overfedvenison · 1 year
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It's interesting how often it's depicted that an XV25 Stealth Suit will lead a team of XV15s, despite that never being the case in the tabletop game. Iirc, Dawn of War did this as well. I kinda wish the XV15s had a plastic, or at least resin, kit. They have a real cool design; with the protruding antennae and backpack it reminds me a bit of Jin-Roh. I could go get a metal one - But then I can't put on the Farsight Enclaves shoulder symbol.
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thesixthchaosgod · 1 year
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Everything that'll go on made to order next Saturday! Quite a decent line up. Seeing exclusieve models go up is really cool too! People don't HAVE to miss out this way
the Tyrannic War Veterans going up as a squad (I think) is nice, gives me hope for the T'au XV15 Stealthsuits I still want someday.
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its-robot-jones · 2 years
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Bought a very roughly painted XV15 Shas'vre on ebay. Stripped and gave the little guy a new coat of paint :) Also he's the final piece I was missing from my collection
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hoplite-miniatures · 2 years
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Finally finished my last xv25, I just need to build his base! I'm probably never going to do another xv25 team again though.
And onto the next! My first broadside
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On a side note, one thing I dont like is that they got rid of the xv-15 suits which I find better or at least, have the xv25 as the shas'ui (leader) and have the xv15s make up the rest of the team. But that's just me
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Dán phim cách nhiệt ô tô 7 chỗ - Siêu mát với XEX-COOL
Bảo vệ sự riêng tư cho người trong xe: Film cách nhiệt hạn chế được những “ánh mắt soi mói” của người bên ngoài, tăng sự riêng tư và an toàn cho người và vật chất trong xe. Phim cách nhiệt ô tô 7 chỗ Phim cách nhiệt ô tô 7 chỗ XEX-COOL hiện có 2 dòng sản phẩm: Phim cách nhiệt cao cấp Nano Ceramic Quang Học: Có khả năng cách nhiệt chất lượng cao. Với dòng sản phẩm này, bạn có thể lựa chọn từ rất nhiều mã sản phẩm khác nhau như X70, X50, X35, X20, X05… Từng mã sản phẩm này sẽ có đặc điểm riêng, phù hợp với các nhu cầu và sở thích khác nhau của mỗi người. Phim siêu cách nhiệt Nano Ceramic + phún xạ Titanium + UV400: Nhờ vào sự kết hợp này ngoài chức năng cách nhiệt còn hạn chế đến 100% tia UV và 98% bức xạ hồng ngoại bảo vệ người dùng, nội thất ô tô tối đa. Loại phim cách nhiệt ô tô này gồm các mẫu mã như: XV70, XV60, XV50, XV35, XV15, XV05.
XEX-COOL – Phim cách nhiệt siêu mát Trụ sở chính: Số 18 Nguyễn Thái Học, P. Cầu Ông Lãnh, Quận 1,Tp.HCM Workshop: 277-279 Đường số 9A, KDC Trung Sơn, Bình Chánh, Tp.HCM Hotline: 09.1118.1118 Email: [email protected]
phimcachnhiet #xexcool #phimcachnhietoto7cho
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matara-okina · 3 years
So I recently rescued some old Metal XV15 stealthsuits from ebay because I love the aesthetic of the old models, and I decided to use one that was missing an antenna (I 3d printed a replacement) and repaint my old color scheme using newer techniques I've learned over the years from back when I first got into 40k. 18 years in the making, and I think I MAY have improved a little.
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skyfire85 · 4 years
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-Transcendental 1G (N2704A). | Photo: JOHAN VISSCHEDIJK COLLECTION
Flightline: 61 - Tiltrotors
Early Experiments.
Almost before the first flight of a heavier-than-aircraft, research has looked into combining the vertical takeoff and landing abilities of a helicopter with the long range and high speed of an airplane. One of the concepts identified was the tiltrotor, in which the the propellers, either connected with shaft to the engines or mounted as a unit in nacelles, are able to be tilted through 90°, allowing them to function as helicopter blades for vertical flight and as propellers for horizontal. Brothers Henri and Armand Dufaux began work in 1902, with a patent being awarded in 1904. George Lehberger patented the first recognizably modern tiltrotor in May of 1930, though it was never built. Prior to WW2, the Weserflug company designed their P.1003/1, which would have been a hybrid of tiltrotor and tiltwing designs. A Daimler-Benz DB600 piston engine was to be mounted in the fuselage, and linkages would transfer power to the wingtip-mounted propellers. the wings were split approximately half-way along the span, and they would tilt along with the nacelles holding the propellers. The P.1003 was never built, though it did establish some concepts for future tiltrotors and tiltwings.
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-Orthograph of the P.1003/1. | Illustration: luft46.com
Concurrently, Heinrich Focke designed the Focke-Achgelis Fa.269 went in a different direction, with the rotors facing downwards for VTOL and swiveling backwards 80° for horizontal flight. Focke carried out extensive wind tunnel tests, along with bench tests of the gearboxes and pivoting mechanisms, but the design did not advance beyond a full-scale wooden mockup before Allied bombing ended work.
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-Fa.269 wind tunnel model. | Photo: Enno Springmann
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-Orthograph of the Fa.269. | Photo: luft46.com
Post-war: Trancendental Aircraft.
After WW2, two former employees of Kellet Aircraft formed Transcendental Aircraft Company to work on a tiltrotor design of their own. The Model 1-G was powered by a Lycoming O-290-A flat-four engine which drove two 3-bladed rotors, controlled by a cyclic and collective. Despite heavy damage caused by the rotor blades shattering on a test rig in 1951, funding from the USAF allowed Transcendental to complete the Model 1-G in 1954, and the plane took its first tethered flight on 15 June, with an untethered flight occurring on 6 July. Flight testing continued until a control failure led to a crash on 20 July 1955, injuring the pilot but destroying the 1-G. The tiltrotor completed 23 hours of flight time, and although it did not completely transition from vertical to horizontal flight, tilt angles of up to 75° were explored, with up to 90% of the plane’s lift being provided by the wings, making it the first functional tiltrotor.
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-Transcendental 1-G in flight. | Photo: reddit
The success of the Model 1-G allowed Transcendental to refine the design into the Model 2, which flew in 1956. The Model 2 was powered by a Lycoming O-435-23 six-cylinder, and the enclosed cockpit could accommodate two. USAF funding dried up however, with the government becoming more interested in the Bell XV-3. The Model 2 was abandoned, and Transcendental was sold to Republic.
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-Transcendental Model 2 in flight. | Photo: Transcendental Aircraft
Bell XV-3
The result of a joint program between the USAF and US Army, the Bell XV-3 was the first successful tiltrotor design, and the ultimate ancestor of the V-22 Osprey. Powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-985-AN-1 Wasp Junior piston engine in the fuselage, the XV-3 was fitted with two 3-bladed props during initial testing, but the second example flew with two-bladed props. The first XV-3 was damaged beyond repair during a test flight in 1956 when extreme vibrations caused the pilot to black out. After extensively redesigning and reinforcing the second XV-3 (serial number 54-148), the type restarted test flights in 1958, though vibrations and instability continued to plague the design. As a result of wind tunnel testing, the rotor diameter was reduced and the wing structure was stiffened again. Tests resumed once more, and the XV-3 achieved a full transition from vertical to horizontal flight on 18 December 1958.
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-Illustration of the XV-3 transitioning from vertical to horizontal flight. | Illustration: Bell Aircraft
Flights continued until 1962, after which the XV-3 was subjected to a series of wind tunnel tests with the aim of eliminating a dangerous condition known as pylon whirl, which had led to severe vibration and instabilities throughout the program. These tests ended in April of 1966, when both rotors failed, damaging both the XV-3 and the 40x80 wind tunnel at NASA Ames. The damaged XV-3 was found at AMARG in 1984, and under the leadership of former Bell XV-3 engineer Claude Leibensberger the tiltrotor was partially repaired and placed in storage. In 2005 Bell employees began a two year restoration of 54-148, after which it was transferred to the USAF Museum in Dayton, where it has been on display in the R&D Gallery since 2011.
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-The 2nd XV-3 on display at the NMUSAF. | Photo: Maria Trusty
Bell XV-15
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-Orthograph of the XV-15. | Illustration: NASA
In 1972, NASA awarded a contract to Bell Helicopter for what would become the XV-15. The XV-15 was designed to simplify the conversion process and improve performance, and as such it was powered by two Textron Lycoming LTC1K-4K turboshafts in nacelles mounted at the ends of the wings. This eliminated the complex gearing and shafts linking the propellers to the engine as seen in earlier types, though a cross-linking shaft was included in case of an engine failure. The XV-15 also took advantage of improvements in avionics and materials, further improving the transition from vertical to horizontal flight. Flight testing of the XV-15s commenced in 1977, with one being displayed at the 1981 Paris Air Show.
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-Bell XV-15 N702NA at the 1981 Paris Air Show. | Photo: Acroterion
N702NA was later damaged beyond repair on 20 August 1992 when a bolt slipped out of the collective control system on one pylon, causing that rotor to go to full pitch. The aircraft rolled uncontrollably and impacted upside-down, injuring both crew. The XV-15 was deemed uneconomical to repair, but the cockpit was salvaged and used as a simulator. The second XV-15, N703NA, was used in NASA test flights until 2003, after which it was placed on display at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center at Washington Dulles International Airport. The data generated by the XV-15 program led to the Bell/Boeing V-22 and Bell/Augusta BA609.
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jelabs · 4 years
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JE Labs Blog
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Thought of the Day:  The weak will always be led by the strong. Despise the weak for they shall flock to the call of the Daemon and the Renegade.
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nictanova · 3 years
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Tau XV15 Suit
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overfedvenison · 1 year
Hey wait Drones are now just icons reminding you of what a unit has And Pathfinders can take along a Recon Drone which grants the Infiltrators ability and a Burst Cannon You know what you might be justified in pulling out of retirement?
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its-robot-jones · 4 years
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In the process of replacing the arms on my battlesuits and magnetizing the weapons for them. Just waiting on a few more sets. Also painted up an XV25 with Fusion Blaster to join my XV15s.
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mmjjbbaannkkss · 5 years
2019 June 17-23 - everyday abs, fast twitch hiit
(New format, easier to post from journal)
#xv13 monday, hot and tired, shoulder press neutral best, and delts first helped bench; no more choc whey; sat's legs some ache mon enuf to prevent natural hip tuck;
#xv14 tue, need lat warmup ideas, seemed like back didn’t want full flex, maybe wider pulldown; back to vanilla whey is so much better than chocolate; maybe could lean into db rows more or use a cable low-row; row, shrug, and rear-delt better but need more muscle repetition memory; made straight bar curls > supine bicep curls because at high volume my wrists get stupid wracked twisted; circulation is getting crazy good;
#xv15 wed, left knee tight, skipped intro, had to stretch obliques, optimal warm-up, deads might've improved while leg ext/curls are healing better, back into leg days saps a lot of mojo, quick up and slow drop/extension for plate side bends seems best, plus open stance and some hip sway to effect the side crunch, gotta keep diet steady if to hit crunches, plus was up early and they cancelled,
#xv16 thur, cable lateral raises are hard to do, my crossover needs improvement, inclined smith new PR w 5x12 @ 100, rice has been helpful; back to doing 5minutes hill, 5 minutes cooldown HIIT, might sprints another part of day; considering next session doing lying leg/waist mobility;
#xv17 fri, if stubborn fat is accessed w capillary density, and abs/ass are short twitch fibers, explains why cardio burns down fats, and that might have to do a fail set of abs everyday, just one or two, until can do a.m. cardio, carbs are important for so much so if you workout everyday don't carb cycle, and keto doesn't trigger fat burning unless you gradually decrease carbs; might try shrugs before pull-ups, did wide grip was challenge done w neutral indefinitely, for now, and did inclined leg-ups for the first time in years, gona do one set or like it a day, as many reps as possible, like morning push-ups, just to activate them,
#xv18 sat, beet juice is my new favorite thing, still recovering from that choco whey a week later, did hollow-ups on a cardio step, adding yesterday’s leg-ups, everything is sore, not at 1K crunches, yet; no body squats, still 2 months away from LCL medium-damage recover, but had thought it a lesser injury; hoping that lifting makes life better, see below;
Notes/Tips this week: that video from generation iron King Kamali talked about, first fifteen minutes are a warm-up, the next 15 metabolize water, and anything after that starts to melt fat, but, after an hour isn’t productive anymore, and my goal has been steady-state, anybody doing volume training knows to stay hydrated, and not to overtrain/traumatize muscles (nor tendons), so there has to be some cardio, sometimes walk-it-out for a cool down, or do like 5 minutes of HIIT, or do cardio at a different part of the day; dense muscles need flex/circulation intervals, so a bazillion crunches or squats isn’t has effective as sets of mild resistance, and can be done in HIIT intervals, which is my plan, using the stairs and hanging ab exercises, but need a taller shirt // feel like fit life, I'm gaining manners, hey you got a nice ass, wanna take it then feed me chicken, wha's good, howdy, all that gaining shit is better, but then like the rest is sooo; this video with Milo on Cutler’s YT >> body uses carbs/fat, cardio burns some fat, maintenance, starch before a workout, maintaining blood sugar during a workout because liver and muscles only can produce so much glucose rate, eating carbs then promotes insulin regularity and naturally, preventing nervous system shock and helping the vital organs, priming the endocrine system; self dissociative from missing meditations 
My statistics: 230 lbs, bmi = too high %
#xv13 Heavy Push  /lbs Treadmill warm-up /111 >> Front Raise 3x 6/303030 >> Lateral Raise 3x 6/2*252525 >> Shldr Press >> 3x 6/50709011- >> BB Flat Bench 3x 6/100'150'150 >> Incl DB Bench 3x 6/45505560- >> Pec Deck 3x 8/100'115'130'145'160- >> Dips 3x 8/888 >> Pullover 3x 8/40506580 >> Triceps 3x 8/50658095 Cable twists 3x 8/152025- >> Treadmill hill > cooldown 120/110
#xv14 Lite Pull  5*12 ct/lb Treadmill warm-up 95 >> Lat Pulldown 5x12/ 707070090 >> Palms In Pulldown 5x12/8585858585 >> DB 1-Arm Row 5x12/2525303535 >> Straight pulldown 5x12/3535505050 >> Supine row 5x12/90909090100 >> Smith shrug 5x12/100*5 >> Delt Deck 5x12/607575575 >> Supine Curl 5x12/2030404040 >> Preacher Curl 5x12/506565656565 >> Alt DB Hammer 5x12/1520202525- >> Treadmill cooldown -/105/93
#xv15 Slow Legs  ct/lb Treadmill warm-up /85 >> Plate Squat 3x 6 / x >> Hack Squat 3x 6 / x >> Horizon Press 3x 6 / 70901113151719 >> Deadlift+Curl 3x 6 / 50'100'150 >> Leg Ext 3x 8 /30'50'70'90 >> Leg Curl 3x 6 /305050 >> Sit Heel Raise 3x 8 /30507090 >> Side Bends 3x 8 /454545 >> Rope/Crunch 4x 10 /507085 >> Rev Crunch 4x 10 /10'10'10 >> Treadmill cooldown /100
#xv16 Lite Push  60/lb/x Treadmill warm-up /80 >> *Cable Lat Raise 60/LR10/12'12121212 >> *Cable front Raise 60/30/12'12121212 >> *Shldr Press neutral 60/50:70/12:12121212 >> Vert chest press 60/70:90:110:130/12:1212:12:12 >> Incl BB Smith 60/C/12'12121212 >> DB Neutral press 60/35:45:50:55:60/12:12:12:12:12 >> Crossover 60/25/12'1212'12-3'12-3 >> Straight arm pulldown 60/35:50/12'12:121212 >> Plate side bend 60/45/1212121212 >> Treadmill 15walk,5hill, 5walk,5hill, bpm 100/120/100
#xv17 Slow/Heavy Pull  ct/lbs Treadmill warm-up /95 >> High Row 3x 6/TRX 45°/666 >> Pull-up 3x 6/666 >> Lat Pulldown 3x 6/75'90'105'120'135'150- >> Low Row 3x 8/75'90'105'120'135- >> Smith Shrug 4x 8/50'150'150'150- >> Shrugs first? >> Delt Deck 4x 8/low* 100'100-100'100- >> EZ Curl 4x 10/20'30'40'50'60 >> Prchr 1-Arm 4x 10/20'304050 >> Cable 1-Arm 4x 10/15'20'25'30 >> Twist 5x 10/15'20'20'25 >> ++Declined leg-ups 10/10/10-- >> Treadmill cooldown ~110/90 15m
#xv18 Lite Legs  60/lb/ct Treadmill warm-up >> Body Squat LX/x >> Side Bends LX/50:65/1212:121212 >> Horiz 1-leg press LX/10:30/1212:121212 >> Horiz Leg Press LX/30:50/1312:121212, >> Leg Ext LX/10:30/1212:121212 >> Leg Curl LX/30:/1212121212 >> Side Bends LX/50:65/12:12121212 >> Heel Raise LX/50:70:90:11:13/*12 >> Tri-bar Crunch LX/70:85/15:151515 >> Mod Crunch LX/hollow-ups 20-20-20- >> Treadmill cooldown /105
Do something and have a great day :) 
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thesixthchaosgod · 2 years
it’s a long shot but i really hope Games Workshop brings the XV15 stealth suits back for a while like they did with those 4 Ethereal’s. i bet a lot of T’au collectors would love that 
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Shas’Ui T’ros Iru of The Fire Caste and Spiritseer Gilsya of Craftworld Iyanden
“The Stealth Battlesuit is an advanced Tau Battlesuit used for operating well ahead of the main Tau army, often behind enemy lines.  They are worn by Stealthsuit Teams, and come in a variety of models. The XV15, for example, is amongst the smallest Battlesuit ever used by the Tau - indeed the XV15 is hardly larger than a Fire Warrior in his typical armour - but that only enhances its role as infiltrator and saboteur.  As with other battlesuits the XV15 incorporates multi-spectrum sensors and recoil absorption technology, but in addition it is also equipped with a jetpack and stealth field generator, a holographic disruption field making the suit harder to spot.  The suit increases the user's strength, allowing them to hit harder in close combat and carry a burst cannon into battle.”
“Spiritseers are specialized Eldar Warlocks. They are experts in summoning and guiding the spirits of the dead into Wraith Constructs, specifically Wraithguard and Wraithlords. It is said that the first Spiritseer was a Farseer of Craftworld Iyanden who mourned the loss of his lover, plunging himself into the Infinity Circuit to be with her. Amid the swirling otherworld of the departed, he found himself able to bridge the gap between the living and the dead. Of all the Craftworlds, Spiritseers are most common in Iyanden, as this particular Craftworld has a very small population and even fewer warriors.”
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Brosse combinée torsadée pour la série XV Neato (945-0085) de Hannets® avec des poils et des ailettes en caoutchouc
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En Stock !Vendu et expédié par Hannets  |  Evaluation  4,0/5 Vendeur pro sélectionné par CdiscountPosez une question au vendeurLa livraison :Livraison Gratuite (1)Livré le 29/05 Le paiement :Réglez en 3, 5 ou 10 fois….avec la Carte Cdiscount 
  PUBLICITÉInformations générales sur le produit Nom du produitBrosse combinée torsadée pour la série XV Neato (9 CatégorieASPIRATEUR BALAI Informations produit MarqueHANNETS Consommation|Type d'alimentationBatteries rechargeables
1 Brosse ronde de rechange compatibles aspirateurs Neato XV11, XV12, XV14, XV15, XV21, XV25 et XV Signature Pro. Nous offrons également brosses combo et en caoutchouc. Les brosses torsadées et combinés sont particulièrement adaptés pour les personnes allergiques et des appartements avec des animaux domestiques. Les produits Hannets garantissent des normes de qualité élevées, sont soigneusement testés et nous permettent de vous les proposer à un prix concurrentiel très apprécié par le client. Nous offrons également des batteries et des filtres à haute performance et standard.
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