#yah it's not art but it's like. something. good night
chaoticgoodcrow · 1 year
screencaps of him. sorry I have no energy and also idk the English spelling of his name
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[ID: 4 screenshots featuring a guy with black hair in a side part that covers his left eye. he wears circle glasses with a chain. he is in dark grey hanfu with gold detailing and wears a guan. in 2 screenshots he holds a white teacup and saucer. end ID]
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autistickfigure · 1 year
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AHHH i wish i could remember exactly when i made these guys cuz i cant remember if it was in elementary school or middle school. but i think it was middle school. (they didnt have tails or floating limbs before this is a NOW art. if it wasnt obvious. it would be scary if i were drawing like this on a computer in middle school) ANYWAY its funny to see how similar some of these guys are to future (and now current) ocs riffing on the same thing. nature is beautiful
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schelamski · 7 months
Tsukishima x mean!reader after Timeskip
If we can be completely honest for a second, Tsukkis gf could probably be as mean as he is and normaly he likes it that way, but what if a certain friend urged him to take a closer look...
Dont mind me, after writing this i want to recharge by taking a bath with my toaster...
warnings: teethshattering fluff, established relationship, implied smut ig and emotional unavailability, reader is a girl
Tsukishima x mean!y/n
For the past two weeks Tsukishima found himself staring at you while you were talking to some of your friends. He couldn’t help but notice the weird feeling in his stomach again, that seemed to remind him ever since that there was something he needed to talk with you about.
It all started when was hanging out with Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi on a weekend. They were all just spread all over the couch at his apartment. Everybody’s eyes were fixed on the television screen until his phone rang. Unfortunately, his phone was lying on the coffee table so he wasn’t able to grab it fast enough and when Bokuto took one glance on who the caller was he quickly snatched his phone with a smile. “Oya y/n-chan! How are you?” he howled into the speaker. Suddenly nobody really focused what was on the screen but rather on the caller. “Hey Bokuto, I´m fine, how about you? I´m sorry for disturbing your movie night, I totally forgot you guys were hanging out today!” came the response of Tsukishimas girlfriend. Bokuto tried to reply but the phone was grabbed by his blonde friend, who as soon as he noticed your voice tried to gain control of his phone again. “Hey, something up or are you just bored because I´m not with you?” he interfered the conversation with Bokuto before it even started. “Hey grumpy, in a good mood this evening? Its just the opposite, since you are finally busy, I can go out with some friends. Won’t be back till morning, just wanted to let you know in case you need help getting in bed like last weekend.” He didn’t have to see your face to know that you had a grin all over your face right now. Tsukishima furrowed his brow before replying “Don’t worry if you’re not here I don’t have to drink abnormal amounts of alcohol to forget your pain in the ass. Don’t be back till noon.” You giggled while announcing “Fuck you then, see you tomorrow dumbass. Try to stay in bed this time, will yah?” With a frown he replied, completely aware of his friends following the conversation eagerly “Only if you do it, what else is my girlfriend good for. Bring something to eat tomorrow and fuck you too.” As quick as possible he ended the call afraid of you mentioning his ungraceful fall out of bed last weekend for the third time. He was drunk and his senses weren’t exactly focused on the bed but rather on the girl that lied next to him. Taking of his glasses and pinching his nose bridge with his fingers he sighed. “I have never seen somebody more in love” Akaashi stated, his voice dripping in sarcasm. Tsukishima was confused, what was he playing at? But when Kurro asked “Are you guys always talking like that?” he started to think. Sure, in the beginning of your relationship it was a bit tampered down but you both were people who mastered the art of verbal bickering. After all it was one of the reasons he liked you so much. He shrugged and observed “I guess that’s just how we talk. I know that she doesn’t mean half the things she’s saying, and I guess she does the same with my remarks.” Kuroo took him in before commenting “Well ever since I’ve known you it was clear that you wouldn’t fall for someone sweet and innocent. I guess you finally found your match regarding the snarkiness. I can’t help but wonder if you guys talk like that all the time? Don’t you ever speak nicely with each other? And I never took y/n for someone to be that snarky around others? But maybe I´m reading too much into it, it’s your relationship after all. Let’s continue with the movie, I want to see this monster of a man again”. However, for the rest of the movie Tsukishima was lost in thought rather than in a cinematic universe.
Ever since this evening he was observing how you were acting with your friends and how your conversations were filled. He was in the final stages of his master thesis, but it itched him to gain knowledge on his relationship with you. After two weeks of doing so he came to the realization, that kuroo was a master of observing and he was right about Tsukishimas relationship. When you were with your friends there was a soft smile on your face, your voice a constant sound and even your posture seemed to be a bit more laid back than when he was with you. The blonde was aware of his quirks, especially expressing his emotions. He simply couldn’t help himself; he actually had no idea when it started and how he could try to have nicer or simply softer conversations with you. And then there even was something close to fear, he thought, what if after those roughly two and a half years you didn’t like him anymore? Sure, you cared for him but maybe you had fallen out of love with him and only wanted to remain friends? That was something he wouldn’t be able to do, he loved you too much for this, at least that he was sure of. The only idea he had was calling the person who had dealt with his snarky demeanor for the longest time and Akiteru was as happy as he wasn’t in a long time to be called by his brother and even asked for advice regarding his emotions. They sure had a lot to talk about this night.
For a bit more than a week your boyfriend was behaving very awkwardly you thought. It started when he kept staring at you having conversations with your friends even though he was supposed to work on his thesis to finish off his university career. When the staring stopped you heard and saw even less of him and after a week of very little contact and only half sided answers, you decided to contact him to explain this mess. Taking out your phone and texting him Hey smartass, I feel like we need to have a talk. Can we meet up or are you going to ignore me? you felt dizzy in your head.
After a few minutes, which you’ve spent in half agony, half hope his answer appeared on your phone: I agree, we need to talk, do you want to come over at my place Friday afternoon? Or do you want to meet on neutral ground?
You felt your heart sinking in your chest while reading his message, was he going to break up with you? Why was he proposing a neutral ground? Maybe you were too mean for him, maybe he needed somebody nicer? Or were you too clingy, too annoying or were you holding him back from reaching his potential? Despite feeling sick in your stomach, you agreed to meet him at his apartment.
Hearing the knock on his door he was startled. Closing his eyes, he had to remind himself that it was just you, you’ve been together for so long but he couldn’t help himself being slightly anxious, just like the first date you had or the first time you kissed. Tsukishima supposed, this was a first as well but this one he wanted to get over with. Opening the door he found himself astounded again, he had scarcely seen you the past days and now he was questioning himself why he prohibited himself from looking at you for such a long time. As usual he wasn’t quite able to point to what it was that kept him from looking elsewhere almost every time you where in his periphery. After more than two years he was aware, that your looks were slightly above average, so far he could tell objectively. But when he fully looked at you, he saw so much more than a slightly average girl. Somehow to him you looked harmonic, every tiny aspect of you fitted you so well in this whole picture of you that he was sure to be able to believe in a god if he told him that you where the gods eternal masterpiece. And then there was the feeling of home that settled between his shoulder blades each time he looked at you, he could practically feel your face on his back as he was making your morning tea and you were hugging him from behind. He had often wondered how on earth he was able to have all those thoughts, but he knew he’d never be able to speak them out loud.   
“Can I come in or do you want to watch me freeze to death in front of your doorstep?” you implied. It took almost all his restriction to not answer in his usual sarcastic demeanor. He stepped aside and you entered his small hallway almost immediately. Now you two were standing close together but you still felt like there was a big distance between you. This time he started speaking “Do you want some tea before your limbs freeze off?” You simply nodded and followed him into the small kitchen, the place where you two had cooked countless times together, shared so many laughters and had your deepest (and also drunkest) conversations. Now you understood why he had proposed a neutral meeting ground, this place breathed your shared memories. Unable to understand why you were thinking dramatic thoughts like that when you literally had last been here the weekend before you gratefully took the cup with your favourite tea from his hands, the slight touch of your fingers sending shivers like the first time you kissed down your forearms and back.
“Can I start? I think its best if we get this over with and before you say anything I want to tell you something, okay?” Seeing your big ass boyfriend mumbling you looked at him curiously, the voice of him not being snarky was rare to you. Afraid of disturbing the intimate and cozy atmosphere of the apartment in comparison to this cold and grey afternoon, you only whispered “okay”. While he seemed to gather his thoughts you were looking around. There was a reason you came over to his place more often than Tsukishima found himself at your place. His place was smaller but much more comfortable, he seemed to even have lit some candles you brought over on the small table in the kitchen. A strange feeling in your chest seemed to compress your heart, unsure of what was to come next you tried to take some last steady breaths. When Tsukishima started speaking, you looked him in the eyes, always lost in this weird shade of brown.
“okay…you are probably the only person…no who am I kidding… but you are the person who knows best how bad I am with emotions. However, there is something important I want to talk with you about. So, I guess unconsciously I was aware of this but what can I say, I’m good at ignoring my unconsciousness. When you called two weekends or so ago and were talking to Bokuto, you remember? Uhm, Kuroo mentioned something afterwards and I had to think about it ever since. I don’t think I´ll ever know a good way to say this so I’m just going to put it here: I think I don’t like the way we speak with each other anymore. Well, actually I’m sure I don’t like it. Most of the time I do, its just that I can’t help but wonder why we snark at each other all the time. Like when you talk to your friends you just seem so much nicer, I can’t help but think that its me who keeps you from being nice to me. I love your bickering, it turns me on so bad and makes me feel like I’m not the only sarcastic asshole but I think I also want to share nice moments with you. I don’t want to only have your mean side even though I know that you don’t mean the things you’re saying most of the time, I sure as hell don’t but I want to have all sides of you. I want to learn to have nice, normal conversations with you. I know that its not your fault or my fault alone, we both have to pull ourselves together for it, but I really want to. And now I’ve said all this and don’t even know if you still want to be my girlfriend, so if you don’t, please pretend I never said anything.” The breath he took when he was done was one of the loudest he’d ever taken, even in one of his volleyball games he scarcely was as out of breath as he was now. “Can we sit? Then its my turn to say something okay?” you proposed, suddenly aware of your trembling legs. Now you two were sitting across from each other, you gripping your cup of tea like your life depended on it and him doing his usual finger-fidgeting.
“I feel bad but I have to say it” You started, looking into his eyes, wide open and shocked, he was ready to say something but you continued “Shhh, now’s my time to talk. I thought you wanted to break up with me for the last week, so I was super afraid and nervous, well that doesn’t even cover it. I´m so glad, honestly, it’s been a while since I have felt this kind of relief. But now to your point. I think one of the reasons I’m snarky around you most of the time is that your kind of my Homeport…Around others I feel like I can’t talk shit all the time, nobody would like me, well except you. With you I don’t…I can just give you my thoughts without filter. However, I think I´ve been filtering all the nice and lovely things I´m thinking about you because I had the feeling that this just wasn’t our dynamic. I know you at least like me when you turn of the light and take my book away at night when I suddenly surrendered to sleep or how you know how to cook my favourite meals and how you tone down your teasing a bit on a bad day. Over the two years I learned to notice the small things and I hope you do too. But I agree, sometimes, especially when friends talk about their relationships, I´ll have a weak moment and just wish for some kind words or even something like I like you from my boyfriend. So if you’re feeling the same I´ll gladly put in the effort, I don’t want to loose you…You are very important for me…and I like you the way you are…and you probably ruined me for every other relationship if there is ever one because you just are you but like with a special place for me. I doubt that there’s anybody out there that is so well matched for me like you are so…don’t put me through this again. And remember those nice words!”  
Now it was Tsukishimas turn to be astounded. You both weren’t the kind to speak lots of words, deeming them unnecessary most of the time so you both rambling was a special occasion. Still fidgeting with his fingers he thought about your words. Slowly but surely there was a blood pouring in his cheeks, he could feel them heating up thinking about what you just proclaimed. “Come over here, I have something even better for you” Noticing how you were about to sob he kept his arms open until you were in reach and then pulled you into his lap. There were three magical words you’ve both only had said to each other so far when the other one was seemingly fast asleep. But after so much time together and hopefully even more he felt like it was now time to say it. “Y/n you’re a dork.” You looked at him deadpanned. “And I love you” now you were flabbergasted. Not being able to process a single thought you just stared at him while he hold you tightly in his arms and waited for you with a devious grin. Shoulders dropping and head tilting, you looked him in the eyes “I love you too Kei”. Next thing you know his lips are on yours, this must be the most love-loaded kiss you two have ever shared.
“If I´d known an I love you from me would shut you up for once I´d have told you waaay sooner”
“Kei, I´d shut up gladly hearing it from your stupid mouth again.”
“This stupid mouth will see about that in a minute, then you can tell me how much you like this stupid mouth!”
The smile you gave him now almost stopped his heart, it wasn’t exactly as pleasing as the soft smile for your friends but he was able to see your dimples and he decided, if there is one person who can laugh at him for falling out of a bed forever, it’s probably you. So no, there won’t be another relationship, except like, being engaged to you or something, but that could wait another year, Tsukishima tought.
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jinhyun · 1 year
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—drunk words.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, college au, dance major hyunjin, art major reader, it's complicated kinda relationship
word count: 8.8k (my apologies once again)
summary: there is a saying about drunk words being sober thoughts. tonight, you really wish that applies to hyunjin.
warnings: drinkingggg (alcohol lol), cursing, one mention of throwing up (no one actually throws up), sexual comments as usual, MINORS DNI!!!!
a/n: so... i can't write anything short for shit when it comes to watercolor apparently 💀 but i've been away for a good while so let me just be self indulgent for my return lmao. anywayyy, this is part 46 of watercolor, i hope you guys enjoy and please, please, pleaaaaase let me know your thoughts and come gossip with me about it, i've missed doing that :')
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Hyunjin was not happy.
Although his eyes had lightened up at the sight of you the moment he spotted you in between the crowd, it did not take a genius to notice he was not his happiest right then.
And how could he? You had been gone for nearly two hours now with no other than the guy you used to have a friends with benefits dynamics going on with. Granted, Changbin was one of his best friends and he trusted him, but that did not mean he would jump up and down with excitement every time the two of you made plans together, much less if said plans involved the two of you alone, without him.
So, it was fair to say, seeing the two of you arrive together at the bar, although he had seen it coming, did only add fuel to the fire that had been growing inside him that night.
"What took you two so long?" Chan asked, and Hyunjin could only internally thank him for saving him from having to ask you that question himself.
"We just got a bit caught up" Changbin admitted, taking a seat on the empty spot in between Lix and Minho.
"Doing what?" Hyunjin couldn't stop himself from bitterly asking, eyes focused on the drink he was currently swirling in his hand.
"Talking" you answered the obvious, catching his attention as you sat beside him on the booth.
And maybe, just maybe, the way you had leaned slightly in against his body and your arm had wrapped around his bicep, the next second taking it one step further by intertwining your fingers with his very receptive ones, was enough to make him feel at ease.
"So?" your eyes moved back to your friends, not without first having given Hyunjin's hand a reassuring squeeze. "What did we miss?"
"Not much," Minho shrugged, taking a sip of his beer. "Just lots of drinking".
"That's it?" you laughed.
"Yeah, we played truth or dare for a while, so you guys missed out on some pretty spicy stuff" Han filled you in with a playful smirk.
"Oh, and Felix hyung got a girl's number" Jeongin informed with a proud yet teasing smile.
"No way!" you excitedly covered your mouth with your free hand.
"Yah, don't make it sound like an impossible occurrence now" Felix whined, earning laughs from all of you. "She just came up to me and, well…"
"Are you calling her?" Bin moved his eyebrows up and down in a teasing manner.
Felix shrugged, a small smile curving up his mouth as he stared into his cup. "Maybe…"
You and Chaeryeong squealed in excitement, not missing another second to start talking Felix into it and managing to get everyone else involved in the conversation, as everyone seemed to have a say on whether Lix should hit the stranger up or not.
Everyone but Hyunjin, you couldn't help but realise.
While all your friends went on and on about their different points, he remained quiet next to you, only listening to what they all had to say, if even that, since he looked more spaced out than anything — his mouth opening every now and then only to take a sip of his drink, as words seemed to be something he refused to let out of it.
"I'm sorry I took too long with Changbin…" you apologised when you guessed what must've been going through his head, speaking low enough for only Hyunjin to hear.
He shrugged, not finding it in him to look up at you. "You wouldn't answer my texts".
A small sigh escaped your lips. "My phone was in my bag, I wasn't paying attention to it. I should've known you'd try to contact me and keep it next to me, I'm sorry".
Hyunjin nodded, yet as expected said nothing.
Biting on your bottom lip, you reached your hand up to cup his cheek and make him look at you. When he didn't protest and his face was now only a couple of centimeters from yours, you pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose.
"I'm really sorry, Jinnie" you apologised once more, this time looking into his already softening eyes. "I promise nothing happened, we were just talking while having dinner and got a bit too caught up in the conversation. It won't happen again, hm?"
You could tell he was not entirely convinced yet, but the small nod and the weak smile he gave you was enough for you to start smothering him with kisses all over his face.
You managed to get a giggle out of him right as your eager lips had been pressed under his chin and reached down to his neck, being stopped by his hand cupping your cheek and guiding you back up, right onto his lips.
It didn't take you long to react and wrap an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss by simply touching his bottom lip with your tongue — that being all he needed to gently pull at your hair and have you tilt your head back, so he could slide his tongue into your mouth and softly meet yours.
"You guys go get a room" Seungmin's disgusted voice had you two faintly pulling away.
"Leave them, they're cute" Cherry pouted.
He shrugged, nonchalantly bringing his cup up to his lips. "We're cuter".
"Ew, and you have the audacity to tease us?" Hyunjin called him out, smoothly resting his arm around your shoulders and letting his hand fall loosely over your chest.
"At least they're not sucking faces right in front of us" Han joined in.
"Not today, maybe" Lix mumbled, earning a glare from Seungmin.
"In Y/N's defense, she hardly ever makes out with Hyunjin hyung in public" Jeongin took your side.
"Oh no, I've seen them" Minho shut his argument down immediately.
"Can we all just agree that both couples are disgusting?" Chan proposed, getting instant affirmation from everyone but the couples in question.
"You guys are just mad that you don't get smooched every day" Chaeryeong childishly stuck her tongue out.
"Then can Y/N go smooch Hwang somewhere else since they get to do it everyday anyway?" Minho asked with a cynical smile.
"Nope," you mirrored his feigned cheerfulness, leaning into Hyunjin's chest as your hand went up to intertwine with his. "I'm asking for forgiveness here".
"Go ask for your boyfriend's forgiveness in his bedroom then" Changbin taunted.
Hearing everyone laugh, you played off the burning feeling in your cheeks with a roll of eyes. "He's not my boyfriend".
The whole table erupted in laughter once more, as they called you out on not believing shit of what had just came out of your mouth.
Everyone knew you were joking, for the lack of label in your relationship did not make any difference when it came to the way the two of you acted around each other — and that was, like an actual, established couple.
But although everyone laughed, not everyone was amused.
So you knew the moment Hyunjin's hold on your hand loosened up and his body tensed up against yours.
You weren't sure why, but suddenly it felt like you had just managed to beat an obstacle only to stumble with another one.
A part of you wanted to believe you were overthinking. The part of you that would always overthink everything and come up with scenarios that would only make you anxious wanted to believe you were doing just that now. The sight of Hyunjin right next to you, however, told you otherwise.
You had physically felt his mood drop the moment you said he was not your boyfriend. You had felt his hand loosen up its hold on yours.
He had carried on with the conversation all of you were having like nothing had happened, laughing and joking around just like he would always do, but you could feel him distant from you. And now that some of them were at the bar and some others at the dance floor, leaving the two of you oh-so-conveniently alone at the table, not a word had been spoken.
He was avoiding eye contact. He was avoiding your touch. Playing the lack of them off by drinking and staring into the dance floor like it was the most interesting sight ever.
You were not making all of that up, you were sure.
What you couldn't fully grasp your mind around was the reason for the sudden drop in his mood. You were not lying. In fact, you were sure you two had joked around like that before and everything had been just fine. Or maybe you had been too blind to realise it had bothered him all along.
Whatever it was about your remark that had managed to touch a nerve of his this time around, you needed to find out so you could make it better.
"Are you mad at me?" you asked, leaning closer to him so you could be soft-spoken and still be heard.
"Why would I be mad?" he answered dryly as ever, no eye contact at all.
You felt your heart sink.
"Was it something I said?" you carefully asked once more.
His unamused eyes —finally— fixed on you. "You know what you said".
"I don't get why you're mad about it, though?" you mumbled, unable to find the right words. "We're not official yet…"
"I know that, Y/N," he snapped. "Trust me, I know we're not official, it's not that I'm mad about".
"Then?" you pushed it.
"Why did you have to go and remind Changbin hyung about it?"
Your eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. "I wasn't reminding him… if anything, he knows already".
"Yes, but it's just," he sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair out of frustration. "It's the entire situation, Y/N. Like, you went to our place and stayed there with him alone—"
"I went to see you and you weren't there" you corrected him.
"But you decided to stay there with him when I asked you to come here and even offered to go get you. And then you went out to eat with him, wouldn't reply to my texts, got here way later than expected, and then proceeded to tell him I'm not your boyfriend?" he recriminated, and it finally hit you how wrong it had looked in his eyes and how upsetting the whole thing was.
Your heart sunk once more, this time over knowing you had hurt the person you loved the most, even if you had not meant it.
"Can you try and understand how fucking shitty that felt?"
"I know, and I'm s—"
"Like, how would you feel if I told Yerim you're not my girlfriend right in front of you".
You stayed still, that name alone being enough to feel like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured over you.
"What does she have to do with this?"
"Nothing, it's just an example".
"Why is she the first example to come to mind, then?"
"She just is," he blurted out, growing more frustrated by the second.
"So you still think about her?"
"No! That's not—it's just the closest to your situationship with Changbin".
"There is no 'situationship' between me and Changbin" you made it clear. "We're friends".
"With benefits" he bitterly remarked.
"We were friends with benefits" you corrected. "That ended as soon as you kissed me. We're friends now. Just friends. And he's one of your best friends too, we would never deliberately do anything to hurt you. It's very different to you and Yerim".
"Right, it is very different" he agreed. "Because I never actually got to fuck her".
"And you regret not doing it?" both your words and the venom they held caught him off guard.
"The way you said it made it sound like you would've liked to actually get to fuck her" you couldn't help the small crack in your voice and the annoying gloss in your eyes. "Because if that's the case then be my guest".
"No," Hyunjin shook his head accusingly. "No, you don't get to turn this around and get all defensive and jealous, this isn't about her".
"Well, you just made it about her, Hyunjin" you backed slightly away. "And I do get to be jealous of the girl you wanted to get with so bad that you didn't want her to see you with me".
"It was once, Y/N" he pointed out. "I pushed you away once because of her and then I chose you over her every single time".
You remained quiet, staring at the table as you were unable to look him in the eye right then and let him see the tears that you were hardly holding back.
"Baby," he called you, leaning in to try and make you look at him but with no success whatsoever. "I don't regret not getting with her. Anything I ever wanted with her was gone the moment I kissed you, too. I don't want her, I only want you…"
You said nothing.
"Y/N…" he softly called you once more.
You nodded in response, still not looking up at him.
Hyunjin sighed, feeling his chest tighten painfully at the beaten up sight of you. Suddenly, you felt distant, as if you had built an invisible wall in between the two of you and he could not get through it to save his life.
"It was just an example…"
"And you brought your point across. I would feel very shitty if you ever told Yerim I'm not your girlfriend, whether you said it right in front of me or not. Happy?"
"Baby, that's not—"
"I had already realised I was at fault and was about to apologise, though, because I really do hate that I put you through that with Changbin today and I am really, really sorry about it" your eyes went up to meet his, and although they showed how genuine you were being about being sorry, they also showed just how hurt you were, all because of him. "But oh well, thank you for the eye opening scenario, I guess".
"Everything okay?" Cherry's careful voice snapped both of you out of it, bringing your eyes up to be met not only with her worried expression, but Seungmin's right next to her.
You were fast to nod, sneakily wiping a tear that was about to fall, which did not go unnoticed by Hyunjin. Not sparing him another glance, you stood up to go to Cherry, snatching your hand away from his grasp the second he tried to hold it and make you stay.
"I'm getting a drink, come with me?" you asked Chaeryeong.
She nodded immediately, helping you out of the booth. "Of course, let's go".
On the other hand, Seungmin stood there, eyes scanning the heartbroken expression on his friend's face as he watched you leave towards the bar.
"Do I wanna know?" he asked.
Hyunjin shook his head no in frustration, leaning his head back against the seat and shutting his eyes close as he tried to contain the tears that had just started forming in them.
"Okay, you need to stop drinking" Seungmin stated, placing his hand on top of Hyunjin's glass before taking it away.
Hyunjin glared at him, but ultimately said nothing. Instead, he focused on you from afar.
It must've been a little over thirty minutes since you and Chaeryeong had been sitting down by the bar. He could only see your back from where he was sitting, but he felt at ease when he watched you throw your head back and let out what he could tell was a throaty laugh of yours — one of those genuine ones he loved hearing so much, even more when he was the reason for it.
At least your friend had succeeded at making you feel better after your previous argument.
He, on the other hand, had been sulking next to Seungmin for the past half an hour. Drinking his feelings away had seemed to be the way to go, and although Seungmin had initially decided to just let it slide and keep him company during his self-destructive ways, he could tell when enough was enough.
"Why don't you just go talk to her?" he questioned.
Hyunjin shrugged, leaning back against his seat. "I don't think she wants to hear me out right now".
Seungmin sighed. "What even happened for it to get that bad so fast?"
"I brought Yerim up".
Seungmin blinked in disbelief, feeling astounded to say the least. "What could possibly have happened for you to bring her of all people up".
"I'm an idiot," Hyunjin lamented, reaching for the drink Min had previously taken from him and downing it in one go. "That's what happened".
"And all of this because she got here later than she said she would?"
"No, it's not…" a heavy sigh escaped his lips. "It's much more than that. Mainly about her and Changbin hyung".
"They're just friends, Hyunjin".
"Now they are," he nodded, not being able to let go of their past together. "I just hated that they were alone for so long tonight, and that she felt the need to make it clear I'm not her boyfriend to him".
"So that's what this is about," Seungmin sighed, finally understanding the core of your argument. "You do realise she was just joking, right? Like, we all laughed because it was just that obvious".
"Was it?"
"Come on, man" he nudged him. "Even if you guys are not official, you two are exclusive. Do labels really matter when you both know you're together and serious about each other?"
Hyunjin stayed silent for a moment, trying to process his friend's words.
"We never established we're exclusive…"
"It's Y/N we're talking about" Seungmin reminded him. "She was faithful as hell to you even before you even made a move on her, why would it be any different now that you actually are head over heels for her? And you haven't even looked at someone else all this time, so…" he shrugged. "Some things are just unspoken, it doesn't mean they aren't there".
"I just… got insecure".
"More like jealous" Seungmin mumbled.
Hyunjin smiled weakly. "Insecure, genuinely. Sure, I tend to always get jealous, and I admit there was a bit of jealousy in there, too, but… I just got so fucking insecure when she corrected him, because yeah, she was faithful to me before and whatnot but Changbin hyung was the one exemption to it, and at the end of the day she's the one who gets to make the call and she can realise she'd rather be with someone else and choose Bin hyung over me any time".
"What do you mean?"
"I mean exactly that" he shrugged. "I'm in this kind of trial, trying to prove to her that I'm serious about my feelings for her, and I… if it were up to me we would already be official as hell, but she's the one who gets to decide that, and until then I'm just… hand tied".
"I don't think you are, though?" Seungmin's words got Hyunjin tilting his head in confusion. "I mean… you guys are an actual couple by now, you're pretty much only missing the labels, and I'm sure Y/N would say yes in a heartbeat if you asked her to be your girlfriend".
Hyunjin sighed, nervously biting his lip as he looked in your direction once again.
Maybe you would've before. After your argument, however, he was not so sure anymore.
He just kept fucking up over and over when it came to you, and he was scared all the progress the two of you had made so far, all the proof he had given you when it came to showing you he was serious about you this time, would come crashing down just because of this one slip up of his.
He should've kept quiet. Fuck, he should've shut his mouth the moment you had open yours to apologise. Everything would be so much different now if he learned to just not say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking about it first.
Then again, he had never been good at expressing himself, that you knew very well. Especially when it came to this kind of moments when he felt put on the spot.
He wished he could just turn back time and shut his fucking mouth.
Seeing Seungmin take the bottle of soju away from the corner of his eye, he gave up on both talking and drinking altogether, folding his arms over the table and resting his head on them, as he could feel all the alcohol he had drunk finally begin to hit.
Hyunjin didn't know how long it had been. Maybe twenty minutes, maybe ten. Maybe an hour, or even five minutes? All he knew was that he had passed out for a bit.
He didn't even know if his friends were around anymore or if Seungmin was still by his side, as he could not hear anyone near him. Well, anyone he knew, for the various unknown voices chatting —if not yelling— over the loud music around the bar were already invading his ears from all over.
Stretching out over the table after a good minute and almost knocking down a glass of soju, he finally sat back up. Much to his surprise, nearly all your friends were back at the table. Everyone but Cherry, as she kept chatting with you by the bar.
"Good morning there" Chan greeted with a teasing smile, having the rest join in in a second.
God, he knew he would never hear the end of it now.
"Good morning," he joined them, cynically. "How long was I out for?"
"Like fifteen minutes?" Han answered. "I don't know, I just got here like five minutes ago but I saw you sleeping from the dance floor".
"Yeah, fifteen minutes is a good guess," Minho laughed under his breath. He was probably the one enjoying this the most. "Right, Seungmin?"
All eyes on Min, they were met with his rather distraught expression staring intently at the bar.
"Seungmin?" Minho pushed it.
"Huh?" he snapped out of it.
"How long was Hwang out for? You were with him the entire time".
"Like two bottles" he answered incoherently as his eyes travelled back to the bar.
Chan snorted. "That's not what we were asking but holy fuck, Hyunjin".
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, later focusing them on Seungmin by his side. "You okay, man?"
"Yeah, I just…" his eyes squinted. "Who are…"
As if on cue, everyone followed his stare. And suddenly, Hyunjin knew exactly why his friend felt so distraught.
You and Cherry seemed to have company, and not precisely the kind of it he was okay with. Two guys around your age he had never seen before in his life, who were getting way too close to you, were most definitely not the kind of company he ever wanted for you. Especially not the one dude who was coming awfully near your ear to try and properly speak to you.
"Aw, just like the old days" Minho pretended to wipe a nostalgic tear, earning himself a snort from Han and a small shove from Jeongin next to him.
"Hell no" Seungmin mumbled under his breath, not letting another second go by before rushing towards Chaeryeong.
That was what Hyunjin wanted. To be able to just go up there, grab you and make sure that any other guy knew you were his. For every single person in the world to know you were with him.
Instead, he sat there — watching from afar how Seungmin reached Cherry's side and pulled her to him, glaring at the stranger that had tried to hit on her and telling him something Hyunjin could not quite decipher yet could perfectly guess what it was. Something along the lines of 'she's taken', of course.
Exactly what he wanted to be able to do with you.
He could've sworn Seungmin had told the guy who was trying to hit on you off, too, and although it was not quite enough to make him feel at ease, he did feel thankful to his friend.
Boyfriend or not, there was only so much he could take, however. So, when the very same guy who had invaded your personal space did not seem to care about Seungmin's words nor about your polite rejection —as he could tell by the way you had taken a step back from him and awkwardly motioned with your hands for him to take a hint—, Hyunjin found himself standing up from his spot and sprinting towards you.
"What's going on here?" he asked, towering over you the moment he reached your side.
"Um, n-nothing," your words sounded just as nervous as you looked, eyeing Hyunjin up before you focused on the stranger in front. "This is—"
"I really don't care who he is" Hyunjin shut you down, eyes glaring at the guy. "Back off".
"Now why would I do that?" the man —whose name you had learned to be Junghee a minute ago when he tried to buy you a drink—, replied rather smugly.
"Hyunjin…" you grabbed his hand, stopping him right as you felt him move forward.
"She's clearly not interested, leave her alone".
"Why don't you let her speak for herself then?"
Hyunjin turned around to look at you, silently demanding for an answer, yet simultaneously begging you with his eyes alone not to challenge him this time around — not to do anything that would hurt him any further.
He should know better by now, though. Because although you looked taken aback and anxious even, your eyes were on him. Only him. Not once during all those seconds the two of them had been expecting an answer from you had you merely even glanced anywhere but him.
And that was enough to let him know what you wanted, if not who you wanted.
"She's taken," Hyunjin spat after having turned back around. "Back off".
"That's what that other dude said, but—"
"Dude, I'm her boyfriend. Now go".
Raising both arms in defeat, not without first eyeing you up and down in a way that could easily have earned a punch from Hyunjin, he backed away for once and for all.
Hyunjin shook his head in both disbelief and annoyance, making sure the dickhead actually left before turning around to lock eyes with your cold ones.
"You're not my boyf—" you fell quiet the moment he cornered you against the bar and firmly placed his hand on your nape.
"To some random dude who's trying to make a move on you, yes I am".
You didn't have time to protest, for his mouth on yours had prevented you from doing so before you even had the chance.
Not like you wanted to protest to begin with, as his lips trapping your bottom one in them and sucking on it the way you loved it was all you had needed that night after your fight.
For him to reassure you once again that he was serious about you was everything you needed and more.
You grabbed him by the collar at the same time you wrapped one arm around his neck, feeling like you would die if you didn't have him the closest you could right then. Thankfully, Hyunjin seemed to get the memo, bringing his hands dangerously down to the lowest of your back so he could pull you to him and get rid of every possible centimeter that was left between your bodies.
Somehow backing you up harder against the bar and making sure your bodies wouldn't lose the closeness he had put in between them, he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, smiling into the kiss after you had massaged his tongue with yours.
"You don't get to let other guys hit on you just because of a stupid argument we had" he mumbled against your lips, getting a soft hum out of you when he pulled at your bottom one.
"I wasn't…" you whispered.
"No?" he pulled away for a second. "Is that why you were about to introduce me to him like it was nothing?"
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment. "I panicked, I didn't know what to say".
"Mhm… that better be it" he trapped your lip in his once more. "Because you're mine".
"I'm n—"
"Shhh…" he hushed you with a kiss, making you smile against his mouth. "You are".
"You're an idiot," you chuckled, endearingly looking up at him and gently cupping his cheek. "And you're drunk".
"M—not," he whined, more cutely to your ears than he had intended.
"You sure?" you teased, holding his face now with both hands as he rested his forehead on yours. "You do taste quite drunk to me".
He laughed under his breath, pressing a kiss to your cheek before he leaned down to rest his forehead on your shoulder — arms wrapping tightly around you as he tiredly nuzzled the crook of your neck.
"I may or may not have drunk my feelings away" he admitted.
"And the alcohol is finally starting to hit?"
He nodded, a quite heavy sigh of his tickling your neck.
"You wanna leave?" you asked, gently running a hand up and down his back.
Another silent nod was his answer. "Yeah, just wanna be with you right now…"
You smiled blissfully, planting a small kiss on his temple before your hand held his. "Okay then, let's go tell the rest we're dipping".
One look at your table was all it took for you to realise the two of you had been the main attraction back there. You didn't even notice the moment Chae and Seungmin had left your side and gone back to sit down with the rest, yet there they were, shamelessly gossipping together as they watched you walk towards the table.
The closer you got, the clearer you saw their teasing smiles — and the more you wanted to just turn around and get out of there with Hyunjin already.
"Glad to see you guys are on good terms again" Han teased as soon as you reached the table, motioning with his head towards your intertwined fingers.
"Didn't really appreciate the sight of you two exchanging saliva again, though" Minho pointed out.
"No one told you to look" Hyunjin shrugged.
Minho scoffed. "You were all up in our business, how could we not?"
"As if you weren't shoving your tongue down that one girl's throat minutes ago" you bit back, getting nothing but a proud smirk from him. "Anyway, we're leaving now, so…"
"Are you guys going to Hyunjin's dorm?" Jeongin asked.
"Mhm…" you nodded.
"You're staying there?" Cherry wondered.
You shook your head no. "I'm just d—"
"You're not?" Hyunjin asked in a pout.
You laughed under your breath. "I mean…"
"You guys can always figure that out later, but can I leave with you?" Innie drew your attention. "I'm tired and my dorm is on the way, we could split a taxi".
"That sounds great" you agreed. "Let's go then".
"If that's the case, I'm going with you guys, too" Changbin stood up as well, walking up to you right as Jeongin did.
"Why?" Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed.
"Because you will probably pass out in the car and there is no way Y/N will be able to drag your drunk ass all the way up to our floor alone".
Hyunjin shrugged, pulling you closer to him by the waist. "Whatever, but Jeongin is sitting with us in the backseat".
Rolling his eyes in amusement, Changbin agreed to his friend's conditions. Maybe you had already been forgiven, but he was clearly not on the clear just yet for having kept you from him earlier that night.
The ride home had been easier than you had initially thought, mainly because Hyunjin passed out on your shoulder the second you got in the taxi, and just like that he was no longer able to glare at Changbin like he had done right before getting in the car, even though his wishes of having Jeongin join the two of you on the backseat had been complied with.
He had also been able to walk up the stairs just fine — a bit slow, but just fine. Although he did trip once when there was only one floor left to theirs, and if it weren't for Changbin, who was walking behind the two of you just to make sure, then probably the story would've been very different.
All in all, it had not been that bad. Hyunjin wasn't wasted, to be fair, but all the alcohol he had drunk during that one moment of sulkiness had hit the hardest in the span of his confrontation with the pushy guy at the bar and the ride home.
By the time the three of you reached his room, he didn't think twice before letting go of your grasp around his waist and slumping down face first on his bed — a muffled whine reaching your ears and earning a smile from you that had Changbin shaking his head in disbelief over how head over heels you were for his friend.
"Well, seems like my job here is done, so…"
Reluctantly taking your eyes away from your passed out beloved on his bed, you turned around to look at Bin. "Thanks for coming with us," you smiled. "The trip up the stairs could've been hell if you weren't here".
He chuckled, taking a step towards you. "Yeah, to be honest he wasn't that bad tonight. There have been times when Seungmin and I have feared for our lives trying to drag him up those stairs".
You rolled your eyes in amusement. "I've heard the same kind of stories but with you being the one that has to be dragged upstairs".
"Now who was the snitch" he playfully squared up.
"You guys literally all snitch on each other" you laughed.
Hyunjin unconsciously tossed in bed, making both your heads snap in his direction, and as if on cue, both your stares turned softer — the mood suddenly dropping.
"He was really upset tonight…" Changbin was the first one to bring the topic up.
"Yeah…" you mumbled, intently staring at Hyunjin sleeping. "Maybe we shouldn't…"
"Hang out alone anymore?" he finished with an obvious tone.
You nodded, slowly. "At least until things are more clear between us and he feels okay with it".
"You mean until you guys put a label to what very clearly already is an official relationship" he smirked.
"Stop…" you lowered your head to try and hide the shy smile that had just curved up your lips. "Things are still a bit messy between us… and I hated knowing that I hurt him today and I would hate to hurt him again" a small sigh abandoned your mouth as you looked up to him. "I really love him, Binnie".
"I know you do," he smiled, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Let's just hang out while the others are around from now on".
"Yeah, let's do that" you agreed with a smile.
"Does this count as hanging out alone when Hyunjin is passed out in front of us?"
You couldn't help a throaty laugh from escaping your mouth, finding yourself having to cover it with one hand not to risk waking Hyunjin up, which seemed to be highly unlikely yet never impossible.
"You're staying the night?" he changed the topic, still not being able to erase the smile that had formed on his face over your laughter.
You shook your head no. "I'm just staying with him for a bit".
He snorted. "That's just calling to fall asleep on the floor next to him".
"I just want to make sure he stays sleeping on his side in case he throws up".
"Ew, I knew you were in love as hell but not to the point of being willing to clean his puke up".
"Shut up," you squinted your eyes at him, causing him to hold both hands up as he backed towards the door.
"Okay, I'll leave you to it now. I believe his pyjamas are in the second drawer," he motioned. "Although I guess he could sleep in his underwear alone, I don't know".
"You're changing him, aren't you?" Changbin raised a questioning eyebrow.
"No, you change him".
He scoffed. "You're the one dating him, that's your problem now".
"But you're a boy..."
"What are we, twelve?" he laughed. "Don't act like you've never seen him naked before".
"Okay first, you don't know that" you pointed an accusing finger at him. "And second, he's drunk".
"I don't want to overstep…"
"Trust me, he won't be mad that you changed him to sleep" he smirked.
"Changbinnnn," you begged in a whine.
"Ugh, okay" he gave in, realising there was no changing your mind. "Just go wait outside. And when he gets mad at me for changing his clothes, I'm throwing you under the bus".
"I'll take the risk" you laughed.
Pulling down the white oversized t-shirt of Hyunjin's that Changbin had given you after having successfully convinced you to spend the night before he could leave to his room for once and for all, you couldn't help but feel all giddy. You hadn't worn them many times, maybe one or two, but still, you could never grow used to wearing Hyunjin's clothes. And a part of you couldn't help but not feel like ever giving it back.
The way it had his particular scent you loved so much all over, the way it was long enough to cover just a little under your thighs, the way it felt almost like being in his arms, the way it was his.
Snapping out of it when you heard a heavy sigh coming from the bed, you were met with the cutest sight of Hyunjin tucked into it. Changbin had gone through the trouble, since he knew for a fact you would have a hard time trying to tuck him in if not.
The sheets were pulled up to his chin, in a way you could only see his uncovered face as he laid on his back and how the covers moved slowly up and down with each breath he took.
His eyes remained closed and his breathing calm. You couldn't help but feel bad for the hangover you knew he was waking up with the next morning, although that itself wasn't enough to erase the smile from off your face as you stared at him.
It was ridiculous how soft you were for him, not to say weak. You were so mad earlier that night, so hurt that he had brought up the one girl you were insecure about when it came to his past, that you thought the two of you would go your different ways that night and take a couple of days to make up.
But then there he was, telling a random guy who was trying to hit on you to back off and calling himself your boyfriend, kissing you like you were the only people in the bar, and that was all it took for you to feel at ease again — for you to know you would be alright regardless of the pending conversation you still needed to have.
Physically shaking your head as you were unable to mentally shake off his voice repeating the word 'boyfriend' over and over, causing your heart to soar with every memory of it, you went up to his drawer by the bed.
You took out the face wipes you knew he kept in there and went to the mirror next to it so you could take off your makeup. This wasn't your ideal night routine, but it would have to do for tonight.
"Mm…" Hyunjin's tired voice had your head snapping in his direction, only to be met with his visibly heavy eyes staring at you. "Sexy".
You snorted, feeling your face burn yet refusing to show how flustered you were over his sudden comment. Instead, you shook your head in amusement and threw the wipe into the small trash bin under his desk before you took a clean one out of the package.
"You're awake" you pointed out the obvious, sitting down by the edge of the bed.
"Yeah…" he sighed, eyes unconsciously closing for a moment there. "You looked too good for me not to wake up".
"That makes absolutely no sense" you laughed, leaning in to pull the covers slightly down to his chest.
"Yes, it does" he fought back, grimacing when the cold wipe came in contact with his face yet not protesting as you gently cleaned him up. "You should wear my clothes more often".
"I will take you up on that offer" you smiled, pressing a brief kiss to his forehead before going to throw the used wipe in the bin, too. "I'm borrowing a pair of sweatpants to sleep in".
"Noo, come here," he protested, stretching his arms out of the covers for you to go over there. "I meant you should wear my t-shirts with nothing else more often".
"Oh? You like the sight, Hwang Hyunjin?"
"You know I do" his eyes squinted accusingly.
"And what if I wanna go to the bathroom or the kitchen?" you taunted, folding your arms over your chest.
"If the guys are here then you put a pair of sweatpants on before leaving my room" his dead serious semblance got you grinning. "If we're alone, then it doesn't matter".
"Gatekeeping, I see" you came closer to the bed, enough for him to reach his hand out and grab your wrist.
"Of course," he proudly stated, pulling you down onto the bed with him — his hand resting against your back to pull you closer, later travelling down to the back of your thigh and guiding it over his waistline. "Only I get to see your pretty thighs like this".
This time, you could not hide the prominent heat in your cheeks, having to look down for a second to try and collect yourself, only to be met with his fingers holding your chin up and his lips pressing softly on yours.
Although it had begun tenderly, almost innocently, it was only a matter of seconds before Hyunjin's tongue was opening its way into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine as your hand went to his nape and your fingers were entangled in his brown locks.
It wasn't until his fingertips traced their way up from your thigh to your hip and his hand dug inside the t-shirt of his you were wearing, reaching dangerously close to the curve of your breasts, that you pulled away.
"So you're a horny drunk…" you smirked, almost as if having found his weakness. "Should've seen it coming".
"I always wanna touch you" he pouted.
"Something tells me it's different this time" you let out a breathy laugh, holding his wrist and gently removing it from underneath your top. "So I'm stopping you before we get too caught up".
"But I need you…" he whined, burying his face in your chest.
"You're literally half asleep, what would you be able to do anyway?"
"Don't underestimate me, baby girl".
You felt him smile against your chest in response to the small laugh that had just escaped your throat at his threatening words.
Considering your little banter to be done with after his last statement, Hyunjin's arms snaked around your waist and pulled you somewhat closer to him — as close as the covers in between the two of you allowed him to.
"You okay?" you whispered when you felt him take a heavy breath, tenderly running your fingers through his hair.
"Everything's spinning" he managed to let out as he exhaled.
You chuckled, pressing your lips down on the crown of his head. "That's what happens when you down two bottles of soju in half an hour".
He pouted. "I was… feeling very shitty…"
Your heart hurt at his words, and you were met with his heavy-looking chocolate eyes after he had pulled slightly away from your chest.
Silence filled the room for a minute, words somehow not being needed as you quietly looked at each other.
Wetting his lips, he reached a hand up to cup your cheek, drawing small circles on it with his thumb and smiling when your hand reached up to do the same with his wrist.
"I'm sorry about what I said," he apologised. "I shouldn't have brought Y—"
"I really don't wanna talk about her anymore" you softly cut him off.
He nodded, tenderly grabbing your hand in his and caressing the back of it with his thumb. "I'm really sorry, baby… I never wanted to hurt you".
"Hey, it's okay" you hushed him. "I never wanted to hurt you either. I'm sorry too, Jinnie".
He smiled, tiredly yet ever so blissfully — eyes closing once again right as he brought your hand up to his mouth and pressed a sweet kiss to it.
"I only want you. All to myself. No one else".
"You don't want me with anyone else or you don't want anyone else but me?" you couldn't help but tease.
"Both," his confident tone got a giggle out of you. "But you're the one who gets to decide whether you want to be with me for real now and I just keep fucking up an—"
"Baby…" you called him softly as ever, lovingly running your thumb over his bottom lip and managing to make him open his eyes once more. "You haven't even fucked up".
"I just did tonight, though…"
"Not in a way that will stop me from wanting to be with you" you reassured him with a smile.
"You promise?" he whispered.
You nodded, answering his question by briefly pressing your lips against his. "Remember what I told you the morning after we got together?"
"You told me many things that morning" he smirked, causing you to roll your eyes in amusement.
"About not feeling like you have to watch your every move around me" you reminded him. "I said that as long as y—"
"I don't go to someone else or start feeling trapped again we would be alright…" he completed for you.
"And you haven't done any of those, have you?"
"No, of course not" he sounded almost offended by that question. "If anything you might start feeling trapped with how clingy I got".
A throaty laugh escaped your mouth at that, snuggling closer to him and feeling your heart melt when his hand was naturally placed on the curve of your waist.
Fuck, you loved him.
"What are you saying, I love clingy" you admitted. "And since you haven't done any of those two things I don't really consider that you've fucked up… couples argue here and there, it's okay".
"Are you saying we're a couple now?" he smiled.
You bit your bottom lip, looking away from his eyes as you were at a loss of words and felt your face burn under his stare.
"Go to sleep, Jinnie".
"You haven't answered my question".
"You're drunk" you pointed out. "We'll talk about this some other time".
Hyunjin pouted, but ultimately decided to let it go. "You're staying the night?"
You nodded. "How else am I supposed to take care of your drunken ass tonight?"
"That is very girlfriend of you" he smirked.
You couldn't help the giggle that had just ran past your lips, just like you couldn't help the backflip your heart had just done. "You're going to regret this so much in the morning".
"I won't" he stood his ground.
"We'll see about that tomorrow" you chuckled. "Now go to sleep".
"At least get in here with me," he tugged at the covers for you to get inside. "You're practically naked, don't want my baby to catch a cold".
"Shut up," you laughed under your breath, embarrassed, yet complied with his wishes.
Helping him pull the sheets up, you got inside them with him, who wasted no time to tuck you in with him and tightly engulf you in his arms.
You sighed contentedly when your face rested on his chest, throwing a leg over his waist.
"Better?" he asked.
"Mhm…" your body snuggled closer to him. "This was very boyfriend of you" you couldn't help but tease.
Feeling him smile against the crown of your head, you were greatly surprised by his long fingers pushing your chin up to be met with his plump lips.
"That's what you should've told that one idiot that was hitting on you".
"And who says I didn't?"
He pulled back from your mouth, staring at you with wide eyes as he tried to process the words that had just come out of it. "Y-You did?"
You nodded, quite amusedly.
"You told him I was your boyfriend?"
"Well, I told him I had a boyfriend. He didn't know who you were, so…" you laughed at his cute expression right then.
"And even then he still wouldn't back off?" he scoffed. "God, I should've punched him".
An amused giggle escaped your mouth. "It's fine, I was actually about to just walk away when you got there" you confessed, tenderly running your thumb up and down the corner of his mouth. "You really underestimate how bad I don't want to be hit on by anyone but you, Hwang Hyunjin".
The smile that had just curved up his lips right then could easily be one of your favourites he'd ever given you. There was something about his crescent moon eyes and his dimples that had your heart soaring.
You didn't get to stare at it for long, though, for those same lips that were holding the most beautiful smile you had ever seen were soon to be pressed on yours, somehow managing to show you everything he felt for you yet did not have the right words to express.
Feeling his hot breath tickle your wet lips after the lack of oxygen had broken you apart, you found yourself smiling against his mouth, pecking it ever so lightly and having him do the same the next second.
"Be my girlfriend?" he whispered against your mouth.
Your eyes opened wide, and you were sure they looked elated as ever — for you were elated as ever.
You could scream. You could cry. You could laugh. Everything at once as you were hit by the one question you had at some point believed Hyunjin would never let himself ask you.
You could do so many things right then as you stared into his tired yet genuine eyes, and your heart screamed for you to answer with the 'yes' that had gotten stuck at the back of your throat the second his question reached your ears.
At last, though, you let the rational part of you win for once.
Leaning in to steal a soft, lingering kiss from his cloudlike lips, you looked up at him with a small smile. "Ask me again when you're sober".
Letting out a breathy, defeated laugh, he rested his forehead on yours as he closed his eyes. "Will you say yes?"
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. "Go to sleep, baby".
Although not entirely satisfied with your answer, he gave it up for once and for all, pulling you back to his chest as he closed his eyes and found comfort in the way your limbs were loosely wrapped around him. You were lucky the alcohol kept dragging him into a slumber, otherwise you would not have heard the end of it until you gave him a proper answer.
In less than a minute, he was fast asleep all over again.
You, on the other hand, were left wide awake while almost inaudible snores abandoned his lips every few seconds — unable to conceal your sleep as everything that happened that night kept replaying in your mind over and over. More precisely, images of your last conversation right before he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
With your heart pumping hard against your chest to the point you were scared it would wake him up, you could only wish he would not change his mind once he woke up. That if he even remembered everything that had left his mouth that night.
Wide awake, you were left thinking of every possible outcome following this night.
Whatever happened, though, drunk words were sober thoughts, and although conflicted over the circumstances they had been spoken on, you could not help the overwhelming happiness taking over your mind and body now that you knew Hwang Hyunjin wanted to make things official with you.
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tag list: @blaaiissee @hyuneytoast @staysuki @tardiscompanion @princehyun-jin @hyuka-luvbot @halesandy @nattisbored @qnjayn @hibuki-chan @purenjuniverse @seungly @suhnnyskiess @midsoulz @kwanisms @esme-ordaz @perriwiinkle @firnze @soobin-chois @moon-320 @multifandomizer @elviransworld @valewoos @ktttwwn @hazzaloveschopsuey @hannahdinse8 @zoe8stay @leechanniee @phenomenalgirl9 @aeminju @threevracha @laryisthinking @wolfietara @iam2out @kingggjaay @cosmic-railwayxo @straykidsficsrecsbaby @marsophilia @choibeomgogi @ddaengpotate @oceanyocean @rinsdesires @jhslmhbtsskz @lixlovesworld @keenlampponyclam @yerimselgi @mal-lunar-28 @littlestarhyun @mingiholic @euphroseia
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nightowl374art · 26 days
-So I'm very excited to write this 'cause I've been meaning to do it for a while now. So yah here I go...
-I just love your art so so much! Like fr bro you give me so much joy with your fanarts. I haven't felt this attached to an artist and certain art style in a while but you bring it all back with what you're doing and I'm so extremely grateful. So y'know... Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
-I love every piece you've made so far but I gotta say ... That one with the remake of the amazing Spider-Man 2 graduation was just out of this world. Andrew's spiderman is my favorite of the live action trio and I love that one part so much! But I gotta say... Take this as an idea lol... So there's one more part of that movie I deeply love. It's the part where Peter makes the "I love you" on a bridge and then takes Gwen and they make it up to each other... Can't help but see miles and Gwen do that as well. Like in the end of beyond like them getting together or like maybe Miles proposing like that IDK! Take my idea 💡!
-Ok so that's my fav fanart but I'm absolutely in love with their beautiful family! Their kids look so beautiful and them being together is something I treasure a lot! I love how you made the kids different then the comics and also the way you made Miles and Gwen! They look so good! I love Gwen's side braids and Miles haircut it's like... I don't see him doing it BUT I freaking love the spider detail in the side! I even told my friend that if I had my hair like Gwen someday I would add that detail! It looks so good! So perfect like chef's kiss! Also the first art I saw of their kids was that one with Peter B calling Miles and Gwen for having kids and them all just being like:
Max and Charlotte: who the hell is this dude?
Miles and Gwen: What the actual f-
Miles (dad): Idk who the hell you are but please don't touch my kids...
-I also love miles 42 and Gwen 42 art... It looks so cute and she looks hot as hell btw. I also find it very funny when they are having a double date with miles 1610 and Gwen 65. They look adorable ... So different but very refreshing I really like it!
-Look like I mentioned I'm beyond have and grateful that you're making art like this... It's not just the art or the art style but the impact it made me! You're very talented and special! I can't wait for more beautiful art from you. I hope you're getting all the support you deserve and that you're doing well! Never stop smiling and have a nice day/night!
-Hope you get to read this soon and sorry for being so long! But this is just a fraction of what I was meaning to tell you so yah....
-Thank you for everything and for your time! Bye❤️🌻🫂🕸️
I am always amazed when people say these kind of things to me. It means everything to me to know I can bring even just a little bit of joy to someone through my passion, so I would like to say thank you to you 💕.
Agreed. Andrew is my favorite version of Peter, the vibe of his movies really speak to me. I love the scene you’ve mentioned, but it breaks my heart because of Gwen’s fate. However I would love to do that for Miles and Gwen. Right now I’ve got a lot of pieces in progress, so don’t expect it right away, but if I find a chance to do it I will ✨
I really enjoyed drawing their kiddos and had every intention of drawing them differently from the comics. I wanted to do my own interpretation of their kids since the spiderverse style if different from the comics. I actually based Gwen’s braids on some of her concept art, I loved that look (it’s viking-ish which I dig) so I wanted to do something with it.
Though Miles and Gwen 42 are not exactly canon, I still love the idea of them and so I’m glad you have enjoyed what I have made.
Just so you know, I’m very moved by what you said and all your heartfelt thoughts about my art. It’s lovely to hear what you think and how it has given you joy. It’s all I could’ve asked for as an artist so I hope you know how grateful I am 🩷
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duckvenger · 1 year
Y'know how @gabrielisdead said a little while back that it'd be neat to see a Disney villain song for Hyde? And then @rms-himmel suggested adapting Friends On The Other Side? Well thanks for the inspiration you two, annnddd...
Here yah go! I'm sorry that the audio is buggy in places; my mic isn't the best. But this was a lotta fun to make! :D
I plan to draw a short PMV for the song so I can upload it to my YouTube channel (Coffeevenger). If anyone else also wants to make art of Hyde and Jekyll inspired by Dr Facilier and his shadows, I'd love to see it!!
Lyrics under the cut.
[Hyde, sung:] Don't you disrespect me, good man! Don't interrogate, oh so sly! You're in my world now, not your world And I’ve got a friend on the other side ([Jekyll, sung:] He’s got a friend on the other side)
[Hyde, spoken:] That's an echo, Utterson Just a little something we have here in the streets of Soho Now follow me - yes, hurry!
[Hyde, sung:] In the night you’re able To be what you please If you relax, you’ll find that you don’t need, all those Pointless chivalries
I can read you, good sir You’re lookin’ to learn ‘bout me Well look deep into my heart and soul ([Hyde, spoken:] We do have a soul, don't we, Jekyll?) I wanna know what you see
Am I no-one? Am I someone? Why am I something Jekyll hides? Well he’s just our friend on the other side ([Jekyll, sung:] I’m his friend from the other side)
[Hyde, sung:] The child, the child, that poor young lass It’s true, yes sir, I ran over that girl And yet, I’m here, all scott free! And it’s thanks to ol’ Jekyll that my hands are clean
Now you, good man, with your lawyerly deeds You know well both sides of humanity ([Hyde, spoken:] It’s like everyone’s got two faces, ain’t it?) You help folks rise And then watch ‘em fall You’re frontrow to the sadness, yet you never intervene
[Hyde, spoken:] Y’know, I can tell yer scared of me
[Utterson, spoken:] Ah. That’s not true-!
[Hyde, spoken:] Aww c’mon now, I promise I don’t bite Utterson! I just wanna be free, Hop from place to place But freedom takes green!
[Hyde, sung:] It's the green, yes indeed, I’m the green you see When Jekyll put me in a vial he found it’s all that he needs
On Jekyll good man, I don't wanna waste much time He’s been so perfect all his life A true Victorian gentleman without flaws or ill intentions And he seems so happy Yet he’s miserable ‘bout his life But beneath that mask: the ‘him’ I see… Your dear doctor ain’t as good as you want him to be!
[Utterson, spoken:] This is slander!
[Hyde, spoken:] Aww, come on, sir! Don’t you seek the truth, Utterson? …Yeees!
[Hyde, sung:] Are you ready? ([Jekyll, sung:] Please don’t do this!) Are you ready?
Transformation central! ([Jekyll, sung:] Stop it now, you devil!) Reformation central! ([Jekyll, sung:] Do not drink that chemical!) Transmogrification central! Can you feel it?
We're changin', we're changin', we're changin', all right! I hope you're satisfied But if you ain't, don't blame me! You can blame my friend on the other side! ([Jekyll, sung:] Is this what you wanted?) ([Jekyll, sung:] 'Coz there’s no turning back…)
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little-bitty-froggy · 8 months
Hi froggie I am going to request something specific if that’s ok
Anyways I wanted to request Eddie caring for a regressed reader who hides their regression. The reader at first seems uncomfortable and put of by the other neighbours regressing but as it turns out they regress to. Eddie finds out when he catches the reader using a paci causing the reader to cry. Comfort ensues.
If you can’t that’s ok and you can add whatever headcannons you want. Okey bye —🐞
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Cg: Eddie Dear
Little: Reader
Age- 2-3
Little: Wally
Y/n was having a rough day. All they wanted to do was relax and wined down but they couldn’t. Today they had to help out Eddie with taking care of Wally cause Frank wasn't feeling well. They dreaded on going. It's not like they where against Regression, in fact, they were a regressor themself. It's just, it makes them uncomfortable being around them. They don't know why. They love seeing others happy but it just feeling that they can't get away.
No one in the neighborhood knows that they reggress but Eddie and Y/n promested that they would never say anything until Y/n wanted to come out.
Y/n walked up to home and asked if they could walk in. Home just creaked. “Thank you.” Y/n smiled and walked to be greeted by a small puppet sucking on a blue pacifier giggling and Eddie walking around the corner following Wally. “Wally wait!!” Eddie laughed chasing after Wally. Y/n picked Wally up with a weak smile. “Why hello little one.” “oh hello Y/n. Good to see you! How ill take him.” Eddie smiled as he took Wally. Y/n and Eddie walk into the playroom and Eddie sits Wally down.
“So Y/n, how was you day?” “oh, it was alright, I just couldn't wait to see Wally. I hope Frank gets well soon though.” Y/n gives Eddie a small smile. “Yeah, he has a cold so he’ll be back after a week though.” “oh, that's good!” Y/n looks at wally confused and kneels down. “What are you going there bud?” “m pwayin wif da bwacks!” Wally giggles as he stacks the different collard blocks. Y/n seems a little uncomfortable but it's not noticeable. “I'll be right back.” “oh ok.”
Y/n walks out of the playroom, goes into the bathroom and splashes there face with cold water. “(it's ok, just a couple more hours and then you can make up an excuse)” Y/n thought, and that's when they felt a rush of fuzziness. “(NO NOT NOW!!!)” Y/n then solashes there face with water again and walks back to the play room acting like nothing happened.
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” Eddie looks concerned. “What, no no I'm fine, just tired. I didn't sleep well last night so.” “oh well if you need a break just let me know, ok?” Eddie reassures Y/n. “Thanks but I'm ok. Is there anything that I should do right now?” “um, I'm not sure. One sec.” Eddie kneels down to Wally. “Hey bub? You wanna do anything right now?” Wally shakes his head no. “ nope, nothing right now but if you want. You can sleep for a little bit on the couch and ill take care of Wally.” “Are you sure!” Y/n looks relieved that they don't have to do anything but they don't want Eddie to do everything. “I'm sure.” Eddie reassures Y/n. “ ok fine” Y/n smiles and walks out
(“Hmm, it's been over an hour. Maybe I should check up on Y/n?”) Eddie thought to himself.”Wally?” “Yah!” Wally looks up at Eddie. “I'm going to go check up on Y/n, it's that ok?” “mhm!” Wally nods and goes back to playing.
Eddie checks the bathroom, kitchen, art room and wallys bedroom but Y/n in nowhere to be found. “Y/n?!” Y/n was curled up in a corner looking half asleep. “Y/n, Buddy is everything ok?” Eddie asks as he sits next to Y/n. “Mh!” tears stream down there face. “Hey hey baby it's ok. There's no need to cry.” Eddie cups Y/n’s face in the palm of his hands. “What's wrong love?” “m sowwy.” Y/n leans into Eddie. “What are you sorry for hunny?” “m stupid, wawwy is smaww an we suppose to take cawe of him by now m smaww.” hot tears form rolling down Y/n’s cheek. Eddie picks up Y/n onto his lap
Eddie try’s to calm them down by rocking them or rubbing their back. “Feel better?” “mhm.” “you wanna stay like this for a bit and then go play Wally?” Eddie asked. Y/n thinks got a bit and nods. Eddie picks Y/n up and walks to the playroom where Wally is. He sits them down on the carpet. “Wally, I got you a little friend!” “A FWIEN!!” Wally jumps up and down. “Here!” Wally hands Y/n a red crayon. “You can cowor wif me!”
Y/n and wally end up coloring for the rest of the day while Eddie takes care of them. I guess Y/n has a new little buddy now!
I'm going to say this for all of the requests that I never got to till now. I'm REEEEAALLYYY sorry. I've been in a rough patch for a while but I'm doing somewhat better. :3 have a wonderful day, earning, night!
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coffeepurpleu · 1 year
On a Sweet Night, Be My Lucky Star (02)
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Pairing : VampireTaehyung x WitchReader x DemonJungkook
Genre: Supernatural, Smut, Angst, a little of violence,Fluff (I'll try go with all lmao)
Serie: (still don't know how many longer will be, like chapters, but I'm going to make you enjoy it),about updates (there's will be not a specific day to update, *wink).
This will be my first fanfic here, English It's not my first language, so, if you have any suggestion I'll try it🏃🏻‍♀️.
Teaser  Ch01
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"So, how have you felt here with us, even for this short time" I chuckled lightly.
"It's comfortable, you guys give off a warm aura" Namjoon smiles
"I'm glad, if you need something don't hesitate to ask for it, also if you need to let off steam we'll be there, even the library is a good place to calm down" I mentioned
"Yes, the first night I found several books, I was reading "my imaginary friend" I think by Stephen Chbosky, I'm not even halfway there yet but it's interesting" he opens the supermarket door for me
"Oh! I never finished that one, I started reading it by myself, then my mom asked me what it was about, she wanted to read it with me, so I stopped reading it, since she worked in a clinic, it was sometimes impossible for us to read, they passed 3 years and I never finished it" I muttered turning to see Namjoon
"So when will you finish it?" namjoon asks
"I don't know, go for the drinks, I'll go for appetizers” I smile turning around looking for the junk food aisle when I bump into someone
 "Excuse me, you're fine?" A tall boy holds me close to him smiling
 "Don't worry, I'm aclumsy myopic" I laugh
 "I think you're more of a pretty girl,  a pleasure, I'm Sunoo" Smile
“I'm Y/N, if you excuse me I'll look for some takeaways" I mention walking, a hand stops me 
"Could I get your number?" He murmurs with flushed cheeks "Sure" after exchanging numbers, I look for Nam, I find him still deciding what drink to bring. I reach out to scare him, put my hands on his shoulders sharply, slowly flip. "Yah, is it hard to scare you?"
"I think yes, I should wear soju? vodka?" He question 
"let's take both, and a strawberry milk for me" He looks at me funny and then laughs
We got home, opening, we looked at everyone, Jin was in the kitchen with my aunt, my cousin and her husband, outside setting the table with my uncle.
  "We’re here people!" I shout calling the attention of everyone there
"what did you bring?" my cousin asks approaching
"Vodka, soju and a strawberry milk" I smiled showing the drinks
"Well, this is mine." Haerin steals the strawberry milk from my hands to run away.
"Aunt! give me that back, you creep!" I scream running after her, I manage to catch her but we both fall to the ground crushing the strawberry box
"When are they going to change?" ask my aunt
"This is how I will die" Haerin and I say at the same time
"Come eat!" my uncle mentions
We all sit at the table, Jin and Namjoon take a seat on each side of me, in front is Haerin, heechul, at the ends are my uncles. I get a call, Hwasa, an old friend.
"I heard somewhere that you're in Paris, when were you going to tell me?" she complains
"I didn't have time, if you want I can come to your apartment tomorrow" I mention
"Nothing like that, we're going to the new nightclub, I've heard that there are always scrumptious vampires." Hwasa laughs.
"You, seriously, it's fine, but I'll go to the art gallery first" I smiles
"Okay girl, see you later" Hwasa hangs up
I look at everyone chatting, I touch Jin's shoulder. “I'll go to sleep,” he nods, then turns to face Namjoon. "Tomorrow we will buy clothes with Jin, and we will go to the gallery." I get up from the table saying goodbye to take a bath before bed.
"Wake up!" My aunt bangs pans walking down the hall
There is a thud from Namjoon's room, we go over to see, and find him on the floor wrapped in the blanket, grimacing. Jin laughs.
"Hey, don't be mean, are you okay?" I ask trying not to catch Jin's laughter
"Yeah, just a little dazed" Nam says moving his ears
"Sorry, maybe I went a bit too far" My aunt looks at him embarrassed.
"Well, we'll go change, downstairs is breakfast" My uncle says
After everyone went down for breakfast, Haerin offered to drive my uncles to the airport, my uncle lent me his car so I could tour the city. I walk to the car marking Elizabeth.
"Hi, where's my favorite bitch?" I hum as I hear her laugh
"Hello to you too, how are you going there? here sunhee has behaved well, it is a miracle ”she mentions with mockery
"Okay here, we were going to buy clothes, art gallery, and let Jin choose what he wants for the rest of the days before going back" I smiled looking at the boys already in the car, opening the door. "I'll talk to you later, kisses" I hang up to get in the car, I put on music
"So how is the little monster behaving?" Jin asks
"Very good, as always" I smiles proudly before starting to drive. "I talked to hwasa, the night she invited me to a club, who signs up."
“I have never been to a club” Namjoon mentions shy
"HOOOW?, well, take it as an opportunity and have fun" I hum
"Look who says it, lady I don't go out because people scare me" Jin laughs
"Of course not, besides I'm past that stage" I murmur, Jin raises an eyebrow. "FINE! only a part” I snort
"How long have you known each other?" Nam asks
"14 years ago I put up with this old man with bad jokes" I laughs
“YAH! They're comforting jokes." Jin frowns.
“Wow, that's a long time,” Namjoon mutters.
"We have arrived, Louis Vuitton" I wink to get out of the car, I get a message
xxx-xx-xxx: Hi babe! I'm sunoo, how are you? I wanted to ask you out today, if you don't have something scheduled haha
   You have booked xxx-xx-xxx as Sunoo😶
Babe: sorry, I'm scheduled to go out with some friends today, I'm only here for two weeks
Sunoo😶: okay, but tomorrow if I don't take no from you, how about we go to a cafeteria?
"Who is sunoo?" Jin appears behind me.
"You scared me!" I'll be back a bit
"Who is it?" Jin raises an eyebrow
"I met him yesterday at the store and well, the rest is cliché" I smile.
"Let's go in" Jin takes my arm walking towards Namjoon, who was looking at the prices of the clothes.
"This is worth more than myself," Nam mutters in amazement.
"Choose what you want, I invite you, and no, you don't have to pay for it later, it's a gift after all" I look at him before he could complain.
"I'm hungry" Jin complains carrying the bags with Namjoon behind the car
"We could go to the restaurant My universe" I mention
“It looks like it's going to rain” Namjoon mentions looking at the sky
"A little, but let nothing stop us" I climb into the driver's seat
“Is the art gallery far?” Nam asks
"Not much, don't worry, we'll have lunch and go after that" I smiles driving
"Look! Chef Bang is in that ad, looking for restaurants to promote,” Jin mentions looking out the window.
“You should sign up” I hum as I park the car at the restaurant
"Is that chef very famous?" Nam asks getting out of the car.
"Well, it's the reason why he opened a restaurant-" Before I finish speaking, Jin mentions "Also because my cooking is delicious."
Upon entering the restaurant we are greeted by the waitress, who guides us to a table near the window. She hands us the menu before leaving, mentioning that she was coming in 10 minutes to take the order.
"I want duck in orange sauce, what are you going to order?" I ask looking at them
“Croque-monsieur” Jin leans back a bit.
"I think a Vichyssoise" Namjoon mentions
"But that's as a side dish, how about a Pot-au-feu?" I ask nam
(the croque-monsieur is a sandwich filled with cheese and ham, and is usually gratin with gruyère cheese. Vichyssoise is cold soup made with leek, onion, potato, cream and milk. And Pot-au-feu is a beef stew with vegetables.)
“Okay, I'll trust you.” Namjoon stretches slightly.
After lunch, we go to the gallery, when we enter we separate, walking I find a purple painting with red flowers dripping white, under the painting is the name of an artist "KTH", I have heard of him, he is anonymous, a lot Some of his art has been sold for good causes, although he has been on hiatus for 4 years, his art is still inspiring to me. I hear a thick voice next to me.
"The painting is exotic in a way, don't you think?" I turn to see a red-haired vampire giving me a square smile with fangs sticking out brightly.
"Yes, it's a shame that he took a break" I look at him carefully, he is wearing black leather pants with a white satin shirt, a purple scarf tied around his neck, a black leather jacket to match, and some shoes high-heeled.
"Well, sometimes you have to rest from looking for inspiration, a pleasure, I'm-" Before the vampire could introduce himself, Namjoon comes running
"Something happens?" I look at him
“Not much, I just found a lot of cool art, and Jin is already in the car,” Nam mentions.
"So fast? It's okay, you should going to wait in the car" I tell him turning around to continue talking to the boy but I realize that he's gone, I sigh to go to the car
"I know where I want to go tomorrow" Jin mentions
"Where to?" I ask him
“How about a water park?” Jin looks at me mischievously
“But I'm not going to bathe, you know I can't swim” I pout, hearing namjoon laugh
"You really don't know how to swim?" Namjoon tries not to laugh
"No, but I know how to float upside down, something is something” I murmured.
“She never let me teach her well.” Jin shrugs.
"Why not a zoo or a circus?" I complain
“Or a library,” Namjoon mumbles sheepishly.
"Oh! true, here you go, I already add my number and Jin's too, if you need to take a walk, go ahead" I say, handing him a small box
He opens it, it's a gray cell phone.
"Thank you very much, really." Namjoon's eyes glaze over
"And mine?" Jin mentions
"Your gift is my company" I mention laughing
"Sometimes I think if it's good that you're with me" Jin denies
"Yah! Maybe there are still 6 days left until your birthday, calm down man, or is old age consuming you?" I laugh along with Namjoon, Jin gives us a withering look
"We arrived" I park the car, I get out to open the door and throw myself on the sofa, my cell phone vibrates.
"It's already six o'clock, are you changed?" Hwasa asks
"Bitch, it's too early, let me eat and have my nap to recharge energy" I snort
"You always have a happy nap, what are you going to wear?" she mentions
"I don't know yet," I sighed, smashing my face against the sofa.
“Put on a skirt, it highlights those thighs” she laughs.
"Girl I'm only going to meet you, not to look for dicks" I laughs
“I think you need a monster-” I interrupt, “Okay I'll put on a damn skirt, but calm your fever.” We both laugh and I hang up to go upstairs to put on my clothes.
I decide to wear a red leather skirt with slits on the sides of the hips, a black strapless heart-shaped crop top, black heels with red tips. I lightly put on my makeup, put on my quartz, and go downstairs to find Namjoon reading a book, Jin cooking. They both turn to see me, raising their eyebrows.
"Where do you think the lady is going?" Jin mentions
"I thought you were already changed, well, Hwasa was the one who hurried to change me" I muttered taking a seat.
“First let's eat” Namjoon takes a seat next to me giving me a thumbs up.
After eating, I waited on the sofa with about 15 messages from Hwasa asking if she was coming. I look at the time, it's 6:55.
“You know im the worldwide handsome” I see Jin come down with black leggings and a pink holographic shirt, posing at the end with red glasses
“I feel nervous” I turn to see Namjoon wearing black jeans and a gray and blue t-shirt
“Everything will be fine, both of you look amazing” I smile getting up from the sofa to get my bag, putting in enough money, I call Hwasa.
“I thought you were dead” She mentions
"Wow, how considerate of you, I was waiting for the boys to change, we're on our way, did you get a table?" I ask her
"Yeah, I'm also trying to get two guys here, if not there's a bunch of bitches all over them, I'll let you get here and impress them." I laughs at her comment.
"I won't repeat things to you but okay, bye" I hang up to get in the car
"Hyung, I'm telling you I found her, I saw her admiring my painting, I was going to introduce myslef when a tall hybrid arrives with arms that will surely take your breath away, I assumed it was her boyfriend, so I left there" Taehyung complains, putting on his red jacket over his black shirt
"Are you going to accept that I was right?" Yoongi smiles teasing him
"No, I know I didn't look well, but she already has someone, she sure gave me up, she didn't even recognize me" Taehyung pouts putting on his silver earrings
"Aren't you going to go look for her?" Yoongi gets up from the sofa having a glass of wine
"I won't, fate plays with me Hyung" Taehyung throws himself on the sofa sighing
(Before we got here, Taehyung had gone to his favorite club the day before, which brings us to the conversation before he met Y/N hehe), a little flashback to say, as the chapters progress I'll go adding the past tense of each
"Hey, Tae wake up" Yoongi tried to move tae to take him to the car to go to the apartment they had, it was 4 in the morning in Paris after a crazy night.
"Let me sleep for a while Hyung" Taehyung huffed trying to turn around, but Yoongi prevented him by carrying on his shoulders. "Hyung let's go."
"There are things to do Tae" she murmured.
They were two old vampire friends, both had always dreamed of finding their partner, but one of them, 2 centuries, made him give up and he stopped looking everywhere, or else one was missing. To the other, he was still trying to keep his friend hopeful.
"Really, you should stop doing this, you're seriously going to kill me man" Yoongi spoke coming down the stairs helping him to support himself.
"I'm sorry Hyung, I just-" Before Tae finished speaking, Yoongi completed the sentence that he always repeated. "Tired of searching, I know, you've mentioned it a thousand times" she snorted.
"And even though I mention it to you, you always say to finish all this" Taehyung rolled his eyes "Ouch!" he hadn't come to see the blow that his hyung gave him.
"Take care of your mouth, you brat, and you know that it's not good for you to do this either, how about in a moment of these days you meet your destined partner?" This made Taehyung laugh, but what he didn't know was that Yoongi was partly right.
"So you're going to keep dating even if it hurts your heart?" Yoongi strokes his hair
"Yes, let's go before it gets late" Taehyung gets up from the sofa to go to the black car parked outside.
"Music?" Yoongi asks, seeing Taehyung nod, he puts on the music to start driving.
Upon arriving at the club, Both was surrounded by girls waiting to spend the night, normally Yoongi never accepts but they still insist, unlike Taehyung who does accept, this time he decides to go to the drinks bar to order a tequila, his Hyung agrees. He remains silent, asking for a mojito.
"Hyung, why is life so unfair?" Taehyung asks Yoongi playing with his drink
"It's not totally unfair, it just has its varied moments, whether they are good or bad" Yoongi drinks the mojito
"In all these centuries, I just concentrated on looking for her, why now?" Taehyung sighs
“They say the best always comes later.” Yoongi shrugs.
"Excuse me? Nice to meet you, I'm hwasa." The girl is dressed in a short and open silver dress
“Not now girl” Taehyung waves his hand for her to go away
"It's nothing, I just wanted to invite you for a drink, an old friend is coming soon who came to Paris for a few weeks, wanted me to get some friends maybe?" Hwasa smiles carrying a malicious plan inside.
“I guess it will be fine” Yoongi mentions looking at Taehyung
"Okay, let's find a table." Taehyung nods.
"Someone volunteer to take care of the others?" I ask getting out of the car
"The oldest?" Namjoon mentions making us both laugh, Jin hits us on the back of the neck
"Why not you? after all the pre-birthday boy has to enjoy, and Namjoon is his first time ”Jin looks at me
"I won't object, I almost never drink alcohol anyway" I shrugged, we advanced to the entrance
"It will be because you don't have a good resistance" Jin laughs
"Of course not, I just prefer wine" I make a face denying
“Okay, let's go inside” Namjoon mentions opening the doors, the strong smell of alcohol hits him, flashing red and black lights shine in every corner of the place. People dancing, kissing here and there. "So this is supposed to be a club?"
"Get used to it, I never had interest in this type of social event, I spent my adolescence at home reading or sometimes I went to the park with Sunhee" I mention looking for Hwasa, I find her sitting with a vampire with mint-colored hair.
"I'll go get your drinks, have a seat, what do you want to drink?" I turn to see Namjoon and Jin take a walk towards Hwasa. "Damn" I mutter walking towards the bar. I order a margarita, a whiskey, and a bottle of water for myself. I feel a familiar voice next to me.
"Cup of blood? add gummies" I turn to see the boy with red hair
"Hey, I thought I had lost you" I settle into the seat looking at him, he looks at me in amazement
"Yes, I had things to do" He murmured taking his drink
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." I stretch out my hand.
"I'm Taehyung"  He shyly shakes my hand
"So what are you doing here in this club?" I smile slightly
“Usually I come here with my friend to hang out, but today a girl invited us to sit with her, she explained that her friend came from a long trip and well, we agreed” Taehyung snorts.
"We agreed, it sounds a bit, only your friend did it and you followed him" I laughed
"Well today I wasn't in a good mood." Taehyung shrugs.
“Hey girl! Come say hi.” We both turned to see Hwasa walking towards us, making her way through the crowd. She hugs me tight. "Jin said you were going to steal his drinks" She laughs
"She is your friend?" Taehyung asks whispering embarrassed.
"So you already knew each other?" Hwasa asks
"The world is small I guess" I shrugged getting up from the seat taking the drinks
Wordcount: 3k
I wanted to write more but then I thought, short but detailed chapters🐧
Who would like to try a gummy cup?🍷
Anyway, thank you very much for the wait, and for the love you give to the series❣️
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All rights reserved to @coffepurpleu
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hobaworld7 · 1 year
Could you maybe write a Shinee reaction about their love languages, like you did for bts? I thought that one was really cute! Thank you! I'm so glad you want to write for them, there's not nearly enough Shinee content on here imo💜
SHINee Reaction - Love Languages
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Hello Shawol!! I am so excited to see other fans here. They really are the kings right? I hope you'll love it and don't hesitate to send other requests!
*As I said before, I won't be writing on JongHyun as respect for him*
Paring : Reaction x OT4
Genre : Romance - Love Language
Words count : X
Warning : Full of fluffiness! Some mentions of BDSM or kinky things.
Summary : This is how i think SHINee would show their loves to their partner!
A/N : Please show some love and interact with this post so I can continue writing on SHINee, I really enjoyed it!
Disclaimer : SHINee doesn't belong to me. It's just an imagine. I'm a shawol since 2012, I love them really much but this is just fiction!
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As a leader, I feel like Onew would be all into words of affirmation.
Every days, every opportunities, he would text or say how beautiful you are. How proud he is.
He would also dedicate a lot of his free time to be with you.
Always holding your hands and taking cute selfies with you.
''How did I get so lucky? Meeting you was the best blessing in my life, my love."
My love, my baby, my, my, my everything.
I think he will be really sweet with you and in bed too.
Not much of an experimenter, more casual.
Look at you like you are a piece of art.
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All five. He's so caring with all the members, exceptionally Taemin, but you? You are is top priority.
Acts of service, a lot of them. He loves to cook for you and taking care of you. Preparing a warm bath with candles and flowers after a big day.
He would always love to be near you. His head on your thigh while you watch a movie (quality time)
Buying expensive piece of clothes too. He love to dress you in the most fashionista way.
He would love to have you near him on his many project.
He will probably hire you as a personal assistant or something like that.
He's really good at commutating his feeling so there is almost no argument between you.
Always so excited to see you.
He's so into kinky shit. Look at his Born to Shine live.
Of course he did it all for you before the performance.
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He's all into physical contact.
He loves touching you, kissing you and hugging you.
Always his hand on you if you are near him.
Flowers, wine, chocolate, coffee, etc.
Everything you love, you'll have.
He wants you to be happy and to be comfortable when you are at his place so he would do everything for you.
He will always talk openly of your relationship.
He wants everyone to knows that you are his and he is yours.
Sweet during the days. Savage during the nights.
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This is his face when he see you.
''Yah, jinjja, she's really the most beautiful person on earth. Right hyung?'
He would always be so happy whenever you get the chance to spend times together.
He would love to buy you gifts and having romantic diner.
Such a gentleman. Thanks to his Onew Hyung that thought him all.
He love to dance with you and practice when you are in his studio.
He would dance goofily everytime you are sad.
Always letting you choose the movie.
Experimenting. A lot. In bed. Or in public. *wink wink*
I feel like he would be into this bdsm kink and everything HAHA.
Hope you like it, i tried to do it the more neutral i could. Thnkyou my love for reading!
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kitfyy · 3 months
i think you remind me of the color green.
mostly probably because your account colors are green, and like.. that’s kinda how i associate things to colors- like for example a good song i like, “when you sleep” by my bloody valentine. i associate that with pink/hot pink because the album cover thingy is hot pink.
your green is like a lighter/paler green though, i feel like darker greens seem.. moodier? i dunno how to describe that. but you seem like a pale green (i LOVE pale/greyish colors) like fun n bubbly n nice, there are probably better words for it but
yah! it’s morning for me (kind of) i just recently woke up (still mentally getting there) i dunno if it’s morning, afternoon, night for you, but uh- goodmorning/night/afternoon!! i hope your day has been AWESOME SAUCE so far<3
we talked for so little time yesterday, but that doesn’t make you any less cool. you’re super cool jsyk ^^
OH?? I never got associated with colors!! I feel so honoured
I get that with the color associations :) I have a thing where some numbers, letters and words is a color or like multiple colors so that’s something :3 /neu
ALSO GOOD MORNING AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTS🧡🧡 I hope you slept well! despite talking little to you, I really enjoyed talking to you too!! it makes me so happy to hear that someone relates to me and that we get along so well <3
I love youuu🫶 /P
!!the art is not mine!!
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
Changing Seasons (a KNJ oneshot)
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Based on the song Is It Still Beautiful (Hospital Playlist 2 OST) by Seungkwan, Woozi and DK of Seventeen
Pairing: Arts and Travel Blogger!Namjoon x Restaurateur!Fem Reader
Genre: Angst, Exes AU
Rating: 16+
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: None
Summary: After three years of traveling in and around Europe to feed his hunger and passion for travel and the arts, Namjoon returned home to his first love.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @highly-functioning-mitochondria @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @jjwamaisvu @taestefully-in-luv @btsstan12 @bts-reveries @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy
“Namjoon, are you ready?” Hoseok stuck his head through the door of his hotel room, suitcase lagging behind, ready to leave.
“Yep!” Namjoon patted the pockets of his jeans. “Just making sure I have everything with me before I leave.”
“Here,” Namjoon took a peek inside the fanny pack across his chest for good measure.
“Come on, let’s go. Yoongi hyung is already at the airport,” Hoseok pushed the door wide open to assist his friend with his suitcase. “He’s gonna start whining again if we’re late.”
“Our flight is in three hours!” Namjoon looked at his friend incredulously.
“Tell him then!” Hoseok challenged.
“Yeah, no. Nevermind.”
The usually bustling Incheon International Airport wasn’t that crowded when they landed, and so the three of them have decided to stop by the cafe for something to nibble on before they go their separate ways.
“Ah, it feels good to be back home,” Hoseok sighed leaning back on his chair as he chewed on his bagel. “I swear, I can’t wait to speak in my jeolla dialect 24/7.”
Namjoon and Yoongi chuckled at their friend’s statement. The three of them have been friends since high school and equally have big dreams. They were away for three years collectively, with Yoongi and Hoseok working together in the international music scene, hopping between the US and the UK, and Namjoon exploring arts in and around Europe. Finally being able to take a three-month break at the same time, the three friends have decided that it’s a no-brainer– they have to fly back home to their motherland.
“Planning anything exciting while we’re home?” Hosek asked them. “My sister is getting married in Jeju Island, but I don’t have any other plans during my stay.” He continued.
“I’m gonna head straight home and probably hug Holly for hours,” Yoongi smiled at the thought of his pooch. “Heading straight to Ilsan, Joon?”
Namjoon hesitated, nibbling on his lower lip. A beat of silence passed until he realized that his friends were waiting for his answer. “I’m checking in at a hotel for the night and then I'll head to Ilsan tomorrow.” He didn’t miss the way his friends exchanged glances between each other. “I’m visiting ______ at her restaurant today.”
“Yah, Namjoon-ah…” Worry flooded Hoseok’s face. He was about to say something when Yoongi waved his hand dismissively at him.
“Let him. He needs it.” Yoongi turned to Namjoon, giving him a tight-lipped smile and an encouraging nod.
He’s right. He needed it. He needed to see how things have turned out himself.
The cozy atmosphere in the quaint little cafe did nothing to calm the cold and the storm raging inside Namjoon’s chest as he clutched your hands on top of the table.
“It’s not fair to either of us…” You looked up at him, almond-shaped eyes gazing into his sharp dragon eye-shaped ones. The soft glow from the fairy lights hanging by the window reflecting against your glassy eyes made your chocolate-colored orbs a little bit more sparkly. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Namjoon nodded, albeit holding back his own tears. He wouldn’t let you see him break. Hell, he’s not even sure if you really meant that much to him… what did you really mean to him? You were like a moth drawn to a flame. He’s the flame whose warmth radiates so brightly, you have mistaken it for something more. He had big dreams, bigger than anything else, bigger than what he felt for you. As much as he could see how supportive you were on his travels, and how you listened to him as he constantly rambled about arts every night while tangled up in his sheets, he still felt like you were pulling him back. He felt constrained, like a balloon tied up to a boulder, he couldn’t soar up high. You’re a simple girl– you're passionate about food, produce, and farming. You grew up on a farm and your dream has always revolved around bringing the freshest ingredients from the ground to the consumer’s table. He, on the other hand, wanted to see what the world has to offer. He once asked you to travel with him during his internship in Paris, and although you didn’t say much, he knew your heart wasn’t in it.
You’re right. It’s not fair to either of you. Asking you to uproot yourself and travel with him was not the risk he would want to take, for fear that in the end, you might loathe him. For fear that in the end, he would realize that what he felt for you isn’t love. After all, that is the territory neither of you have tried dipping your toes into.
“I get where you’re coming from, ______.” Namjoon gave you a reassuring smile before bringing your hands to his lips, giving your knuckles a gentle kiss. “Thank you,” another kiss. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be that person for you.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” you returned his reassuring smile. “Go follow your dreams, Namjoon. I won’t be able to forgive myself if you don’t.”
“Do you promise to keep in touch?”
“I promise.”
“Go accept your dad’s proposal, ______.” He reached out and tucked the loose strand of hair hovering in front of your face behind your ear. “Take over the family business. I’m rooting for you.”
You nodded.
The night ended with you in his tight embrace in front of your apartment, promising each other to stay friends, no matter what.
At first, I was comfortable being alone
I had freedom with my decisions and my time
It was like I had erased the memory of you
I really believed I did
But, you see, when I open my eyes early in the morning, alone
And I learn that you are not by my side
Tears start flowing without me realizing
Date: May 25, 2017 at 12:24:55 PM
Subject: Finally!
Hi Yn,
I just checked into my accommodation in Paris. My agent said the renovations aren’t done at the new apartment complex so I have to stay here for another week. Bummer, eh?
By the way, I have taken a lot of photos during my layover and will be posting them on the blog tonight. Can’t wait for you to see them!
How are things over there?
Date: May 26, 2017 at 03:26:15 PM
Subject: RE: Finally!
Hey Joon!
Glad you made it to your accommodation safely. :) As long as the museum would shoulder the extra expenses for your accommodation, I guess it’s alright? Hope you’re eating well.
My parents were over the moon when I told them that I’m ready to take the business off of their plate. I’m a bit scared! But my dad said his business partner would help me. Apparently, their eldest child took over their farm about a year ago too. So I guess I would be okay!
Can’t wait to read your blog tonight!
Date: December 25, 2017 at 12:24:55 PM
Subject: Merry Christmas!
Christmas in Amsterdam is something else. I love it here!
Hope you and your family are doing well.
Date: December 25, 2017 at 07:24:45 PM
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas!
Hey Joon!
Merry Christmas! I saw your Amsterdam photos on Instagram and it is indeed beautiful! We’re having so much fun on this side of the world too. We made little Christmas trees and decorated them with real strawberries (baubles) and spun sugar (tinsel).
It’s one of those nights again… streaks of colors decorated his blank canvas, creating an abstract in a rough floral pattern, depicting you… your softness, your femininity; depicting his longing. He didn’t know how to overcome those nights over the years, so he indulged them. He owed it to himself. It’s one of those nights again when he found himself running to the nearest payphone booth to call you from across the globe. It was secured, untraceable, and the minutes were limited. It would restrict him from pouring his heart out to you over the phone. He just wanted to hear your voice. He just wanted to hear your smile, as he closed his eyes, imagining you’re standing in front of him. He just wanted to numb his pain. He missed you… and the realization hit him like a tonne of bricks. He loved you. He was in love with you.
Have any of the things that used to make me smile changed?
Is the way in which you talk still the same?
I have changed, I don't smile like I used to
I'm a little thinner than when I was with you
On the last days you comprehended me
I mistook it and believed you were imprisoning me
Saying that I was too manly for it, I didn't even say I love you
But my blank sheet of paper is now filled with your name
And when I call you while writing down and I hear your voice
Tears start flowing without me realizing
True to your words, you both kept in touch over the years. Each major life event, each milestone; every occasion, every celebration, documented electronically via e-mails and social media posts and comments.
You cried over the phone to him when you opened your own farm-to-table restaurant. Solidifying and finding comfort for himself that your mutual decision of breaking up all those years ago was all worth it.
He couldn’t not tell you when his boss allowed him to go on a three-month long vacation, and like the kind-hearted person that you are, you invited him over to your restaurant insisting that you would be making him the best ‘welcome home’ meal that anyone would be jealous of.
The night before his flight back home, he rummaged through his inbox and reread your emails in the last few months. He mulled over your words and the photos you have attached. You looked the happiest– your eyes lighting up, forming into crescents, with every smile. It tugged on his heartstrings a little bit, wishing he was the person who could make you smile like that. But there are things that he couldn’t just bring back. The best he could do is to hold onto those memories… and maybe one day, forgive himself, too.
Have any of the things that used to make me smile changed?
Is the way in which you talk still the same?
I have changed, I don't smile like I used to
I'm a little thinner than when I was with you
You ran up to him the moment he opened the door to the empty restaurant and gave him the warmest hug anyone could ever ask for. He couldn’t help but close his eyes as he rested his chin on your shoulder while hugging you back. You said you closed it down for the day because you wanted to focus on filling his tummy and not worry about the other customers.
“Joonie!!!” You giggled. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!”
“Ahh, it has indeed!” Namjoon straightened up and scrunched up his nose at you. “I smell something delicious!”
“Come in!! Come sit at your table!” You ushered him at one of the tables, a tall glass of iced americano and a selection of tea, already waiting. “Do you wanna know what we have on the menu for you today?”
“Pray tell!”
“Well, okay, I don’t want to tell you everything,” you rolled your eyes and he hated that he still found it cute. “But I harvested a bunch of greens from the back and made you a salad, with strawberries and feta! I’m pretty sure you’re gonna love the sweet and savory combination.” You proudly said, talking animatedly.
Namjoon couldn’t help but smile up at you. You’re like sunshine personified.
“And for the main course, it’s– oh gosh,” you caught yourself. “Just… surprise!”
Namjoon took a moment to take in his surroundings. Everything screamed you. The restaurant interior was cozy and rustic, and just gave off the farm-slash-barn vibe that you have always dreamed of. Just one look outside of the massive windows, and one would know that the restaurant served only the freshest ingredients, harvested and prepared in-house.
The door of the kitchen swung open and a brooding tall handsome man stepped out, approaching the two of you with a warm smile. He’s dressed in a chef’s jacket and Namjoon recognized him from the photos you sent him over the months. He knew who he is.
“Oh finally!” You acknowledged the man. “All good back there?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Namjoon watched as you stepped away to meet the man’s strides halfway. You snaked your arm around his waist and rested your other hand on his chest. Namjoon stood up with a smile and bowed to him politely in greeting, which he immediately returned.
“I can’t wait to finally introduce you two!” You said, eyes fleeting between the two of them.
“Hi!” the tall handsome man extended his hand to him for a handshake and Namjoon accepted it with both hands.
“Namjoon, meet our Executive Chef!” You smiled proudly. “This is my husband, Seokjin.”
How is he?
Is he good enough to you to make you forget the days we spent together?
Please be happy, because you met a person good enough to fill the places in which I lacked
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softlantern · 5 months
Please list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!
I hope you're having a good day/night *Runs off* :3
Ooooo~! Let's gooo!
1) My family and friends. Just that I have them in my life makes me happy. :). Thanks for being in my life. I'm happy and grateful that I have a Home.
2) Talking randomly to people, lol. Though at the same time I'm socially anxious. It's a 50/50 draw, phphph. If I know that this person will never see me again in my life - I'm more relaxed. :D
3) People making stuff and being creative in different ways. Doesn't matter if it's science, bugs, art, cosplays or anything else. I love it all. Thanks for sharing your ideas with the world and making it more loving and fun. Mwah 💋
4) Fandoms I'm getting myself into that become my hyperfixations. They support me, make me happy and give me a boost of creativety. Yay! I especially enjoy games, yah.
5) Just being me, lol. I love spending time with myself by talking to myself and doing stuff, like singing, dancing, DRAWING, watching movies, etc. I enjoy my company. :)
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theclosetedskeleton · 10 months
(prefacing this with thie entire thing would be in all caps but caps isnt working for me for some reason so just pretend everything is written in caps and i think i told you this but yah😞😞)
anyways!!!!! just a nightly reminder that i love youuuuu!!!!!!!!!! sososososososoooooooo so very incredibly much... not even those words can describe it. you are my everything and i would never trade you for anything, because theres nothing better than you out there. there really isnt!!!! you are irreplaceable, truly one in a krillion!!! and everyday i think about that, and how lucky i am to have you in my life <333333!!!! i am just truly amazed at everything everything you do. your art is amazing, all the bracelets you make are so cool, all the silly little images you make are really funny, and all the pins youve made are so silly!!!!!/pos everytime i think about you or just hear a mention of your name even if the person isnt you i get so insanely happy!!!! everything reminds me of you!!!! from all of the stuff tou like, the jokes youve made, colors, grass, emojis, . everything!!!! you are everywhere!!!!!! ever since the first night we ever actually talked i just knew you were just a wonderful person!!! and i will never leave you!! im here to stay and i want to be with you forever!!!!!!<33333 and you can always tell me if somethings bother you. it doesnt matter what it is, how small you think it is, if you think youre being "overdramatic", none of that matters. if its bothering you its obviously a problem of somesort and i will always be here to listen!!!!!! you are perfect in literally every single way shape and form and im just!!!! amazed that i just have someone as incredible as you in my life!!!!!!!!<3333333333
i love youuu closet!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333333333/gen/qp
I LOVE YOU TOO SYDNEY!!!!!!!!!! <333333333/GEN/QP
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lunagb · 11 months
A Plague of Sleet and Rot (ASoIaF x The Walking Dead fanfic)
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Summary: Jon Snow awakens on a highway outside Atlanta, Georgia with only faint fleeting memories of his last day on the wall. This totally alien world shocks him to his core but he's given a beacon of guidance through it when he spots a man on a horse approaching him. Together Rick Grimes and Jon Snow will set out, looking for Rick's lost family and Jon's lost land. After all, The Wall needs its Lord Commander.
Chapter Summary: Jon and Dale discuss hope for the future atop a gas station roof at sunrise.
Time Frame: Atlanta Arc - Post Rick’s Coma
Featured Characters: Jon Snow, Dale, An old "friend"
Warnings: gore, vivid description of a dead body
[Art above is a piece by Art.of.Azrael. You can support them here: https://linktr.ee/Art.of.Azrael ]
Any notes are appreciated!
The sky was a fiery orange as Jon sat atop a gas station with a scoped rifle in his lap. The sun hung as a glaring, angry eye on the horizon of a boundless, barren highway. Its fury had begun to rob Jon of a homely, night chill. The night had been a quiet one. Since leaving the CDC they’d seen only a handful of walkers, and once the sun had set they seemed to have vanished entirely. It was all quite mundane. But mundane was good. Mundane was safe.
“Perhaps the dead are tired,” Jon japed to himself.
The group had said nary a word to each other before retreating to their slumber. They were tired, Jon knew; tired and disappointed. Grief for their old world of luxury and safety – so nearly within their grasp again – sent them all to an early bed. It was only once Jon had reminded him, that Rick had assigned a watch for the night. Initially, he had chosen Daryl for the night and Dale for the morning but Jon had volunteered in Daryl’s place. Not out of a lack of faith in Rick’s decision, but out of selfish desire. Watching made Jon feel normal again. Watching the night. Watching the road. Watching the woods. Watching the stars. While it was nothing like the wall, it made Jon feel at home regardless.
It also gave him time to think. Of the present and the future. The group had feasted greedily that night. Jon had said naught about it. The group could use a good meal after such a sadness. But the hard talk would have to come. The talk of rationing. Of limits and rules. Rules, in Jon’s experience, left a sour taste in most’s mouths. But they were important nonetheless. Whether it be among the humid forests of Georgia or the frozen tundra beyond The Wall. Rules forbade chaos. And chaos always killed.
The scraping of steel on stone – or concrete as Jon had heard it described – interrupted Jon’s mulling. Dale dragged a ladder from the RV over to the gas station’s roof. He propped it up so the end sat beside Jon. Jon steadied the ladder as Dale began his climb. He greeted Jon with a smile.
“Hope I didn’t scare yah, you looked deep in thought.”
“No, you didn’t. Was your rest well?”
“I’ve had better.”
Dale sat beside Jon, still smiling. The beard that surrounded his smile – greyed and unkempt – matched Dale’s lengthening, greasy hair. Jon’s own hair had greased swiftly too. The humidity seemed to stick it to his scalp. Unconsciously, Jon touched his shoulder-length hair and his fingers brushed against something crusty. Dried rot was stuck to his cheek.
“That stuff gets everywhere, I swear. Here, use this to wash your face.” Dale handed Jon a plastic bottle of water.
“Thank you.”
Jon twisted off the plastic cap and wet his fingers. As he scrubbed his cheek, Dale got two rectangles out of his pocket.
“Like granola bars?”
“I couldn’t say.”
“You’ve never had one?! Oh ho, we have to change that. Here. This one’s peanut-butter flavour. The best by far.”
Jon studied what he assumed to be food. It was wrapped in a shiny, soft, plastic paper of sorts. He tore it off and inside was a bar of grain with a light-brown hardened paste along the bottom. Somehow, the grain was stuck together. Jon felt it and the bar was sticky to the touch. He gave it a sniff and it smelt of sugar. Shrugging, he took a bite. Truly, this land had wondrous secrets. Jon had never tasted anything so sweet in his life. Dale burst out laughing.
“You’re a pretty eccentric fellow, you know that?”
“Of all the things I’ve been called, eccentric has never been one,” Jon said.
“Oh? And what do people usually call you?”
“Many things. Most often sullen, I suppose.”
Dale chuckled.
“I can see that.”
“I appreciate the, uh, granola bar, but going forward we must start rationing our food. Without a consistent source of food, we’ll eat through our supplies in a matter of days at this rate.”
Dale fidgeted with his granola bar.
“That’s true. Sorry, I should have thought-”
“It’s no treason. You were doing me a kindness. Don’t feel bad. Enjoy your bar.”
“Well, if you insist.”
Dale unwrapped and gobbled up his bar in three quick bites. Jon took a deep drink of his water. Ever since the CDC, a dull ache had persisted in his bones. For whatever reason, the cool water passing down his gullet soothed it for but a moment.
“You know, for someone so young. You’ve got a pretty good head on your shoulders, Jon. Better than a lot of grown men I’ve known… knew.”
“As do you.”
“Well…” Dale cracked his neck. “It used to be better.”
Jon smirked.
“For what your body lacks, your eyes and your heart make up for it.”
“My eyes?”
“You’re a fine watchman.”
Dale shrugged.
“I used to bird watch. If I’m good at anything it’s sitting still and being quiet.”
“In a world such as this, a trait like that is invaluable.”
“If you say so,” Dale chuckled.
Jon considered Dale for a moment. Despite everything, Jon had only ever seen him frown a couple of times.
“Do you have hope, Dale?”
“Well, sure I do. Things may be rough right now but we’ll get back on our feet. Sure, we’ll probably have to scavenge a bit for now. And our supplies might get a little dicey. But it’s just a stepping stone towards civilisation.”
“I’d like to think so too.”
“Then do.”
Jon chuckled.
“You say that as if it is easy.”
“I never said that. Hoping’s hard work. But anything that’s hard is worth doing, I always say. But anyway. Enough rambling. So get some sleep, Jon. I’ll take it from here.”
“I will shortly.” Jon stood. “I need to relieve myself first.”
“Alright, but stay within eyesight of the road. The woods are thick around here. Getting lost is easy as blinking.”
“Will do.”
Jon handed Dale back his scoped rifle, climbed down the ladder and headed for the woods.
As Jon pissed against the trunk of a tree, he took in the woods. When he had first been introduced to them back in Atlanta, he had thought of the as Winterfell and the Haunted Forest just without the snow. But now that he had the opportunity to study them more closely he saw just how wrong he had been. The Haunted Forest beyond The Wall was a dark, frozen place. The only semblance of light it allowed was the occasional white rose that grew upon chestnut bushes. Otherwise, it was a void of dark and ice. The forests of Georgia however, were a sea of light. A thin canopy allowed hundreds of orange rays to scatter about the sparse, barren ground. Colour danced everywhere from the lush green shrubs to the tall, thin dark brown trunks of the trees. In the haunted forest despite, the darkness, you could more or less see where you were going as long as you had a torch and as long as it wasn’t snowing. However, in Georgia’s forests, you couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of you even in the middle of a clear summer’s morning.
The trees – thin and numerous – came together to block all sight in every direction. Jon stood but a few paces from the road and already he struggled to see it. But some foolish part of him, the part that was still a boy, yearned to explore. He shouldn’t, he knew. But yet, he ventured inside anyway. He made sure to keep his back to the road at all times so that when he wished to return he could simply turn around and go back. The air was sweet and pungent. A pleasant smell that was somewhat familiar but Jon just couldn’t place it. There was no sound, however. No birds, no rustling of leaves, no calls or cries. Nothing.
Until there was.
A soft, rhythmic, squelching echoed faintly to Jon’s left. Against his better judgement, he turned to follow it, ensuring he kept the road to his left instead of his back. After a few moments of pushing past thin trunks, Jon came across a gruesome sight.
A man lay dead on the forest floor. He was completely without clothes, nor supplies, nor anything except the skin on his back. His chest was a bloody mess. The spay of a shotgun blast had littered his front with tiny holes. His face was an inhuman mash of features. Whoever had slain the poor soul had caved his face with something blunt. However, on his chest, sat something that drew Jon’s attention away from the man and any questions about his final moments. A raven pecked at his chest wounds, tearing off chunks of flesh.
For some strange reason, the sight surprised Jon. Strangely, he had assumed ravens to only exist in Westeros. Up until now, he hadn’t seen one, so he’d never had to consider such an odd question. But now, it seemed a foolish assumption. The raven was odd, though. A scar ran down the length of its body. Any feathers that should have been where the scar was were absent. The scar ran from the top of its thigh, up its side and through where an eye must have once resided. How it could have survived such an injury perplexed Jon. Jon took a step towards it and his foot snapped a twig. In a flash, the raven’s gaze was on Jon. It cocked its head and screeched.
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royal1asset-if · 1 year
How can we get the ROs to melt utterly and how would each RO react at being flustered and melted? (This is relationship stage MC for each of them!)
Why don't we ask them :)
Me: Luna, Luna, I got an ask(Hands the ask to Luna)
Luna: (Takes the paper and reads it, mouth moving, then she looked at me) NO!
Me: Luna C'mon do it for the people(I beg her)
Luna: NO( She turned around and leave me alone)
Me: Well two can play at that game(I started following her)
(Several of persistent name calling later)
Luna: Fine, I think one way to get my approval is beating me in combat and proving your worth to me, then I shall see if you are worth my time, HAPPY(She shouts and eyebrow twitching) and I will not react flustered or giddy like
Me: Well it's better than nothing(Leaving her and finding the other RO's)
Me: Elrick, where are you buddy
Elrick: Right here Author(Sounding Drunk)
Me: Ouch, that RO award really hit you hard huh?(Pity)
Elrick: Yup, I think people don't like me!( He says and taking a swig)
Me: Well I got good news for you(snapping my fingers to remove his drunken state) I got an ask( Handing himthe ask paper)
Elrick: Finally!(Grapping the paper rudely) I can say that being playful and dangerously charming is one way for me to melt and for the fluster part, well you will have me stuttering and blsuhing(Grinning)
Me: It's good to see your happy Elrick and stay like that because I have another ask for you later(Saluting him and leaving him)
Me: Hey Amelia I your very happy
Amelia: Sure am Author it's not everyday you found out that someone out there is cherishing you.
Me: Well if that's the case, I got an ask for ye(Handing her the paper)
Amelia: Really?(Handing her the paper) Oh my(blushing) Well I'm content with just walking side by side arms locked and having picnic(Many moments of rambling) And lastly I will be blushing a lot, a lot and I will be so very shy
Me: Well keep up that attitude then Amelia and I'm sure you will have a lot of suitors
Me: Well how's my brave knight faring
Dustin: I'm alright Author considering knowing that I have a lot of suitors out there waiting for me, so I'm training to not let them down.
Me: I see well those suitors of your got an ask(Handinghimm the ask)
Dustin: Oh really?(Reading the ask)
Dustin: Well I'm really happy if they are thoughtful and just giving me what they can like cooking or having a picnic I'm a simple man really and occasionally sparring, as for my reaction let's see,, I will be quit and I will looked at you in awe and with infatuation.
Me: Thanks Dustin
Me: How you doing Serena( I noticed that cloth wrapped on her head)
Serena: Doing fine Author even though you bonk me in the head but I will not let that destroy my creativity( She goes back to writing something on her notebook)
Me: Sorry for that and let me guess poems?
Serena: Of course and those Readers prepare for my art and masterpieces( SHe says andwriting viciously once more on her notebook)
Me: Well I got an ask from your adoring fans(I say and waving the paper in the air)
Serena: Well let's not keep them waiting(Taking the paper from my hand)Ohhh well well someone's getting busy haha, well I really like the phrase "Action speaks louder than words" I find saying I love you lacking, thus I want to a demonstration and I'm more on the hands on approach as would you say especially late at night and better company, also I like a flirting competition it makes me feel alive, as for my reaction well you will see me eyeing you with hunger and blush no I don't do that I will repay it with affection also(She says and snapping her fingers)I got a new rhyme nice(Going back to writing poems)
Me: Well see yah later Serena
Me: Hey Conrad I got an ask
Conrad: Well let's read it then(I found him to be enthusiastic than usual)
Conrad: Hmmm, I don't know how to answer this but based onmy experience dinner and walking in the park are what I prefer, for my reaction maybe I will blush a little I guess(He says and going back to his work)
Me: Hays, this guys is sure hard to crack, well that's all folks and have a good day :)
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fettl3 · 2 years
would love to hear abt art school camp if you’d wanna share
Ummmmm yah. This will be long.
I have a LOT of thoughts & feelings that I’m still processing. And a lot of it feels unsafe to share tbh. Like I’m confined to not go against this system that I’m participating in… this is my “community” (aka access to success as an artist) so I do feel restricted in what I can share honestly about this particular school…. But also whatever lol this is tumblr after all
I can say that I spent 2 weeks at an art summer camp as a TA for a ceramics class. The class was 9am to 5pm every day (no days off). And my position was unpaid. So there’s a lot there. I did it mostly because I love my friend very much (she was the teacher of the class) and she really needed my help. Also because I wouldn’t ever have access to this school by route of paying for a class bc they’re like $6k. But still, an 8 hour work day for 14 consecutive days unpaid is… fucking insane.
Additionally, I have long term friends that were on staff, so my stay was complicated by insight into the inner workings of this organization. To say the least it’s a shit show. Completely dysfunctional at the level of handling conflict. Pay disparity was also a big issue. It’s definitely not an org I would ever consider working for in a serious way, regardless of the access & resources it offers…
These are all things I knew going into it. The camp itself is kind of constructed to be an “experience” for students. A “site of experimental behavior,” as my friend put it. I can see why people fall in love with it. It’s really cool and unique to be isolated with a group of invested artists, to be submerged into craft and also to be “free” within the parameters of the land. There are healthy meals served 3 times a day. No locks on doors, no need. There was programming every night: artist talks, performances, karaoke & 2 huge dance parties. There is lots of sites for conversation & so many good convos to have. Each specialized studio has unique & impressive facilities in addition to hang out zones (fire pits patios etc). The land is beautiful, left rustic, and located on a lagoon you can kayak out in. Some of my students called it utopia. I think that’s what we (staff) were attempting to facilitate for them. & honestly I do feel good that it seemed most of my students had this experience. Makes me feel like I did my job well :)
However, my experience does not reflect the experience of the students… AT ALL. I found being there to be like… like being eaten alive maybe.
The work felt like it was 24/7. Living in community with my students is something I would never like to do again. Also I learned that I hate teaching this demographic. My students ranged from 20-36 years old. The ones in their early 20s latched on to me so fucking intensely. I understand why of course: they were trying to peak into their future, into what the world might hold for them, how to make it as an artist etc. But also the fucking relentless flirting, the attention, the lack of privacy or alone time, it seriously felt like I was being ripped apart to be eaten. On the nights where we all got wasted dancing I found myself as a caretaker for these kids (who are only a couple years younger than me) and just honestly like I couldn’t fully relax ever. They were coming to me for answers, they wanted me to tell them who they are supposed to be. It was A Lot.
It was also pretty triggering for me to be immersed again in community that was heavily affiliated with the university I use to go to. I was forced to drop out and although I have moved past this & moved on & up in my life… I’m still hurt. It was hard to be working (for free!!) for people who ultimately are more privileged than me. It was hard to contend again with the fact that privileged people are still whole people, that whiteness & wealth is just as harmful & confusing to them as it is to us. These last few years I’ve really been intentional about who I keep around me, who I work for, what I’m doing in the world. I align myself with very specific communities. I live firmly & uncompromisingly by my principals. Participating again in this type of community felt for me like a major spiritual step backwards, while also being a major step up in a career & artistic way. It was just fucking intense dude!!!! It was complicated as fuck!!!!
I won’t get too into it rn but there are like deeper connecting thoughts I have that I’m still sifting through. Very present on my mind while I was there were concepts I learned in The Delectable Negro by Vincent Woodard. I couldn’t stop thinking about Nat Turner, about his head being passed down like an heirloom. I had bad dreams & panic attacks every night, with visions of this abstract bone/clam like shape. Every day there somebody new connected with me, we showed each other our soul & then moved on to do it with another person. I thought about what it means to be in a community where there is no police, but where certain behaviors mean immediate banishment. What it means to have a community that refuses to acknowledge basic forms of human interaction, like violence. What it means to set strict, rigid expectations of how each person aught to act, or believe in, then profess diversity & free thought. What it means to omit the true, sometimes ugly, diversity of reality.
Paired with a well researched & lived-in understanding of class/race struggle… idk. Being there felt ummmm horrible lol. Absolutely relentlessly horrible. & I held the weight of that feeling for so many people: for each of my students, for my friends on staff. But nobody was able to hold me. My support network back in the city couldn’t see beyond the privilege & fun of me being there. Or they were just dealing with their own shit. When I came back into the city I felt empty totally empty & i had 2 massive breakdowns. It was very much like past experiences right after a trauma. The response I’m experiencing in my body does not logically match the conditions of being at that school, so it feels like I can’t ask anybody for support. But. Idk that’s just the truth of it. Thanks for reading.
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