#cammuravi x ethel
bigbrotherw · 2 years
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I am laughing too hard on Alexandra and Valdi's coupling.
Sex is the last thing on both their minds.
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thaisibir · 1 year
Kevesi and Agnian Heroes living in the City headcanons
-Ethel and Cammuravi make literally everything a competition (who can run the most laps around the entire City, who can eat the most torpedo wraps in one sitting, good ol' fashioned brawls at the wrestling ring, etc)
-Alexandria tried to enroll in university but was turned away for being too young. High school quickly bored her to tears. It begged the university to get Aionios's resident smartass off their hands. The university finally caved in and let her enroll to study business and IT.
-Valdi is everyone's go-to guy for fixing Levnises, of course. He insists on bunking in the tech quarter, forgoing actual furnished rooms in the residential quarters.
-Cammuravi was initially treated as a walking fire hazard until Ethel and the Ouroboros gang convinced people that he will not in fact burn down the entire City, by accident or otherwise.
-Fiona regards the park as her favorite spot in the City. She's the City kids' favorite playmate.
-Isurd is a new member of the City's tabletop and board game club. He got Zeon to join when he mentioned that some games are farming sims.
-Miyabi joins the City street performers, alternating between her flute and fans to entertain folks with music and dance.
-Not wanting to steal Ethel and Cammuravi's thunder as already established sparring instructors, Teach spends much of his time at the university to learn how gentler arts are being taught.
-Zeon is absolutely enthralled by the concept of greenhouses and balcony gardens.
-Ethel's second home is the City library. The senior librarian is practically her adopted mother.
-Juniper spends more time outside the City than in it, patrolling and exploring the wilderness outskirts to their heart's content.
-Ashera is the resident terror among Lost Number recruits and soldiers. She's always showing up to the training facility uninvited, joking about eating them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, depending on the time of day. Ethel swatting her off like a fly is a daily occurrence. ("Ash please go away, I already fought you yesterday, you're scaring the poor recruits")
-Isurd becomes a regular at the City's most popular massage parlor and acupuncture clinic. It's very hard for Taion to hold a proper conversation with him there when he's emitting satisfied "oohs" and "aahs" every five seconds.
-Despite stating precautions and giving warnings to discourage any derring-do, Juniper is not popular among parents for being a "bad influence" on their children, who want to slide down ziplines willy nilly. They have to limit their sliding to nighttime, when the kids are in bed.
-It was Fiona's idea to grow more flowers around the Remembrance Stones. City folks backed the project and believe the place has become even more lovely and precious for it.
-Valdi has his own names for all the City Automatons. Half the Lost Numbers think it's endearing and the other half think it's downright annoying.
-One day Hollis gathered all of them at the medical facility to sit down for The Talk. Alexandria and Teach took meticulous notes. Zeon, who had just grasped mastering how to grow potatoes, was hopelessly confused. Juniper, a veteran at growing potatoes, was just as confused. Ashera kept making faces like something had died in the room. Valdi nodded along politely, but really couldn't care less about something that's not at all like making Levnises. Fiona and Miyabi thought the whole thing was simply magical. Isurd stared off into space, mulling over that kind of possibility with a certain someone who loves saffronias. Ethel and Cammuravi looked around everywhere but at each other, their faces red as Noah's jacket.
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moonllita · 2 years
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I don't know why I drew so many Spy X Family crossover with Ethel Cammuravi and Tali (my kid oc) LMAO AHHHHH
the compilation
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Heroes Masterlist
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↳ Masterlist
taking care of a sick cammuravi - headcanons
lost days of warmth - oneshot
when we had it all - drabble
zeon with an agnian s/o - headcanons
poly relationship with zeon & juniper - headcanons
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper - headcanons
dating isurd - headcanons
isurd with a s/o who's afraid of the dark - headcanons
ashera's s/o collapsing during training - headcanons
ashera's s/o finding out about her scar - headcanons
poly relationship with eunie & ashera - headcanons
dating juniper - headcanons
poly relationship with zeon & juniper - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with kite and juniper - headcanons
love triangle with zeon, kite & juniper - headcanons
alexandria dating a former moebius - headcanons
sparring with teach - oneshot
nothing to worry about - drabble
dating teach - headcanons
yandere miyabi - headcanons
reuniting with miyabi - headcanons
having a child with gray - headcanons
first date with monica vandham - drabble
giving monica a hickey - headcanons
ghondor realizing her feelings for you - headcanons
ghondor beating up your abusive ex - headcanons
ghondor comforting you after shania's death - headcanons
not so oblivious now - drabble
dating masha - headcanons
melia meeting her child - headcanons
melia dating a hom - headcanons
fake dating melia antiqua (xc1) - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with melia and nia - headcanons
tomorrow with you - oneshot
nia patching up her s/o - oneshot
nia meeting mythra & rex's child - headcanons
cuddling with nia (xc2) - headcanons
nia's s/o being a member of torna (xc2) - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with melia and nia - headcanons
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ship-ambrosia · 2 years
Shout out to Xenoblade 3 finally giving “ship-ambrosia” a Xenoblade ship to care about
It’s Ethel x Cammuravi btw 🤪
No spoilers but I want the gang to meet cammuravi and he’s like Ah yes I will be your father figure. And then Ethel shows up and is just like are we both adopting this group of children? And Noah and gang are like yes you are our parents now kiss
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Alright, so I'm prepping the Veteran Party Member Countdown Poll, and the main criteria for this list is that a character should be someone who joins the party as an established veteran in comparison to the main character(s), and preferably someone whose experience allows them to guide the main character, be it in life, battle, the world, whatever.
The obvious candidates are Dunban and Riki from 1. Nagi from X (having still not played the game, I'm basically just taking your word on this one), Vandham, Mòrag and Zeke from 2 and Monica from 3, but that only fills seven out of the twelve potential slots, so I am considering if they can be filled further.
The original ask proposed Addam, but I'm not sure if he can be considered a veteran compared to the main character Lora (granted, the original ask did say Heroes, so if it's Heroes/Veterans, he could get in on that, then again his hero status was more something he gained during Torna than something he was renowned as going into it).
Shulk and Rex were proposed since they're definitely veterans compared to Matthew, but at the same time, they're very early joins in FR, as opposed to Dunban in 1, so that puts them on shaky grounds.
Any of the Kevesi and Agnians are also on Shaky grounds for veteran status, since one of the two main characters (Mio) is older than... all of them, and I don't think Mwamba and Hackt are the material we're looking for here. A case can be made for Ethel and Cammuravi, but Ethel only joins very temporarily as *the* Ethel, and the one you get lategame is a different reincarnation who is actually a first termer in a tenth termer's body. Cammuravi also has that problem without even boasting of a temporary join. Teach could potentially be up for consideration, definitely seeming to have more experience than five of the six Ouroboros members, but still younger than Mio.
Melia and Nia are also candidates, but since you can only recruit them in post game, their status as party members is probably non-canon.
Mostly just throwing this out here to hear what you guys think on the matter. Currently I'm most strongly leaning towards throwing in Shrex and making it a 9 entry poll.
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daydreaming-maiden · 2 years
A Semi-Formal Xenoblade 3 OC Post
May as well organize the OC lore from the other day into one post, and add some new stuff.
Name/Title: Shockwave Thea (name might change, title’s good though)
Gender: Female
Age: 7th term (16)
Race: Blade (lightning element)
Affiliations: Colony Delta, Agnus
Thea’s generally a pretty nice person, always looking out for the others in Colony Delta. Doesn’t take care of herself enough since she’s busy worrying about the others. She refuses to let anyone from Delta be hurt, and does her best to prevent enemies from attacking in the first place. With Cammuravi dead, she became the commander of Colony Delta (don’t ask me where it is I have no idea), wanting to continue his legacy as a leader of honorable warriors. She and the others in Delta respect Ethel despite her being a Kevesi commander after she spared him in their first battle.
If she was a Hero, her quest would involve the party fighting the members of Colony Delta, believing they were the ones who killed Cammuravi. Her Ascension quest would involve the current incarnation of Cammuravi reuniting with the people of Delta (also maybe meeting Ethel, either way Thea is still the adopted Ethelravi kid).
Class: Bastion/Bastion Warrior (2nd is a Xenoblade X class name and we need all the rep we can get, but I think just Bastion sounds better)
Weapon: It’ll either be a halberd (similar to Cammuravi’s lance but still distinct), a gatling gun (one of the Bastion Warrior’s weapons in X), or a flail (I just think it’s neat).
Role/Nationality: Agnian Defender
Specializes in preventing enemies from attacking. Has a Launch art and can inflict Accuracy Down, don’t think I can do much more than that without making her broken.
I’ll add art and skill names after I settle on a weapon, I don’t know enough to make effects/descriptions for them though.
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This picrew is good enough for the face/general vibes, don’t think there’s any character creator that could let me get a fitting outfit for her. Making her look like the lightning Blade that she is would also be a pain since I don’t think there’s any where I could add stuff like a core crystal, ether lines, or other stuff to fit the theme.
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moonllita · 2 years
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Ethelravi family but it’s Spy X Family (crossover)
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moonllita · 2 years
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I got a massive Spy X Family and Xenoblade 3 brainrot sorry
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