#y'all have got to start watching baseball
curryalley · 5 months
Hey remember the baseball player with purple hair who went viral last summer for building a sandcastle during a game?
That was Lourdes Gurriel Jr. This is him yesterday with catcher Gabriel Moreno.
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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shapard · 6 months
Thorned 🥀
Human!Lucifer x fem!reader
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Zombie Apocalypse Au
Writing the first words of a story really is a pain in the ass sometimes.
mention of SA and gore (English is not my first Language so errors ahead!)
And here I am to feed y'all another Lucifer x reader!!
In the Closet
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Chapter 1 > Chapter 2
It should’ve been a normal school day in your boring life. You are a silent nerd student in college just trying to survive with all the college bills. 
Your parents aren't very supportive nor did they care about you. So, you moved out of your parents house trying to make something out of yourself.
And let's just say your mother wasn't pleased with the news and declined all your calls.
Not even your father bothers to get in contact with you. When you do get lucky he just shrugs you off and says he is busy.
Clearly a complete lie.
Your head laid on the desk not caring what the Professor is saying right now. 
Your life is pretty boring. No romance, no drama and no friends. Not that you mind. You're here for a good education rather than a tragic love story.
Your mind was drifting somewhere else and thinking about the rent you must pay. It was a struggle you wished you don’t have to face. 
Beside college you worked in two other part time jobs which drained you completely out. No private time or going out.
High school was the only time where you went out partying and met your ex-boyfriend. He was toxic and very self-centered.
A loud scream caught your attention. Your eyes travelled down towards the tumult that started outside. 
The Pick me girl from the upper class was screaming and pressing her hand tight on her mouth. Your eyebrows raised in question, even though she is the pick me girl she never reacted this terrified? 
There was screaming, gasping and sound of metal meating flesh.
Interested you watched the scenery as the girl got jumped by a guy. Shocked you saw how that guy, or rather that thing, ate her face bit by bit. Your heart felt like sliding down to your stomach, you wanted to puke. 
Her new boyfriend swung a baseball bat onto the monster. The bloody tone that played when blood started to burst out was disgusting.
It made you sick to the stomach.
This is different than any movie or series you watched. This is real. No actor playing a role and no CGI.
Soon enough alarm sirens rang through the town and in the college. You tried to keep a cool outside but the panic inside you was immense. The whole classroom was screaming and some even had panic attacks. 
This type of reaction wasn’t helping at all.
In your whole life of existence, you’ve never imagined that this could be really happening. 
A Zombie Apocalypse. 
You’ve seen it in movies and Series but never have you imagined that it really would happen.
The Professor closed the door and told you all to wait till the police comes and handle the little situation. But help never came.
You pulled out your half-charged phone hoping that the news would report that the government can handle this. All you saw was that the Police departments were under attack, and almost no one survived. 
The whole city was on lockdown. And you were hiding in your classroom with your classmates. 
The professor never came back. He probably died in the chaos at the own hands from his students who are just trying to protect themselves. or by Zombies. 
Now the classroom seems like a save place but for days, weeks maybe even years (when you’re still alive) you knew that escaping the college is the safest idea. 
Searching in the classroom for any weapon that could help you found a dissecting knife. You took it fast into your position before anyone can take it from you.
The classroom was quiet, too quiet. Like the calm before the storm. 
You must find a better weapon than the small dissecting knife that’s used for surgeries or inspections on dead animals. 
Most likely you wouldn’t find a weapon here in the classroom. 
Your eyes shifted towards the door that has been locked, in hope none of those creatures would come here. It was a fake feeling of safety. 
Everyone knows what a zombie is. But these are different. The way they move, the way they ate and who knows how they are created? Maybe a bite isn’t the only thing that transforms someone into a zombie.
A loud crashing sound made you snap out of your thoughts, and you looked at one of your classmates attacking one of your ex-friends. 
Everyone watched in horror and didn’t knew what to do for themselves. The screams pierced your ear and the other didn't move an inch.
Without wasting time, you ran to the locked door and jumped with full force in the hard wood door. You have to escape and watching a slaughter isn’t the way how you’re going to die.
The pain from the harsh compact against the door didn’t stop you. You will not give up and most likely will not die in here. 
Your classmates were watching how you were trying to open an escape but didn’t try to help you.
They were afraid that if they move that the zombie attack. 
Your friend laid there in full display; half of the face is eaten away by the monstress being. 
Your bone cracked slightly, you hissed in pain but continued. The adrenaline was pushing you to things you never thought you'd do. The pain only fueled more Adrenaline into your system.
Your heart raced a mile per minute. Your body heated up and you swung your body every time harsher against the wood surface.
Your skin, flesh and bone begged for a break, but you pushed your body against your limits. The door whined in protest as you lunged your body another time against it. 
The door burst open, and the blood covered college hall came in your view.
You stumbled forward when your other classmates ran against you, the others almost walked all over you. 
Your hands covered your body hoping it'll protect you from getting stepped over.
You looked up from the floor, your breath hitched as you looked at your dead Professor. In the middle of the floor there laid your professor in a pool of blood.
Karma hit the guy that rammed against you in full force. Your professor raised and lunged at the defenseless boy.
His screams were unbearable to hear. The anxiety in your body only grows every second.
You wanted it all to stop.
You sat in the middle of the chaos, your skirt you chose to wear today was soaked completely with blood. 
You watched helplessly how your class clown got eaten in the most disgusting way. 
The zombie lunged towards his body as if he searched something, something that he misses. But what could that be? 
The zombie clawed with his short nails into the skin ripping the e guys fully open. Your body trembled under the disgusting sight.
As the professor seemed to not find what he was looking for, his body shifted to your direction. 
His arms stretched out wanting to grab you, and a sound escaped him, a terrifying one. 
Your body didn’t move as panic started to settle in, you’re the next to die. Tears started to burn their way in your eyes.  
You are terrified.
His other arm was ripped off and he was still bleeding. But the zombie professor couldn't care less. A lifeless body who was searching for something desperate.
A bloody sight you wanted to look away from but couldn’t.
A hand clasped around yours and pulled you up on your feet. You were being dragged across the college, you stumbled a couple of times but never fell.
Your gaze never left your professor though as you ran through the red painted halls. As he wasn’t in your sight anymore you looked at your savior just to see your ex-boyfriend.
“Are you okay sweetie?” His deep voice was irritating for you and brought flashbacks from your relationship.
He tried in these couple days to get back to you even though he cheated on you. 
You forgot something in his house and just wanted to get it back. It was a short visit so you didn't tell him that you're going to pay a visit.
That’s when you saw Striker pounding into one of your friends Nova.
The betrayal was hurtful, you trusted her with all your heart and that stung more than some guy. Your heart ached from the loss of your boyfriend and your friend.
Striker only said the usual line: This is not what it looks like. Seriously these men need to have better excuses than this.
You pulled your hands out of his. “Fucking asshole, keep your disgusting question to yourself.” Striker rolled his eyes and tried to take your hand again, but you dodged his attempt.
“You got quite rude stallion. Remember when you used to get all cuddled up with me and begged me to dick you down.” He winked at you, and you rolled your eyes. 
A cold shiver went down your spine at his pervert comment. “You’re disgusting.” Striker hummed at your respond and looked you up and down.
“Only for you baby.” He purred and stroked your cheek. You slapped his hand out of your face and walked towards the exit of the college.
He didn't change a bit.
You’d rather find a way to survive than staying any longer with your ex. Ignoring striker is the best option right now. 
As you walked outside of the gates from the college grounds that was covered in corpses just to be met with way more outside. The sun was burning down on you making you sweat in anxious and the sudden heat.
A shiny object met your eye, it was a small butterfly knife. You sprinted towards it and danced in victory.
fuck yes! “Why are you dancing?” You cursed under your breath, “I thought you were already dead.” Striker chuckled and laid his hand on your shoulder. “You’re so mean baby~” He whispered in your ear. You wanted to gag at the nickname.
Since when was he behind you anyways? 
“I know a place where we can stay.” Finally, something helpful from striker. “Yeah? Where?” Your positive voice brought a grin up to striker’s face. “Just follow me hottie.” His grin only raises a suspicion, but nonetheless it was safer with him than with these monsters.
As you followed behind striker the anxiety in you only grew and your suspicion was high. You two were now in the middle of nowhere in some kind of forest. 
A large one at that. 
Your pace started to slow down a bit and you regret your past decision to follow your ex-boyfriend in some lonely woods. 
It’s not uncommon that exes kill their ex-partners. And in a zombie apocalypse no one would disagree with being a cannibal if it means to survive.
Humans were always self-centered. Even if some are generous. In the matter of living or dying every human is on their own and always just see themselves. Even you would hesitate when it comes to sacrifice yourself for a stranger.
Striker stopped and you walked right into his back, and you snapped out of your deep thoughts. 
You Apologized and asked striker, why he stopped so sudden. “You play all brave and mighty but here you are quivering in fear.” You didn’t even realize that you started to shake in fear.
Striker spun around and pulled out a rather beautiful knife, “Now listen little bitch. Either you’re going to do what I say, or we can do it in the more fun way.” His tongue ran across the silver, and he laughed in pleasure. 
You knew this was a bad idea. “What do you want striker?” 
Stand tall, stand tall Y/n. 
“I want you stallion.” His hand went out to grab your hair throwing you onto the grass ground. Confused you looked around and saw the butterfly knife laying peacefully in the green. It must’ve fallen out of your hand as Striker forced you to the ground. 
“You really thought you could break up with ME?!” His hand collides with your shoulder, and he pressed down hard.
You bit on your tongue to stop the groan of pain. The damage of the door breaking was still fresh and introduced itself. 
“Oh, babe you messed with the wrong one.” His knife ran across your cheek drawing red. His tongue ran across the new wound. 
Your hand searched for the weapon but it was too far away from you.
“Let me go Striker” It was like you’re talking to a wall; he pushes himself down on you. His erected member was pressed onto your thigh, and it was disgusting.
You really hoped that his dick wouldn’t be anywhere near you.You wanted to puke into his face right now.
“You’re so hot stallion. So pretty and perfect for me.” You spat in strikers face. Striker growled in anger, but you don’t regret it even a bit. And it only angered Striker even more.
“Fucking cunt!” He shouted out loud and you just smirked bitter. But when Striker started to smile you frown. What has he planned? His hand travelled down onto his belt, and you heard it buckle.
Oh no.
He laughed at you terrified face. Now he hit your nerve. Striker was about to pull his trouser down but got interrupted.
“That’s not how you treat a Lady, y’know.” Striker stopped as he heard another voice that wasn’t yours and you sigh in relief. 
Striker closed his belt back and let you go. Your feet pushed you away to the next tree and your eyes travelled to Striker towards your savior. 
He had a large smirk onto his pearl white face, he had a weird sense of fashion. A white cylinder with a small snake on it was on his head. He was kind of short for a Man. 
His eyes were brownish but a scarlet red shine through them, it fits perfect on him. Beautiful Man, beautiful eyes. You could watch hours in those eyes, it was like they were telling their own story. How they flicker and shimmer when the sun hits the iris was so beautiful.
“Who the fuck are you?!” Striker hissed, a reminder that he was still very near you. “Lucifer, not so a pleasure to meet you.” His smirk widens as Striker tried to attack him. 
Yep, tried. 
Lucifer dodged him perfectly and kicked with his heel right in the back from Striker. Striker hissed in pain and rolled on the floor. “You better leave and never come back to her, or you’ll regret it.” Lucifer voice was filled with Venom as he looked down at Striker. 
His eyes shrunk in a snake like eye, scary but sexy at the same time. With a whimper Striker ran far away from Lucifer. 
Fucking pussy.
Lucifer sighs and turned around to you. His hand stretched out for you to take it and you gladly accept. “Thank you for saving me.” Your thanking warmed his heart, “No Problem, it was the least I could do.” 
You felt save around the new stranger. Maybe it was again the wrong decision to just trust a random handsome guy but how can you not.
“Lucifer, right?” Lucifer nodded with his head. “The one and only, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Lucifer bowed his hat firmly in his hands and you giggle at his antics. “And who are you darling?” He readjusted his hat and smiled as you Introduce yourself.
“I think we both could use some help and company in this mess.” Lucifers voice was almost like a warm sun breeze. Complete contrast than strikers. “It all happened out of nothing. First the zombies and then this.” You didn’t want to cry but at that moment you felt weak. 
Your body betrayed you and you just cried in front of your new friend you could say.
After a while you two found a cabin in the middle of nowhere. It seems to be a lost place, and no one lives in it. You and Lucifer planned to stay in the cabin for a while. 
Life in the cabin was peaceful. Lucifer was the greatest room mate you could’ve Imagined. He was supportive and helped around the household. A man that women can only dream about. 
Today Lucifer was out looking for any food he could find meanwhile you built up a fence. 
When Lucifer came back you couldn’t help yourself better than to watch. 
His shirt was draped over his shoulder and his god given abs and waist were showing. You gulped hard as you watch how the sweat pearls pearled down from his chest. 
His body was more than just perfection, you almost felt jealous because of that waist of his. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He winked at you, and you only rolled your eyes which earns you a chuckle. 
“You’re so mean kitty.” You huffed and gave him a side eye, “I’d stop if you wouldn’t be so annoying.” Your hand stretched out to get another nail. You hissed as the nail pierced through your fingertips. Lucifer laughed at your clumsiness. “This is already the fifth time kitty cat. Or should I say sleepy beauty.” You rolled your eyes at him. Your heart skipped a beat at his newfound nickname for you. 
“Let’s get you patched up.” 
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A/n: FINALLY I CAN SHARE THIS. So, First thoughts?
@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger @concentratedconcrete @ylovei
If you want to be added please comment on the post I linked below under Taglist.
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freaky-wasatch-range · 4 months
hey, tumblrstake! I've seen several posts on here about how we wished mormons had more cultural traditions/holidays, so I want to share with y'all my family's memorial day tradition.
every year, about 300+ of my extended family gather in the podunk town of oak city, utah to take over the town hall for the weekend and then serve free breakfast to the town on monday morning. it's called the "edward partridge memorial day breakfast" or 'MDB" for short.
edward partridge immigrated to the U.S. from great britain and was the first ordained bishop of the church. he is my great-great-great-great-great grandfather. edward partridge's grandson, aesel lyman, started the breakfast, declaring that the tradition would continue until edward partridge came and got breakfast himself. today marked the 52nd annual MDB, and this year, we fed 1069 people.
the customary breakfast is: sourdough pancakes (they're really freaking good and the batter is hand-stirred by an army of little kids), fried eggs, fried ham, oak city milk, and an orange juice called Tang. that same army of little kids get the honor of "running" food from the griddles in the town hall's back courtyard to the gym where we serve the breakfast, and of course most of the adults are given a job to do as well (cooking, serving, hospitality, utensil rolling, the most recent newlyweds get to rinse the empty batter buckets with a hose... you get the gist). members of the fam bring their plates straight to the griddles when we want to eat. we all wear special aprons. the atmosphere is always kind of electric :)
the night before, we have a thing called "the program" where we watch the same grandparent-originated skits and sing the same favorites-of-our-grandparents songs that we've been performing for decades.
some other traditions that have endured at the mdb: games of P-I-G (kind of like H-O-R-S-E), a couple hundred people playing bunco at the same time, blasting louis armstrong during the breakfast, a baseball game for the kids, red velvet cake, older kids teaching younger kids to throw mountains of playground-gravel down the slides (I was little when that started and it's been going on for over a decade now lol), and, of course, visiting the oak city cemetery and telling stories about our grandparents.
I'm really blessed that on memorial day I get to spiritually honor my five generations of grandparents buried in oak city instead of just making vague allusions of thanks to the military industrial complex. most white americans have been completely isolated from any kind of ancestral culture/specific traditions (because that's what racist assimilationism demands), so I find our weird and sometimes difficult annual reunion to be really special. whatever this is is mormon culture to me.
so, idk, hopefully this was inspiring and gave you a new way to think about memorial day. I hope that wherever I am in the world, I can continue this tradition with the friends and family I have around, serve a community with free food, and do it in honor of some modern pioneers and martyrs.
here's some photos of my dinosaur, jared, wearing my keffiyeh and hanging out in oak city over the weekend:
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fuzzymakercloudduck · 8 months
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saw a fic about bandmate Abby and singer reader but I'm really obsessed with doctor Abby and I love Taylor and that video of her singing "karma is the guy on the chiefs coming straight home to me" to Travis, so now I'm obsessed w the idea of it
Famous singer!reader X doctor Abby drabble (I guess it's called drabble idk)
Living in New York and meeting her through some mutual friends, but not really talking to each other that much
She would go out with friends but the girl is a doctor, she's working hard honey
Instantly feeling attracted to her bc common she's a muscle mommy 5'10 girlie
You guys start talking more when going out and feeling such a bonding feeling so quickly
I imagine abby being the type to go with baseball hats and leather jackets with some baggy jeans (like the butch lesbian she is) and just being HOT
You are head over heels for her very quickly
Inviting her to your concert in NY and Abby being so happy to go "I wouldn't miss it" "only If you dedicate me a song " type of anwers
Inviting her to go to dinner after the concert because you want to have her kids at this point
Stalking her in all social medias (dont think shed be much active on social media but you do it anyway)
You having a cocky, kind of unserious personality and just feeling so attracted to her serious demander even though she's a sweet pie
Calling her things like love, darling, honey and watching her blush
Going home every time you see her and writing her songs
This was inspired by TS so I'm thinking Gorgeous, Gold Rush, Mastermind, I know places, style. I'm talking about talking/ hooking up stage and you just fell hard
Also being really worried about people founding out and ruining what your guys have going on, but she assures you she's staying and is so proud of your career
Once she ask you to be her gf, IMMEDIATELY writing songs like lover, dress
Once y'all in a comfortable place in your relationship talking about her every chance you got in every fucking interview (you're obsessed)
Saying things like "my gfs a doctor so I'm always safe", bringing her up in every topic. "What's your type?" "My beautiful girlfriend " . "If you were stuck in a island, who's someone you would bring?" "My girlfriend Abby, she's stuck with me"
She's bragging about you to everyone too, don't get me wrong. "How you feel being reader muse?" Some random person would ask "awesome honestly" "what's your favourite song of your gf?" And then she saying one that was definitely written about her
She's at every concert she can go to, even in a tight agenda
You trying to be home as much as possible
When you're not working, being a little of a housewife, cleaning, making her dinner, buying her flowers
She walking in front of you when there's a lot of paparazzis
You pointing at her when singing romantic songs and she going red as a tomato
Her friends mocking her for it
She giving you flowers after the concert
Letting you be bejeweled (lol sorry)
I'm literally just writing about wtv shit I wanted to read but didn't found it nowhere
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chirpingfromthebox · 4 months
I forgot to post about this back when it came out. But this was an interview with two prominent figures from the management side of the PWHL from a few days back. I was expecting it to be a bit dry, but they actually address quite a few prominent questions.
I was originally going to skip doing this one as it's somewhat long, but I've been seeing a number of things they talked about coming up in discussions here, so I thought y'all might be interested to hear what they have to say.
I'll transcribe what I personally found to be the most interesting elements that came up, but know I'll be cutting down some of the remarks and only doing some of the questions, so definitely watch the video for the full story.
Since this is already going to be a massive post I'll spare you my musings on the answers.
Transcriptions of some of the questions under the break.
At the table are Senior Vice President of Hockey Operations Jayna Hefford & Advisory Board Member Stan Kasten.
And I believe this was after Game 2 of the finals and before the start of Game 3.
For context on who these two are in a bigger picture, what little I know is:
Jayna Hefford is a HIGHLY successful and influential former Canadian hockey player who's been working in the field of women's hockey ever since she retired from playing. If I tried to sum up her career we'd be here all day, so let's just say she's in the Hockey Hall of Fame for a reason.
Stan Kasten comes from a background of running/managing large sports teams, though mostly baseball. He is even the current president of the Los Angeles Dodgers and also one of the co-owners. He seems to have had a brief foray into hockey as the president of the NHL's Atlanta Thrashers for a few years. The Thrashers no longer exist and I think they moved and became what are now the Jets? (I dunno, I shouldn't be your source for NHL history, that's for sure.)
--------------- INTRODUCTIONS ---------------
STAN KASTEN: I can’t describe the pleasure this is for me to be here [at the Xcel Energy Center in Minnesota]. The last time I was here I told you that I thought that day, the 13,000*, really convinced us that we were going to make this work.
[* the first home game for Minnesota had an attendance of 13,316.]
But even then I couldn’t have imagined how the year would play out. How we would set attendance records, sponsorship records, and viewing records. So our media strategy was a success. But of course the thing that made it work, really, was what I said opening day: we got the hockey right.
And that’s because of Jayna [Hefford] and her staff. You know, we didn’t know our playoffs ‘til after the last game on the last day. Who could have imagined that we’d put together a system that would've worked out that perfectly. You see how close and competitive the playoffs have been. And as exciting as this is for all of us, we can’t wait to get started on year 2, because we know with all Summer to prepare, it’s gonna be even better.
JAYNA HEFFORD: When we kicked off this league we had a few goals and—at least on the hockey side—one of them was to create parity across the league. And through the draft and the player dispersal, the player signings that we put in place, we were able to do that.
And to Stan’s point, I don’t think we could have wrote the script any better the way it played out and came down to the last game of the regular season to decide who was in the playoffs. We certainly achieved that.
Secondly, innovation and creativity was a priority for us. We wanted to find ways to improve the game. To make it more engaging for fans, to make it fun. We didn’t want to change hockey in the traditionalism of hockey, but we wanted to do things a little bit differently.
So implementing the Jailbreak rule, implementing the pick your own opponent, the Gold Plan*. All of those things are new. But I think right now, and of course we’re going to debrief post-season, but right now the response from all of those things has been overwhelmingly positive. So we will continue to try to be creative and think outside the box and present the game in new ways to people.
[* It didn’t come into play this season, so in case anyone isn’t familiar: The Gold Plan is the system by which after a team is out of contention for the playoffs during the regular season, any wins they get would be factored into where they’d be placed in the draft order for next season. It was designed to be an incentive for teams out of the running to still play their hardest and strive for wins.]
So excited to be here now for the next two or three games. And really it’s been a remarkable, amazing journey this last number of years, but really this last 8 or 9 months. And as Stan said, I don’t think I could have envisioned this playing out the way it did. The excitement around this, and the response from our fans, and response from media. So we’re just thrilled with where it’s at and I know this is gonna wrap up in a really great way in the next number of days.
STAN: We didn’t have our business staff in place until about 60 days before the season started. So we have a lot we can still do.
The most obvious one was merchandise. Having, you know, the amount of inventory that we needed was a challenge for us. Getting an online business started, in two countries, that was a challenge. So all these two country problems are different than other leagues.
By the end of the season we did really well on merchandise. But we have more coming and more designs and greater inventory. The one good thing is that we sold everything that we could make. I mean, it was just flying off the shelves when we could get it to arenas. And the online business has been strong also. Those things are challenging when they’re start-ups, and as I said, they’re start-ups in two countries, so we know how to do it now. It’s gonna get a lot better going forward.
JAYNA: And I think what everybody is waiting for is names and logos. So that’s one big thing that’s coming. So I think that’ll be really exciting to be able to build those brands and make those brands significant in the markets and communities we’re in.
STAN: It’s interesting how the name thing played out. We did not start out to do that, but because the lead time required in these things, we just thought it was better to just skip that for now and just go with: PWHL and the location.
And that has had an amazing unintended consequence of anytime anyone has talked about any of our teams all year, you had to say “PWHL.” So our league has gotten more exposure in the first year of its existence than any league in history ‘cause they kept repeating our name.
Again, we didn’t plan it that way; it just worked out that way. And it was about mid-season that I started hearing from fans and players, “You know, we kinda like the name the way it is.”
We’re gonna have team names. And I invite people to adopt those names too. But you can feel free to continue to call it what you’ve always called it. And we will be selling merchandise with both of those names. So these names aren’t going away because they have become popular. But for those of you who like team names, we’ll be addressing that as well.
JAYNA: ...Of course we feel like we have incredible talent on the ice every night now, but putting the best on the ice is about putting the best on the ice. And we know there’s a number of incoming players. So it will get more challenging. Good players will have a hard time making this league. But when you think about the product we’re gonna put on the ice? It’s gonna continue to get significantly better every single year as we welcome in newer and younger players. Then at some point we’ll look to add teams, when that depth of talent is at the right place in our minds. But right now it’s just exciting to look at all the new and fresh talent that’s going to step in.
JAYNA: I think the first thing is representation. And we have some incredible athletes in our league that continue to be great role models, be active in their communities. And when you think of Sophie Jaques and Sarah Nurse and players that continue to give back and become something that young girls can look up to? I think all of our players do that for a lot of different communities of people.
And I think the one thing that’s really special about our league is- I feel it every game I’m at, it doesn’t matter what market we’re in, is that there’s a sense of inclusivity in our buildings. People are here and they’re excited and they’re happy and they feel welcome, regardless of who they are. And they feel free to be themselves. I’ve talked to many, many people that have never felt this way in a hockey rink. So we’ll continue to do that on the culture side.
I think what we want to do is continue to grow the game for young girls and I don’t think there’s any limits on who those young girls are. We want people to fall in love with the game. And I think we approach our business side and staffing side the same way. We want to bring people in who love the game and we want to bring people in that represent different communities.
STAN: When the season is over we’re gonna review everything. Every city, every venue that we’re in, and we’re going to try to improve. We’re aware of the New York situation. It wasn’t ideal this year. But we’ll see what ways we can improve the situation. We’re not ready to say here today which way we’re going to go or what we’re going to do. But I can tell you that certainly one of the things we’re going to spend a lot of time looking at.
REPORTER: What do you guys think is the ideal venue situation?
STAN: The ideal venue situation is to play in the biggest NHL venue in every city. And merit playing there. We’re not always there yet in every market. But in big markets, as you might know, the big venues are there because there are a lot of events and a lot of teams in those cities. That gets into availabilities. We don’t want to be in a big venue, but have to play on a Tuesday morning, right? We wanna play on weekend nights or nights in general.
So it’s a complicated matrix of considerations that goes into where we choose to play, when we choose to play, what’s good for the team, what’s good for the visiting team, how we travel. It’s complicated.
It’s complicated with 6, it’ll be more complicated the bigger we grow and the more games we have. Those will be good problems, but we don’t ignore it. We’re thinking about all of it. And you saw in this year when we found an opportunity that we thought would work for our fans in cities where we could go to big venues, we did it. I would call them experiments and in general I’d say those experiments were all wildly successful.
--------------- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT NAMES AND LOGOS? ---------------
STAN: Sometime this Summer. I don’t have an exact time, but you should be counting the days.
STAN: I will tell you that, yes, it exceeded what we thought we were going to- it exceeded our early projections. But that’s partially because we made the strategy decision to also greatly exceed our expected expenses.
Let me give you an example. You know how women’s hockey games have been broadcast in the past, right? Single camera from upstairs. It isn’t what we chose to do. We made the conscious choice to spend a lot of money to make it a major league professional broadcast. And I think all of you who watched our games would agree. That’s what we delivered. It was expensive. But we think it’s gonna pay off for us in the long run.
Additionally we didn’t hire three people and slowly build each franchise. We went right to 120 people by opening day and now we’re over 200 people. So that was a lot of expense that we didn’t expect right away, but we said, “you know what? We’re all in. So let’s do year 4 expenses in year 1.”
So yeah, and that resulted in a lot more revenue. And that’s why we think our decision to invest in the league, which is what I call expenses, was the right one. We’re on the right track. The investments we made are paying off.
JAYNA: Well, in terms of number of games the league will go up to 30. And that’s in our CBA that 24 regular games in the inaugural season will move to a minimum of 30 next year. In terms of neutral site games, we do expect that there will be more of those next season. I don’t have a timeline for our schedule to be done yet, but we do expect more games, more neutral-site games next season.
JAYNA: I don’t know if you’ll ever get a collection of people that all agree on officiating in any sport, in any league. So we’re actually really happy with where we’re at.
We set out initially to find the best officials we could find. We worked closely with the NHL, the AHL, Hockey Canada, USA Hockey, to select the top officials. We obviously also adjusted the standard of play to this league. It’s not full body checking, but there is an increased level of physicality in the game. So I think we spent the early months of the season really trying to figure out where that line is and get people comfortable with it.
Now where we’re at I think players have figured it out to some extent. Of course not everyone’s going to agree on that. But the way I see the players playing the game now, and their awareness of positions they’re in, and to be ready for that physicality has changed. So, are we right there? We’re probably not right there yet. But we’re really happy with where we’re at, we think the officials have done an incredible job in the league this season.
JAYNA: I think trying to figure out what the right solution for that is in the short term is at the top of our list of things to do. You know, building one league in 9 months, but to build a whole ecosystem for hockey? It’s just not something that we can do right now. But we are thinking creatively around places that players could play if they don’t end up on our 23 or 26 player rosters next season. So it’s a bit of a work in progress. But in speaking to number of stakeholders there’s many many people that want to figure out a solution to this so that we can keep more women in playing the game at the highest level.
JAYNA: I think that we are very different from most men’s leagues. I think we’re very different than many women’s leagues. I’d like to see us stand on our own as a sports league. But in saying that I also believe that this time for women’s sports and the success of one feels like it’s a success for all. We’re all big fans and collaborate with folks in the WNBA and the NWSL, and it feels like we’re all working together to raise women’s sports. So I don’t know if that’s an appropriate answer, but I feel it’s a little of both.
--------------- HOW DO THE INVESTORS FEEL ABOUT THIS FIRST SEASON? ---------------
STAN: I have one investor, he is ecstatic.
JAYNA: This is a little bit like getting asked about expansion 3 months in. Great question. Would I love to see a best of 7 series? We’re sitting here 1-1, you know of course I would. But I think we’re really excited about the format we have now. This is new for women’s hockey. Even the best players in the world who’ve won multiple Olympic gold medals have not played in a best of 5 series. I think we’re seeing that it’s challenging. There’s a lot of travel, there’s fatigue, the volume that they’re experiencing is huge
So I think we’re really good where we’re at right now. Somewhere along the line I could see us maybe expanding, but again, year 1? The two best of 5 series have been a really great format for us.
STAN: And that comes from someone who’s won 4 Olympic gold medals.
JAYNA: [laughing] I’ve never played in a best of 5 series either.
STAN: Exactly.
--------------- end of interview ---------------
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
No one look at me. I woke up at 5am with an idea that made me not hate my Buddie baseball AU and now I'm 1.5k deep into the new approach.
And yes, y'all are about to learn that I'm a giant baseball nerd. The kind of nerd who, when I lived close enough to my team, had season tickets. There are 81 home games and from 2017-2019 I only missed 10 home games. I missed those games to travel around watching minor league baseball. The kind of nerd who hand tracked stats as a kid because it was fun for me.
This is all just a warning because this fic is might get a little inside baseball about... baseball...
Pitchers were weird, that’s just a fact of life that baseball players learn young. Sometimes they need a little special attention, sometimes they need to be left alone the day of a game, and sometimes they need a very specific Gatorade only made in Korea.  In his two two years with the Dodgers, Eddie had seen his fair share of pitchers doing stuff that anyone else would think is weird before their start days, but because they’re pitchers it’s just accepted. Most of the guys in the clubhouse just ignore it, but Eddie, as the starting catcher, doesn't get that luxury.  Bobby Nash always prays a decade of his rosary before a start. After their first game together, Eddie had started praying with him to get them in the same headspace. So between batting practice and first pitch Eddie and Bobby sit in front of Bobby’s locker, heads bowed together, and pray quietly.  Chimney Han insists that watching a supercut of all of the Wild Thing scenes from Major League got him in the zone. Eddie’s pretty sure he could recite the compilation from memory by now because he’d watched it so many times with Chim. Before every one of Chim’s starts Eddie finds him in the little lounge area with his iPad and they watch a very young Charlie Sheen.  Albert Han, younger half-brother of Chimney, is the one who insisted on the Korean Gatorade. Eddie didn’t drink it with him, instead he had his own pre-game snack and water while they discussed the line up again to keep fresh. Albert is probably the most well adjusted pitcher Eddie’s played with in the big leagues, but the bar is low so it’s not saying much.  Ravi Panikkar got his first call up last year and Eddie quickly learned that Ravi needed a gentle hand. After his first few starts Ravi started to open up and apparently his thing before games was checking the real estate market, something about needing a back-up plan if baseball didn’t work out. Eddie would have made fun of him after the game, but it worked for him so Eddie didn’t say shit. Eddie liked to think he was used to pitchers and their idiosyncrasies after a basically lifetime of playing baseball and six years playing professionally, but he still wasn’t used to Evan Buckley. There wasn’t much Buck could do that would surprise Eddie, which was why Eddie only needed to gesture for Buck to come into his hotel room when he knocked on his door at 6am the first day the full team was set to report to Spring Training. It was still early enough that the air had  a bit of a bite to it, but Eddie knew better than to be fooled by an Arizona morning.   “Morning Buck,” Eddie rubbed a hand over his eyes, trying to get the sleep out of it. Buck hadn’t woken him up, but he had gotten Eddie out of bed, which was just as bad in Eddie’s opinion. They didn’t have to report until noon today to give the position players time to get their shit in order since pitchers and catchers had already been at camp for at least a week - or two weeks in Eddie’s case. 
Tagged by @cal-daisies-and-briars @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @tizniz @wildlife4life @diazsdimples
no pressure tagging @monsterrae1 @rosieposiepuddingnpie @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @acountrygirlsfun @actualalligator @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @puppyboybuckley @thekristen999 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @eddiebabygirldiaz @buddierights @honestlydarkprincess @epicbuddieficrecs @steadfastsaturnsrings @underwater-ninja-13 @rainbow-nerdss @911-on-abc @devirnis @daffi-990 @loserdiaz and anyone else who wants to share!
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brbzonedout · 1 year
Earth 42 Miles Headcanons/Observations??
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-Before the death of his dad, Mr. Morales would take Miles on patrols and the occasional pursuit when something suddenly went down, and watching that he learned how cops operate so now he uses that information to avoid them while doing prowler work.
-I know some of y’all think he’s a hood nigga but in my mind, I just can’t see it all that much. Like yeah, he knows the streets very well he has no choice but to but, he's still Miles, and EVERY Miles is some form of a nerd and lowkey sensitive.
-Speaking of being a complete nerd every little nerdy black boy got their anime to start with Naruto so he's no different. He could probably also get behind death note because it's dramatic and suspenseful.
-He's not straight-up disrespectful. Although sometime the way he words things or his tone could come off as rude he doesn't necessarily mean for it to come out that way…usually. He was raised by a widowed single mom Rio Morales to be specific and just from her minimal screen time in both movies we know she doesn't play.
-But don't get it twisted if he has to pop a mfer in the mouth he will no doubt.
-I feel like he's into different music genres that somehow fall under the category of calm/chill ness(???). His life is chaotic and dramatic enough as it is so the things that he can control, he keeps chill. For instance, the song “Fantasy” by Bazzi seems like his vibe. (I'm not self-projecting I promise!!).
-Definitely feels like he has to grow up and be more mature than his peers due to all of his responsibility. I imagine one day he's just in his room thinking and contemplating life then looks around at how his room is decorated with toys, action figures, and old drawings.
-So he gathers it up getting ready to give everything away until Rio sees and stops him reminding Miles that even during all of this he’s still a kid and deserves to be able to enjoy life like one.
-With that being said, Mrs.Morales tries to get Miles to put himself out there again, asking him to join different clubs and things of the sort, and after a while, he finally lands on two robotics/computer club and baseball (I had to add this because of that one piece of fanart ITS SO GOOD). He even makes some acquaintances in these. Once he gets comfortable with speaking semi-freely people find him likable. 
-I would love to say he joined the art club but I feel like he keeps his art private.
-He’s 100% a mamas’ boy but not a toxic weird incesty type, he just really loves her and looks up to the way she operates. The way she's able to hold herself together and support his needs and even Aarons’ if he needs it.
-He looks up to Aaron in the same way too just doesn't express it as much, not saying that he verbally expressed love all that much with Rio but they both know he loves them and accepts his nonchalantness knowing he's just scared to really express his feelings casually.
Ok that's it!! Thank you for reading I enjoyed making this and I do want to write more things so if y'all have any request feel free to submit!!<3
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starrymako · 7 months
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Someone on insta asked me if I would make another child for Tweek and Craig... so I did. Here's Celeste and her little sister, Halley!
Some facts about them :3
Celeste is a bit of a brat to others but she loves her family. She resembles Craig a lot but has Tweek's eyes. As a baby she spent more time with Tweek as he worked from home. Being his first baby, Tweek learned patience and different ways to manage his anxiety while caring for an infant. Celeste grew up spoiled by her dads.
Celeste gets into playing baseball like Craig, but ends up doing softball instead. She is a tough yet quiet child, and sometimes doesn't respond to her coach during games. She is the best player though, and wins the most games so her coach and teammates are used to her behavior.
At home, she loves being pampered by her dads. Her favorite bonding activity is baking with her papa (Tweek). Sometimes Halley wants to join, but Celeste gets a little jealous if Tweek has to take extra care of her.
Celeste didn't start sleeping in her own room until she turned 10. She used to crawl in bed with her parents because she got scared of the dark. Craig bought multiple night lights but Celeste would still turn up in their bedroom. Eventually he allowed their pet guinea pigs to reside in her room to fix the issue.
Celeste finds Halley annoying because she cries so much, but will beat up any kid that bullies her.
The second child of Tweek and Craig. She is terrified of everything despite her parents spoiling and reassuring her. She twitches and shrieks when she hears loud noises. At one point Tweek had a breakdown thinking Halley's fears were because of him, but Craig and Halley's doctor reassured him that she's just a timid child and requires extra care.
Halley wears a lot of Celeste's hand-me-down clothes because she loves her older sister and her things comfort her.
She tends to fall asleep on Craig's chest on the couch while he watches Red Racer. Halley is a huge fan of the show and she bonds with Craig the most when they watch it together. Craig even gave her his old Red Racer pajamas from when he was her age.
Before Halley began elementary school, she spent a lot of time at home with Tweek and Celeste. Celeste tries toughening her sister up but it never works. Tweek does take Halley to kickboxing lessons in hopes to build her character.
Halley is gifted in music. She learned how to play the piano by Tweek and was given a violin by Craig for her 5th birthday.
If y'all have any questions I might have left out, feel free to shoot me an ask! <3 I love answering them!
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
watching Leverage episode 1
if you saw a previous post of mine that started like this....no you didn't i meant to click edit not post y'all ( @0hheytherebigbadwolf & @shana-rosee ) have enticed me and i am very curious about this show. i thought i might as well live-blog my thoughts as i watch the show. today will be s1 ep1. general thoughts will be under the initial reactions spoilers, obviously
almost accidentally watched a different Leverage
i believe it was a reboot or an adaptation of this show?
not even 5 minutes in and it's not pulling any punches
oh my god that is tristan
"mr. ford, don't you want to screw over the insurance company that let your son die?" OH??? DO TELL
gotta say i love the editing so far of this show. going from the meeting between this ford dude and the guy who got his blueprints stolen to the Heist™️ just....*chef's kiss*
parker's dad said "be a better thief" and she went "aight bet" only respect for MY queen
"parker's insane," ford said. oh she can't be that bad-- *shows flashback of her childhood home exploding* ....ok i see his point, but like, her dad was a dick
you're telling me, that they accounted for everything and all was going well, but got caught because of the nba playoffs???
listen, i am already looking at this show with the ot3, so when elliot said "it's what i do" after saving alec from security detail, how can i not see alec's reaction as something other than "ok, so i might have a thing for him"
yes, yes the easier answer is alec is impressed by elliot's skills and is also impressed that elliot didn't just leave him to get caught, but i am a lady who likes to wear her rose-tinted glasses
"so this is plan b?" "technically this is plan g" sir...when did you switch to plan b???? was it when parker jumped off early??
omg the act the trio played as the left the building? oscar worthy, i would've been fooled
"did you have fun playing the black king instead of the white knight?" which one of those writers felt like a fucking king after writing that. i know someone chuckled in their little seat like 'now that's a banger line!'
we're only 15 minutes in and there's still more???
oh? the plot thickens!
ah, we're going with the explosion death fake-out i see
"he used my son" oh ho HO someone's going to die i see
oh...my god???? how he looks at sophie??? how she looks at him???? how they speak to each other???? it is only episode one wtf
i am in love with sophie. call me nathan because she's got me wrapped around her finger
elliot being the observant one to nathan's motivations??? yes
alec is me, that's it (not really but yes)
how??? were they able to do that meeting??? did they get actors to help with the con???
their like little ducklings for nathan it's so sweet
"see you!"........."we actually missed working with you, we make a great team"
they used the black king white knight line again as a call back oh that writer felt so proud of it didn't they. "yeah, that line fucks. let's do it again" <- that's them
"we offer....leverage" roll fucking credits
General Thoughts:
WOW ok it is only one episode and i am invested. they give us great character dynamics, hints of backstory, hints of character dynamic backstory, hints of future plot points -> my cream and butter, my creme de la creme
this show hits all of my weak points. yeah, i can tell this was made early 2000s but that does nothing to hinder it. i am giggling, gasping, and sitting on the edge of my seat.
when mr. uppity shareholder man found out about his room being bugged, i was so worried because the plan was going so well and i really wanted to see this guy fall. AND THEN WHEN THE FBI CAME TO ARREST HIM??? HELLO????
but yes, very great pilot, i will watch episode 2
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khaylin27 · 2 years
Loving Him was Phillies Red ❤️
Pairing: Miles Teller x Fem!Reader
Chapter Summary: You and Miles have been dating ever since he took you to the Dodger v.s. Phillies game. Sadly the Dodgers got eliminated to go to the World Series but the Phillies didn't. So in support of your boyfriend, you go to one of the last NLCS game that determines whether or not the Phillies will go to the World Series. But all of sudden you see Miles on the field dancing with Phillie Phanatic to "Great Balls of Fire/ Danger Zone.
Warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF!!! Miles being hot, Dodgers losing the NLDS, mentions of sexual activity
Word Count: 1352
A/N: BEFORE Y'ALL COME AT ME, I respect Miles and Keleigh's relationship and marriage. THEY ARE RELATIONSHIP GOALS!!!! I wanted to write this because I love Miles and baseball. If you feel this isn't for you, please don't read it.
A/N 2: THIS PHOTO 😩 I couldn't find a gif of Miles dancing at the Phillies game but this was the closest thing I got.
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After that date with Miles, you had to go back to LA for work. You didn't want whatever you guys had to end so you guys started talking even though you were in different states.
When Miles had projects or events to do in LA he would always stay at your place. It would usually consist of having a home-cooked meal and watching either the Dodgers or Phillies game.
"Sugar! Please change the game to the Phillies. My neck is hurting from watching on my phone." He was watching the Phillies game on his phone while you were watching the Dodger game on the big TV.
"Sorry Hot Stuff but you're at my place. You have to follow my rules." He gives you a sad face as you explain to him. "Plus this NLDS game that determines whether the Dodgers go to the NLCS or not."
"But sugar you already know they're gonna win. It's 3-0 against the Padres." He whines. "I'll do anything to put the Phillies game on the TV."
"Oh, you will now," you say with a smirk on your face. "If you do the dishes, I'll put the Phillies game on after you're done. Deal?"
"I can't complain about that." He says as he gives you a kiss and leaves for the kitchen.
While he leaves you, you continue to watch the game. The Dodgers were winning 3-0 against the Padres. You knew full well that they were going to win and go to NLCS. But oh boy were you wrong. In the 7th Inning, the Padres scored 3 runs. Now you were getting nervous, you felt like you wanted to cry.
“Hey sugar I’m done washing the dishes. It’s time to change the game.” Miles shouts it out as he was walking back to the living room. But then he sees that the tv is off, “Hey sugar what’s-” He looks at you and sees your eyes puffy from all the crying you’ve done. “Oh sugar what happened?”
He sits right next to you and you lay on his chest. “The Dodgers lost baby. They’re not going to NLCS.” You say as more tears start coming out.
“Oh it’s okay baby. There’s always next year.” He rubs your back softly as you let it all out. He waits for a good 20 minutes before he asks if he can turn on the tv to watch the Phillies game. You nod yes and he turns on the tv.
The Phillies were playing their last game against the Braves. It was the bottom of the ninth inning and the Phillies were winning 8-3. If this batter gets out that means the Phillies go to the NLCS against the Padres.
You watch with him as you lay on his chest. You may not like the Phillies but you most certainly didn’t like the Padres either. If the Phillies win you know that they’ll beat the Padres.
“YES!!! YES!!! WE’RE GOING TO THE NLCS!!!” Miles shouts in the middle of your living. “I’m so happy!!” He says but then looks at you. “Oh sorry sugar. I know you’re sad. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay baby. As long as one of our teams win I’m more than happy.” You give him and kiss and reassure him. “Since you’re so happy how about we go to one of the NLCS Phillies games?”
“You would do that for me sugar? I thought you didn’t like the Phillies.” He questions.
“I don’t, but I want to see my man happy. I’m willing to suck up for you.” You smile at him.
“Oh sugar! That made me love you even more.” He passionately kisses you and you guys make out on the couch.
Let’s just say it was a hot night at the ball park.
Days Later
After that night, Miles contacts his assistant asking if she can get Behind the Plate tickets to the Phillies game. The only tickets that she can find were for the 5th game but he would have to do Press for it. You both were fine with it but you didn’t know what you were signing up for til the day of.
As you guys were sitting down waiting for the 6th inning to start, you noticed someone bringing a piano to the field. “That’s weird. They’re bringing a piano to the field.” You tell Miles.
Then you see Phillie Phanatic going on the field to sit down on the piano. The crowd cheers him and all of sudden you hear, Great Balls of Fire, the one that Miles’s sang in Top Gun Maverick play.
Phillie Phanatic was playing the piano until a guy in a flight suit kicks him out and starts playing the piano.
“Oh my goodness babe. They’re playing-” You look next to you and see that Miles is gone. Where could he have gone to?
You look at the field and see Miles running down the field on the big screen. He was putting on his sunglasses and had kicked out the flight suit guy off the piano bench to then play the piano.
You started laughing a little because it was cute seeing him play the piano while Phillie Phanatic was dancing. Miles then gets off the tiny piano bench and he makes the crowd cheer.
As the crowd was getting louder the music changes to Danger Zone. Miles started dancing with Phillie Phanatic and that flight suit guy. He looked like such a hot dork dancing with Phillie Phanatic. He gives Phillie Phanatic a high five and a hug after dancing to then make the crowd go wild again.
Once he was done he headed back to you and you smile at him. “Why are you smiling like that sugar?”
“You were very cute and hot down there dancing with Phillie Phanatic.” You say as you kiss him on his lips. “Was that the Press you needed to do?”
“Yep that’s all I needed to do Sugar. I’m all yours the whole night” He smiles at you as you smile back at him.
Bottom of Ninth Inning
It was the bottom of the ninth inning, the Phillies and Padres were tied 3-3. Both you and Miles were nervous.
Bryce Harper was up to bat. You both knew he was gonna hit something good because he was just that good. As the pitcher throws the ball, Bryce Harper swings his bat and the ball goes out of the park. He hit a home run!!!
You both looked at each kissed each other! “THE PHILLIES ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES BABY!!!” Miles yells out to everyone after your kiss.
You giggle a little and smile at him. You may not like the Phillies but you would give anything to see Miles like this.
“Hey baby.” You shout at Miles. “Can we take a photo of us together?” He smiles back and nods. You pull your phone out and take a selfie of Miles kissing you on the lips.
“Thank you babe.” You say smiling at him.
“I should be the one thanking you. You came to the game with me even though you don’t like the Phillies.” He hugs you. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I would do anything for you.” You smile at him and enjoy the rest of your time at the Phillies stadium.
Miles’s Place
After an evening at the Phillies stadium you got back to Miles’s place safely. You guys were both exhausted so you decided to shower together. It was very hot and exciting in that shower.
Once you guys were cleaned and got ready for bed you both lay down on the bed and put on a movie. As the movie was playing you decided to post the photo you took earlier to Instagram.
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You were about to turn off your phone to snuggle and watch the movie with Miles but you get a notification from none other than Glen Powell.
Notification: @glenpowell Oh it’s on at the World Series!
A/N: Part 2 is done!!! Hope y’all liked it cause I sure did because I had to rewatch Miles dancing with Phillie Phanatic many times 😩
Taglist: (crossed out means I couldn't tag you) @eternalsams @angiem219 @mizzysx @xlynnx07 @withakindheartx @lethalbeautiful @atarmychick007 @shannimallina87 @adoringsebstan @mak-32 @nograce-nomercy @brittancqs
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laugtherhyena · 3 months
Oc stuff in csm chapter 137-138 (y'all get what's happening in just a moment from now)
So continuing where i left off chapters 137 and 138 get shaken around quite a bit, there's no "go lick this devil and I'll have sex with you" or music venue (which sucks because the Chu chu lovely scene is one of my favorites from part 2 but i just can't imagine Mao doing that, oh well, you win some you lose some)
Mao is quick to tell Denji that this is a gig from public safety and that she's there to work as sorta of a bodyguard to him when he expresses being weirded out that another devil person suddenly came after him. He says that she was only coming on him because of her job and that's a let down to which Mao refutes by saying that while she doesn't like Denji in a dating sense, she does like him because chainsaw man is the reason she's alive and that's why she's been wanting to meet him ever since.
The two go to an arcade where Mao asks Denji how does it feel when he transforms because for her it just hurts a bunch and she wondered if it's the same for someone as strong as chainsaw man, Denji tries to put his feelings of wanting to be chainsaw man into words but it's interrupted by that crowd of dudes with baseball bats that comes after him in the canon chapter 137. He fights a few of them off before Mao, transformed into the clock hybrids jumps in and starts attacking the thugs, she says she's meant to do the fighting and tells Denji to go hide somewhere.
He obviously doesn't do that, saying why should he miss the fun part, and proceeds to grab one of the bats on the floor and beating the shit out of those people too. He looks down at his chest and considers transforming before Yoshida shows up and the fight ends. This time he's accompanied by Fumiko and this is where she gets introduced into the story.
He explains that they're all from division 7 and that he and Fumiko, Mao's superior in the mission, were watching them from afar to evaluate how well she would do in her assigned task, coming to the conclusion that she lacks fighting experience but does state that this should have been expected seeing as Mao's most useful abilities are not related to fighting. Amidst his confusion Mao approaches Denji and uses her clock to cure the few bruises and scraches he got on the fight, finishing off by saying that she did tell him the clock was cooler!
Fumiko approaches them and talks about how chainsaw man is strong even when he's not trasnformed and says that she wishes there will be an opportunity for them to talk more in the future, she leaves with Mao and Yoshida tells Denji that he'll set her straight and so he won't have to fight anymore. From there his meeting with Miri in the streets happens just like in canon.
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nochi-quinn · 10 months
candela obscura chapter 3 episode 1: oh god everybody's fucked up
I'm here, I fell asleep and missed the start but I'm here
lmao the immediate note-taking
ur really committing to that voice huh liam
marisha made an older character and liam said hold my dentures
heyyyy someone else makes the joke I picked up from a stargate episode 20 years ago
liam what was that look
absolutely love ashly's wig
sam looking like he got hit with a cattle prod
what's a sam reigel
why are we getting oscar's CV
"are they hot"
listen I saw the trailer he 100% uses that chain to beat people with
"no one calls you carey, oscar"
oh no he's hot
oh he's kotallo, that's why
the flat cap does look good on sam, I can't lie
y'all that's gay
I like cordelia's little halo
eloise best character
(maybe that's the look liam was giving ashly, eloise vs elsie)
elsie's a werewolf calling it
yesss the old people guilt trip
oscar: I'm gonna punch a ghost
"you're wearing a ball gown. it's the morning."
the maw??
haha it took me until literally this moment to remember ashly is aloy, my ship is reunited
"I'm using my bullshit detector" did you get that cleared with the gm
I like the term "blood and guts doctor"
I've been watching S1G play Slay the Princess and the more they describe her the more she sounds like a Princess variant
oh no lights
liam you did that on purpose
oh Aadtika (?) is a very pretty name
"lung, heart" liver, nerves
"you have an extra house?" "you don't?"
"you slick son of a bitch"
he IS a slick son of a bitch
oh sam's being THAT character
prepared to spend three episodes threatening to punch oscar in the head and throw him in the pool
("nochi nobody read your free! livetweets" well maybe they should have)
sam doesn't watch the product
liam always wants to roleplay fish and chips
[picks elsie and raj up and shakes them until backstory falls out]
"I'll be as subtle as I can be" smash cut to him beating someone to death with a chain
the docks seems like a terrible place to play baseball
did they do a dndbeyond for candela?
they did!
sam forgot he was short
"high stakes not for harm" but bc it's funny
rajan: oh I am NOT involved, you made that VERY clear
"don't waste that on me" "I agree"
I'm being gaslit bc I've always pronounced "copse" like "cope" with an "s" in it
shades of the old man at my previous psych office yelling about obama's secret weather machine
"I help by SCREAMING"
grandpa's making a wheel for it
[mabel pines voice] grappling hook!
the way sam rolls dice STILL kills me
oh good, everyone else also thinks they should fuck
"why can't we just be friends? oh right, because I don't like you."
what the fuck's a flashlight
"yeah! temperature play! :D" aabria
"do you go down my little hole" "of course!" aren't y'all divorced
oh no an ot3
don't say degloved that means something else
oh I dig that
oh no aabria's doing the voice
everything goes black, and you die
how could crcw not have prepared me for this
immortal asshole oscar grimm
oh he's an asshole because he gave up the non-asshole bits to bargain with death
hey sam what the fuck
oh hey ashly. ow.
thump thumps? why?
imagine if oscar coming back just freaked elsie right back into beast mode
there's another hour left of this wtf happens
yessssss "I'd take a bullet for him but I wouldn't go drinking with him" my beloved
local woman realizing that everyone around her is an absolute freak
liam's startled old man noise
"ohhh I'm not good at that"
wait I don't understand what he just did
oh he did a drug
little bird ;-;
his WHAT
it glows blue when there are nuns nearby
where's that one digital devil saga monster
I desperately need an artist's rendition of this orca-mantis-thing
excuse me
I keep missing the spelling of his sister's name
"oh god everybody's fucked up"
A WHAT built in his WHAT
augh eye stuff no quiero
is noshir lefthanded?
I kind of half-called that
"that felt like twenty. that was a season."
"do you know you're covered in bees?"
I like my women like I like my coffee
"because yours is super chill"
liam you can uncommit to the voice
(he will not)
"drop the skincare routine"
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wafflesinthe504 · 2 years
The Rookie 5x11 Thoughts
Spoilers for The Rookie 5x11 below. If you've watched the episode or don't care about spoilers, please enjoy!
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The cold open with Nolan and Celina responding to an online/ metaverse robbery was pretty funny. I mean honestly what would they even really be able to do. Like the stuff that was stolen in the metaverse probably did cost real money for the woman, but since its all online how would they even try to recover it? Get a programmer to get the stuff back.
Also when Nolan put the VR headset on and was just falling had me cracking up.
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Y'all, we are actually in Chenford secret dating era and I am loving it already. Tim is so head over heels for Lucy that he can't even make up a fake story for what he was doing last night other than hanging out with Lucy. The whole first scene with them in break room was just so cute. And Nolan being completely oblivious. Honestly, out of everyone in the Mid-Wilshire crew Nolan is probably the only one who genuinely has no clue about Time and Lucy. Also Tim and Lucy making plans for 'nothing' later on was great.
Everything that happened before the first commercial break just had me smiling so much.
Aaron basically volunteering Tim to coach the little league team when the third coach quits. Him trying to backtrack but the suggestion but its already too late Genny and Tyler both love the idea of Uncle Tim coaching the little league team. Seeing Tim just be so soft with the team and trying to make sure they're having fun was so cute. And then hearing Genny explain why just made my heart break a little for Tim.
Tim and Lucy co- coaching the little league was adorable. Lucy helping Tim give the kids some structure and being so competitive when it came to the actual game. It was funny to see them sort of switch places when it came to coaching because we've seen Tim yelling and jumping up and down while watching a football game but from what we know about Lucy she's not really into football. It seems like she has a bit of a deeper connection with baseball or maybe its because she has a deeper involvement with coaching that we got to see her being more open and competitive about it.
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Alright, now to more of the actual plot points of the episode. We get our introduction to the case by now other than Angela's older (and probably best looking) brother Damien. I was so happy to see Damien again. Really any time we get to see more of the team's families I always get excited. I really didn't think we'd see Angela's brothers again after the one episode they were all in.
Damien's reported missing person leads to the discovery of multiple bodies behind a fake wall and the potential start of gang war breaking along with everyone debating whether or not true evil exists.
I really enjoyed hearing the everyone's perspective on the debate and you could tell how their individual experiences and beliefs have informed them of their answers to the question.
When it was revealed that Elijah Stone was the one behind the murders and the setup I wasn't surprised. I figured The Rookie would end up circling back around to Elijah eventually since he was released from jail and forced Wesley to apologize on live TV. Come on the writers couldn't just let the bad guy win. Our protagonists have to get the chance to put Elijah behind bars.
I'm personally pretty excited to see how this storyline with Elijah ends. My one hope is that they don't kill Elijah like they did with Rosalind and La Fiera. There is more than one way to beat the antagonist that doesn't involve killing them.
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Lucy got her own case. I really enjoyed seeing her teach the Citizens Academy students. Yo, that one person who was stupid enough to go into a police station with an outstanding warrant was really bold. I was cracking up as she was arrested.
I liked seeing Lucy's empathy shine through as she tried to help the DA victim. She continually reached out to the victim and even tried to get the her to come to the stark reality of her situation. In my opinion I think that this DA storyline was handled better than Bailey's.
Seeing Lucy absolutely wreck that guy was awesome to see. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing Lucy engaging in hand-to-hand combat.
Bonus: Bailey and Nolan being to kind to be able to be landlords is too funny. I can't believe that Bailey really let the elderly folks go 6 months without paying rent. And then to find out that the elderly couple were renting it out for *that* was crazy.
Hope you enjoyed. If you want come chat with me in the comments about anything The Rookie related.
Until next time have a good day or night.
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mememanufactorum · 1 year
Things my friends have said out of context (July 2023 edition)
Y'all know Japanese right?
And then gay furry porn.
We've been measuring our distance in LOTR Director's Cut length.
This is when the ants start to peek over.
Humans think existential threats look just like us.
Can't get more American than bikini clad armor women flying with snipers.
They wanted to fucking negotiate peacefully at first. Imagine the surprise when that failed.
God was not happy being stunned continuously, but I was thriving.
Ok guys, time to be replaced by a skinwalker.
I hope to watch someone eat shit on the sand dunes.
I consumed a chocolate covered coffee bean for the first time not knowing that's what it was and died.
I mean, it is coffee condensed into a powerful bean.
Alright, y'all get to be my bodyguards.
You're paid in friendship and permission to be an ass if they're a giant red flag.
I'm just bad at judging people like this, so I need bodyguards.
Except I have too many bones and they're all fragile so I don't go squish.
I make a million cracking noises.
I'm gonna eat the Zaku.
You're gonna feel every bone in my body shift and be horrified.
Plot twist: I'm running the carnival. I'm the fae.
Bathroom mirrors are awful at night.
I'm gonna squish, and not in nice way.
Why does the pool smell like fried chicken?
If this somehow works in her favor, I'm gonna Kermit.
You will not do nothing to ensure you don't purchase it.
But as we all know from endless consumption of Japanese media, anime is more powerful than God.
As it turns out, God is weak to an oversized Glock.
It's just a vampire being a freak with a Druid.
What? You don't like the Druid transforming into a literal bear to bang the vampire?
The IRS waits for no one.
Do I get to re-enact my one day as an Oblivion guard?
I still want to punt [name] a lot.
When she's in her true form, I want to bop her with a bat. The major league baseball kind of bat.
I hate it when mechs have feathery wings like this.
Not the first or the last time we will commit war crimes.
I got hit with the X. X just gave it to me.
You say this, but I am often able to sneak away by doing nothing.
What a fucking nerd. You have a boyfriend that cares about your wellbeing. Point and laugh at this nerd.
I'd pick her up, spin her around, and do the same kind of singing that confuses my dogs.
That sounds incredibly stupid. You have what's basically chocolate and savory candy.
You're beyond creatures.
Or you could be like me: Drink four shots of espresso and vibrate to the sun.
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Nyx watches Captain America: The First Avenger
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Imma be honest…
I actually hate this movie.
Ok hate is a strong word
But to me it's actually so boring
Sorry to all the Cap fans
Like I enjoy the characters
And I understand it's to like set up the story
But omg.
So. Fucking. Boring.
At least to me
Feel free to attack me
Fake fan and all that idk
I remember the first time I watched this
It's been a while since the last time though
Norse myths are so cool
Bro should be blinded
Why is he so adamant
Like I know that is his thing
Why are you talking during a movie 😐
Poor guy
Should I watch Agent Carter
I haven't yet idk
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you"
my god I love them sm
I love the Dr
I hate that he dies so early
oh...the other Dr
I hate men
So smart
the red paints
should've known from the start
She's so pretty
He's such a virgin I'm sorry
Is that rude
Nah I mean I'm one too
Whatever it's fine
Me too, Peggy
Crazy vertical fr
Why does he have an American accent
omg the song!!!!
You guys this is a joke btw
Good for him!!!
man he's crazy
He's actually insane
In a good way
Bro is clicking every single button
that has to be trouble
mmmmm success????
I don't knowwwww
uh oh
uh oh not the mountain
do you know what that means....
Buck please no
I know he's not dead but :/
So much pain he has to go through :/
Sure is a cult god damn
GO CAP!!!!!
bros bike is crazy
bro what was I thinking
this is not boring
I love this movie
Character development!!!!!!!!
Fuck the army bro should be in the air force
He takes "I can do this all day" very very seriously
Bye bye tesseract
omg this is so sad
all because he was at a baseball game
end credit scene now
punch me like that/j/j/j/j/j/j/j/j/j/j
bro this is just a trailer I love it 😭
god 2012
that's insane
actually insane my lord
Captain Marvel next!!
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