#hyde as a disney villain
duckvenger · 11 months
Y'know how @gabrielisdead said a little while back that it'd be neat to see a Disney villain song for Hyde? And then @rms-himmel suggested adapting Friends On The Other Side? Well thanks for the inspiration you two, annnddd...
Here yah go! I'm sorry that the audio is buggy in places; my mic isn't the best. But this was a lotta fun to make! :D
I plan to draw a short PMV for the song so I can upload it to my YouTube channel (Coffeevenger). If anyone else also wants to make art of Hyde and Jekyll inspired by Dr Facilier and his shadows, I'd love to see it!!
Lyrics under the cut.
[Hyde, sung:] Don't you disrespect me, good man! Don't interrogate, oh so sly! You're in my world now, not your world And I’ve got a friend on the other side ([Jekyll, sung:] He’s got a friend on the other side)
[Hyde, spoken:] That's an echo, Utterson Just a little something we have here in the streets of Soho Now follow me - yes, hurry!
[Hyde, sung:] In the night you’re able To be what you please If you relax, you’ll find that you don’t need, all those Pointless chivalries
I can read you, good sir You’re lookin’ to learn ‘bout me Well look deep into my heart and soul ([Hyde, spoken:] We do have a soul, don't we, Jekyll?) I wanna know what you see
Am I no-one? Am I someone? Why am I something Jekyll hides? Well he’s just our friend on the other side ([Jekyll, sung:] I’m his friend from the other side)
[Hyde, sung:] The child, the child, that poor young lass It’s true, yes sir, I ran over that girl And yet, I’m here, all scott free! And it’s thanks to ol’ Jekyll that my hands are clean
Now you, good man, with your lawyerly deeds You know well both sides of humanity ([Hyde, spoken:] It’s like everyone’s got two faces, ain’t it?) You help folks rise And then watch ‘em fall You’re frontrow to the sadness, yet you never intervene
[Hyde, spoken:] Y’know, I can tell yer scared of me
[Utterson, spoken:] Ah. That’s not true-!
[Hyde, spoken:] Aww c’mon now, I promise I don’t bite Utterson! I just wanna be free, Hop from place to place But freedom takes green!
[Hyde, sung:] It's the green, yes indeed, I’m the green you see When Jekyll put me in a vial he found it’s all that he needs
On Jekyll good man, I don't wanna waste much time He’s been so perfect all his life A true Victorian gentleman without flaws or ill intentions And he seems so happy Yet he’s miserable ‘bout his life But beneath that mask: the ‘him’ I see… Your dear doctor ain’t as good as you want him to be!
[Utterson, spoken:] This is slander!
[Hyde, spoken:] Aww, come on, sir! Don’t you seek the truth, Utterson? …Yeees!
[Hyde, sung:] Are you ready? ([Jekyll, sung:] Please don’t do this!) Are you ready?
Transformation central! ([Jekyll, sung:] Stop it now, you devil!) Reformation central! ([Jekyll, sung:] Do not drink that chemical!) Transmogrification central! Can you feel it?
We're changin', we're changin', we're changin', all right! I hope you're satisfied But if you ain't, don't blame me! You can blame my friend on the other side! ([Jekyll, sung:] Is this what you wanted?) ([Jekyll, sung:] 'Coz there’s no turning back…)
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yellowbugifs · 7 months
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avocado-frog · 5 months
Happy STS. Okay, hear me out. Your story becomes a musical. *grandly presents you with the opportunity to turn this into literally whatever you want* (Who knows all the choreography? Who is pissed? Who somehow escapes singing?) (What scene has the best song? What your story's musical sound like? Does it being a musical make any sense at all?)
I am HEARING you out. happy sts
I'm not sure about the others, but all I know is Leo gets a very theatrical disney villain type song. They would still be very branch trolls or eugene fitzherbert tangled core. I am Not singing and you Can't make me (someone will) (jaxon most likely) (poor leo)
Jaxon is THRILLED. He sings wherever he goes anyways. He knows all the choreography. He makes everyone else join. Same with Sam and probably Lily
Logan and Cass are secretly really good singers in my head. I feel like they would both have a sort of lullaby song. something soft
Dylan gets out of it. "ohh sorry guys. i didn't realize it was a musical :| my bad you guys have fun though" Ryan also gets out of it. Elliot TRIES but he falls victim to Jaxon making him
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cactus-of-the-dead · 2 years
What is it with korean tv show directors and casting the antagonists to be played by the most beautiful men that have ever walked this earth?
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dross-the-fish · 4 months
I found myself thinking of Jekyll today and wondering if it causes him physical pain to have to fake a smile. To what extent is Henry Jekyll, pleasant doctor and sophisticated upperclass gentleman a painful mask he has to wear and does the discomfort ever feel physical?
I was at the local aquarium today (this is the perfect time of year to go because it's open but there are no tourists so it's never crowded and admission is cheap) hanging out and doodling on one of the benches while I watched the fish. I had on headphones to listen to an audio book and to provide a buffer between myself and anyone who might try to talk to me and I had been looking forward to relaxing for a couple of hours when a family walked up and the father waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention. The minute they started asking me questions about what I was drawing I was filled with what I can only describe as intense dismay.
Obviously the family being present isn't in of itself an issue, it's a public aquarium, it's aimed at families and parts of the aquarium are geared specifically at children, but the family noticed me drawing and stopped to talk to me.
I reiterate that this was not something they did wrong, they were just being friendly, but I was really not prepared to have a conversation and I found the whole ordeal to be...well an ordeal. They were interested in what I was drawing (a sketch of Henry Jekyll because he's been on my mind off and on) and just the thought of having to explain who this character was, hoping they got it, and having to potentially explain why I was drawing him felt overwhelming.
And it was, they did not know who Henry Jekyll was, they were vaguely aware of Jekyll and Hyde but weren't the type of people to read classic literature and had never heard of the musical or actually seen for themselves any movies featuring the character. The mom commented that he looks like "a Disney villain from back in the 90s" which...fair assessment, I can't pretend I don't see why she would have thought that. The older kid was probably the most interested and wanted to see more of my drawings which made me really uncomfortable but I let him look through my sketchbook anyway because his parents kept saying he was interested in drawing and he loves art and I felt too anxious to say no.
I made small talk with the parents for a while, all the usual, "what's your name, where you from, what's your job?" (I hate those questions, they are usually the least interesting things about any people, myself included) and I wondered if this is what Henry does on a regular day. Has ordinary conversations with reasonably nice people and feel completely like a fish out of water the whole time. I felt pretty terrible about it too, I didn't have any hard feelings or resentment but the whole time I was thinking "Stop touching my things, go away, please fucking leave so I can get back to my audio book and my drawing. I just wanted to sit with the fish for a few hours because it's supposed to be quiet here this time of year."
No one ever seems to catch on that physically talking to people is an effort for me. I've gone my whole life and no one has ever noticed that I'm anxious or uncomfortable in situations where I have to speak out loud because I've gotten good at faking small talk and I know how to make my voice sound pleasant.
It's strange because I express myself easily enough in writing and I like messaging with people over text but the minute I have to be verbal with people I don't know I feel like I'm putting on an immense effort. I have to consciously choose a tone, figure out what words I want to say, be ready with an explanation in case I'm asked questions and I have to do all of it in real time on the spot. It feels like improve, like I'm constantly doing an improve routine and I know most people would say "Just be yourself!" But myself doesn't want to be doing this at all. Myself wants to be drawing and looking at fish. Even as a child I was never very social, I liked to doodle or daydream or build with my lego sets. I got reprimanded a lot for being too quiet. So I made myself more talkative and learned how to hold conversations. I learned to blend in but it's so tiring at times and I can swear when it's at its worst it feels almost physical. The discomfort becomes a suffocating "texture" on my skin and in my brain and I have to keep pretending like I don't notice it because every time I try to articulate how I feel people don't understand it. It's just not a thing they experience.
So I just keep "acting normal," and wonder if there's something wrong with me, like I'm operating on a different frequency from the people around me and I'm the only one on that frequency so other people don't even know it exists. It's...incredibly isolating at times. Even my partner doesn't seem to hear the world as loud as I do or experience the "texture" it's just a strange THING that I'm stuck with by myself. I wonder if it was the same for Henry Jekyll? Except instead being of too quiet he was too loud, too boisterous, threw tantrums, didn't know when to stop rambling about anatomy and weird gross medical facts. So he learned how to cover it and move through life pretending to be interested in everyone else but keenly aware they could never share his interests because his favorite subjects were too grisly and if he started talking about diseases he'd put everyone off. I head-canon Jekyll loves what he does, but he doesn't love it for reasons a doctor should, he doesn't care that much about healing the sick, he cares about conquering illnesses, he likes to learn about symptoms, he enjoys the disgusting viscera of his work. But he can't let on that this is what he enjoys about his work because that's not noble or heroic, it's something most people would find creepy of him. So he buries it and pretends he cares about curing the sick. He pretends he enjoys talking to people who don't know anything about who he is or what he does but they think they do because they are aware of doctors and understand that medicine exists. All the time he loathes it, it exhausts him and he can't even indulge in activities he enjoys to blow of steam because he enjoys things like brawling, doing drugs, and fucking. All things a man of his status shouldn't be seen doing. There's an image people associate with Henry Jekyll and it's an image he can't afford to tarnish...
but it's not really HIS image, it's just a buffer he keeps up to make himself more palatable. I wonder if that ever hurts him physically, if the mask ever feels like a "texture" muffling him.
there are times when I feel like it's no wonder he wasn't repulsed by Hyde when he first saw his reflection. Because I can only imagine by the time Hyde showed up he was already completely burnt out on being Jekyll.
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parliamentoftoh · 1 year
I’ve posted before about how much I love Belos as a villain and how I think he is one of the best villains Disney as a whole has created in years but I have to reiterate this again in light of the finale
because the finale finished him off so well 
(like I have my tiny quibbles about wanting a little more Caleb and/or Evelyn mentions in the end but I kind of like that we didn't get any of that because it reenforces what the Titan points out: it’s not about that anymore. Belos has completely lost sight of any noble goal he might have ever claimed to have, even to himself. He is operating on nothing but pure desperation and rejection of any reality where his humanity (what little he believes he’s retained) doesn’t make him superior to this world. I like that the last reference to Caleb is his ghost/hallucination looking down at Belos and silently condemning him and his actions. ‘This wasn’t for me,’ he is saying. ‘it never was.’ and that’s how we conclude that relationship. I like that.)
anyway that rant aside that isn’t even what I’m talking about here. I am talking about when this incredible piece of shit uses his last bit of life and magic to try and manipulate Luz one last time, and specifically the direction he chooses -
because it’s another fan theory! Up until around Yesterday’s Lie and even until Hollow Mind, I saw a lot of posts that theorized that Philip and Belos were the same person but that what had happened was that Philip had been cursed. That explained his hatred of Wild Magic, after all. There were even people - myself included - who had crack theories that the Titan was, in fact, possessing him in a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde scenario 
and so for Belos to try to use that on Luz is a delightful bit of trope-awareness from both the show - and Belos himself, whose strong suit had always been telling people what they wanted or expected to hear and using those expectations to fuck with them (including the audience)
like of course it doesn’t work because how could it after everything but I love that it’s still... it’s still almost a good cover up and they let him have that, like... acknowledgement of how good he has always been at pivoting, how skilled he is at finding the best lie each time he’s beaten- 
and THEN they curb stomp him to death. 
anyway 10/10 Belos is the villain of all time thank you for coming to me ted talk
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The Bracket is Finally Here!
Spotify playlist with (almost) all songs in the tournament
Remember you can leave propaganda for any of these songs in the ask box both before and during the polls
(The image kinda smushed it all together but there's a written version at the bottom)
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Written matches under the cut:
(Parenthesis on the song title: Additions to the title or other titles commonly used for the song in animations and animatics) ([blank]: a placeholder for a word that might variate in the title according to the animatic, usually a character's name)
Bracket 1, Side A:
You'll be back - Hamilton Musical VS. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set it Off
I cut myself (shaving) - Talkshow Boy VS. Curses - The Crane Wives
Kiss Me, Son of God - They Might Be Giants VS. Open Up Your Eyes - My Little Pony: friendship is magic
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay VS. Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
Sincerely, Me - Dear Evan Hansen Musical VS. Promiseland - MIKA
Wine Red - The Hush Sound VS. Once Upon a December - Anastasia (Movie)
Everything at Once - Lenka VS. Little Miss Perfect - Written by Joriah Kwamé
Good for you - Dear Evan Hansen Musical VS. Never love an Anchor - The Crane Wives
Cupid - Jack Stauber VS. The other side - The Greatest Showman Musical
Eight Wonder - Lemon Demon VS. How bad can I be? - The Lorax (Movie)
Just Take My Wallet - Jack Stauber VS. Blue Lips - Regina Spektor
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber VS. Tongues and Teeth - The Crane Wives
Poison - Cavetown VS. I'm the Bad Guy - Wonder Over Yonder / Caleb Hyles cover
Partners in Crime - Set It Off VS. It's tough to be a God - The Road to El Dorado (Movie)
Are You Satisfied? - MARINA VS. Brave as a Noun - AJJ The Band
Me, you and Steve - Garfunkel and Oates VS. Oh No! - MARINA
Bracket 1, Side B:
It took me by Surprise - Maria Mena VS. Father - The Front Bottoms
Hayloft - Mother Mother VS. When You're Evil - Voltaire
I Know I'm a Wolf - Young Heretics VS. Ordinary - Written by Joriah Kwamé
Anything you can do - Annie Get Your Gun Musical VS. Left Brain, Right Brain - Bo Burnham
Christmas Kids - Roar VS. I Know Those Eyes / This Man is Dead - Thomas Borchert
The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid VS. Allies or Enemies - The Crane Wives
Turn the Lights off - Tally Hall VS. Boys will be Bugs - Cavetown
Ghosting - Mother Mother VS. Villain - Stella Jang
Defying Gravity - Wicked Musical VS. Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Crossing the Line - Tangled the Series VS. Runs in the Family - Amanda Palmer
Everybody Talks - Neon Trees VS. Under My Skin - Jukebox The Ghost
Saint Bernard - Lincoln VS. Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
The History of Wrong Guys - Kinky Boots Musical VS. Order Made ([blank]'s Order Made) - RADWIMPS
Charlie's Inferno ([blank]'s Inferno) - That Handsome Devil VS. Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Ultimately - Khai Dreams VS. Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
The Zombie Song - Stephanie Mabey VS. When He Sees Me - Waitress Musical
Bracket 2, Side A:
Interlude IV - Zach Callison VS. Honey, I'm Home - GHOST
Little Lion Man (Not your fault) - Mumford & Sons VS. Confrontation - Jekyll and Hyde, the Gothic Musical Thriller
The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals VS. I Won't Say (I'm in Love) - Disney's Hercules
El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes - Jeanette VS. Feelings are Fatal - Mxmtoon
The Religion of Loneliness (Lonely Religion) - Syudou VS. Ikanaide - Soraru and Mafumafu
The Killing Kind - Marianas Trench VS. Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel VS. Achilles Come Down - Gang Of Youths
If you were gay - Avenue Q Musical VS. My R ([Blank]'s R) - KurageP / cover by Rachie
Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng VS. No Children (I hope we both die) - The Mountain Goats
I can't decide ([Blank] can't decide) - Scissor Sisters VS. OO is a receiver ([Blank] is a receiver) - Ura Commander-P
A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers VS. You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
Dr Sunshine is Dead - Will Wood and the Tapeworms VS. A Crow's Trial (A [blank]'s Trial) - Vane
The Riddle - Scarlett Pimpernel Musical VS. Crush - Tessa Violet
Be Nice To Me - The Front Bottoms VS. My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel VS. I do adore - Mindy Gledhill
I wish you liked girls - Abbey Glover / I wish you liked boys - Cover by Jasper Isaac VS. Like Real People Do - Hozier
Bracket 2, Side B:
Stronger Than You - Steven Universe VS. Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie
Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! at the Disco VS. Butch 4 Butch (Sweetheart's Piano) - Rio Romero
Two Birds - Regina Spektor VS. Amnesia Was Her Name - Lemon Demon
Love Like You - Steven Universe VS. Escapism - Steven Universe
Everything Stays - Adventure Time VS. This day Aria - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
My Whole Family ([blank]'s Whole Family think they're gay) - Bo Burnham VS. Popular - Wicked Musical
The Bro Duet - Written by Alexander Sage Oyen VS. Cabinet Man - Lemon Demon
Self-inflicted Achromatic - Nekobolo VS. Welcome To The Internet - Bo Burnham
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives VS. Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
What is This Feeling? - Wicked Musical VS. There! Right there! (Is [blank] Gay or European?) - Legally Blonde the Musical
Goodbye (Look who's inside again) - Bo Burnham VS. This is Home - Cavetown
Pad Thai - Jack Stauber VS. How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20
The Mind Electric - Miracle Musical VS. The Nowhere King - Centaurworld
Rät - Penelope Scott VS. Therefore You and Me - TadanoCo / E ve cover
Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a Birdcage VS. Devil's Train - The Lab Rats
The Game of Life - Yuzuhico VS. Dust and Ashes - Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 Musical
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morallyinept · 7 months
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Shoot: Augustman Singapore, Oct 2019 Issue. Published online on Oct 10th 2019.
Photographer: Doug Inglish
Interviewer: Cezar Greif
Grooming: Mira Chai Hyde
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below. 👇🏻
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
• Cover shot and original images used in the magazine.
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• Outtakes and behind the scenes images.
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• Full interview.
Pedro Pascal: Life before and after Game of Thrones.
Until recently, people were still erroneously addressing Pedro Pascal as Pascal Pedro. But he didn’t mind. Years of struggle in New York’s theatre scene had taught him to take things in stride. Pascal had studied drama in NYU, with his appearances on television after that limited to bit parts in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and a few cop dramas. It took Game of Thrones, playing the part of Oberyn Martell, to make Pascal a household name – at the age of 37, no less.
Since that breakout role, Pascal has been busy. Among other works, he starred opposite Denzel Washington in The Equalizer 2, played a leading role in the Netflix biographical crime series Narcos, and acted as Agent Whiskey in Kingsman: The Golden Circle. There’s more to come, beginning with the titular character in The Mandalorian, which airs on Disney’s new streaming service Disney+ this November. In June next year, Pascal is slated to appear in the next Wonder Woman movie as the villain Maxwell Lord. Clearly, the man’s career has just properly started.
When did you first fall in love with acting?
At a very young age. My father used to take us to the movies three times a week. He’d come home from work and ask if we wanted to go see something, and we would, of course, want to go. I saw First Blood, The Big Chill, and so many other films. There was one summer when my mother would drop me off at the movie theatre as though it was daycare – times were different back then.
I’d watch a few screenings of movies like Poltergeist in one afternoon before she picked me up at six. This exposure to films led to a hobby in acting that my parents were happy I had – at least I wasn’t sitting around watching cable TV all day. It occupied so much of my time and eventually turned into serious training.
Why did you make the shift?
I had to take things more seriously if I wanted to stick with it. It wasn’t just being in love with the idea of appearing in movies and on stage any more – I needed to learn to analyse a story, delve deeper into the various aspects of acting, and learn the technical side of things. What came next was getting jobs to pay the bills. Surviving as an actor, basically.
You took some time to find mainstream success. Did you ever consider quitting?
The confidence definitely fluctuates. I didn’t develop other skills, so my familiar routine was to attend auditions for jobs. One would be enough to pay for rent and food for a while, or I had to wait tables to pay for my expenses. It felt completely desperate because I was really in love with the art of acting and the idea of being a working actor.
But I always got enough work to keep going. I don’t think I would have if I couldn’t get a job in three years or something like that, but such a thing never happened. I would get a role in a tiny little play outside of Boston, or a beer commercial, or an episode of a cop show in the city.
Do you appreciate your popularity more since it came later? How do you think this has influenced the way you approach your status as a celebrity now?
I was definitely more self-assured because my habits and routines were firmly in place and felt more important to me than my newfound success. I know it’s hard for me to describe this, but I just don’t feel famous. That wasn’t part of my development when I was younger, so I came into it “fully cooked”, or maybe even overdone. (laughs) As exciting and as strange as fame can be, it just doesn’t feel as real to me as my relationships, or the fact that my backaches, or how I panic in the morning if I don’t know exactly where I can get my coffee. Those things have much higher stakes to me than the public’s perception of who I am.
Can you identify a reason for your success? Did it make sense for to you when it “arrived”, perhaps because you thought you were becoming a better actor, or was it pure luck?
I oscillate between the two. It can seem totally random, which is terrifying because anything can happen, but the randomness of it all makes a little more sense to me. But I see some clearly predestined circumstances for other people, and you sometimes have these very clear realisations that an opportunity was kept from you a long time ago because it wasn’t the right place or the right time. I guess I probably lean more towards the randomness of it all, or the simple idea that if you keep at the same damn thing, you’re increasing your chances of it succeeding.
And how do you view your breakout role in Game of Thrones now?
It changed my life, but what’s interesting is how all the silly jobs that I’ve had before this one also felt like big breaks. I was a jobbing actor by my late 20s, and I was just as excited with some seventh-tier role on some network television show because it meant that I could pay some bills.
That felt like as big as a win as anything else. It’s the same with theatre. Because it’s so hard to go from the small plays to the medium-sized ones, getting a role in the latter feels like a miracle too. I was close to becoming homeless many times in the past, and was actually staying at an AirBnB before getting the role in Game Of Thrones, so I must really thank the showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss for taking that chance on me.
Has your experience in theatre helped your work in film? How do they compare?
Theatre work is like the building blocks of what I do now. From Shakespeare to something contemporary, and everything in between, I’ve done them all. When you perform the same thing eight times a week, you’re constantly reworking your role to keep it interesting, whether it’s discovering something new or discarding something that exists. It feels like training. The last time I took classes was in college – and that’s something I don’t recommend – but doing theatre work felt like staying in school, which helped. Plus, it provided medical insurance and a weekly paycheck.
Tell us more about the new Mandalorian series.
It’s taking things in a new direction. I think it’s amazing that Lucasfilm is letting Jon Favereau and Dave Felloni take Star Wars into new territories as far as style and tone are concerned, from using practical effects and digital special effects in tandem, to exploring characters out of the familiar Star Wars settings.
They’re also blurring the boundaries between the good guys and the bad guys, and I love the idea of having things in a grey area. We’re dealing with the outer reaches of the galaxy here, which means a lot of ambivalence around what is right and wrong, and the conflict between self-serving and self-sacrificial decisions and actions. It’s all very much a part of the Star Wars story. As for the character, the Mandalorian is a bounty hunter, and people pay him to do jobs. Let’s just leave it at that for now.
Christopher Nolan said he casted Tom Hardy as Bane because of how he acts through his eyes in the mask. What was it like to express everything you needed to in this role with a full-face helmet on?
Much of the work is already taken care of by the writing, which is great, as well as the visual experience that the show provides. But it was still important to me to live in the story as a person who does not show his face, so I worked a lot on the character’s body language. It feels almost like going back to theatre. I think that there’s a lot that can be told with stillness and very economical movements.
I hear that you’re a real movie nerd. Do you have recommendations for fairly unknown directors or movies that we should pay attention to?
I just saw this incredible movie called Monos by Alejandro Landes. It was amazing. And I’ve been floored by [director] Ari Aster. He’s an aesthetician that also brings out great performances, and the films Hereditary and Midsommar blew me away totally. There’s also someone who’s up and coming – Taika Waititi – who made Jojo Rabbit, that’s, in my opinion, the best movie of the year.
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
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unnamed-proxy · 4 months
HAHA here it is! The Berry dca head-cannon masterlist!
Looong post ahead beware.
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-They can actually draw really, really well but is limited by the fact they can only use crayons, if provided with the right materials their art style would be very watercolor dominant and look like something out of a classic children’s book. (Think the ‘promotional artwork/merchandise’ from welcome home or the in-game art of rain-world)
-Gender-fluid but often male presenting
-Asexual, even if they had lips they would not enjoy kissing or anything stronger than that, however they do adore hugs and cuddling!
-They find it a lot easier to express louder emotions, anger, happiness, annoyance, excitement, etc. they’re an ugly cryer as well.
-Due to their lack of facial movement, they’ve adopted a constant flow of physical expression/movement, even when they’re going to sleep they’re still moving! Usually including (but not limited to) swaying from side to side, fidgeting with their hands, or in-place dancing like they do in game!
-They have very intense anxiety, but they were good at covering it up until Moon got the virus, becoming inconsolable whenever things got to their head afterwards.
-Adding onto that last one, they’re an overthinker.
-They have a love for makeup and sometimes hang out with Chica to play around with face paint. They’re the reason they and Moon have the starry eyeliner I give them in drawings.
-They keep a Moon plushie in their ‘room’ that they’d project him onto while in control, and they never sleep without it. (Even with the virus)
-They’re a huge theater nerd, being a particularly big fan of Hamilton and the Jekyll and Hyde musical +basically anything Disney, though they don’t get to quote/see those as often. (Their fav is a tie between Princess And The Frog and Tangled)
-They get VERY jealous very easily.
-When they’re having a bad day and Moon isn’t available they usually have a gossip party with Roxy and chica where they bitch about the incompetency of the workers or a particularly bad Karen over imaginary tea.
-Continuing from the last one, Sun also enjoys doing Roxanne’s hair when she lets them.
-Their eyes were white while having the virus since they scratched the paint off clawing at their face whenever Moon took control (or tried to).
-They love the children’s drawings and are very quick to praise them! Adults on the other hand are when they get sassy, ‘if a robot programmed to act like a child on all levels but intelligence can drawn better than you then you don’t deserve any respect anyway’ type mindset.
-If you’re over the age of 13 it’ll be a lot harder to get on their good side, but usually if you’re nice to them they’re nice to you. Unless you’re staff, they’d explode any and all staff members with their mind if they were capable of it.
-Favorite color is green.
-Goes by he/him, it/its, and they/them on occasion
-Hat functions as a tail/third arm. Its rim is attached to his head by a Velcro like material or a magnet once placed on.
-The nightcap is stored inside his stomach hatch, which is shot out by the second button on his chest.
-The upper/first button on his chest activates a musical function, the music is generated through a music box attached to the throat of his endoskeleton. Sun can use it to, but they can’t pick the song like Moon can.
-It was the one who confessed first (See)
-Moon was originally a generic fruity Disney villain character in the theater and would act out on its emotions through a theatrical, more cruel lens than they were at heart. Though he underwent massive restrictions being added to his code alongside heavy reprogramming when being relocated to the daycare.
-He is demisexual and/or Asexual, he is open to kissing but nothing more intimate than that. Otherwise, he has the same boundaries as Sun.
-Moon acts like a cat in as many ways as you can think of. Enjoying the sensation of petting/rubbing or scratching on his head, purring when happy, hissing and growling when angry or threatened, and his nightcap flicks and sways near constantly when he moves, straightening and shooting upwards when he’s annoyed and doing said hissing, and curling around his torso when he’s afraid.
-He’s also just as physically expressive as Sun! Though in different ways. Constantly shifting from foot to foot, bouncing on his feet (as shown in game), tilting his head to express what his eyes can’t, and fidgeting with his fingers like Sun. Moon is also no stranger to stimming, though he tries not to around anyone besides Sun.
-He is autistic.
-If he had a functioning mouth, its go-to stim would be chewing and biting, Sun would have no issue with this and sometimes offer to be the subject of it instead of himself.
-He has anger issues as a result of his past programming, though has long since found techniques to calm himself down for the sake of Sun, pre-virus anyway.
-Moon is a huge victim of masking, most of the inhabitants of the plex still believe him to be a maniacal monster because of this.
-He desperately wishes to go outside and see the world, hanging out infront of the glass doors of the ‘Plex’s entrance after hours to look at the stars and occasionally asking Sun to paint what they think it looks like out there.
-He keeps children’s drawings and various nicknacks inside his hat. Magnets, plushies, shirts, paint sets, severed animatronic heads, you name it and it’s probably hoarding it in there.
-He’s extremely self-conscious and overcompensates to either get people to stay with or away from him.
-He’s a wonderful singer and enjoys doing duets with Sun in his spare time!
-It sleeps with a Sun plushie and often keeps it with him in his hat at all times.
-He is very much aware of their actions during the Vanny virus and sees them as proof that he’s a horrible person.
-Moon is the reason the daycare was closed down, being responsible for a child going missing 3 different times times with the help of Vanny, until being fully taken over by the virus. (While under the virus’s effects Sun did not shy away from holding this against them.)
-He loves Sun dearly, though is extremely envious of them, he would never admit it though.
-Favorite color is purple
-GR!Foxy was Sun & Moons best friend and trusted them with her life, as did they with theirs. This persists through their relationship with Roxy though they’ve gotten significantly more distant since she became part of the band
-Their theater backstory is Sun being a rouge court-jester that joined Foxy after he visited their kingdom. They were then cursed to have their deepest, darkest thoughts and desires manifest in the form of Moon.
-Adding onto previous, Moon is the in-universe reason for Foxy missing a hand.
-The skirt was a gift from Sun! It wasn’t/isn’t a part of their original costume and they both wear it as a symbol of their love, which is why it doesn’t change during their transformation.
-Moon and Sun were the patient zero of the Vanny virus, both being different prototypes. Sun was given a version where it heightened the flaws of the animatronics programming and personality, I.e their anxiety and jealousy. While Moon was given a removal of rules and restrictions, affectively turning the infected into a wild animal or a zombie. Both types were installed 3 months before the rest of the cast and both were modified/reworked due to being ineffective, the first being too unpredictable and generally useless while the second made the victim too tough to control. Though they were basically considered failures and Vanny never bothered to put the updated version into their systems, deciding it wouldn’t be too important
-They’re a tag team! If one doesn’t feel like they could deal with a specific person they’ll send the other one out to defend them (‘Soooo bad, I should turn off the lights myself.’), or they’ll just feed the one in control insults from the head-space. Sun specializes in more personal, action based insults that cut deep while Moon makes judgments on character and rapid fires.
-Sun wants to be friends with Vanessa, Moon does not. She hates both of them.
-Freddy sees both of them as a singular identity and is, put simply, a massive jerk to them, but he has a particular sore spot for Moon.
-The broken staff bots in their room were taken from multiple different places, Moon would sometimes clean up after Monty so he wouldn’t be caught or they’d find an already malfunctioning one and put it out of its misery. They’d then take it back and try to learn how to repair them so they don’t have to rely on parts and services anymore to sustain themselves.
-They’re both really into playing pretend and crossdressing!
-Eclipse goes by they/them and is omnisexual & polyamorous
-Eclipse doesn’t have a favorite color, if you asked they’d just answer with ‘rainbow’ or ‘I can’t decide!’
-Eclipse was a backup ai in-case Moon went rogue that failed to activate. Sun commandeered it into a way for them to both be in sync again post-Ruin as they were extremely basic and non-sentient.
-Balloon world Eclipse is what Vanny would use to infect the boys and communicate with Moon.
-Even if they were put in separate bodies they wouldn’t leave each other alone, Moon would latch onto Sun’s neck and let them drag him along while they do their job and whisper little comments to make them laugh into their ear just like they used to in their headspace, Sun would follow him around during naptime and try to keep contact, usually holding hands or, on bad days, riding on his shoulders.
-adding onto the above, if they were upset at each other they still wouldn’t be more than a room away and make sure the other is in view at all times. DO. NOT. SEPARATE, no matter how bad the argument is, there is nothing worse to them than being alone with their own head.
Aaaand that is all! TYSM for reading <3
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eksentrismi · 1 month
eksentrismi = eccentricity
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Roni ★ 23 ★ he/it/they ★ Finnish
Pronouns.page | Letterboxd (formerly ronironimakaroni & mistermakaroni)
unhinged little freak, genderfluid bi aroace guy, neurodivergent & disabled, eccentric geek, goofy doofus, hobbyist artist, fictional old men enthusiast, 1986 animated Jekyll fictionkin & fanboy (seriously), really likes old tech and 80's/90's/early 2000's stuff, mullet owner, short guy (5'1'' / 155cm), sideburns fanboy, Pepsi Max enjoyer, mood swing king, objectum & fictosexual, selfshipper too, cringe forever
Current hyperfixations: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, The Body-Snatcher (the book), The Sims 2 (DS & GBA versions), few underrated Disney villains (McLeach, Sykes, Rourke and Ratigan) My rambles & talk >>> #roni's rambling My AU's/stories >>> #au madness, #j&h au stuff, #tbs au stuff My arts >>> #roni's doodles Aesthetic stuff >>> #aesthetics <333 Art inspirations >>> #art inspo <3 (NOTE: I don't sell any of my art anywhere and I don't condone reposts of my arts without my permission! Reblogs here are very welcome and appreciated though!)
Notes: I use tone tags often, mainly /j (joking) and /lh (lighthearted). Asks are always welcome, just please keep them PG-13!! There may be bright eye-straining colors and effects in most of my arts, so please be cautious of that.
DNI: MAP's/pedos, proshippers, TERF's/transphobes, LGBTQ-phobes, otherwise hateful discriminatory folk (eg. ableist, racist, fascist etc.)... the general criteria applies. Hatred and bullying has no place here!
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lovecanbesostrange · 8 months
ouattober2023 Day 4: Fav Quote
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"You're Frankenstein. And I'm the werewolf. I ate my boyfriend. Regina thought she was punishing us by erasing who we were. But I think she underestimated how much crap we wanted to forget."
-- Ruby, 2x12 In the Name of the Brother
I can't do pretty graphics to collect some funny, insightful, inspiring moments. But I can think of one of my favorite scenes from Season 2, that set up a big theme (that sadly wasn't followed through imho) and I can ramble about it.
First of all shout out to the FrankenWolf shippers out there. While I'm not invested, I can see the appeal to this. This moment set up a monster angle nicely, a cool contrast to the (Disney) fairytale about princesses and love. It's a step removed from just villain, monsters can live in the inbetween. Imagine Ruby and Whale being around when Mr Hyde showed up (throw in a vampire, because Storybrooke deserves to have a previously unmentioned castle somewhere with a suspiciously coffin-shaped table in the living room).
So, that quote? Masterful. Even in a town filled with all sorts of people of peculiar backgrounds (dwarves, fairies, witches, talking animals), some come with a stigma, marked as bad. This goes with what Leroy says in the same episode, when he mentions E.T. and getting cut up by the government, which goes for everything magic. A follow-up to him and Ruby bringing up that point the episode prior. Some magic wasn't even liked in the Enchanted Forest. It was a dangerous place, not just songbirds and romance.
Not to be a Regina-apologist (yes, given them indoor plumbing surely improved some aspects of life), she very much doomed them to a certain kind of misery. But I love how Ruby here - without anybody of significance (sorry, Whale) hearing - frames the curse as a second chance. Free from the burden of accidentally killing her True Love. Free from the wolf altogether, until magic hit (which is Rumple's doing). It is also interesting to remember that for Regina to enjoy her triumph, she had to remember everything that had happened. She had to keep the good and the bad for her victory. The townsfolk lived mundane lives, void of their happy endings, but also not knowing the full horrors of their lives (look at all the trauma that gets uncovered later on).
For the whole of Season 2 this is a great moment. It goes hand in hand with David and Mary Margaret arguing about where to live, do they even want to go back? It follows up on how dangerous it could be to have magic in a world without magic (becoming a circus attraction). It's also a reminder that "back home" means tragedy and misery for some. What does it mean to have this second "modern world persona" intigrated, to be a somewhat new person.
Of course being the Ruby stan I am, I love this quote for the simple angst of it all. And the way Ruby speaks about Peter's death is a whole evolution. (So far as to maken a joke out of it in front of Merida and Mulan, until she finally uses the word "killed" instead of "ate" when talking to Dorothy.) The whole monster-to-monster thing is cute and I wouldn't have minded a friendship coming out of it. A specific perspective when confronting new threats. And I wish I could have seen Ruby laughing in Regina's face "You think being held back in life by staying with my sick grandma is the worst??". Cursed!Ruby was a naive smalltown girl dreaming big, she was not happy and felt stuck. Yeah, sure sucks. But Red carried the burden of killing innocent people unknowingly and even killing her own mother, when choosing herself instead of what anybody else wants her to do. Red's freedom came with a high price. (And then her loneliness continues, while her friends move on, oops.)
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lemonadehtwooh · 1 year
In FGO, specifically my AU version, I just think Hyde would enjoy Disney movies a little too much. Like, especially villain songs. He would be annoying Jekyll all day with singing XD
In a middle of important research papers, Jekyll is working hard. It's a super important task. He is focused in. There is a voice. A gleeful, childish voice. A voice Jekyll did not want to hear at the moment.
Unfortunately, it was the same damn song again for the millionth time in a row.
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nightwardenminthara · 3 months
me: no but cyril isnt like... disney villain evil or anything also me: adds another jekyll and hyde song to his playlist
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Finally Watched Miraculous Awakening It Turns me Into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde....
So First Dr. Jekyll
One of my legitimate with Tales of Ladybug is that it has way way way too many themes. Which is a weird criticism because it some ways it can be taken as praise of Tales of and a backhanded compliment to Awakening, but I do mean that Awakening strength, especially compared to Tales of, is its simple story telling and really straight forward method of telling it. Tales of is almost if not just too complicated for a kids show at times. Like the ending of Season five is something recent I talked about on this blog. I talk about how Adrien is not in the final fight of season 5 and how that relates to the idea of advocacy to victims of abuse and how it relates to Adrien's trauma at the hands of his father. However, that could also not be what is going on there at all and instead what we are seeing is Adrien understanding more the responsibility of his position as Chat Noir something that he does not begin to realize until the end of season four going into season five. The issue here is that it could be both, one of those, or neither of those and there is no real way to figure out witch. Further, neither of those options are stated out loud but instead highly alluded to by other scenes throughout the show meaning that neither is an option I could just be chasing my tail or, more likely in my hope, most people won't think of any of this or even consider any of this. Awakening has none of those problems it is the combination of a Disney Princess movie and a Marvel movie. It has all the I want songs for both leads and a villain song to meet its Disney Princess qualifications, and a lot of cool superhero fighting for marvel. It is straight forward if you are wondering what it is about it will tell you. It is a good movie with a direct and straight forward story that is easy to follow. I could see a lot of people nitpicking it deck and expect at least one Angry Review due to it not having the same rule system as Tales of, but I like the soft magic system its not something we see much of anywhere. Solid 7/10 like some of the music Marinette's voice singer did not match though.
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cloudysx · 11 months
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I love Disney's Once Upon A Time series, and I really like Dr. Jekyll's villain Mr. Hyde, I really like the little story around these characters and how Dr.Jekyll separates his villain side, from the suddenly it inspired me with Sora & Soranort
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Left : Dr.Jekyll / Right : Mr. Hyde from Once Upon A Time series
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shaniacsboogara · 5 months
boog what is your fav sk show
I may have taken forever to answer this, but that's because I've been THINKING ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY!!!
In all honesty, I can't pick ONE favourite, but I'll give you a little list (in no particular order mind you)
The first sk musical I ever watched was The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (probably a few months after it originally came out???) and it will ALWAYS be one of my favourite musicals of all time. It's funny, the premise is unique and inventive, the score is PHENOMENAL, and THE PERFORMANCES??? Corey as Bill made me SOB (and still does if I think about him and Alice's story too hard). Now that the productions rights are out and I'm headed to uni and they have a theatre club there... 👀 (It probably won't happen but a Boog can dream)
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Twisted. Yeah it's silly, but also absolutely devastating. It would be an understatement to say I'm obsessed with Dylan Saunders' performance as Jafar. Twisted is my Roman Empire. I think about No One Remembers Achmed at least five times a day. AND JEFF BLIM AS FREAKY ALADDIN??? HIS JEKYLL AND HYDE MOMENT??? IS FOREVER ENGRAINED IN MY PSYCHE. And also just the Disney villains montage type thing they do is iconic and wonderful and 'If I Believed' is the only song ever actually.
I also just love The Hatchetverse as a whole. Black Friday was a real treat and I absolutely freaked out when I found out Dylan was in it, and was still absolutely astonished by his performing as Tom. That man is MAGICAL. A lot of people put "what tim wants" and "if I fail you" pretty low in their song rankings but like... They are EVERYTHING to me. Also KIM WHALEN??? A FELLOW GINGER SOPRANO WHO IS JUST SO GORGEOUS AND TALENTED AND I LOVE HER??? Also Jon as Wiggly is HORRIFYING and seeing him go from Paul in tgwdlm straight to Wiggly was JARRING. Linda Monroe is also ✨iconic✨. (I could ramble about this musical forever). It was definitely different in some ways than TGWDLM and was more serious tonally, but I really enjoyed it (and the music is AWESOME).
Trail to Oregon is also great!!! It's so silly and I LOVE seeing Joey Richter scurry back and forth putting on different hats to play almost the entire ensemble. Corey as Cleetus and the grandpa (Titty Mitty in the proshot) was phenomenal, and Lauren Lopez as Craphole is probably one of my favourite roles she's ever played. My absolute favourite moment of this entire musical is Joey Richter playing the baby buffalo whose family is about to get slaughtered. Baby buffalo Joey lives rent free in my mind. Also the best theatre blooper of all time comes from TTO (Joey forgetting his lines in independence my beloved)
NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE. THE SOUNDTRACK. THE SOUNDTRACK. I haven't watched this one as many times as the others, and it hasn't been around for as long so I don't think I've fully grown to appreciate it yet (and that's saying A LOT because I LOVE NPMD). ANGELA AS GRACE CHASTITY??? HELLO??? SHE IS EVERYTHING??? AND MAX JAGERMAN??? All of the performances in this are absolutely incredible. ALSO FINALLY GETTING MARIAH AS A LEAD IN A STARKID SHOW??? AS SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN IN THE FANDOM SINCE TGWDLM??? WE WERE WAITING SO PATIENTLY FOR THIS AND HOLY SHIT DID IT PAY OFF. Peter Spankoffski is everything and Cool As I Think I Am is ALSO everything. And omg Richie Lipschitz. I need to see him again in a nightmare time episode or something because that boy deserved SO MUCH BETTER!!! I think the score for this one was also incredible, and it was a super fun musical!!! It didn't permanently fuck up my brain and ruin my life like I was afraid it would, which disappointed me at first honestly, but it's nice to have a hatchetfield story that doesn't result in the immediate end of the world (although grace is totally gonna fuck shit up let's be honest).
Also I LOVE Nightmare Time. So much. Especially characters like Miss Holloway??? She. Is. EVERYTHING. Killer Track and Time Bastard are probably some of my favourite episodes, and I just think the effort put into the writing and editing and everything about nightmare time is just awesome. Hoping we get more down the line ✨🙏✨
I've also watched some of AVPM but I don't think I finished it. HOWEVER, Granger Danger is a certified BANGER and is also everything to me.
Thank you for coming to my TED BOOGtalk
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