#y'all i have no freaking clue where this came from
jtl07 · 1 year
late night vigil
camila is no stranger to intimacy, to companionship as some would say more delicately, even if the acts they engage in are anything but. she also knows that beatrice has been as haunted as much as she’s been freed, waiting even as she’s living. or: camila learns about beatrice's strap; she helps in her own way
(mind the rating 🙈)
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lilacsugarcookie69 · 8 months
WARNING ⚠️ may contain some spoilers, just so u know. (It definitely contains spoilers, just do u know)
Remember me freaking out about Areorion ending?
Well, yesterday I finished watching Chrono Stone and God what the actual fuck?! Like Kinako is Fei's mother? Bro, I have a board on Pinterest literally called 'Kinako x Fei'! In my defence, I had no clue.
And also, why on Earth does IE have to have one episode in each season where they are revising everything that happened. Sometimes I appreciate that (IE season 3 - recapitulation of how Raimon soccer club came into being - that was useful) but the others are there - just to be there. It's frustrating.
Tbh, I'd much rather know, how's Fei doing - if he gets along with Saru again, or if Kinako made it (from what I've come to understand - Kinako will try to survive her own death) or Tove or Zanark...
I admire tenma and the others - cuz if it was me, who did all of that I would probably mentally collapse at the very beginning or I wouldn't make not see those people again (Fei, or those from the past)
But I look forward to seeing Galaxy ( I've actually seen the first episode and God, here we go again...) But I have some spoilers and it looks promising, hopefully I won't get brainwashed again hehe
some additional stuff I forgot to mention (Ares/Orion):
• Why on Earth do Fudou's ears look like some elf's ?!
• Why is Kazemaru everywhere (I don't mind him in og IE, but God, in Areorion I can't stand him, I'd say he behaves like a jerk, but I don't have a good examples for that...) also they made us (or me at least) feel he is important - only he knows Kageyama's plan in their game against Raimon (or at least I think so)
In general I seem to not especially like og characters (Gouenji, Fudou, Kidou ect - maybe only Endou didn't piss me off)
But on the contrary I seem to (hehe) really like Areorion's OCs (Haizaki, Kira Hiroto, Ichihoshi, Froy, that Chinese kid - lankee ig?) - they're lovely
If someday anything else reaches my mind and I'll decide to write it here, y'all will know...or y'all will see (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
I strongly doubt anyone will read that, but if you do, let me know what you think (about IE in general, some theories, ships or whatever)
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
Just had an insane dream where the two main realities were Me Lost In A Maze and Me Being Socially Awkward On Tumblr.
The Tumblr part was somehow more twisted at turns, because there was this one friend who asked me to make a post of them making a joke implying they're available and then a DIFFERENT mutual and friend asked me about them (being a little, tiny bit racist I think too but not maliciously just in the "I have no clue who this man is why do we need to hook up"). As I tried to blow MYSELF up with my mind another mutual bestie announced he was gonna start playing FNAFB, because for the last 3 nights in a row that game has been in my dreams, and this was no exception. His bit was the most calm no talking to me just gaming also FNAFB which is usually an RPG was now a 3D side scroller with these abstract, simple and natural yet dimly lit areas and huge enemies, which i reasoned with saying "must be the final mix, a lot changed in the remake :)". Also he has changed his pfp but not entirely he just upgraded the model which was so silly and jarring 2 me. There's another occurrence but that happens in the maze.
How I ended in the maze I'm not sure. I remember however I was in this like, starting room, and Golden Freddy's head who threatened me (not w yiffying my dick something less scary) and told me to count the pancakes on a woman's plate. I giggled bc i didn't take him seriously, I didn't take most of this too seriously, maybe I signed up here willingly, and aside from going those are like 8 pancakes aren't they? I asked if she'd be the key to leaving to which he didn't answer but I assumed to be true.
From there I started running down these backroom pools eske places like these long tiled halls with cool blueish lighting. I saw a lot of faces I knew but I can't recognize the main girl who was grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me along. When I think of it too hard I think she might've been me but then it's like no it's someone else I knew this girl idk from WHERE... (Which is a new one I always recognize ppl from my dreams). Also ran into The Milf Indeed but she had no pancakes though I think she was my childhood's bestie milf who I never got over she was such a gorgeous tall woman. Also uh ... Yeah my closest friend from highschool. He was there.
I think it's worth admitting I was getting kinda emotional here despite being forced to run thru these places being held by the wrist and then being given confusing directions like I was in TSP (which I naturally did wrong just like my man 🫡) bc i was like I'm really enjoying my time here with you guys :) they ignored me tho. Anyway after going like "I TRUST MY GUT FEELING MORE THAN Y'ALL" and going down a third door in the middle I ended up in this dark room.
I think the dream transitioned with me going on Tumblr and the above I mentioned happening but when I got out I realized this was some sort of water filtering room? It was kind of ship-like. It's really hard to explain. Like there was this circle in the middle held by these beams (on the floor, all of them) and I think that's where the water came and left. Touched a button on the wall and the water started raising and I freaked out bc this was meant to be a fun game and now I could actually die. I started looking around and found this little contraption that asked for a code OR an USB. Also a little dog was scratched in the USB slot which was cute. But I had NEITHER because I did NOT talk to the milf! And I was SO upset about this like am I going to die now because I soft locked my ass irl?! Like this already seemed to Not be the place I'd be in hence the escape route but I didn't pick it so 💥
So I started looking for ways out and I was gonna cut a cable to put to a phone (a cordless one) but then i realized Hey I Have My Phone I'd Go Ask On Tumblr! And this is where I saw the third mutual but also where the FOURTH comes in after I was like dude I'm stuck on this maze and it's filling with water and I missed the hint can you help me out and give me the code?
And this man was so powerful actually I was physically outside the room and found myself now next to him sitting on a couch. He was wearing this mostly unbuttoned plaid shirt and was double his real size and also hairier. I was eating this pudding like white thing with a very thin and small spoon. He started rambling about telephone car services and then brought up something about his boobs and when he did that I was not eating my pudding but him w my stupid fancy spoon except it has the exact same consistency (also I hesitated at first before actually doing it bc he seemed ok with it) so I kept eating and he kept rambling about god knows what and then at the end (bc i was visualizing all of this but it was actually just an ask he was answering as I was hallucinating this) he was like oh yeah and the code is [word] and suddenly he was intact and I had only been chewing my pudding thing. And I was like THANKS 👍 and left and when I put the code I woke up.
And I woke up an hour later than usual because of this, too.
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peligrosapop · 11 months
lol actually us Europeans know about immigration and mixed ethnicities and don't really care. Like we know not everyone in Norway is blonde with blue eyes and not everyone in Spain has black hair and brown eyes 😂 so we don't freak out when someone looks "different". those DNA test comments are so obviously coming from Americans we don't do DNA tests to say we're 5% Italian and make that our whole personality
The generalizations are also very American. Y'all need to visit Europe and see it's not like on the movies
Hi! I’m glad you don’t care but I didn’t say it was a monolith of eye and hair color, I was speaking about looking another race, or non-European ethnicity. Yea, I know Norwegians with brown hair and brown eyes but they are obv white Scandinavians lmao. Some Europeans do care when it’s Africans and East Asian, Arabs coming and mixing up their neighborhoods don’t they? The racist shit I have to read and hear of footy SM is crazy, at least Americans try to mask it and seem politically correct, like the Dutch and Spanish still have black face for festivals and shit, so don’t tell me Europeans don’t care when it was Europeans who created the concept of “White”and say racist shit all the time (ask any Black Americans who have gone to Italy)
Now, the reasons European don’t understand why people in the Americas do DNA tests is bc you weren’t colonized, where they? They weren’t denied their native culture or have ancestors that came displaced from Slavery, or ancestors that changed their names when they moved to the Americas or that came bc of poverty so they barely had anything to show from their family background or everything was burned from another colonizer coming in. So, for us in the Americas, it is a way to get more clues, especially from Spanish colonies bc those fuckers barely documented shit outside of church, especially in the Caribbean. USA are a bit more lucky bc colonial-USA is younger and there’s more documentation bc of it (a lot of sad racist shit too) . The US especially bc it is a very very ethnically plural country compared to most countries in the world and some people’s families erased or changed their family history to avoid bigotry, sometimes it’s hard to know your background. That’s it.
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hollandsmushroom · 4 years
JJ x Plus size reader
No fuxking clue how many words this is but here you go, my first fic in ages! I hope y'all enjoy.
Fluffy soft JJ is the whole plot really.
Tumblr media
You laid on the HMS Pogue, an oversized shirt covering your body as everyone else swam around the boat. Your hands were pressed into the soft flesh of your abdomen, you felt the bit where your stomach stuck out where your bikini pressed too much into your chub. Your friends looked to be having an amazing time, and you wishes so much to join them, but there was a deepest fear of rejection and mockery for your body. The rest of the pogues had already seen you in a swim suit before but today felt different, when you woke up and looked in the mirror, it felt wrong, you felt bigger, misshapen, unattractive, simply, you felt wrong. JJ watched you from the water, his eyes scanning your still figure, admiring how your shirt feel across your breasts, tucking into your back roll, slipping down off your belly and ending at your thick thighs. God, your thighs, part of him wanted to bite the soft flesh of your inner thighs as you wrapped your legs around this head. He shook his head, trying to get the thought out of his head because he could feel himself growing hard.
"Y/n, you joining us?" JJ called, trying to distract from his smutty thoughts.
"Nah, not today, sorry JJ," you replied, rolling your head to the side to look at him as you spoke.
"Aw, come on, the waters great and it's so hot out you have to swim," Kie shouted as she splashed at John B and Pope who wrote annoying her.
"Y/n, if you dont come in I'm pulling you in," JJ spoke, swimming closer to the boat, "I'm serious"
You looked down at him, seeing the threat behind his eyes, you stood up, it was slightly painfull seeing as your sweaty thighs had stuck to the fiberglass of the boat. You sucked in a deep breath, tugging the shirt over your head, leaving you in just your high waisted bikini. JJs eyes widened, he let out a low whistle, mumbling 'damn'. Had it been most other days you wouldnt have caught the adoration in his voice but you would have taken his explitive as a compliment, but you weren't like you were most other days. Taking his words as mockery, tears pricked your eyes, you dove over him, entering the water just behind him and diving deeper and swimming underneath his legs and under the boat, gasping for breath when you came up on the other side. You laid in your back, ears under water as you caught your breath, what you couldn't hear was the group freaking out, especially JJ.
"Y/n should have come up by now" he spoke, spinning himself around in the water.
"Yeah, they should have," John B agreed looking down into the murky depths past his feet but seeing nothing.
"Y/N!" JJ called before diving down, looking to see if you had hit a rock or something but unable to find any sign of you.
You lifted your head out of the water, hearing your friends call out for you, and it clicked, something you hadn't realized in your fog of self loathing that you had dove into the water and then disappeared. They must be freaking out, you thought as you gripped the edge of the boat, kicking you legs as you hoisted yourself in, grabbing your shirt immediately to cover your body.
"Hey guys," you hollered, catching there attention as they all searched for you.
"Y/N, what the actual fuck, we thought you drowned" Pope yelled
"You scared the shit out of me," John B chimed in
"If you ever do some shit like that again you're dead to me, I was so worried" Kie added finally
JJ, as opposed to everyone else didnt say anything, just climbed into the boat and enveloped you in a hug. You flinched at the contact, not wanting anyone to feel how big you were.
"I thought you died," he whispered in your ear, and something in his voice broke when he spoke.
"Well I'm alive," you spoke, coldly, remembering what he said. He pulled back from the embrace, trying to look you in the eye, sensing that something was off.
"Yo, you good" he asked gently, still trying to catch your eye.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just remembered that my mom needed me home for something" it was a total lie, the only thing that your mom needed you to do was to stay the fuck out of her way.
"Oh, okay, guys we got to get Y/n home, they have something to do," JJ shouted to the rest of the group, even though he didnt really believe it.
The group was quick to return to shore, all piling into the twinkie to get you home. John B., Pope, and Kie all spent the way to your house chatting, but you stayed quiet, your hands fiddling in your lap, JJ was quiet too, watching you with concern and curiosity in his eyes, what was up with you? You never would have done the disappearing act earlier on any other day, you knew it would cause too much concern, he was also worried about your silence, you were often such a talkative and fun person.
"Sorry for cutting the fun short guys," you broke your silence as you stepped out of the van.
"Nah, it's fine, you didnt, cause ya know, the fun never ends," John B. smiled at you
"Plus, there is always time tonight, we could meet back up at the Chateau," Pope chimed in.
"Yeah, maybe," you smiled softly, thinking about how you didnt want to see anyone else today, just lay in bed. As you climbed the steps to your house someone caught your wrist making you turn around, your eyes meeting JJs. As soon as you saw him, you felt your heart melt a little, how gently his hand was on yours, but then you remembered what he said earlier. You pulled your wrist from his grasp, looking him dead in the eye.
"Yes, JJ?" You asked, a slight bitterness in your tone, causing him to step back.
"I-I just wanted to say goodbye," he said, scratching the back of his neck anxiously.
"Oh, bye" you said, opening the door and closing it quickly behind you, your back hitting the wood.
JJ stood there for a second, staring at the paint peeling off the door, feeling wounded at your coldness.
"Hey JJ, you comin?" Kie yelled at him from the Twinkie, snapping him out of it.
"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled, jogging back down the steps.
You stayed in your room for hours, your phone buzzing on the night stand as you hid under the covers. The sun had set on the water, the sky still shining a faded orange and purple. You hadn't moved since you got home, just laid in bed and let your mind stop, the existence of your body disappearing beneath the covers.
Your cheeks were damp with tears, wiping them away as they feel was too much work. There was a light knock on your window, making you shoot up straight in bed, looking at the window pain, behind sat a very concerned looking JJ.
You got out of bed, lifting up the window and stepping aside so JJ could climb in, this was something he had done before, crash at your house if he was tired of John B. but didnt want to go home.
"Hey Y/n," he spoke softly, a rarity for JJ
"JJ, what are you doing here?" you hissed, still not wanting to be around anyone
"Well, you weren't answering your phone and you were acting really weird earlier so I, I got worried"
"Yeah, like you care" you snapped, still over reacting at his words earlier
"What the fuck is your deal," he bit back "I'm trying to be nice, to be a good friend, and maybe make you realize that I fucking like you but you keep shooting me down,"
"What?" you muttered
"Nevermind, I shouldn't be here," he said, making a move for the window.
"No, you cant like me," that caught his attention, he turned around, your face was confused, your brain clearly trying to put things together, "how could you like me when I look like this, I mean, you even mocked me this morning,"
"Wait, what? Mocking you? When, what? And why the fuck cant I like you, is there some rule somewhere written in fucking stone,"
"Yeah, you made a mocking cat call when I took off my shirt to swim,"
"You thought I was mocking you?" His brow furrowed "I wasnt mocking you, that was genuine, I was trying to get you to realize that I have a thing for you!"
"JJ why?"
"Why? Why what? Why do I like you? Are you serious? Have you seen yourself!"
"Yes, yes I fucking have and that's exactly why you cant like me," you yelled, a tear escaping your eye.
"What are you even saying, Y/n?"
"This" you gestured to your body "This is why you cant like me, I'm fat JJ, I jiggle and my thighs rub, I have back rolls, I-" JJ cut you off, grabbing your face in his hands, thumbing your cheeks softly as he pressed his lips to yours hastily. You melted into him, giving yourself to the kiss, as if something in you surrendered to his affection.
You both pulled away, gasping for breath, forehead leaning on each other.
"Y/n, I like you, and that's always been something I've had a hard time saying, but I do, I like how you stomach sticks out, and how thick your thighs are, sometimes I imagine myself between them," you pulled back, looking him dead in the eye and biting your lip. "Moving on, I like how your boobs aren't a handful, they are like 5 handfuls, and how soft your back rolls are, I like you, I like your body, so get that through your dumb head," he joked, tapping your skull causing you to giggle. He pushed you down onto the bed, him landing softly on top of you. "Now that's out of the way, will you please just be mine, Y/n?"
"Yeah, JJ, I'll be yours, happily," his face broke into a smile as he ran his hands up and down your sides, leaning down and mashing his lips with yours.
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WIP Challenge Snippets!
Big thank you to everyone who requested something. I love hearing what ideas you all are excited for! I'll put each of the snippets below in alphabetical order. All but one are just dialogue - I'm currently at a point where that's all I have done for most of my WIPs.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, only smut fics were requested, so minors please DNI!
Hope you enjoy!
I'm still unsure if this will be a mini-series or a oneshot. I have no freaking clue. Here's a snippet of dialogue, though! Starts with Derek.
“Alright kid, spill the beans.” “Did you know that phrase could stem from numerous possible practices? It could just be a reference to vomiting, but there’s an alternate explanation involving an ancient voting practice of dropping colored beans into a jar and—“ “Not gonna work on me, Reid.” “Fine.” (whispers) “That girl in that magazine? The ‘Vegas Vixen?’ I lost my virginity to her.” “You’re messing with me.” “No! I’m not! I swear that I am not messing with you.” “There’s no way.” “Would I make that up?!” “To mess with me? Yeah, maybe.”
This is a long work that has been heavily inquired about and a very long time coming, so here is a long snippet of dialogue to continue the trend. Starts with Spencer.
“Don’t sound so scared. I’m not going to tell anyone.” “I-I know.” “Do you?” “No. I just hoped not…” “What were you planning if I said I was going to?” “Where are we going? I never told you my address.” “I need to drive around in case someone is following us.” “Oh. That makes sense.” “Answer my question.” “I… hadn’t considered it.” “That’s a lie.” “Fine. I would make a deal with you.” “Tell me the deal. Maybe I’ve changed my mind.” “I won’t tell everyone how hard you got for me when I danced on your lap if you don’t tell them I’m a stripper.” “A tempting offer, although I’m not very ashamed of being turned on by a woman who’s made a career out of being tantalizing, Coquette.” “What’s your idea of a good deal, then?” “Hmmm… My silence in exchange for whatever you were willing to offer me before you found out who I was.” “What are you implying?” “I know a lot about that club… And that it was your first night in the backroom. But your nerves tell me you knew what you were there for.” “Are you seriously propositioning me right now? Through blackmail?” “You asked me what a good deal was, not what I would ask for.” “So what would you ask for?” “Your address. So I can take you home.”
H2M Epilogue*
This whole part makes me want to melt, but here is a funny dialogue snippet.
Derek: “Alright, I know you love to break rules, but Penelope made me doorman for a reason.” Reader: “You really want to pick a fight with me? On my wedding day? I know you know me, Derek Morgan. I know you know better than to stand between me and my husband.” Derek: “He’s not your husband yet, Princess.” Spencer: “Actually, we had a courthouse ceremony a few weeks ago, just in case something happened and we had to miss this ceremony.” (Reader tackles him as he walks up to the door) Derek: “Hopeless. And selfish. Penelope is going to kill me, you know.”
Lane Courtesy* (Franklin)
This fic is purely for my beta @sunlight-moonrise, but y'all can read it if you want. Starts with Franklin.
“Maybe it’d be easier if you bought clothes that fit.” “I think I look pretty good in what I’m wearing. And I think you think so, too. Besides... it’s all in the wrist, anyway. You wanna see?” (She grabs his ball, he grabs her arm) “Don’t worry, babe. I’m good at handling men’s balls.” “Oh, I bet you are.” “Plus, I promise I’ll give them back to you after.”
Practice Makes Perfect* (backburner)
This is a very old original idea I had. I'm not sure if/when I'll ever get around to it - if anyone wants it, I'd love to hand over the dialogue I have so far. Here is a snippet regardless! Starts with Spencer.
“Hey (y/n), what—" “Spencer! Can I come in?” “C-come in? Into my room?” “Uh... yeah.” “But you... you’re... you’re dressed like a...” “A stripper, yeah. Are you going to make me stand out here like this longer?” (He lets her in) “Is there something I can do?” “Can I dance on you?” “What?” “I want to give you a lap dance. Please.” “A lap— why?" “Who else am I going to ask? Hotch? Please, Spencer. You’re the only person I trust.” “Trust?” “Please stop rephrasing everything I say as a question.”
Shortbread (Chip)
Love me some Sub!Chip. This is honestly probably on the backburner. I've been in a very Spencer mood lately. Starts with Chip.
“Can I ask you something?” “What’s up, sweetheart?” “Why are you so nice to me all the time?” “What do you mean?” “You don’t really know me. But ever since I met you, you’ve always just been nice to me. I mean, I know you’re nice to everyone, but it feels…” “Different? It should.”
Seatbelt Safety* (Chip)
Gosh, this fic is so short, I really need to just write it. Uber Driver Chip. Starts with Reader.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. I kind of needed to act a bit crazy.” “Why?” “I was trying to get out a super awkward date.” “By running into the street?” “Trust me. It was a bad date.” “Oh. Well, I’m sorry you had a bad date.” “It’s fine. You know how it goes.” “Not really. Haven’t had a date in a long time.” “Why is that?” “Idunno.” “Hm.” “What?” “You wanna go on a date with me?” “What?” “Let’s go on a date.” “... What?” “Most people say yes or no. ‘What’ isn’t very helpful. Is this why you can’t get a date?” “I can get a date! I just... haven’t been asked by anyone in awhile. And definitely not like that. That was weird.”
Study Session* (requested three times!):
I have a lot of this done already, so you get an actual sneak peek here!
“Listen closely, young lady,” he said like I had any other option. Like I wasn’t enraptured and enchanted by the feel of his warm breath once again hitting my ear. He could feel the way breath stuttered and my body stumbled straight into him with eager hands. I could almost feel his smirk against my ear when he concluded, “I would never... ever sleep with you.” And just like that, he was gone. He didn’t just drop me; he tossed me to his side like the very notion of being that close to me disgusted him. The desire that had been burning inside of my chest quickly shifted to rage. He could pretend like he didn’t want me, but there was no other justification for bringing me out to the back in the first place. There was no reason to allow me to confront him, nor for him to discuss my sex life in any manner at all. Seconds after we were both inside again, I grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back to me. Surprisingly, there was very little resistance. It was almost like he was waiting for me to do it. I tugged him into the small, dimly lit bathroom without a care in the world for who might have seen us or what whispers might follow. Spencer was already laughing, apparently amused by anger rolling off of me. “Say it again,” I ordered through heavy breaths, “Say it to my face.” I’d prepared myself for a number of responses — most of which were varying levels of humiliating. What I hadn’t prepared for, however, were the words that actually came out of his mouth. Casually, and without question, Spencer ordered, “Get on your knees.” He was so calm that I felt like it must have been a trick. It took everything in me not to fall to my knees, and instead I managed to ask, “Why?” His answer was equally unhelpful and alluring. “Because I said so.”
The Agent Assigned to My Webcam*
This is a beast of a fic, so it'll also be a while. There were so many parts I could show you, but I thought this one was the most thought provoking.
Reader: “Wait! Sorry, I-I... uh... Can I see your ring?” Spencer: “... Sure.” Reader: “Thanks. What did you say your name was?” Spencer: “I didn’t.” (He leaves, she follows him into the empty hallway) Reader: “Do I know you, Doctor Reid?” Spencer: “No.” Reader: “Are you sure?” Spencer: “I could ask you the same thing.” Reader: “Drop your pants and I’ll tell you exactly how sure I am.” Luke: (walks in) “Sorry. Am I... interrupting something?”
That's all for now, folks!
Thanks for reading. If you feel so inclined, let me know what you thought about any of the above here!
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curligurl0896 · 4 years
So getting to read @thejakeformerlyknownasprince 's FMA AU reminded me of my own ideas for a FMA/Animorphs fic. A crossover, in this case, a Megamorphs of sorts (complete with rotating narration) because I really want an excuse to have the Animorphs interact with the characters of the FMA universe. I don't have enough ideas worked out to confidently write a whole fanfic yet, so I think I'll just share some of my ideas so that at least they don't stay inside my head forever like the vast majority of ideas that I either never finish enough to post it or just never get around to at all, especially when my brain is always generating new plot bunnies instead of focusing on developing the ones I already have, it's so distracting lol
(Also maybe y'all could give some suggestions if you wanna, I'd definitely appreciate it lol)
Anyway, here it is:
First off, the answer as to how exactly the Animorphs end up in the FMA universe: I was kicking around a few ideas for this, and was originally thinking something along the lines of like, a freak accident that somehow results in them ending up in front of the Gate of Truth, but I think a better idea would be for an alchemist (or perhaps even several alchemists) to end up in the Aniverse, get Yeerkified, and the Yeerk (or Yeerks, as it may be), intrigued by the memories and knowledge of an alternate Earth where you can manipulate matter and shape it according to your will with nothing more than a well drawn chalk circle (or even less than that if you've been through the Gate, as the Yeerk(s) will eventually discover), lured in by the idea of a legendary object that supposedly can be used to circumvent a pesky little law known as Equivalent Exchange, decides to pull something of a "Tom's Yeerk and his Yeerk buddies a la book 52" deciding to start their own colony in the FMAverse where they won't have to answer to the Council of Thirteen or the Visserarchy (well, at least the ones higher ranked than the Yeerk in charge, who, I imagine, would have to be a Sub-Visser at the very least to have the power to arrange all this) in addition to being able to use alchemy, which, much like the morphing power, can be used for a massive variety of things, ranging from merely convenient to pretty damn useful in a pinch to OP as fuck to even just downright terrifying.
It takes a lot of time and meticulous planning, of course, as they have to find a way to transport the Yeerks, their ship, and all the other stuff they'll need to thrive over there through the Gate and into the FMAverse-- all while in a universe where alchemy flat out doesn't work. The Yeerks have to figure out how to get around that issue, and it takes at least a year of research and using their new hosts' alchemical knowledge to work out a solution, but they work it out, and soon enough they get everything set up and ready to go. At some point, the Chee find out about this secret unknown project going on, inform the Animorphs about it, and Jake decides that they should at least check it out on the off chance that it's something big.
That's where the story officially starts: with our team of traumatized teenage shapeshifters at the location where this thing is being set up (haven't figured out the where yet). They've spent the past several days spying on these Yeerks, but still aren't sure what exactly is going on-- they keep talking about opening a gate-- and aren't sure if it's worth it. Marco's convinced the whole thing is ridiculous, especially after overhearing a human Controller mention something about a "Philosopher's Stone" ("What is this, Harry Potter? Are they gonna wave wooden sticks around and yell in Latin?") . Rachel is bored at this point, and just wants to kick ass and call it a day-- they were probably up to no good anyway. Cassie isn't particularly keen on the asskicking part, but she's been having a bad feeling about all this that she can't shake, and Tobias agrees that something fishy is going on and says they should wait a few days-- after all, from what they've gleaned, whatever plans these Yeerks had would be set in motion very soon. Ax, being Ax, declares as usual that he'll just go along with whatever Prince Jake orders, though when Jake presses him about his opinion, he just says he isn't sure what to make of it. In the end, they keep it up for a couple more days, and sure enough, the time comes for the Yeerks to "open the gate", whatever that means.
After all the time they'd spent spying on the Yeerks, it is conveniently now, when the Yeerks are about to do their thing, that they're discovered. It quickly turns into a fight, and the Animorphs attempt to bail as they're soon overwhelmed-- and then the Gate is opened.
None of them had any idea what to expect next. They certainly weren't expecting the blue lightning that erupted around them in a massive circle, seeming to originate from the curving lines that had been so painstakingly carved into the floor. They aren't expecting the atmosphere to turn dark and purple and creepy, or for a giant grey eye to suddenly appear beneath them, or for wavy black tentacle arms to come out of that eye. And they definitely were NOT expecting to abruptly find themselves in the white void of Zerospace.
Only they aren't in Z-space, exactly. Surrounded by it, sure, but somehow they stand there, as if on solid ground, surrounded by the eerie blankness that had once nearly suffocated them to death.
Each Animorph is utterly alone, with nothing and no one else in sight. That is, until they hear a voice, one that sounds like several voices speaking in unison, and suddenly they see a figure-- or, more accurately, an outline of a figure, with only shadows to mark where the figure ended and the void began. The figure is shaped like a human in all but Ax and Tobias's case: the figure Ax sees is shaped like an Andalite, and Tobias's version takes the form of a bird.
Truth gives the whole "I am God, I am the world, and I am also you" speech, then informs them they can't pass through the Gate without payment. Suddenly, there's a huge gateway where previously there was nothing. Truth is unconcerned with the fact that these "A-ni-morphs" have zero clue what's going on-- it simply takes the required toll and sends them on their way.
Except the toll is literal body parts-- which, even then, isn't usually a big deal for an Animorph, but in this case it absolutely is a big deal, because, as they'll soon discover, there's no way they're going to just replace their lost limbs through morphing. It's expressly forbidden for one to simply have nice things in this universe; in other words, Truth isn't letting them off the hook that easily.
The discovery that they're not able to replace their lost body parts through morphing is especially horrifying to Ax, because, well, y'know... book 40. The one that every Ax fan, and really anyone who otherwise genuinely enjoys Ax's character, would like to pretend never fucking happened.
In fact, given Truth's precedent for irony when extracting payment from people who've opened/been through the Gate in the series, I have no doubt in my mind that Ax would end up suffering the exact same fate as Mertil. Andalites, after all, place high value on their tail blades, especially the warriors; it's their number one go-to weapon when shit hits the fan. Ax himself is such a warrior, in fact it's a huge part of who he is as a person. Needless to say I think yeeting Ax's tail blade would be the exact kind of twisted irony that Truth would employ.
He gets over himself eventually-- well, sort of. However, it takes him a long time to truly come to terms with it-- instead of accepting that the attitudes he'd been taught his whole life regarding those who aren't fully able-bodied are actually shit, I feel like he'd be more likely to double down on them, internalizing them, and actually go into full-on self loathing as a result.
He holds his metaphorical tongue, though, upon seeing that Tobias has suffered a payment that is arguably far more cruelly ironic-- given that Tobias is a bird, given that his initial attraction to the morph that eventually became his default body came from the sense of freedom and escapism only provided through flying, I think it's fairly obvious what Truth would take: his wings.
As for the others: Rachel has lost her arm (for basically the same reason Ed did), Cassie loses her hands (which she uses to, you know, help injured animals and stuff), and as for Jake... well, it was a bit of a struggle, the best I could come up with is the idea of him going blind much like Mustang did after being forced to open the Gate (though maybe not for the same reason, though... idk. If anyone has any better suggestions, please let me know lol, I couldn't think of any solid ideas for what body part would be ironic for Jake to lose). Marco is the only one who doesn't lose any outwardly visible body parts-- what he loses is his voice.
At some point, they are discovered, taken into custody by the Amestrian military, and eventually they end up in Colonel Mustang's office. Mustang listens to their story with a massive dose of skepticism. He isn't sure what to make of these bizarre barefoot children, nor their claims of fighting bodysnatching slugs from outer space by turning into animals, nor their wingless pet hawk, nor... well, he could only assume the other creature was some sort of chimera, although he had zero clue what animals could have possibly been used to make something with blue fur and extra eyes.
At this point, they're about to do a morphing demonstration to prove to the Colonel that they aren't completely batshit, when suddenly the door is slammed open, and a teenage boy with blond hair and sharp golden eyes comes sauntering in, accompanied by a hulking giant covered head to toe in a suit of armor.
The boy immediately starts shouting at Mustang, calling him a bastard and accusing him of wasting his time, to which Mustang responds by merely rolling his eyes and sighing, as if this sort of thing happens all the time (spoiler alert: it does). After a moment, the kid stops as he takes notice of the other kids standing in the room.
"So," he says, calmly, as if he wasn't yelling at his superior just a moment ago, "what's the deal with these fuckers?"
The casual use of the kind of language that would have surely landed them in hot water back home was quite shocking, but they don't comment on it. Instead, Rachel says, in a voice sweet as honey, "Oh, look, Marco. He's just as short as you are."
Before Marco could turn to glare daggers at her (come on, it wasn't like he could argue back in that moment), the boy goes absolutely ballistic, and the armored guy has to physically restrain him as he screams obscenities at Rachel ("The fuck did you just call me, you freakishly oversized bitch? I'll show you too-fucking-short-to-fucking-sit-at-the-fucking-table-without-a-fucking-booster-seat! Call me short one more fucking time, I fucking dare you to! You think I give a shit that you're a girl? I'll fuck that pretty face of yours right up, just you fucking wait--")
"Brother!" The armored guy cries. "Calm down!" Then, to the Animorphs: "I'm sorry about my brother's behavior. He's, um, a bit sensitive about his height."
"A bit sensitive" is the understatement of the century, but none of the Animorphs call him out on it. They're too dumbfounded by the sound of his voice, which sounds sweet, innocent, and, despite his size, sounds like it belonged to a boy no more than nine or ten years old.
And that's where I'm going to leave it for now, since I've spent way too long on this post already. I have a few other ideas, but mostly in bits and pieces, not really any more comprehensive plot points beyond this point. Please do let me know what you think!
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trashcanwrites · 4 years
📺┊ Watching Kids Shows with the Haikyuu Boys!
► Oikawa Tooru, Tsukishima Kei, Hinata Shouyo, Bokuto Koutaro, Tendou Satori ft. Hinata Natsu (GN! Reader)
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: I left one or two swear words? Other wise there is none ❤️
『♚ Will's Message』 ▸ Heya!! Here's some headcanons I thought about when me and my sisters were listening to Sofia the First and Barney soundtrack 👁️👄👁️ Hope you guys enjoy! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
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This boi just barged into your house saying he wanted to watch Sofia the First with you—
Well I mean you couldn't complain cuz Sofia the First is amazing 🤩
The both of you were just chilling on the floor cuz the couch is for the weak 😤
Once the intro starts playing the both of you guys just start screaming the lyrics
The both of you sound like hyenas dying from being strangled I swear 👁️👄👁️
Like the your neighbors are lowkey higkey concerned
Whenever a character would start singing y'all would start singing too
But the thing is when one of you forgets the lyrics one of you starts singing gibberish
Then the other one starts to get confused cuz like wtf you singing??
The both of you would also start dancing too
Like he's the prince and you're some exaggerated elegant af royal ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
He would definitely kiss you hand—
But that's about the only part he's good at cuz the two of you would just step on each others feet and stumble
Oh to be a good dancer 😭
Oikawa's favorite character is probably Amber you can't change my mind
The two of you would argue who's best girl I swear
It's like a war zone when you argue about it you guys will make up eventually
After the marathon the two of you would just eventually fall asleep on the floor after talking about your favorite episode ❤️
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You were bored out of your mind so, you went to Tsukki's house to hang
You were feeling nostalgic so...
You forced him to watch Barney with you.
You know how Tsukki likes dinosaurs???
Well he doesn't like this one
Cuz he says Barney's just some 'discount dinosaur'
Probably that one show his parents made him watch as a kid but he didn't wanna cuz he thinks Barney's 'fake' I mean he technically is
I never really thought Barney was a dinosaur as a kid either, I only found out when I was 8
While Tsukki was watching it he looked so... Disgusted
And the fact that you were playing along with the show makes him cringe even harder— 💀💀
Tsukki be like: Why am I with a five year old??
He didn't even know why he let you watch BARNEY FRIGGIN BARNEY at his house when he could have easily said no 🤡🤡
He just wanted the torture to be over
Just when the show was about to end and he could rest easy, the song started to play
And you just started to sing along with it, you even came up to Tsukki to hug him I— 😭✋🏼
🎶 I loVe yOU, YoU LovE mE 🎶 ⊂(・▽・⊂)
He stood up and shoved your face away before you could do it cuz he's had enough of your shit today 🙃
After that you felt bad for him putting up with your idiocracy so you promised to do whatever he wanted
You best bet it was some sort of mental torture equal to the one you put him through—
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Natsu said she wanted to watch a show with y'all 🥺🥺🥺
So you did
She picked Winnie the Pooh
I swear it's probably her favorite cartoon—
Bby Natsu wanted to sit next to you while you hugged her 💕
While big bro Shoyou sat in next to you!!
Lmao Hinata would probably get so bored, he doesn't like Winnie the Pooh apparently 😔
But he tries his best for his sister
His favorite episode was the one where Pooh got stuck in Rabbit's 'door' so they had to pull him out
But then when they did pull him out he got stuck in a hole in a tree filled with bees 👁️👄👁️
It made Hinata laugh his ass of
He said it reminds him of Kageyama??
And Natsu was laughing too cuz if her big bro is happy she is too and you just sitting there giggling holding Natsu
Bruh I swear the Hinata siblings are next level wholesome
Natsu would definitely have a crush on Christopher Robin 😤
Like whenever he shows up on screen she would blush and just look at her dream guy 💘
Hinata probably doesn't notice or know cuz he's dense LOL
But you do 👀
Once the marathon is over you told Natsu about what you found out—
You just smiled at her...
Natsu was chasing after you telling you not to do it
But then Hinata heard and he was like: w h a t ?
Natsu tried to ignore you for the rest of the day while Hinata went up to you to complain about it 😌
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Bo was hyper today you asked him to watch Scooby Doo with you to calm him down ❤️
He is so determined to solve the mystery
You guys bet on who's the culprit
Lmao Bokuto would defend his choice so much
Like he would give a lot of random reasons as to why he chose them 👁️👄👁️
And you would just be like no
Then he would just argue even more
When you guess right he just pouts at you and looks away
If he's right he does a little victory HEY HEY HEY like he's all happy and jumpy
The loser has to put hot sauce onto whatever they were eating, they eat the food at the end of the marathon
You were the one who picked the consequences for the bet—
While y'all were watching the both of you were just screaming like wtf
The screams aren't even cuz your scared it's just cuz whenever there's a new clue both of your big brains theorize who's the culprit
And then the two of you just shout what you guys thinks gonna happen and there would be some sort of debate 🙃
Bo's favorite character is Shaggy 🥰 I dunno why I just get the feeling
In the end the two of you had to eat the food you guys filled with hot sauce
It looks red af btw
Bokuto just straight up ate it all like it was so fast
And you were looking at him like ಠ_ಠ
You ate yours and your mouth was on fire—
You had to drink gallons of water cuz there wasn't any milk 😔
Someone reserve the bathroom because one of you two would probably blow any minute now—
Bo rushed in first
But then you had to go in too so you did the little pee pee dance outside while you were waiting
Overall 100/10 would do again 😌
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You and Tendou planned to hang and watch a show
It was your turn to pick a so you chose Teletubbies—
Tendou went 😊 to ☹️
Like he was just so happy when you came and the you tell him your watching TELETUBBIES with HIM
He just wanted you to watch it alone at this point
But y'all promise to hang so he let you watch it 😤😤
The whole time you two were watching he was just complaining about how obvious their questions were
He's just there arguing at a tv know it won't respond to him at all
You just stare at him like 👁️👄👁️
He was so annoyed lmao
Then you would tell him it's a kids show
But then he's like: then why are we watching this?
It's for nostalgia purposes I swear
It's not like you purposely picked it to mess with him or anything
The mans kept pestering you to watch something else cuz he just can't take this torture 😭
He really doesn't like the Sun
He says it looks weird, why would you put an actual baby's face as the sun??
It laughs and everything
At one point he just had enough and grabbed two pillows and shoved it in between his head
He didn't wanna hear any of it anymore HAHAHAHHAHA
He even went as far as to constantly poke your face and tell you to 'make it stop'
In the end you two didn't finish it cuz he was complaining a lot and you two ended up watching Don't Breathe 😔
I lowkey was scared of Teletubbies as a kid
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misteria247 · 4 years
He's always been alone for as long as he could remember. The only one of his kind, the only one who had two fingers and green skin and a hard shell on his back. The only one to ever exist. He didn't remember anything nor anyone, he had no name other than the name the humans called him.
It hurt hearing that name being directed at him whenever humans saw him. It hurt and he didn't know exactly why. He didn't know a lot of things. He didn't know how he came to the forest that he lived in, he didn't know why he was able to survive or speak the strange languages known as English and Japanese. He had no clue where he learned it nor if anyone taught him it. All he knew was the trees that he lived in and the shack he called his home and the feelings of unease that always accompanied him wherever he went. He believed that perhaps there may have been more to him than he knew but whenever he tried to grasp at a possible lead it drifted through his fingers like smoke. So he spent his days not thinking about it, instead living with the hurricane of emotions that swirled inside him and lived everyday to the best of his abilities. He used the skills that he had to his advantage, he remained hidden from view of the humans who would come into his forest.
Everyday he used his strength and stealth to survive, everyday he lived with the sense of something missing. And when night came he was plagued with strange dreams that he can vaguely recall. Dreams filled with fear, panic, anger, confusion. Dreams will blurry images and muffled voices screaming out to him in either panic or terror. Every night the dreams held the same goal.
He had to protect something. He didn't know what or who but it was the most clearest thing he could remember from his dreams. The feeling of needing to protect, the fierce determination he felt to complete this task. Each night he'd be in an endless loop only to awaken the next morning with only bits and pieces of his dreams. It was the same routine for him, one that he grew used to despite the whispers in his head.
'You don't belong here.'
'Something's missing.'
'You shouldn't be here, you're needed somewhere else.'
Each whispered thought he shut down, not wanting to deal with the feelings that accompanied them. Feelings that left him confused and made his chest hurt and his mind feel heavy. He didn't have time for such silly things, to entertain such emotions when he had no reason to feel them. So his days went in the neverending cycle of confusion. He expected it to remain this way for the rest of his days just as it had been from the moment he awoke in his beloved forest. It was a fate he'd come to accept. A cross that he alone had to bare.
Until that one night.
The night that threw his world into absolute madness.
It was a normal night for him. He'd finished gathering the wood for his little heater to keep him warm during the night and he was making his meal for the evening. He ate and cleaned up his left over scraps before getting into his bed in the corner of the old shack. Snuggled up in his covers, with the gentle sounds of his fire crackling and the grasshoppers outside chirping he slowly drifted off into the realm of dreams.
He was always running in the beginning of his dreams. The sounds of distant splashing could be heard behind him as he ran, the familiar feeling of panic slowly building up as he continued his desperate journey in the dark.
'Gotta keep going. Gotta find them, gotta keep them safe.'
The thought repeated itself like a siren as he ran. He didn't know who he needed to get to but he knew that it was important. As he ran he began to notice things. The usually darkness that surrounded him each night was no longer there. Instead what surrounded him was stone walls and strange pipes that leaked water from the sky. He came to a stop when he realized that his feet were wet and the sounds of splashing water came to a halt.
'Water......stone walls......what is this place......why......why does it feel so familiar....?'
He looked around his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to figure out where he was. This was nothing like the forests he lived in, this was different and strange and familiar and unnatural.
'Sewers. I'm in the sewers.'
He jumped a bit startled by the confident thought that popped up in his head. Yet as soon as the word was said it felt right. He was in the sewers. He didn't have much time to ponder this as a sudden voice called in the tunnels.
He froze only catching the end of the echoing shout. He stood deathly still, straining his ears to listen over the sounds of water.
The voice called out again, much more clearer now than before. It sounded young and panicked. It made his stomach sink.
The voice screamed out again, this time sounding terrified. He didn't think about it, the sudden fierce wave of protectiveness and fury consuming him as he bolted towards the voice. He didn't know why but somehow he knew that the way the voice sounded wasn't what it was supposed to sound like. It should have been chipper, carefree and playful. Not panicked and terrified. He kept running, his lungs and legs burning from the strain but he refused to stop. He refused to give up, not until he got to the source of the voice, not until he was sure they were alright.
"LEO.....! HELP......!"
Another voice screamed out joining the first one who had called out the name. This voice sounded just like the first one, only lighter in tone. Like the first one he knew it shouldn't sound like that, this tone should be calm and gentle sounding. Hearing this one sound panicked made his blood rise in fury.
The third time the name was screamed by a deeper rougher voice with a slight accent. That was the final straw for him. With an ungodly rage that he'd never experienced before he flew down the tunnels towards the voices.
'I've gotta get to them....!!'
He could hear them screaming the name, a name he didn't know but made him respond.
'I've gotta protect them.....!!!'
The sounds of running water grew stronger and the shouts grew more frantic.
'I've gotta hurry.....!!! Please.....please let them be okay.....!!! Please-!!!'
The frantic thought was cut short by the sound of something hitting the walls. The sound of something sharp and made of steel echoed and made his blood freeze. Standing at the end of the tunnel was a figure. A tall figure with claws and eyes that held murderous rage and death. He barely had time to react when the figure was upon him, slashing deep into his chest and cutting him. His mind went blank, an ungodly pain consuming him before he smacked his skull off the ground. He heard screaming, the sounds of fighting, a low sound of a string being cut and then nothing.
He awoke with a terrified gasp, his eyes snapping open in panic as he flung up out of his bed. Terrified blue hues searched the room for the figure that attacked him. Seeing nothing but the familiar safe walls of his beloved shack he practically sank back into the blankets, trying to stop the adrenaline. Taking shaky breaths he slowly reached for his chest to see if he was injured. He sighed in relief as he felt the same rugged surface of his chest plate. However that relive turned to slight horror as he ran his fingers over the jagged scars that decorated the front. The scars he'd had when he'd first found himself in his home surrounded by nature and trees. With a foreboding feeling welling up inside him he desperately tried to recall how many claws the creature had in his dream that was already fading away.
'He had one.....no.....two......he had two claws. One on each hand.....'
He recalled before feeling the scars. His stomach dropped as he counted two ragged lines on his chest. He froze, eyes wide and heart pounding loudly in his ears.
"That dream......it was too real......no......no don't tell me......"
He mumbled in a somewhat manic way, blue eyes shrinking slightly in his shock and disbelief. He felt like something had just punched him harshly in the chest as he realized what he saw. That what he'd been seeing every night in a stilted hazy view. That dream was no dream he realized with a growing sense of horror.
It was a memory.
And just like that his once simple existence turned into chaos.
*Since I've been on an absolute roll today I'd decided to give Forgotten another shot and clean it up and oh boy fellas. I'm pretty damn proud of this. I enjoyed doing this again and taking a new much more thought out approach to the simple question I'd had a little bit ago. What if Leo forgot about everything? And with this as well as the first rough draft of the idea added to it and y'all get this!!! I don't know if I'll continue this but if I do I'll let y'all know!!! Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!! Oh and if y'all can figure out the dream characters you get a cookie.*
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g30citiesexe · 3 years
The Story Of Darwin's Yearbook, A Content-Starved Fanbase, and how it all connects to the DHMIS "Titles"
So. Yesterday the news came out, that, according to IMDB (movie wiki basically, a site that is able to be completely edited regardless if the info is fake or not, like Wikipedia is (hint hint) ), the upcoming DHMIS tv show's...interesting, and a tad bit suspicious titles had been revealed. Naturally, everyone freaked out. Including myself. But as I stepped back from my own dopamine-induced rush, I realized this was eerily similar to another incident involving a show i was fixated on.
The Context
So TAWOG. I'm a big fan of the show. And there was a period in my life where me, and the rest of the fandom were all waiting for something. Something...very important. And that something was confirmation of a Gumball Movie. Not the movie coming out, mind you, but the Announcement That It Would Be Happening. Now why were we so...desperate for this movie? Simple. The cartoon had ended on a Cliffhanger. And one of the best ways to resolve it, to give it a proper finale...? A movie. Now, the creator had stated several times before that there were ideas for a movie. But there was no definite confirmation. A few years passed...and nothing.
Enter Darwin's Yearbook. In 2019-ish, it was announced that there would be More Gumball. Holy Shit. Some believed it was a hoax. But as time went on, it was revealed that yeah, it was Real. And then began..
The Utterly Insane Theories I Somehow Believed.
Ok, so the fandom was kiiiinda grasping at straws at this point. Understandable. You give us something and We Would Find a Way to connect it to our Movie Hopes. And that came in the form of the Darwin's Yearbook (DY) Is Connected to/Is a cover-up for the Movie Theories.
Now this was a minority of people, of course. Most believed it was a cash-grab by CN to keep the show on oxygen.
But it must've been a very Vocal One.
Because I believed these theories.
They started out simple.
"What if DY ends with a movie tease?"
And somehow, snowballed into the crazy theory I ended up believing.
"It's Actually Going to Be the Full Movie In Disguise and it's just a cool marketing trick."
....I have no clue where that came from. Most likely my own head.
Now most people were skeptical. They didn't have much hope for this.
And they were right. DY turned out to be a clipshow. This left all of disappointed. Especially me, and the group of people who ended up falling for the Crazy Ass Theories. It was just simple clipshow fun. Nothing else. No movie hints. I will admit, DY was...okay. Especially as the clipshow events went on.
Now does this story have a bummer ending?
Well. No.
A while later, the "Person posts fake movie logo to reddit, Show creator comments on it and the fandom is sent into a craze" thing happened.
And the biggest part...
After years of waiting, in February 2021, we Got It. The Movie Was Happening CN had confirmed it on their twitter let's fuuucking gooooo!
So how does this connect to the DHMIS IMDB Thing?
Let's do some Comparing and Contrasting.
Both the DHMIS Titles and DY started off as, well...a highly likely lie.
DY had no signs of being a movie tease. However, mine and other's content starved-ness had led us to believe it.
The DHMIS IMDB titles are...very odd, to say the least. However, our content-starved-ness had led us to believe it as well.
Now the DHMIS IMDB title incident, if it is fake like I believe, is definitely more questionable than a theory that snowballed out of control.
Because for DY, the theories were just that. Theories.
IMDB is, despite being crowdsourced, a source most easily believe. Making a prank like that would be...pretty darn bad, even if it doesn't hurt anyone.
I'm not trying to rain on y'all's parade. Believe me. I want the TV show too.
But we have to admit the IMDB titles are likely fake.
After all, we are a very desperate fanbase, and some prankster is most likely taking advantage of us.
Now I do believe the show may be airing this year. There's more than one source I saw stating that.
But I don't believe the titles are bonafide real titles. They just don't make sense.
But like with DY, there's still hope. I'm not saying to Give Up all Hope Now. Just be cautious, don't believe crowdsourced sites, and don't get your hopes up.
After all, we know the show is still in production. It's still happening. I mean, the show just got licensed for merch a few months ago.
Hell, just a few days ago the creators confirmed they were still going. It's no release date, but it's Something at least.
What i'm saying is you Shouldn't give up hope.
But also, don't believe things too easily. It will only disappoint you in the long run. Trust me. I know.
But there's hope. All we can do for now is (and it's cliche, I know) is to stay patient. Best case-scenario, we do get it this year.
User N3kodoodles out. Thank you for listening.+
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Outside chapter 23: Final Showdown (part 1)
Just as a warning everyone this chapter, and the next one, both have quite a bit of violence. Bones will break. people(and Puppets) will bleed, and somebody may or may not be dead by the end of this. So don't say I didn't warn y'all.
Also chapter 24 should be up next week, cause I wrote out both parts of this as one whole thing before splitting it. It just needs to be edited now, but that can be done tomorrow after work. Also we’re pretty much at the end now. But more on that later, for now enjoy the Final Showdown.
Stacy stayed limp, even as she was tied up by her wrists. Her eyes remained closed, as Mortimer grabbed her face and turned it this way and that to check for consciousness. As she suspected, he refused to even try anything until he knew she was awake to experience it. Even after she'd been feigning sleep for hours.
'You freaks are all the same...' She thought as she swung gently against the wall, listening as Mortimer stalked around the room, muttering under his breath. 'Oh wow, I think he's practicing his villain speech. Loser.'
Her inner monologue of mocking Mortimer did little to keep her fear down. It was only old habits from her childhood that helped her facade stay up in the face of Mortimer suddenly slamming something. The sounds of pages being flipped, and more muttering, this time about Riley. Or maybe about Owen, it was difficult to tell.
Listening to him walk back and forth, muttering and turning pages in a book, Stacy found herself in a tense boredom. It wasn't the first time, and wouldn't be the last, but it made it difficult to keep up her facade. Briefly, quietly, she wished something would happen to get this show on the road.
Unknown to her, however, the door to the Sound Stage had slowly been pushed open, two humans peering around the edge. "Looks pretty safe." Will muttered as he eased the door open wider. "Remember, just grab and go."
"Right." Scout whispered back as she crept into the room. It seemed empty enough, though there were runes and magic symbols scribbled all over the walls. And, hanging in front of one that seemed to be drawn in blood, was her Puppet body. Biting the back the cry of her Host's name, she made her way over to her.
Trembling hands reached up to try and fight the knots around the fabric wrists, but stopped at the sound of heavy footsteps behind her. Turning, she saw the slow, lumbering approach of a Sock Puppet, one that was quickly speeding up.
"Shit!" She hissed out as she dodged around it, noticing Will coming inside and drawing his gun. He didn't get a chance to use it when the sound of wood hitting wood came, and the Sock Puppet relaxed, stepping to one side to reveal Mortimer.
"I can't say this is much of a surprise to see." He started as he walked his Host forward. "I knew that you would make your way to me. Why don't you join me now for some tea?" He stepped aside and gestured to a small, round table set up for tea. He turned to go take his spot at the "head" of the table, and Will raised his gun to aim at his head. Scout grabbed his arm and forced it down, looking pointedly at the Sock Puppet. He stuck it in his pocket and they went over to the table, followed by the Sock.
They stood next to each other, across the table from Mortimer and very aware of the Sock behind them. Neither of them touched their cups, though Mortimer himself did take a long drink from his.
"So you've made it this far in, and all for little Scout." He started after finishing. "Tell me now, how were you planning on getting back out?"
Will held up his gun in response, and it was almost immediately taken by the Sock Puppet. He glared after it as it stared down the barrel, but didn't try and get it back.
"Ah well, a model attempt at the very least, but guns are not allowed. Far too messy, annoying, and loud." A poor rhyme, in Scout's opinion, but Mortimer did seem pretty distracted. She didn't miss the way his eyes kept darting to Stacy.
"Has she woken up yet?" She asked, blatantly turning her head to look. In the corner of her eye she saw him follow her gaze.
"Sadly, not quite yet. I feel there are conditions still not met. Perhaps you know why she remains still unconscious. I feel like I've missed something quite... obvious." His eyes roamed over her, and she avoided meeting them, suddenly scared he could see right through her.
"Well, I have no fucking clue what you're talking about." Will replied nonchalantly. "But if you give back that Puppet, I promise my friends and I will leave, quickly and quietly and with no more harm done."
"Somehow, I don't believe you." Mortimer took another sip of his tea, staring unblinking at the man. "How do I know that what you say is true? No, better to take care of this problem now, and put all of you down."
"Put us down?" Scout repeated quietly.
"Of course! Can't have defective hosts running around. You'll ruin all of our carefully laid plans, before we can take a final bow." He explained, drawing himself up and gesturing grandly. "No, it's better to deal with you now."
Grabbed from behind, Will almost gagged on the necrotic smell coming from the Sock Puppet Hosts. Scout seemed unaffected, probably used to it even now. He kicked back, catching the groin and yanking out of the one handed hold. Leaping over the table, he grabbed the pot of hot tea and flung it, catching both Mortimer and his Host in the face.
The howls of pain distracted the Socks, allowing Scout to escape and run over to Stacy, who by now was watching with wide eyes. Puling on the knots with trembling, clumsy fingers, she couldn't get them loose before being pulled away and thrown.
"Scout!" It was weird hearing her own voice from the outside, as she scrambled to get up. She pushed that thought from her mind, more worried about how Stacy had just blown their cover.
Luckily, Mortimer seemed too preoccupied with Will, who was throwing the tea set at him one piece at a time. He hadn't gotten him with anymore tea, but it certainly distracted him. Noting the Sock lumbering towards her, she dodged around it, grabbing the dropped axe as she went.
'No time to try those knots again! Aim properly, and don't fucking hit her or I'll never hear the end of it!' She ran straight for Stacy, chopping the rope with it as she went by. It was a little high, but she heard the soft thump of the Puppet hitting the floor as she led the Sock around.
Turning a tight corner, she intended to grab her swapped Host on a second pass, but almost stopped when she couldn't find her.
'Oh no!' Mortimer and Will were still fighting each other, and the Sock certainly hadn't grabbed her, so where was she? 'Fuck I am so dead!'
Sammy sat next to the bag, surrounded by small, evil Puppets. Canon was in his lap while Bit was on his head, and the other two were sat next to him watching as their Hosts paced in the narrow hallway. They had some makeshift clubs, and Mason had rigged up a quick trap, but other than that they were pretty defenseless.
"We're gonna die." Bonzai muttered. "They're gonna come for us and all we have is three Hosts to defend us. Not even any vents to escape into."
"Quiet you!" Bit snapped. "They're so much bigger than Riley and Nick, and they took out Daisy!"
"They're not bigger than Rosco, however. To him, they would surely fail to come out better." Stitch said quietly. It was hard to tell what that one was thinking, in Sammy's opinion, but he thought she seemed rather sad about that.
"Ooh, Stitchy, bad rhyme. Do better next time." The red haired one told her sister mockingly. She got a glare in reply, but the yellow and orange Puppet said nothing more.
"Or just stop. They're gonna kill us all anyways, so why even bother." Bonzai piped up.
"Nobody's gonna kill you. Don't be so negative." Sammy told him, only to receive his own glare. "Look, once they get back we're all gonna leave and burn this place down, and we'll bring you guys with us. It'll be fine."
"Also we kinda don't have a choice in the matter anymore." Lisa added, pausing in her step and leaning against the pipe she'd found. "Pretty sure if you guys die, then so do we."
"Which is so, so creepy!" Mason muttered with a full body shudder. "Ugh..."
"Oh quit your whining. Scout's gonna love that we rescued her siblings!" Lisa said, and both Sammy and Mason just gave her blank looks.
"I don't think so. She's never even mentioned them." Mason pointed out. The blonde just shrugged, unending optimism still in her voice.
"Maybe she just didn't want Stacy to worry? You ever think about that?"
Sammy just rubbed his temples as the two devolved into arguing. "I really need a joint." He muttered. The Puppets stared at him in confusion, and Bonzai started counting his actual joints to make sure he had them all.
Anymore arguing or questions were stopped, however, by the sound of heavy, slow footsteps approaching. In the distance was a soft glow, slowly growing larger and brighter. And closer.
Lisa and Mason brought their weapons up, and Sammy stood and forced the Puppets behind him. He had a broken broom, while Mason had another pipe, but none of the weapons felt like they'd be enough as they saw the giant, mutilated dog Puppet.
"Oh." Lisa swallowed thickly, voice small and quiet. "That must be Rosco."
Will had never fought anything like this before. Even the most violent and aggressive of haunted dolls had been just that, dolls. But Mortimer had a full grown, if severely malnourished, adult man attached to him which made it very difficult to get the upper hand on him. And he was all out of things to throw.
'Gotta get that gun back.' He kicked the Host and knocked him away, before turning towards where Scout was trying to deal with the Sock Puppet. She was definitely making use of the prosthetic, however clumsily. But, he could still see the gun held in it's free hand, even as it tried to grab her with it.
"Hey! I need that gun!" He called out, dodging another attempt at being grabbed. Whether Scout even heard him he couldn't tell, but a few seconds later the gun went whizzing by his face, hitting the far wall before he could even register it. Thankfully, it didn't go off, but he and Mortimer did take a second to stare before they went back to fighting.
"Thanks for the fucking warning!" He called out sarcastically, trying to find an opening. At least now he had a chance to get it, if Mortimer would let him.
"Fuck off!" Was Scout's reply as she repeatedly smashed her fist into the side of the Sock's Host. It seemed to be working, as it was starting to go down, or at least act disoriented, and it was giving Will ideas.
There weren't any chairs, and he was out of tea sets, but there had to be something else he could use for a weapon. Some half-rotted cardboard set pieces, the table, but nothing really useful. So he punched Mortimer in the face, hearing a snap as he broke the Puppet's nose.
A howl of pain, as a thick, red sap leaked out. "You horrible, defective Host!" He snarled out, nose snapped and bent.
"Ha! Oh shit..." He turned and ran as Mortimer chased him down. "Shit! I fucked up!"
Scout watched this with the dying Sock Puppet. "Hell yeah you did." She punched it again as it tried to stand back up, and it sank to the floor. She then grabbed the axe and yanked it out of the wall. She went to go help Will, but stopped when she saw more Sock Puppets coming out of the doors.
"Oh fuck me..." She whispered, as half the group went straight for her.
Lisa was screaming. She was aware she was screaming, but could not stop screaming even as she repeatedly whacked Rosco on the head with her pipe. She had no clue what she was screaming, but Mason would tell her later that it was a mash of swears in both English and French.
Mason, on the other hand, was struggling against two out of three Puppets by himself. Yes, three, as Riley had managed to grab the bag and reattach Daisy's head, and also put her eyeballs back. Luckily she was still without a real Host, so it was fairly easy to kick her away when she got too close, but it was annoying and a distraction. And Riley only had one arm, oddly enough, though it didn't seem to stop her from putting her all into her attacks, with him barely able to hold her back at times.
Nick hung back and gave mockingly encouraging words to the other two, but didn't do a lot to help otherwise. He only joined the fight when Sammy managed to sneak up behind him and stab his Host with the broken end of his broom.
"You ass!" Was the artist's response, already feeling his Host begin to bleed out. He stumbled after the stoner, who managed to keep just out of reach while smacking his head, the sound of wood against wood echoing in the small space.
"Diediedie why won't you die?!" He sang out as he drummed against the Puppet's head, disorienting him enough he couldn't fight back, even after Daisy switched her attention to Sammy. Clawing her way up his body, he had to quickly start smacking her until she finally let go and dropped off. He then stomped on her until Nick managed to come to and grab him, pulling him by the back of his shirt and choking him.
Mason saw this and brought his pipe down hard on the arm holding Nick, feeling more than hearing the bones snap under the metal. He howled in pain, letting go of Sammy as he flopped down, other hand flailing trying to catch himself.
Mason grabbed Sammy and started pulling him back towards the door, taking Riley out with a well-timed head-shot as they passed. Which, conveniently, distracted Rosco and gave Lisa an opening to escape.
As she joined them in their attempt at fleeing, pausing only to grab up their Hand Puppets, Sammy and Mason kept their weapons up. The Handeemen were starting to recover, and they had inadvertently trapped themselves.
Backs to the Sound Stage, where Will and Stacy were possibly fighting Mortimer, and in front of them were three royally pissed off Puppets and a dog-monster. Lisa wasn't sure if they should push forward, or try and fall back, but looking at what was ahead of them made her blood rush from fear.
Survival was not looking good.
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ecto-american · 5 years
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I was doing some research for a fanfiction, and remembered this line from Reality Trip, which got my criminal justice self all excited because of the implications. So have some analysis from a rambling autistic with a criminal justice degree.
“Daniel Fenton, in accordance with the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act, Article 1, Section 1, Sub-section A, you're under arrest.”
Y'all, this is kinda wack? It means, on some level, there has been a federal judgment within the world of Danny Phantom that not only acknowledges that ghosts exist, but has an entire fucking act describing specifically the course of action in a sense. Lots of acts will kind of be this vague overarching thing with various random acts thrown into it, but the name along with the article one, section one subsection a dealio implies that this entire act focuses on ghosts. I say act and not law btw, because those terms are not necessarily synonyms.
Not only does this confirm that there are acts (at least one anyway) in Danny Phantom that specifically talk about ghosts, but kind of really and truly cements that the Guys in White are actually a federal government agency, rather than them simply acting as one but really being a private company of sorts or being some local state government program.
And with laws about ghosts, it means that legally, the government had to define what exactly a ghost is as well as their rights and lack of rights, and that they legally acknowledge, as a nation, that ghosts exists. While, of course, we don’t really ever get to see this act, and as far as I know, it’s literally Never talked about again, this scene means that this act applies to Danny. For a quick refresher, this happens after Danny is exposed, and so this act still applies to Danny despite him being outted as a half ghost. A scary sidenote is before this scene and line of dialogue, the agents told Danny that he was coming in for questioning and experiments.
So what might it possibly say? If there are any acts that we can potentially base what this act possibly would say, I would probably guess it’d be similar to the acts used for minorities within the United States. And I say these kinds of acts because they’re specifically acts that discriminate towards a group, and that have used various reasons to justify how they are not human, citizens or have any legal rights. If the agents’ lines were correct, these acts probably gave them justification for doing inhumanly cruel things to Danny.
Of course, Danny could be arrest for something totally different and not for some anti-ghost reasons. At this point in time, he’s still kind of half-loved, half-hated publicly as people are shown to still believe that he stole during the events of Control Freaks and the mayor incident of Public Enemies, but if he was under arrest for any of those crimes, the agents would have said that. And I refuse to believe this is an oversight of the writers, because they would have found any nitpicky thing and made it a funny situation where the agents went on and on and on about this endless list of crimes that the ghost boy has committed until Danny roundhouse kicked somebody. And no, it’s likely not because the Guys in White are only interested in Ghost Crimes. As federal officials, which they are confirmed to be, they would have arrested him for everything and have to basically fistfight the other government agencies investigating his Non Ghost Crimes.
So what exactly is he under arrest for? No clue obviously, and it’s hard to really even guess. Article 1, Section 1, Sub-section A for most acts are basically describing what the act’s going to be before it moves on to detail that. I think this is an oversight of the DP writers, lord knows we get enough of them, but it could also potentially highlight the Dumb factor of the Guys in White that we would see them sometimes exhibit, where instead of properly referencing the piece of legislation he’s under arrest for, they just blurt out the first section of that law.
And who wrote this act? It could be anybody, of course. Anybody within politics. It also begs the question as to exactly when this act was written and when it was put into effect. I’d wager it heavily depends on when the Guys in White came into effect, as they are clearly acting under these laws. Which begs the question: how many pieces of anti-ghost legislation are there? Who’s writing them? There’s potential that there are literally lawyers who are literally experts in ghost law. Keep in mind that in the beginning of the series, there was a lot of skepticism that ghosts even exist.
This honestly leads me to propose a new headcanon: The Guys in White are a very new government organization that spawned after the events of Public Enemies. To preface this and clarify, in order, the Guys in White appear in only five episodes: Million Dollar Ghost, Double Cross My Heart, Reality Trip, Eye for an Eye, and Livin’ Large.
Evidence to support this theory:
They only show up four episodes later in their first appearance in Million Dollar Ghost. Public Enemies seems to also be the first episode in the series that shows a massive onslaught of ghost attacks. I would guess that this is the ghostly event that probably spawned the act in question, which may have called for the organization of the Guys in White. Prior to this, ghosts were basically shown that they’re unconfirmed to exist on a public level. Even Jack, our lovable and excitable ghost hunter who’s been doing this since his college years admits in Mystery Meat that he’s never seen a ghost until that point. Jazz mentions that Harriet Chin in Bitter Reunions lost her job for writing an article about ghosts because she was laughed for writing about something that was more for “the national enquirer”, a conspiracy theory newspaper that nobody really takes seriously.
Why are they there during the events of Million Dollar Ghost anyway? If they’re a new organization, they may need that money or are cashing in on the publicity of the event to spread their name, or they’re just starting out and have no real clue where else to go. Only two of them even showed up anyway. The only other groups there are very small ghost hunting groups: literally two young adults on scooters, another set of young adults with a tiger fueled by anxiety and a van, and FentonWorks. And while they, out of all of them, clearly have the most advanced technology, they’re about on the same skill level as the other ghost hunters (getting captured and tricked and such just as easily). Danny even was just as “haha” about them as he was the other hunters who had showed up.
Their technology in Million Dollar ghost is nothing in comparison to the literal jetpacks and planes and four wheelers and armor they get several episodes later. Their funding increased when they proved ghosts exist and more ghostly events happened, and they likely proved their competence in some way. Especially when we see that they have been catching other ghosts (like Skulker in Double Cross My Heart and Lydia in Reality Trip) and gathering important information on ghostly artifacts (Reality Trip).
It would explain why they don’t really show up that often in the series, especially during major ghost events where they really should be there, such as the ghost king invasion of Reign Storm. They may have not secured the funding or manpower to really do anything just yet. Note that Reign Storm happened in between Million Dollar Ghost and Double Cross My Heart, which is almost a 20 episode gap. Their skills, knowledge, ability, technology and apparent funding jumped massively between these episodes, and it kind of stays about the same consistency for the rest of the show.
They really only seem to have one department, and they have really low employee numbers for a government agency. There’s no talk or implications or having multiple departments or anything, such as research or technology. Even during the SWAT invasion during Reality Trip, there’s only like twenty or so agents there. In Livin’ Large, there’s only about seven there, and two are the Agent K and O that we know. They play a lot of roles, from researching, questioning, gathering information, tracking down criminals, getting information from the Fenton’s lab, technology things in FentonWorks, etc. Of course, this is a staple for many law enforcement jobs where you have many tasks, but they seem to be playing the role of detective, computer analysis, and police officer at minimum given the wide variety of things we see them do. As somebody who’s worked in three situations where the company/program was very new, it’s incredibly common for a new company that’s still finding it’s groundings to have a very blurred job line. Or they’re heavily underfunded, but look at the goddamn jetpacks they get, look me in the eye and tell me they’re underfunded.
The lack of basic ghost information. In Livin’ Large, they want to destroy the Ghost Zone. It’s apparently very obvious that you Can’t Do That, but the Guys in White seem oblivious. While you can argue that they’re just fucking dumb, it may be more reasonable to assume that they simply just don’t know.
There’s no dialogue (that I can find) prior to Million Dollar Ghost to suggest they exist. There’s also no dialogue from Vlad, who would have known and been wary of such an organization had it been around for years, to suggest that they’ve been around a while. Jack, who also is open about how much he admires them, would have likely said something to. But I am willing to chalk this entire part up to simply poor writing.
“But Danny knew who the Guys in White were when they showed up in Million Dollar Ghost!” Yeah. He also knew who the other people were, and I heavily doubt that they’d be as big of a deal or name as the Official government branch. It’s very likely that they all introduced themselves when they showed up.
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Adventures in Kidnapping
adventures in kidnapping by Blue Pluto
“What…?” Eijirou breathes. The five year old sitting on Bakugou's desk grins at them. “Hi!” The girl waves cheerfully. Another child pokes his head out from where he's hiding in Bakugou's jaket. “Dude...” Denki turns to Bakugou. “Where did you get the kids?” The little girl's previously innocent grin sharpens into something vaguely off putting, though still adorable. “Katsu-nii kidnapped us for the day!” She tells them sweetly. “He promised us ice cream if we came with him.” “What?!” Eijirou splutters. “You can't just steal kids off the street!” He yells at Bakugou, before whirling on the girl. “And you can't just take promises of ice cream from strangers!” She pouts. “But he said we could get any toppings we wanted.” “That doesn't- oh my freaking god-” “Would you shut it?” Bakugou growls. “I didn't fucking steal them. Little shits are my boyfriend's kids.” Everyone in the room freezes. “What?!” === Or: katsuki does some semi-illegal babysitting, izuku is concerned, and hitoshi might commit an actual felony
Words: 4151, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku, everyone in 1-a has at least 1 line if not a few, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, also the c h i l d r e n, the (extened) bakusquad gets primary focus here, though the deku squad gets some moments too
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Class 1-A, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: i have 0 fucking clue how to discribe this y'all, this is what happens when bitches combine AUs, i'm bitches, anyway, please hear me out lmao i put way to much effort into this stupid thing, hitoshi is childhood freinds w/ katsuki and izuku, hitoshi has 2 younger sibs who are 5, they're twins born when he was about age 11, his parents are neglectful so, he's basically co-parenting them w/ katsuki and izuku, it's been like this since b4 katsuki and izuku went to ua, hitoshi dosn't go to ua bc he's working and taking care of his younger siblings, dw they have a plan so that he'll get his hero license once bakugou and deku leave ua, and can help support/watch the kids, hitoshi and katsuki are dating but izuku is basically in a qpr with hitoshi, guys this is so fucking weird but please read bc i legit adore this idea so much, most of this is backround im sorry i ramble so much, ok i'll do some normal tags now lol, Established Relationship, Domestic ShinBaku, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, a very slight smidge of angst, just like a hint, Light Angst, Childhood Friends, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is Good With Kids, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Significant Other, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, honestly surprised the children don't, aizawa is very tired and confused, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Raise, Shinsou Hitoshi needs a nap, shinsou is ready to commit a murder btw, one of my inital title ideas was “hitoshi is going to commit a felony”, since katsuki already committed a felony by kidnapping his children, Single Parent AU, kinda lmao?, u know how “eldest afab child syndrome” is a thing, take it to the highest possible extreme and apply it to a boy, is hitoshi trans? Maybe idk i'm trans and i'm projecting real hard here, childhood freinds au, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, To An Extent, he calls one of the twins a little shit but also she is a little shit, and I love her for it, kinda an outsider pov, For the first half at least, POV Outsider, both bakugou and midorya helped raise these kids and you can Tell, the girl has a name that is usually masc and rarely used for girls, this is on purpose she is trans, pls don't roast me for giving a girl a boy's name i know
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27770497
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honney-boy · 4 years
Zoo Day With Kiara
Pairing: kiara carrera x f!reader
warnings: nothing more than some fluffy girlfriend vibes🤙🏽
a/n: I went to the zoo the a couple of weeks ago for the first time in two years and I had so much fun! I could stop thinking about a pogues zoo day (might make a post) or Kiara and her girlfriend just hanging at the zoo. Bare with me, it's my first hc :)
Alright here it goes
Kie would definitely be the type of girlfriend to surprise you with a surprise date to the zoo
She knows how much you love animals and she just so happens to love them just as much
That's something you guys bonded over when you first met
It was definitely a trip worth while. She took the time to plan it and your day
But anyway, you guys would have been with each other the night before and she'd tell you she would be by your house in the morning
Like 8am type shit
The next morning she would text you a sweet good morning text. Something like 'good morning beautiful' and 'I'll be at your house in 15 :)’
Even though you had to get up too early for your liking, you had nothing to do, so why not spend the day your lovely and beautiful girlfriend
She would drive you guys to the docks to ride the ferry to the mainland since the island itself didn't have a zoo
She'd keep it a secret the whole time so you have no freaking clue
"Kie, can I know where were going?"
"Nope it's a surprise."
You'd give her the little cute pouty face and the puppy eyes "Pretty Please?"
She usually can't say no to the cute face, but she did this time though it was hard.
"You'll just have to wait babe, you'll love it I promise!”
You guys spend your time on the ferry talking about whatever comes to mind, probably bring up the dumb thing the other pogues did earlier that week and working up a laugh
Picutes are definitely taking!
After riding to the Mainland, you guys would have to drive a LONG while
Like 4 hours long.
You'd already have a road trip playlist ready to go and you guys would be jamming out to a mix and mingle of songs
Queen, Bazzi, Taylor Swift, Michael Jackson, p!atd, The Weeknd, Post Malone, Kehlani, Halsey, ABBA, Fleetwood Mac and more!
Even making pit stops at the gas station for snack
McDonald's Drive through for a quick breakfast or Starbucks. The choice is yours
So, when you guys first get to the zoo you're like a kid on Christmas.
Like seriously, you're filled with so much happiness you could cry because you haven't been to the zoo in YEARS, and now your wholesome girlfriend brought you to your favorite place.
It's like if you smell a certain think and it brings back old memories...seeing and smelling the place brought back some memories
"I can't believe you brought me to the zoo!”
"I planned for us to spend most of the day together here, just the two of us."
"Aw kie, I'm filled with so much emotion I could kiss you right now"
You guys definitely share a few sweet kisses 💞
And when she meant most of the day, she LITERALLY meant the majority of it.
You two would walk hand and hand around the zoo, you occasionally letting her hand go to rush over to see the animals. Or pull her along with you so she wouldn't lose you
You guys would start with all the outside animals first before going inside to the reptiles and stuff
You'll see the Addra Gazelle with it's cute ears.
Walk past the rhino exhibits, then head straight to the giraffes.
The giraffe exhibit did stink but y'all didn't let that ruin your time. Plus they were to cute for you to care about the smell.
You'd see the little baby giraffe running around chasing the geese, causing the two of you to giggle.
You'd tell her random animal facts like→"Giraffes have purple tongues." Or "Giraffes have seven neck bones as we do."
After the giraffes you guys have to walk a bit to get to the next exhibit so you walk hand and hand to the elephants.
When you get to the elephants Kie gets soo excited
Like so excited that she drags you with her as she basically books it!
When you get there there's two elephants–Asian and African–just walking around and spraying eachother
You'll tell her another fact→"African and Asian elephants are similar but different, and the way you can tell is African elephants have big ears while Asian elephants have smaller ears. An Asian elephant ears also fold downwards at the top."
Right before you guys go see the lions and the zebras, behind one of the big elephants legs there's a baby elephant hiding!🐘
uwus are FLLLYYING😩💗💓💞💕
The last time you were at the zoo a few years back there wasn't a baby elephant and now there is! You both make sure to takes pics and vids
For the rest of the day you guys enjoy being with each other, sharing sweet moments, taking more pics and videos while you see the rest of the animals. Gorillas, Tigers, Panthers, Monkeys, Polar Bears, Bald Eagles, Turtles +more
You even got to feed birds nectar as they flew around, landing on your heads and shoulders :)
At some point during the day you guys would stop and get more snacks to share (even though you had some one the way). Cotton Candy, popcorn, maybe ice-cream or a drink.
Your last stop before you leave is the Zoo gift shop.
It's pretty big with cool shirts, gadgets, toys, jewelry and stuff animals.
You don't plan on getting anything but that didn't stop you from wondering off without Kie to go find something to check out
You find weird things that you pick up but put back because they weren't worth the buy(but they toootally were)
You came across this gender neutral mood ring that you thought was sick and it looked like a wedding band so you bought it for your girlfriend for shits and giggles
After buying it you walked around the shop looking for her and see her checking out a shirt, so you go up behind her and hug her
You nearly scare her to death!🤣
"Holy shi- Y/n don't do that! I almost died."
"But you just looked so gOtDaUm huggable Kie. Also, I got you something."
Curious, she does turn around and gives you the look, remembering what you said before you guys walked in.
"I thought you said you didn't want to buy anything."
"I know but I had to get this."
You make sure you have her full attention, though you always have her attention😊
You give a little sweet speech something along the lines of this↓
"Kiara Carrera, I've known you since we were kids and from the moments you laugh at my goofy puns and stupid pick up lines when we got older, I knew we'd be great together. We were friends for a while and though we went to different high schools, our relationship never strained. When I asked you to be my girlfriend, I knew I was making the right decision, and I don't regret it. You're the best thing in my life Kie, and you're my best friend. I wouldn't change it for the world."
She would blush like MAD and smile a lot. She was used to your cheesiness, but that never failed to make her blush "Who else would put up with your crazy self? You will have me always, but you had me the moment you told me that bee pun."
"Kiara would you do your girlfriend the honor and accept this mood ring so I can keep track of your emotions and I love you because instead of stopping me when you see me doing silly things, you join me?"
And like you said, she went along with you act and held out her hand for you to slip it on her middle finger
"Now when you give people the bird they can read you emotion too."
Kie would love your little gesture and laugh at the fact that you put it on her middle finger and she would test it out on you
She'd flip you off AS A JOKE, and the color of it would be violet-pink which means she's feeling happy.
"Wow, I feel so loved!”
She'd surprise you too with a matching mood ring "I knew the kid in you would flip, so I got you one also."
She puts it in your middle finger and whether or not you give her the bird as a joke is up too you :)
And on top of that she would have bought you a stuffed animal of your favorite animal
Honestly you love this girl so much, and she makes your heart speed up you could go into cardiac arrest.
Kie definitely would have gotten the biggest hug and some kisses all over her face for that
You'd tell her how she is the best girlfriend ever the whole time you're leaving, even on the car ride back to Outerbanks
When you guys do get back to the island, the guys would ask you were you guys were at(mostly jj even though he watched your sc story)
You would keep it simple by saying you went to the zoo and boooooi
They would feel so left out because the kid in them wants to go to the zoo too!
Taglist :)
@outerbnx-stiles @letsgotothehop
Let me know if you guys want a pogues zoo day hc!
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Adventures in Kidnapping
adventures in kidnapping by Blue Pluto
“What…?” Eijirou breathes. The five year old sitting on Bakugou's desk grins at them. “Hi!” The girl waves cheerfully. Another child pokes his head out from where he's hiding in Bakugou's jaket. “Dude...” Denki turns to Bakugou. “Where did you get the kids?” The little girl's previously innocent grin sharpens into something vaguely off putting, though still adorable. “Katsu-nii kidnapped us for the day!” She tells them sweetly. “He promised us ice cream if we came with him.” “What?!” Eijirou splutters. “You can't just steal kids off the street!” He yells at Bakugou, before whirling on the girl. “And you can't just take promises of ice cream from strangers!” She pouts. “But he said we could get any toppings we wanted.” “That doesn't- oh my freaking god-” “Would you shut it?” Bakugou growls. “I didn't fucking steal them. Little shits are my boyfriend's kids.” Everyone in the room freezes. “What?!” === Or: katsuki does some semi-illegal babysitting, izuku is concerned, and hitoshi might commit an actual felony
Words: 4151, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku, everyone in 1-a has at least 1 line if not a few, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, also the c h i l d r e n, the (extened) bakusquad gets primary focus here, though the deku squad gets some moments too
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Class 1-A, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: i have 0 fucking clue how to discribe this y'all, this is what happens when bitches combine AUs, i'm bitches, anyway, please hear me out lmao i put way to much effort into this stupid thing, hitoshi is childhood freinds w/ katsuki and izuku, hitoshi has 2 younger sibs who are 5, they're twins born when he was about age 11, his parents are neglectful so, he's basically co-parenting them w/ katsuki and izuku, it's been like this since b4 katsuki and izuku went to ua, hitoshi dosn't go to ua bc he's working and taking care of his younger siblings, dw they have a plan so that he'll get his hero license once bakugou and deku leave ua, and can help support/watch the kids, hitoshi and katsuki are dating but izuku is basically in a qpr with hitoshi, guys this is so fucking weird but please read bc i legit adore this idea so much, most of this is backround im sorry i ramble so much, ok i'll do some normal tags now lol, Established Relationship, Domestic ShinBaku, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, a very slight smidge of angst, just like a hint, Light Angst, Childhood Friends, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is Good With Kids, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Significant Other, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, honestly surprised the children don't, aizawa is very tired and confused, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Raise, Shinsou Hitoshi needs a nap, shinsou is ready to commit a murder btw, one of my inital title ideas was “hitoshi is going to commit a felony”, since katsuki already committed a felony by kidnapping his children, Single Parent AU, kinda lmao?, u know how “eldest afab child syndrome” is a thing, take it to the highest possible extreme and apply it to a boy, is hitoshi trans? Maybe idk i'm trans and i'm projecting real hard here, childhood freinds au, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, To An Extent, he calls one of the twins a little shit but also she is a little shit, and I love her for it, kinda an outsider pov, For the first half at least, POV Outsider, both bakugou and midorya helped raise these kids and you can Tell, the girl has a name that is usually masc and rarely used for girls, this is on purpose she is trans, pls don't roast me for giving a girl a boy's name i know
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27770497
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writingkeepsmewhole · 4 years
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This is part 20 of betrayal. It’s finely come to an end. I don’t know how I feel about this but it just seems fitting for this story. Let me know what y'all think and if you want me to add another part. Well enjoy.
Fic Summary: Rebecca learns the truth.
Dean Winchester x OC Scarlet
Warnings:language, cheating.
Taglist Would love to add you:  @thewinchesterchronicles @amandamaesweetheart @scarlettreneem @deans-baby-momma @deanwanddamons @vicmc624 @lemondropirwin @mrbillymontgomery @all-will-be-well-love  kelynnelogan5
Part 1  Part 19
We didn’t tell her, it never seemed right with Dean’s dad at our house so we said nothing. We both agreed to tell her the next time Rebecca came to the house yet once again another weekend visit came and went with nothing said. We did nothing to make her think something was going on between us. I slept in the guest room trying not to think about how much I missed Dean pressed into my side.
Each weekend only made my stress higher. It didn’t help that I was trying to help Ruby rebuild the diner. My nerves grew thin along with my waistline. I couldn’t seem to hold a meal down. I could see the worry in Dean’s emreable eyes so I finally agreed to go to the doctor.
I sat in the waiting room, my leg bouncing and my hands sweating. I didn’t need to be here. I already knew what was wrong, the lack of my gift from mother nature and threw three different pregnancy tests that told me why I couldn’t keep food in my stomach anymore.
I shifted as if I could feel everyone's eyes on me as if they knew what was growing inside me. My sister's husband's child. I would have been killed for this a few hundred years ago but here I sat as if everything was fine.
Unable to stand it any longer I stood up and stormed out of the building. I drove home telling myself I would tell Dean and Rebecca everything. She just got here this morning to start another weekend of me being alone.
Maybe that’s why tears flowed from my  eyes as I drove. I would be alone after this, abandoned. I want to think about what either would say to me. I just tried to think about driving and think about anything but what would happen.
My mind drifted to if this was a different life if me and Dean had met differently. I would be racing home to tell him the good news we would both be happy and would call our friends and family.
No matter what I was having Dean would teach them to work on cars. He would be happy to have someone to pass all his knowledge on to.
I could picture them playing in the yard laughing as he chased them around. But that wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t allow it because in that fantasie Rebecca wasn’t there and I didn’t know how I would feel if my child didn’t know their aunt. 
I pulled my car into the driveway barely noticing Ruby’s bike as I climbed out of the car.
I could hear the music and laughter coming from the backyard. I didn’t go through the gate, instead I went inside and upstairs.
It was at first to find Dean telling him and figure out what he wanted to do but I stopped when I went to our bedroom.
Looking out the window I saw him, Sam, Ruby, Rebecca and even Bobby laughing and having a good time.
Dean standing at the grill flipping burgers. I watch him pull his phone from his pocket and call someone. My own phone in my hand started to ring.
A picture of his smiling face showing up.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Hey where are you?” He asks kindly with a smile growing on his face.
I can’t help but smile wondering if it's from hearing my voice the way I smile when I hear his.
“I’m upstairs and wanted to get a chance before I came to join you.” I saw him looking up at the house, our eyes meeting through the window.
His smile grows making my heart clench with a bittersweet feeling. I would lose that. Lose him by the end of the night. 
“Well hurry up before I let Ruby eat your food.” He says making me laugh softly.
“Be down soon.” I say hanging up the phone.
I move away from the window and go to the closet. I stop seeing Rebecca’s bag there from her traveling back and forth.
How nice it would be to just get to leave your worries behind. My sister always seemed to get the easy path.
I dig my teeth into my lip wishing I could do just that just pack up and leave. I shake my head of those thoughts knowing life is not that easy.
This was my punishment for doing what I did to her. She didn’t deserve this. She would feel hurt and betrayed by the two people who she trusted most. 
If only I could erase it all. But I knew that’s not what I wanted every moment with Dean has been the light of my miserable life.
He made me better and his child would do the same. 
I nod at my reflection in the bathroom. I was put back together and I would stay that way. I would need to be strong for whatever happened next.
I step out into backyard laughter and light wrapping around me. Dean looked up from the picnic table everyone was now sitting around.
“About time you get here.” Rebecca says smiling at me.
She was doing so much better and I didn’t have a crutch to lean on when she looked at me like that.
I was now the villain of the story.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, carry on.” I say smiling at her and walking up to the table.
I pulled a fold out chair to the end of the table and sat down.
“You're not eating.” Dean states looking at me, worry lines on his face.
I smile at him and shake my head.
“Eat please.” He says softly, earning a weird look from Rebecca.
I notice it but Dean either doesn't or doesn't care.
I nod and stand up to make me a plate.
“Dean said you went to the doctor, what did they say?” Sammy asks.
“They put you on crazy meds too?” Rebecca says laughing, no one joins her.
“No I just need to stay away from-.” I don’t get to finish my sentence with a wave of dizziness washing over me.
I stumble back hearing Dean shout my name suddenly right next to me.
“Are you okay?” He asks, helping me sit down.
“Just a little lightheaded.”
“Have you eaten today?”
I shake my head closing my eyes as another round of dizziness fills my head. It followed by my stomach turning.
I barely stand up and make it to the grass before I the gal of my stomach rushes up my stomach and onto the yard. 
“What are you pregnant with?” Rebecca asks jokingly.
“No.” I groan not knowing why I lied but I didn’t want to start something now in front of everyone.
“Oh come on you totally are. The puking, the dizziness, you're pregnant.” 
“Shut up Becca.” I say moving to sit on the porch step.
“Just admit none of us will care.” She says clearly not seeing how everyone was looking at me expecting an answer.
Dean’s eyes boring into mine with something I couldn’t figure out.
“Scarlet shares with the group I wanna know.” SHe says coming up and shaking me playful.
I jerk away and spin around to face her.
“Yes! Okay there happy! Yes I’m pregnant. You got what you wanted as always.”
“How?” She asks snickering as if my outburst amused her.
“Shower sex.” I say pushing past her and into the house.
I walk out of it through the front door and get into my car.
I ignore my phone as it starts to ring soon, turning it off when it won’t stop. I didn’t care who it was. I didn’t want to talk to anyone.
I drove around town until dark and then a little longer after that.
I then found myself in front of Ruby’s house. She was back so I didn’t think about walking in. My body, having a mind of its own.
Ruby was in the kitchen leaning on the island she stared at her phone worry line dug into her forehead.
“Waiting for a phone call?” I ask, making her jump and spin around to face me.
“Oh my gosh Scarlet!” She says rushing over to hug me tightly.
I return it letting her hold me out at arm's length and look me over. 
“I’m fine.” I say smiling at her and moving to sit at the island.
“Where did you go?”
“No where. I just drove.” I say rubbing my stomach as it rolled, threatening to make me puke again.
“I thought you went to the doctor after you missed a day of birth control?” She asks, talking about when I told her about my pregnancy scare months ago when me and Dean came back from visiting John in the hospital.
“I missed the appointment but I haven’t been late not until this past week. I don’t understand.” I say laying my head on the cool counter. 
“It can happen.” 
“I know.” I say my voice muffled from my face mushed into the island top.
“You have to call Dean, he is freaking out ya know.”
“Yeah well he can join the club.” I sigh and sit up.
“What are you gonna do?”
“No clue.” 
I pull out my phone and turn it back on watching as it lights up with way too many missed calls and texts.
My heart sinks as I read the last one from Dean.
“He told her.” I say softly.
“What?” Ruby says looking at me.
“He told Rebecca and she forgave him.”
“Your sister forgave someone?” Ruby says, sounding doubtful.
“On the condition I get rid of it.” I say as I feel like the world is slowing down and replaced with my thumping heart.
“Scarlet you can’t-.”
“I need you to help me.” I say looking at her cutting her off.
“I need some time. Time to think away from the both of them.”
“Your room is still-.”
“No, I’m going to leave town for a few days. I need to be away from all this.”
“Where are you gonna go?”
I push myself up from the island not having an answer to the question and head towards the door.
“Scarlet wait.” Ruby calls, stopping me at the front door.
“Here take this.” She says handing me some cash, her eyes sad as if she can read my thoughts.
“I’m not making him make that choice.”
“I think he’s already made it.” She says looking out into the driveway a familiar black car.
Dean slowly got out of it as if he was scared.
I pull Ruby into a hug and kiss her cheek.
“I’ll call you later.” I say smiling at her and moving to join Dean.
“Hey.” He says softly as I get closer.
“Hi.” I say looking up at him, my eyes starting to burn.
“She left and she umm went back to…” He bites his lip not looking at me.
“Dean don’t, you don’t have to do this.”
“Do what? Be here with you? That’s what I want. I have to be here.” He says making a stab of pain fill my chest.
“What about Rebecca.” I say surprising both me and him.
“I told you she-.”
“No, she is alone right now and for something that’s not real.” I say earning a confused look.
“I, this is real Scarlet. I thought you cared about me.” He says so softly it breaks my heart.
Closing my eyes I look at our feet trying to find the words.
“It was a fatal pregnancy.” I lie looking up at him.
“But you told Rebecca.. I don’t understand.”
“That’s what’s been wrong with me. I lost the child.” I say watching his face drop and his eyes start to glaze over.
“I’m sorry I’m…” I stop when my throat tightens.
“Scar I…” He reaches out for me but I step away from him.
“I need to go. I can’t do this anymore.” 
“But I told her. She knows.”
“It’s a little late for that. I should have told her after the first time.” I say turning away from him and heading towards my car.
He grabs my wrist stopping me making the wave of tears start falling.
“Dean please.” I beg not looking at him.
“I can’t lose you too.” He says softly.
“We lost each other the moment I kissed you.” I say pulling away from him and opening my car door.
“But you promised.”
“Yeah I guess I betrayed more than my sister.” I say my throat, tightening up as I get inside.
I don’t look at him as I back out knowing that I would stop. 
Dean was my weakness it seemed.
Once again I turned my phone off and drove.
I didn’t know where I planned on going. My mind thought of a hotel for a few days when I got on the interstate. But I knew that wasn’t true when I found myself nearly a whole state away when my gas light came on.
 I pulled over at the first station I saw. Getting out I walked inside and started to walk up to the counter. I stopped when the display of mini pies caught my attention. My stomach growled demanding I got one. It is the first thing I’ve wanted for weeks.
Grabbing two cherry ones my hand fell to my stomach a small smile falling on my face.
‘Just like your daddy.’ I think walking up to the counter.
The smile melts off my face as a sicking feeling fills me. Knowing they would never know their daddy and it was all because of my betrayal.
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