elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 130-Leaf-bare
Gladepaw (6) has been made a Healer apprentice.  He’s glad to be out of the nursery, but his ceremony is a bittersweet occasion.  As he sits with Cressfreckle (46), he can’t help but wish that his other parents, who he barely remembers, could be there too.  It feels wrong that Yellowcreek, Graysong, and Airclaw aren’t there.  Steppepaw (13) has also been made a full Healer, honoring her observance with the name of Steppemimic.   Conepaw (13) is a little jealous that her sister, who started Healer training after her, got made a full Healer before her.  Her brother has also been made a warrior, with the name of Lupinefrost (13) in honor of his caution, leaving Conepaw as the only one of Fry’s (37)  kits  who is still an apprentice. Although annoyed at this, Conepaw quite likes being in the healer's den, particularly around Needlepelt (33).  She  thinks everything the other she-cat does is so entertaining. After so much loss, the Clan is trying to rebuild.  Amethystdapple (57) invites in a rogue named Strawberrytrail (118), who, the Clan is surprised to find, has an enormously powerful fire blessing.  She’s even more powerful than Nightingaletree was.  Yuccastar (109) thinks she’ll be nice to have on their side, even if she is older.  Yuccastar feels like Peakspots (99) is trying to undermine her and brings it up to him.  He hasn’t been trying to, and is upset. Chervilcry (109) has to step in to break up their fight.  Despite the fact that Wildcave (13) is now a warrior, Peakspots is still enjoying spending time with his former apprentice. They had a mock fire battle, which was safe due to the piles of snow around.  Cressfreckle is still looking out for Lilypaw (9), making sure that she’s alright in her training with Yuccastar.
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letyachan · 7 months
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son of Snowbird and Scorchfur
"Do we know the real Bramblestar is still there to worry about? Rootpaw says he hasn't seen him since the medicine-cat meeting."
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leafpoolstanblog · 1 year
Flowerstem and Whorlpelt graduate their apprenticeships. 
Conepaw, Gullpaw, and Frondpaw are apprenticed to Dawnpelt, Flametail, and Marshstar. 
Conepaw dies. 
Finleap joins the Clan from SkyClan, and has kits with Yarrowleaf; Flaxkit and Hopkit. 
Parsleyseed also joins ShadowClan, and cares for Lioneye’s kits; Shadowkit, Pouncekit, and Lightkit. 
And lastly, Sleekwhisker has Dewspring’s kits; Spirekit, Sunkit, and Hollowkit. 
As you can tell… ShadowClan and SkyClan are getting along QUITE well.
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evoclangen · 9 months
possible character redesigns ahead??? idk I see a lot of clangen blogs giving cats really neat designs and i basically just took the game sprites and made them eevee. I want mine to be cooler ™️
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look at all those chickens apprentices
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just graduated (12-13 moons): Dropletlaurel, Frosthare, Posyfleck, Creekfur, Gossamerbird
solo paws: Beetlepaw (11mn, eldest adopted daughter of Hawkbit the daughter of Fishmask the killer and Cloudstalk the med cat), Basilpaw (9mn, adopted son of Guppywhisker and Orangedawn), Applepaw (7mn, kit found by Ratpaw/fin 16mn)
Caterpillarfur's kits (7mn): Wildpaw, Codpaw, Bitepaw, Shadepaw
Littlefur and Discos's adopted litter (6mn): Firepaw, Squirrelpaw, Laurelpaw
Hawkbit and Cloudstalk's younger adopted litter (6mn): Graypaw (male), Heavypaw, Graypaw (female), Moonpaw, Conepaw
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nezumithewriter · 2 months
Nez. I need you to know I am obsessed with Squissistant and Dev (even tho I’m a little behind on Dev’s stuff rn, ooops). I still have that holdable paper doll of Squissistant
Literally your ocs are so cool!!!!! I need to figure out the lore agagsgdhddhbsnd it’s so interesting what you come up with <3
Anyways, what are some other ocs you have for non-squip-rp stuff?
but seriously thank you i've been kind of out of it for doing things but i'm planning on continuing the story soon!!! 🫂
I have way too many ocs and stories related to those ocs but i'll bring up the highlights
Blaire Caddel (HELIANUS) is a terrifying anthro gazelle-spider thing that eats people and is a musical theater nut and i love her. She's the main antagonist of the story I have her in and she rolls around in my head always. I NEED to draw her and I NEED to actually talk more about her world
Oliver Graham (CHAOS CAFÉ) is a normal teenager who gets sent to a void full of monsters and a cafe and slowly starts spiraling after managing to get out. Here's some art of them now but it's very very old like 2021 old i think
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Michael Flud (SEPTEMBER 23RD) is one of my oldest characters and one of the ones that has gone through the most changes. He literally came to me in a dream. Originally his story was about alien technology and dumb teenagers getting taken over by it but then it changed into something I can only call "a multiverse fantasy about the death of the artist". This universe is also where my persona lives
Maya Smith (DEATHWALK) is a person I'VE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT FOR YEARS BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS ABOUT HER AND HER WORLD. She's a girl who got kidnapped as a baby by a cult called "The Church of God's Tears" and is raised believing in its practices. She's friends with two other people in the church, Helen nolastname and Claudia Lalima. Maya and Helen eventually find eachother very close and secretly have a lesbian love story under the very homophobic cult's nose. This is eventually found out (also Maya saw something she shouldn't have seen) and she's killed in cold blood by Father Liam in secret.
She later wakes up in a void with four other people; Daichi Higake, Neko Satsujin, Maku Sajidō, and Jared Incendis, all of whom I could ramble about for hours on as well. This is where the story actually begins and the group has to find a way through multiple rooms and dimensions until they find a way out of this strange place (they don't know they're dead). All the while, a plot from a third party source unravels around them, and the gamemaster of their misfortune, Adaline, continues to torment them throughout.
here's a picture of maya please ask me more about Deathwalk i'm begging
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Conepaw (WINGBEAT OF A KESTREL) is an apprentice of Kestrelclan and I need to start that comic istg!! She's the adopted daughter of the deputy and wants to grow up to be just like her. But because of a certain horrors™️ she finds she's never going to grow up, even though she lives and breathes. This is all based on a clangen play through and Library of Ruina, specifically Love Town
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and that's all i can think of rn!!!!!! please please please feel free to ask about any of the stories here (except for september 23rd i'm keeping that one a secret) cause I love to yap!!! i want to yap so badly!!!
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splashclan-clangen · 10 months
This is a blog dedicated to documenting the stories and characters from my ClanGen game, SplashClan!
The four clans once lived in peace until BloodClan came, forcing them to flee their home. While they found a home, new territories beside a lake, fighting soon began amongst the clans and starvation caused the clans to die out. Years passed and a decendant of the old clan cats, Rootmask, discovers that the lake is being occupied by groups of BloodClan-affiliated rogues. Angered that his ancestor's home is being taken over once again by BloodClan, he decides to fight back by reforming the clans. In the end, DeadClan, HeatherClan, HazeClan and SplashClan were formed and the BloodClan-affiliated rogues were driven out.
Here's a link to all the character bios and a list of the order the bios will be posted in! (may contain spoilers for future characters and name changes)
Old Deuteronomyplume
Hocus Pocus
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Dark Forest Resident: Nightpond
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Aliases / Nicknames: ??
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: lesbian
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed ShadowClan father, Sparrowshade (sister)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Redleaf (apprentice)
Clan: SkyClan
Rank: warrior (formerly), medicine cat
Characteristics: great at hiding her true intentions and feelings, will go far to achieve justice, can run with the speed of a hare and among the branches of trees just as fast, very lithe but not at all lacking in muscle
Murder Motive: justice
Number of Victims: 3
Number of Murders: 3
Murder Method: poisoning
Known Victims: Stemdusk, unnamed she-cat, unnamed tom
Victim Profile: abusive mentors, abusive fathers
Cause of Death: infection via rat bite
Cautionary Tale: do not harm anyone undeserving of your wrath or who needs you to guide them with love and patience, for you will face pain you cannot chase away and know fear you're too weak to fight
She had never wanted to become a medicine cat, but Nightpond knew now that it was the most important decision she had ever made in her life.
She had been a warrior first, and a good one at that. She was a skilled hunter and brave fighter, and it didn't bother her in the slightest that she wouldn't settle down with a mate and have kits. She flirted with some of the other she-cats every now and again, but she never saw it going further than that, and the toms....well, they were out of the question.
Then Sparrowshade had died quite suddenly after falling from a branch that had been broken during a storm the previous night. Her mentor said that it was risky, but she had been reaching for precious herbs. She risked and gave her life so that her Clanmates could be safe.
The mentor in question was elderly. All of the apprentices were far in their training, and there were no kits or expecting queens in the nursery. Nightpond took it upon herself to train as the new medicine cat, in order to keep her Clanmates safe, as her sister had so dearly wanted.
It was little things at first, that's how she noticed them.
Some apprentices with bruises or sprains more harsh or frequent than others. Mentors who were impatient for them to heal so that they could get back to training.
Mentors who were concerned so little.
Apprentices who lied so often.
"I tripped."
"I did the wrong move while training, it's my fault."
"He's teaching me how to be better."
Nightpond could sense the lies as easily as if they were thrown at her face. But she needed to see for herself. So when a particular mentor and apprentice, Stemdusk and Conepaw, left the camp to train, Nightpond followed them.
She stuck to them like a second shadow, watching from above in the shelter of the trees.
When they stopped, so did she. And when the claws swung, her blood boiled.
She immediately brought the issue to her leader's attention, but Hollystar refused to believe that there was anything wrong with 'a mentor teaching his apprentice in a way he sees fit,' and that if Conepaw never mentioned a problem, then there must not be one.
Nightpond saw no other option. And frankly, she wanted to see that mutt suffer.
Lucky her that Stemdusk was a frequent visitor as well, perhaps the only bit of luck in this whole situation. He was prone to anger and had a "tough it out" mentality that had him visiting the medicine den long after he should because his paw pad had shockingly become infected when he chose to deal with a thorn himself, among similar things.
It took great restraint for her not to end him there and then, but she had to be smart about the way she was doing this. So little by little, visit by more frequent visit, she gave him herbs with a speck of something else, covered his wounds with a poultice that had a pinch of stinging nettle that would have his injuries burn and make him hiss in pain--which was probably embarrassing for a 'pain is nothing' tom like him.
He got sicker and sicker, until finally he was reduced to a sweaty pile of wet fur, and Conepaw got to train with Briarroot, a much kinder young tom.
No one would question if he died in the night, but Nightpond wouldn't let him go so easily. She made sure that he was conscious and aware when it happened, because she was going to tell him exactly what she had been doing and exactly why.
When she did, he was furious. He tried to lunge at her, hissing and spitting-- tried to. He had only nudged his body forward a few whiskers and let out a sound that more closely resembled a groan.
He was the weak one now, mercy in the paws of someone who enjoyed hurting him. Upsetting, wasn't it?
She didn't need to bother with more herbs. That felt too kind. Instead, she bunched up the extra bits of moss that lined his nest and forced his muzzle against it, holding it up with one paw and holding his struggling head in place with the other.
When she was sure he was dead, she wailed the distressing news, and purred as Briarroot was made Conepaw's official mentor.
It was the first situation of a few. It wasn't for many moons--perhaps three years--before a similar situation occurred. Nightpond repeated the process, this time a little faster with some more nightshade in the pulps.
Then it was another several years before a different, but still similar, abuse had to be dealt with. It was a father this time. He pressured his kits into weaning before they were ready so that he--she presumes--could brag about their early development.
When they were sick and needed her care, he would insist that they only had a sniffle and that they could tough it out. Eager to please him, the kits would agree and would refuse to take the needed medication. Fine. He thought illness wasn't so important? Then he would suffer for even longer.
Nightpond didn't know if StarClan would accept her. Quite bluntly, she didn't give a rat's tail. She did was she had to do. She made those awful toms suffer, and she didn't regret it one bit.
When it turned out that StarClan condemned her actions and sent Redleaf a vision to announce it to the Clan, she made sure they all knew why she did what she did. She wasn't afraid of punishment, she was dying anyways.
So with her last bit of energy, she eyed every cat in her Clan and warned them of the punishment they shall face if they chose to follow in the steps of her victims.
Additional Information: 
--Another song resident! This one is song #15 on my playlist, as requested by @starfalcon555
This song is "I Know Your Secrets" by Liv Ash and Tommee Profitt (lyrics here).
--Stemdusk was a lot like Thistleclaw in terms of mentoring.
--The second situation was probably a female mentor, and her death was quicker because Nightpond had a sliver of experience and was more confident in her ability to keep the murder secret while freeing the apprentice faster (if she got caught, then there was a huge possibility the apprentices aren't going to be saved).
--I really like the idea of her story being passed and either by simple twisting to make it more fantasy-like or by alterations from generation to generation, she becomes a cryptid watching the training grounds and/or nursery to make sure that the adults never step out of line, an unseen figure that can and will inflict you with terrible wounds in the blink of an eye with claws like stinging nettle that will make your blood burn and/or cover the fresh wounds with infection.
--I hope this is comprehensible, it's 4:00AM.
--Base: [F2U] Cat Base by NatsKei on DeviantArt
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conepaw, the latest medical cat apprentice! he’s a childish cat who was left abandoned in the wilderness due to his blindness, but now he’s saving lives with a stylish feather adorned tail :)
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Shoreclan moon 200-250!
Moon 201:
- Clearstar got head damage
Moon 202:
- Clearstar and Mistlehaze had a kitten! Tremblekit
- Goosegale is expecting
Moon 204:
- Goosegale had 4 kits! Applekit, Conekit, Fuzzykit and Shinekit
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 206:
- Graythrush retires
- Riverpaw becomes Riverswipe
- Basspaw becomes Bassdusk
- Berrypaw becomes Berryflood
- Hermitkit becomes Hermitpaw and is apprenticed to Riverswipe
- Galekit becomes Galepaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
- Egretstripe had a kit- Whimsykit
- Lowstep is lost
- Hollypaw and Harepaw- mad about not becoming warriors, accidentally worsen relations with Spruceclan
- Clawrush wants to murder Seedhaze and thinks about it on patrol????
Moon 207:
- Harepaw becomes Hareshade
- Berryflood went missing and died
Moon 208:
- Hareshade has been lost
- Bitternwhisker retires
- Hollypaw becomes Hollyfire
- Tremblekit becomes Tremblepaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 210:
- Melba died
- Robinpaw becomes Robinface
- Applekit becomes Applepaw and is apprenticed to Gorgefade due to interest in herbs
- Fuzzykit becomes Fuzzypaw and is apprenticed to Goosegale
- Conekit becomes Conepaw and is apprenticed to Lowocean
- Shinekit becomes Shinepaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Blotchbillow, Mistlehaze and Clearstar are ambushed and killed by rogues
Moon 211
- Hollypelt becomes Hollystar and recieves a life from Umbertalon, Mistlehaze, Crestedflare, Runnel, Yellowwillow, Elderhare, Stormpearl, Hailweb and one of the Yellowstars (IDK which one)
- Applepaw died
- Bassdusk, Ripplepetal, and Galepaw have been lost
Moon 212:
- Hermitpaw becomes Hermitfeather
- Riverswipe becomes deputy
- Whimsykit becomes Whimsypaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Nectarpurr is expecting
Moon 214:
- Graythrush is expecting!
- Nectarpurr had three kits! Greenkit, Sorrelkit, and Stonekit
Moon 215:
- Grousekit, Tidekit, Stonekit and Swarmkit join the clan and are adopted by Goosegale
- Nectarpurr steps up and adopts the litter
Moon 216:
- Tremblepaw becomes Trembleclaw
- Graythrush and Duckstalk had a kitten- Comphreykit
Moon 217:
- Fuzzypaw becomes Fuzzybreeze
- Seedhaze and Lowocean died in a flood
Moon 218:
- Whimsypaw becomes Whimsystripe
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 219:
- Duckstalk retires
- Conepaw becomes Conenoise
- Grousekit becomes Grousepaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Tidekit becomes Tidepaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Rippleeagle
- Swarmkit becomes Swarmpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Woodkit joins the clan
Moon 220:
- Shinepaw becomes Shineshimmer
- Greenkit becomes Greenpaw and is apprenticed to Hollyfire
- Sorrelkit becomes Sorrelpaw and is apprenticed to Whimsystripe
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Shineshimmer
- Egretstripe had four kits- Finkit, Jaggedkit, Pelicankit and Brackenkit
- Shineshimmer and Swarmpaw have been lost
Moon 222:
- Comphreykit becomes Comphreypaw and is apprenticed to Robinface
- Woodkit becomes Woodpaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 224:
- Comphreypaw is nonbinary!
- Hollystar lost a life in a flood
Moon 226:
- Grousepaw becomes Grouseshine
- Tidepaw becomes Tidetooth
- Stonepaw becomes Stonenudge
- The other Stonepaw died
- Finkit becomes Finpaw and is apprenticed to Hollystar
- Jaggedkit becomes Jaggedpaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Pelicankit becomes Pelicanpaw and is apprenticed to Tidetooth
- Brackenkit becomes Brackenpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
Moon 228:
- Greenpaw becomes Greentail
- Comphreypaw is blinded by a hare
Moon 229:
- Woodpaw becomes Woodbloom
- Rippleeagle died of yellowcough
Moon 230:
- Silverfoot is expecting!
- Bitternwhisker died
- Sorrelpaw becomes Sorrelsprout
- Hermitfeather and Stonenudge died in a rogue ambush
Moon 231:
- Comphreypaw becomes Comphreywhisker
- Finpaw becomes Findapple
- Riverswipe died
Moon 232:
- Robinface becomes deputy
- Pelicanpaw becomes Pelicantail
- Silverfoot and Hollystar had a kitten! Gullkit
- Robinface has been lost
Moon 233:
- Brackenpaw becomes Brackenspot
- Hollyfire becomes deputy!
- Lokiwind joins the clan
Moon 234
- Clawrush brings a litter of kits back to camp: Coastkit and Leopardkit
- Jaggedpaw and Pelicantail go missing in the night
Moon 235:
- Tawnyburr joins the clan
Moon 238:
- Gullkit becomes Gullpaw and is apprenticed to Trembleclaw
- Findapple, Whimsystripe, Gullpaw, and Frosttooth get poisoned
- Hollystar issues a ban on hunting sick rabbits
- Tidetooth, Greentail, and Nectarpurr die in a flood
Moon 240:
- Coastkit becomes Coastpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Leopardkit becomes Leopardpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplebriar as med cat
Moon 241:
- Lokiwind died
- Leopardpaw got swarmed by bees (great job, genius)
Moon 242:
- Hollyfire died???
- Conenoise is promoted to deputy
Moon 244:
- Findapple died of redcough
Moon 245:
- Thrushpelt joins the clan
Moon 246:
- Coastpaw becomes Costshimmer
- Thrushpelt is expecting!
Moon 247:
- Gullpaw becomes Gulltail
Moon 248:
- Silverfoot and Comphreywhisker are both expecting!
- Thrushpelt had three kits! Crabkit, Ripplekit, and Pondkit
- Sorrelsprout drowned
Moon 249:
- Duckstalk died of snakebite
- Leopardpaw becomes Leopardsnow
- Clawrush died of sea monster
- Conenoise lost some hearing
Moon 250
- Hollystar and Silverfoot have three kits! Rookkit, Wingkit, and Slugkit
- Comphreywhisker had 4 kits! Blizzardkit, Mitekit, Willowkit and Riftkit
@residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555, @wills-woodland-warriors, @basil-writes-legends-of-tomorrow
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elementclangen · 5 months
Chiku's Sprite and Fry's Kits' Adult Sprites
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Chiku; Age 63 moons; Powerless tom; Responsible, lore master, and has a keen eye
Chiku is a former rogue who was chased out of his previous territory by badgers and eventually found ElementClan. He joined with the scar and accessory.
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Steppepaw; Earth-blessed she-cat with a power level of 60 (medium); Compassionate and a fast runner
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Conepaw; Earth-blessed she-cat with a power level of 60 (medium); Thoughtful and a great climber
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Wildcave; Fire-blessed tom with a power level of 36 (low); Loving and a beloved kitsitter
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Lupinepaw; Wind-blessed tom with a power level of 64 (medium high); Careful and a den builder
I don't think any of Fry's kits had their scars/accessories by this point, but I still left them on.
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MOONS 11-12
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lotusfurliveson · 1 year
Star Clan
All images are created using
the clan gen cat generator on github
I combine Star Clan from all my clans. Be aware that there may be spoilers for queued up posts. 
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Ravenwillow: Twocoloured medium furred elder tom of Lotus Clan with sage eyes. Died at 136 moons from unknown causes. Clan founder.
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Frogstar: Ticked long furred tom(trans) Leader of Mountain clan with green-yellow eyes. Died at 179 moons after being mauled by dogs. One life was lost to a gang of rogues. Former Apprentices: Hollywhisker, Grousespot, Fernpaw. Clan founder. 
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Houndheart: Marbled medium furred medicine cat she-cat with pale yellow eyes of Mountain Clan.  Died at 24 moons after being buried alive in an avalanche. From another clan, disgraced for a transgression she did not talk about.
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Sootblur: Marbled short furred furred warrior she-cat with gray eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 23 moons when attacked by a gang of rogues, she was abandoned as a kit and raised by the clan, former mentor: Honeydew. 
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Fallowfur: short furred medicine cat she-cat(trans) with cyan eyes of mountain clan. Died at 85 moons of yellowcough. Clan founder. Former Apprentices: Caterpillarrip and Shadowmeadow. Former mentors were Mousestripe and Flightmeadow
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Rowanwave: Smoke short furred tom with pale yellow yes deputy for Frogstarpale of Mountain Clan, died at 86 moons from yellowcough. formally from another clan, Star Clan sent him a sign telling him to leave. Former Apprentices: Flintbird, Caterpillarrip, Tawnythrush. Back legs and tail were mangled by falling rocks.
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Mousestripe: Sokoke medium furred mediator(former medicine cat) she-cat with silver eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 164 moons from infected wounds, clan founder, former apprentice: Fallowfur. 
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Weedrose: Smoke medium furred elder tom with gree-yellow eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 158 moons from a snakebite, clan founder, former apprentice: Grousespot. 
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Dashbark: mackerel medium furred warrior tom with pale green eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 13 moons of yellowcough, abandoned as a kit and adopted by Mousestripe, former mentor: Hollywhisker.
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Flintbird: ticked long furred warrior she-cat with cobalt eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 25 moons of yellow cough, half clan - LotusfurXunknown, former mentor: Rowanwave. 
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Brightpelt: Smoke mmedium furred warrior tom with gold eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 17 moons keeping a large dog out of camp, half clan - LotusfurXunknown, former mentor: Hollywhisker. 
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Conepaw: Sokoke long furred apprentice tom with gold eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 11 moons when his patrol was ambushed by rogues, half clan - LotusfurXunknown, former mentor: Grousespot.
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Fernpaw: Bengal long furred apprentice she-cat with sunlit ice eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 11 moons when his patrol was ambushed by rogues , half clan - LotusfurXunknown, former mentor: Frogstar. 
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Lotusfur: Single stripe long furred warrior tom with golden eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 30 moons when his patrol was ambushed by rogues , clan founder, former apprentice: Flintbird. Carried a scar on his back form a fox fight.
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Rosepaw: medium furred apprentice she-cat with golden eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 13 moons when his patrol was ambushed by rogues , clan founder, Mentors: Moonshimmer and Grousespot. 
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Moorshimmer: Tabby short furred warrior she-cat with cyan eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 94 moons when his patrol was ambushed by rogues , clan founder, former apprentice: Rosepaw. 
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Goosewatcher: Two color long furred Elder tom with grey eyes of Mountain Clan, died at 123 moons from unknown causes, clan founder. 
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pikaclan · 3 months
Moon 533
Season: Greenleaf
Overarching Events
Not enough healthy medicine cats!
Time has taken its toll, and Quivershine has noticed themself slowing down. They have worked timelessly for many moons, but it is finally time for them to retire (at 138 moons!)
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Fleas have been hopping from pelt to pelt and now Raccoonrock, Dancingpaw, Rimekit, Conepaw, Shiningforst, Seedthrift, Gorsepaw, Cinderstar, Longmoss, and Bassfoot are infested Pigeondart got fleas Ebonyeye has a headache Runningleaf got fleas Highstripe got fleas Cloudbeam's heat exhaustion abated only to start again Gravelmimic got heat exhaustion Maplelaurel got heat exhaustion Midgejumble's wound is infected Flutterpaw's wounds healed
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While training, Airecho admits they don't think they're a good deputy. The patrol tells Airecho that the Clan wouldn't be the same without them, visibly relieving the deputy
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The patrol fights off a small dog, that gets a lucky hit on Rockshriek (torn pelt)
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evoclangen · 8 months
Moon 3
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Moon 0
Moon 2 P2
Moon 4
Moon 3 is finally here! After 7 years! Yippee!
Wow i did not expect an evolution this quickly! Makes sense that it was Conepaw, since he’s the most experienced and works the hardest. Honestly the lead up to it was a little rushed idk if i did it well but whatever at least Moon 3 is done! After several weeks! Hooray!
And here you can see me trying a new style for the first panel and immediately going back to the old one for the rest of the moon. I did try new things though i think the last panel is different than normal
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