#xc3 coupling
bigbrotherw · 2 years
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I am laughing too hard on Alexandra and Valdi's coupling.
Sex is the last thing on both their minds.
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clonewarsahsoka · 1 year
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OH YEAH HERES THE STUFF I GOT ON THE WEEKEND (plus a closer pic to try and deal with the glare)
#im soo excited to put them on my walls but im visiting family now so i have to wait until September OTL#THE KNT STUFFFFF 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕#THE MAKOTO AND FUTABA LOOK SO SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#THE SQUARE ANN AND HARU ARE DOUBLE SIDED AND THE BACK SIDE IS BLACK AND WHITE WITH THEIR MASKS ON ITS SO COOL#WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH#the haikyuu sticker was a gift from a lady hanfing out stickers to cosplayers on the first day#and the howl and sophie keychain was a gift from my bf who bought it for me <3333#i couldve gotten so much more but we literally ran out of time (good and SAD)#there was a celty poster that i really wanted that was just her chest up with her sythe across the top and the quote#'because the world is not a cruel as you think' in the middle WHICH IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SICK#there was also a place selling xc3 pins of the main group but i dont really want pins so i didnt get any but i totally couldve gotten a mio#i ALSO wanted to get fire emblem stuff but idk#there was a sylvain piece that was good a byleth piece that was good and a marianne at the same stall there was also a bunch of good dimitri#but i wanted CLAUDE AND ALL THE CLAUDES LOOKED GOOFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#there was also a bunch of sick edelgards but i dont want edelgard stuff#i also wouldve died for an ashe but there was NOTHING#I ALSO WANTED A TOGA POSTERRRRRRR BUT I FORGOT WHEN WE WERE BUYING STUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF *DIES*#whatever i like the bnha girlies print i got <3#i wouldve loved a dabi or todoroki too but i didnt see any that stood out (that a like a couple dabis looked sick)#i think its very interesting that 90% of whaf i got and wanted was video game and not anime at this anime convention#if not video game then girl (character) or shojo LOL
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dany36 · 1 year
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it's a three-day weekend and i have been thinking about this game all day!!!! TIME TO PLAY!!! :D D:D:AD:FA:SD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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banukai · 2 years
Burst Combo + Invincibility Cheese by u/Jetrone uses Ouroborus and Signifier abilities to pass Noah's Invincibility status effect to the entire party indefinitely for painless item farming.
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gexfan32 · 3 months
Honestly suprised there’s not been any post canon xc3 fics shipping Miyabi and Niko, because if you don’t hc miyabi as some variety of Arospec (like I do), they could make a real autism power couple
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ladditt · 2 years
one think i’m really looking forward to in the XC3 dlc is the fact that we’ll finally get actually cannon confirmation on WHOS KIDS THESE ARE
mio’s pretty obvious but the rest?! WHY DOES NOAH HAVE SHULK’S ARTS?! is it just a protagonist thing? is it supposed to be implying something? the black hair would make sense considering fiora’s family but then who the hell is crys?! it seems to be pretty widely accepted that sena is morag and bridged’s daughter but she DOESN’T share any arts, people think that having a dlc costume that references bridged is confirmation, but eunie has an alternate costume that references FIORA of all people.
speaking of eunie, i joked about the “hur dur one of the XC3 protagonists is a blond high entia” but?! she’s just as an important part of melia’s hero ascension quest as mio is in nia’s! they have IDENTICAL rolls in those quests! is it supposed to be a joke that mio is reticent while eunie is loud and crass?
am I supposed to be reading into the fact that the theme that plays during melia’s ascenstion quest is “shulk and fiora”?! Are we just using that as as a memorable track from the first game that’s there for a bit of fan service and to make the player feel emotions or are there IMPLICATIONS here?! It’s not like xenoblade isn't willing to solve it’s love triangles with polyamory.
why are there no heavily implied kids for the other major couples? WHO THE HELL IS ASHERA?! dunban is LITERALLY the only party member that doesn’t have a love interest!
i’m losing my GOD DAMNED MIND
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I keep threatening to say something about Xenoblade Chronicles 3, but it keeps not happening. I either can't figure out what I want to write or am unable to actually write it, like I'll have an idea and then sit up, but that'll make my head get weird and make me give up on it for the rest of the day. Again.
I think I finally figured out what I want to talk about though, and if I can make it through 265 hours of the game itself (plus another 35 on Future Redeemed, the standalone DLC story) I can probably handle writing a single post about it, even if it takes me a few tries across several months and turns into kind of a retrospective on the entire series.
As a brief intro for context, in the summer of 2022 when the game came out my health had reached a new low point, even compared to the already not great lows it's been at other times in my life, and XC3 is honestly probably one of the reasons I'm still here now. And I don't just mean on Tumblr.
Ok, maybe that's a little too brief. I have a weird and wacky combination of physical/psych/neuro things that have been going on for years, but up until 2020 they were only partially disabling and left me moderately functional and still fairly happy, and they seemed to be improving for a change. Since that summer they've all been gradually going downhill though, and I've at least for the time being ended up basically completely disabled and unable to do a lot of basic things in my life, and I haven't been having a great time with it.
It doesn't help that I've gotten the absolute bare minimum support for a lot of it (or sometimes even less than that) because most of my doctors retired or moved or changed jobs in the past couple years, and along with it taking forever to get set up with new ones a lot of the new ones have been extremely reluctant to actually address any of my needs. It's super cool to not only get next to zero help with any of the new problems that came up but also not be able to get prescriptions for any of my psych meds and be effectively forcibly detransitioned. That's starting to slowly turn around now, but only barely.
Anyway, by the beginning of the summer of 2022 I was at the point where I was having periods where I was having trouble forming coherent sentences some of the time, and while my brain generating gibberish like "aspirational truth-pissing" or "post-kneecap society" is very funny (to me at least), it's not super useful. I'd become pretty isolated, a lot of friendships and relationships had become pretty distant for various reasons, and I'd had to move back in with the one person who actually abused me (which is pretty far in the past but still pretty uncomfortable).
Basically my life had next to nothing going for it at that point, not much was showing any signs of improving, and it was pretty hard to find anything to look forward to.
(ok so maybe that ended up being not so brief because I don't talk about all that stuff much and apparently I have a lot of feelings about it)
Good news, though! There's a new game coming out in my favorite series!
I have a long and complicated relationship with the Xeno games. I first played Xenogears before Xenosaga was even out, but I never finished it because some of the jankiness frustrated me (and I'm replaying it now and those things about it have aged really poorly, but it's still plenty interesting otherwise). And then I never really played Xenosaga myself (although it's probably next in line after I eventually finish Xenogears) because I never had a PS2, but I had friends who were super into it that I absorbed everything from.
And then by the time the first Xenoblade came out my Wii had already died. A couple years later I had a computer that could emulate it though, so I played it in Dolphin with the HD texture mod...until about halfway through the game, when my CPU caught on fire. A friend gave me a free replacement, but it was slower and didn't run stuff like that nearly as well, so I held off on finishing it until 2020 when I finally could afford new computer stuff (mostly because I had to spend some of my SSI backpay because you're only allowed to have at most $2000 in your bank account at any given time because this country hates disabled people).
And of course it was great.
And then I grabbed the Switch version so I could play Future Connected, which was also great, and then quickly moved on to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 after that...and then stopped playing that one for several months because Tora really grated on me. I think "blushy-crushy" is the point I gave up at. Thankfully I went back to it a bit later, because aside from that and some of the overly horny character designs it's pretty great overall, and Torna completely recontextualizes so much stuff and makes the base game even better.
I even played some of X, and I would've finished it too if my save hadn't gotten corrupted. Maybe some day I'll figure out how to use a memory editor or something to fix it, because it seems almost fine, and I don't really want to replay 70 hours of it...
So I was understandably pretty excited by the surprise announcement in early 2022 of the third game and then its release date getting pushed up even sooner, and even though my life had imploded further by that summer, some of that feeling carried through.
And you know what? Xenoblade Chronicles 3: also great. I know, big surprise. It looks great and the music's great and the actual gameplay is great (and much better explained than in the previous game), and all of that is great and has already been said by a million other people.
And they've also all had plenty to say about how the characters and their interactions and development are great, generally handled even better than in any of the previous games, and how the side quests are mostly great and actually advance character growth and world building, unlike a lot of them in the first game.
And then also lots of people have had lots to say about their mixed feelings about the story itself and its ending, which some people didn't like for what it didn't answer but which I personally did for the things it did focus on and the general vibes, and then there's been plenty of wild speculation on the implications of Future Redeemed too.
But it wasn't until I finished Future Redeemed and sat on it for a while that I think I figured out what I have to say.
I think what hit me the most about it is the way it expands on the base game and rest of the series, not in the literal narrative way that I've seen most people talking about (although that's definitely fun too) but more in terms of how it made me think about the third game and the series as a whole thematically.
By giving more context and more info about the motivations for the different sides of the conflict (and also introducing another side) it got me thinking about how the entire series can be looked at as how we (or anyone) approach the future, and it doesn't really frame any of the possible ways of doing that as inherently correct and unquestionable.
The central conflicts of each of the games are all about who gets to decide what the future will be and which people and ideas from the past/present should be brought into that future. The settings and situations they find themselves having to make those decisions in are also all the result of previous people's decisions and what was inherited from the past.
Is the future predetermined, or do/should people have free will to make their own choices? Should those choices be individual or collective or by a single central entity? If the outcomes of those decisions turn out to be flawed should they keep pursuing it and stick to the original vision or should it be replaced by something else? If there's been so much pain and suffering and loss in the past, is a future even desirable? Which existing things should be preserved, or should we just start over entirely?
And generally there's more than one answer presented for each of those questions, and often there's even more than one different way of approaching the same answer shown, e.g. you can have no future by preserving the present indefinitely so nothing changes and nothing is lost, or you can just delete fucking everything.
Even answers to those questions that are implicitly endorsed in one game by being associated with the protagonists of its story may turn out later to have more nuance to them. Ok, predestination and fate suck and we should all have free will to make our own choices. But now what if people use that free will to choose things based on fear and anxiety that ultimately restrict other people's free will and choices?
There's no simple answer, no one correct solution, and it takes continued hard work to push the world forward towards a better place. Even when people don't know or even can't know what led the world to the state it's in and all they know is that the way it is is cruel and unfair, they have the ability to come to their own conclusions about the answers of those questions and can work together with like-minded people they find to try to change the world to make it more like what they envision.
And that's real and how things work in reality too. We inherited the world in the state it's in from the people before us, who made their own decisions about those things. Sometimes it was genuinely what they thought would be best for everyone, sometimes it was lashing out because they'd been hurt, sometimes it was someone who didn't care about anyone but themself. But no matter what the reasons, it ultimately is the way it is, and we have to take that and do with it what we will.
Only we, the people who are here right now, can decide what the future will be. Only we can use the power of friendship to kill god. Or heck, you spend half the game in XC3 literally building mutual aid networks. That seems like a pretty reasonable place to start.
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tayopapayo · 2 years
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xc3 swimsuit art I made over the last couple months
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fushigidane · 1 year
You are now legally required to infodump about the gameplay mechanics that you think up for video games fanfics.
it involves a variety of things like sometimes when i am writing FE fic i'll think about hypothetical level designs, recruitment requirements for certain characters in the au, things like that
what's got me thinking about this NOW is i've been brainstorming a fe awakening/XC3 fic for the past couple weeks and considering what their classes would be
the ones i've got most for are lucina and severa, who with cynthia would be the kevesi trio here. i'm only including six characters bc i'd overload myself otherwise,,
lucina is an attacker with good all-round stats but particularly strong atk, dex, and agility. her class skills:
aether: chance to pierce/heal dealt damage
charm: party accuracy up 
dual strike: grants art follow-up to party members within a fixed radius [lvl 5 inheritance]
awakening: increased crit/accuracy/avo at low health [lvl 15 inheritance]
for plot reasons, her blade (i.e. the one summoned through the iris) ISN'T falchion. her blade is a lance-staff combination that deals good damage while empowering allies, bc i feel that mix of offence and support is How Lucina Should Be. falchion, unlocked later, would come with its own set of arts (which are more strongly offensive) and probably be switched to via the talent art.
severa is a defender. she acts as a hybrid dodge/hp tank, having strong hp, agility, and def but lower dex and atk [stats based off her fates incarnation]. she also has high base crit. her class skills:
competitive: increases damage dealt to enemies targeting her
triumphant: boosts aggro when dealing a critical hit
strong riposte: increases damage dealt when hp is 50% or lower [lvl 5 inheritance] 
fierce rival: increases crit rate for every critical hit performed by an ally [lvl 15 inheritance]
she uses a sword, generating aggro via swift attacks and high aggro arts. some of her arts also have crit recharge, and her talent art has crit damage up. she has less focus on party defence than other defenders tend to, which is complemented by lucina and cynthia’s ability to more or less handle themselves. this is a fun class to put in the context of xc2 bc it'd one where you'd equip an avant-garde medal (crit healing) and win
the last of this trio is cynthia, a healer, and i've got less ideas for her right now? she's similar to lucina but has more focus on support than offence. i'm considering making her fairly buff-focused though not as broken as signifier is. her provisional skills:
rally speed: increases ally evasion within a fixed radius
heroic spirit: boots party damage dealt by 5-10% for each active buff (max: 200%)
luna: when landing a hit, deals damage as though enemy ether defence was 30-50% lower [lvl 5 inheritance]
[unnamed]: increases healing power with number of party buffs
luna would be the inheritable ether counterpart to ultimate qigong (same skill but physical def), which is REALLY needed in the xc3 meta. i don't know much about her arts yet either but they'll probs be ether-based.
i've planned much less for this au's agnian trio (owain, inigo, brady) BUT vague outlines:
owain is the defender purely because the way he acts and stuff he says can't NOT draw attention. he also has good crit, like severa, and basically all his arts are ether + AOE to some extent. he's more the hp sponge type of tank, being very good at handling crowds of enemies (and probs has a skill that reduces damage taken per no. enemies in battle)
inigo is the attacker with good combo access (topple + smash) and strong offence. he can find himself taking aggro from owain at times. to counter this he has a skill called "stop staring at me!" that increases damage dealt to enemies targeting him (he makes them stop targeting him by killing them, which is exactly how i play the attacker role in-game) and his talent art both has increased damage when aggroed AND eliminates aggro.
brady is the healer, and a very traditional one at that, dealing in strong healing, reducing party damage, and increasing party debuff resistance. his blade is a staff. one of his skills, which is inheritable, is:
miracle: 50-70% chance to survive a KO with 1hp and five seconds of invincibility (once per battle, does not stack) [lvl 5 inheritance]
bc i don't actually think any other class gives you that aside from soulhacker.
anyway, if you got this far you have my congratulations and eternal respect. this was fun to ramble about :DDD ty for the ask!
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barrelcat · 2 years
Holiday Pickups 2022
Happy New Year!
A little late, but thought I’d share some pickups from right before Christmas to now. 
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I’m very lucky to be a mod of a great writing community on discord and this is the second year that we’ve engaged in Secret Santa across the server. @grimbims, who was my Secret Santa, sent me Hades on the Switch! I was also delighted to discover that the physical copy of the game comes with a code for the soundtrack, as well as a small artbook featuring all of the game’s characters. It’s also my first roguelike (again, recalling that whole “broadening your gaming horizon” thing), and while Hades is difficult for my novice skills, it’s a terrible amount of fun. I’m not too bad at it, either. I favor the spear coupled with blessings from Artemis and have made it just past Asterius on Elysium, but that battle of attrition always leaves me struggling to survive afterward. 
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is the other game I’m shuffling between right now. I had asked for XC3, but there was a mixup during my gifter’s order and I ended up with this one instead, which may secretly have been what I actually wanted. I know that XC3 is supposed to be amazing, but I like to get the whole story, even if the internet tells me that I don’t need to play 1 and 2 before diving in. I’m about twenty hours deep so far and can confidently say that I’m going to play it to the end. The world and premise are interesting, the characters and story are compelling, even if the dialogue is a bit painful at times (my writer's brain can be overly critical even at the best of times), and the gameplay loop is satisfying. It feels very MMO to me. As an avid FFXIV player, that’s only a good thing. 
I was excited for Harvestella the moment it debuted on the Nintendo Direct back in June of ‘22 (oh my gosh, is that really “back in” already???). Even though I’ve only dabbled in a handful of farming/life simulators, I’ve obsessed over the ones that I have played (minus Stardew Valley - I know, I’m awful, but it just never grabbed me like it did others. Conan Exiles, though? I lost days to that game.) The anime aesthetic coupled with farming and crafting in Harvestella spoke to me like a game hasn’t in a long, long time, and I knew I needed it as soon as it launched. This was later confirmed when I blasted through the Switch demo shortly after. As excited as I was, though, I’ve decided to set this one aside until I finish the first Xenoblade. Then I’ll discover what was really going on with those Seaslights. 
I played Fire Emblem: Three Houses for the first time just a couple months ago. The two weeks I poured into it were gone all too quickly, and while I told myself and friends that I wanted to do a replay for the other endings and storylines, I just couldn’t bring myself to betray Edelgard. After 70+ hours together, her character meant too much to me. Color me excited when I realized that Fire Emblem: Three Hopes was another story featuring those characters, but in the style of the Dynasty Warriors games. (Note: to be honest, I’m not sure what the deal is with the story, but I’m excited to find out!) So once I get to this one, I’m sure it’s going to be another non-stop ride. 
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Not gifts per se, but I did pick up a Byleth amiibo with some Christmas Cash, as well as a copy of Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright for the 3DS from the local used game shop. I wanted to get a copy of an FE Fates game so I could download the third not-so-secret storyline to that series, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations. If you didn’t know, the online shop for the 3DS (and the Wii U, I believe) are being shut down in March of 2023. Apart from purchases made before that date, nothing will be available on those marketplaces to buy or download. Part of a string of odd choices made by Nintendo, recently. 
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I’ve been eyeing these books since the newest printing was announced sometime last year. Both volumes of the Encyclopaedia Eorzea are gazetteers of the world of FFXIV, and feature stunning art taken from the game. They’re filled to the brim with world lore, and remind me more of a D&D campaign guide than anything else. I have half a mind to use them to run a game set in Eorzea using these books as source material. Maybe then I can get my group to join me in the MMO. 
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This mug is from Etsy and brings me immeasurable joy. It features a memed version of Gaius van Baelsar’s famous line from the end of FFXIV: A Realm Reborn and makes me cackle every time I read it. I actually received two of these in duplicate, a 16oz and a 12 oz. The larger has worked its way into my mug rotation (because we all have a thousand mugs at this point, right?), and the smaller has earned its place among my small-yet-growing FFXIV collection next to my handcrafted moogle (a birthday present from my sister). From his perch, Gaius will always be there to remind me to drink more coffee. 
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Probably the coolest gift I received this year was an ocarina from the Nintendo 64 classic, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time. I’m not sure if the picture does it justice, but the craftsmanship is stunning. The blue gloss is deep and shines wonderfully under light. It fits perfectly on the shelf with my other Zelda mementos. The box came with sheet music for several melodies from the game, so I’m definitely going to try and learn a couple tunes. Physical items from games like this are the best. I’ll admit, I have a soft spot for action figures, but having something tangible from a game world you’ve invested hours into is so, so cool. 
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The final, and arguably largest, pickup for this update is a Nintendo Wii that I was able to find locally on CraigsList for a fantastic price! I didn’t have a Wii when I was younger (well, I did briefly… but that story might be for another time) and I’ve had one on my list for a while. Everything works, minus some battery acid damage on one of the Wii remotes, but I’m going to invest some time into repairing that soon. 
The seller lived about an hour away, so we met halfway at another used game shop that I hadn’t been to before. After the transaction, I popped inside to grab a couple games as well, including Nights: Journey of Dreams and SSX Blur. I read the Nights comics when I was kid, which were Sega and Archie Comics attempting to see if the series could survive the market. They didn’t, unfortunately, but they were a major influencer in my perhaps misguided desire to become a writer, so I’ve always wanted to try the games. As for SSX, Blur is the only one I haven’t played in the series. SSX Tricky on the GameCube was a gaming staple when I was a kid, so I couldn’t pass this one up when I found it. 
All in all, exciting additions to the collection with a lot of games to enjoy. 
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lackofbeef · 2 years
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Some Xenoblade 3 art of mine from a couple weeks ago. Mio is my favorite XC3 character. I really like her design too. (Also I realize I forgot her gloves. I don't want to go back and fix it.)
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bigbrotherw · 2 years
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The absolute power couple.
The love between a Blade and the High Entia.
If rumors are true, then Eunie could be the next ruler of Keves and thus, Taion will be her Fourking.
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elendsessor · 1 year
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got this ask last night and slept on it since not a lot of the ones i listed were original aka i doubt nobody unironically shipping them (in fairness when i was little if it wasn’t on ff.net, wattpad, or deviantart, the pairing didn’t exist). i remembered a couple old ships i entertained the idea of when i was younger, a couple joke ones i had that probably suck ass and are cursed, and one shit one i made up lol.
(putting a list beneath this cut these are kinda cursed)
i used to love the idea of shinjiro x kanji. idk if anyone ever actually thinks it makes sense or thinks it’s cute. i mean they’re both the big tough guy who secretly loves cute and/or stereotypically feminine things + are at the very least bisexual. modernsona has a lot of similar character archetypes used for party members so some of it can theoretically work (unless it’s a ship involving ken, koromaru, or morgana that’s just no please god). really liked the idea of sumire x p3 femc too. in the process of writing this i thought of raidou x naoto so do what you will with this information. megaten timelines are fucky.
a while back i received another ask regarding “how would shipping in monster hunter even work” and to that i say unless it’s stories, considering how individual characters only started recently (at least with world) getting a more individual focus since it’s now less about hunter culture and a bit more on the story, it’s kinda all over the place. that unless you think the implied monsterfuckers count. you can do a lot with the ace hunters in a shipping sense but i also like guildmarn x that one woman who handles the high rank quests in 4u. don’t ask. (and if shipping monsters together counts i uh. i like the idea of malzeno x guanzorumu and for some reason astalos x valstrax again don’t ask.)
back when fe echoes came out i was also simultaneously playing botw, so i had a weird clashing amount of brainrot and thought link x celica was a cute idea. i mean since alm and link are both kinda mercenary-like (though i don’t think it’s outright stated in anything) and the whole intertwining fates between link and zelda along with alm and celica the parallels are there. it might not work but i at least want them to just meet somehow.
this is a joke ship based on some memes i saw relating to how noah looked like a cross between flynn and tatsuya back when xc3 was first revealed. noah xc3 x flynn smtiv.
also when i was first introduced to xenoblade bc of the monado and alvis being connected i had the cursed idea of dunban x alvis. i was like 12 or some shit.
i’m still pretty new to the yokai watch fandom so idk how people feel about hailey x katie. maybe it has some enjoyers out there. but i also thought of the cursed idea of ash ketchum pokemon x nate yes you can shoot me for that if it’s cursed.
last but certainly the least when i first read through stone ocean me and a friend joked about goku x part 6 jotaro. it would never work. it didn’t make sense unless being absentee fathers count. i’m sorry.
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honestlyvan · 1 year
I think I get what you mean about the weird found family stuff. I also don't really love shipping stuff, but, at least in the last couple of years, I find people get real weird about stuff like "oh he's the found family dad" sort of thing. It's hard to describe why it weirds me out, but I think it's that compulsion to give the characters "roles" in the found family stuff, where when I think of irl friends who are as close to me as family, I don't think of them as like a "sibling", they're just in my mind categorized under "family".
Of course this isn't even mentioning the weird sex negative stuff. Sometimes I want characters to have freaky weird sex stuff in their lives! Unsanitized. People into genfic can be weird about that stuff.
Yeah like for me it was the worst during the height of XC2's popularity and the absolute wealth of raging about the anime fanservice game having anime fanservice in it and the desperate urge to Divest From The Queer Horny that came with it. I don't know if the majority of the people perpetuating the moral panic eventually realised they were just useful idiots and the Killing The God That Supplanted Reality franchise was the place to get into endless unnecessary tailspins about sexual purity or not but it definitely put me off on quite a permanent basis in trying to do anything that deals with eroticism in this franchise.
It was all very prescriptivist, it was all very twee, it was all trying so hard to be cuddly and nonthreatening and safe, and it just got so uncomfortable when people were bringing all their deeply sexual baggage into the conversation over a story that, as horny as it was in places, just completely lacked any sort of genuine eroticism to me. The very few things that were hot to me that I was interested in exploring were completely ignored by-and-large, disinteresting to anyone but me, specifically. And I just couldn't get a conversational foothold about them with anyone, so I gave up.
So I kinda have this same problem with XC3 atm where I actually do find some things in it really damn hot and I am embracing the eroticism and then.... I just fail to find people with similar interests so I have no good fic to read and nobody to really talk to about it. (I've dragged two people into XC3 with me to have someone to wordvomit about the OTP to). The overt hostility against sex isn't as present, in my experience, but even if people didn't titter around the sexual aspects of the story as much.... IDK man I am tired and I am not a teenager anymore at this point themes of self-discovery and adolescence and normative pairbonding just don't do shit for me. None of it is queer and weird enough, nobody here is that attractive to me anyway, I'd much rather read gen, but then the gen is also kinda just. Like that lol.
And I know I'm probably biased, I definitely read less Xenofic than I'd like to because I look at how stuff is tagged and the summary and go "is it worth the disappointment" when there's probably good writing being done out there and I'm not giving it a chance b/c I'm fucking bitter. Like it's entirely possible that just like XC1 and XC2 didn't really have a ton of overlap in the fandom, XC2 and XC3 don't also and the things I'm really put off by the hardest are not even a thing in the fandom zeitgeist anymore.
But like man. IDK. The things I want to do with this story and the things people are doing with this story are just... really divergent. This has always been a franchise where I like the worldbuilding more than I like the characters, and then I will have like the one or two characters that I absolutely 100% am completely bananas about and they never get written in ways that I would enjoy reading.
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legoobsessionist · 2 years
It’s so interesting how different each Xenoblade game’s strengths and weaknesses are. I just rolled credits on Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and it left me wanting to play more XC1, XC2, and XC3 in different ways, despite me spending the couple years getting sick of the franchise in order to finish XC2 + Torna before XC3 dropped.
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dany36 · 2 years
Also I guess they had Noah be such a boring protagonist during ch 1-5 cus they were saving it all up for end of chapter 5/beginning of chapter 6. I’m glad I finally got to hear some range in the VA’s performance and that his character showed more emotion other than the usual 🙂😐 expressions like PLEASE I was starving thank you for this food
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