#yaku x blythe
Ive seen a few mentions of ask blogs and such, but i dont think anyones actually bothered to start one. Now with the wiki I think it would be much easier to start one up. Would anyone be interested if I were to start one up? I dont have much of a story planned out but Im sure I could cook something up. Perhaps an exploration of the epilogues?
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infinite-kins · 3 years
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@number1rollerhazestan asked: Hello! could I get a moodboard for rollerhaze (blythe x yaku) with themes of being in love/not wanting to lose eachother/ect? thank you
Here you go :) I hope you like this moodboard. I think it looks nice.
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decembercircus · 4 years
Whats your favorite infinite chase ship? Personally, i'm a bit of a multi-shipper, and this chapter is not helping me pick lol
I’m a multishipper too, but I don’t really focus on the ships a whole lot. If I had to choose though: smoke trails (Yaku x Hikaru) and Elizabete x Blythe x Nika. Maybe there’ll be more scenes that fuel other ships I like.
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“Sugar lips for a midnight kiss”
“Au in which yaku kills shuri instead of lily, and no one knows how to feel about it. Much less the girl who has a crush on him.” Another roller haze fic ^^ this one i intend on making into a multi-chapter series! I really like this concept- plus, you can never have too much roller haze, i declare.  TW: none (if there’s anything i should put here, let me know and ill edit this!)
its hard. when your crush kills someone. it really is. its harder when that person was the guy everyone thought you had a crush on. maybe in some way, you did. but he had been getting creepier lately, and you were planning on distancing yourself from him anyways. i guess you don't really have to do that anymore. it’s hard to be creeped on by a corpse. 
but that still leaves one major issue, the guy you do have a crush on, the one that isnt dead. at least not yet. judging by how everyone has been avoiding him lately.. 
blythe hadn’t expected him to live this long, really. she was glad, of course. but he just kept painting a bigger and bigger target on his back. he was practically asking to be murdered.
she was sure if someone didnt put a knife in his back, he might just die of starvation first. she had never really seen him eat, but that seemed to be the issue with most people on this train. had she been more confident, she might’ve gone around handing everyone dinner.
but instead, she just chose to feed the murderer. 
eyes glued to the floor as she waited for yaku to answer, rocking back and forth slightly, trying to calm her nerves. just as she was considering knocking again, or glancing around to make sure no one could see her, he answered. 
his hair seemed messy, but that wasn’t much of a surprise. he didnt seem to brush it or wash it or anything. she had wanted to offer to help him with it, but that made her feel awkward. inspecting his eyes revealed that he wasn’t high. didn’t seem to be at least. which was good, she thought. that drug habit of his was probably going to kill him someday. 
the thought saddened her in a way that made her quickly change her train of thought. 
he didn’t seem to be wearing his usual hoodie, instead he had on a black shirt, with some sort of purple symbol in the middle? she knew it was one of the zodiac signs, but she wasn’t familiar enough with any of them to know which one. he also had on some similarly colored baggy pants, although they had purple-ish grey polka dots on them. made her think of clowns for a reason she couldn't quite explain. perhaps her eyes lingered on his pants for too long. 
with an embarrassed flush to her face, her gaze fell to the floor again, noticing his ferret slipper had been replaced with red dragon ones. they also had green button eyes, which she found cute. 
yaku simply raised a brow, confused as to why blythe was at his door, eyeing him up and down. perhaps she was here to kill him? he wouldn’t mind dying at her hands, he thought. though he did worry about jer and hikaru. maybe they’d find some sort of loophole. like he did. that way only a worthless life is lost, and the beauty remains. like pulling out a weed so the other roses in the garden may thrive.
“uh.. hi blythe.” yaku eventually decided to say, after what felt like a milenia of awkward silence.
she snapped to attention, meeting yaku’s gaze for a moment before they both looked away. the blush darkened and she thought now was a good time to speak up. “I, ah.. I brought you some food- I’m not the greatest cook though, i mostly just bake but.. a cake isn’t a very good breakfast, is it?” she laughed a bit. “though i could bring you that, if you wanted.”
he then blinked at her, surprise obvious on his face. eyes wide as he stared at her. she liked it. his eyes. him looking at her. both were nice. she wished she had pretty eyes like his. bright and magical and easy to get lost in. she had considered a thousand cheesy pickup lines involving them. ‘i'm gonna have to ask hikaru for a map, because i keep getting lost in those eyes of yours’ ‘i never thought angels were real, but they must be if you’re standing right here’ ‘are you a cake? must be with how sweet you are’ and on and on, she often thought about how he’d respond to something as dumb as that. would he laugh at her? would he get all flustered? she didn’t mind either possibility. 
“you bake?”
she was snapped out of her thoughts involving the imaginary yaku, and what their imaginary relationship could be like, by the very real yaku standing right there. 
“Oh! yeah, uh, my mom taught me. She got me into skateboarding so I’d do, like, anything else, actually..” she laughed nervously again, shying away from his gaze.
“i can bake. heh, i uh, learned it from homestuck. it’s where i get most of my knowledge, to be honest.” it was his turn to chuckle awkwardly, hand moving up to rub the back of his neck as he glanced towards the ceiling. “always wanted to uh.. bake with someone, heh.” he said as he glanced back towards her, a casual smile on his face.
“Well.. we ought to bake sometime then.” She replied, trying her best to sound confident in her words.
“Yeah, we should.”
“It’s a date then.” She concluded, handing him the oatmeal she had hurriedly made for him. Their hands brushed for a moment as it was handed over, sending blythe’s heart into overdrive.
“Heh, lookin forward to it, erezi-chan.” And with a smile and a slight wave, the door closed, leaving the skater girl with a pounding heart and a fried brain, face red as she walked away.
And although she couldn’t see it, Yaku was similarly flushed as he sat on the floor to eat. He wouldn’t need to get high for a while. He was happy like this.
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infinite-kins · 3 years
Hello! could I get a moodboard for rollerhaze (blythe x yaku) with themes of being in love/not wanting to lose eachother/ect? thank you
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You can find your moodboard here. I hope you enjoy. I never really considered rollerhaze as a ship before seeing your blog by the way. You make it seem cute :)
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