#y'all know exactly who i'm talking about
cxptainmxrvels · 2 years
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saintofdaggers · 1 year
guess it’s just me and my massive gay crushes on old musicians against the world
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spnintheyearofourlord · 10 months
Okay Dean “You know I am not much for prayin’ ‘cause in my book it’s the same as beggin’” and “I prayed to you, Cas, every night” Winchester, I see you.
#destiel#deancas#dean winchester#supernatural#just thinking my little thoughts#don’t look at me I’m having a moment#something something no greater devotion than that to his brother who he’s praying for in the former yet this implies#the same love and desperation fueling that must apply to Cas too#do y'all see what I'm saying? does the connection make sense?#especially s8 going forward Dean often takes the cake for toxicity I’m sorry it’s just true. HOWEVER. we need to talk about the softness#that man shows to Cas in this season specifically.#for ex: after Cas sternly shuts him down in 8x08 he doesn't get defensive and snap back like Dean often does#he goes over and sits on the bed across from cas and softly says 'talk to me.' like i'm sorry? has dean ever said that??#not that i recall. usually it's smthg like 'are you ok? no? that's rough buddy. shove it down.' bc that's what he was taught#and mid-end of the prior season though his ‘don’t tell Cas the truth’ plan was not great it was pretty clear imo how deeply happy he was#just to have cas back. broken or not he’d rather have him. .#I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say that's why we're in the tags but it's just something about how Cas deeply betrayed them and we#know how intensely Dean can hold a grudge yet when they get Cas back Dean's softer with him than he ever was before.#and then searches monster land high and low for him even after Cas abandons him#and connecting the former and latter quotes up there it's pretty clear how deep that devotion runs#(platonically or romantically. to each their own reading. and not always healthily.)#because he's as well as admitted he begged for Cas in purgatory. every. night.#Dean 'I don't pray bc i don't beg and I'm not weak'#Dean 'I would do anything for sam so i'll beg for help'#Dean 'I prayed to you. I killed my way to you. did you hear my prayers?'#it's just really somethin'.#I have to wonder if Cas knows how big that is. He must right?#(for my own tags)#dean#spn s8
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spacebeyonce · 1 year
amber goldsmith is a racist dirty rotten fucking liar for filing a police report on stitch based on nothing.
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themidnightarcher · 8 months
just a quick reminder - absolutely NO joe alwyn slander/hate is welcome or allowed on my blog. it's frankly exhausting seeing how much swifties villianize him simply because of his break up of taylor. you don't even know him. neither do i, which is why i'm not going to pretend like i do. if you don't like what i said, that's respectfully not my problem. just leave the poor man alone, where's your human empathy god.
HEAVY rant down in the tags so beware.
#this is singlehandedly the last time i'm telling you this#absolutely zero slander#joe alwyn#taylor swift#i only talk about him if i see a mean post or smth??#but for now i'm not gonna bring him up#not because i'm tired of HIM exactly#but more because of how much hate he's been receiving from the fandom#the fandom who doesn't know a single fucking thing about his and taylor's relationship#this is EXACTLY why i don't feel comfortable being a swiftie tbh#because of toxic and mean swifties who attack joe and everyone else who isn't part of taylor's life anymore#including olivia (who hasn't done anything wrong except stop mentioning taylor?? which isn't a bad thing AT ALL)#y'all need to grow up get a job get an actual life and touch some grass while you're at all of that too#it's literal 20/30-YEAR-OLDS throwing hate#fucking twenty/thirty years olds#and i'm just a fucking teenager for crying out loud#yet grown ass immature swifties don't seem to comprehend what they're doing is wrong and mean and hurtful#this is a HUMAN BEING with real emotions who is being affected by all this shameful bullying#i'm obviously not talking about ALL swifties#my mutuals (who don't attack joe) are absolutely incredible and amazing - meaning this post is not directed towards them at all#i just need to express my distaste and disappointment in the swiftie community#in THIS house we respect and stan and love joe alwyn#not only because he helped and was there for taylor during one of the most darkest times of her life#but ALSO he's a good person who's done nothing wrong but want privacy#wanting privacy isn't a bad thing in any way shape or form#i'm not even trying to be rude or anything either?#i'm just telling the truth which is smth MANY parasocial swifties need to hear#some ppl (aka swifties) won't even bother to read this but honestly i don't even care?#.
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
Do you think Aleksi is bi because I think he might be he gives the vibes (and I don’t like mean to speculate but I know he won’t see this)
honestly speaking I am yet to form my final opinion on the matter lol but based on recent events (=him being fruity on his live streams) I'm ready to say he might at least be bi-curious, if you know what I mean 👀
whatever his sexual orientation is, he's such a cool dude and cute as heck too 🥺
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billygoat26 · 2 months
Guys- moots who know me well enough kind of-
I'm not simping solely for fictional characters anymore-
I hate this, it's weird, I wanna say something to them or at least one of my other irl friends but I'm too scared that 1: they'll judge me and 2: they'll TELL HIM. Dear god I do not need that-
BUT IT WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE (aka it's been on my mind for a few hours too long)
Yesterday, pool party with friends, right?
I knew that he did some workout stuff but I still was NOT prepared- (me, who was fully expecting him to wear some form of his normal outfit but for the pool- noooooope! Shirtless- very unprepared)
And listen, I knew I at least sort of like-liked him before cuz you know, personality and all that stuff, but come onnnn- like- what do I do now??
And then they were playing chicken fights in the pool or whatever the game is called, and after that they were standing on each other's shoulders and pretending to walk on water (We all had just endured a bible unit in our English classes)
He had offered for ME to stand on HIS shoulders- and for that to happen, you know, they gotta swim under, right? Well, we both have the dirtiest of minds (I also just have shitty balance so I was not about to try that anyways. That was the main reason on my mind but I thought of the other stuff after).
I don't even know if I have blushed since elementary school, but if I did then, then thank god for the sun because sunburnsssss
And then he couldn't find his shirt after we had all gotten out, and one of my other friends said that he didn't need the shirt (jokingly) and dear god I wanted to agree (verbally) but I'm too worried about my whole bullshit being too obvious if I did, so I just had to stay quiet. (He ended up not finding it and just having to leave cuz his parents were there)
But that- that day- just... that. It's not. Leaving. My. Mind. Alone.
#billygoat talks#Look ma- I'm not simping for only fictional characters!#I'm not adding him to the simp list tho- 1: not putting his name anyways and 2: that list is for fictional characters only#Wait- what day is it now?#Fuck- it's only Sunday...#Should I say something? Cuz I only know him because of the IB program but I'm not gonna be in it next school year#And I think the only time we would see each other is either during lunch and after school going to the buses or just buses#But I'm worried that- if I do say something and he doesn't feel the same- our friendship will be fucked up and awkward- I don't want that..#Besides- I've never had good luck with these things#And at the start of the year I had come out to my friends as gay- mid-school-year one of my friends and I agreed I was pan#<- that was only one friend... and the one who made the joke I told y'all about#But he still thinks I am gay- we joke about it a lot- so how would I even start?#I've never been in a relationship- can't say I've never been kissed before only cuz of a weird thing in elementary school-#Believe it or not- even if I can give others advice- I don't know what to do for myself...#I guess I'm scared of rejection but I should be used to it by now-#Oh yeah! The other thing- we've only known each other for a whole one school year- his friends have known him for much longer-#I feel like it's wrong to even think like that after only one school year and say something about it- like it's too soon#Believe me- I do wanna say something but I'm just scared that our friendship will be ruined or he'll ask questions I don't have have answer#to- more than likely one of those would be about my sexuality#I feel like I have to stick to that- like a limitation- but I don't want to-#I have so many wants but I feel like I'm not exactly good enough for anybody and those wants will just be wishful thinking forever#Fuck- just bombarded y'all with my shower thoughts... sorry-#Ummmmmm-#Yeah-
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coockie8 · 3 months
It's still so funny to me that literally all she had to do to go down in history as one of the most beloved children's authors ever, was just keep her fucking mouth shut, and she couldn't even manage that 😂😂😂
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tarraxahum · 5 months
started rewatching kill la kill purely for nostalgia and yet as I'm approaching the final stretch of episodes I am finding that apparently it still makes me go fucking feral
for some reason rewatching it with an adult-ier brain makes me appreciate Satsuki in a way I feel like I never did back in my high school years (which is a travesty)
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chasing-stardust-22 · 11 months
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nednickerson · 1 year
everyone calls him timmy that’s hardly news
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Hazelnut | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Daryl didn't know exactly what he expected when his group settled into Alexandria—maybe some snobby, incompetent inhabitants who couldn't stand their ground if something were to happen or people who would turn on him and his group at any given moment, but definitely not a little girl who basically attached herself to his hip. And he definitely didn't expect to find himself drawn to the mother of that little girl.
Genre: Fluff, angst but not a lot.
Era: Alexandria, pre Saviour war. (Timeline is kinda wonky. Saviours kinda don't exist in this? I don't really know.)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, child abandonment, mental abuse, mentions of drugs and alcohol, single parenthood, sexual content but not smut.
Word count: 8k
A/n: This was such a cute idea that @louifaith had! I tried my best, but it honestly sucks. I'm not really happy with how this turned out, but I hope you like it! Also, definitely go check out @celtic-crossbow 's version! Pure perfection, honestly.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, and now for Scud Frohmeyer as well!
“You have to lighten up, Daryl. How do you expect to make any friends with that 'leave me alone' attitude of yours?”
Daryl grumbled to himself as he continued tinkering with his crossbow. The hot late afternoon sun was relentlessly beating down on the community as its inhabitants continued about their tasks. Daryl had silently been observing everyone from the porch steps he was sitting on, enjoying the moment of solitude he had, but Carol had other ideas.
“Daryl,” Carol started, crossing her arms as she descended down the steps. She turned around to face Daryl, her voice stern. “It would do you good to socialise a bit.”
“I talked to Tobin when we finished up with the construction of the new walls yesterday,” Daryl replied nonchalantly, keeping his eyes focused on his crossbow instead of the stern woman in front of him.
“That doesn't count. That's work talk. I'm talking about actual socialising. Like, striking up a conversation with someone that isn't in our group or someone you have to talk to for work.”
“I dun' need to. Y'all are the only company I need. Ain't gon' waste my time tryin' to make buddies with people who dun' even like me,” Daryl responded with a sense of finality, gripping his crossbow and getting up. “Now get off my back, woman.”
“Where are you going?” Carol called after him, watching the archer walk away from the house.
“Somewhere,” he replied shortly, ending the conversation effectively.
Slightly irritated, Daryl walked with no particular destination in mind. He passed by some people who sent him friendly greetings and small waves, which he returned half-heartedly. After a while of mindlessly walking about, Daryl stopped in front of a makeshift park of sorts. It was a small area surrounded by grass and had a big tree towards the edge. He moved to sit on the grass underneath the shade of the tree. The few kids in the community loved to play in this area, but it was deserted for now; the perfect place for the archer to relax for a while.
Daryl went about sharpening his knife for a while. The mediocre task kept his mind busy, busy enough to ignore the parents and kids who arrived, busy enough to ignore the wary stares the parents threw his way. Daryl simply shook his head—even after two months, there were still people who were wary of him and the rest of his group. Even after everything they did and sacrificed to ensure the community's safety.
“Mistah lonely?”
Startled, Daryl's head shot up and his eyes locked with those of a little girl who looked no older than three years old. The girl looked at him with curiosity written all over her young face, eyeing the knife in the archer's hands with wonder. She tentatively reached forward to touch the knife, her fingertips close to making contact with the cold metal of the knife.
Daryl jerked the knife away and out of reach of the young girl. “Dun' touch tha',” he barked coldly, standing up to keep the knife out of the young girl's reach.
“Sharp mife?” the girl questioned, moving closer towards the archer. She reached up to grab his arm, trying to reach the knife.
Daryl frowned at the girl. He gently pried his arm away from the girl's grasp and took a step back, unnerved by the soft touch of the child's hands. That didn't seem to deter the girl, however.
“Mistah use sharp mife?”
“Scram, kid. Go back to yer mama.”
“Mama?” the girl asked, her eyes lighting up at the mere mention of her mother. “Mama! Get Mama!”
“Wha'? No, tha' ain't—” Daryl started, but was abruptly cut off when the girl took off and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Daryl raised his eyebrows as he watched the girl's retreating figure, confused by the interaction he just had.
Well, he thought, at least that's the end of that. However, as Daryl gathered his crossbow and sheathed his knife, he inwardly groaned at the sound of the little girl's voice calling out to him.
“Mistah! Mama here!”
Daryl turned and looked at two approaching figures. The young girl was holding a woman's hand, leading the woman over to him. The woman was laughing lightly, allowing herself to be pulled by the little girl.
“Come, Mama!” the little girl giggled, excitedly tugging your hand harder.
“Okay, okay! No need to rip my hand off,” you laughed, soon coming to a stop in front of Daryl.
Daryl looked at you with a frown, scowling slightly. His eyes darted between the excited little girl and you, slightly taken aback by the friendliness you radiated. Despite everything he's done for the community up until that point, only a few select Alexandrians—mainly Aaron and Eric—didn't show him any contempt or wariness. Yet there you were, smiling up at him and looking as pretty as a picture.
“Mama,” the little girl excitedly told him, pointing up to you. She smiled at you, dimples forming on her chubby cheeks.
“I'm Y/n. You must be Daryl?” You introduced yourself, extending your hand for a handshake.
Daryl looked at your hand, not moving to take it. However, just as you were about to lower your hand awkwardly at his dismissal, the little girl stepped forward.
“Like this, mistah,” she instructed, taking the archer's hand and putting it in yours.
Daryl flinched at the contact and quickly withdrew his hand, looking at the little girl with a small frown. He looked back at you, chewing on his bottom lip nervously.
This was the worst random social situation he's ever been in.
“Sorry,” you apologized, giving him a sheepish smile before turning back to your daughter. “Hazel, we don't touch people unless they say we can, alright?”
“Sorry, Mama,” Hazel apologized half-heartedly, not fully understanding what you were saying. She turned back to look at Daryl. “Sorry, Dar.”
“Daryl,” the archer corrected her, talking for the first time since you had approached him.
Hazel looked up at him in confusion. “Dar,” she repeated herself, a look of concentration on her face.
“No, 's—nevermind. Forget it,” Daryl grumbled, shifting his weight from his one leg to the other. He looked back to you again and noticed how awkward you looked, your lips pursed as you avoided his eyes.
“Sorry. She has trouble with the pronounciation of some words and names. I'm working on helping her with that,” you explained.
Daryl noticed the defensive tone in your voice and raised his eyebrows questioningly, yet he refrained from questioning why. “S'alrigh',” he mumbled, awkwardly fiddling with his crossbow that was slung over his shoulder.
“Okay,” you said, gathering Hazel up into your arms. “Well, it was nice meeting you, but I have to get going. I have to get this gremlin ready for dinner. Sorry for bothering you.”
With that, you turned around and retreated back towards the houses, Hazel happily babbling in your arms. Daryl watched your retreating figure with a sense of uneasiness. In that short interaction, he found himself unexplainably drawn to you. He didn't know you, but some part of him wanted to get to know you.
However, as quickly as that thought entered his mind, he just as quickly disregarded it. He didn't need to get attached to any more people, especially people who couldn't protect themselves in this harsh world they lived in. In the end, everyone he cared about died or left, so it was better to spare himself the inevitable pain and keep you and your daughter at an arm's length.
Something told him that it would be easier said than done, however.
The next morning, Daryl found himself working alongside Aaron. The two of them were busy carrying large pieces of metal to the wall they were busy fortifying, Aaron making casual small talk while Daryl simply hummed in acknowledgement. Once the last piece of metal was added to the already existing pile, the two men wiped the sweat from their foreheads and took a drink of water, before walking over to Aaron's house. Aaron took a seat on the porch steps while Daryl remained standing on the grass.
“So yeah, that's how I met Eric,” Aaron told him, concluding his story.
“Story straight out a damn romance novel,” Daryl replied sarcastically, eliciting a laugh from Aaron.
“Yeah, yeah. Make fun of it all you want. Everyone always does.”
“Nah, 's a good story. Pretty cliche with the whole spillin' yer coffee on his shirt bit, but 's still a good story,” Daryl assured him. “Now c'mon, didn't ya say somethin' 'bout havin' a part fer my bike?”
As if materializing out of thin air, Hazel excitedly bounded down the porch steps and threw herself against Daryl, clinging to his leg in a hug. Caught off guard, Daryl stumbled a bit but regained his footing, his eyes darting down to look at Hazel. His eyebrows raised in surprise before he gently pried the girl from his legs, not used to any kid other than Judith clinging to him like that.
“Kid, what are ya doin'?” he questioned, taking a step back from her, but it was to no avail. Hazel simply smiled up at him before throwing herself at him again, clinging to his leg like a monkey.
Aaron chuckled. “I see you've met Hazel. She's quite the character, huh?”
“Wha's she even doin' here?”
“Eric asked to babysit her. He loves having her over, and her mom said yes.”
Hazel giggled against Daryl's leg, turning her head to look at Aaron. “Hi, Rin!”
“Hey, Hazel,” Aaron chuckled fondly, sending the girl a small wave.
“Rin?” Daryl questioned, placing one of his big hands on the little girl's head, accepting his fate of being clung to for now.
“She can't say my name properly,” Aaron explained. “She has trouble with pronouncing some things.”
“Yeah, her mama said somethin' 'bout tha',” Daryl said without really thinking about it.
“So you've met her?” Aaron asked, leaning forward with slight interest. He had a small smirk on his face, one that Daryl couldn't understand.
“Briefly. Hazel practically dragged her over to meet me yesterday,” Daryl replied, looking down at Hazel when he felt her grip loosen on his leg.
Hazel looked up at him and raised her arms, looking at him expectantly. “Upsies,” she said, jumping slightly on her toes. “Dar, upsies!”
To his utter surprise, Daryl found himself leaning down to pick her up. The act hadn't even registered in his brain until the small girl was already in his arms, her small, chubby hands gripping at his shirt as she giggled. The small sound of her laughter made the archer's heart fill with an unexpected fondness, taking him by surprise. It was the same type of fondness that filled his heart whenever he coaxed a laugh from Judith, and yet it was completely different at the same time. He couldn't explain it.
“She seems to like you, Daryl,” Aaron laughed, standing up from his position on the porch steps. “Not a lot of people can say that about her.”
“Wha' do ya mean?” Daryl found himself asking, confused entirely by the man's revelation. From the limited interactions that the archer has had with the young girl up until that point, he naturally assumed that Hazel was this way with everyone. What would make him special enough to the little girl, who just met him, to make her treat him differently than she would others?
Aaron motioned for Daryl to follow him into the house, and he obliged, silently entering the pristine house while still carrying Hazel in his arms. The girl took a great interest in his hair, playing with it to entertain herself.
“From what Y/n told us, she was with a group before she got here who treated her and Hazel badly, and Hazel hasn't fully regained her trust in adults yet,” Aaron explained.
Daryl frowned. “Badly, how?”
“She wouldn't say, but it took forever for Eric and I to gain Hazel's trust. We even tried to bribe her with candy but she wouldn't budge. But she seems to trust you and you say you only met her yesterday?”
“Yeah. She approached me at tha' makeshift park the kids play at,” Daryl nodded, rubbing a hand over Hazel's small back unconsciously, shifting her in his arms slightly.
“Then you're definitely special, buddy. This kid doesn't trust easily,” Aaron declared, sitting down on a chair in the dining room.
Daryl followed his lead, sitting across from him on a chair while still holding the small girl firmly in his arms. Hazel's attention shifted from his hair to the loose threads on his sleeveless shirt, playing with them to keep herself busy.
“They were with a group 'fore this? How long have they been here?” Daryl questioned, interested in knowing more about you.
“Yeah. Hazel and her mom haven't been here all that long. I actually found them a couple of days, maybe a week, before I found you all. From what I know, Y/n and Hazel had been on their own for a while before I found them. Y/n almost killed me the first time we met. She thought I was gonna hurt them. It took me and Eric a while to convince her to come back with us, but even then she refused to let her guard down. She was kind of like Rick when we first met, except she didn't tie me up or force me to eat apple sauce.”
Daryl hummed, hissing slightly when he felt Hazel tug at his hair rather harshly. He brought one of his hands up to pry her hand away from his hair, subconsciously rubbing his thumb over her small fist.
“Tha' hurts,” he said softly, surprising himself by the gentleness of his voice.
“Sorry, Dar,” Hazel apologized half-heartedly. She yawned before laying her head on his shoulder. She wrapped her small arms around his neck, nuzzling her head into his neck.
Daryl felt his heart swell with fondness for the second time that day. He gently rubbed her back. From his experience with Judith, that small action could lull a small child into slumber, and he hoped that proved to be right with Hazel.
“You're good at that,” Aaron commented, a smile on his face as he watched that small interaction between the big, 'scary' man and a small, innocent child.
Daryl looked at him, confused by the look the man was sending him. “Good at wha'?” he asked.
“That,” Aaron repeated himself, motioning to Hazel. “Were you a dad before all of this?”
Daryl stiffened at the question. “Nah,” he shook his head, adjusting Hazel in his arms again. “Not the type of guy who could've started a family back then.”
“And now?” Aaron asked, unaware of Daryl's inner turmoil.
Daryl inhaled sharply. “To start a family ya need a partner,” Daryl started, slightly rocking the small girl in his arms. “I ain't got a partner, and there ain't exactly women linin' up to be with me. So kids ain't somethin' I see in my future.”
“It could still happen, you know? You might meet someone. Hell, you know what? I know you'll meet someone.”
“A lot of confidence fer somethin' tha' might never happen,” Daryl grumbled.
“Never say never, Daryl,” Aaron replied, giving the man a small smirk. “Never say never.”
“Mama! Mama!” Hazel called through the house, excitement clear in her voice.
You smiled at the sound of your daughter's voice, glad to be able to see her again after a whole day of being alone at your small house. The sun was setting, the stars starting to twinkle in the sky and you were almost done with dinner. Eric had told you that he would bring Hazel back before sunset and you were starting to get worried, but thankfully she was okay.
You walked into the living room and hunched down to pick up the small girl that ran into your arms, hugging her tightly to you as you placed kisses all over her face. She giggled at the sensation and pulled back, grabbing your hand and excitedly pointing towards the door.
“Mama, Dar here,” she said, smiling widely before turning towards the door.
You followed her line of sight and locked eyes with the archer. You stood up and gave him an awkward smile, painfully aware of the awkward encounter you had with the man the day before. Daryl seemed to mirror your unease—he nervously shifted his weight from one leg to the other, ducking his head to avoid your gaze.
“I see that, sweetheart,” you replied, keeping your eyes locked on the man before you.
“I played with Rin and Eric. Dar played too!” Hazel happily exclaimed, clapping her hands in excitement as she looked up at Daryl in awe.
“Did he, now?” you asked rhetorically, marvelling at the sudden and unexpected change of character for the quiet man. Just the day before he'd shrugged Hazel off and seemed to want nothing to do with her, yet now your daughter was claiming that the huntsman had spent time with her that day. It didn't make sense.
“Yeah! So fun!” Hazel laughed happily, waddling over to Daryl to seemingly hug his leg again.
Daryl, who had been hugged multiple times that day by the toddler, instinctively crouched down to have her hug his side instead of his leg. Hazel wrapped her small arms around him and nuzzled her head into his neck, and Daryl couldn't help the small smile that spread across his face. One day had been more than enough for him to grow fond of the small girl, and he cursed himself for letting his guard down enough for that to happen, but the damage was already done; that little girl had already wormed her way into his heart.
“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself,” you smiled at her, watching the interaction between the archer and your baby girl. “Baby, why don't you go get changed into your blue PJ's, huh? You're a big girl now, right? Think you can get changed without mama's help?”
“Yeah!” she exclaimed happily, pulling away from the hug and giving Daryl a smile, dimples on display. “Bye, Dar!”
“Bye, Hazel,” Daryl greeted her quietly, watching the girl waddle to the stairs and begin to climb them carefully. He then hesitantly shifted his attention to you, but instead of seeing that wariness he'd grown accustomed to other parents giving him, one that he expected you to give him after his encounter with you the day before, there was a look of curiosity and wonder in your eyes.
“Thanks for bringing her home,” you thanked him, offering the archer a small smile.
Daryl ducked his head. “Ain't nothin',” he replied, shaking his head.
“So, you spent the day with her?” you started, looking at him questioningly. “By the way you looked uncomfortable around her yesterday, I would've thought you'd avoid her at all costs.”
“I was spendin' the day helpin' Aaron. He invited me to his place 'cause he had a part I needed fer my bike and Hazel was there. She wouldn't let go of me after she saw me,” Daryl explained, fiddling with his hands.
“So she basically forced you into spending time with her?” you asked with a small laugh, your eyes crinkling in amusement.
“Pretty much,” Daryl joked, his lips involuntarily twitching into a small smile.
You laughed lightly and Daryl chuckled softly, admiring the way your eyes seemingly sparkled. The dim light of the living room gave you a golden glow, and Daryl found himself admiring your beauty. The unnerving thought struck him at full force and he tried to shake that thought from his mind—he couldn't let his mind go there. He wouldn't let his mind go there. He had to keep you at an arm's length. It was bad enough that Hazel broke through his barrier in a day, so he couldn't allow her mom to do the same, too. More attachments wasn't something the archer needed.
“Well, Hazel seems happy. I think you just became her best friend, whether you like it or not,” you told him playfully.
“I have a feeling tha' I ain't got much say in the matter.
“Nope,” you laughed. “But thank you. She hasn't looked that happy in a long time.”
“Glad I could help,” Daryl replied, a small smile on his face. “Sorry fer bein' a dick yesterday.”
“It's fine. We shouldn't have bothered you.”
“Ya weren't botherin' me. I jus'... Wasn't in a good mood, 's all. 'M sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” You gave him a sweet smile before turning around. “Wait here. I'll be right back.”
Daryl frowned in confusion but didn't say anything. A few minutes passed until you reentered the living room, a lunchbox in your hand. You promptly handed it to him, and Daryl could feel the heat radiating off the bottom.
“Wha's this?” he asked, giving you a questioning look.
“Stew. I made more than Hazel and I can finish, so I figured I'd give you some. And before you say anything, just take it. Consider it a thank you gift.”
Daryl pursed his lips but nodded, resisting the urge to deny your 'gift'. “Thanks.”
“No problem at all,” you reassured him, looking up at him with a smile that made his heart flutter uncontrollably.
Daryl ducked his head, willing the blush on his face to go away. “I should get goin',” he mumbled, avoiding your eyes.
“I'll walk you out,” you replied, walking with him over to the door.
Daryl stepped out of your home and turned to you. He gave you a nod and turned to walk away, but stopped when he heard you speak up.
“I hope you realise that she isn't gonna let you off the hook. You're going to be stuck with her now. And my daughter and I are a package deal, so you're going to be stuck with me, too.”
For some unknown reason, Daryl didn't mind that thought at all.
“Easy, Hazelnut. Ya dun' wanna hurt yerself, do ya?”
The toddler giggled, her small hands toying with the arrow in her hands. “Sorry, Dar.”
Daryl smiled at the small girl, bringing one of his hands up to ruffle her hair, successfully coaxing another laugh from her. “I know ya are. Jus' try to be more careful, alrigh'? I dun' want ya gettin' hurt.”
“No boo-boos. Boo-boos hurt,” Hazel replied, gingerly handing the arrow back to the archer.
“They do,” Daryl agreed, taking the arrow from the girl. “Tha's why ya gotta be careful, alrigh'? Dun' want anythin' to happen to someone as sweet as ya, Hazelnut.”
Hazel giggled and nodded. “No boo-boos.”
“No boo-boos,” Daryl repeated, smiling fondly at the young girl.
Two months had passed since Daryl initially met you and Hazel. In those two months, Daryl had found himself becoming intertwined with your lives, a constant presence for you and your daughter.
The archer hadn't asked you what had happened to Hazel's father yet, and he wondered when he could be permitted to ask that. However, Daryl knew that there could only be two plausible explanations; either he was dead, or he willingly left. The huntsman really hoped it wasn't the latter. No person should be left to raise a kid on their own.
However, as Daryl's love for the young girl grew, so did his feelings for you. It got to the point where he had started wishing that he was Hazel's dad, that he could've been there during your pregnancy and watched your belly grow. He would've worshipped your body and been there for you every step of the way. However, as much as he wanted that, that was a dream that couldn't be a reality, so he settled on being Hazel's best friend.
“The two of you look like you're having fun. Mind if I join?”
Daryl's head snapped up at the sound of your voice. His eyes met yours and his heart skipped a beat, that sweet smile of yours making butterflies swarm around in his stomach.
“Mama!” Hazel exclaimed happily, hurrying down the porch steps to fling herself into your arms.
You laughed, picking her up and placing a kiss on her forehead. You looked at Daryl and sent him a smile. “Hey, Daryl.”
“Hey,” he greeted you quietly, fiddling with the arrow in his hands.
“Mama, play with us!” Hazel giggled, wiggling in your arms to be put down.
You lowered her to the ground, watching her climb up the porch steps and clamber into Daryl's lap. Daryl lowered the arrow and wrapped his arms around her, placing a small kiss to the side of her head. You smiled at the interaction, your heart speeding up against your will.
“I can't, baby. It's time to go home. It's dinner time,” you told her.
Hazel frowned and nuzzled her head into Daryl's neck, a whimper building up in her throat. Instinctively, Daryl started rocking her back and forth, rubbing her small back and shushing her quietly.
“S'alrigh', dun' cry. Ya will see me again tomorrow, alrigh'?” he whispered into her ear, his heart breaking at the sound of her sniffles. When he felt her nod, he placed one final kiss to the side of her head before placing her back down. “Why dun' ya go say bye to Jude?”
Hazel looked at you expectantly, and you nodded. “Go ahead, baby. I'll wait for you.”
Hazel ran into the house, leaving you and Daryl alone on the porch. The archer stood up and walked down to meet you on the grass, pushing his hands into his pockets as he looked at you through his hair.
As you looked at him, it took all of your willpower to resist the urge to brush his hair out of his face and cup his cheek. Not trusting your own hands, you crossed your arms and looked up at the huntsman, giving him a small smile.
“This is the first time ya have come to pick her up. I usually bring her home. 'S somethin' wrong?” Daryl asked, searching your eyes for an answer.
You shook your head. “No, nothing's wrong. I just figured that I could come pick her up for a change. Spare you the walk back to my place.”
“It ain't that far,” Daryl pointed out, motioning down the street. “Jus' a couple of houses down.”
“Yeah, I know, but...” you trailed off, unsure if you should lay your problems onto him.
“But wha'?” he questioned, suddenly on edge. Had you changed your mind about him? About him being around you and your daughter? He really hoped not.
You hesitated for a moment. “It's nothing. Just some mom's around the community who like to be judgy.”
“Wha' are they sayin'?”
“That I'm a bad mom for not taking the time out of my day to pick up my own daughter. That I'm smearing my responsibilities onto other people. Just thought I'd start proving them wrong.”
“Hey, yer not a bad mom. I like bringin' Hazel home at the end of the day. Tha' way I know she's safe.” He also liked it because it meant he got to see you being all domestic, hugging your daughter tightly and sending him beautiful smiles, inviting him to stay for dinner each time. He always declined, not wanting to be a burden, but your offer never waned.
You smiled at him, but it didn't quite reach your eyes. Daryl instantly noticed it and placed one of his hands on your shoulder, taking you by surprise. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and your skin flushed where he touched you.
“Dun' let them convince ya yer a bad mom. I ain't ever seen a better mom than ya. How many mom's here can say tha' they kept their kid alive out there in the real world? Tha' despite everythin', their kid came first and tha' they would kill fer them?”
“How did you know I wasn't here from the start?”
“Aaron told me he found ya and Hazel on yer own not too long before he found us. The fact tha' ya kept her alive on yer own for tha' long proves to me tha' yer the best fuckin' mom under the sun.”
You smiled at him and placed your hand over his that was still resting on your shoulder. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“No problem,” he replied, holding eye contact with you. His hand lingered on your shoulder for longer than necessary, and he gazed deep into your eyes.
Your heart sped up and stopped beating at the same time, noticing a shift in the archer's emotions. However, before either of you could do anything else, Daryl snapped out of it and withdrew his hand, taking a step back.
You cleared your throat and ducked your head, your face heating up. Luckily, Hazel ran out at that moment and bounded down the stairs, throwing herself into Daryl's side and clinging to his leg.
“Bye, Dar!”
Daryl pressed Hazel tightly to him. “Bye, Hazelnut.”
Hazel unwound her arms from around him and moved over to you, extending her arms to be picked up. You did just that, holding her tightly to you. You turned to Daryl and offered him a small smile.
“You know, my offer still stands. You could join us for dinner.”
Daryl was about to decline your offer again, but Hazel cut him off.
“Yes! Please, Dar!”
In that moment, Daryl found that he wouldn't be able to say no. He gave you both a small smile and nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
You smiled broadly. “Great! Come on, then.”
“Dun' I need to change?”
“No, you're fine, don't worry. You can come as is.”
“Alrigh',” Daryl nodded. “Let's go.”
“Could you maybe get Hazel settled into her highchair? I'll be right out with the food.”
Daryl nodded and watched you retreat from the dining room into the kitchen before turning around. “Hazelnut!” he called, hearing the toddler's footsteps come into the dining room.
Hazel stared up at the archer with a huge smile, her arms extended to be picked up. Daryl smiled softly at the girl and leaned down to pick her up, placing her in her highchair. Once he was sure she was settled and wouldn't fall off, he got settled in the chair next to her, listening to Hazel's happy babbling.
Soon enough, you reentered the dining room with a pot of spaghetti and meatballs. The aroma of the meal made Daryl's mouth practically water. The last time he'd eaten spaghetti was when Aaron had invited him, and that was a good couple of months ago.
“It smells fuckin' good,” Daryl said without thinking, and instantly regretted his choice of words.
“Fuck,” Hazel repeated happily, completely oblivious to the horrified look that spread over Daryl's face, and the amused one that spread over yours.
“Nah, Hazelnut, dun' say tha'. Dun' ever say tha',” he told her hurriedly, his heart beating faster at his mistake.
“Fuck,” Hazel giggled.
“No, I jus' said—” Daryl started, shooting you a worried look. However, he calmed down when he saw your amused smile. “Wha's so funny?”
“You,” you told him, laughing lightly while serving everyone some food. “Don't look so worried. I'm not gonna bite your head off because of one slip up. If I had a penny for every time I accidentally slipped up since she was born, I would've been able to buy a yacht in the old world. You're good, don't worry.
“Okay, but we can't have her goin' around sayin' tha', though,” Daryl said, taking a deep breath to calm himself.
“You're right about that,” you started, turning to look at Hazel. “Baby, you can't say fuck, okay? That word belongs to Daryl. Until he's ready to share that word, you can't say that, alright?”
“Okay, Mama,” Hazel replied, starting to eat her food rather messily.
Daryl chuckled softly at the girl before turning to his own food. He started eating as well, the flavours of the delicious meal melting on his tongue. He wanted to gulp it all down but he resisted the urge, instead eating with a decency he never knew he had.
The meal was mostly spent in silence, save for Hazel's happy babbling and the occasional input from you or Daryl. Daryl did, however, sneak glances at you when you weren't looking, admiring your beauty and the soft, loving way you acknowledged your daughter and the tenderness you used when you wiped her face clean of the sauce.
Unbeknownst to the archer, you had also been sneaking glances at him. Admiring his gentleness with your daughter, the way his eyes softened and the quiet chuckles he would let out whenever Hazel did something amusing, or the small smiles he gave you. It was amazing how important Daryl had become to you and Hazel in a span of a few months. The big, gruff, quiet man with a heart of gold, who had invaded your thoughts and your heart.
The meal was soon done and Hazel's eyes were beginning to droop. You noticed it and got up to take her out of her highchair. She instantly layed her head down onto your shoulder and closed her eyes, and you placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
“You tired, baby?” you cooed, rubbing her back gently. When she simply responded by nuzzling her face deeper into your shoulder, you laughed fondly and turned to Daryl, sending him an apologetic look. “Sorry, I should probably get this little rascal to bed. You can stay here, I'll be right back.”
However, as soon as you said that, Hazel interjected. “Dar tuck me in with Mama?” she asked innocently, lifting her head up to look at Daryl.
Daryl looked surprised. He locked eyes with you, his heart fluttering at the smile you sent him.
“If Daryl's okay with it,” you whispered.
“Yeah, 'course,” Daryl replied, nodding his head.
You motioned for him to follow you upstairs and he obliged. Together the two of you descended up the stairs and into Hazel's bedroom. Daryl stopped in the doorway, not wanting to overstep any boundaries, but you had other ideas. You gently took his hand and led him into the room, only letting go of it to tuck your daughter into bed. Daryl subconsciously placed his hand on your shoulder instead, watching place your little girl into bed.
Hazel was already half asleep when you put her into her bed. She instantly curled up into her pillow and let out a big sigh, her eyes opening only slightly. In her view, she saw you, her mom, the woman who always protected her when the two of you were living on the road outside the walls, and always loved her despite her shenanigans. And Daryl, the man who at first had been kind of mean, now always there for both her and her mom. The man who started to feel like a daddy to her.
“Night, Mama. Night, Daddy,” Hazel mumbled, her eyes closing and she drifted into slumber. In seconds, she was out cold.
Time froze for a moment. Daryl's eyes widened and his heart practically pounded out of his chest. There was no way that he had heard it right. There was no way that Hazel had just called him dad. There was no way that Hazel trusted and loved him enough in those few months to see him as her father. She couldn't, could she?
He turned to look at you and noticed the unreadable expression on your face. You didn't address what she had just said, however, and Daryl was too nervous to bring it up himself.
“We should probably let her sleep,” you whispered.
“Yeah,” Daryl agreed and followed you out the door.
Together, the two of you descended down the stairs and back into the dining room. You turned to look at Daryl and motioned towards the living room.
“You can wait in the living room. I just wanna put the dishes in the sink and then I'll join you.”
“Nah, let me help,” Daryl protested, moving over to grab all the dishes.
Before you could protest, Daryl walked into the kitchen. You quickly followed behind him and watched him put the dishes in the sink, but before he could start washing them, you quickly stopped him.
“No, it's okay. I'll wash them tomorrow,” you assured him. “Do you want some wine?”
Daryl nodded and hummed, silently observing as you grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, as well as a bottle of wine. You placed the glasses on the counter before popping the the bottle open, pouring the two of you each a glass of wine. You handed him the glass and propped yourself onto the counter, letting your legs swing below you.
Daryl leaned against the counter and took a sip of his wine, humming in approval at the taste. “S'good. Thanks.”
“It's nothing, really. I've been wanting a reason to open the bottle for a while now.”
“Ya can't jus' drink it whenever ya want?” Daryl questioned, taking another sip from the glass in his hand.
“I could, but I prefer not to. I don't want to be like—” you started, but abruptly stopped. You hurriedly took a sip of your wine, welcoming the taste in your mouth.
“Like who?” Daryl asked, frowning at the uncomfortable look on your face.
You hesitated for a long moment, not sure if you should tell Daryl about your past problems. You were afraid that Daryl would look at you differently if you revealed anything. However, as you looked into his eyes, you only saw care and concern, so you found yourself confiding in him.
“Hazel's father,” you said, pursing your lips at the thought of the man you hated more than anything.
“Wha' was he like?” Daryl asked, placing his glass down on the counter. He turned his full attention to you, his eyes trailing over your face for any shift in emotion.
“He was a fucking asshole,” you spat angrily, clenching your jaw in anger. “He was a raging alcoholic and a frequent drug user. He didn't even stop when Hazel was born. If anything, it got worse. I tried so hard to get him sober, but nothing worked. He always yelled at me and threatened to hurt Hazel whenever I brought it up. And then one day, when I woke up, he was just... Gone. No note, no phone call, nothing. Hazel was barely one year old.”
Daryl frowned deeply, anger bubbling inside him at the thought of someone hurting you and Hazel so badly. He clenched his fist and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
“Not too long after that, the world went to shit. His sister came to pick us up and took us to her camp, and that's where I saw that asshole again. He treated Hazel so badly and got the other people in the camp to be mean to her. Hazel didn't even do anything wrong, but they all ganged up on her. Thankfully it never got physical, but that really scarred her. It went on until the camp got overrun, and all of those fuckers got what they deserved. The only reason Hazel and I got out was because his sister helped us. She sacrificed herself for us. After that, Hazel and I were on our own for more than a year. I'm surprised that I managed to keep us alive for that long on my own, but I managed. And then Aaron and Eric found us and the rest is history.”
Daryl was speechless. It angered him that someone would hurt you like that, would hurt little Hazel like that. And the fact that you had to survive on your own for that long... It amazed him. He wished that he could've found you earlier and have protected you and Hazel from all those horrors, but there was nothing he could do to change the past. He could only ensure that nothing ever touched you in the future.
“Yer a strong woman. The fact tha' ya went through all tha' and managed to keep Hazel alive and love her unconditionally proves tha'. Yer amazing and I hope ya know tha'.”
You were taken aback by the sudden confession, but soon a smile spread across your face. You hopped off the counter and stood in front of him, almost chest to chest. You looked up at him, your faces close enough to close the remaining distance between your lips.
“You're amazing too. I don't think you realise how much you mean to Hazel, how much you mean to me.”
With that, you closed the remaining distance between your lips. You pressed your lips against his softly, wrapping your arms around his neck. After a moment of shock, Daryl kissed you back feverishly, pulling you closer by your hips. You gasped against his lips, allowing Daryl to slip his tongue into your mouth. You moaned into his lips and pressed yourself harder against him, eliciting a groan from the man.
As soon as you pulled away for air, you tugged Daryl by the lapel of his vest. “Wanna take this to my room?” you whispered, breathless from the ravenous kiss.
“Wha' 'bout Hazelnut? Won't she wake up?” Daryl asked, pressing his forehead against yours.
“No. She's out cold. The chances of her waking up are basically nonexistent.”
Daryl let out a deep breath and nodded, allowing you to pull him up the stairs. The two of you soon stumbled into your room, hurriedly closing the door and pawing at each other's clothes. However, when you reached for Daryl's shirt, he stopped you, a pained look on his face.
“What's wrong?” you asked, a worried look on your face. “Did I do something wrong?”
Daryl shook his head. “Nah, ya didn't do anythin'.”
“Then what's wrong?” you asked him gently, cupping his cheek in your hand. “Talk to me. I won't judge.”
Daryl inhaled sharply. “I didn't have a good childhood,” was all he said before slowly removing his shirt.
Your eyes hungrily trailed over his body, your hands reaching forward to press against his chest. You didn't understand what Daryl was talking about until you got a glimpse of his back in the mirror in your room. The scars on his back were jagged, and you instantly knew what they meant; someone had hurt this perfect man before you, and you felt so angry.
You walked behind him. “May I?” you whispered, your hands hovering over his back.
Daryl hesitantly nodded. You softly ran your fingers over his scars, your touch feathery light. The archer shivered involuntarily, closing his eyes at the feeling. Before meeting you, the only feeling that he would ever associate with his back was pain from his father's cruelty, yet there you were, tracing over his scars as if they were priceless paintings in a museum.
Soon your fingers were replaced with your lips, and Daryl's eyes flew open. Your lips softly kissed over his scars, trailing down to the last scars on his lower back. When you were done, you turned him around to face you. You gently cupped his cheek, a small smile on your face.
“You're perfect to me, Daryl. You're so sweet, kind and caring. Hell, my daughter called you dad. That says plenty.”
“'M perfect?”
“You're perfect.”
That was all you had to say for Daryl to pull you into another fiery kiss. The two of you soon toppled onto your bed, spending a night filled with passion together.
That next morning when Hazel woke up and walked into your room, she was pleasantly surprised to find Daryl sleeping there, holding you, her mama. She was, however, confused that when she woke the two of you up, you clutched the sheets to your bodies and refused to let her climb under them with you like you normally would do.
Two years later...
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Hazel. Happy birthday to you!”
You and Daryl cheered as Hazel blew out the candles on her homemade cake. Hazel laughed as she struggled to blow out the last one of the five candles on the cake, eliciting soft chuckles from you and Daryl. When she finally managed to blow it out, you and Daryl handed her each a gift. She clapped her hands excitedly. She got up from her seat and ran to hug you and Daryl, which you both returned.
“Thank you, Mama. Thank you, Daddy,” she said with a big smile, eyeing the wrapped gifts on the table.
“Dun' thank us yet, Hazelnut,” Daryl responded with a smile. “Go ahead and open 'em.”
Hazel hurriedly opened each of the gifts and gasped with delight, holding up a colouring book, new crayons and a new doll. She giggled in excitement at the gifts.
“Can I go show these to Judith? We can colour and play dolls together now!”
You laughed and nodded. “Sure, baby. Just be good for Michonne and Rick, okay?”
“Okay!” she agreed and took off in a run, throwing the front door open and disappearing out of it.
“I can't believe she's growin' up so fast,” Daryl mumbled, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He rested his chin on the top of your head.
“I know, right? She'll be moving away from home soon enough,” you joked.
“Hmm,” Daryl hummed, chuckling at your joke.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, turning around in the archer's arms. “I got something for you, too.”
“Fer me?” he asked in confusion, frowning slightly. “Why? It ain't my birthday for another couple of months.”
“I know, but this can't wait that long. Here,” you said, handing him a small box.
Daryl gingerly took the box from your hands and opened it. His eyes widened at the item inside, picking it up and looking at it. After examining it for a couple of moments, he confirmed that his mind wasn't playing a trick on him—it was a positive pregnancy test.
“Yer—Yer pregnant?” he asked, a smile spreading over his face.
“Yeah,” you confirmed, nodding your head. A laugh escaped you when Daryl picked you up and spun you around, before he placed you back on the ground and pulled you into a kiss.
When he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against yours. “Hazelnut's gon' have a baby sibling. We're gon' have another kid.”
“We are,” you agreed, closing your eyes. “I love you, Daryl.”
Daryl placed a gentle kiss against your forehead. “I love ya too. And I already love tha' little peanut in yer belly.”
“Hazelnut and Peanut, huh?”
“Yeah. Our two babies. Our own little family,” Daryl said, placing his hand on your stomach, over the life that was growing there.
“We have Hazel to thank for this. If she didn't instantly like you back then, this might never have happened,” you told him, placing your hand over his.
“Remind me to thank her when she gets back later. But fer now, let's enjoy our alone time,” Daryl replied suggestively, tugging you with him as he walked backwards towards the stairs.
“I like that idea.”
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csainzoperator · 7 months
baby : CL16 ☆
summary: y/n horner has dropped a new single. its a sexy and fun song. but y/n had broken up 4 years ago, and since then there was one superhit album with a sad and shady vibe. new year, new y/n? or new man? let's find out.
(charles leclerc × singer!reader)
trigger warnings: sexual intendos, typos (tried my best to not make any)
face claim: barbara palvin
read more under the cut!
y/nusername has posted!
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hi, lovers. i know its been quite a while since you've heard from me but hey! i'm back and my single "baby" is dropping on friday, 8/12/23. stay tuned for more updates. love you all always, i thank each one of you as i wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys 💋
liked by taylorswift, landonorris, charles_leclerc and 928,712,821 others
christianhorner proud of you, darling ❤️
- gerihalliwellhorner WE are proud of you (the spice girl inside me is squeaking)
landonorris GO BESTIE
- y/nusername ILY DUMBASS
carlossainz55 all the drivers can't wait for this! (we all are disgusted on the inside)
- y/nusername 🤭🤭
- estiebestieee GIRL WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
- pierregasly 🤐
paddockclubb y'all wondering if the drivers have heard the song when i'm out here questioning reality cos CHARLES LECLERC HAS LIKED THIS POST.
it was the end of season lunch and you were kind of nervous as you would finally be telling your parents about charles and you. your friends were thrilled but you just didn't know how your father would react.
the heavenly creatures and godly people had given you a blessing. BECAUSE NO WAY IN HELL YOUR FATHER KNEW ABOUT IT ALL ALONG?
"you aren't letting him in on any red bull secrets now, are you?" your father questioned you. and you replied right back, with mock seriousness. "you mean have i told him how max cuddles his cats and how checo never stops talking about mexican food? yes dad i've kept that a secret." your boyfriend lets out a chuckle as you finish your sentence, squeezing your thigh below the table.
"aww maxie you're a softie at heart" lando teases him as max glares at you playfully. the brunch was a success and you just couldn't wait to get back to the hotel with charles because, oh dear lord. he looked absolutely ravishing. divine. sublime even. and he knew what was on your mind, the way his hands kept brushing yours, his soft kisses when no one was looking. you felt it all.
y/nusername has posted!
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fancy hotel but this is how we showed up 🤞🏼 liked by christianhorner, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 99,827 others.
landonorris oooh who's that hot man
- y/nusername carlossainz55 come get your child
- carlossainz55 my apologies
charles_leclerc 🌟
y/nusername has liked this comment
- estiebestiee if y/n and charles are a thing. I'M NOT READY FOR THIS 🖐🏼
y/nloverr OK BUT THE UPGRADE THO. from that trash guy 4 years ago to charles mfkin leclerc 🙏🏼
it was the big day. your single was about to drop today and your boyfriend was lying down on your lap, telling you how he would LOVE to tell the world that the song was about him. you agreed, it was about him. he slowly got up and wrapped his arms around your waist, letting his hands slip under your shirt.
"aren't we getting cheeky now, mr leclerc?" you teased. "oh we are just getting started, baby" he mumbles as he kisses down your neck. and just like that, he made your big day much more special by his, let's say, needy touches.
y/nusername has posted!
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"baby" out now on all platforms! enjoy streaming. sending kisses 💋 liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lewishamilton and 288,718,123 others.
y/nfannn "baby, baby, do i taste like candy, sugarcoated he says i'm the most sweet" UM GUYS????? I'M NOT OK 🖐🏼
landonorris great song ig 🙄
- y/nusername oh cmon we all know you love it
lewishamilton great job, sis. got a sick beat 🖤
y/nusername has liked this comment
y/nloverrr "i'm a handful but, that's what hands are for. pin me to the floor, treat it like its yours" SCREAMING YELLING KICKING MY FEET IN THE AIR GN. she ate that up 🙏🏼
charles_leclerc 🤭
charles_leclerc has posted!
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"baby" is ab me. y'all can cry now 🤭 liked by y/nusername, arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 287,112,123 others.
y/nusername i love you, baby.
- charles_leclerc NAH. i love you more.
- y/nusername shut up, i will kill every person who says against me, i love you more.
- charles_leclerc wow look at you making me all scared AND getting me horny at the same time.
maxverstappen1 why y'all acting like we didn't know since ages. anyways. *pretends to be shook* CONGRATS GUYS!
y/nleclercfan PARENTS 🤞🏼
lechairrr y/n basically told us how good charles is in bed by her song 😭
scuderiaferrari red looks good on you guys ❤️
the end ♡
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huexuri · 1 month
⚠︎ be patient ⋆ c.yj // c.bg
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—– your boyfriend yeonjun had brought you to tag along to a hang out with his friends. what he didn't know was that once you were in beomgyu's plane of sight, his gaze would be on you for the entire time you were here. so, you and your boyfriend saw this as a opportunity to let him in on the fun.
warnings: fem!reader, established relationship, cuckolding, exhibitionism kink, voyeurism kink, threesome, bf!yeonjun, dom!yeonjun, sub!gyu, sub!reader, they're sharing you(?), finger sucking, choking, slight nipple play, degradation, praise, size kink, overstim, cum denial, face fucking, fingering, creampie, cum eating, not implied that reader takes the pill (but they do!), no protection (wear protection guys), mentions of ot5
wc: 5.2k please bare with me
note: this is FINALLY DONE YALLLLL. thank u anons for such great ideas!! but this also had no reason to be so smut packed.. i hide my face in shame. this was also not proofread so like
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ever since yeonjun told his friends about you, they've been so awfully up in his face about you, asking when they can finally see you, how you look, etc…
so when another one of their little hangouts were relevant again, yeonjun and his friends took this as an opportunity for him to bring you along, and them to meet you.
you never wanted to attend this party, but yeonjun kept begging you to come with him. he was eager for you to meet his friends, who went by beomgyu, soobin, kai and taehyun.
"please, just go with me? it's only kai, beomgyu, they all. they've been dying to meet you! they always ask if i actually have a girlfriend, especially beomgyu, for some reason. juuuust do me this favor, please? i've shown you pictures before!" yeonjun pleaded, his eyes wide and innocent, lips the poutiest you've ever seen.
reluctantly, you agreed, unable to resist that look. "fine, i'll go. just don't be all freaky in front of them," you sighed, and yeonjun's face lit up in ecstasy.
throwing on some cargos and a graphic tee, the both of you head to kai's house to meet up with the rest of them.
as you and yeonjun arrived at kai's house, you were struck by its grandeur and spaciousness. yeonjun seems to come here more than the others do — he knows this place like the back of his hand, because immediately he's ramming through halls and knows exactly where everyone else is.
the both of you walk into the living room and you're met by all four of jun's friends. all of them were relatively attractive. they were quite friendly too. well… kai and taehyun wave at you, soobin smiles at you and yeonjun, but beomgyu's gaze.. no words or smiles escaping his mouth, just his lazy eyes following you sternly as yeonjun led you to sit on one of the cushions, right next to him who was next to taehyun. even though you felt slightly awkward with beomgyu's gaze, you still said hi to all of them. you felt out of place in some sort, like you're not supposed to be here.
“this your girl?” taehyun nudged yeonjun playfully as he sat down, and you followed suit. yeonjun is giggly with him, telling him to stop teasing him.
taehyun's eyes diverted to you and he'd wave, introducing himself, then the others.
“hi! i'm taehyun. um,” he points to the other guy beside him. “this is kai, and the two across that's soobin and that's beomgyu.” kai nods at you and soobin also waves. you wave back at everyone including beomgyu who was silent since you stepped in.
“uh, hi guys. i'm y/n, it's great to see y'all.” you awkwardly said with a smile, looking up at yeonjun beside you every two seconds for reassurance.
“we know, he talks about you like everyday.” beomgyu finally decides to speak up, with a bit of cockiness in his voice too. his voice seems to be more relaxed and deeper than the others.
“ah, haha. that's great..!” you look at jun with an embarrassed smile and he scoffs playfully, pecking you on the crown of your head as your head drops onto his shoulder.
“get me the console,” yeonjun asks kai and he gives it to him.
the next hour it was basically them playing videogames that you knew nothing about. you wanted nothing more than to do something interesting since you were basically on your phone the entire time, and at one point you went and sat on your boyfriend's lap for comfort.
once in a while, you'd catch beomgyu staring at you as he loses focus on the game. he'd immediately look back up when he gets caught. you don't know what this beomgyu guy has against you, but it doesn't seem good.
“jjunie,” you ask him mid game, and he puts down the console.
“yeah, baby?”
“can you bring me to the toilet?”
“yeah,” yeonjun stands up, informs everyone that he's bringing you to the washroom and as expected, beomgyu's gaze subtly follows as you walk to wherever yeonjun brought you.
when you reach the bathroom, you drag him in with you.
“yes? why am i here? what's wrong? do you wanna leave or… are you okay?” yeonjun immediately bombards you with concern and you brush it off.
“no, no. listen. i don't know what's up with that beomgyu guy? he's been looking at us everywhere we go. i caught him looking at me and you like a few times mid game. i didn't see him smile once today. am i bothering him?” you ramble on, and jun's eyebrows furrow.
“huh.. he doesn't seem to have a problem with us tho.” your boyfriend states, and you sigh.
“could you try figure out what's wrong? i'm not weirded out or uncomfortable or anything, i just don't want him to hate me. i don't know who he is until today.”
“yeah, i will for you baby.” yeonjun reassures you and cups your cheek to kiss you. “wanna go back now?”
“yeah, let's go.” you insisted, and the both of you walked out, and towards the living room where everyone was.
you could see beomgyu acting goofy and giggling his heart out before you came into his view. once you did though, you noticed that his smile died down so quickly when his gaze latched onto yours. you sigh, not knowing what kind of stupid beef he has with you. but deciding to ignore thst for the meantime, you sit back on yeonjun's lap.
at this point it's been over an hour of them just playing games and you've grown seriously bored, but too scared to speak up.
beomgyu puts down the console as the others were also starting to become quiet since the mood would start to die down. it felt like everyone else were also tired of playing.
beomgyu notices your expression, lazily lying against yeonjun's shoulder as you browse on instagram for the 10th time now. he's also noticed you've become quiet.
“hey guys, do we still wanna play? i feel like it's getting boring,” beomgyu suddenly speaks up, and everyone's heads snap at him in interest. even your head perks up from your phone at that suggestion, and beomgyu's eyes are on you again, a smirk growing on his face when he's got your attention.
“honestly? yeah, let's do something else.” taehyun puts the console down, then the others follow suit, some picking up a glass of soju.
“let's play truth or dare!” beomgyu immediately suggests, sitting up from his original position to fix his posture.
your eyes light up as you put down your device, finally having something else but your phone to occupy you.
you thought that beomgyu suggested doing something else because he saw how bored you were. but it didn't make shit sense to you how one moment he's looking at you like he doesn't want you to be there, but the other he's helping you feel comfortable.
“sounds interesting!” you claimed.
yeonjun sees your interested expression and immediately agrees, so the rest start nodding in agreement.
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all of you gather on the fluffy rug at the center of the living room, with an empty soju bottle in the middle.
“the flat end is the one who asks, the head is the victim. whoever doesn't do the question has to take a shot!” beomgyu looks at everyone for agreement.
as everyone nodded and cheered, he spun the bottle, the flat end landing on your boyfriend and the head landing on beomgyu.
yeonjun's eyes flickered at you knowingly before asking beomgyu.
“truth or dare?” yeonjun asked.
“truth,” beomgyu replied almost in an instant.
“why have you been so quiet since we came in today?” yeonjun points at you, then back at himself.
“have i?” gyu's gaze shoots straight at yours, he gulps, then laughs it off awkwardly. “i don't know, i just didn't expect..” beomgyu looks at you again. “HER to be your girlfriend. i mean, she's really pretty and seems nice, i hope you treat her well.” he continues.
“are you saying she's out of my league?” yeonjun playfully scolds him. “of course i treat her well!” jun looks at you again, and you feel awkward.
“haha, guys, why's everyone looking at me? let's move on,” you desperately tried to move on. and with a few glances to each other, soobin reaches for the bottle to spin it.
it's been a few hours of the game. kai, soobin and taehyun would agree to go to the convenience store, then run some more errands after one last round, but when the both of you insisted to stay and wait, beomgyu also agreed to stay.
so, last round, taehyun spins the bottle.
the bottle spins, the flat end lands on taehyun, the head lands on you.
“truth or dare?” taehyun asks.
“dare!” you enthusiastically respond, trying to brush off some of the awkwardness lingering around the room.
the room fills with oooooo's and smirks all painted over each other's faces.
taehyun's eyebrows raise in slight amusement.
“i dare you to kiss your boyfriend in front of all of us!” he responded.
everyone's nudging yeonjun, smiling, pushing around and all eyes are on the both of you. but then, there's beomgyu, the odd one out, face completely nonchalant and unexpressive, gaze drilling right into yeonjun's.
you reach in closer to your boyfriend who's beside you, palm on his clothed pecs as you subtly feel him up and down. yeonjun's hand lightly tugs at the back of your head and grabs a light fistful of your hair. and like usual, the both of you lean in for a kiss.
his other hand travels up and down your back, caressing it. you embrace him as your lips are fighting against his, his plush lips so irresistible you just… it's impossible not to ruin them once you've gotten ahold of them.
beomgyu's gaze lingered on you and yeonjun throughout the kiss, and you swore you could hear him scoff in the midst of it.
“okay, okay. no need to get so into it, we're all still single here.” beomgyu cuts the both of you off, and you awkwardly leave yeonjun's embrace, lips detaching from his, ruining your gloss. but besides that, you're also embarrassed to find yourself.. very sat on his lap. as you try to get off, yeonjun lightly slams your hips back onto his lap and throws his arms around you from the back.
you shift a little on his lap for comfort, but that's when you notice yeonjun's hard-on growing beneath you. pretentiously, you pretend to shift again, and you could hear yeonjun suck in a breath through his teeth, glaring down at you as his cheeks grow hotter and redder than before.
“look at jun's lips, they're all swollen and ruined.” kai remarks as he giggles hysterically.
everyone's smiling at the both of you like little kids in awe. obviously, except the fish out the water; beomgyu, who glares at the both of you with a tinge of pettiness and jealousy.
“right, we're going to the convenience store 7, then do a bunch of other stuff, then come back. do y'all want anything?” soobin asks.
“want anything?” you look up at yeonjun as you “shift” in his lap again, and he stammers.
“r-right, uh … prawn crackers. our favorite.” yeonjun hastily says, and soobin nods.
the three of them prepare to head out the door and yeonjun excuses himself to the guest bedroom, claiming that there's a bathroom inside it.
but once he stands up, trying to hide his boner, he tugs at your wrist and drags you there as well — leaving beomgyu greeting the others all by himself.
but as the both of you left, beomgyu never took his eyes off of you.
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yeonjun barely closes the door behind him.
“the fuck are you doing?—” you whisper, but you're silenced once he forcefully nudges you onto the bed, his dark eyes with a gaze that pierces through yours like a dagger.
“aren't you done teasing me?” yeonjun replies, running a finger up your useless baggy shirt. “we won't need this,” with a mischievous glint in his eyes, yeonjun bunched your shirt up to your neck, revealing your bra that's not even properly covering your breasts anymore.
as you feel his cold hands palm your warm breasts, pads of his fingers drawing little circles around your buds, you couldn't help but let out a few moans, goosebumps also flowing all over you as his hands felt freezing cold.
“my dirty girl. so fucking impatient..” yeonjun whispers. “you wanted this, didn't you?” he tugs at the waistband of your pants as he made his way down to your abdomen, hot breath fanning over your clothed core.
he pulls your cargos down to your feet then pushes it off the mattress, then he proceeds to push your panties towards one side, exposing your already soaking cunt.
“i-i don't think… we should do it here…” you remarked, but he immediately shushes you.
“why'd you grind against me when you noticed i was hard then?” yeonjun shoves a finger up you, and you suck in a breath you've tried to regulate, almost squirming under him.
“huh? answer me,” he taunts.
“it felt good..” you reply. “y-you felt good.” you mutter, and he shoves another up your cunt.
he takes his fingers out of you, dripping with your slick. “my god.. you're so fucking soaked.” he almost growls, eyes rolling to the back of his head at the sight of his two fingers coated in a layer of your wetness.
he quickly pulls down his sweats along with his boxers, and you're met with his girthy cock, springing out of his boxers like it's been begging to explode.
he lubricates his tip with your slick collected on his finger and his head is thrown back at the pleasure.
“fuuuuck..” he grunts, stroking his cock up and down as his eyes gazed at your pretty features.
still palming his cock, he fingers you with his other hand, thrusting in and out of you, curling up and prodding at your spongy spot as he milks a reaction out of you.
“fuck, jjunie. it's like you got bigger..” you moan at the sight of him fisting his length while his fingers disappear inside you whole.
while all this time, beomgyu is very aware of what's happening, hiding behind the slightly opened door as he listens to your business with yeonjun. he'd noticed that the both of you were taking a concerning lot of time, and he was bored out of his mind with nobody to talk to. that's when he hears moans and grunts the closer he is to approaching the guest bedroom, hands clasped over his mouth as he chimes in quietly to listen. hesitant to peek but he does anyway, standing so carefully behind the doorframe and grabbing it for support, just enough so he could see what was happening and that he wouldn't be visible.
“open,” yeonjun commands as he pulls his fingers out and hovers them dripping over your mouth.
you obey, sticking out your tongue to collect the droplets and you close your mouth in on his fingers, sucking them clean.
“fuck,, that's it, just like that. you take my fingers so fuckin’ well, princess…” he continues to prod at your tongue as he quickens his pace at fisting his cock. nothing arouses him more than the way you take his fingers down your throat like a good girl.
my god, that's hot. beomgyu's thoughts ring in his brain as he gets ahold of his clothed boner, attempting to stroke it through the fabric. lips so swollen cause his teeth haven't stopped digging into them the moment he'd seen you two touching each other.
“y'know, about the thing you said in the bathroom?" yeonjun mentions out of the blue. "i think beomgyu's jealous of us.” he pulls his fingers out of your mouth with a pop.
“huh?” you say, still catching your breath.
“don't think i didn't notice how his eyes are all over you this entire day, especially on your boobs, you know.” yeonjun explains.
“that's why?” you mutter.
“that's why,” he pants as he lightly slaps your cunt with his tip. it took you so off guard.
“hh-mmf!—” you squirm, but yeonjun immediately stops you with a thumb over your lips.
“as i was saying, that's why, he's probably desperate to fuck your cunt like i am right now. i bet he's so awfully jealous that i've got you and your slutty pussy,” he slowly thrusts his tip in you, letting you bite on his thumb to restrain a moan. “—and he doesn't.” yeonjun finally thrusts his full length into you with a heavy sigh. your walls are stretching to fit his girth as he tries to thrust again.
“fuck—agh, t-too big,” you squeeze your eyes shut as your gummy walls barely manage to mould into the shape of his length, despite all the times he's fucked you. he picks up his pace, sloppily fucking into you with a rhythm, probably loud enough that beomgyu can hear.
“huh? you're mine, aren't you?” his hips are at work, making your breasts bounce with each meeting of your hips.
“y-yours,” you mutter as you suck on his thumb, probably wrinkled by how much you're basically latched on to it.
beomgyu had overheard the entire conversation, eyes wide open and he couldn't deny any of it. it was true that you were his exact type. slightly timid but admirable, with the looks every man would wish for. so imagine the jealousy that bubbles within him when his own best friend is dating a woman as perfect as you. why wasn't it him, on that bed, ruining that pretty pussy?
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it was like in a blink of an eye that your ass was all up in yeonjun's face as he slams into you from behind, almost ripping you open due to his size, hands caressing you up and down your back to soothe you.
“so fucking dirty, couldn't even wait till we had privacy,” yeonjun snarled. “did you wanna be fucked in a bedroom that isn't ours? needed my cock so bad no matter where we were?” his voice so soft, yet so deep and condescending, it feels humiliating.
“mmmh,” you shake your head as you mumble with your panties stuffed in your mouth, drool seeping through the cotton, but yeonjun isn't satisfied with your answer.
“don't lie, y/n. didn't you tell me not to be freaky? what now?” he gives you a light slap on your thighs as he drills into you once more, each thrust feeling like a fire spark inside you.
“y-yes, jjun!” you barely manage to cry out — and you're grateful you're not being any louder. your cheek is pressed against the pillow so hard, you struggle to look up at him, even worse with your vision blurred out by those pathetic beads of tears that threaten to flow.
“that's it, that's my girl…” yeonjun rams his hips so deep into you, feeling it all the way up at your tummy when it's only begging to bust through your cervix.
his praise melts you inside, the praise you felt more than deserving of; but you might love his degrading words even more.
beomgyu hasn't stopped taking his eyes off of the both of you, from the start of the scene till' now. from you grinding against his lap ever so subtly in front of everybody to the present where yeonjun's ruining you from inside out. beomgyu desperately fists his clothed cock, upper teeth digging so deep into his lower lip at the sight of you arched all for yeonjun's access and the sound of those pretty broken moans and whines that you try your best to contain.
“huh? doesn't it turn you on to know that someone could be watching you like this, ass all up in my face like a slut?” yeonjun barely whispers.
“fuck, i wish.” you mutter loudly enough just so he could hear.
his lips turn up into a knowing grin as he looks straight back through the gap of the door. and there, his eyes meet beomgyu's.
“oh shit, fuck—” beomgyu mutters so softly it's impossible to not miss.
his eyes squeezed shut and his heart dropped. shame instantly washes over him and he hides the erection he was once palming, immediately turning away from the slightly opened door as his back hits the cold wall, chest rising up and down because he's terrified to look back in fear of the sight of yeonjun staring back at him, catching him in the act.
fuck, he knows.
“why don't we ask him to join us?” yeonjun smirks.
“w-wait, what?—” you reply, confused, face buried in your hands.
“beomgyu-ah! don't think i can't see you!~” yeonjun shouts out towards the direction of the door as he pounds you.
beomgyu's eyes slowly open as he turns back towards the door frame, and slowly, the door creaks open, and you're met with a flustered and ashamed beomgyu, hands all up in his cock and lips swollen so badly.
beomgyu gulps. “i‘m s-sorry,..”
your eyes widen as you see him standing at the doorway, but before you can even react, yeonjun calms you down by rubbing the small of your back.
“come in,” yeonjun orders, and beomgyu timidly steps in walking towards the both of you without a word spoken.“do you allow him to touch you?” yeonjun rubs your back comfortingly, as he looks at you with assurance.
it's a long silence before you decide to respond, but the both of them were completely patient with you. well, except that beomgyu looked pathetically clueless and guilty, trying his best not to glance at your dangling boobs.
“mhm,” you mumbled, nodding your head. how did yeonjun know this was one of your main turn ons? the excitement of someone potentially watching you so slutty makes you feel a rush of adrenaline flow all over you, and how you'd always wished there were more than one pair of hands working around your vulnerable body… it used to be ugly fantasies, but now there's beomgyu that's palming his cock in front of you and your boyfriend, looking as if he's deprived, no, starved of touch.
beomgyu reaches over to get his hands on one of your breasts, but that's interrupted by yeonjun, slapping his hands off.
“don't be so greedy,” he cleared his throat. “don't you think he has to earn it? right babe?” yeonjun tugs at your hair, gazing lovingly at your drool-covered lips and glossy eyes.
“mm,” you reply, inaudible. you can barely process what's happening, let alone talk with your panties still stuffed in your mouth as you collapse back onto the mattress, face squished in the pillow.
“you're gonna have to watch first.” yeonjun mocks as beomgyu steps back, gulping as he pulls his cock out of his boxers to fist it.
yeonjun thrusts into you again and your back arches even harder in response. yeonjun's hands are all over the back of your throat holding you lightly in place, making your choker dig into your skin as he continues to drill into you from behind.
“fuck, she feels so good.” yeonjun looks at beomgyu, smirking. gyu's touching himself all over, head thrown back at his best friend's comment as the pace of his stroking increases.
“d-don't say that,,” beomgyu sighs, voice slightly cracking as his hips start to jitter.
yeonjun slows down his pace to start fucking you with more care, drilling into you so intolerably slowly and roughly clashing your hips against his at the last second. as he drills into you, his tip very precisely rubs against your sweet spot at an angle, making goosebumps go crazy all over your body.
“oh my god, i'm actually going to c-cum,” you mumble as your crumpled up panties start to hang out of your mouth.
“what was that, sweetheart?” yeonjun teases, as if he can't hear you.
“i’m gonna cum…!” you raise your voice as he continues to slowly fuck you to help you reach your high. “ff…fuck!!” you fight a whine, panties falling out of your mouth as you bite down on your lips. you release all over his cock, dirtying the bedsheets that aren't yours.
“good, baby. turn over.” yeonjun pulls his cock out of you with a pop, and lazily, you obey him, drained of your energy and cum.
“what do you say it's beomgyu's turn?” yeonjun snaps his fingers at beomgyu, who's lips are all wet and mouth slightly open as he pants, fist leaving his cock.
“b-but, i just finished..!” you protest, but you're immediately cut off by yeonjun.
“what about poor beomgyu who's been patiently waiting? surely you can take one more, like the whore you are?” yeonjun pouts, the tone of his voice full of mockery.
“please,” beomgyu silently begs as he steps closer to you, hard cock dangling out of his boxers as he pulls his waistband down to his knees.
“go ahead.” yeonjun orders, barely considering your current state as beomgyu crawls onto the bed.
at this point, your body is quivering and your cunt feels so wasted and raw and stretched open, barely ready for another round but you already feel beomgyu tapping his cockhead against the rim of your entrance.
“y/n, ‘m sorry..” beomgyu mutters, then he shoves his length into you with barely any warning.
“fuck!!—” you yelp, pussy so swollen but beomgyu's ramming in and out of you like a dog in heat, his nails digging into your plush thighs as he kneads them. you can't stop him, it's like he's gone feral.
“fucking…ngh—needed this godsend of a pussy.. ugh..so w-warm,, 'm sorry, just feels so good, s-so sorry,” beomgyu whines and apologizes as he looks at yeonjun, as he sits at the foot of the bed looking at another man fuck his girlfriend.
meanwhile, you’re so fucking overstimulated you feel dizzy, ears ringing as you struggle more and more to acknowledge your surroundings because your eyes are clouded with tears. you want to cum so badly, your pussy is throbbing so badly, but yeonjun already milked you off your juices. you're seeing stars as beomgyu continues to fuck you at unimaginable speeds, using you as a pure fucktoy to get off. at this point, his pathetic apologies mean nothing.
and even if you're basically ruined, you still can't help but feel overwhelming pleasure and moans won't stop rolling off your tongue. your feet are curling up and your back is arching away from the mattress and your face is so fucked out unlike anything yeonjun's seen.
“fuck, i c-can't take this anymore, t-too good,, please, pleasepleaseplease—” you whine inaudibly, but you're immediately shut up when yeonjun shoves his cock into your gaping mouth without your notice.
your eyes widen and you almost bite down onto him, but obviously you came to your senses.
yeonjun's groaning, fucking your mouth with a grip on your scalp so strong you thought he was going to rip your hair out.
beomgyu on the other hand, he's fucking you nonsensically at this point, oblivious to everything but your warm pussy walls that take him so perfectly.
“so good, so fucking good, t-take it,” beomgyu moans, his eyes rolling back as he slams in and out of you.
“i'm gonna cum again, shit,” you mumble with your mouth still stuffed with jjun's cock as you clench on beomgyu, ready to cum.
“me too.. please, y-yeonjun?” beomgyu whines as he looks at yeonjun for approval. but instead, like you and beomgyu had hoped…
“you can't cum until i say so. the both of you.” yeonjun nonchalantly responds, and beomgyu's eyes clasp shut, trying everything in him not to bust inside of you, but you're also tearing up, trying your best not to release all over his cock.
but yeonjun just continues to use your mouth like a fleshlight, a smirk growing on his face watching the two of you under his control.
beomgyu slows down his pace in hopes to not explode inside you; it seemed to help a bit. you're also trying not to gag all over your boyfriend's cock as his best friend is stuffing you with his own.
beomgyu's eyes are dazed, so fucked out and his mouth is slightly agape as he starts to lose strength to chase his high. he's a head full of sweat and his long hair droops over his face as he watches you take yeonjun in your mouth.
that almost sends him over the edge because the sight had him sighing and groaning, greedy to fuck every part of you.
“yeonjun, please!!” beomgyu starts to beg for his permission, all he wants is nothing but to cum inside your pretty pussy as he watches his cum ooze out of you.
yeonjun is silent for a bit before he finally replies.
beomgyu immediately picks up his pace, moaning as his thumb start to flick your clit up and down to make you cum on him as well.
“holy fuck, beomgyu!! i'm gonna—!” you mumble as yeonjun thrusts in and out of your mouth at a faster pace this time, also seeming like he's about to cum. for that, you stick your tongue out to make sure you swallow him clean.
“shit. finally, finally, a-aah, ffffuck—” beomgyu slams into you one final time, then you can feel him fill you up with his semen, hot and thick. you see white for a second, then you finally release on his cock.
immediately after you feel hot spurts of yeonjun's cum shooting right down your throat and all over your tongue.
"swallow," yeonjun demands as he lays loving strokes on your throat.
“oh god.” you finally let go of a breath you didn't know you held, chest rising up and down as the both of them took their filthy cocks off of your body.
“fuck, it's literally dripping out of you.” it's like beomgyu's irises turn into little hearts when he sees his own cum trickle down your gaping hole so dirty and so messily. he bends down to collect the mess around your pussy with his fingers, then he thrusts his fingers back inside you, enjoying how the liquids look leaking out the sides of your entrance.
“hey, talk to me. you okay?” yeonjun chimes in, caressing your head lovingly, wiping the tears at the edge of your eyes away as he strokes his thumb down your jawline.
“uh…” you smile awkwardly at both of them. “can't say i didn't enjoy it.”
“i’ll never disturb you guys again, promise..” beomgyu chuckles awkwardly, with nothing else to say.
yeonjun covers his face, looking at the chaos he created.
“i think they'll be back soon,” yeonjun says. “go get cleaned up, the both of you, i'll redo these poor bedsheets.”
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“here's y'all's prawn crackers.” soobin and kai walks towards you, yeonjun and gyu who's now resting on the sofa watching tv. meanwhile, taehyun's putting the groceries in the pantry.
“what'd y'all do when we were gone?” taehyun chimes in.
“um, play more games.” you quickly cleared your throat.
“yeah, we played games.” beomgyu backs you up as he looked at you and yeonjun, turning his head to nod at the three.
all of a sudden, kai's voice rings from across the hallway, catching the five of you off guard.
“dude, since when were these bedsheets grey??”
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pinkchrissysposts · 3 months
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(Basically answers to asks I got)
Ok first thing first there is no one here to help you manifest,not the bloggers,not me, no one,if reading multiple post on same topic can't help you then why do expect bloggers to help you who are gonna give you same advice,they have been mentioning on their posts. It's not like they are writing about different things,every bloggers are telling you the same thing YOUR 4D/imagination is the true reality,you just have to PERSIST and be CONSISTENT. No like seriously I really feel like you guys are just lazy,why are you depend on bloggers,Im not saying that you can't ask for help and by help i mean understanding certain concept or doubts but you straight up ask to help you manifest or coaching don't do that until and unless they themself mention about being a coach,because see we have a life of our own too,we are God but also human who are busy in their life. Bloggers post this amazing posts talking about law and how beautiful it is. But y'all are so into the victim mindset,as if you are the only one suffering,which is correct YOU are the reason you are seeing the person taking away your sp,you are so into imagining yourself in a broke state and dwell in it,because you feel comfort in it,get a bit uncomfortable dear,you'll endup being comfortable.
You cannot just get comfortable when you are transfered in a new school,new class and the new environment,you first adjust,you go to the school everyday and get used to the new environment then you get comfortable isn't it guys. Manifesting is exactly like this you get in the state of having the desire,it feels uncomfortable,fake,delusional but the more you persist the more you get used to this feeling of knowing. It's not even necessary to be in the state a 24/7,because we are in different state all the time,just when you remember about the desire get in the state or do whatever fulfills you.
No amount of methods won't be useful if you are not even persisting and keep look for 3d validation. To sum up everything all you have to to is persist. Bloggers won't be there for you all the damn time,most of you want to manifest being independent but with a mindset of a dependent person,who are depend on other's for method and doesn't even persist in it then cries,and trauma dump on other's dm.
There is no use of DMing us too you know,we as bloggers are the one end up getting bored or annoyed,because I'm telling y'all legit leave another method and come up with a new one,I have about 50+ dms and asks asking me how to manifest or trauma dumping telling me how they aren't able to manifest,dear of course you won't be able to manifest if you keep looking for validation. I'm not saying that your circumstances aren't that bad,it's probably really hard for you but darling,everyone had faced this challenge,it's hard but learn to ignore the 3D even if it was right on your face. Be stubborn when it comes to manifesting,it took me alot of time as well to adapt that mindset,so I read alot of fanfics where reader gets whatever they want this really got me into the brat mindset,you can also find methods or ways that you help you feel fulfill,I don't care what method you are using JUST DO WHAT FULFILLS YOU NOT ME,I've got alot of asking if they should do or this,you know honey do what you believe is gonna work for you,I'm not the one using that method,i purposely don't even reply because I want you guys to try it out yourselves. That's what every bloggers did too,they learn to trust themselves and their imagination.
OK here, since most of you ask me to help manifest I'm challenging you,for the next two weeks,affirm robotically for your desire,lazy to affirm? You shouldn't be,because majority of you complain about not being able to get in a state and endup saying you'll affirm,then do exactly that.
Wavering? Keep affirming and persist.
Don't believe the affirmations? Keep affirming and persist.
Seeing the opposite? Keep affirming and persist.
Make those affirmation your dominant thought,you will know when it will become your dominant thought when it come up on it's own and you don't get effected by the negative thoughts.
But Chrissy some say affirmation don't work. SO? Keep affirming don't be a weakling just because it didn't work for them doesn't mean it will not work for you,you are not them,you are YOU ,they probably didn't even affirm enough or probably checked their 3D,there are many successful people who affirm Jennifer Lopez,Ice Spice and my fav Taylor Tookes despite being petite she still become a model and even walk on runway and now in cover magazines,if they can do it why can't you,they also affirmed right? Not gonna lie majority of the successful people who are into manifestation are into affirming.
Also log out of X and Tumblr,yes it can be motivating to see success stories or reading motivation but they are of no use,you might see a new post talking about a new method and end up leaving affirming and start following that method. Instead you should've scroll on tiktok,or youtube or making vision board while affirming,it's way easier to then wasting your time here reading posts on same topic written in different ways or perspective. So instead just log out and affirm and PERSIST.
If you are so stubborn about the fact that you can't manifest,then start being stubborn about the fact that you can manifest.
This is now my last post I will be logging out might come to check in sometimes happy manifesting🪷.
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landograndprix · 8 months
「Feel the magic ๛ l.n」
part v
✧.* you come to realise that your relationship with lando might just be the most serious and mature relationship you've ever had and while that confuses you more and more each day, your taking it all because some people just love to watch the world burn.
✧.* introducing some people, making babes suffer a little less, hating Alpine, you know the drill, its a chill one really 🥰 this is a psa for the people who wanted to be on my taglist but never got tagged, i didn't forget or ignore you, I simply am unable to tag you and therefore removed you from the list feel free to ask me again so I can take a look at it. Taglist is open Love ya ❤️
✧.* prev part - next part
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cecilemoulin posted to their story
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liked by maxfewtrell, landonorris and 431,657 others
y/nusername oh my days ✨️
tagged: landonorris, maxfewtrell, dashthebeagle
view all 892 comments
f1gurls we've reached peak dog mom, Dash got an Instagram 😭
norrizz waaaaaait y/n's finally gone insta official with lando?!
mclarenbabies it was about time, lando did it nearly two weeks ago 😂
fewtrelllando good to see they've adopted max 🥰
landonorris disgusting
y/nusername you've clearly never looked in a mirror before
landonorris I was talking about the sushi
y/nusername oh..
y/nnorris I love them your honor 😭
landoscar why's dash looking at me like that, why is he judging me? 😭
mrsnorris 🤮 🤮 🤮
landonorris exactly, who would eat sushi?
chilisainz lmfao girl thought she did something
hamilt44n hey girlie, you got lando's attention, speak up 👏
charlie_leclerc I'm changing my mind, they are actually cute together
thomasgoms 😍
y/nloveee we either have a supportive ex-boyfriend or mans completely missed the picture of y/n and lando 💀
norry4 Arianna what are you doing here?
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liked by y/nusername, landonorris and 198,763 others
cecilemoulin spending the 28th with the funniest, prettiest and dumbest ones. ❤️
tagged: y/nusername, landonorris, maxfewtrell
view all 456 comments
girlsofthegird happy birthday Cecile! 😍
carlandooo lmfao milou watching the stories and seeing this post: 🧍‍♀️
george63russell I mean she's been a lil' bitch lately so are we really surprised? 👀
miloubabess she's with her family on a holiday, guess she couldn't make it 🙄
fewtrelllando I don't known about y'all but this smells like a double date!
y/nlandooo peak y/n behaviour 😭
chilisainz loving this new friend dynamic, always thought Cecile and y/n would be a better match than y/n and milou..
maxfewtrell well..great picture..
cecilemoulin max, don't worry, you are the prettiest!
y/nusername the prettiest princess of them all 🎀
landonorizzzz goddammit, those muppets really do be in love huh
thomasgoms happy birthday Cecile!
y/nluv boy get out of here..🤨
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y/nusername posted to their story
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @softboystarkey @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803
Feel the magic taglist: @celesteblack08 @mrsmaybank13 @cha-hot @judesgfirl @roseseraj @kissesandmartinis @jpg3 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @marialovesf1 @silkenthusiasts @luvrrish @laneyspaulding19 @emily-b @formula1bby @judespoisons @buckybarnessweetheart @strawberrychita @iifloweringnightsii @buendiabebeta @jjsprobablywrong @babyvinnie
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10
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