are At Night.
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
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Finally getting to the good stuff.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
Who You Are At Night, Chapter 4: Chasm
AO3 Link
Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Pairings: Rock Lee/Female OC, Sakura/Female OC, Gaara/Female OC Chapter Word Count: 10.4k Warnings for this chapter: Warnings for this chapter: Nightmares, allusions to past trauma, ention of scars/injuries/bruising, mild language, alcohol, food, food allergies, Kiba being a drunk idiot, rejection.
Holly woke up early, before even the first traces of dawn painted the sky. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up, feeling more exhausted than she had before she went to bed.
Her sleep had been plagued as it so often was, with nightmares. She could see the stares from unfriendly faces, hear the judgmental words and harsh laughs, feel the hands that traveled where hands should not go. And the pain. Pain that seared into her soul. And once the nightmares started, they wouldn’t leave her alone until she gave up on the idea of sleep altogether.
She ran through the motions of her morning routine, showering quickly under boiling water, wolfing down a granola bar she had in her purse, and slathering her skin with sunscreen. Then she pulled on the clothes she’d laid out the day before. As the sleeveless mint top slid into place, she winced. The thin line of pink puncture scars that decorated her right shoulder and upper bicep, normally concealed under longer sleeves, were clearly visible. Combined with the bandage on her cheek, she looked pretty rough. She glanced back at her suitcase, debating whether to spend any time concealing them with makeup. But she quickly changed her mind. After all, this world was inhabited by ninjas. Hers wouldn’t be the first scars they’d seen.
Finally, the clock struck eight, and someone knocked on Holly’s door. She took one last glance in the mirror, rubbing away a smear of sunscreen on her arm, then grabbed her purse and opened the door.
When she saw Kankuro on the other side, she wasn’t sure if that was better or worse than Temari.
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Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @therozpoz @undersero @lifescreams27 @iantoyawrites (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
The good news: I FINALLY got the draft done for the next chapter of Who You Are At Night!
The bad news:
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I now have to edit this behemoth.
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
Opal and Topaz?
Topaz: What is the main conflict of your wip?
The main conflict is that the trio - Holly, Mariana, and Evie - are pulled into the Naruto universe from the "real" world, and they don't belong there. They then have to figure out how and why they got there, and how they're supposed to get home - if they even want to return home.
Opal: What motivates your protagonist to complete their goal?
Oh boy here we go. I have six protagonists. :D
Obviously the main goal is to get the trio home, but besides that:
Mariana: Mariana's goal to be a professional costume designer. What motivates her is the love of her craft and her desire to only do what she loves, not what anyone else thinks she should do.
Sakura: Sakura's goal is to feel wanted and needed. What motivates her is still feeling like she's behind Naruto and Sasuke in her development, as well as Sasuke rejecting her before leaving the village.
Evie: Evie's goal is to win at EVO. What motivates her is (1) her desire to be the best and (2) her humiliating defeat at a small tournament prior to the start of the story.
Lee: Lee's goal is to be a full ninja with all that that entails, such as teaching a genin team. His motivation for this is because of how much he's had to overcome as a taijutsu user, and because he still doesn't feel fully accepted even as a jonin.
Gaara: Gaara's goal is to avoid an arranged marriage. This is because he doesn't want to marry someone he doesn't love, certainly not a stranger. (And also because the first attempt was such a disaster)
Holly: Holly's goal is to find a new way to make a living as an artist. This is because her career as a Naruto R34 artist is over even if she were to return to her world, but she loves art, so she wants to stay in that world.
Thank you so much for the asks! <3
Gemstone Writeblr Asks
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