oogleboogleoogle · 2 months
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We saw Bigfoot and it was totally real! See, I have pictures to prove it! She was even wearing an itty bitty little pink bikini!
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aemperatrix · 2 years
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Charles Wright, Nine-Panel Yaak River Screen
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nataliesnews · 9 months
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My letters 4.12.2022
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Fwd: Mount Herzl, Yaak cooks, a movie about a different way of education, a family from Kfar Aza in tears. rabbis and soldiers 30.12.2023
It hits you in the guts every time you go past Mount Herzl and see the car park packed and also the parking at the  hill itself. Private cars, buses and the ambulance. Day or night. The last months. And our prime minister? Sits safely with his two ..... I wish I had a word for them and his blonde bitch.ut oje 
I have invited Irit and Yaakov to go with me to a concert of which the proceeds will go to the evacuated families of the various kibbutzim.  Irit told us Yaakov went to buy a new pot in which to cook and he took it because  In addition to koshering, many new dishes and utensils require immersion in a Mikvah before being used. I was surprised as they are not that religious but he is cooking for families who are. He also checked if there are vegetarians, etc. or people who are sensitive to various additions. A pity the government is not as giving as the people. When his butcher heard why he was buying such a large amount of meat he told him there was no charge and the same with the man from whom he buys the herbs and Gindi gave one time boxes, etc.  Don't.  know why this came out in blue
An amazing movie I saw was Radical about a teacher who comes to a tiny town in Mexico and applied an experimental teaching method which he saw online from Su gata Mitra, an Indian professor. The students had been  amongst the worst in Mexico. One of  his students was Paloma Noyola Bueno...her father scavenged scrap metal for a living. Check this out. The teacher knew she had potential but only realised it when her father wanted her to leave school as  he said that she must realise she had no chance in life and came out to bring the teacher a telescope which he thought she had taken from the school and she had made it herself. Go on , read it, it will give you a break from my usual letter. 
https://latintrends.com/is-paloma-noyola-bueno-the-next-steve-jobs/ No wonder Israeli Arabs are so careful of what they say nowadays but not only they.....read underneath the PDF why a Jewish teacher is being suspended. She is lucky she was not called in by the police and taken to the police station, blindfolded and handcuffed. 
There is a gigantic cover up for the soldiers who shot and killed three kidnapped victims who had escaped.......the army states man should turn red as he explains how this sort of thing  can happen......even when the battalion commander shouts at the soldiers not to fire! All the spokesmen forget the basic law which is often more honoured by being ignored....that you do not shoot an unarmed soldier....and we also know that this happened in the 1948 war. We criticize when this happens in other wars and nations but we are evidently given a dispensation to do as we wish. First the Arabs, now the kidnapped and the next in line will probably be one of the demonstrators......and...there too it will be easy to find the excuses.
How an Israeli airstrike on a Hamas commander also killed scores of civilians - The Wall Street Journal.  My cousins sent it to me and it makes horrible reading. But so does and unlike those who try to deny this took place, many of the incidents were seen by those hidingWhat did the newsreport of the way women were raped and burnt alie? I do not want to send the report as it is just too awful. Soldiers are being killed every day. We read of the death too in Gaza. Friends write to me about Dresden and Hirsoshima. You are to remain humane. But all of this comes back to Netanyahu and our own hubris that terrible day. And no end in sight. One day there is going to be a debate about the hostages. The next day they are at the end of the list and I have put in a PDF about Gaza so that you can know the depths of hell the other side is going through. 
Yesterday a four rday march ‘Everyone! Now!’: Kfar Aza teens march to Jerusalem, calling for hostage deal....they were given little publicity and the post in Times of Israel did not do justice when they wrote of a "group" 
 I had difficulty getting through the crowd so that I could see but people are very helpful. I found myself next to a woman with three small children who asked me to move slightly so that the children could see their mother on the stage. I asked where  they were from ...Kfar Aza. At first they were composed but then the littlest one started crying and they all did and were crouched on the ground holding one another and I stood there with my two sticks crying with them. Amazing that after what had happened to them they were able to host such an event. All along youth groups joined  them. How can we have such an autistic government? 
We hear that many of the ultra orthodox have now been trying to join the army. Well read this about what their rabbis call our soldiers....garbage. No Israeli soldier is ...... What I would like to know is how many of our fascist leaders in the government have children and close family members in the war. 
So yesterday I saw Elaine and family and in the evening went to Chana Stein and family which was a pleasant break. 
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visualtaehyun · 4 months
Love Sea 🌊 is here and I'm being so normal about it! Entirely normal! Totally didn't already write half an essay on pronoun predictions back when the intro trailer came out or anything haha...
This is gonna be a bit meandering because it's partly my chronological notes and partly me trying to gather similar things into one category so please excuse the chaotic nature of this post lol
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Overworked secretary Mook is already my favorite 😂 She's adorable and clumsy and clearly thinks way too much! The way she frustratedly strikes through 'high voice' on her 30-step-script/plan I LOVE HER
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Sidenote: I see why Vi and Rak are besties, she's such a schemester omg ViMook are gonna be an excellent side couple! It's also such a delight to see Aya in a completely different role from Wa in Wedding Plan. :>
Back to Mook's desk though- We know that BossNoeul are gonna have a cameo as themselves during the book fair Mook mentions on the phone because we've seen them with the "Boy Next World" novel in the trailer-
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So let's take a look at Rak's manuscripts:
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1) "Love Sand" - which is the novel that Connor and his boyfriend Khom, played by Pentor in Love Sea, are from! 2) "Test Love" - specifically, the illustration looks to be from the special novel and the middle couple, Ryu and Sun. We know them from Wedding Plan because none other than Forth, who plays Palm in Love Sea, played Sun:
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Since I'm talking about him already- Palm saying ขอนั่งนะ /khaaw nang na/ (= Can I sit?) as he's literally already gettin comfy?? djshshjs this kid is so- fucking- nonchalant? overly casual? (in his speech too) it's hilarious! Also, I'm not sure if he's the best or the worst wingman ever lmao
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แล้วถ้าเกิดที่นี่มีดีสุดแค่เนี้ย พี่ก็ไม่อยากได้ที่เหลือเหมือนกัน /laaeo thaa geert thee nee mee dee soot kaae niia, phi gaaw mai yaak dai thee leuua meuuan gan/ = If the best this place has to offer is just this then I don't want the rest either. -> I love and appreciate MMY's translator but it's entirely implication if he means the drink, the bar or Mahasamut
When Mut asked if Connor's talking about a person or dog and Connor said Rak is more like a cat which he'll see once he meets him, Mut texted:
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/khun Connor phuut meuuan pom rap liiang laaeo/ = You say that like I've already adopted him/agreed to raise him.
And the word เลี้ยง /liiang/ comes up several times then-
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This one's subbed as 'take for a walk' but it's actually เลี้ยง /liiang/ again, not that Rak understands a single word anyway when Mut's speaking Southern dialect lmao Sidenote: His dialect isn't even that strong btw, especially compared to some of the folks he interacted with at the beginning of the episode. Mut and Connor are just clearly pulling one over on Rak lmao I couldn't stop laughing at Mut keeping on pulling out the dialect to get on city boy Rak's nerves! Similarly, I love that Rak clearly underestimates Mut at first and thinks he's a huge idiot and country bumpkin, even trying to manipulate Mut with his body, meanwhile Mut plays his part so well 😂
... as well as the cat/pet implication:
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He actually said 'brush your fur' lol
Here we've got an idiom that got lost in translation cause it wouldn't make sense:
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หลงตัวเอง ผีเจาะปากมาพูด* /lohng dtuua eng. phee jaw bpaak maa phuut/ = So full of yourself/such a narcissist. You sure like hearing yourself talk*. -> *it's an idiom that literally translates to 'a ghost pierced your mouth to make you talk' and describes someone who talks endlessly ผีอะไรมันจะหล่อขนาดนี้คุณ /phee a rai man ja laaw khanaat nee, khun/ = What ghost would be this handsome?
Lastly- the seagull laugh after Rak trips on the beach is so. fucking. funny!
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vanilachocolate · 5 months
Holaaaaaaaa ~
Hehehehe. Alhamdulillah, udah jadi nikah sama om-om lahiran 93 yang tidak lain tidak bukan mas @properparadox . Alhamdulillah manusia satu ini, masih hidup dan waras di harinya. Walau, sebelum di makeup sempet kerokan dulu. Karena tidak lain tidak bukan, sudah mulai berasa masuk angin dan eneg pas sarapan.
Abis ijab ngerasa bersyukur sih udah nikah setelah selesai s2. Ntah kenapa mikir gitu. Pokoknya kaya "makasih yaak ya allah udah boleh s2, terus baru nikah," gituu.
Makhluk introvert yg suka di goa dan pojokan kamar ini bisa profesional seharian pas akad + resepsi. Terbukti setelah dipuji sama buibu kosidahan yang katanya aku sepanjang acara senyum mulu, foto-foto mulu. Padahal dalam hati pas lagi mingkem tuh "ya allah, udah geraah. Ya allah kok orangnya banyak yaa, ya allah ini kapan kelarnyaaa, lelah betul sudaaah " terus minum paracetamol di tengah-tengah acara karena sakit kepala.
Tapi kelar kawinan, sorenya dah nangis. Tentu karena kelakuan sodara hamba di rumah yg bikin pingin mengamok saja. Dan beneran ngamok tentuuuu. Sudahnya menangis ehehehe. Udah keselnya di ubun-ubun. Kaya "apa sih looo bocah kelakuannyaaa lhoooo. Ngga paham banget manusia satu ini abis berusaha sebaik-baiknya yaa jadi penganten sehari..."
Fotonya belum dikirim sama fg. Jadi seadanyaa tapi kusuka ehehe. Terus kemarin juga seneng liat temennya mas langsung mengenali. Kaya berasa aku juga temen lamanya padahal baru ketemu 😆
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Melihat diriku yang di makeup, aku senang hehe. Like "maneh cantik ugaaa ternyataaaaaaaaa" hehehe ✌️ tapi ku belum bisa makeup 🙃
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diahuha · 5 months
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Dapet postingan ini di salah satu ig,#tipsrelationship, aku yakin temen2 yang temenan sama aku di tumblr beberapa sedang fase pencarian pasangan hidup.
Salah satu yang hal harus dihadapi ketika di fase penjajakan/ pdkt adalah ujung kejelasan.
Entah akhirnya harus bersama atau enggak,,kalian harus punya closure yang jelas, jangan sampe ngambang yaak,, ga enak loh kalo tanpa ada kejelasan, aku tau beberapa orang emang ga terbiasa untuk mengatakan kalimat pahit atau kurang menyenangkan, tapi lebih baik sampaikan supaya jalan kalian masing masing terbuka daripada menghalangi jodoh masing masing.
Sampaikan walau pahit pada fase ini perlu ges.
Semoga yang di fase mencari ini bisa menemukan yang dicari yaakk.
Good luck and enjoy the processs.
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averyghe · 11 months
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Wars brought T’kar to their end. Those of them who forgot the waves of chitin, ways of ancestral magic, and the shroom groves… T’Kar Rak’Kara people with the crimson shells have tried to enslave the farmers and the hunter gatherers, with their firearms, and ideas of supremacy. But the Forrest folk revolted, and so they burned the mushroom groves. Than the spirits and the wizards stood on the side of the people. Fire and wind, water and land, fought in a battle for several hundred years. With a vise Mafa looking in horror from they towers at how T’Kar are killing each other, and ravaging land. When the fight was over it was too late. After many of the mushroom grooves were burned down it was too late. There wasn’t enough oxygen for pseudo-crustaceans to live. And when they come to mafias for help they refused. As mafias don’t involve themselves in the matters of nature. They simply decided to wait until the natures restores by itself, even if it meant extinction for ones.
But here, behold, as the farmers of the Yaak Valley lead by the Knight of the Sun, and Khi-Char Emerald Wing are charging into battle with the forces of Rak’Kara empire… This battle will be legendary.
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ygmitsu · 5 months
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yaak self huhu bakit ganito ako mag selfie before?? I mean ok lang cute naman mga 5/10 haha siguro di lang me sanay now mag kalikot ng ig/snap filters unlike pandemic days.
(chineck ko recent selfies, same poses pa rin pala! HAHA💀)
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lebensmoode · 6 months
Alhamdulillah rame part 1 yaak 😆 Karena rame KUY LANJUT mengulik, mengulas, dan mengnangisi lagu-lagu abang adek Day6 lagi (Wonpil dan Dowun tu adek-adek btw, Sungjin dan Youngke sebayaan).
Beklah, di lagu kelima judulnya Sad Ending. Yak, ini lagu yg juga sempet gw singgung sedikit sebagai lagu yang paling “gila” karena ada bumbu musik-musik salsa gitu di intro dan verse-1 nya. Mengingat ini lagu rock kan ya, tapi otak aing jadi mikir ke rock yang kembang-kembang itu lah banting banget??? Lagu ini ngingetin gw sama lagu jadul mereka, Stop Talking, di mana rock kentel juga tapi intronya rada Raggae. Pusing gak lu? Gw tercerahkan gara-gara nonton reaksi salah satu yutuber yg merasa musik mereka ini “experimental” alias gak ada genre fix-nya, jadi ya campur-campur aja tu genre biar kaya es campur, enak, seger dan unik, dan voilaaa jadilah genre “day6” 😁
Kembali ke jalan yg lurus, ini lagu ter-ear catching versi telinga gw. Reff-nya terluv, literally langsung suka di detik gw sedang mendengarkan untuk pertama kalinya. Berasa naik roller coaster, banyak tikungan yg memorable. Harmoni!!!! Ada harmoni suara di tengah reff sampe akhir, ingetin gw lagi-lagi dengan lagu mereka Warning. Aaaaaaaakkk teriak bentar. Oke. Dari segi lirik, sama kayak judulnya, ending yg sedih buat si “aku” tapi ending yang bahagia buat si pasangan. Karena diceritain kalo si pasangannya ini merasa gak hepi sama hubungan mereka. Udah berusaha diisi lagi dengan cinta, dibangun lagi dengan kasih sayang, EEEHH TAPERWERNYA BOCOR 🤣 alias yaaa gak guna. Tetep gak memperbaiki apa-apa. Jadi yaudah, “If my misfortune is your happiness, and if my hope of happiness is your misfortune, let’s end it.” Our love’s date is expired ceunah huhuuu sa ae bang.
NEXT lagu keenam mau bahas yg Let Me Love You. Ini salah satu lagu mereka yg agak slow di album ini (satunya lagi nanti yg terakhir dibahas). Dan jujurly agak kurang masuk di selera kuping hamba. Karena lawas banget vibe-nyaaaa ya alloooh. Daesik tu suka banget kadang bawain vibe-vibe lawas. Bukan gak suka sama 'lawas'nya ya (lah apa kabar lagu ABBA - The Winner Takes It All yg masih on repeat??), tapi si tante emang lagi kurang demen sama love song yang melow begitu. Dan setelah dilihat liriknya, ya bener this is that typical love song. Tetep manis sih, yang gw inget itu kira-kira begini “Gue ngerti kadang cinta bisa sesakit itu dan lu mulai gak percaya lagi sama hal-hal bullsht itu. But hey, look at me, if your exes were me, I wouldn’t let you hurt. Look at me, I have this warm, sincere feeling for you. Ini bukan cinta yg pernah lu kenal, jadi please, let me love you.” So sweeeeeet but at the same time, bllshhhhhtt 😃 Bukan salah yg buat lagu, salah gw aja ngapa masih hidup sampe sekarang dengan pemikiran kek begitu :'D
THE LAST SONG is … haaaahh. Tarik napas dulu. Ini lagu pertama yg bikin gw tumpe-tumpe. Padahal ngalamin sendiri aja keknya gak pernah tapi, tapi, … haaaaah. Beklah, judulnya didn’t know. Artinya, nggak tau. Iya, si “aku” nya nggak tau. “Aku” nggak tau kalo selama ini ternyata dia tuh disukai sama temen deketnya. “Aku” nggak tau kalo semua momen, nangis, ketawa bareng itu tu ternyata ada perasaan lebih yg dibawa-bawa oleh si temen. “Aku” nggak tau kalo pas si temen nyatain cintanya itu tu beneran tapi si “aku” ngiranya becandaan. Terakhir “aku” nggak tau kalo pas mereka pisah dan kata-kata kamu bahagia yaa dari si temen itu bagian dari cintanya yg selama ini tertahan.
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Pengen lu slepet gak si “aku”? Ndablek banget jiiirr. Pas udah pisah aja, udah jauh, udah gak kontakan, BARU SOK SOK NYADAR KALO PUNYA PERASAAN YG SAMA. HEU. Emosi kan hamba perkara sosok fiktif 😤 Jeniusnya lagu ini tu, mereka pakai POV orang yg disukai sama si pelaku unrequited love. Selama ini kan lagu yg beserak di pasaran tu POV yg merasa cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan kan? Nah, ini POV nya orang yg disukai, yg gatau apa-apa. Yg merasa “kita tu temenan doang kan, gw udah nyaman sama lu sebagai temen, trus setelah bertahun-tahun pisah loh ternyata selama ini lu ada perasaan sama gw? Hmm yaa btw lu apa kabar? Kok gw kangen lu ya, lu orang yg paling hangat dulu. Gw gak tau kalo semua hal yg udah lu kasih itu bentuk dari perasaan lu.” Kek… KMVRT MEMANG YANGKEEE ATAU SIAPAPUN YG NULIS LIRIK INI HHHHHHH.
Oke, enough with the fvkg emosyenel story, dari segi melodi lagunya aja deh ya. Ini lagu yg tipenya agak slow dibanding lagu-lagu lainnya yg bikin jedag jedug. And yes, setelah tau liriknya, makin makin dah sama ni lagu. Didn’t know bisa masuk top 3 nya versi gw untuk album ini.
✨SUDAH KELAR✨pemirsah my day. Dipikir-pikir gw gak pernah seribet ini nulis review lagu-lagu kesukaan. Day6 has indeed changed my whole life. Urutan lagu dari yang least preferable sampe ke yg da bomb nya telinga gw adalah Let Me Love You, Welcome to The Show, The Power of Love, Get The Hell Out, didn’t know, Happy, and Sad Ending 👏👏👏
Kudos untuk para member. Yang gw khawatirin cuma satu pas ngeliat mereka nyangkut di sudut manapun di YT. Seneng sih kalo makin banyak orang yg melek ke musik mereka dan masa-masa promosi kek sekarang tu ya emang kudu banyak tampil di acara-acara musik, podcast, entertainment, dll. So please, PLEASE banget gongganghaseyooo oppa dongseng. Sehat sehaaaaatt. Doa gw semoga mereka tidak ambruk aja dengan jadwal sepadat itu.
Thank you yg udah baca dan ngikutin. Yang sesama my day di sini semoga kita bisa jumpa di konser mereka someday yaaaa AAMIIINNN 😭🤲
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lisaalmeida · 1 year
Il nous faut la vie sauvage pour nous protéger de notre propre violence.
Il nous faut la nature sauvage pour contrer cette culbute dans le noir, infinie et tourbillonnante, où c'est précipitée une démocratie branlante.
Il nous faut la force des lys, des fougères, des mousses et des éphémères. Il nous faut la virilité des lacs et des rivières, la féminité des pierres, la sagesse du calme, sinon du silence.
Le livre du Yaak,
Chronique du Montana,
Rick Bass.
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icariebzh · 2 months
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"Il nous faut la vie sauvage pour nous protéger de notre propre violence." Rick Bass- "Le livre de Yaak"
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tobytheeggo · 18 days
yaaking ov
This was one of my 20 inboxes.
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lamyaasfaraini · 5 months
Mudik 2024 berakhir~
Hari minggu kami pulang, start dari singaparna lembur kami. Sodara2 kamipun pada balik lg ke kota masing2. Ada yg ke cileungsi, Jakarta, tangerang, ciamis, pangandaran, cimahi dan bandung. Ada yg pulang sabtu ada yg minggu, lembur jadi sepi lagi huhu sedih yaa :(
Wlpn kita terus memantau arus mudik dan parno kalo macet, krn kita udah sering ngalamin macet parah dari kecil cuma ke tasik doang saking parahnya bisa sampe berbelas jam. Jgnkan belasan jam skitar 7-8 jam aja kita dah gakuaaat huft, normalnya mah kan cuma 3-4 jam doang. Kita pulang nunggu hasil panen dulu yg makan wkt mayan tiap plg ke lembur selalu dpt beras sekarung gede nanti diparoin jg buatku utk bekal di rumah haha alhamdulillah. Baru beres skitar jam 10an lalu pamit dan gassss. Seperti biasa mamah (uwaku yg ke 4) kalo kami tinggal pst nangis, padahal bbrp hari ini selalu kami repotkan krn kami tinggal disana wlpn ttp sih ada bala bantuan (hire art freelance) tp kan mamah pst cape, sehat2 ah mamahkuu!
See you soon, kampung halamanku~ semoga aku kesana ngga setaun sekali bgt kaya tahun kemarin yaa huhu. Bismillah off to bandung, back to reality huft
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Mudik dan lebaran itu sesuatu yg melelahkan tp hati kami menjadi penuh ya Allah alhamdulillah. Dari mulai hari pertama lebaran gapernah ngarenghap atau istirahat proper, hanya malam aja baru bisa rebahan sisanya siang hari selalu sibuk kemana2. Dan selalu beberengkes karena kita tidur nomaden, ngga ada kesempatan nyuci baju pula jadi super banyak nih cucian huhu. Baru kerasa jg badan rontok gini, kepala puyeng juga, mana no exercise dari hari senin lalu hehe isokeee~
Kerjaan kami beberengkes sama packing dan unpacking, gitu aja terus. Dari 2 minggu lalu pas packing ke rumah ortu selalu ngedumel ke suami juga diselipis sama helaan nafas lelah berupa keluhan gt, jadi bawaannya maramara mulu saking malesnya packing. Packing adalah sesuatu hal yg ku tidak suka ya Allah mikirin bebawaan bukan buat sendiri doang, suami dan anak jg. Gakebayang sih punya anak lebih dari 1 itu gmn kalo travelling huhu. Belom lg kudu beberes rumah ditinggal mudik, haaaa dah sibuk 2 mingguan ini. Sibuk dan happy menjadi 1, pengeluaran rumah tangga jg ngga sedikit tp alhamdulillah pemasukannya jg cukup lah utk ina inu sampe balik lg mudik dan nunggu gajian nanti, plus udah bayar SPP jg yaak fiuh~ wlpn sekolah bulan ini cm seminggu tp ttp yak SPP full wkwk. Ah sudahlah jgn dipikirin itu wang wang yg keluar nanti ngenes sendiri. Semoga semakin banyak lg rejekinya yaa ya Allah yg berkah tentunya.
Lanjut cerita mudik, ternyata kami terjebak macet jg pas lepas salawu menuju cilawu (baso mang ono mana nih yg viral wkwk), tp ngga stuck ttp jalan sampe garut kota lancar lg menuju leles dan kadungora agak diputerin rutenya sama pak polisi ngikutin sign aja, baru deh kebagian one way sampe nagreg alhamdulillah panjang kan. Ke rest area dulu di mesjid nagreg skalian solat dzuhur udah telat itu jam 14, mayan kena macet dah 4 jam belom nyampe rumah ituteeh.
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Perjalanan mulai lagi dan mayan ada antrian jg cicalengka-rancaekek plus di cileunyi-cinunuk, udah dkt jg kena macet weeeh haaaa..
Alhamdulillah nyampe rumah lsg muterin mesin cuci gatahan liat tumpukan cucian. Welcome home! Pulang mudik sehat2 semua yaa. Yang kerja hari selasa semangaaatt mengais rejeki lg, jgn ngahuleng pasca liburan lama wkwk, biasanya suka ada syndrome pasca liburan..
Kalo aku dan nemo masih nyantai nih masuknya mingdep, kita lanjut santai dulu kita nem di uber haha. Oiya jgn lupa exercise dong hey gpp di treadmill aja yuuu kemon~
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his-heart-hymns · 2 months
Ehd e alast toh aapki bhi daastaan hai. Khair, yaak rakhiye Ehd e alast ki jaanib lautne mai hi Rooh ko qaraar hai.
That's all meri conversations aap se yahin end hoti hai.
Beshaq !!!
Mujhe kuch doubts hain,behtar hota aap mujhe dm karte.Per khair koi zabardasti nahi,aapki marzi.
Phirse ekbaar Tah-e-dil se shukriya.
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visualtaehyun · 2 months
Pronouns, curses, and cake crimes 🍰
Finally here with the in-depth version of my rambles plain reactions from the other day. Title brought to you by @jeffsatyr cause I love that turn of phrase in his post here so much!
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏 color-coding characters again: Mut, Rak, Prin, Meena
Rak's lovely relatives
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คุณเพิ่งด่าไอ้เด็กเหี้ยนั่นว่า เอาเวลาว่างไปหาอะไรใส่หัว ดีกว่าเสือกเรื่องของคนอื่น ผมไม่อยากเป็นคนเหี้ยครับ /khun pheerng daa ai dek hiia nan waa ao wehlaa waang bpai haa a rai sai hua dee gwaa seuuak reuuang khaawng khohn euun. pom mai yaak bpen khohn hiia khrap/ = You just told off that nasty brat, that [she should] use her free time to find and put something in her head instead of prying into other people's business. I don't want to be someone nasty.
My translation is probably too mild but I wanted to highlight these two aspects: 1) He continues to call her a child (เด็ก /dek/), even though Rak told him last episode that Prin is older than Mut lol and 2) he uses the same curse word twice (เหี้ย /hiia/), once to describe her despicable behavior and then to distance himself from it - and hilariously ends that statement with a polite ครับ /khrap/! -> เหี้ย /hiia/ is used as a curse word but originally refers to a type of lizard
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แมงดา /maaeng daa/ = can mean pimp or (male) prostitute or gigolo; lit. a horseshoe crab
It comes from how male horseshoe crabs will cling onto a female's back during mating season, taking advantage of its mate, and is therefore used to disparage men who benefit off of women financially.
Pronouns galore!
Connor and Rak use ฉัน /chan/ and นาย /naai/ in both directions -
Kom uses ผม /pom/ and apparently just คอนเนอร์ /Connor/ -> polite formal 1st pers. pronoun as Kom is younger but he seems to call his older boyfriend just by name which could indicate familiarity, equal standing in their relationship, or maybe it's just because Connor is a foreigner and thus prefers having his name used??
with Rak, Kom uses ผม /pom/ and พี่รัก /phi Rak/ -> polite yet familiar
Mut and Kom use กู /guu/ and มึง /meung/ in both directions, same as Vi and Rak -> rude, familiar pronouns; they're around the same age and have been friends for ages
Mut calls the girls คุณ(ไข่)มุก /khun (Khai)Mook/ and พี่วี /phi Vi/ -> really shows the difference in closeness!
Special interlude
I've seen enough people talk about this inspired subbing choice here to figure it might be interesting to read about:
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โคตรพ่อโคตรแม่รู้สึกดีเลย /khoht por khoht mae ruu seuk dee loei/ = It feels fanfuckingtastically good [...]
-> โคตร /khoht/ refers to one's ancestors or lineage but is used as a vulgar intensifier. Adding พ่อ /por/ = father, and แม่ /mae/ = mother, onto that just makes it stronger by swearing on both sides of the family tree I guess lol (A translation in the same vein might then yield you something like 'It feels so motherfucking good' but I love what MMY's translator went with!)
Rak's actually-lovely relative
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ตาเค้าเอง /dtaa khao eng/
-> เค้า /khao/ is a cute informal 1st pers. pronoun, her friend Ing-Ing uses it as well For context, it's most often used in Thai QL by 1) characters who wanna be cutesy with their partner, like Sun once or twice in 23.5 or Tan, consistently lol, in We Are, or 2) by characters who are sweet and cute to begin with (mostly women tbh). Anueng in Blank or Pleng and Wan in the upcoming GL Affair also come to mind.
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ว่าไง สาวน้อยของน้า /waa ngai, saao noi khaawng naa/
-> น้า /naa/ = uncle or aunt, specifically the mother's younger sibling 'Uncle' only shows up in the subs here but he always uses it as a 1st pers. pronoun with Meena. Also spot the sweet and soft tone he uses here with his niece uwu
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แต่น้ารักห้ามเอาน้ารักตอนที่น้ารักอายุ 13 มาเทียบกับมีนาตอนนี้ /dtaae naa Rak haam ao naa Rak dtaawn thee naa Rak aayu 13 maa thiiap gap Meena dtaawn nee/
For her age, she is quite perceptive and clever and it seems her mom and/or uncle (and maybe grandma too?) made sure she understands the full scope of their family drama. Nina, the actress, is a few years younger than that and looks it too tbh so I'm glad she mentions Meena's age for us. She calls herself by name and him uncle Rak น้ารัก /naa Rak/ which, adorably, sounds close to น่ารัก /naa rak/ = cute/lovable, there's a difference in tone though!
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พี่จะทำให้เขา ต้องรัก พี่ /phi ja tham hai khao 'dtaawng rak' phi/
-> ต้องรัก /dtaawng rak/ = must/have to love; Tongrak's name He's said this several times in previous episodes but it specifically threw me back to this scene from ep. 3 🥺
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คนอย่างผม ใครจะไปกล้าขอคุณต้องรัก /khohn yaang pom, khrai ja bpai glaa khaaw khun dtaawng rak/ = Someone like me, who would dare to ask Khun Tongrak (/you). ...which could also be read as: = Someone like me, who would dare ask you to have to love [me?].
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The word she uses is หน้าด้าน /naa daan/ = boldfaced, shameless, which is surprisingly rude lmaooo
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The พี่ /phi/ came and went and now she addresses him exactly the same way as her uncle Rak - น้าหมุด /naa Mut/ hehe
Oh and hey, here's a crazy thought-- Mut and Meena have about the same age gap as Mut and Rak, he might even be closer in age to her than to Rak! In the novel, Rak is 30 going on 31 and judging by Kom being 19 in Love Sand, Mut can't be much older than 20, maybe early 20s.
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วันนี้คุณว่าง่ายกว่าปกตินะ /wan nee, khun waa ngaai gwaa bohk-ga-dti na/ = Today you're more docile than usual.
-> ว่าง่าย /waa ngaai/ = docile, obedient, submissive, compliant, to listen If you've seen more than one Thai drama, I expect you've encountered the word ดื้อ /deuu/ before which is most often subbed as 'stubborn' but can mean 'to not listen, disobedient, obstinate, defiant, resistant' so this word here is just about the opposite of it!
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อยากทำก็ทำ ผมเป็นของคุณอยู่แล้ว /yaak tham gaaw tham. pom bpen khaawng khun yuu laaeo/ = [If you] want to do it then do it. I'm all yours.
-> อยู่แล้ว /yuu laaeo/ at the end there can express certainty or completion so this could also be translated as 'I'm already yours' if that makes any difference to anyone but me lol
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puspadwin · 2 months
Di-doa-kan Ustadz
Beberapa waktu terakhir selama mengikuti kelas atau pun kajian, salah satu bagian yang sangat aku nanti-nanti ialah sesi tanya jawab. Selalu dan selalu menyempatkan dan memberanikan diri untuk bertanya pada pemateri, mulai dari keluh kesah, beberapa butir pertanyaan, juga mohon untuk didoakan.
Alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaahiladzi bini'matihi tattimusholihaat. Dari beberapa pertanyaan, hampir seluruhnya Allaah izinkan untuk mendapat jawaban dari para asatidz. Namun malam itu berbeda.. Kelas kala itu merupakan kelas yang sudah kunanti sejak lama, materi yang mengundang mata dan ustadz favorit sesuai bidangnya. Walaupun terlambat, aku pastikan lembarku tak kosong begitu saja. Apapun ilmu kucoba ikat seadanya, walau tak banyak, aku tetap menyediakan ruang kosong. "Masih ada sesi tanya jawab", gumamku dalam hati.
Dan benar saja, cerita terakhir yang beliau sampaikan, menjadi cerita penutup penuh air mata. Walau sebetulnya sudah pernah menyimak dan menangis tersedu, tetap saja, cerita favorit beliau itu juga menjadi cerita favorit diri ini.
Dan sesi tanya jawab pun dibuka. Dengan cepat, jemariku kukerahkan untuk mengetik pertanyaan yang sesuai dengan cerita beliau. Kemudiab diikuti beberapa pertanyaan dari peserta lain yang mengekor. "Bismillaah, semoga dibacakan."
Dan yaak, "Baik, pertanyaan pertama dari mba Puspa yaa ustadz, …" Lega sekali rasanya, terharu malah :") Dan saat jemariku berkutat sekuat tenaga, mencatat kata demi kata yang ustadz jadikan jawaban, air mataku membuncah. Ustadz tak hanya menjawab pertanyaanku, namun juga mendoakan.
Yaa Rabbii… Allaahu akbar, hingga saat menulis ini pun, rasanya masih sama getarnya. Air mata selalu memenuhi kelopak, berontak hendak menitik-nitik ke pipi. Yaa Rabb, Alhamdulillaah. Sungguh karunia tak terduga, walau virtual melalui layar dioda, namun benar-benar tepat menyentuh hati juga jiwa.
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Bismillaah, Allaah karuniakan nikmat yang berlipat
Ustadz, jazakallaah khayran katsiiran atas doanya, tak tercatat utuh sempurna semuanya, namun yang tertulis sudah cukup buatku menangis. Barakallaah, barakallaah ustadz Hidayat Arifianto :")
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