#xiao yanyan
hundredthousandtimes · 6 months
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Tiffany Tang as Xiao Yanyan Legend of Xiao Chuo 燕云台 Episode 24
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electricsoul-rpg · 1 year
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fc: Tang Yan (唐嫣) / Tiffany Tang
ethnicity: Han Chinese
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sable-pigeon · 9 months
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Apparently it's International Red Panda Day, so here's the companion collection to this (x).
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Nirvana in Fire Historical Parallels: The Warrior Princess
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Hua Mulan/花木兰 is unquestionably the most famous woman warrior of ancient China. But how much of her legend actually happened is of debate, while there were many historical women generals who were more similar to Mu Nihuang in NiF. Here are a few of the most notable, in chronological order:
Fu Hao/妇好 (Hao is her family name; before the Qin Dynasty, family names for women were at the end, reversed from the current name order; Fu means married woman now, but could have referred to priestess then), the earliest woman military leader on record, lived during the Shang Dynasty and died in 1200 BCE. Because her time period predated paper, what we know about her came from oracle bone script and the hundreds of weapons in her tomb, which is a burial rite afforded only to generals. As consort to King Wu Ding/武丁, she led an army of 13,000 to many successful military campaigns against the Shang’s enemies. She was not only a general and high priestess, two of the most important roles in that time era, but also owned her own land, which was extremely unusual for feudal women. After her death, the king made many sacrifices at her tomb in hopes of receiving her spiritual guidance to defeat invading enemies.
Mother Lü/吕母 (name unknown, so she is referred to as a mother of the Lü family) lived during the Western Han Dynasty in Langya Commandery and was the first woman rebel leader in Chinese history. After her son was executed for not punishing peasants who could not pay their taxes, she aided peasants under hard times by giving away her considerable family wealth while plotting revenge on the government. During this time, a consort kin to the Emperor had seized the throne and started his own Xin Dynasty/新朝 (literally New Dynasty), enacting many radical socialist reforms such as land redistribution and abolishing the slave trade. A series of natural disasters and poor implementation of the new policies led to great unrest and suffering among the peasant class. Commoners united around Mother Lü, and three years later, in 17 CE, she amassed thousands of loyal followers and declared herself the leader of the rebellion. They took the city, and she beheaded the county magistrate who had killed her son, sacrificing his head on her son’s tomb. As news of her successful rebellion spread, thousands more joined her even as the government attempted to quash her forces. Though she died from illness a year later, many in her army joined the Chimei Army/赤眉军 (literally red brows), a key force in the eventual downfall of the Xin Dynasty.
The most similar to Nihuang is probably Lady Xian/冼夫人, who lived in the 500s CE and served the Liang (the Liang of NiF is very loosely based on this dynasty), Chen, and Sui Dynasties. She was the daughter of a chieftain of a clan of the Li/俚 people and demonstrated great leadership and political acumen from a young age (women in her family could inherit command). She favored diplomatic solutions over fighting as much as possible and was always loyal to the reign, putting down local rebellions and eliminating corruption. Nihuang’s title of commandery princess/郡主 was also one of her titles, and as thanks for her bringing many minority peoples under unified rule, the Sui emperor gave much of modern-day Hainan to her command, much like Nihuang. She lived to around 90 and was given a posthumous name by the emperor as a sign of great respect. Hundreds of temples in the south were built in her honor, where she was deified and remains worshipped today as the Saintly Mother of Lingnan/岭南圣母.
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One of many statues of Lady Xian.
Princess Pingyang/平阳公主 (personal name unknown) was the third daughter of the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Her father was an aristocrat who decided to seize the opportunity during the chaos of the failing Sui Dynasty to raise an army in 617 CE, and she decided to help her father ascend to power. With remarkable leadership and recruitment power, she quickly recruited several Jianghu volunteer armies under her wing. More and more people joined as her reputation spread, such that she had seventy thousand under her command by the end in what was known as the Woman’s Army/娘子军. Her forces registered several victories before rendezvousing with her father’s forces to take Chang’an, which would become the capital of the new dynasty. She was given the title of Princess Pingyang and higher honors than her sisters as a sign of her father’s gratitude for her help in starting his new dynasty.
After the coup of Chang’an, there was nothing in recorded history about her until her funeral. A rite officer had objected to burying her with military honors instead of a princess’s rites, but her father and emperor said she always fought at the vanguard of her army, so there was nothing wrong with full military honors. She is the only woman in recorded Chinese feudal history to be interred by soldiers.
Qin Liangyu/秦良玉 (1574-1648) was born to a civil bureaucrat in the late Ming Dynasty who believed in educating women, and she became skilled at riding, archery, and poetry. She looked up to Lady Xian and Princess Pingyang from a young age, and told her father that she would equal their accomplishments if she had military command (倘使女儿得掌兵柄,应不输平阳公主和冼夫人). She was married to a local county commissioner who often led armies to quash invasions from the neighboring Manchu Jin Dynasty, and he gave her command of part of his army. When he died in prison being falsely accused of wrongdoing, she assumed his role, as their son was still young. She defeated numerous Jin invasions across the country, and the Emperor gave her the title of Marquis in recognition of her actions in defending the homeland. She’s famous for being the only female general recorded alongside men in the official histories of her dynasty.
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A portrait of Qin Liangyu.
So, what made these women leaders of armies while most women throughout Chinese history couldn’t even dream of such a thing? Fu Hao lived a very long time ago, well before the later Confucian system where wives are supposed to obey their husbands and serve at home. For the others, there are some common factors: growing up in a well-to-do family that educated daughters, demonstrated interest and skill in fighting and leadership, being around military power (true of a vast majority of male generals as well, of course), and some kind of unusual circumstance that gave them power, whether a husband or father allowing them to do so or an environment of unrest that gave them an opportunity.
The warrior princess trope exists for a reason: it’s the highborn daughters and wives of generals who are most likely to get the opportunity to command an army. And their stories are more well-known than, say, women like Chen Shuozhen/陈硕真, who came from destitute upbringings and called herself the emperor while leading a peasant rebellion that eventually failed. All history is biased, and contemporary Chinese history seems to favor those who quashed rebellions and promoted national unity.
Given these historical examples, it’s not so outlandish to imagine that Nihuang was educated by her father in the military arts from a young age, showed great fighting and leadership ability, and was then able to take command when he died during a crisis and while her brother Mu Qing was still too young. She is an exception in a field of men, as these historical women were. And like these women, she was very much still subjected to the expectations and boundaries of feudal women.
In some sense, show Nihuang is an ideal female Confucian role model. She is the perfect daughter and older sister who assumed the family mantle when there are no capable men, doing her duty under a corrupt regime for twelve years, with the implication that she will give up at least some of her responsibilities to Mu Qing when he’s ready. She is the perfect widow who never strayed from her arranged marriage pact. And she is the perfect potential wife who shed all of her commanding aura whenever she interacted with post-identity reveal Mei Changsu—she may question him but she will always listen to him, in the end. Her first scene is of a warrior princess soundly defeating men, and her last big scene is her telling Feiliu she wants to obey her Lin Shu-gege.
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This is a far cry from book Nihuang, who moved on in those twelve years and found someone else to love. To be clear, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with characters displaying period-typical attitudes, and other female characters in canon, like Consort Jing, are compelling without being hidebound by tradition. Within the microcosm of NiF the show, the change to Nihuang’s character may only be due to the creators wanting to increase her screen time in a male-heavy show and add a tragic romance element that they felt the book lacked. But media doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and after some prominent examples of one-sided adaptation changes in recent years—The Rise of Phoenixes taking a book starring a strong female character and dramatically increasing the male character’s screen time for the actor to get top billing, Serenade of Peaceful Joy adapting a book centered around a princess’s futile rebellion against feudal expectations for women into a show about her loving daddy emperor trying to do the best for his daughter by keeping her in line, even Reset giving some of the main female character’s heroic moments in the book to the main male character in the show, to name a few—was Nihuang’s change from book to show a harbinger of the male-dominated Chinese television industry increasingly reshaping strong female characters into what they think women should be like?
This issue of media depictions affects historical women generals, as well. For various reasons, they haven’t gotten their big breaks in modern mainstream media, and the most famous Chinese female warriors remain Mulan and a few other very fictionalized characters who have had popular shows and movies made about their lives. A Qin Liangyu drama was supposed to be filmed a few years ago but never aired, and as typical of this era of Chinese media censorship, no one seems to know what happened to it.
With the lack of extant details for most of these military leaders, one can depict them as either true believers of Confucian values or as women who questioned and struggled against societal conventions. It isn’t hard to guess what’s more likely to be made today, with a slapped-on love story and plenty of screen time for the men to boot. If we can’t give a warrior princess a sword without always making her a dutiful daughter, wife, and patriot, perhaps we shouldn’t be telling her story to begin with.
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welcometoteyvat · 10 days
desert pavilion chronicle (scara artifact set) calculated as being better than wanderer's troupe for sethos normal attack playstyle.... noooooo dont make me farm yet another domain ....
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mienwhile-doodles · 2 years
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chinesedramaoutfit · 7 days
Xiao Yanyan, Empress Regent of Liao
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watchinglily · 10 months
My Favorite Chinese Doramas!
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Eternal Love!
Three Lives, Three Worlds: Ten Thousand Miles of Peach Blossoms. The series is inspired by the book (Pillow Book: Three lives, three worlds).
I looove the series, and the books not so much but they're still good.
It's a xianxia about Gods, Kingdoms and Animals that cultivate immortality.
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Princess Weiyoung :)
It's a wuxia story about a princess who loses everything and has to up her game in order to live! Anything more I could say is probably a spoiler.
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Empress of China
This show is based on the real story of Wu Zetian, who actually owned many names among the one used the most here - Meiniang.
She was the only Empress of China, ruling all by herself and not as a mother to the Emperor and covering a whole Dinasty full of riches and prosperous time for China.
Really goooood! And it tries to be as accurate as possible, so we might learn a bit about History here.
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The Legend of Xiao Chuo
Yanyan is one of the three daughter of the Khitan Prime Minister. She is impetulant and always tried to prove herself useful to the Empire. Nobody seems to take her seriously though...
The series accompanies Yanyan through life while she slowly grows up and finds her fit in the world.
This is also based on the true story of Empress Xiao Yanyan (953–1009), who ruled during the Liao Dyansty. This series also does a great job in exploring Khitan culture! Soooo there's a lot more History to learn here, also.
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Oh My General!
Ah Zhao is not the typical lady... She fights as an army's general for the crown as a living! But then she had to marry a womanizer, feminine man. That's fine, except they never get along.
This is a lot of the funny side, things are just not serious at all. Don't think too much, just laugh when it's funny and is should be great.
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thelaithlyworm · 6 months
I'm on the last ep of Legend of Xiao Chuo
And it's been a good time -- a biopic of an Empress-Regent of the Liao Dynasty about a thousand years ago, starting from a wild girl who likes to wrestle and ride fast horses, into an elder stateswoman, and of her two sisters.
I don't have the background to judge the authenticity of the historic portrayal, but it's an interesting set-up. A country that was recently conquered and has two administrations for the rulers and the ruled. The FL and various other characters we're supposed to like are pushing for reform that binds the two halves more equitably, and there's a lot of pushback from the nobility of one side. 'We conquered this place fair and square. Why are you taking my privileges away?' There's also a lot of clashing of politics: the three sisters marry three different claimants to the throne, all of whom make a solid play for it. There's... friction. Costume design is well thought out, cinematography strong.
It's a great story for Women Who Do Things. All three of the sisters are trained in statecraft and warfare, and use that training at various times, there's other noblewomen intriguing in the background. And the older and younger Madams Han, raised in a more stay-at-home style, are also women of character and worth. The relationship between Yanyan and her eldest sister Hunian had me near in tears at several points. Heavy roles, and actresses up to the weight.
There was a big theme of private vs. public life, that you will lose part of the one if you move into the other, and the fight to preserve human affection inside a role you can't sacrifice because someone has to do it. As we see Yanyan increasingly layered, lacquered, and jewelled, the little wrestler still very fierce but now walking slowly along a colonnade with her hands clasped in front of her waist, etiquette just so, as other people sacrifice the person they might have married, or their peace, or, or, or... I really felt the grief.
It's a long story. A lot happened and then there was a timeskip so I took a break of several months and picked it up again. There were a few times Yanyan was not the most interesting character on screen -- no shade to Tiffany Tang here, but Yanyan's sisters and their husbands were colourful, and Emperor Mingyi a boiling cauldron of charisma and dubrious life choices -- but she finished very strong. The last big plot line was between Yanyan and her eldest sister -- Jane-Bennet-with-a-regiment -- and. and. goddamn, I think I need a hanky.
Anyway anyway. If you like historicals, or dramas with interesting female characters, I would definitely recommend.
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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~~ a few nights back~~
Yanli: *snuggling* Zixuan.
Zixuan: *kisses* A-li.
Yanli: Ruhua is asleep.
(Ruhua is Xuanli's 1 month old baby)
Zixuan: excellent. *caresses her face* so what's up.
Yanli: oh you know what's up.
Zixuan: *blush*
You're really flirty tonight. Why? Are you jealous of Jiang cheng?
Yanli: no! Now come on, peacock. Say something naughty.
Zixuan: *flushed* uhhhh.......I don't know how.
Yanli: you got no rizz. Where's your rizz?
Zixuan: wait A-li. I won't disappoint. Ehem.
I, I like the taste of your lips.
Yanli: *giggles* ah, at least you tried.
Zixuan: did it impress you?
Yanli: of course it did. You're really cute.
Zixuan: wait a sec.
*pours some special tea*
Yanli: you can't leave the tea alone, Mr Emperor?
Zixuan: A-li it's not ordinary tea. I got it from a friend.
Yanli: (teasing) you have friends?.....I mean *laughing* from which friend?
Zixuan: Gongyi xiao. From the prosperous Huan Hua sect.
Yanli: ohhh. The one who looks like A-ling.
Zixuan: right!
He said that the tea would act as an aphrodisiac.
Yanli: what does this teen know about that?!!! I'm concerned.
Zixuan: maybe his elders told him.
He said that if I drink it and the fem energy is higher than the male energy then I can become pregnant.
Yanli: ahhhh.
Zixuan: wait wait, hold your horses. My energy is higher than yours.
Yanli: how are you so sure?
Zixuan: because I'm a cultivator and emperor. And you're my wife.
Yanli: *rolls eyes* that's your explanation?
Zixuan: yea?
Was it good?
Yanli: and you wonder why you get punched in the face.
Zixuan: A-li.
Yanli: quickly drink your concoction so we can continue.
Zixuan: right! *gulps it down*
Zixuan: *peacock feathers opens*
Yanli: WAWW!!! Come to Yanyan, you hot emperor!
Zixuan: of course. *winks*
Yanli: *blushing*
Zixuan: *pulls her into a desired papapa*
In the morning.
Attendants: good morning, Huangdi.
Zixuan: *sigh* morning.
Jintang: what would you like for breakfast, huangdi?
Zixuan: the chefs haven't made it yet?! How dare they!!
Jintang: but Huangdi that's your order. You told us to ask you what you want to eat. And while they prepare it, you would lay in bed and relax.
Zixuan: ugh! You're right. Where's that Nie!
Jintang: maybe still sleeping, Huangdi.
Zixuan: how dare he sleep without my permission.
That's it! I'm selling him to team dimple.
Jintang: Huangdi. Forgive me for asking, but are you in a good mood today?
Zixuan: do I look like I'm in a good mood. I feel nauseous and gasy.
Jintang: oh my.
I'll get a physician right away.
But what would you like to eat?
Zixuan: the spiciest food item you can find. It better be spicy.
Jintang: I'll tell the chefs. And get the physicians.
Yanli: *coming in, with little Ruhua in her arms (they went on a walk)* what happened Zixuan?
Zixuan: A-Li Huaisang and my servants want to kill me.
Yanli: oh no.
Zixuan: but for some reason I feel cranky.
Huaisang: *entering* Huangdi, Huanghou.
Your tea.
Zixuan: *death stare*
Huaisang: *gulps* may I have permission to speak to you.
Zixuan: why are you asking? I heard your voice already.
Now why did you wake up late? Are you the emperor? Should I come and give you some tea~ Huangdi? Soon I will, ok. Just relax.
Do you want me to do a dance too. *wiggles* I'm I attractive?
Yanli: A-Xuan that's too savage.
Zixuan: so.
Huaisang: I'm sorry ok. I had to sweep the steps of jinlintai yesterday.
Zixuan: that has nothing to do with me. Anyways thanks for the tea.
Huaisang: and thank you for not selling me to team dimple.
Zixuan: I was this close! 👌 to selling your crusty behind.
Huaisang: (someone help)
Got to go start my chores.
Zixuan: you better.
You're already late.
Physician: greetings Huangdi.
How are you feeling.
Zixuan: nauseous, moody, and I feel like I'm allergic to ugly people.
Physician: ahaha. Let me give you a check up.
Zixuan: thanks.
You won't use needles right?
Physician: no Huangdi.
Yanli: *laughing*
Zixuan: A-li, don't laugh at me. *sobs*
Physician: *bows* congratulations Huangdi and Huanghou you're pregnant!!
Zixuan: Yanli?!!
Yanli: Zixuan?!!
Zixuan: you're pregnant again?
Yanli: no.
Zixuan: are you sure?!
Yanli: I would know if I'm pregnant Zixuan.
Zixuan: so what? I should know if I'm pregnant too?
Yanli: well that's expected.
Both: who's pregnant?!
Physician: Huangdi is.
And I think you might be having twins.
Zixuan: *screaming*
Yanli: awww.
Zixuan: *sniffles* A-li, what about my bikini body? My abs?!
Yanli: Xuanxuan, you'll be fine!
Zixuan: so I won't turn into a shriveled up prune?
The only prune I know is Jiang cheng. No offense. *cries*
Yanli: *trying to hold in her laughter*
Zixuan: speaking of Jiang cheng, where is he?! The audacity of abandoning me in such a time. It's not good for the babies.
Jintang: should I call him, your majesty?
Zixuan: no. Let him stay there. I'm upset with him.
Yanli: how is he supposed to know that you're pregnant, Xuanxuan?
Zixuan: instincts I guess. We have a good chemistry.
*dramatically* he certainly doesn't love his emperor.
Yanli: Xuan how to handle you.
Jing Manor 📍.
Mo xuanyu: *filing A-Yao's nails* Yao gege, do you know A-Qing and our Song'er like each other.
Yao: aww yes I do. Well only on Song'er's side.
Xue yang: lol Jiggy you knew already?!
Yao: yea, cuz he's my son. He tells me everything.
Xue yang: is this a plan to control the Jianghu. You two think that you can seduce everyone with your dimples.
Yao: *laughs* and it happened?
Xue yang: you're right.
Su she: Huangdi and Dianxia can't stop being gorgeous. It's a fact.
Mo xuanyu: I know right. Yao gege, tell Song'er that A-Qing likes him back.
Yao: no no. I don't want to interfere in anything.
Let everything fall into place naturally.
Mo xuanyu: mn, ok Yao gege.
Su she: they'll make an adorable couple.
I'm rooting for them.
Mo xuanyu: same. I love young love. It reminds me of my crush on Yao gege.
Xue yang: I know right.
Yao: and fortunately A-qing will get a very high status, being A-Song's gf.
Su she: ah, beautiful.
Well we have to teach her about the art of simping.
Xue yang: and some manners too.
Yao: lol that's not necessary. She's really decent and well mannered.
Mo xuanyu: we'll give her the team D touch up, Yao gege. Don't worry.
We work miracles.
Like look at Xichen. We're still working on him, but he's still presentable.
Su she: I don't think he can meet team dimple's standards.
Yao: what do you want him to do? *laughing* poor Huan.
Su she: to be eaten by xue yang's fierce corpses.
Mo xuanyu: maybe buy you a country.
Xue yang: to stop stressing out team D.
Yao: lol.
Xiying: *entering* your majesty.
Xuan Huangdi wants you to come check him.
Yao: ohh. Must be urgent.
I'll be there.
Peacock empire 📍
Yao and team d: *entering*
Attendants: greetings Hulijing Huangdi.
Jinling: xiao shushu!!! *hugs*
Yao: A-ling! My sweetheart. *kisses his forehead*
Jinling: did you bring anything for me, Xiao shushu?
Yao: of course. Here's 400 taels. Spend it wisely..
Jinling: you're the best!
Jinling: Mo shushu!
Mo xuanyu: A-ling! Of course I have something for you too.
Here you go.
Xue yang: this kid is uncle hopping.
Yao: as he should.
Jinling: those are MY uncles! It has nothing to do with you.
Yao: *strokes head* A-ling, don't quarrel.
Darling how's your A-Die?
Jinling: sometimes I don't know whats wrong with A-Die. Jiujiu says that A-Die is a diva.
Xue yang: that's right.
Su she: yea. Just like A-Yao.
Jintang: hulijing Huangdi, thank goodness you're here. I'll escort you to Huangdi.
Yao: sure.
Now what's wrong with him?
Jintang: he.....he's pregnant. With twins.
Yao: WHAT?!!!
Jinling: *almost collapses*
Su she: how?!!!
Mo xuanyu: awwwww.
Xue yang: Yanli got him pregnant. Ahahahahahahaha.
Huaisang: *entering, with something written on his forehead*
*crying* San geeeeee. Save me from that monstrosity.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege isn't a miracle worker. He can't save you from yourself
Su she: *laughing* xuanyu, that's rude.
Xue yang: *reading what's on Huaisang's forehead* STOP COMPLAINING.
Yao: who did that to you?
Huaisang: Sang ge!!! Zixuan asked me to change his curtains in one of the sitting areas, and I said I did it two months ago. Why do i have to do it again.
Then he *cries* asked his attendants to do this to meeeeee.
Mo xuanyu: dude, you shouldn't chat back to your boss.
Yao: ohhhh poor you. Huaisang, please don't cause any trouble.
Huaisang: one time I sneezed in his presence and he sent me into quarantine *sobs*
Xue yang: because he can't afford to get sick. Especially when he's pregnant.
Yao: right.
Huaisang: Sang ge. I miss you.
Mo xuanyu: and team dimple?
Huaisang: no!
Yao: aww. But I like to see you work for Zish.
Huaisang: it's a nightmare.
Yao: *entering* Zishie.
Zixuan: *outstretched arms* Foxy.
Yao: *hugs*
Zixuan: you got the news right?
Yao: yea Zishie. And congratulations.
Zixuan: thanks. Keep hugging me.
Yao: I'm holding you.
Zixuan: A-Yao what to do?
Where to push them out.
Xue yang: through your Zishussy.
I mean...your royal Zishussy
Su she: *containing his laugh*
Zixuan: *terrified* m...my what?
Mo xuanyu: yangyang, don't scare him.
Zixuan: Yaoyao, will I still look fab?
Yao: of course. You're forever glamorous.
Zixuan: aww! *sobs* you make me so happy!
I want you to help me with the children ok?
Cuz you're an amazing uncle.
Yao: Zishie, of course I'll help you.
Lemme order some tea for you.
Someone, get him some green tea.
Zixuan: with a dash of lime. I want something sour.
Yao: ahah, sure.
With a dash lime please.
Jintang: yes, right away, Hulijing Huangdi.
Zixuan: A-Yao can you believe Jiang cheng.
He left his pregnant emperor husband
Yao: oh poor thing.
Su she: ugh, what do Jiang cheng do all day.
Mo xuanyu: my emperor brothers need him and he's nowhere to be seen.
Xue yang: should I kidnap him?
Zixuan: no. I don't want to see his face.
Yao: it's not good for the baby.
Zixuan: babies.
Yao: babies.
Zixuan: Foxy, can I hug you as a fox?
Yao: sure. *turns into a fox*
Zixuan: *snuggles*
Ah and thank you team dimple for supporting me as well.
Mo xuanyu: anytime Xuan gege!!
Su she: cuz you like my Huangdi.
Xue yang: do you need a hitman, peacock?
Zixuan: haha no.
Zixuan: *looking down at foxyao in his arms* Foxy, how's Song'er and his crush?
Yao: he's great! And I see sparks flying.
Zixuan: awww.
Jintang: here's your sour tea, Huangdi.
Zixuan: thank you. And don't make it sound like that.
Jintang: alright alright. Where's the hulijing Huangdi?
Zixuan: *shows him foxyao in his arms.
Jintang: ohhhh. How cute.
Yao: put me down, I want to turn back to my human form.
Zixuan: sure.
Yao: *turns back* Zish, I returned Zixun to Jinlintai, but under house arrest.
Zixuan: why? Isn't he your prisoner.
Yao: yea, and Song'er suggested that he work as well, like get firewood and other minor things
But I realised that his associates wanted to break him out.
Zixuan: the guy has associates?
Xue yang: but I killed them. Hehe.
Yao: they were sent by Madam Jin.
Zixuan: ooo, that makes sense. Why does A-niang want to release a criminal. Anyways.
Yao: I sent him back because Song'er was feeling unwell. And I didn't want a war or some kind of attack to happen.
Zixuan: that's smart. Protect Song'er and your empire ok.
Yao: mhm.
Zixuan: now A-Yao, tell me who would these children resemble?
Me, A-li or Jiang cheng?
Yao: obviously a mixture of you and Yanli.
But how did Jiang cheng get there? *laughing*
Zixuan: the Jiang genes, A-Yao. The Jiang genes are strong.
Jinling acts a lot like Jiang cheng.
And my little Ruhua looks a lot like me, but has A-li's eyes.
Yao: aww.
Yanli: *entering* speaking of Ruhua. Here she is!
Zixuan: aww. Huahua! *holds her* my baby Gongzhu. *kisses*
Yao: she's so adorable.
Zixuan: Huahua, your uncle Foxy says that you're adorable.
Ruhua: *smile*
Zixuan: *hands her to A-Yao* go to your uncle Foxy.
Yao: *holds her in his arms* Huahua. Baby. Little Gongzhu.
You'll be quite spoilt, won't you. *kisses*
Zixuan: so precious.
Yao: would you spend out all your A-Die's money?
Huh? Don't worry. Your uncle Yao will spoil you.
Ruhua: *takes his hat strings and puts in her mouth.*
Yao: oh Huahua, you want to eat my hat?
Yanli: *giggling*
Zixuan: awwww.
Our Huahua will certainly be spoilt.
Yao: definitely.
Zixuan: I think I have sort of a competition. A-li makes some beautiful children.
Yao: hmm.
Yanli: how are you feeling Xuanxuan?
Zixuan: a bit sleepy. But I'm fine.
Yanli: ohh. You should take a rest then.
Yao: right. *strokes Zixuan's forehead* take some rest.
I got to go.
Zixuan: bye Yaoyao.
Yao: and have some of your sour tea.
Zixuan: of course!
Sometimes, Yaoyao, I feel that you're the older brother.
Yao: because you need supervision at all times, baby Zixuan.
Zixuan: *gasps* Yaoyao. I'm not a baby.
You're the baby.
Keeps getting lost.
Yao: when did I get lost. *laughing*
Zixuan: I don't know, but you look like you get lost easily. And dimples attract kidnappers.
Yao: lol.
Do you think team dimple will let that happen.
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Tiffany Tang as Xiao Yanyan Legend of Xiao Chuo 燕云台: Ep 48
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electricsoul-rpg · 1 year
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fc: Tang Yan (唐嫣) / Tiffany Tang
ethnicity: Han Chinese
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444names · 2 years
hindu deities + chinese cities BUT excluding "h"
(also i'm experimenting with name length, usually the minimum is 5 but now I lowered it to 4)
Adingi Adrau Agang Agao Alli Amangla Amiti Amiyar Amma Andran Angdeyang Angkou Angleling Anjiang Annangni Anni Annian Aradun Araling Arauptara Aravi Arjunar Artiefang Arugang Arui Aruiling Arvan Aryama Asana Asang Asimo Asui Asuravan Asvaspat Ayang Ayixing Ayou Ayuang Ayyanyan Baga Bagan Baganyu Baiankami Baixi Baiyu Bala Balammal Balin Baoga Beeng Beenxian Being Beipin Beixian Beng Benglun Bengqiong Beratri Bikou Bikun Bing Bodona Boti Botong Brao Ceng Cixing Cixinin Dakasoma Danal Danan Dang Danjiu Danyuang Daomiyue Darang Darxan Daxmi Dayeliu Deling Devnambol Devnan Dexian Deya Deyara Deze Diang Diao Ding Diyunan Dong Dongjiao Dongliyu Dongqu Dongrian Dujiya Dukyaling Durgang Durgani Durgati Durpang Duya Emeng Feng Fenkan Fenkou Fukamavi Fuqu Fuxiaoqin Fuyan Fuyapara Fuyi Fuyin Fuyun Gadur Galliupan Gana Gang Ganing Ganyu Gaomatux Gara Gari Gayanna Gejin Gong Gongong Guai Guan Guanggati Guanni Guanyan Guing Guir Guji Gunfuyuma Guyang Inari Ingmeng Irava Iravitri Irrti Irrtie Jagalan Jajini Jiajaja Jiajingta Jiambi Jiammaang Jianaram Jiang Jiangal Jiangfa Jianu Jianyuang Jiao Jiaojing Jiemeng Jiexian Jinatr Jing Jingji Jingxiang Jingyang Jinli Jinyi Jiujing Jiyu Kaibi Kala Kalara Kalas Kamudaxi Kang Kanyuan Karjajini Kasiping Katse Keya Kirri Kong Kuma Kumeng Kuni Kuyus Laiyama Lakorti Lamiti Langong Lantala Latiao Leliang Lellal Leswaryay Liama Lian Liang Lianyiyan Liaoyan Lijiu Lilianya Liliu Lina Linara Ling Lingaixi Lingji Lingyang Lingyoti Lita Litri Liupati Liyangna Long Longdiang Longi Longyang Luda Lusuixian Luxinan Lüling Maanin Macan Malaming Maling Malki Mangde Manyanin Mara Marava Mati Matong Matr Matrengyi Meiping Meng Mengli Mianining Mikama Ming Mingliu Mininxian Miya Miyang Moorgang Moorlai Muda Mukou Murati Murgang Murui Murya Muta Namikun Nandong Nang Nanji Nanu Nara Narunang Nata Nati Neinaran Nincan Nira Niratri Nyang Nyuxini Pang Pangyati Panji Para Parang Patie Patri Peng Perang Pergarab Ping Pingkou Piningxi Pinya Pinyakti Prava Puerui Puqiong Puquang Puranqing Puyan Puyuna Qian Qidura Qidyang Qinang Qing Qingi Qinglinan Qining Qinxi Qiqiong Quang Qufenang Rava Ravatta Reng Rengga Revasa Revita Rityang Rong Rudan Rugang Ruganqiu Rugaowu Ruguifeng Ruixing Ruiyan Rumalki Sang Sanji Sannara Sanu Sari Sarkasong Sarti Sarugang Seng Senga Simookdao Simun Sipingyin Sobara Sobei Suian Suiang Sura Surgadi Surti Svang Svari Swakar Swin Tairang Taten Tayan Tejaprang Teng Tiaming Tiang Tieswar Tong Tumaltang Tunandati Tunmeng Tvan Ugaos Ulaixiang Uliu Ulun Vangwu Vasa Vati Vatie Vayan Veerun Veng Vengjiaan Vidongfa Vitri Wang Wangyang Warkana Weiji Weiling Weing Wenarxan Weng Wengta Wuai Wuanglang Wuanjima Wuga Wugan Wuytun Xiagadra Xiamatao Xiana Xiang Xiangtou Xiani Xianing Xianjian Xianni Xiao Xilaming Xing Xingjiang Xingqina Xingta Xinnan Xiong Xiongeng Xuang Xuka Xukou Yadin Yakou Yaksura Yamen Yamjieli Yamunjin Yang Yani Yanmi Yanya Yanyan Yaprala Yavaiyang Yavarala Yian Yiangdur Yiao Yidong Yimeng Ying Yingfan Yingi Yingyan Yingyi Yini Yixianu Yiyi Yong Yuaiya Yuan Yuanden Yuang Yugri Yule Yumala Yumi Yunya Zibingya Zunyading
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wantmangojuice · 5 months
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I Ship My Adversary x Me - finished - 47 ch + 1 extra
Premise: What do you do when you're an actor and you stumbled upon the fandom of people shipping you x your co-actor ... but their pages upon pages of shipping manifesto are...surprisingly compelling? Kinda makes sense, actually?? And you find that, oooh that's some excellent analysis they've got going there, some fanfic, too-- and before you know it, you're neck-deep in shipping hell-- but you're literally one half of this ship. But that's okay, right?? It's just some nice, feel-good fluffy thing from your fans, it absolutely will not affect the way you interact with said co-actor, right? Right???
My premise write-up above does not even begin to cover how hilarious this thing was.
This novel made me so happy. SO. HAPPY.
MC's narration is so ridiculously delightful I don't think I stopped smiling once.
Have you ever read a book and thought, "This man is so stupid I love him so much please never change" about a character? That is This, The Novel (TM).
Love the ML's diary excerpts they're amazing.
"They all talked about Schrodinger's cat. Gu Yiliang was probably Schrodinger's heterosexuality." Yanyan please 🤣
The greatest misunderstanding plot ever. >!Who is sugar-dating who??!<
Xiao-Chen deserves a 500% pay raise at least.
I don't feel coherent enough to leave adequate words of recommendation. Just. Please. Please read this.
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floweredwriting · 2 years
4. Write about someone at a state fair. Why are they there? What are the sights, sounds, and smells?
Except it’s Lantern Rite
Hu Tao whipped past crowds of people, Yanfei in tow. 
Lights dazzled the night sky, the moon just a backdrop. Xiao lanterns scattered the deep, dark blue, the closest Liyue had ever been to stars. Nothing in life seemed as bright as that night, not the stars or the sun. 
Well, maybe Hu Tao. Yanfei thinks so, knows so.
Hu Tao was the brightest star in her life.
The chatter of people was deafening for her, the shouts and whispers and laughing. Yanfei could hear it all, louder for her than anyone else. Adepti blood running in her veins never seemed like such a curse until now.
But when Hu Tao laughed and spoke and excitedly shouted… Yanfei smiled with her. She squeezed their intertwined hands all the more, rubbing little hearts with her thumb. Pressing a kiss on her beloved’s cheek any moment she got. The sight of a red face was so endearing, her heart threatening to explode.
Then they were running past stalls and cooks. She fed Hu Tao whatever she got her hands on. Grilled tiger fish, Lotus flower crisps, Almond Tofu. She held them for Hu Tao, not allowing her to touch it. She cooed at Hu Tao’s red face, covering her face with her free hand. 
Dark, flowered eyes brimming with joy and something Yanfei couldn’t name, she could’ve watched Hu Tao’s eyes all night long. Even with all the other people and sights and sounds and smells, all she could focus on was Hu Tao.
From the red in her eyes to the plum blossoms tucked in her hair, Yanfei’s heart swelled. She stared and kissed and loved Hu Tao as much as she could, ears burning with her own forwardness. Hu Tao was no better.
“Happy Lantern Rite Tao.”
“Happy Lantern Rite Yanyan!”
She could hardly keep the smile off her face.
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perioddramasource · 3 years
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