#and explaining that he educated himself and thanking the person for bringing it up so he could address it
daistea · 3 months
Thank you for the food the fic was so nice! Your latest Mithrun fic made me think of the scenario more. Imagine Kabru, someone aware of elven culture, heard of us doing this the first time we did it from a friend who overheard it. He tries to find us to worn and educate just to find out it was too late and defeatedly explain to the other elves that tallman don't have that culture just to clear us. Aftermath of it is so hilarious. Also an alternative scenario for this setting I can think of is a random elf accepting our offer, or just someone who doesn't know about Mithrun feelings towards us, like Flamela and just exploit us and Mithrun later learning about it.
I love this prompt so much, thank u
2500 words!
tw mild nsfw implications
Mithrun x Tall-man reader
sequel to this
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Kabru scoffed at the notion that secrets and rumors were like feathers on the wind, uncatchable. He was great at catching feathers. He used them to stuff his pillow which he slept so soundly on at night. Rumors were wild dogs, but he had a leash and collar. He’d tamed beasts with bigger teeth. 
(That was, of course, a metaphor, as Kabru could not literally handle things with big teeth, as exemplified from his time in the dungeon.)
A particular sort of secret reached his ears in the empty hallway of the castle. It was the kind of secret that raised hairs and inspired mortification, which were the best kind. Usually. 
“Yeah, they asked to touch my ears,” Pattadol’s muffled voice was strained, tinged with embarrassment that Kabru could detect even through the door. 
“Mine too,” Flamela drawled. A pause followed her words, then she continued, “Pervert.”
The two elves then moved onto a different subject consisting of Pattadol’s worries for diplomacy and Flamela’s dismissals of such worries. Kabru listened for a moment more before silently moving away. He stalked down the hallway with dark clouds rolling in within his mind. 
You had asked Pattadol and Flamela if you could touch their ears. 
Kabru put his hand to his chest and squeezed his eyes shut. He leaned against the wall, beneath a portrait of some old ruler from thousands of years ago. There was still so much dust in the castle, but the thickness in his chest wasn’t from allergies. You were his friend, and so innocent, so curious. You couldn’t have known the implications of touching an elf’s ear. 
He had to speak to you immediately. 
“Yeah, I figured that out.” 
Kabru forced a smile and tilted his head. He was aware of how wide his eyes were, how he probably wasn’t doing a good job at hiding his shock and horror. He couldn’t bring himself to care at that moment as he watched you casually take a sip of your tea. 
“You figured it out?” He asked. Kabru wasn’t sure whether to be mortified or proud. 
“Oh yeah,” you slowly nodded as a triumphant smile rolled across your lips. When you opened your eyes to return his gaze, there was a spark within them that did not bode well. “I figured a lot of things out, actually.”
He took a moment to study your expression. The half-lidded quality of your eyes, the slight pink upon your cheek, the tilt of your chin; realization hit him like one of Marcille’s explosion spells. 
“You got laid.”
You nodded proudly, “I got laid.”
“Yeah,” there was triumph in your voice.
Kabru tried his best to control his irritation. You were so casual about it, he could’ve throttled you. How unromantic, asking the man who was entirely too smitten with you: ‘can I touch one of the most sensitive parts of your body?’ And the audacity, the horror, of that actually working. 
It was personally offensive to Kabru. He’d spent years building up his talent for wordplay and charm. Then, here you are, harassing poor elves. And what are the consequences of your curiosity and ignorance? Hot sex and a beautiful elf boyfriend. 
There were other consequences, though. The thought of Flamela referring to you as a pervert was enough to cool the boiling in his blood. 
“Okay, I’m going to help you,” he sent you a smile.
“I don’t think we need help,” you grimaced, “we both know what to do. But thanks.”
“I– I don’t mean with Mithrun. I mean in general. I’ll help you recover your reputation with the elves of Melini.”
You tilted your head, “My reputation? What do you mean?”
“Well, I heard Flamela call you a pervert earlier.”
“Oh,” taken aback, you sat up straight in your chair, hands tightening around your mug, “Honestly, I forgot I even asked Flamela.”
The feeling in Kabru’s chest could only be described as the slow decay of his soul. “Well, she remembers quite well.”
Another grimace, “Oops. It’s no big deal, though, I’m sure they all understand that I just didn’t know the implications of it.”
Your optimism was so cute. 
“I’ll take care of it,” he took your hand and smiled, “don’t you worry.”
Kabru was used to elves. He’d grown up in the Northern Central Continent where elves were the dominant percentage of the population. Even in Utaya, elven culture strongly influenced daily life, architecture, and manners. His own adoptive mother was an elf. 
Still, his experience did not negate the particular brand of nervousness that came from having nearly ten elves staring at him. 
There was the first squad of the Canaries, Flamela– who was only visiting for the week– Fionil, and Marcille. All of them were absurdly pretty, confused, and pinning him to the wall with their unsettling stares. Flamela and Mithrun, at least, had the decency to look irritated at the interruption to their day. 
Kabru forced his lead tongue to work, “Alright. You’re all probably wondering why I’ve called this meeting. First of all, let’s start with this: Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by [name]’s curiosity concerning your ears.”
Everybody besides Fionil and Marcille raised their hands. 
“Okay,” Kabru sent the two half elves a reassuring smile, “you two are free to go. Thanks for coming.”
“Are my ears not good enough?” Marcille muttered as she and Fionil left the empty noodle shop. 
Mithrun had very generously given Kabru permission to hold the meeting in his noodle shop before the dinner rush. It was of humble size, but clean and quiet with the smooth scent of broth clinging to the walls and chairs. Kabru had a feeling that Mithrun only lent him the space out of curiosity after he’d mentioned that the meeting had to do with you, his partner. 
Silent anticipation settled over the small group. Most of them were taut, seconds away from leaving if he said the wrong thing.
Kabru cleared his throat, “Alright. So, I just want to settle something. [Name] is not a pervert.”
There were those eyes again. They were like six lances ripping through his skin and affixing him to the wall. 
“What?” Otta asked. 
“They’re not a pervert,” he repeated as he raised his hands, “they’re just really curious and didn’t know any better. So, please, don’t judge them too harshly.”
Another beat of silence followed the plea. His gaze shifted to Mithrun, who was watching him carefully with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs stretched out in front of him. As their eyes met, Mithrun simply held the gaze, his face as blank as fresh parchment. 
Kabru set aside the building urge to dissect Mithrun’s brain and instead focused on the rest of the group. “They really didn’t know any better,” he continued despite the rising murmurs among the group, “please forgive them. Tall-man culture is a lot different from yours.”
That seemed to please the elves. Collective negativity was always far more satisfying, he knew.
“Savages,” Cithis huffed.
“Idiots,” Flamela agreed.
Otta had the decency to argue, “They’re just innocent and ignorant. And it’s not like elven society openly discusses those kinds of things.”
True. Elven culture was confusing. Wearing revealing clothes and showing a lot of skin was normal for them, nothing to give a second glance to, though the subject of sex and arousal was deemed inappropriate. One was expected to maintain their dignity, wear a mask depicting perfection, and bring honor to their family. The nobility were commonly quite repressed, though commoners had a tendency to loosen their tongues among friends. Still, sexual education was not taught well, or often, despite their dwindling population. It seemed a bit counterproductive to Kabru, but he understood their reasoning and how centuries of superiority complexes brought them to that point. 
“Did nobody actually tell them what it meant?” Pattadol asked. 
Lycion sent her a raised brow, “Did you?”
“Well, no, but…”
“I did,” Mithrun interrupted. Every eye went to him, though he kept his gaze straight ahead and his arms crossed. He let a moment of silence pass before he continued, “They won’t be asking to touch anybody’s ears again.”
Flamela made a face, “So, did they touch your ears?”
He said it so casually, unbothered by the surprise and amusement of the other Canaries. Fleki leaned forward to clap a hand on his shoulder, which earned a little frown from him. 
“Did you get laid, Captain?” Fleki asked, her grin toothy and stinking of mischief. 
“I don’t need to know that!” Pattadol screeched, “You don’t have to answer every question honestly, you know! You’re allowed to keep secrets!”
“I know,” Mithrun shrugged.
He just didn’t want to keep that particular secret, Kabru knew. Mithrun would much rather that everybody recognize his stake, his claim, his flag buried at the top of the mountain he’d just climbed. It was easier that way. 
Flamela, though, was Flamela. 
She stood up, her fists clenched. “I’ve got things to do. I can’t waste time with you guys anymore.”
The first squad ignored her departure and instead started asking Mithrun a myriad of invasive questions, much to Pattadol’s distress. Yet, Kabru kept his gaze on Flamela. There was a spark in her eyes, one he recognized. It betrayed her intentions. As one of Mithrun’s closest friends and certified nosy-guy, he couldn’t help but subtly follow her out and into the street. 
“Excuse me,” he said once the door shut behind him. A few feet away, Flamela stopped mid-step and whirled around with a glare. 
“What?” She hissed.
“You’re going to do something you’ll regret, aren’t you?” Kabru sent her a look he hoped she’d recognize as concern. It was definitely concern, because anybody that planned to mess with you deserved that. 
“I won’t regret it,” Flamela rolled her eyes, “I just… don’t understand why [name] would want to touch the Captain’s ears and not mine. Mine are longer and softer.”
“Are you really offended over this? Didn’t you tell them no already?”
“I’ve changed my mind!” She snapped. 
“Are you just trying to get back at Mithrun for charging you full price for a bowl of noodles?”
She froze. Her mouth was open, shaped in a scowl. Her shoulders rose like the hackles of a cat. Despite the flicker of satisfaction that Kabru felt at having hit the mark, the hair on his arms stood to attention. He was seconds away from being tackled. 
Fortunately, he side-stepped right as Flamela attacked. 
Now on all fours on the dirt street, Flamela glared at him over her shoulder, “He should’ve given me a discount!”
“He isn’t obliged to.”
“He is!” She stood up and dusted off her uniform, “[Name] should want to feel my ears, they’re better.”
Kabru put his hands on his hips, “You’re just being competitive.”
“Shut up,” she hissed before brushing past him and stomping down the street.
Kabru glanced to the left just in time to see a glimpse of dark eyes staring out through a crack in the blinds. Judging by their black color and uneven manner, it was obviously Mithrun peeking at his conversation with Flamela. He made eye contact with the captain for a second before Mithrun narrowed his gaze dangerously and let go of the blinds. They snapped back into place, but Kabru couldn’t quite return to his natural state like that, not with the black-eyed storm brewing. 
Flamela found you on the street. It wasn’t the best place for ear-rubbing, but her mind was on one track and she ardently refused to veer. 
“I’ve reconsidered,” she said. There was no greeting or smile or easing in of the conversation. 
You stopped mid-step and stared at her. “...Reconsidered what?”
“About you touching my ears.”
Did you ask to touch her ears? The memory wasn’t popping up for you. Yet, now that you knew what that actually meant to elves, you felt appropriately horrified by the statement. You were on a crowded street. If any passersby had a clue as to what Flamela said, they showed no indication. The elf population in Melini was small. The implications of ear touching most likely flew over their heads as it once did for you. 
You managed a smile that you hoped was polite, that you hoped didn’t betray your embarrassment. “That’s okay, thanks.”
Flamela narrowed her eyes, “Why not? My ears are softer and longer than Mithrun’s. If you’re going to touch an elf’s ears, I would think you’d want the full experience.”
“I, uh, I got a pretty full experience with Mithrun. But thanks,” you offered another smile. Something about the way Flamela frowned hinted at deeper motives. You just had to ask, “Is this because Mithrun didn’t give you a discount on a bowl of noodles?”
She scoffed, “No!”
It was definitely about that. 
As you prepared an explanation of your loyalties to Mithrun and his decision to not give her a discount, a flicker of mana filled the air, pricking at your skin. You knew that particular brand of magic. Your heart dropped into your stomach as the spot behind Flamela shifted like the surface of disturbed water. Half a second later, Mithrun appeared. 
You felt yourself tense. Flamela was on a rant about discounts. Mithrun’s gaze was calm, too calm, dangerously calm. The only sign of his anger was the feral look in his good eye. In the past, Mithrun wouldn’t have cared about Flamela offering her ears to random tall-men. He would have resisted any urges to teleport her into walls simply because it would get him kicked out of the Canaries. But the demon was gone, his purposes for living were different. You were one of those purposes, one of those desires, and he was so one track minded that he would do anything to hang onto that. 
He raised a hand. Flamela tensed as if sensing the danger. Nearby, Kabru pushed through the crowd, panicked. 
“No!” You lunged at your partner before he could teleport the Vice-Captain to a place where she’d never get noodles again, let alone discounted ones. 
Your body weight crashed onto him. His eye widened and Kabru gasped. Like a felled tree, you and Mithrun both fell to the ground. Flamela said something you didn’t quite comprehend, but it didn’t matter at the moment. 
You laid on Mithrun. He laid on the ground. He put one hand on your back and chose to stare at the blue sky above rather than fight your will. The passersby sent the scene curious glances but wisely stayed away, giving you and Mithrun a wide berth.
A shadow cast over your bodies and you looked up to see Flamela blocking the sun. She only glared, hands on her hips. 
“I want a discount,” she said.
You felt Mithrun grunt beneath you. Another beat of silence passed before he answered, “Fine. Just stay away from [name].”
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etheries1015 · 10 months
Sorry, I overread it (It's currently 10pm where I live, I've been up since 4am, and my anxiety is kicking. Requesting things from people I never requested before is hard >.<)
May I request Riddle, Kalim, Idia and Malleus reacting to finding out their crush is trans-masc? Either by reader telling them or them finding out by accident
Never apologize for asking questions and sending asks! Please take care of yourself, get lots of rest, water, and sustenance <3
Finding out you're trans-masc
Featuring: Riddle, Kalim, Idia, Malleus
WARNINGS (please read): I'm a cis woman and I CANNOT stress enough that I may not be able to portray this as well as someone who actually identifies as such! I did do research ahead of time to make sure I try my very best to capture the essence of someone who identifies as trans-masc, but everyone's experiences are different. If I, in ANY way shape, or form, used incorrect terminology/representation or mistakenly offended anyone, please educate me so that I become more knowledgeable and can build my understanding. Other than that, I hope I did well in writing this for you to enjoy <3 Thank you for your time and for the request <3
The topic came up during the first time you had gone to an Unbirthday party. Being misgendered by Riddle, you spoke up gently to inform him of your disposition.
"I'm...well, I don't use She/her pronouns." You shrugged. Riddle pursed his lips in frustration at his own confusion, he hadn't met someone falling under the LGBTQ umbrella before, he was incredibly sheltered and closed-minded for a long time due to his mother's teachings.
"I see..." Riddle nodded, "Then, please explain it to me so that I may not make the same mistake twice." He was eager to learn more about people and their experiences, especially learning about someone he found himself becoming more and more attached to.
Spends an entire night reading upon such topics- he was very quick to adapt and correct people around you whenever he found they did not address you properly.
"Does it bother you?" You had asked him once out of pure curiosity, and his response was with furrowed eyebrows and confusion.
"And why should it? It does not matter what you identify as. You are still (y/n). You are not your gender, and not your sex. You are..." He blushed deeply, you smiling to urge him on. You knew about his crush on you, of course, yet he seemed to be far too shy to admit it yet.
"You're..." He hesitated, "failing this class. G-get back to studying! quit getting distracted with silly questions or it's off with your head!"
You loved seeing him open his mind to many different concepts and treat you no differently than anyone else (minus some favoritism, hehe <3)
It was actually Jamil who brought it up in conversation. The topic of "LGBTQ" came up, of course, Kalim understood the basics of people who identified as gay, however when the term "trans-masc" came up in regards to you, he was incredibly eager to learn more.
"Trans-masc? I thought they were (y/n)?"
"Kalim- no-"
It didn't take long for him to easily come around to the new terminology. You maybe gave him a 10 minute crash course before he accepted it face value.
"I see...so one day you're going to be by my side not as a queen, but as my royal spouse!" You were flabbergasted at his brazen comment. With a red face, you hadn't time to react before his hands were already around you in a deep hug.
"Haha! Oh, right! The pop club has a new song, wanna listen to it?"
He loves you no matter what. The most understanding and unconditionally in love person to exist, the definition of sunshine
Might overshare sometimes. He will bring it up sometimes to other people (if they misgender you) and give THEM a crash course on it! You love that he is so passionate about you, though. xoxo
He knew. He is chronically online, he knows all about it. When he first met you, he even asked what your preferred pronouns were.
I don't really know what else to say for Idia, he honestly doesn't care who you identify as. You play video games with him and give him love, that's enough for him!!
Can take it incredibly seriously If someone misgenders you or tries to bully you about your identity, his hair turns a fiery red and he turns gives them a whole one hour lesson while belittling that person calling them as intelligent as a soggy piece of bread.
The other person is crying by the end of it, but honestly nobody deserves to be treated disrespectfully like that.
actually how he confessed his crush to you, lol. In a fit of rage to someone who wasn't being very kind... "How dare you treat the one I love like that, you stupid normie piece of-" Realizes his mistake, face turns red, turns to you (whos face is also red)
"ummm.....Nevermind!" He runs away, but there was no getting away from you heuheu
even though he can be shy and kind of tsundere in public, he can be really passionate and will defend you at a moments notice and educate other people who are, as he puts, less than him.
In private? Sitting in his lap playing video games
Actually, learned this from Idia. It was during class when the topic of LGBTQ came up, and when speaking among the students he over heard Idia telling ortho about your disposition as trans-masc.
Immediately came to you
"Child of man, what is 'trans-masc' and why did Idia use this term to describe you? Could you elaborate?" You two decided to take a stroll around the forest where you spent hours talking about all sorts of different people and the terms they used, explaining to him about dysphoria and how you discovered that the pronouns you were born with just didn't sit right with you.
Nods in understanding, but ends up purchasing a bunch of books Idia and Lilia recommended to him to increase his understanding.
Even though there are indeed things he will never be able to sympathize with properly and understand, such as the effects of dysphoria, but he will respect you full heartedly and not treat you any different despite still growing to learn about such topics.
All in all, it does not matter what you identify as. He finds himself completely enamored with you, loving how you teach him new things about anything and everything with humans- he will treat you the same as you treat him- impartial due to status, class, gender, pronouns, human or fae. He knew you were the one he wanted to rule Briar Valley next to one day- as his lovely spouse.
I hope I was able to answer your request satisfyingly <3 Please let me know if anything needs to be changed and I shall update accordingly, I myself am always learning and growing every day! Please be kind <3
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mossy-opal · 11 months
Twice the Fun
Jin Bubaigawara x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Smoking Mentions, Violence Mentions, Illegal Activities
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Finding him there in the alleyway was something that broke your heart. The poor man had a bag over his head, dirty clothes, and he looked worse for wear than you liked. So, you took him in. You didn’t see a reason for him to be sleeping outside, much less a reason he needed to have a bag over his head.
You quickly found out though.
Jin Bubaigawara was a man who was on the bad side of the law, a man who used his quirk to make himself a gang. Literally. A man who craved power. After his gang had literally fallen apart, he wasn’t the same. But that was until he met you.
You held out your hand to him, helping him off the ground and into a nice home. Everything was clean, everything was warm, warmer than any place he usually squatted in anyway. It also made him feel warm when he walked in, not physically, but in his chest. You insisted he use the bathroom to clean himself up, you offered him the guest room, clean clothes, hot food…. 
He started crying.
You cooed to him, reassuring him that it was okay, he didn’t need to thank you, didn’t need to repay you, he didn’t need to do anything. He just needed to take care of himself. You held his hands, hugging him, holding him close. Holding a complete stranger who could hurt you.
Holding a villain.
He cleaned himself up, changed into the clothes you had so graciously given him, and readied himself to leave. He had expected you to want him gone in the morning, so with a bag over his head and a dramatic bow, he was about to leave.
“Where are you going?”
You had two cups of coffee in your hands, tilting your head. He was floundering for an answer, explaining that he needed to leave, you had already been so nice and he didn’t need to burden you anymore than he already had and-
His rambling was cut off by your laugh, your sarachine laugh that made his face flush under his paper bag. You shook your head, putting down the coffee and bringing him back into the comfort of your warm home. You sat him down, gave him breakfast, and told him he could stay here as long as he needed to.
That was how he met you, and that was when he swore he’d do his damndest to keep you safe.
Soon after meeting you, he met the League, and despite his nefarious “job”, he still went home to see you every night.
That’s what you quickly became for him. Home. It may have been a bad idea to keep you to himself, to keep you a secret, but he couldn’t help it. You were his sanctuary, you never asked about what he did, never asked about who he was visiting, never asked to be introduced to them, you were perfectly content being his little secret.
He didn’t have to share you if he didn’t want to, he didn’t have to worry about your attention being split between the other members of the League, you were all for him. He was happy about it. He was happy to have you.
You were happy to have him too. Was it the smartest idea to let a seemingly homeless man into your home? Absolutely. But, he would’ve hurt you already by now if he was a crazy person- Well, crazier. His mannerisms were certainly odd to most, but you weren’t most. You were odd yourself in some aspects, especially for someone your age. You were supposed to be married and have children by now, you were supposed to stay home and cook and clean all day. You clearly didn’t do that.
You worked, despite having inherited wealth from old dead parents you never spoke to. You went to school and educated yourself. You never had time for dating when you were busy working in the community, working at your job, going to classes. Sure, it didn’t stop anyone from trying, but you never really clicked with any of them.
Jin was different though. He was so grateful for everything you did for him, he was adorably confused when you insisted he stayed. Maybe it was a bad idea, keeping an almost complete stranger as a roommate, a roommate who would leave at odd times of the night, coming home with bloody clothes and new bruises. But, you didn’t really care.
You knew he was a villain, he started a gang for fucks sake.
It was especially funny when you asked him during dinner.
“Are you the villain Twice?”
He choked on his food, and you giggled.
“H-how did you know!? I mean- No of course not! Who told you that!?”
Your giggling turned to laughing, and his nervousness relaxed into laughing himself.
“Jin, I’m not stupid, and you’re terrible at sneaking around and lying- Even for a villain~”
“... Sorry…”
“You don’t have to apologise sweetie, I don’t care what you do in your freetime, just- Promise me you’ll be safe?”
“Of course! Never!”
You laughed again, and the two of you started talking a lot more that very night. Jin told you about everyone in the League, you told him about your childhood and life. That was when he found out you were older than he was. He was shocked- You looked great! Younger than you looked, obviously, and incredibly sexy, totally his type, though he would never tell you that. You weren’t much older than him, but you were still older than he was, and it was something he gladly embraced. A lot of the League were younger than him, so they didn’t get it like you did.
Now that he knew you didn’t care about his activities as a villain, he told you everything. He told you about his absolute best friend Toga, his cranky boss, his ultimate goal as a villain. He was shocked you were actually in support of him, and the League. It was refreshing.
“After all, have you seen how they treat kids these days? Kids can be born with any kind of quirk, and society will label it as a ‘villain’ quirk, tons of children have to get over that- It’s sad honestly.”
You really were after his heart, he was almost certain of it at this point.
Things became a lot more lax now that the cat was out of the bag with the two of you, no more sneaking around, no more secrets, it was wonderful. It was freeing. Jin felt more comfortable around you now, and he let his possessiveness show a lot more now. He often enjoyed the platonic cuddling you’d allow on the couch, watching movies with him, his arms wrapped around your torso and your fingers running through his hair. He adored spending whatever kind of free time he had, with you. You were so carefree, so easy going, so… Loving.
At times he often wondered what he did to deserve someone like you. Someone so caring, someone so soft and loving and warm. He was a monster in more ways than one, he knew that… He wondered when you’d realise that too. Jin did not think very highly of himself, and he worried he’d… Ruin you.
But you were sure to tell him otherwise, to show him otherwise. He deserved to be happy, he deserved to know someone cared about him. You weren’t the only one to care about him either, he’s told you more than enough about his little pseudo-sister Toga, and his friend Giran. They cared about him, you were sure of it, despite never having met them. He sung their praises more than enough, and if he was anything like he is with you as he is with them, you’re sure they care about him…
Maybe not to the same level as you do though.
It was a bad decision, doing what you do with him, feeling how you feel about him, but you couldn’t help it. You were… Lonely, in a sense. No partner since high school, no real friends to hang out with, and it wasn’t like you wanted to hang out with your boring coworkers after work. But when you spotted Jin leaving the bathroom, towel draped around his waist, still dripping with water, it was not only hard to look away, but to keep your thoughts on something… Appropriate.
It wasn’t just you.
This whole situation was dangerous, not only for you, but for Jin too. He was not an innocent man by any means. You were very attractive to him, very attractive in general, he wasn’t crazy enough to act on anything, but he sure did appreciate your choice of dress when you were home.
This was home for him now, you were his home.
Jin was finally comfortable enough to call someone home. He had friends close enough to call family, but he didn’t really have anyone he could call home. That is, until you came along. You were his home now, and he couldn’t help but smile under his mask while he did what he needed to for his boss, taking care of anyone who could possibly cause a… Security breach… Giran had been MIA for quite some time now, so trying to figure out who knew what was a little bit more difficult now, seeing as though they didn’t know what exactly Giran knew too…
Once he really started thinking about it, Jin started moving faster, getting home was his top priority now- The door was cracked open. He heard the struggle and moved faster than he even thought possible, making doubles of his cohorts before easily taking care of the thugs who tried to hurt you, making Jin panic. He saved you though, right? You’re okay now, he was there in time! But… What if he hadn’t been here soon enough? What would’ve happened to you? What would they have done to you? It didn't matter how good he tried to be, it never mattered, he'd always just be bad to be around.
The copies of his friends melted away around you as you watched Jin panic, he was pulling and tugging at his mask, muttering apology after apology, while you stood up and hugged him suddenly.
He gasped, confused. Why were you hugging him!? If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place! You'd have to move because of him, he'd never get to see you again-
"Jin, sweetie, I need you to breathe, okay? It's okay, I'm safe now that you're here-"
"Y-you wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me!!"
You shook your head, "Jin, these thugs weren't here because of you, they followed me home after work-"
"No! No! You don't get it! They know who you are because of me and what I do! It's my fault you almost-"
He shuddered at the thought, shaking his head, before he was shocked to feel you take off his mask suddenly, holding his face and looking into his eyes.
"Even if they wanted to get to you through me, it still wouldn't be your fault- So stop it with that nonsense, understand?"
Your tone shift brought him back to reality, to the fact that even if you were in danger, you already knew what you were getting into by helping him. You weren't stupid. Hell, you were older than him, of course you knew better. But it didn't stop his frantic crying as he clung to you, rubbing his face into your chest as he wailed about your safety, how you were too good for him, about how much he…
Jin calmed down a bit, realising what he said. It made his face flush while he kept himself hidden against your chest.
He shook his head.
"Jin I want you to look at me."
"No." "Of course!" "No!!!"
You pushed against him, making him let go of you and look away. You could clearly see his blush now as you looked at him, even if he didn't want to look at you. You smiled, holding his face again, before you kissed him.
Wow, your lips were even softer than he had dreamed of. He knew you were perfect! You put up with so much from him, from how he clung on to you the moment your lips were on his, to the shenanigans he'd get up to with his friends. You were always so good to him, as his hands gripped at every inch of you, his lips moving from yours to your jawline and neck, biting and sucking his way down- Even your cute little whines were to die for!
"J-Jin- Ah- S-shouldn't we get rid of- Mm-maybe move…?"
He stopped biting at your neck and shoulder enough to acknowledge the unconscious thugs below you, before he huffed, nodding. Always so smart, you had a point. He quickly pulled away from you, as the two of you started packing a few bags of valuables and important information, before leaving the area. You were smart enough to drive an hour away from your home, call your boss and quit your job, before holing up in a dingy motel. All the while, Jin couldn't help but feel… Bad.
Sure, you kissed him, but you just dropped everything for him. Your whole life was up in shambles because of him…
"Want some Chinese?"
His head popped up when you asked him, smiling. After everything that happened, you were smiling at him.
"Why aren't you more upset?" He asked.
And you laughed, "Honestly, this is the most exciting my life has ever been! Is it scary? Sure, but I have you here with me, and… I don't know, I'm happy with the change."
You sat next to his slumped figure on the bed, putting your hand on his thigh, lifting his head to make him look at you.
"Besides, how can I not be happy when I have you here with me? My hero~"
You kissed him again after that, and once again he was shocked. He didn't know if he'd ever get used to you, but he would sure as hell try. After all, he wanted to get used to exactly how you felt beneath him, his hips grinding against yours, your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on each and every part of your body- Anything he could squeeze, he was.
To think this all started because of you and your endless kindness.
Jin couldn't help himself, he wanted to feel as much of you as he could- And you'd let him. You always would. Moving on top of you, he pressed you further into the ratty mattress of the motel, kissing you like his life depended on it. You wrapped your arms around him, keeping your legs propped up to give him more than enough room to grind against you. Everything about you was just as he imagined, almost too hot to handle. Jin whined into the kiss, and he could feel himself flush while you chuckled.
When he eventually pulled away, you smirked.
"What's wrong baby~?"
"N-nothin' I just-"
When you pulled your shirt up ever so slightly, exposing your skin to him, he could feel his jaw clench.
"Come on Jin, we've been dancing around each other for so long now… Why don'tcha be a big bad villain and take what you want~?"
He gulped, before the beating of his heart pushed him to move. Practically ripping his own suit off, he pulled you to the edge of the bed, pulling your clothes off of you, making you practically squeal with excitement. Getting a look at you, he couldn't believe he was finally able to have all of this to himself, before he immediately put his mouth to work.
You moaned in surprise, your hand moving to grab at the top of his mask, pulling it off the rest of his face and grabbing his hair. Seeing him look up at you, made the power trip even more real. You pressed him closer, making him huff, before he pulled away from you. You would've whined had he not pulled you into a desperate kiss, his dick pressing against you, before shoving himself in. You gasped at the feeling, not nearly prepped enough, before he immediately started thrusting.
Then he started to babble.
"F-f-fuck!! Oh fuck! Y-ya feel so good- SO GOOD!!! AAhaha! Been dreamin'- Wanted this for so long! So good- so good, so good, so fuckin' good Aagh~! Do I feel good? Bet I do- Y-you wouldn't be moanin' if I didn't feel good- Right? Uuh-uh fuck- Fuck-"
You couldn't even respond due to how fast and hard he was fucking himself into you, making your eyes roll back, your mouth open in a perpetual moan. He was doing far better than you'd thought he would, fucking you so hard you were sure you'd be unable to walk afterwards. But he seemed so lost in it, you couldn't even imagine asking him to stop.
"Oh god- O-oh fuck I'm sorry- s-so sorry I can't- can't fuckin' last- Fuck I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you so much! P-please say- Please- A-AAH~!!!"
Jin could barely hold himself together, his hips snapping against yours before he came inside you, making you grit your teeth and moan his name.
The both of you were out of breath, Jin was practically shaking while he held himself up, before his head snapped up, "Fuck! Did you cum too!? I'm sorry I should've been paying attention-!"
"Sssshh, Jin, sweetie, I finished… I promise…"
Giving him a tired smile, he let out a sigh, his worry about being inadequate subsiding as he pulled you back up the bed. He cleaned you up as best as he could, before he laid in bed, wrapping himself around you.
There was still a lot you two had to do, but for now, you slept.
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Tags: @slayersins @shadowsandshapes @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @shockinglysubmissive @elias-fable @starstruck-flames @mostlyheinous @daniidil
88 notes · View notes
fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
Love Uncovered Pt. 4
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Colby Brock x Reader
Prompt?: No
Request?: Yes
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 4,992
Master List
Warnings Here 
You can listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}. 
Post Date: November 15th 2022
Post Time: 7:03 pm
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Author's note: I will be attempting to talk about aura stuff, but I’ve never studied that stuff or anything so you guys who do, please just bear with me and if I say something incorrect please please please educate me on it. I will never ever pass up if you guys tell me something is wrong in what I’ve written, I will simply just try my best to go back and fix it. So please just bear with me and enjoy the story. 
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Please refrain from stealing our work in any way shape or form, thank you and please enjoy!!!
Based off of this video:
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Y/n’s Pov:
After Colby’s question, we all laugh and Sam throws his head down as he brings his closed fist up to his face. Once Sam calms down from laughing, he sits back up straight. 
“About the conjuring,” Cory reminds Sam. 
“The conjuring, yeah. Do you think that’s a decently accurate representation? Or do you not like it?” Sam asks as he keeps trying not to laugh. Colby continues to move the camera around, but he stays standing close to me. 
I’m turned in my seat now as we listen to what Cory has to say and Colby has my back against him as he keeps the camera above my head. 
“Honestly… like I personally like the movie. In as far as accuracy, from the people that lived through it and they said it's about half accurate. If you read the books that Andrea wrote, it was actually ten times worse in real life then the movie was,” Cory explains as he uses his hands to talk. 
“Really?! What?” Sam expresses his shock and Colby moves the camera onto him. 
“Whoa…” Amanda softly adds on. 
“She actually gave a copy of her books to the screenwriters and the screenwriters are like, ‘we can’t put this in the theater, we can’t get an R rating on it,’” he explains, expressing himself with his hands to lay out the details. 
“If we were trying to capture something, what would be, like, do you think the best plan of action for us to go about at night?” Sam asks and Colby moves a hand down to my shoulder when he feels me shiver lightly. 
“If you can go by yourself,” Cory says and Colby immediately lets out a gulp as Stas lets out an ‘oh my’. 
“I know… I know it’s hard, but that’s when you're most valuable and that’s when they like to make contact,” Cory explains in a very even-toned voice. 
“Alright, Sam! So, ummm…” Colby speaks up before clearing his throat. 
“Why is it always me?!” Sam shouts out and we all laugh as he rubs at his face with his hand. 
“Nose goes!” Colby yells out and everyone rushes to put their fingers to their noses. 
“Not me!” Stas proudly yells out. 
“Jesus… ahhh!” Colby yells out as he turns the camera on his own face, but he almost drops it on my head. 
“It’s y/n!” Kat yells out ,pointing to me and I groan. 
“That’s just not fair! One, I always lose nose goes, and two, it’s hard when you’re ducking from a camera almost hitting you in the head…” I say with a light pout as I cross my arms and everyone laughs at me. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” Colby says as he rubs my head and I shove his hand off. 
“No, you’re not,” I playfully fight back and he chuckles. 
“Yes, I am. I promise to be more careful,” Colby tells me as he rubs my shoulder. 
He then moves the camera out in front of him and gently pulls my neck back. He leans down and gives me a light kiss, making me smile. Once he’s done, he stands straight again and I sit straight. 
“Ok. Definitely editing that out,” Sam sarcastically says and I giggle obnoxiously on purpose. 
“Anyway… back to my question…” Sam says as he turns back to Cory. 
“Well, that and recording it. Not only on that, but like voice recorders and stuff like that,” Cory explains as he motions to the camera. 
“Because they will talk,” he continues, but stops as we all hear a noise and Amanda looks to the side. 
“You seein’ something over there?” Colby asks her as he holds the camera on her. 
“Yeah. Outside. They just keep walking by and walking by and walking by,” Amanda exclaims in indignation as she keeps her head toward the window. 
“Who? Who keeps walking by?” Colby asks her and she keeps her eyes trained on the window still. 
“There’s three men outside,” she tells us and as soon as she says that I start to feel sick. The feeling is very slight, but it’s still there. 
“Can you tell how they're dressed?” Cory asks Amanda after a moment of silence as she continues to watch the window. 
“They're all wearing the same thing…” she tells us before pausing to figure out how to describe it to us. 
“It’s like… it’s not white, it’s like beige. They all have hats on, but one of them has a different hat then the other,” Amanda continues to explain what she sees. 
“Wide brim?” Cory asks and Amanda gives out a light ‘yeah…’ as she continues to watch the window closely and Stas nervously scratches at her nose. 
“And there’s something shiny on their chests…” Amanda explains as she runs a hand over her chest to show us what she means. 
She watches for a few more minutes before turning back at us all. As soon as she turns, the very light sick feeling goes away. 
“Like, it almost seems like they're not aware of us going on. Or lights being on in here. Like they- they-” Amanda shares as she taps at the table. 
“They’ve been getting really…” she continues to explain, but a small whistle cuts her off and the sick feeling comes back again, but stays very light. 
“Did you hear that?” Stas asks in an agitated tone. 
“What was that?” Colby and Kat ask in unison as Colby moves the camera around. 
“That was- did you hear the whistle?” Colby asks everyone in a slightly panicked tone. 
“I heard a whistle,” Stas speaks up and I nod. 
“I heard it too. I heard it when Amanda was explaining what they looked like too,” I agree as I point at Stas from across the table. 
“Are you- recording?” Colby asks as he looks at Amanda. 
“I’m recording,” Amanda confirms as she motions to her camera. 
“We definitely just got a whistle,” Colby says in an astonished tone. 
“Yeah so that was something,” Kat says as she plays with her earring and Colby lets out a small ‘oh my God.’
“It might’ve been me,” Cory states and Sam uses his thumb to point at him. 
“What did you do?” Sam skeptically asks as he looks at Cory. 
“I’m fat,” Cory again states and Colby lets out a chortle. 
“How would that create a whistle?” Sam asks in amusement and we all burst out laughing. 
“I don’t know!” Cory tells Sam honestly and we all laugh. 
“I do-” he explains as he makes a quick inhaling sound. 
“No!” Amanda shouts. 
“No. No. It was like a whistle. Like it was distinct,” Stas states as she uses her hands while Colby says ‘like’ before he gives a small whistle. 
“It was very distinct. Not to mention every time I’ve felt sick, there was a whistle,” I add onto what Stas says with a nod. 
“Curious,” Cory says in interest as he rubs his beard. 
“That’s what I said down in the basement- or was it in the basement?” she asks, scrunching her eyebrows together. 
“No. That was upstairs,” both Amanda and Cory say in unison. 
“No I heard- I heard it,” Sam perks up after Kat asks him something. 
“You heard the whistle too?” Colby asks Sam as Sam looks up at him. 
“I heard it too!” Stas agrees with Sam. 
“I did too!” I agree as well. 
“I thought it was you guys,” Sam says as he points at Cory. 
“I thought it was you guys too! That’s why I looked at you guys like, did anyone hear that?” Stas explains as she points at me and Kat, making us both nod. 
“I was hoping it was an animal outside,” Amanda says, nervously taking her hands off the table. 
“Let's call Jen and see what she has to say,” Cory suggests as he pulls his phone out. 
He dials a number and it starts to ring before there’s the sound of her answering. Cory quickly explains the situation to her before pulling the phone away from his ear. He puts it on speaker before laying it down on the table and we all start to explain it to her. 
“Like they- they- they think they heard whistles?” Jen asks from over the phone as Amanda pushes play on the sound recording that was caught on her phone. 
“That was it,” Colby states in shock from behind Amanda and Kat points to the phone. 
“What was that knock?!” Stas asks from beside Amanda as she pauses the recording. 
“Go back…” Stas says, still in disbelief. 
“That was a laugh,” both Sam and Kat say in unison. 
“I agree, that was definitely a laugh…” I agree with them, but when I do I start to feel sick again. 
“There was a knock! You guys didn’t hear it?” Stas asks, still in shock as she looks up at Colby and she knocks on the table. 
“Ok… let’s listen again,” Amanda says as she holds her hands out as a way of telling us to be quiet. 
“Like, it almost seems like they're not aware of… us going on. Or lights being on in here. Like they- they-” We all listen as we hear Amanda share again though the recording. 
There’s a light scream behind her in the recording as she talks and both Sam and Kat look up, shocked. Kat then turns to me, the shock still on her face and I nod, telling her I heard it too. She puts a hand down to her side and I grab onto it. 
Kat squeezes my hand in the way Colby always does, but it doesn’t bring me as much relief as Colby’s touch does. I squeeze hers back before listening in on what else is going on. 
“Right there!” Colby shouts out when he hears the knock again. 
“There’s a knock…” Sam confirms as he nods. 
“You hear that! There was a knock!” Stas shouts and Sam nods at her. 
“It was like dun dun dun dun,” Colby agrees with her as he points the camera at them. 
We listen for a few more minutes, but soon we all collectively decide to move on. Colby comes back over behind me. His stomach sits flush with my upper back and the light sick feeling goes away again. 
“I’m going to record again, ‘cause clearly it’s going well for us. Umm. I can still hear the whistles playing back up there,” Amanda tells us all as she points behind Stas.
“Really?!” Stas asks her and Amanda just nods before turning to Cory. 
“Do you have um… noise canceling headphones by any chance?” she asks him and he gives her a small ‘yep’. 
“I would love to put noise canceling headphones on with the spirit box in here and have you guys ask questions,” Amanda tells us as she looks around at each of us. 
I tense up a bit and Colby reaches down with one hand to rub my shoulder. Once he feels me relax, he resumes holding the camera with both hands. I quickly move my head so I can look up at him and he looks down at me, giving me a light smile. 
“Oh, you wanna do the estes method?” Cory asks Amanda and she looks at him with confusion. 
“What?” she asks and Sam reaches up to take the camera from Colby. 
Colby comes back over to me and now that the camera isn’t on us, he bends down and wraps his arms around me. I cuddle back into him as I reach up and grab his hand. We stay like that for a few minutes before he walks back over and takes the camera from Sam again, standing behind him now. 
Again as he walks off, a light sickness comes upon me and I feel nauseous, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was earlier on. It’s like I’m nauseous, but at the same time I’m not. 
“It’s called the Estes method. Sensory deprivation. They can base their questions off of what you’re saying…” Cory explains before pausing and Amanda gives a light ‘okay,’ in response. 
“Or they say the questions first and see what your response is,” Cory explains as he points to our side of the table before pointing back to Amanda. 
“Alright, let’s see if they start speaking to me more than me just seeing them and we can decide. It’s up to you guys. It’s your video, I’m here to help you. Whatever you wanna do,” Amanda tells Sam and Colby as she looks at them. 
“Alright, that sounds awesome,” Sam agrees with her as he looks at Colby who just wiggles his eyebrows at Sam making me giggle at how weird the moment feels. 
“I will say, be careful how long you spend doing that,” Cory tells us. “If you go for too long, like it’s gonna mess you up,” he blatantly states while Amanda keeps humming in agreement and Colby lets out a small ‘dope,’ in shock. 
“Really?” Stas asks as she sits up from her hunched position and Cory gives a pointed ‘yeah,’. 
“Wait how?” Sam asks softly and Colby quickly turns the camera to a confused Sam. 
“It just… it just will. I…I… I don’t know how. I… I’m just telling you,” Cory stutters as he plays with his beard before shrugging. 
“It happened before, type thing?” Sam asks and Cory nods as he gives a small ‘yeah,’ of agreement. 
“If I start feeling something bad, I’ll cut it off,” Amanda tells Sam and Colby and they both nod at her. 
“Ok. Well, we’re going to go into a separate room to explain to the viewers for a moment,” Sam decides and Colby nods in agreement with him. 
“Ok. Well, I think us girls will stay here. Right?” Amanda asks as she looks at the rest of us. 
“I think so. Yeah,” Kat agrees with a shake of her head. 
“Ok. Well, we’ll be back then,” Sam tells us and Colby nods along with him. 
“So y/n, how’ve you been feeling?” Amanda asks as they walk out of the room. 
“I mean I’ve been mostly ok. I did feel a little sick when you mentioned the men walking outside,” I explain as I point to Amanda. 
“Why didn’t you say anything? Cory told you to tell him the next time,” Amanda lightly admonishes me and I shrug. 
“Because it was only a very light sick feeling. I didn’t think it was very important. Not to mention it was just while you were turned away from us. When you turned back, it was gone,” I explain and she shakes her head. 
“You still should have said something y/n. Cory made that very clear. Were there any other points you felt sick?” she asks and I look away in light shame. 
“Yeah… when the whistle sounded,” I sheepishly tell them as I continue to look away from them. 
“I do remember her telling us that one,” Kat speaks up and I smile softly at her. 
“I also may have felt sick after we heard the laughter over the recording, but when Colby came back over to me it went away so I thought nothing of it again,” I admit and Amanda sighs. 
“So you’ve been feeling sick off and on for what? The past hour?” Amanda asks and I nod meekly. 
“Yeah…” I trail off as I kick at the floor under the table. 
“Y/n. You should’ve told us. You could be in real danger here,” Amanda admonishes and I sigh, nodding. 
“I know. I just really don’t want Colby worrying. He was so excited to bring me…” I tell them with a frown and Kat puts an arm around my shoulder. 
“Hon, maybe you should tell him. I know you should definitely tell Cory…” she tells me as she rubs my back and I nod lightly. 
“Ok. When they come back I’ll tell Colby. Then we can tell Cory too,” I agree and they all sigh in relief. 
“Tell me what?” Cory asks as he walks back in. 
“That she’s been feeling sick off and on for the last hour…” Amanda tells him and he turns to me. 
“Really? Why didn’t you say anything?” he asks and I shrug again. 
“It was very subtle and just didn’t seem important,” I tell him in a nonchalant tone. 
“Well, it does matter. I have a feeling one of our male ghosts have taken a liking to you,” he explains and a chill runs through me. 
“What do you mean he likes me?” I ask, now even more on edge. 
“The guy ghost that we have, he likes to hang out in that room I was telling you guys about. He has a type and you definitely fit it. He likes to make girls of your type feel sick to the point of throwing up,” he explains and I choke on my saliva. 
“He likes to make you so sick you’d be immobile and that’s when he usually like to touch you and connect with you,” he continues to explain and I shudder. 
“What does he do if he connects with someone?” I ask and he shakes his head. 
“He’s never gotten that far, so we really don’t know. We believe he could take over your body or possibly do things to people or attach to something on them and try to go home with you, but it’s all theoretical right now,” Cory explains some more and I shake my head. 
“Then why is it when Colby’s around, I don’t feel sick?” I ask him and he smiles at that. 
“That would be because Colby of sorts is a protection for you. He’s your boyfriend, correct?” he asks and I nod. 
“Well our ghost Mr. Paxton hates boyfriends. When a girl has her boyfriend touching her or around her, he hates it. Colby wards off the feelings he puts on you because he’s like a repellent to the ghost,” Cory explains and Amanda snaps her fingers before pointing at me. 
“That’s why his aura was bright turquoise. I was right, it was a protective aura,” Amanda explains and Kat perks up. 
“So when you told us her aura was black with dark red…” Kat trails off as Amanda nods. 
“I was seeing Mr. Paxton’s aura and it’s dark. Cory, do you know this ghost's history?” Amanda asks almost in excitement and Cory purses his lips. 
“Just that he was a guest that had stayed here after getting out of prison and died here,” he explains with a shrug and I shudder. 
“Did he just say… prison?” I ask and Kat nods, keeping me close. 
“Do you know why he was in prison?” Stas asks and Cory shakes his head. 
“Sorry, no. We have never been able to find out why,” Cory tells us and I shake my head. 
“I need to sit down…” I whimper out as I start to move back. 
“Oh ok… I got ya,” Kat promises as she grabs hold of me, leading me over to a chair. 
“Is there anything we can do to keep him from making contact?” Amanda asks and Cory rubs a hand over his beard as he crosses his arms. 
“The only thing that could possibly work is to keep her next to Colby at all times. It’d be even better if they could have physical contact of some sort throughout the rest of the time,” Cory explains with a shrug and I let out a puff of air. 
“Ok. So all we have to do is tell Colby then,” Stats states and I blankly nod. 
“Tell me what? Colby asks as he and Sam walk back into the room. 
“Y/n. Baby, what’s wrong?” he asks when he notices me sitting down staring blankly in front of me. 
“What happened?” he asks as he comes over and kneels down in front of me before looking up at Kat. 
“She’s in a little shock…” Kat explains for me and he looks back at me. 
“Shock? Why would she be shocked?” he asks as he looks from me to Kat. 
“Well…” Stas speaks up, but trails off. 
“Somebody tell me what’s going on!” Colby shouts in fear and that’s what breaks me out of my shock. 
“Ok. So Cory just told us why she’s been feeling sick off and on for about an hour…” Amanda explains and Colby gives me a confused look. 
“You’ve still been feeling sick? Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks and I smile softly at him as I bring a hand up to caress his cheek, which effortlessly calms him. 
“She said she thought it was nothing because it was very light and that it went away whenever you’d be next to her,” Stas explains and he shakes his head. 
“You still should have told me,” Colby says as he gives a disappointed head shake, letting out a puff of air. 
“She didn’t wanna worry you, Colbs. She really thought it was nothing,” Kat tells him and he lifts his head to look at me. 
“I wish you would’ve told me though. We could have figured it out sooner baby,” he tells me as he squeezes my thigh and I nod at him. 
“I promise. If I feel bad at all anymore, I’ll tell you ok?” I assure him and he nods, sniffling as he holds back from crying. 
“So what is causing this? And how can we stop it?” Colby asks as he turns to look at Amanda. 
“Cory said that it’s a ghost named Mr. Paxton. Apparently he likes to mess with girls of y/n’s type. He makes them physically sick,” Amanda starts to explain and the girls all nod along. 
“He also told us that he’s not sure how far this ghost is willing to go, but that the theory they’ve had is that he could connect to her or an item on her to try and travel with her,” Kat takes over explaining from Amanda and Colby’s mouth falls open. 
“How do we stop it?” he asks as he grabs onto my hand. 
“Cory told us to keep you next to her at all times or that you have contact with her at all times. Apparently Mr. Paxton hates boyfriends being around the girls,” Stas explains and all of us other girls nod. 
“Ok. I think we can do that,” Colby nods in agreement with a light smirk on his face. 
“If this ghost hates me touching my girl, then I’m going to be all over her,” he jokes, making everyone laugh and a blush runs up my neck, making Colby chuckle. 
“What about the camera?” I ask him and he shrugs. 
“We’ll just have to be careful, baby. We can do that. When I’m filming, you can just stay behind me with your hand though my belt loop like you’ve been doing,” Colby explains and I nod, squeezing his hand that I’m still holding. 
“What about when Sam is filming?” I timidly ask and Colby smiles. 
“I can keep our hands hidden and Sam can try to keep the camera off of us as much as possible, right Sammy?” Colby asks as he turns to look at him. 
“I can definitely do that. All that matters is that you're ok, y/n,” Sam tells me and I smile, nodding in agreement. 
“Y/n, how do you feel about telling the fans what you’ve been feeling?” Sam asks and I purse my lips as I think about it. 
“I don’t really know, Sam, I kinda just wanna keep it quiet for now and finish this thing as fast as I can,” I tell him and he nods quickly at me. 
“That’s ok. I was just asking. It’s perfectly understandable,” Sam agrees with me and I smile thankfully at him. 
“What if people still catch on with us though?” I ask as I look back at Colby and he shakes his head. 
“I don’t think they will, but if they do I guess we’ll just have to come out to the public,” Colby tells me with a shrug. 
“Are you sure you wanna do that? Honey, we didn’t do that because of how your fans get,” I explain and he shrugs again. 
“If it’s what has to be done. It’s what has to be done. If the fans get crazy, I’ll talk to them,” he promises and I shake my head. 
“That doesn’t always work though, does it?” I ask him and he shakes his head. 
“If it doesn’t work we can always just keep most of our relationship private. The fans have to understand that when I find the one they can’t go bat shit crazy on her. It just makes me mad at them,” Colby explains and I slowly start to grin. 
“The one, huh?” I ask him with a smirk and he chuckles before his cheeks slowly get more and red. 
“Yeah. Uhh… the one…” Colby hesitatingly confirms what he had said and I smile. 
“Colbs. Baby, it’s ok. I think I may have found the one too,” I tell him and his smile slowly changes to a grin. 
“Well that’s good to know…” Colby tells me and I giggle lightly. 
“Ok guys. I think we’re good to go on with the video,” Colby states as he stands up and pulls me with him. 
“Good. Let’s get back to it. Y/n, Colby. You guys keep as much contact as you can get it,” Sam tells us in a jokingly demanding tone. 
“Ok. So where’s the bells and ping pong balls? I think that’s the next step, putting the bells up,” Sam asks and Amanda holds up a bag. 
“Right here,” she tells Sam as she holds the bag up. 
“Ok. Let’s get started then. I’ll film this part, Colby,” Sam tells us as he takes the camera from Colby, who nods. 
Sam gets the camera up and filming as Colby keeps my hand in his, but keeps it behind his back as I stand as close as I can without it looking too suspicious. Amanda opens the bag up and we all start to grab some bells and ping pong balls. 
“We’re going to set up a bunch of these ping pong balls and bells up against the doors and certain areas so we can capture any motion. We’ll be able to listen to see if there’s anything we’ll be able to catch as well,” Sam explains with the camera now pointing at me and Colby. 
Colby puts a bell on one of the chairs and I put one on the chair in the corner behind Colby. Once the bell is placed, I trail slowly back over to stand behind Colby. I stand close to Colby, not too close as he does a listening motion in unison with Sam, who’s still explaining. 
“Colby, can you get me tying one?” Sam asks as Colby stands up. 
“Yeah sure,” Colby agrees before taking the camera and following Sam over to a door. 
I trail behind him and as he films Sam, I keep a finger though his belt loop like he had said to. Once Sam’s done, he takes the camera back and he goes over to film Amanda putting one up as well as one of the bells swinging. Colby pulls me into a hug and holds me there for a moment before kissing my forehead. 
We each do a few more bells and ping pong balls before all coming together at a sofa that Amanda sits on. Kat sits next to her as Sam films, while me and Colby stay behind the camera cuddled up. 
“There’s tons of videos of YouTubers going into the conjuring house and investigating, seeing what they can find, but like… you guys stepped it up. Bringing someone who can see them,” Amanda tells the boys and we all nod along. 
“Ok. Do we wanna do a few more before we call it quits for the balls and bells?” Sam asks and everyone nods at him. Suddenly, Stas starts to freak out. 
“I’m literally going to cry. I actually saw that,” Stas says, her voice trembling with fear and Sam turns around. 
“What did you see?” Sam asks as he looks to where she’s looking. 
“Like… it like peeped its head around that couch,” Stas explains, still pretty terrified. 
“Where did you see that?” Sam asks her again as she slowly gets more agitated. 
“Oh… my… I thought… I thought it was like a little kid, I don’t know,” Stas stutters with a quavering voice.
“It’s not a little kid,” Amanda comments from the couch. 
“It looked like a little kid. Like it peeped,” Stas explains, making the motion with her head to show what she’s talking about. 
“Around?” Amanda adds in for Stas, who nods. 
“And then it went back,” Stas finishes off as Sam turns around to look. 
“Like right behind that little couch?” he asks as he keeps the camera trained on it. 
“Keep the light in here,” Amanda tells Sam as she goes around him and into the room. 
“What the f***?” Sam asks as Amanda walks into the room and I cuddle a little closer to Colby. 
“I keep looking… I’m telling you, I don’t like that room!” Stas exclaims while pointing at it, clearly unnerved. 
“Ok. Girls, let’s circle up. I want to put protection over you all,” Amanda tells us as she comes out of the room. 
“Yes. You too, y/n. I know you have Colby, but I want to be extra safe,” Amanda tells me and I nod before stepping away from Colby. 
I grab onto Stas’ and Katrina’s hands as Amanda grabs onto them from the other side. Together we all follow Amanda as she bows her head and it goes quiet for a few minutes. 
To Be Continued…
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jellojelli · 1 year
May I plz request welt bf headcannons ? Both sfw and nsfw plz
Welt Yang Boyfriend Headcanons
*a/n: 𝓜𝓻. 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓰😍 my very first honkai love*
As always, 🛑Minors DNI🛑
Being in a relationship with Welt is as easy as breathing. You make him feel young again and he wants to spend as long as he can going on adventures and creating everlasting memories with you. He is literally the most accommodating, easy going, and kind man in the entire universe. Just wants to travel the universe with you and hold you tight
Welt also is quite the romantic and easily sweeps you off your feet, literally and metaphorically. This man had PomPom clear the main cabin of the express to give you the most perfect confession of your life. Candle lit dinner, dimmed lights, beautiful starry view of space, even showed up with small bouquet of roses to give to you when you came to the main cabin. The only thing he missed was actually telling you to come meet him and the only reason you ended up coming in is thanks to Himeko giving you a little hint
Please remember though that Welt is a bit of a traditionalist in the sense of respecting personal boundaries both in public and private. It’s not that he won’t wrap his arm around you or hold your hand, but he won’t ever do it without asking first and he certainly won’t be overly affectionate in front of anyone. So if you’re looking for a smoochy while Dan Heng and March are there, you’re out of luck because the man will dodge you or go for a forehead kiss
With Welt being a bit of traditionalist I also think he’s a bit overprotective of you no matter your gender and sees himself as sort of the stereotypical ‘man of the house’ in the relationship. Not to say he’ll emasculate you or be misogynistic, he would literally apologize his entire life if he ever did that, he just takes it upon himself to be your protector and takes on those types of responsibilities. However, this will never make Welt stop you from going on adventures with others or alone. He wants you safe, yes, but he never wants to keep you in cage just to make himself feel more at ease
Dates with Welt are always well thought out and planned with you in mind. Welt is a pretty simple guy, he just likes seeing the sights and going to cool places, so it’s incredibly easy for him to find joy in any place or activity. Shopping? He could spend hours in a tech or mechanic shop looking at gadgets or just looking at you try on clothes or fawn over something you like. Sports? He may be up in age, but that doesn’t mean he’s decrepit and he will dunk on you with only a shred of mercy. And you know he’s always happy to go adventuring or exploring in even some mundane place like an abandoned mall or hospital.
Welt loves, loves, loves just existing with you. He loves being domestic and mundane with you by just doing your own things in the same room or doing something sweet together like cooking or doing the household chores together. He especially loves learning to cook something new that neither of you have ever tried before
Cuddle with this man and he will practically be putty in your hand. He’s literally so tense and getting a moment to just melt into your arms makes him feel 10 years younger. Also, ask him to tell you about something while cuddling and you’ll have his heart beating. He loves to subtly show off to you all the cool things he knows and can do. So please praise him and maybe lightly fangirl when he does cool things, it really brings his confidence up. He also thinks it’s really nice that you listen to him and ask him about more interesting things since most people only ask him to explain something educational and not actually retell any cool adventures he’s had
Welt is definitely the type of man to make you tea when you sound under the weather or you feel too hot/cold. He also might have a bad habit of letting you off the hook when it comes to work or the more boring bits of running and being on the express. He just doesn’t want you to overdo it like he does sometimes. You might also be the only person Welt 100% listens to regarding his well-being. Himeko and PomPom cannot thank you enough for getting this man to finally lay down and rest instead of staying up all night.
Fighting with Welt is incredibly rare and it never ever gets explosive or is done in public. The only thing he ever gets irritated with you over is if you have a lack of self preservation. He absolutely cannot stand seeing you battered and bruised, or worse on the brink of death because of an enemy. He’s great at communicating, even if it sometimes feels awkward, and he will sit you down and tell you exactly how he feels about your lack or care for yourself. Welt loves you, and not just loves you, he is in love with. You own his heart, you are his entire being, and he will be a dead man before he lets something take you from him prematurely. If you also happen to bring up how he sometimes acts and how he likes to play martyr himself, he will work on it with you so you both can stay safer while out in the field
I feel like Welt likes to give massages and he’s pretty decent at it too. He’s definitely better at massaging your back than say your legs or feet, but he will absolutely give you a full body massage if you ask. He won’t even make you pay him back, he just wants you to be comfy and relaxed
Kissing Welt will always make him flustered, doesn’t matter if it’s the first time you guys kiss or the 1 millionth time, his cheeks always get a bit pinker after. This man lives for the domestic type of kisses. He loves when you welcome him back to the express or even just back to the room with a kiss and a sweet smile. Same with the welcome kisses he loves goodbye kisses and will not leave the room or the express until he gets at least one kiss. Do not, and I mean do not, play with his kisses. Welt can be surprisingly childish when you try to play any sort of joke on him like pretending you didn’t hear him say goodbye or dodging his kisses. I mean he will legit do it back to you for as long as you did it to him all while he gives you this teasing smile. He will purposely not say goodbye to you anymore and even just straight up put his hand in your face when you try to kiss him and then chuckle at you when you give him a surprised pikachu face
This has nothing to do with Welt being your bf, but I really can’t help but think of Welt when I hear Constellations by the Oh Hellos and I can’t help but imagine him quietly singing this to himself when he thinks no one is around
This man right here is anything you want him to be. While he does have a slight preference for being the one in control or at the least bottoming from the top, he has no issue letting you take control whenever you want
Welt is a bit hesitant to try anything that’s not standard in what he considers ‘normal’ sex. Things like toys, bondage, or more intense kinks like choking or spanking have never really crossed his mind before. He’s willing to try them out for you though, but he won’t ever be too rough with you when it comes to spanking or choking since he’d rather be sweet and cherish you
Omg Welt is a certified pussy/ass eater and he gives earth shattering blowjobs. He can go all night just giving oral to you. Literally let him go to town on you and you’ll have to shove his head away or actually yank his hair to get him away from you because trying to actually move away is impossible when he’s got an iron grip on your thighs
He doesn’t mind if you laugh or crack a few jokes during sex. Sex is weird and makes weird noises and he’s held back some laugher himself from time to time. So don’t feel bad if you giggle at something silly that happened because chances are he’s laughing about it too. Just as long as you aren’t laughing to be mean he’ll join you in your laughing fit. I like to think at least once Welt’s glasses came off his face and just bonked you in yours in the middle of sex, definitely brought the sexy mood down for a moment when you both couldn’t stop laughing for a solid minute
Once you introduce Welt to some different kinks, I think he really takes to shibari and tying you up in general. It’s just really intimate to have him wrap different colored rope over your body and have him practically worship you while he does it
Speaking of, he loves giving body worship. Literally treats you like a king/queen and calls you as such
Loves when you praise him, again with wanting to impress you, he loves when you moan out how good he’s making you feel and loves it even more if he gets you to a point where you can barely even form a single word
Has definitely a time or two turned one of his massages into sexy time by being handsy with you of course only after he heavily hinted at what he was gonna do in case you wanted to refuse
Welt also really loves having early morning/sleepy sex with you. He especially loves it when you both get to be on a planet since on the express there really isn’t any soft, aesthetic morning light streaming in
He plays music when you guys have sex, like records filled with sappy love songs or soft songs with no lyrics will be quietly playing in the background making it feel like some scene in a movie
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liliumblooms · 2 months
Summer job
For @anonymous-dentist’s Spiderbit Week Day 3
Prompt: First meetings
Maybe an OXXO wasn’t the best place to meet the love of your life, but he couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities after that handsome man, his knight in shining armor, left the store with his phone number.
Wait, wait, wait—maybe he should start explaining from the beginning.
Originally, it was just another normal day at work. The sun was blazing outside the store, the sidewalk practically vibrating from the heat. It was like any other summer day, and while he was happy to be back from his first year at university, he’d much rather be spending his time doing anything else, like hanging out with family and friends who were also back.
He had taken this job because he had hit it off with one of his roommates in the dorms, his new best friend Jaiden, based on their shared dislike for their other roommates. Together, they were planning to rent an apartment near campus for the next year of their studies.
He knew that if he asked, his parents would easily give him the money needed to find a good apartment, if they didn’t build him his own building first. But he didn’t want to put more burden on his parents, who were already paying for the part of his education not covered by scholarships and giving him a nice allowance to live comfortably through university. He wanted to take on this responsibility himself and was working hard to save up at least a few months’ rent for the apartment he and Jaiden had planned to share.
If he worked here during the summer, plus what he had saved during the year, he’d be ready to sign the lease once back in Quesadilla, ready to start a new semester at university.
At that moment, he was restocking inventory on the various shelves in the store, making sure there was enough stock of the most popular products for the season and reorganizing the mess left by a group of teenagers who had just come through the store.
He had been at it for a couple of hours, having received new merchandise in the morning, processing all the new items, organizing them in the small storeroom, bringing out boxes to display in the store, and restocking where necessary.
His coworker was on a lunch break, taking advantage of the low customer traffic during the hottest part of the day when no one wanted to be outside unless absolutely necessary. After making sure the shelves were tidy, full, and organized, he quickly went to fetch a cloth and the small ladder from the storeroom, ready to clean the top of the refrigerators to keep the store looking neat.
If he had learned anything from his father Vegetta, it was cleanliness, order, and symmetry, something he tried to apply in his daily life, even if it wasn’t always perfect. At least at work, his efforts were recognized, and his father’s teachings were what helped him get the job in the first place.
Quickly opening the small ladder, he started cleaning, not hearing the sound of the store’s bell indicating the entrance of a new customer, too focused on finishing quickly so he could return to the register before his coworker came back from lunch.
It wasn’t until he felt one of the refrigerator doors bump into the ladder that he noticed another person’s presence, startling him so much that he physically jumped and lost his balance, narrowly avoiding a fall in front of the customer.
Squeezing his eyes shut and mentally preparing for the impact, he was surprised when it never came, but what shocked him more were the strong arms he felt around his torso, his feet still tangled in the ladder rungs.
Slowly opening his eyes, ready to thank the person for their help, apologize for the inconvenience, and run to hide in the storeroom to call his coworker and beg him to return and handle the customer, unable to deal with the embarrassment. But all those foolish, self-destructive thoughts stopped the moment he locked eyes with the bluest eyes he had ever seen, like shining sapphires, with a gaze as deep as the ocean, feeling as if the stranger in front of him could see his deepest secrets with just one look.
The young man quickly helped him to his feet, lifting him off the ladder with his strong arms, and he could feel his body slowly melting, though not from the outside heat.
“¿Estás bien?” The stranger asked, his voice expressive and somewhat deep. He also detected a slight accent, which he quickly identified as Portuguese.
“S-si, gracias por s-salvarme,” he couldn’t help but stutter, caught between embarrassment and attraction to the man in front of him.
He was tall, though only slightly taller than him, with dark blond hair tied in a half-ponytail, a white streak in his bangs that gracefully fell across his forehead, fair skin with a slight tan and some small freckles, typical for this time of year and place. After a quick glance, he noticed multiple tattoos and scars on his arms, which, personally, didn’t help his brain, already on the verge of a short circuit.
“Sorry for bumping into you, I didn’t notice.” The man apologized politely while Roier mentally made a list of all the attributes he was learning about this stranger.
“Don’t worry, things like this happen here more often than you’d think. At this point, it’s part of the job.” He tried to be funny and downplay what had happened, ready to flirt with the handsome man the universe had sent his way to break the monotony of working at an OXXO.
Apparently, it worked, as the handsome young man let out a light laugh, a smile forming on his lips, which Roier mentally cursed for being attractive as well.
“Even so, forgive me, I’ll be more careful in the rest of the store.” He winked and walked to another aisle to find whatever he was going to buy. Meanwhile, Roier tried to quickly recover from the interaction they had just had.
He quickly went to the register and reached for his phone, ready to bombard his friends with messages and demand help in winning over the handsome Brazilian shopping in the store. Although he didn’t have much time to act, as the man soon approached the register, ready to pay for his items.
He scanned his items one by one and mentally analyzed his purchase. “A bag of regular Doritos, does he know that Mexican ones are spicier than in other countries? A bag of Sabritas, classic, a ham and cheese sandwich, is that his lunch? Two Cokes? Is he with someone?” But a quick glance around the store calmed his nerves, as he didn’t see anyone else, just the man looking at the candies on the small shelves below the register.
“Anything else, sir?” He asked politely, though not ready to end this interaction and let the most handsome man he had ever seen leave the store without at least knowing his name.
“Yes, this candy, do you like it?” He said, placing the candy on the counter. Roier quickly recognized it as a Lucas Muecas, a candy he used to eat a lot after school, a treat his father would often buy him after a long day.
“Yes, it’s good, a bit spicy but with a strong sweet flavor.” He replied honestly, hoping to extend the conversation a bit.
“Alright, just that then.” The man said while starting to search his pockets for something to pay with.
Meanwhile, Roier quickly placed all the items in a plastic bag and strategized his next move.
Once paid, he handed the bag directly to the man, their hands brushing in the process, feeling a slight electric shock run down his spine.
The handsome man quickly rummaged through the bag and handed the candy back to his still-outstretched hand after the contact.
“For you, again, sorry about earlier.” He still looked a bit embarrassed.
“Really, don’t worry about it, I’m fine. And thank you, but I can’t accept it.” He tried to return the candy, but the handsome young man just stepped back, shaking his head.
“Nao, nao, nao, I insist, it’s the least I can do after almost making you fall.”
“Well, thank you very much…” still embarrassed, he squeezed the candy in his hand, bringing it to himself. Gathering courage from who knows where, he decided to take a risky decision and flirt with the guy. What’s the worst that could happen? Embarrass himself and never see him again? That had already happened today.
“But, if you really wanted to make me feel better, maybe you could ask me out?” He felt his cheeks and nose blush slightly, but there was no turning back now.
He smiled when he noticed the blue-eyed man’s gaze, a special sparkle now in them, as he looked at him with a half-smile. Maybe he had made the right move.
“Alright, Roier, give me your number.” He said, handing him his receipt to write his phone number on it. How did he know his name? He wondered, though quickly realizing his work uniform had a small name tag.
Carefully taking the receipt not to wrinkle it, he quickly found a pen on the counter, writing his phone number along with his name and a small winking face, like the one the other had made earlier.
The blond received the receipt back, gently taking his hand in the process, then carefully placing the receipt in his wallet.
“I’m off at 5,” Roier informed him quickly, in case their potential date was today.
“That works perfectly for me, see you then…guapito.” He quickly said goodbye, winking at him again and giving him one last smile for the moment.
“Ay… gatinho!” He couldn’t help but blush at his words, still processing what had just happened.
After a few minutes, contemplating his life and inventing fictitious scenarios in his mind about his future with his most beautiful customer, he realized he never asked for his name, quickly feeling like the biggest idiot in history.
Though his suffering didn’t last long, a few minutes later, he felt his phone vibrate with multiple messages.
From: ????
Hi, guapito!
I’m Cellbit, the guy you served a little while ago.
Sorry for not texting immediately, I had to take my sister back to our hotel.
See you at 5 ;)
God bless summer jobs, annoying roommates, and the country of Brazil for having the most beautiful gatinho in the world.
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geekgirles · 2 years
So we're going the Feligami route, huh?
Disclaimer: I am well aware of the contents of the leaks. However, I will not discuss them in my posts out of respect for my fellow Miraculers that wish not to be spoiled. So, please, if you read this and are aware of the spoilers as well, refrain from discussing them. At the very least don’t do it on the notes. Please and thank you.
Before I say anything else, I want to first make it clear that this is in no way meant as an attack towards Feligami shippers. Just because I don't share your enthusiasm for the ship doesn't mean I'm going to declare war on its supporters. I just...I just need to get this out of my chest. Because I have so many feelings, and thoughts, and opinions regarding these two as a couple and its execution...and not necessarily of the good kind.
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You might be thinking my main beef with Kagami and Félix dating may come from the fact that, morals aside, these two are too similar.
Both are intelligent, capable, well-educated kids from rich families who at first glance have a more dignified and serious vibe going on as opposed to Adrien's more laid-back rich kid energy. A perfectly crafted image of elegance and aloofness that underlies strong emotions, a mischievous side, and a warm heart (which in Félix's case sort of contradicts his gremlin child personality from previous seasons, but that's a topic for another day).
However, while that does play a part in my disinterest in the ship, it is actually the least of my concerns.
So please let me explain why I just can't help but roll my eyes at this development:
1. It's rushed and feels forced:
Leaving aside the obvious reality that it is that Félix has only been featured in 7 episodes in the entirety of the show (with his Multiplication appearance being important but minor), there is also the fact that these two have interacted thrice in all that time. 
With their first interaction back in Gabriel Agreste being reduced to giving a side-glance to each other. And not even a friendly one.
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Truly, they are soulmates...
Now, the irony doesn’t escape me regarding the fact that some of the Love Square issues come precisely from the fact that it’s taken them too long for Adrienette to be canon. One of my personal issues with Feligami happens to be that their relationship came a tad too soon. 
Can you please explain to me how do we go from “I begrudgingly acknowledge your existence” to “I can’t stop thinking about you”? I’m sorry, but that is too much of a shoujo manga cliché even for Miraculous. 
Mainly because that was basically the kind of dynamic Marinette would have had with Félix had he remained Chat Noir and Astruc, being cognizant of this fact, chose to scrap him because of that.
Because at least Marinette crushing on Adrien after thinking he was a jerk comes from the fact that he went out of his way to apologise to her, make amends, and show he is truly kind at heart. Feligami just comes out of nowhere.
Moreover, their current relationship status also feels forced due to their previous interactions. I’m sorry, but let’s face it, nobody in their right mind would think falling for or even trusting Félix/Argos is a good idea. 
If my memory doesn’t fail me, in Multiplication Ladybug and Chat Noir declared Félix as a public enemy due to willingly betraying them and allying himself with Shadow Moth, which directly resulted in him getting the miraculouses and becoming Monarch. (I could be mistaken on this one, though)
And as former miraculous holder, someone who is aware of the fact that the power is granted by sentient beings whose fates are unknown to them, there is just no way Kagami would come to even consider trusting Argos. 
And don’t try to bring her friendship with Lila up because at least there she has the excuse of not being aware of the full extent of Lila’s maliciousness and manipulations. In Félix’s case, she is 100% aware of what he’s capable of. 
Hell, he literally snapped her loved ones out of existence! And regardless of how terrible Tomoe is, she is still Kagami’s mother and she loves her. Just how she adores Marinette who, to her knowledge, Félix almost killed for real.
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And you expect me to believe she would just move past that? Please, don’t insult me like that.
As much as I love my girl Kagami, there really isn’t enough content between these two to justify either of them falling for the other. 
Which sort of leads us to my next point...
2. The implications behind the ship:
There are a lot of unfortunate implications between their interactions. The kind that makes this pairing becoming canon very questionable because it just wouldn’t bode well in any long-term relationship, let alone a real one. And this actually comes from both sides. 
But let’s start with Félix, okay?
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Ah, yes. The ring close-up.
What was originally meant as a “mere” confirmation of the fact that Kagami is most likely a sentimonster as well (a shock in itself if you didn’t buy the Sentimonster Theory), has the unfortunate side effect of implying the main, or even sole, reason Félix ever developed a crush on her is because the two are sentimonsters...and that’s it. 
Which is a terrible thing to base an entirely relationship on, because it would mean that Félix isn’t in love with Kagami as her own person. Because, quite frankly, he barely knows her to really come to appreciate her as such. But rather, his interest is born from the fact that the two are one and the same. 
It just reads as Félix being desperate for companionship, instead of actively looking for Kagami’s companionship.
And speaking of things that just don’t bode well...Kagami’s side in all of this isn’t much better. 
Ever since she was first introduced as Adrien’s potential alternative love interest, or more accurately, ever since Frozer, Kagami has made it a point to let Adrien know she wishes he were more proactive and assertive, which sort of culminated with that harsh phone call from Risk. 
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And would you look at that!
Aside from his more manipulative side, being more proactive and assertive than Adrien sort of is Félix’s deal! Looks like Kagami finally found her match after all...
All that would be fine and dandy if it weren’t for the fact that all of season 5 so far, and especially Protection, have shown Adrien finally taking measures to try and be more in control of his life. Which good for him! We all know he needed the character development. Unfortunately this also comes with the canon fact that his new personality also reignited the flame of Kagami’s love for him. Which, again, was the main conflict in Protection: 
Kagami trying to keep her own growing feelings and jealousy in check now that Adrien and Marinette are an item. 
And where does this leave Feligami at?
Well, coupled with the fact that for some weird reason the Fathoms and Agrestes couldn’t be bothered to give their children individual looks, that is to say, that Félix is a carbon copy of Adrien and that Kagami was once again in love with him (Adrien) because he was finally turning into the kind of person she always dreamed he would be...let’s just say it all feels as if Kagami is projecting her feelings for Adrien onto Félix, rather than learning to love him for who he is. 
And that is just not fair for either character. Because it feels as if neither Félix or Kagami are being loved for who they truly are, but for what the other wants them to be. Which is the wrong approach to any relationship.
4. Kagami deserves a girlfriend
5. Even though my previous point is (half) meant as a joke, given what’s happened in Pretension it still holds a certain weight. Mainly because what ultimately seems to endear Félix to Kagami is the fact that some of his mannerisms remind her of Marinette.
I'm not making this up. Félix suddenly acting like a mess around Kagami could not be any more of an obvious parallel to Marinette's own bouts of nervousness around Adrien throughout the show.
Let’s that sink in for a minute, okay?
You’re telling me, Kagami for the most part is justifiably and understandibly hostile towards Félix, but the moment he starts acting like Marinette her whole demeanour softens? You say that she cares for Marinette so much that anything that resembles her becomes an immediate soft spot for Kagami?? And I’m supposed to believe she’s falling for Félix instead of getting deadass gayer for Marinette each passing episode????
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Now, if that’s not a comphet narrative when I see it...
Which, combined with my previous point about Kagami projecting her feelings for Adrien onto Félix, only gives further credibility to the popular “fanon” idea that Kagami is bi. Now, if you could just let her meet some nice girl from her fencing class and let her explore that side of herself in peace instead of forcing her into a nonsensical relationship, that’d be great. 
6. It just reinforces the show’s blatant amatonormativity
Believe it or not, this is actually my main beef with the pairing. This is what makes me grit my teeth and roll my eyes in annoyance.
I get it, I get it. 
“Miraculous takes a lot of inspiration from rom-coms”, “it’s a show based on magical girls; of course romance is important!”, “the Love Square is one of its main pillars, what did you expect?”
I know. 
However, and I cannot stress this enough, you do not need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy and fulfilled. Not only because of the existence of these wonderful groups of people called aromantics and aroace people, but even the most straight, cisgendered, hopeless romantic can be perfectly content single. 
Also, being in a relationship is just not something Kagami and Félix’s characters need. But the writers insist that being romantically involved with someone is the only viable happy ending for anyone.
In Kagami’s case, in my humble opinion, taking control of her life from her controlling and strict mother while working on building stronger platonic relationships with her friends would be a very satisfying way to conclude her character arc. Because as touching as it was to see everyone assuring Kagami that they love her in Perfection, aside from Marinette and Adrien the only person her age she’s been interacting with is Lila. 
Not exactly the image of honesty and genuine support one would expect in a friendship, huh?
Maybe it’s just me, but seeing the once lonely and socially awkwad Kagami aurrounded by people she’s actually friends with rather than kids that hang out with her by association (that is to say, they are either Mari or Adrien’s friends too and that day they just happen to be all together) would feel like we’ve come full circle. 
From the aloof and lonely girl that is only focused on being the best and making her family proud we met in Riposte...
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...to the warm and happy girl who greatly values her social circle she’s slowly been turning into.
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And as for Félix...
Well, truth be told, the show hasn’t really given us much to work with. But maybe a happy ending for him would be if aside from finally being free like he wants to be, he rekindles his relationship with Adrien. If the two really were close in the past, then it would be a pity to lose that. 
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But no. 
Instead, the show just has to reinforce the idea that the only way you can possibly be happy is by being in a romantic relationship. Never mind if they have neglected that subplot for so long it just comes completely out of the blue and feels unearned. 
I love Miraculous, I love the Love Square, and I am a shipper first and a person second, but this is ridiculous and a huge disservice to all parties involved.
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otomefiend · 1 year
Hello! Thank you so much for your translations! I hope you're doing well.
Please, if you know by chance, can you explain me Alfons's behaviour in Elbert's route?XD The certains phrases made me to write you because I just really can't understand this person.
In chapter 24, there was a moment when Elbert was asking Alfons to give him a key from warehouse (where mc was). And Al was just like "If you hadn't come, I would have been a prince" and "she is mine". OMG Maybe he is Elbert's love rival or just provoking him?? But why? I really don't get him.
I don't speak Japanese and I'm using google/deepl translators))
Hello dear Anon!
Thank you for your kind words. 💙
Al is very cryptic on the best of days but let's have a little gander at that scene.
Spoilers below the cut (a short summary of that scene with a few thoughts of my own). Lots of words, so apologies in advance. 😅
Elbert is desperate to know what happened to Kate, to which Al answers in his own humorous way that he locked her in a dark warehouse where she's waiting for her prince to come and save her. El first questions the choice of venue but pretty quickly concludes that Al did it to protect her. Al, of course, is pretty miffed with the amount of trust those two baka kiddos have in him and obviously would never be caught red- handed saying such a thing. He's the type of guy who would never admit to being your bestie, even though he'd kill for you without thinking twice.
What does he do next then? He holds the key to the warehouse without handing it to El. He clarifies that he locked Kate up cause she was in the way (yeah yeah, this is the closest we'll get Al to admit he did it to keep her out of harms way) and he'd leave her behind if not for Jeffrey. Elbert tells Al he's a stinky liar and thanks him for protecting Kate. Then, he asks Al for the key, wanting to go straight to Kate. Al stays silent and withholds the key (measuring El's intentions? Going with his own whim, as he likes to say?). El seems puzzled to which Al says that one wrong move would have led to Kate's heart being taken by Jeffrey. Might be a little nod to the fairytale where the Queen asked for the Snow White's heart as the proof of her demise. Might be Al's humorous way of speaking since he likes to make light of serious things. Kate's heart is a motif that was brought up earlier during her deal with Elbert. It definitely speaks to El's curse. I thought this line was very apt. It's clearly a warning directed at Elbert. Al smiles and El answers that "he knows/ understands it".
Then Al brings up Elbert's nightmare and states that the latter clearly hasn't dealt with it yet. (Moments earlier he had a conversation with Kate where he revealed the purpose behind El's trip, that El himself was withholding from her. He also stated to El/thought to himself the day before that Kate is stronger than El gives her credit for and that he should come clean with her about his darker urges. I'm making an educated guess that he wants both El and Kate be on the same page when they're making decisions about their relationship).
Al then follows with the challenge "As you're hesitating, scared you'll hurt her yourself... are you okay with someone else snatching her heart?" and he clearly elicits a reaction from El with that statement. (I love how this scene depicts their complex but close relationship.) "If you hadn't come, I would be the prince", "Even now, if (as long as) I don't give you this key... she belongs to me." Again, he seems to appeal to Elbert's greed since he refers to snatching the heart and possessing it.
Al then steals Victor's schtick by saying that "It was all a joke" (which always makes everything seem more sus, lol), then gives El directions to the warehouse. When finally alone, he concludes "Just as I thought, you wanted to give up on your desires." "Don't you think this is enough push/encouragement?" Followed by a lonely sounding laugh. 🤧 (the woes of your bestie getting a gf)
So to answer your question, Al seems to be provoking El. Why? So El finally stops hesitating and comes clean about his hidden desires and his darker deeds. Al cares about him and wants to help in his own way. Even if it'll lead to something painful in the end. We will never know what exactly lies in Al's heart (in this route). He's very cynical about love yet seems to love El in his own way. He also seems to have a soft spot for Kate (love their scenes but I pretty much love anything Al related so it's a given), partly because of Elbert and maybe because she reminds him of El? Or maybe because of her outlook and determination? Who knows.
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brandyy0moss · 2 years
So this is the crutches anon from earlier on Stiff's blog bringing some resolution.
Now I will preface this by saying that, I hc that there's something about the Life servers that messes with people a little, removes a few inhibitions that might keep them from acting on baser impulses. Which isn't an excuse, but does make a few of them sit there and struggle through a few 'what the freak was wrong with mes' when they get back to their home servers.
Scar gets a five page missive from Jimmy that falls just short of grovelling and laying his non-life game life in Scar's hands. Scar realizes that perhaps Jimmy doesn't quite realize what making that kind of a deal with a fae Vex and sends him a letter back thanking him for his apology. A little arson during double life was enough to satisfy the instinctual itch claiming Jimmy owed Scar something (and also explains why Jimmy was much more chill than Tango was about it) and later when they're on Empires, Scar goes a bit nuts making his own apology note in the form of builds throughout Tumble Town.
Scott and Big B also send notes, all be it with much less groveling, and they let Scar know they are using this as a reason to further educate themselves on various disability issues.
Joel sends a short note that just reads 'yeah, sorry I was a dick', then scribbles a messy series of apologies, perhaps splotched with a few tears along the margins of Lizzies own letter. Scar smiles and sends them a thank you.
Martyn also sends a sincere apology note, asks why he could do to make it up to Scar and receives a scrawled thank you which has cat bite marks on the margins, and the words 'Educate yourself!!!' written in different handwriting.
Skizz, who often 'sneaks' X knows this happens and allows it every time onto the Hermitcraft server to see Impulse, apologizes in person. He swears that Scar's cat glared at him more than Scar did. He claims ignorance on how the bruise on his shin got there when Impulse asked. Scar for his part, accepts the apology, then apologizes himself for how his crutch slipped.
And then there are the Hermits.
Some of them come to Scar afterwards of their own volition, begging forgiveness and Scar gives it eventually, but not before he has a long conversation with them about why what they did was not okay. The apologies are sincere and there are now some influential new advocates out there in the minecraft universe. (just imagine the legendary Etho at some redstone conference piping up quietly, 'okay but how about using this to improve accessibility' and suddenly a new trend is born)
For the ones who don't come right away, well Ren never took part in the crud when it was happening on LL because, well he was dealing with his own new limbs on Hermitcraft and he was not quiet about how messed up the stuff they were doing was. When they get back, he still apologizes to Scar, for not doing more to stop it. Scar gives him a weird look and is like, dude it's cool, you did what you could and I appreciate it. Ren then takes it upon himself to recruit Doc into helping him forcefully educate ALL the hermits about various issues. He gets X involved who thinks it's a great idea, and wow now there are even more advocates floating about.
Some of the loudest are those who have the reality of how much of a jerk they were shown to them, and they all end up apologizing for how awful they were and promising to do better. The only one who doesn't get instant forgiveness is Grian, who gets it, he really does. It takes a couple months and some hard conversations for the two of them to get back to how things were before, but eventually things do get better.
And that's the tale of how the Hermits and others learn to do better after being absolute jerks during the Last Life and Scar gets to see his friends who he kind of lost faith in a little, go out into the wider universe and make things better with what they've learned.
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therapy with laney #1 | austin self para
WHO: Austin Butler & Lainey Dowder (licensed therapist) WHEN: August 21th, 2023 WHERE: Austin's house SUMMARY: Austin has his first phone visit with his therapist. TRIGGER WARNINGS: Death, suicidal ideations, substance abuse, childhood abuse, mental health issues
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Austin could feel his stomach flipping as he waited for the appropriate time and kept a watchful eye on his phone. He knew this was easier than going to see someone in person - and much quicker too, although he knew in the future he should probably bite the bullet and go see someone face to face. He was doing this alone though - no partner to hold his hand, no parent or sibling or even a friend to drive him. He sat in his office at home, with his phone and no one else. His thoughts faced and he'd already gotten queasy that morning, not knowing what to expect from the first step of many steps down a road that would hopefully make him feel better - that would help him to understand what he was so scared of and how to fix it.
Austin hit the answer button when the call came in from "Laney Dowder" a licensed therapist in the state of California. He'd found her at random, read her reviews and saw she had a cancellation and booked as soon as he could after his birthday ordeal. He heard the click of the other line and heard a gentle voice on the other end. "Hello, is this Austin?" she asked. "Hi, yeah that's me," he responded. Okay, first sentence down. He took a deep breath, very audible on the phone and nodded to himself. "Well, it's very nice to meet you. I'm Laney Dowder, a license therapist. I see that you found my profile online and chose to make an appointment with me. Thank you for trusting me. I can tell you a bit about myself." Laney went into detail about her life. She had a husband and some kids and a pet dog. She went over her educational background and shared with Austin what she liked to do in her spare time. Austin had to stop and think when she'd asked him the same questions. "Well, I'm Austin. I'm technically single but I do have a long term, long distance, low commitment, casual girlfriend," he decided to joke lightly. He received a genuine laugh from the woman on the phone. "A Barbie fan? My girls loved that movie!" she commented. He laughed, feeling a bit more comfortable. Okay, so she did the same things everyone else did that summer. "Thought I'd try to lighten the mood a bit," he said, biting his lip although she could not see it. She appreciated it and complimented him on his sense of humor in a professional way. "No pets right now. I graduated from high school and I've been an actor for about twenty years. I began doing background work in children's shows and now I've moved onto some movies and television shows, I try to keep myself as busy as possible." The two talked about what he enjoyed doing in his spare time and he could hear Laney jotting down notes as they spoke.
"Okay, so - we've made our small talk and we're getting to know each other. What brings you to me today?" she finally asked. "Um," he trailed off. "I have some problems. I have issues with avoidance, I have issues with feeling indifferent, I have anxiety that I can't really control," Austin listed off. "Okay - and would you say that you have episodes of panic? Panic attacks?" Austin bit his lip. "Yeah, definitely." She wrote more. "And how often would you say that you experience those, if you had to guess?" she asked. "A few times a week," he admitted truthfully. "Okay and let's focus on..childhood. Was it good, who did you grow up with?" Austin chewed on his lip as he thought back. "It was pretty good, I guess. Not super typical but both of my parents loved me. My sister, Ashley too. Ashley is five years older than me. My mom and dad got divorced when I was six," he explained. "Divorce can be quite traumatic for a child that age, were they on friendly terms while you were growing up?" Laney asked. "Yes. My mom was in an abusive marriage at one point and my dad took us back into his home. They ended up being like best friends more than anything, it was really nice for us growing up," Austin admitted. "You said your mom was in an abusive marriage? Was this physical?" she asked gently. "No, it was emotional and verbal." She jotted down more. "And was this man ever physically, mentally or verbally abusive to you or your sister?" she asked. Austin frozen a bit and shook his head slightly. "I - I don't really want to talk about that," he admitted. "Okay, no problem. We'll move along to the next question. How is your relationship with your sister and your parents now? How would you describe it?" Laney asked. Austin swallowed and took a deep breath. "My sister Ashley is - one of my best friends. I've been distant from her for some time but she is the most lovely, wonderful sister anyone could ever ask for. She is kind, compassionate, generous, loving - I couldn't ask for a better sister. My dad lives in Arizona now, I don't see him very often but when I do it's always positive. He keeps to himself and I do too, we're a lot alike in that way. And my mom passed in 2014," Austin revealed. "My condolences, I'm so very sorry to hear that," Laney said sympathetically. "May I ask how she passed?" Austin nodded to himself. "She was sick. Diagnosed late stage and - in a couple years it was over," he stated easily. "Oh, how terrible. I'm so sorry again. How was your relationship with her during her time on earth?" Laney asked gently. "Wonderful. My mom was my hero, my best friend. So wonderful, no amount of time would've been enough with her," he said, his voice getting quieter. He heard the pen jotting down more notes.
"Romantically? You said you have a complicated situation, is what I'm getting from your Ken reference?" Laney asked. Austin could hear her smile on the other end of the phone. "Yes - you could say that. I uh, dated this woman for about a decade. We broke up in 2019 and I've been pursuing her again for a couple of months," he explained. "May I ask what caused the initial breakup? Ten years is a long time to be together." Austin chewed on his lip again. "I ended up booking a big movie and I went method. Kind of became my character. My girlfriend didn't make the cut and I started to have inklings of developing feelings for my costar and couldn't ever cheat on my girlfriend," he explained. She hummed and made more notes. "I see. Okay and where does that leave you two now?" Austin shifted a bit in his seat. "That's a good question. Um, long story short I'm trying to get her to fall back in love with me. Because I want to marry her but she is scared," Austin explained apprehensively. "You want to marry her?" she asked softly. "Yes, I do. Badly. I want to marry her and have kids with her. I deeply regret my past choices and mistakes and have been trying to work hard to make it up for her. Being here today is a big part of that too," he admitted. "Okay - now to get a bit heavier here. Have you ever been suicidal or struggled with suicidal ideation?" Laney asked gently. "Ideation," Austin repeated. "Yeah, I've been there." She nodded. "Do you have a history of self harm?" she asked. "No," he answered simply. "Okay, what about substances? Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes?" she listed off. "I've never done drugs aside from marijuana. I drink, sometimes. I drink normally, socially, a little more than socially," he decided. "And yeah, I smoke," he confirmed. "What do you hope to get from therapy?" Laney asked. "I think..I'm hoping to learn what's wrong with me and maybe how to get a grip on my feelings better or more efficiently. I have a hard time dealing with big or difficult things and I tend to run away," Austin explained. "And what would you like to accomplish in our future sessions?" the therapist asked. "I would like to..learn how to cope with the symptoms that I have so I can be a better brother, boyfriendish person and friend to my loved ones," he confirmed.
Laney wrote some more and cleared her throat. "Excuse me. Okay, well - I think therapy could be very beneficial for you. We need to get to the root of some of these problems you are having and figure out some new ways to help you deal with your stress that maybe aren't quite as self-destructive to yourself and the relationships you hold with others," she explained. "Does that sound like a good goal to have for our future sessions?" Laney asked. Austin nodded, although she could not see him. "Yes, that sounds great." Laney clasped her hands. "Awesome, okay. Well would you like to come in the office in a couple weeks and then we can meet face to face and talk more about everything?" she asked. "That would be great, thanks." Laney closed her notes. "Okay, lovely. Well, thank you so much for speaking with me today. It was great meeting you and I look forward to our next session. Do you have any other questions for me?" the therapist asked. "I don't think so, but thank you for your time." Laney smiled. "Of course, thank you. Take care," she said. "Thanks, you too."
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gordonlore · 1 year
Rebecca Victoria (Roberts) Gordon
November 29th, 1955, in Mobile, Alabama Rebecca, “Becky” Victoria Roberts was born to a Michael and Victoria Roberts. The second born, and the only daughter of the home. She was treated like a little princess and her brothers acted like her own personal knights. Her home life was extremely nuclear and sheltered as her father worked as a Pastor at one of the many Baptist churches in their area. She believed everything her father and mother said about the world. She never doubted their word, because why would she? They were her parents and an authority figure whose job was to look after her. She grew up to have an idealist view on the world around her. Getting amazing grades in school, which fueled her love for school and sparked her journey into becoming a schoolteacher. So, when she graduated high school June 6th, 1973, and decided to pursue her dreams of teaching with a cheering scholarship to the University of Alabama Birmingham to study education. Her parents helped move her out to Birmingham; her grandparents paying for her rent and her father being the one to help her with budgeting. Everything was going to plan, and Rebecca didn’t plan to meet her future husband in a local bar on September 1st, 1975, but she couldn’t say know to the blond hair blue eyed vet who offered to buy her a drink. He was just so charming. She also definitely didn’t expect to pregnant with twins at the start of her senior year of college. God had another plan and Rebecca and Bryan moved in together trying to keep her pregnancy a secret. Rebecca couldn’t afford to lose her grandparents and parents support—so when she started to show more then she could hide she offered to elope with Bryan. Knowing that Bryan didn’t trust marriage—she knew Bryan also didn’t believe in God like she and her family did, and she empathized with why and she couldn’t force that onto him. She however asked Bryan to have a reception for after they sign the papers. So that her family could still have that celebration, even if they were going to be upset with that fact, she was pregnant and wasn’t getting married under God.
Upset didn’t cover it, but not from her grandparents, her parents. Michael and Victoria made it very clear that Rebecca had made a horrible mistake and would have to repent before God before they’d even humor coming to the “so called reception”, they berated her made her feel so small and she was so scared to call her grandparents—her brothers—yet Bryan took it upon himself to call them when Rebecca decided that they would react the same way and maybe even worse. Bryan ended up giving a nervous Rebecca the phone every time he called, sitting there being next to her, supporting her. Her grandparents where extremely supportive after Bryan explained the situation and why they were eloping, and they just wanted their granddaughter to know that they had her back; and that her parents were being cruel and stupid. Her brothers echoed her grandparents’ statement and Rebecca was able to be at ease knowing at least part of her family was going to support her. She was able to relax and when her older brother and his wife came to visit, holding boxes of baby supplies . . . including a crib. The one thing Rebecca and Bryan had been saving up to get. Forest and Janice decided to bring all their baby supplies to Rebecca and Bryan because “it’s not in God’s plan for us to have children.” Rebecca couldn’t have been more thankful for her older brother as she watched him help Bryan set up the crib in their room. She felt weight being lifted from her shoulders and nearly cried. Yet she didn’t because Janice kept her busy showing her all the baby clothes Janice had collected. Going through baby books, the resources she collected in trying and trying to have a baby that wasn’t going to come. Rebecca was more than thankful, and she didn’t know how to thank Janice. Janice asked her to name the boys or one of the boys after her father and grandfather. Janice wanted her father and grandfather to be honored in some way—and she wasn’t going to be able to do so. Weeks later passed by and Rebecca and Bryan eloped, exchanged their rings in front of the Holms and Rebecca’s family at their reception. Rebecca’s parents even bothered to show. Not wasting any time to reiterate that Rebecca and Bryan acted out of the will of God. Yet luckily for Rebecca her grandmother shut them both up quick. Emmett who came with Michael and Wilma, used their grandparents getting onto their parents to let Rebecca know he doesn’t believe a word they said. Letting Rebecca know that he is and will always be in her corner. Rebecca hadn’t felt more loved in that moment by her brother and grandparents.
January 8th, 1977, at 11:38 pm, came along and Rebecca and Bryan needed to name their twin boys, they named them, Jeremy David and Markus Ryan Gordon. Jeremy and Ryan for Jeremiah Ryan Holms and Markus and David for Janice’s grandfather and father. Rebecca ended up needing to have an emergency c-section as things quickly started to complicate with the birthing process. Rebecca was in recovery for two months. During those two months Rebecca’s self-worth plummeted as her mother came to help her and Bryan with the twins as Bryan picked up extra shifts and hours at his place of work to compensate for the time off that Rebecca had to take to recover. She wasn’t producing enough breast milk for both her sons and her mother was clear to point out how she was failing every time she had to use formula to feed her grandchildren. Rebecca started to feel like a failure as a mother and a wife the more her mother nagged in her ears. Bryan was never aware of how badly Rebecca’s mother was getting to her. He always got home late at night, but on one of his days off when Rebecca was no longer on bed rest and she was fixing up two bottles for Jeremy and Markus, he watched how Rebecca’s lips pierced together and her hands shook. Rebecca flinched as her mother said her usual tripe of how much of a failure she was. Bryan kicked Wilma out of his house that day. He took his son from Wilma’s arms and told her to leave. He quickly made Rebecca look at him. Hand to her cheek, speaking to her softly saying she wasn’t a failure and doing everything to keep her children fed. Bryan was so gentle towards her that she was able to calm down and slowly build up her confidence. Mrs. Holms only further built it up as Bryan called her to replace Wilma in their home. Mrs. Holms was quick to tell Rebecca how well she was doing, and Rebecca held onto Bryan’s praises like they were a life force for her. She built back her confidence and Bryan wasn’t slow in showing her how proud of her he was. Mrs. Holms was more than willing to watch the boys as Bryan took Rebecca out to have a night away from work and watch their boys.
March 2nd, 1980, Rebecca and Bryan’s family grow from four to five and Jeremy and Markus become big brothers. Robert Michael Gordon was brought into the world with zero complications, and named for Rebecca’s father and grandfather with hopes that her father and mother would talk with her again. She missed her parents and brother. She wanted nothing but to have her family in her life. Her parents did very little to keep communication between Rebecca and them. Rebecca pulled all the wait. That year was also the same year that Bryan was accepted into Rebecca’s high school’s Exy coach, until another more qualified individual would take over—Rebecca was excited that her husband would be working with her, and all her colleagues raved about how cute they were when they came in with their boys. The twin toddlers being the rave of the child development classes and Markus being a quiet hit with the pre-school attendant. Yet that didn’t stop Rebecca growing concerned and worried as she noticed that Bryan pulled back and was starting to become rather harsh towards her. Snapping at her more often. Giving her the cold shoulder. Nothing seemed to change that. Yet their new routine did help create a steady and safe feeling environment. Nothing would go wrong as long as they stayed like this, and Bryan started to look into quitting his second job at the hardware store. That was until Rebecca informed him that they would be expecting a sixth mouth to feed.
April 21st, 1982, Bryan Seth Gordon jr. is born. Named for Bryan as they both shared a birthday and there was no denying that Seth was Bryan’s son. All of their kids shared a resemblance with Bryan, but Seth was almost an exact copy of Bryan and that made Bryan soften a hard shell he had started to develop as troubles with money started to become an issue once more. Both Rebecca and Bryan having to work second jobs and rely on the Holms often. Rebecca and Bryan both ran the candle stick at both ends and they didn’t talk to each other more than in passing. Rebecca rarely even got to tuck Jeremy, Markus, Robert, and Seth into bed as she arrived home by the time, they were all sleeping. Bryan arrived even later but was always up before Rebecca’s alarm went off to get the boys ready and dressed before they all headed to the high school. Their routine was chaos and Rebecca and Bryan’s relationship started to wear thin. Rebecca couldn’t get Bryan to talk with her if they had days off together without it ending in Bryan frustratingly telling Rebecca that he needs some time to herself. She couldn’t talk to her husband and the father of her kids without him getting frustrated and annoyed. The only time Rebecca found Bryan happy was when he was alone with Seth. Just holding him. Talking to him about his day or some new rule changes at either of his jobs. Rebecca wanted Bryan to talk to her about those things. She wanted to have the man who she had fallen for back in her life. She felt lost, so when Bryan expressed wanting some time alone together, she was more than thankful. Worried, he’d started to regret ever being with her. She relished every moment alone that Bryan gave her.
August 8th, 1984 comes around and Rebecca, seven months pregnant, gets a call from her brother Forest letting her know that their mother, father, and little brother died in a plane crash on their way to a college visit for Emmett. Rebecca fell into a deep despair. The last conversation she had with her father was her calling a phone telling her mother and father that Seth had been born and her father just expressed disappointment that he was named after Bryan. Rebecca lost herself as she delt with the news. While every communication fell off between her and her family, she still desperately wanted her parents to love her like they had in the past. She wanted her momma to tell her how she was always going to be her baby and for her daddy to tell her how much he loved her. All of that was gone for good. Rebecca went on survival mode. She went to work, cleaned the house, went to her doctors’ appointments, and took care of the other boys all while giving minimal attention to Bryan. Rebecca’s grief ate at her for so long that when October 23rd of that year came around and Rebecca and Bryan welcomed their fifth son, Emmett Tyler, into the world she couldn’t connect with Emmett at all. Rebecca experienced “baby blues” to an extreme degree. She again went into survival mode. Bryan ended up being the one who took care of Emmett for the most part. Rebecca’s change in attitude and work ethic has caused her to be under scrutiny by her boss. Rebecca just isn’t bringing her all and it’s causing her work to suffer. One morning as she was getting ready for work, she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror. She broke down crying. She looked like her momma. She looked so much like her momma, and she couldn’t handle it. She sat down on the bed crying, trying to calm down as she knew Bryan was waking up and taking care of all the boys. Yet as she was struggling to calm down, she was met with an angry and vindictive Bryan. Sat at the edge of her bed, getting close to hyper ventilating, she was struck across the face by her husband. She blinked, looked up at him and saw the anger and resentment plastered on his face as he went in on her and criticized her for how she’d been acting over the last months. When Bryan left the room Rebecca sat with a hand to where Bryan had hit her. She took a deep breath in and buried down the wave of emotions that threatened to come to the surface. She fixed herself up once more and put on a mask to appease her boss and Bryan. Rebecca and Bryan’s relationship became extremely strained after this point. They fought often and when they were not fighting the two were drunk, which led them to make decisions that neither of them would make sober.
December 20th 1986, the day Forest Victor Gordon was born and the Gordons went from seven to eight and marked the last happy birth and holiday within the Gordon household. It was quiet before the storm. Rebecca dropped her guard as she watched Bryan on again play with Jeremy(8), Markus(8), Robert(6), and trying his hardest to keep Seth(4) included. She was watching the man she fell for once again. Not the man who hit her and berated her. Yet it wasn’t all happy and nice. Janice and Forest were visiting. Janice had every problem with everything that Rebecca and Bryan were doing to run their household. Criticizing how Rebecca and Bryan let their young boys to be rambunctious and active and run around their small home. Rebecca could tell that Bryan’s patience was running thin. She could see the anger building in his eyes, and it caused her to have a growing fear. And to have a growing stress. Bryan finally snapped at Janice. His anger bubbling up over. Rebecca felt an intense fear as she slipped away into the kitchen. She tried to stay calm as she listened to her husband just yell at the top of his lungs at her sister in-law, and as soon as she got the courage to go out and try to deescalate the situation her water broke. Which worked well to deescalate the situation at hand as Bryan was snapped out of his tirade to get his wife to the hospital. Forest Victor Gordon wasn’t an abnormal birth. No, he was completely healthy, and he took after her more so than any of her other sons. Rebecca and Bryan took Forest home from the hospital just five days later and the only thing that could have made it better was for it to snow.
That Christmas was the last happy Christmas and the last time Rebecca saw her brother and sister in-law outside of letters and a phone call here and there. Rebecca was completely secluded from her family. Bryan was growing more and more miserable. Going out at night and not coming back till the next morning. Snapping at their sons when they asked the smallest questions. Rebecca was powerless as she watched Bryan shoot down Jeremy, David, Robert, or even Bryan Jr. tries to get his attention for anything. She was powerless as she watched Bryan completely ignore Emmett and Forest. His breath constantly smelled of stale beer and Rebecca felt guilty for enjoying spending most nights alone in their bed. Rebecca felt guilty for resenting the nights Bryan didn’t go out. Yet she still ended up being convinced to get drunk with Bryan and to spend a long night together with him. Rebecca didn’t think anything would come up from that night. It was only one. Nothing could come up from it. She saw how angry Bryan got at each bill that came through their door. Nothing could come up from that night. It would just make Bryan angry. And yet, something did come from that night. Just two months after that night Rebecca got clued in that something might have happened. Rebecca went to the doctors under the guise of running errands. She had to take her younger boys with her as they couldn’t be relied on to stay quiet. That appointment confirmed her suspicion, and it was a good thing that neither Emmett nor Forest could really understand nor care what was being discussed. Rebecca went on a quick grocery run knowing where everything was and coming up with a story that she just wanted to keep the house quiet for Bryan if he asked why it took so long. It took almost a month for Rebecca to come up with courage to tell Bryan there was going to be a seventh child in their family. It didn’t go well. Rebecca was talking to him in the kitchen, one of the rare, pleasant conversations that reminded her on why she fell for him. It made her feel safe and like he’d react well to the news. He didn’t. Bryan’s reaction was to take a plate and to throw it near Rebecca yelling at her. To protect her boys, she locked the back door to keep them outside till Bryan locked himself in their room or left to go drink. He left to go drink.
The situation didn’t get better. It got worse. Jeremy and Markus becoming the target of Bryan’s anger. Rebecca couldn’t stand that. She wasn’t going to allow Bryan to needlessly be cruel to her sons. Not when they did nothing wrong. Not when Bryan was angry with her. Rebecca enrolled Jeremy, Markus, Robert, and Seth into a small league Exy extracurricular so that they were out of the house. Rebecca made sure that Emmett and Forest were in her sight 24/7 and never alone with Bryan. She didn’t want his anger to be taken out on them. July 21st, 1988, Jackson Cole Gordon was born. It was early in the morning or late into the night, depending on how you looked at it. Rebecca gave birth to Jackson alone, immediately seeing that he took after Bryan almost as much as Bryan jr. did. Rebecca held off from naming him till Bryan came with the rest of the boys. Bryan barely looked at the baby in Rebecca’s arms before he told her he didn’t care and walked out to go smoke. Rebecca wanted to cry but held off as Jeremy and David, just 10 years old, walked over to look at the baby. Rebecca turned her attention to them and watched as the other boys, besides Forest who had been placed on the bed with her, crowded around her to see their brother. Rebecca named him Jackson Cole for no other reason than she liked how it sounded.  
For that first year it was hell for Rebecca. She was struggling to keep up with watching all the young boys, take care of Jackson’s needs, make sure the younger two were being taken care of, etc. And then it got worse when on November 9th, 1989, Bryan gave Rebecca divorce papers. He gave her an ultimatum that she would sign the papers now or Bryan would just disappear and leave. Rebecca knew she couldn’t do this without anything from Bryan, so she signed the papers. Her parents’ voices ringing in her head calling her a failure for not making her marriage work. Going against God. She felt like a failure, and it only increased when she and Bryan finalized the divorce on April 30th, 1990, and the only form of communication Rebecca had with Bryan was the child support check that was sent every month. Rebecca went from having two jobs to three. Dipping into the attempt of a college fund for her sons to make ends meet with the jobs. Rebecca ended up having to give Jeremy and Markus more responsibility than they should have had once their dad had left them. Only seeing them for minutes at a time as she dropped them off at the house telling her to pretend no one was home if anyone knocked, telling them how to use a stove top to feed everyone. Given them instructions on how to care for Forest and Jackson. Jackson more so because he was still just two years old. Rebecca for the first time in her life completely resented her life choices and the choices that got here. She ended up getting angry and she hated being angry. She started to smoke and drink more often. As the boys all were in the school age (1993) Rebecca paid for all of them to be in the Exy little league. Until she found out that Markus, Robert, Emmett, and Forest skipped the practices and stayed at home. She wasn’t angry for long. In fact, finding out she didn’t need to pay for all her sons made her relieved. And she was more the grateful that the two carbon copies of the man who left her were out of the house during the time she had off if she had time off.
As Bryan Jr. and Jackson grew up looking more and more like their father the more Rebecca started to resent them for it. Rebecca was colder with them, confusing them both, Jackson especially. Bryan started to go by Seth by the time he turned 14 (1996) and Rebecca was more than happy to no longer have to say the name of her ex-husband. That was the year that Jeremy got a full ride scholarship to the University of Alabama for his academics and Markus was offered a scholarship for his aesthetic skills in football for the University of Georgia. Rebecca watched as Jeremy was able to coordinate his living situation to stay at home and to help her with all the kids and for him to get a job to help around. And then in the same breath for her other eldest son to pack up his things and ship of to Georgia and never come back home. She felt betrayed as much as she felt proud. She didn’t end up stopping what she was doing as she ended up needing the extra money for personal effects. She rarely held a conversation with any of her sons. Less so Seth and Jackson. She didn’t see the need to when she saw Jeremy taking care of them. And she needed to sleep. She ended up changing her kids’ emergency contact to Jeremy and she wasn’t the first one told when Robert was caught smoking marijuana at school (1998). Instead, she was confronted by Jeremy who had to pick up Robert who was suspended. Rebecca stared at them both and looked at Robert telling him to get a job so he could stay out of trouble. That caused Robert to snap at her and he yelled at her. Telling her how all he wanted was for his mom to act like a mom and how he was glad that as soon as the year was over Markus was coming to get him. Rebecca snapped. All the resentment and anger she had been feeling for years straight coming up in one fell swoop. She couldn’t believe how much like his father Robert was. And she made sure she let Robert know. She relished it as she saw the look on Robert’s face twist from anger to a deep hurt. She didn’t care that she hurt him. He deserved it for planning on leaving them all. Jeremy tried to call her out on it but she closed her bedroom door before he could even get a word out.
Rebecca after that point didn’t have any idea what her sons were into until it was too late. It was a 1999 October evening; Rebecca was working the night shift at a local restaurant when she found Jeremy blowing up her phone. She grits her teeth as she explained to her boss, she needed to call her son back. When she calls Jeremy back, he immediately answers frantically explaining how Seth was found unconscious in an alleyway blocked from their house. How he had overdosed on something. Jeremy was talking to frantically and it sounded like he was crying but all she got out of the call was that she needed to come down to the hospital and loose hours of pay. She was not happy. As she listened to the doctors, she found out her son had overdosed on Heroin and was “thankfully doing well”. Rebecca wanted nothing to do with Seth at this point. Yet she couldn’t say that to the doctors. So, she just looked over at Jeremy who looked ashamed but not for Seth but for himself. She told the doctors to differ to Jeremy. She had to go back to work to keep the lights, water, and just everything running at home. Jeremey tried to protest her leaving but she told him she trusted him and left. She wouldn’t find out what had happened till she walked in on Jeremy and Seth talking with each other at the kitchen table. Seth looked like he had been crying, and Jeremy had a prescription in his hand. Jeremy took Seth to a shrink. One of her sons was seeing a shrink. She could hardly believe it and walked out and moved onto leaving for work.
Everything was uneventful from that point. All her sons at one point left for college except her youngest who looked like his father and was in his last years of high school. At this point Jeremy had left this house behind and moved into the more high-class part of Birmingham as he got a job promotion. Rebecca was left with the son that was the last straw for her son to leave. And she made that known for Jackson. When She found Jackson hanging out with his friend “Matthew” and catching them as they kissed, she completely lost it on him. But not before telling Matthew to leave and that he wasn’t welcome in her house. She went on a completely homophobic rant at Jackson telling him he wasn’t to bring Matthew to her house or to speak with Matthew at all. She would have gotten away with it too if Jackson hadn’t told Seth what had happened when he was away. Seth picked his first fight with his mother. He completely lost it on her yelling at her that she must be so deranged to think she had any say over his life when she made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with any of them. They looked too much like dad. He told her if he found out that she continued to speak to Jackson like that he’d make her life a living hell. Then the summer of 2006 started. Rebecca came from work, and she immediately went to go lie down in her bedroom. Take in the quiet that was soon to end knowing that Seth would be coming to interrupt her life. She hadn’t thought anything was a miss and fell asleep.
Then she was woken by sirens outside and as she annoyingly came out of her bedroom and walked past the only other occupied room in the house Rebecca froze as she saw Seth holding onto Jackson. Her heart stopped for a moment and before she could fully understand what was going on a pounding came against her door and Rebecca went to answer it. She felt numb as she pointed the EMS to where her sons were. She watched as they took Jackson away and Rebecca just motioned for them to let Seth take Jackson away. She couldn’t go with them. Not when she resented them both from the moment Bryan was truly gone forever. She didn’t go to see Jackson in the hospital after the fact either. When Seth came with Dr. Nattalee Monroe-Wilson to collect Jackson’s things Rebecca didn’t argue. She knew that met she wouldn’t be seeing Jackson and Seth around anymore. Rebecca was alone. Completely alone.
This would have marked the end of Rebecca’s story line if suddenly she hadn’t seen her ex-husband’s name plastered on the TV at the sport bar she worked at and saw her sons face staring at her. Seth Gordon, Palmetto Starting Striker, dead at 25, overdose. If Rebecca could have felt anything she would have stormed out of there. But she had drinks to sell, and it wasn’t like he was going to amount to anything anyways. He was just like his father. She was called in to collect his ashes. She wasn’t driving all the way to South Carolina to pick up the ashes of the embarrassment they called her son. She stopped answering calls from that number. She stopped being her son’s mother.
Bryan Seth Gordon Senior Jeremy David Gordon Markus Ryan Gordon Robert Michael Gordon Bryan Seth Gordon Jr. Emmett Tyler Gordon Forest Victor Gordon Jackson Cole Gordon Matthew Brice Wilson Ophellia Eurydice Wilson-Gordon Dion Lysander Wilson-Gordon Orion Othello Wilson-Gordon
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ramuneempiremtl · 5 months
Slave-kun’s Happy Life in Another World: Chapter 33
There was the sound of Shuza putting down his pen.
"Yeah, I guess this report is okay. Thanks, Daine… Daine?"
"What's wrong? You seem absent-minded."
Daine threw himself onto the couch as usual, but he had a slightly troubled expression on his face.
"I saw something crazy."
"Huh? What did you see? Whose?"
"The kid."
"Is something wrong with Owl?"
Daine hesitated on how to explain what he had "seen."
It was a future that they themselves hadn't considered.
He had "seen" the image of that grand prediction racing through Owl's mind.
Or perhaps, he had been "shown" it.
"He… he predicted what that old man is planning…"
"Really? He predicted his intentions? He's quite clever, isn't he?"
"No, it's not like that at all."
Daine sat up and repositioned himself.
"…The hole left by the Cattle Trading Company is huge. An entity that will fill that void will definitely appear. And that 'newly emerging trading company' is likely the old man's main target."
"What do you mean?"
"So, they crushed Cattle and replaced it?"
"That's right. If we were to meet this old man again, he would be standing next to the head of the trading company that started business in place of Cattle in this city… That's the kid's prediction."
"Wow, so does that mean 'powder' will spread in this city again?"
"It's not just that."
This city, Sansa, is the gateway of trade.
If they were to gain control of Sansa through a new trading company, they could extend their influence to the two southern countries and even the capital of this country.
Gradually and steadily manipulating several countries from behind the scenes, they may even obtain control over the world.
The path to world domination.
That was Owl's "prediction," or rather delusion.
It was a terrifyingly ambitious and unreasonable plan, but it didn't seem impossible. Sansa City had already been greatly affected. Their reach had even extended to the branch manager of the Adventurer's Association.
It might already be happening.
"The kid thought that they intentionally refined the 'powder' to have addictive properties. It also served as a means to raise funds and increase pawns. It was an added bonus that weakened national power."
"'Powder' is just the trigger. Every city has its secrets. If you can control them, it's as good as having everything. Isn't that right, Aki?"
"That's true. Those in the back alleys are easily manipulated."
Everyone fell silent at Aki's words, who was originally a street urchin.
In this short amount of time, did he really predict all of that? With that round and fluffy reddish-brown head?
Even though he couldn't even read, everyone wondered what was going on in his head.
"Did Owl really think about all of that?"
"Even if I thought about it, would you believe me?"
"Ha… I thought he was shocked by the butler's story."
"He was shocked. But afterwards, his thoughts took a leap in an outrageous direction. He kept repeating to himself, 'This is just a delusion.'"
"But to think it would extend to political influence. Even though he didn't receive any education."
"It's quite an insightful perspective, like those 'shadows of the king.'"
"Even the mighty nation of Cynthia has fallen."
By bringing up a famous tale, Nove implicitly pointed out that "there is nothing impossible in this world."
A sigh escaped from someone's lips without anyone noticing.
"I hope he'll talk to me someday."
"I agree."
There is a world that we don't know.
And surely, that grumpy-faced boy knows it.
This time, we touched a small part of it.
However, there is nothing more we can do about this matter. If we submit a report, this special request will be fulfilled.
We'll just go back to our usual adventurer life.
Smoothly, Aki took out a bottle of alcohol.
"Drink and forget."
"Alright, I'll do that."
"Wait! You can't forget!"
"At least, I want the lord or the 'envoy' to be careful in selecting a new company to join."
"If that's the case, there's a good person. Look, at the appraisal office…"
"It's 150 years old? Where did you get this thing, Aki?"
"I won't tell you. Just drink it."
"Tch, I'll let it slide because of the deliciousness of your snacks."
"Give me some too!"
It would be only a little while before the two who got out of the bath were surprised by the enthusiastic feast that had started as a distraction.
[From the next time, it will be from the protagonist's perspective.]
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
Untold Tales of Spider-Man (vol. 1) #1: To Serve and Protect?
Read Date: January 29, 2023 Cover Date: September 1995 ● Writer: Kurt Busiek ● Penciler: Pat Olliffe ● Inker: Al Vey ● Colorist: Steve Mattsson ● Letterer: Richard Starkings ● Editor: Tom Brevoort ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● newbie Spidey ● web air cushion ● I didn't really need a visual of how sweaty Peter gets under his mask…
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● Hey, it's George Stacy, not yet retired! ● the highlight on Spidey's mask just makes the front of his whole face look pink. it's… odd ● Spider-Man asks to become a cop but then realizes it won't work ● nice panel of Captain Stacy gazing out the window after Spidey has left
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● hmm, Spidey name-dropped Benjamin Parker, and now Capt. Stacy is asking his sergeant to bring him the files for Benjamin Parker and for Spider-Man. will he start piecing it together? ● Spider-Man goes after the Scorcher to bring him to police to prove himself a "good guy" ● but Scorcher sets the building on fire, and Spider-Man realizes that people could be hurt by his actions; he webs a water tower to douse the flames ● Spidey is so small in this run--hasn't fully grown yet ● he turns in the Scorcher, but he gets yelled at by a cop. Stacy intervenes and explains to Spidey that he disrupted a very carefully planned operation; the Scorcher was actually supposed to have escaped, because he's working for a bigger fish (or maybe an Octopus, hmm?) that the cops want to catch ● poor Spidey. just trying to help ● aww, and now Peter is sick ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Spider-Man has finally found a new costumed criminal known as the Scorcher, who has been using his flame-throwing armor to steal experimental electronic designs from various research and development companies. The Scorcher is unhappy that the novice hero has come to interrupt his mission. As the wall-crawler battles his new foe, the authorities and a crow gather below the building. Thanks to the editorials J. Jonah Jameson has written against the wall-crawler, the mob begins to get upset that the web-spinner is involved. Ultimately, the Scorcher manages to burn through one of Spider-Man's web lines, sending him falling to the ground below. In order to save his life, Spider-Man quickly webs up a cushion to break his fall. However, the angry mob tries to attack him, prompting the young hero to flee to the rooftops. There he discovers that the Scorcher and his army of minions have escaped in the confusion. After recovering his camera, Peter Parker pulls off his mask so he can give himself a moment to breathe. Thinking about all of his recent troubles, he wonders why this all has to happen to him.
The following day, Peter goes through his daily routine fraught his mind fraught with problems in both his personal life and his career as Spider-Man. When he wakes up in the morning, his Aunt May is worrying over the bills that have arrived in the mail. When Peter offers to do something to help, May tells her nephew that he is already spending too much time on his part-time job at the Bugle and fears that further time away from his studies will impact his grades. At school, Peter tries to keep his mind on his schoolwork. In chemistry class, Flash Thompson and his friends huddle together and make fun of Peter for being so focused on his education. Later, when Peter turns in his photos to J. Jonah Jameson, who is delighted to have pictures of the battle between Spider-Man and the Scorcher. Much to Peter's dismay, Jonah intends to use them to spin his opinion that the two were working together. This latest bit of depressing news makes Peter reflect on the direction his life has taken. He recalls how simple things were when he was being raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. His life all changed on the day he was bitten by a radioactive spider. Gaining the proportionate abilities of a spider, Peter developed the identity of Spider-Man in order to make a career in show business. This came to a tragic end when Peter refused to stop a thief from getting away. That same man later murdered his Uncle Ben. This caught him that with great power comes great responsibility, and from then on, Peter used his powers to fight crime. Since then he had a number of run-ins with various super-villains. His thoughts are interrupted when Betty Brant gives Peter his check for the photos. He is about to muster up the guts to ask her out on a date when J. Jonah Jameson comes bursting into the office with an idea on how to spin his recent batch of Spider-Man photos. When Jonah mentions the warrants out for Spider-Man's arrest, Peter thinks to himself that these warrants wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Jameson's influencing authorities with his negative editorials. However, this suddenly gives Peter some inspiration and he tells Betty that he'll talk to her later. She is surprised when Peter suddenly kisses her on the cheek before rushing out of the office.
Changing into Spider-Man, Peter swings down to the local police precinct. There he sneaks into the office of Captain George Stacy. He tries to convince Stacy to make him an official police officer, pointing out that he helped capture villains like the Vulture and Sandman, and how he helped solver the Ben Parker murder. When George points out that the wall-crawler would have to go through the proper channels -- which includes revealing his true identity and going through the police academy -- Spider-Man realizes that he cannot do that for fear of what the revelation will do to his Aunt May. Without any explanation, Spider-Man says he can't do that and leaps out the window. Curious about this encounter with the wall-crawler, George calls his sergeant and asks him to bring the file they have on Ben Parker's murder. As he swings away from the police station, Spider-Man thinks about how unfair this situation is, confident that he would have made a great police officer. When he returns home and shows Aunt May the check he got from the Bugle, the elderly woman is delighted by the money as it will help her make her mortgage payment for the month. That's when Peter overhears a radio report about the Scorcher attacking and East Side Chemical Warehouse. Making up an excuse about leaving his homework at the Daily Bugle, Peter rushes off to change into Spider-Man and face the Scorcher.
By the time Spider-Man arrives at the chemical warehouse, he overhears the Scorcher reassuring one of his men that they will pull off this robbery even though the police have surrounded the building. Although Spider-Man has the element of surprise, things quickly being going south when the Scorcher lights the building on fire. While he and his minions are protected due to their fireproof outfits. At Scorcher's mercy, Spider-Man quickly notices that a hole in the roof has revealed a water tower on the roof. Dodging one of Scorcher's flame blasts, the wall-crawler fires a web line at the water tower and yanks it down on the burning building. With the inferno put out, Spider-Man quickly knocks out Scorcher and drags him outside. Instead of being celebrated as a hero, the police are upset that the web-slinger has interrupted their operation. As it turned out, they wanted the Scorcher to escape so they could track him to his employer. As Spider-Man is being scolded, not far from the smoking remains of the Osborn Chemical plant, a mystery man holds onto the case of chemicals that the Scorcher had come to steal. Not knowing what to say, Spider-Man makes a meek apology and swings away. Although the other officers are furious that the wall-crawler is getting away, George Stacy is convinced that despite his interference, the young man is just trying to do his civic duty. Later, Peter has been brought to bed as he has developed a cold after his battle with the Scorcher. He is watching the news about Spider-Man's battle, unhappy how it was received negatively by the press. That's when his Aunt May enters the room and turns off the television, suggesting that watching such violent stories will impede his recovery. As she leaves, Peter laments on how everyone is even more angry at Spider-Man than ever and wishes that -- just for once -- things would go his way.
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Fan Art: Spider-Man Unmasked Profile Upper body by Nightwing780
Accompanying Podcast: ● Amazing Spider-Talk - "Revelations"
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Hey congratulations on 900 followers!! So happy for you! I wanted to request a romantic game of thrones match up.
I'm 5'3, use she/her pronouns, pisces with long curly black hair and black eyes, an INFP and I am doing psychology rn. I'm questioning right now so you can ship me with anyone. I enjoy listening to music, especially the kind that's intellectual yk, that challenges you and makes you learn something. Currently I'm pouring over Arctic Monkeys' discography but I also love Hozier, Ruelle and Billie Eilish. My favourite colours are black, white and red. I am a bit dreamy, always kinda lost in my head so I love everything fantasy related. My favourite movies are Dune, Tenet, La La Land. In series I love Arcane and ATLA. I'd mention books but I couldn't choose more than the GOT series and the death of vivek oji. I'm pretty indecisive and an overthinker. Can't decide on something without considering all the pros and cons in super detail. I also enjoy writing. Sometimes when I think of a creative sentence I write it in my notes app.
I hope this is enough hehe. Thank you. And congrats again! ❤️
thank you for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you which of both the boys and the girls i ship you with. but i’ll do the full description and blurb thing for the character i think you’re a better fit for.
i ship you with margaery and robb! i’m gonna go with robb for this, i hope that’s alright :)
i think your appreciation for intellectuality would fascinate him. of course he grew up well educated, but i don’t see him having a passion for continuing his education past what the septa and the maester made him learn. he was more interested in practical things, knowing one day he would have to be a soldier and a lord. but you would prompt him to think for himself more, instead of following what other people expected of him. he’d find himself reading and expressing an interest in the arts, simply so he could bring it up in conversation with you. he’d want to impress you, and so he’d be actively bettering himself just so he could talk to you and make you smile.
he’d find it endearing that you get lost in your head and like to fantasize. i think there are times in his life where he also thought of all the possibilities he could find himself in, if it weren’t for being the stark heir. he’d have a certain appreciation for the heroics and the adventures of all the stories you’d tell him about. but fantasy can get a bit complicate, and he’d need you to explain the specifics. he might not even understand what you’re talking about, but he doesn’t care. he just likes listening to you talk enthusiastically about something.
he’d also find your indecision endearing. i think he’s a pretty logical person, and also a very stubborn person. once his mind his made up, that’s enough for him. in order to be a good leader, he can’t be questioning his every decision. it would show weakness, and potentially put his men in danger. but he’d also fear sometimes that he was making the wrong decision. he’d ask your opinion on certain matters, taking it seriously. you’d think it out better than he would, so he would really value your input on more serious matters. but for the less important things, where you still treated it like it was life or death, he’d love watching your process of making decisions. it would amuse him.
he’d find you in the library, scouring over the shelves for your next book to read. he’d chuckle at your look of frustration, it bringing a smile to his face.
“it doesn’t really matter what you read first, darling. they’re books. it’s not like they’re going to grow legs and hop off the shelf before you can get to them.”
you’d groan turning to him. “but what if the one i choose is bad? what if it’s wasting my time? what if there’s a better book on this shelf that i’m missing because i was too impatient to get to it?”
his grin would widen, and he’d pull a book down from the top shelf, handing it to you. “here. you’ll like this one, i promise. i read it myself.”
“you read this?” you’d ask, raising a brow as you took it from him to look over the pages. “why?”
he’d sheepishly shrug, shifting back and forth on his heels. “i figured you could read it and we could talk about it after. i actually enjoyed this one.”
you’d smile, your heart warming at his thoughtfulness. you’d link your arm with his, letting him guide you out of the library with your new selection in hand.
“how sweet. thank you, robb.”
he’d smile down at you, keeping you close at his side. “you’re welcome, love.”
hope you enjoyed this! thanks again for participating :)
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posi-pan · 5 years
brendon urie talked about his pansexuality recently and said it feels great to be out and like a weight lifted off his shoulders. his way of describing pansexuality was to say it’s all inclusive and that if there’s consent, he’s open to it, he doesn’t care. he said he doesn’t really have a type, that it’s mostly personality for him, that he’s attracted to the person.
he also talked about how even when he was at his most cavalier about sexuality before he settled down that he couldn’t sleep with someone if he didn’t have that connection with them, which he got shit for.
he mentioned again that he tells people his sexuality is “i’m married” and he’s in a monogamous relationship, because when people hear he’s pansexual and married to a woman, they assume he’s cheating on her with men. he talked about that misconception, saying pansexuality is nothing like that, that people blow it up into a big thing it isn’t.
he said he likes being honest with his fans because they want to talk about things he’s gone through or is going through and it makes him feel less alienated to share those things. he hopes his honesty about who he is can inspire others to do the same. and even if it inspires them to not feel the need to share those things, that’s just as beautiful.
so don’t ever try to tell me this man who has always been open about his attraction to whoever he’s attracted to, repeatedly explained his pansexuality without using the word, after using the word to better explain his sexuality says it feels great to be out, hopes his honesty about his sexuality will comfort and inspire people, was forced to come out as pansexual.
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alteridolriley · 3 years
Logan Theory
((Okay after tumblr DELETED this post, I guess I’ll try doing this again.))
Something that I've been reading a lot in some discussion posts about Logan and that "he's not ignored-- he's been so important to Thomas and the others and he's been thanked and stuff why is he so mad?"
I think I can clear that up for you. But let’s review a few things:
So Logan has been the definitive mediator throughout most of the previous episodes. He was the stage director for CYBG where he was thoroughly listened to; LVP was all about Thomas learning to listen to both of his most dramatic and loud sides aka Logan and Roman and how they can work together; LNTAO is a bit of a setback for Logan but it is his understanding of how the song fit into the conversation, as well as the puppets, that caused Thomas to have his eventual epiphany about his issue going into the episode; in EP Logan is the overall narrator, explaining how all these things that Virgil finds embarrassing were actually very needed in his overall development as a child and a teenager.
SVS has a very important Logan scene that does point towards my whole point:
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Logan is quick to say that it isn’t working out. This is presumably obvious by the audience. Thomas is always scatterbrained, late to things, and obviously not looking at the calendar Logan has made considering the only thing on the calendar for April 13th is the callback and not the wedding. If Thomas had been listening to Logan on a normal basis, he would’ve known that but when it’s revealed, even Thomas himself seems a bit surprised immediately jumping to that Janus is lying and must have tampered with it. The rest of the episode goes on and Logan is given the benched seat but still has his opinions put out there for everyone as Patton calls on him a time or two.
DWIT is where Logan shines. He constantly puts Remus in his place throughout the episode also while proving the point that logic is the only way to work through intrusive thoughts, and that Remus is necessary to some extent. This is also an episode that I think Logan thinks was a turning point in his relationship with Thomas. Thomas sincerely thanks him directly and calls him cool. Logan is not used to that emotional kind of sincerity from Thomas directly and I think it affected him in a way that made him proud of the work he does, more than he would normally be. Logan now realizes that maybe Thomas will listen to him a bit more.
And by listening to him, he means allowing him to serve his true function. Logan, as logic and basically organizer of all of Thomas’s mental notes, likes diligently planning things and keeping order to Thomas’s life to help him live the best life he possibly can. Logan thinks now will be the time that Thomas actually chooses Logan to be the lead side in his life. Maybe for the first time.
Logan had already been pushed to the side once when Thomas decided he wanted to quit his education to become a Vine Creator/Youtube Personality. Roman became center stage but with so much pressure on Internet Celebs, Patton and Virgil also became pretty important. Logan was last on the priority list and as a side, his wants for Thomas have been last on the totem pole so to speak. So now that Thomas has seen how cool Logan is, Logan believes he can finally get some organization and stuff done in Thomas’s life and finally be listened to for what he wants, not just what he can give.
But then, POF happens. Logan is once again pushed out of the conversation and the more important things are emotionally driven, which focuses again on Patton and Roman, with a bit of Janus included. Logan also takes offense to the fact that nobody noticed he was missing and leaves after he done doing what he always does, bringing reason to the situation at hand. I mean, that’s all he’s good for right? He can’t help Thomas in any other way apparently. All of his other attempts have failed so why bother sticking around and hoping Thomas listens to him?
Then we fall on WTIT, Logan looks so happy upon first showing up to Thomas when he wakes up. We learn later that 5am Thomas made a lot of promises to Logan about getting lots of chores and things done today. Logan is happy because Thomas is gonna listen to him and we all know how Logan feels when deadlines are met and projects get completed.
But then Remus comes into play because Thomas is distracted by Nico not responding to his text messages from 4am. Logically, most people are asleep at that time of night so worrying about someone not answering around then would be kind of silly. Logan doesn’t seem to know about Nico not responding or at least he hasn’t noticed directly what’s troubling Thomas. We know he sees everything Thomas does to an extent because of a previous episode (“Have you seen the Office bloopers?” “Yes I have seen them 15 times because I am a part of you!”) so it makes sense to assume that Logan should know about the messages.
Remus is able to keep distracting Thomas because he’s so focused on why Nico hasn’t responded to his message yet and in this way, he’s able to keep Thomas from doing what Logan wants him to do. Over and over and over again. He’s unable to eat, he’s unable to do the dishes, he’s unable to clean up the litter everywhere—Logan increasingly gets more frustrated at the fact that Remus won’t leave them alone so maybe Thomas can get something done. However, Logan is going against his own logic here.
If we call back to DWIT, Logan explicitly says:
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And yet, that’s what Logan is doing here. He’s trying to stop Remus instead of finding out what the real problem is. In an attempt to finally get Thomas to listen to him and do what he wants, he’s ignoring Thomas’s actual problem: the messages from Nico.
Also something very important in this scene here when Logan is trying to get Remus to stop or just listen to him:
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Thomas is looking at his phone again and we’ve gone from sad that Nico is ignoring him to anger. His eyebrow furrow in frustration and his nose twitches like his breathing has gotten faster. Then it snaps back to Logan who finally snaps:
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The thing is, I think Logan says this without realizing exactly what he’s saying or what he’s feeling at the moment because while some of his feelings are his own, some of them are Thomas’s feelings at Nico for, as far as Thomas knows, ignoring his text messages. As seen here:
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He really was taken aback by how angry he really is. Because Orange is clearly affecting him here, but I think he was using Logan to affect Thomas too.
We know that Thomas doesn’t normally get mad at anything within canon; he’s pretty passive and usually let’s things roll off his shoulders. But today, the fact that his house is a mess, he can’t seem to get anything done, Nico ignoring him, and the constant intrusive thoughts that just won’t go away and keep messing with him… it’s become too much. He actually was about to explode, which is what happened to Logan. It only didn’t happen to Thomas because Nico called him just before so crisis averted in that regard.
Remus is pleased to finally see some emotion out of Logan and responds with: “But who do you really want to scream that at?” as he sinks out, seemingly referencing the fact that Logan is upset with Thomas constantly pushing his needs as a side away.
Nico then invites Thomas out and of course Thomas immediately accepts which Logan is surprised at which basically confirms he did not know about Thomas’s Nico problems that had been bothering him all day. The conversation downstairs is the culmination of Thomas and Logan’s relationship. Thomas throws on some clothes to leave and Logan asks him about his needs, the plans they had made that day. Thomas says he will get to it eventually and even makes a joke about tomorrow Thomas or whatever before blurting out: “This is just really important.”
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That is an image of a side who realizes that to Thomas, his needs are not important. What’s more important is something else… again.
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As he sinks out, Logan hugs his planner. That is what is important to him, but it was made pretty clear that just because it’s important to him doesn’t mean it’s important to Thomas.
In the end card, Logan spends most of it with his arms closed tightly around his body, as if holding onto himself in the same way he did his planner. He also seems rather quiet—he speaks but his words aren’t full of that proud tone he usually carries. It’s soft and weak, or rather timid. He is happy for Thomas but he’s also upset.
The way I see it is that while Thomas and the other sides do take advice and learn from Logan all the time on his knowledge, that’s different than actually listening. Logan’s needs as a side, his organizational and planning work, is ignored all the time. Let’s put it into a different perspective.
Let’s say you had a friend. They are so important to you and you all hang out together all the time. However, the friend begins to focus on something else more and you begin to drift apart. You don’t really understand this new thing your friend loves but you continue to help them anytime something goes wrong with this new endeavor, because you love them. They come back to you time and time again for more help and while you don’t mind helping them, it would be nice if they could do something you enjoy too instead of it always being about them. You don’t say this, but it’s something you feel inside. Then one day, your friend calls you. They’ve planned all day around spending time with you! You make plans and you’re so excited for them to come over and hang out. But as you begin to do something, their phone pings. They apologize but have to respond. It’s for that other focus. You understand but it keeps happening and eventually they’re called away from hanging out with you. Neither of you have really done anything that day because of the constant distractions taking your friend’s attention away from you. At this point, you’re upset and say “but I had a whole day plan of things for us to do.” “And we will, I promise. Maybe next week. This is just really important, okay?” The friend points to the phone and then excuses themself and leaves your house.
That is the situation with Logan and Thomas.
Getting complemented for your knowledge and smarts, and getting thanks for helping in situations is great and all, but meaningful reciprocation of that same time and energy from the other party means so much and if you keep giving and giving, eventually you have nothing more to give. You feel used and useless.
Tl;dr: Logan wants a more meaningful relationship with Thomas where not only can he teach Thomas things, but also make life better for Thomas but Thomas keeps pushing Logan away in that aspect, claiming that things are just more important than what Logan needs as a side.
(This is 2000 words… I’m gonna go think about something else for a bit LOLOL)
Also note this:
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Thomas is standing in front of the letter O. O for ORANGE MAYBE HMMMMMMM /jk i honestly don’t know but I find it funny out of all the letters in the words, he’s standing in front of the only O. 
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