#infinite chase writting
When we had eachother
"You can escape a killing game, sure, but bad habits catch up to you. When you spend your whole life living for someone and theyre gone, what do you do?"
so sorry for not posting in awhile haha. i hope this makes up for it. its a little angsty though haha. the epilogue just gave me some ideas..
tw: main character death mentioned/grieving over loss
blythe walked quietly, quiet footsteps against the cracked concrete, hurried, as if she had somewhere important to go. could the others hear the sob that rested at the back of her throat, too? could passerbys notice the dead light in her eyes? would a bystander be able to pinpoint the exact number of shards her heart split into? 
maybe not, doubtfully so. 
but even a child would be able to notice the way she carried herself, shoulders slouched, gaze hazy as she searched for something even she wasn’t sure of in the grey clouds, clothes hanging loosely, hard to tell if she had just gotten out of bed or if she had perhaps just fallen asleep in those clothes the night before. 
truth was she hadn’t been able to sleep. closing her eyes was simply a shattered wish she knew would not be granted, but like a child who was too scared to tell their parents they knew about santa claus, she remained in bed still, if only to keep the fantasy alive, in some abstract form. 
as if anyone believed it. that she had ever been even half functional. even before him. even before all of this. she had always been a girl to be left on the sidewalk, nothing special, something to get bored of. to get thrown aside. to be alone. the girls dont like the boring dolls, no one wants a dog with no tricks, the boys dont like a girl that doesn’t stand out. 
she took in a deep breath as she stood at the gate. hesitating for a moment before pushing it open, grip tightening around the flowers she had gotten. she didn’t even know what type they were. not like he had a favorite. said he liked all flowers equally. 
so she got a bunch of them, as many as she could afford anyways, all of different colors. just for him. she wasn’t planning on eating tonight anyways. the food never tasted right in her throat. it felt like getting the first slice of someone else’s cake. intruding, selfish. she never had the energy to chew, anyways.
from concrete, to grass, to dirt. she stood in front of his grave. it had been a long funeral. he payed for it himself. she was left enough money to last her for the rest of her life, they said. but she hadn’t spent a cent of his money. she couldn’t find it in her heart to take more from him. even now. especially now.
her body tensed as she set the flowers down, with the rest. purple and yellow and blue. red and orange and pink. every color she could find. its what he deserved, even if he’d claimed otherwise in life. in death too, if he could. 
there was a feeling in the back of her throat again. where she hid the fine dust of her broken dreams, and the words she never had enough courage to say. they mixed together and formed a sob, the sob of a girl- a woman now, a widowed wife, who would never be anything worthwhile. who never grew stronger with the pain, she simply lived in spite of it. never having much more than that. she latched onto those who actually had something. be it brains or charm or even just a plan for the future beyond ‘live to see it’. because what’s the point of living when you have nothing to live for? 
it had become a much harder question to answer with each passing day. 
the tears rolled warm down her face, and she closed her eyes, but she had memorized the words since they had buried him. 
“Yaku Kusuri, April 20th - July 13th. Perhaps not in loving memory, but in memory i’m sure. i’ll have a great view of your wings from down here. So until then, soar.” 
he had requested it himself. wrote it in his will, along with everything else for the funeral. she was sure she would fly with him, despite what he believed. she would drag him up there, if she had to. 
that got a chuckle out of her. mournful and morbid and giddy. it had been so long since she laughed.
maybe she could learn to be okay. she’s sure he’d rather forgive her for keeping him waiting. 
just like she entered, she left quietly. the smile on her face being that of a woman who had risked loving. and although she had lost, it didn’t make it any less worth it. she wouldn’t trade their time together for the world. 
because it may have not been perfect, but it was to her. and what is love if not pain? isn’t that what it’s always been? if not from the feeling itself than from what it is like to live without it. 
but it still is pain. and it hurts.
but as she decided before, she would live, even if only to spite life. to spite everyone who left her on the sidewalk to rot. she would live. 
she has to, at this point.
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insinqronicity · 4 years
The Orienting Signal
What guides one's heart when lost at sea What hides, within the seed, a tree Abides the eyes when they can't see Resides within, a lockless key
What helps us heal and sets us free That inkling of divinity What lets our sight pass through debris That spark of creativity
Whatever clothes it wears for you At least this much is surely true When you cannot, yourself, see through You turn to this to seek a clue
The subtle plot of cosmic life Is writ in each and every hue To stalk it is to walk the knife To take the strange and unknown cue
A lighthouse on a stormy night Like writing found within your soul Delighting in the ancient rite Of taking part and making whole
The gift of metaphor and sight The secret of the poet's plight To forge a star and focus light One's inspiration must take flight
Just what we are, one cannot say The signs we see spell out the way The lines we read and write each day Echo with themes with which we play
So note your dreams and hear their call Their push and pull upon your mind They often prophesize the fall What other gems might you then find
If all the stars, for you, aligned What could you do, who could you be? If you could live your life as signed An avatar of destiny
To hear the whispers on the wind To smell the scent of times since past To come to see how we have sinned To break the spell that has been cast
To do all this and more we must Become the guide who we might trust To lead the way and light the path To turn the tide and quell the wrath
The man who talks to trees and birds The girl who chased the fireflies The one who wields not blades but words The dreamer of infinite skies
As to the task your soul does rise So too does it rise to meet you For life as dance does catalyze A fresh vision of one's purview
The world will tell you where to go And where this ends, no one can know Quiet your soul and listen here Your fate is drawing ever near
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justpartners · 7 years
[ ] Its all a game, a cat and mouse game, a goose chase, bad cop good cop, criminal versus officer, good versus evil, peace versus war, hate or love, positive or negative, black or white, red or blue, when these two things meet something beautiful happens, all the colors of the spectrum begin to form, in other words if you have the wrong man with the right tools, then the right tools work in the wrong way. There is good in bad and there is bad in good. We are cowards now, the system is already built perfectly on people who rather get paid more and submit to certain terms and conditions for selfish reason and you can't be unselfish because then you're doing it for a selfish reason. You can't desire not to desire, because then you are desiring on not desiring, which is stupid. The goverment system is perfect, is like God and its arcangels. God battled celestial wars against rebels. The Govr'n battled its public and locked away any trouble maker. Same way how they locked away Lucifer, and was sent to Hell. The Gover'n sends a man in blue to do the same to a human and put him behind bars to pay for his sins, for breaking the law.
We have chosen commodity over privacy. We've handed them the throne and they call it the land of the free, free of privacy and in digital cuffs, under constant surveillance. I feel anxious even writting these words because I feel I can't even speak freely, they are always watching. They teach us in Church God is always watching, because he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The Goverment watches us, gives us hope, is always there, and is not afraid to stab us in the back, simply because we have free will and so do they, it was never taken away from us its only restricted by higher authority. People think God is so nice, so beautiful, so kind, and the goverment uses that image they created and plant it on a figure named Jesus. The Bible is metaphorical, but we see it literal. We get convinced by our preachers that, that is Jesus. But the truth is you should be afraid of God, not be joyful. We dance and say beautiful things in his name, because we want to be in his good side, so when we die we go to heaven and finally be happy. We do this because we are afraid if we don't, we will get sent to Hell, because after all God is the master of the Universe, right? Its a mockery, humans have no consideration at all, we all are nice and humble on one day of the week and the rest of the days we sin so we can be forgiven of our sins and move on. We should be nice to one another, it says it in the Bible, love thou neighbor as thou self. And do nice things without seeking anything in return. But we humans like any other animal, have a reward system in our brains, where if we do something we expect something in return, like an award, a sense of good feeling. Everytime we dance, sing and even preach of our Lord and savior, is because we want to be saved, we want that in return. We want things to get better, but what needs to get improved is the one thats doing the improving. You can't change the world, but you can start by changing yourself.
Imagine someone with infinite power, knowledge and is always there. That is the goal, but politics knows humans have limits, but Gods dont. Be who you would be afraid of.
In church they teach us we are all sinners and also teach us of blue beautiful skies with clouds where God and the heavenly gates are. In politics we see the men in blue and we are more terrified of them than anything, because they are suppose to provide peace and safety but we get dissapointed everytime, we see the exact opposite, we see judgement, a hard and serious look, and aggressive behavior, and higher authority. Is this not God then? No, its an arcangel, the closest thing to God. And God is commander in chief, he decides your punishment. God is the political system and manipulation of its people. With no people, there is no God. Just like if there is no eyes, there would be no light, if there is no sound, there would be no ears, and if there is no hard surfaces, there would be no soft hands.
We hide from the police because we are afraid of them, thats plain to see. But we praise God because it relieves us of the pain we bare, our problems, God reminds us why are we doing that. These two things, politics and religion are like the two sides of a quarter. Literally.
What they don't want you to know is you are the Universe, that pretending you are not it, is exactly as it, there is no difference. We are all one, doing various things at once, only we can experience it one at a time. We all came from the same planet, evolution crafted us, multiplied us and we kept expanding to infinite numbers. Developing consciousness, awareness, senses, emotions, everything that makes us alive. Life is about discovering new things, having ambitions, building a connection with yourself and your environment. Doing things that make you happy, while living in the Eternal now, where there no past, no future, no death, only living in the moment.
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yusunabydearmstrong · 7 years
“R I C K V E R T I D O”
First that all, I should be writting the third part of “CORRUPTUS” but I’m doing this one short. Honestly this was inspired for The Citadel of Lost Child http://archiveofourown.org/works/6286300/chapters/14404426  made by FutaGogo (Darling if you foun this here is my apologize Oh boy, I’m so sorry I couldn’t resist to do something with the same topic :( I am a disaster for myself)  Also I think @oyajiukeprpr is gonna enjoy this ;) Remember: One Shot ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "So, what time does your shift end, Morty?"
"I already told you. I won´t going with you, you know that my work has no rest"
"Is always what you said, isn’t it? Every fucking time I ask you hang out." Greaser Morty slammed his fist against the clerk's desk, and he far from annoying simply took his things and placed them elsewhere.
"Every time you invite me out, I’m busy at inventory’s night, or is disease week, or I'm just not in the mood. Like now."
He bent down to pick up a retractable pen disguised as Rick, and took plus of putting a pocky in his mouth before looking back at his opponent; for a moment he seen more aggressive, as if at any moment he was going to start to hitting him.
The nervousness of the clutter disappeared a few seconds later when he saw that there was no response to his impulses, and decided to leave there before going mad; Of course, not without first leaving his final warning.
"Oh, but you will, we'll get on my motorcycle, I'll fuck you so hard and you’ll shout too loudly my name that you'll forget yours."
"H-How can I forget my name if we both have the same!"
But the bad guy, luckily, was away from him.
Once the nursery reception was clear Morty Storage was able to exhale all the frustration that clients like he provided him, he thought then, that it was the perfect time to check out the Day Care and maybe clear his mind for a while on the television.
All the Ricks where sleeping in their cells, the guards were on turn and he check his phone to find a message from Miami Morty, also know like Madam Morty. He wanted meet the boy at his club, a place called Rickstíbulo, wich was a kind of brothel but fill with kinky Ricks.
What is this about?
Of the Morty's revolution, of course. A few years ago, the Mortys were used as human shields to protect the Ricks' frequency; -like tools. Before they even become adults.
Those scientists who bragged like their grandparents did acts distant from the concept of 'family'. They used them as pets, fighter machines, sex toys, guinea pigs, and if they lengthen the list, it might seem annoying.
There was once a real Morty –Everyone thought at first that he was the EVIL one-, outstanding to others for his brilliant intelligence. He’d been ignored as he grew up with a despised Doofus Rick, over there in one of many dimensions. He and a group of brave men - now known as The Council of the Mortys - were faced with changing this reality joining with the weaker ones.
They took the Citadel and stripped any trace of authority from Ricks, but retained them for later enslavement. The controlling chips that once existed were used against themselves, and the lure was always the same; seduction.
It was easier to fight those bastards when they were vulnerable or distracted; and this Morty – heroically named as Mortimer llV - devised a spray substance that froze the age of the Ricks, so they would suffer the terror of eternity being repeated again and again without the hope of having to die for age.
However, the Smith blood still ran through the veins of these boys, which made it difficult for most things to come out normally well; With Ricks' absence, the way of relating began to be with each other (Morty x Morty) and falling in love with a Rick was a taboo - unless it was something purely sexual, like the Rickstíbulos that Miami Morty set up on the sidelines of the council.
Those Mortys who opposed the revolution were eliminated, because they were considerate like traitors.
Morty A-031 was also known for being the caregiver. The 'asylum' as many called it, was part of the great mockery they did to the Ricks, adopting them and abandoning them in small cells until someone else played them for a while and then it became an infinite loop.
Only he saw the fear in the eyes of some scientists, only he knew how many were innocent and who deserved their punishment. He had this-secret-fondness for taking care of them, protecting what was left of them. When he was offered the post he didn't hesitate a moment to take it, thus could justify his frequent contact with the -lovely’s-Ricks.
As soon as he remembered the time when the Mortys were martyred and the Ricks were in charge his memory played with him, although he never saw it that way; A-031 loved with all his being to each one of the Ricks by the simple fact of being it.
He was like a Super Fan.
And all that was left behind as soon as they began to hunt the traitors, to persecute them as in an inquisition directed by that group of 'brave ones'. There were audio and video cameras around the city, shutters for Ricks' vehicles without registration, and their adoption procedures, health care centers that provided Mortys with mandatory sedatives to keep their 'pets' at line. There were even rent assassins Mortys to get rid of these when they became a burden.
There was nothing he can do to save them.
"This rain doesn’t stop, will be a storm?" He said more to himself than to his companion, a rather worn-out Rick doll who was lying somewhere in the back of his car.
Because at the age of 24, he still had this memory of his childhood.
The traffic light changed from blue to yellow, and it was his turn to move on the slippery avenue, it was very late at night judging by the nil traffic, and the dangerous craters that threatened to break up his vehicle only welcomed him to that neighborhood Dangerous where he went; Right the place that council decided to encapsulate the aberrations that the Mortys made to have fun.
He slowed, letting his pupils decode the message in discreet purple neon in front of him.
¨R I C K V E R T I D O¨.
 A-031 had never entered a Rickstíbulo, it was something more than disgusting, it was hurting, think about all those Ricks being forced to have sex by a fist of desperate Mortys. A chill ran down him spine, and he clutched her hands as tightly as he could against the wheel.
That wasn’t why he was there.
"Babysister!" Said one of the guards. "You came to see the chief? Or are you finally going to be encouraged to fuck one of these watery asses? "
"J-Just let me in ..." he spat aggressively, pulling the knot in his throat so he could speak.
"That's why you don’t have a boyfriend, dammit, but I suppose you take sex free at the nursery, so you're absolutely right. I wouldn’t come to this place either, if there was a cleaner one! "
"Look, I don’t have time to joke, I don’t know what Miami Morty wants of me, I don’t think I can help him.
"Oh boy, nanny! " he rubbed elbow with his sleeping companion "It's an interview with the most interesting Morty in the world!"
He opened the narrow door for employees, and then Morty entered with a scrambled stomach; Nothing more than a few meters and the smell of sex and confinement penetrated strongly. The place was a seemingly normal furnished home of at least three skillful floors where the Ricks lived 'unhurriedly', the customer who entered had the right to abuse whatever he wanted wherever he wanted, and even play chase them when they tried to hide; there were no doors or partitions in any room, and the windows were heavily protected by stifling bars; In such a way that it was always an ambiguous environment; And the schedule was 24 hours.
Morty A-031 was escorted through a polarized glass aisle to the elevator leading him to the 5th floor. The guard accompanied him to the feet of the Miami office, from there he returned wishing him the best of luck. He swallowed, knocked on the door to enter, but to his surprise, it was already open.
He’d never tried to handle such a situation that fast, far from being an office, it looked like a deluxe suite, with an elegant circular bed in the middle of the room and half a bar of liquor on one side of the desk. Miami Morty was lying on his bed while a three-eyed Rick licked his feet lasciviously.
"Hello, my dear, please have a seat. Would you like a Rick? "
The owner kicked the three-eye ribs so he fell down and placed in fetal position toward the floor. The seat was ready, Morty only grimaced.
"No thanks, I'm fine like this."
"As you wish," he snorted. "You see, my Ricks have been getting sick, some are already very weak and others aren’t selling so much ... I found out that you're the nursery’s caretaker and so ... I'll get to the point. I have a very big proposal for you, it’s an opportunity for everyone.
Morty felt a bad feeling.
"I want buy you the oldest Ricks you have, those idiots who were left behind, we both know nobody's going to adopt them. Then I’ll murder these sick I have right now. I’ll buy you new ones, you have more space, I have more sales; and when those get sick  I would change them and we all win. Cool, isn’t it?
It had to be a joke
"I don’t think it's going to work, the Ricks I have are...
"They're less watery than the ones I have now."
"The council will ask me about their whereabouts if I sell them, and-" He sweated cold.
"Oh you’re a love, you don’t want me to be sued, but look I have a surprise" hit Rick in the shin and he runs to the desk to bring the guest a copy of the certificate-of-approval "I cost a bribe, but the process It's legal now."
"I can’t give you any because ..." his voice cut off, he began to despair.
No one would touch his Ricks.
"Are you opposing? Are you against the Ricks' suffering? If so, I can make you rot in jail and stay with your stupid nursery, maybe I can open another Rickstíbulo there"
"I-I can’t give you any until you pick the nominees! I can only give you the most attractive, you know, more money for you. Give me a week to think what can I do with this situation. "
"That's my Morty!" Oh beautiful! For a second you deceived me, yes you are a naughty, I love you. What's more, I'm going to give you one of my Ricks as an early payment; But not of those Ricks AIDS that I have in the first levels. For you, I’ll give one of my exquisite purchases, and that will give yourself an idea for what I want.
When the fingers thundered, a grate ran to reveal a ladder, Miami passed first, prompting him to accompany it, was the fourth floor. A pleasant smell of coffee and plastic slipped through the nervousness of A-031, and continued to see the bluish luminosity that stretched to the end of the hallway. Unlike the lower floors, the cells clearly showed the specimen to be chosen, and once selected it was released to take it to the room (the one at the end of the hallway).
Most of the cells were empty, except for a few who had unique Ricks, to tell the truth, not even working in a garden center imagined seeing them. A Test X90 that looked sad at him, a Rick Slavedoll who had his arms and legs amputated, a trans! Rick who showed with no problem his genitals to the guests and finally a rock with a hole in the center who had a lab coat on.
"What an… interesting collection," he said.
"Thank you, my dear, I hope..." suddenly desperate shouts rang out from the room, a thick menacing voice, silencing the other deeper "Did you look someone you like? which one should I give you? "
"What was that sound?"
The moment of silence showed the cries, now unilateral, from the room.
"It's just a customer using the room, you shouldn’t worry, it's not a big specimen, now; If you choose the stone one…"
But the cries he heard didn’t sound even remotely to any Rick, especially because he thought he heard them in a lower volume; fearfully. Curiosity assaulted him at the worst moment, interrupting abruptly the single conversation of the Madam.
"I want to come in, I want the one inside."
The opponent's eyes rolled with anger.
"Well, but I want you to get me like the ones out here, not like that that you decide to take with you" took out a set of keys and lasted a couple of eternal seconds for both Morty A-031 and for being suffering inside the room until open "All right, any Morty who is there, your time is up, there's no refund."
The digital door screeched at the key and revealed the interior of the room, to the luck of the user he’d finished, smoking in a corner of the extensive bed where another bundle could be seen trembling.
As a result, the client was Biker Morty, and even beneath the bedcover (white pearl, stained with damp fresh blood in some places) one could see the enormous erection resting. An extra puff of cigarette smoke, he didn’t seem to disturb the presence of the other two.
"Okay little piece of shit, now you have another owner, get the fuck up and come here Rick, you have to make a good impression and satisfy him as the whore you are," Miami asked patiently, Storage was petrified at the scene.
"Hey, my friend, an apology, I didn’t know anyone else was interested in this fool and I signed him with my mouth "Biker released the owner in a mocking tone and then looked at A-031 with a giggle "I already loosened his ass but I came in it, I hope it doesn't bother you.  
"Don’t worry Biker, you're one of the few who uses that idiot, and I didn’t even know he was leaving today," Miami concluded, watching with curiosity the "emotion" of his new partner by putting both hands in his mouth, as if stopping a Cry of happiness
Or holding the vomit because the impotence.
"You're not hearing me or what, crap?!" - yelled again at the body destroyed in bed "I'm fucking telling you to come here, Tiny Rick!"
Finally, the shape moved on, first seated, then the little one get out slowly of the high bed, and when he did, strips of blood and semen drained out from its buthole, until slowly touching the floor, he was really short and was rubbing his eyes from tears, tiredness.
After this, he covered his private parts with his hands, as if he could disguise with it what Biker’d just done. Pretending that all marks of fresh bites were invisible to the spectators; after all he didn’t distinguished them in the middle of all the pain.
"Well, see you next week to check how my new acquisitions are going. You know the way-out, I'll stay here to comfort my poor client." Miami got into bed, eager to discover the sheets to found the motorcyclist's weapon. "And take that thing away from here; there are straps in the hallway.”
"Sure," he said, noticing the teenager's fearful stare, then put a hand on his back and pushed him lightly to get him out of the room.
But of course, the boy didn’t walk correctly, he had practically destroyed his hip, not just his childhood.
Back at the exit he neither spoke a word; Morty took one of the sheets from the Miami bed and placed it in such a way that only his face was visible. Rick just let himself be done. Then Morty pick him up as if he were a kind of soft sack and crossed as fast as he could the rest of the house.
Upon arriving at the exit a great sigh escaped him without permission.
"Hey buddy, what are you carrying there?" shout the guard.
Morty paled, didn’t really want anyone else to see his little one.
"Drugs" he lied "I'm leaving now."
The astonished guard, received a nudge on the part of his companion Morty asleep.
Morty A-031 put Rick lay in the back sit, and drove crazily until his home. The younger were half unconscious, but even like this he didn’t quit his eyes from Morty, as a silently sign of gratitude.
"You’re going to be safe as long as you are with me." He promised.
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classics: Ten x Rose
fic rec list masterpost | docxrose fanfic 101 masterlist
For DoctorxRose shippers, Ten is undeniably the Doctor with the most fic, and there are a huge number of TenxRose fics to consider "classics." This is a looooooooong list, and I know we're still just scratching the surface, so further recs are, of course, always loved and cherished! Please rec more to your heart's content!
Thank you to everyone who answered our call for more recs!! (I mentioned all of you awesome people at the bottom, and I hope I got everyone!!!)
Other lists to which the fic does or will belong are noted as well. This is a very diverse collection, so please don't forget to check author's ratings and warnings.
Newly Added
Howling with the Storm by @mercwithamouth​ (novel, s3 rewrite, contains adult chapters) (This is the second part of the Written in the Stars series, which is complete on fanfiction.net. The story link takes you there.)
Teen or Below:
That Night on Betazorn 9 by ThroughAnAmberFocus (humour)
    short story
Teen or Below:
Bind me or Undo Me by karenbee
The City Bombs Forgot by @thebadddestwolf​
The Girl on the Horse by orange_crushed (GitF fixit)
Mr Smith and the Dinner Lady by @lauraxxtennant​
On Degrees of Forever by @thebadddestwolf​ (telepathy, reunion!fic)
The Schwarzschild Radius by @tripwirealarm​ (post Satan Pit)
Time Lords and Tour Guides by @jessalrynn​
Time Not Yet Lost by @thebadddestwolf​
Wait by @jessalrynn​ (rated adult but really more PG-13ish…)
Worlds in Conjuction by marylane23
Accidental Pregnancy au by @lixabiz​ (series of one-shots, human au)
America by @stoprobbersfic​ (road trip)
Caught Looking by sinecure (alien biology)
Chained by Aeolist
Coaster Castles and Other Sturdy Defenses by Rallalon (angst, Ten crosses Rose's timeline to see her)
Falling Home by Starships (aphrodisiacs)
Home Comforts by karenbee
How to Turn on a Time Lord by Carlisle_Cooperative
Imminence by @lauraxxtennant​ (post Satan Pit)
Llamas and Jail Cells and Shagging oh My by leftennant
Rush by the_tenzo
Such Great Heights by nocookiesjustbooks
The Swing of Things by @rudennotgingr​
Thermoregulation by 2nd2ndalto (nocookiesjustbooks) (cold)
Teen or Below:
But Broken Lights by @rosa-acicularis​ (hurt/comfort)
Double Crossing by @jessalrynn​ (with 7th doc and Ace)
Flower and Willow by timelord1
The Monk's Altar by @doctor-who-hears-a-horton​
Post Pomp by ThroughAnAmberFocus (GitF)
Perchance to Die by lostwolf (post GitF)
The Scientist by orange_crushed (human nature/fobbed with Rose)
Stowaways by @ofstormsandwolves​ (au)
They Wouldn't Dare by @jessalrynn​ (humour)
Worthy of Her by @abadplanwellexecuted​
Adult/Contain Adult Chapters:
A Bargain with Time by @untemperedschism​ (post Love and Monsters)
All That Stuff We're So Scared Of by @abadplanwellexecuted​ (post Satan Pit)
Catch and Release by @callistawolf​
Congruence and Divergence by @allegoricalrose​
Cup of Sugar by @lixabiz​ (TenxRose, au, adult)
Cusp by ValueTurtle (post Christmas Invasion)
Desperado by @bubblygal92 (reunion!fic)
Distance by @lauraxxtennant​ (WIP, post-GitF, baby!fic)
Family of Blood by @kelkat9​ (reunion!fic, fobbed, crossover (Fright Night))
Gallifrey Computing by @rishidiams​ (au)
Idle Hands by @thebadddestwolf​ and Aeolist
The Key by @vampiyaa
Kinetic Sense by Doona Rose
Lesson Plans by @jeeno2​ (friends to lovers, meddling tardis)
Marked by @allonsywobbly (shag or die)
Proof by Jabberwocky (post Idiot's Lantern)
Scratching the Itch by bendingsignpost (rallalon) (alien biology)
A Shop Girl With a Broken Fob Watch by @licieoic​ (Rose in s3, HN/FoB with Rose, crossover(Broadchurch))
Stepford by @allrightfine​ (fake married)
Sweetheart by @stoprobbersfic​ (au)
Taking Turns by @mariechambers​ (aphrodisiac)
Triboelectric by @lixabiz​ (au)
You Are the Music, You Are the Song by @licieoic​ (au)
Teen or Below:
...But the Story Never Ends by WhoMe (Ten is Tentoo, JE fixit, EoT fixit)
The Air Near My Fingers by @abadplanwellexecuted​ & helplesslynerdy (fobbed)
Beneficial Engagement by @rudennotgingr​ (film au, The Proposal)
Falling In Love At a Coffee Shop by Ashlanielle (au)
Gravity by @dimensionhoppingrose​ (au)
Mind Over Matter by LN29 (part of the Step by Step Verse)
A Place Where We Only Say Goodbye by @weezlywrites​ (coffee shop au, time loop)
Winner takes All by LN29
Adult/Contain Adult Chapters:
Careful Surrender by @tenscupcake​ (JE fixit, telepathy, reunion!fic)
Chase the Dark by @fogsblue​ (dark!doctor, EoT fixit, JE fixit, post Waters of Mars)
Disheveled by Rabid1st(a bit of multidoctor, alien biology)
To Dream a Life by wildwinterwitch (HN/FoB with Rose)
Effigermus by TKirr
Electrostic Potential by @tenscupcake​ (telepathy, WIP)
Elsewhere by @fadewithfury​ (au, historical)
To Have and Not to Hold by mtemplar (alien aphrodisiac, telepathy)
The Impossible Fairytale by @callistawolf​ (au)
Kallisti by @jessalrynn​
Knock Three Times by @jellyneau-xo​ (amnesia)
The Lord of Gallifrey by @kelkat9​ (regency au)
Miles to Go by wishiknewwho (kid!fic)
Newly Found by @jellyneau-xo​ (hurt/comfort, amnesia)
One Crowded Hour by @allegoricalrose​ (baby!fic)
Out of the Ashes by @mercwithamouth​ (gallifreyslostson) (au)
Time Will Tell by @lauraxxtennant​ (post GitF)
Touching Wild Light by @fadewithfury​ (JE fixit, EoT fixit, telepathy, reunionfic, 50th anniv fixit, alt!rose)
Teen or Below:
Being to Timelessness series by @chocolatequeennk​ (Doomsday fixit, s2 rewrite, s3 rewrite, Rose on the Valiant)
To Build a Home by @dimensionhoppingrose​ (au)
Don't tell people I travelled through time and space with her mother (Or, the Jackie Tyler Adventure series) by @ofstormsandwolves​​
The Lost Girl series by @mercwithamouth​ (gallifreyslostson) (letters)
The Parallel Verse by @ofstormsandwolves​
The Starlight Verse by @wintermoth​ (s3 rewrite)
Adult/Contain Adult Chapters:
Chaosverse by @earlgreytea68​
Cloisters by wildwinterwitch
Falling Slowly by WhoMe (reunion!fic)
FoundVerse series by @whoinwhoville​
Gallifrey Records by @allrightfine​ & @gallifreyburning​ (au)
Lords and Legends series by WhoMe
Lostverse by @unfolded73​ (reunion!fic)
Of the Universe Series by ofalexandra (post-JE reunion, Bad Wolf Rose)
The Process of Becoming series by Kalleah (some stories adult)
Reprieve series by 2nd2ndalto (nocookiesjustbooks)
Some Slightly Unusual Mistakes by Rallalon
Writ in Skin series by Aenaria (one story adult)
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  Huge thanks, much love, and an infinite amount of gratitude go to the many people who answered our call to help expand this list!! Below are those who added on and the recs they suggested (not including those that we couldn’t find or starring other doctors, though we’ve taken note)! And if it’s in bold, it’s one we already had on the list or that more than one person recommended - and thus a rec-plus! ♥
@kelkat9, who recommended
Effigermus by TKirr
Worthy of Her by abadplanwellexecuted
They Wouldn’t Dare & Double Crossing, both by jessalrynn
the Found!Verse by whoinwhoville
@gallifreyinfinite, who recommended
Time Lords and Tour Guides & Wait, both by jessalrynn
How to Turn on a Time Lord by Carlisle_Cooperative
Of the Universe series by ofalexandra
Chaosverse by earlgreytea68
The Key by vampiyaa
Falling Home by Starships (@thenudecupcake)
Caught Looking by sinecure
On Degrees of Forever by thebadddestwolf
@theaccidentalhero, who recommended Electrostatic Potential by tenscupcake
@thelegionofthebeast, who recommended Such Great Heights by 2nd2ndalto (nocookiesjustbooks)
@lizann5869, who recommended
Gallifrey Records series by allrightfine & gallifreyburning
Flower and Willow by timelord1 (on dreamwidth)
Thermoregulation by 2nd2ndalto (nocookiesjustbooks)
Reprieve series by 2nd2ndalto (nocookiesjustbooks)
The City Bombs Forgot by thebadddestwolf
Home Comforts by karenbee
America by stoprobbersfic
The Monk’s Altar by Rachel_Lu
@tyttetardis, who recommended
You Are the Music, You Are the Song by licieoic
Falling in love at a coffee shop by Ashlanielle
Out of the Ashes by mercwithamouth (WIP)
Found & forgotten by whoinwhoville (FoundVerse)
A place where we only say goodbye by weezlywrites
The Lord of Gallifrey by kelkat9
Stowaways by ofstormsandwolves
The Impossible Fairytale by callistawolf
One Crowded Hour by allegoricalrose
Kings and Lords by WhoMe
Triboelectric by lixabiz
Gravity by dimensionhoppingrose
To Build a Home by dimensionhoppingrose
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another-being · 7 years
Happy days
Happy days are here again. This sounds cliche, probably because it is. We are a product of our environment. The people, places, and events surrounding our lives make us who we are. Not quite true. We choose our destiny. Our choices dictate our fate. Ironically, all our fates are intertwined. One’s choice affects another’s fate and likewise the reverse. The film “les miserables” illustrates this perfectly. One word, look, or action can change our lives forever. Once changed, it can never go back to how it once was. Tequila sunrise, ammoniacal liquer. Both are liquid, but not both drunk. Similar things can often have very unsimilar traits. Everyone and everything is differently similar; all similar yet different. You never should judge a book by its cover. You see me, but not my story. My scars are my own alone. They tell a story; bear testament to lives lived before ever our paths crossed. I prefer to write with pen on paper, rather than type. I feel the words flow faster and surer. The process feels more real, more intimate. A good friend knows because they have asked. A better friend knows without ever having to ask. The difference isn’t in the not asking, but in the timing of such askance. It’s not the mosquito bite in itself that hurts. It’s knowing that a mosquito has bitten you. A spider makes a web for his home. Man comes and destroys it for fear of the unknown. We do the exact same to people like us everyday without even realizing, simply because we don’t know them. Why do we complain when we are treated as badly as we treat others? But have no qualms when treated kinder than we deserve. You get only as good as you give. This is a Bible teaching. Yet we choose to ignore this as we do countless other principles in favour of our own chosen morals. Do you know that feeling you get when you do something totally on impulse and get a pleasant surprise? It satisfies in a way nothing planned or preconceived can reward us. A thinker is a thinker so is as a thinker thinks. Doing to a thinker is thinking and thinking doing so thought is empirical. A simple conversation can change our entire train of thought. Is it fair to be with someone exactly like you and feel nothing, only to see stars when with your exact opposite. All is fair in love and war. Sometimes you fall for your exact same, sometimes you don’t. You win some, you lose some. We are all exactly alike and completely different in an infinitely permutable number of ways. Those long, deep conversations that barely scratch the surface or the goofy one that covers so many things, leaving some things unsaid yet perfectly understood anyway. The many tricks fate plays on us, letting us decide our destiny but ultimately leading us in specific directions by limiting us with the illusion of impossiblity. Is it possible to love someone you only just met or talked to? More importantly, can they love you back the same? Can any two people love each other fully and completely, in equal measure? An incredibly emotional and sensual being, such as myself, has many burdens. How do you separate the affairs of the heart and head?i Should you really? Or should you apply a practical and rational solution to our relationships to save our hearts from breaking? A kiss can mean so little and so much all at once. It changes everything. A good kiss can fill your senses and blind you momentarily, but when it’s over, it’s done. A lover’s kiss stays with you, moving the world from under your feet, slowly yet surely, until you can’t tell up from down. A bad kiss haunts you and leaves you terminally scarred and afraid of kissing again. Can a girl love more than one person in the very same way in equal amounts? And if so, how is she to know who she loves and who she is in love with? How is she to know the difference from what is real and what is hoped? Sitting in a chair in an empty hall, looking out a window, thinking on my life thus far, examining my choices and reliving my high and low points, I can but accept that I am a practical being unfortunate enough to let my emotions rule me, but too much of a coward to see my choices through. So I live on the safe side, lusting for adventure, only to balk at the slightest mention of risk. I guess you could call me a wild card, a bonafide bad girl. I’m the wild child trying to make good. Before you judge me, know me. I have scars; they tell my story. My legs are riddled with marks; marks from the years of my youth spent living like a typical African child- climbing and falling from trees, chasing siblings, tripping and falling, only to rise and keep running, and getting punished for disobedience. But beneath these scars are the other marks. The hidden scars. These scars are newer, rawer, deeper, more painful. They cut deep where no physical blade can, yet are caused by the least dangerous weapons. A pair of lips, a simple word, a certain look, attention freely given… Or the lack thereof. These are the scars of the wounds that keep me up in tears all night, when no one can hear. They break my heart over and again, without a sound. I blame no one but my own self for them. After all this, you would think I’d learnt my lesson. Well I have. I know the lesson. Stay by your lonesome, away from people. I just choose not to practise it. I must be a glutton for punishment. I am weak, I long for human company. The feeling of being part of a group. It’s an illusion, I know. I created it myself. I am the architect of my own downfall. My delusions are self-caused. But I am happy. That’s all I have ever wanted. My work is done, I am fulfilled. So why do I still feel the emptiness within? Why am I still fervently searching? Maybe I have lost my religion. Nothing holds lasting joy. Merely a passing glee. That’s all the happiness I know now. Maybe that’s why I have begun a new quest. The quest for love. A love I gave up on long ago now holds new interest for me. Back to my earlier train of thought. I should be with the bad boy. Problem is I don’t want any of the ones I know right now. The only one I want to be with is far, far away. Guess you can’t always have what you want. Sometimes I think that’s just my way of keeping my emotional distance. I must really not want to fall in love again. It’s horrible. It’s amazing. It was the worst time of my life. It was the absolute best time of my life. If I can help it, I’m never going down that road again. I’m not exactly out of love yet to start with. He’s far away. I want to get over him. I want to rebound. I want to fall in love again. Problem is I can’t. How do I know? I’ve been trying, trust me. I. Just. Can’t…
This is NOT a journal. Though if anyone asks, I’ll say it is to prevent further questions. It is a port key of sorts. It takes my mind away from the present and transports me to a time and place where I am happy. There, I am free of all prejudice and principles governing proper conduct. I can be whoever and whatever I want without the fear of being labelled. I am with him- the boy who makes me happy. I would have called him the man of my dreams but that phrase holds a new, sinister meaning for me. Sadly, this only distracts me for so long, then I come back down to earth. The reality I am confronted with on my return breaks my heart. I am only a shell of my old self. Unloved, with no dreams or aspirations to speak of. I think of the many ways my future could unfold, but am too fearful to voice my dreams. I want to break free and be myself, not what the people around me see me as. But every time I try, they only see who they think they see- the ME they think they have always known. My pen has run away with me. I have writ far more than was planned, as is always the case with me. Yet I still feel weighted down by my thoughts. I probably need more than one journal to properly purge myself of a lifetime of bottled up emotions. Till then, I am spent.
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can you do a little drabble about Luna x Eiko?
Not sure if this counts as a drabble technically? I tried my best though, hope you enjoy! :)
story under the cut, as always!
“The house is not haunted.” Luna said with a sigh. “Ghosts aren’t even real.” Yet still, Eiko clung to her arm like a koala, only Luna was much more comforting than a tree. She sighed again, and pat Eiko on the head.
“You don’t know that.” She mumbled. “If it’s not a ghost, that just means there’s a serial killer or s-something..” She buried her face in Luna’s neck as she started shaking at the thought. Her girlfriend’s gaze softened as she led her to the couch.
“If there’s some sort of ghost or serial killer i’ll just beat them up- i’m a black belt in karate, yknow.”
She was not.
“Yeah. C’mon, let’s just lay down. I’ll protect you, I promise.”
The two smiled and shared a kiss before they laid down and cuddled for awhile, ignoring the ghosts and/or serial killers that may or may not reside in their home.
Their love was stronger anyways.
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“Sugar lips for a midnight kiss”
“Au in which yaku kills shuri instead of lily, and no one knows how to feel about it. Much less the girl who has a crush on him.” Another roller haze fic ^^ this one i intend on making into a multi-chapter series! I really like this concept- plus, you can never have too much roller haze, i declare.  TW: none (if there’s anything i should put here, let me know and ill edit this!)
its hard. when your crush kills someone. it really is. its harder when that person was the guy everyone thought you had a crush on. maybe in some way, you did. but he had been getting creepier lately, and you were planning on distancing yourself from him anyways. i guess you don't really have to do that anymore. it’s hard to be creeped on by a corpse. 
but that still leaves one major issue, the guy you do have a crush on, the one that isnt dead. at least not yet. judging by how everyone has been avoiding him lately.. 
blythe hadn’t expected him to live this long, really. she was glad, of course. but he just kept painting a bigger and bigger target on his back. he was practically asking to be murdered.
she was sure if someone didnt put a knife in his back, he might just die of starvation first. she had never really seen him eat, but that seemed to be the issue with most people on this train. had she been more confident, she might’ve gone around handing everyone dinner.
but instead, she just chose to feed the murderer. 
eyes glued to the floor as she waited for yaku to answer, rocking back and forth slightly, trying to calm her nerves. just as she was considering knocking again, or glancing around to make sure no one could see her, he answered. 
his hair seemed messy, but that wasn’t much of a surprise. he didnt seem to brush it or wash it or anything. she had wanted to offer to help him with it, but that made her feel awkward. inspecting his eyes revealed that he wasn’t high. didn’t seem to be at least. which was good, she thought. that drug habit of his was probably going to kill him someday. 
the thought saddened her in a way that made her quickly change her train of thought. 
he didn’t seem to be wearing his usual hoodie, instead he had on a black shirt, with some sort of purple symbol in the middle? she knew it was one of the zodiac signs, but she wasn’t familiar enough with any of them to know which one. he also had on some similarly colored baggy pants, although they had purple-ish grey polka dots on them. made her think of clowns for a reason she couldn't quite explain. perhaps her eyes lingered on his pants for too long. 
with an embarrassed flush to her face, her gaze fell to the floor again, noticing his ferret slipper had been replaced with red dragon ones. they also had green button eyes, which she found cute. 
yaku simply raised a brow, confused as to why blythe was at his door, eyeing him up and down. perhaps she was here to kill him? he wouldn’t mind dying at her hands, he thought. though he did worry about jer and hikaru. maybe they’d find some sort of loophole. like he did. that way only a worthless life is lost, and the beauty remains. like pulling out a weed so the other roses in the garden may thrive.
“uh.. hi blythe.” yaku eventually decided to say, after what felt like a milenia of awkward silence.
she snapped to attention, meeting yaku’s gaze for a moment before they both looked away. the blush darkened and she thought now was a good time to speak up. “I, ah.. I brought you some food- I’m not the greatest cook though, i mostly just bake but.. a cake isn’t a very good breakfast, is it?” she laughed a bit. “though i could bring you that, if you wanted.”
he then blinked at her, surprise obvious on his face. eyes wide as he stared at her. she liked it. his eyes. him looking at her. both were nice. she wished she had pretty eyes like his. bright and magical and easy to get lost in. she had considered a thousand cheesy pickup lines involving them. ‘i'm gonna have to ask hikaru for a map, because i keep getting lost in those eyes of yours’ ‘i never thought angels were real, but they must be if you’re standing right here’ ‘are you a cake? must be with how sweet you are’ and on and on, she often thought about how he’d respond to something as dumb as that. would he laugh at her? would he get all flustered? she didn’t mind either possibility. 
“you bake?”
she was snapped out of her thoughts involving the imaginary yaku, and what their imaginary relationship could be like, by the very real yaku standing right there. 
“Oh! yeah, uh, my mom taught me. She got me into skateboarding so I’d do, like, anything else, actually..” she laughed nervously again, shying away from his gaze.
“i can bake. heh, i uh, learned it from homestuck. it’s where i get most of my knowledge, to be honest.” it was his turn to chuckle awkwardly, hand moving up to rub the back of his neck as he glanced towards the ceiling. “always wanted to uh.. bake with someone, heh.” he said as he glanced back towards her, a casual smile on his face.
“Well.. we ought to bake sometime then.” She replied, trying her best to sound confident in her words.
“Yeah, we should.”
“It’s a date then.” She concluded, handing him the oatmeal she had hurriedly made for him. Their hands brushed for a moment as it was handed over, sending blythe’s heart into overdrive.
“Heh, lookin forward to it, erezi-chan.” And with a smile and a slight wave, the door closed, leaving the skater girl with a pounding heart and a fried brain, face red as she walked away.
And although she couldn’t see it, Yaku was similarly flushed as he sat on the floor to eat. He wouldn’t need to get high for a while. He was happy like this.
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The Pull and Tug of our universe
A short roller haze drabble, exploring the ship, how it would begin, and how inevitably, it would end. Not through their own faults, but simply due to the nature of what it is, and where they are. 
TW: implied character death, implied main character death, implied suicide, just general angst. 
Hope you enjoy this first post!! ^^
cause and effect. a simple concept, so easy to understand, a fundamental factor to the universe. 
a man hands the other, who he wishes in some complicated sense, to be his lover, 30 or so chocolate pellets. four people then die that day. the twin playthings of fate, only fair they would die alone, and in that sense, together. then the man who gave himself over to death, bones hollow, heart even more so, a final kick to his corpse, knocking him over. his last moments spent pretending to sleep, until he did, forever. then finally, the cycle ends. broken hearted boy turned into a man with a firecracker where it used to be, lit on both ends quite literally in his final moment, the sparks drying the sobbing man’s tears, in a way he was most familiar with. 
a girl who had grown far too used to being alone, and a boy who was the same. its simple really, a pull and tug of the universe. a scorched man, a vandalized corpse. a crying skateboarder, and the druggie who learned to comfort her.
neither of them were used to this. to caring so deeply, and having the other care just as much back. 
it was a nice change though. it was nice to experience love, what it actually was, for the first time. quiet kisses in the morning, holding hands under the table, wrapping her in his arms to remind her of how much he cared, her teaching him to skateboard, and helping him every time he failed.
it was nice. 
cause and effect, a simple concept, so easy to understand. 
and if you can understand it, if you can understand the constant push and pull and tug of the universe’s will,
then you know it got bad. and it did. 
a lifeless body on the floor. so familiar. something they thought they had escaped by now. but you cannot escape fate. 
a pair of people that close is dangerous. with their situation. with how few people are left. with how willing they seem to protect each other, no matter the cost.
so it had to be done, the killer concludes, in the trial, much later.
and as the remainder of the two sobbed at their stand, body shaking with the weight of everything on their shoulders, the killer knew. 
she knew. 
everyone knew. 
they had killed two people that night.
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