#ya know? a celeb publicly owning up to their shit and apologizing without making excuses and doing better so *shrug*
posi-pan · 5 years
brendon urie talked about his pansexuality recently and said it feels great to be out and like a weight lifted off his shoulders. his way of describing pansexuality was to say it’s all inclusive and that if there’s consent, he’s open to it, he doesn’t care. he said he doesn’t really have a type, that it’s mostly personality for him, that he’s attracted to the person.
he also talked about how even when he was at his most cavalier about sexuality before he settled down that he couldn’t sleep with someone if he didn’t have that connection with them, which he got shit for.
he mentioned again that he tells people his sexuality is “i’m married” and he’s in a monogamous relationship, because when people hear he’s pansexual and married to a woman, they assume he’s cheating on her with men. he talked about that misconception, saying pansexuality is nothing like that, that people blow it up into a big thing it isn’t.
he said he likes being honest with his fans because they want to talk about things he’s gone through or is going through and it makes him feel less alienated to share those things. he hopes his honesty about who he is can inspire others to do the same. and even if it inspires them to not feel the need to share those things, that’s just as beautiful.
so don’t ever try to tell me this man who has always been open about his attraction to whoever he’s attracted to, repeatedly explained his pansexuality without using the word, after using the word to better explain his sexuality says it feels great to be out, hopes his honesty about his sexuality will comfort and inspire people, was forced to come out as pansexual.
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