leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
Bristlebark dies from a stoat.
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windclan — year eight — leafbare
my wrists kinda hurt so gotta b quick.
sapsnow dies. now juniperbird is deputy. i miss indigobird.
dusksky, emberfoot, furzepelt, and staglight warriors.
cottonpaw -> cariboustripe, frostpaw -> flametail (mallow breathes a sigh of relief as there's finally a new seer apprentice), silverpaw -> thundershine, slightpaw -> halobriar
larchkit dies.
cedarflight has four kittens, ashkit, pinekit, redkit, and verbenakit.
owlwhisker dies.
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postsofbabel · 3 months
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adlekchills · 6 years
Graduate wins Kia Rio at Opera News Russia promo
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
Lilypaw and Seedpaw are apprenticed to Dovewing and Foxleap. 
Nooo Dovewing dies in the battle with WindClan against the stoats :( Lilypaw is re-apprenticed to Hollyleaf.
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
Plumwillow and Sagenose have a kit; Mistkit. 
As well, because I don’t want to try and keep track of the Sisters, and then subsequently forget about Tree, Moonlight and Petal both join with their kits; Earth, Sunrise, and Ice from Moonlight, and Stream from Petal. Root as well accompanies them.
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
Sparrowtail becomes a warrior. 
Flintfang and Cinderfur die.
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
Rainstorm dies, perhaps from his wounds. 
Frogleap and Sunfish die.
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thunderclan — year eight — leafbare
darkstripe dies. blossomfall takes on freckledpaw's training.
dovewing decides to leave for shadowclan. she bids farewell to her surviving kits and takes off to be with their father.
they'll have mixed feelings on that.
dewpetal dies.
ridgeclaw becomes a warrior, and mallow breathes a bit easier because having two ridgepaws was making things really confusing on his end.
echopaw is apprenticed to squirrelflight.
coneclaw has six kittens: banekit (red tom), greykit (grey she-cat with a short tail), juniperkit (pale she-cat with red tipped fur and gold eyes), nightkit (black tom with faint stripes and hazel eyes), sprucekit (she-cat with gold eyes and a thick tail), and willowkit (light grey she-cat with hazel eyes).
unfortunately, greykit doesn't make it through her first night.
leopardfoot and sandstorm both catch ill and pass away.
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skyclan — year eight — leafbare
okkkk it is PAST MY BEDTIME but ok here goes:
bellaleaf bayclaw pineface: warriors
hazepaw dies.
conepaw -> plumwillow needlepaw -> mintfur ridgepaw -> cherrytail shadepaw -> birdwing trailpaw -> birchtail
twilightfall has 5 kittens and they r all trees: aspenkit, birchkit, hemlockkit, hickorykit, and larchkit. shout out to tumblr user @kudossi for helping with names 💜
k gn
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shadowclan — year eight — leafbare
oakpaw dies, so snowbird retires. deerstar chooses scorchfur as deputy.
after brownnose dies, sparrowtail becomes a warrior.
taperkit dies. ashkit, larchkit, and rimekit also die.
dawnpelt has one kitten with crowfrost, cascarakit, a ginger tom with pale eyes.
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riverclan — year eight — leafbare
i'm. whoops. sometimes u gotta just say i'm done with this. i'll eplain later. maybe.
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leafpoolstanblog · 2 months
Emberfoot becomes a seer.
Slightpaw is apprenticed to Galeflower.
Hillflight dies from the stoats. Kestrelflight is chosen to be WindClan’s next deputy.
Darktail also dies from the stoats. I considered having him leave the Clan, so he can go bully SkyClan, but he’s… had a pretty good life. There isn’t really any motivation for him to do that. So he dies instead.
Sedgewhisker and Oatclaw also die from the stoats.
And, off topic, I am getting very excited for the plans I have for round 3 & the changes I plan to make >:)
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leafpoolstanblog · 2 months
Lilypaw and Seedpaw are apprenticed to Jayfeather and Rosepetal.
Dewkit dies from following the patrol that assist WindClan with the stoats; when full-grown warriors struggled to defeat them, a little kit stood no chance.
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leafpoolstanblog · 2 months
Moonlight and Root join SkyClan with their litter; Tree, Sunrise, and Ice, and their friend Petal, who has a kit of her own, Stream.
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leafpoolstanblog · 2 months
Grassheart, Mistcloud, and Dewtail become warriors.
Stonepaw is apprenticed to Rubbleskip.
Olivenose leaves to join RiverClan, to be with her mate Podlight.
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