#kat pegasus
hopefulstarfire · 2 years
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they're here to take down some capitalists and one man that wants to revive his dead wife by any means necessary. and also look iconic.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
This is an OC × Ardyn Izunia/Lucis Caelum (aka KARDYN) short story. I'm somewhat rusty and new to Tumblr so please don't judge me.... This OC is named Katerina Irene Wolfe from another kingdom who is a healer! (She's mostly a part of a COMPLETELY different story I have in the works called Last Pegasus so bear with me!!!)
For context, she is a blonde young woman (20s) (she also has elf ears) who has a kind heart and healing magic. Her culture uses crystals for helping with magic within them and has magical tattoos that help with transformation stuff like in her case having dove-like wings for flight! We good...? We good! OK ONWARDS!!!!
Fluff (Rotting teeth cotton candy kind) (NO NASTY 😠)
Warnings: none (maybe trauma bring up? Mostly star scourge stuff)
Topic: Katerina(OC) × Ardyn Izunia (KARDYN)
A Healer's Touch
{Kat's pov}
It was like any normal day Eos. Waking up to the sound of people waking up for work or chatting the morning away. I stretch the sleep away as I got up to get ready. I look upon the large hotel room we shared with the prince and his friends. The large windows let the cool sea breezes blow from the Altissian bay, reminding me of home. With comfy clothes in hand, I put them on before going to walk by the docks. I left a note for my older sisters I'm going for a walk.
The city was winding every which way possible. Twists and turns lead me toward the fancier shopping districts of Altissia. The stores were filled with dresses, handbags, you name it! I didn't particularly enjoy the fancier stuff but it did give me the inspiration to make art!
I sat down in a more secluded area, the morning sun slowly finishing its peak of the morning hello. I pull out my sketchbook and began to draw whatever came to mind, losing myself to the world of imagination. After an hour of drawing a gust of wind picked up from one of the alleyways, it nearly blew my art supplies out of my lap! I caught my sketchbook but one of the pages cut my hand, right in the curve of the thumb and pointer finger. I reeled back and winced at the fresh cut. I mumbled curse words in my native tongue as I started to nibble on it.
"Now that's not a nice thing for a princess to say," A man's voice spoke up from my left. I quickly jumped a bit and turned to see Chancellor Ardyn leaning against a stone railing.
"A-Ardyn?!" I scrambled to fix my situation and set my things to the side, "H-How do you know Yoitzan?"
"A great chancellor is always prepared, even with something simple as a foreign language." he chimed as he sat beside me.
"It's amazing that you know it so fluently though," I smiled.
"When you get to my age, you'll understand, Dear Katerina." he lifted his hand to pull away a stray strand of my ponytail.
"I don't seem very off from your age though...or is the stench of darkness and daemons coming off of you saying other things?" I smirked as he admitted some sort of defeat.
"I can't hide from the well-trained senses of a healer such as yourself can I?"
"Tell me the truth...I can sense something or some things have happened" I stared up at his tall figure lounging next to me. He crossed his legs and began to ponder. He gave a soft sigh and looked toward me.
"Some things are better left unspoken for now," He held my hand with a distant demeanor, "My body does ache, and here I thought it would be a glorious morning to take a longer stroll."
I sighed and thought for a moment. He was the enemy here but I just can't shake the feeling that I knew him somehow. It bugged me to think this way. I wanted to help him. My Uncle always told me to follow what my heart felt right to do, to set free others' burdens.
"I...will help you...on ONE condition though!" I gripped his hand.
"I'm all ears, my dear." His velvet voice called.
"Can you help me find food...I don't have enough Gil!" I begged as my stomach growled soon after, "it takes a lot of energy to heal someone your stature and....condition"
He gave a soft chuckle, "then a small date it is, the fated day is only a few away hm?"
I blushed and reluctantly agree to the terms. I soon healed his aches the best I could with what energy I had beforehand. He got up and stretched his long limbs and his strong torso. I got up shakingly. I packed my backpack of my supplies and walked to a morning coffee shop that was open. I ordered what I wanted, A hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and peppermint flavoring with a few baked goods to snack on. We sat in a very secluded area away from the sun-kissed areas of Altissia. The crystal amethyst around my neck glowed with happiness from my small victory as I ate a Ulwatt berry yogurt pastry.
"Quite a sweet tooth...just like her..." he mumbled that last part.
My ears wiggled happily, "Y-Yeah...I tend to like the sweet side of things, sometimes sour too!" I sipped my drink.
I could tell he was observing me. I didn't care much for eyes prying on my every move. After all, I am the next in line for the Guardian of our kingdom, a symbol of freedom. My ears began to droop at the thought but then I felt his hands cupping my cheeks. He rose my ears up as his gaze on me seemed stern yet puzzled, almost confused or troubled.
After realizing this, my face burned bright red as did my ears. My crystal glowed bright purple. Then I saw a faint glow of a crystal under his ensemble. My eyes widened at the sight, HE HAD A FRIENDSHIP CRYSTAL?! No...or could it be...was he engaged? Married? No, he wouldn't be like this!! When I looked into his eyes, they had a soft feeling to them. I felt his aura. It was...pleading, crying out almost.
I felt his anxieties, sorrows, pain, everything...
"Ardyn?" I spoke up. He snapped out of his thoughts and began to become distant, angry with himself. Before he could slip his hands away, I grabbed them. With teary eyes, I healed what I could to ease his pains. Each passing second felt like a match was struck, burning my hands and arms. Then I felt light-headed. I collapsed into his arms.
As I laid in slumber's sweet bliss, I could hear voices. Laughter. Their voices...familiar. I opened my eyes to see a field of wheat and wildflowers. In the middle was an old tree, under it were two people, a man and a woman. The woman saw me standing in the path.
"Layanna!! Come and rest! You've had a tiresome day!" The woman called out.
I hesitantly walked toward them. Once I got closer, I could recognize the two people in front of me. The woman looked like Lunafreya, she must be Aera the Oracle of legend. The man beside her...was Ardyn. He had longer hair and looked more youthful and bright.
"You and Ardyn did so well healing the needy, I wish I had your powers." Aera smiled.
"Oh don't be like that my dear," Ardyn chuckled, "You do magnificent work too, being the Oracle."
I smiled at the pair then flinched, I looked down at my hands. Black. They were stained like daemon skin. I collapsed to my knees.
"No...how..." I squeaked out as long silvery lavender hair fell to the ground. I was not me. I was my ancestor. My eyes began to sting with tears.
Soon two large hands covered my own. They were Ardyn's. I looked up at him and saw a troubled yet stoic look. Soon a bright amber light came from his hands.
A Healer's Touch...
"Ardyn... I'm sorry"
"No need to be sorry, it's our duty, our fate." He smiled as my hands were healed. He and Aera laid me down under the tree. My head in Ardyn's lap. I slowly drifted to sleep as my dream began to vanish.
When I came to, my hands were slightly scarred like cat scratches. My body felt weak again. I looked up to see Ardyn, he was staring at my sketchbook. His gaze upon them was calm in a way. I soon realized my position, I was in his lap like in the dream. Was it a vision? A memory?
"Ardyn?" I quietly squeaked.
"You can give quite a fright, next time won't be as promising" He looked down at me, "but you do have a talent."
"My healing talent?" I rose up.
"Your artistry, it's unique and you just seem to doodle whatever you please" he smiled slightly.
"O-Oh that's hehe...thank you" I blushed lightly, fiddling with my hoodie sleeve.
"you definitely have a way to touch hearts without your healing, a blessing upon this old heart of mine"
I looked up at him and smiled. He handed my sketchbook back to me still open. It was to a portrait drawing of him when we first met back is Lestallum.
"Perhaps you'd like a practice model for your next one?" He smirked, "My face seems to have moved you so well and you might not get the chance after today."
"I'd love that very much," I smiled more as my ears wiggled a small bit. He posed simply next to me and I started drawing. Then an idea came to me. I started scribbling and drawing inspiration. Once I was finished was a portrait of what he used to look like in that vision.
"I'd say you have a healing touch as well, one that has helped me" I smiled.
He looked at the drawing in slight shock, the details were pretty precise of his younger self. He chuckled and pulled me close into a gentle embrace and placed a soft kiss upon my forehead. I gave a soft giggle in response and hugged him.
His existence, his presence, I knew now what he longed for. Someone to make him happy once again. Knowing what the others would say I made a promise to help both sides, not as just as a healer, but as a Guardian.
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moronicprincess · 2 years
Day 11: Eagle
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(I believe Tumblr crunched it a bit so click on the image to see it better)
This guy is meant to be based on the brahminy kite :3
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The Taming of Man: chapter Seven - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Ok, ok, I know I said I don't normally write chapters this long, But the creative juices were flowing! Don't expect this all the time though, I'm only writing so much because you're so cute. much love, hope you enjoy this chapter, it's a doozey!
Words: 3,825
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, Katsuki is practically naked for a sec, reader has mommy issues, Kat is trying his best
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"Turn around," Katsuki ordered, his face getting redder and redder as he realized his own nakedness. If he wanted to turn into a dragon, he'd have to take off the only shred of clothing he had left, and he sure as hell wasn't doing that in front of you.
You obliged him, sighing and facing the wall. "Take this too," he huffed, not giving you a singular second before the satchel he wore hit your back. "Hey," you shouted, kneeling and doing your best not to turn around, grabbing the satchel and holding it. The strap broke when Katsuki transformed last, so you had to just keep it under your arm.
The sounds you could hear from Katsuki were unfamiliar, like popping and glimmering and something else entirely. You could feel his presence grow larger, his form expanding. You turned around at the sound of giant feet planting on the ground, and what you saw...he was majestic.
His body took all available space, each ruby colored scale no doubt the size of your face, His piercing red eyes even more capturing as he glared down at you. His wings expanded outward, above the nearby buildings, albeit short ones...if you didn't know any better, you'd say he was showing off.
You stepped closer, you hand gingerly resting on his snake-like underbelly, looking up and squinting to see. You could stand on one of his big black claws no doubt, each of his scaled legs like the base of a tree trunk, his form solid and his stance proud.
He leaned downward, causing you to take several steps to the side so you wouldn't be crushed. His massive head nearly touched the ground, and he let out a low rumbling sound. He was telling you to get on.
Slowly and with a lot of struggle, you clambered up his side, situating yourself between a couple of the giant gold spikes that ran down his spine at an angle. As he sat back up and prepared for take off, you began to realize what exactly you were doing.
You've never ridden a dragon before, what if you fell? Katsuki wouldn't let you get hurt, you were sure of it. Shaking your head and taking a deep breath, you watched as his wings began to slowly flap, his body rising with each beat. You gripped onto one of the spikes, taking deep breaths to calm yourself. Wind was being generated all around you, your hair flying as he began to go up, and up, and up, and up.
You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself, but when you opened your eyes after only a few seconds, you found that you were already far above the market. Everyone looked like ants from here, ants that were slowly disappearing into the horizon as you soared forward.
You could feel the wind in your hair, your eyes forced shut from the pressure, but you also felt weightless. Your anxiety subsided, left with the awe of being so high in the air. If there were clouds, you'd certainly be above them. You've never been this high in the air before, even when riding a Pegasus, nor have you moved so fast.
You could already see the palace ahead, and when you were able to see just past the wall surrounding it, you could feel Katsuki begin to descend.
He ended up veering to the right of the palace, landing around the area you came out of.
Of course, when you got off he made you turn around, poking you gently with his tail to remind you he'd be rather naked. You yet again obliged him, Listening to the sounds of his transformation, before you were graced with the sound of his voice.
"Give me my bag, It has that cloak in it," he ordered, his voice as gruff as ever.
You aimlessly tossed it behind your shoulder after taking your dress out of it, wanting to get him back for hitting you with it earlier, although from the sounds of it he caught the thing.
After the rustling of fabric, he told you you could turn around, and once again the cloak was wrapped around his waist.
He had you go through all the motions of sneaking into the palace grounds, although of course he made you go first up the wall, given his...current predicament.
Keeping you once again in Versengen's den, he left to get clothes. You took the opportunity to change back into your green dress, although you felt weirdly self conscious changing in front of the currently sleeping dragon.
Katsuki returned after about 10 minutes, wearing clothes nearly identical to the ones he had on before, and he seemed visibly disappointed for a second after seeing you out of that red dress. "What's even the point of buying you a dress if you're not going to wear it," he grumbled, pulling you out of the barn.
"Well, If I showed up back home wearing a brand new dress I think that'd raise suspicion," you laughed, watching Katsuki scan the area out of the barn before pulling you farther along. All this sneaking around and climbing and hiding was getting pretty repetitive.
Eventually, you reached the edges of the forest once more, and Katsuki wasted no time holding you by the shoulders like a shield. He hated how stupidly easy traversing the forest was for you, after all the time he spent dodging every danger it had.
The acrimony trees pressed their roots into the ground so you could make it through with no trouble, even going as far as to whip away the little pebbles you nearly trip on.
The trees in Eisen, densely packed and thick, separated for you, bending their trunks out of the way and allowing you to step through.
The trees in Schatz dropped their leaves behind you, showering you in golden flakes as you walked.
In Leben, vines extended towards you, offering you blooming flowers.
In Nebel, the little mushrooms glowed as you walked past, almost bending towards you...
Entering the center ring you knew so well, Katsuki released you and watched as you happily walked toward the giant tree trunk, standing atop it and stretching out towards the setting sun.
"Thanks for doing this for me, I had a lot of fun," you said, smiling as you watched him from afar. He didn't get any closer than the outskirts of the ring, he had to make the walk home and he didn't want to do more than he had to.
"Yeah yeah," he scoffed loudly, waving you off as you made your way to the water so you could go home. Going your separate ways, you couldn't help but feel giddy for next time.
When you got home, Ochako was there waiting for you, ready to help you get into bed. You greeted each other, and as she silently combed through your hair, she seemed to be thinking about something.
"What's the matter," you asked nervously, worried she might be on to you.
"Nothing," she said sweetly, bringing your hair into a loose braid. "It's just..."
"What," you asked softly, turning to face her after she finished. She sighed and looked to the side, closing her eyes. "Look, I don't know what you've been doing when you go out there, but...You seem happier. So whatever it is, keep doing it."
You were surprised, eyes wide and blinking. "Oh...well, uh...thank you." You smile at her, moving to your bed to lay down. "And for the love of god, don't tell me what it is, because I already know the queen won't approve," she sighs, meriting a laugh from you.
You settled into bed, and Ochako began to leave. You stared at the ceiling, pulling the covers to your chin. Did you really seem that much happier? Did he make you more happy...?
"Uhm, Ochako," you called out, your voice cracking.
"Yeah," she responded, turning to face you.
"Have you ever...liked a person? Like, really liked them?"
"I...can't say that I have," she admitted nervously, giving you an apologetic smile. "Why? Do you like someone," she asked quickly, her mood immediately lifting.
"N-no," you shot back, sitting upright with warm cheeks. If Katsuki were here he'd call you a shitty liar.
Ururaka sighed, giggling a little as she moved to leave again. "Well...If you did...I'm sure he'd be more than happy to have you."
"T-thank you," you mumbled, your heartbeat slowing as you calmed back down.
"Don't worry about it! I mean, with your status, any duke would jump at the chance," she laughed, leaving you with that as she shut the door.
right. You were supposed to like a duke, one of the many you met with. Your eyes hit the ceiling once more, brows furrowed as you blinked back a couple tears. What was wrong with you? You never cried, and all of a sudden you're crying about nothing?
So what if you couldn't be with Katsuki? So what if you had no say in your future? Tears kept spilling down your face, rolling onto your silken pillows and staining your cheeks in the process. Why can't you be happy with what you have, you're a princess, your life was handed to you on a silver platter...
You shouldn't yearn after something you can't have...and yet...
A life outside of this, a life with him...was it worth risking it for a chance?
Katsuki didn't make it home until late, like usual, but thankfully he didn't bump into anyone while traversing the halls of his palace. He really didn't feel like talking to extras. Making it to his bedroom, he immediately collapsed onto the bed, tired from the day he's had. Unfortunately for him, Kirishima poked his head through the door, looking at him with a giddy smile.
"What," Katsuki grumbled through gritted teeth, one arm behind his head with his eyes closed.
"C'monnnn dude, tell me about her!" Kirishima walked into the room quickly, shutting the door and practically flying over to Katsuki.
"Like I said, there's nothing to tell." Katsuki opened one eye, looking up at Kirishima while he stared him down.
He finally sighed, shaking his head and pouting. "Alright, I get it..."
Finally, he was going to leave.
"You're just grumpy because you can't pull her," Kirishima sighed, turning around and walking away so Katsuki couldn't see the shit eating grin on his face.
"Wha- Who said I can't," Katsuki shouted, sitting upright and staring daggers at Kiri. That really hit a nerve, not only because of his pride, but also because he was pretty sure he actually couldn't.
"You did, with you're eyes," Kirishima announced, being completely serious, as he turned back around to face him again.
"Shut up! If I wanted her I'd have her already, I'm the damn prince of the Dragonborne," Katsuki barked, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Just 'cause you're a prince doesn't mean she likes you," Kirishima responded, sitting next to Katsuki.
Now all Kat could do was stutter and stumble, unable to come up with an argument. "W- uh- you-"
Alright, now it was time to actually help him out. With a sigh, Kirishima smiled kindly at Katsuki. "Listen, dude, whoever this girl is, she's important enough to you to fight for, so I say go for it!"
Katsuki looked to the floor, his jaw clenched. "...if I hypothetically had feelings for someone, how do I know?" Katsuki knows Kiri's been in love before, or at least liked a couple girls enough to pursue them.
"well..." Kirishima paused in thought, looking to the ceiling to try and give him an answer.
"For starters, your heart feels like it's gonna explode out of your chest, but like, in a good way..."
"your hands get all sweaty..."
"your always feel breathless, even if you can breath just fine..."
Fucking check.
"There's some other stuff, but it all depends on the person," Kiri finished, shrugging. From the look on Katsuki's face, his words rang true to him. "I'm goin' to bed," Katsuki announced suddenly.
"What about Pajamas," Kiri asked, given the fact Katsuki never changed out of his day clothes. "What about 'em? Just get the hell outa here," Katsuki grumbled, laying in bed and angrily pulling the blankets over himself.
With a chuckle, Kirishima got up and blew out all the candles, moving to the door and leaving him be.
Katsuki stared at his ceiling, intent on figuring this out. He liked you? Did he really...? He did. Good, got that out of the way. So, now what? Was he going to court you? Was he able to...
Of course he was! He was motherfucking Katsuki Bakugou, prince of the Dragonborne! He'd court the hell out of you, He'd court you so well you'll be weak in the knees! It was decided then. You won't know what hit you.
For the past two weeks, as in to say two weeks after going out to the market, you've noticed some weird things about Katsuki. First of all, He's started wearing more intense colors...if you could say that. His clothing, originally consisting of beiges and muted reds, now contained mainly black and deep, vibrant reds, not to mention his animal tooth necklace was now accompanied by golden rings and bangles.
He's also been bringing more things for lessons, like drac coins to teach you about his currency, little glass figurines to teach you about his culture's history with glassblowing, and different bits of jewelry with different gems inlaid to teach you about the stones' meaning historically. It was all interesting, and you appreciated his consideration when teaching you, but all this stuff was getting harder to hide when you went home.
Lastly, and this might be your imagination, but you swear his arm scales are turning a deeper orange and becoming more prominent.
Eventually, you just chalked it all up to the coming spring. Some animals changed their behaviors and appearances in the spring, and maybe Dragonborne were no different.
"Hey, you listening," Katsuki asked, his tone accusatory as he nudged your side.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry." You were lost in thought about it, despite the fact it really wasn't that important.
"You beg me to teach you things and don't even listen when I do," he huffed, leaning back on the stump and looking up at the pale pink sky. An orange butterfly floated right past him, catching his attention and leading his gaze to you as it landed in your hair and sat like a broach.
You didn't lean back with him, but your gaze was locked on the clouds drifting past lazily, the sounds of the babbling brook filling your ears.
All Katsuki could look at right now was you. Why wouldn't you accept his advances? He was clearly flirting with you, doing practically everything necessary to signify he wanted you as his mate. He gave you treasures, he sat as close to you as possible, he wore more eye-catching things when he went to see you. Hell, he's been doing this so long even his body started reacting.
When dragons, usually male, want to begin looking for a mate, they intensify their colors and release pheromones. Once they find the mate they want, they bring said mate treasures, spent as much time around them as possible, and dance for them. Of course, this is all for full-blooded dragons, but some things remained for Dragonborne people.
Genetically, he's still wired to change colors and release pheromones when he's entered the mating stage, and he's been doing just that. What else did you want from him?! You should be love-drunk off of his pheromones, at the bare minimum. Did he need to dance for you? It wasn't something people did anymore, the kind of thing some geezer on life support would suggest, but maybe you were old fashioned.
"What's up with you," you asked him, this time it was your turn to be annoyed.
"Do you want me to dance," Katsuki asked gruffly, looking into your eyes with complete seriousness.
"Wh- huh," you asked, a smile on your face as you processed what he could possibly mean by that. "Why," you giggled.
"Well you don't like anything else I do," He grumbled, brows furrowing. How dare you laugh, he was trying to be sincere!
"What are you talking about right now," you asked, laughing even more. You were so confused, completely lost.
He sat straight up, scowling at you. "Don't pretend like you don't know, There's no way in hell you...don't...know..." He started, yelling before tapering into mumbling.
You don't know.
How could he be so dense? You weren't a Dragonborne, you probably had some other dumb mating ritual. He should have done some research on faerie mating.
"Know what? Katsuki, Just tell me what you want to tell-"
he grabbed your face in his hands, squishing your cheeks a little as he looked deep into your eyes. He wasn't going to let you get confused, he was going to make this loud and clear.
"I. Like. You."
You froze, lashes fluttering nearly as fast as your heart. Was he serious? No way, he couldn't be...
"Like...Like-like?" You said "like" too many times. You were just so nervous.
"Well...yeah..." he mumbled, his initial confidence and bravery dwindling as he became more and more aware of how ballsy this was. He quickly released your face, turning to stare at the water as his cheeks got redder by the second.
"Just forget about it, 's not that big of a deal, so go ahead and shut up already-"
Now it was your turn to interrupt him. you brought your hand to his cheek, gently turning him to face you as you leaned in close. Without skipping a beat, you pressed your lips to his, eyes squeezed shut from how embarrassed you made yourself. The kiss was sweet and chaste, his lips warm and ever so slightly chapped as he sat there frozen in shock.
Like hell he'd let you just kiss him like that, not without fighting back.
He brought one hand to your waist, the other to the back of your neck, pulling you into him as he took a sharp breath in from his nose to calm himself. He was practically vibrating with satisfaction, with happiness that you reciprocated his feelings. He spent all that time refusing to believe that he was admiring you, wishing that he could feel you closer, wanting more than anything to experience your affection, when he could have had all of that so much sooner.
You could feel him breath out against your face, the air hot, almost like steam. Every part of you was on fire, flames fueled by the raw passion Katsuki emitted from simply being. His hands, his lips, his lashes, all of them felt on your skin and all of them making you feel weak in the knees.
Slowly and reluctantly, the two of you pulled away. Katsuki could hear your heart pounding. You could feel the heat around Katsuki. All you did was stare at each other, his eyes slightly lidded and intense in every sense of the word.
you were the first to break the silence, swallowing deeply as you said, "I-I've never done that before." He could hear how shaky your voice was, it made him proud to know he had such an effect on you.
"M-me neither." Damn it. Stupid body, giving away how you made him feel, you weren't supposed to know you effected him that much too!
"Uh...for the record, I like-like you too," you laughed, trying to play off your nerves with a joke.
Katsuki smiled, snickering. You were so cute. He was glad he could say that now, without feeling delusional. "I can't believe I spent the last two weeks trying to court you when I coulda just told you," Katsuki groaned, shaking his head at his own idiocy.
"You've been trying to court me," you asked, astonished. Katsuki burst out laughing, and after lots of begging from you and the swallowing of his pride from him, he explained it all.
"Ohhhhh...that...makes a lot of sense," you giggled, the lingering high from that kiss making you feel bold enough to rest your head on his shoulder. He allowed it, inching his hand closer to yours until your pinkies touched. You smiled to yourself, looking up at the sky as you interlaced your fingers with his. The beautiful deep orange hue, transitioning into a dark blue as nightfall was encroaching-
You pulled away from Katsuki, standing straight up and causing him to give you a confused scowl.
"I gotta go," you announced, your voice thick with apology. "I'll come back tomorrow though, promise," you supplemented quickly, brows quirked as you looked to Katsuki for acceptance to these terms.
"Fine, yeah, don't get in trouble," he grumbled, looking away from you with pink cheeks.
You grabbed your stuff, cheekily giving him one final peck on the lips before you left. "Hey, get back here," Katsuki shouted, grabbing you by the arm as he stood. He took your chin in his fingers, kissing you again. "Can't have you giving more kisses than I do," he mumbled, releasing you.
You looked up at him, surprised at first, but gave him a love-struck smile. "That's fair," you giggled, waving him a quick goodbye as you hopped into the underwater portal. He watched as you left, a stoic expression on his face, but the second you left for good he let out a breath he had no idea he was holding. "Holy shit," he mused, practically clutching his chest.
You were practically glowing as you walked home, making your way through the forest and to the palace walls. "Katsuki Bakugou, prince of the Dragonborne, my boyfriend," you muttered to yourself, smiling as you skipped along. A little bunny hopped into your path, looking up at you with round black eyes, contrasting it's pure white fur.
"I have a boyfriend," you squealed to it blithely, picking it up and spinning it around, before releasing it to continue hopping.
You greeted everyone you saw sweetly as you walked through the palace back to your room, which was a surprising large amount considering the time. 10...15...20 people you saw in total as you walked to your room? Everyone seemed so busy, you wondered what it was for.
You walked into your room, bright and happy, before you saw your Mother sitting on your bed. The queen of the Fae. Her deep blue dress made her stand out in your room, the white and pastels paling even further in her presence. "(Y/N) dear, take a seat," she urged, patting the space next to her on your bed, her voice and smile sickeningly sweet. Your stomach twisted in knots, your demeanor wilting.
"Let's have a little chat."
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oooooo scary. Let me know if you liked this chapter in the comments, each one means so much to me!
Taglist: @sky-angel101 @the-galaxy-fiend @chixkadee @ssplague @sappho-the-kitten-tamer @andysdrafts @daria-rona @tanjirofan63 @aizawaslut09 @tsukiiomii @me1297
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gainesha · 6 months
BSG rewatch notes, cont'd:
the Pegasus arc is huge, a jolt to the system, but also a bit of a botched promise, as I wish they had more than three episodes to run through the Cain conflict. it is very, very rushed in Resurrection Ship 1-2., most of the crucial character decisions were way out of character and hard to motivate with this little time. I did not believe Adama would order the assassination, nor Starbuck accepting the task basically minutes after she had seemed to find a kindred spirit and a new ally in Cain... all of these beats could have worked very, very well with ample build-up.
Black Market is, true to its reputation, god-awful, nonsensical on so many levels, and a waste of Fisk as a character
Scar, on the other hand... godsdamn, I knew it was a good ep, but I didn't remember it to be masterful. it might be my favorite episode so far in this rewatch?? it has so many things this show does best: pilots just living amongst each other; Starbuck being an unholy mess, cruel and unforgivable in one second, then the most lovable open wound in the other, sometimes concurrently (those puppy eyes of hers WORK OVERTIME); Helo and Starbuck's sibling dynamic; the whirlwind push-pull of Lee and Starbuck; Kat, who is quickly turning out to be the MVP of this rewatch, truly underrated character by my past self; the episode has kick-ass, nail-biting action scenes with personal stakes and moving, poignant moments of humanity that takes you by surprise with full force (the toast at the end). the final scene is a perfectly modulated, hopeful coda with the idiosyncratic music choice. also, Michael Nankin, my favorite director from the show.
my other MVP is Athena, and also Grace Park's acting in this season. she spends most of it inside a prison cell, but she has a honed edge of a presence, full of tension and willpower.
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lavenderfables · 1 year
book rec ask 14 and 23
14. a book that made you trip on literary acid
I cannot choose.
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis
The Hollow Places by T Kingfisher
Kind of weird that all the titles start with H.
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
I have a lot of books on my TBR, but I guess the immediate ones are the ones I have paused shelf (aka, I've started them but I'm not actively reading them right now).
Watership Down by Richard Adams
A Tale Of Time City by Diana Wynne Jones (Reread)
The Keepers Of Metsan Valo by Wendy Webb
Pegasus by Robin McKinley
The Magicians of Caprona by Diana Wynne Jones (Reread)
Song For The Basilisk by Patricia A McKillip (Reread)
Win, Lose, Or Die by Diane Hoh
Canter With A Killer by Amber Camp
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
Hare House by Sally Hinchcliffe
send me a book rec ask
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nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
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Here’s a quintet of Elizabeth-centric screencaps from “Thirty Eight Minutes”.  I do like the shirt she wears for most of the episode, possibly because it looks like something out of Kat Manx’s wardrobe.  I think her wearing something that’s neither an Atlantis uniform nor casual Earthling attire is (unintentionally?) fascinating.
It somewhat highlights that she isn’t fully viewed as the expedition leader yet, however it not being ‘typical’ Earthling attire shows that she’s already adjusting to life in Atlantis and/or the Pegasus Galaxy.
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transolar · 2 years
pronouns relating to the true lives of the fabulous killjoys? specifically the main four killjoy characters. /nf thanks if you do!
«❀»General killjoy«❀»
↳Six/sixes ↳Neo/neon ↳Ana/analogue ↳Volt/volts ↳Desert/deserts ↳Mask/masks ↳Radio/radios
«❀»Party Poison«❀»
↳Yellow/yellows ↳Poi/poison ↳Mouse/kat/mousekat ↳Pega/Pegasus ↳After/aftermath
«❀»Kobra Kid«❀»
↳Red/reds ↳Cobra/cobras ↳Luck/lucks ↳Tiger/tigers ↳Future/futures
«❀»Fun Ghoul«❀»
↳Green/greens ↳Ghoul/ghouls ↳T/ts ↳Tattoo/tattoos ↳Noise/noises
«❀»Jet Star«❀»
↳Blue/blues ↳Star/stars ↳Bolt/bolts ↳Patch/patches ↳Loud/louds
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sesshy380 · 1 year
Wordcount of the day: 526
It's so hard not writing duels in a Yu-Gi-Oh fic, especially when it's Atem versus Kaiba. Best I can do is imply the basic idea and have Kat just pretend like she doesn't GaF (since it's her PoV scene and she kinda doesn't, but that's besides the point).
I really wish I didn't suck so bad at the game and could remember how to play even Battle City format. Sadly it's been so long that I'm pretty much Duelist Kingdom level of the rules are made up and it might as well be D&D with cards.
I tried Master Duel and gave up when I needed Youtube vids just to get past the Pendulum tutorial. Haven't tried Duel Links yet.
I used to kick butt on the PS1 Forbidden Memories game. My ace monster was Firewing Pegasus. Amped it up by changing the field to Forest, then add Beast Fangs and Mystical Moon for even more power. Raigeki was another favorite card of mine too.
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miraiconnection · 2 years
Rules: make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url !
Tagged by: @pegasus-parfait Tagging: Anyone who reads this :3c
Mirai Connection - Real
Icarus - Bastille
Rhythm - Manic Drive
All I know so far - Pink
I think I’m In Love - Kat Dahlia
Celebrity Status - Marianas Trench
One Woman Army - Porcelain Black
New Classic - Drew Seeley & Selena Gomez
Never Be The Same - Red
Enchanted - Taylor Swift
Celestial - Ed Sheeran
The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls
I’ll Fight - Daughtry
Oh No! - Marina and the Diamonds
Nobody’s Fool - Avril Lavigne
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
I have been due to do the Cecelia and Kat drabble, sooooo have a uh have a Christmas themed one 💖
"Laaaaast Chistmas I gave you my heaaaaart," Kat sang her little heart out, using the end of the wooden spoon as if it were a microphone; all with her usual dramatics, her free hand clutching her chest. "But the very next day, youuuu gave it awaaaayy!!" Her free hand moved from her chest out in a swooping gesture, giving an agonized and offended gasp. Her hand went to her hip. "Thiiiis yeeeaaar, to saaaave me from teaaaaars, I'll give it to someone speeeciaaallllll~!"
Cecelia couldn't help but giggle at her little sister's antics, going to pull a sheet of chocolate chip cookies from the oven. They had a rather tall order to fill; the rest of their family was flying in that day for the holidays, with their parents and grandparents having driven out Nashville to greet them at the airport. Their uncle was out working on the ranch, and their godparents had taken Maddox and Maximillion both out for the boys Christmas shopping. They knew dinner would be covered, but they needed to make plenty of Christmas cookies for everyone, and of various types; everyone had their favorites, after all. They were working on chocolate chip now, already having made snickerdoodles, peanut butter cookies, red velvet, and sugar cookies (that still needed to be frosted). There were a few others on the list, such as apple spice, gingerbread, white chocolate and raspberry and thumbprint cookies.
They were also having to prepare quite a bit of those recipes to cart out the next day for Creightonvilles annual Christmas Bash and Christmas Tree Lighting. Baking enough for not just their family, but the whole town, was proving to be an all day effort, the girls having gotten up at the crack of dawn to get started.
But, it was one Cecelia thought was worth it; especially in seeing the unbridled joy the five year old had that she got to help.
"Sing it, Kitty, sing it!" She laughed, setting the cookie tray atop the stove. Taking a spatula, she began to transfer them over to one of the prepped wire racks. Her free hand reached over, tickling her sister's side and earning a shriek of laughter as Kat curled up to shield herself. "Though, you might wanna use that spoon to keep stirring! We've still got plenty to bake; and some of them we still need to frost!"
Kat rolled her eyes playfully, and sat the spoon back into the large mixing bowl -- a green floral Pyrex one that their Memaw had had for years and both girls knew they had to be incredibly careful with -- and did just that, though her movements were sharp and trying her hardest to mix chocolate chip dough. The tip of her tongue poked out in concentration, green eyes glued to the task at hand. "You think everybody'll like our cookies, Cece?"
"Course they will," Cecelia assured her, reaching over to brush the girls unruly hair back a bit more. "I got the best baking assistant in the world with me. These are going to be everyone's favorite come tomorrow!"
The brunette preened at the idea and went harder to work at mixing. "We still gotta make some for Santa too! Once Raphie and Sony and Jules get here!" She laughed, a bit. "Cause we'll eat aaaaallll of these before Christmas! And they'll wanna make them too!"
Cecelia hummed, giving a soft smile as she gently pried the bowl away from the girl. She scooped up spoonfuls of the dough, beginning to form them into balls to put in the oven. "That is very true."
There was a small pause from her sister as she adjusted in her seat, legs folding crisscross underneath her. "Hey, Cece?"
"Yes, Kitty?"
"How come only Santa eats the cookies?" She asked, curiously, tilting her head in question. "Why do we only give the reindeer carrots?"
Cecelia glanced over from her work, eyes lighting up in amusement at the question. "Well, reindeer and all deer like their veggies," she told her. "Especially carrots. But cookies can make them sick; like how we can't feed them to any of the animals here. Especially chocolate ones."
Kat rested her cheeks on her fists. "Yeah, but Santa's reindeer are magic," she pointed out. "So they're different. And they do so much of the work and they don't get special treats for one night?"
She made a fair point.
Cecelia bit back a laugh but gave her a big smile, booping her sister's nose. "It's a good question; tell you what," she started. "Why don't you write Santa a letter and ask him if his reindeer can eat cookies? Daddy can mail it out when everyone gets home, and we should get an answer soon if he ships it priority -- then, if he gives the go ahead, we'll make cookies specially for the team, yeah?"
Kats green eyes practically sparkled as she nodded enthusiastically. "Okay! Okay!"
She climbed off of the stool and bolted out of the room. Cecelia heard the girls footsteps echo towards the stairs and up towards her room and she couldn't help but laugh, sliding the next batch into the oven and setting the timer.
Her little sister always made everything much more interesting and fun; be it the good days like today or on the bad days when Cecelia couldn't get out of bed. She always appreciated her sister for doing so.
She couldn't ask for better.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 6 months
Heya guys Kat/Lime here
Well I didn't imagine that my Sephiroth Headcanon about a crush request would get so much traction and just surpassed my older GoW requests I did about a year ago.
I'm flattered and I'm proud....
If you guys wanna do requests I'll link my request board here. It'll have what I'm currently into and my introduction if you have any questions or ideas. I'm also trying to advertise my upcoming Comic Last Pegasus as much as I can so hopefully art will be up soon of some characters.
I'm also getting back into my Zelda rhythm and I drew some Zonai so yeah...
I'm happy to make new friends, especially art friends hehe...
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moronicprincess · 2 years
Day 5: Flame
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(I believe Tumblr crunched it a bit so click on the image to see it better)
I quite like how the previous one was water related and now this one is fire related :3
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outlawmares · 2 years
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Birthday commission for two very cool pegasus this side of Equestria, the always awesome Bluey and really radical Lusty Symphony. They're fighting over the cake, and I guess being similar in age, didn't notice the candle that fell off the top. Next time I really should just bake two cakes. Happy birthday, you two! Characters belong to their respective cool kats, and I'm just the artist waiting on a slice of cake.
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kuiperkat · 9 months
January’s Night Sky Notes: Connecting the ‘Dots’ with Asterisms
by Kat Troche of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
In our December Night Sky Notes, we mentioned that the Orion constellation has a distinct hourglass shape that makes it easy to spot in the night sky. But what if we told you that this is not the complete constellation, but rather, an asterism?
An asterism is a pattern of stars in the night sky, forming shapes that make picking out constellations easy. Cultures throughout history have created these patterns as part of storytelling, honoring ancestors, and timekeeping. Orion’s hourglass is just one of many examples of this, but did you know Orion’s brightest knee is part of another asterism that spans six constellations, weaving together the Winter night sky? Many asterisms feature bright stars that are easily visible to the naked eye. Identify these key stars, and then connect the dots to reveal the shape.
Asterisms Through the Seasons
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Stars that make up the Winter Circle, as seen on January 1, 2024
Sky Safari
Try looking for these asterisms this season and beyond:
Winter Circle – this asterism, also known as the Winter Hexagon, makes up a large portion of the Winter sky using stars Rigel, Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Procyon, and Sirius as its points. Similarly, the Winter Triangle can be found using Procyon, Sirius, and Betelgeuse as points. Orion’s Belt is also considered an asterism.
Diamond of Virgo – this springtime asterism consists of the following stars: Arcturus, in the constellation Boötes; Cor Caroli, in Canes Venatici; Denebola in Leo, and Spica in Virgo. Sparkling at the center of this diamond is the bright cluster Coma Berenices, or Bernice's Hair – an ancient asterism turned constellation!
Summer Triangle – as the nights warm up, the Summer Triangle dominates the heavens. Comprising the bright stars Vega in Lyra, Deneb in Cygnus, and Altair in Aquila, this prominent asterism is the inspiration behind the cultural festival Tanabata. Also found is Cygnus the Swan, which makes up the Northern Cross asterism.
Great Square of Pegasus – by Autumn, the Great Square of Pegasus can be seen. This square-shaped asterism takes up a large portion of the sky, and consists of the stars: Scheat, Alpheratz, Markab and Algenib.
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This image shows the region around the Hyades star cluster, the nearest open cluster to us. The Hyades cluster is very well-studied due to its location, but previous searches for planets have produced only one. A new study led by Jay Farihi of the University of Cambridge, UK, has now found the atmospheres of two burnt-out stars in this cluster — known as white dwarfs — to be “polluted” by rocky debris circling the star. Inset, the locations of these white dwarf stars are indicated — stars known as WD 0421+162, and WD 0431+126.
NASA, ESA, STScI, and Z. Levay (STScI)
Tracing these outlines can guide you to objects like galaxies and star clusters. The Hyades, for example, is an open star cluster in the Taurus constellation with evidence of rocky planetary debris. In 2013, Hubble Space Telescope’s Cosmic Origins Spectrograph was responsible for breaking down light into individual components. This observation detected low levels of carbon and silicon – a major chemical for planetary bodies. The Hyades can be found just outside the Winter Circle and is a favorite of both amateur and professional astronomers alike.
How to Spot Asterisms
Use Star Maps and Star Apps – Using star maps or stargazing apps can help familiarize yourself with the constellations and asterisms of the night sky.
Get Familiar with Constellations – Learning the major constellations and their broader shapes visible each season will make spotting asterisms easier.
Use Celestial Landmarks –Orient yourself by using bright stars, or recognizable constellations. This will help you navigate the night sky and pinpoint specific asterisms. Vega in the Lyra constellation is a great example of this.
Learn more about how to stay warm while observing this Winter with our upcoming mid-month article on the Night Sky Network page through NASA's website!
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regioonlineofficial · 7 months
Dierenbeschermingsorganisatie House of Animals start het eerste adoptieprogramma voor achtergebleven honden, katten, paarden en zelfs een kameel in Oekraïne. Het is vandaag 2 jaar geleden dat Russische troepen het land binnenvielen. "Tienduizenden oorlogsdieren aan de frontlinie hebben elke dag honger", zegt initiatiefnemer Karen Soeters. "Met het adoptieprogramma willen we ze voorzien van voldoende voer en medische zorg. Lokale vrijwilligers hebben hier geen geld meer voor". Vuurlinie Adoptieouders kunnen virtueel een hond, kat, paard, ezel en zelfs een kameel adopteren. Daarmee helpen ze de dieren met voer, medicijnen, huisvesting en veterinaire hulp. De adoptiedieren verblijven bij lokale vrijwilligers in huis of in dierenopvangcentra langs de frontlinie. Daar brengen Oekraïense soldaten regelmatig gewonde honden of katten naartoe die ze uit de vuurlinie hebben gered. Kameel en ezel Op vrijdagmiddag 2 maart wordt het adoptieprogramma voor oorlogsdieren in Oekraïne officieel geopend door kameel Yasha. Zij is gered uit een failliete dierentuin en verblijft nu samen met haar beste vriend, ezel Masha, in opvangcentrum Pegasus in het Oekraïense Dnipro vlakbij de frontlinie. Ze zijn doodsbang voor de explosies van raketinslagen en granaten maar vinden steun bij elkaar. Adoptieprogramma voor adoptieouders Adoptieouders kunnen zich vanaf vandaag aanmelden om Oekraïense oorlogsdieren te adopteren. De officiële opening door kameel Yasha op vrijdag 2 maart 2024 is te volgen via een livestream. Kijk voor meer informatie op: https://www.houseofanimals.nl/doe-mee/adopteren/
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