#yall can draw her if you want to hehe
siennaditbot · 1 month
Sethos x Reader: Sun & Moon
Hehe, look at me actually finishing it lol. Been ages since I've written x Reader stuff but I hope yall like it. Sethos needs more love <3
Female reader but I hope yall can still enjoy it lol :>
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Sethos was a people person. He could talk to everyone and make them forget that they hadn't just met him, seamlessly integrating into any group he wished.
He had a good facial memory, so he could strike up a familiar conversation with most of the citizens.
But there was someone in Sumeru City that he had never properly caught for a chat. A humble cleaner girl, who seemed to hate him for some reason.
Whenever he tried to start a casual conversation with her, she focused on anything but him, her body language telling him she did not want to talk. Her replies were curt and he had to try hard to keep the conversation from dying.
He was pushy, yeah, but he knew not to push his luck. She was practically holding a weapon she could smack him with, after all. An everyman’s polearm - a broom.
So, he stopped approaching her. They just coexisted, him passing by her sweeping the streets sometimes, offering a polite wave as he jogged past her.
Then, on one rainy day, Sethos was caught enjoying the shower between his errands. He stood in the middle of the empty street, eyes closed and face lifted skyward as if to hug the rainfall.
But the rain suddenly stopped.
He opened his eyes in surprise and briefly met hers, before she handed her umbrella to him and dashed off. He was left there, staring at her disappearing form and the splatters of water as she ran.
He was confused, but shrugged the absurd encounter off with an amused smile.
“Heh, guess she doesn't hate me, after all. Interesting.”
Sethos loved being in the city. It was full of fascinating people, especially within the Akademiya. He loved learning about them, their stories, ideas and passions.
And now the curt sweeper girl had caught his interest.
He still politely greeted her when he passed by, and her responses were curt as ever, usually simply nodding and letting him pass. But now he read her behavior as shy and awkward instead of hateful.
His polite smile became a bit more genuine when he understood.
He kept noticing her in other places after that, too. She was often found sitting in random spots, holding a notebook she was very focused on, not paying attention to anyone who wondered what her deal was.
Sethos was one of them. He curiously eyed her every time he saw her, but she never lifted her face from her notebook.
One day she was sitting on a box behind Lambad’s Tavern, hand going wild as she worked on the notebook in her lap. Sethos noticed her, and decided to approach her for once.
She jumped when his voice cut through her concentration, having broken into her bubble.
“Soo. What’cha working on there?”
She immediately shut the notebook and looked away, clutching it to her chest.
“Heh, you were really into it. Sorry for spooking you.”
She didn't reply, no idea what to say, so she literally waved it off. He got the message, leaning against the railing next to her.
“You're a funny one, you know. I can never expect where you'll be sitting with that secret tome of yours. I’ve heard people call you a local cryptid because of it.”
That made her snort, and she immediately threw a hand up to cover her mouth.
His smile widened, proud of drawing a new reaction out of her.
“It's true, though. I've seen you on several branches of the Divine Tree, on a roof or two, and I swear I caught you behind a bush once. What's up with that?”
She scratched her cheek shyly, not expecting anyone to pay attention to her.
“...Inspiration”, she finally managed.
“Inspiration, eh? What's so inspiring about sitting behind a bush?”
She chuckled lightly in response.
“I just like switching spots. Different angles.”
"Riight, right, that makes sense. What do you need that inspiration for, then? Writing, drawing, homework?”
She turned the cover of the notebook towards him. It had ‘sketchbook’ written on it in fancy letters.
“Ohhh, an artist, I see. That's cool. You got the whole ‘vibe’ down too, now that I think about it.”
She drew the sketchbook back to herself again, shrugging with a small, amused hum.
“Quiet and mysterious. Who knows what's going on inside those covers”, he explained with a playful grin.
She was still curt, but her small smile gave him confirmation that she definitely didn't hate him.
“I’ll let you continue, then. Can't stop an artist when inspiration hits, after all.”
After seeing her nod and timidly wave at him, he stood back up with a satisfied smile. He waved in response and walked off, arms stretched behind his head as he went to continue on with his day.
From there on, he stopped to bother her for a moment or two whenever and wherever he caught her. She didn't seem willing to talk about art or her secret sketchbook, so he kept the conversation alive, talking about whatever. She was still curt and shy, but her snorts and amused huffs became a more common occurrence as days passed.
One day, after he was done telling one of his stories, she seemed particularly thoughtful.
“What's up? Remind you of something? Oh, oh, did I give you inspiration?” he grinned excitedly, pointing at her.
She took a moment to formulate her reply.
“..How do you always have something to talk about?”
He didn't expect that. She didn't seem annoyed, though..
“Heh, I’ve just seen and heard many interesting things. I like sharing mine, and learning more from the people I meet.”
“That simple?”
He shrugged casually.
“I’m a people person. I like talking and listening.”
Her face formed a strained smile as she looked away.
“My brain always goes blank when there's people around. It's like there's not a single thought in there.”
That seemed to confirm his assumption of her treatment of him before. She was just shy. Or socially anxious.
“Ah. More of an introvert, then?”
“...No, I want to be around people. I just… short circuit. Not very interesting company.”
“I think you're plenty interesting”, he stated matter-of-factly, “you've got me curious.”
That surprised her, and she turned to look in the general direction of his face, but still not meeting his eyes.
“You’re curious? About me?”
“Sure am. There's the sitting in random spots thing, your mystery book, how you're so focused you don't react to people gawking and talking about you right next to you…”
He counted with his fingers, amused but genuine.
“There's obviously a lot going on in there. I’m curious about what sorts of ideas you have. Art isn't exactly the biggest thing around the city, after all.”
She had to take a moment to take in his words.
“It's nothing special, really. Just stories, imaginary situations and encounters.”
“A bit of fantasy added to the ordinary, eh? That's fun. Care to give me an example?”
A bit nosy, maybe, but he was interested.
She looked away for a moment, not sure if she should or whether she even could produce an example for him. He seemed genuinely curious though, so she tried, and inspiration hit when she gazed down at the docks.
“Um, like, a long-awaited reunion happening down there. A tearful embrace…”
She suddenly felt very embarrassed.
“..That's dumb, isn't it? I can-”
“No, no, no, don't worry. I can see it. A bit of a romantic, aren't you?”
She blushed a little, but shrugged with a noncommittal chuckle.
“Comes with the whole art thing, I think.”
“Heh, makes sense. I like it.”
A moment of silence. It was comfortable to him, but she felt the need to fill it.
“U-um, thanks, for, you know, always talking to me.”
He wasn't expecting that, either, and hummed in question, grinning curiously.
“...I like talking to people. It's just..difficult”, she continued, wanting her thanks to reach him properly.
“Well, I’m always down for a chat. I'll keep stopping by to bother you, then?”
“You aren't bothering me. But yeah. I'd like that. Maybe I’ll learn some tips and tricks from the master of social skills”, she joked with a soft smile.
“Sounds like a plan.”
And so they continued their occasional chats. He often ended up stopping people to talk with them, anyway, but it was nice to have confirmation that he actually wasn't bothering her.
His company gradually helped her relax and learn to imitate some of his social techniques, like asking questions and using more open body language.
Eye contact was still an issue for her, though. And to Sethos’ surprise, it bugged him a little.
He was straightforward and social, so eye contact came naturally to him. Not everyone he talked with looked back into his, so he knew it wasn't easy for everyone. And, to be fair, his eyes were kind of intense, which was a blessing and a curse sometimes.
Yet, somehow, he couldn't shake the thought of wanting to meet her eyes. She was always looking somewhere else when they talked. Usually her sketchbook.
Still, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable, so he did his best so she could relax when they chatted. He wouldn't push her, make her feel like she had to do it.
He had only met her eyes once, by accident that time she handed him her umbrella. They were bright and curious, almost striking in the muddiness of the downpour.
He remembered them clearly.
So, instead, he focused on learning more about her and her ideas and visions, and loved telling her his stories since they seemed to inspire her to some extent.
He learned to pick up on the change in her expression when she moved from listening to him to formulating an idea.
It was cute.
He thought positively about people, appreciated their qualities, both inside and out, but it wasn't often that he considered a person cute.
That thought lingered in his mind, too.
Her reactions made her even more cute to him. She blushed at times, yes, but she was playful in return, smacking him with her pencil or broom or rolling her eyes with that amused smile of hers. And she gladly showed him her work now.
He didn't think it affected how he interacted with her, but he unconsciously became a bit more friendly, almost flirty at times. He often grinned when they talked, initiated playful physical contact - like poking or gently kicking her - and couldn't help but give her tons of honest compliments, especially on her art.
One time after their brief chat when she was working, he was left with a single thought in his mind:
“Heh, shucks. I like her.”
It wasn't a world changing revelation, just made him connect the dots and realize how much his way of interacting with her had changed.
…And he was pretty sure she liked him too.
He kept interacting with her like usual, honestly just enjoying what they had. A comfortable friendship with banter, intrigue and plenty of laughter.
But it would be a lie to say that he wasn't also gauging more on what she could be feeling.
He picked his best stories, told them with a bit more flair, and gave her more casual compliments.
And, well, if their knees happened to touch when they were talking, or his playful pokes lingered on her skin a moment too long to be read as platonic, he didn't make a big deal out of it.
One day Sethos caught her sketching on a sturdy branch of the Divine Tree, easily accessible but not immediately visible to the townsfolk.
He chuckled and approached her, nimbly making his way to her in the tree.
“You're an enigma, you know that?” he grinned as he sat down next to her.
“It’s simple, really. The view is great from here. So many people to see, so much inspiration to gather.”
He looked down. The citizens were enjoying their evening activities; entering and exiting the tavern, boats docking, adventurers returning to get their rewards for their daily commissions.
It was interesting. He preferred to be mingling down there with them, but stepping back and watching the hustle and bustle from a different angle made him appreciate it in a new way.
He might not have lived in the city for long, but watching all those people do their thing made him realize how lucky he was to be around so many people nowadays. He grew up in the desert, with only the people of the temple as his company, after all.
He was gazing down with a gentle and slightly solemn expression, happy to be where he was now. He had friends, connections, and now… her, too.
He turned to look at her, about to share his appreciation for the view too, but to his surprise, he met her eyes. She had been watching him, curious about how quiet he went and what he was thinking of.
Her eyes held a hint of worry, but enough affection to make him stumble with his words. This time it was Sethos who broke eye contact, turning to look back down.
“Y-yeah. I get it. All those people have their own lives and stories to tell.”
“Exactly!” she chuckled and pointed the end of her pencil at him. “A gold mine of inspiration and ideas.”
They both loved getting ideas from people, huh? Their ways were different, sure, but maybe they were pretty similar, after all.
Stories, curiosity, ideas and inspiration. They worked well together.
That train of thought suddenly made him feel the need to communicate his feelings to her. Like his soul was calling out, wanting to connect with this girl whose company he had been enjoying more and more.
“You know, you remind me of the Moon sometimes”, he started, fittingly artistic for what he was about to do.
“Sounds fun and poetic. Care to elaborate?”
“You're always present, I just gotta know where to look. Mysterious, but mesmerizing.”
“Hehe, thank you.”
She smiled, but didn't seem to catch the full meaning of his words, so he continued.
“What I’m trying to say is, I like you. You draw my attention in a way no one else does.”
Well that definitely caught her attention.
Their eyes met again, and he nodded, not ashamed or embarrassed, but ever so slightly nervous.
“You do?”
She cleared her throat to answer him.
“...I always thought you were like the Sun. You're warm, fun, and easily draw people to you.”
She wasn't as calm as he was, but hoped her indirect poetic message reached him too.
“Does that mean what I think it does?” he couldn't help but ask, a hopeful grin on his face.
She moved her gaze down and nodded.
“I-I like you too. I feel like I can relax around you.”
Both sat in silence, soft and giddy grins on their faces, taking in the big words hanging in the air.
They turned to look back down at the citizens buzzing around the streets, the shy mood eventually becoming comfortable again, and moved on into imagining what kinds of adventures the people below them had experienced today.
Their fingers soon found each other and intertwined slightly as they sat together.
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aleiiii · 6 months
What are the top 3 embarrassing moments for Wukong and Macaque whenever they are trying to impress Na? Like you're trying to impress someone, and it does not turn out the way you wanted, like you trip, or stub your toe.
And that person thinks it's cute and will bring it up casually, and your face just gets all sorts of red.
HEHE this got me thinkin of some goofy scenarios
Yknow when Wukong sent that letter to MK, and its was really scratchy and probably had a bunch of spelling errors... I would imagine that he was trying to write her a love letter and Na couldn't make out what he was trying to say and took it to MK to try and decipher. And at the end, she gets embarrassed cause he wrote really corny things to his lovebird and MK has to sit there reading it out loud. Na telling Wukong about the debacle and getting really red from embarrassment
From Macaque it's probably something that he drew, and knowing Na and how often she draws tries to impress her with something. He really thought he ate up that drawing. Na involuntarily gave a little chuckle at how cute this probably looks, Mac getting a lil conscious if this was a good reaction or not. Na seeing how flushed he's getting, she reassures him that she loves the drawing and, all is well. (yall know that video that's like "I sat here and posed for 10 minutes, lemmie see the product", this is the same energy)
A last one, maybe both of the boys are like racing to see who can get to Na first, winner gets to have her for the rest of the day. Both are neck n neck, so very close to her, lots of shoving and pulling. Right as they are about to reach out to her, they get caught in each other's capes and they both tumble right in front of her. Na begins to scold them like an angry mother, telling them not to run indoors. Both are sitting there embarrassed, exchanging a few glares at each other. No one won that day.
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critterbitter · 9 months
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Asks and responses under cut!
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First to note! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THESE ASKS. I REALLY APPRECIATE YALL. That aside, lemme get cracking! @drakeling7413 AWE MAN THANK YOU! I just started playing B2 with a friend (we're... not doing a nuzlocke anymore because we both got full team wiped at Clay's gym. That exadrill's built different man.) But I'm glad to bring back some of that whimsey! @bluemimikyu As an eel defender I am VERY glad to hear that! Good luck with tynamo though, they evolve at a disgustingly high level and they're... well, I don't want to say weak but they're a bit difficult to use against anybody not water or flying, from personal experience. (I love eelektross though. Levitate my beloved...) @ashnesspokemon ADLSKJFLKSDJ THANK YOU!!! I have SO many thoughts about them. We've seen them as rat children. We've seen them as sad old men. Today, I offer you-- gangly teenagers interning at Gear Station and Scheming in the meantime. (Plus elesa! The more I draw her the more I love her, ah... I've always been a sucker for trios. ((looks dead eyed at botw and hollow knight))). I do intend to draw them older later on, but that's a timeline I will Not Nail Down anytime soon hehe. @64s-art-blog Emmet has eel rights, Ingo has lamp rights. (But you're right. He should have thrown eelekrik. The comedic apparel would have been incredible.) @aroacepokefan First of all (points at your user name) AYYY. (Points at this characterization of Ingo). AYYY??? Second of all, thank you I LOVE moles and drillbur's perfect. @asperanna Oh boY OH BOY OKAY SO. I am prrrrobably not gonna draw anymore conventional starters AU cause I have a lot of wips I have to handle of the current comics, BUT Ingo would have a unovan samurott. and then when he gets heebie jeebied into hisui, he would have a HISUIAN Samurrott. And then when the two samurotts meet, they would be like the spiderman pointing meme. But because this is also a sandbox, if you ever wanna run with the hisuian samurott idea please go for it! Free real estate, just remember to credit so I can sneak in and spectate the art. @submasfan SLJLDSFJSLDK TY!!!! I am definitely gonna have to slow down at somepoint so I can work on commissions again (ah... maybe I should open a patreon... to feed myself. hmm.) BUT I APPRECIATE THE EXCITEMENT. The submas brain is real. @magicfeatherbean4 (sweats) This is where I tell you they only appear for like... five lines. BUT YOU SHOULD PLAY BW! I miss the 2d pokemon aesthetic, and BW nails that in the head. ((Its okay we can sit on the sidelines and admire the muppet men do their daily commute within the depths of the train.)) @rudeboimonster I'm so glad you caught the stims! Character consistency is an important rule I hold close to my heart, so seeing people notice the little details I add makes me grin like a loon.
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self-indulgentmanic · 2 months
This is gonna be a special ask but draw what u would do if ur were in death mark world. Let me peak into your psyche for uuuuhhhhhhh social experiment
Did NOT expect to get an ask like this but omg u just opened something dangerous (im about to be super annoying /lh) I've had sketches for a while so nows my excuse to post em hsuadhsa
I couldnt decide between being just a normal human mark bearer or a ghost so I decided to go with both <33 Not sure what kinda psychological analysis you can get from this but I wanna see whats yalls guesses from the stats huhu
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Character Desc: "An artist with a strange sense of aesthetics, and is particularly fond of the unsightly, the grotesque, and anything that makes her heart jump. A bit airheaded, carefree, and not quite well-versed in reading social cues. She seems to believe to have hidden her eccentricity well, which is far from the truth."
Profile: Hobbies: Drawing, Writing Likes: Anything that scares her [which is a lot of things], Public speaking Dislikes: Letting people down Legend: Managed to talk about her interests for 3 hours straight
Her mark is on the center of her chest, which she got from being lost at a friend's party and accidentally bumped into a spirit.
When picked as a partner: "I'll do my best! ...But don't expect it to be good please"
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And then heres my ghost hehe [i alr got a whole story for her but this post is long enough already Idk lmk if y'all actually want it lol] [but i also wanna see how yall interpret her design]
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cvsmixnaya · 2 years
aot cast with an art student partner
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pairings: various!aot x art student!reader
pronouns: none used but its gender neutral.
a/n: these are for my art babes out there. coming from an art student which is me‼️ i’ll do fashion next cause i’m into that too😋 enjoy this random ass headcanon. also the middle pic is my art hehe
he’s more of a music guy but art and music go hand in hand and i’m here for it. hell he’ll even play tunes on his guitar while you’re working on art projects cause it’s so relaxing. if he’s not playing on the guitar he’ll play music on a speaker and just sit with you and watch you work. sometimes you two are fighting over what song to play it’s actually hilarious. you will want lana del rey and he will want post malone. yall take turns to play music but you both can agree on arctic monkeys. this guy won’t admit but he loves watching you do your art. he just loves how focused you look. overall he can be a jackass cause it’s eren but you two get along perfectly because like i said, music and art go hand in hand
you guys just don’t understand how much i love this man OH MY GOD. he admires you and your artwork so so much he keeps complimenting you and you just look at him like ‘🥹’ ok idk if it’s just me but it’s always the art students or any kind of design student that has such good fashion and that’s what armin also loves so much about you. he loves all the different outfits you pull off he literally said “you are the definition of ‘wear the dress don’t let the dress wear you” like OMG???? KISS ME??? but this guy does not like it when you stay up late working on art projects and consuming a shit ton of caffeine. he forces you to go to bed and work on it the next day cause he cares about your health and you cannot stop him. He loves watching you work and if you needed anything while working he will get it for you. in general he’s such a cutie and a sweetheart and i love him sm and if anyone hurts him, it’s over for you
i feel like she would be an art student too so she understands the work and stress that goes down in assignments and tests. occasionally you two would sit together and work on your assignments together but most of the time yall prefer doing it separately. it’s nothing personal but you two agreed that nothing would get done so it’s better to do your thing alone. mikasa honestly admires your creativity so much and is just so impressed by your talent. she’s just so proud of you she’ll be like “that’s my partner!!” but plzzz i beg you to compliment her art because it makes her so happy that you think she has potential when she really does :(( sometimes you sit at starbucks with her and go over some ideas and brainstorm together, showing rough ideas while drinking iced coffee
he really loves the quietness in the room with some music playing through the speaker connected to your phone. it’s not anything loud or chaotic. mainly cigarettes after sex cause it’s giving levi so much. he tends to give some suggestions with your work on how it can be better and most of the time they’re actually helpful and you look at him with squinted eyes wondering if he’s secretly an art student. he likes you watch you work while he drinks his tea and you drink your iced coffee or redbull (i love redbull sm). at night however, oh god. you love art so much that you’re willing to stay up till 2 am drawing random things and it’s not even an assignment. this man is DRAGGING you to bed and your literally just fighting for your life to go back and finish that sketch but he makes you sleep and you get so pissed about it but fall asleep when your head hits the pillow😭
they’re like armin but with some extra energy. they are genuinely so curious with what you work on and what kind of materials you use. if you’re working on a canvas they love seeing how well you use acrylic paints and mix them to make a new colour and they find it so aesthetically pleasing and they don’t know why. they just stare at you like a god/goddess with heart eyes. they love it so much they asked you to teach them basics. you of course said yes but poor hange just could not understand what was happening i feel so bad for them. you both came to the conclusion that hange was not made for art but they still admire it.
this bastard literally teases you but you know he means well. he actually helps around a lot which shocks you. if you needed something, he will speed run to get whatever you need. let it be water, paint, tissue. whatever it is, he suddenly becomes a track star and gets what you need. even though he teases you, he loves what you do knowing damn well he can’t do it. he does tend to distract you though just so you can pay attention to him while you’re working and you just look at him like ‘boy wtf-’ but in the end, he’s so proud of you and he does love you. he just likes to make fun of you but dw he’s a sweetheart and doesn’t mean it. he just has ego issues PFFTT
live laugh love art😇‼️‼️
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destroyabez · 2 years
A Songcord
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First time drawing Ronal! I really like how she came out Spider on the other hand I do not but eh so um context!! This is in the hi'i'tsyil te fkew'weopx tonowari'itan au by @dirtytransmasc it's basically just Ronal and Spider (Or should I say Hi'i'tsyil hehe) bonding with Ronal singing new things into Spiders songcord, the one he made when he was younger. I am just a sucker for this au so um yeah! So I wrote a fic for this and I have a song that fits with it and imma show yall!!!!
First is the song
And next is the fic hehe!!
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The sound of the crashing waves calmed Spid- no Hi'i'tsyil a little as both he and Ronal walked just west of Awa'atlu
He was still getting used to his new name, he was trying to get used to a lot of things currently
He almost couldn't believe what had happened these past few weeks with the war, him being adopted by Tonowari and Ronal, the Sullys... and a whole lot of other things he didn't want to think about at the moment
He looked out at the shore of Awa'atlu, it never fails to take his breath away
Especially with Eclipse nearing it made it so beautiful that Hi'i'tsyil wished it would never end
"Ma Hi'i'tsyil, we are here" Ronal's voice broke his trance as she gently took his arm
Hi'itsyil looked at Ronal and slightly behind her and found a small mauri behind them
"Uh Sa'nu? Where are we?" He was also getting used to calling Ronal mom but it seemed like she loved it
"Somewhere safe Yawntutsyìp, somewhere we can talk" Ronal answered with a smile as she moved her arm and beckoned him to go in before her
Hi'i'tsyil knew he could trust her but there was still some fear, he mentally shook his head and walked to the Mauri
Climbing up before turning around and holding out his hand to the still pregnant Ronal
She gratefully took his hand as she said "Ma txal tìsraw si kop irayo si" His mother reverted to Na'vi as she held her belly while Hi'i'tsyil helped her up
"Kea tìkin fpi+ irayo Sa'nu" he responded in Na'vi as well with a smile
"Ay ma parultsyìp" she smiled down at him when she got up into the Mauri
She moved her arm to show him the place, it was a small and looked cozy. In one corner it had a reed pallet with a large hand woven blanket on top
In the other corner that showed the other side of the island and Eclipse had a few pillows and another hand woven blanket
There was already food prepped and it made Hi'I'tsyil's mouth become wet with hunger
It was Dinicthoid, Episoth seeds, and Yovo fruit
Ronal chuckled and patted his shoulder when she noticed his expression
"Za'u" she walked towards the food and beckoned him
He followed her and helped her sit down before sitting himself
"Ay, nga lu keng titstunwinga`" she said as she picked up the bowls of food and passing most of it Hi'i'tsyil
He blushed slightly "Irayo si Sa'nu" he gratefully took the bowls and grabbed his cannula nasal, putting it on before moving to the Dinicthoid and grabbing a piece before slowly eating it
He savored the taste of a few spices on the fish "Sa'nu fl'u ftxìlor" he told her with so much happiness in his voice that Ronal felt like she could cry
Especially with what she was going to do after eating, she knew Hi'i'tsyil would love it
"Yawntutsyìp rä'ä nekx nìwin" She reminded him gently as she took her own portion of the food to eat, she first took the Yovo fruit and took a bite of it
"Srane Sa'nu" he said with a little bit of attitude but did slow down in eating
After that they stayed quiet in comfortable silence while they ate, when they were done Hi'i'tsyil and Ronal moved the plates to the side for them to clean later
"Sa'nu I know that you did not just take me here for food, what is troubling you?" Hi'I'tsyil asked with concern placed in both his tone and face
Ronal smiled more at that "It is nothing bad ma Hi'i'tsyil, I just have found your songcord and wish to sing it and into it" she responded gently as she took out the small songcord
Hi'I'tsyil stiffened "Why?" He asked slowly while a burning resentment burned in his eyes as he stared at the cord
"Because I would like to know you're past Yawntutsyìp" she gently set down the songcord and cupped Hi'I'tsyil's hands in heres
She smiled when Hi'I'tsyil's posture unstiffined "Slä lumpe!" Ronal giggled as her eldest son threw attitude at her, she hissed playfully and watched as he did the same
"Alunta I tare le'aw kame ley of aynga" she responded as she moved to get the cord
"Krrpe aynga alaksi" she waited patiently for Hi'I'tsyil's reaction and response, never once letting go of her found expression
"Alaksi" he nodded and held his breath after doing so
Ronal nodded and breathed a deep breath before moving to look at the bead on the songcord, her breath even as she opened her mouth to sing the song of a once lonely child...
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Translations hehe!
Sa'nu - mother (affectionate)
Yawntutsyìp - Darling, Little loved one
Ma txal tìsraw si kop irayo si - My back hurts so thank you
Ay ma parultsyìp - Ay my child (affectionate)
Za'u - Come
Ay, nga lu keng titstunwinga - you are too kind
Irayo si Sa'nu - Thank you Mother
Sa'nu fl'u ftxìlor - Mother this is delicious
Yawntutsyìp rä'ä nekx nìwin - darling/little loved one do not consume fast
Srane Sa'nu - yes mother
Slä lumpe! - But why!
Alunta I tare le'aw kame ley of aynga - Because I see only some of you
Krrpe aynga alaksi - When you are ready
Alaksi - ready
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Some of the Na'vi got messed up but I am so tired idc, anyways tell me if yall want a part two!!!!!
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daily-rui-kamishiro · 6 months
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hello and welcome to daily rui kamishiro!!! i’m not explaining this concept you read the url. daily rui. what more do you want from us.
daily rui ☆
not daily rui ☆
doodle posting ☆
official stuff posting ☆
plushie posting ☆
other posting ☆
here are our mods!!
mod rui 🎈
~ hi hello!! (hiding all my rui merch and all my posts on my main) i’m very normal about rui kamishiro!! i prommy!!!
~ i use he/it pronouns mainly
~ i’m a very very big aroace rui (and aroace wxs fan)
~ i’ll be signing off with the tag mod 🎈 for my posts, and just 🎈 in the posts themselves
~ i don’t know what else i add here. this loser friend loving purple idiot is my everything
Mod Nene
Hi hi hello technically multiple mods in a trenchcoat (plural) but let's not talk about that :3
They/them pronouns since we don't feel comfortable specifying which alter is which here and we all have different genders
There's a decent chance you'll recognize us if you know us from main but thats fine :3
Gonna sign off with mod 🎮 in tags and 🎮 in the posts themselves. Yes we're copying Rui here dw about it
Uhhh we like the silly clown man who makes robots. Intro done 👍
Mod Tsukasa 🌟
- I very much enjoy the silly purple fella
- she/her pronouns :3
- Very self-indulgent hcs about the silly around these parts, he's incredible and I love him
- I'll sign off with mod 🌟 in the tags and 🌟 on posts because consistency
- Hehe Rui
mod saki :3
• hihi!! how do you do an intro please help
• they/them, if you feel a little silly u can use star neos but no pressure :D
• will be signing off as mod 🎹 in the tags and just 🎹 in the posts
• Normal™️ about the he. other favs include the Tenma siblings and the rest of wxs!
• everyone else has a 5th dot but idk what to put here uhhh i've been told i act like the mizuki to my friends ruis so take that as u will >:3
☄ i already draw ruikasa daily so im basically prepared for this
mod honami 🥁
☄ i use he/him, will sign off with 🥁
☄ very self indulgent rui design i hope yall dont mind
☄ thats it really im just an aroace honaruikasa oshi (not ship) (except for ruikasa therye a qpr in my heart) ok bye bye
mod Emu 🍬
★ I use they/them and sign off with 🍬 or mod 🍬
★ I have no idea what I'm doing half the time but I'm trying my best nonetheless. Please be considered of this.
★ absolutely hate the purple lad. I have no idea why I'm here. /j
★ I will actively showcase this behaviour by creating many different types of posts about him.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
aww I'm gonna miss the Cove icon but who's the lady? 030
help i got so confused for a sec i totally forgot i changed my pfp but then I realized n pls I've never closed genshin faster...
the cove icon is such a staple tho!!! I hope yall recognize me without it but I trust my regular horny posts will be all you need anyway LOL
altho it may or may not come back some time after October yk, I was just tryna get in the spooky mood n stuff hehe but we'll see bc I am Crazy over this lovely lady here
well.. ngl she's nameless right now. but she is my 3rd baxter child, yes I'm still on that bc yall ruined me w baxters kids being colorful n shit n now I like to laugh abt his child's fashion choices becoming progressively more colorful n crazier than his....
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BUT TO INTRODUCE MY GIRL A BITTTT (also I'm literally drawing smth else for her n I didn't expect to reveal her like this but... she's everything to me n I cranked this out in like 3-4 hours bc I'm crazy)
anyway, she's Very into gyaru fashion, specifically n mostly kogal and kuro
she's looks like a cinnamon roll, will beat your ass!!!, I'm thinking she does competitive ballroom dancing like baxter or she can at least dance well enough to wear you out n tell you you suck
she's sarcastic, has the worst RBF of the whole family. at least baxter n theo look like they're just smug flirty assholes n aurelia looks more approachable in comparison to this lovely lady here.
also she has a heart shaped freckle. it's faint n you can't even rlly tell here but it's under her eye (I realize all my baxters children have one under their eye but idc. I am ONTO SOMETHING)
anyway.. her n theo are besties and baxter has to check in at night bc they'll be in her room painting each others nails n doing nail extensions or dying her hair (its 2 toned if you havent guessed, ive seen it sm n im obsessed n so she had it okay) like go to SLEEP YOU HAVE SCHOOL TMRW!!!
just thought abt it. she's obsessed w true crime, food, makeup, and stationary videos, and the stardew valley/the sims
also just decided she is soon for the ladies. I'm thinking lesbian n demisexual, mmm
don't ask how, just know that it's true.
hates pickles. she is me. she is my child... omg Aurelia likes pickles. I was gonna say theo but he's a ramble for another time omfg I am thinking SO MUCH
anyway... ik you didn't ask for a ramble abt my oc but I will take this and run w it okay
she is very introverted but when she picks friends you are now 4lifers okay you cannot get rid of her n why would you want to? you life was a mess before her. trust. /j /lh
she's like baxter so much in the way she worries n has insecurities n stuff, honestly I think she inherited the identity crisis thing baxter got going on over there
also is the youngest and very much an accident (just like aurelia, dw they're FINE everyone laughs abt baxters reaction now which I will make a bit of later bc I'm thinking many thoughts abt the boys finding out mc is preg) so she's a bit spoiled bc her siblings were at least 9 n loved her sm when she was born
(imagining theo passing her to you or baxter n running away when she had a dirty diaper... pls thats so funny)
now ik what it's like to jump at any chance to talk abt your ocs n how fucking crazy it makes you.... I am unstoppable now
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eomma-jpeg · 4 months
for the ask game, sorry if these have already been asked!
8, 10, 14, 17, 25, 27+28 :)
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
i already answered this, but what a shame! it is my college au and this first "book" is gonna be about the vashmeryl relationship coming to fruition, and the sequel will be them working through some loooong time trauma and issues, but together !
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
oh months, certainly. i have wips and drafts rn that are just sitting.... waiting for me to return LOL
i try to go back and finish the chunks i have and not leave them like,,, halfway done, but i do have a vashmeryl wip i started.... over a year ago? and still have not finished it lol
14. where do you get your inspiration?
honestly from other media i watch. i'm currently planning out a trigun dancer au and i was motivated because of Strictly Ballroom, a silly Baz Lurhman movie (please watch it the romance is so cute and it takes itself so seriously)
also from my friends !!! @squid789 is such a good person to bounce ideas off of and has inspired (i stole her ideas) a few aus
17. talk about your writing and editing process
so... ideally i do what i did for in the meadow where I wrote and wrote and wrote,,, and then just constantly went over chapters with edits and rewrites until it was time to post.
with itm i was always at least 3 chapters ahead and had the time to go back and check through chapters, make sure everything flowed well, ensure continuity... but with my newer works it hasn't been like that.
I have good grammar and spelling in general and i also use The Internet to write on so it gets spell checked, but i don't take nearly as much time to edit my work as i'd like to anymore
im a sleepy teacher who just wants to post her fanfiction T-T
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
so i love doing embroidery. im currently working on a cross stitch project that has been very relaxing
i love to sing. i cannot express to yall how much i love singing. it is seriously my favorite thing to do. i love music and expressing my feelings through song. i lovvvvvvvvvvve to sing (im pretty good too hehe)
i sew and draw (SOMETIMES) and i cook. i do a lot of things! i love to explore just various arts and crafts
27. your favorite part of the writing process
i just love creating. i love putting ideas on the page and getting the content that i want... because i love the writing of others (and i do apologize) but there is always something that isn't for me
but thats because it wasn't written for me!! it was written for the author
and thats why i write,,,, because i want something specific
and i love romance and it gives me the power to make my blorbos kiss >:)
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
putting the ideas on the page T-T
im a bit stuck right now with what a shame mostly because i keep doubting myself WHOOPS
but its so hard when i cant decide with idea will be best
IMPORTANT LACE ADVICE: it doesn't matter what idea you get down, just get something down. once you have something down, you can change it or decide if you even still want it. the hurdle is getting the idea down!
thanks goo !!!!
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wellfell · 1 year
some spicy headcanons about your local horror gremlin . 🤍✨
first of all , yall , overstimulation . you could have already done it twice , in the car , and she'll still want to be railed against the car inside the parking lot . she'll be practically in love with you , if she wakes up in the morning and her partner is already wanting her . i don't know if it sates her need to be craved or that she just likes tiring herself to the point she's just a whimpering , crying mess on the bed . but that's her thing .
pay attention to her tits . 😔 it doesn't even have to be anything grand or rough , just the fact that holding then while you're pounding inside her is a turn on . or just drawing little shapes on them while she's clothed , and yall talking ; if you do that don't expect her to continue the conversation thanks .
how can you know she's in the mood ? well , it's not that hard to see it most of the time . she's playing with her hair while she's staring at you , she's guiding her partner's hand to her thigh / cleavage , making an excuse to ask them to play with her necklace hehe . or just straight up telling you , coming up to you like ' let's go somewhere quiet i wanna show you something . ' adkfklslaa
she doesn't really like ' dirty talking ' during it ; yeah sorry sorry . but she's not listening to you most of the time if you do that , she prefers groans and moans . and yeah she loves loud guys ( she can be a screamer if she's really pushed to that point too - ) but talking ? nah . before it though , she likes to hear you explain what will happen .
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leossmoonn · 3 years
ooooh here we go
dad!matt time !!!
training his lil princess to be the best lawyer ever by bringing her to the office all the time (bc yall homeschool her) and she "takes notes" during client meetings (when in reality she's just drawing pictures of her dad and her uncle foggy) and then she gives it to matt and he frames it and hangs it so everyone can see it omg im a sobbing mess
I’m in public and smiling so hard rn UGH. MATT WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD DAD.
No bc Matt would spoil his daughter. And you have to be the “bad cop” and be like “no… you already have so many Barbies ” and your daughter isn’t a brat. Like y’all raised her to know when no means no and shit but Matt sometimes is like “what… there is no such this as too many Barbies! You want five? I’ll give you ten!”
Omg omg omg omg omg omg I’m dying help. Too cute.
And going back to the office thing, your daughter (let’s call her… Jackie. If you didn’t know I like naming character’s children’s name after their parents or smth and as you know, Jack is Matt’s dad’s name so hehe) is dressed up in her finest power suit and everyone knows that when Jackie walks in, its business time
“Is this a fucking art gallery?”
and Matt is like “yes now appreciate my daughter’s work while I try to not get you framed for murder”
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notsodailycake · 2 years
Alright these have been off in my gallery for a while- but I've been meaning to share them
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My silly little wacky family
This is from my human au Fazbear's Popstars! I haven't shared much about it, but i got a whole ass google docs file with the au's timeline, story, and characters lmao, i can maybe share some screenshots of that for yall if ya want
Or just the link to it maybe idk 🤷‍♀️
But MAN, i love this au so much, i could go all out crazy and info dump about them-
But to keep it short, Freddy's actual name is Gabrial, and his is Sir Fazbear's son (there's more to it and the og gang but imma leave yall to be curious and ask questions about it 😌 bc i miss interacting with yall as well-)
Gregory is Freddy's bio kid. The mom was just someone Freddy had a one night stand he accidentally got pregnant, but he never knew it bc she left before he woke up. She later on just left the newborn to his arms and left (again alot more to this, like why and how Freddy met this woman and did the deed lol)
The sassy queen over here is my oc Beeanca Queen, she was introduced here, i haven't shared alot of her yet tho, but i have a few plans to introduce her now that i got free time, her actual name is Destiny in this au
She's gonna be Freddy's gf/fiance on the au, marriage comes in a bit later. She's Greg's momma bee. Her and Freddy's dynamic came with the silly thought of, bears have the reputation of liking honey, bees make honey....you get the picture
Oh and Rammy is in this au as well. This au is the human version of my own au where Rammy is from, which the au is currently unamed as i haven't focused on it as much lol, but since it's just the og world just with my ocs, there isnt much to be talked about other then my oc's roles
There's also gonna be a few variations to this au where i mix things up with my buddy's @moth-berry human au, with her oc Quinnie, whom i very much love 🤲💞💞💞
Also also, this is my new favourite artstlye. Not really what imma do often, but it's quite easy to do when it comes to simple quick drawings
Tho definitely not easy (for me) to make it a full piece, or a comic, but it works to do quick ref sheets or just silly characters show off
I basically just doodle sum on paper, take a picture and transfer to ibispaint, go to the option of removing the white color of the picture. It won't look any different, until you take a layer underneath and color it, the picture is transparent. So i can just color in and once i remove the picture layer, i can just add quick in details and I'm done
It's so easy and fun, i kinda wanna draw more like that hehe
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cali-kabi · 3 years
Hello ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I’m Sydney (she/her) ☆ 18 ☆ 🇺🇸🇦🇺🇵🇪 I love to draw cute things I like and other stuff as well (*´꒳`*)💕✨I do both traditional and digital art ^^ I love to draw Kirby stuff >w< Other stuff I love are Super Mario and Pokémon :D💫 (multifandom🌟) I have lots of headcanons and such hehe :) ☆ I also love Adventure Time, Amphibia, Steven Universe, and the Owl House🦉
~ Rainbow Dee Introduction Post :)🌈🎀🌸
~info about my moth knight oc Hunter ^^🦋
~stuff about my Kirby Au ^^✨☀️🌙 this post its from last year by now I made a few changes :0 it’s in my comics ^^
~ my Mario and Kirby AU Headcanons💫🍄
~ Kirby gifts Galacta his very own Star Rod✨, and some info of my version of Dark Galacta Knight💜✨💫
~ my ref sheets of some of the Kirby characters✨Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, Tiff, Tuff, my oc fairy girl Aria, Sword, Blade, Magolor, Taranza 🍄🌸
~ my mirror & phantom designs of the GSA and some of the KRBAY cast ✨💜🌙
~ my waddle dee oc Cinnamon :)🍄💜
~ my Elfilin oc, Marcy :) she’s cotton candy colored <3🍬🌸
~ my Mario ocs Sydney (Toad Sona), Lily, Estrella, Cynthia, Star Guy and Candy :)🌟💫🍄🍭
🌟~ my knight oc Eamon💜🌟💫
🌟~ GSA Members with Magical Wings Headcanons
💫~ Au Sword Knight and Blade Knight🔥🌊
💫~ my art tag #sydney’s art
🌟~ my tag whenever I talk about things and such #sydney talks or #sydney speaks
💫~ my Pokémon mystery dungeon custom art icons tag #Sydney’s mystery dungeon icons :D🌟🍄making a tag cuz I love making these :)
🌟~ my ask box tag #Sydney’s askzbox 💫you can send asks about my au or oc’s if your curious hehe :)🍭
🌟~ my twitter (not calling it X I love the blue birdy) is @/cali_kabi , my cara is @/cali-kabi , my bluesky is @/cali-kabi , my artfight is cali-kabi , I have an a03 as well but I haven’t updated that much yet :,) yeah their all the same name haha :D🌟🍬I’m mostly active on here tho xD.
💫~ feel free to draw any of my characters or anything related to my AU if you like please @ me if you do it will make me so happy and my day <3🍄⭐️
🌟I don’t know how much I’ll be active here but I’ll try my best ;w;💫✨my askbox is always open :D🌸
~ If anyone is rude to me about my art/writing or makes me feel uncomfortable it’s a instant block ;0; also if your request something pls don’t expect me to 100% draw it I’m slow ^^’ pls absolutely NO NSFW/ anything inappropriate cuz it makes me feel very uncomfortable >< don’t spam follow me and don’t expect me to follow back cuz it’s kinda rude overwhelming I’m a very shy person ;-; sorry if I vent every now or then for no reason I just don’t want to hold my thoughts in.. :,0 I overthink stuff sometimes and have high levels of anxiety that explains why sorry if it’s sudden I vent :,)
From time to time I post about my oc’s or talk about my headcanons :) the links are here on this post <3
~ 🌸 Sydney 🌸
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🌟thanks again for looking at my arts or reading my au wishing you well <3🌟🌊 yep this picture collage here is a list of my fav characters I got most of thems down here I actually have a bit more than this enjoy anyways xD🌟🌈
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> Their Plus Size F!s/o wearing a sundress. 18+ [HCs]
note: 18+ because it is sundress with no panties on weather hehe. Enjoy the naughty foolishness with Atsushi and Yosano!
content: nsfw, fxf action, reader is menace here haha
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oh, our poor atsushi lmfao
he didnt realize anything at first
he just thought you looked super cute in that pretty light blue sundress you decided to wear for the day
it was hot out, and so were you so why not???
yall had the day off so you decided to go on a date to the boardwalk
atsushi couldn't keep his eyes off you for a damn second
how could he? when you looked so good? your thick thighs were on display. your cleavage? immaculate. and you just looked so soft and
and the loose, flowy material of the dress didnt help at all
especially when, as you walked, he was a few steps beside you and... he could tell after one look at your behind
you weren't wearing any panties.... the way your ass jiggled as you walked was indication enough
atsushi almost died
you heard a weird noise from him and you stopped and turned to look at him
poor man was RED, literal steam coming from his ears
"are you insane?"
his voice cracked, he couldn't look you in the face, and it suddenly dawned on you
and a mischievous smirk grew on your face
"now... why would you ask that?" you were teasing him now and you almost laughed as atsushi swayed on his feet
"you're not... you're not wearing any..."
you giggled, leaning in to hug your boyfriend "panties? no, hehe. i figured you notice sooner or later"
atsushi gulped, especially as you leaned against him, body soft against his. his pants were feeling a lil too tight "you..."
you blinked innocently at him, drawing circles on his chest with your finger. "yes, baby?"
god you knew how to rile him up
"lets go home"
and you did so... atsushi's fingers twitching the entire way, while you looked all too pleased with yourself
that's okay though... you were singing a different tune when as soon as you walked in the door, atsushi was all on you
and you ended up crying as he had you bent over, dress still on and bunched around your waist
atsushi had a tight grip on it, keeping it from blocking the great view of your ass jiggling while he fucks you ❤
"i... never want you to take this dress off..."
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can i just say... i love when women ❤
anyway... yosano knew as soon as she met you at the mall lol
you looked so cute... your dress was a nice cream color with pink flowers
yosano just wanted to eat you up
especially when she realized your pantily-less self
she scoffed, mostly to herself as she looked at you incredulously
"akiko? whats wrong?"
"nothing, sweetheart. let's go."
her disbelief quickly went away tho, now she was just aroused by the thought of you essentially being bare
you could just simply bend over and--
but you wouldn't, cause yosano was the only one who can look at you
so why oh why would you do this?
simple. to play. stir her up.
but yosano went along with the day with hardly a word about it
she didn't even look upset :(
maybe she really didn't notice and you took this risky move for nothing
that made you pouty, your cute chubby cheeks puffed out as you two rode the train home
"why are you making that face, sweetheart?" yosano asks, hand on your thigh
"did you really not notice it?" ugh, your pouting was so cute
she squeezed your thigh, making you shiver. "notice what?" she asked, an edge to her voice. with one look in her eyes, and her curled up lips, you knew...
she knew, alright. the whole time.
"you can't play with me, my love."
face hot, you're silent as you get off the train and headed home
you're not so quiet when yosano has you standing in front of the full length mirror
the collar of your dress pulled down until your breasts were free
yosano holding you from behind, and all you can see is her hand up your dress, the cloth blocking your view
but you could feel her fingers deep inside of you
"a-akiko..." you whined "i wanna see..."
she just chuckles softly, kissing on your neck before nibbling on your ear lobe. her voice is low and a bit husky as she whispers
"no ❤"
that's what you get
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Send a request here!
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Pls take this random assortment of dsmp “hcs” (which is actually just me rambling out my ass but we love to see it//)
- Sam just like gets really fuccn energetic in a thunderstorm... like just hyperactive but also like v strong..... also immune to electrocution :)
- He’s also like all creepers are, shit terrified of cats which is v funny considering he’s sorta friends with ant
- Even funnier if u want to take the ‘canon’ fact of ant being a whole ass 20 feet tall
- Speaking of ant and this absolutely isn’t a hc but I just find it very funny that people draw humanoid versions of all of the non human characters EXCEPT for ant who I have only ever seen drawn as a cat ghgh
- Bads skin colour is deadass vantablack like if he holds his hand in front of his face it just seemingly vanishes and you can’t pick out where his hand ends and face begins
- I want him to look terrifying.... like absolutely massive a complete unit of a man, sharp ass teeth, sharp spikes and horns, sharp claws, white glowing eyes........... but he’s just like “owo” at all times ghgh
- Skeppy has chronic pain from the diamonds growing inside his body and out of his skin... sometimes he ramps up how cheerful he is to try and hide how much pain he’s in that day
- Ranboo’s body is longer on his enderman side and so he physically can’t stand up straight unless his shorter leg is on a slope
- He’s half silverfish... mainly cause I think that’s funny like hehe both those and endermen are linked to the end/stronghold and can break blocks
- This does also mean he joins bad and skeppy in the ‘help I am v spiky’ club tho
- Also also like absolutely none of his clothes fit cause his limbs are so disproportionately long so rip his ankles in the tundra I guess
- Shortza supremacy
- Sapnap... blaze boy..... I want him to steam when he angy...... v warm to the touch and all of the dteam lay on top of him when it’s cold lmao
- George is like some weird ass mushroom man.... like he looks completely human for the most part but he’s not he just never tells anyone cause he has the mentality of ‘well no one ever asked?’ Or ‘it didn’t seem important’
- When he’s in danger the surrounding plants try to help him (like lmao there’s a war goin on? Nah just take a nap and miss out so you won’t get hurt :) )
- Imagine how much funnier the lmanberg saga would be if schlatt just looked like his profile icon rather than his mc skin.... just cute tiny sheep man in a sweater... I think it’d be like that one gif of the teddy bear slamming its head onto the table to acquire angy eyebrows
- Dreams has symmetrical white patches down the front of skin... kinda like vitiligo but not? Like deadass pure white
- I also kinda just imagine him having creepy solid black eyes ghgh (haha it’s cause he’s possessed)
- He’s immortal and kinda just snapped tbh like half the reason his actions are so manipulative, selfish and drastic are both because he’s so desperate to have control over things in his life and because low-key he kinda hopes that people will find a way to kill him off or get rid of the thing possessing him (I just want a happy ending :( make him not evil pls my poor heart can’t take a non happy for everyone ending//)
- Puffy is fluffy :) I will not elaborate further
- Revived people have creepy blacked out maybe kinda glowing eyes.... paler skin.... scars and phantom pains from their injuries....
- Phil just deadass found Wilbur hiding inside a fridge and took him home with him... wil just assumed the fridge was his mom and Phil found it too funny to correct him
- Tubbo is a moobloom hybrid and all the bees love him ok 💛
- I think it would be funny if dream just deadass can’t see shit through his mask rap considering all the feats he has done
- Phil is v old and ‘wise’ but is also fairly detached from reality as a result cause he can’t really remember what earlier parts of his life were like to understand how other people act
- I also think it’d be hilarious if he ironically had like 0 life skills... cooking? He’s shit at it. Sleep schedule? Never heard of it. Taxes? Isn’t that a state?
- The floors in the tundra trios homes are constantly being ruined by techno having hooves and Phil and maybe ranboo having claws... like u no how u can like dent and scrape a wooden floor with heels? Kinda like that
- Speaking of those three I also think it’d be very funny if they all collectively became useless or started fighting in the presence of a gold block cause like 👀 ‘oo gold/hehe shiny/hold block’ mentality
- Quackity can shapeshift.... but he’s like a ditto and always has the :] face.... mmm also maybe keeps any scars he has
- His ability to control this decreases the more he dies
- So like u could he talking to him and just suddenly he looks like someone else or like a weird mishmash of people and just hasn’t noticed lmao totally not freaky at all
- Literally non of the tundra trio are equipped for the weather like u have someone from the hot af nether, bird man who’d realistically be prone to hypothermia and someone who’s allergic to water like lmao why do yall live here what is wrong with you
- I want niki to just be very exasperated by this fact
- I want her to bake goods for her friends... tailored to their tastes.... cheer up food :)
- Also i forget when she changed her skin but I think it’d be very funny if she dyed her hair pink as an intimidation factor to tommy cause she knows he dislikes techno
- Puffy ily but I do not trust you with Tommy after the disaster that was bbh and skeppys relationship counselling
- The concept of the totems being foolish’s children is very funny to me like just the implication that he just leaves his kids in random chests for people to steal and that when they witness someone die they just explode with revive energy or something like w h a t
- Ghostbur either isn’t actually Wilbur and is just some entity pretending to be him hence the ‘poor memory’ OR him and limbo Wilbur are two halves of one entity
- I just find it v sus that he’s the only ghost that’s ever shown up... and regularly at that
- mmm tubbo hard of hearing.... relies on reading lips the best he can when to help clarify what people are saying but he can hear people well enough if they raise their voice quite loud
- cursed hc but what if ash and Zachary were somehow michael decendants and they like porkums cause he’s either originally a family friend or he just reminds them of stuff
- Ok half of these aren’t even hcs anymore and is just me rambling but who let Karl be in charge of the time travel he has such strong himbo energy
- That being said villain Karl when 👀//
- Why is tubbo like one of the smartest most accomplished people on the sever... he’s like 17..... like my man has been president, developed a new form of fast travel, has a family, developed a nuclear weapons program by himself, launched a man into space, developed a whole town and more .... like who let him have this much power he can barely read//
- I think it’d be funny if techno was just really bad at strategy games..... like ok technically he’s not bad at them but like he just spends 4 days analysing every last minute detail every round to optimise his chances of winning//
- I feel like people don’t give Jack enough credit for the fact he cheated death using nothing but spite
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
thank you @chiptrillino for tagging me in a wip game!
not quite sure what the rules are but based off of your AMAZING POST OF ART WIPS (check it out here yall chip is so talented) ive decided to just share some parts of my writing wips that i rlly like because i cannot draw whatsoever lmao
enjoy some lil snippets hehe
from heart don't stand a chance:
"Zuko couldn’t get over her eyes. She was looking past the camera towards the man who took it. Zuko could see clear as day the love she held for Sokka in her gaze.
It was a perfect moment that Sokka had captured. No wonder held it with him at all times. If someone had looked at Zuko like that, he’d never want to see anything again.
As he took in the photograph, Sokka sat next to him in silence. His hand was clutching the ring around his neck again in his fist, pressing it close to his mouth as he peered over Zuko’s shoulder to look. Zuko turned to him to compliment the picture and saw a sad fondness lingering in his eyes."
this is a scene i wrote a while ago thats gonna appear in a much later chapter. but yeah. more yue angst for you guys im so sorry.
from i love you (and that's all i really know):
"Mister Sokka," a little voice wishpered in his ear as he felt tiny pokes on his cheek, "Wake up Mister Sokka."
"Good morning to you too Izumi," Sokka responded wearily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked towards the little girl who was standing on her tippy toes to see over the edge of the bed and poke his face until he rose.
She smiled at him once she realized he was awake.
"Can we have pancakes?" She asked shyly, hiding her mouth just below the edge of the bed as she looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
That look was going to be dangerous for him later on, he could aready tell.
"Sure thing, Izumi, just let me sleep for five more minutes, mkay?" He asked as he shut his eyes again. He was exhausted from last nights events, and the sun had barely risen. How did Zuko do this?"
this is a scene from the next chapter of this fic. so much sokka and izumi bonding you guys are gonna explode hehehe.
from cherry (the mailee fic i wont shut up about that is now a whopping 19 pages):
"Mai never had to guess with Ty Lee. She always knew when Ty Lee was happy about something because she would use an obnoxious amount of exclamation points. She would send gifs of people or cartoons making outlandish expressions whenever she wanted to react to Mai’s text with a specific facial expression. Sometimes Ty Lee would even send voice memos whenever her thoughts became too long, or she got too excited about a story that her fingers couldn’t type as fast as she could speak."
hehe i love mailee.
from yours (the mailee sorority fic that i promise i did not forget about):
"Mai lifted her head off the pillow again and met Zuko’s eyes. She studied his impassive expression, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He did seem like he missed Mai and Azula, so maybe he did really just want to catch up with them.
But Mai wasn’t going to give up a golden opportunity like this.
“Tell us everything about the boy toy as well and you’ve got yourself a deal,” Mai said.
Zuko rolled his eyes and sighed, “Ugh, fine. And his name is Sokka by the way.”
“Nuance. You also have to wake up Azula.”
“No chance in hell,” Zuko scoffed, “You’re the roommate and her fellow ‘pong princess,’ wake-up duty is all yours.”
“If she murders me, it’s your fault. She’s a bitch when she’s hungover.”
“Whatever you say, Mai,” Zuko grinned before returning back to his phone."
i have decided that zuko is a little shit for this fic and no one can stop me.
from Where'd All the Time Go? (the yuekka fic that i have severe writers block with that i also promis i have not forgotten about):
"“Sokka I really think you need to take a moment and-”
“I am fine Aang, I don’t have time for a feelings talk right now. Right now I need to find the fucking chief of this damn place.” His words came out harsher than he meant, but he didn’t have the time to dwell on that.
Before Sokka could run off again to continue his search, a hand grabbed his arm. One of Arnook’s advisors, Malina, had started dragging him towards the podium.
“Do you not realize how late you are for this Sokka? The ceremony was supposed to begin with your speech nearly an hour ago-” she hissed at him as she pulled him along through the crowd.
“Malina I’m sorry but I really need to speak with Arnook it is urgent-”
“This damn speech of yours is what’s urgent right now Sokka, you can speak with Arnook later but the guests are getting antsy so you need to give your speech right. Now.”
Maline shoved Sokka towards the podium and suddenly all eyes were on him. Every guest in attendance had their focus solely on Sokka."
homeboy is stressed in this scene. things are slowly going to shit in this chapter. i promise i will update this before the end of the year. i swear. im so sorry.
from a currently untitled jetko/sukka boiling rock fic:
"“Oh good, you survived after all,” She said in a mocking tone.
Jet didn’t answer. He knew anything he said would be used against him. He didn’t know where he was. He didn’t know what was happening. But he would be damned if he showed that weakness in front of the fire nation.
“I was told you were more talkative than this,” the girl mused. There was something familiar about her, “my informants were very detailed when discussing your little teashop romance.”
I knew it. Jet snarled in his mind, That bastard betrayed me."
i want this fic to be a little darker but idk how good i am at writing darker fics because i love fluff and humor too much. this could be good angst practice for me.
from a toph and sokka fic that i wrote a while back to help me cope w some shit that i dont know if ill ever post:
"“Sokka? Are you still there?” Toph asked, the slightest hint of concern began to slip into their voice
“Tell me a story,” he was trembling. Despite all of his efforts to sound calm, he knew his voice came out trembling and scratchy and pathetic-
“Is everything okay? You don’t sound too hot,” Toph said through the phone.
Breathe, Sokka, breathe. You don’t want them to be worried, you just need to calm down.
“Please, Toph, I just,” he said through shaky breaths that weren’t nearly deep enough for him to be getting enough oxygen, “I just need a distraction. I just need to hear your voice okay?”"
nonbinary toph anyone?
from a 10 things i hate about you kataang and zukka au:
"“What? Something on my face?” the guy asked deadpanned. He rubbed at his scar as if he were wiping off a smudge of mustard, and Aang’s face went pale.
“Stop scaring the sophomores Zuko, this one’s new. He won’t get your… humor… just yet,” Ms. Wu said as she waved Aang off again.
“I’m hurt that you’d imply I’m not funny, Wu. I’m hilarious,” the senior, Zuko, said as he walked past Aang.
Aang let out a sigh of relief knowing that this Zuko guy didn’t seem all that offended by his awkwardness, and darted out of the room."
zuko is a little shit part 2. the amount of sarcasm i have dripping off of heath ledger zuko is glorious. let zuko be a little shit. i havent added to this in months but when i finish some of my other wips i cant wait to get back to this.
i have more wips and drafts saved but none of them have anything juicy or funny or interesting yet because all of them are like less than three pages so far
but yeah, heres a good chunk of sneaky peakys from my wips!
I hope you liked them!
anyone who wants to do this can totally go for it. imma tag @ambykinns @lumities and @flowers-inthepieshop (only if you all want too!!) because this was fun :)
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