#xenoblade shulk x reader
frickingnerd · 9 months
shulk dating a treasure hunter
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pairing: shulk x gn!reader
tags: (early game) spoilers for xc1, set before the events of the game, mentions of shulk's parents, wholesome fluff
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you first met shulk when you visited colony 9 during your travels
the two of you got along immediately and despite your limited time together, you two fell in love with each other
though you only confessed your feelings for each other and became a couple when you visited colony 9 for the second time
that time, you brought shulk something that you had found during your treasure hunt, from a certain place on valak mountain that he had told you about
shulk was surprised that you had remembered the place he told you about – the one where he and the monado were found years ago – and even more surprised when he saw what you brought him
it was a locket, though when he opened it he was greeted by… himself! or rather, a picture of him as a child, next to his parents
he didn't know that there was still something left of his parents, nor did he ever have a picture of them or anything to remember them
though now he did and the locket quickly became his most prized possession
not just because it belonged to his parents, but also because it was a gift from you that must've taken you an eternity to find on that snowy mountain
in a way, it was a constant reminder of how much you loved him, so shulk never went anywhere without that locket on him! 
even when you were far away from him, hunting for treasure on the other end of bionis, he still had something that reminded him of you! 
during the times you were gone, shulk worked hard on figuring out the monado, so he had something to present to you when you'd return to colony 9
and whenever you did return to the colony, you always brought something for shulk, that could help him with his research or simply lift his mood
though you also made an effort to bring presents for fiora, reyn, dunban and dickson, who quickly grew to love you! 
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Making out with shulk hcs?
Not sure if I needed to cut or not but I did it anyway.
While Shulk does like to have your kisses last fairly long, he usually doesn't go beyond having your lips touch. If you want to do more, then you'll probably have to take the first step.
He does have his moments where he will go further, but it probably doesn't happen too often. Those moments are definitely special moments.
Whenever it does happen, he can get pretty flustered sometimes.
It doesn't make who started it, his face will go red.
His flustered reaction is adorable, and you can't help chuckling to yourself afterwards.
He can get lost in time during make out sessions with you. It sure can be a good way to take his mind off other things.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
once we part ways
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pairing: shulk x gn!reader
summary: after defeating alpha, you have to part ways with your father once more...
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you thought that after you had defeated alpha, you would be able to live a rather normal life with shulk, nikol and the others. you thought the three of you could attempt to be a normal family, that shulk could tell you about your mother once you all had made it out of origin. but things didn't go as planned.
shulk hadn't mentioned his role as the avatar, nor did he mention anything about rex and a. you really had hoped you could spend more time with him, but now you'd have to part ways once again.
as shulk, rex and a headed towards the light, about to disappear, you rushed forward, clinging onto shulk's arm.
"dad, wait…!"
shulk turned around, softly smiling at you. but even you could see the pain hidden behind his smile. there was no way shulk wanted to leave his family once more. and neither did you!
"i… i don't want to lose you again! promise me you'll come back! all three of you have to come back, alright?"
you glanced at a and rex, before looking at your father again. shulk pulled you into a short hug, his hand resting on your head, before he pulled back and smiled at you. 
"i promise you we'll come back. and the next time we meet, we won't be separated again…"
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frickingnerd · 1 year
just like their parents
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pairing: shulk x gn!reader
summary: watching riku and panacea bicker reminds you and shulk of your old friends...
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"ah, this takes me back…"
you were leaning against a desk in the base of operation in colony 9, watching riku and panacea argue with each other a little further away. shulk, who was just going over some maps, looked up and followed your gaze, an amused grin finding its way onto his lips as he spotted the two of them.
"they're just like sharla and riki"
he added and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he leaned next to you.
"i wonder if they are aware how similar they are to their parents…"
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frickingnerd · 1 year
shulk working with a reader who always doubts themself
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pairing: shulk x gn!reader
tags: pre-game shulk, canon divergent, fluffy comfort
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you and shulk had met, when you started helping him out at the lab, due to dickson requesting your help
dickson was always praising you, talking about how clever you were and that with your combined powers, you and shulk would surely figure out the monado together
but as you started working at the lab, you were keeping to yourself
shulk started to believe you might just be shy and tried to approach you a little more often
when he did eventually manage to start a conversation with you about the monado, he was surprised to hear your ideas about how to use the full strength of the sword
your ideas were brilliant and he could've never come up with something like that! why hadn't you mentioned anything sooner? 
now that you had grabbed his attention, shulk started to realize just how much of a hard worker you were and you were so humble about it
whenever he tried to give you praise, you just brushed it off with a smile and told him it really wasn't that big of a deal
eventually, shulk confronted you about it
when the two of you were working late in the lab one evening, he brought the topic up and asked why you were so humble about your accomplishments
you tried to brush it off again, but eventually ended up telling him that you really didn't feel all that smart and skilled
if you were, you would've figured out the monado already! sure, you knew a few things about it and had good ideas, but you weren't seeing any results yet
shulk tried to be careful about what he said next, but he assured you that you didn't need to know everything about a topic to be considered smart
you were allowed to bring up an idea, even if you weren't 100% sure yet if it ends up working
you were allowed to ask for his help and you were allowed to let people praise you for the good work you've been doing
you were hesitant to accept this at first, but you knew that shulk was right
you had helped him a lot ever since you started working with him
and the conversation with shulk ended up helping you a lot
the next couple of days, the two ended up being an even better team than usually
you finally allowed yourself to ask for his help and to share your ideas with shulk, even if they weren't finished yet
together, the two of you achieved more in a few days, than you had in the weeks before
everytime you two did accomplish something new, shulk was the first one to praise you
and after a while i didn't feel as weird to receive his praise as it did the first time…
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frickingnerd · 1 year
shulks s/o getting kidnapped by zanza
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pairing: shulk x gn!reader
tags: mechonis core spoilers, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, established relationship
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zanza kidnapped you after the mechonis core events
while shulk was passed out and fighting for his life, everyone else was vulnerable and zanza took you hostage
once shulk woke up again, he had so much to adjust to
he didn't have the monado anymore, the high entias had turned into telethias, but the worst thing was that you were gone!
despite his weakened state, he tried to run off and go search for you, but dunban and reyn held him back
he didn't even have a sword anymore that he could use to fight zanza with
he was worrying like crazy, especially after what had happened with fiora in colony 9
and he couldn't help but feel like this was his fault, because he wasn't there to protect you
as soon as shulk had a new sword, he was off to search for you. and there was only one place he suspected you were at: prison island
he had freed zanza there, so he was sure he would find you there
and he was right, he did end up finding you there. but getting you back was much harder than expected
he was trying to fight zanza, without putting you in danger. he couldn't unleash his full potential without having to worry you would get hurt
when he finally reunited with you after a hard and long battle, shulk was overjoyed
he wrapped his arms around you and wouldn't let you go for what must've been ten minutes
now that he got you back again, he would make sure nothing ever happened to you ever again!
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hi! if you’ve got a ton of requests please feel free to ignore this (I’ve run imagines blogs in the past and know just how quickly you get overrun) but if you’ve got the time may I request shulk reassuring his chubby s/o he loves them/their body just the way they are? any format that’s easy for you would be great. thanks in advance!
Sure thing!
Shulk noticed something was up with you, and he was starting to get a little concerned.
So he had to talk to you.
"(y/n)? Could I ask you something?" He asks once it was just the two of you.
"Sure. What is it?"
"Are you okay? You haven't really been yourself lately."
It takes a bit, but eventually you open up to him about what has been bugging you. You told him about how you felt like you were embarrassing to be around. And about your insecurities with your weight.
He felt his heart break as he listened. He loves you so much, and it pained him seeing how upset you were about this. He gives you a firm hug.
"(y/n), I love you for you. To me you're amazing just the way you are."
You sniffle and hide your face into him as he continues to reassure you and tells you things about you loves. He definitely has quite a list about you that he loves, and once he finishes you two share some time in silence.
After a small bit of that silence, he then speaks up.
"And... if you really want to do something about it, then I can read some books about it and help you. I'd love to help you however I can. But please keep in mind you don't have to change yourself for me or anyone. You really are wonderful the way you are. I really mean that." He gives you a gentle squeeze.
"Shulk... Thank you. I love you..."
He smiles softly, "I love you too."
He gives you a soft kiss on your forehead.
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Zeke, Pyra, Shulk, Pandoria and Mórag with a female S/O (Driver please!!) who can play the violin and will sometimes play while they travel? (your blog is the best!! Thank you for providing reader inserts for Xenoblade!)
Thank you! :) Happy to provide Xenoblade stuff! ^^
Zeke definitely is amazed with your violin playing!
Something about the way you play... is powerful.
He'll definitely come up to you sometimes and ask if you can make a really cool theme song for him.
Will also ask you to play something that'll really pump every one up during their journey!
He'll find it even more awesome if you're able to play the violin while also fighting alongside your Blade during battle.
She was excited the first time she found out that you could play the violin! She then asked if you could play anything for her. She just really wanted to hear you play!
Whatever you play, she loves! She just finds it amazing that you can play an instrument!
Any time you play, she is quick to smile. She'll never get tired of hearing you play the violin.
She'll eventually start to hum along with the songs you play once she's memorized them.
He's pretty impressed with your playing!
Whenever you play during your travel, he happily listens.
"You're really good at playing that, you know." He loves to give you a compliment whenever you're done playing. He really means what he says.
Something about your playing is pretty comforting to him.
He'll get pretty flustered(but also happy) if you play a song for him.
Ooh! You play violin? Awesome!
Any song you play is awesome to her! Despite hearing tons of musicians play from her past travels, she's still amazed with your violin playing!
Whatever you play makes her happy!
The end of her tail may wag slightly whenever you start to play your violin.
If it's just you two, she'll sometimes dance to the music you play.
She admires your ability to play the violin.
She'll smile softly whenever you play. She enjoys the songs you play on your violin.
When you play while you travel, she'll keep an eye out for any possible monsters. Even though your Blade already does this, she just likes to make sure you all are safe.
There's something relaxing about hearing you play after a long day of travelling, though.
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Shulk with a S/O who is on their period?
Shulk will do anything to help.
Anything you crave on your period? He'll gladly go out and get it for you.
Unable to do something? He'll take care of it.
Need more pain medicine? Or need anything, really? No problem.
He'll happily let you cuddle him when you want. He'll give you, some soft and gentle kisses when you do.
He's just happy to do whatever to make it easy for you.
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Shulk, Chie, Sunny (Omori), Dimitri (FE) and Bernadett with a S/O who loves music with a passion. Like their dream is to be a dancer! Thank you!!
He's always happy to help you achieve your dream however he can!
Will happily listen to music with you!
Seeing you so happy and passionate makes him happy.
Will kind of dance with you if given enough encouragement, though he feels a bit embarrassed about it at first.
He's not really much of a dancer, so he would need you to instruct him on what to do.
Whoa!! Awesome!! She hopes you can achieve your dream!
Will sometimes listen to the kind of music you like with you. Especially any that would really pump her up!!!
She'll dance with you!! Throwing out some kung-fu moves should count as dancing, right??? Right?????
Absolutely loves your passion! You got this!!!
He can listen to music with you. He's fine with anything, really.
He'll watch you practice dancing. He's not really sure how else he can support your dream.
He'd rather watch you anyway, so he won't be joining you. He'll shake his head if you offer. It'd take some encouragement to even get him to join. A LOT of encouragement. Probably days worth of asking until he finally decides to give it a try with you. And he'll be smiling slightly when he does. Just don't expect him to do much, but hey he seems to be having... fun...
He'll give you his best wishes that you can become one!
What kind of music do you like? He's more than happy to hear you talk about it.
He loves to see how happy it makes you.
Will gladly watch you dance, if you'll let him.
He does know some dancing, so he'd be happy to dance with you. Only if it's just the two of you, though.
The only kinds of dancing he can do are the ones most royals would know. And he feels like he may be rusty at it since it's been a while for him.
That sounds like a pretty nice dream. Music is pretty nice.
She can listen to you talk about the kind of you music you love. She's happy to listen to you tell her what your favorite is.
If you want to practice, then she can watch. As long as it's somewhere quiet, and it's only you two.
You're really good!
Please don't ask her to try with you. She's not very good at dancing... Give her some reassuring words. Maybe enough words of encouragement will help her join you, but only for a little bit. And... it was kind of fun.
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if you're still doing requests, can you do shulk x reader when the reader dealing with anxiety or just being in the dumps?
Shulk will want to do whatever to help you feel better.
"Would you like to talk about it? Or would you like me to take your mind off it?
He'll listen to whatever is troubling you, if you feel up to talking. If not, he'll understand.
If you'd rather take your mind off things then he'll gladly take you places. He'll bring you somewhere nice and quiet. He'll then do the talking, so you can focus on whatever he's saying and hopefully feel better.
"Is it alright if I hugged you?"
If you're fine with it then he'll hold you close and firm. If you don't that is completely okay. Again, he just wants to help you feel better.
He'll also give you comforting, reassuring words.
He'll stay around with you until you feel better, then he'll take you out to get some of your favorite food(if you're hungry.)
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A shulk x female reader where the reader is just as introverted as him and they decided they wanted to help shulk research the monado because they are interested in it too. With shulk slowly realizing he is in love with her plz?
Well, he sure is happy to hear you offer to help him research the monado. He thought he would be the only one really interested in it, so you being interested in it too makes him really happy.
Just really happy there's someone he can go on and on about monado to.
Both of you trade notes and theories with each other fairly often.
Both of you also spend a lot of time in the lab together.
Though while Shulk forgets to eat or sleep pretty often, you seem to be able to remind him about all that, which he is thankful for.
And then you start taking breaks together whenever the two of you are lectured about getting fresh air and stuff.
Day by day he finds himself happier with you.
And time with you.. is really amazing...
After quite a while he starts realizing how much his heart really starts beating when with you.
And it kind of hits him how much he really likes you.
He really likes you...
He smiles to himself. Maybe he can tell you one day...
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