#yandere diluc Ragnvindr
fancyfeathers · 4 months
Diluc’s darling doesn’t go out in public anymore. She used to be seen some nights at the Angel’s Share tavern when Diluc was bartending, sitting at the bar or a nearby table, looking pretty. Diluc would have her dressed in the finest clothes and looking perfect, but now she locks herself up in her and Diluc’s room at the winery. Her hair is tangled and is only washed when Diluc gets home and drags her to the bath to make sure she is taken care of, she only wears a nightgown, what’s the point of getting dressed up if she won’t go anywhere. Why is she like this?
A burn scar, going down her face and onto her neck…
It was from a number of months ago from when she argued with Diluc about letting her roam the winery grounds. It got so heated that Diluc lost his temper and stuck her across the face…
and his heart sank when he realized his vision was activated…
His darling’s screams was the only thing he could process, not the sizzling of flesh, or the smell of smoke. It was the worst when the maids dragged her off to run the burn under cold water and bandage it. He bartended that night, to give them both distance.
When he returned to the winery that night, he saw his darling asleep in their bed, but one half of her face was stained with tears, and the other was hidden away under white bandages. He both wanted to see the damage he caused and didn’t want to at the same time, the best he could do was ask Adaline about the damage. She told him that the scar would never go away and he felt sick at what he had done.
So now when the darling looks in the mirror she wears a constant reminder of her situation, pain. That pain will never go away no matter all the expensive gifts Diluc gets her that only collect dust, nor with the offers of taking her on walks or to the tavern while he works. She doesn’t want people to see her like his, in pain, suffering, a broken and burned shell of who she used to be.
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amostnobleyandere · 10 days
Yandere! Diluc x Reader
Summary: Kidnapped Reader begins to feel touch starved after being trapped for so long and finally reciprocates Diluc’s need for physical affection. Cue a steamy make-out session.
Warning(s): YANDERE content (do not read if you are not comfortable), kidnapping, imprisonment, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, slight Stockholm syndrome, dubious consent (concerning touch), forced affection, forced kissing, steamy, !! heavily suggestive ending (smut implied)!!, slight hair pulling, slight isolation, forced marriage, they make out and both of them get somewhat turned on *gasp*
“Just one kiss. Please, darling.”
Your protests were silenced by Diluc pushing his plush lips onto yours. The kiss was soft, delicate, and loving, something filled with longing after not seeing you for hours. However, the romance of it all didn’t mean much to you when you had been backed into the corner of your shared canopy bed with no way to escape.
You tightly fisted your hands into the sheets as his lips pressed insistently against yours, a discarded book next lying open on the silken bedding. You had been entertaining yourself pretty well before Diluc, your husband, had gotten home from a long day of work and business, deciding that he wanted to relish in your company after being deprived of it for so many hours. Your husband was a working man, and unfortunately for you, he only became more desperate to hold you after being separated most days.
Diluc’s arms caged you in while his thigh pressed against yours, heat seeping through the thin fabric. His winter clothes had been switched out for lighter ones with the coming spring, and you could feel every tensing muscle in his body as it shifted against your shamefully thin loungewear. You could feel the twitching of his body, the stiff movements that came with him resisting the urge to run his hands all over you. He knew you didn’t like him touching you. He knew that he was pushing it by kissing you with such intensity.
Today though, today was different. You didn’t mind the way his lips were bruising yours with each practiced tilt of his head. An all too human part of you was so tired of resisting every day, and it craved the warmth that you felt in those moments after he was done kissing you; those moments when he brought his gloved hands up to caress your face as you avoided his painfully adoring expression.
Hesitantly, you brought your tense arm up to graze the hair near the back of his head, each movement feeling slow and forced. But god, you were so desperate for the thought of being touched, and could no longer keep up the act of repulsion to the little physical touch Diluc gave you; you were tired of being careful to avoid every brush of skin, every silent show of affection.
Diluc knew it made you uncomfortable, and for the first few months of your “stay” you would have rather gagged yourself before you ever kissed him willingly. But loneliness was a powerful thing, and besides the maids who would barely look you in the eye, he was the only one you could reach out and hold.
Your hand landed on the back of his ponytail and you did you best to ignore how quickly Diluc stiffened under the shift in weight. His lips froze against yours in shock, but you pushed your hand further into his hair before anxiety made you pull it back. Your fingers curled into his locks, slightly tugging at the base where a ribbon held it back, and the first thing you thought was how absolutely soft it was.
You heard Diluc shakily breathe in, his eyes wide as he stared at you in disbelief. His hands landed firmly on your hips in an awkward attempt to put them somewhere. You could feel his fingertips digging into your skin, hands tense as he felt the new sensation of your fingers running through his hair.
…Clearly your touch was not unwelcome.
Feeling emboldened, you went further. With one of your hands still nestled in his hair, you rested the other one on his chest. You curiously ran it up to his collar, distracted by the new feeling of the coarse clothing and the strong body that shuddered underneath your light touch. You felt his heart beat unimaginably fast against your palm, heat seeping into your skin already from the light contact.
You quickly glanced up at his eyes and immediately became aware of the intensity of the look he was giving you. His gaze roamed your face, going from your eyes to your lips, searching fervently for something in your expression. You had never been the one to initiate anything before, much less encourage his behavior. You had always been quite cold to your captor ever since he had swept you away and locked you up in his mansion, too paranoid and in love to keep you anywhere but under his watchful eye.
You suddenly felt very nervous. Diluc’s blood red eyes reminded you of a predator, following every slight movement you made with rapt attention.
A primal part of you was scared of breaking eye contact with the dangerous man in front of you and you felt your heartbeat quicken for the first time in a while; whether it was fear or excitement, it made a fire light in your body.
Slowly, you leaned into him, ghosting your lips against his as he sharply inhaled, muscles tensing underneath your fingers as you focused on the rhythmic thrum of his heart. You moved the hand over his heart to join the other nestled in his hair. You pressed your chests together, practically melting into him as the lonely place in your heart sighed in relief at the warmth surrounding you.
You were the closest to him you had ever been, and you were returning the affection he had showered you with since the day he took you away. In the moment, you were unaware as to what exactly was going through Diluc’s mind. This was a sign of you willingly accepting his love. A thing you had only ever seemed to acknowledge reluctantly. His self restraint snapped, and then his hands were everywhere.
What had gone from a sensual kiss of longing was now a passionate fight for breath, with every harsh press of his lips to yours ending and beginning again at a dizzying pace. His exhales met yours in quick, desperate pants, as he seemed only able to pull away for a second before attaching himself to you again.
You soon lost your balance from the onslaught and fell back onto the bed. Diluc paused for a brief moment before following you and carefully placing himself over you, putting his weight on one forearm and using his other hand to impatiently tug open his collar.
“Diluc?” You said, dazed by the sudden change in his behavior.
“Hot,” was the only thing he said, forgoing elaborating to instead nudge his face into the crook of your neck. You tensed as you felt his lips brush against the sensitive area, each exhale adding more heat to already damp skin.
You nearly screamed when you felt his lips settle onto your skin, his teeth latching onto your neck happily. He bit painful heat into your throat, marking each new spot he found with eagerness as he moved down your neck. He began pressing fleeting kisses up to your ear, which he then happily bit and abused. His tongue ran across the shell languidly, a teasing motion with a meaning more sensual behind it, and an unexpected bolt of electricity shot through you.
Diluc seemed to be caught between deciding to pin you underneath him or allowing your hands to be entwined in his hair. Eventually, he guided your hand up to where it have previously been, and you automatically pulled on the long strands just to ground yourself. He moaned at the feeling. You teased the ribbon away until it fell from his nape, watching bright red locks spill over the broad shoulders now caging you in. Errant strands floated above you, teasing at your face and skin as Diluc ran his hands up and down the side of your waist. He panted in your ear and his hot breaths bounced against sensitive skin, making goosebumps rise along your arms.
You jumped as you felt his hand run to your thigh and squeeze, the firm grip making something light up in your stomach. You inhaled shakily, gasping as your realized that you were going to get what you wanted and more. Tonight was going to be a long night.
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exchangestudentnova · 11 months
Diluc is never truly rough with you.
Being gentle with you comes naturally to him, which can be seen in the way he interacts with you, the way he speaks to you, the way he looks at you, the way he caresses you as you sleep peacefully beside him. His conviction to keep you away from harm is his driving force, and everyday he wakes up with only one thought in mind, which is to keep you smiling and happy.
But tonight was different, tonight he had a lustful fire in his eyes that could only be brought in control by watching the tears of pleasure streaming down your face
He's relentless with his speed, he meets your cervix each time his hips roll forward, guided by pure ecstasy. The Searing Onslaught of his harsh, hot stokes leaves you breathless, your half-moaning half-screaming self not being able to comprehend any other thing. His speed gradually picks up as he gets closer, the two of you reaching your highs for the nth time for the night.
The chirping of birds mark the arrival of Dawn, your eyes open and you come face to face with Diluc's muscular chest, his arms wrapped around you, keeping you warm and cozy under the covers. He has a pained look on his face, remembering past nights activities and their effect on you. The soft sun rays feel like a blessing of phoenix as he rushes to bring a warm water cloth for you, checking and rechecking your body for any bruises, for any soreness
Lines of apologies are directed towards you but you smile, knowing that Diluc will never, ever be truly rough with you.
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throwaway-yandere · 4 months
"I Got Reincarnated..." (Yandere SAGAU Otome Isekai!Diluc/Reader) Common Route now available!!!
No need to download! It's a web-based game that should work on mobile too.
The art and overall story are made by yours truly while the OST is created by our beloved @naraven. There are currently 2 CGs and 2 OSTs available, and depending on the reception I might continue beyond the common route since I already have most sprites done <3
This is something I had been pondering about making for a while since my blog has reached it's 2nd year mark so I made this under 3 days. I love you all. Thank you for sticking around. Here's the link to the game. I hope you enjoy it <3.
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For context, please read this fic first!
Characters currently present in this short chapter:
Captain Dainsleif, Diluc Ragnvindr, Waitress Alice & Rosaria, Chief Albedo, Prince ???????, Lord Kamisato, and Justice Ajax.
Greetings, I am Diluc Ragnvindr.  Welcome to Southern Gaciea. Unlike the North, East, and the West, the South is a tourist spot for outsiders. It's a closed off country, so outlanders will need to submit their documents to the department of domestic affairs.  Perhaps you do not remember, but you've encountered many interesting individuals upon your arrival such as…   Captain Dainsleif, the famous Western knight turned retainer for both Prince Lumine and her missing brother, Prince Aether;   Lord Kamisato, the Eastern noble who controls Gaciean trade with just a flick of a wrist;   Chief Albedo, the Head of Domestic Affairs and Chief Alchemist from unknown origins;   Justice Ajax, the unreasonable Northern politician whom I often argue with;  …And, of course, Duke Ragnvindr, the Southern Head of Military Affairs. That would be me.   It's a shame you no longer remember much of our time together, (Y/n). I assure you, I can make you feel at home in this universe. But— you're not planning to leave South Gaciea soon, are you? ♥
Dev note: pssst, you might get some extra dialogue if you put these as your name (more will be added soon cuz that aint all my moots >:((( i need to code more efficiently smh.)
Shiro, Ven, Navina, Mei, Mochi, Ana
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yestrday · 4 months
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: ̗̀➛  DRUNK ON ECSTASY ! ft. yan! venti, kaeya, diluc, albedo
In a last-ditch effort to subdue your fiery spirit and finally claim you as his, your dear yandere mixes a little something with your food. different emotions arise, but one thing is clear— you’re soooo much cuter when you’re pawing at his sleeves and crying for him.
+ whew finally got this one out of the drafts!! did this instead of the reflection paper lololol
( yandere behavior, drúgging, aphrodisíacs )
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venti does it in a last-effort ditch to break down your walls. don’t blame him, okay! he’s been trying sooo hard these past few months to even put a dent in that thick wall you’ve put up between the two of you. he’s confident in his looks and his charm, and has been exploiting the utmost out of them just to seduce you! but you’re sooo hard-headed, and he’s growing really desperate!
he adores your modesty, really! but the shy and reserved smile you put on when he makes a move on you pains him both physically and mentally. he wants to see all of you, the good ones and the bad ones, and he wants to assure you that he’ll love you no matter what! he wants to see you needy and desperate just like he is, but it looks like you’re trying to control yourself. but no worry though, because venti will make it his mission to set you free of such bothersome restraints.
and well~ ♡ venti giggles as he swirls the pink liquid around its heart-shaped vial, brazenly playing with it with your back to your wine. he knows juuust the thing to get you to open up. don’t worry, don’t worry ♡ venti can’t seem to repress the wide grin as he drops just a teensy bit of the potion. this is what friends do, don’t they? help each other out?
and he’s helping you out alright. not like he has much of a choice when you cling and grasp at him so needily. he’s laughing all the time, even when you’re begging for some sort of release. his laughter, bordering on maniacal and full of lust, is muffled by the blood rushing to your head. he loves it— those desperate eyes, the whiny pleas… you’re everything he’s dreamed of and more. isn’t this wayyy better? to be true to yourself instead of hiding what you’re really like?
“venti venti ventiventiventi pleaseee~!” your whines sound absolutely delightful to his ears, and even more so when he watches you cling to him with hearts in your eyes. your hair’s a mess, your cheeks are bright red, and you smile at him like you’re drunk on the attention he’s giving you. “hmm, i don’t know…” venti feigns hesitance, even though he’s kicking his legs in delight. “it’s getting late now… don’t you need to go home at this time already?” you shake your head fervently, clutching even tighter onto him. you stare up at him so desperately and pleadingly that it’s hard to connect you to the straight-laced person you were before. “i– i don’t need to! i’ll stay here for you, venti! just pleasepleaseplease!” you nigh sob, embracing his side as try to indulge in every warmth and touch his body can offer. “please touch me already!” the giggle he lets out is almost maniacal, one that would scare you if you weren’t high on aphrodisiac. he takes a large swig from the wine bottle (more pink than the usual red) and brings your face closer to his. your breaths intermingle, smelling of sweet wine and laced with lust, as venti takes in the prize he’s been coveting for so long. “you’re so precious, my darling,” he whispers, and when he swoops in to kiss you, tongue wrapped around yours, you swear you’ve never been more contented in your entire life.
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kaeya believes that he’s not the sort of person to resort to such… disgusting tactics. he tells himself that he can win you over by his charm and hard efforts alone, but the way you smile politely at him or when you take every opportunity to avoid him… it only digs deeper into his insecurities. every witty remark he has is met with an awkward laugh, every time he tries to close the distance, you shy away. it hurts him more than he wants it to. he knows he should be giving up but when he stares at the vial of aphrodisiac he’d unthinkingly buy, he knows he’s far too gone to give up.
he tries to forget about it, tries his best not to think about what horrible thoughts he’s been having of you. but every time you show him even the slightest affection, a genuine smile here or a comforting touch there, he starts caving. how happy he would be if you showed that to him every day! he’d return every affection you gave tenfold, you’d never be starved of it. he wants you so, so bad it’s maddening, and every night he sleeps in his bed alone, his mind becomes a little bit crazier.
but tonight, you were with another. he knows he’s just a friend, that you see them nothing more than a brother, but that’s not how the other party looks at you. yet you lean into their touch so willingly, laugh with them without any restraints, and smile at them so blindingly it stuns kaeya even from across the room. he grasps tightly the bulge in his pocket, heart-shaped and taunting, and bites his lip.
he wants you so, so badly. so when you approach him with your wine glass lifted, greeting him with a drunken smile, he tries to pretend that he is the subject of your affection. tonight, it can be all pretend, but when he refills your cup and watches the pink wisps drown in the red wine, he tells himself that it’ll all be real after this.
“i’ve got you, i’ve got you.” kaeya acts like he’s not the one who made you like this, swaying tipsily from the wine and the drug and clinging onto him for support. well, maybe more than support, because of the way you nuzzle into his side and breathe a sigh of relief, kaeya thinks that maybe you’re longing for something more. “hehe, have i ever told you how handsome you are, mister kaeya~?” you ask him, smiling wobbly up at him as you gaze into his one eye. he gasps in shock when he realizes that your noses are barely touching, and he leans away quickly to save his rapidly beating heart. he wasn’t like this with others, he swears, but something about you makes him so vulnerable and flustered that he doesn’t know what to do. your rented room is barely lit, the candlelights on the side of the wall somehow adding a sensual atmosphere as he guides you to your bed. the feeling of your skin against his is like fire to ice, and the little whimpers you give as the heat tortures you from within sets his head spinning. he can barely handle it, and with the way you’ve been eyeing him… surely it wouldn’t hurt to hope for more. he tries to set you on the bed, but you’re quick to push him down first and straddle him with a triumphant grin. he knows he’s the suspect behind your behavior, yet you’re the one pinning him down and he’s the one blushing and gasping like he’s been caught in your trap. “kaaaeeeyyaaaaa~ ♡” you drawl, nipping lovebites and staring at him with heart eyes and a flirty pout. “keep me company for the night?” his breath hitches in his throat as he takes in your draping clothes and feels the warmth of your body on top of him. mustering up enough bravado, he summons his confident grin to his smile as he wraps his arms around your neck. his heart is beating in his chest, and his eagerness drowns out whatever guilt he may have felt. “anything for you, love.”
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when desperate, diluc might not make the most rational of decisions. he had bought the love potion off the black market in a fit of mania after you had once again run off and hurt yourself. his illogical logic reasoned that if you weren’t willing to be under his care, safe, and protected, he might as well force you to want it.
the morning after, diluc’s face contorted with disgust as he looked into the reflection of a man willing to force the person he’d been pining for into something they didn’t want. he locked the crystal bottle under lock and key, swearing that not once would he ever use it. he loved you too much, and admittedly too prideful to resort to such cheap tactics. he needed you to love him of your own volition.
but tonight was another one of those nights, news of another dangerous stunt of yours in dragonspine reaching his ears. you were driving him insane. what archon would care if he kept you under his protection, shackling you to his side even if it meant depriving you of your freedom to explore the world as you wished? hell, he might even get rewarded for it, because you were going to kill yourself at this rate!
there must have been a reason why he didn’t throw away that potion like he had ought to do, a malicious subconscious telling him that he would need it in the future. and it was right, the side of diluc that he had despised so much was right. as he swirls the ominous glowing pink in its bottle, he watches it drop into your wine with a face devoid of any emotion– too sick with love and paranoia to even feel anything for the crime that he was about to do.
the way you’re shivering and reaching for his touch is making him go crazy. he had never expected the potion to be this strong (though he did drop a few too much just to ensure the… effectiveness), so he received your weak embrace with both surprise and a dark delight. your current image was one he thought he despised— babbling incoherently, swaying tipsily, airy giggles, just like the drunks he tended to— but on you, it was nothing short of endearing. especially with the way you whimper at his every caress, shaking in flush pleasure as you lean in for more. you’re pliant on his bed with hazy eyes anticipating his every move, and he gently lifts parts of your clothes to observe the collection of scars you’ve collected. “d– diluc…” you whimper, weakly grabbing at his wrist as he traces another once more. you’re so… small, hands barely wrapping around the width of his wrist. “wha… what are you doing…?” “observing my mistakes,” he replies, pressing a chaste kiss on your temple that has you whining. he sees this with dark eyes but refuses to let go of the leash he’s put upon himself. “all these scars that litter you’re body, it was my mistake for even letting you go out there when you can’t even take care of yourself.” he thumbs another scar and you bite your lip. “now you won’t have to worry anymore. i’ll be the one taking care of you.” “take care of me…?” you’re silent for a few seconds as if the reality of the situation has finally dawned on you. diluc sits in silence too, waiting for you to start screaming and kicking and demanding before a wobbly grin spreads on your face. “take care of me? ♡ then…” wrapping your legs around his neck, you pull him in closer till his chin rests on your tummy, and you smile so lovingly at him that he could almost fool himself. “then take care of me lo~ots tonight, ‘kay? ♡”
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albedo doesn’t even bother reserving a love potion for a last resort. he might be a patient man with most things, but he sometimes likes to indulge in his sadistic desires. and there’s no other person than you who seems to rile up those desires more than ever. to have you shivering and weak on his table, moaning weakly as you beg with a bright flush on your cheeks… albedo could not have made the potion any faster.
he’s always been… scientific? when it came to matters of the heart. he’s not the type to chalk the unexplainable thumping of his chest to a mere clash of chemical reactions in his brain. rather, he looks for the fastest and most efficient way to get him results. he could try and be content watching you from afar, dressed in your cute waitress getup as you tended to customers, but archons knew how much he was itching to have his hands on you.
every time you smiled at him from across the street, bounding from good hunter to the little alchemy stall with food that albedo had ordered with ill intentions… it festered something dark within him. albedo’s no idiot, he’s fully aware of what dangerous ideas his mind has been cooking up this entire time. you chat with him with wide and trusting eyes, unaware of how his gaze lingers on your lips and how he purposely brushes your hair back to let his touch linger. 
it drives him insane how naive you are, but it is an alchemist’s duty to break down things and build them up again to truly understand the way they are. and albedo is nothing but curious about you.
albedo is delighted at how much the potion seems to have an effect on you. you could barely think, head empty except for the constant need of albedo’s touch, and you beg for it so~o prettily too. he tucks a messy strand behind your ear, just as he always did, but instead of warm smiles and thank yous he’s met with whines and hazy eyes. “‘bedo, ‘bedo, pleeasseee~” you sob into his palm, hugging his arm in an attempt to keep more of his warmth to yourself. “wh- what’s going onnn? i’m sca-ared…” he shushes you, soft caresses tickling your neck as he presses a kiss on your temple. it’s exhilarating how much you shuddered from a mere peck and wondered that should he have made the effects stronger, it certainly would have sent you right over the edge. “sh sh shhh, it’s okay, darling. you’re fine. your body’s just reacting… accepting… let me indulge in this moment for a little bit longer, ‘kay? then i’ll relieve you of your pain.” you don’t process any of his words, just looking up at him with fearful yet trusting eyes. he chuckles when he sees this stupidly cute expression on you and helps himself to nip on your earlobe. “ngh, nha ♡ n- no! not the ear…! ‘bedo, ‘s too sensitive!” your toes curl at the onslaught of pleasure, and you can’t help but kick your legs as you’re overwhelmed. “y- you can’t…!” “oh dear,” he chuckles, pulling away from your lobe and watching as you lay on his lap, panting and twitching at the sensation of it all. “it’s just the ear, darling. surely, you can’t be that sensitive yet?” he eyes the cup of tea that he had brewed, suspiciously tinged with pink. “you haven’t finished your cup yet, you know.” “c… cup?” you slur, tongue feeling leaden. through half-lidded eyes, you can barely make out the sly smile on albedo’s lips. “wh… whaddya mean…?” huffing a fond laugh, albedo shakes his head and reaches out for the teacup, before tilting it into his mouth. his lips descend on yours, tongue swiping at your lips to be permitted entry. you part them, and the distinct taste of tea enters your mouth as he kisses you even deeper. “that’s what i mean,” he smiles, pulling away with naught but a string of saliva attached. now his cheeks glow pink, as he watches you with lustful eyes as pleasure and unbearable heat shake your body once again. “it’s time to fall even deeper, my love.”
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Heya! Could you write a yandere concept for Diluc from genshin impact? Please and thank you! <3
I'm surprised he or Kaeya wasn't requested earlier, here you go :) I do hope I got the gist of his persona right.... I feel bad because I ran out of steam half way through.
Yandere! Diluc Ragnvindr Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Denial, Controlling behavior, Manipulation, Fear of loss, Kidnapping, Stalking, Blood, Mentions of possible murder, Toxic relationship, Forced relationship.
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Diluc is the owner of Dawn Winery and works at the Angel's Share Tavern in Mondstadt.
However, at night and away from everyone else, he is a vigilante who aims to take down the Abyss Order and Fatui.
He is truly a defender of Mondstadt, often busy trying to defend the city when the Knights of Favonius can't.
Diluc would probably be protective, controlling, possessive towards his darling.
Especially if Kaeya is involved....
Diluc seems like he'd meet you at either the tavern or winery at first.
Maybe Kaeya is showing you around Mondstadt, as much as his brother irks him... Diluc will admit you're interesting.
Diluc seems like he'd (ironically) be cold or distant with you at first.
He's a yandere who's in a bit of denial when they begin to show attachment.
He's been through a lot and isn't sure if he can let someone be so close to him.
He's always busy... although his day is immediately better when seeing you.
If you're at the tavern, he offers you food and drink while asking you about your day.
He may be in denial about his affections... but he does seem to have an interest in what you do.
For the most part, before he gets too involved, he's protective and vaguely interested.
He's trying to just be an acquaintance, someone to talk to while he serves you drinks at the bar.
Diluc's obsession would grow out of sight.
When he goes out to protect Mondstadt at night, he checks by your home to make sure nothing's wrong.
He doesn't want to consider following you around or knowing where you live stalking... but that's what it is.
You have no clue how obsessive he gets when you visit the tavern.
He likes to watch you as he works, it makes dealing with alcohol more bearable.
Diluc would definitely be rivals with Kaeya.
Kaeya is such a flirt and it irks Diluc's nerves.
To think his brother can just take you from him....
He gets so irritated when jealous.
It gets to the point when he's jealous of you in the tavern, he nearly breaks the glasses he's cleaning.
Which leads to Diluc needing to do something about this issue.
Diluc seems like he'd be manipulative towards you.
In a way he has the mindset of "It's for your own good".
Yet at the same time he's trying to restrain his more jealous thoughts and understand why he's so attached.
I imagine there's times he's possessive, it's usually with more romantic intentions... but he could also just be an obsessive companion/friend towards you.
Diluc hates the idea of getting too close with you since he's lost people close to him.
As much as he likes Jean, he feels the Knights of Favonius can't protect you like he can.
They can't care for you like he can, either.
Diluc is definitely a yandere that starts subtle.
You can't tell there's something wrong, he just seems worried and concerned for you at times.
He's... just someone you like to talk to.
But behind the scenes, as you sleep, he's making sure you're well cared for.
He'd get himself bloody if it meant you'd be his, he'd scorch any foe he has to.
He could either slowly build a connection with you to lure you into the winery and keep you there.
Or he could abduct you in the middle of the night once he snaps.
Diluc wants to keep you somewhere he'll always have an eye on you.
You're always watched, even when he takes you to the tavern you're never allowed to leave the counter.
If anyone flirts with you or takes your attention off Diluc, his eye twitches and he deals with the issue.
Diluc would probably kill, but it's always when no one's looking.
Plus they'll never find the body when it comes to him... no need to worry about it... they just left Mondstadt.
When Diluc's obsession stops being ignored and makes itself known, he really does act as some sort of twisted guardian for you.
He keeps you locked away, perhaps as a spouse.
He admits since he saw you he's wanted to court you.
Diluc would be the type of yandere to put you on his lap when he works.
He likes the control it gives him, allowing him access to your neck to make you squirm as he works.
He may not seem like it... but in private, Diluc can be affectionate.
He'll kiss you anywhere, sometimes soft... sometimes rough.
He hates others around you, often trying to rush people away from you so you don't speak for too long.
He has an issue where his protective and possessive behavior mixes.
He tries to excuse his possessive behavior as protective...
However, you can tell the difference the moment someone like Kaeya enters the winery.
The two nearly fight on the spot.
Diluc would love to spoil you if you're his.
He buys you gifts and tries his best to smother you in affection.
After all... if he gives you all his love, you'll never look at another.
Overall, Diluc is a yandere that wants to provide and care for his darling.
He'll give you whatever you want... he'll protect you... he'll love you...
Just listen to him... stay where he wants you to... and don't look at any other.
"Need a drink? I'd love another chat, dear."
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flokali · 2 years
Uhm shinso can you write acolyte diluc eating the reader out on their throne....? (You don't have to write it ofc!)
Warnings: GN! reader, mentions of cum, religious connotations, slight-yandere themes, nsft, oral. ask to tag!
This ask consumed me for so long, like - It was on my brain for hours at a time, got me h-word too >:( I love you nonnie
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It’s incredibly intimate to be in between someone’s thighs the way Diluc was between yours, the feeling was further amplified by the fact you were both in your throne room, alone, while he ravished you; it ended up flustering you beyond belief while also making you keenly aware as to how risky the situation truly was.
Your throne room was a spacious chamber, one filled with pillars of marble and stone, decorated with the finest luxuries from all corners of Teyvat - from the best silks in Liyue to the sturdiest maple wood in Inazuma -, not only was it elegant, incredibly expensive and expansive, it wasn’t restricted to any of your acolytes or followers. You had an open door policy, where anyone who wished to enter could so at any time - you knew no one would dare steal from you, not only due to your status as their idol, but because they’d face the wrath of some of Teyvat’s greatest Vision users, and that anyone who entered did so under the guise of adoration and idolization (not to mention the watchful gazes of many).
All this to say, that, if anyone so wished, they could enter and see the heir of the Raginvindr clan, Diluc, eating you out like a starved man.
His warm hands grip your thighs tightly, he held them in place near his ears, always making sure you never get the chance to so much as think about closing them - not while he was busy getting his fill. The young heir’s hair was let loose from the normal ponytail he’d wear, allowing you easy access for his locks whenever you felt like pulling at something - anything -, but he doesn’t let the stray strands get in the way as he kisses and licks your most sacred areas into numbing pleasure, his tongue ravished you and his fingers danced to further coax you to release. Somehow, you come to realize, albeit your slightly delirious state - mostly derived from the incredible amounts of pleasure coursing through your body -, he still managed to look handsome even when indulging in his carnal desires, drinking your cum and licking your sex, it was a thought that earned him an additional moan from you; that you were want he desired the most was a thought that made you want to spread your legs even further apart.
He hums into you, the low rumbles sending waves of pleasure through your body. Diluc unconsciously humps the air desperately, groaning and growing frustrated at the knowledge his cock wasn’t free from its confines and being used by you.
On the other hand, you could only lazily hump his face, letting his mouth suck, bite, and lick more and more until the little ball of pleasure that had been building up inside of you snaps and you’re leaking onto his face. He doesn’t stop, making sure to milk you until there is nothing left to be swallowed, until he’s reduced to kitten licks while he pulls away.
His normally composed facade is broken, his cheeks rival the red of his flames, he’s sweaty, and he has your juices all over him - coating his lips and cheeks -, he panted, catching himself before he said something he would regret, and you can’t help but let out light him, an attempt to lighten the mood from how heavy and lustful it had become; to think this handsome, shy man had you coming in minutes was insane as you looked at him desperately trying to engrave the feeling of your legs and sex pressed tightly against his face.
You’re about to call his name, offer him a reward for making you cum yourself dry, when you notice the wet patch in his crotch. He’d come untouched, just by eating you out; the stain wasn’t too noticeable but under the bright lights in the throne room, there was no doubt what it was.
“Thank you,” he heaves out, his voice is surprisingly delicate, as he massages his jaw, “… I hope my performance was, um… satisfactory.”
You too were attempting to properly catch your breath, but that didn’t stop the soft chuckle you let out; “I’m sure you can tell it was more than satisfactory, my dear,” you beckon him with your hand, slowly reopening yourself to give him access to your sex once more, “the question is,” you peak down once more and, this time, the man seems to realize the growing stain in his pants as well based on the widening of his eyes, “did you?”
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glimmeringtwilight · 1 month
Daffodils p2 | Yandere Diluc x Reader x Dottore
this might be incoherent. i still dislike the ending but atp if i keep chipping away i'm going to abandon it lol
CW: referenced reader death (from p1), angst, captivity, yandere themes, body horror (mild for. y'know. my usual), minor character death, NSFW (not super explicit, and no specific wordage for uuu parts), cuckholding, blood, non-consensual voyeurism (diluc), dubcon, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy coping mechanisms (do not imitate)
Word Count: 2.6k
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It’s a dreary autumn day when the master of the winery returns with you in tow.
The manor is quiet, still as the Snezhnayan winter that he trekked through for the past several sleepless days and nights to get you. More quiet, however, is you, who hasn’t spoken a word since Diluc dragged you out of that dimly lit, dilapidated lab stinking of chemicals that he found you in. 
He’s tried everything he knows on the journey back. You didn’t struggle once as he carried you back home– didn’t try to run when he’d rest with you in his arms– but you didn’t say a single thing to him no matter how hard he tried to get you to speak.
That’s fine. It’s shock, he supposes. He doesn’t know what that madman did to you, and if he didn’t have such precious cargo he would have gone back there and burned that place to the ground; charring the snowy, lifeless landscape surrounding it. 
But he has you. He has you now, and that’s all that matters. Even if your skin has lost some of its color now, dull and cold. Even if there’s a quiet ticking in your chest in place of a heartbeat. Even if you only ever look through him, now. It’s enough. 
This is what Diluc tells himself as he returns you to the room that had been your prison for months, as he dusts off the bars of your gilded cage before locking you back inside. 
You don’t say anything. But it’s enough, just having you. It’s enough, he thinks.
Adelinde keeps checking in on him now that he’s returned. Her face is always pinched with a quiet concern when she speaks to him, and the servants in the manor part like the sea against jagged stone when he walks past them in the halls. 
The estate seems to hold its breath around him; no longer a ghost, but perhaps something worse. As though the light he’d held against the darkness was snuffed out, and the shadow cast in its wake was long. But he’s fine. He swears it. He’s fine, now that you’re back. He’ll be perfect for you, the perfect gentleman; the man he swore he was but could never seem to be, before.
It’s enough to just have you. To hold you every night as he lays next to you, still in your bed like a corpse, listening to the ticking in your chest like a clock counting down to nowhere. Diluc finds himself dreading the ticking and seeking it out all the same.
Weeks pass like this, with Diluc unraveling slowly as he tries to cling to the crumbling memory of you, bastardized by his selfishness and immortalized in the husk of you he keeps locked in your room. 
None of the servants are allowed to see you. He hears them at night, whispering to each other when they think he’s gone to sleep. 
“He’s lost his mind.”
“Are they even alive, in there? I haven’t seen them at all. Adelinde said they–”
“Keep your voice down– are you trying to wake him?”
He hasn’t lost his mind. He has you here now, to ground him, to make him whole. Even if your body seems to be crumbling, tearing apart with every passing day.
You don’t say anything anymore. You don’t eat, but you choke down whatever food he forces down your throat, teeth clacking against silverware as you stare off into nothing. Most of his days are spent taking care of you, keeping you together, stoking the fireplace in your room to keep you warm.
You don’t seem to mind the cold, but he still forces you to sit by the fire, warming you up in a facsimile of living flesh. He tries everything– cleaning you carefully every morning before dressing you, tending to the sutures that never seem to heal.
But he can’t seem to bring you back fully. Can’t seem to warm the skin that cools quickly when you’re not kept by the fire, can’t seem to wipe that glassy look from your eyes, can’t seem to drown out the ticking in your chest.
Adelinde comes home one day from running errands to find all of the clocks in the estate smashed and left out on the front steps, some of the servants already tending to the mess as the master of the estate slips back inside the manor like a shadow of the setting sun. 
He can’t figure it out. You won’t talk to him, won’t hardly look at him unless he takes you by the jaw and forces you. He can barely stand to hold you.
It’s enough. It’s enough. It’s enough. 
But he knows it isn’t. He can’t bear living with the ghost of you, settling for the corpse he keeps in his bed. He wants you to smile at him like you used to. Needs to hear your voice again. Holding you close while you’re still so far from him is driving him mad. 
It’s another dreary day when he finally breaks. Rain pours against the roof of the estate, blazing trails down the window panes. You’re sat by the fire again as you always are, most days. 
Diluc kneels at your feet, his head buried against your knees as he begs you to speak.
“I love you,” He says. He reaches up, pressing a trembling hand against your cold cheek. He can’t seem to chase the snow out of you. You don’t respond. He tries again. “I love you.”
Your eyes flick to his, the barest indication of life in them– but you look through him all the same, as you have been for weeks, now. He sits up, eyes wild, and leans over you, grasping your face desperately. He can’t bear to look at it anymore.
Diluc pulls you close, burying his face against your nape and gritting his teeth at the smell of chemicals clinging to you. You still smell like that place. Like chemicals. Like the Doctor. No matter how many times he bathes you, no matter how hard he scrubs. It’s there. Always there. Faint, but still there. 
“Please come back to me,” He whispers, clutching you against his chest like you’ll slip through his fingers at any moment. …Like you haven’t already. “Please. I’ll do anything.”
For the first time in weeks, you speak. Your voice is hoarse, quiet and wispy from disuse. It’s like the sun peeking through the clouds after a long storm, a refreshing wind–
“Take me back.” You rasp, and his blood runs cold. When he doesn’t respond, you repeat yourself. “Take me back.”
Diluc stays there a minute, gasping through clenched teeth as grief and anger rattle through him. You don’t mean it. You can’t. You let out a quiet, pained sound from how tight his grip on you has gotten, and he pulls away like he’s been burned. 
He can’t look at you. There’s a ticking behind your chest, behind his ears– whatever it is the Doctor replaced your heart with– he can’t unhear it. Without a word, he leaves swiftly, locking the door behind him as he goes. 
When he returns, the fire in the hearth has dimmed to embers, and you’re still perched exactly how he left you. Like a doll. He breathes a shuddering sigh and moves you to the bed, laying you down and tucking you in with all the tenderness and care his trembling hands can manage. 
Instead of begging you to speak, he slips out of the room again, instructing Adelinde to look after you while he’s gone. 
He knows how to fix this: it must be your heart. Must be that facsimile of a beating heart stuffed into your chest that’s causing you to act so hollow and lifeless. If he can just find it, he can bring you back. He’s sure of it. 
Diluc journeys for another several days and nights, returning to the lab he’d found you in and tearing the place apart until he finds what he was looking for– your heart, preserved in formaldehyde and kept in a jar like some sort of sickening keepsake. 
There’s no sign of the Doctor anywhere, but Diluc doesn’t have enough mercy left in his heart to spare for the Fatui grunts unfortunate enough to get caught in his path. Blood stains his jacket an even deeper shade of red, sinking into the stitching deep enough that he’s certain even Adelinde wouldn’t be able to remove the stains. 
He burns the place down once he’s finished, true to his word, leaving the smoldering building behind as he makes the journey back with bloodstained boots and clothes, carrying the final piece of you; the missing puzzle piece in his hands.
Biting winds at his back keep his pace hurried as he rushes home; he has barely slept by the time he finally returns, the sun rising over the peaceful estate of the winery like a promise of hope. 
He’s delirious and exhausted from hardly pausing to rest throughout the entire journey home, but he has it– he has what he knows will fix you, bring the light back into your glassy eyes. 
The manor is quiet when he steps inside, and Diluc freezes when he sees Adelinde’s body laying at the bottom of the stairs, neck twisted at an unnatural angle and her expression frozen in horror. 
His first instinct is to find you, stepping over Adelinde’s body despite the pang of grief that lances through his chest. Every step only turns his blood cooler in his veins, cutting through exhaustion and delirium like a blade.
The door to your bedroom is cracked and he throws it open, freezing as he sees what’s there.
You’re smiling. For the first time since he lost you, you’re smiling, eyes crinkled with warmth as the number two of the Fatui Harbingers looms over you like a malaise.
Floorboards singe underfoot, but Diluc isn’t given time to act before hands snatch his arms, ripping his Vision from him and tossing it aside. Whatever angered curse he was going to say is cut off by another pair of hands shoving a gag into his mouth, and it takes several agents to drag him into the room and force him into the chair set up by the bed.
There’s the sound of breaking glass as the struggle knocks the precious cargo he’d carried all this way from his hands, shattering against the floor. Whatever grief he may have felt at the sound  is drowned out by the sight of you as the Fatui grunts forcibly sit him down in the chair and start to tie him down. 
Rope cuts into his wrists and his legs as he’s tied to the chair; two of the pyro agents stay behind to keep him from thrashing or knocking the chair over as the rest slink back into the hallway. 
It isn’t until the last of the rope is secured, leaving the frazzled wine tycoon seething from behind the gag but unable to do much else, that Dottore finally speaks up. 
“I’m glad you could finally join us, Master Diluc,” The Doctor drawls, words dripping with condescension and cyanide. “I was beginning to worry.”
A knowing smile tugs at Dottore’s lips when he turns to see Diluc’s expression, distress creased in the lines of his brow as his attention remains fixated solely on you. 
Diluc sees now. That bastard is sitting in your bed, the bed you’re meant to share with him, as gloved fingers lazily toy with your nipples. The clothes you were wearing are haphazardly strewn about the floor. 
Dottore readjusts. Takes hold of your legs and wraps them loosely around his hips as he situates himself more comfortably on the bed. Diluc feels nausea roiling in his gut.
He can’t tear his eyes away when Dottore’s fingers drift downward, tracing over your stomach before dipping between your thighs. The soft sound you make burns him. 
It’s torture, listening to you. He’d wanted so desperately for any sound from you– anything at all– these past few weeks, but not like this. Not while you’re looking up at that monster like he’s the moon– the most life Diluc’s seen in your eyes in weeks– as he defiles you. 
Every noise seems to chip a piece of him away, cutting deeper than any blade could hope to manage.
As much as it rends him to watch, he can’t tear his eyes away, taking in the sight of you shuddering and moaning softly in response to another man’s touch. 
Something acrid and bitter swells in his chest– he can’t help but think that if it weren’t for him, you’d never be here. If he hadn’t stolen you, held on too tight so that you’d run away the first chance you’d gotten, you never would have died… Never would have wound up under the Doctor, on his operating table or in this bed.
Worse, still, is the selfish insistence he still feels. If he hadn’t taken you, he fears the worst may have happened to you– as though the worst hadn’t already come true. He did all of this to protect you– yet he’d failed to do even that. 
You eventually shudder in a way Diluc recognizes and he sags against the chair, feeling something crack inside him. This is killing him. As much as pain rips through his chest, he can’t help but cling to that rending heartache, tolerate it if it means he gets to see you smile again. You’re still in there– not a doll, not a ghost.
He loves you; he always will. Even this will never make him hate you– it’s not your fault that you’ve been caught up in the jaws of a monster. It’s not your fault that he’d failed you. 
Dottore adjusts, and whatever self-loathing Diluc had felt starts to wither at the sound of rustling fabric. No. No- 
He tries to thrash in his chair, held down by the two agents standing behind him with a firm grip on his shoulders. He tries to turn away, to close his eyes and shut out the world as the whimper from you that follows sears him like a brand. Hands dig into his jaw, prod at his eyelids with a force that threatens to blind him until he unwillingly opens them again. 
Months ago, when Diluc thought you’d finally settled, finally adjusted to your new life here, there was the barest beginnings of warmth in your eyes. Acceptance. Love, his heart hoped. He’s reminded of that again; you have the same embers of warmth in your gaze as you once did before the sky fell. 
That same look you’d once given him, but now it’s directed at the monster grinning down at you. He never thought that warmth could ruin him, but the grief that settles into his bones is a worse pain than one he’s ever known. 
The hope that he’d journeyed home with withers and dies at his feet like the heart the Doctor had stolen from you– to know it wasn’t merely literal is agony. His greed had been the undoing of you both. 
In the garden, the daffodils had died months ago; it was the end of their season. They’d planted sunflowers near where your grave once was instead, but those are dying too, afflicted by some disease or pest. 
Diluc had once hoped you’d go out into the garden to see them, but ever since he’d brought the ghost of you home you’ve only ever haunted this one room; days spent staring at the hearth instead of out the window like you’d used to. 
Jealousy is ugly and loud in his head, clinging to his throat like tar.
Perhaps he’s damned; he wishes that you hadn’t found the light that he’d stolen from you in another man.
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
❦ with the 11th harbinger constantly breathing down your neck it is impossible to lead a normal life, but, normalcy is not something you desire. you crave the blood, sweat and tears that comes with the man who wishes to claim the world all for himself.
yandere! tartaglia x gn! reader (mentions of yandere diluc x reader as well!)
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Like the deep sea his eyes peer down at you, endless and challenging, the perpetual smile glued to his pink lips as he analyzes you like a predator does its prey. You gulp but do your best to mask your fear.
He notices, naturally. These are things he always sees.
"You know, there is no need for you to be so serious for a mere game of chess."
Childe chuckles as he leans back into his velvet chair, legs crossed and posture completely relaxed.
His eyes tell you a different story though.
"Every game is like a battle of sorts." says Childe as he raises his arm and claims one of your pieces as his own. You scoff but he interrupts you as you wish to speak.
"I have never been one to submit to any sort of battle, even if it is just a game."
You stare at him and do everything you can to hide the smile that wishes to creep onto your face. Yes, the man sitting in front of you was nothing short of dangerous and menacing. He was Fatui, a Harbinger of all things too. Ever since you met him he simply reeked of bloodlust and to any normal person that would have been a good sign to run for the hills and never turn back.
Not to you though.
No, you started to like him. He was eccentric and amusing, an amazing distraction from your boring, mundane life. There were so many lands to see, endless people to meet and yet you were stuck in your hometown, bound by duties and family. If you could have it your way you would pack all of your bags and leave. Childe himself even stated that he wished for you to see the place he grew up in and would reassure you that you would fit right in. He would feed you tales of battle and adventures and the manner in which he spoke made you crave it all.
He thought that it was cute, that raging fire in your eyes. Yes, show him the flames, he will gladly fan them. He loved it when you would challenge him to these little mind games, they were the highlight of his day. The fire inside of you was strong, all you needed was a little push and you would fall off the deep end, straight into his longing arms. Somewhere down the line he realized that conquering the world all by his lonesome was not quite what he wanted. It gets so lonely at the top, mainly because you are, well, alone.
Why not take you along with him?
He was ready to give you everything you could ever want, everything you could ever dream off. He became obsessed, he needed to be with you. Your smile became like a drug to him and he oh so urgently needed his next dose. The tales he would tell you were not exactly 100% true but that did not matter. Who was he to shatter your dreams and ambitions? Was he your dream and ambition? Archons, he hoped he was.
Life however, is not a game and things were not so simple.
He wanted nothing more than to sweep you off your feet and take you to his icy paradise but there was always someone in his way. No matter the time of day, Childe knew that the two of you were never alone. He could feel the pair of eyes glaring daggers at the back of his head, threatening to obliterate him on the spot if he simply breathed incorrectly. In the dark of the night he would hear footsteps, he would sometimes even see small locks of blood red hair peak from some corner, the owner of said hair was clearly watching them.
It was all on purpose. The man following you was skilled, he knew what he was doing. But so was Childe.
He wasn't lying when he said that he never submits in any battle and the battle for your heart was something he would never yield at. One way or the other he was going to get to you and there was no force in the whole entire world which could stop him. If Hell tried to swallow you, he would rip the earth in two. If Celestia tried to take you he would make himself into a god to have your hand. And if another man tried to take you he was not afraid of getting messy if need be.
Just as he was thinking to himself, Childe locked eyes with the redhead. A strange mask was covering his face but even amidst the darkness and chatter around him he could still feel the man's determination. Like two magnets the men were locked into a nonverbal standoff, quietly challenging each other to see which one will crack first. Childe reached out towards you and gently placed his hand against your own, his cold fingers gently losing themselves in the warmth of your flesh.
Yes, he was going to have you. All he needed to do was to get rid of the nuisance that dared to reveal himself. Smirking to himself, Childe sent a tiny wink to the onlooker, his message was loud and clear.
Let the games begin.
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💌 TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @juuuuuj101010, @kalopses-sonderes, @b10h4z4rd, @xiaopleasecomehome, @mayulli, @cc-6789, @yumekos-gamble, @saturnalya, @alatusprinz, @lakxcpsta, @mewmeowmika, @ranposgirlboss
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Ah, the beauty of being bored in class! I haven't written anything in a while and I just thought that this would be such a fun little love triangle to explore!
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
Hi hi! I really like your writing! Can i request diluc with a reader thats always sleepy? They can sleep anywhere at anytime if they want to
Hiii!! You're too sweet haha, Diluc's paranoia will reach Celestia with a sleepy reader lol Since it was unspecified, I'll go with a soft yandere Diluc :) Hope you like it!
cw: yandere, obsessive diluc, implications of murder and gore
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There you were, passed out on the counter of Angel's Share for the sixth time this week.
The tavern was left empty after the last batch of customers retired, apart from the shuffles of master Ragnvindr preparing to close the threshold and the distant sound of crickets ; it's desolate in the otherwise bustling Angel's share. Whatever work you'd brought to work on with you had long been abandoned, the papers now reduced to the role of a makeshift pillow.
Dliuc sighs, leaning on his elbow beside your unassuming figure from the other side of the counter. His usually unimpressed gaze that the people of Mondstadt are subjected to has been replaced by something more fond and worried. This seeming gluttony of sleep is nothing short of an enigma, not that the young master hadn't tried to ascertain the exact cause behind your hypersomnia — even the Chief Alchemist of the Knights probed around (as Diluc received intel) but as it is, master Ragnvindr had long learned that it was easier to take care of you than to gauge the reasons.
The number of times he was able to engage in normal conversation with you is disappointingly few, you seem to not care for that though as you're more prominently drifting off to dreamland in his presence, just as he doesn't care in making sure you're safe in these moments of vulnerability.
Still, Diluc couldn't keep his thoughts from wandering ; is it because he always makes sure to drop you off to your home every time you fall asleep in the tavern? Do you trust him that much?
His gloved hand reflexively reaches forward to tuck the stray lock of your hair behind your ear, the serenity in your face captivates the young master enough to lose track of coherent thoughts. Something in him compels him to remove his glove, his skin now bared to the chill night breeze.
What extent of Diluc's actions are you aware of? Is his gentlemanly gestures all you know of him? Do you know who clears up the area of your humble home of monsters every night? Are you aware of who the sender of the sweet notes, different concoctions to aid your sleep deprivation, bouquets of flowers that always wilt at the end of the day and the little handmade gifts is?
His touch is feathery, a candid expression to mask his hesitance — the pad of his thumb caresses the undeniable shade of dark under your eyes, then to your cheek that feels colder under his warm hand.
Can you hear the screams? Can you feel how his stare burns in the rare moments you are awake and decide someone else is better worth your attention? Do you have any idea how these visceral affections threaten to consume him and more so, you every waking hour of the day? Do you understand how much it hurts?
Inevitably, his thumb falls on your lips, marvelling at the softness. He must look pathetic now, all his yearning is laid bare and raw ; it's obvious he's on the brink of his restraint, no longer the gentleman Mondstadt knew him as but a man, hungry, slowly succumbing to desire and anything but noble.
Diluc Ragnvindr retreats at your sudden shuffling, watching with a flushed face that put his hair to shame as your brows crease and discomfort is apparent all over your face — he surmises it to be another nightmare.
A piece of him shames him for acting upon impulse but that self-loathing is lost at your person ; you're clearly suffering (and so is he), in that case, is it really so wrong for him to want to shield you from this world's cruelty?
Diluc would never be anything short of courteous with you, as he's proved time and time again. But, as the night and his anxiety deepened, the world lost its hue more and more and a man's yearning engulfed him whole — Diluc didn't feel like returning you to your home tonight, anymore.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS: It was the first day that you came to the country after running away from your home. Although there were mysteries left untold and people you wish to escape, there was one that you never understood—why do these men keep falling for you?!
CW/s: Delusion, lovesickness, yandere behavior, stalking, violence, murder, jealousy, nonconsensual touching. (fem. reader)
NOTE FROM BLACK SWAN: Because the majority voted for the first for the revival of "FLAWED", this is the first dream I delve that focuses on... Oh my. How intriguing... Perhaps all of you will enjoy this one. It's all about you, after all.
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Since the start, you never understood the matter of obsession, especially when it comes to 'love'.
Don't misunderstand—of course, you know how bad obsession can be. In your time spent in this world, you have seen so many seemingly getting utterly obsessed with your existence, oftentimes stumbling and trying to get your attention. Try as you might to ward them away, they seemingly can't stop themselves from even fumbling over you.
It was, in all honestly, a mess. Sometimes you even wonder if these people are even normal with how they can't seem to look at you right in the eye.
Though you might find them cute as they seemingly can't understand the message of 'look at me', what is not cute is when they start committing crimes. They say its all because of you, but really, what is it about you that drives them to such a thing?
So when you have a feeling it was going to happen (and you know that it will. You have a knack for such a thing, even when you used to struggle to detect it for a week), you immediately start planning on moving to a different location entirely.
In your flawless logic, it's the only thing that drives them away. They can't find you if you can't find them, no?
Alas! It... Never works.
Each time you seemingly tried, hoping and praying to the Gods above that they'd give you a small respite, a breather, even... They seemingly come back like weed, trying to suffocate you with spouting such nonsense you hear on the daily.
The one thing you can say that it worked for the first few times. In those times, you were able to gather yourself and breathe, perhaps relax as you no longer have to worry about those people follow you.
But when they find out where you went, they never seem to stop from then.
Each time you ran, they followed. They followed and followed, up until you had to uproot your entire life to go to a different country. If only to even get a chance to think clearly.
And here you are, in the country you chose to stay in: Mondstadt. It does seem quite lovely, and the chatter amongst normal people was a nice change to the near screaming you hear almost on the daily. Although you miss your friends back at Fontaine, you can hardly think about coming back.
After all, those obsessive fools may just catch whiff of you and follow you here. You can't have their disgusting hands grab you, right?
As you stayed in Mondstadt, you find out a few things about the residents here. One of them was about Chiori's shop, which was booming in the aspect of textiles, weaving and flowers. There was another one, but you heard that the owner had went missing.
Oh well.
It must not be important.
The next were the two bars— one of them you took little interest in, considering the famous one was run by your two closest friends. You, Aether and Lumine go way back, practically when you three were kids! Although you three grew apart since you got to senior high, all of you stayed in contact.
And besides, the latter must be run by some drab, so you'd rather catch up with your friends than go somewhere unfamiliar.
And finally, the one thing you absolutely adore was the bachelors you see.
You overheard that there was a painter that's globally known in all of Teyvat, especially in the art world. You never knew what his alias is, but there were talk amongst the townsfolk of a good artist that is seen in the town square. And luckily for you, you were already heading there, and you had to stop when you saw him.
Blonde hair tied in a messy short ponytail, the rest of those locks swept carelessly by the wind. Those cyan eyes glimmering in the sun makes it look more like prized gems, and although he only wore a white vest and black jeans, the canvas and paints he has stands him out more than anything.
You can only admire as he was painting the landscape, and when his head rises, both of your eyes meet.
You simply let out a gasp and turn away, unknowing of the look he must have on his face.
Oh, no, you mused, biting your lip. I sure hope I look okay! I must look like garbage in front of such a cute painter!
You simply closed your eyes as the embarrassment settled in, but you did betray your instincts and turned when you hear footsteps walk towards your direction.
Ah. He's walking towards you. He's actually walking to your direction.
"Excuse me," he says, his eyes drifting to your attire from the ground up. Eyeing the dress you wore, the luggage, then to your face and hairdo, his lips seem to quirk to a smile. "Ah, you must be the one the twins mentioned to me about. [Name], yes?"
He knows me?!
"Yes, that's... that's me," you answered, your voice faltering as you began to twiddle your thumbs. Letting out a nervous giggle, you shifted your gaze away from him again, unable to look at him. "I guess you're friends with them, huh...?"
"Mm, I suppose," he answers, the soft sound of his voice echoing and making you feel more hung up on it. "That aside, I do believe introductions are in order. My name is Albedo. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Oh, you know it's a pleasure of mine, you thought dazedly. What a prince. This must be what adoration feels.
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Being with Albedo felt akin to a dream, and sometimes, you swear that those days you spent hiding from those insane suitors were all behind you.
After all, if there is one thing they can never attain, it would be what he has. The charm, wit, and his smile.
You were utterly hooked because of that smile of his.
Sure, there were moments that it felt like he were pushing those bounds bit by bit: you would catch him trying to hold your hand (something you always told him to stop), or the times he would give you those eyes. You always thought that he may be trying to hide his obsession for you, too, and he's trying to subvert the blame.
In your mind, you knew you aren't doing anything wrong. Why would you? Were you even expressing those thoughts in hopes that he would notice you?
And yet, even with that in mind, you can only find yourself dumbfounded when you hear from Alice (his companion) that he is away for a month. Something related to his work, she reasoned to you, but you took it as a sign of something sinister.
No... It can't be, you thought, horrified as you paced in your house. Don't tell me...
Now, you hate to suspect people that you liked. You hate the feeling of doing that, of thinking the person you may actually consider normal in your perspective to have fallen like the rest of the buffoons.
You hate to think they became obsessed. That he became obsessed.
So in that regard (and by the stroke of luck as he's gone for a month), you began to cut off contact with him. You began to block him everywhere, delete his number, and make sure to throw away things you suspect that he has tampered with. It was a lot, but it was all for your safety!
After all, why would you bring yourself to trust him if he's gotten obsessed over you? Ah, it'd be a nightmare!
And in your endeavor to cut him off due to the heinous idea, you began to plan out your next moves... That was, until you bumped into him.
Raising your head, your eyes met turquoise—a unique color, you thought, but you realized that it was only one.
"Oh my," you heard the recipient speak with a chuckle. "I wasn't expecting to see a cute lady here. So, you must be [Name] that I hear from Alice, hm?"
You simply squeaked when he said your name, the dulcet tones standing out far more than the soft voice you hear from that wretched blonde.
"I- I am," you stammered, raising a hand to cover your mouth. You free left hand began to fiddle with your hair, twirling a strand before you tucked it behind your ear. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking—"
He seems amused at that as he reached over to hold you from leaving.
"Ah, ah, ah," he tuts. "Not so fast, little lady. What's the hurry? I don't think it's respectful for you to walk out on someone."
Pulling his hand to your arm, he traced his fingers until he grabbed your hand, raising it to graze his lips— such is the behavior of a suitor.
"Call me Kaeya Alberich, miss [Name]," he whispers, his lips curled to a smug grin. "Or shall I call you my darling lily instead?"
Ah, he's going to be the death of me!
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Unlike the time you spent with the blonde stalker to be, the time you spent with the casa nova was interesting. He seems to have a lot of fun regaling you with tales of his own, weaving them into elaborate chronicles you find yourself listening to for hours.
He was an avid storyteller, and the things he tells you feels so surreal, and yet when you look into it, it was true. You even found out that he was single too, but you never told him that.
Despite this, however, the red head is the one that catches your eye. You half-expected for him to even meet your gaze the few times you and Kaeya were together in his bar, but when you two do, he seems to look at you in disdain.
You didn't understood why he does. Kaeya tells you he looks like that to everyone, but you find that extremely hard to believe.
Does he knows that I came from Snezhnaya? you thought, pursing your lips as you stared at the busy bartender. Or is he simply playing hard to get?
You weren't with Kaeya today (which is an odd sight, because he's always free), so you decided to come by to the bar. You've been there for hours now, but even when you were staying there for so long, he never seems to bat an eye at you.
It was only when it was closing that you decide to approach the counter. You were obviously annoyed as you slammed the counter, finally catching his attention, and as you open your mouth—
"I'm sorry?" you uttered, shocked.
"Leave the bar. We're closing," he answers sharply, his steel gaze hitting you like needles on skin. "I've been ignoring you ever since you came here, miss. Please leave the bar. You've been here since nine in the evening."
The audacity of this man!
"Excuse me? Leave? I've been trying to get your attention—!"
"By what, pray tell?" he scoffs, crossing his arms with a scowl. "By batting your eyes and giggling like a teenager?"
You scoffed.
"I'd never do that!"
"Oh, but you have," you heard him reply, rolling his eyes at you—presumably because you think he has you cornered... Which he doesn't, you justified to yourself. "In fact, the bar has been empty ever since you came. You've been acting eerie enough that the regulars have left."
Hah, the audacity he has. It makes you sick.
"You act like I'm the one that has the problem here, sir," you scowl, reaching over to grab him, but he simply smacks your hand away. Raising his phone, he's now glaring at you outright.
"Don't touch me," he warns. "Miss, I'm warning you, leave. Leave or else I'll call the police."
You know what? Perhaps pursuing him isn't a good idea right now.
"Fine! I'll leave, then," you told him, turning on your heels to leave.
It was only when the lady left did Diluc sighed in relief, checking his phone once more. He noticed the messages he got from Albedo, the most recent one being something that he found shocking.
[ ALBEDO: I believe we're dealing with a case of lovesickness. ]
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The sound of slamming on pavement was the thing that echoes in the room, blood and petals were being torn to shreds as the two individuals fought for dear life.
It was a monstrosity, one may say. And if they walked into the room, they would find out who was it that caused such a gruesome display and who became their victim.
Slamming the head on the floor, you felt sweat drip down your face. After what you experienced since that day, you had to be found out, and you decided that it was simply better to get rid of the weaker ones that got 'too close' to outing your location.
"You— you psycho! You freak!" you yelled at the top of your lungs, bashing the person's head as you did so. The mask they wore simply haunted you as you heard them choke and beg, but you didn't care.
They were all the same. All of them were the same, monstrous beings behind those smiles.
"Why do you keep following me?!" you yelled, raising a hammer as you slammed it on their shoulder, making them holler. "Didn't I tell you to stop?! You drove me out of that town, you freak!"
As you kept on slamming, the bones began to crack, the sound echoing around. You could hardly hear what they have to say as you simply can only see red, your ears hearing the sound of your heartbeat.
After a few more slams, you raised the weapon and bashed the head in, cracking it open like an egg and letting blood pour out.
Panting heavily, all you can do was look over at what you've done, and it seems that in your haste, you realized who it was that followed you.
Actually, that person you murdered wasn't even the one that followed you.
The blood staining your hands was one of the innocent, the one you decided to take the place of as one of the missing individuals.
Raking your hair, you couldn't help but giggle and laugh, the realization dawning on you. You forgot why you came to this town, didn't you, hm?
You came here not because of those people who became 'obsessed' and would tail you. Those people were ones that accused you for your crimes, some who had evidence as you were involved in their cases.
What a shame, really. Each time they got close, you simply bludgeoned them, making sure their remains were not to be found.
This town was no different, but it's okay, you reasoned to yourself.
Raising the now broken body of the florist, you couldn't help but smile, brain matter seeping out and blood oozing like gallons. The flowers you carelessly pulled in your rage remains by your side, but it was nothing that you can't get rid of.
It's fine now.
All you have to do was wipe everyone's memories, and you'll be in their place.
Sure, those pesky men will remember, but it's fine. In your eyes, they can't say a word when society thinks that the one they're supposed to bond with was you, after all.
You're the main character of this story, and that's how it always should be. ♡
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@.yxstxrdrxxm | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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Happy April fool's!
What, were you expecting for this to be anything you wanted?
Haha, unfortunately, no. Actually, this dream was simply one that I found amusing. You all thought this was a normal yandere fic, yes?
Well... It isn't, I'm afraid. Please take what this was written with a massive grain of salt, because this dream was derived of a non-canon incident. Therefore, this dream never actually happened. Though, the events were quite jarring if it did.
Now, tell me, traliblazer.
Have you noticed anything that stands out? Anything that makes 'you' in this story perhaps... Too perfect?
Hehe. I'd start looking if I were you.
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fancyfeathers · 4 months
Baby Trapping (Yandere Genshin)
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Diluc would absolutely baby trap his darling, it may come with years of captivity before it finally happens. Many of his business partners have been asking when he’ll have children of his own, after all someone will need to take up the business when he’s gone. He always have said his darling isn’t ready but with the constant pressure it’s bound to happen. When the doctor gives the news of the pregnancy his darling is on the edge of tears, and he hugs then telling her that they’ll figure it out, all the while internally smiling. When the baby finally comes he’s actually a good father, he says he had a great example with his own. He’ll tell the children a sugared version of how he and his darling fell in love, all the while the darling is sitting across the room, eyes fixed on the window and the outside world behind it.
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Ayato would also baby trap his darling, unlike Diluc it was one of his goals from the start and he doesn’t hesitate. He tells his darling that the clan needs and heir and it’s his job as the head of the clan to provide one along with her, his darling. He may be slightly distanced from the child, not because he wants to be, but because work keeps him so busy. Despite all that, he’s a good father, he tries to make time for his children, if it’s in the afternoon and he has lunch with them or in the evening where the whole family has dinner. Just because he tries to make time for his children that doesn’t give his darling an excuse to slack off in her duties as a mother, he expects her to take care of the children while he works and then still have time for her husband at the end of the day, like the family he’s always wanted.
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Tighnari is a definite on this, just thinking about his darling watching over his kits makes him smile. They’ll probably end up having four at least and if she wants more that’s wonderful but he understands the damage pregnancy can do to a body, but four is the minimum. He’s another one who expects his darling to look after the children, after all he can’t bring them on patrol, it’s far to dangerous for the little ones, maybe when they’re older. Then of course when he comes home he tries to help where he can but sometimes that’s when the children are already asleep and his tired darling is keeping herself awake so the two can fall asleep together just how he likes.
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amostnobleyandere · 9 months
A Team Effort (Yandere! Diluc × GN! Reader) (Suggestive !!!)
*not quite nsfw, nothing happens except for a make-out session, but there is a huge implication at the end.
A/N: diluc and reader are both “nobles” bc I am eating these historical manwhas UP man. this is a little cringe but I needed an outlet
warning(s) 🚨: !!! yandere !!!, possessive behavior, non-consensual touching, non-consensual kissing,🚨 !!!! implied non-con at the end !!!!🚨, reader has a bad family but it’s not described in detail, kidnapping, forced marriage, obsessive behavior, betrayal, captivity, slight exhibitionism?? (Diluc is making out w reader and Kaeya’s just chilling there, watching)
*is suggestive but only bc diluc is getting friendly w reader’s neck and lips and leaving a bunch of hickies and the last line is !!VERY!! suggestive (it’s a tad bit steamy and very implicative), Kaeya is there too and he’s also *creepy* (they’re both morally questionable in this), Kaeya is in on Diluc’s yandere behavior, reader is an innocent bystander in all this bs, !!! Reader has a Shit Family (TM) !!!
summary: Feeling that the distance between your worlds was too wide, you never acted on the feelings you had for Diluc Ragnvindr. When Diluc proposes, you reject him. His brother decides to take matters into his own hands by delivering you to Diluc himself. Diluc doesn’t oppose the new arrangement, as long as you’re with him.
Soft lips trailed eagerly up your neck, across your collar bone, over any skin they could reach that had been previously covered by the light night shirt you wore. You felt an insane amount of heat seep through your skin at the contact. For hours your neck and lips had been receiving his attention; biting, bruising, worshipping to no end.
You tried not to squirm as his hands—his hot, hot hands—held you firmly in place; both of them settled on your hips, his unnatural warmth bleeding through the thin fabric and into your skin. Your back was pressed up against the headboard of the luxurious bed you had been sat upon. The man you were holding onto for dear life buried his head into the crook of your neck, using his tongue and teeth to suck and lick blooming marks into the sensitive skin. The deep scent of firewood, ink, and a strong cologne surrounded you, suffocating your senses and putting you into a delirious haze.
Your shirt had been tugged down and rested just above your chest. The man laying passionate kisses across your upper body had not dared to pull it any further. How gentlemanly he was, being considerate enough to allow you to cover up from his wandering eyes, and yet everything else he was doing was still highly inappropriate. He had pulled it down just enough to allow himself a taste, to run his fingers over the smooth expanse of skin that was once hidden to him by layers of clothing, and perhaps to make you look just the slightest bit debauched as his mouth marked anywhere it could reach.
You had been brought to the Ragnvindr Manor against your will. It was more like a quiet ambush than a kidnapping and, as you found out when it was was too late, it had been planned by your family without your knowledge.
It started when maids swiftly funneled into your room and started packing up your belongings; then those maids plus additional servants hurried you into an unfamiliar carriage, ushering you in. You found yourself sitting across from Kaeya Alberich, a man you had only exchanged a few polite words with in your entire life. He was grinning from ear to ear.
When you tried to open the door, it wouldn’t budge. Anxiety rose in your chest as Kaeya watched you struggle with a satisfied smile. That was when you had started to panic. No matter how much you insistently pressed the man for answers, he danced around your questions and was unmoved by the nervous waiver in your voice, saying that a surprise was waiting for you at the end of the carriage ride. He never spoke a sentence that gave you a clue as to where you were going.
You peeked out of the window after seeing the carriage pass through a large gate and were met with the impressive sight of Ragnvindr Manor. Kaeya, who had remained irritatingly calm for the entirety of the ride, languidly got up from his seat across from you and reached for the previously locked handle. You heard a click from the outside. He pushed down. With a sly smile, he turned to you and gestured to the now open door.
You couldn’t help the resentful glare that settled in your features at the borderline mocking gesture. After shooting him a dirty look, you hesitantly stepped out of the carriage. You jumped when you felt Kaeya’s hand settle on your lower back, who seemed amused by your startled reaction. He grinned down at you; that and his arm around your waist was anything but comforting, as the weight felt like it was trapping you, shackling you from running away.
You were ushered through the large, yawning doorway and led into the dim front hall. You stared in awe at the luxurious wood interior that was bathed in a warm glow from the candlelight reflecting, flickering off the high walls and shadowed ceiling. Your mind was momentarily distracted from the anxiety thrumming in your chest, with Kaeya’s hand still resting lightly on your back as he pushed you forward.
He led you through the initial archways and up the stairs, his pace annoyingly (and yet eerily) slow, which you were forced to match. He stopped in front of a door that blended in with the rest of the dark wood that was characteristic of the architecture. There was nothing special about it. It only made you more nervous.
“Well,” Kaeya finally spoke, voice smooth and suave as it always was. “This is it.”
As you processed that you had basically just let a stranger pull you into someone else’s house and isolate you from any form of safety, your frazzled feelings formed a heavy weight in your chest, a raging combination of panic and fear.
“What’s going on?” You asked. “Why am I here?”
His grip curved against the side of your waist and tightened, keen on not letting you bolt.
You were seconds away from running into the maze of hallways and hoping you could find your out when Kaeya gingerly knocked on the door. He shot you a glance, seemingly reading your thoughts as his other hand, the hand tensely holding your waist, idly played with the fabric underneath his fingers. His demeanor was infuriatingly casual as you stressed over every decision that could have possibly led you here. Despite his feckless expression, you felt that he understood the weight of what he was doing. He wasn’t oblivious to your fear or your anxiety, and there was a serious expression in his eyes that looked like determination. Whatever he brought you here for, he was planning to see it through, unmoving and stubborn.
You wondered what could make a man such as Kaeya, who had always seemed so removed from any conflict in society, so motivated. You wondered what role you had in him achieving his goal.
The door opened, revealing a very surprised Diluc, dressed down more than you had every seen him. His usual heavy outer coat had been removed, leaving him in a white undershirt and vest. Long crimson hair was thrown up in a high ponytail. The candlelight from inside the room reflected off of it, making a shining halo form around his head. From what you could tell, he was in the middle of getting ready for bed, with a few stray buttons undone at the top of his shirt. You felt your face heat up at the sight.
“Kaeya? What….”
His gaze first landed on his brother, sending him a confused look, before it landed on you and stayed, a wide eyed stare that told you he was not expecting your visit. You squirmed awkwardly under his stare, too bewildered by the situation to say a proper greeting. You pressed down the urge to cover your now burning face with a hand as you were pinned under both his and Kaeya’s full attention.
“Diluc,” Kaeya spoke, unbothered by the obvious tension in the air. He fully encircled his arm around your side, a happy smile forming on his face. He pulled you towards him. Stumbling gracelessly, you were pulled closer into Kaeya and the doorway where Diluc stood stiffly, still staring at you.
“An early birthday gift.”
….What? You felt a cold dread immediately begin to pool in your stomach, the words freezing and repeating in your head. You had been nervous before, but now your body was going into survival mode as fear took over. What the hell was he talking about?
Your mind ran at the implication. You were a person. Not an item to be passed around. Was this some kind of sick revenge for rejecting someone so much higher than you in status and power? Was your family in on it? Were you suppose to be some kind of offering for Diluc?
You nearly flinched when you heard Diluc make an affronted and angry noise in response, almost something like a growl, as he glared at his brother with burning red eyes.
After that, you found yourself sitting on a plush couch inside of what could only be Diluc’s chambers. Across the room, Diluc and Kaeya spoke in harsh whispers, sparing furtive glances towards you every few seconds. You pointedly tried not to look at the very large four post bed in the middle of the room, feeling much too awkward and uncomfortable in what was obviously the personal room of a man you were not married to. The taboos of society all began to rise to the forefront of your mind, and you realized how inappropriate this all was; if it got out, there would be a terrible scandal, and your family would drag you through the mud for dirtying the reputation of both theirs and the Ragnvindr names.
Your damp hands clamped down on the fabric of your clothes, clenching into tense fists as the only other people in the room left you to stew in your anxiety.
Suddenly, there was a shout.
You nearly jumped five feet into the air. You had to tense every muscle in your body to keep yourself from rising off the small couch, though you could not stop your head whipping around to the source of the noise. You heart rate, after finally calming down, sped up again as the dread in your stomach churned. You had a bad feeling that this odd situation was coming to its climax.
The sound had came from Diluc. In Kaeya’s hand was an outstretched piece of paper, too far away for you to make out whatever was written on it. Diluc swiftly took the sheet from Kaeya, scanning over it with wide eyes.
“We’re….?” Diluc breathed, suddenly looking at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, his lips parted in surprise.
“Officially.” Kaeya said, a laugh in his merry voice, clearly amused by Diluc’s reverent expression. The calvary captain titled his head towards you, his eyes barely glancing your way, signaling to Diluc to go over to you. Your chest tightened.
Diluc looked at Kaeya, then turned fully to face you, taking slow steps as if approaching a startled animal. He walked over to you, expression nervous, seeming almost shy as he came to stand in front of the couch you sat on. He looked down at you from above, not speaking. Opening his mouth, then closing it, he balled his fist onto his knees as lowered himself down to sit beside you.
He was close. Too close. To close to be normal, for two people who were in such an odd situation. You were paralyzed by dread and didn’t try to move away from the startling, sudden heat that came with Diluc sitting next to you.
He looked away from you, his head facing the ground in front of you, then turned his body to angle himself towards you. For a moment, he stared ahead, right past the edge of the sofa. He opened his mouth to speak and a breathy, light voice came out, so different from his usual deep timber.
“Your family….,” He started. Your heart stopped. “has agreed for us to be wed without a ceremony. My brother,” he shot Kaeya an accusing look, turning away for a second before returning his gaze to the ground at your feet, “has taken it upon himself to take care of the all the details and bring you here. I’m sure you weren’t aware of this, and this all must be very confusing, but we are now legally…..” He stopped on the last word, finally looking up into your eyes, his own burning with a passion so bright it scared you.
You could do nothing but stare in horror as he opened his mouth and tied you to him forever.
“Married.” Ah. There it was. His usual voice, deep and pleasant. He grabbed your clenched hand, gently but insistently pressing it open and laying his much larger palm flat atop your own before intertwining his fingers with yours. Your joined hands rested atop your knee, which is where Diluc’s gaze stayed, entranced by the point of contact between his skin and yours.
In any other situation, the action would’ve been incredibly romantic and sweet; a tender moment that would’ve set your weak heart aflame and stirred butterflies in your stomach. Your crush, holding your hand, looking at you with all the adoration in the world? It sounded like a dream. Yet, this was possibly the worst situation you had ever found yourself in; dragged to the house of someone you barely knew and finding them infatuated with you. Knowing that you’d been given to them like a wrapped gift.
He had confirmed all your fears. You knew that your family had gone behind your back and lied to you, betrayed you, despite how much you had insisted that you not be engaged to Diluc. It would be too painful when he eventually, inevitably broke it off to marry someone else. Your romantic feelings for him were only the beginnings of a fervent admiration. Still, you knew it would come to nothing, and that your feelings could not change the nature of the world. The two of you lived in different worlds, different circles, and he had better marriage prospects from people that could give him more than you ever could: power, wealth, and all the things that you would always have to look at but never be able to touch.
The emotions you were seeing in his eyes when he stared into yours could never be described as a shallow admiration. No, now you wish you had discouraged being engaged to him for a different reason; his feelings went far beyond the bounds of admiration. They burned in his eyes; they burned you with their intensity.
You had seen a side of Diluc today that scared you. You knew your simple crush couldn’t hold a candle to his raging inferno, something wild and uncontrollable. It would consume you. You now knew that he would consume you, if you allowed him to.
It must’ve shown on your face. The confusion, the bewilderment, one of the many emotions you were feeling must’ve seeped into your expression.
Diluc began to attempt to comfort you. His hand slipped onto your face, shocking you out of your raging thoughts and back to the present as his eyes scanned over you. He looked like he was savoring touching you, perhaps happy to finally have you in his arms, under his hands, after so much longing. (How much longing? How long did his feelings go unnoticed by you?)
“You need not worry, dearest. I’ll take care of you and treat you well. I’ll be a proper husband to you and more, I swear it. You have my word.” A man once nervous and flustered was now scarily serious as he spoke, maintaining eye contact as his binding words promised you a lifetime by his side.
Diluc leaned into you, his hand still pressed to your face as he glanced down at your lips, his own parting. You saw his tongue dart out to wet them, too distracted by the movement to see that his gaze now rested on only your lips.
“I will try each and every day to make you love me as much as I love you.” He spoke softly.
You gasped as Diluc pressed his lips against yours much more harshly than you were expecting him to, and he chased after you as you leaned back into the couch.
As shocking as it was to find out, you couldn’t do much to ignore Diluc’s now obvious feelings for you. With his words, he ruthlessly broke down every mental barrier you had put up to convince yourself this was all just a bad dream. He loved you, he told you. He was going to protect you, he vowed. He was going to give you everything your heart could ever desire.
The words were meant to bring you comfort, and you had never felt more terrified in your life.
You could feel his hands wandering over your body, curiously mapping out every dip and crevice like they had been waiting for the chance to touch you. Diluc curved his body over yours, hovering above you, not quite on top, not quite upright, just crowding into your space as if he could only breathe the air near you. You winced as you felt his teeth latch onto your lower lip and pull, a soft groan escaping from his chest as he took in the sight of you; you could only imagine what you looked like right now, and the thought that Diluc was looking at you, admiring you like this, made your face burn and your body tremble. Unwillingly, a fire lit in your stomach.
And then, a raspy and low laugh brought you out of your thoughts.
"Looks like their mind is wandering, 'Luc."
Your eyes immediately flew to the owner of the voice, who was standing against the doorway with his arms crossed, an amused smirk painted on his lips. He was watching Diluc fervently push his lips to your neck, face, lips, with the same affection and bemusement one would have after getting pushed into the snow by a sibling. His look of ease, and slight surprise, betrayed no discomfort toward the sight in front of him.
You distantly thought that these two brothers had a lot more love for each other than what they let on.
After all, Kaeya was the one who had paved the path to you being in Diluc’s ever tightening embrace. Kaeya was the one who brought you here and practically threw you into Diluc's arms. From what you could guess, and from what you knew about Kaeya, he had most likely learned of Diluc’s puppy love and had seen no problem with pulling a few strings to help his brother along with his “courting.”
Never mind the fact that you had already said no; you had rejected Diluc months before. The proposal had came as a big surprise, especially when Diluc requested a private audience and asked for your hand in person. And still, you rejected him. At the time, you thought that if he wasn’t already engaged to someone other than you, someone who met his status, he would be soon, and you weren’t going to risk being the fiancé of a man who belonged to someone else; you were protecting yourself from the inevitable heartbreak that would come with letting Diluc court you. And what were you meant to do when he was forced, or worse, willingly began to court someone else? Pine after him from the sidelines, hopelessly adoring and praying he’ll come back? The thought was comical. Laughable.
Kaeya, however, clearly didn’t seem to think so.
If you knew that Kaeya had been plotting to serve you to Diluc on a silver platter, he would’ve dragged you here kicking and screaming. And if you could get past what a conniving and manipulative bastard he was, you would think it was sweet and endearing that he would do so much for his estranged brother, if only to make him happy. Even if it was at your expense.
And to make matters worse, it had been incredibly easy for him to trap you under his palm; you had pieced together how he managed to pull it off fairly quickly.
When Kaeya had visited your family’s estate under the guise of delivering a marriage proposal on behalf of the Ragnvindr household, your family had signed you over without a second thought. Even if they had taken the time to think about the fact that Diluc and Kaeya were rumored to never talk or even exchange pleasantries with one another, that they constantly acted like they were strangers, that it was incredibly odd that Kaeya, of all the people Diluc could have asked, would be delivering the news, it was still too much to ask for them to bat an eye at the proposal.
You weren’t naive; your family wasn’t keen to hang on to you. The only reason you hadn’t been married off already was because of how strongly you had batted your eyes and schemed your way out of wedlock. But now? They wouldn’t dare reject Diluc’s proposal after they found out about it, even if they had noticed every glaring red flag that came along with it. Any suspicion they may have felt was swiftly overcome by Kaeya’s relentless charm and the naturally powerful influence of the Ragnvindr name.
You were doomed the moment Diluc proposed.
You were doomed the moment Kaeya found out you had rejected his brother.
You had practically been held captive inside the manor since you had arrived a few hours ago, and Diluc didn’t seem keen on letting you out of his sight.
Kaeya, who had walked close enough to relax against the post at the end of the bed, leaned towards you and smiled.
"Oh, don’t give me that look. I wasn’t originally planning on taking you here,” he smiled at you like he was sharing a joke, the corner of his eye crinkling with mirth. “I only found out just recently about Diluc’s little infatuation with you. And here I always thought my dear brother would end up with someone like Jean. You were quite the surprise, you know?”
You resisted the urge to throw the nearest object at his handsome face after that comment.
That was who Diluc was meant to be engaged to right now, if the rumors of their long awaited marriage finally being planned held any truth to them. It would be a good marriage; a classic case of childhood friends to lovers, and their personalities fit well together, their friendship naturally wholesome. And most importantly, Jean held one of the most influential positions anyone could have; she was above many and bowed to few. Her status matched Diluc’s; her mere existence made the chance of your betrothal to the young Ragnvindr heir practically nonexistent. It was a key contributing factor in you giving up on confessing your feelings for Diluc.
You had assumed that he had Jean and could never reciprocate what you felt for him. How wrong you were.
A hysterical laugh bubbled up into your throat, one that you pressed back into your chest before it could escape. Kaeya wasn't that far off the mark; Diluc was practically destined to be with Jean. If you were a little bit more romantic, you would even call them star-crossed lovers.
So why were you here now, helplessly holding on to the back of the man’s waist coat while he suckled and bruised your neck to no end?
You gasped as Diluc seemed to get a little bolder at the sound of his brother’s voice, feeling his teeth nip harshly against your skin as he finally pulled away. You could see that his lips were kiss-swollen from his efforts, full and pink, something that unfairly added to his already devastating good looks, which were only enhanced by the glow of the candlelight. He angled his face away from you to look at his brother, something akin to jealously swirling in his eyes.
“Kaeya,” he warned, a growl in his voice. Kaeya chuckled and shook his head before holding his hands up in surrender.
“Alright, alright. I’ll leave the two lovebirds alone.”
He shot you one last wink before he sauntered towards the door, opening it before pausing with his hand on the handle. You watched him lean back to make eye contact with the red haired man on top of you, a smirk spreading across his lips:
“Oh, and Diluc?” He cooed.
“Be gentle.”
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diejager · 1 year
Hello, may I please ask for 10 in you 1k event with nsfw yan Diluc please, aslo congrats!
1k special [2/10]
1k special masterlist
Cw: smut, creampie, implied sex marathon, DARK, yandere, blood, marking, possessive, sadism, BDSM, NON-CON, DUB-CON.
Wc: 662
HI! Thank you!! <33
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# 10 " You're so cute,"
Bound and gagged, your cries fell on deaf ears when faced with Diluc, the workers never bothered you, they never entered the room unless you were dressed and with Diluc, they never tried freeing you, and they never stopped fearing for their safety under Diluc's iron-like hold on the region and Teyvat. A rich businessman with relations was the worse kind to garner their ire or obsession.
His hips moved at a steady pace, shallowly thrusting and taking his time to watch you squirm and take him whole; red, swollen folds rubbing around his thick length, leaking the combined juices of your orgasms. His narrowed eyes burned darkly with unbridled lust as they moved from your ankles locked around his hips to your soaked mound, over your navel, stomach, and chest covered in purple and red bites and kisses, and from your tear-stricken face and puffy eyes to your bound hands gripping the mahogany headboard. He was entranced by your appearance, a wreck and bumbling mess of tears and moans made by his hand. It made him harder, his cock twitching and promising another load. Pain and pleasure came as one, one couldn't exist without the other and it appealed to his sadistic side, it appealed to it too much.
His hands felt everything he could, all the skin that stayed unmarred by his teeth and fingers, he wanted to bite into the fatty part of your thighs, leave them red and bloodied until he lapped it up, he wanted to paint your hips black and blue with his hands, leave them pained and sore for the coming days.
Thoughts drowned by pleasure (and your cries), he jerked wildly, pace erratic with loud panting as he peppered your neck and collar with wet kisses. His pounding went from short and shallow to deep and rough, he loved hearing your muffled squealing and whiny cries. He found it simply adorable.
"You're so cute, " Diluc cooed, breathing heavily into your ears. "Calmer and more pliant when I fuck you, hmm?"
Your mind reeled in disgust, conscience praying for it to stop, telling your body to stop reacting so disgracefully. You wanted your body to stop betraying you, to stop turning into a puddle of sweat and cum in Diluc's hand he could tell you all about him much your body loved it, that you loved him and were simply in denial; but you knew, you knew that your body only reacted to stimuli, that you hadn't really wanted him, your body simply reacted to what it was given.
Your body jerked and jolted when the leaky of his raging erection slammed into your cervix, alternating between pounding into your cervix and your sweet spot. Your body reacted to his foreplay because he knew where to touch, what to rub and roll, he did things while having you bound.
"I'm going to come," he groaned, mind numb with delight at the image of you plump and bred with his child.
He licked your neck, drawing a line of saliva from your collar to your jaw, lips patting to swallow your drool and kiss the side of your mouth. He cursed, hips rocking erratically, dick twitching before he ground deeper into you and came. The warmth that filled you brought a sickly feeling, ropes of cum covering your walls and clinging to every part of your cunt. You almost shuddered as he rutted against you, pushing his release deeper. You would've puked if you weren't gagged, bound, or here at all.
The most damning thing about this was the words he mumbled after he came, the soft promise he told you in an innocent tone:
"I love you."
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@kitto-lover @stygianoir @emperatris-rinaka @jalepp
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
I Got Reincarnated As A Server NPC In An Otome Game But A Capture Target Won’t Leave Me Alone (Yandere!Diluc Ragnvindr/Reader)
a/n: fasghadsa this is my thank-you fic for @poptartsthings for supporting my fics for the past year!!! thank you for the tips huhuhuhu ;;;—;;; hence, I wrote this diluc fic for *clears throat* "mommy milkers". Enjoy this self-aware yandere otome game!duke diluc ragnvindr!!!
unreliable synopsis: what if you got isekai-d in your favorite otome game and one of the Love Interests found out they aren’t a real person? (or, ya know, whatever the title said lmao)
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"Bottoms up, Duke Ragnvindr!"
"No matter how enthusiastic you are, I remain inclined to think that this is a horrible idea, (Y/n)..."
Reluctantly swirling a small amount of fire-water while wearing gloves, the duke saw how the alcohol hardly made a wave. Unsatisfied, he diverted his attention and observed the NPC pour their drink.
"In all honesty, your grape juice is worth more than this, (Y/n)–"
"Shush!" With a flamboyant and dismissive wave, the generic common mob silenced one of the Main Characters. "Don't ruin the mood, now. I had to pull a few strings to get this bad boy right here. It’s such a shame that Mister “Best Boy” Albedo can't come, so we have to make sure I get my money’s worth off of these bottles. It’d be such a waste of francs."
"Wasted like the thousand francs wine you clumsily spilled last year?"
"Don't bring that up again, please."
"Why not?" He chuckled. "If you hadn't, I wouldn't have met you."
"If I hadn't, I would've been drinking with Villager B..." They muttered as they grabbed another glass from the cupboard.
He pretended not to have heard it.
They are both aware that their destinies follow different paths. No matter how hard one of them tries to walk next to the other, this cruel fate will separate them with a penalty that is even more agonizing than the last. All because (Y/n) was a real person, and Diluc was not.
Duke Diluc Ragnvindr is this game’s easiest route: the typical childhood friend who falls for the heroine– Princess Lumine– first. In this genre, he falls into the category of those love interests who are incredibly austere with themselves that they were unable to enjoy the small things in life outside work. Ultimately, he follows the cliche of protecting the heroine from harm until she remembers that they used to play together as children in the palace gardens. Which, in itself, is quite a feat since the duke was not a man many could befriend. Unless you count Chief Justice Ajax as his greatest comrade, then perhaps he could finally add item number 11 to his list of trusted people.
The “Duke of the South” only favored audiences for those he was willing to invest in— after all, he’s famously known for having a “good signature.” It may seem like a compliment for uneducated nouveau rich men, but those with an eye for Gaciean politics knew how much power he has as the head of the Department of Military Affairs. Tales about his on-and-off disputes with the Chief Ajax circled as frequently as Teyvat Time’s popular Paimon-The-Friendly-Fae’s comic strips. Some loved his obsession with national security whilst some were quick to call him a pampered weapon hoarder, but if there’s one thing everyone can agree it’s that they fear the southern duke.
Now, after introducing a political figure with crimson locks of hair and domineering combat prowess, it’s certainly a tough sell to introduce the last person left inside: (Y/n) (L/n).
Unremarkably, they’re merely an NPC from Xiangling’s Seaside Restaurant. They’ve “reincarnated” into this world fumbling about like a newborn until the chef offered a job. Fortunately, they were not completely helpless in the kitchen. They had shown off their managerial skills from their old job since day one. Since then, Xiangling had hoped to train them as the new manager, but (Y/n) preferred to take on some responsibilities gradually. After a few days had passed, they abruptly realized that they were "Server C," an NPC with only a character sprite and a scarcely distinguishable name. The red ribbon-theme outfit from their restaurant was the only thing that distinguished them from the other faceless workers. According to what they can recall, one of their tasks is to give the princess's order of candies while she flees from her overprotective retainer, Dainsleif. It was a tense moment in that common route since all three of the princess’ potential suitors were customers from different ends of the restaurant, which were Dainsleif, Kamisato Ayato, and, of course, Duke Ragnvindr.
… Unable to snap out of their initial shock after recognizing that this was one of the game’s CGs and seeing three attractive men inside the restaurant they work at, (Y/n) accidentally broke the script by spilling the wine on Duke Ragnvindr’s coat.
Since then, (Y/n) had trailed and followed the characters whenever they could for their amusement– often helping their favorite love interest, Albedo, set up the scene so they can view his "CGs" in real life. Due to their apparent lack of stalking skills, they had another off-script encounter with the duke whilst doing so. Instead of heading straight to North Gaciea as he had done in the game, he was delayed seven hours after he weeded (Y/n)’s hair out of the bushes they were hiding in. Their first meeting was horrid, and their second almost went in a similar direction. Almost.
Since (Y/n)’s lies were as visible as their head peeking out of their hiding spot, Diluc had them drink a truth potion to uncover why they were stalking the chief alchemist, however…
… Does the phrase “the truth is stranger than fiction” apply in this case when both the earth and the sky are nothing but lies?
Diluc put on a convincing poker face when they babbled about the game they live in, demonstrating both their objectives and, more critically, their in-game omniscience. Albedo is the only love interest who changes into a feral (and subjectively "hot") monster toward the end of the novel, thus (Y/n) was adamant that he be Princess Lumine's ultimate endgame—but going any further in their explanations would be deemed a "spoiler." Additionally, Albedo’s route could only be unlocked once you finished another character’s route first… and that character happened to be Diluc Ragnvindr himself.
“In layman’s terms… We are living in a complex romance novel-esque system, correct? And I am the ‘book’ people often recommend to start the series with first before moving on to the sequel?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“… and I am just a stepping stone for a happier ending? A pawn? A mere puppet for someone chasing a momentary cure for loneliness?”
“Well, it felt real to me when I played your route—”
“Perhaps, but feelings do not change what is real and what isn’t.” Diluc sighed, unsheathing his dagger to break off the ropes that held the server down.
(Y/n) traced their wrists, appreciating now how gentle he had been when he could’ve gone rougher.
He bit his lip. It pained him to hear the server call his name as if they knew him.
They spoke as if they were friends the whole time right after they just revealed that his life is a self-fulfilled prophecy of unrequited romance.
And it was insulting.
The two have come a long way since then. He lost his faux feelings for Lumine. After gaining self-awareness, Diluc had begun avoiding what occurs in the game’s plot under the NPC’s guidance. To improve Lumine's chances of acquiring Albedo's route, (Y/n) was more than happy to assist him, so they started exchanging chats that ranged from oblique threats to routine discussions only friends could have.
Even so, (Y/n)’s attempts were futile when Albedo revealed to both of them that he knew he’s also just a character since the day he was “created”, and that “I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped attempting to produce an inorganic chemistry between the protagonist and me.”
…The chief alchemist was a smart one for sure and his confrontation had sobered (Y/n) fully. Although Albedo will never be the princess’ endgame nor will he turn into an apocalyptic dragon, (Y/n) had earned his friendship and started treating the rest of the cast as people and not just characters.
Diluc gazed out the window.
It was late into the night and rain was falling. There was not a single domestic sound emanating from nearby homes, which was a wise choice since annoying harpies would have gathered at the sound of human noises. Birds accosted the drying trees and roofs as fog swept through the streets. With the exception of this seaside restaurant, most stores were noticeably closed. The downpour buried the sound of crashing waves just a few meters outside, so no one would have known that this was close to the beach.
"Huh," (Y/n) stared in the same direction. "Didn’t expect it to rain tonight. Guess you can't escape this cheap alcohol-tasting session, huh?"
In the course of his outdoor nightly training, the head of the Department of Military Affairs grew incredibly resilient against mere storms. "I don’t need an umbrella."
"Fair," they laughed, distinctly human compared to the usual polite chuckles he would hear from leeching nobles. "But oh, dear Duke, if you don't need an umbrella then why are you still here? Is it because you wanted to see me– w-wait hold on—I'm kidding— sit down!"
They reached for his arm, but try as they might—
their hand only passed through.
The two stiffened.
Diluc’s breath hitched.
That was proof.
Because of this scripted fate, a commoner like them can't even grasp his hand, let alone touch it. Not when the system outright denies the friendship they have.
An NPC like (Y/n) can’t remain friends with a main character like Diluc once they have fulfilled their role in their story.
Diluc was untouchable.
He closed his eyes. Just acknowledging this pains him.
They both sat back down.
Much like how Diluc had pretended not to hear their comment earlier, (Y/n) also pretended that nothing unreal occurred seconds ago.
"S... So, is there anything else you want with that?" They pointed at his glass. "We have a crap ton of limes and cranberry juice! Oh, but I'm not sure if it would taste that good if we mix it, haha."
He could practically hear them force that laughter right out of their throat. Diluc hurriedly swallowed the fire-water they offered him since neither could stand the awkward tension. Diluc cringed.
"Oh, sorry, was it too strong?" Many nobles who detained the duke with platitudes were met with sarcastic comments, but he never hated (Y/n)’s idea of small talk.
"It's fine." He spoke huskily.
"Does it need lime or any add ons–"
"It's fine."
"... Okay."
The silence was painfully awkward... Perhaps Diluc shouldn't have threatened Albedo to sit this one out. He wanted an opportunity to be alone with (Y/n), and this is far from what he had hoped would turn out. Diluc's forehead creased as he held back what could've been a long somber sigh.
"How's work?" He asked.
"Oh, it's been alright."
That doesn't sound promising. This was a trick up his sleeves to snap them back to a cheery mood. Usually, they’d start rambling about their regulars and watch how endearingly entertaining they are. There should’ve been a quip about Itto’s TCG losing streak or how Kunikuzushi and Kazuha were arguing again over where they should place their tent for their next travels. This time, (Y/n) barely uttered a phrase.
They continued, "I don't suppose I could ask you the same, given that most of your work is confidential–"
"The Holy Kingdom’s crown prince visited North Gaciea today."
Finally, he could see them smile for just a bit. Of course, they’d be interested to hear about Zhongli since he was the poster boy for the game’s sequel. Fortunately for Diluc, (Y/n) never got to play the game.
"That's wonderful! I was waiting for an English Localization of the sequel for soooo long! Was he hot? I bet he’s gorgeous as fu–"
"I mean." Diluc cleared his throat. It's barely even a shot of fire-water and he's already getting impulsive. "I meant that I cannot discuss the matter further. I am not like Kaeya. This is confidential, like what you had said."
"Ah..." Their eyebrows furrowed "I see…"
Why did they sound so disappointed?
Is (Y/n)… bored of him?
Diluc digressed, "how's Dainsleif?"
"Dain?" Their nose scrunched. "I haven't seen that poor guy for weeks now. He’s probably escorting Princess Lumine to Justice Ajax’s territory like in the game. Why?"
"Kamisato Ayato?"
"Ah, he ordered a crate of Dango milk yesterday," they laughed softly. "I'm amazed at how that man is barely affected by the script. I mean, I guess that’s to be expected when your route can only be unlocked by choosing three unsuspecting dialogue options. I don't think he talked to the protagonist at all these past two years. You’d think Lumine would’ve raised her wits stat high enough to attract his attention, but alas, Lord Ayato’s still lounging around East Gaciea doing Venti-knows-what."
He wasn’t paying attention to their ramblings. All their names sound bitter in Diluc's mouth. Unlike Albedo and Diluc, the rest of the Love Interests are free to interact with them as an extra. Server C had also performed their last scripted interaction with them, hence, (Y/n) can never touch Albedo and Diluc again.
Retainer Dainsleif of the West, Lord Kamisato Ayato of the East, Chief Justice “Childe” Ajax of the North, Chief Alchemist Albedo of Who-Knows-Where, and Duke Diluc Ragnvindr of the South… Princess Lumine certainly had fine options.
The Duke just wished the otome game scriptwriters would’ve let him have his own choice in the matter as well.
(Y/n) rested their elbows down on the table as they gazed into Diluc's distant eyes.
"Why did you ask?"
Diluc frowned, He admits it— (Y/n)’s eyes are nothing to write home about. When compared to an ephemeral beauty like Princess Lumine, their ordinary (e/c) eyes and visage hardly qualify as "distinctive traits." Their vibrant red ribbon is the only thing separating them from the street's grey residents. Yet he can still tell it's them no matter how big the crowd is. No matter how much they look like an “NPC”, to him at least it was a face worth seeing. Even if they mesh into a blob of slime, he can sense their essence through and through.
Although he can now barely make out the features on their face, nothing on this false earth can convince him that he wasn’t talking to the love of his life.
"I..." Diluc loosened his collar, suddenly growing hot at the intensity of their stare. "I simply wished to learn how the two other Love Interests are doing. I’ve had a chat with Ajax, and he still acts like a quote-on-quote “yandere” as you had explained before."
“Is that all?”
Diluc nodded.
"Ah," They shrugged. "Got my hopes up there– I thought there are other “Wasureta: No More” CGs I haven't seen yet."
Diluc smiled and took a drink.
"Ahh..." He exhaled, his eyelids fluttering shut in the process.
"You okay there pal?" They asked. "I know I said we shouldn't let any of this go to waste but you know I can just store them back home right? Oh, you can have some too but I don't think you'd like so–"
"I'll take a bottle."
(Y/n)’s eyes widened.
"Y-You..." They stuttered, "You sure?"
"Yeah," Diluc mumbled, lying to himself. "It tastes okay."
They grinned. The sight makes his decision all the more worth it.
"Haha, great!" They fist-bumped the air "See? Told ya cheap fire-water tastes good!"
Don’t get him wrong, he's not taking one home because of its taste. He's taking one home because it might be the last memento he'll have of (Y/n).
"Hold on, let me get a ribbon." They opened their palms to stop him from leaving. "Can't give the great Duke of the South something that looks barely presentable now would I?"
They left him with a skip in their steps. Diluc smiled.
Now that he's left alone, he silently wondered:
Just how long can he last before he tells the NPC that he wants to ruin their friendship?
Along with the sounds of gutted flesh reverberating through the tunnel's dark passageways, a man's hysterical laughter echoed. It was mostly silence in the caves, and there is a strong sense of loneliness upon entering the vicinity. Humans and animals alike would feel as though there is no life inside those walls, but the joyous yet hollow laughter came from the end of the tunnel.
And on the other side, you'll find a red-haired man at his wit's end.
"Tell me..." His words dragged out in a low growl as he grabbed a fistful of the bloody and tattered blonde's greasy hair. The man whimpered from his touch. "Was it fun? Laughing at my misery this entire time? Were you laughing along with them? Lumine, Dainsleif, and all the rest?! Did I put up quite the show there?!"
Crown Prince Aether trembled.
Duke Ragnvindr had everything figured out.
“There’s one regret I have now that I’ve isekai-d in this game.”
“What was it?”
“It’s just that,” (Y/n) sighed. “I never really got this game to a 100% completion.”
Diluc raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by their obsession with Wasureta, “and why is that important?”
“Hey! It’s pretty damn important!” (Y/n) grumbled. "Tsk, if only I finished your bad endings… The guides say once you do that, you’ll be able to unlock a secret route.”
“A secret route?”
“Yeah,” they shrugged.
“I’ve read some spoilers from Otomekitten's blog and get this— the last route reveals where Lumine’s brother had been hiding all this time.”
The nerves on the back of Diluc's palms were more noticeable as he pulled the poor man closer. Simply put, their faces did not resemble what mankind should look like; rather, they were an animalistic representation of a predator and prey. Hitherto it had disturbed Prince Aether in his rests, but it was too late when he finally acknowledged that something unhinged lay dormant inside the duke.
"P-please..." He coughed. Blood started drooling down the edge of his lips. He assumes that a few of his teeth are likely knocked in, and he can feel his canines prodding inside his throat. "H-have merc–"
With alarming ease, Diluc threw him in the direction of the shelves. The blonde fell and gasped violently when the splintered wood struck his shoulder. The gaping wound on his hips gushed out once more, bleeding onto his carpet and scattered notes. The duke was a monster. He intentionally missed striking his vital organs to prolong his suffering. More blood gushed from his mouth and the prince noisily wheezed out wet coughs.
His Highness has (Y/n) to blame for the hints they gave the duke.
If they hadn't had that conversation, Diluc wouldn’t have figured out that Aether created this “game” world out of grief for his dead sister.
“I’ve been alive here for a year or so but I can’t get used to how the harpies in this world look so tame.”
“Hmm? What else were you expecting?”
“Nothing much, it’s just that they look so different in the game’s beta.”
They shrugged. “Fun fact: did you know that “Wasureta: No More” was a fantasy-horror game before the scriptwriters decided to rewrite everything?”
"Tsk." Diluc spat and wiped his mouth with his last dirty palm as if there was a major difference. Both are equally soiled with oil and Aether’s blood; it wouldn’t have mattered.
The duke snarled aloud into a burst of savage laughter, "what's wrong, My Creator? Can't even muster up the courage to face your retribution?"
"F-Friend..." Aether called out, hoping to garner sympathy for the Diluc who once looked after both him and his sister at the royal gardens. Hoping to remind him that he was placed number 1 on the list of people the head of Military Affairs had trusted.
"Don't call me that," Diluc's grip on his claymore grew tighter until his knuckles paled.
"Du-Duke..." The blonde looked up. "I can't just... Rewrite this story again..."
"You can," Diluc spoke in a somewhat broken voice. His sanity may be waning, but he cannot deny that Aether was included in the list of the people the duke trusted. "We’re just characters you’ve written. You've done that before. You've done that to Lumine."
"And I r-regretted it!" He sputtered out, accidentally stronger than intended. The blonde scurried to lean against the wall as he feared Diluc would attack him for his offensive tone. "I regretted it. I thought I could revive my sister... I thought that would bring Lumine back into this new world. I thought it would bring her happiness if– if I gave her m-more options–"
"Forced options," Diluc grumbled, rightfully angry at the blonde's interferences. Based on his inference, three of the five suitors wouldn't have been whisked away by Lumine's whims if it weren't for her brother’s influence. And judging by his pained reaction, Diluc would be right.
"But she’s not my real sister.” Aether sobbed. “She never will be— she’s just an image I had of her. And I-I still ended up making this false Lumine more miserable."
"No shit." Diluc snickered with narrow eyes. "You made her miserable—"
The duke just wished he knew where Aether was from the very beginning. He would've had Prince Aether's head before this whole damn game even started.
"And you made me so fucking miserable, Crown Prince," Diluc muttered. 
“I just wanted to be with (Y/n).” He breathed in shakily, “is that so much to ask for?”
"P-Please, listen to me." Aether wept. "Ch-Changing someone's fate brings more harm than good!"
Aether shook as a claymore thrust through the concrete just a hair beside his ear. He gulped under the towering gaze of those piercing red eyes. They glowered over him, and they were far from pleased. Aether was too terrified to look away as he saw how Diluc's eyes spiraled into the abyss. The air was thick with heat emanating from Diluc’s pyro-abilities. The sound of the metal rang in the prince’s ears like a warning, thus, the strength in his shoulders weakened and his muscles have gone mushed as he cowered down.
Changing fate brings more harm than good? What a joke. By the looks of it, letting fate run its course only puts the prince in greater turmoil.
Maybe Diluc should offer his head to Her Highness. It doesn't matter whether he lived or died, does it not? If she's so desperate to find the missing prince again, it wouldn't even matter what state his casket is in.
Aether couldn’t breathe.
"Don't struggle."
Diluc effortlessly slid the prince's entire body up the wall after grabbing his throat. Aether's feet curled up as he struggled to steal a breath. He tried to kick and claw Diluc's arms away, but the man stood his ground. Ruby eyes continued to pursue him with an icy rage that Aether was all too familiar with.
The fact that they both placed a lot of faith in one another was a mistake.
Aether's eyes started to tear up involuntarily. Diluc spoke those words as if they weren't threatening remarks, but a merciful command. Yet it doesn't change the fact that he intended to assassinate the prince with his bare hands. Aether began balling up his fists and striking him, but it was ineffective.
Diluc coldly watched his stomach bleed out like a student dissecting a frog.
Aether's vision clouded. As he flailed his limbs like a wild animal, dark blotches started to appear in his line of sight. His fingers are unwittingly clawing at everything as the adrenaline starts to kick in. Aether never wished to harm a soul, but at that moment he was aiming for Diluc's eyes.
His survival instincts kicked in.
He can't die.
Not like this.
Lumine. Sister.
Aether needed to apologize to his sister.
He still hoped to say sorry— sorry for leaving her to run a kingdom alone— sorry for not being able to save her in the original timeline— 
sorry for resetting and rewriting the game just to see her alive and happy again.
Aether had so much unfinished business piled up. So many discoveries he has yet to pen down. He can't die here. He mustn’t.
He grabbed something. A fleeting crimson near his assailant's collarbone.
Was it Diluc's hair?
He pulled harder. All his strength was wasted on that sliver of red hope. Anything that would get his assailant to stop.
And Diluc did. His grip on Aether's throat loosened as the prince fell back on the floor. Aether wheezed, his vision slowly returning to him. His bated breathing echoed inside the room as his eyesight returned to him. When the prince's eyes finally focused sharply, he saw silk.
This wasn't Diluc's hair, it was–
"(Y/n)’s ribbon."
Diluc used the very same ribbon (Y/n) to decorate a bottle of fire-water with to tie up his hair.
Aether shivered.
"It seems like you wanted to choose your death."
Oh fuck, oh fuck.
Aether looked up. He shouldn't have looked up.
Duke Diluc Ragnvindr's face was red with a grin uncannily reaching his ears to a degree that shouldn't be possible. His expression was akin to a lovesick young adult twisted to its extremities. He appeared to look excited. To think that he burns up by just a mention of this person’s name makes Aether sick to his stomach.
"Allow me to heed your last wish, Your Highness."
The prince felt his whole body tense up as Diluc wrapped the ribbon around his neck.
Diluc did not give him any more room to breathe as if his body was moving automatically.
This wasn’t Diluc Ragnvindr anymore.
His eyes were empty. 
This was a man possessed.
"Ch...de..." Aether forced out his last words as the ribbon quickly wrung around him.
"S..ve... my... s....ter"
Diluc only pulled out of his trance after he started washing the blood off his hands. Elzer subsequently informed him that the duke had entered the manor bloodied and unkempt with no recollection of how he got there and that he had strolled carelessly to the restroom like a corpse. There was a commotion across the entire Ragnvindr manor and rumors that he had lost an unpleasant duel quickly circulated. Better that than the truth, he supposed. Even his memory of what transpired in Aether's basement is hazy. Diluc only had their red ribbon and the idea of winning in his mind. He refused to let things continue as they are.
It wasn't until he started drying himself with a towel that he realized that the crown prince perished by his hands.
To think that Diluc used to be so terrified of offending royalties– of accidentally slipping a lese-majeste out of his lips– but now he let a royal's soul slip out of his wrists.
It's invigorating.
Diluc not only tied his fate with theirs, but he successfully managed to cut their ties with those disgusting vermin they call their “regulars.” They can't have them anymore, and they won't even intend to reach out. No one remembers who Server C is. They are now alone together with him. He’s the only person they can depend on. Diluc's breathing heaved lower. Just thinking about their inevitable dependence excites him.
He quietly closed the door behind him.
"Good evening, Server C." He smiled. "Or, should I say, my beloved?"
Just the two of them.
They won't look at anyone else. They can't. The whole world will now feel what he felt when he was unable to touch (Y/n). Only HE has the privilege to hold them now.
It's just the two of them in this world left. After all, there is no statute of limitations once you learn how to play Creator.
Diluc Ragnvindr had successfully rewritten this game’s script.
He no longer carries any in-game responsibilities, much like how there is no Lord Kamisato, Justice Ajax, Retainer Dainsleif, and Chief Albedo that exists in this “script.rpy” file.
It’s just him and his beloved server, alone.
Diluc wiped his mouth. He's practically dro– no, his mouth is literally watering at the thought. Diluc's heart is pounding, almost threatening to break free from his ribs.
"I’m all you have now, (Y/n)." Diluc's gaze softens. "Isn't that wonderful?"
His hands reluctantly traveled under their blanket where their hands should be, scared that when he reaches out, he'll feel nothing there.
He felt their warmth.
Diluc grinned tearfully. He can finally touch them again. He felt their fingers crossed miraculously against his own.
"You’re so warm..."
He gently rubbed their calloused hand against his cheek.
No matter how overworked or ragged these hands were from washing the dishes, for him, they were silk to touch. So soft. So vulnerable.
Diluc swallowed his saliva with great difficulty. God. They’re so vulnerable right now. So peaceful. So fragile. His breathing increased in volume. He could just take them right here–
His bottom lip started to bleed. He was doing everything in his power not to cave in but his throat was starting to get parched. He breathed in deeply.
Not now. Please, not right now. Not when they probably don’t remember who he is.
Diluc wanted to see the look on their face as he finally kisses them. What expressions will they make? It's not fair to both of them to steal such a moment when they’re asleep. That's not what he had been waiting for. Not what he's been craving.
"My beloved, you're a beauty from afar, but you're even more flawless in my arms," Diluc muttered over their ear.
"And I'll do everything in my power to let it stay that way. Fate and the entire world be damned."
A/n: want to read more of this in a visual novel form? It's here :)
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flokali · 2 years
Oh my oh my~ That smut of Acoylote Diluc eating reader is such 😩👌 Now I wanna see part 2 where reader allows Diluc to ravish her. Although I feel like Diluc would be one of the people who would have a breeding kink and someone who would make sure to kiss and suck on reader's skin (including the chest)
warnings: afab reader, yandere diluc, bottom reader/top diluc, breeding, mentions of pregnancy, lots of talks of cum, marking, diluc is kind of pathetic ngl, dom & pervy reader, ask to tag!
Combined this w/ another ask hehe;; hope you don’t mind; anyway!! Big Brain Anon! Diluc sooo would do this *bark bark*
+17 UTC
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While it was true your open door policy was always in motion, there were times you’d be too tired or busy to allow it – an announcement would be made, your throne room was not to be entered by anyone other than yourself and whomever you choose.
Tonight, it just so happened to be Diluc. 
The red head who’d just finished cumming himself silly and was now taking his clothes off at your request.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” you coo, fingers wrapping around his trembling hands, he was struggling trying to unclasp all of his clasps, “let me help you.”
With skilled fingers you quickly help him get rid of his pants and lower garment, allowing him the dignity (or lack thereof) of keeping his shirt on, soon after you make sure to move your dress aside allowing him access to your cunt. Practiced digits make way to part your lower lips, a soft laugh escaped your lips at the way his red eyes widened in arousal at the sight.
You both don’t say much as he approaches you, dick in hand while he slowly corners you into your chair. The atmosphere is tense yet lewd, perhaps it was the place, perhaps it was your partner, but there was something particularly arousing about the situation that had you leaking ever so slightly into the plushness of the cushion. Eventually you both find yourselves mere inches away from each other, his nose bumps against yours, any possible awkwardness fades as you take his hand in yours, allowing him to focus on you rather than any worry that may be floating around that handsome head of his.
Diluc takes a deep breath before using his free hand to align his cock against your entrance, your breath hitches as the tip grinds against your cunt. He was beautiful, reddish cock sprung nicely against his pale skin, thick and leaking, your mouth watered as you caught sight on the prominent vein that laid on his side, the tip flushed a bright pink; it was a sight that had you lewdly grinding against the tip, anxiously waiting for him to fully delve into you.
“I’m putting it in,” he mumbles, eyes fixated on where your bodies would soon meet, “… tell me if it’s too much.”
And then he slowly begins shoving his dick in your pussy, inch by inch you’re forced to feel yourself stretch out to accommodate his large size. He wasn’t big enough for it to be painful, but there was a pleasant sting, it all had you throwing your head back against the headrest and moaning loudly as you felt him finally bottom out; you two stay like that as your bodies become used to the new feelings.
“Diluc, you can move now.” You command after some time, you let your arms circle around his shoulders to pull his body closer to yours, to let him know you were serious, you use your hips to grind, letting slick sounds resonate around the room. 
“R-right…” He answers, allowing himself a few seconds before starting to rock his hips in and out of you, “O-oh… ha-ah!”
It doesn’t take long before something almost primal overtakes Diluc, a need- you could say. He’s soon almost pistoling his length into your cunt, rocking not only the two of you but the throne itself too; soon enough, moans were bouncing off the marble walls and pillars accompanied by a symphony of lewd sounds of love making and fluids running wild.
“Di-iluc! Please, o-oh my!” You could feel his fingers abusing your clit, calloused and warm, bringing you further on edge.
Your partner was quieter, letting out deep growls and low moans the more he felt you tighten around him, you’d almost question if he was okay if it weren’t for the absolute beastly pace he had set for you two.
His lips find your skin, he starts by slowly and passionately kissing your body, allowing his hands to drift around before he’s softly nibbling on you. Leaving a mix of open mouth kisses, licks, and bites; Diluc can’t seem to keep his mouth to himself as he alternates between soft and loving to deep and uncontrollable love making.
Your cunt was spasming, your liquids were flowing freely from your hole to the cushion to the floor and the precum that Diluc was producing was probably not helping the scene. Your legs were now lifted in the air as the Ragnvindr heir propped himself on his knee on your seat, an alleged holy place you two had officially defiled beyond belief, his balls kept hitting your ass as he thrust his length into you chasing both of your highs. 
He was getting close, you could tell as such as he manhandled you further, but words were clearly failing the both of you, or so you thought until your fucked out brain finally made out words from the thoughtless declarations of love and obsession that had previously been leaving Diluc’s lips between kisses and licks. 
“N-need to-oh… need to come in you, ple-please-e.” 
“… d-do it, Diluc!” You moan, something inside your belly tightening and finally bringing you to orgasm as you hear him confess to his thoughts.
At your words, Diluc almost rips your dress off before almost rabidly making out with your chest, his previous ministrations were nothing compared to the way he was biting, kissing, and licking all over your tits, it was as if a switch had been flipped at your approval, as if he’d been waiting his whole life to be able to stuff your pussy full of seed. Soon enough, hot, stuffy cum filled your cunt up until you felt it leaking out.
He continues rocking his hips, allowing his dick to be completely milked dry by your hole, both of your breaths are heavy and thick as you both try to recompose yourselves. 
“L-Let’s stay like this, yeah?” You heave out, you were tired and hot and Diluc’s dick was warm and you doubted either of you wanted to pull away from one another’s body.
“Of course,” he smiles softly, “allow me to readjust our positions.”
He doesn’t really allow you much time to answer before he’s lifting your limp body up and sitting you down on his cock more comfortably, allowing himself to take a seat on your usual spot, dick still erect as he uses it as a plug to ensure none of his seed leaks out of your hole.
The steady beating of his heart against your ear slowly lulls you into a deep sleep, with your cunt already being worn out and having felt already quite tired, you allow yourself to entrust your safety to Diluc.
Diluc who can’t help the way his head spins at the thought of your cunnie being filled to the brim with his cum, Diluc who can’t help the intrusive thoughts of your round belly with his child; because what better way to claim what you can’t have but by them having your offspring.
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