#yandere critical
megami-against-bs · 9 months
Coming out of retirement to say a few things.
What Yandere Dev has done is absolutely unforgivable and beyond disgusting. If you are in any way excusing his actions, I implore you to take a good hard look at yourself and ask why you are defending a confirmed groomer.
Stop supporting Yandere Simulator in any way. Support the VAs who have quit and call on the remaining VAs to quit as well. Do not forgive or forget the awful things Alex has been allowed to get away with for so long.
Both because I do not wish to, and because it is legitimately disturbing, I won’t go into detail about the grooming Alex is confirmed to have done, but if you do decide to look into it, I have to warn you one of the victims was allegedly 9 years old when it started. Jesus Christ. Even thinking about it makes me want to puke.
Fuck Yandere Dev, fuck Yandere Simulator, and I pray for peace and justice for his victims.
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blughxreader · 8 months
Do you think Damian acts more childlike to gain more affection from batsis?
platonic yandere! Damian Wayne... HC. he's 13-15 y/o
yeah 100%. He might not even know he's doing it.
I bet it's hard to untangle himself from his co-worker relationship with his father and siblings. Damian always has to be on-guard around them to maintain his competent and reliable appearance, even if he's very comfortable with being his true self. Accidents like spilling tea or tripping are just slightly more embarrassing for this reason.
However Damian doesn't have to worry about being capable around you. His only relationship with you is little brother and big sister, which has implications that he can be as needy and undignified as he wants.
Yes, he's a trained assassin and vigilante, but you don't care about his tactical prowess. Your world revolves around whether to have tea or coffee, what to draw, which new show to watch, (how to cut off the tracker on your wrist, where the surveillance cameras are facing, has your food been tampered with).
So Damian does away with all pretenses and finally acts his age. He doesn't want to impress you as a soldier, he wants to impress you as a little brother.
He needs to be held! He has to watch the birds with you before school. Your attention must be on him instead of his siblings.
Look at this beautiful portrait he painted of you--aren't you proud? Look, he booby-trapped Tim's apartment so he'll be late for dinner, now the two of you have 17 more minutes of alone time, isn't that great? Now hug me hug me hug me hug me hug me hug me please please please please please please
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darling who does everything they can to escape the compound Arkham Knignt Jason brought them to because they believe Bruce needs to know that Jason is alive! Jason wasn’t there when it happened, but Darling saw how concerned Bruce was when it was clear Jason was missing, how the stress of guilt ate away at him as the months went by, how the criminals of Gotham became a bit more beat up than usual
Bruce needs to know, for his sake as well as Jason’s, and once Darling gets in contact with Batman he can help Darling convince Jason to leave this crusade of his, that Bruce actually cared so much for him and did everything he could to find him while he thought he was alive.
Jason would not be happy to learn that this is the sole reason why Darling wants to leave him. It’s as if Darling, the one person he loves and cares for most in the world, the only person he feels never forgot about him, is siding with Bruce and not him. Darling tries to reassure Jason that they love him still, which is why they need to get Batman, so that they can bring him home. But Jason is too embroiled in his hatred of Bruce and the trauma of what happened to think clearly. He may not believe that Darling is “betraying” him (his love for them out weighs any negative feelings he may feel for them) but that Bruce somehow manipulated them to abandon Jason too
He would be convinced that Bruce had lied to Darling to not come off as the callous bastard Jason KNEW he was. Bruce was just trying to hide the truth from you, he ALWAYS lies for the sake of the mission. The greater good.
"He's been lying to Jim about his own daughter being Batgirl and Oracle. He's been lying to Gotham and the world with his playboy persona to distance himself from someone as serious as Batman. Hell, right now he's lying to Barbara's boyfriend, my replacement, about me taking her so he can focus on making a cure for Joker's blood! I have their comms recorded right here!
I...I'm not mad at you. I didn't mean to yell. Come here. I believe you when you say you're doing this because you love me. But siding with Bruce when he abandoned me isn't going to help. And deep down, I don't care what Bruce really thought. He still left me to die and moved on like I didn't matter. Joker still ruined me. And I'm still going to get my revenge. I'm not going to let Bruce convince you to abandon me under the guise of it being "the right thing." The right thing is for you to stay here with me, and then once he's dead we can find out what to do with what's left of me."
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hezuart · 2 years
Why do you somehow think that your words are an objective fact?
(BTW; I have watched your critique of Helluva Boss: The Circus. And I still say it was a bad take and a bad critique. And no amount of "criticism" is gonna change that.)
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a-reverii · 8 months
regulus black is so strangers to lovers change my mind.
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winxanity-ii · 2 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 09 Chapter 09 | sparks and schemes⌟
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The pre-dawn light filtered through your curtains, painting the room in soft hues of gray and blue. You stirred, a slow smile playing on your lips as you remembered the night's events months ago.
The thought of attending U.A., a mere suggestion transformed into a reality, held a strange allure. It wasn't the prospect of heroism that excited you, but the promise of something new, a crack in the monotony of your existence.
Reaching for your phone, you saw a message from Bakugo.
𝐏𝐎𝐌-𝐏𝐎𝐌 𝐏𝐔𝐏 Be at the entrance by 7:30 sharp Don't be late. Or else.
The last sentence was punctuated with a single, explosive exclamation mark, a classic Bakugo signature. You chuckled softly, a low rumble in your chest. "Good puppy," you murmured to yourself, the nickname taking on a new meaning in your mind.
The rest of the morning unfolded in a leisurely manner. Unlike Bakugo, who likely woke up at the crack of dawn and launched himself into some pre-exam training ritual, you opted for a more relaxed approach.
You lounged around in your room, absentmindedly squeezing and stretching one of your mother's many stress balls. Each satisfying squish was a small rebellion against the looming entrance exam, a reminder that the facade of normalcy you maintained still held some power.
As you contemplated the upcoming challenges, a detached amusement settled over you. You envisioned the predictable strategies of the other hopeful heroes, and found yourself lacking any real sense of anticipation. It all seemed so… ordinary.
Just then, the shrill blare of your alarm clock pierced the quiet. With a sigh, you acknowledged that even an eternity could feel dull after a while. The entrance exam awaited, and with it, a chance to stir things up a bit.
A glint of something akin to excitement flickered in your yellow eyes.
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You arrived at the bustling entrance of U.A. High, the air thick with nervous energy. Students milled about, a cacophony of excited chatter and worried mumbles filling the air.
Many wore the familiar uniforms of middle schools across the city, their faces a mix of determined anticipation and nervous trepidation.
There were fewer students in your own school uniform, a fact you noted with a detached curiosity.
Dodging a group of overenthusiastic students launching into a mock battle with invisible opponents, you were about to turn a corner and find a quiet spot to observe the chaos when you were suddenly slammed into by a blur of pink.
A yelp escaped the source of the collision, a girl who shot back upright with impressive speed. She bowed deeply, her apologies tumbling out in a rapid-fire stream of words. "Oh my Gods, I am so incredibly sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going and—"
She cut herself off as she finally got a good look at you. Her large, black sclerae widened, the yellow irises in the center seeming to vibrate. A deep blush bloomed across her cheeks, the light pink of her skin turning a shade closer to crimson.
You tilted your head, a bemused smile playing on your lips. For a moment, you thought you might have broken her, or perhaps she'd hit her head during the collision.
Reaching out cautiously, you brushed a finger against the side of her face, expecting to encounter some sort of injury. Your finger met smooth skin, cool and flawless.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" you asked, your voice laced with a gentle concern that came naturally to you, a habit you'd picked up from your overly nurturing mother. Internally, you cursed your ingrained politeness, wondering if a more callous approach might have been more appropriate.
The girl seemed to short-circuit for a moment, her already wide eyes bulging even further. She stammered, her words tripping over each other in a frantic jumble. Finally, she managed to blurt out a single, incoherent sentence.
"Y-you're so hot, oh my Gods, ignore me!" With that, she spun on her heel and bolted away, her pink curls bouncing with each hurried step.
You blinked, left standing there with a bewildered expression slowly morphing into amusement. Here you were, about to infiltrate the most prestigious hero academy in the country, and your first encounter was with a lovestruck ball of pink. 
It was a bizarre start to the day, a stark contrast to the steely resolve you'd steeled yourself with. But a flicker of amusement danced in your yellow eyes. U.A. was certainly proving to be... interesting.
"Well, wasn't that an exit," a voice drawled, snapping you out of your thoughts. Turning your head, you came face to face with a boy who looked every bit the part of a bored aristocrat.
He was of average height, his blond hair styled in a way that seemed designed to perpetually obscure one eye. His periwinkle blue irises, framed by dark lashes, were half-closed in a look of perpetual disdain. A sardonic smirk played on his lips, completing the picture of someone utterly unimpressed by the bustling activity around him.
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by this unexpected encounter.
There was something about him, a subtle aura of entitlement mixed with a hint of hidden potential, that piqued your curiosity.
While the other students exuded nervous energy or boisterous enthusiasm, this blond boy stood out with his air of detached amusement.
A faint whisper, "Denji," echoed in your head, a fleeting association you couldn't help but cling onto.
Deciding to give him a bit of your time, you tilted your head slightly, your yellow eyes meeting his half-closed gaze. "I'll say," you replied, your voice laced with a playful challenge. Turning your full attention towards him, you gestured towards the fleeing pinkette. "Am I that hideous that I make people run away screaming?"
The boy regarded you for a moment, a low hum escaping his lips. He seemed to ponder your question for a beat before offering a nonchalant, "Maybe, let me see." With that, he took a casual step forward, invading your personal space to get a better look at you.
You were decked out in your Aldera Junior High uniform: a classic black blazer with white and red trim hugged your frame, paired with a crisp white collared shirt and a vibrant red tie. A pleated skirt stopped just above your knees, showcasing your toned legs clad in white socks that disappeared into practical black loafers.
Your stance radiated a cool confidence, a blend of defiance and preparedness that spoke volumes about your personality.
As the sunlight fell upon you, you seemed to take on an almost ethereal glow. Your fluffy, red hair, styled in loose twists, framed your face like a halo. But it was your eyes that truly captivated the blond boy. The bright yellow irises held him in a gaze that was both intense and strangely alluring.
His reaction mirrored that of the pink girl—a blush bloomed across his cheeks, spreading like wildfire across his pale skin. He seemed momentarily speechless, his usual smirk replaced by a look of stunned admiration.
Finding his reaction humorous, a genuine smile played on your lips. You broke the silence with a playful tilt of your head, stepping closer until you were mere inches from him.
This close, he could see the faint dusting of freckles sprinkled across your nose, a charming imperfection you'd inherited from your mother.
"Well, am I ugly?" you purred, raising an eyebrow in a challenge.
The boy stammered, struggling to form a coherent sentence. "Y-you..." he sputtered, completely flustered by your sudden proximity and the unexpected beauty he found himself face-to-face with. This wasn't how he'd expected his day to begin.
A slow smile spread across your face, the amusement clear in your yellow eyes. This unexpected encounter had been... enlightening.
With a playful wink and a final, teasing smile, you turned away, leaving the lovestruck blond speechless in your wake.
No need to linger any longer; the real game was elsewhere.
Fishing your phone from your pocket, you scanned Bakugo's latest message, a crudely drawn map leading to some secluded corner of the school. A satisfied hum escaped your lips. Perfect.
Just then, a gruff voice boomed from a few feet away, shattering the bubble of amusement you'd created. "Don't stand in front of me. I'll kill you."
You recognized the voice instantly. Turning your head slightly, you witnessed the explosive arrival of Katsuki Bakugo. He stormed past a familiar green-haired boy, leaving a trail of nervous mumbles in his wake.
"Erk... M-Morning! L-Let's both do our best!" Midoriya stammered, scrambling out of Bakugo's way. His voice, filled with a mix of fear and nervous determination, rang out clearly.
Several students murmured amongst themselves, their voices filled with a mixture of awe and apprehension. "Hey, isn't that Bakugo? The one with the Sludge Villain?" one whispered. "Oh, he's the real thing!" another chimed in, his voice tinged with excitement.
You watched the scene unfold with a detached amusement. Seeing Bakugo effortlessly command attention, even amidst the chaos of the entrance exam, reminded you of the volatile energy he brought to everything he did.
A small smile played on your lips. Perhaps blending into the background wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.
There was no need for additional attention on your first day at U.A.
Letting Bakugo be the center of the storm might be the most strategic move. You slipped away, disappearing into the crowd behind like a phantom.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket—a text from Bakugo undoubtedly. You ignored it, already finding a secluded corner that offered a clear view of the remaining students trickling in.
One face in particular caught your eye. Sitting a few rows ahead was Yumi, her presence was unmistakable. Her long, flowing hair, a vibrant shade of soft lime green—a clear inheritance from her father, Hiro, cascading down her back.
Complementing her striking hair, her soft lavender eyes, a gift from her mother, Shihsuki, mirrored the enchanting hues of twilight. They held a practiced charm, a reflection of her mother's Quirk.
You knew her Quirk, 'Absolute,' allowed her to get whatever she wanted—a power fueled by pure confidence. It was a fascinating Quirk, a twisted version of her mother's ability to draw people in and her father's knack for creation, all rolled into one.
However, the Quirk had a drawback. Yumi ran on confidence, and any situation that threatened her self-assuredness could backfire spectacularly, amplifying negativity around her. You mentally filed that information away—an interesting detail to keep in mind.
Yumi, oblivious to your scrutiny, was busy chatting with a group of girls. Her beauty mark, a tiny dot below her left eye, seemed to glitter as she laughed, her Quirk weaving its subtle magic.
You watched with a detached curiosity, wondering if her act would hold up under pressure. The entrance exam was notorious for weeding out the weak-willed, and Yumi's confidence, however potent, could crumble under the right circumstances.
You'd never had any personal issues with her, but a nagging suspicion gnawed at you that she was the one that despised your presence.
Ever since Yumi discovered the connection between you and Bakugo, a strange coldness seemed to settle in her demeanor whenever you were around.
A flashback flickered through your mind, transporting you back to a free period weeks ago.
You were nestled comfortably in your usual seat by the window, engrossed in a book about the controversial theories and experiments of Doctor Pavolos.
A shadow fell over your page, momentarily blocking the light. Looking up, you came face-to-face with Yumi, her brow furrowed in a deep frown. Her arms were crossed defensively, and two of her friends flanked her on either side, their faces mirroring Yumi's disapproval.
"What brings you, Yumi?" you inquired, raising an eyebrow in question. Your parents had remained close friends with Hiro and Shisuki despite the unfortunate event that took palce a couple of years ago, and it had been assumed you and Yumi would naturally become best friends.
However, that bond never truly formed, leaving a gap that Yumi's current frosty demeanor only served to highlight.
Yumi rolled her eyes, her disdain thinly veiled. "My mom," she drawled, her voice dripping with forced sweetness, "thought maybe you could, like, tutor me or something." A snicker escaped her lips, quickly echoed by her giggling minions. They leaned in conspiratorially, their hushed whispers aimed at you. You could practically hear the words "ugly" and "stupid" laced with malice.
Before Yumi's charade could escalate further, a familiar voice cut through the air. Ignoring you completely, Bakugo stomped over to your desk. With a characteristic grunt, he tossed a bag of your favorite potato chips and a carton of strawberry milk tea onto your desk. "You need to stop leaving home without lunch, dumbass," he barked, his voice gruff but not unkind.
Without waiting for a response, he turned and retreated back to his seat across the room, his group of followers trailing after him like a pack of wolves. Yumi, momentarily frozen, finally found her voice. "You... you know Bakugo-kun?" she stammered, her voice laced with disbelief and a hint of something... bitter?
You shrugged, nonplussed by her reaction. "Know of him," you replied simply, your gaze returning to your book.
The encounter ended there, but it marked a shift in Yumi's behavior towards you. Her once indifferent attitude morphed into something akin to hostility. Her quips and taunts became more frequent, especially when Bakugo wasn't around.
It was clear she harbored a not-so-secret crush on the explosive blond, and seeing him acknowledge you, even in his own gruff way, had ignited a spark of envy within her.
The memory faded, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. Yumi's behavior was childish, but it served as a reminder of how inferior human emotions were, especially when jealousy reared its ugly head.
Of course, you could have easily neutralized Yumi's hostility with your powers, but causing a scene wouldn't exactly help you blend in. In fact, it would achieve the opposite.
You thrived in the shadows, manipulating situations from a distance. There was the unfortunate incident with the new literature teacher, who lasted a mere week after harshly critiquing your well-written paper. (In reality, the man's envy over your intelligence and his subsequent humiliation after you corrected him in class fueled a strange "accident" that led to his swift departure.)
A mischievous glint sparked in your yellow eyes. Using your control ability, you latched onto the hearing of a small rat scurrying near a hulking student in the back of the room. The boy's head resembled a rough-hewn rock, and various critters nestled comfortably on his broad shoulders. The rat, drawn by the scent of crumbs, scampered towards Yumi's group, providing you with the perfect opportunity to eavesdrop.
Yumi's voice, laced with a sickening amount of sweetness, filled your borrowed ears. "Finally, Bakugo will be mine," she gushes, unaware of the listening ears. "No one, especially not her," she sneers, referring to you, "can stand in my way."
Her minions echo her sentiments, their voices a chorus of agreement and disdain. "Yeah, she's got no chance," one chimes in, emboldened by Yumi's confidence. 
Yumi, however, snapped at her, her voice laced with a sharp edge. "He was never interested in her! They were just childhood friends or something, nothing more!" she hissed, her carefully constructed facade momentarily crumbling.
The implication that your bond with Bakugo was insignificant, a mere childhood connection easily forgotten, sent a spark of fury coursing through you.
How dare she speak of your Bakugo... your pet, as if he were some prize to be claimed?
A predatory smirk filled your face. The entrance exam was about to begin, but it seemed you'd have a little pre-game entertainment first. Dealing with Yumi's inflated sense of self-importance was a task you could relish in.
Just as Present Mic boomed, "For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody say "hey"!" you focused your control on the rat near Yumi. With a silent command, you sent it scurrying up her leg.
Surprised by the sudden movement, Yumi yelped and instinctively looked in your direction. Seizing the opportunity, you reached out with your Quirk, subtly manipulating her nervous energy.
The effect was instantaneous. Yumi's eyes widened as she launched into a booming reply to Present Mic's welcome, her voice echoing through the previously silent auditorium. "Heeeyyyy!"
Everyone's attention snapped towards the lime-haired girl, their gazes filled with a mixture of shock and amusement.
Present Mic, oblivious to your manipulation, pumped his fist in the air, mistaking Yumi's outburst for enthusiasm. "That's what I'm talking about, listeners; bring the spirit!" he cheered, further escalating the bizarre situation.
From your vantage point, you watched with detached satisfaction as Yumi's Quirk instantly backfired. Her usually vibrant green hair dimmed, mirroring her plummeting confidence. Her minions, once fueled by her Quirk to hype and covet, turned on her, their whispers laced with snide remarks.
Yumi stammered, desperately trying to regain control, but her voice came out in weak, pathetic snaps. "I—I just got a little carried away, that's all!" But her retorts fell flat, drowned out by her own nervousness and the crowd's growing murmurs.
Present Mic, ever the showman, continued his presentation. "Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready?! Yeah!" Once again, you exerted your influence, amplifying Yumi's anxieties. This time, she couldn't hold back.
With a startled yelp, Yumi jumped to her feet, her voice cracking as she echoed Present Mic's question at an ear-splitting volume. "Oh, I'm ready!" Her shout echoed, far too loud and far too earnest, drawing stares and snickers.
Bakugo, who had been observing the scene with a bored expression, let out a disgusted scoff. "Jeez, what a clowny extra," loud enough for those nearby to hear. His words, laden with contempt, seemed to echo in the suddenly quiet room, sealing Yumi's fate as the object of ridicule.
The final blow.
Tears welled up in Yumi's eyes as the auditorium erupted in stifled laughter. Shame burned on her cheeks, turning her face a vibrant shade of crimson. Without a backward glance, she bolted from the hall, tears streaming down her face.
You let out a satisfied hum, your prank complete.
Turning your attention back to Present Mic, you settled in to listen to the rest of the exam instructions, a sly smile playing on your lips.
Who knew presentations could be so entertaining?
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***guess who the two unamed people were, 👀. and if you're wondering are they in the upcoming growing harem??? yeath....anywho, i have about 8 more prewriteen chapters so after ch.17, updates won't be as quick and sparodic as this, but no worries! Summer break begins May 4 for me 🥳🥳 until next updates, lovelies~
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mitsukiwa · 1 year
Made for vice
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A/N: You may have read this same one before but this one was edited; my other story was roughly draft also criticism is welcomed. If there are any mistakes pls let me know. Hope you enjoy.  !MDNI!
word count:0.3k
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You were forced, against your own will to be his. He took what soldier’s had fought for all mankind to have Freedom. Never had you ever thought it’d be something taken from your grasp. Simply because of a rejection, we all had that choice to make. But him he took it from you, whatever liberation you had before seized away from you. 
The two of you encountered back in October. There was a coffee shop a few blocks down from your work building. The doors of the cafe dinged as a new customer entered, glancing up from your computer. There was a man of average height with a slim and narrow build, Captivating crimson wings. 
You couldn't help but stare, knowing it may come out as crude despite having such fierce wings. 
It's an astonishing sight to see something so surreal, golden irises staring back at you. 
You quickly looked away, cheeks beginning to warm up at the reality that you were caught goggling.
It's not strange to have specialties like this in this world.
They're known as quirks. Quirks superhuman capabilities, that can be possessed. Along with being unique to each user. Quirks are sorted into different categories. Though then there's the quirkless to sum it up people who are are are born as ordinary normal whichever you want to call it. I'm one of those people born without a quirk. Those who are expected to rely on those with quirks, Those called heroes. 
Yet not all heroes are flawless, there is always a flaw within them.
And I comprehend that by experience.
How it all began
You resumed typing away into your computer, Entirely ignoring the humiliation you'd just put yourself in a moment ago.
From your peripheral, you notice someone walking over to your table.
They cleared their throat to grab your attention.
you gaze up 
it was the man you had just been staring at with a cup of coffee in hand.
Not sure if he came over to scold you about how rude it is to stare at a person.
you know this man he's a
Known as the hero hawks, you've noticed him on the news. 
Pro Hero Hawks 
Number two hero
And he's standing in front of you right now?
''hello,'' he said with a grin.
You greeted him back.
'' would you care if I sit here?" he asked as he indicated the chair in front of you.
You couldn't help but look around the cafe. There were plenty of stools and tables unoccupied.
Yet you hummed a yes.
There was one word to describe what you deemed at the moment awkward.
''what's your career'' He suddenly asked.
You were surprised he even continued to try a conversation out of you. Nonetheless, you responded
''I'm an Author,''
he hummed 
''And you?''
Sure, you already knew but still, you wanted to continue the conversation a little longer. Out of boredom really.
He gave a breathy laugh
'' you don't know?''
You shook your head
''no, sorry''
''well, that's a first,''
''what's your name?'' He asked
''what's yours,''
You were well aware, you probably sounded like a child right now.
He chuckled
''nice to meet you Takami,''
He had a shit-eating grin you wanted to punch off his face.
Why was he smirking?
''what's your name?''
You told him your last name, not really on first-name bases since you didn't know this man at all.
He repeated it himself. You felt a weird sensation at him pronouncing your name. 
And you heard him say your name along with his ''Takami''
You widened your eyes at his boldness. How dare he say that you don't even know-
''I gotta head off duty calls,'' he said as he got up from the seat and stretched.
''wanna maybe give me your number? So I can call you later on?'' 
he had that shit-eating smirk again
''no, thank you''
Hawks was surprised. He's never been rejected before by anyone. Every girl he'd wink at would fall to his feet at a chance with him. He was popular with the ladies. However, you were different.
''I'm just glad at least I got your name.''
He waved you bye and exited through the glass doors of the cafe, you saw him flap his wings, as they slowly levitate him up into the sky, but before he was out of view, he winked at you flashing you his smile.
I hate him
I hate him
I hate him
But you don't know why, do you?
Is it because he made you feel something?
Or is it because you want to hate him, but you don't have a reason yet
                                       ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
''you met THE hawks!''
''yea,'' you said coolly
'' He was willing to ask for your number, and you refused!''
You knew exactly where this was going. Hori was your close friend from work. Knowing each other for three years is enough time to promote the title.
She was a ''big'' fan of the winged hero. It only made sense, She'd be mad I rejected her idol.
''what is it ?''
''she rejected Hawks,''
''wait what you spoke to the Hawks ?''
you nodded. Honestly, it wasn't something to be proud of.
''He even asked for her number,''
And the discussion persisted. They got infuriated at you for being so hard-born.
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fuck serendipity 
Hmm, you may be asking at this very moment, Well simple serendipity fucked up your life.
It didn't leave things as they were no, instead it wanted to ''help'' out.
Your company had gotten a call around noontime. The caller had asked for you.
And, you were shocked to find out who it was. They claimed it was urgent to speak to you. 
Which was weird for you, your parents never called you.
That right there could've been your red flag instead curiosity gets the best out of a person always.
''hey little nugget''
your brow furrowed.
what the actual hell was this
''Who is this?''
''aww, don't tell me you forgot about me already,''
The voice sounded familiar, it could be no other than
''Hawks?'' voice sounding high pitched though it wasn't intended to be.
''the one and only, ''
''how'd you get my works phone number?''
''I got my ways,'' he cleared his throat '' I was thinking... I could maybe take you out to dinner?''
you thought as you rubbed your chin
''I'm busy,''
''C'mon,  just let me take you out.'' he persisted
"I'll pick you up by the time you clock out,''
''I said no-''
fucken prick
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You dreaded leaving work, and having to deal with a huge ego pro-hero exhausted you.
You never wanted more from him. He was the one who approached you, after all.
He went to extreme measures to find out your work location, which did startle you.
Of course, you didn't tell your work friend, knowing if you did, she'd make you go, so you kept this one to yourself.
You looked over to your mini clock located on the right corner of your work desk.
It read 8:30, and your eyes widened.
You groaned running your hand down your face.
god no
You thought to yourself.
Just great, so fucken great
You start thinking of ways to avoid him, but the thought that he is there blocks you from even thinking straight.
Grabbing your purse as you stood up from your chair.
Your phone chimed.
Without a second thought, you opened up the notification.
Hori<3:you wanna go to the bar with me and Shimoda
A wide smile made itself in your features.
And here I thought my luck wasn't any.
With newly made confidence, you grabbed your belongings and made your way to the front door of your work building.
Walking out of the building, the first thing you saw was a sports car, colors red and black.
The windows of the car rolled down and revealed hawks.
He gave you a boyish grin.
As he indicated you come over.
Reluctantly you did, Hawks then got off the car and walked over to the passenger's side, and opened the door for you.
"hawks something came up'' you begin your excuse.
''get in'' He demanded with an apathetic expression.
Whatever gentleness or outgoing aura he had before dissipated completely.
His voice raised, and you felt intimidated.
So you silently stepped into the car. The door slamming was heard, along with him mumbling something you couldn't quite hear from the inside of the vehicle.
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, as he walked around the car.
The driver's door opened, and he stepped in slamming the door shut, and locking the doors.
He turned his head in your direction and gave you a tight-lipped smile.
''wasn't so hard was it?''
You opted to nod, not trusting your voice, knowing that at any given moment you'll break down into tears.
'' We need to get you something to wear, work clothes aren't very appropriate for this occasion''
Now realizing that he indeed has a nice dress shirt with black dress pants and a Rolex.
And you looked nothing superior to his level. If anything, you seemed like you were nothing.
The drive was about 20 minutes, and it being quiet was very uncomfortable, but you are glad you've finally made it.
The store he'd token you were an indeed expensive and a very well-known store.
Hawks then got off the car and walked over to your side to open the door for you.
You wanted nothing more than to puke.
He reached his hand out for you to take, which you hesitantly took.
The street lamps illuminated his gold irises perfectly. His red crimson wings seemed more contrasted.
He helped you out, closing the door behind you. 
He placed his hand on the small of your back as you both walked to the entrance.
You both walked into the store. 
Immediately you felt like you didn't belong.
Soon a worker came to assist the two.
 She was stunning.
She had lengthy light brown hair with greenish-brown eyes. You were starting to feel envious.
'' How may I help the two of you'' she wore a bright smile.
''I need the finest dress in this shop''
Hawks sounded arrogant, it bugged you. You bite your bottom lip to avoid the commotion.
''all right, come this way, sir''
The women's heels clacked along the white floor as she walked over to a dressing room.
''wait here while I check for it''
He simply nodded as the woman took her to leave.
Hawks called out your name.
You turned your head in his direction.
 ''yes, hawks''
He then rolled his eyes, glaring at you.
'' Don't call me hawks call me Keigo.''
He wants you to call him by his name? And again, you did comply.
''sorry, I meant to say Keigo'' you corrected yourself.
The widest smile made itself on his features
you could've sworn his eyes were sparkling.
Soon she came back with a dress along with a manager.
''Hawks my man, how you doing'' the man conveyed in a cheerful voice.
''Great, I just need this one to look gorgeous for tonight''
He indicated to you.
Your face started heating as all eyes were on you. You hated too much attention.
''Don't worry we'll get that handled''
The man assured hawks, flashing you a smile.
Soon they left the fitting room to get ''the best dress'' they certainly have in stock.
''I would have gotten a dress tailored for you if I had planned '' Hawks voiced.
''you don't have to''
You stated, waving your hand dismissively.
                                          •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
You stared at yourself through the mirror, the dress fit perfectly, showing every curve on your body with enhancement.
 You wore a black cami cowl neck midi dress, it looked stunning.
Through the mirror of the fitting view, you saw hawks on the bench, licking his lips at the sight of you.
You shyly look away
''I think that's the one, don't you think love?''
You nodded your head, not giving a verbal response.
                                · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The restaurant was beyond what you have imagined. The valet opened the doors to the car as you then stepped out.
Hawks walk alongside you with his arm snaked around your waist.
You fiddled with the expensive jewelry on your neck he had brought you before arriving at the restaurant. The pendant had a k with diamonds engraved on the insides of the k. The necklace felt heavy on your neck.
Suddenly you feel something tickle your cleavage. You glance down and notice a crimson feather in between your breast. You stare at it, confused, as you walk side by side with hawks up to the desk.
The waiter seated you shortly after, and you both sat at a secluded table.
''Isn't it perfect Babe'' hawks mussed. 
You nodded.
 You pulled the feather out of from in between your breast.
holding it in between your fingers
''Keigo why'd you do that?'' you said sternly.
''It's marking my territory, my little nugget.''
''territory? so now I'm owned'' You scoffed.
''Yea'' he said with a wide smile.
You couldn't believe this. What are you some object he can take a liking to, write his name on you?
''so, what are you ordering baby?''
The feather in between your finger then began to wiggle out of your hold as it flew its way back to your cleavage.
Looking down at the menu before you. Officially deciding that there was no way you'd make up your mind. All the dishes looked delicious your mouth was watering.
You ended up ordering a salad and water while hawks ordered chicken wings. Which for you was funny you were just about too close to comment on him and his wings but ended up biting your tongue once more.
For some reason was spent how any other couple would.
But you two weren't a couple.
''We should go to this nice hotel I saw-''
''it's getting a little late, and I have work tomorrow,'' you spoke.
Once again, hawk's face dropped, staring at you.
''But we can on my day off'' you tried
In an instant, his face lit up. It was rapid, you thought you were assuming things.
''so this means we'll see each other again?''
As you were opening the door of the car to let yourself out, he quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you close.
His lips meet your own in a tender kiss. You felt pubes on his chin against your own. The kiss was short-lived as he then pulled away. Still in shock, you stepped out of the vehicle.
''ill text you later on,'' he said 
'' you don't have my number'' you stated
''I do, and ill send you a selfie of myself to prove it''
''wait how'd you even get my phone number,''
''I have my ways, anyways.''
With that being said he wished you goodnight and drove away.
You walked over to the front door of your home.
All you wanted to do at this very moment was to take a warm shower and sleep in your comfy bed.
                                                 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Your phone chimed repeatedly as you typed away on your laptop. You were just about to turn off the notifications when you read it.
You've seen the media little bird
You furrowed your brows at the nickname.
And wait what did he mean about the media?
The first thing you saw when you opened up the media was some gossip article about hawks. The title grabbed your attention in an instant.
Hawks' latest hookup?
Hawks secretly has a relationship.
Hawks spotted in the spatula restaurant!
What the actual fuck was this?
Your face was all over the media.
You heard whispers around you in your workspace as you scrolled through your phone.
These past few days have been nothing but gossip about the number two hero and his secret relationship.
Even going as far as having to hide your appearance, you'd have paparazzi tailing you at any given moment to take a shot of you.
A buzz interrupted your train of thought pulling you back into reality.
Flicking your eyes over to the phone. The screen lit up a notification on the lock screen.
Skimming the notification
Annoying bird
New message
In all honesty, you didn't feel like responding. Knowing Keigo, he would probably come over to your house and confront you for not answering in at least 6 minutes.
Opening the message
Let's go out again.
You typed onto the phone's keyboard. Pressing the send button after you've typed your sentence.
I'm busy, maybe next time?
That was a lie, you were currently comfortable on your bed you had decided to call off work not in any mood to be confronted by your coworkers about your ''relationship'' with the hero.
Darting your eyes over to your nightstand you grab the red feather. That was placed on top of it.
Holding it in your hand, you stared into the crimson feather.
At any given moment, this soft delicate feather could turn into a razor-sharp knife, if he wanted it to.
You hummed as you placed it back on the nightstand.
The phone buzzed again
I'm picking you up from your house be there in 5 min
Wait, how´d he know?
You looked over to the feather beside you, brows furrowing in realization.
You heard your balconies sliding doors open, your head snapped to the direction of the noise.
You stepped quietly out of your room looking down the hallway. Eyes squinting to adjust to the darkness.
Now in your living room, you glance over to your balcony door.
It was closed switch locked 
But you could´ve sworn you heard the door open
Dragging your feet over to turn on the living room lamp you heard a cabinet shut close.
Making your way over to the kitchen, you felt a strong arm grab you against him, slapping a hand over your mouth and muffling your whimpers.
''little bird, the second you hear someone come into your home you dial 911''
Your eyes widened.
He then let go of you.
Turning over to look him in the face, he wore a smirk.
''you scared me'' you barked.
''This just shows you wouldn't know what to do in that situation. Now I'm worried you can't protect yourself.''
you scoffed.
''no one really barges into my house without telling me first.''
'' I did tell you.''
''no, I told you I was busy'' you remarked. 
''busy? you called off work today.''
He spits back.
Crossing your arms, you then said something you´d later come to regret.
''I'm not your girlfriend, stop acting as if I were.''
He stared at you intently, his slit pupils narrowing. His wings spread a bit as he walked over to you. This image of him looked intimidating, placing both his hands on your shoulders.
''you're going to be soon.''
                        ______________⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆____________                                                /*yandere ml*/                         ______________⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆____________
''Your home is small.''
''it's fine'' you retorted.
''you say that now but you´ll soon come to realize this place would be small for our kids to roam around.''
You stared at him with pure disbelief. Why would he imply such a thing, especially after you´d just told him you two were nothing, not even friends?
''Don't worry frills, I got enough money to find us a good enough house.''
He took one more step further close to you.
''no need to look so troubled'' He reached his hand out to cradle your cheek, and you pushed him back away from you.
But it seemed no matter how hard you tried to get away he was always one step ahead.
'' Of course, we´ll do everything the right way we´ll get engaged and have a wedding honeymoon. All that package.''
Suddenly the words caught in our throat, and your heartbeat was banging against your ears.
''it won't be the same as my parents did, I'll protect you and our soon-to-come family. And provide you with your needs. You'll be a queen.''
All of a sudden breathing was now hard to do.
You didn't dare move an inch.
As the feather was now against your neck, no longer soft but in its sharp form.
Those gold eyes stared directly into your awaiting an answer.
You swallowed hard, breathing in sharply.
slowly nodding your head.
At this, he beamed with excitement, the corners of his eyes crinkled along with his pearl-white canines in view.
He then embraced you in a not-too-tight but not-too-loose embrace.
Wings enclosing around you.
Your face was flushed against his chest.
''You really were meant for me, baby bird. ''
Too scared to even bite back you nodded against his chest.
The aroma of his cologne enveloped your senses.
''can't wait to be a Takami huh?''
you bite hard on your tongue to prevent yourself from saying something you'd regret.
''You no longer have to worry about financial shit'' He assured you in that sick sweet voice he's fooled many with.
''Your main concerns will only consist of worrying about the kids and the house being neat and cleaned'' His voice became soft in a soothing voice, almost too good to be true.
''How'd you get my ring size?'' You questioned.
You don't remember ever giving it to him.
''remember that feather?'' he questioned.
As you recalled that feather that had curled around your finger as he told you it would be your temporary ring. A way to let many know you belonged to him. And every individual who saw it had an idea of who.
You nod your head.
Staring down at your hand
no doubt this ring must have cost more than what you earn a salary a year.
Although the ring fit perfectly, it felt, as if it were cutting off your finger's circulation.
''beautiful huh?''
This ring should not be on you, but on someone who really was in a happy engagement, and you were certainly not.
''I tried to find one that was good enough for you, but if this is not what you want, I'll find you another.''
''no, it's okay, this one’s alright.''
''alright?'' he questioned eyes sharp.
You cleared your throat ''I meant divine it's beautiful.''
''not as much as you are frills.''
© Mitsukiwa 2023-Do not copy,post or translate my work anywhere.
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canonically47 · 22 hours
having so much fun with custom mode rn
peep the protagonist + love interest as well as every rival and their respective suitor!! with the exception of budo x horo (whom i chose strictly because horo is also a science club member from class 3-1) yes i ship all of them. they're better in my head i promise.
spot the YS:THH reference... eyes
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+ canon methods of elimination for those curious!!
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thought process:
efude is the first rival and i think the continuity and nod to the rejection method being the first is the right way to go. it was either that or bullying.
ultimately i gave enpitsu bullying because it would be so fucking funny.
riku is a gentleman who has done nothing wrong and i will never lay a hand on him. he deserves happiness.
midori's elimination is a nod to the fact that she was the easiest target for years on end given her position on the rooftop! i imagine it'd be a knife elim, which is what i will do!
toga is a good student so it's funny.
saeko is like a witch so it's funny.
raibaru crushed budo's dreams and more than a few bones so it's funny.
budo is the most trustworthy so it's funny.
kaga wants to take over the world and goes out in the most fucked up way possible so, say it with me, IT'S FUNNY!!!
nothing to say here same reasoning as efude :3
probably gonna mess around with this a LOT because i want to get the S+ rank but also umm. my ships!! <333
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yanderederee · 7 months
Up next is a Baji/Toman fluff piece, that I think is really cute. But, my problem with writing I think is two things;
one.) I feel like some of my writings are slow and boring, therefore not share worthy.
two.) I give up halfway and don’t know how to continue/escalate the fic into fruition.
I’m trying to be less critical and more casual(?) with what I post, since not everything has to be perfect, but I am very insecure.
So, these are writings I have written/plan to write that follow these categories…
I have one Yan!Baji ask I’m trying to get through, but I’m struggling.
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ALSO!: Good news, I’m changing my masterlist format because I don’t like it anymore! Look forward to it:)
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
If it makes any of the anons feel better yandere dev, sorry for bringing him up, was literally seen as unkillable and unable to be canceled for good. He had his controversies, but a majority of his fans either sided with him or just cared about the product he was making, not his actions. All it took was one person who was sitting on a mountain of information to have everything crumble around him. Now the only people rallying around him are pedo defenders and literal children. And this wasn't even the first time someone revealed tons of info about him! This is just the time that finally struck everyone.
So anyone feeling discouraged over nothing happening to viv despite being exposed multiple times: just be patient. Karma is coming and soon you'll all be giggling and kicking your feet as poor Chai tries to answer the hundreds of asks that'll be coming in a second
Well said, Anon! When that finally happens, nothing will bring me more pleasure than to sit here and attempt to keep up with all your asks like Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory.
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pienhime · 5 months
the amount of people who follow me, someone w my ship/fiction stance in my pinned who reblogs my intro post that also states that pretty often who also have DNIs with explicit threats towards proshippers... bestie you clearly like us??? then theyll be into super "problematic" media... but see pro-fiction as a label and r like "omg gross!!!!" either u like what u like and think its okay or... youre one of us bestie. what do u think those terms mean
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decompose1 · 28 days
forever fascinated by the yandere archetype but making sure to shake my head very disapprovingly as i look at media with it to make sure everyone knows i don't endorse abuse
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gladiment is so real, its more real than any other main characters ships ever... wipes a tear. also i dont like how in the reboot people actually like sam unlike before where he was always poked fun at which I liked because its not as overused MC is so LOVED kinda trope. i also just love boyfailure sam
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yanmusing · 2 months
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This is how REAL ideas are written
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ayten-is-living · 9 months
When your favorite character is unpopular and doesn't get much content so you have to wait for new ones or make content of them yourself: 😭
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sakis-sweets · 2 years
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how much do you guys wanna bet yanderedev found this exact quora article when he was trying to name senpai
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