#yandere bnha x winged reader
yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Hi i hope you're doing well
Can i request A Hawks with a Darling That has a Quirk called "Angel wings" they can manifest 6 wings(they are also Bigger than his)
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Warnings: reader has Stockholm Syndrome, talks about heights; if you have a fear of heights, don’t read; tracking device, and bird traits (slightly nsfw towards the end, tried to keep it as sfw). 
Authors note: Of course!! This was so incredibly fun to write; sorry if it’s short, i wrote this real quick while eating dinner. Feel free to request again, ☺️
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He thinks it’s so cool!! He's extremely happy that someone relates to him about the struggles with wings: how annoying small rooms are, how people are touchy with your wings, and the chilly air brushing through your hair while you fly. 
Now, he only has two wings, but you? His most angelic and squishable darling, who has six of them? You are hardcore. He’ll be asking a lot of questions, even if he knows the answer: “Do you... lay eggs?” -- “How many feathers do you shed per month?” -- “How much do they weigh? Wait! Can you carry me with them?”
He loves to help you groom them, clipping off the damages/non-usable ones and makes sure to be as gentle as he can. Keigo will also pry in the showers with you, wanting to wash your wings as they are huge; I mean, you can’t get all of the dirt and dust off with one quick shower, why not have two more hands who can help you better? 
When you preen, he will there, helping you sort them out. Your feathers uneven and uncomfortable? He’ll gladly rearrange them to a perfect order, making sure to press light kisses on the wings when he’s done. Having a bad back day? Don’t worry! You sweet winged-husband has back and wing lotion ready when he gets home, ordering your favorite take-out. You have scratches in the middle of your wings and can’t reach it? He’s there to help you, itching it while blowing on your wings to see them flap. 
This man uses the nicknames ‘angel’, sparrow, birdy, darling, and precious; if he’s in a teasing mood, he’ll call you his chicken nugget. 
Keigo loves to touch your pretty wings, brushing his calloused fingers through the silky white feathers. Not only will he ask to lay on them, but have the ability to smoother his face in them. 
Once he knows it’s ‘safe for you’ to leave the shared home of yours, both of you will be going on flying-trips and hang out on high buildings. Though, don’t roam too far, Hawks implanted a chip into your wings and if he sees you fly past the ‘barrier’ he set for you? He’s gonna be a bit upset.
When your feathers fall, which is normal, he will collect them and put them in a safe-keeping box in the closet near your bed; after a while, he will start to leave his feathers around on purpose, hoping you’ll take them and do the same thing.
Cuddling is quite a mess, but it works in the end. Hawks absolutely loves to be held, especially after a hard day of working; the moment your wings wrap around his, blocking out anything outside of view and the small talks you two do, it makes him feel all butterflies inside. Though, don’t be surprised to wake up in the morning, him clinging onto you like a koala... naked. 
The slight bird traits you both share make his heart speed a bit. Whenever you flap your wings or coo when you’re excited, how your feathers slightly sharpen when your annoyed, or when you stare at something a bit too long, examining the object whilst cocking your head. 
Wing and face-care routines! You bet that he’ll be massaging special oils onto your wings, digging gently into the muscles as he tickles your cheek with his own feathers. 
If you do have a rut, he’ll be taking good care of you; watching how your behavior changes, your scent, and stress level highs up. He’ll request a total month off, saying it’s a ‘family emergency’.  
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Here's my masterlist for more content. Stay well!
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thecuriousquest · 9 months
Baby Bird
Tag List: @issamomma
Warnings: Platonic yandere themes, pretend the drinking age in Japan is 21, manipulation, threats, isolation, grounding as a punishment
Request: Heyy, just wanted to say I love your writing!! Here’s a request/idea of your interested- Yandere older brother hawks when he catches u sneaking out to see your friends who he forbid u to see
Checkout my Master List here.
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“Keigie,” you sing to get his attention, calling him by an old nickname to butter him up.
“Yes, my sweet baby sister?”
“Can I go out with some friends tonight?”
Hesitantly, he looks at his watch. You can see him trying to come up with a reason to not let you go out.
“I did all my chores and homework, and it’s not a school night! I can be back before eleven. Please?”
With a hand on the back of his neck, he turns you down. “I’m sorry, I don’t think it’s good for you to be out that late.”
“Keigie, I’m nineteen! I want to go out and have some fun. Please?”
“Calm down. Yelling is only going to get you grounded.”
You can’t believe him. No, wait, that’s not true. You knew this would be a possibility. You tried to make as little excuses as you could for him by doing your homework and chores. You even waited for the weekend to come before you asked him. Taking a deep breath so you don’t get too emotional, you close your eyes and sigh.
Opening them, you look at him coldly. “Fine, Keigo, I’ll just stay in my room for another Friday night and not enjoy another weekend with my friends.” You turn on your heel and pad up to your room, slamming the door shut once you get there.
Not even thirty minutes later, he gets a call telling him he has to do a job. It’s a major threat, and his quirk is fit for the work that needs to get done. He knocks rapidly on your door. Once you tell him that he can come in, he pokes his blonde head in your room.
“I have to go to work. You stay here. I’ll take you out for ice cream when I get back. Okay? Love you, Baby Bird.”
Pouting because HE gets to go out, you cross your arms. However, you know how important “I love you” is to Keigo. This could end up being the last chance you have to say that to him.
“I love you too, Keigie.”
He smiles at you with a lopsided grin. Leaving the house, he flies away to the site of the attack.
You look at your phone and bite your lip, wondering if you could get away with it. You don’t know how long Hawks will be gone for. Sometimes, it’s only up to an hour. Other times, less frequently, he could be gone for up to five hours. It all depends on the job he’s working.
Taking a major risk, you decide to text your friends, telling them you’ll meet them at the bar.
You’re having a great time with your friends. You all ordered chips and dip. You even have tacos to munch on. Using your fake I.D, you managed to get yourself a vodka soda. You never had one before now, and it only makes you want another one.
“No, remember when Mizuki fucking fell down on the dance floor, and Y/N’s heel broke when she tried to help her up, and she ended up falling on top of Mizuki?” Hibiki bursts out in laughter as he tells the story. You’re surprised he was able to make it through relaying the events of that night because he’s about to fall out of his chair from laughing so hard.
And then he’s so drunk that he does fall out of his chair, and the entire table is giggling and chuckling. You’re slamming your fist on the table because you can’t catch your breath.
As you prepare to finish off your vodka soda with a final few sips, Hawks barges into the bar, ruining the relaxed and hilarious atmosphere you had built over the last two hours with your friends.
You didn’t realize he was there until you hear a very familiar voice yell, “She’s underage, you asshole!”
Turning around, you see Hawks shoving your waiter aside and stalking towards you. He grabs your glass. “This better be a fucking virgin if you know what’s good for you.” He takes a sniff of your drink. “Oh, you’re fucking dead. I’m going to roast you alive when we get home.”
You��re a little tipsy but not shitfaced drunk like Hibiki. Standing up isn’t difficult, and you try to walk as fast as your heels can carry you. It isn’t far.
A hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you into the chest of one pissed off big brother.
“I thought I told you to stay at the house. I’m pretty sure I made myself clear, sis.”
Feeling bold from your liquid courage, you puff your chest out, and you can see that Keigo doesn’t like it at all.
“Yeah, well, I’m sick of you always telling me what to do just because Ma and Pa aren’t around anymore. You can’t keep locking me up in my room. It’s fucking annoying.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? With all of the things I do for you, I never throw them in your face, but I do so fucking much for you. All I ask is that you obey my rules! You know the reason why I can’t let you go out on your own. I have targets on my back. Someone could kidnap you to get to me. If not hanging with your friends is the price you have to pay to stay safe, then fucking pay it because your friends don’t mean shit to me. You do. Your life is what matters to me the most.”
It must hurt your friends to hear a pro hero say he couldn’t give a fuck about them. However, his words hurt you even more. You don’t even know how to respond because you feel like he’s making so many fair points.
When your eyes lower, Keigo knows he has won the argument. He pays your tab and drags you out of the bar before flying you home. The entire way there, he contemplates how to punish you.
“How did you even find me,” you ask as you turn your head slightly so he can hear you.
“I tracked your phone. Now, be quiet. I don’t want to hear another word from you tonight.”
Once home, he decides to lock you in your room until morning. He claims he needs to cool off before giving you a punishment. You only nod your head before hearing the lock on the outside of your door click.
You can barely sleep, and when morning arrives, you feel groggy and fatigued. Keigo raps on your door loudly, knowing that it will make you regret drinking.
You groan as he opens the door. He walks in with water, two headache pills, and breakfast on a tray. He sets it down on your bedside table before taking a seat on your bed. He looks like he’s been thinking about something all night because of the little crease between his brows.
“First of all, how did you get into a bar?”
Sighing, you reach into your bedside table drawer for your wallet. You pluck your fake I.D., handing it to your brother. You rationalize that there’s no point in hiding it from him. He’ll just tear your room apart in order to find anything incriminating.
Keigo looks at you with determination. “You’re doing your schooling online for the rest of the year.”
It feels as though your stomach has been punched with an iron fist. “What?”
“You heard me. I can’t trust you, so you’re doing your classes online. I’ll show you how everything works tomorrow. This is your punishment for going out behind my back.”
“But, I want to go to school in person and see my friends!”
“Yeah, well, I wanted to go out and get ice cream with you after work, but we all don’t get what we want.”
In that moment, you attempt to slap him, forgetting his quick reflexes and experience as a pro hero. He grabs your wrist and glares at you.
“Do you really want to make it two years?”
Your lower lip wobbles as tears well up in your eyes. “No, I don’t.”
“Then apologize.”
“I’m sorry…”
Keigo releases your limb, and you turn away from him, crossing your arms. You actually can’t believe he’s going this far. Usually, he would just lecture you or ground you for a few weeks. This is entirely different. There are seven months left in the year, and he plans on grounding you for all of them just because you went out drinking with your friends.
“Hey, don’t be like that. Even though this is a punishment, I still love you. I always will. I’m doing this for you. I have to protect you from the people who might want to use you to get to me. We can still have some fun and hangout together. I’ll take you out for ice cream and pizza later on in the week if you behave yourself. Okay?”
When he doesn’t get a response from you, he reaches over and grabs your shoulder, trying to get you to look at him. Your expression is miserable. Not even pizza and ice cream could sway you into a better mood.
Tears soak your lashes and cheeks, giving your E/C eyes a glassy look.
“Can you just leave?” your breath hitches on the last syllable, and it utterly breaks your brother’s heart.
The winged hero sighs and nods. “Sure. If that’s what you want. Take your medicine and eat something. It’ll help with the hangover,” he explains as he stands up and leaves.
“I love you, Baby Bird,” he tells you right as he’s about to close the door.
Keigo stands there for a beat, waiting and hoping for you to say something in return.
Closing your eyes, you wipe your tears away. “Love you too, Keigie.”
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Hawks calling you “princess” and “gorgeous”
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welkinsky · 1 year
Those Golden Orbs - Hawks X Reader
A/N: To New People, this is a series not just random fanfics (you can find them here by the way). So sit back and enjoy as the story unpacks.
Chapter #1: So We Meet Again
Part 1 | Part 2
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One of your friends was a top hero. Not only were you her best friend but also her manager and you both traveled a lot because of her work. It's not like you hated it or anything.
She was one of the top-ranking heroes in the world so if she was seen at a bar it spread like wildfire. But the fact that she was so reckless at times you had to cover her mess up. And you were concerned for her a lot which is why you gave up your 9-5 and decided to manage her since no one else was able to do it. She'd rebel very easily but when it is YOU she was a scaredy cat.
Her quirk was to control air and she had good control over it from an early age and knew that she wanted to be a hero. You on the other hand were quirkless, as tragic as it must sound to others, this was a blessing for you. Because if you would have had a quirk your family would have pushed you to be a hero. It had glory and money both. But you have always been content with your normal life.
Now you had to move with her to a completely new & bigger city. She was opening a new branch there. As much as you like the facility and the new rush of living in a big city, you enjoyed your peace back at home. But you were positive that it'll be alright. It's not like you had ant good memory of that place anyway.
"Can't believe we did it." sky said as both of you cheered with your sodas after setting your apartment. It was a fairly window-y apartment in a quiet residential area. It was on the first floor, the ground floor being your parking area and a personal gym. Yea it was a big house. Bigger than your house back home.
You noticed she was passing out when you nudged her, "Wake up! You have a party to attend." She grumpily turned to you, "Is it ABSOLUTELY necessary to start being a hero on the first day of being in this city?" 
You chuckled, pitting how tired she looked but this was a huge event, "Yes Sky this could be a good opportunity for you to mingle with the heroes of this city and make some good connections."
"FINE ugh I should have given it a thought before I made YOU my manager." she rolled her eyes playfully as she got up to get dressed. After some time she peeked from her room, "Have you seen my-" you cut her off, "Yea your clothes are hanging in the cupboard next to the dresser. Be nice to them! I just ironed them."
"Okay I take my words back," she said smiling as she winked and disappeared back into her room.
She got ready and left for the event, not before trying to convince you to come as well. You had a few meetings aligned so you couldn't go.
It was 11 now and you were ready for bed when your phone buzzed, it was Sky, "Heyyy I may have made a mistake. Umm, promise you won't be mad." She was drunk, it was clear from her voice. "My god Sky! It is the first day I-" 
"You said you won't get mad!" she said now acting like a child from the other side of the line. "I never said that," you said trying to suppress your laugh seeing how drunk she was, but you were also mad SEEING HOW DRUNK SHE WAS.
"Okay stay in a corner and don't interact with anyone. I'm coming," you said now getting up from bed to get dressed decent enough to match the dress code or they won't let you in. "YAY!" she exclaimed, "My friend is coming." she was now talking to someone. She could be a handful at times but you loved her regardless.
You reached the venue, the red carpet was off and reporters were almost gone, you were relieved. You walked up to the entry gate to show your agency ID card to the bouncer. You left it at home. Shit.
"Umm okay this may sound like a lame trick but I am with Sky, she is a hero in the invite list. I have to go to her." The bouncer was not having any of that. You tried your best to convince him and asked if you can just call Sky and get him to talk to her to confirm it. He finally agreed AND NOW SHE WAS NOT PICKING UP HER PHONE. 
You gave an awkward smile. You were about to give up when you heard someone's voice in the background, she'll be my plus one. You looked up and it was Hawks.
Okay, the guy was way WAY more charming in real life. You've heard a lot about him. But the tiny screens never did any justice to his wings, how big and majestic they looked. Then you noticed his eyes, they were pure gold with his natural marks around the eyelids making his eyes look like they were staring at you so intently. He smiled gently.
"I- Um Thank you." you thanked him as you both got the entry. He opened the door for you and just as you entered he asked quietly, "You're not media are you?" He was leaning near your ear from behind, which caught you off guard. "N-no I'm here with a hero, I lost my agency ID back at home."
That's when you heard Sky's voice in the back. She was singing her heart out to the audience who were taking pictures and videos of her.
"I have to go," you said without looking at him, your eyes glued on Sky. You reached up to her. "Oh EVERYONE my friend is her. She is not good of a singer," she said scrunching up her nose and & pointing at you, "but a heck of a dance I'll give her that! The other day- woah." 
You pulled her down and glared at her which was enough to make her partially sober. You dragged her out of the party not before trying to catch a glimpse of Hawks because why not heh but you couldn't find him without being obvious so you gave it up and walked out of there with Sky's hand in yours.
A few days passed and you were now settling the office. It was one of the top floors in a corporate hub of the city. You walked to the left as you heard a familiar voice, "Wait for me!"
You looked up, confirming your doubt that it was indeed Hawks.
Part 1 | Part 2
Thanks for reading!
The new chapters are updated here before anywhere else so check that out for early access.
You can find other Hawks Fanfic here.
And here is the master list if you are interested in reading about other fandoms too!
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xobrattymoonxo · 2 months
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Summary: When Y/n had everything taken from her at such a young age, she wanted to strike revenge. Foster home after foster home Y/n set fires all over the place... and even some people. It wasn't until the number two hero, Endeavor, took her under his wing for a positive image. Y/n meet a boy there, Touya. Touya was the only one who understood her. One day, Touya is rushed to the hospital.....Y/n never saw him again. Endeavor begins to blame Y/n, as all his force is now aimed at her. Baby shouto came shortly after the incident. On Shouto's 7th birthday, y/n was kicked out and forced to live off of nothing. Y/n rummaged the streets of the city until she met a pro hero, snipe. He helped Y/n to better herself and become a great hero. Y/n only has one goal, though....and that's to kill Endeavor. Little did she know her childhood best friend, Touya, has been keeping an eye on her...... And he has other plans for her, hero.
Pairings: Dabi x F!Reader, F!Reader x ???, 
Trigger Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, somnophilia, Yandere, stalking, obsessions creepy behavior, major character death, brutal scenes of violence, arson, setting people on fire, blood, gore
Disclaimer: I do not own any BNHA characters
Format: Written and Smau
Updates: Random once a week or more  
Taglist: Open, dm, send an ask,  or comment to be added!
An: This is my first dark content smau I've done, I did some on my SFW account before but this one's going to get real dark so please no hate amd always read the TW before the chapters :)
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INTRODUCTIONS: Pro heroes | Villans
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Taglist @weirdovictor @fiestynatureweeb @venusplan @itsmearia01 @punkandnerdy9
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mastermasterlist1p1 · 5 months
Stuff i like
Anyone has some good stories without the smut? I don't care about the fandom
Whump :
[tw choking, manhandling, captivity, stockholm syndrome, masochistic whumpee]
Vampire x human whumpee (A centuries old vampire takes in a mortal bloodbag as a gift from his maker. )
some Stockholm
what's best
giving information
Two Weeks of Whump Masterpost
The Scry Masterlist
Clove Masterlist
The Scry
🩸 Kane & Jim Masterlist🩸
Blood catalase
old bones
The Promise
White moves first pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
Yuuta x reader (basically yuuta is like a yandere but reader is okay with it, literally the best one I've read I LOVE IT)
Haunted (toji x reader)
synopsis in which satoru really needed to start reading the gc more often. solves a lot.
tell me about love (show me how) | gojo satoru
Bad Habit (hitman!tōji fushiguro x reader | 17k) (this THIS 😻😻😻)
Say yes to heaven (gojo)
Beat of my heart pt.2 (college au - drummer! gojo x psychology major! reader)
Shameless (king to be gojo x f! Servant)
Hero, villain and stuff :
Protective ( villain x villain stuff, Supervillain swoops in to help them out of their misery )
Hero x villain (hero has wings and she's basically a monster)
Some romantic hero x villain 😏
Hero x medic
Bodily Responses
"I love you."
Hero got amnesia
Hero has amnesia from an injury Villain caused. Guilty, Villain took them in until their memory returns
A Good Roommate Is Hard To Find pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Kidnapped by the Boss pt.6
First meeting (dork villain and hero)
Sweet dreams : pt.1 pt.10
Masterlists :
@treasuringizu masterlist
Watercolorfreckles masterlist
Masterlist of oddsconvert (whumpee stuff)
Masterlist of thepenultimatword
Jazz's Master List
arealphrooblem masterlist
im-a-wonderling's masterlist
treasuringizu's masterlist
Mixte1963 :
Joseph Descamps x Michel pt.2 pt.3 (it's on Ao3 ) A Mixte 1963/Voltaire High fanfiction about Michèle Magnan and Joseph Descamps
Joseph Descamps x reader
I don't know
Deku × reader (ok so deku is a pro hero famous and stuff but he's lonely and needs a partner, meets reader and decides to date her but reader is a thief. I won't die peacefully unless there's a pt 2)
Katsuki x reader (divorced, it's Christmas)
He hadn't meant to fall in love. (Katsuki x reader)
Shigaraki being touched starved
Love like a ghost (shigaraki x reader)
Yandere Vampire!Shoto x Human!reader
Touya x reader
vitality : pt.1
Accidental Boyfriend (tomura x reader)
Denji with a Codependent gf!
Some stuff I didn't read yet
"creature of myth."
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Enough Rope
Royal Gay AU - An alternate universe created by @i-cant-sing​ surrounding Yandere BNHA Characters making up different kingdoms, where in which the Reader's is the daughter of Dabi and Hawks. Though reluctantly; as the relationship is strained by the murder of her mother.
Pairing(s): Sultan! Dabi / Todoroki Touya X Courtesan! Hawks / Takami Keigo || Implied! Barbarian Prince! Bakugo Katsuki X She/Her! Sultana! Reader, Implied! Past! Akaguro Chizome / Stain X Reader's Mother
Summary: It was inevitable that you'd take the throne, you were groomed you're whole life for it. But never did Dabi think you'd have to take it so young. Nor in the matter you took it.
A/N: I wanted to get some vindication, Dabi and Hawks absolutely boil my blood in this AU so I kinda get to be a little vicious. The reader looks like her mum but has Dabi’s eyes, also uses SHE/HER and is referred to as Sultana.
(My addition of Stain + his relationship with her mother are non-canonical to the actual series.)
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Warning(s): Character Death/Murder. Blood. Obsessive/Possessive Behavior. Reader is staging a coup. Angst. Cursing. Crying. Parental Death.
... You looked so much like your mother.
The royal colors looked beautiful on you, dripping in golds and silks. Ornate and elaborate, the veil settled on top of your head accentuated the set of white pearls that crowned it. Today of all days, anyone that gazed upon the newly coronated sultana and was absolutely mesmerized by the beauty that was even rule.
You even threw out the traditional blues and were wrapped in a beautifully dyed peachy pink.
Your late mother's favorite color.
In your throne, sat upon the cushion, alongside a blond prince about your age.
While his fingers entwined with one, you lifted the other delicate hand - fingers adorned with your grandmother's rings - to silence the room.
Dabi knew this day would eventually come, that he'd see you become Sultana with conviction and ambition running through your veins. A time he'd hope to be alive to see, with Keigo beside him.
He was still amazed to see it, despite his disdain for the colors you chose and holding that dragon brat's hand just to spite him.
... But as he was in chains, there was little to be done.
His daughter, so frail and weak, usurped the throne from him in one fell swoop.
Her soft little hands dug into his chest to rip out his heart, covering the innocent skin in the blood of his stabbed back. Her soft little self reaching out to the cruelly harmed citizens of their home to call them to her side.
As he looked up at his daughter, who looked almost 10 years older. Her eyes glaring icy daggers through him like he was nothing was perhaps the worst thing of all.
Keigo is bruised from the chains, wings nonexistent, as Enji took care in scorching them down to nothing. He was a mess and struggling, hissing at the guard, who proceeded to slam the man into the floor.
"Show some respect to the new Sultana." Kai commanded, clearly enjoying seeing how the blond practically foamed at the mouth.
"She's my daughter," He hissed between his teeth, "Know your place."
Your gaze sharpened and your voice boomed, "Do not speak, whore, lest I have Akaguro tear your tongue between your teeth."
Dabi briefly mulled over the fact that you sounded so much like him, authoritarian, an intense need to just... Collapse, washing though him as he realized what monster he'd created. He can't speak, he just stared at you.
Keigo looked shocked and indignant at your insult and order, opening his mouth to chide you for language before fingers snapped out and gripped his tongue.
The mercenary was someone deeply close to your mother when they were young, her sense of charity and kindness reached his heart.
Someone that she probably would've married if not for the caste system. He was selfish and he loved her, but keeping her safe from his life of crime meant that he had to let her go... He would.
Akaguro adored you as easily as he did his beloved friend.
So hearing that you were torn apart by the death of your mother, meant he was the perfect sword to point at the opposition.
In pure combat ability, Dabi didn't stand a chance.
Chizome looked to you as your father did.
The latter can see the satisfaction in your eyes, a smile so gentle and relaxed that he wondered how long it had been since he's seen you like that. How long it had been since he’d seen this expression directed at him.
“Let go for now.” You sweetly said, eyes falling over your father.
Before, he took pride in your eyes.
They were blue, the bluest of blue, like his.
As they coldly took him in, as they hardened to ice and threatened to burn him down... He wondered where everything started to go wrong.
You leaned forward a bit.
Your burning gaze didn’t leave him.
Deepening, darkening.
“Do you love me daddy?” You asked softly, so softly that he almost didn’t hear you.
It was shocking, jarring, even more heartbreaking when your eyes instead fill with tears past all the anger.
A sadness that chilled him to the bone.
Breaking his aching heart further.
Especially as your voice trembled, watery.
Sent a spike of panic straight down to his gut.
Was this why you did it?
Because you believed he didn’t love you anymore?
“Of course.” He didn’t hesitate, didn’t breath as he watched your face.
“Then...” You frown, looking as if you were about to start crying. “Then would you kill for me?”
He meant it.
He’d done it before.
“T - then why do you keep hurting me? Why do you keep hurting my feelings?”
The sob that filled your questions just broke him.
Ripping into his ribcage so painfully that he felt himself feel faint.
“Why did you keep Keigo around knowing I hated him? Knowing that I couldn’t stand him?” You hiccupped, the blond beside you turning to wipe your face with his hands “Is... Is it because you love him more than me?”
“NO!!!” He nearly screamed.
His eyes were wide, manic.
Panic pounding his senses as he realized why you might have done what you did.
That the heartbreak drove you into taking control because you felt unloved.
That he drove you into it.
“Prove it...”
Your blue eyes remained set on him.
There’s cold steel suddenly in his hands, a dagger, long and ornate.
“Kill him.”
A terrified face filled his vision as he turned to his concubine, his former concubine, helpless. He opened his mouth, to beg or plead or speak, Dabi didn’t care. Even as his mind’s eye reminded him of the nights they spent together.
He didn’t love this bastard.
He now knew.
Knew that Keigo caused all of this.
His presence alone made you think that your father didn’t love you more than everything in the whole world. That drove the ugly thoughts of replacement into your lives.
Keigo took you from him too.
He brought the knife down.
Again and again and again and again.
The knife came down in a frenzy, wrenching horrible noises from Keigo’s throat.
Sobs for mercy, of apology.
“Da... bi....”
Dabi slowly returned to his mind’s eye, shaking.
Blood saturated him, from body to hair.
Staring down at the red soaked face of his former lover.
He felt nothing but contempt.
Nothing but hatred pouring through his veins.
A free feeling settled in his heart.
He looked at you, shakily smiling, “See?... I didn’t love him. I could never love him more than you.”
You stared.
Doe eyes wide and soft, still wet and dark.
The smile that graced your lips warmed his heart.
But also confused him.
Why did you look so sad all of a sudden?
“... Darling?”
You didn’t respond and looked behind him, nodding slowly.
“I’m sorry daddy, but there needs to be blood.” There’s almost a shame in you, heavy bags now seen as the light fell from the skylight.
Making you look like the gift from the gods you were.
He didn’t understand.
“And the people have suffered for long enough without retribution.”
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you, tucking you to his chest, kissing the crown of your head.
It made Dabi angry but he was confused more than anything.
“I do love you.” You said quietly. “But I can’t let you live.”
The pain lasted for a moment, just a moment.
He coughed, spitting up blood.
Akaguro’s hands were red, face almost solemn.
Dabi is still looking at you, in the face of his beloved daughter, still with crying eyes and sadness pouring from every pore. The vestiges of his vision begin darkening, body cold.
“I wished things could have been different.”
He did too.
The last thing he saw was the bluest of eyes.
Eyes bore instead by the face of his late wife.
... You really did just look like your mother.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
This is something more for Bnha fans. Which should I write first, "Feathers " Hawks x reader (fluff and angst) or "Piercing gold in your eyes" Yandere Hawks x reader
Both will be from my "Winged couple" series.
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emiwritesthings · 3 years
Yandere!Hawks x Blind Reader
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tw: kidnapping, taking advantage of a disabillity, yandere
☁️ before he kidnaps you he'll acts like a kind hero who occasionally bumps into and just wants to help you make your way around town
"let me help you missy, where do ya need to go?"
"you shouldn't be walking around alone, it's a bad part of town, lots of villains that will take advantage of you"
☁️ you were still nervous around him though, you were blind, not oblivious, you knew who he was, Hawks the number 2 playboy hero
☁️ don't worry though you'll warm up once he takes you!
☁️ speaking of which, once he does takes you he'll take sooo much advantage of your disabillity, like he said those villains would
☁️ he'll force you to rely on him
☁️ he'll randomly move things around so even if you got used to the layout of his flat when you wake up everything will be in different places, causing you to trip and fall
☁️ luckily he can swoop in and help you
☁️ he's not too cruel, he'll never lay his hands on you, but manipulations is his key
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thecuriousquest · 8 months
Hawks - P - 3 🪶
Come on Out, Chickadee
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, SFW, Predator/Prey dynamic, possessive tendencies, fire, injuries/flesh wounds by burning
Master List here.
Yandere Prompt here.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
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You hold your breath, a tight pang in your chest as you move boards and boxes aside in the abandoned warehouse. He’s slow to get here yet so hot on your tail.
As if he’s playing with you.
He loves these games, loves the way you run like you actually have a chance. Loves the way you build yourself up with hope.
Just for him to strip it away.
Always stripping you of something. Hope, choices, clothes, basic rights, privileges. Anything he can think of, he takes it from you as if it’s his own to covet.
Because you are his to covet. His pretty little thing. His pretty girl.
His. Just his. Only his.
You hear the clunk of his boots land in the warehouse, and you stiffen in your hiding place. You see nothing, yet you can hear everything. One sense stripped amplifies all of the others.
He walks around, whistling. “I know you’re in here. Why don’t you just make things easier on yourself and come out? I won’t bite. Promise, chickadee.”
He promises. Promises not to bite you, not to hurt you.
You know it’s all fake. He’ll just find a different way to torment you. A fucking loophole in his fucked up system of dictatorship.
You have to clasp a hand over your mouth as you hear him draw further in, his boots growing nearer to where you’re settled behind boxes and wooden boards.
And then they pass you. You can tell he’s meagerly looking around, but not at all tearing the place apart. No, he has something else in mind.
And then you hear something else. Splashing. The splashing of liquid against items, beams, the floor, the walls. What is that? What is he doing?
A terrible smell infiltrates your nostrils. It’s familiar. The same smell when you’re at a gas station, pumping your car with fuel.
Oh, God, you’re going to die in here!
You hear something else now. Rustling, more rustling from a distance, but not so far that you can barely make it out.
“I’m telling you now, little bird, if you come out, make things easier for me, I won’t be too hard on you. You gonna be good and come out?”
Silence. You don’t dare speak. You don’t dare move. You barely even breathe through your nose with a hand clasped over your mouth.
“Huh. Guess not.”
There’s a striking sound, and then heat everywhere. So much heat. You begin to sweat, you don’t know what to do.
Should you move, or should you let the fire consume you? Is being with Keigo worse or better than being burned to death?
You feel the fire encroaching your space, it seeps and burns up the cardboard boxes you’re buried behind.
Your fight or flight takes over, and you fight the fire off of you, smacking at your arm where it singes your hair and bubbles your skin. You kick at the wooden beams around you, knocking them away as flames lick and dance at them. Tiny embers falling onto you, burning your legs and the tops of your bare feet.
You cry out, scampering from what you thought would be your refuge.
Everything is fuzzy with smoke and orange hues. You’re caught in a daze of panic, and you look for the exit. You run as fast as your bare feet can carry you, and when you finally make it out of the burning building, there he is to catch you around your waist.
He pulls you into a hug, pressing your back up against the brick wall. His nose nuzzles into your neck, and you sob with a gut wrenching pain in your stomach.
His smile is lopsided, very close to his everyday charismatic nature, but his eyes…those golden orbs stare into you with the heat of the sun. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
Your breathing is so irregular, you feel like you could pass out right in his arms.
“Please, Keigo, I’m sorry! Please! I just want to go home!”
“Oh, chickadee, my sweet little song bird.” His tone isn’t laced with anything malicious. In fact, he sounds much too pleased with everything that’s happening. “I’m your home. I’m the only one you’ll ever need. Don’t worry. You’ll learn that soon enough.” He caresses your filthy and tear stained cheek. “I’ll help you learn.”
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Yandere Hawks with an s/o that can't have kids
If you happen to know or find out that you can't have a kid: Adoption. Even if you've told him multiple times that you're not ready for a baby, whatever the reason may be you know that there's no way that you wont be leaving without one.
He drags you both to the nearest agency and his eyes are all a glow watching you with the kids, he thinks you're so great with them and of course they're all excited because Pro Hero Hawks is at their house!!
When you guys choose a kid around fourteen and their two other siblings, one still a baby and the other one a toddler you're freaking out.
Of course the teen catches on to what's happening but this is a good home for them, a good place where their siblings will be happy and wont have to live in fear...so they help you best they can and if you ever think about leaving then they'll threaten to tell Keigo and now you're really in trouble.
The younger kids grow to be little yandere babies for their daddy and you? You love your children
You love your husband
You love your new happy family.
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yanderenightmare · 4 years
DUDE! getting fucked thirty-thousand feet above the ground does sound terrifying, could you do a fic based on that thirst, just keigo being an ass and threatening his darling with dropping her and stuff?? doesn't even have to be nsfw, just the threat of falling is enough to get me going!!
Hawks - Takami Keigo
TW: yandere, dubcon/noncom, abuse, abduction, kidnapping, drugging, death threats
She’d been sitting on the balcony for hours now.
He figured he should give her some time to adjust, some space to sort out her thoughts, emotions, and rage. But he wasn’t sure he preferred this itchy, blistering silence above her screaming and roaring at him – at least then he’d know what she was thinking, where he stood, and how he could potentially make it better.
Not to mention the show of her jumping and bouncing with bubbly wrath, so cute in her frustration, so hopeless and aimless, all that energy wasted – reducing her to this little ball of exhaustion, too spent to fight him anymore, sleeping so soundly instead of with one eye open.
Oh, how she’ll screech at him, scold him, yell and growl and snarl with her perky tits jumbling, hopping for him with every raging stomp.
He wonders sometimes what she’d do if he ever decided to stop her.
It almost seems as though she ignores the fact or somehow forgets just how small she is compared to him – how he could break her if he wanted – make her bow and kneel before him.
What would she do if he caught her wrist in his hand one day when she opted to try and hit him again – would she struggle until he snapped it like the frail toothpick it was?
He bet she’d be good for him then – with tears dribbling down that pretty face, now devoid of all things harsh and ugly and instead looking feeble and sorry and eager to make it up to him.
He bet she would be all girlish moans and squeals beneath him. He bet those eyes would cross when he fills her up to the very brink. He bet she would show some gratitude then. He bet pretty little prayers would slip past her lips in the hope he’d answer them.
He could make her so sweet, so soft – so tame for him.
But he decided not to – he chose to be patient.
He decided he was going to be tolerant, understanding, and patient – at least for the first month or two.
He wasn’t exactly a saint, but he was no villain either – not like she made him out to be, anyway. He was holding back when he had it in his full power to break her –  holding back despite her being such a bratty bitch.
Meanwhile, she brooded, and he waited – looking at her through the screen doors. She barely moved from that spot – not at all bothered by how he was trying to mind control her through his staring, trying to call her back inside.
He gave up on the endeavor after a while, though – understanding how his moping was useless, tactless in the light of how little she cared and considered his feelings at the moment, too hauled up in her own.
With nothing better to do, he decided to make dinner instead of monitoring – opting to sway her to come inside with the promise of food.
He’d pictured them doing these things together – cooking and baking food, then enjoying it all in each other’s arms, sitting curled together on the couch – being that picture-perfect couple – wandering hands playing with each other under a fuzzy blanket.
The last thing he was imagining was to use it as a bargaining chip – but alas… here he was.
It already felt like ages. As though weeks or even months had passed since she moved in, or… since he made her move in – since he drugged her during the night and had her wake to all her stuff having been moved from her apartment into Keigo’s much less humble skyline-flat.
She'd screamed at him – fuming and fed-up with his clingy antiques, looking as though she was ripping her hair out from her skull, smoke coming out of her ears, eyes red, so blinded by her rage to understand that she really had no choice in the matter.
She'd been so silly when she tried walking out the elevator door, telling him she would stay at some friend’s house until her stuff was placed back in her old apartment – telling him how she was done, how they were done.
Silly girl. Truly, who the fuck did she think she was anyway? To rip his heart from his chest only to throw it to the ground and stomp on it.
He swears – she can be such a bitch sometimes – such a heartless bitch, such an ungrateful brat.
But… on the other side of the coin, she is the only one who understands him, who sees him, who calls his bluff, sees past the mask he slaps on every morning – looking past all the bullshit he flounces for the public, looking past his lazy charms and seemingly mellow nature and sees him for what he truly is – a parasite.
And she never once tried caking her opinion – she bared her teeth and scowled at him every chance she got, making her disgust ever so apparent.
He quite liked the challenge.
Keigo is so used to having people chase him, having them kiss his feet – but this one only ever gave him a second glare to narrow her eyes at him.
But as she saw him, he saw her.
He saw all that anger – all that cute, unhappy, unsatisfied, bored, and blaring rage stored within her. She was someone he could play with – proper prey who fought back, who he could chase, one who bared teeth and growled and glared and snarled at him – proper prey who had his mouth watering and heart hammering in his chest like a war drum – eager for the chase.
She didn’t want anything to do with him at first. Still, he managed to chip away at all the hostility until she grew exhausted with fending him off, finally accepting his advances – agreeing to go on one measly date with him, drunk enough to accept the invitation to join him in his apartment.
Unfortunately, he'd had no time to join her in bed – much too occupied with the move of her belongings. The trap had been set and sealed, destroying all chances of escape.
But, though she was trapped here with him, he still felt as though he was chasing her. Perhaps... it was about time he truly sunk his teeth in and stopped merely playing with his food.
“I made grub, Tweety Bird.” He pushed the sliding door to the side, stepping out into the nipping night air.
“No thanks.” It came quickly, as though she’d been waiting to pull the trigger, and his temper ignited with the exact same speed.
He sighed, huffing in frustration, a slight hint of a growl further souring the sound, lacing it with threat.
“Drop the attitude, will you?” He drawled, treating it as though she was the one being difficult – as though he wasn’t the lunatic who refused to accept her rejection. “Aren’t you tired of fighting me all the time? You know you’re not going anywhere, so… why don’t you come inside?”
Her face twisted at the suggestion. His nonchalant way of treating the situation made her blood boil with further vengeance. It was as though he was genuinely oblivious to his actions, as though he believed things would go his way if he just pushed enough.
“I’ll even let you pick out a movie – we’ll sit and eat, talk about our future togeth-”
“You relentlessly forced yourself on me for weeks, knowing I had no way to make you stop with your status protecting you. You harassed me at every opportunity you knew you would get away with, blackmailed me into going out with you, drugged me, and abducted me. Force me to sleep in the same bed as you, molest me, subjugate me, and continuously make it your mission to force me to accept something that I’ve made clear I don’t want. So, no, I won’t come pick out a bloody movie with you.”
To his surprise, she didn’t scream it – perhaps too tired to – but still with a sneer in her voice and the snarl painting her face.
He received with a blank face, devoid of humor and understanding, stripped of that charming mask he would usually wear to have everyone fooled, leaving him the ugly creature she knew him to be, the one that would do about anything to get his way.
“It’ wasn't a suggestion.” His tone was monotonous, stating a mere fact, not up to discussion.
Her brows scrunched, eyes narrowing at him, scowling at him with such malice you’d think she had a way of backing it up through more than just her words.
“I’m not your toy, Keigo.” She seethed through grit teeth, her eyes sparking with hostility.
“No.” He agreed, dismissing her. “No, of course not...” 
He sat down on the couch puff placed in front of her chair, placing his elbows on his knees as he hunched forward – too close for her liking – close enough for his musk to waft her way, close enough to feel the warmth. He man-spread to accommodate her legs between him, trapping her, making her that much more aware of how small and breakable she was in comparison to him – in the shadow of his rippling muscles.
His hands, warm and noticeably calloused, made to rest atop her thighs – lightly giving them a careful squeeze, feeling her tense up into a stiff statue-like state of awkward apprehension as he began messaging the flesh in what resembled a try at being comforting, though severely out of place and unwelcomed by the girl who’s uneasiness continued to elevate. 
“Not a toy..." He smiled. "You’re my pet.”
Her expression fell at that.
No longer angry but disturbed – with a flush of goosebumps soon marking every inch of her skin, crawling with intensity the more she searched and cowered under the deadpan seriousness in his golden eyes.
“And do you know what happens when pets disobey their master?”
His fingers grabbed firmly into her flesh, feeling up the smooth softness as she began squirming, breath hitching as he drew closer.
“They get punished.”
She jumped in her seat as he bit the word out, her lip quivering while she watched his crimson wings rise behind him, blocking out the glow of the moon, his eyes the only remaining feral light she could to see, one she was unable to look away from.
“So, when I tell you to come eat, you better slap on a smile and show me some gratitude.”
Her brow cinched again, though this time with tremors rippling through them – the contempt look of disgust subdued to a mere underlying tone that paled compared to the swimming look of fear that painted her expression now.
“And if I tell you to come sit on my lap…” He continued – fingers digging, inching further into the dough of her thighs. “If you know what’s good for you, you’re gonna walk that pretty ass over and place it down on my cock.”
She hiccupped then, her heart doing a leap at his gross words, terrified of what they were implying, terrified of how far he would go, of how the rest of the night would unravel.
“I can be a real nice guy… until I’m not.” He said – simply implying how her well-being lay entirely in the palm of his hand – how easily he could suffocate the life out of it, snuff it out, drown it, hang it off a building, and drop it if he wanted. 
Yet, despite the warning, she placed a hand on his chest and another over his mouth, trying to protect her from it when he haunched dangerously close – so close she could feel the breath of each of his words on her face. 
“Move, or I’ll break it.”
She couldn’t help but whimper as his hand wrapped around her delicate wrist, feeling the full potential of how honest he was being.
“Trust me, it’ll be like snapping a twig, and it’ll hurt like hell.” His eyes were black now, in spite of the gold – with lips parted by teeth that seemed to drip with the feral famish of a predator.
His body pressed itself against her like an unmoveable weight, just as heavy and threatening and frightening and dangerous as the atmosphere. Powerlessness crippled any sense she might have had to revolt – too panicked to push him away, too afraid to even try or even dare think it. 
He searched her face in the meanwhile, noticing her uneven breathing while listening to her heart and how it skipped several beats as he focused on her quivering lips – yearning for them to be pressed against his.
His other hand ascended from where it was rubbing circles into her stomach up to cup her cheek. She gasped and pressed her eyes shut, whimpering with brows trembling.
His smirk quirked wider as he leaned in closer to her face, teeth still bared. He brushed her hair behind her ear and gave her a little sniff, mouth feeling numb and swimming with saliva at the scent of her sweet fear, before he whispered, tauntingly and hauntingly, already knowing the answer.
“Is the little brat afraid?”
His voice was chilling – forcing her to sniffle and swallow the lump in her throat – trying her best to shake her head in protest but only succeeded in quivering even more.
He snickered then, followed by yet another dangerous whisper. “Then look at me.”
Her eyebrows scrunched further together as he swiped his thumb across her lips. Goosebumps ripened, now with a further spiked determination, almost painful, like billions of nitty pinches.
Her eyelids fluttered hesitantly, tears dripping down her face as she slowly peeled them open – just enough for her to look at him through the wet curtain of lashes – fearing the feral dark dominating dripping lust staring back at her
His face split like a hyena staring down his prey, enjoying her flushed state. "Tell me you love me.” He ordered then.
His voice in that dark and unfamiliar tone, which somehow seemed to fit him much more than that hap-hazardous one he normally uses to make fools of his prey.
"What? No answer?" He lifted her chin again, the hand tightening around her throat – feeding the words into her mouth, with lips teasing lips, as his hand made to slowly wrap around her throat, forcing her gaze to keep steady and focused and locked with his.
He wanted those words on her tongue – having imagined it numerous times before, wanting to hear her voice wrap around each and every syllable as if it were scripture.
Their eyes bore into one another – slits full of darkness and lust against large shimmering ones full of uncertainty and fear and all those terrorizing brutal panics before they, in turn, narrowed into spiteful slits as well.
She raised her chin, opposing the grip he had around her throat – before giving him a sound, “Fuck off.”
A silence followed – apprehension thick in the air before he broke it with a scoff, cocking his head to the side.
“Let’s test that.”
He didn't bother waiting for a reaction before grabbing her, dragging her up and out of the chair – lifting them both off the ground before she had the mind to kick at him.
His wings swept the floor with a gust, then cut through the clouds - climbing the sky with such speed she feared she might slip through his hold.
They must have been several thousand feet above the ground before the ascendence came to an abrupt halt – leaving them to bathe in the thin air with the stars surrounding them.
But though the sight was beautiful, it brought little comfort.
She didn't dare look down – instead, she stayed glued to him – body and gaze. But found no further comfort in the mischievous look simmering in the return of his yellow hawk eyes.
“Last chance, Birdie.” He warned.
But caught in the panic, she remained silent with dead words on her tongue.
“Suit yourself.” He shrugged before throwing his head over his shoulders and guiding them both into falling backward – his wings like rags in the wind as they plummeted down, threatening to water the pavement with their blood.
Her heart was screaming, her breathing unable to catch up to her need, left to scramble for some form of comfort, some form of safety in the darkness closing her eyes provided – but nothing soothed the fear clutching her heart.
“Are you insane? We’re going to die!” She screamed at him in panic – pure, potent fear-licked crippling hysteria tugging at her wits – knifing her in the chest.
“I’d happily die for you!” His eyes were gleaming with madness, such lovesickness, sparkling with the abnormality of his recklessness, a rabid animal in angel clothing with a careless smile that made the whole situation seem like some game.
“Keigo!” She screamed again. Clutching onto his shirt, trying to shake him out of the state he was in, trying to sway him from whatever lesson he was trying to teach her, though giving in to crying and screaming into his chest, stating how she’d learned that lesson.
“What’s the matter? Wouldn't you die for me?” He asked, but no answer made it out on her tongue – too busy burying her face further into his chest, holding onto him tightly with her life depending on it,
She felt the air that passed them speed up its pace, imagining the dreading ground, even though she knew it would probably only take a second for it all to end.
“Please, Keigo!” She begged once more, more hiccupping sobs wreaking through her as she wrapped her legs around his torso tighter, nails clawing into his back.
“Do you love me?!” He asked again.
“Yes!” She finally answered through a sob, clutching onto him harder. “Yes! I love you!” Screaming it loud. And yet, to her utter dismay, the fall didn't stop.
He nuzzled into the nook of her neck, running his lips along her throat, kissing those kisses she used to find so dangerous when she wasn’t put in the face of true danger.
Those same lips neared her ear, and time seemed to slow. “I don't believe you.”
It was a whisper, and though it should have been lost to the wind rushing past them, she heard it as though it were God speaking to her in her final moments.
Her tears were both warm and cold in the fall, stiff drying on her cheeks, caught in the air with the rapid. Hopelessness took its toll on her, trapped in the harsh, loud wind and biting air, begging for Keigo to save them.
“Please.” Was the only thing she was able to say – fear rocking her, wreaking her bones, turning her to jelly, chest burning, screaming, bleeding out.
“Prove it.” Those words were somehow… warming.
A candle-lit hope in the darkness. 
She looked up at him, or down at him as it were, and despite her eyes being blurry with tears, she saw him clearer than ever. His large eyes, seemingly innocent with awe, filled with yearning, sharp with a hunter's grace yet round in adoration.
The situation seemed so strangely safe then, with her nose touching his and the world falling to mere tethers at the outskirts of her mind – blind with fear, sweet with fear, dumb with fear, empty with nothing but the feeling of fear.
His wings cursed gravity when they sprung out to stop their fall, leveling them in the air – all without letting her lips leave his.
And they hung there, in the air, dead. Her legs around his torso, arms around his neck and back, chest mushed up against his, and those hands of his securing her.
And even though the fall had come to a stop, she didn’t dare untangle a single limb from holding onto him – not her arms, legs, or mouth. For without his presence there – without those clawing fingers digging bruising marks into her, without the rough texture of his chin and those poky strips of beard scratching her face, without his lips sucking on her own, and his tongue pushing into her mouth, without the big bulging threatening clothed and straining cock that pushed into the space between her thighs – without him – she was nothing but a dead girl falling.
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Teen! Hawks Headcanons
Adding this in because there is another writer with the same title/series name and I want to clarify somethings:
I just want to give credit to @muffinmots because i saw their work and wanted to add my own spin to it. Again, i only saw muffinmots work so i'm not aware if their is any other writers that have had the same concept/idea. Please go support @muffinmots!
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Hawks as a teenager screams popular boy. You know who I’m talking about, that one guy who everyone liked in class but we didn’t necessarily know why. He just attracted everyone’s attention.
He also developed a crush on you because he thought you were such a cool friend of his. Smart, pretty, and funny. Absolutely perfect for him.
But you know our lovely bird man can walk the walk but can’t talk for shit. Ok yeah he can but when it comes to things that are more private and personal he really needs some guidance.
He started by asking you how to ask you out. He didn’t tell you he had a crush on you but he did say it was someone from the same school and class as the two of you.
He did exactly what you advices him to do, bring the person something that reminds him of them plus gifts that are more personal then out there. Give them your undivided attention.
He does this and one day brings you flowers because they remind him of you and on another day brings you a bento because he remembered that you liked a specific kind of bento box that they sold at the local convenience store.
He would refer to you as his plus 1
Would prefer to hangout at yours then his, y’know…because of his parents.
He once saw you scrolling through your feed and saw that you liked pics of guys with eyeliner. He asked you why you were liking those pictures and you just said that they looked good. He scoffed and said it was weird….next day he shows up with eyeliner on his water line which makes his eyes look fiercer and even more attractive
When you tell him he looked good with eyeliner on, he acts like it doesn’t affect him but when you leave he’s a blushing mess. He’s going to die then and there from the complement.
You once told him about how someone asked you out and you said no. When he asked why you said no you said that it was because you both didn’t click.
He started dressing differently in order to get your attention. You did notice he was wearing more street fashion and pointed it out.
“You look nice today.” Hawks wings bristles a bit. “Thanks, you look pretty too.” “What?” “NOTHING!”
He’s a mess when it comes to you.
You finally got asked out by someone you liked and Hawks had to swallow his jealousy in order it congratulated you.
He spent the entire rest of the school day feeling jealous and bitter. You were happy so why would he destroy that.
Once the day of your date arrived he decided to follow you around. He just wanted to make sure that the person you were with wouldn’t hurt you and as your best friend it was his place to help you.
You caught him following you and your date but you confront him after in a one on one.
“Hawks! What the fuck. Why are you following me?” “I-ah well I’m your friend and I thought that-“ “Hawks, you can’t just stalk me!” “I know 🥺”
You ignored him for a few hours till he finally annoyed you enough for you to pay him attention. He was acting like a kicked puppy all day and it honestly made you feel bad.
He finally confessed that he had feelings for you. He felt bad that he followed you around (*coughing* stalking *coughing*)
You tell him that you liked him back but you want to take things slow because you both are friends and don’t want to ruin anything
His wings puff up at that and he agrees to go slow with your relationship.
He’s heads over heels for you and is always on you.
He’s wrapping his hands and wings around your waist. Always giving you nose bumps and kisses. You guys are that couple that everyone finds annoying.
You don’t mind it because you love Hawks but sometimes he pushes it by not letting you spend time with your other friends or blocking you from speaking with other guys.
You tell him that he was being to controlling and he eases up on it. He gave you a feather and he told you up front it was to make sure he knew if you were in trouble, so he could sense you. You decided to keep it and have had it since then.
Once you both were seniors in High School you both still continued to date and even planned on getting married soon.
Once he started the whole Pro Hero thing, that naturally came with a lot fans and people who didn’t understand boundaries.
People would follow you both around and would even find your account to leave mean comments. You just blocked all of them but it did get tiring after a while. You told Hawks about it and all he could say was to ignore them.
Hawks decided stop this nonsense by proposing to you during the Hero Rankings. Everyone’s news feed was flooded with the iconic pictures and videos of him on his knee asking you to marry him.
What a happy ending, no?
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ac3id · 4 years
Hawk’s eye| 18+
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pairings: hawks [keigo tamaki] x female! reader
summary: hawks is in his rut, desperate for some relief. his annoying secretary won’t stop irritating him so he decides to take his pent up frustrations on her.       ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
anonymous said:
hi!! so while the requests are still open, could you write some headcannons for Hawks x reader when he's in rut? maybe the reader is a bit clueless and doesn't even know he goes through stuff like that? dirty details are welcome 👀❤️
this was high-key inspired by @tainted-wine​‘s this fic. (i hope u like my take on it !! 💓) 
a/n: aaaa this took so much longer than i thought it would take 😭, also thanks @the-grimm-writer  for proof reading this! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) also this is porn w plot so if u just was to skip to da porn. skip to this ‘◌’ bhai 
tagging: @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa​, @koiibito​, @reinawritesbnha​, @shorkbrian​
warnings: noncon, hate fucking, one slap, she bites his dick at some point, scumbag hawks.
word count:  5862
The sound of your phone buzzing on the side table with a loud, irritating noise jolts you awake. You roll around on the bed, your fingers reaching to turn the vibrating device off. Groaning, you sit up straight. The warm mattress under you threatens to lull you back to sleep but you shove the thought away instead choosing to stretch your arms over your head and yawn endlessly. You were tired, so goddamn tired. Rubbing your temples lazily you start thinking about the dreadful day you have ahead of yourself. You think about your boss: Hawks, the man who makes you hate your life and job. He has trapped you into a never-ending nightmare which starts the second you open your eyes till the moment you fall asleep and even then he still manages to haunt you in your dreams. 
Cleaning up after his messes, obeying his ever so pliantly. He has turned you into his little pet slave. He says that it’s your job as you are his assistant, his little helper there to make his job a little less hectic. You must listen to his needs and wants and to some degree, you do agree with him: it is your job, it’s what you signed up for after all but you can also sense him misusing his title when he is with you. He never listens to your suggestions which results in him calling you late after work hours to help with his problems knowing damn well you had already warned him beforehand. And, oh his flirty, suggestive comments which borderline sexual harassment. Hawks is a difficult man to work with and you often find yourself wondering how much calmer your life would be if you never worked for him but you do not have that luxury of leaving the job. It pays ridiculously well and you have bills to pay, your family to support. No, you cannot afford to lose this job. So you sit through his torment and hope for the best.
Seconds later after you have gathered your will to live you start scrolling through your phone, skimming through the morning news lazily. Your eyebrows furrow and eyes turn into angry slits as you glance upon a displeasing, astonishing article.
 ‘No. 2 Hero Hawks spotted partying with strippers–’
Your heart stops for a moment.
What the fuck was this? 
You hesitantly read through the article, your heartbeat increasing every second that your eyes focus on the led screen, reading the details of the damned article. Eyes widening as panic settles in your nerves, you realize the gravity of the situation you had found yourself under as Hawks’ manager. Hawks had been spotted partying with strippers in a nightclub with a bunch of celebrities. The crazy stalker who had managed to follow him succeeded in capturing exclusive pictures of Hawks dressed in an expensive suit, his hair styled to perfection dancing under the dim lights of the club with women in basically their underwear shamelessly grinding upon him. You honestly couldn’t have given a single fuck about what Hawks did in his free time but since he had managed to get a paparazzi to tail him and now that his career was at risk; it became your problem. Your first and foremost instinct was to call Hawks and ask him what the hell he was thinking. Not being careful enough, he had managed to taint his entire reputation. The people of Japan now probably viewed him as a reckless party animal rather than the No. 2 Hero! 
Before you could call him, your phone’s screen lights up illuminating a contact you dread. ‘Hero Commission’ it’s written in bold letters, your face drops. Your fingers shake, filled with anxiety as you accept the call. Inhaling and exhaling, you try to calm your nerves. If it is a call from the Commission, you know it’s bad. Bad. 
You pick up the phone and instantly regret it, “What were you doing?” an angry, masculine voice snarls through the screen. You open your mouth to answer but are not given a chance too. “How did you let him go to a strip club during patrol hours?” you bite your lip thinking of an acceptable excuse, “He had to go there for work! It’s a misunderstanding. He went down to the strip club undercover to meet up with a crook to get some intel– that’s what he told me. This is a misunderstanding, I–” your explanation was cut short as the person on the other end of the call deemed it enough. “Whatever it is, fix it and never let this happen again.” he sneers a warning before cutting the call. It wasn’t a complete lie, Hawks did tell you that he was investigating a case on his own and that he would be gaining information from shady people but you did not expect him to go to a strip club out of all places. The worst part: he never even told you in detail anything about this case neither did he notice the paparazzi tailing his back. You sigh in frustration, rubbing your forehead, you quickly ring up his number only for it be sent right to voicemail. You almost scream. Where the fuck was this bastard?
Managing Hawks was not a walk in the park. The hero commission had sent you down especially to be Hawks’ secretary. You had a reputation: you were known to be responsible, diligent, and punctual. You were one of their best, entrusted with the responsibility to manage Hawks and you did a good job but it was Hawks who just made the job so hard. 
Creating problems he could never solve by himself; on lucky days you would get a call from him at three in the morning, him begging you to come to help him. You want to say no, deny him any help. Let him suffer by himself but you cannot do that. If he screws up and you are not there to fix it. You lose your job, you can’t afford that. You give your 100%, you do but it’s Hawks. He has a problem with you, well, he has a problem with everyone in the commission but projects it mainly at you. He does not respect you. 
He chooses to ignore your decisions and suggestions, diminishing them with a cruel chuckle, “Look, I need you but just not now.” He would say with an apologetic smile, “just let me work at my own pace, I will call when I will need you. After all, I love seeing your cute face.” You would always have to force yourself from not slapping his smug face before he took off into the bright, blue sky.
The truth untold, it wasn’t his fault completely either. He was just so fast. It was hard for anyone to keep up with him and since he did his job right; bringing peace to the nation you could not deem him worthless. But it still was a bother at times like this when you were left completely in the dark while Hawks ruined his hard-earned reputation. 
You got into the building earlier that morning to wait for Hawks in his office, you needed to talk to him. This was not his first mishap. Not long ago, another article about him shamelessly flirting with a fan had been published. It had said the fan was visibly uncomfortable with him but Hawks didn’t seem to care, he kept presting. You had managed to cover it up as the two being close friends who were publicly joking around, there was no real harm done. It was a lie though, you had to pay the fan a large check to keep her mouth shut. She accepted the money and the story was lost and forgotten but you had no idea how you were going to cover this hell up.
The clock struck nine as the day began, people rushing into the building all tensed but there was no sign of Hawks. You tried calling him on his number but the call directed to voicemail yet again. You were growing impatient, did something happen to him? Sure Hawks fucked things over sometimes but he never disappeared like this. It got you genuinely worried. Something horrible could have happened to him. After all, he was on a case. 
You waited for another thirty minutes and there was yet no sign of him. His sidekicks came knocking on his office door only to be surprised to see you there instead of their boss. You told them to continue with their day and not worry about Hawks, he was just awfully late. Not a big deal, he will be here soon. Soon. 
Another hour passed by, no sign of Hawks and about now your phone was blowing up with angry calls from his sponsors and business partners, screaming at the top of their lungs frowning upon the scandal. Heck, even Endeavor called you after he couldn’t reach Hawks himself. The call made you nervous as anxiety crept in yet again. Hawks wasn’t answering to Endeavour something bad must have happened. Getting tired of the wait, you make up your mind to drop by his penthouse and to go see him for yourself. His silence was driving you crazy and worried at the same time, you just hoped he would be there well and safe. You could not imagine the ruckus that would create if something were to happen to him. 
You walked out of his office after waiting for an hour. Rushing down to the basement you got into your car and before driving away to his house. Just before leaving, you decided to test your luck by calling him. Hoping, praying he would answer this time and luckily he did .
“Hawks!” you cried, a wave of relief washing over you, “Where are you? What are you doing?” you began pestering him with questions, not letting him answer even once. Hawks, tired of waiting,  interrupted your monologue of questions with a chuckle. “Aw, you’re worried about me, baby?” his tone was low and mischievous, the sentence slurring almost into a moan at the last word. You rolled your eyes and clenched your fists in irritation, you weren’t new to his teasing. Hawks thought it was appropriate for him to casually flirt with his secretary. Send unasked comments about your figure, perverted implications about what he would do to a ‘cute little thing like you’ which made you very uncomfortable being around him at times. But it wasn’t that what made him get on your last nerves. It was the fact that he could even think about joking at a time like this which made you furious. 
You screamed into the phone, giving him a piece of your mind. Degrading him for not taking care of himself, complaining about how he had managed to put you in such a tight spot. 
“Once again I am asking, where the fuck are you. Hawks?” you ended your speech with spite in your words. Hawks sighed, “I am in the office,” he says your name with an edge in his voice, instantly shutting you down, “Where the hell are you?” The smugness in his tone remains and you can tell he is smirking on the other side of the screen as if he’s won. You hang up abruptly before walking out of your car and into the building, hurriedly making your way towards Hawk’s office. 
You slam the door open glaring upon hawks as he sits behind his table. Dirty boots resting pliantly on the shiny, polished wood. His wings out, stretched to their fullest, filling up the room standing on high alert. They have a deeper hue to them, they look darker– a darker red. How did that happen? You find yourself wondering. Is he on drugs? His face is tilted upwards, facing the ceiling. Eyes screwed shut. They open as he hears you enter and walk towards him, his wings falling back behind him calm and collected. 
“You’re late,” he says with a smirk, you bang your fist on the table beside where his feet rest, making him flinch and bring them down instinctively. His eyes widened in shock, he was not expecting you to be this furious. Sure, he knew he knew he had gotten you mad but he was not expecting you to be this angry. Without any hesitation, you start scolding him again. He watches you ramble in ominous glee. A poker face masking his expression, he watches you trot about how much trouble he is in. His job is to protect meek and weak citizens who cannot fight for themselves, what he was doing in a strip in the name of business is something you cannot grasp your head around. You repeat your lecture which you had already tortured him over the phone while the entire time Hawks drums his fingers underneath the table, waiting for you to get over with your dumb speech. His eyes trail on your lips, watching it move. Plump, pillow-like features tinted dark red ramble on about how much of an irresponsible person he was. Complaining about how much trouble he puts you through daily. Honestly, he doesn’t quite catch what you were saying. His mind busy imaging you shutting the fuck and letting him get through the day– or better yet how pathetic you would look underneath him while he shoves his dick down your throat. The thought makes his cock throb. His eyes change from an unbothered, bored look to something sinister as they start trailing all over your body. His eyebrows slightly furrow as he catches up on the few degrading terms you throw at him. 
You talked too much. Way too much, do you realize how much better you would look if you keep your pretty, little mouth shut? The entire time, it’s always: Hawks don’t do this, Hawks don’t do that. Don’t you ever get tired? He wonders whether your dumb little brain had any thoughts other than the ones which tell you to irritate him all the time. You should shut up, really stop talking. He might do something bad, he’s already stressed enough as it is being in his rut and having no way to relieve himself, he is going through a rough time here. The other night he escaped to a strip club in hopes of relieving some stress and it had worked but it had also brought along a mind splitting scandal.
The entire morning, Hawks was busy avoiding people. Whether it be his fans, reporters, or even someone he knew; he paid no mind to them trying to get to the office as soon as possible to deal with the mess he had created.
It wasn’t his fault entirely, he was in his rut and needed sexual relief which he was finding very hard to receive. With his work piling up and you breathing down his neck, he couldn’t even take represents as they slowed him down. He couldn’t risk falling asleep on duty. A stupid, little headline about what he does in his free time was much more favorable than a failed mission in which he would let countless innocent lives slip by his fingers. 
He watches you ramble, his eyes trailing over your body locking on your tits. He stares at them intensely, watching them bounce slowly every time you huff out of irritation and frustration. Your work shirt works him favors, the white almost translucent material shows off the slightest shadow of your black, lacy bra. It’s enough to get him going- imaging how your soft mounds would feel in his hands. How you would whimper under his touch as he tugs and pulls on your perky nipples, you probably wouldn’t sound as monstrous as you do right now. Your moans would be girlish, small whimpers would leave your lips as you would try your best to cover them up. You would try to hide your face under his assault but he wouldn’t let you, pinning you down instead and forcing himself on you while you cried for him to stop. Beg for his mercy. 
He can feel his jeans tighten. 
“So please, Hawks. Just be a little more responsible.” you finish, your voice turning into a plea. He hums and apologizes for his impulsive thinking, like always, he is not sorry. “Let's fix this mess, what do you say?” he asks with an apologetic grin, trying to be polite. You on the other hand don’t even spare him a glance, walking right out the door instead. It leaves him very offended. 
“Ah! What a troublesome day it was,” Hawks chimes in walking into his office with you closely following behind, “It was all your fault.” you spit making hawks chuckle, “Whatever happens, happens for the good.” he says, a scoff leaves your lips, “What was good about that?” you ask annoyed. “I get to have you alone with me now~” Hawks winks at you making you roll your eyes dramatically. Both of you stand together in Hawks’ office after hours. The day is done, everyone in the agency building has taken their leave excluding the two of you. It had been a long day fixing up after Hawks. You were tired and all you wanted was a warm bath and some sleep. 
“Do you want to know why it happened?” Hawks asks out of the blue, “What happened?” you question, “Why was I at the strip club?” you sigh, “I don’t give two shits about your personal life, Hawks.” replying sternly. A look of disappointment arises on his face, “It’s actually more than that, really, I u-uh have this condition- it gets very hard to work during these times-”
 “What are you even talking about?” You interject confused and clueless. You turn to him, a glare evident on your face you stare at him sheepishly. What was he on about now?
“I am serious, I went into my rut, and that's why I went to the strip club-” “Into a what?” Hawks’ eyes widened, were you really that clueless? “A rut, [y/n],” he says like it is a matter of fact, something everybody is aware of. “A rut. You know like how some animals go into heat and they-” your face scrunches as he explains his rut to you, you visibly grow more and more repulsed. Hawks studies you face, his heart genuinely breaking at your expressions. “Why are you telling me this?” you screech, “jeez Hawks, I did not need to know any of that!” you continue. 
Hawks is hurt, he accepted a reaction which showed more concern. Maybe he went a bit too far imagining that you would offer him help but seeing you so disgusted by him shattered his heart and made him lose all his respect for you. You were a terrible human being, no different from those villains he put behind the bars every day. “I am telling you all of this because- this actually happens!  Many- fuck- millions of people like me actually suffer from this shit! You should be a little more emphatic.” he reasons. He accepts you to understand at least now but you gloriously manage to disappoint him yet again. A rude snarl leaves your lips followed by a scoff, “What are you really trying to tell me Hawks? That you don’t want to do your job and to justify your laziness; you are making lame excuses now?” you shove a finger to his chest, it pushes him off the edge. 
Something in his snaps, he looks down where your fingertip touches his chest. You are smaller than him, he’s at least a foot bigger than you. Where does your bratty, puny self get all this confidence from? His eyes darken as something sinister floats within him. He stares down at your finger, wanting to rip it off. He wants to see you cry. He wants to see you in pain and misery, suffering a great deal while nobody comes to help you. 
“Hawks, you know what? I am so done with your bullshit. I am leaving.” You turn away from him, heading to the door but before you could move a step. Hawks grabs you by writs, caging your delicate hand into a bone-crushing death grip, “What the fuck?” you question, “Hawks?” you continue. You wait for his response, turning to him. He is facing the floor, his hair scanning over his eyes making it impossible for you to read his expression, not that you could read what was going on with him normally but now; it’s even harder. “Are you going to let go?” you ask again only to be met by him squeezing your wrists even tighter. You bring your other hand over him to pry yourself free from his clutches but he doesn’t want to let go. 
“Hawks wha-” you don’t get to complete your statement as Hawks pushes you down on the floor making you fall on your butt. You let out a loud hiss. You frown, yelling out “What is wrong with you!?” You try to stand back up but his hands settle on your shoulder pushing you back down. You try fighting but it’s to no use. Did you forget he is the no. 2 Pro- Hero? He is much stronger than you, he brings down villains twice his size daily. What makes you think your weak kicks and punches will be enough to beat him? 
You keep struggling under him, screaming how you were going to report him and ruin his career, how he is going to be sorry for messing with you.
 “Shut. Up.” he finally speaks, he brings his gloved hand to your perfectly styled hair. Pulling tightly on your roots he stretches your face upwards, making it easier for him to look down on you while you cry in agony, “Stop crying.'' His voice is deep and raspy, much different from how he usually talks. You look up at him, fear swimming in your eyes as tears prick at the corners of your sockets, lips trembling. If you already weren’t terrified enough, your horror becomes tenth fold when you see his boner raging in his pants, “Come, on. Hawks..” your voice is small and weak, it's a broken cry. You know what he is going to make you do. He was going to violate you, break you beyond repair. 
This was so wrong. As much you hated Hawks, you never would have thought he would do something like this. Hawks was a hero. He is meant to fight for justice, punish evil. Why is he doing this? “Hawks no. Please. Was it something I said? I take it back I didn’t mean it-” 
“You know, y/n, you are not so different from those villains yourself,” if looks could kill, you would be dead. The pure, anger, and hatred he looks at you with bothers you. It makes you hate yourself, there is something sinister in his eyes which makes you sure about the fact that he is not afraid of hurting you. He has given up on you, after all, his polite gestures, generosity you always ignored- he’s fed up with your sheer ignorance and your ego. He hates you. He does and heck if he wasn’t in his rut; he would never bring his dick anywhere near you. He does not respect you as a human and in no way does he have any romantical attachment to you. All he ever saw was a walking alarm clock, bugging him every second, and now all he is going to see you as is his cocksleeve whom he can stuff his fat cock into whenever and however he seems fine. To him you are just a walking hole he can ruin whenever he wants to, you have managed to get on his bad side and he is going to show you his bad side.
He undoes his belt, his pants falling to his thighs displaying his expensive boxers and his growing hardness. His cock is throbbing within its confines, fighting desperately to come free. His free hand pulls his boxers down and his cock springs free, hitting his abdomen. It stands long and hard, the tip blushed red and angry, tiniest bit of pre-cum spilling sweetly from his slit. He pumps his cock in his hand before forcing it against your mouth, pressing it to your lips smearing his pre all over your lips. You whimper in protest, moving your head the littlest you can under his tight grip. “Bitch open up. You had this coming for a long time,” his dick slaps your cheek while his fingers try to pry open your mouth. Pushing his gloved digits forcefully into your mouth, the rough fabric feels disgusting on your tongue. His fingers capture the lower part of your jaw, tearing your mouth apart with deranged strength. A loud cry escapes from you as he stuffs your empty mouth full of his cock, “Yeah, that’s more like it. Fuck.” he bottoms out into your throat, his shaft hitting the back of your throat making you gag, “get on with it. A slut like you would have the experience, right?” he taunts you. You do as he says, puckering your lips firmly around his length, your hands resting on his exposed thighs while you stroke him with your tongue. You feel his chiseled thigh muscles flex under your fingers as he melts in pleasure, tiny moans leaving his lips shamelessly. 
As Hawks drowns in overwhelming pleasure, a criminal idea crosses your mind. Your eyes trail up to his face. His eyes are screwed close, he bites his lower lip softly. Carefully and slowly, you graze your teeth over his cock. Clamping down on it lightly, you hold your position. Your heart beats faster when Hawks stiffens and in a quick flash, he pushes you off his cock throwing you into the ground before backing up, squealing in pain.
 “YOU LITTLE BITCH!” he screams, you sprint to the door. Trembling fingers try to unlock the doorknob while Hawks cries in agony behind you. You can feel him loom behind you, ready to come for your neck. A part of you tells you that you will not make it but the adrenaline rushing in your veins calls to be hopeful. Just open the door and just run. 
Your cold, quivering fingers almost unlock the heavy wooden door but before you can push it open. Hawks appears right behind you, pushing his body onto your back. You feel his cock poking at your ass, his hand grabs your head pulling you, prying you off the door. You scream and cry trying to break free, grabbing his hand clawing on it to let you free. Hawks chooses to show no mercy as he drags you by your hair to his desk, your scalp hurts from his grip. You can feel tiny strands breakaway. He turns you around and slams your back to his wooden desk, you whimper at the contact. He stands in front of you, pressing his knee between your thighs. His hand reaches out to pull at your collar, forcing you to look at him. 
He is livid, eyebrows furrowed with a death glare his jaw clenched, and his eyes darker than you have ever seen before. He looks at you with murderous intent, you think he might as well kill you with his wings flared open. The feathers turning into knives, you beg for your life. 
Hawks observes your face. Broken, scared for your life your eyes are glassy, ridden in fear your makeup smeared all over your face. He thinks it's beautiful, he has finally got you begging for mercy, finally thinking of him as the man he is. He appreciates your submission but it does not erase the fact that you just bite oh his dick. You beg for mercy, your voice is small and broken. It comes barely above a whisper, “I am so sorry hawks, please don’t do this.” He doesn’t listen, staring at you head-on with his jaw clenched. He brings his free hand to the air, keeping it steady for a second before bringing it down with a horrendous force. You feel it before it happens; white, hot flashing pain erupts through your cheek stinging you hard. You cry out in agony as your face drops to the other side. The strike was powerful, it left you sore, you can still feel it sting your face. It leaves you swollen, you try to bring your hand up to your face lightly to carcasses you paining cheek but Hawks pushes your face on the wooden desk before you could, trapping your arms behind your back holding it with one hand. “You don’t realize your position, do you? You know what? I was going- planning to be gentle with you. I thought I would at least make you cum but now,” he pulls a feather out his wings preceding to tear open your pencil skirt with the sharp end. The ripped fabric falls to the ground leaving you in your panties and the pantyhose you always wear under your skirts, “There we go. I hope you are a pain slut, otherwise you would really not enjoy this.” he says with a small chuckle before ripping you out of your bottoms, leaving you in your panties completely vulnerable to him. He abandons his gloves, rubbing his fingers on your clothed cunt roughly trying to gather slickness from your dry hole. Pleasure shoots down your body as his digits find your clit, rubbing tight circles on the little pearl, “Does this feel good? You are getting wet.” a smirk scars his face, “Who gets off to being raped?” he says sharply. Your face scrunches up in disgust and embarrassment. A heavy lump forms in your throat and the waterworks that you had been holding off burst open. Big, fat tears roll down your cheeks as you cry for mercy. You didn't know why this was happening to you, for your entire life you had been a nice person: always helpful, sensitive, and kind. At least, that was what you thought yourself to be. Never in a million years could you- or anyone, in fact, could have ever thought that you would be crying pathetically while your boss: a person known to all as a Hero, the truest, most honest person to exist ever would be the one defiling you, tearing you down to nothing just for his pleasure. 
“Shut up, you like this.” He snarls at you, so sick of your loud wails he even shoves two fingers inside your mouth plunging them to the back of her throat, “Don’t you dare bite now, slut.” he warns. His fingers stop prodding at your clit when he notices the wet spot forming on your panties, he wastes no time shimming them down to your ankles, whistling when he sees your glistening pussy. You only wail louder pleading him not proceed any further. Hawks turns a blind eye to all your begging, “I should just shove it in, right?” he asks petting his finger over your hole, “but that won’t be fun,” he snickers. You feel his move away from your cunt and move higher. Panic settles, he couldn't be serious, “Hawks. Please no. Please don’t. I don-” finger rims along your asshole, inching to dip in, “What? Don’t want me to fuck your ass?” he spanks your ass hard making you flinch, “Please I’ve never-” you cry out hoping he would understand, “No one’s ever fucked you in the ass before?” you whine at the lewd words which shamelessly fall from his lips, “Guess there’s a first for everything.” he says with a scoff. 
His digits bury into your hole, stretching you out in a way you’ve never felt before. The stretch burns, filling a fresh set of tears rolling down your eyes, smudging your mascara and eyeliner You looked like a whore. He keeps hammering his fingers inside you without mercy, a loud whine leaves your lips as you feel a tingle of pleasure from him hitting the right spot. “Do you like that? Too bad, this isn’t for you.” he moves his fingers from you before lining his fat cock to your almost too tiny hole, “How will this fit?” he laughs to himself, pressing his engorged tip in slowly, “Will be a tight fit,” he continues to shove his cock into your hole, his face turns off one to ecstasy as your walls take him inch by inch. You scream in pain, his cock was much bigger than his fingers. It was stretching you out, numbing your mind and soul, you did not know how much more you could take. Salty tears fell from your eyes as Hawks bottomed himself in you, he waited for a moment before starting to thrust into you unforgivingly. Dragging his fat cock out and your walls pulling him right back in. As he kept ramming into you. Slowly, you start to pleasure tingle up your spine as his tip smashed against the right spots. Your cries of pain turn to pleasurable moans. Hawks wastes no time in teasing you, “Look at you moaning like a slut,” he spanks your ass with swift force sending your rear to sting. You feel unbearable pleasure starting to build up in your abdomen, a straining coil wanting to burst which each of Hawks’ strong thrusts yet it is left unfilled as the simulation is not enough to make you cum from all alone. Hawks notices this, the pitiful crying for him to touch your swollen little clit which was begging to be played with. He almost thought he would give it to you, after all, he was a good person. Almost. 
Hawks just snicker, his cruel, sadistic laugh echoing in the room, “No, no, no.” he teases, “no matter how much you cry, baby. I am not letting you cum. This is your punishment, you deserve this. You’ve been a bad girl.” Hawks couldn’t formulate how he was able to form complete sentences. The moment he had caught you, he had let himself go feral. Dragging you down like a predator, he finally had you under him. He kept grunting and breathing profanity down your ear along with shameful praises about how well your slutty ass takes him. He is glad he is finally getting his much-deserved relief but he is not done yet. He won’t be done until he is filling your vulnerable womb with his seed, he won’t be done until he hears you asking him to give you his children. He is not going to leave you be until he has destroyed you, balls deep in your tiny pussy. He is going to keep you here all night fucking you, he is going to stay there all night fucking you with hate which he has buried within himself for you over the years. He is going to melt you in his hand, break you until only he can build you up, and maybe he will not let you go even after that. Maybe he will keep you after all hawks mate for life. 
Just hope he lets you cum the next time. 
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yandereaffections · 4 years
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Though Hawks little nicknames for you are usually in terms of being his lil baby bird and what not, the moment he figures out how easily flustered you get from that petname hes definitely going to abuse his power
He'll come up to you in public playfully calling you "kitty" as he steals a quick kiss from you, basically claiming whats his as you stutter out some response before giving up with a embarrassed hum earning a proud smile from Keigo 
Whispers possessive comments followed by the those names you love so much during cuddles when you least expect it, trapped within his arms unable to squirm away as Keigos hot breath hits your neck within every loving comment he makes
In regards of sex keigo doesnt miss any chance he gets to send shivers up your spine, calling you his little kitten as you whimper out for him to give you more, hands holding onto him tightly with blush covering the entirty of your face
Theres definitely going to be moments where you regret telling him about this liking of yours cause hes not holding back no matter whos around you, which means theres no doubt hes going to call you his pretty kitty infront of your parents and friends before realising what hes saying
Youll get a free pass to hit him when he does stupid things like that
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cozycornerwritings · 4 years
The Interrogation Room Prt 2
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His body heats up with anger as he watches, jealousy overcoming him.
Hawks rubs his groin against yours as your leg wraps around his hip. He grabs your face roughly and runs his thumb on your lip. “Take it in your mouth y/n” his voice was harsh and commanding.
You look at his face defiantly and turn your face away from his, “make me.”
Taking the challenge, hawks leans his face toward your ear, “trust me y/n, I’m going to.” His breath tickles your ear and neck, sending shivers down your spine.
He yanks your hand up to meet the one he had pinned above you, holding both wrists with one hand. You feel him plant a soft kiss on your neck, sucking it lightly.
Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your neck as Hawks bites against the soft skin. He brings his hand back to your face, forcefully turning your head farther away and holding you in place.
He bites again, hard enough to make you yelp in pain. Taking the opportunity, he shoves his thumb in your open mouth and brings his eyes up to meet yours. You squirm against him, but he holds your jaw.
You feel his breath begin to stagger as
you rub against him. “Now be a good girl,”
his grip on your jaw tightens, “and suck it.”
Shutting your eyes, you suck the finger in your mouth, moaning lightly as you feel him rubbing his hard length against you.
In an almost taunting manner, he flaps his wings and glances back at Dabi.
Dabi glares back at Hawks with a look that could kill. He considered you his. Countless times he had you screaming his name, a wet and shaking mess underneath him.
And countless times you two ordered take out and popped popcorn to sit and watch a movie with each other. He knew what you sounded like when you came, and what you sounded like singing along with a Disney movie.
Under the interrogation table he had begun heating the metal of his handcuffs, making them malleable enough to slip out of.
“Soon y/n, I’ll save you from that hero.”
Part three? Smut? Threesome? Fluff? Comment and lmk what you want! I also do requests for personal add ins and personal one shots!
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