benjtheo · 6 months
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"We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19.
Judeo-Christian means a Jewish Christian, which means the same as a Messianist (Christian), from ancient Judea of the Holy Bible’s origins. The prefix “Judeo-‘ ( pronounced, Jew-dayo) means Jewish, as it relates to Judah (Hebrews 7:14), Judaism, and Judea, which is the land of Jesus Christ, and his original Church from Jerusalem in us providing its Biblical oversight. See Matthew 19:28-30.
We are the prime (Judeo-) Christians, representing the “Root” of physical and Spiritual authority from God arising in ancient Jerusalem (Judea), to advise “modern Christianity” toward accuracy, as in Acts 18:24-26, Revelations 22:16. Modern “Christianity” has experienced metamorphosis from foreign adulterated man-made traditions. e.g. Galatians 1:6-7, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-15.
A Judeo-Christian is not an Old Covenant “Jew” ( יהוּדי Yahwadiy, pronounced by all semi-short vowels as Yah-wah-dih. A group of Yahwadiy is called Yahwadyim, pronounced by all semi-vowels Yah-wad-yim, from original Biblical Hashwar Hebrew language. It means followers of Yahwah [Hebrew name of God]) bound within Moses’ temporal Levitical priesthood of animal sacrifices. Judeo-Christians are ancient New Covenant Yahwadyim who are bound within Jesus’ eternal Melchizedek Priesthood order of self-sacrificial offerings. See Hebrews 7:14-17.
This Melchizedek Regal Priesthood within and under our Messiah (Jesus) is the highest collective-Kingly Priesthood, which has represented and interceded before and after Moses’ temporal, provincial, and tutorial Levitical priesthood. See Genesis 14:18-20, Hebrews 7:1-28.
Because Judeo-Christians are not Old Covenant Jews, we do not answer to the common identification of “Jew.”
Jesus was not an Old Covenant Jew. He is a more ancient High Kingly Priest Jew (Yahwadiy), of Judah (יהוּדה = Yahwadah, a Hebrew name applied to a patriarchal priestly tribe from Melchizadek, which means “celebrating Yahwah”), older than the Old Covenant Moses and Abraham, according to the Kingly Priesthood order of Melchizedek. See Hebrews chapters 7-8.
Our Messiah’s Melchizedek Priesthood Covenant is “new” to Gentiles and re-new-able for Old Covenant Jews.
Jesus is, therefore, the highest Kingly Priest over both Yahwadyim (Jews). We follow Jesus and answer to: Judeo-Christian, Jewish Christian, Jewish Messianist or best by Messianist (Hebrew for “Christian”).
The Hebrew word for “Messianist” is מְשִׁיחִי (MŠYCY = Mashyaciy, pronounced Mosh-yawk-i).
In modern Eurasian Hebrew it is translated M’shihi. It is spelled using the following Eurasian dialect for the following Hebrew letters:
 (Mem) represents the sound “m” in English.
שִׁ (Shin) represents the sound “sh” in English.
י (Yod) represents the sound “y” or “i” in English.
ח (Chet) represents the sound “ch” or “h” in English.
י (Yod) represents the sound “y” or “i” in English.
When combined, these letters form the word “Messianist” in Hebrew, referring to someone who believes in or follows the Messiah.
For you Hashwar disciples, did the Hebrew letter Chet have a K sound in older Hebrew?
Yes, historically, the Hebrew letter ח (Chet) did have an older pronunciation that was closer to a “k” sound. In ancient Hebrew and some traditional pronunciations, the letter ח (Chet) was indeed pronounced as a voiceless fricative sound similar to the “ch” in the German word “Bach” or the Scottish “loch”. This pronunciation is commonly referred to as a “hard” or “guttural” k sound. Ayin had a gutteral g sound, as in -ugh ending of the word jug.
Over time, the Eurasian pronunciation of ח (Chet) evolved in different Hebrew dialects and communities. In modern Hebrew, the letter ח (Chet) is typically pronounced as a voiceless fricative sound similar to the “ch” in the Scottish “loch” or the “h” sound in English “hello.” However, in some Sephardic Jewish communities, the pronunciation may be closer to a “kh” sound, similar to the “ch” in the German “Bach.”
It’s important to note that pronunciation can vary based on regional accents, traditions, and personal preferences, so there may be some variation in how individuals pronounce the Hebrew letter ח (Chet) today. In some sense, Hebrew is customizable using a variety of vowels (in Hashwar, only short semi vowels, no long vowels), yet preserves its root words heritage by consonant history.
The term “Christian” is a Greek word to English, used by Greeks to describe ancient Messianist. “Messianist” is from Hebrew to English.
Yahwah is the more ancient name from God, still preserved in archaeology by Paleo-Hebrew, before the pronunciation “Yahweh” and long before the appellation “Allah” was modified from Hebrew (e.g. Ezra 5:8) by Quranic Arabic, or Greek’s use of  “Theos”, or Hindu’s use of Brahma, etc.
“Yahweh” and “Jehovah” are mistranslations into English from Hebrew, for a number of reasons. Those reasons include, but are not limited to, the Levitical Yahwadyim over 500 years after Jesus, using the wrong written vowel points in print around God’s sacred name.
The wrong vowel points were used as a device to deflect people from misusing God’s sacred name and Yahwadyim having to kill them for it, according to Leviticus 24:16. New Covenant Yahwadayim have continued the more ancient precautionary method of using Halhayim (Hashwar Hebrew)/Alhayim/ Elohym (Eurasian Hebrew) instead of Yahwah for public religious services.
There is no letter V or J in ancient Hebrew. “V” for example was importedly mixed over older Biblical Hebrew for the letter “W” by modern Ashkenazi|Yiddish (Germanic) Jews mispronouncing and thereby mis-writing ancient Hebrew, later incorporated into English. They pronounce William as Vhilliam, for example and evidence.
When Eliezer Ben-Yehuda moved from Eastern Europe to Jerusalem and began trying to establish Yiddish-type Eurasian Hebrew for “officially” spoken “Hebrew”, used today, he and it were opposed as wrong by native Hebrew decendants in Jerusalem. Such Jews, a Jerusalem minority, became outnumbered by foreign Yiddish-type emigrants fleeing persecution and seeking British support for an Israeli State. Ruling British authorities declared it (a Yiddish type Hebrew) the official lanquage of the Jews, not Biblical Hebrew. See original Jerusalem Hebrew preserved also in ancient Hebrew script and archaeology artifacts here.
Moses desired more Yahwadyim in his day, as at Pentecost. See Numbers 11:29, Acts Chapter 2. Again, you can see how the Levitical Yahwadyim represented a rough-draft prefigure or shadow of the later substantial and intended re-New-ed Covenant for Yahwadyim. Hebrews 8:4-6, Colossians 2:16-17. We are fufilling the New Covenant meaning of Yahwadiy. We are the New Covenant Yahwadyim..
People who speak English but not Hebrew can verify this truth about where the term “Jew” comes from by a Strong’s Concordance containing the Hebrew dictionary of the Bible under “Jew” and Hebrew entry numbers # 3068, 3064|3065 and 1768 compared to 1767.
English makes no clear distinction between Old versus New Covenant Jews, and to avoid confusing the young uneducated, we refrain from using the term “Jew,” as in Messianic Jew (as was the Pharisees) and instead identify ourselves as Jewish Messianist(s). We also identify as New Covenant Yahwadyim, or Judeo-Christians (to reach Catholic|Protestant-Christians), and this is meant by us identified as simply Christians.
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truthmuzic · 2 years
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Tune in now to Sista Talk with @RaeShantael on Truth Muzic Radio where the Z is for Zion! www.TruthMuzicRadio.com
Download the app for free for Apple Devices (bit.ly/tmuzic) and Android (bit.ly/zionmuzic)
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gh0stgirl84 · 13 days
Matthew 1:21
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and you shalt call His name A1YHWH (Yahwah); for He shall save His people from their sins.
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urlasage · 1 year
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EYE ··· Idol of Atargates from Petra ··· Eye imagery in many forms is associated with the goddess Al-ʻUzzā Arabic: العزى al-ʻUzzā
Hubal - god of war, victory in battle, fortune, and rainfall; husband of the goddess Al-Uzza.
Manaf - god of mountains
Quzah - god of storms, thunder, and clouds; husband of Manat. Thunder, said to be the battle-cry of Quzah, was believed to scare away spirits of disease and misfortune. The rainbow that appeared after rain was considered by the people of Mecca to be a ladder to the heavens.
Isaf and Na'ila - Meccan water deities: the dual guardian spirits of the holy well of Zamzam
Duwar - goddess of maidens; she was worshiped by the youngest women of the Banu Quraysh
Al-Ikrimah - god of fertility; his idol was a statue of a dove carved from aloe wood
Dhātu-Anwāt - goddess of trees
Suwā - goddess of night, beauty, and freshwater springs
Ar-Rā'iyu (’The One Who Sees’) - god of dreams and prophecy. All dreams were considered to be messages from the gods in pre-Islamic Arabia and oracles specialized in interpreting them. This god was believed to be an all-seeing guardian.
Al-Mundhir - a west Arabian god of justice, whose name means “The Cautioner”
Yaghuth - (“He Helps”) the south Arabian god of strength, courage, and war; had an idol that was a statue of a lion which was situated on a hill in Yemen
Yahwah - north Arabian weather god, worshiped as a divine warrior who rides on the clouds and leads the armies of Heaven. In the religion of the Hebrew tribes of ancient Palestine, their deity Yahweh was originally one god among many; although in later times he developed into a major tribal god and eventually the Hebrews elevated him to the status of an all-powerful creator god above all the others: a position that was held previously by El, who became an epithet of Yahweh.
Bahar (or Bajar) - god of the ocean
Rudā - a central Arabian rain goddess; brought droughts when angered
Nahastāb - a south Arabian fertility god who was worshiped by the Minaean Arabs. This god was associated with serpents who were recognized as omens of bounty and fertile ground.
Su’ayr - north Arabian god of oracles
Al-Jalsad - south Arabian god of pastures and fields
Ashar - north Arabian god of war
Ni'mat - north Arabian goddess of fortune
Hāwlat - goddess of magic and power; patroness of the oases of Dumah and Hejra. The name of the goddess means “to change (fortunes)” and “to avert”.
Abgal - north Arabian tutelary god; god of the desert and the patron of Bedouins and caravan drivers
Amm’anas - south Arabian god of agriculture
Nasr - god of the deep desert whose idol was a sculpture of a large vulture (in some sources an eagle) that was situated in a temple in the village of Balkha in Yemen. The sacred animal of Nasr, the vulture, was venerated by his worshipers as a totem of insight and sharp character; as well as this, the god represented the hostile and unforgiving aspects of nature, in particular, the desert.
Dhātu-Ba'dan - south Arabian goddess of oases, nature, and the wet season
Taraha - north Arabian goddess of fortune and prosperity. This goddess was also known as Tadha and was believed to watch over the tombs of the dead.
Al-Ghurab - god of the dead; his idol was in the form of a raven that was housed in the Ka'aba along with 360 other idols of gods and goddesses. Ravens were sacred to this god as guardians of the spirits of the dead
Kuthrā (“The Most Rich”) - central Arabian goddess of prosperity and fortune
Khomar - south Arabian god of wine and vineyards
Ya’uq is the south Arabian god of protection and preservation who was associated with swift thought and intelligence
Salman (or Salim) - god of oases, peace, and harmony. In the religion of the western Semites, Shalim was a god of the underworld and the dusk, and his name ’Shalim’ (Peace) was meant as an allegory for the peace of the grave.
Rahmaw (or Rahmanan) - south Arabian god of mercy and protection, whose mythology was later absorbed into that of the creator god Allah.
Al-Jadd - god of luck
Jihār - west Arabian god of longevity, wisdom, and marketplaces
Isāt - south Arabian goddess of fire; counterpart to the Canaanite fire goddess Ishat, wife of Moloch
Yurhim - god of joy and happiness
Harimtu (or 'Athiratan) - south Arabian goddess of fertility; the mother of the gods and the wife of the sky god Ilmaqah
Ilmuqah (also known as Ilumquh and Almaqah) - south Arabian god of the sky and the chief tribal deity of the Sabaean Arabs. He was worshiped as the protector of artificial irrigation and his divine symbol was a cluster of lightning bolts surrounding a curved sickle. Bulls were the sacred animals of Ilmuqah. His name means “The God Who Gives Health”
Shay al-Qawm - god of war, valour, and the night
Qaynan - god of metalworkers and smiths
Al-Kutbay (or al-Aktab) - god of writing, prophecy and merchants who was the scribe of the gods and recorder of all deeds and events
Raziqa (or Razeka) - goddess of the earth and fertility who was worshiped by the ancient tribes of Thamud and 'Ād as a provider of food and sustenance.
Nuha (or Nahi) - north Arabian goddess of wisdom and intelligence
Hafidha - goddess of travel and journeys
Thu'ban - god of snakes; believed to be a giant serpent who guarded the treasures in the well of the Ka'aba of Mecca.
Hilāl - god of the moon; provided relief and dew for the weary desert nomads and their flocks. The waning crescent moon which was first visible before and after a new moon, heralded the start of Ramadan: this was a sacred time for the pagan Arabs of Mecca and the Hijaz, during which they fasted and feasted. Shams - goddess of the sun and the chief goddess of the Himyar tribal confederation; believed by the inhabitants of the fertile lands of south Arabia to be a preserver of crops and domestic life, while other tribes with more intense heat viewed her as a destroyer of lands. She was both respected and feared.Athtar - god of the planet Venus (linked with the Canaanite god Attar).  Athtar is the provider of water and a protector of irrigation systems. His sacred symbol is a spear-point as he is also a war god, and his sacred animal is the Arabian oryx (antelope). Akhwar - god of righteousness and the planet Jupiter 'Utarid - god of intelligence, learning, writing, eloquence, and Mercury Azizan (also known as Azizos) is the north Arabian god of the planet Mars who was associated with victory in battle and was depicted as riding on a camel alongside his brother Mun'im Nakruh - god of the planet Saturn Dhu’l-Samawi - god of the night sky, the stars, and the constellations whose name translates as “Lord of the Heavens”. Bedouin tribes would bring their animals to the shrine of Dhu’l-Samawi when they were injured and they also sent sick people to reside at his shrine in order to receive healing. Shangilā - north Arabian god of stars Ash-Shi'rā - goddess of the Sirius star; believed to bestow wealth and good fortune Ath-Thurayya - goddess of the Pleiades star cluster As-Simāk (’The Uplifted One’) is a west Arabian star god who was the deification of the star Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes and was worshiped to bring riches, renown and honor. The symbol of the god was the lance (ar-rimah) and was also named as Haris as-Samā’, 'the Guardian of Heaven’. Al-Dabaran (“The Follower’’) - god of the star Aldebaran Underworld Deities: Mawt - god of death and sterility; the Arabian counterpart of the Canaanite god Mot; sacred animals of Mawt are owls. After a person died, their soul (nafs) was believed to descend to the land of Mawt, the akhirah; where they lead a calm, yet gloomy, existence as spirits (arwah) and as shades (ashbah). The Arabs believed the Underworld to be neither a place of reward nor punishment, but simply as a state of existence without pain or pleasure that most people would lead as a shabah or shade. But the spirits of priests and powerful and honoured people were believed to ascend to a heavenly otherworld (al-Munqalab) or the sky (as-Sama’) itself, where they would enjoy the company of the gods and angels (mala'ikah) and would have power over human affairs in the Dunyā (the material world).Hawkam - god of justice and the Judge of the Dead Ba'alat-Sahra - a north Arabian goddess of the Underworld and the desert; she was an important goddess of the nomadic Semites; known to the Amorite tribe of southern Syria as Belet-Seri, the wife of their chief god Amurru. Qaysha - south Arabian funerary goddess Hawran - underworld god who presided over the spirits of disease which he could protect from or send at will as punishment; protected people from the venom of snakes. Al-Muharriq - underworld god who was represented as a fierce deity at a red shrine and whose sacred animal was an adult male lion (usamah). Al-Muharriq, like his Babylonian counterpart Nergal, had a wrathful disposition; he was believed to send diseases and plagues if he was angry with the population. The name of the god means ’'the Burner” as he represented the scorching heat of the desert, as well as the heat of disease and fire.
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years
#DailyDevotion Jesus Is Yahweh & Adonai
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#DailyDevotion Jesus Is Yahweh & Adonai Psalm 8 O LORD, our Lord, how wonderful is Your name all over the earth! Your glory is sung over the heavens. 2From the mouths of children and babies You have established strength despite Your foes, in order to silence the enemy and the avenger. This psalm seems to be not one of an individual but something the congregation would sing. It is a hymn of praise. It begins with the name of God, YHWH (LORD). His invocation is followed by our Lord. So we have these two “LORDs” in English but the first in Hebrew is Yahweh, the second is Adonai. Yahwah being the name He revealed on the mountain to Moses but in the third person, “He is” rather than “I am (Ethweh)”. Adonai means excellence or lord, but it is in the plural with a first person plural possessive ending (nai=our). Adonai is only used of the LORD in the Old Testament. You will see these two together later in the psalms when David says, “The LORD says to my Lord.” So now after that detour, we can see how wonderful is the name of Yahweh our Adonai all over the earth. He is one and He has a pluralistic nature, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God's name is wonderful over all the earth for by His name He created and He sustains all things. Though man does not always recognize Him the mountains, streams, oceans, and animals continually sing his praise. God's glory is sung over the heavens also. Paul writes in Romans one, “ 20Ever since He made the world, they have seen the unseen things of God — from the things He made they can tell He has everlasting power and is God.” We marvel with unaided eye at the stars above. We marvel even more when we see what it looks like out there with our new powerful telescopes. The heavens themselves sing of Yahweh's glory. Then we see this familiar passage, “From the mouths of children and babies You have established strength.” When Jesus is entering Jerusalem for the Passover feasts, the people are praising him. When the priests and scribes hear the praise Jesus is getting they tell Jesus to make them stop. Jesus quotes the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament), Mat 21:16  “And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” (KJV) Now when Jesus says this he is making a claim about himself. The priests and the scribes certainly understand but do not believe the praise the crowds give Jesus and his references to Psalm 8:2. Jesus is claiming here to be the One whom David refers to in this psalm. He is Yahweh. He is their Adonai. The LORD our God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Adonai does not need the strength of men, or strong fortress. His Wisdom surpasses our wisdom and understanding. The simple praise from suckling children establishes strength. Their praise of Jesus silences the enemy and the avenger. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11, 25“At that time Jesus said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from wise and intelligent people and uncovering them for little children.” So we adult believers in Jesus Christ grow down with the suckling infants and give “praise and honor, glory and might forever!" Heavenly Father, open our mouths that we might sing the praise of your Son Jesus Christ as our Adonai to your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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danielmikael777 · 1 year
Now you can find and download some of my music on BandcampDOTcom for the glory of JESUS CHRIST ~ YAHUSHUA HA'MASHIACH of Nazareth our Adon! My music is free to use; Use my tracks, edit or modify them or add vocals if you like. but also read the "some rights reserved" on the site if you wonder what can be done or can't be done. This is non-profit work solely to glorify and bless Yahwah God of the Bible 
Freely I was given this music from Yahwah God, freely I share this music with others in the Christian community, and anyone that wants to download, listen, modify and; by the will of Yahwah, use them for His glory alone. Shalom
  https://danielmikael.bandcamp.com/Visa mindre
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endtimesbeacon · 2 years
Warning: The Great Solar Flash. Rapture. Mass Extermination of the Wicked. March 5-6 Malachi 4 Righteous Get DNA Upgrade
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Warning: The Great Solar Flash. Rapture. Mass Extermination of the Wicked. March 5-6 Malachi 4 Righteous Get DNA Upgrade.
- Who Goes? - Some say the Reptilians.  Sons of Cain.  Cain was son of Eve and Reptilian shape shifter. - The wicked are the ones that are "raptured away". - Frequencies will rise.  Bad frequencies will be overwhelmed, nullified.  Those in "low vibration", negative emotions, who are following after the fruits of the flesh as opposed to fruits of the Spirit will either just change for the better or maybe the resistant who hold on to negativity, unforgiveness, bitter emotions, hate etc may just drop dead.  - Galatians 5: 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. - Some say all those who willingly took the Covid 19 Vaccine, the Mark of the Beast or a precursor version of it will not move on to 5D.  But some who took it who were coerced and all kids and teenagers will have the Evil AI nanobots and venom zapped out of them and will escape the Lake of Fire.  - The white hats Galactics will shift the Earth pole from 25 degrees to 17 degrees.  17 for Q for Source (they call God the Father "Source") and then we go into 5D, the Rapture or a precursor version of the Rapture.   As of today it was said that we are at 23 degrees.  The full shift is SCHEDULE for March 5-6th.   - We all need to let go and forgive everything and everyone.  We all need to be in the positive emotions only. It's not worth holding onto anything right now no matter how much someone or something hurt you.  Just drop it.  "Raise your vibration" means just step into the positive emotions. - Requirement IS TO FEAR THE NAME OF GOD.  What a minute?  The church and the Jews hid the name of God and Jesus from us.  But still most of you know it:  YAHWAH ELOHEEM  Pronounced "Yahwhey" as you're used to - using the Paleo translation as recently rediscovered.  YAHWASUA, YAHWAH Saves is Jesus' Name (also The Word or The Logos, 1st Born, Chief Eloheem amongst many brethren who are going through the schoolhouse of 3D earth, "dying like adamites", usually associated with being in the line of Adam (white rosy cheeked according to some - which is also why the Serpent seed Devil's children hate whites so much since we 'invaded' 'their' 3D Earth that they fell into.  - Get rid of all pride or you'll be turned to stubble.  Get rid of all wickedness or you'll be turned to stubble.  Here is Malachi 4:  Read it Well:  “For behold, the day is coming, Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” Says the Lord of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch. 2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves. 3 You shall trample the wicked, For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet On the day that I do this,” Says the Lord of hosts. 4 “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments. 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 6 And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” - See Malachi 4.  We're going into The Great Solar Flash as described here as many have been talking about for a while.  Those who have good white hat & "Galactic" sources (one could argue that the good galactics are different tribes of what we call angels (actually the word is messenger translated into "angel") have mentioned that the Great Solar Flash (could call that The Rapture) is set for March 5-6 where those who don't fear God will be turned to rubble.  Another also said that all those of the Sons of Cain, the Reptilians from Eve hooking up with shape shifter Reptilian in the Garden of Eden will drop dead at the Great Solar Flash  and the righteous will get a DNA upgrade.  Out of that DNA upgrade many will start manifesting super powers, the greater works.  Read the full article
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holyisjesus · 6 years
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It is to know that what I accomplish for myself without a clear indication that this accomplishment is in His plan is dust and ashes. It is to know that what He will do for me is so far beyond my own dreams and plans as to be all but unimaginable. It is to know that with Him I may dare the impossible, and if I fail, I will still have done more for the world than if I had conquered the possible in my own strength. ~ Oswalt For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. Psalms 62:1‭-‬2 Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord! Psalms 31:24 #Christian #Christians #Christianity #truth #true #amen #quotes #Psalm #Bible #HolyBible #HolyScripture #verse #WordofGod #Bibleverse #psalms #wait #patience #waitforGod #waitfortheLord #Yahwah #time #ontime #Histiming #quote #quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/Boy-g0Rh5Pv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5liy44if8f81
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Jesus died for you & me. #jesusdiedforyou #jesusdiedforus #jesusdiedforoursins #jesusdiedforme #hediedforus #jesusonthecross #jesuscross #heisgood #jesusisreal #yahwah #yeshumasih #yeshua #hallelujah #praisegod #heavenly #heaven #hosana #jesusisking #jesusiswithme #jesuspowersuperpower #jesusiscoming #jesuslovesme #jesusismysavior #jesús #jesusdaily #jesucristo #jesuslover https://www.instagram.com/p/CKWTPjBH434/?igshid=19oufsemu03iv
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benjtheo · 5 months
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Today we celebrated the resurrection of our Messiah, eating fish with him as he did with his disciples. Luke 24:42.
For those confused about this online, an explanation follows.
From previous post I and others have shown that "Easter" is a word that was used by translators of the Bible to mean the Old Covenant Exodus Passover.
The Exodus Passover is a term used to mean the historical event in the Bible when the angel of death passed-over those obedient to Almighty, regarding the blood of a lamb applied to their home doorway. Afterward, they left or exodused the religious repressive Egypt.
Catholics, and Protestants who inherited their seminary errors, erroneously claim "Easter" meant the Messiah"s resurrection. This is why the date error for this year's "Easter" was off the mark so much for Catholics and Protestants about their traditional Bible roots.
To many modern traditional Christians, to learn the truth is both disturbing and shocking.
However, the Holy Bible forewarned over 1500 years ago that Satan and his messengers would deceive the "whole world." Revelation 12:9.
This is an example of that truth.
This also exemplifies the value of the Bible, it should be followed when any church, synagogue, mosques, or the like become incongruent.
So we shared how we Judeo-Christians, or Messianist, have used the Holy Bible to observe the Gospel Passover.
We also use the Bible to guide our fasting after our Messiah was taken from his disciples. Matthew 9:15, Mark 16:10. This is a voluntary fast for disciples today.
Gospel Passover is often called in Holy Scripture "the Lord's Supper," (1 Cor. 11:20, Luke 22:13-20), which is the Old Covenant Passover meal consumed two days early, because our Messiah was crucified on the Jews' Passover day, on Abib/Nisan 14th from the Bible's Jewish Lunar Calendar.
For this 2024, the Exodus Passover occured on April 22, 2024. On the third day, corresponding to April 25th today, our Messiah was not only discovered risen but ate broiled fish and honeycomb with his disciples as evidence of it. Luke 24:42.
For this reason, among others, the fish became a symbol for our Messiah's resurrection, for Messianists, long before the cross.
See our artistic Messianist trisymbol (below) of the Star of David, and menorah (representing the Old covenant Levitical priesthood), Star of David (Kings and Kingdom of Israel), and resurrection Fish (risen Priestly King of Israel, also for the world, its opportunity for eternal salvation and life).
See details about the correct date of the Old Covenant Jewish Calendar today and its Passover, and three days later our Messiah risen, at following links.
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mad-marc-iz · 4 years
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The (son) ☀️ walking on water. #krst #jesus #yahwah #spiritualawakening https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLDn33HfWopwHDKFrOvDtRsCn9QHXYD2Uz4xY0/?igshid=11ccfsreh3ly9
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gh0stgirl84 · 13 days
Luke 1:31
31 And, behold, you shalt conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call His name A1YHWH (Yahwah). – Isa. 7:14, 9:6
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rhans306 · 5 years
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Obedience is better than sacrifice... #obeygod #godsword #quotesaboutlife #submissivetogod #submission #obedient #jesuschrist #biblicaltruth #biblical #relayongod #yahwah #sovereigngod #lifegiver @sonambajwa @liveoriginal @jesusculture @jesuscalling @daily_christian.quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B70Aj25HaM9/?igshid=sq2brpax5kfg
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endtimesbeacon · 2 years
Doom Preaching & Lemming Doom Preachers Are Preaching Their Own Doom
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Doom Preaching & Lemming Doom Preachers Are Preaching Their Own Doom - Are You Parroting What Captured Christianity is Telling You?  Prophet Mark Taylor's Prophecy Has Warned You.  Kat Kerr Has Warned You.  Common Sense Warns You! 
Don't the Fearful Get Thrown into the Lake of Fire?  If You Are Full of Fear and Are Preaching Fear, Even Worse, Consider Reading the Book of Revelation a Couple Hundred Times, and Use the Interlinear.  See Mark Taylor's Prophecy:  "Satan's Frequency"  Below.  Shoot, Even the New Agers Will Tell You that You Have to Raise Your Vibrations, Dwell in Positive Emotions, ie. The Works of the Spirit vs The Works of the Flesh, if You Want to Ascend (Rapture), Otherwise They Say You Will Recycle into the Lake of Fire for another 50,000 Years of Having to Reincarnate into Hideous 3D Earth, Which Also Sounds Like "The Outer Darkness". A lot of other preachers, newscasters, "patriots" preach doom and gloom to sell you silver and gold, survival stuff while begging for your donations.  They are draining the hope and faith, the confidence and courage of people around the world to get up and fight, destroy the enemy completely and install the good.  Most of "Christianity" is a Captured Outfit Sucking Sucker into a Non Scriptural Soul Trap.  - Most of Christianity Hates the Bible.  - They Deny and Do Not Want Jesus as Lord, King and Ruler.  - They Promote You Being Your Own Lord.    - They obscure, they hide the Name of God and the Name of Jesus so then they could have you praying or worshiping some other god.  No wonder there's no power.  Where are the miracles?  To get back to the Name of God we need to go back to the Paleo which is the original text.  Modern Hebrew was invented by the Tares to capture the Word of God and has no resemblance to Paleo Hebrew.  God the Father = YAHWAH ELOHEEM.  Jesus = YAHWASUA (YAHWAH SAVES).  ELOHEEM = YAHWAH, God's Kids, it's the Family Name. Did you know that God's kids were the Creators in Genesis 1?  Isn't Jesus a Kid of God?  Wasn't ALL things created through Jesus?  Doesn't Jesus have brothers?  Hebrews 2:11 "For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren," - PSALM 82 (the Dixie Bible) THE ELOHEEM stands in the whole national gathering of the mighty; he judges among ELOHEEM. How long will you all judge unjustly, and accept the faces of the wicked? Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. These wicked know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the land are out of course. I have said, You all are ELOHEEM; and all of you are children of the most High. But you all shall die like adamites, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O ELOHEEM, judge the land because you SHALL inherit all nations. - "I have said, You all are ELOHEEM; and all of you are children of the most High"  = ELOHEEM - The ELOHEEM have to "die like men (adamites)" so they need to come into 3D Earth where things experience death and learn a bunch of lessons so they can rule and reign with Christ.  Can have you not being prepared and making a mess of creation in a ruling position, getting tricked, suckered or trapped by evil.  - Why isn't every Christian performing healing miracles?  Christianity has become a joke to the rest of the planet thereby strengthening confusion and beliefs in other religions contraptions, the devil himself, pagan religions.  In fact, as Christianity, denominational, religious Christianity has risen in the world so has the evil, even to the point where the Beast, the "official Anti-Christ" was almost birthed. Religious, denominational Christianity was corrupted, captured, arguable since Constantine plus the Jesuits.  You should know this by now.  You should also know who the tares are and who are NOT "God's chosen people".  Christianity has promoted the tares, their enemy as God's chosen people and it has almost cost all of humanity, saved only by God intervening.    - Not Many Preach the Fear of God, YAHWAH ELOHEEM, Which is Arguably the Key to Everything, and if they Do,  they Preach the Wrong Kind of Fear which Pushes One Away from God instead of Closer to Him.  Think About This: In There is No Fear of Someone, There is No Honor, No Respect, No High Regard, No Love, No Relationship - Think About that for Your Marriages!  - So what's the fix?  Preach the scriptures exactly and don't make stuff up.  Don't preach an easier way.  And show people how to obey the New Testament.  If you want help with that see the list of the Commands of Jesus to install as habits and the list of the 666 Sins of the Bible to uninstall from your habits.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI4jEWdbqh0   Read the full article
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scarletarosa · 4 years
Arabian Deities List
A list of the pagan gods who were worshipped by the Pre-Islamic Arabs. Much of the evidence of these deities and their worshippers were destroyed during the rise of Islam, but this is the majority of those remembered:
Elder Gods:
Allah - the supreme deity (both male and female) of the pagan Arabs. Allah is the one who existed before all things and had created the universe. Afterwards, they retired into the position of a silent and remote spectator who dwelt in 'Aliyyin, the highest heaven, and only intervened in human affairs in extreme cases of drought or danger. Despite being the supreme deity, Allah was rarely directly worshipped.
Al-Lat - goddess of war, peace, combat, and prosperity. Al-lat was the Meccan mother goddess and the chief deity of the tribe of Banu Thaqif. She is one of the three daughters of Allah- all of whom were the supreme goddesses of the Arabs and were widely worshipped. 
Al-Uzza - goddess of might, protection, love, and the planet Venus. One of the three daughters of Allah and wife of Hubal, god of war
Manat - goddess of fate, destiny, and death. She is the eldest of her three sisters (making her the eldest deity after Allah). She is wife of Quzah, the god of thunder.
Younger Gods:
Hubal - god of war, victory in battle, fortune, and rainfall; husband of the goddess Al-Uzza.
Manaf - god of mountains
Quzah - god of storms, thunder, and clouds; husband of Manat. Thunder, said to be the battle-cry of Quzah, was believed to scare away spirits of disease and misfortune. The rainbow that appeared after rain was considered by the people of Mecca to be a ladder to the heavens.
Isaf and Na'ila - Meccan water deities: the dual guardian spirits of the holy well of Zamzam 
Duwar - goddess of maidens; she was worshiped by the youngest women of the Banu Quraysh
Al-Ikrimah - god of fertility; his idol was a statue of a dove carved from aloe wood 
Dhātu-Anwāt - goddess of trees
Suwā - goddess of night, beauty, and freshwater springs
Ar-Rā'iyu ('The One Who Sees') - god of dreams and prophecy. All dreams were considered to be messages from the gods in pre-Islamic Arabia and oracles specialized in interpreting them. This god was believed to be an all-seeing guardian.
Al-Mundhir - a west Arabian god of justice, whose name means ''The Cautioner''
Yaghuth - ("He Helps") the south Arabian god of strength, courage, and war; had an idol that was a statue of a lion which was situated on a hill in Yemen
Yahwah - north Arabian weather god, worshiped as a divine warrior who rides on the clouds and leads the armies of Heaven. In the religion of the Hebrew tribes of ancient Palestine, their deity Yahweh was originally one god among many; although in later times he developed into a major tribal god and eventually the Hebrews elevated him to the status of an all-powerful creator god above all the others: a position that was held previously by El, who became an epithet of Yahweh. 
Bahar (or Bajar) - god of the ocean
Rudā - a central Arabian rain goddess; brought droughts when angered
Nahastāb - a south Arabian fertility god who was worshiped by the Minaean Arabs. This god was associated with serpents who were recognized as omens of bounty and fertile ground.
Su’ayr - north Arabian god of oracles
Al-Jalsad - south Arabian god of pastures and fields
Ashar - north Arabian god of war
Ni'mat - north Arabian goddess of fortune
Hāwlat - goddess of magic and power; patroness of the oases of Dumah and Hejra. The name of the goddess means ''to change (fortunes)'' and ''to avert''.
Abgal - north Arabian tutelary god; god of the desert and the patron of Bedouins and caravan drivers 
Amm’anas - south Arabian god of agriculture
Nasr - god of the deep desert whose idol was a sculpture of a large vulture (in some sources an eagle) that was situated in a temple in the village of Balkha in Yemen. The sacred animal of Nasr, the vulture, was venerated by his worshipers as a totem of insight and sharp character; as well as this, the god represented the hostile and unforgiving aspects of nature, in particular, the desert.
Dhātu-Ba'dan - south Arabian goddess of oases, nature, and the wet season 
Taraha - north Arabian goddess of fortune and prosperity. This goddess was also known as Tadha and was believed to watch over the tombs of the dead. 
Al-Ghurab - god of the dead; his idol was in the form of a raven that was housed in the Ka'aba along with 360 other idols of gods and goddesses. Ravens were sacred to this god as guardians of the spirits of the dead
Kuthrā (''The Most Rich'') - central Arabian goddess of prosperity and fortune
Khomar - south Arabian god of wine and vineyards 
Ya’uq is the south Arabian god of protection and preservation who was associated with swift thought and intelligence 
Salman (or Salim) - god of oases, peace, and harmony. In the religion of the western Semites, Shalim was a god of the underworld and the dusk, and his name 'Shalim' (Peace) was meant as an allegory for the peace of the grave. 
Rahmaw (or Rahmanan) - south Arabian god of mercy and protection, whose mythology was later absorbed into that of the creator god Allah. 
Al-Jadd - god of luck
Jihār - west Arabian god of longevity, wisdom, and marketplaces
Isāt - south Arabian goddess of fire; counterpart to the Canaanite fire goddess Ishat, wife of Moloch
Yurhim - god of joy and happiness 
Harimtu (or 'Athiratan) - south Arabian goddess of fertility; the mother of the gods and the wife of the sky god Ilmaqah
Ilmuqah (also known as Ilumquh and Almaqah) - south Arabian god of the sky and the chief tribal deity of the Sabaean Arabs. He was worshiped as the protector of artificial irrigation and his divine symbol was a cluster of lightning bolts surrounding a curved sickle. Bulls were the sacred animals of Ilmuqah. His name means ''The God Who Gives Health''
Shay al-Qawm - god of war, valour, and the night
Qaynan - god of metalworkers and smiths
Al-Kutbay (or al-Aktab) - god of writing, prophecy and merchants who was the scribe of the gods and recorder of all deeds and events 
Raziqa (or Razeka) - goddess of the earth and fertility who was worshiped by the ancient tribes of Thamud and 'Ād as a provider of food and sustenance.
Nuha (or Nahi) - north Arabian goddess of wisdom and intelligence
Hafidha - goddess of travel and journeys 
Thu'ban - god of snakes; believed to be a giant serpent who guarded the treasures in the well of the Ka'aba of Mecca. 
Celestial Deities:
Hilāl - god of the moon; provided relief and dew for the weary desert nomads and their flocks. The waning crescent moon which was first visible before and after a new moon, heralded the start of Ramadan: this was a sacred time for the pagan Arabs of Mecca and the Hijaz, during which they fasted and feasted.
Shams - goddess of the sun and the chief goddess of the Himyar tribal confederation; believed by the inhabitants of the fertile lands of south Arabia to be a preserver of crops and domestic life, while other tribes with more intense heat viewed her as a destroyer of lands. She was both respected and feared.
Athtar - god of the planet Venus (linked with the Canaanite god Attar).  Athtar is the provider of water and a protector of irrigation systems. His sacred symbol is a spear-point as he is also a war god, and his sacred animal is the Arabian oryx (antelope).
Akhwar - god of righteousness and the planet Jupiter
'Utarid - god of intelligence, learning, writing, eloquence, and Mercury
Azizan (also known as Azizos) is the north Arabian god of the planet Mars who was associated with victory in battle and was depicted as riding on a camel alongside his brother Mun'im
Nakruh - god of the planet Saturn
Dhu’l-Samawi - god of the night sky, the stars, and the constellations whose name translates as "Lord of the Heavens". Bedouin tribes would bring their animals to the shrine of Dhu’l-Samawi when they were injured and they also sent sick people to reside at his shrine in order to receive healing.
Shangilā - north Arabian god of stars
Ash-Shi'rā - goddess of the Sirius star; believed to bestow wealth and good fortune
Ath-Thurayya - goddess of the Pleiades star cluster 
As-Simāk ('The Uplifted One') is a west Arabian star god who was the deification of the star Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes and was worshiped to bring riches, renown and honor. The symbol of the god was the lance (ar-rimah) and was also named as Haris as-Samā', 'the Guardian of Heaven'.
Al-Dabaran (''The Follower'') - god of the star Aldebaran
Underworld Deities: 
Mawt - god of death and sterility; the Arabian counterpart of the Canaanite god Mot; sacred animals of Mawt are owls. After a person died, their soul (nafs) was believed to descend to the land of Mawt, the akhirah; where they lead a calm, yet gloomy, existence as spirits (arwah) and as shades (ashbah). The Arabs believed the Underworld to be neither a place of reward nor punishment, but simply as a state of existence without pain or pleasure that most people would lead as a shabah or shade. But the spirits of priests and powerful and honoured people were believed to ascend to a heavenly otherworld (al-Munqalab) or the sky (as-Sama') itself, where they would enjoy the company of the gods and angels (mala'ikah) and would have power over human affairs in the Dunyā (the material world).
Hawkam - god of justice and the Judge of the Dead 
Ba'alat-Sahra - a north Arabian goddess of the Underworld and the desert; she was an important goddess of the nomadic Semites; known to the Amorite tribe of southern Syria as Belet-Seri, the wife of their chief god Amurru.
Qaysha - south Arabian funerary goddess
Hawran - underworld god who presided over the spirits of disease which he could protect from or send at will as punishment; protected people from the venom of snakes. 
Al-Muharriq - underworld god who was represented as a fierce deity at a red shrine and whose sacred animal was an adult male lion (usamah). Al-Muharriq, like his Babylonian counterpart Nergal, had a wrathful disposition; he was believed to send diseases and plagues if he was angry with the population. The name of the god means ''the Burner'' as he represented the scorching heat of the desert, as well as the heat of disease and fire.
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blackmensmile · 3 years
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• @zahvdl : “I have so much to be grateful for✨ I am so thankful for overcoming lustfull desires. I have entered to a season of abstinence and realignment with Divine Will. Within this stretch in my journey I am focused on observably renewing my mind and transforming my environment. I am happier than I have ever been before and I feel it’s from relinquishing the desires of the flesh and focusing on the surrender to what The Holy One of Israel, Yah Yahwah desires for me to experience and explore in this earthly realm. I have now increased my boundaries, established an impenetrable peace forged from the ignition of isolation and my mental health is on a high vibration! It feels like I’m courting synergy and serendipity at the same time😜. —- #blackmensmile #iamhappy #sunflower #blackmentalhealth #vibratehigher https://www.instagram.com/p/CR5A-UmAOOA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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