#xar tag
violentdevotion · 1 year
the best piece of art ive ever engaged with is a poem about a hockey player that is so surprisingly good that i showed it to almost everyone i know and then would speak about it every now and then even now a year after reading it. i know literally nothing about hockey
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vikingfunerals · 2 years
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normal texts to get unprompted from your irlmutualbestie
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gaygollum · 2 years
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good morning
oh, an ask from my beloved mutual, i should see what it-
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dreamertrilogys · 2 years
i’ve been so invested in this thing w ur new gf you have no idea !!! i am cheering rn
thank you <333
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diabolicjoy · 2 years
💌 hey jé !!! hope ur doing okay !! sending love + make sure to get urself a tasty treat bc you deserve it 💞💞
ahhh xar hii lovely!! thank you so much i hope you’re well! i’m multiplying that love & sending it all back to you <3 <3 (also i just ate the most delicious spaghetti [at midnight! i’m of the belief that there’s no right or wrong time for pasta]) anyway this is for you -> 🌷
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parseisflat · 2 years
♪ ♪ ♪
STEP BACK - dro kenji, mike dimes
and im oooh drowning in water/ but i cannot swim so i need a lifeguard on my dick (okay)
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literaturebf · 2 years
OMG happy birthday jules i hope you have a lovely day !!! 💞💞🥳
thank you so much omg!!!
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xariarte · 10 days
there is a big garden spider with an impressive web in the garden...i will get a photo even with my phobia
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shiori8 · 1 year
The assistant bodyguard, the boy of destiny and the girl with magic that works on iron
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aka more doodles for the wizards of once series. This time our main trio Bodkin, Xar and Wish.
Part 1
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light-end-dragon · 11 months
2023 Halloween Card Story-Cain
Here is Cain's Halloween 2023 card story, "Taken by those Hands" fully translated. yeah, i don't have anything to say to that. At least I can now add Figaro to list of North wizards who have been really Weird about Cain.
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Part 1:
Akira: Aaaah……How warm. The water’s so invigorating…..
Akira: It’d probably feel better if I could get in all the way….
Cain: Oh, hey Master Sage. Mind if I sit next to ya? 
I’d been enjoying the footbath in the village springs all night, when Cain came along to visit.
Akira: Of course, Cain! The water temperature is perfect. 
Cain: Ahaha! I can tell just by lookin’ at your face. You look like a cat that found a warm spot in the sun. 
Akira: D-do I really look like that? I mean, we have a place that resembles this in my world, so it is actually very cozy….
Cain: Oh, you have something like this in your world? 
Akira: Yes! It’s a bit like this fountain here to heat your feet at, and nearby there would be a sort of parlor that gives massages. 
Cain: You said a massage parlor; like doing the whole rubbing on your shoulders thing? 
Akira: Yes, they do that too. And after that they can do something where they press on certain points on your hands and feet. 
Cain: Points? 
Akira: That-that’s what it seems like, yes….Um, it’s like, if you press on a certain place firmly, it actually feels nice. 
Akira: Like, for example, around here….
I spread out the palm of my own hand, and with my thumb and index finger, pressed forcefully down at the base. 
Akira: You press down like this with a little force, and it helps you relax. 
Cain: Huh, interesting. Lemme try to copy that. Here? 
Akira: Uh, no, a little higher actually..
Cain: Here, then? 
Akira: Uh, well ... .Rather than trying to explain it, it might be easier to understand if it’s put into practice…
Akira: Just a moment, sorry….
Taking Cain’s hands, I try to press down on the point I’d mentioned. When I did that, he closed his eyes, as if he was searching for a sensation. 
Cain: It’s hard to understand with my feet all warm, but I guess..I think it feels a little nice? 
Cain: But how is pressing there supposed to feel good? 
Akira: Um, I don’t really understand the details of it either….
Akira: I only know that somehow, if you press on a spot like that, it can end up feeling nice. 
Cain: Oh….
After our hands separated, Cain then tried one more time with his own.
Cain: Well, if you only have to press that hard, it doesn’t take that much effort. I can see how you’d sometimes try it out. 
Cain: Only, I think I’d get used to it if I just did it to myself. When you did it, it definitely had more of a feel to it. 
Akira: I get what you mean! They always say that a person having a massage done for them is way more effective. 
???: Well if that’s the case, how about I help out? 
Part 2:
Akira: Figaro! 
Figaro: Well, dunno if its the same thing that our Master Sage was talking about, but I do know of a couple places where you might get such effects. Not for your hands though, only your feet. 
Cain: Oh, really? So even your feet can have places that can help you relax. Hey, if it’s cool with you, you mind teaching me?  
Figaro: Of course! Come on out of the spring then, and sit over here.
  Cain got up, wiped off his feet, and then sat down in the rocky area nearby. I too got up and sat down next to them, wanting to watch what they were doing. 
Figaro: Well, let’s get to it. 
Right after saying that, Figaro takes Cain’s foot in his hands, and presses his thumb into the arch forcefully.
Akira: (Oh, it is a pressure point-like I thought!)
Figaro: You feel anything? Pain, or something nice? 
Cain: Um…..it doesn’t feel like either…? 
Cain: I only feel you pressing your finger there. 
Figaro: Huh? But most people would be in terrible pain after I did that. 
Akira: Well, maybe it wouldn’t for Cain? 
Akira: I’ve heard that if you do press on a spot like that and it either hurts or feels really nice, your body isn’t in the greatest condition. 
Figaro: Well, young people are a healthy bunch, aren’t they? Then let me try around here on your foot next….
Cain: Uwaah!!!
Figaro: Oh, you feel something? 
Cain:  Ah, I..aahhh….It’s painful, but it also feels kinda nice…? 
Figaro: Ah, now I get it. That place just now-if you press on it while you’re fasting, it really hurts a ton. 
Figaro: That is to say, you’re hungry right now. Am I right?
Cain: Wow, right on the spot! That’s pretty amazing you can tell that just by pressing on my foot like that. 
Akira: That’s the first time I’ve heard of something like that. That’s very impressive of you, Doctor! 
Figaro: Yup-yup. I’m such an excellent physician from the South, aren’t I? 
Figaro: ….Heh. Hehehe……
Akira: …..Figaro. Um, why did you just turn away and start laughing so hard? 
Figaro: Haha, sorry, sorry. I just made a wild guess. Not only was I somehow right, but you both so innocently believed me. 
Cain: It was just a shot in the dark….? 
Figaro: That right there is simply an easy place to get stiff muscles. The more a person moves around, the more likely it is to happen, so I’d think it’d have an effect even on Cain, right? 
Figaro: You know, these villagers actually have something like this technique you’re talking about. Leno and I both had it done a little while ago. 
Figaro: It seems a bit different than what you’re used to, but it still feels pretty nice. If you’re that curious, you should go ask them. 
Akira: Oh, so it is kind of like a spa! Thank you so much for telling me about this. 
Figaro: Well then. Since I took the trouble to do this, maybe I should go try it out on some of the others. 
Cain: Oh-I kinda want to see what reaction they’d have. Actually, Snow and White are right on the other side here. 
Figaro: Ah, um…that so? Well, I guess I’ll take the long way around then. 
Akira: (Not surprised he doesn’t want to do it to his teachers….) 
Figaro: Bye-bye, you two!! 
Cain: Oh, see ya! 
Part 3:
And after Figaro left, we then both tried pushing at that spot on the soles of our feet like he’d taught us. 
Cain: Uhh…..Yeah, that didn’t end up having a nice painful feeling either. What about you, Master Sage? 
Akira: Not me…I think if I do it to myself, I end up unconsciously avoiding anything that might hurt. 
Cain: Then lemme try it. As a test of sorts. 
Akira: Oh, would you mind? Thank you. 
Cain: So, I’ll try the spot Figaro did the first time. That’s….um, here?
  The pad of Cain’s thumb found the spot, and suddenly, he pushed down on it with all his might. 
The instant he did, it felt like a shock of lightning went through me and unintentionally, I yelped. 
Akira: Ah-! 
Cain: Huh?? Oh, I’m sorry-did I do it too strong? Or maybe I hit the wrong spot? 
Akira: N-no, that was it! Just…I’ve heard the more skilled a person is at pushing at these points, the more you’ll cry out from pain…
Akira: And that the more a person neglects their health, the more it will hurt when you do that. I might just be unhealthy….
Akira: (Is it my posture while I’m writing in the Sage’s Journal…or staying up all night….or all the snacks I eat between meals…..I should really pay more attention to that…..) 
As I hang my head in shame from all the bad habits I’m recalling, Cain thumps me on my shoulders. 
Cain: Hey, look, maybe we can make use of all this. Figaro said there was a guy who knew how to do the whole getting rid of stiffness thing; why don’t we go ask the other villagers about it? 
Akira: Oh that’s a good idea. I was just thinking back on how badly I’ve been taking care of myself so, I would like to, if it’s okay…
Cain: Alright then! It’s been arranged. Then, Master Sage…
Cain, smiling as bright as the sun, held his hand out towards me.
  Akira: (Oh, is he going to escort me back to the village?) 
As I was wondering this, I took the hand he had offered. But. right as I did that, I felt his finger suddenly press down forcefully on my palm.
Cain: Aha! A gap in your defenses! 
Akira: Oww! Cain, that hurt! Don’t play a prank on me like that…..
Cain: Ahaha, my bad, my bad. It was the quickest way I could think of to cheer you up again. 
Cain: Recently there’s been inspections by His Highness Vincent, and I’ve ended up real tired from that. It’s pretty unavoidable to be in bad shape when stuff like that happens. 
Cain: So instead of mopin’ about it, you should think about it like you’re rewarding your body after it’s worked so hard. So let’s go and get a massage. 
After he said that, Cain gave another bright, contagious smile that soon had me grinning too. 
Akira: You’re right…thinking about it like you’re rewarding yourself definitely makes it easier to relax. 
Cain: That’s the spirit! Okay, I’m done foolin’ around. Master Sage, if you’ll allow me. 
I take the hand he proffers, and it wraps firmly around my own.
  Cain: And please, Master Sage, whenever you find yourself troubled or in pain- ask of me whatever you need, and I shall be there for you.
  ✧:・.☽˚。 ・゚✧
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inniave · 3 months
posting for e.x.a.r. - [ 'it's out. keep it out.' ]
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violentdevotion · 11 months
hiii ameera 46, 84, & 462 :)
your past:
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your present:
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no interpretation needed. you know exactly what this means
your future:
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collegeoflore · 6 months
i did finally find a way to justify xar actually going to the mountain pass/creche that feels like it’s not extremely shoehorned in so i guess i should…. go do that
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2-late-2-the-party · 2 years
okay but am I the only one who doesn't hate the ending of Never and Forever? Like yeah, it could've been better, but I don't think it's the disaster that everyone makes it out to be.
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dreamertrilogys · 2 years
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plangentia · 7 months
omg i had an abby cameo in my translations this last week (ov. met 4)
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omg plangentia cameo !!!!!
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