#y'all seen dmc dante?
mscossie · 2 days
I see y'all poking fun at how Dante in the OG anime looks yaoipilled when this man is so viciously and wonderfully JOSEI it makes my head to backflips in the downest baddest way ever...!!
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The genre suits him so damn well. The tropes you could envision him are so fucking endless. I can't be the only one here. I have a mighty need, y'all.
I'm tagging you complete strangers cus I've seen your posts and y'all share my hopeless fixation on the DMC anime. I know y'all got me. Spread the word like wildfire!!!
@3142-redgrave-avenue @quiet-saint @alicethenobody @cerezzzita
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yelldeadcellvrremix · 3 months
Okay question for all my DMC heads out there: Do y'all have crossover ships? The semi-popular ones I've seen are Dante being shipped with Leon from Resident Evil or Raiden from Metal Gear, but I wanna know if there's any other crossover ships you wanna share
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Song of the Heart: Dante X Anxious G/N Reader
SUMMARY: You work at the DMC with everyone but are deathly shy around Dante. The oblivious younger brother ends up confused and semi-hurt that you are “afraid” of him. He thinks that he might have upset/offended you and tries his best to figure out what is going on. It turns out, it was the complete opposite of what he thought.
I'm slowly reposting my AO3 stuff here since it seems like that's what people do on here (I am pretty new to Tumblr lmao) 💌💌💌 Anxious (shy?) G/N Reader. Non-established relationship. FLUFF (Semi-implied dirty things)
     “Damn,” You grumbled as your hands fumbled around your belt, “Nero, you don’t by chance have any spare shells, do you?”
     The young man’s voice took on a chaffed tone, "You know that Rose doesn’t use shells, right?"
     You clicked your tongue and closed Revenant, "Was worth a shot…"
     He looked toward the other side of the room where you stood, “And here I thought I was the ‘inexperienced’ hunter,” he made an exaggerated playful huff and tossed three shells at you, "That's all I got. Now, don’t spend 'em all in one place.”
     Laughing quietly, you rolled your eyes, “Fuck off” and whipped Nero off.
     All you got in response was a smirk and an eyebrow wiggle. Hastily, you shoved the two extra shells into your pocket and reopened the action of the shotgun.
     A shout from Nero grabbed your attention, “Head’s up!”
     You’ve worked with him a hundred times before and knew exactly what he wanted; you dropped flat against the ground. A loud bang resounded from Blue Rose, twin bullets nestled deep into the Riot demon’s skin. It moved back a bit in response to the shot. Not wasting a single second, you sprang to your feet and aimed the reloaded Revenant. Another shot rang out and was accompanied by the cry of the dissolving creature.
     You opened the action again and slid another shell into the chamber, “Not a bad shot, alter-boy," you snapped your gun shut, "but I would've been fine."
     "Yeah right," Nero sauntered your way as he reloaded his gun, "last time you said that I had to drag your sorry poisoned ass back to Nico." 
     Both of you continued your path down into the demon nest, "Like I haven't had to do that to you, mister 'let's see how many times I can get tossed by Furies'."
     "Hey! That was once! Plus, I got my answer didn't I?"
     The room resounded with laughter between the two of you. Times like these are why you’d rather work with Nero than anyone else, even if he is a hot-headed idiot sometimes. You turned to face the next set of the demonic onslaught.
     Several hours had passed before you both returned to the surface. The sun had long since faded and the night sky would've been a gorgeous sight, except you were engulfed in demon blood. Sure, you got dirty and grimy from work but this was overkill. Never in all your years had you been this coated in gunk.
     Nero stood next to you as he holstered Blue Rose, "That was fun," he chortled. Exasperated, you whipped your head to the side to glare at him as he gave you double finger guns with a wink, "Same time next week?" 
     You were unable to be mad at him, a laugh bubbled up from your throat, and shook your head slightly, "That was the gayest thing I have ever seen, Nero. Ho-ly shit …" you slid off your coat to make yourself less miserable.
     "Ah, I gotcha-- I should do one finger gun 'cause I'm Bi," Nero had copied your move of taking off some clothing. 
     Smiling and still laughing you jested back, "That’s even worse"
     With both of you having nothing but a shirt, pants, and socks on, you headed back to the van. From the door, you heard a cat-call whistle. 
     Nico was leaning against the door lighting a cigarette, "Thought y'all were just friends~" a heavy coat of sarcasm laced her voice.
     " Hey! Fuck off," Nero cut in before you could respond, "just got sick of re-enacting Carrie, that's all."
     "Uh-huh…" Nico moved aside her face plastered with a shit-eating grin as she let you both into the van. You gave Nico a smile and a small wave. 
     Nero went to throw the soaked clothing on the table, "So help me God--" Nico grabbed him by the back of his collar, "Boy, don't you even think 'bout it… Put that shit in there!" She pointed to an empty storage tub--one that is meant for bloodied clothing. 
     With a grumble, Nero tossed his pile of clothes into the bin. He then walked over to the passenger seat and slumped down with a loud groan.
     You followed up by throwing your clothes on top of his. Setting your weapons on the bench, you flopped down face-first into the couch exhausted, “Wake me when we get back, please..?”
     Nico walked over to the ashtray on the table, snuffing out her already-finished smoke, “Sure thing”
     You felt something nudge your shoulder and heard something unintelligible. The next thing you knew, you were on the floor facing the ceiling. Slowly you blinked trying to wake yourself up, “--you even listening to me?!” you focused your eyes on the noisy figure above you, Nico.
     “...hm?” you yawned as you sat up, “We back at the shop?”
     “Uh, yeah! We have been for almost an hour,” Nico helped you up onto your feet, “Nero and I tried to get you up but you just swatted at us,” she pulled out her pack of smokes, “I’m goin’ home now and I ain’t takin’ you with, so go on and get!” Nico flashed you a smile as you gathered your things--or rather just your weapons, seeing as someone took the bloodied clothes in already, and left the van. 
     Once inside the DMC, you stopped and grabbed a drink from the fridge then headed up to your room. Nero had volunteered you to live here to keep an eye on the two brothers--and to make sure they don’t destroy any more walls. At first, you were pissed--who wouldn’t be? Living with Nero was fine but living with his stone-faced dad and your ungodly hot boss who fight every time the other sneezes sideways is a fucking nightmare. However, over the past few months, the twins grew on you and you began to slightly enjoy living at the DMC.
     Since you were so tired, you fumbled with the knob for a while before finally getting into your room. You haphazardly dropped all of your stuff to the floor and grabbed some clean clothes and towels, heading for a much-needed shower.
     Upon reaching the bathroom the door was shut. Knowing better than to just waltz in--which you learned the hard way--you knocked on the door checking if anyone was in there. No response. Taking that as an answer, you headed in and began to strip. Once fully barren, you turned on the shower head stepping in. The warm water felt nice as you began to relax.
     The last few jobs have been brutal, to say the least. It feels like everyone around you is always unaffected by how hard this can be. It makes you feel marginally weaker, even though you can go toe-to-toe with any of the other hunters (besides Vergil, that is).
     A sudden loud knock came from the other side of the door pulling you from your thoughts, “Hey, the old man sent me to get the rest of your dirty clothes, you mind?”
     The relaxed mood was gone in an instant as your pulse quickened, Dante. A shy lump began to form in your throat, “C-come in.”
     The door squeaked as it opened, “Thanks, babe!” you swear you could practically hear his smirk, “Glad you made it back in one piece! I’ll see you later!”
      A click from the door indicated that the youngest brother left. Gently you sighed and continued to shower. It didn’t take long for your mind to wander to thoughts about Dante. 
     Although you have worked at Devil May Cry for several years now, you had scarcely interacted with the suave man, or rather you couldn’t. Dante had been nothing but warm and welcoming, but something about him made you anxious enough that it petrified you--quite literally, in most cases. Originally, you brushed it off as being based on him being your “boss”, but something in you told you otherwise. His smile made you feel things that you didn’t think were even possible. That damned laugh could put you into a trance any day. That doesn’t even take into account Dante’s physical features-- You shook your head. The rest of your shower was spent trying to keep your mind from wandering to that charming youngest son of Sparda.
      You turned off the faucet and stepped onto the bathmat. The feeling of your fuzzy well-used towels was a welcomed touch after today’s job. Lazily, you got dressed, brushed your teeth, and headed back to your room for the night.
     Morning came and went quickly, by the time you rolled out of bed it was well-past noon. You stretched out and upwards as you sat up, moaning a bit from the feeling. Eyes still half-shut, you shambled over to the bathroom. 
     You’d lived here long enough that you could care less about walking around in your sleepwear--or rather, you didn’t care if Vergil saw you like this, Dante was a different story. At the bottom of the stairs, you saw Vergil sitting on the couch and, like normal, he was nose-deep into a much too-large book. 
     “Mornin’ Vergil…” you waltz over to the desk and peer over a few scattered job folders.
     Vergil raised an eyebrow, “It is well past morning,” you looked over to him, surprised he responded. His gaze hadn’t left the page, “The folder on the far right is a job that you should be interested in--per Morrison’s request.”
     You slowly moved to grab the folder, still groggy from sleep, “Gotcha… thanks, Vergil.”
     He gave you a flat smile as you walked over to the bar counter to look at the paperwork. You couldn’t help but feel a bit elated at the small progress you’ve made towards be-friending the eldest twin. A few months ago he barely acknowledged your existence--today, you got a smile. 
     A growl came from your stomach, pulling you from your thoughts. The folder now set on the bar top, you turned around to the door behind you--the kitchen door. You grabbed an apple (which was surprisingly still ripe) and a bottle of water. 
     You sat on one of the pleather stools at the bar and opened the folder, enjoying your fruit whilst in thought, “ Huh,” a photo of the “job site” caught your eye, “this is going to be a bitch, Nero might have to do this with one of the brothers…” you studied the notes from the client, “Shit, that’s a lot of dough… Maybe I should give this one to Dante so he can pay some of the--”
     “That’s quite the job, goddamn!” you tensed up feeling someone lean over your shoulder, “You really got your work cut out for yah.” 
     All you could manage in response was a meek, “Y-yeah,” all you could hear was your heartbeat and Dante’s soft breaths.
     “If you want,” he leaned back, thank God, “I could help--give ol’ Nero a break.”
     All thought of trying to remain calm had now flown far out the window as you thought for a moment, “Work with… Dante..? I really shouldn’t--” you bit your lip in thought as your brow creased slightly, “but it would be nice to work with someone more experienced…”
     “You don’t have to say yes,” Dante rubbed the back of his neck as he noticed your worry, “I know you like workin’ with Nero.”
     With pursed lips, you took a slow breath to calm yourself, “No, we can d-do this job t-together, if you w-want…” 100% calm, nailed it.
     “Oh, Hell yeah!” a large warm hand hit your back flatly, “When we gotta--”
     Without saying anything, you lifted a shaky hand and pointed to the terms, “T-today would be b-best.”
     Dante removed his hand from your back, “Shit, alright. Wanna leave now or?”
     You nodded coyly as you went to get up from the stool. However, this puts you face to face (or rather face to chest) with Dante, just barely inches from him. A gentle scent of burnt wood (and a faint scent of pizza) filled your senses. You’d never been this close to him nor had you ever actually thought you’d be. To prevent dying of a heart attack, you scuttled off to your room. 
     Gear all on and ready, you left your room and walked towards the stairs. However, you stopped upon overhearing Dante and Vergil talking.
     “--did anything to upset them?” Dante’s voice wasn’t his usual energetic tone, rather, his voice was worried. Concerned and confused, you continued your eavesdropping.
     “Have you asked them yourself?” Vergil’s tone was rather warm, considering his usual stoic nature. 
     Dante sighed, “N-no… Even if I did, I doubt they’d tell me.”
     “There is--” Vergil stopped and turned towards the stairs, shit.
     Attempting to seem like you weren’t just stopped at the top, you calmly trotted down the stairs. 
     “Ready to go, hot stuff?” Dante smiled widely. 
     You caught a glance at his un-naturally sharp teeth and swallowed hard, God the things those could do to you, “Y-yeah… You?”
     “Always,” he winked, “shall we?” Dante made a grand gesture toward the garage.
     You waved goodbye to Vergil, who seemed taken back a bit by the friendly gesture and simply nodded in response.
     Dante walked over to the far side of the opened bay doors, “You alright with ridin’ Cavaliere..?” 
     You looked like a deer in headlights as you stood for a moment, “S-sure.”
     He sat down on the bike and gestured for you to come over. Sheepishly, you made your way over and mounted the bike. 
   “Might wanna grab onto me,” Dante kicked the kickstand, “Lemme know if I am going too fast for yah.”
     Neatly you placed your hands on the sides of his hips and slid as close to him as possible. Dante turned the ignition and shifted the transmission to neutral his hands squeezing the clutch. He pressed the starter and you were off.
     Despite your nerves, Dante’s warm body made you slowly melt into him. You could hear and feel his heartbeat, it was a calm and soothing rhythm. Warm leather from the side of the jacket caressed your cheek as you lost yourself in the moment. The intoxicating smell of a campfire and old Italian food made your heart flutter. As you sat with him you couldn't help but savor the moment and allow yourself to relax.
     It was only about an hour's drive away, at least with Dante’s manic driving. You hadn’t been paying attention to the fact that the bike had been off and kickstand out for almost a minute now.
     “As much as I am enjoying this,” Dante’s hand gently caressed over yours which were still firmly gripping his hips, “we have work to do, babe.”
     Upon realizing what was going on, you panicked. In this spooked state, you scrambled to get off Cavaliere falling off onto the concrete, “Ow, fuck…” 
     “As much as I am enjoying this,” Dante’s hand gently caressed over yours that were still ever so tightly wrapped around him, “we have work to do, babe.”
     Upon realizing what was going on, you panicked. In this spooked state, you scrambled to get off Cavaliere falling off onto the concrete, “Ow, fuck…” 
     An amused grin spread across Dante’s face, “You alright?”
     Hurriedly you scrambled to your feat and gave him a nod, face as red as a tomato from embarrassment. 
     “Let’s go, shall we?” he got off the bike and nodded toward the enormous demon’s nest before you.
     The blurry figure of Dante flew past you for the umpteenth time as you took care of a group of Hell Anternoras. You smiled. As much as you love working with Nero, it was undeniable that Dante’s style worked with yours considerably better.
     Finishing the final one, you heard Dante yell something about “blowing his wad” and couldn’t help but wander to some rather unprofessional thoughts. Ones of Dante telling you--no, doing such things to you…
     Being submerged in your perverse daydreaming, you weren’t aware of the ever-encroaching Nobody stalking you from behind. Dante, however, did and took action. 
     The next thing you knew you were several feet away from where you were and Dante had you pinned underneath him. Giving you a cheeky smile and a slight eyebrow wiggle, he shot back up and took care of the demon. You slowly sat upwards, confused and having a headache starting--not only from being slammed into the ground but because your heart had begun to beat much faster.
     He let out a signature laugh and sly comment. Then went back to you, extending a hand to help you up. You stared at his outward stretched hand and stood up, without him. He pursed his lips in confusion his eyes held a small hurt look that you seemingly didn’t notice and slowly retracted his hand.
     Dante’s hands were stuffed into his pockets as whistled to himself. The both of you hadn’t spoken since him pinning you almost an hour earlier. Tense didn’t even come close to describing how uncomfortable the air had become. A part of you wanted to crawl up into a ball and wait for the tension to subside.
     Dante being Dante, couldn’t stand the odd mood any longer and wanted to fix it, “Hey can… I ask you something?”
     You nodded, not daring to speak--feeling a lump already starting in your throat.
     “Is there a reason you’re afraid of me?” his voice was uncharacteristically serious. Still, without an audible response, Dante looked back at you and saw you were dead-stopped in your tracks
     “Wh-what makes you th-think I am afr-fraid of you, huh?” your vain attempt at confidence had now been obliterated by your stutter.
     “Well,” Dante looked around in thought then locked eyes with yours, “Every time you’re around me, all I can hear is how fast your heart is--I asked Verge about it and he said it’s normally a fear thing.”
     Breaking eye contact as a dark blush spread widely across your face. Your heart quickened further and, given the twitch in Dante’s gaze, you knew that he noticed. Your voice was gentle and quiet, “Y-you can hear my h-heart?”
     He smiled a bit trying to lighten the mood, “I’m half demon, remember? Demons feed on human blood, which comes from your heart n’ stuff.”. Your eyes widened as your thoughts wandered about Dante eating you. Seeing your deer-in-headlights stare Dante quickly clarified himself, “not that I plan on drinking yours or anythin’...”
     The occasional distant sounds of demonic growls were the only thing that broke the heavy silence. Dante’s eyes were plastered to you and yours were everywhere beside him. Thoughts were running a million miles an hour in your head as you thought about what you could say--or what you could make up instead of telling him the truth. Fear crept into your mind at what Dante would say, what he’d do. He’d probably fire you and never want to talk to you again--hell, maybe he’d forebay you from seeing even Nero. You’d be discredited as a demon hunter by everyone around and have to get a normal job, a boring job.
     “I thought… I dunno--” Dante’s voice had become noticeably tender as he had placed a hand on the back of his neck shrugging, "I thought maybe us doing a job together might help but…" Dante’s face took on a saddened gaze, “seems I only made it worse.”
     You stopped your rapid glances at the environment and settled on staring at Dante’s boots. Nothing came out as you stood there mouth agape trying to find the right words. Harshly you bit your lip and decided to bite the bullet, “Dante-”. Iridescent teal eyes fixated on you in curiosity as he patiently waited for you to continue, “It’s not-- I--” you could feel your body begin to shake in frustration as you paused for a moment thinking, “Why am I like this--why can’t I just--”
     A hand gently grabbed yours as you came back to your senses. Dante had moved to be right in front of you and had a slight pout, “Hey, you okay? We don’t have to talk about it if you don't want to--don’t force yourself.”
     Instinctively you interlaced your fingers with his and gently squeezed his hand, “D-Dante, I--” your lips trembled your heart rate was so loud that you felt ill as you mumbled those forsaken words, “I like … or well, love y-you and I f-figure you don’t feel the s-same and-- and I--.” your voice cracked as you lost your train of thought.
     Expecting him to react in anger (and possibly even physical violence), you flinched, shut your eyes, and braced for the worst. However, nothing happened. After a solid minute or so, you fearfully opened your eyes. Dante was still just standing there holding your hand. His brows twitched slightly as he seemingly was in deep thought.  
     He was cautious when approaching you, not wanting to overstep his bounds. You felt the gentle exhale of his breath on your lips as he leaned ever closer. Dante audibly swallowed and waited for your move. With a hitched breath, you closed the distance. 
     The kisses weren’t the most elegant, but that didn’t matter, all that mattered in this very moment was Dante. His stubble lightly brushed your face and his lips tasted just as sweet as you had imagined. With your free hand, you ran your fingers gently through his hair--which was surprisingly silk-like. The kiss ended but neither of you moved both of you panting slightly.
     Dante smiled wistfully and spoke, “Who said I don’t feel the same?” he lightly nuzzled your nose with his, “ In fact, I think I love you too.”
     Your heart skipped a beat, “I--” 
     His free hand moved up to cup the side of your face as you locked lips once again. However, this time, he made sure to make how he felt as apparent as possible. Stealing your breath with how feverishly he was pushing into you. Your hand that was holding his slowly groped up his arm. You felt Dante’s arm flex a bit from the sudden message-like touches. Dante must have enjoyed your gentle squeezing because he gave you small kitten licks against your lips asking for more. 
     He was excited, that much was apparent, from how much he explored your mouth. You got a better taste of him now; his mouth tasted similarly to how he smelt--he tasted smokey (perhaps a side-effect of his demonic heritage?). It was intoxicating. You felt light as a feather and never wanted to let go. At this moment, everything faded away; there was not a single person in the world besides you and him. Dante felt your stance become unsteady so he placed both his hands firmly at the small of your back and you placed your hands on his chest. You moaned into the kiss quietly. Hearing your arousal, Dante began to practically devour your lips. His hips ground against yours making you moan more. 
     He decided to let you catch your breath for a moment. While you did so, Dante moved to kiss along your jawline moving down your neck. His stubble had begun to tickle at your neck making you giggle. You felt a grin form against your skin as he began to purposely nuzzle you with it. Playfully you squirmed away from him, only to have him pull you closer. 
     Your head rested against his chest and you could hear a faint purr from the legendary demon hunter. Enjoying the moment, you turned your face into his chest and buried yourself in it.
     Dante hugged you and laughed a bit, “Kind of wish you said something sooner, babe…” one of his hands gently ghosted up your back, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
     You buried your face further into Dante muffling your voice, “Really?”
     “Yeah, really…” a fondness laced his voice as he kissed the top of your head gently.
     Neither of you is sure how long you stood there holding each other. It felt like an eternity and like no time at all. Eventually, you parted from your embrace. 
     Dante smiled widely, his eyes full of warm happiness and creased on the edges, “Once we get out here, can I take you out? Like on a date?”
     You couldn’t help but laugh, “Of c-course, Dante…” 
Want to see more like this? Want to read my work quicker and several stories that are not on Tumblr? Check this out on my AO3 (Linked here)
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ryanthel0ser · 8 months
What do you think would happen if rottmnt (and both the Caseys) met Dante, Vergil, and Nero?
(Assuming Cassandra knows Casey is her future son, I just picture her being like, "Hey, wanna see a cool thing I made?" and then grabbing Casey and holding him up like Simba in the Lion King, being all like, "LOOK AT MY AWESOME SON!! GAZE upon his MAGNIFICENCE!"
Casey, being held up and hiding his embarrassed face behind his hockey mask, awkwardly waving: "Hi." [as an aside to Cassandra] "Mom, please put me down, this is really embarrassing.")
I already preach that Leo would be a DMC fan and would idolize DMC3 Dante, so meeting one of his favorite characters would probably send him into fanboy mode.
Overall I think they'd be shocked to meet people that are more built different™ than they are and I don't think the Sparda's would find the situation that weird considering what they've seen and done. The real kicker would be the boys seeing how insane the family dynamics are between those three, like there's the disaster twins and then there's THE disaster twins. Like what do you mean you tried to kill each other multiple times??? What do you mean y'all stab each other often??? What do you mean you two first met and filled each others with stab wounds AND bullet holes???
They'd also all try to fight Dante cause like cmon guys he may have demon powers but there's four of us plus the Casey's AND we have ninpo (they get their asses handed to them and styled on, Nero just sits and watches while Vergil is sitting and reading).
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radidadood · 2 years
Legit tryna figure out why I liked Nicky. Like to figure out a feature of him that I fell for and it took me so long to realize it. Cuz he rich? Nah. He's a dude who gave you a shiny ass bracelet out of nowhere. Cuz of his good looks? Well I kinda surprised but nah. I thought he was blond *sad noise* his hair describe as brownish-blond so ig that wins too but no. Flirty men ain't my type unless they got humour. And his humour? Dawg I rather date Chris he got better humour than Mr Perfect. He does ball jokes no cap he's da man.
Then I played St. Nicky and found out the reason. When he walked in saying "hohoho something something" my mind clicked and immediately goes "oooh.. he's an idiot..."
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spoiler1001 · 2 years
I love how my immediete circle in the DMC fandom has separately but unanimously went "If Dante sees Gilver, he's getting crushed on sight."
And good for him. Gilver deserves to go up against post- DMC5 Dante. Y'all that fight is over in like 2 minutes and its only cut off because Dante is pulled off the corpse.
Vergil sees this with no context and goes from "you underestimated how much my brother doesn't want to punch me in the face" to "oh, its personal between you and him" to "I don't think I've seen him this angry."
Because here's the thing- Dante is smart- caring- beautiful- and the last thing is very important: fucking terrifying when he wants to be.
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scalproie · 4 years
So about the V-man/Daddy Long Legs/Deadbeat of the year/Blue Dante/Jack Frost Sr. himself:
favorite thing about them: I keep a list
Boss Fights (they are SO FUN!!!)
His design in general really
His Sin Devil Trigger Form is pretty cool...
His simple yet complex character and development that I shan't go into details orherwise we'd be here all day
His son Nero
least favorite thing about them: I know this isn't the series' focus and honestly I don't want it to be cuz we're not here for that, plus if you're willing to reach, there are some justifications, but yeah, causing the death of all those people and getting off scot free wasn't very gucci
(I was gonna add that he did so twice but the first time he DID end up in a prickly situation (The Nelo Angelo stuff) because of his own hubris)
favorite line: HE'S GOT SO MANY THAT I LOVE ok ok ok because of the ironic potential if it comes back to bite him, I'm gonna go with
"Did some pesky fatherly love get in your way?" [Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm]
Close runner up is the "That Day..." speech and the Vergil Bratty Moments™ aka "Well I want yours too." and "If you want it, then you'll have to take it.".... also "Thank you Nero." is up there... there's so much more you have no idea.... "SHCUM!"...
brOTP: easy answer is Dante but this is like. The one (1) meaningful relationship confirmed he has in his life. Also they're already brothers and had a whole childhood AND game dedicated to them. Part of me want to say Griffon & co but I feel this is more a V thing even if I'm in the "V is literally just Vergil" group. So this is just wishful thinking but MAN I just really want more interactions between him and Nero, indulge me with more father and son bonding because I would argue this is the MOST interesting relationship to look into in future games and content. Another relationship I'd really wanna explore is Vergil with his daughter-in-law, once they're past all dmc5 events-related awkwardness. Vergil and Credo are lowkey similar so I get the vibe Kyrie would know how to handle the man, and I don't think they would make Vergil disrespect Kyrie because while we've never actually seen him interact casually with other people/humans, I think it'd be out of character and a dumb move.
OTP: Ok so Vergil is a very big comfort character o' mine so I project really hard on the man, and the aro/ace is jumping out so I really do not care and do not want to ship him with any character of the small cast, that's not why I love dmc in the first place. (ABSOLUTELY NOT a jab on OCs and self-shippers. Y'all do y'all <3). Romantic and/or sexual love is not the type of love I want to see him express... which I realize is super ironic and funny because this is the one (1) character in dmc we know for certain that had sexy times (congrats to the fortuna woman who got him in bed. You go girl).
nOTP: You'd think it'd be a given but an alarming amount of dmc fans are addicted to inc*st so... a big no to that. What the fuck. (They're literally twiiiins whyyy... and I don't care how many mental gymnastics you're doing this is still his fucking father....). Also like I said above I pretty much avoid any shippy or suggestive/nsfw stuff involving Vergil so.
random headcanon: Vergil doesn't need to sleep or eat because of that sweet sweet demon blood, but if he did, his go-to junk food would be hamburgers like we saw in VoV (Dante has pizza but we all knew that, and my hc for Nero is instant ramen/pasta). Additional hcs for Vergil is that he played the violin and he strikes me as the kind of guy who speak fluently latin, not modern italian, but the dead latin language (which would make for some funny interactions in Fortuna). Also Special Shout Out To Scottish Vergil.
unpopular opinion: Unsure of the popularity of that take but I'm glad him being Gilver got retconned. Unsure of the popularity of that take but ive seen a few people saying that they'll ruin Vergil by making him more "fun" by developping his character and to that I say "You want to keep Vergil boring???". I also personally do not care about the nature of the relationship between him and Nero's mother and I don't feel the need to find out more about that.
song i associate with them: THAT BEING SAID irony strikes again because a bunch of songs I associate with him are romantic. And italian. Anyway: "The Nexus" by Amaranthe; "Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea" by Missio; "Cold Cold Man" by Saint Motel; "Il Volo" by Zucchero and "Vivo Per Lei" by Andrea Bocelli
favorite picture of them: choose your fighter
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namesonboats · 5 years
Sola Fide (for love of her)
A DMC fic
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Chapter 4 is up!
“You’ve ruined a good demon hunter, brother. I’ve never seen her like this.”
He sends the plaster flying through the hole, startling a crow that leaves with a series of indignant caws.
“Mary used to care about two things. Dollars and firearms. Now she’s all soft for you.”
He smiles in that infuriating, lopsided way he so often does.
Vergil narrows his eyes at his brother.
“You oppose our relationship.”
“No, I don’t,” Dante snaps, “I think you can be good for each other. But that means you need to pull your head out of your ass - starting by remembering that time behaves differently here than in hell.”
Relationships: Lady/Vergil (Devil May Cry), Kyrie/Nero (Devil May Cry)
Characters: Lady (Devil May Cry), Vergil (Devil May Cry), Dante (Devil May Cry), Nero (Devil May Cry), Trish (Devil May Cry), Kyrie (Devil May Cry), Julio (Devil May Cry), Morrison (Devil May Cry), Mundus (Devil May Cry), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Found Family, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Romance, Vergil’s Human Adventures, Awkward Attempts At Small Talk, Vergil Is His Own Worst Enemy, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Nero And Kyrie Wedding uwu, Pregnancy, Brothers Bond Over Diapers, Demons Are Being Assholes, So Is Dante But We Love Him, Mary Has a Plan, So Does Trish Because In Fanfiction Women Are Allowed Agency, I’m a poetry geek so y'all are gonna get some poetry each week, Dubious Attempts At Plotting, Slaps roof of fic - this baby can hold so many headcanons in it, I’m dragging these characters through hell before I give them their happy ending
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punkinroses · 5 years
On this first shitpost of ocs, I give you: Kat totally has her own youtube and twitch channels and has the most amount of fun with it that she can.
She does an all day stream for the release of Sword and Shield and does a ton of giveaways for them bc "Switches are expensive enough and this shits sixty dollars just go take these and have fun"
She gets Grookey as her starter bc she thinks he's friend shaped and just seems so happy and needs that in her life. She names him Goku and then loses her shit the first time she sees Rillaboom.
*sees Galarian Farfetch'd* "He looks like an asshole. Like that is the angriest face I've ever seen and then hes gonna turn into the smuggest bastard with the big sword I'm -- WAIT." *names it Kaiba*
I guarantee you this becomes a meme and people spam Kaiba with it.
*Sees Raihan* "Move over Leon, I'm marrying that one. Chat -- chat are you team Leon or team Raihan."
Her champion team consists of Rillaboom, Bolthund, Sirfetch'd, Hatterene, Dragapult and Copperajah.
She also does various nuzlockes and she just keeps a posterboard in the back with the names and drawings of the Fallen Ones on there.
She, Joey and Ryou streamed all of the Devil May Cry games together bc she knew they would have fun with it.
"Go fuck yourself, Vergil." Was basically a running gag for Joey. Kat probably had a shirt design for it for merch.
Y'all know in dmc 3 where you have to go through that strip club to get to the temen-ni-gru and there's that pole and if you hit something right Dante just spins around. None of them knew that could happen and they spent ten minutes just doing that and laughing their asses off. Kat literally got up, pulled out her wallet and started making it rain hundred dollar bills at her screen.
She's also gotten her friends to play the Sims games with her, all four series, and they just. Have a blast making everything go to shit.
She, Tristan and Duke did the 100 baby challenge and oh my god it was a disaster.
"We should never be allowed to be parents. Like...ever." "Hey, I'm doing a fantastic job here raising little Shrek and little Han Yolo."
The house caught fire like 5 different times in one stream.
Kat has really quiet days where she just wants to chill and so she'll stream Stardew Valley and put on some lo fi in the background and just get to chill with everyone while drinking some tea or hot chocolate.
Its a nice time.
And, of course, she absolutely does do Duel Monster streams and videos.
She loves getting to do tips and tricks videos, dexk building strategies, showing off new cards, etc. When certain online games come out, she 100% uses that opportunity to get to have online duels with her viewers and has a lot of fun with it.
On her YouTube channel she also does a lot of makeup videos where she just talks about whatever and has actually done Duel Monsters inspired ones.
Theres also just a lot of vlogs of her three dogs and her bunny rabbits.
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I'm sure people have thought about this and stuff but I thought about this the other night. (I haven't seen anyone talk about it but I know that DMC 5 is getting "old" so I'm sure damn near everything's been thoroughly talked about) Why do Dante and Vergil look so different at the end of DMC5? If they are supposed to be identical twins, why is almost every aspect of their physical details different.
So putting aside all the environmental factors (like trauma, lifestyle, how many times they've died *cough* Vergil *cough*, etc.) there was something interesting in one of V's bonus images. I'll attach it below but there is a postcard of him drinking a can of Virility (I know it's from DMC:DmC *also the word is a link to the wiki on it*). The drink little phrase thing is "fitter, smarter, sexier you"; so, what if V drinking those energy drinks actually had an effect on Vergil's re-formed body? I'm trying to look at things from a neutral standpoint because I think that Vergil's hot regardless of what game (although he looks a little too bulky in DMC4--- that's beside the point). This also ignores the fact that character designs just change and that the PS2 can old handle so many polygons. Just hear me out.
Each bullet is things that are changed the support the idea (using the stereotypically "hot" things--at least, in American society) He has fuller lips. His nose is less pointed and the bridge is smaller. His chin is rounded off more; less pointed. His cheeks aren't as concaved/carved out; which I'm unsure if that is considered a positive--I don't really care for "typical" beauty standards lmfao Now let's compare directly between DMC5 Dante and DMC5 Vergil. Their noses are different. Vergil's is thinner and more upturned Dante's is larger and downturned. Their lips are opposite; Dante's lips are thin and wide Vergil's are plush and less spread out. Their fuCKING EARS-- VERGIL'S EARLOBES ARE ATTACHED DANTE'S AREN'T (this bothers me if you can't tell) Their entire head shape is different (which I think is just normal but I figured it should be here). Vergil's is tall n' slim. Dante's is thicker and stouter (he reminds me of a pitbull; like the lil' squish faces) fucK-- EVEN THEIR HAIR COLOR IS DIFFERENT. (Their eyes are supposed to be different I feel; Dante's are closer to Eva's while Vergil's are closer to Sparda's.)
I dunno, I wanted to put this somewhere. If any of y'all have any other ideas/observations please lmk through tags or comments! I'd love to hear what others have to say :)))) Thanks for coming to my TED talk lmfao
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