#xavier l. | 01
verynormalsstuff · 21 days
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0 notes
xaviergalatis · 1 month
1. cloudd - Xavier Galatis 02:21 2. braxton vandal - Xavier Galatis 04:531 3. nissan buncehop - Xavier Galatis 03:01 4. panoramicastigmatism - Xavier Galatis 01:58 5. c a t h e d r a l x - Xavier Galatis 04:19 6. witchhouse - Xavier Galatis 04:15 7. fire emoji txt msg - Xavier Galatis 03:33 8. Ghost emoji reply - Xavier Galatis 03:04 9. fluorescent lights - Xavier Galatis 03:50 10. xoxo I o v e n o te - Xavier Galatis 07:42. 11. braxton vandal V2 - Xavier Galatis 04:05 12. pOp the molly flexdin - Xavier Galatis 01:05 13. Dubisdead - Xavier Galatis 02:011 14. 0000000000000 - Xavier Galatis 01:26 15. ZZZZZZZZ - Xavier Galatis 01:45 16. fvking 24!k bouncehop - Xavier Galatis 02:15
0 notes
writermuses · 2 years
Thread Tracker
Last Updated: 30 July 2022
Note 1: I only went back a month or to whatever was on the last thread tracker, so if you want to keep something that is older than that, please let me know. I will still and forever be the slowest replier in all of time, so I’m happy to keep threads. I also probably missed something in the process of making this tracker, so just lmk.
Note 2: I know some of the threads are finished, I plan to go back and cross more of them off. I just like having them linked so I can go back to them as a reference due to my memory loss. Seriously, don’t think I expect you to respond to the older shit, I just love our pairings 💙
Note 3: Click here to find my open starters, which are open for all eternity.
Note 4: Tumblr is trash and this post must be viewed on dash for the links to work but on the blog to see cross offs for shelved/closed threads.
General Tag
Sirius x Emma + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Camila + 01
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Caleb x Natalie + 01
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Beatriz x Hasani + 01
Cara x Elijah + 01
Hannelore x Caitlin + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Adelaide + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
Solena x Alexander + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Anika + 01
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Luca x Camila + 01 . Shippery
Resna x Roux + 01
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Teague x Celine + 01 . Shippery
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Lilith x Damien + 01
Mason x Ella + 01
Pem x Raj + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Alexandria + 01 . Shippery
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Drew x Cassandra + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Bre + 01
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Andrew x Mel + 01
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Beatriz x Kadir + 01
Caleb x Seyda + 01 . Shippery
Emirhan x Ceren + 01 . Shippery
Hannelore x Billy + 01 . Shippery
Hannelore x Charlotte + 01
Jasleen x Killian + 01
Nate x Seraphina + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
Pem x Emre + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Kassidy + 01
Taney x Ben + 01
Ximena x Ferit + 01 . Shippery
Yana x Roman + 01 . Shippery
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Henrik x Eittie + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 . Shippery
Lachlan x Adele + 01 . Shippery
Matthias x Alessandra + TBA . Shippery
Nate x Caria + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Octavius x Eittie + 01 . Shippery
Tadgh x Selene + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
Teague x Eittie + TBA . Shippery
Thaddeus x Rosie + 01 . Shippery
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Luca x Elle + 01 . 02 . Shippery
María Elena x Harry + 01
Tadgh x Serena + 01
Taney x Luca + 01
General Tag 
Octavius x Lance + 01
Pem x Percival + 01
Tadgh x Ysabelle + 01
Teague x Evette + 01
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Kailani x Dexter + 01 . Shippery
Sirius x Spencer + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Amelia + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Will x Avery + 01 . Shippery
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Micah x Vera + 01 . Shippery
Octavius x Julianna + 01
Tadgh x Dilana + 01
General Tag . Cartwright Family Tag
Charlotte x Sloan + 01
Luca x Andrew + 01
Luca x Maddie + 01 . Shippery
María Elena x Kerem + 01
Matthias x Jameson + 01
Micah x Diana + 01
Nate x Diana + 01 . Shippery
Pem x Tiberius + 01 . Shippery
Resna x Jameson + 01
Solena x Ilya + 01 - 02 - 03 . Shippery
Tadgh x Maddie + 01 . Shippery
Vincent x Azra + 01 . Shippery
Will x Emine + 01 . Shippery
Yana x Eren + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Aurélie x Jude + 01 - 02 . Shippery
Cara x Daniel Walden Jr. + 01
Hannelore x Felix + 01 . Shippery
Jasleen x Walt + 01 . Shippery
Mason x Serena + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Alina x Xavier + 01 . Shippery
Cara x Kai + 01
Drew x Kai + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Hazel x Jamie + 01 . Shippery
Iseul x Jamie + 01
Kailani x Link + 01 . Shippery
Lilith x JJ + 01 . Shippery
Luca x Keller + 01
Nate x Danny + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
Octavius x Daisy + 01 . Shippery
Sirius x Kaylee + 01 
Solena x Miles + 01 . Shippery
Tomlin x Leah + 01 . 02 . 03 . Shippery
General Tag
Aurélie x Ned + 01
Micah x Rosalie + 01
Resna x Safiye + 01
General Tag
María Elena x Shepherd + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Donovan x Aurora + 01 . Shippery
Solena x Alex + 01 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Matt x Lauren - 01 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Nate x Aubree + 01 . 02 . Shippery
Resna x Archer + 01
General Tag
Alina x Thomas + 01 . Shippery
Aurélie x Nora + 01 . Friendshippery
Drew x Rylee + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Rylee + 01 . Shippery
Taney x Will + 01 . Shippery
General Tag
Alina x Nicholas + 01 
Henrik x Persephone + 01 
General Tag . Old General Tag
Emirhan x Ramona + 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . Shippery
General Tag . Old General Tag
Andrew x Jamie + 01 . Shippery
María Elena x AJ + 01 . Shippery
Nate x Katelyn + 01 . Shippery
Pem x Calum + 01 . Shippery
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Euskelosaurus browni
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By Jack Wood 
Etymology: Good Leg Reptile
First Described By: Huxley, 1866
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Sauropodomorpha, Bagualosauria, Plateosauria, Plateosauridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Around 210 to 205 million years ago, from the Norian to the Rhaetian ages of the Late Triassic 
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Euskelosaurus is known from the lower Elliot Formation of South Africa 
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Physical Description: Euskelosaurus would have been a somewhat large, robust early sauropodomorph, possibly ten meters in length. It probably would have had long arms with long claws on the fingers, but they wouldn’t have had long enough arms to reach the ground. Euskelosaurus would have also had robust legs and  a long tail. Its neck would have been long, ending in a small head. It might have been covered in some sort of fluffy covering, though we can’t be sure. It probably would have been quite heavy in general.
Diet: Euskelosaurus would have probably been an herbivore, most likely a mid-level browser.
Behavior: It is difficult to say exactly what the behavior of Euskelosaurus would have been, given it’s known from kind of poor remains. However, we can guess some things. Based on relatives like Massospondylus and the dinosaur family tree in general, it probably took care of its young. Based on other prosauropods, it probably lived in herding groups. And, given its size, it probably spent most of its time eating plant food. It also would have been active and warm-blooded, but not very fast. It’s claws could have been used to strip leaves off of branches, and its small head would have been able to weave in between dense foliage. 
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By Scott Reid 
Ecosystem: Euskelosaurus lived in the Elliot Formation, a famous fossil ecosystem of Triassic to Early jurassic age animals showcasing how life evolved around the Triassic-Jurassic extinction and how dinosaurs began to explode into new forms right after the extinction. Unfortunately, Euskelosaurus hails from the early part of that ecosystem - the more poorly known Triassic member, where dinosaurs are few and far between, as are other animals. This makes Euskelosaurus important, being one of few dinosaurs known from this ecosystem, but also explains its poor condition. This was a semi-arid floodplain and lake system, with very long dry seasons and flash-in-the-pan wet seasons. It was primarily filled with conifers, as well as some horsetails and cycads.
It’s difficult to say exactly what animals Euskelosaurus lived with, given that the organization of the formation is murky and there are animals that are actually in the Upper Elliot Formation that were originally said to be in the Lower. However, Euskelosaurus probably lived alongside other Sauropodomorphs, including Eucnemesaurus, Plateosauravus, Blikanasaurus, and maybe others. There would have also been cynodonts, weird crocodile relatives, and even predatory dinosaurs. Until more is sorted out, however, it’s difficult to say.
Other: Euskelosaurus was a prosauropod, a type of dinosaur from which the larger sauropods would evolve at the end of the Triassic. It seems to be closely related to the better known Plateosaurus.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the Cut 
Bordy, E.M.; Eriksson, P. (2015-09-01). "LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE ELLIOT FORMATION (KAROO SUPERGROUP), SOUTH AFRICA". South African Journal of Geology. 118 (3): 311–316.
Broom, R. (1911). "On the dinosaurs of the Stormberg, South Africa". Annals of the South African Museum. 7: 291–308.
Cooper, M.R. (1980). "The first record of the prosauropod dinosaur Euskelosaurus from Zimbabwe". Arnoldia Zimbabwe. 9 (3): 1–17.
Durand, J.F. (2001). "The oldest juvenile dinosaurs from Africa". Journal of African Earth Sciences. 33 (3–4): 597–603.
Galton, Peter M. (1985). "Notes on the Melanorosauridae, a family of large Prosauropod Dinosaurs (Saurischia: Sauropodomorpha)". Geobios. 18 (5): 671–676.
Gauffre, Francois-Xavier (1993). "Biochronostratigraphy of the Lower Elliot Formation, southern Africa) and preliminary results on the Maphutseng dinosaur. Saurischia: Prosauropoda) from the same Formation of Lesotho". In Lucas, Spencer G.; Morales, Michael (eds.). The Nonmarine Triassic: Bulletin 3. pp. 147–9.
Huxley, TH (1866). "On the remains of large dinosaurian reptiles from the Stormberg mountains, South Africa". Geological Magazine. 3: 563–4.
McPhee, Blair Wayne (2016). The South African Mesozoic: advances in our understanding of the evolution, palaeobiogeography, and palaeoecology of sauropodomorph dinosaurs (Thesis).
McPhee, Blair W.; Choiniere, Jonah N. (2016). "A hyper-robust sauropodomorph dinosaur ilium from the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic Elliot Formation of South Africa: Implications for the functional diversity of basal Sauropodomorpha". Journal of African Earth Sciences. 123: 177–184.
McPhee, B. W., E. M. Bordy, L. Sciscio, J. N. Choiniere. 2017. The sauropodomorph biostratigraphy of the Elliot Formation of Southern Africa: Tracking the evolution of Sauropodomorpha across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 62 (3): 441 - 465.
Sciscio, Lara; De Kock, Michiel; Bordy, Emese; Knoll, Fabien (2017-11-01). "Magnetostratigraphy across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in the main Karoo Basin". Gondwana Research. 51: 177–192.
Seeley, H.G. (1894). "XLI.—On Euskelesaurus Brownii (Huxley)". Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 14 (83): 317–340.
Tankard, Anthony; Welsink, Herman; Aukes, Peter; Newton, Robert; Stettler, Edgar (2009-09-01). "Tectonic evolution of the Cape and Karoo basins of South Africa". Marine and Petroleum Geology. 26 (8): 1379–1412.
Van Heerden, J. (1979). The morphology and taxonomy of Euskelosaurus (Reptilia: Saurischia: Late Triassic) from South Africa. Nasionale Museum.
Welman, Johann (1999). "The basicranium of a basal prosauropod from the Euskelosaurus range zone and thoughts on the origin of dinosaurs". Journal of African Earth Sciences. 29 (1): 227–232.  
Yates, A.M. (2004). The death of a dinosaur: dismembering Euskelosaurus. Geoscience Africa. p. 715.
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khelinski · 5 years
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One Pulse.
 A Pulse.
           July 2, 2004.
           1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806.
 Forty-nine Pulse.
           June 12, 2016.
           Latin night.
 Forty-eight Pulse.
           About 320 people.
 Forty-seven Pulse.
           1:00 A.M.
           Three DJs.
           Loud music.
 Forty-six Pulse.
 Forty-five Pulse.
           1:30 A.M.
 Forty-four Pulse.
           1:45 A.M.
 Forty-three Pulse.
           1:50 A.M.
 Forty-two Pulse.
           1:55 A.M.
 Forty-one Pulse.
           1:58 A.M.
           Three DJs.
           Loud music.
 Forty Pulse.
           1:59 A.M.
 Thirty-nine Pulse.
           2:00 A.M.
           Last call.
           Three DJs.
 Thirty-eight Pulse.
           2:01 A.M.
 Thirty-seven Pulse.
           2:02 A.M.
           Gun shots.
           Heartbeats racing.
 Thirty-six Pulse.
           2:03 A.M.
           Gun shots.
           Heartbeats racing.
           Lots of blood.
           Disco ball.
 Thirty-five Pulse.
           2:04 A.M.
           Police sirens.
           Heartbeats racing.
           Lots of blood.
 Thirty-four Pulse.
           2:09 A.M.
           Active shooter.
           Heartbeats racing.
           Lots of blood.
 Thirty-three Pulse.
           3:00 A.M.
           Police sirens.
           Active shooter.
           Lots of blood.
 Thirty-two Pulse.
           5:17 A.M.
           A stand-off.
           Police sirens.
           Active shooter.
           Shots fired.
           Shooter dead.
           Lots of blood.
 Thirty-one Pulse.
 Thirty Pulse.
 Twenty-nine Pulse.
           Crime scene.
           Roped off.
           Gun control.
           Gun debates.
 Twenty-eight Pulse.
           Fenced off.
           Loss of life.
 Twenty-seven Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
           Blood donations.
 Twenty-six Pulse.
           Gun control.
 Twenty-five Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
 Twenty-four Pulse.
 Twenty-three Pulse.
           Found innocent.
           Misdirected blame.
 Twenty-two Pulse.
           Another shooting.
           Lots of blood.
 Twenty-one Pulse.
           Another shooting.
           More death.
           More blood.
           Lots and lots of blood.
           Lots and lots of death.
 Twenty Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
 Nineteen Pulse.
 Eighteen Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
 Seventeen Pulse.
 Sixteen Pulse.
           Another shooting.
           Prayers with thoughts.
 Fifteen Pulse.
           Another shooting, nearby.
           Thoughtful prayers.
 Fourteen Pulse.
           Lots of blood.
           Media coverage.
           “Thoughts & prayers.”
 Thirteen Pulse.
 Twelve Pulse.
           Stanley Almodovar III, age 23.
           Amanda Alvear, 25.
           Oscar A. Aracena-Montero, 26.
           Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33.
           Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21.
 Eleven Pulse.
           Martin Benitez Torres, 33.
           Antonio D. Brown, 30.
           Darryl R. Burt II, 29.
           Jonathan A. Camuy Vega, 24.
           Angel L. Candelario-Padro, 28.
 Ten Pulse.
           Simon A. Carrillo Fernandez, 31.
           Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25.
           Luis D. Conde, 39.
           Cory J. Connell, 21.
           Tevin E. Crosby, 25.
           Franky J. Dejesus Velazquez, 50.
           Deonka D. Drayton, 32.
 Nine Pulse.
           Mercedez M. Flores, 26.
           Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22.
           Juan R. Guerrero, 22.
           Paul T. Henry, 41.
           Frank Hernandez, 27.
           Miguel A. Honorato, 30.
           Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40.
           Jason B. Josaphat, 19.
           Eddie J. Justice, 30.
           Anthony L. Laureano Disla, 25.
           Christopher A. Leinonen, 32.
           Brenda L. Marquez McCool, 49.
           Jean C. Mendez Perez, 35.
           Akyra Monet Murray, 18.
           Kimberly Morris, 37.
           Jean C. Nieves Rodriguez, 27.
           Luis O. Ocasio-Capo, 20.
 Eight Pulse.
           Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez, 25.
           Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36.
           Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32.
           Enrique L. Rios Jr., 25.
           Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37.
           Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24.
           Christopher J. Sanfeliz, 24.
           Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35.
           Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25.
           Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34.
           Shane E. Tomlinson, 33.
           Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25.
           Luis S. Vielma, 22.
           Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37.
           Jerald A. Wright, 31.
 Seven Pulse.
 Six Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
 Five Pulse.
           July 2, 2004.
 Four Pulse.
           Barbara Poma.
           Ron Legler.
 Three Pulse.
           1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806.
 Two Pulse.
           June 12, 2016.
           Rainbow colors.
           Gun shots.
           Lots of blood.
 One Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
A Pulse.
K.H.; June 27, 2018.
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spy-in-the-house · 6 years
SpyInTheHouse 674.fm Podcast 020 28012019
Another regular SpyInTheHouse all-vinyl ride by Psycho Thrill Cologne’s own Claus Bachor through all different Electronica genres like HiTech-Jazz, House, Techno, Industrial, Breaks, Electro/HiTech Funk, Detroit, Chicago and Acid. Live recorded and streamed on Januar 28th, 2019 via 674.fm broadcast in Cologne/GER from 19-22:00 cet. FULL TRACK LISTING 01 DUDLEY STRANGEWAYS [MARK PEARSON]: Intro [ A-side from “Everlasting Treasuries 7” Vekton Black VBLK-007 GER 12" | 2016 ] 02 LAUREL HALO & HODGE: [JAKE MARTIN]: TRU [ A-side from “Tru/ Opal/ The Light Within You” Livity Sound LIVITY-034 UK 12" | 2018 ] 03 MR.FINGERS [LARRY HEARD]: Outer Acid _ Upsammy Hearing Voices Remix [ B2-track from “Cerebral Hemispheres Remixes” Alleviated Records ML-2237-2 US 12" | 2018 ] 04 GONNO [SUNAO GONNO]: Es [ A1-track from “Es / Los Ojos En El Sol” MERKUR Schallplatten MER-001 GER 12" | 2008 ]   05 GONNO: Short Days With The Orchid [ A1-track from “Merkur 3 EP” MERKUR Schallplatten MER-003 GER 12" | 2010 ] 06 STEFFI DOMS & MARTYN DEYKERS: Feet Of Clay [ E-side from “Evidence From A Good Source” 3024-028 NL 3x12" | 2016 ] 07 THATMANMONKZ [SCOTT MONCRIEFF] feat. NIKKI-O [NICOLE COVINGTON]: Ooh Wee _ Norm Talley Remix [ B-side from “Ooh Wee” Classic CMC-279RMX UK 12" | 2018 ] 08 JEROEN SEARCH [JEROEN SCHRIJVERSHOF]: Theory Of Absolute Identity [ A2-track from “Monism” Figure FIGURELP-003 GER 3x12" | 2018 ] 09 PLUTO [RICHARD IAN 'ROLO' McGINTY]: Plutobeat [ A-side from “Plutobeat” Plink Plonk Plk-004 UK Promo-12" | 1993 ] 10 DIVETRAIN [DERRICK THOMPSON]: Inside You [ A1-track from “Honey” Soiree Records Int. SRT-171 US Test/Promo-12" | 2019 ] 12 OMAR S [ALEX O' SMITH] feat. SIMON BLACK: Freaky Type [ B-side from “I'll Do It Again” FXHE Records FXHE-S&O US 12" | 2018 ] 13 GABRIELE MANCINO: Hologram  [ A1-track from “Hologram EP” Future Plans FTPL-001 GER 12" | 2018 ] 14 AUTO SOUND CITY: Modality _ Posthuman Remix [ A2-track from “WOD002 Auto Sound City” Weapons Of Desire WOD-002 UK WL-12" | 2018 ] 15 GABRIELE MANCINO: Moonrider  [ B2-track from “Hologram EP” Future Plans FTPL-001 GER 12" | 2018 ] 16 CLUB M.C.M. [K-ALEXI SHELBY]: It's Me _ Rocman Mixx [ A1-track from “It's Me / Club M.C.M.” Rhythm Beat RB-203/ D.J. International Records US 12" | 1991 ] 17 ADONIS [A.SMITH] pres. HIEROGLYPHIC BEING [JAMAL MOSS]: Isosceles [ A1-track from “If” Mathematics Recordings 003 US 12" | 2002 ] 18 STEFAN REIN: Scan  [ B1-track from “#002” BLAST 002 GER Promo-12" | 2019 ] 19 TREVINO [MARCUS 'INTALEX' KAYE] & ROBERTO [ROB KIRKALDY]: Restoration [ A2-track from “Formacus” Fossil Archive FAUK-008 UK 12" | 2018 ] 20 STEFAN REIN: Mad Energy  [ A1-track from “#002” BLAST 002 GER Promo-12" | 2019 ] 20 DIMI ANGELIS: Crossfire  [ A1-track from “Act IV” Propaganda Moscow PROPAGANDAM-008 RUS 12" | 2018 ] 21 STEFAN REIN: Dark Tunnel  [ A2-track from “#002” BLAST 002 GER Promo-12" | 2019 ] 22 KIRK DEGIORGIO: The Convergence  [ A2-track from “Act IV” Propaganda Moscow PROPAGANDAM-008 RUS 12" | 2018 ] 23 THIRD SON [JOSEPH THOMAS PRICE]: Bach 1750 [ B-side from “Syncope” Sodai SODAI-007 UK 12" | 2018 ] 24 UNBALANCE: Blood Lust  [ B2-track from “Act IV” Propaganda Moscow PROPAGANDAM-008 RUS 12" | 2018 ] 25 ANNIE HALL: Lavandule _ Mattheis Remix  [ A2-track from “Statics” Musar Recordings MUSAR-004 ISR 12" | 2018 ] 26 FOREST DRIVE WEST [JOE BAKER]: Escape [ B-side from “Static / Escape” Livity Sound LIVITY-028 UK 12" | 2017 ] 27 DOPPLEREFFEKT [GERALD DONALD, MICHAELA TO-NHAN BERTEL]: Telomere [ B1-track from “Athanatos” Leisure System ?LSR-022 UK 12" | 2018 ] 28 SURMANN: Untitled B1 [ B1-track from “1” Surmann SURM-001 BRA/US Promo-12" | 2018 ] 29 DOPPLEREFFEKT: Mitosis [ B2-track from “Athanatos” Leisure System LSR-022 UK 12" | 2018 ] 30 ESCAPE EARTH: Bleep Inside _ Jensen Interceptor Remix [ B1-track from “Bleep Inside” Batrachian BTR-001UK Promo-12" | 2018 ] 31 YAK [JON RANDALL]: Lucid Nightmare [ A1-track from “3024 FYE1” 3024-FYE1 NL 12" | 2018 ] 32 SDX [BENJAMIN STRECKER]: MS 04  _ 138 Remix [ B1-track from “Nocturnal” Dusk & HazeD&H-002 US 12" | 2018 ] 33 STRATEGY [PAUL DICKOW]: Forgotten Encounter [ B2-track from “Future Shock” The Nite Owl Diner DINER-011 US 12" | 2018 ] 34 DJ SAM C:  [TOMMY THE CAT]: Alien Agent [ B1-track from “Untitled” Dosis Decibel Records DDB-004 NL Promo-12" | 2008 ] 35 THIRD SON: Bloodsport [ A2-track from “Machine Love EP” 17 Steps 17STEPS-023 UK 12" | 2018 ] 36 TIM XAVIER: UFO Kommt  [ B1-track from “Dust To Dust” BPitch Control BPC-340 GER 12" | 2018 ] 37 HOSHINA ANNIVERSARY: A Cid [ A1-track from “A Cid EP” Jack Dept. DEPT-011 US WL-12" | 2018 ] 38 TIM XAVIER: Dust To Dust [ B2-track from “Dust To Dust” BPitch Control BPC-340 GER 12" | 2018 ] 39 HOSHINA ANNIVERSARY: DZYYY [ A2-track from “A Cid EP” Jack Dept. DEPT-011 US WL-12" | 2018 ] 40 BAM BAM [CHRIS WESTBROOK]: Where's Your Child _ DJ Rush Remix [ A-side from “Where Is Your Child (Archiv #02)” Tresor 165 GER Promo-12" | 2001 ] 41 DJ SKULL [RON MANEY]: Met"L"Gear [ A2-track from “Met'L'Gear” Djax-Up-Beats DJAX-UP-201 NL Promo-12" | 1994 ] 42 JEROEN SEARCH: The One [ C2-track from “Monism” Figure FIGURELP-003 GER 3x12" | 2018 ] 43 LENSON [DJ LENSON]: Nice Town I'll Take It [ A2-track from “REVENGE3” Revenge Techniques REVENGE-003 NL 12" | 2018 ] 44 SYBERIAN [SAIBIRIAN ™]: Lamp Black [ A2-track from “Tales From Outskirts” SYBERIAN SYB-005 RUS/NL 12" | 2018 ] 45 DESERT SOUND COLONY [DSC]: Grabbing The Golden Goose [ B2-track from “Tickle Me Pink EP” Holding Hands HHANDS-006 UK 12" | 2018 ] 46 JEFF MILLS: Abali [ A1-track from “Str Mrkd” Str Mrkd/ AXIS AX-077 US 12" | 2019 ]   47 MONIKER [JOE BAKER & TIM GILGALLON]: Groove Only _ Peverelist Remix [ B1-track from “High Rise EP” Dawn State DS-001 UK 12" | 2018 ] 48 JEFF MILLS: Helix Nebula [ B1-track from “Str Mrkd” Str Mrkd/ AXIS AX-077 US 12" | 2019 ] 49 MONIKER: Morning At Night [ B2-track from “High Rise EP” Dawn State DS-001 UK 12" | 2018 ] 50 PIERRES'S PFANTASY CLUB feat. J.R.JORDAN: Fantasy Girl _ Pierre's Acid Mix [ A2-track from “Fantasy Girl” SRO-750487 US 12" | 1987 ] 51 OMAR S: One Of A Kind  [ B-side from “O.O.A.K” FXHE Records ?AOS-7418/ Detroit Threads US 12" | 2018 ] 52 WAAJEED [ROBERT O'BRYANT]: Strength _ Jon Dixon Remix [ B2-track from “Strength EP” Dirt Tech Reck DTR-014/ Submerge US 12" | 2018 ] 53 RENNIE FOSTER: Detroit City [ A2-track from “Honey” Soiree Records Int. SRT-171 US Test/Promo-12" | 2019 ] //
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Janvier 10. Mariachi – Bar à bulles (gratuit) 10. Pierre Bastien, Dominique Grimaud, Françoise Crublé, Gilbert Artman, Jacky & Gilles Dupéty – Souffle continu (gratuit) 10. Jemek Jemowit + Infecticide + Manu Louis – L'International 10. Les Lullies + Cheap Riot + Slow Sliders – Olympic café 11. The Choolers Division – La Station 11. Holiday Inn + Il Nux Il Mord + Bracco – Olympic café 11. Illnurse + Toscan Haas + Parallx – Glazart 12. Art & Technique + A_R_C_C + Bleno Die Wurstbrücke – Le Cirque électrique 12. Seppuku + Cosamentale + LV2 – Le Zorba 12. Serge Teyssot-Gay + Christian Vialard : concert littéraire sur les textes d'Eric Arlix – Maison de la poésie 15. Anne-James Chaton – Jeu de Paume (gratuit) 16. Harald Fetveit – Le Chair de poule (gratuit) 18. Francis Dhomont (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 18. Dollkraut Band + Die Wilde Jagd + Abschaum – La Maroquinerie 18. Warm Drag + Laurapalmer + Le Réveil de tropiques + Viot + Uzhur + 205SKatokosmos (fest. OFFF d'hiver) – Point FMR 18. Vril + VII Circle + Sam x Sam + Anechoic – Glazart 19. Armando Balice + Ingrid Drese + Jérôme Noetinger + Loïse Bulot + Robert Hampson (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 19. Throw Down Bones + Terdjman + Frontal + Techno Thriller + Huile + Frank Sabbath (fest. OFFF d'hiver) – Point FMR 19. Krikor (dj)+ Godzilla Overkill + Losless + Grand 8 & Pabloïd – Petit Bain 19. Peter Hook & The Light – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 19/20. Robert Hood + Manu le Malin + Ancient Methods + Ron Morelli + Rabih Beaini + François X + dj Marcelle + December + Myako + Beurette sentimentale + Marion Guillet + Neue Grafik + dj Prophet + Entek + IG Culture + Mab'ish – Concrete 20. Catherine Bir + Raphaël Mouterde + Francisco Meirino + Roland Cahen + Yoko Higashi & Lionel Marchetti (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 22. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Dominique Regref – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 23. Marc Melià + Tryphème + The Ekpyrotic Scenario (aka Modgeist) (fest. Chorus) – théâtre de Vanves 24. Rouge Gorge – Le Chair de poule 24. Fred Palem & Le sacre du tympan – Gaîté lyrique 24. Le Singe blanc + Secte + Jeanot Lou Paysan – Le Cirque électrique 24. Terrine + Philémon + Bâton XXL + Johan Mazé – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 25. La Secte du futur + Shiny Darkly – Supersonic 25. Léonie Pernet – Gaîté lyrique 25. Martial Canterel + Poison Point – Petit Bain 25. David Sink + Crave + Panzer – Pop In 25. Moyō + Law & Haktion – Le Klub 25. Aaron Moore & Erik K. Skodvin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 25. Easter + Robert Görl + Céline Gillain (fest. Closer Music) – Lafayette Anticipations 26. Tirzah + Stine Janvin (fest. Closer Music) – Lafayette Anticipations 26. Chloé – Elysée-Montmartre 26. Thelia Zadek Band + Mia Vita Vioenta – Olympic café 26. Deux Boules vanille + Craow – La Station 26. Turzi + Zombie Zombie (fest. Chorus) – théâtre de Vanves 26. 999999999 + Boston 168 + Inhalt Der Nacht + JKS vs Mayeul + Parfait + Léa Occhi + Lacchesi – Concrete 27. Pan Deijing + Jessica Slighter (fest. Closer Music) – La fayette Anticipations 29. Dominique a – Salle Pleyel 29. Zézette + Business with the Clouds + Echoplain – Gambetta Club 29. Tiny Tramp + Officine + Pavel V. + Astralopithecus – Les Nautes 31. Deena Abdelwahed – Gaîté lyrique 31. Go!Zilla + Siz + Deaf Parade – Supersonic (gratuit)
Février 01. Le Comte + Christine + Atoem – Palais de le Porte dorée 01. Negative Space + Volition Immanent + N0v3l – La Station 01. Lust For Youth – Supersonic 01. Autrenoir + Linda Olah + Uriel Bartélémi – théâtre de Vanves 01. Cylene (François Bonnet & Stephen O'Malley) + Kreemer (Cameron Jamie & Dennis Tyfus) + Xavier Boussiron – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 02. Tempers – Supersonic (gratuit) 02. Fraction + Frédéric D. Oberland + Clara De Asis + MTUA + Raphaël Mouterde + Sébastien Roux + Fantasia Nei Dessert & Romain Al'l + Hourvari + Aloyse Lucas (fest. Les Sonifères) – DOC 02. The Residents – Gaîté lyrique 02. Shabazz Palaces + Dälek (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre de la Cité internationale 03. Mesce basse + :such: + Duncan Pinhas + Alexandre del Torchio + Isothesis & Alexandra Radulescu + Opaque + Armand Lesecq + NO3sis (fest. Les Sonifères) – DOC 03. Aidan Baker + The Eye of Time (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 05. Nadja + Saudaa Group + Lacustre – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Binidu + Hilgege – Supersonic (gratuit) 06. Brendan Perry – Petit Bain 07. VNV Nation – Le Trabendo 07. Tomaga + Jozef Van Wissem + Noyades + La Jungle – Petit Bain 07. Subtle Turnhips – La Pointe Lafayette 08. Manu le Malin + 3FAZé + DKLé + Nawak – Glazart 08. Headless Horseman + Ø [Phase] + Joton + Electric Rescue – Rex Club 09. Psyche + Sarin + Law & Haktion + Cassie Raptor b2b Mila Dietrich  – La Station 09. The Ex : "Ethiopian Night" (fest. Sons d'hiver) – salle Jacques-Brel (Fontenay-sous-Bois) 10. Therapy? – La Maroquinerie 11. Massive Attack feat. Liz Fraser jouent « Mezzanine » – Zénith 13. Pierre Bastien & Philippe Dupuy + Laake – Petit Bain 15. Peter Kernel + Totorro – Petit Bain 15. Codex Empire + Schwefelgelb + Philipp Strobel + Panzer – Petit Bain 16. Anthony Braxton + Dave Douglas & Bill Laswell (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre Jacques-Carat (Cachan) 19. Bruit noir + Red – Point FMR 21. Mlada Fronta + Absolute Valentine + Neoslave – Petit Bain 21. Collection d'Arnell Andrea + Katzkab – Bus Palladium 22. Marquis de Sade – Petit Bain 22/23. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon ||COMPLET|| 24. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon
Mars 02. Boy Harsher + Kontravoid – Badaboum 02. Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Alan Vega et Suicide – Silencio 02. Shlømo + UVB + Charles Fenckler + Darzack + Delta Funktionen + Keepsakes – Studio du Lendit (Saint-Denis) 03. Camera – Olympic café 07. Scratch Massive – Gaîté lyrique 07. Gum Takes Tooth + Usé + Society of Silence – Badaboum 08. FTR + Deadpan – Olympic café 09. Deeat Palace – La Station 09. Paulie Jan + Witnesses Without Hands + Mod303 & The SHADERS + Alexandre Navarro (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 10. James Chance & Die Contortions – Supersonic 12. Yann Tiersen – Salle Pleyel 12. Dominique A – Espace 1789 (Saint-Ouen) 13.  Helluvah + IDK IDA + Cebe Barnes (dj)(Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 14. Parade Ground + BadBad + The Wheal + Versolo – Supersonic (gratuit) 14. Stefan Rusconi & Tobias Preisig + Étienne Jaumet (fest. Paris Music) – Église Saint-Eustache 14. La Colonie de vacances – Cabaret sauvage 15. Rubin Steiner (fest. Paris Music) – Crypte archéologique du parvis de Notre-Dame 15. Bertrand Burgalat (fest. Paris Music) – Musée des Arts et Métiers 15. Zombie Zombie (fest. Paris Music) – cathédrale américaine 16. Christ. + Alexandre Navarro (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 17. Giulio Aldinucci + Paskine + Waveland (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 19. thisquietarmy + Haxo + Ilia Gorovitz (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 20. Oomph! – La Machine 22. Delia Derbyshire (diff.) + Lettera 22 + Evil Moisture + Caterina Barbieri + Drew McDowall : "Coil's Time Machines" (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 22. The Young Gods – La Maroquinerie 22. Crystal Fighters – Gaîté lyrique 23. Pierre Boeswillwald (diff.) + Max Eilbacher + Andrea Belfi + Sarah Davachi + William Basinski & Lawrence English (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Snapped Ankles + Wild Classical Music Ensemble + Man from Uranus – La Maroquinerie 23. Les Harry's & Stefan Neville (fest. Sonic Protest) – Châpiteaux turbulents 24. Warren Burt (diff.) + Mats Erlandsson + Okkyung Lee + Low Jack + BJ Nielsen (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Chantal Acda + Miles Oliver + Julien Ledru (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 25. Laibach – Trabendo 26. Jon Porras (Barn Owl) + Mathias Delplanque (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 27. Strangelove + Background (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 28. Scanner + Openendedgroup & Natasha Barrett + Raphaël Imbert & Benjamin Lévy – Centre Pompidou 28. Euromilliard + Humbros + Peür + Pumice (fest. Sonic Protest) – La Station 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon 29. Jandek + Confusional Quartet + Société étrange (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 30. Marc Almond – Le Trianon 30. Seabuckthorn + Rach Three + CollAGE D (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Lahcen Akil & les Chaâbi Brothers + Suzanne Ciani + The Coolies + Lemones + Les Statonells (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 31. Fuji Kureta + Mei (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève
Avril 02. Schtum + Shit & Shine (fest. Sonic Protest) – Mona Bismarck American Center 03. Han Bennink + Jean-François Pauvros + Anne-Laure Pigache & Anne-Julie Rollet + Parlophonie (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de Vanves 04. Dust Breeders & Mattin + Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Suicide et Alan Vega + Anna Zaradny (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Bégayer + France + Frédéric Blondy joue "Occam XXV" d'Éliane Radigue (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Beirut – Le Grand Rex 05. Rendez-Vous + Qual – Gaîté lyrique 05/06. Nadia Lauro & Zeena Parkins : Stichomythia – Centre Pompidou 06. Molecule – Gaîté lyrique 06. Dylan Carlson + Julien Clauss + Hermine + Lee Patterson + Ut + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke (fest. Sonic Protest) – Cirque électrique 08. The Specials – La Cigale 10. Daughters – Point FMR 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 17. Teenage Fan Club – Trabendo 17. Soap&Skin – Le Trianon 17. Apparat – Gaîté lyrique 20. The Horrorist – Rex Club 21. The Parrots + Johnny Mafia + Halo Maud + Grand Blanc + Marietta + Robbing Millions + Oktober Lieber (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 22. Fontaines D.C. – Point FMR 22. Faire + Buvette + Oko Ebombo + Black Devil Disco Club + Fujiya & Miyagi + Rendez-Vous (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 23. The Luyas + Barbagallo + Human Teorema + Arnaud Rebotini + Aquaserge + Il est vilaine + Onze Onze (fest. MOFO) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 27. She Past Away – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104 27. Bérengère Maximin, Fred Firth & Heike Liss – Instants chavirés (Montreuil)
Mai 07. dEUS – La Cigale 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 11. Christina Vantzou + Eiko Ishibashi + Jan Jelinek + NPVR (Nik Void & Peter Rehberg) – Le 104 12. Massimo Toniutti + François Bayle – Le 104 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Eliane Radigue : musique (diff.) pour "Continuum" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves – Centre Pompidou 24. Beak> – Gaîté lyrique 24. Shonen Knife – Petit Bain 28. Alice in Chains + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Olympia 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 19. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11>13. Kraftwerk – Philharmonie
Août 23>25. The Cure (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 13. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET||
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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postpunkindustrial · 6 years
01. Siege - Armageddon [Off the Disk Records,(recorded 1984)] 02. Conrad Schnitzler - Untitled 03. Christian Zanési - Stop ! L’Horizon [INA-GRM, 1990] 04. Otto Von Schirach - No Wood [Schematic, 2001] 05. Negativland - Negativland 4 [Seeland, 1980] 06. Michel Redolfi - Appels D’Air (Sudden Drafts) [INA-GRM, 1993] 07. Mario Rodrigue - Tilt [Empreintes DIGITALes, 1994] 08. Operating Theatre - Fin-estra [United Diaries, 1981] 09. My Bloody Valentine - Glider [Creation Records, 1990] 10. Bob Ostertag - Tears of the Sand in the Fierce Companionship of Thirst [RecRec Music, 1992] 11. Cabaret Voltaire - The Dada Man [Industrial Records, 1980] 12. Jim O’Rourke - Mere Part 2 [Staaltape, 1992] 13. The Hafler Trio - I Remain, Yours… [Tragic Figures, 1991] 14. Miles Davis - Rated X [Columbia, 1974] 15. Tod Dockstader - Two Fragments From Apocalypse (Second Fragment) [Owl Records, 1966] 16. Xavier Garcia - 6 Regards Sul L [GMVL, 1991] 17. Pascal Florian Mutschler - Haute Tension [GMVL, 1991] 18. Adam Bohman - Reisling Riots [Mycophile Records, 1997] 19. Jozef Malovec - Orthogenesis [Turnabout, 1968] 20. Rhythm & Sound - Distance [Rhythm & Sound, 2001] 21. Scientist - De Materialize [Greensleeves Records, 1981] 22. Kit Watkins - Tone 4 [Linden Music, 1990] 23. Nurse With Wound - Soliloquy For Lilith (Second Fragment) [Idle Hole Records, 1988] 24. Nocturnal Emissions - Ooerrdn [Earthly Delights, 1990] 25. Phoenecia - Non-specific Acoustic Stimulation [Schematic, 2000] 26. Zoviet France - Caught in the Square [Staalplaat, 1990] 27. Toshinori Kondo X DJ Krush - Tobira-1 [Sony Records, 1996] 28. Jörg Thomasius / Lars Stroschen - Die Rabenschwarze Dame [Tonart, 1993] 29. Illusion Of Safety - Looking Forward To Silence [Complacency, 1990] 30. Denis Smalley - Wind Chimes [Empreintes DIGITALes, 1992] 31. Asmus Tietchens / PBK - Manifesto 3 [Realization Recordings, 1992] 32. Confuse - Indignation [Violent Party Records, 1984] 33. Mescalinum United - We Have Arrived (Aphex Twin QQT Mix) [R&S Records, 1992] 34. JH - No Rain 35. Rhythm & Sound - Roll Off [Rhythm & Sound, 2001]
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mamtabhawesh · 4 years
0 notes
lachapellexx-blog · 7 years
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tucked in a small box under xavier’s bed. the back reads ‘01/01/2016 -- new year with my love.’  @channingrinaldi
you won't ever be  a l o n e wait for me to come  h o m e .
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stefanietani098 · 5 years
Prediksi Bola Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 30 Oktober 2019
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Prediksi Bola Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 30 Oktober 2019
Prediksi Skor : 2 – 1 Handicap : 0 : 1/2 Over / Under : 2 1/4 Tips : Madura United / Over
Head to Head Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 12/07/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 2 – 2 Madura United 03/08/18 LI1 Madura United 3 – 1 TIRA-Persikabo 02/04/18 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 0 Madura United 23/01/18 PIP TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 3 Madura United 18/09/17 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 2 – 3 Madura United
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Madura United(1W 1L 3D) 24/10/19 LI1 PSM 1 – 0 Madura United 20/10/19 LI1 Semen Padang 1 – 2 Madura United 05/10/19 LI1 Madura United 2 – 1 Persib 29/09/19 LI1 PSS Sleman 2 – 2 Madura United 24/09/19 LI1 Madura United 2 – 1 Persela
5 Pertandingan Terakhir TIRA Persikabo (2W 3L 0D) 24/10/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 1 Arema 19/10/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 0 – 2 Bhayangkara 02/10/19 LI1 Persipura 3 – 0 TIRA-Persikabo 27/09/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 1 Semen Padang 23/09/19 LI1 Badak Lampung 2 – 2 TIRA-Persikabo
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo Madura United (4-3-3): Muhammad Ridwan (Gk); Alfath Fathier, Jaimerson Xavier, Fandry Imbiri, Marckho Sandy; Guntur Ariyadi, Diego Assis, Slamet Nurcahyo; Greg, Aleksandar Rakic, Alberto Goncalves.
TIRA Persikabo (4-2-3-1): Syahrul Trisna; M. Slamat, A. Nugroho, K. Beknazarov, M. Marasabessy; R. Sugeng, Munadi, L. Parfait, R. Kurnia; Osas Saha, Loris Arnaud.
Hubungi Kami Melalui : www .sahabat303,me www .sahabat303,net www .sahabat303,org www .sahabat303,vip * LINE : sahabat_303 * WA 1 : +855882348077 * WA 2 : +6287705585269 * Wechat : sahabat303
0 notes
fannytania098 · 5 years
Prediksi Bola Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 30 Oktober 2019
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Prediksi Bola Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 30 Oktober 2019
Prediksi Skor : 2 – 1 Handicap : 0 : 1/2 Over / Under : 2 1/4 Tips : Madura United / Over
Head to Head Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 12/07/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 2 – 2 Madura United 03/08/18 LI1 Madura United 3 – 1 TIRA-Persikabo 02/04/18 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 0 Madura United 23/01/18 PIP TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 3 Madura United 18/09/17 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 2 – 3 Madura United
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Madura United(1W 1L 3D) 24/10/19 LI1 PSM 1 – 0 Madura United 20/10/19 LI1 Semen Padang 1 – 2 Madura United 05/10/19 LI1 Madura United 2 – 1 Persib 29/09/19 LI1 PSS Sleman 2 – 2 Madura United 24/09/19 LI1 Madura United 2 – 1 Persela
5 Pertandingan Terakhir TIRA Persikabo (2W 3L 0D) 24/10/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 1 Arema 19/10/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 0 – 2 Bhayangkara 02/10/19 LI1 Persipura 3 – 0 TIRA-Persikabo 27/09/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 1 Semen Padang 23/09/19 LI1 Badak Lampung 2 – 2 TIRA-Persikabo
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo Madura United (4-3-3): Muhammad Ridwan (Gk); Alfath Fathier, Jaimerson Xavier, Fandry Imbiri, Marckho Sandy; Guntur Ariyadi, Diego Assis, Slamet Nurcahyo; Greg, Aleksandar Rakic, Alberto Goncalves.
TIRA Persikabo (4-2-3-1): Syahrul Trisna; M. Slamat, A. Nugroho, K. Beknazarov, M. Marasabessy; R. Sugeng, Munadi, L. Parfait, R. Kurnia; Osas Saha, Loris Arnaud.
Hubungi Kami Melalui : www .sahabat303,me www .sahabat303,net www .sahabat303,org www .sahabat303,vip * LINE : sahabat_303 * WA 1 : +855882348077 * WA 2 : +6287705585269 * Wechat : sahabat303
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cindytania098 · 5 years
Prediksi Bola Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 30 Oktober 2019
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Prediksi Bola Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 30 Oktober 2019
Prediksi Skor : 2 – 1 Handicap : 0 : 1/2 Over / Under : 2 1/4 Tips : Madura United / Over
Head to Head Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo 12/07/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 2 – 2 Madura United 03/08/18 LI1 Madura United 3 – 1 TIRA-Persikabo 02/04/18 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 0 Madura United 23/01/18 PIP TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 3 Madura United 18/09/17 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 2 – 3 Madura United
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Madura United(1W 1L 3D) 24/10/19 LI1 PSM 1 – 0 Madura United 20/10/19 LI1 Semen Padang 1 – 2 Madura United 05/10/19 LI1 Madura United 2 – 1 Persib 29/09/19 LI1 PSS Sleman 2 – 2 Madura United 24/09/19 LI1 Madura United 2 – 1 Persela
5 Pertandingan Terakhir TIRA Persikabo (2W 3L 0D) 24/10/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 1 Arema 19/10/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 0 – 2 Bhayangkara 02/10/19 LI1 Persipura 3 – 0 TIRA-Persikabo 27/09/19 LI1 TIRA-Persikabo 1 – 1 Semen Padang 23/09/19 LI1 Badak Lampung 2 – 2 TIRA-Persikabo
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Madura United vs TIRA Persikabo Madura United (4-3-3): Muhammad Ridwan (Gk); Alfath Fathier, Jaimerson Xavier, Fandry Imbiri, Marckho Sandy; Guntur Ariyadi, Diego Assis, Slamet Nurcahyo; Greg, Aleksandar Rakic, Alberto Goncalves.
TIRA Persikabo (4-2-3-1): Syahrul Trisna; M. Slamat, A. Nugroho, K. Beknazarov, M. Marasabessy; R. Sugeng, Munadi, L. Parfait, R. Kurnia; Osas Saha, Loris Arnaud.
Hubungi Kami Melalui : www .sahabat303,me www .sahabat303,net www .sahabat303,org www .sahabat303,vip * LINE : sahabat_303 * WA 1 : +855882348077 * WA 2 : +6287705585269 * Wechat : sahabat303
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[INÉDIT À LA REINE BLANCHE] 💑💔 Orianne et François sont un couple bien sous tous rapports, elle est universitaire, il est avocat. Tout va bien.Jusqu’au jour où François perd son travail et décide de devenir éboueur.Orianne ne comprend plus son mari, s’inquiète des réactions de leur entourage, ne reconnaît plus l’homme qui est en face d’elle. Et François ne comprend pas que sa femme ne respecte pas son choix.Petit à petit, les masques tombent, les apparences s’effondrent, les vieux comptes se règlent, avec un mélange de cruauté et d’humour.
J'admire l'aisance avec laquelle tu prends des décisions catastrophiques
🎫  Réservations au 01 40 05 06 96 ou sur www.reineblanche.com/calendrier/theatre/j-admire-l-aisance-avec-laquelle-tu-prends-des-decisions-catastrophiques   
🎭 TEXTE=Jean-Pierre Brouillaud
JEU=Renaud Danner + Mathilde Lebrequier
LUMIÈRES=Éric Verdin
COSTUMES=Amélie Robert
⏳ Durée=1:15
Mardi 27 août → 21h00
Mercredi 28 août → 21h00
Jeudi 29 août → 21h00
Vendredi 30 août → 21h00
Samedi 31 août → 21h00
25€ → Plein
20€ → Réduit 1 ( séniors | résidents du 18e | Pôle emploi )
15€ → Réduit 2 ( étudiants et minima sociaux )
10€ → –26 ans
Frais de réservation 
nul → En guichet
1€ → Par téléphone
2€ → Par internet sur la totalité de la commande en ligne
↘ Production : Antisthène 
© Photo : KarimC
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shesthelastjedi · 7 years
Tagging: @buried-in-books @pathybo @actbat @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms @gobydana
I was tagged by @wynterrobin
A) Age: 19 but I’ll be 20 in seven months :)
B) Biggest Fears: Not becoming a Child Psychologist or getting my Doctorate
C) Current Time: 11:01
D) Last Drink I Had: Coke
E) Every Day Starts with: Checking my social media
F) Favorite Song At the Moment: Gah I have so many but my top two are: Still got Time by Zayn and Effortless by Sabina Ddumba
G) Gayest Moment I Ever Had: Uhm I’m not sure.
H) Home Town: Gotham
J) Jealous: Of WOLFGANG AND KALA’S RELATIONSHIP! (sense 8 you guys should watch it)
K) Killed Someone: Not yet. Ask me again tomorrow and you might have a different answer from me.
L) Last Time I Cried: Two days ago.
M) Middle Name: Laryssa
N) Number of Siblings: Only child
O) One Wish: Get my Doctorate in Psychology!!!!
P) Person You Last Called/Texted: My BESTFRIEND
Q) Question You’re Always Asked: “Don’t you ever take a break from studying?”
R) Reason to Smile: The people who comment/favorite/reblog on all of my works (fanfiction, quotev, here) seriously guys you make my days. My two doggies (Charlie Xavier and Magneto Bendito).
S) Last Song Sung: Krazy by Tupac (Last year was a hard one, but life goes on
Bumpin' my head against the wall, learnin' right from wrong)
T) Time You Woke Up: 4:30 a.m
U) Worst Habit: Writing when I should be doing homework
V) X-Ray You’ve Had: Fractured wrist
W) Your Favourite Food: carne asada tacos
X) Zodiac Sign: SCORPIO (closet perv) jk… maybe...
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khelinski · 3 years
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One Pulse.
A Pulse.
           July 2, 2004.
           1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806.
Forty-nine Pulse.
           June 12, 2016.
           Latin night.
Forty-eight Pulse.
           About 320 people.
Forty-seven Pulse.
           1:00 A.M.
           Three DJs.
           Loud music.
Forty-six Pulse.
Forty-five Pulse.
           1:30 A.M.
Forty-four Pulse.
           1:45 A.M.
Forty-three Pulse.
           1:50 A.M.
Forty-two Pulse.
           1:55 A.M.
Forty-one Pulse.
           1:58 A.M.
           Three DJs.
           Loud music.
Forty Pulse.
           1:59 A.M.
Thirty-nine Pulse.
           2:00 A.M.
           Last call.
           Three DJs.
Thirty-eight Pulse.
           2:01 A.M.
Thirty-seven Pulse.
           2:02 A.M.
           Heartbeats racing.
Thirty-six Pulse.
           2:03 A.M.
           Heartbeats racing.
           Lots of blood.
           Disco ball.
Thirty-five Pulse.
           2:04 A.M.
           Police sirens.
           Heartbeats racing.
           Lots of blood.
Thirty-four Pulse.
           2:09 A.M.
           Active shooter.
           Heartbeats racing.
           Lots of blood.
Thirty-three Pulse.
           3:00 A.M.
           Police sirens.
           Active shooter.
           Lots of blood.
Thirty-two Pulse.
           5:17 A.M.
           A stand-off.
           Police sirens.
           Active shooter.
           Shots fired.
           Shooter dead.
           Lots of blood.
Thirty-one Pulse.
Thirty Pulse.
Twenty-nine Pulse.
           Crime scene.
           Roped off.
           Gun control.
           Gun debates.
Twenty-eight Pulse.
           Fenced off.
           Loss of life.
Twenty-seven Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
           Blood donations.
Twenty-six Pulse.
           Gun control.
Twenty-five Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
Twenty-four Pulse.
Twenty-three Pulse.
           Found innocent.
           Misdirected blame.
Twenty-two Pulse.
           Another shooting.
           Lots of blood.
Twenty-one Pulse.
           Another shooting.
           More death.
           More blood.
           Lots and lots of blood.
           Lots and lots of death.
Twenty Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
Nineteen Pulse.
Eighteen Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
Seventeen Pulse.
Sixteen Pulse.
           Another shooting.
           Prayers with thoughts.
Fifteen Pulse.
           Another shooting, nearby.
           Thoughtful prayers.
Fourteen Pulse.
           Lots of blood.
           Media coverage.
           “Thoughts & prayers.”
Thirteen Pulse.
Twelve Pulse.
           Stanley Almodovar III, age 23.
           Amanda Alvear, 25.
           Oscar A. Aracena-Montero, 26.
           Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, 33.
           Alejandro Barrios Martinez, 21.
Eleven Pulse.
           Martin Benitez Torres, 33.
           Antonio D. Brown, 30.
           Darryl R. Burt II, 29.
           Jonathan A. Camuy Vega, 24.
           Angel L. Candelario-Padro, 28.
Ten Pulse.
           Simon A. Carrillo Fernandez, 31.
           Juan Chevez-Martinez, 25.
           Luis D. Conde, 39.
           Cory J. Connell, 21.
           Tevin E. Crosby, 25.
           Franky J. Dejesus Velazquez, 50.
           Deonka D. Drayton, 32.
Nine Pulse.
           Mercedez M. Flores, 26.
           Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22.
           Juan R. Guerrero, 22.
           Paul T. Henry, 41.
           Frank Hernandez, 27.
           Miguel A. Honorato, 30.
           Javier Jorge-Reyes, 40.
           Jason B. Josaphat, 19.
           Eddie J. Justice, 30.
           Anthony L. Laureano Disla, 25.
           Christopher A. Leinonen, 32.
           Brenda L. Marquez McCool, 49.
           Jean C. Mendez Perez, 35.
           Akyra Monet Murray, 18.
           Kimberly Morris, 37.
           Jean C. Nieves Rodriguez, 27.
           Luis O. Ocasio-Capo, 20.
Eight Pulse.
           Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez, 25.
           Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36.
           Joel Rayon Paniagua, 32.
           Enrique L. Rios Jr., 25.
           Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, 37.
           Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24.
           Christopher J. Sanfeliz, 24.
           Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35.
           Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, 25.
           Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34.
           Shane E. Tomlinson, 33.
           Leroy Valentin Fernandez, 25.
           Luis S. Vielma, 22.
           Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, 37.
           Jerald A. Wright, 31.
Seven Pulse.
Six Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
Five Pulse.
           July 2, 2004.
Four Pulse.
           Barbara Poma.
           Ron Legler.
Three Pulse.
           1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806.
Two Pulse.
           June 12, 2016.
           Rainbow colors.
           Lots of blood.
One Pulse.
           Rainbow colors.
A Pulse.
K.H.; June 27, 2018.
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