ironunderstands · 3 months
Fu Xuan X Qingque is fucking peak IN THIS ESSAY I WILL-
Today I’m gonna yap about how underrated this absolutely incredible ship is, and why I love it, so sit back and enjoy because I have THOUGHTS. Also, thank you so much to @cosmicquilt on tumblr for providing me their own insight into it, as well as a place for me to begin, I really do appreciate it! 
Before I go in depth on them, I think their status as *package deal do not separate* is really funny and cute, and I’m surprised people don’t point it out more with just how obvious it really is.
Here’s some example’s I’ve collected (thank you quilt for the first two screenshots!) 
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This is from the food event in 2.0, and to me it seems like Fu Xuan bought it out of curiosity, then Qingque had some and got messy because of it.
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They are also together in the Penacony mural thing (just like Aventio hehe), and you can see Qingque reaching towards a gambling machine while Fu Xuan pulls her back, as if she predicted the other would immediately make a beeline towards the machines, and had to prevent that from happening. 
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Today Is Another Peaceful Day is the name of the lightcone shared between them, whose description is quite comical.
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Fu Xuan did infact find her again, she is angry and the sweets Qingque bought to placate her don’t seem like they are going to do much 😭.
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Qingque also makes an appearance in Fu Xuan’s trailer, which only tends to happen when characters have an established close relationship or connection (like Dan Heng appearing in Blade’s)
Their team joining voicelines also match perfectly- in fact they tell a pretty funny story of yet another time Fu Xuan goes to look for Qingque, who’s supposedly slacking off again.
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This also implies that Fu Xuan knows Qingque well enough at this point to guess accurately where she would be hiding and when she would leave, which is adorable and honestly really funny. 
Overall, on a surface level, their Looney Tunes dynamic is incredibly entertaining and endearing, making their relationship rather lighthearted and sweet. Girlboss X Girlfailure is always fun to watch and a personal favorite in ships for me is when one character has to deal with the other’s antics (you know who :3). I also think it’s a good way to set up a developing relationship, as they get closer and closer together each time they play this game of cat and mouse, which is something that is demonstrated by the game.
So, let’s look at them a little deeper now.
Within the quest, Omniscient Inquiry of Arcana, which is found within the main Xianzhou quest line, we see firsthand how much Fu Xuan actually trusts Qingque. 
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Even if Qingque is often unreliable, Fu Xuan is not at all surprised that she is the one who helped bring the Nameless to her, as Fu Xuan knows she can bet on Qingque to come through with her responsibilities when she needs to.
The thing is, Qingque is lazy, but she is by no means incompetent, and gets all her work done on time. Moreover, Fu Xuan knows this better than anyone, especially considering she’s the one who has to go looking for Qingque when she slacks off 90% of the time (something which she doesn’t have to do, she could delegate someone else to do it yet every time Fu Xuan personally sees the matter done). 
So, even if Qingque is just a librarian, instead of fetching someone else to help, Fu Xuan also has her restart the base terminals for the Matrix of Presence, because she knows and trusts Qingque to be capable of it, almost without a second thought. 
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Even if the task at hand isn’t particularly difficult, and Fu Xuan could easily do it herself, she lets herself be lazy and trusts Qingque to do so, as I will get into further, they are far more similar than Fu Xuan realizes.
In the quest line prior, Qingque also describes just how much she in turn believes in Fu Xuan, stating that even if the sky were to collapse, she could count of Fu Xuan attempting to hold it up- and she makes fun of Fu Xuan for being short despite being of similar stature.
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A remark such as that illustrates how time and time again, Qingque has witnessed Fu Xuan put her all into protecting the Xianzhou and its people, which has earned Fu Xuan Qingque’s utmost respect, even if that doesn’t stop her from slacking off from time to time.
As funny as their dynamic is, the genuine trust they display in one another is heartwarming, and as much as they annoy one another (or really as much as Qingque bothers Fu Xuan with her antics), they truly do have faith in each other. Continually, Qingque’s awareness of the burden’s Fu Xuan has to carry slots her into a unique role of being one of the few people who could support her in a time of need.
Which is exactly what we get to witness in the Heliobi event.
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Fu Xuan gets possessed and fire’s Qingque because of it, who isn’t too upset about it as admittedly her tendency to slack off was waisting her life. 
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However, she attempts to give a speech to drag Fu Xuan out of her possession, attempting to mask it as her desire to not be fired disgracefully, but really she just wanted to break Fu Xuan out of the illusion. 
Unfortunately, Fu Xuan isn’t having it, and spouts a lot of stuff to the ghostbusting gang, expressing that her former attempts to change the Xianshou’s fate were futile, and that destiny is unavoidable and unchangeable, and that human’s desires to resist it are pointless.
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Then, she makes the squad + QQ play a puzzle in which she controls all the outcomes, just to demonstrate how pointless the choices humans make, as they will always lead to the same result. To possessed Fu Xuan, choice is merely an illusion, a waste of time, and she cannot be convinced of it otherwise.
Until Qingque steps in. And perhaps the greatest demonstration of just how much she CARES for Fu Xuan plays out.
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Qingque starts out by saying that the game Fu Xuan made them play is not an accurate representation of reality, and that the universe doesn’t have puzzles for them to solve. People have free will, and even if Qingque uses that will to slack off, those choices are still hers and still CHOICES. 
However Fu Xuan isn’t buying it, and this is when the core of why she was possessed in the first place gets revealed.
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Qingque’s choices don’t have consequences, at least not far reaching as Fu Xuan’s do. But every action, every decision, every minute step in any direction that Fu Xuan takes could plunge the entire Xianzhou into chaos, and ruin EVERYTHING. 
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So, Qingque proposes a new puzzle, hoping to be able to change Fu Xuan’s mind this time.
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Qingque fails again this time, however Fu Xuan is starting to get an idea of what she’s getting and, and Qingque reiterates that there will always be more choices to make, even if the puzzles appear to only have one solution.
Therefore, she tries one last time.
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Qingque shoves her own solution into the puzzle, her own way by drawing on the help of the ghostbusting squad, but still Fu Xuan cannot be convinced, believing instead that the thousands of different paths people take all lead to the same destination, so making choices is pointless.
However, that’s not what Qingque is getting at, and in perhaps the most heartfelt speech given in this game so far, she saves Fu Xuan, and demonstrates why her choices DO matter. Moreover, she does it in the most Qingque way possible- by explaining it through a comparison to Celestial Jade.
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It’s not winning or the outcome that makes Celestial Jade fun, it’s the choices you get to make while you play it which is what makes it enjoyable. However, much like how even if the outcome of a game is predetermined, just because the universe’s destiny could be predetermined doesn’t mean people are aware of it, or that it even matters. Like in a game, in your life , you cannot control all the outcomes, but how you react to the twists and turns it throws your way, and the choices you make because of that, is what makes living worth it.
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And if Fu Xuan’s choices didn’t matter, she wouldn’t be making them in the first place.  Perhaps she can’t prevent everything, and perhaps the universe really is weighted against her and the Luofu, but every day Fu Xuan makes decisions that help it stay around a little longer, that save a few more people, that buy a bit more time. The universe isn’t a game, and you can’t just determine your decisions to be meaningless because of some threatening ending that might never come to pass, and like Qingque says, Fu Xuan wouldn’t suffer the effort if what she works so hard for doesn’t mean anything. 
By reaffirming that destiny is an illusion, Qingque saves Fu Xuan and breaks her out of the Heliobi’s possession. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 
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Qingque tries to get out of work for good but Fu Xuan reminds her that Qingque reminded her that she had choices, and Qingque gets flustered and accepts her defeat.
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What do you mean by that Fu Xuan, what do you mean by that, hmm? HMMM??? ELABORATE FU XUAN ELABORATE??? Sesbian lex???
So Qingque is in love with her boss and we all cheered, but don’t worry, and QQ also happens to get possessed by a Heliobus, and the way Fu Xuan behaves towards her is just as sweet and hilarious.
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In her illusion, there’s a bunch of Fu Xuan clones who praise Qingque, much to the annoyance of Fu Xuan, who gets flustered and angry over it. Honestly I love just how many romance tropes that are displayed in their relationship, with this as a prime example. Like making a bunch of clones of your crush to praise you? Having Fu Xuan bear witness to exactly what makes Qingque happy (her praise)? The boss-employee dynamic getting reversed? I love it give me 500000. 
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The nickname??? Oh you just know Qingque was waiting to call her that, infact she probably had it in her brain for a while, but just didn’t feel confident enough to do it in her previous power dynamic with Fu Xuan, so I wonder what else Qingque holds back from Fu Xuan because she doesn’t believe they are close enough for that. 
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What if I ascended to another dimension? What if I left this mortal plane? What if Honkai Star Rail what if? What do you mean Fu Xuan is fussing over Qingque like a wife when her husband returns from war, what do you mean she goes, “As long as you’re okay,” then immediately is like “get back to work,” because she realized she was being too soft. What do you mean she fucking PATS QINGQUE ON THE HEAD AND LEAVES LIKE THAT???? 
I’m actually insane about this like how does nobody talk about them? The most peak relationship ever right there and I see NOTHING??? Like not only is it fucking hilarious with their game of cat and mouse they having going on with one another, but they truly just understand and adore each other even if both of them haven’t exactly realized it yet.
If I were to be 100% honest if you told me that speech Qingque gave to Fu Xuan in the Heliobi event was a confession one, then I would believe you because that was the most romantic shit ever. Like telling your companion in a time of need that their choices DO mean something and that they are such a capable individual whom everyone relies on, who YOU rely on?? If I was Fu Xuan I would have proposed right there I would have summoned up a ring I don’t care.
It’s just, I love relationships where two characters just GET one another inside and out, and FuQing is such a perfect example of it. Something about a trust that runs so deep that the two people who forged that bond don’t even realize it because of simply how long it’s persisted, like they’ve just acclimated to it because it’s been such a fixture of life for so long.
They are each other’s safety nets, and when one of them is in need, the other always delivers and UGHH IM INSANE ABOUT IT.
HOW DID THIS FLY UNDER PEOPLES NOSES??! HOW DID EVERYONE DO THE 1.5 EVENT AND NOT IMMEDIATELY START RUNNING LAPS AROUND THEIR HOUSE BECAUDE WHAT??? Literally that speech Qingque gives to Fu Xuan is one of my favorite scenes in the game, perhaps right behind the 1.6 Ratio-Screwllum scene and if you know me then you know how absolutely bonkers I am about that scene. It’s just so earnest and funny and it encapsulates the themes of HSR perfectly, with Qingque reiterating the overarching theme of the game: Trailblazing, ie moving forward with life no matter the destination (destiny), as it’s the choices you make along the way and the journey you take that matters.
Moreover, that’s what makes it so fucking good; it meshes perfectly with the overall story of the game. Despite how busy both of them are, despite how they often have higher priorities or could just go to other people or whatever, Qingque and Fu Xuan consistently choose one another, for both the most trivial and the most dire of situations. 
The road ahead for the Xianzhou is uncertain, but no matter how the path twists, Qingque and Fu Xuan will travel it side by side, and for that I will always adore them.
Thank you so much for reading! I fear I couldn’t be as intelligent about why I love this ship as I wanted to be, but I hope you at least got the idea a little bit haha. Maybe I’ll be able to me smarter about them one day but for now all my thoughts about them circle back to incoherent screaming. Honestly it’s probably because I like their dynamic far more than I like their characters standalone, so I can’t really bring that into the discussion, but perhaps with time I will be able to add onto this. For now though, all I’m hoping for is the wedding they deserve lol. 
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letteredlettered · 5 months
This answer is also for @nanavn, who asked about the same thing!
This is a fic I really, really hope to finish writing. I wrote 44,293 already. I love it and I'm proud of it. But it's an MDZS/CQL fic, and my head is living in TGCF right now, and I also want to make time for original fic, so who knows when I will get to it?
This fic is wangxian. That's the only pairing, though I guess background LXC/NMJ.
In ancient China, marriage between men was a thing, the way it was in many ancient cultures, but I didn't really do a lot of research on that for the fic. One central premise of the fic, though, is that marriage between men is not unheard of and can be used for political alliances. Homophobia still exists in this world, because I actually think it's rather important to some of the premises of this book.
The fic is an AU after WWX dies at the burial mounds. Another basic premise is that JGS begins to realize JGY is a threat, so he watches closely and doesn't die in an orgy. In order to keep JGY in check, JGS recognizes Mo Xuanyu as Jin Xuanyu. Meanwhile, JGS is more careful about consolidation of power--for instance, JGY has not dared sabotage NMJ. Instead, the Jin Sect has slowly expanded such that the other sects can feel the heat, and everyone is waiting for things to boil over.
This is an arranged marriage fic. At the start of the fic, Jin Sect finally makes a move that will undermine and discredit the Lan Sect. Lan Xichen knows what JGS is looking for--to either chip away at Lan influence or gain Lan fealty. LXC feels that the only way to secure their position is to marry into the Jin Sect. LWJ refuses to let his brother throw himself away on a loveless marriage, because the man LXC loves is alive and also threatened (even without his qi being sabotaged, NMJ's qi is still unstable). Believing that WWX won't return, LWJ demands that he go through with the marriage himself, and because LWJ is super stubborn and LXC isn't great at standing up to him, LXC acquiesces.
The marriage is of course to Jin Xuanyu. LWJ doesn't really know Jin Xuanyu except for having met a few times in passing. On the day of their wedding, Jin Xuanyu excuses himself from the wedding feast, claiming to be ill.
Here is an excerpt, taking place when LWJ checks on Jin Xuanyu after the wedding banquet!
Lan Wangji nodded and entered the residence, where a strange odor assaulted his senses and Jin Xuanyu stood in the middle of the room, holding a thick sheaf of papers and a shocked expression. “Lan Zhan!” he exclaimed.
Lan Wangji looked at Jin Xuanyu’s arm, which was now behind Jin Xuanyu’s back, hiding the sheaf of papers. Deciding to prioritize, Lan Wangji didn’t ask about it. Jin Xuanyu was extremely pale. “Are you all right?”
“Me?” Jin Xuanyu said blankly. “Oh, I’m quite . . . oh, terrible.” He began to cough. “I’m terrible, Hanguang-jun.”
“I brought you food,” Lan Wangji said, moving farther into the room. The scent in the air was familiar, but Lan Wangji could not place it.
Jin Xuanyu had not moved. “Hanguang-jun,” he said. Then he said it again. “Hanguang-jun.”
Lan Wangji put the tray on the table and stood.
“I . . .” Jin Xuanyu seemed quite at a loss. Then he said, in a quiet voice, “Are we really married?”
Lan Wangji stared, at a loss as well.
“It’s just . . .” Jin Xuanyu made a helpless gesture with his hand.
Lan Wangji, speaking very carefully, said, “You were at the ceremony.”
Jin Xuanyu grimaced. “Right . . .” He made another face. “It’s just so . . .”
Jin Xuanyu stood there for so long, unspeaking, that Lan Wangji finally stepped toward him.
“Never mind, Hanguang-jun!” Speeding over to the table, keeping the papers behind his back, Jin Xuanyu looked down at the tray. “Is it from the wedding banquet?” he said quickly. “Is it something good?”
Lan Wangji eyed him warily, remembering the Jin plots he had considered earlier. “Plain soup.”
Jin Xuanyu’s face fell. “Really?”
“You were unwell,” Lan Wangji reminded him.
“Oh. Right.” Jin Xuanyu coughed a few times.
In spite of his pallor, the way Jin Xuanyu was coughing did not appear genuine, and he seemed otherwise well. Even if he was sick, his current condition did not seem poor enough to warrant desertion of his own wedding banquet, and no illness Lan Wangji could imagine would cause a person to post a guard outside the door.
Keeping the papers out of sight behind him, Jin Xuanyu leaned down, uncovering the bowl on the tray and taking a whiff. “Unf. It really is plain. There at least should be good food, considering what I’ve been through.”
Jin Xuanyu did not seem inclined to share what he had ‘been through,’ but the papers were obviously connected. “Shall I fetch something else?” Lan Wangji asked, keeping his tone polite.
Wincing, Jin Xuanyu straightened, then forced an uncomfortable little laugh. “No, Hanguang-jun, that’s . . . it’s fine.”
Unable to wait any longer for a reasonable explanation, Lan Wangji finally asked, “What are the papers?”
Lan Wangji did not repeat himself. He thought that Jin Xuanyu had heard him very well.
“Oh.” Jin Xuanyu chuckled. “I suppose you mean these,” he said, whipping out the sheaf of paper from behind his back. “Well, let me tell you,” Jin Xuanyu went on, glancing at the papers himself. “These papers are . . . they’re . . . a diary,” he said suddenly. “Very private, Hanguang-jun. I’m going to burn them.”
The paper visible to Lan Wangji was covered in writing too small to read. Lan Wangji looked back to Jin Xuanyu. “I would not read your private writings.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t, Hanguang-jun,” Jin Xuanyu said, setting the sheaf of papers on the floor, then sitting down on it, before the soup. “You’ve always been so honorable. One can never be too careful, though. Prying eyes, you know.” Picking up the bowl, Jin Xuanyu began to eat, as though nothing in his behavior could be deemed at all suspicious or unusual.
Lan Wangji looked down at him, trying to decide what to do. That Jin Xuanyu was hiding things from him was obvious, and yet, Lan Wangji had rarely witnessed a guilty person seem so unconcerned with being caught. If Jin Xuanyu had in fact planned with other Jin Sect members to annihilate the Lan Clan from within, or if some other nefarious scheme were in play, surely a more subtle subterfuge would have been employed.
No, this behavior seemed a result of Jin Xuanyu’s own eccentricities, of which Lan Wangji was rapidly becoming aware that there were many. When Jin Xuanyu had first joined the Jin Clan at Golden Carp Tower, Lan Wangji had heard that the man was odd, but almost all the rumors had seemed to center around Jin Xuanyu’s sexual preferences, as far as Lan Wangji had been able to tell.
Perhaps he should have conducted more research into the nature of Jin Xuanyu’s character, not in the least because Jin Xuanyu was now slurping his soup in a most aggravating manner. He had handled himself with adequate decorum at the tea ceremony that afternoon. Perhaps within the privacy of the Jingshi, with his new husband, Jin Xuanyu felt it permissible to forgo etiquette.
“If you would like a private place for the papers,” Lan Wangji said, “I can provide a case and show you how to construct a locking talisman.”
“Ah, are we still talking about that?” Jin Xuanyu said, not looking up at him. “I told you, I’m burning them.”
Lan Wangji watched his husband eat for another moment or two. He really should sit with him, but to do so felt like a concession that Jin Xuanyu’s meal was normal and nothing at all strange was happening, when the fact was that Jin Xuanyu had been doing something in this room, something with the papers that he did not want Lan Wangji to know about. Perhaps it really was as innocent as updating his supposed ‘diary,’ but Lan Wangji doubted this.
The smell alone was cause for concern. When Lan Wangji focused on it, memories of the Sunshot Campaign surfaced—battlefields. Death. Corpses. But the room didn’t smell like death or rotting flesh. The odor was faintly metallic.
Lan Wangji spotted the smudge on the floor at the same time as he identified the scent.
Walking a few steps, Lan Wangji bent down to inspect the floorboards he had only recently repaired. The stain was fresh, smudged as though hastily wiped away. The rest of the floor was clean, but such a small amount of blood would never cause the scent to be so noticeable. Straightening, Lan Wangji looked back at Jin Xuanyu, who was looking back at him, eyes wide as he lowered the bowl from his mouth.
“Were you cut?” Lan Wangji asked.
“No?” Jin Xuanyu did not sound certain about this.
“There is blood.”
“Ah, how strange.” Jin Xuanyu remained where he was.
“I smell it.”
“Ah, Hanguang-jun, so impressive, able to scent blood. You know, I would not share this fact,” Jin Xuanyu said brightly, wagging a finger at him. “They say that certain monsters are able to scent blood; it’s a nefarious talent.”
“Jin Xuanyu.”
“What? Oh. Yes?”
Lan Wangji looked at the floor, then back up at Jin Xuanyu. He was still pale, Lan Wangji saw. Blood loss.
“Well, what makes you think it’s mine, Hanguang-jun?” Jin Xuanyu asked, sounding petulant. “It could be anyone’s blood! You should keep your place cleaner. And more secure! Anyone could just come in here and bleed.”
Lan Wangji walked back to the table, took Jin Xuanyu by the arm, then pulled up. Jin Xuanyu squawked a loud protest, but Lan Wangji was stronger, forcing Jin Xuanyu from where he sat to reveal the papers that had been under him. Lan Wangji reached for them, and they abruptly caught fire.
Whirling, Lan Wangji turned back to look at Jin Xuanyu, who was lowering his hand, having just made a hand seal for fire—not a very effective one, Lan Wangji saw, turning back to the flames. The fire was feeble, already petering out. Lan Wangji waved his hand, expending very little spiritual power to extinguish it, but Jin Xuanyu was already rushing back, gathering the burnt papers to his chest. “I told you!” he exclaimed. “They’re my diary! You wouldn’t read another man’s diary, would you, Hanguang-jun? I thought you were honorable!”
“Tell me,” said Lan Wangji, through gritted teeth, “what is going on.”
“I’m . . .” Jin Xuanyu’s shoulders slumped. “Well, if you must know . . .”
Lan Wangji, waiting, abruptly realized he was furious. He had not had the time to process everything that had happened so far, all the ways that Jin Xuanyu was lying to him, setting actual fires in the Jingshi, cutting himself, hiding it—and they were married. Lan Wangji had married this man this morning, and Lan Wangji could not fully comprehend it. He could not recall feeling so blindly angry since he’d been a teenager; the mixture of hurt and absolute confusion felt exactly the same.
It felt exactly the same, and Lan Wangji suddenly, powerfully wished that Wei Ying was here, if only for Wei Ying to hurt him and confuse him that way again. At least that was a pain that Lan Wangji understood, and it had come from someone he loved. That this stranger could hold such power over Lan Wangji was only a result of the fact that they were married, and Lan Wangji had had his hopes, and now they were meant to live together, side by side, when Jin Xuanyu obviously had so little respect for him. It felt intolerable. It felt unfair.
Lan Wangji took a deep breath, then let it go.
“I was trying to cast a spell,” said Jin Xuanyu.
“With blood,” said Lan Wangji.
“Well, you see . . . it wasn’t exactly a polite spell.”
Lan Wangji put out his hand.
Jin Xuanyu looked down at it.
“The papers,” said Lan Wangji.
“No!” Jin Xuanyu clutched them closer. “These are my . . . notes. On how to do the spell, but it didn’t work. I’m . . . such a poor cultivator, you see.” Jin Xuanyu lit up suddenly. “That’s why I was casting the spell! It’s this body. It’s weak! And . . . small. The—my golden core is just . . . nothing to speak of. I could also be far better looking, don’t you agree?”
Lan Wangji did not know what he was talking about.
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tragedy-of-commons · 2 months
Congratulations on getting 150 followers, that's amazing!
Since you wanted some requests, I have one for you. You should write something Qingque related. I think it would be fitting, considering your blog is themed after her and this would be a good way to celebrate this awesome milestone!
Do whatever you want to with it, I have no idea what kind of style/story it would be. Take your time with it, I know you're busy with other requests right now. Finish those up and let me see what your awesome writing skills can do with your icon!
Have a nice day!
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crash course
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qingque & gn!reader | wc: ~850
Your coworker teaches you to relax.
tags/warnings: platonic, i love qingque, overworked reader, mentioned fu xuan
notes: hi sam! tysm for the request and kind words! your support means everything & i can't believe i hit 150. i hope you like what i decided to do with this! ^_^
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“…and that's how you slack off!” Qingque punches your shoulder, mouth full of god-knows-what-kebab. (You’re scared to ask, actually, given that she has a preference for her food to be fried beyond recognition.)
“You know, I don't think I needed your crash course on the subject. It's pretty self-explanatory,” you point out. “Self-explanatory enough that I think Madam Diviner Fu Xuan is going to know exactly where we are and hunt us down.”
Spices Supreme houses the two of you perfectly, home to various colorful characters on their lunch hours, rushing their meals as if they don’t have all the time in their lives (well, for Natives, you suppose). Letting her drag you away from your post at the Matrix of Prescience an hour before your mandated break was a bad idea, and you can’t stop looking over your shoulder like a scared dog.
“Xuany? You worry too much,” she dismisses easily. “She’s let me off with nothing more than a few threats of termination. Not to mention, you’re her favorite! Just blame me if she finds us.”
“Yeah, I definitely will,” you deadpan, “considering it is your fault.”
Qingque puts down her stick and covers her ears obnoxiously. “Lalalalala, that is not what I want to hear from you! You’re learning to relax, remember?” To make her point clearer, she leans forward and pinches your cheek, ignoring the aggrieved squeak you let out. “I used to be like this too, you know, clogged pores, dark circles, miserable—”
“—but then I learned to let go and live for myself,” she says, pride suffocatingly apparent. She doesn’t even react when you swat her grubby little hand away. “So, you definitely did need the crash course.”
Her smug smile is unbearable-but-loveable all the same. When you first started working at the Divination Commission, your wiser coworkers advised you to steer clear of Qingque, Slacker Extraordinaire. It seems like fate had other plans, considering she stuck to you like a magnet, slowly spoon-feeding you her philosophy since day one. 
However, what surprises you more is her little anecdote; had she really been a diligent overachiever like you at some point? Was something like that even possible? The look in her eyes right now makes you want to believe her, and the sparkle in them earlier today is what convinced you to shirk even the tiniest bit of responsibility. Perhaps she cares more than she lets on.
“Fine,” you acquiesce. “I’ll ‘let go’. What else is there to it? Is there some kind of initiation that I don’t know about?” you pick at your food, appetite subdued due to your still-firing nerves. 
Qingque gingerly takes your hands, solemn and foreign. “I’m delighted you’d ask… it’s… it’s…”
She leaves one of your hands cold and roots around in her pocket awkwardly, maintaining intense eye contact with you like the world is about to end as you know it. You take it all back - this girl is strange. When she finally procures a Celestial Jade tile of all things, you groan inwardly.
“Celestial Jade? Really?” you hum, unimpressed. “Wow, I never would have guessed! It’s almost like you just dragged me out here to indoctrinate me and then force me to be your game partner.”
She huffs, bottom lip jutting out into a pout. “I know what this looks like, but hear me out! As much as I’d love for you to play a game or two with me—that’s not what I meant. For me, Celestial Jade is a big part of ‘letting go’. It’s probably my favorite thing ever - what I put all of my heart into. You need to find your Celestial Jade.”
Qingque presses the tile into your palm. Five multicolored hearts take up the expanse of the brick, other details emerging such as its scuffed corners and its chipped paint; it is well-worn and likely seen hundreds of victories. While you stare, she continues to talk, familiar stars in the green-yellow of her irises.
“You work hard, and that’s cool. But I don’t think it’s making you happy… I thought bringing you out here today would be fun. I want everybody to have fun,” she laughs. “Also, I do want you to be my game partner, hehe.”
Yeah. She’s strange… and also totally right. You close your fingers over the tile, thumb caressing the surface pensively. Most adults let their jobs consume them, including you; the way you put all of your energy into going above and beyond for something that drains you was never your goal in life. It just kind of happened. You do need something - or someone - fun right now.
“Qingque… I think I’m starting to get it.”
“Aha! I knew you would!” she points at you like one would an endangered species, “Now, you shall face my wrath in tile mania!”
(You do end up facing off against her, but not before Fu Xuan drags you both back to the Divination Commission with smoke coming out of her ears in whorls. As Qingque takes the fall for you with a wink and a poor excuse, you thumb against the tile now resting in your breast pocket.)
Maybe your strange friend can be your Celestial Jade.
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gluttonygirls · 2 months
“ooooouuu oh no xuany what is happening i can’t stop feeding you”
“qingque no one is mind controlling you to do th-mmfh-“
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She can't believe she's pulling this on their first date.
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junislqve · 3 months
hai juni how are u i love u mwah 💋
hai xuanie !! i’m good 😛😛 hbu!!
and i love you more pookie 💗🔥
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sistersinead · 2 years
Reflections on Reading the Zhuangzi as a Transsexual
[I realised Tumblr doesn't have character limits so I can just repost my whole essay instead of linking it]
The Zhuangzi begins with a transformation. The great fish Kun in the Northern Oblivion turns, quite suddenly, into an equally great bird named Peng, who begins flying toward the Southern Oblivion. Peng’s great size means he must fly at an astronomical height, and below him on the ground, the cicada and the fledgling dove laugh at his excess. They are quite happy hopping between trees, and think Peng ridiculous for being so huge.
Of the commentators, Guo Xiang sees in this story a radical equality between divergent perspectives, that “each [being] fits perfectly into precisely the position it occupies”. Cheng Xuanying sees a commitment to constant change and to adapting oneself to one’s newfound disposition. I myself stand somewhat more than six feet tall, and weigh somewhat more than a hundred kilograms; I fit only awkwardly into chairs and clothes, and take up more space than those around me. I am also, lately, a woman, which has the effect of emphasising my size. So as I read the story of Peng who was Kun, I wonder if he ever wished to be as small as a cicada or a dove. I wonder if he ever felt less of a bird for having once been a fish.
I came to Daoist philosophy through Ursula Le Guin’s rendition of the Daodejing. In the second poem of that small volume, I read:
The things of this world
exist, they are;
you can’t refuse them.
-like a moment of vertigo. I still can’t explain why this truism has the effect on me it does, but I find myself, in moments of pain or grief, reminding myself: this exists, it is, you can’t refuse it. Somehow, it helps.
There are innumerable Daoist texts, but three are esteemed above the rest — the Daodejing (sometimes called the Laozi after its legendary author Lao Dan), the Zhuangzi, and the Liezi. If the Daodejing is a still, clear pool, the Zhuangzi is a mess of currents. Elaborate stories of fantastical creatures vie for space with polemics against popular morality, logical paradoxes, and jokes at the expense of Confucius. Its most prominent theme is transformation, including the passage for which Zhuang Zhou is most famous in the West:
Once Zhuang Zhou dreamt he was a butterfly, fluttering about joyfully just as a butterfly would. He followed his whims exactly as he liked and knew nothing about Zhuang Zhou. Suddenly he awoke, and there he was, the startled Zhuang Zhou in the flesh. He did not know if Zhou had been dreaming he was a butterfly, or if a butterfly was now dreaming it was Zhou. Surely, Zhou and a butterfly count as two distinct identities! Such is what we call the transformation of one thing into another.
Like many passages in this text, it carries multiple meanings. It posits an equivalence between one entity and another, and also between dreaming and waking, suggesting that these are nothing more than a matter of perspective expressed in the indexical ‘I’; it also depicts the natural, unthinking spontaneity or ‘self-so’ that Daoism has at times held up as the highest form of life. It hints at moral particularism — the idea that no one way or mode of action or being will be appropriate at all times and in all places. And to a trans person, the casual dismissal of artificial categories and boundaries is intoxicating. Why should I accept the bounds of sex when Zhuang Zhou could not even be convinced of the validity of the boundaries of species?
Something I immediately found attractive in my reading around Daoism was the almost perverse indefinability of this movement. The name ‘Daoism’ is ambiguous between ‘philosophical Daoism’ — a quietist movement that emphasises emptiness and spontaneity, and de-emphasises rational thought and planning — and ‘religious Daoism’, a syncretic religion that worships Lao Dan as a god and advocates the pursuit of immortality through, among other things, alchemy. Within philosophical Daoism (sometimes called Lao-Zhuang after its most prominent thinkers), there is no doctrine or dogma that can uncontroversially be proclaimed. It is an anti-doctrine.
Even the great texts of Daoism reflect these ambiguities. The Daodejing is traditionally attributed to Lao Dan (or perhaps his name was Lao Er), about whom nothing is known — the earliest biographical account of Master Lao is internally incoherent, placing Lao in the timeline twice, two centuries apart. The most common view these days is that the Daodejing is a compilation of an unknown number of texts and authors. The Zhuangzi, meanwhile, was once a text of 52 chapters, but is now only extant as a 33-chapter book. Of those chapters, only the first seven can be attributed with confidence to Zhuang Zhou (about whom, in any case, little more is known than the mythical Lao Dan); the remaining 26 appear to be another compilation of writings by students, hangers-on, imitators and interlocutors, responding to the numinous Inner Chapters (as the first seven have become known). Both the Zhuangzi and the Daodejing were written before the category of Daoism was established — their authors would not have considered themselves Daoists. The Liezi, finally, is attributed to 5th-century BC philosopher Lie Yukou, but is now known to be a forgery compiled some eight centuries later, and one of its eight chapters expounds a hedonistic philosophy so at odds with the rest of the book it is often considered an interpolation.
My favourite story from the Zhuangzi is that of Carpenter Shi. The carpenter, on some journey, passes by a huge old tree. His apprentice stops to marvel, but his master disdains the tree, and lectures the apprentice on the tree’s uselessness — it’s too soft, too gnarled, to make into anything.
That night, Carpenter Shi dreams of the tree. In his dream, the tree defends itself. It tells Shi that its uselessness has been cultivated over a lifetime, and is a great benefit. If it were useful, it would have been cut down for lumber, or hemmed up in an orchard. Being useless means nobody has bothered to interfere with it, so that it has been able to grow to its full height and live to a ripe old age. The tree mocks Shi, asking him: what are you useful for?
At the core of much homophobia and transphobia is the idea that we are useless, barren, not fulfilling the duty for which humans were created by God or Evolution. This finds vicious expression in the prurient way that a certain variety of bigot likes to describe trans people’s genitals, but it tends to run as a current beneath most of the anxieties about gender transition. Zhuang Zhou’s joyful embrace of uselessness is a balm against this petty, shopkeeper’s utilitarianism. To be self-so is to be useless, immune to co-option and subordination to another’s agenda. When Daoists talk of Heaven (tian), they simply mean what is so of itself, not reduced by purpose or meaning.
There is, traditionally, no word for ‘Daoist’ in any Chinese language — in the sense of an ordinary or lay believer, analogous to ‘Christian’ or ‘socialist’. This could be regarded as a linguistic oddity, but I find in it a neat demonstration of the anti-doctrine of Lao-Zhuang thought. To say that one “is” a Daoist feels like a confusion, in the absence of a creed to be affirmed or a deity to dedicate oneself to. These texts talk instead about possessing the Way, in a manner that feels reminiscent of having rhythm or poise, or being able to dance. Not something known, or even a path walked, but the capacity to freely choose a direction and begin walking, leaving a new path in one’s wake.
Zhuangzi, too, challenges some trans orthodoxies. When he rejects fixed identity, personality and name, I think of the great public-relations effort by some trans organisations and allies to convince the world that trans people’s genders are Real in some objective, permanent, biological or metaphysical sense; that we have different brains or minds that mark us out somehow as distinct from the cis people we superficially resemble; that the doctors who assigned our genders at birth simply got it wrong, and with cis people, those doctors get it right. It’s harder to sell — and more challenging, especially for cis people, to hear — that gender assignment is an act of creative imposition, not a finding of already-existing scientific fact; that cis people’s genders are also acquired, chosen, and performed; that this is not science but storytelling.
The Consummate Person has no fixed identity, the Spirit Man has no particular merit, the Sage has no one name.
What if, instead of clinging to an identification with gender (or, for that matter, with transness), we could use the momentum of our transitions to cast ourselves away from these limits entirely? What if, as Cheng Xuanying said of Kun and Peng, “Whatever thousands of changes and ten thousands of transformations I may go through, not one of them fails to be myself”?
In the final story of the Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi, we meet Swoosh of the Southern Sea, Oblivion of the Northern Sea, and Chaos of the Middle Sea. Swoosh and Oblivion want to do something nice for their friend Chaos. They realise that Chaos lacks the “seven holes” (the eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth) by which people perceive the world, and resolve to give him this gift. Each day they drill a new hole, and by the seventh day, Chaos is dead.
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
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ssuminshan-official · 2 years
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Lan xichen gets drunk!
Team dimple: *drinking liquor*
Mo xuanyu: xue gege, give me another cup! I can handle it.
Xue yang: lol, I love that spirit.
Jiggybun, do you want some more.
Yao: yea, fill me up.
Mo xuanyu: aww, that's like our boss.
Su she: he's so awesome.
Xue yang: Minshan, take another drink.
Su she: I'm afraid the lan sect ruined me and my alcohol tolerance.
If I drink some more, I'll throw up.
Mo xuanyu: oh poor Shanshan.
Xue yang: Jiggybuns. What did you do to those two idiots.
Su she: thing one and thing two.
Mo xuanyu: guangstate and sect leader demon.
Yao: well sect leader yao was chased out of Jingjing by my darling hulijings and guangpee was just left without a salary for two months.
Su she: good for him!
Yao: he deserved it!
How dare he try to hurt my Song'er.
Mo xuanyu: I know right.
Yao: anyways, team dimple has the right to torment him!
Trio: yay!!
Su she: let's raise a toast to our amazing.
Mo xuanyu: talented.
Xue yang: smoking hot and sexy.
Mo xuany: dimpled boss!
Su she: Yaoyao!!
Yao: *blushing* aw guys.
Bottoms up!
Xue yang: Jiggybuns you're so fun.
I dare you to do the splits.
Yao: all of a sudden.
Xue yang: I think you'll look hot doing it.
Su she: what kind of suggestion is that.
What if Huangdi pulls a muscle.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege is very talented.
Yao: pfft.....me. pull a muscle. Never.
Su she: I know that you're the Flexible Huangdi, but be careful ok.
Yao: if you guys want to see, then I'll show you.
*elegantly splits*
Trio: *clapping and cheering* Jiggy!!!
Su she: *cleaning up his nosebleed*
Xue yang and mo xuanyu: *almost suffered a heart attack*
Yao: guys are you so dramatic.
Su she: *helps him up*
Mo xuanyu: team dimple are always dramatic, Yao gege.
Yao: definitely.
Xue yang: you're the king of drama, Jiggy.
Yao: *sarcasm* for real? Oh my god.
Mo xuanyu: he knows.
And huaisang wishes.
Yao: lol, of course I do know.
Xue yang: a dramatic diva lol.
Su she: 100%. But do we love him?
Xy and mxy: of course! More than life.
Xue yang: do we agree that he's hot?
Mo xuanyu: just look at him.
Obviously he is.
Yao: why are you simping in front of me. *laughing*
Su she: because we are openly in love with you. You're very superior.
Yao: aw guys.
Yao: team D, now I got to go relax, before I get a headache from this liquor.
Xue yang: yea you go relax. You have an empire to run, lol.
Mo xuanyu: take care.
Su she: should I give you a massage?
Yao: I'm fine for now, darling.
Enjoy yourselves.
Su she: ok Huangdi.
Yao: *smile*
《Some hours after》
Team dimple: *still drinking and chatting*
Lan xichen: *passing by*
Mo xuanyu: it's Lan lips, it's Lan lips!!
Su she: call him!
Xue yang: yo, Duke of Lips!!!
Mo xuanyu: what kind of name is that!
Xue yang: new name every day.
Su she: Lan lips!
Xichen: oh, hey team dimple.
And Minshan, you're drinking?
Su she: well hello to you, Lan you're not the boss of me xichen.
Xue yang: Lan lips, take a seat.
Xichen: are you really pulling me into an interview?
Xue yang: no, lipsy.
Mo xuanyu: take a drink with us!
Xichen: no I rather not.
Su she: someone told me that you get rid of the alcohol by absorbing it in your core.
Xichen: yea....but I have a low alcohol tolerance.
Mo xuanyu: don't worry. We'll get drunk together.
Su she: we'll throw up together.
Xue yang: we'll drool over Jiggy together.
Xue yang: come on. Take a drink for Jiggybuns.
Xichen: for A-Yao?
Mo xuanyu: lol! We caught the lan's attention!
Xue yang: we must use simp language to communicate with him.
Xichen: *sits* well guess that I can have a couple of drinks for A-Yao.
Xichen: so what do you guys talk about?
Xue yang: Jiggy.
Su she: very important things.
~ Some minutes after~~
Mo xuanyu: if Yao gege was a woman, I would want to be his bra.
Su she: naughty A-Yu.
But same.
Mo xuanyu: I'll be close to his heart!
Xue yang: you'll be close to his jiggy nipples.
Su she: lol!
Xue yang: will you help him smuggle candy in his bra?
Su she: what? Xue yang sometimes I don't know what goes on inside that brain.
Xue yang: the bra is an ultimate candy pouch, Minshan.
Mo xuanyu: oh no.
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, would you still love Yao gege if he's a woman?
Xichen: yes, yes I still would.
Mo xuanyu: some days back, he dressed up like his mom. To scare the balls off of guangshan.
Xichen: lol! Did it work?!
Xue yang: heck yea it did!
Xichen: A-Yao maybe looked very gorgeous.
Su she: indeed he did.
Xue yang: now Lan lips, take a drink! For us and Jiggy.
Mo xuanyu: and Song'er too.
Bottoms up??
Xichen: yea Bottoms up! *drinks, then falls asleep*
Xue yang: Lan lips!!
Su she: oh no. We killed Lan lips!
Mo xuanyu: do something before Yao gege kill US!
Xue yang: I know how to hide a body.
Someone get me a sack!
Mo xuanyu: what size sack?
Xue yang: I don't know. A human sized one!
Su she: this is bad, this is bad!
Xue I wonder if jiggy would like him as a fierce corpse.
Xichen: *waking up*
Trio: *cheering* Lan lips!
Xichen: *laughing hysterically* WHO'S LAN LIPS????!!!! Ahahahahahahaha.
Su she: we broke him.
Xue yang: no more alcohol for you.
Xichen: oh why xue yang!!!
I can be a part of team dimple too!
Su she: no alcohol.
Mo xuanyu: yea no more alcohol.
Xichen: but I want to be a part of team dimple. *crying*
Xue yang: this Lan.
Mo xuanyu: shhhhh, there there, Lan lips.
Su she: you're part of team dimple ok. Please don't cry.
Xichen: *laughing* Where's A-Yao?!!!
Su she: he's relaxing.
Xichen: why the hell do you know about my A-Yao and his whereabouts.
Su she: but you asked!
Someone get this Lan away from me.
Xichen; I'm going to meet A-Yao and no one's gonna stop me.
Xue yang: well fine. Go meet Jiggybuns. He's in his room.
Mo xuanyu: don't misbehave with our Yao.
Su she: have respect for the emperor.
Xichen: I always do, Su she! The emperor and I went way way way way way way back. Thank you very much.
Yo, guy who gave me the alcohol, Su she is being rude to me.
Xue yang: well you looked for it, Lan lips.
Mo xuanyu: Lan lips, tell me about Yao gege.
Xichen: he's mine.
Su she: oh really? You possessive little Lan.
Mo xuanyu: you still have to share him with team dimple, Lan lips.
Xichen: since when!
Xue yang: lol we can't handle you. Go look for Jiggy.
Xichen: definitely. *puts his foot on the table* that's my purpose.
Mo xuanyu: why are you so random.
Xichen: because I'm Lan lips. Duhhh.
Got to go.
Su she: only 4 sets of team dimple can tame him.
Xue yang:
Yao: *relaxing on his bed*
Fuying: *soaking A-Yao's hand in warm rose petal water, whereas some attendants fanned him*
Are your relaxing, your foxiness?
Yao: mhm.
Xichen: *entering, with a cheerful smile on his face* A-Yao!
Yao: *smile* A-Huan.
Fuying, Xiying and company, please give us privacy.
*wipes hand*
Yes Huangdi. *exits*
Xichen: I came to spend some time with you!!!! Jiggybuns!!!
*pinches cheeks* my cute little
Yao: aww. Sure. Let's hang out.
Xichen: *sits near him and snuggles his arm*
Yao: A-Huan, you're quite lovey dovey today. What's up.
Xichen: you're just the wonderfullest guy I have ever met!
Yao: what kind of word is that?
Xichen: lean in, and I'll tell you!
Yao: *leans in*
Xichen: *whispers* I don't know.
Yao: *laughs*
Xichen: *grabs his hand, and gasps* oh my. A-Yao.
Yao: what, A-Huan?
Xichen: you have a thumb? I lost mine.
Yao: how can you lose your thumb.
It's right here, silly.
Xichen: waw! A-Yao is a magician.
Is that why you wear a hat?
Can you make a bunny appear out of it? I like bunnies.
Yao: Huan, are you drunk?
Xichen: of course not, Jiggycakes. Why do you think so?!!
Yao: *dabs nose* no reason.
Xichen: emperor.....*pout* would you give me a kiss and tell me you love me?
Yao: awww. *caresses his face* what a baby Xichen I have.
*kisses him on his forehead*
Xichen: emperor, I want a mouth kiss.
Yao: *blushing.*
Xichen raises up and wrapped his arms around A-Yao's waste, then Yao held onto his shoulders and gave him a kiss.
However a mischievous xichen pulled him into a deeper kiss.
Yao: I love you!
The two then flopped on the bed while caressing each other, and pulling of their outer robes~ just their outer.
Xichen: can I get a ruthless emperor. I think that side of you is hot.
When you handled that sect leader yao!
Yao: A-Huan!
Xichen: please?
Yao: I'm shy.
Xichen: *bites his neck*
Yao: *shocked* how dare you take advantage of me!
Xichen: heehee.
Yell at me again. Or I'll bite you.
Yao: what have gotten into you?
Anyways I'm not complaining.
Xichen: *bites*
Yao: A-Huan! Enough biting.
Xichen: what will you do to me?! Huangdi.
Yao: *pushes him on the bed, then untied the headband and tied his hands with them*
Xichen: *giggling*
Yao: *rests his leg on his chest, then looks down at him in a elegant manner* misbehaving with the emperor?
Xichen: yea.
Where did you get my headband from?!
Yao: *lifts chin* I don't know.
Xichen: hahahahahaha!!!!!
Yao: *makes his tail and ears appear* I heard that you Lans love to tie up their lovers. But I will never be submissive to any Lan or any harem member.
*smile* I'm dominant.
Xichen: *blushing* yes my emperor.
Yao: I run the harem.
Xichen: oh yes you do!
Yao: good. *kisses him on the lips*
Xichen: my emperor is fierce and generous.
Yao: definitely.
Team dimple: *walking in* We heard loud voices! Are you ok?!
Yao: *turns around*
Xichen: hehehehehehe, the emperor tied my hands and kissed me.
Xue yang: slayy king!
Mo xuanyu: awww. When would our turn come.
Su she: *feeling jealous*
Yao: oh hi, team dimple.
Mo xuanyu and su she: *nosebleed*
Xue yang: Jiggybun is so fierce!
Yao: *smiling* *eyes flashed orange*
*flicks tail*
Xichen: *singing* mama I'm in love with a hulijing. And the hulijing is an emperor.
Xue yang: we gave him alcohol.
Su she: we're sorry Huangdi.
Yao: it's alright. And see. I have dealt with his naughtiness.
Xichen: heehee.
Xue yang: as you should!
Yao: team D.
Tell my staff not to disturb their emperor.
Su she: sure Huangdi.
Xue yang: wipe up your drool.
Su she: wipe yours first.
Mo xuanyu: we love you Jiggy. Got to go.
Xichen: xue yang gave me alcohol, A-Yao!!!
Yao: *laughing*
How dreadful.
*leans in and gives him little kisses.
Xichen: *kisses him deeply*
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444names · 2 years
american forenames x3 + dragons x3 + chinese cities
Aderna Albard Albet Alfreng Alian Alicha Alise Alleody Alline Altou Andon Anght Angqi Angzhon Ankli Anqio Aprie Arithe Aroya Artou Ashawn Audehen Aulila Bahen Bailing Baith Baoya Barol Barrew Barse Beander Beihang Beitao Belmaoy Berisha Berne Berta Bethan Beulie Bobie Braip Bralia Broon Buishi Cardo Cashi Catsy Chaily Challia Chang Chaomin Chaot Chene Chenia Cherong Cherry Chijina Chusie Claren Clark Cliao Cline Clivini Colai Criang Crice Cusim Dammy Darris Dawnan Dence Dencian Dendy Desaphi Dessie Dongyan Dorong Dradath Drady Drakou Dredia Drician Drista Duang Dunshi Dwary Dwigon Dwill Dwina Eatai Emarc Emettie Enheng Erreng Eryan Evagong Felaodi Fencher Fengbu Foscou Frang Frelyn Fressey Fukayl Fusido Fuyton Fuyunhu Fuzhia Fuzhome Gaizhe Gangha Ganur Ganxing Gaozhi Garis Gelor Geris Gerta Gette Glaud Gleng Grady Grange Guang Gueqine Guerna Guijian Guilexi Guira Guodo Guyua Gwenda Haill Hanjing Hannirm Hanta Haoming Helan Heliann Helleng Hengnin Henin Henne Henzhou Hertlan Hifenxi Holey Huadana Huang Huanyan Huicky Huizace Huizun Hujiang Hunches Hunme Irenlus Ishou Istam Ivading Jache Jamel Jamerry Janne Jaraqio Jeang Jeanyan Jeathou Jeffae Jenne Jesilan Jesle Jesteng Jiajian Jiang Jiangqu Jiannat Jiannie Jianshu Jianste Jianyan Jiaozun Jimelie Jindra Jindy Jingol Jinmi Jisony Jiupang Jodyst Joelixi Joellin Joelly Johen Johhou Johnne Jonali Joral Joshi Joyanda Joyang Juang Juder Jusaan Jusheil Kaille Kaimmy Karild Karxan Katheng Katsy Kelasa Kengo Kenhun Kevivio Kieyang Kring Kunjia Lachern Ladiang Lankong Leeng Lenceng Leone Lerna Lerria Lessie Lesty Lexang Liaoxi Liena Lishang Lista Lisusse Loing Lorgie Lorio Loser Luise Lulin Luozhad Luozhou Lusta Luxian Luzhail Lynni Lüling Maber Mabett Mablawn Macole Madrake Magaian Maoding Marac Marack Maraxi Margell Marlawn Marline Maron Marre Mathi Matsyl Matte Mattine Maulail Maurt Meidhou Meiheng Mellyd Melys Mennan Mennang Mierest Minchur Minjin Molie Monne Mudang Mudine Muregie Murning Nadana Nanpin Natri Naxian Nicen Nicky Olangde Olary Ollee Opettie Ophel Orett Palee Pamut Pathard Pathy Patley Patrisu Pattan Paugui Paulise Paurt Peank Peddin Pethan Piney Pueqin Puytun Qihen Qingh Qinie Qiole Qixiang Racynto Reddia Regguji Robbi Robbina Roche Rochung Roling Royce Ruifang Ruiyai Rushua Ruthawn Saiyul Salaur Sameny Sameri Sanard Sanna Sannida Sarvie Shana Shandy Shany Shaoche Shark Sharris Sheing Shera Shereng Shihuan Shilin Shuai Shuang Songshi Sonie Stald Standy Stanie Stong Stoying Suiang Suinji Suzhey Tanna Taozuoy Tephi Tepin Tertou Theng Thong Tiang Tieliu Tiell Tiexiu Timarle Toinhou Toishen Tongto Tophyd Toping Traice Trogao Ulijiao Vallee Veleya Velusad Verian Viang Vicia Vicina Vinan Vindrad Vionyan Vivyan Wafnie Walun Warma Waying Wayla Waymon Weidhou Weifei Weila Wenchao Weshuay Whilin Wileen Willa Wiste Wuchan Wuchek Wudang Wujian Wusinji Wuzhi Xindy Xinjil Xiong Xuanie Xucheze Xueluce Xukami Yanjing Yannin Yaozhou Yibei Yichen Yince Yingqiu Yinya Yizhi Yuane Yuang Yucynna Yuxue Zacqu Zannina Zhanshi Zhawn Zhenjia Zhenxi Zhong Zhony Zhonyun Zhoud Zighart Ziyan
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mioons · 2 months
omg xuanie new theme and url !! supa cute ><
hai juni i haven’t seen u in a fat minute!! how are you >< also thank you!! mwah mwah
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twyrrinren · 10 months
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inextricableaccess · 1 year
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Huizi was a minister in Liang. Zhuang Zi went to see him. Some one had told Huizi that Zhuangzi was come with a wish to supersede him in his office. Huizi became afraid, and instituted a search for the Zhuangzi thoughout the state for three days and three nights. Zhuangzi went to see him and said, “There is a fabulous bird in the south of China called a yuanchu. Do you know it?” Starting from the South China Sea the yuanchu flies to the Bohai Sea. Now, if it does not find Chinese parasol it will not rest. It will only eat bamboo seeds [Cheng Xuanying says that lianshi are bamboo seeds. Wu Tingxu says that lian is a loan character for practice.] and only drink from the purest springs. Once an owl caught a rotten rat. When the yuanchu went passing overhead the owl looked up to it and gave an angry scream. Today, do you also wish to use the kingdom of Liang to frighten me with a scream? Yao Nai says that this language shows the vulgar nature of Zhuang Zi's disciples.
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veliseraptor · 4 years
what's your thoughts on XY being a friend to bugs like he will beat someone up if they're mean to bugs ...
did it take me for-fucking-ever to answer this ask? sure did! sorry about that, it happens sometimes, I have no good excuse except that sometimes I overthink headcanon asks and then I drop them in my drafts like “I’m going to answer this today!”...and then I didn’t.
anyway! I actually think that, on the whole, Xue Yang is not terribly bug-positive. he’s not scared of them, but he doesn’t really like them, especially not where they’re not supposed to be (i.e., indoors). Xue Yang sees a bug inside, he will kill that bug without mercy. I mean, Xue Yang sees a bug in his space in general, it’s a goner.
(on the other hand, I do think he maybe has sort of a soft spot for spiders. those he’ll leave alone.)
in general I kind of headcanon Xue Yang as a city boy. he knows how to deal with nature and everything, he can survive in the wilderness, but he doesn’t like it. put him in too many trees and he starts to get irritable about it. make him sleep outside and he’s going to wake up cranky. this contributes to his general “bugs, don’t like ‘em” stance.
however, he will get very psyched about them if it means being contrary. aka, if a-qing doesn’t like bugs (which, while I think she’s globally fine with them there are probably certain ones she doesn’t like), he will get up in her face with, like, millipedes. put them on her and be like “HEY FEEL ALL THOSE LITTLE LEGS QINGQING ISN’T THAT NEAT” 
(unfortunately this does sometimes translate to actually deciding that the thing is neat, and now Xue Yang likes millipedes, actually.)
also, because obviously Xiao Xingchen is a certified Friend to Bugs (though he will eat them if occasion calls for it), that definitely...it doesn’t soften his bug stance, certainly, but there is probably at least one time where a fly shows up inside and Xue Yang is like time to die, motherfucker (he says, out-loud), and Xiao Xingchen is like “nooo don’t kill it :( put it outside!” 
and Xue Yang is. he does it. and then is really mad about it.
they’re going to go kill a whole village for this, just to prove he’s not whipped by his Daozhang, because he’s not, okay, definitely not.
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yiling · 4 years
xiao xingchen is a little weirdo and should be allowed to slosh in mud and catch worms and other insects with xue yang as a treat. song lan does not approve.
ahhhh yes good and cute!
I think Song Lan does approve, because he’ll always want Xingchen to be happy, but in a “you are such a strange person and I love you so much, please shower before you come back and don’t bring any bugs home” way. (He does not approve of Xue Yang’s presence, but he’d disapprove of Xue Yang’s presence no matter what)
As for Xue Yang himself, I actually think it would be cute if he doesn’t actually like to get dirty - I like this headcanon that he doesn’t mind being covered in blood, but is kind of fastidious otherwise. As funny as it would be if he was grossed out by bugs, I don’t think he actually would be, he’s not scared of anything. But he always wants to kill insects and Xingchen is like no :((( they’re alive too :(((((
And Xingchen, as we know, was born on a mountain, raised in a cave, and he will pick up centipedes with his bare hands and coo over them. But he does a lot of laundry so that his clothes can stay nice and white, even though he doesn’t care about being physically dirty.
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lqwjsn · 6 years
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eplezim · 5 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @clothes-lime #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #xuanying #notations: https://posh.mk/c5UgefVtJ1
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junislqve · 3 months
HAI XUANIE !!!!! omg we should fr 😓😓😓
I’M GOOD i’m going to like some stores to find enha albums !! (mostly db) and i just went to photoism i think thats what it’s called to get some picture prints wit jake ><
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