#y’all are so fucking dumb
jewishbarbies · 10 months
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alexi-01 · 9 months
according to people on here and on twitter us children of divorced/split up parents aren’t allowed to have any other parental figures in our lives :/
sorry p max can’t be a parental figure even though you’ve lived with him for a couple years because he’s not related to you
also sorry to my step mum that i’ve known for more then half my life people on the internet say you can’t be a parental figure for me 🤷🏼‍♀️
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zadzunny · 7 months
Every time I see someone post a bad bunny song I’m just like… so y’all don’t know how to post on tumblr? Y’all look through the tag and find the song and reblog it from another tumblr
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acesammy · 9 months
The thing about how sam’s arc in season 4 is often discussed is that people simultaneously acknowledge that the angels are bad, while claiming Sam is an idiot for rebelling against them.
like I have listened through three (3) rewatch podcasts and they always seem to fall into this loop of going ‘hey the angels are Obviously up to no good’ while also going ‘Sam is really stupid. Why would he trust a demon when literal angels are telling him to stop’
idk man. Maybe bc the angels are Obviously up to no good????
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
None of you weird ass tumblr bitches are posting abt what’s going on in the world rn. How privileged and ignorant can you be!
“noNe oF yoU Ar—“ and what the fuck have you done today? Besides be a mouth breathing cunt, hopping in mine and other peoples inboxes. If you cared that much, you’d take your scary ass of anon and go spread awareness. Yet here you are.
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tflaw · 2 days
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sinnbaddie · 5 months
If Gojo didn’t survive Sukuna, Yuta’s depressed ass is NOT winning. Get over it with y’all delusional asses💀
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dandyleyen · 6 months
I really need you guys to put on your thinking caps and be very normal about how y’all treat Zelda as a character.
She was a 16/17 year old in BoTW. She wasn’t an awful, spoiled Princess. She was a young girl who had the fate of her entire people and country on her shoulders. She was thrust into a destiny and duty that she didn’t want, but knew she had to go through with. If she didn’t, everything would be lost. She wasn’t ready for the Calamity, but NO ONE WAS. All the Champions (including Link) had their skills ready and they knew what they were going to do and yet they were still all caught by surprise and overwhelmed. If it wasn’t for her and Link and the sacrifices they have made, Hyrule would never even have a CHANCE of recovering.
Link isn’t her servant. He has no obligation or duty to follow her around or stay by her say after BoTW ends and he saves her. The monarchy is all but dissolved by the time Tears starts and she’s [Zelda] is honestly more of a figurehead than an actual monarch. She’s not forcing anyone to follow her. People follow her because she is a smart and caring woman who wants to help the people of Hyrule (all races included) prosper and come back after having suffered so much. Link stays by her side because they care about one another. Whether you think that’s romantic or purely platonic doesn’t really matter, because the care and love is still there. She clearly respects him (you literally hear how highly she speaks of him in her interactions with others in Tears) and he respects her too.
Stop hiding your thinly veiled misogyny towards her behind “oh she’s a bad character who doesn’t respect link and is spoiled blah blah”.
You’re literally just engaging in character assassination and hating her for a personality that you’re making up for her. Can you guys genuinely be normal about her.
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vacantgodling · 9 months
on that post cy made in regards to problematic characters… tbh i don’t think i make problematic characters. not because they don’t do bad things but just the words “problematic” and “characters” do not exist in my mind or vocabulary in conjunction**. i have multifaceted fucks that make a variety of decisions that make sense for their arc and their story. they are also fictional people. yes they can kill people and be manipulative idc they’re not real lmao
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carefulfears · 1 year
thinking about my post on fire and the levels of mistreatment that mulder accepts and how 1,000% on purpose it is as a result of being blamed for samantha’s abduction since childhood. and how that was the point of making him feel responsible for her disappearance in the first place.
when CSM said “i created mulder” it rings true in many ways, but perhaps the most sinister is the joint effort to break down someone he watched play outside the summer house as a child, someone who was once the 1-year-old whose first words they laughed over, into someone who could be the kind of hero and foil that he craves for his own story.
it’s why CSM gave him scully, took her away, gave her back again. gave her a terminal illness, let it kill almost all of her, then healed her for no reason other than to beg belief in his miracles.
it’s the reason why mulder was left home alone “in charge” that night and the reason why 20 years later his father said “do you realize what this will do to your mother?” and watched him sob apologies.
it’s the reason why he doesn’t flinch when his mother hits him and he doesn’t flinch away from the empty relationships with women who are just like her and he doesn’t own a bed. it’s the reason why he runs in front of cars and into suicide missions on military facilities and jumps onto trains with bombs on them. it’s the reason why he can’t do anything more with scully than kiss her cheek on her deathbed.
because you might not be able to kill one man’s religion without turning it into a crusade, but you can make sure he never belongs anywhere further than at your feet.
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cassiopeiasara · 3 days
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rawwithlove · 1 year
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Trying to show off my cute shoes i dont care if I look dumb 😂🤪💖✨
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jewishbarbies · 4 days
“it’s so sad to see jews become single issue voters because of palestine,” they say, actively refusing to vote for the only option opposite actual fascism in november solely because of palestine
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daminini · 4 months
It’s is so infuriating how the wave of anti LGBT legislation across Africa is a direct response to evangelicals losing the fight in the west so they turn to funding these campaigns in Africa because they know most queers the the west don’t care and will assume it’s just a result of a cultural homophobia unique to African peoples, despite the laws against homosexuality in these countries being traced back to colonial penal codes. Paradoxically Christian Africans can claim that being gay is a “western invention” while worshipping a god that was brought to them by said westerns are arguing that the subjugation of their people was good actually because it saved their souls.
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treestomeetyou · 8 months
idk why so many of y’all are fixating on louis mixing up chicken parmesan and chicken parma ham and acting like him being upset is baseless. everytime he posts about freddie there’s a flood of babygate weirdos being miserable in the replies. he can’t do anything without a chunk of his fandom making his every move about larry. it’s not unreasonable that he’s over it. he doesn’t owe y’all fucking anything.
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jedidiahjunior · 1 year
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die mad about it lmao
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