#y'all are so bad for that ship namd
kxokiemonster · 2 years
Friendly reminder that Remus and Regulus were friends. Really good friends. So friends that the kissed from time to time.
They weren't atracted to each other but they did some heavy flirting and a peck on the lips from time to time.
It wasn't something they did every day, it was a last resort they had when their boyfriends were being stupid.
It started one day when the Marauders were in sixth year and Regulus was in his fifth. Sirius had said some pretty dumb shit that made Remus furious. By the end of the day, he couldn't even remember what Sirius had said, he only knew that he had to apologize.
"Aren't you being a big dramatic, Moony?" asked Peter, his eyes darting from Remus to Sirius.
It was always uncomfortable when they fought. It was uncomfortable when any of them fought, but especially Remus and Sirius since they applied the silence law which mean everything was so very silent.
"Yes, Moony, aren't you?" asked Sirius with an ironic tone.
"Aren't you a piece of shit, Pandfoot?" he bite back. "I'm not being dramatic, Sirius have to apologize or else"
"Or what?" Sirius huffed.
Remus looked over Sirius' bed. Normally, it would be empty or a puddle of everyone's clothes they didn't want to fold. It was occupied by Sirius, who didn't want to be next to Remus at the moment.
"Or I'll look for someone better," he announced serious.
Sirius scoffed, amused by the idea. "Better than me?"
"I still have another Black brother," Remus reminded him.
James, who was buried in his book trying not to take part in the conversation, looked up like a deer in the lights. "Regulus?"
Sirius frowned at James, a tension visible in the air. "Prongs, don't," he warned.
"I didn't do anything!" James complained putting his hands up in surrender.
"I know you. You have that I-want-to-shag-him look"
"How do you even know what do I look like when I want to shag someone?"
"Please," Sirius laughed. "And anyone has better possibilities with Reggie than you"
"That's why I'm going to get him," Remus announced, feeling forgotten.
Remus stood up and stepped out of the room, the other three Marauders quick to follow him.
Remus didn't need long to localize Regulus, studying in the library next to Barty and Pandora. The Black was so inmersed in his book he needed a few seconds to notice them, only looking up when Barty gave him a little pat in the head.
"Your lover boy," announced Barty chewing his quill.
Regulus looked at James, hearts coming out from his eyes. Barty, Pandora and Sirius buffed at the pair.
"Oi, Regulus," Remus called, a little nervous.
"Oi, Remus," he copied with humor. "Need something?"
"Kiss me"
A silence set in, everyone holding their breaths. Pandora looked at Remus amused, Barty's jaw was close to the floor and Sirius was frowning.
Remus bent down, connecting his lips with Regulus. Regulus cupped Remus' face with his hands and one of Remus' hands grabbed Regulus by the back of the neck, their lips moving softly against each other.
When they parted, the air felt so much colder. Regulus went for a last peck with a smile.
"Why was that for?" Regulus asked like it was nothing.
"Proving Sirius I could do so much better," he explained without letting go of Reg, their faces still close.
"Oh, yeah. You could do infinitely better," he nodded with a smile.
James bent to Sirius, whispering to his best mate. "Is this hot or should we feel jealous?"
"I'm more inclined to chop Reggie's head off," Sirius growled.
"Yeah, yeah. Jealous it is," James nodded absently.
So every time since then, when James or Sirius did something stupid, Regulus and Remus united forces and started acting like the perfect couple and giving each other little kisses to annoy their boyfriends.
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