#yandere embry
animeyanderelover · 1 year
Who I think would be the least to most difficult Yandere to deal with from the Wolf Pack in Twilight. Let's talk about the worst aspects of them that make them dangerous.
(Yes, I am having a brainrot right now.)
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, manipulation, guilt-tripping, stalking, agression
Least to most difficult
Embry Call
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Embry is "probably" the most harmless shape-shifter from the entire pack and that is mainly thanks to his shy, reserved and considerate nature. In comparison to most of his fellow wolves at least. He is pretty much the only wolf who is too scared and way too embarrassed to approach you directly after he's imprinted and he gives everything way too much thought. You can't even guess how much thought, care and practice has gone into the moment where he finally dares to start a conversation with you. He wrecks his brain and his nerves even more when he plans to ask you out. Obviously he's still obsessive, possessive and clingy but those traits of his are toned down thanks to his quiet and somewhat flustered personality as he cares about how his darling perceives him. A rejection would be the worst thing that could happen so he's very careful with the way he acts around you and the people you love most. He doesn't want to ruin any meaningful bonds you have with others because of him, wants to be accepted by those people if he could have the best possible scenario.
It is important to mention that he's still a little creep who stalks you for the first few weeks, unable to approach you with his jittery nerves. Whilst this dies down for the most part if you two are a couple and you understand and accept the situation that you're in as his imprint, bad habits hardly die down fully. He's not someone who falls very easily victim to negative and violent thoughts so it's safe to have him with you when you hang out with your friends or fellow family members. He gets jealous after a while sure but surprisingly enough he gives you a while to notice that he's in a slightly uncomfortable position with the lack of attention. Believe me, there are people who have way worse jealous reactions in comparison to Embry's more needy tugs on your clothes all of a sudden as he tenses up when the lack of attention starts affecting him. In general he prefers to not stick out or make a scene. It's within his own comfort and yours too. That results in Embry being able to not come over as a pushover or someone unneccessarily overbearing unless he senses that something is wrong.
The fact that he is somewhat aware that some of the stuff he does stalking isn't something he should do also pays off to him being as considerate as he is. Even if he has a hard time accepting this, Embry knows that personal space matters to you at times too. He could spend every waking second with you but before he risks you growing annoyed and tired of him, he at least makes the effort to leave you alone for a bit. What contributes to him caring so much about your own wishes too is his talent to stay in tune with your own emotions. Embry is very sensitive around you and for that picks up your current mood and it always affects him too. It allows him to be great at comforting you silently when you feel down but on the negative side it also means that you can't keep stuff hidden from him since he senses it when you're lying or are nervous about something. He relies on you, opens up about his own feelings which he normally never tells anyone, and for that reacts very emotional and desperate if he fears that you might leave him. Can you really leave him despite knowing all that?
Seth Clearwater
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Seth is in all honesty such a sweetheart and devotee but there are a few things that play in him not being at the bottom of the list. His young age and the naivety when it comes to imprinting are two major parts in it. He has so much to learn about shape-shifting and about the world in general, has only heard stories about imprinting so that leads to him romanticizing everything about it when he finally finds his other half. You're his entire world the moment you locked eyes with him and ever since that moment, Seth has been unable to leave you alone. I'm not kidding, he follows you everywhere and wants to be always with you as he sees this as sort of normal. You're his imprint, he's supposed to stay with you and protect you. Telling him to leave or asking him for some time alone rarely ever works and the only thing you earn are tears blurring his eyes as the thought of leaving you hurts and scares him as his young age leads him to heightened separation anxiety. There are no bad intention of guilt-tripping you behind those tears but it manages to make you feel bad most of the time anyways.
You often find yourself gullible around Seth as he's so easily emotional. If Embry gets influenced by your emotions, Seth exhibits them even stronger than you. If you're happy, he is too but if you're sad, he's even more so. He's terribly sensitive so if he really notices that you're deeply miserable, he starts crying in most cases as he's unable to hold his emotions in. He never means to do anything harmful by being such an open book but his strong emotions coupled with his need to stay with you all the time can be mentally exhausting at times for you. On a positive side note this is what allows him to handle his jealousy better than some of the more experienced wolves though as he's joyful when you are, even if you're not paying attention to him at the moment. Be careful though, he's still one of the youngest of the pack so in moments where he does get furious, he has more troubles not keeping his emotions under control and channeling all of his negative feelings onto the person who elicited them in the first place. This gets especially out of hand if he has shifted.
Seth finds himself relying on you far more than he should, especially in the relationship since he's younger than most other members of the pack. This means on the one hand that you can manipulate him the easiest but it also means that he greatly panics and doesn't know what to do if you're emotionally hurt besides crying with you and acting overbearing. In the worst case he has a meltdown because he experiences your emotions so much stronger. Something that isn't even directly his fault but also plays into his placement is his sister. Leah has yet to find her imprint and remains incredibly bitter about Sam has imprinted on her cousin so I imagine her being very adamant to not let Seth suffer from any pain now that he has found his imprint. If Seth loves you too much to fully blame you from any pain he goes through because of separation, Leah will blame you and cause you to feel bad. At the same time she also realizes that her brother is a tad bit too obsessive and tries to teach him how to love someone in a more normal fashion if you're too soft for that.
Sam Uley
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Surprisingly enough, Sam ranks fairly low on this list. I think that is mainly because he's very mature for his age and the fact that he was the first one to shift and had to explain and help everyone who shifted after him is a huge attribute to this. He's the alpha of the pact so that automatically forces him to take up more responsibilities than other members as he makes the decisions most of the time and additionally his pack tends to be a rowdy bunch so he has to remind them at times to snap out of it and act their part. With the most experience stocked behind him, it's perhaps unsurprising that Sam is aware about the fact that his imprint bond causes his feelings to dwell on the borderline of being unhealthy. So he makes the effort to control himself in order to not overwhelm and scare you away from him, he's very careful how much of his emotions he exposes around you. Sam has to stay in contact with you though as any distance for too long physically hurts him. He might be considerate but be aware that he won't leave you alone for too long either.
His experience and practice as the first wolf of the current generation enables him to be able to spend time with you around people without feeling all the time jealous or possessive. It's not a safety hazard to go out with Sam in public places as he lets you spend time with friends or interact with random strangers. He actually puts trust in you unless you prove him otherwise and that trust comes with more freedom for you as you know that he won't interfere unless you signal him so or unless he thinks that something is wrong. You're actually able to talk and rationalize with the alpha if something does bother him and both of you can negotiate certain stuff simply because he acknowledges your own feelings and wishes and tries his best to find a middle ground where both of you are comfortable. Sam leans more into the protective than possessive side and since you're his imprint, he sees it as his responsibility to guarantee your safety and happiness. I feel like especially because his father has given him and his mother troubles, he'd be very determined to make you happy.
Now that we've shaded enough positive things about him, let's talk about the bad stuff which is precisely the fact that he's the alpha and feels like it's his responsibility to make you happy. Because this leadership really shows at times in the relationship because especially if his darling isn't someone who speaks up, Sam will take pretty much control over it. He's very dominant and whilst he isn't domineering and only makes decision which he thinks are best for you, if he has set his mind to something it is very difficult to convince him otherwise. Yes, he is negotiating but only if you agree to his conditions or otherwise he won't let you leave. If something is an absolute "no" in his mind, it'll remain that way and there's literally nothing you can do. If you go against him even if he forbids you something, you'll truly experience all the reasons why he's still dangerous. If you go against a rule he has set, you'll lose his trust and not only that, Sam will grow very strict. Restrictions are suddenly interfering with your life as you fully experience him taking full control for a while. Until you've earned his trust back.
Jared Cameron
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We're now entering the zone where things get out of hand, starting with Jared. Now, you might wonder why I've placed him above Sam because on the surface, Jared appears to be rather harmless. He's extroverted and constantly cracks jokes to elicit laughter or a smile out of you. Truthfully speaking though, Jared's problems already start with his perception of the imprint bond. He sees nothing wrong with it and he never questions his thoughts and his actions as a result either. Separation from you is literally one of the worst things you could do to him as he experiences pain and a few of the worst mood swings you'll see. He constantly switches back and forth between moping on the floor in misery to growling at other pack members, irritated and unmotivated. You always have to stay in some sort of contact with him or otherwise he'll ask you immediately why you couldn't come over to him or at least call him or send him a mail. To avoid all potential troubles Jared might experience if you aren't with him, you oftentimes are forced to spend entire days with him. Without a break.
Now, Jared cares about his darling and wants them to be happy with him but if they ever ask him for a short time alone, he'll only end up with a mix of confusion and hurt. He can spend every second with you because you're his imprint, you should feel the same, shouldn't you? The previously mentioned misunderstanding of his view of the imprint bond gives you only more of an headache because Jared is literally unable to understand or accept that you want your privacy at times too and want to spend time without him. Both of you might have gotten into arguments about this a few times already yet you got nowhere as Jared is always too dense to comprehend what you demand from him. What do you know about the imprint bond anyways? He's the shape-shifter, not you. This particular mindset is something that he goes by rather strongly and makes the situation only worse at times. You're human, you don't understand what's going on right now and just like that, Jared has written all your arguments and opinions off as your lack of understanding of his world.
With him around, it's impossible to have a decent conversation with others as he despises it when your attention isn't on him. He starts distracting you and if you try to ignore him or shove him away, he'll only get worse. There are also times where he just doesn't like a person for no rational reason and for that is always very wary and on guard around them. If they get anywhere near you, he'll glare heavily at them. It can or can't go well with him when you're with others he doesn't feel safe around. The moment he pulls you closer to him and you realize the growl vibrating inside his chest, you know it's time to leave though because you're not risking it as soon as you know what he is. Jared is willing to resort to emotional blackmailing if he sees the need for it and once you have him kneeling in front of you, hugging you and sobbing to not be mad at him and to not leave him, you'll find yourself stuck. Once he has realized that something works on you to convince you to not do something, he remembers it and uses it again. Especially arguments are always cut short for that reason as he hates getting in conflicts. Let's just stay happy like this.
Quil Ateara
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Quil is almost similar to Jared in a few ways. Both wouldn't necessarily appear all that dangerous upon the first few glances. Quil himself is a very cheerful and happy individual and that only intensifies upon imprinting on you. He's charming and he's constantly complimenting you and in a few ways he's actually a bit better than Jared is. He is handling his jealousy better as happiness is something that makes you look only more beautiful so he just endures it for a while before he starts making sarcastic jokes, something you'll hopefully realize and turn around to give him the attention he so sorely craves. Quil is often taking you outside too because whilst he also enjoys just being somewhere with you where no people and no other distractions are, the city offers the chance for fun dates which he wants you two to have so there won't be such a big isolation factor. Physical separation from you is not something he can deal with at all though and even if he tries, he's unable to do anything after a while as your absence pains him greatly. You often have to come back to get him back on his feet.
Quil harbors a similar mindset as Jared in which he thinks that you probably react the way you are because you don't understand what's going on but differently from Jared, he tries to sympathize with you. Or at least give you the illusion of doing so, a strategy to appease you in order to not get into an unnecessary argument with you. That's a problem with Quil. He backs off and follows your wishes for a while so you calm down before he goes to break them again and act the same way, trying to justify his behavior by saying that he slipped up and that it isn't that easy for him to stay away from you thanks to the imprint bond. He's much more likely to use manipulation on you and it's frightening to think how much he actually calculates behind his happy grin. Technically speaking Quil's darling experiences more freedom than Jared's darling would but the main reason why Quil is higher is because he's far more unpredictable. Jared is with his behavior very frequent to the point where you can anticipate his reactions, Quil on the other hand is much more sly and frankly spoken, scarier.
This man takes matters into his own hands if he sees the need for it and that is a very frightening aspect. Sure, he won't kill or hurt humans unless he's given a good reason but whilst all the previous shape-shifters wouldn't go necessarily much against humans because it's their job to protect them from vampires, Quil will. He's almost apathetic to someone who has harmed or hurt you in any way or form as in his eyes, only someone truly evil could hurt you. It's difficult for such people to gain any forgiveness from him. Even if you forgive them, even if this is a person you still want in your life, if they fail to convince Quil, it's over. He will cut all ties you have with that person and even if your sadness breaks his heart, he views the connection with such a person only as toxic and as a guarantee to get you hurt again. Better cut ties before it hurts more. He doesn't shy away from using threats and intimidation to get the message across and the worst part about it is that he's lying to you. He tells you that he doesn't know why that person is suddenly avoiding you whilst comforting you all at the same time.
Paul Lahote
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I think it's obvious why he's placed that high but let's jump straight into the mess that is Paul anyways. His temper is already short as it is so just imagine what it's going to be like once he imprints on his s/o. Paul, from the moment his world has shifted upon looking at you, acts incredibly possessive and dominant, jealous and aggressive. Being with you isn't just something he wants, it's something he needs and whether you like it or not, he's from that point on always sticking with you. Partially he might understand your point of view but at the end of the day, he's feeling incredibly entitled and even desperate as he just can't be away from you. He can't! Why can't you understand that? His entitlement is very difficult to handle as he essentially sees himself due to the imprint bond as the only one who is meant to protect you and who can protect you. So instead of being fully grateful if someone else helps you, he's pissed off that they interfered with a bond they couldn't even begin to fathom. You're not a victim to his ire but he's slightly mad when you ask someone else for help since that should be him.
As his possessive and protective obsession spikes his anger issues into space, you see yourself faced with multiple problems once you know what Paul is. His emotions are out of control as even the smallest thing could set him off at any time. One wrong glance from someone, one insult that is whispered behind your back or even a joke from a friend of yours that comes over wrong in his head. He tends to get angry over even the small stuff which you would usually brush off and don't pay too much attention too. He can't just ignore it if someone teases you or says something rude to you, even if it comes from someone you're close to. Not even to mention that his possessive side leads to increased jealousy to the point where he growls even at your close friends. He seems to trust no one with your safety besides himself. His overprotective behavior makes him on top of it all very overbearing as he's constantly hovering around you and makes a big fuss over you as soon as he realizes that you're in any sort of pain. He gives you even less space in such cases as all his instincts scream at him to take care of you.
There's definitely a big isolation factor alongside his limited patience. Paul does practice to control his temper but the amount of times he suffers from a relapse is saddening as much as disappointing for you as his feelings always get the better of him. In order to prevent anything bad from happening, you have to spend most of your time alone with him which Paul doesn't mind but you definitely do. You constantly have to neglect other people as Paul consumes almost all of your time for himself because otherwise he can't be reasoned with. You know he's very sweet and funny if he's alone and has your attention only on himself but the moment anyone else is around you two, he always seems to be on guard. Even his own pack members aren't an exception to that. If you want to do something alone, you need hours to convince Paul who doesn't want to hear any of it. You need to call him though multiple times an hour or otherwise he'll come running after you. Once you've left his field of vision, he's worried sick as his irritation increases every minute.
Leah Clearwater
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We've nearly arrived at the top of the list now and the second place goes to the only female shape-shifter in the pack: Leah Clearwater. But why? Well, I feel like there's one big event that pretty much influenced her life and changed her personality. That's the day where Sam, her ex-boyfriend, imprinted on her cousin Emily and broke up with her. She was happily in love before her heart got torn apart and she hasn't forgiven Sam nor Emily fully for it. Worst is that Sam is now her alpha and she's seeing him and Emily being happy together far too often which only worsens her heartbreak. Even if Emily is his imprint, she can't get over it and it isn't until she locks eyes with you for the first time that she's for the first time able to understand why Sam made the decision he did. You're happiness, you're a cure and an absolute joy in her grim life and Leah knows that she'd do anything to keep you safe and happy. Alongside with the imprint bond comes a feeling of pressure unlike anything she has experienced before though as with the sheer ecstasy comes also stress and an overwhelming tightness in her chest.
Leah is insecure. Insecure and terrified. Whilst she has now gotten over Sam, the pain and the previous heartbreak now shifts into something else. Insecurity, fear and paranoia that somehow she'll lose you too. She doesn't want her heart to be broken again since she knows that she'd never recover if you would reject her and it's this paranoia and fear that turns her into this bitter, possessive and jealous woman. Sam and Emily have shaped her and she'll never recover from those issues throughout her entire life which means that she'll never learn how to deal with her emotions. Worst is that she doesn't even try, differently from some other wolves. I mean, even Paul tries to control his anger issues even if he fails but Leah never seeks treatment to better herself. She has better control over her ability to shift anyways and with the rest of her broken emotions, she doesn't see the need to practice to better herself. Instead she lets her fear guide her to act incredibly possessive and overprotective. She wants to do well but her reactions are always far too extreme as soon as she notices that something is wrong with you.
Her open insecurities are her main problem in the relationship as she's quite often worried that you'll find someone who you like more than her. Believe me, she knows that she is hard to be around but she can hardly reason with herself as her feelings always take control over her. She might not be as openly aggressive as Paul is but she'll definitely scare people away from you too. She gets very easily jealous and that can even apply to family members and closest friends of you, even if she knows herself that you value them only platonically. There's little to no respect she shows someone as soon as they've triggered her as she insults them in a bitter tone, poison seething through her words. She never apologizes to them either as her pride holds her back and she only feels guilty when she realizes that she's hurt you by acting so rude. Leah wants to shield you from feeling even an ounce of the pain she had to go through but that unfortunately leads her to cutting people out of your life as soon as they've made you cry. She doesn't care what their motives are, she'll never forgive them. They just have to stay away from you.
Jacob Black
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Did you see this coming? Jacob and Leah are at the top of my list for the exact same reason. Both used to be very deeply in love with someone but both were rejected because that person loved someone else. I give Jacob the price of being the most difficult one though because I feel like he'll exhibit everything in an even worse way than Leah. Why? Because at this rate Jacob just doesn't care anymore. Paul cares about his darling and tries to control himself, Leah ocassionally cares and feels guilty, but Jacob just doesn't anymore. He's done with being hurt, done with being left behind for someone else. Now he has finally found his imprint, the person most important to him and he decides that he'll never allow history to repeat itself. That's why he's willing to go very far and use very low tricks to manage to get close to you as fast as possible as he's in a desperate rush right now as every person around you is suddenly turned into a potential rival in his eyes. He feels bad about it if he sees that it has a negative effect on you but he shoves it all away as he prioritizes his own needs.
Jacob is sure that if you give it a try with him, you'll soon forget about the sadness you experience. In his mind you two only need each other and no one else is really needed. He definitely lives after this philosophy as he makes you his absolute priority and neglects and ditches everyone else and expects you to do the same. If you don't do the same and actually meet others and prefer to spend time with them instead of spending time with him, he'll hold it against you and even more against the person who has such a bad influence on you. He pushes anyone away from you who hurts you even once or whom he simply dislikes for being close with you and since he's so incredibly clingy and no one really likes him with his sultry and rude attitude he always has around others, your social contacts begin to wither away. He's openly mentally unstable and very toxic to the point where everyone around him notices. Yet no one is able to reason with him and make him listen. Not his pack, not his alpha and not even his own father. If Bella tries to help him? That'll just end in a disaster as he has lost all sympathy for her.
From all shape-shifters, Jacob is also the one who uses guilt-tripping and emotional blackmailing the most without shame. Leah uses emotional blackmail sometimes too but not nearly as much as Jacob does. As soon as you start going against him and question the undeniable control he wants to have over your life to feel a little bit more secure, he's always resorting to it. Whether it's him justifying it all with the imprint bond or blaming Bella for having broken his heart previously and having made him this way, he does everything to take your mind elsewhere and stop you from protesting, stop you from leaving him. He can lose his cool for a moment and start shouting at you if you prove to be stubborn although at this point he has probably already started crying in hopes that tears will tug at your heartstrings. There's a point where he snaps though and that's probably when he's just unnerving as he threatens to hurt himself if you try to leave him. Do you want to risk it? I can tell you that he'll definitely start neglecting taking care of himself until you come back to him.
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Would you consider doing a fic about a unicorn? One of the few remaining. Who is obsessed with you. Follows you and scares persuers away. Haughty and possessive ethereal and charming. I you're his and if he has to keep you captive to help you see that he's your mate, he will.
I love unicorns!!! I was never a horse girl, but unicorns I can get down with. <3
Word Count: 4k
Ainsel (Unicorn) x F Reader
W: minor character murder, light kidnapping, yandere behavior, sfw yandere fluff
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“Ainsel, pay attention,” the unicorn’s father growled as his eyes drifted over the display, “do you want navy or white?” 
Ainsel sighed, blinking his bright blue eyes slowly. 
“I don’t care, father,” he said, “just pick something.” 
His father turned on him impatiently. 
“This is important Ainsel,” he snapped, “you are one of the last marriageable unicorns on the planet. You need to be serious about choosing a wife. The Embry’s have one of the only female unicorn daughters in existence. You have to make a good impression.” 
He rolled his eyes. 
“If she is one of the last, why should it matter?” he huffed, “we don’t really have a choice do we? I marry her and have as many babies as possible, or else. It shouldn’t matter what I look like.” 
His father pinched his lips into a fine line. 
“There are other males interested in her,” he went on, “if you don’t make a good impression she’ll choose another and there won't be any other options.” 
Ainsel shrugged carelessly. 
“I could marry a human,” he said, “they will birth a unicorn baby.” 
His father took in a sharp breath. 
“You will not marry a human,” he snarled, “I won’t have our bloodline sullied with human genes. We’ve been full blooded unicorns for generations!  A half human baby will have weak magic…then what if the next generation copulates with a human? And the next? We’ll be diluted to nothing.” 
Ainsel had heard this speech a hundred times before, from both his father and mother, but the truth was he couldn’t care less the purity of his bloodline. Especially if he had to marry a mare he hardly knew. He’d seen pictures of Elaine, but she didn’t stir his blood. He hated his parents for forcing this on him. He wanted to live his own life…make his own choices. He wanted to be happy, not a miserable baby maker, shoving his half limp cock into someone he had no interest in to produce heirs. 
“I’m sorry it’s taking so long,” you apologized, entering the large dressing room where the two wealthy unicorns were looking at suits, “Mr. Scott had to take a call, but I can help you. Here are the other options he wanted you to try.” 
You hung up a powder blue suit and a cool gray one on the rack for them to look at. 
Ainsel was not looking at the suits, however, he was looking at you. 
His father grumbled a bit under his breath about having been waiting forever, but turned his attention to the powder blue suit. 
“I think this one is best,” he said, pulling it off the rack and holding it up to examine the stitching. 
“What do you think, miss…?”  Ainsel asked, hoping you would give him your name. 
You cleared your throat a bit nervously. Your job was usually tailoring the suits, not selling them. 
“(Y/N) and personally I think the white one will have the most impact, but it should reflect your taste, not mine. Any suit will look its best when the wearer is confident and comfortable in it.” 
He couldn’t help but smile at your sweet, full cheeks and bright, sparkling eyes. 
“You're the expert,” he said, taking in the flattering little paper bag pants and white blouse you were wearing. You looked so neat and tidy with your hair swept away from your face. He couldn’t help but think you were adorable. 
You bit your bottom lip, considering the suits you’d brought in very carefully, wrinkling your brow just a little. The gesture made his cock stiffen in his pants as he imagined that little wrinkle between your eyes as he made you cum over and over again. 
“I just think you can’t go wrong with a white suit. Especially if you want to stand out. It looks clean and eye-catching without being tacky.” 
He only half heard what you were saying, his attention on the way your lips moved. He envisioned them stretched around his cock and had to step forward and angle his body away from you to pretend he was examining the white suite, so he could adjust his pants. 
“Well what do you think?” his father huffed impatiently, “I don’t have all day.” 
“I’ll go with the white one,” he said. 
His father looked relieved. 
“Alright,” the elder unicorn turned his attention to you, “Mr. Scott knows my account. Just charge whatever else he needs to that. I have other things to do.” 
He glanced back at his son as he made his way out of the dressing room. 
“Don’t be late for dinner!” he snapped and marched out, leaving the two of you alone. 
“I can help you get dressed,” you said after a moment of silence, “once I’ve taken the measurements for the tailoring, we can look at a tie and shoes.” 
Ainsel was happy to undress for you, eager to show off his assets. He knew he was beautiful, all unicorns were. He had a tall, lithe body packed with firm, corded muscles. Women fell over themselves for him whenever he went out. You couldn’t help but blush when he yanked the t-shirt he was wearing over his head, revealing his sculpted chest. 
“You look like a model,” you sputtered to your own embarrassment. 
“I mean- the suit is going to look great on you,” you said quickly. 
Ainsel gave you a bright white smile and flexed his muscles just slightly hoping to draw even more stuttering words from your mouth. 
With warm cheeks you quickly turned your attention to getting the suit ready instead of watching him undress. When you turned back around, he was only wearing gray boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination, you could see the very clear imprint of his rather large cock, pressed against them and you blushed again. 
“Um…” you muttered, almost dropping the black button up shirt in your hand. 
There was a long silence while you took his body in, which he ate up, grinning at you from ear to ear. 
“The shirt?” he asked playfully, stepping forward and brushing it with his fingertips, making sure to graze your smaller hands. 
“Right!” you said, “um, let me help you.” 
He liked the feeling of your warm fingers just barely touching his skin as you hurried to pull it over his shoulders and let you button it up for him. Not because he couldn’t, but because he liked your scent drifting up to him. You smelled sweet, like peaches. 
“Um…it looks like we’ll have to take it in a little,” you mumbled, as you helped him into the pants, then the jacket, “but it looks good on you.” 
His clean scent, something like spicy ginger and citrus, made you feel a little dizzy. You tried to brush the feeling away and focus on taking his measurements and securing the areas with pins that you would need to work on. Your cheeks heated when you bent in front of him to work on his inseam. 
“My family is new to the area. What do you do for fun, when you’re not working?” he asked suddenly and you glanced up at him to find his bright, almost glowing, blue eyes focused on you. He was so beautiful, it was hard to believe he was real. His deep olive skin had a bit of a sheen to it, as if he was dusted in fine glitter and his raven hair reflected rainbow colors in the light. 
You shrugged. 
“I’m probably not the right person to ask,” you said, returning your attention to your work, “I’m a bit of a homebody except tonight, I guess.” 
“What are you doing tonight?” he asked. 
“Oh…um, my friend invited me out to a new bar. It’s the grand opening. I wouldn’t normally go, but he’s the owner…so…a few of us are going to support him.” 
Ainsel didn’t like “he”, but he schooled his expression. 
“Can I come?” he asked with the confidence of a man who never got turned down. 
You blinked for a second unsure what to say. 
“I’ve been incredibly bored,” he went on, “I don’t know anyone here my age…” 
You nodded as you stood, not able to come up with a reason he couldn’t come. 
“Sure…I guess. I don’t know how good it will be…” you mumbled and he reached a hand out to you. 
“Give me your phone, I’ll put in my number,” he said, so you fished it out of your pocket and handed it to him. 
“I’ll pick you up,” he said as he tapped his number into your phone and sent himself a text message from it, “just send me your address.” 
You were too flustered by the ethereal unicorn wanting to go somewhere with you, your common sense had gone out the window. No one who looked like him had ever paid you any attention before, so when he handed it back, you put in your address and hit send. The name on the contact just said Ainsel with a unicorn emoji. 
“(Y/N), I need you in the back!” Mr. Scott, barked in his gruff voice as he marched back into the room, “I’ll take over from here.” 
“Of course!” you squeaked and scurried off before even saying goodbye. 
You groaned at yourself in the mirror as you tried to put eyeliner on, finally giving up and just going with mascara and some dewy looking blush. You weren’t sure if this was supposed to be a date or if Ainsel really just wanted someone to show him around, so you struggled over what to wear. 
You didn’t want to look like you tried too hard, but you also wanted him to think you looked nice. You tried to shake the thought from your head that it was a date. No one like him would want to date you, you thought. Still, you ended up picking a cute little vintage dress that matched your eyes and some comfortable low heels. You jumped when the doorbell rang, hurrying to smooth down the flyaways in your hair before answering the door. 
Ainsel’s eyes drifted down your body and back up again when he stood before you and in his hands was a thick bouquet of assorted flowers in a glass vase.
“I didn’t know what was your favorite,” he said, handing it to you, “so I told the florist to use them all.” 
He smiled at you, looking you up and down again. 
“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice low and a bit husky. 
“Oh.” was all you managed to get out, as you accepted the vase with shaking hands.
You turned to find a place for them and he followed you inside. 
“This is cute,” he said, sauntering around your living room while you pushed some things off of your coffee table to make room for the flowers. 
“It’s nothing special…I got a deal,” you mumbled, eager to shoo him out of your messy apartment, “we should go before it gets late.” 
“Of course,” he said, placing a hand gently on your lower back as he guided you out of the door. 
You swallowed thickly at the contact. 
You made polite conversation in the car, asking how long he’d been in the area and where he moved from. The conversation came easily. Ainsel was charming and casual. He put you at ease, even though you were still stunned he wanted to come out with you. By the time you reached the restaurant he had you giggling over his silly stories about growing up a unicorn. 
“Who is this?!” your friend Leslie asked with a knowing smile when you walked in the door with Ainsel on your arm. 
Before you could introduce him, he stuck out his hand and told her his name. Your girlfriends were smitten, all asking him questions about his life and being a unicorn. You tried to stuff the little bit of jealousy down that they were giving him so much attention, but who wouldn’t want to talk to him? He was handsome and good at conversation, if not a bit aloof. He spoke with his head held high, always with his hand resting on your lower back, as if you were already a couple. 
Ainsel couldn’t help but keep his hands on you. Truly, speaking with your friends was tiresome. He’d rather be alone, talking to you more, but he knew women paid careful attention to how their potential mate interacted with their friends. He wanted to make a good impression to get their approval, nothing more. 
He only let you go when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Ainsel slipped out of the busy dining room to the small hallway where the bathrooms were to take the call. 
“Where are you?!” his father snarled into the phone, “Elaine has been here waiting for you for an hour!” 
Ainsel let out an impatient breath. 
“I’m out, father,” he said, sounding bored, “I won't make it tonight.” 
“You are seriously standing up one of the last female unicorns on the planet?” his father hissed back. 
“Yes.” he said plainly, which prompted his father to devolve into a tantrum cursing him, that he’d ever had him, and how he planned on cutting him off if he didn’t drop what he was doing and make his way home immediately. Ainsel finally just hung up the phone. It buzzed immediately as his father tried to call him back, but he just turned the vibration off and sauntered back into the dining room. 
A growl bubbled in his throat at what he saw. 
Your friend, Josh, who owned the restaurant had you wrapped in  a big hug, lifting you off of your feet. 
“Um…yes, it’s very nice, Josh, I like the decor,” you said, taking a step away from him when he put you down. 
“I’m just so happy you could make it,” he beamed. 
Ainsel shouldered past him, grabbing you by your elbow and pulling you against him possesively. Josh’s face fell just slightly at the contact, but he forced his practiced smile back on his lips. 
“Who’s this?” he asked tightly. 
“Oh, this is Ainsel. We met at-” you started to say, but Ainsel cut you off. 
“I’m (Y/N)’s date,” he said, a smug aura hovering around him as he pulled you even closer and tucked you under his arm. 
Your body tingled under his touch and your heart skipped in your chest. 
“Oh…” Josh said, “I didn’t know you were seeing someone.” 
“Well we just me-” you again started to say and again Ainsel cut you off with a kiss on your temple. 
“I’m already starting to think of her as mine,” he said, squeezing your shoulder and making all of your girlfriends giggle and shoot you mischievous smiles. 
You blanched at such a direct declaration, completely unsure what to say. Your mouth just hung open as Josh glared at Ainsel. He grabbed your chin lightly with his long fingers so that you were looking at him. 
“Why don’t we get out of here?” he asked, “I’ve been wanting to show you my other form.” 
You blinked up at him, both incredibly flattered and confused. 
“Um…but we only just-,” you mumbled as he winked at your girlfriends and told them goodnight, talking right over you while he guided you out of the bar, his arm still wrapped around your shoulder. 
“Bars are no fun,” he told you as he stuffed you back into his sports car, “let’s go someplace quiet.” 
You were a bit miffed at leaving so early, but you were curious about his unicorn form, so you didn’t say a word as he started up the engine and drove the two of you to a pretty spot overlooking the city. 
“This is much better,” he beamed, opening your door for you and helping you out of the car. 
He pulled you into a clear spot and winked at you. 
“I don’t show just anyone my unicorn form,” he said with a smile, “this is just for you to see.” 
Your cheeks burned as he took a few steps away from you. You blinked and there he was, a lovely black unicorn with a pretty horn, reminding you of the inside of an abalone shell sticking out of his forehead. 
He dipped his head and stepped towards you, encouraging you to touch him. You smoothed your slightly shaking hand over his cheek and ran your fingers through his silky jet mane. His eyes were the same illuminated blue. He bent down at the knee in front of you and it took a moment to realize he wanted you to climb on his back. 
You carefully climbed on, making sure you didn’t tug at his mane too much as you straddled him. When you were comfortably seated he walked with a slow saunter, so similar to the way he walked as a human, into the sparse forest nearby. 
The night was a bit chilly, but Ainsel was very, very warm, so you found yourself leaning down to press more of your body against him. This closeness pleased Ainsel immensely. 
You had no way of knowing, but unicorns long ago would steal pretty maidens like you with just the tactic he was using then. As his magic surrounded you, invisible to you, you felt yourself getting a bit sleepy, relaxing even further against him. Soon your eyelids slipped shut and you fell asleep with a soft sigh. 
“Mmmm,” you murmured as you slowly woke. 
Firm fingers were carding your hair, which felt nice. You sighed and a deep chuckle hit your ears. Forcing your eyes open you met Ainsel’s blue irises looking at you. 
“Have a nice nap?” he asked, with a smirk. 
Blinking you looked around, trying to get your bearings. You were laying in a large soft bed in a pretty room that had definitely seen the touch of a professional designer. 
“What- where am i?” you asked, groggily, sitting up. 
Ainsel cupped your cheek gently before he answered. 
“My bedroom,” he said, “exactly where you should be.” 
“Where I- what?” you stuttered, trying to make your sleepy mind catch up with Ainsel’s words. 
He scooted closer to you on the fluffy comforter that he’d tucked you under. 
“You’re mine (Y/N),” he purred. 
You blinked at him, confused. 
“What do you mean by that?” you ventured and he pulled your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles, before turning it over and dropping light kisses over your palm. 
“I want to be with you always,” he explained as his blue eyes flickered up to meet yours, “I don’t want anyone else to touch you. I don’t want you to smile for anyone but me.” 
“Ainsel,” you said, letting out a nervous laugh, “that’s impossible…of course I’m going to smile at my friends.” 
His brow furrowed. 
“Why?” he snapped, clutching your hand tighter, “I’ve worked so hard to keep you. Done things…” 
He trailed off, kissing the inside of your wrist. 
“Done what?” you asked. 
At that he brightened, eager to show off. Scooping you up in his arms he walked with a clip out of his bedroom. The mansion he lived in was beautiful and modern with lots of glass and chrome. He carried you down a flight of stairs and to what appeared to be an indoor swimming pool. Only the water was pink and something…some things…were floating on its surface. Your heart turned to ice when you realized what you were looking at.
You recognized one of the bodies floating in the pool… Ainsel’s father, the man who you’d met just hours before was clearly dead, his face marked with deep cuts. You glanced up to see the jagged hole in the glass ceiling where the two of his parents had fallen through. They must have broken their necks hitting the ceiling before they even made it to the pool. 
“What have you done?” you whimpered, your voice wan. 
Ainsel kissed your forehead. 
“They wouldn’t let us be together,” he said, with clear disgust in his voice, “but it’s all better now. I think I’ll bury them beneath the rose bushes. My mother always liked roses.”
Your instinct was to escape and you thrashed in Ainsel’s arms, beating at his chest with your fists. 
“Shhh…shhh,” he hummed at you, “I didn’t mean to upset you, love. I should have guessed you’re sensitive…that’s sweet…Just calm down. I’ll take care of everything. You’ll never have another worry as long as you live.” 
Your breath kicked up and your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Ainsel,” you gasped, staring at him, your face cold with fear, “you’re- you’re a murderer!” 
He clucked at you, pressing you into his warm chest. 
“That’s such an ugly word. I don’t want to hear you say it again,” he corrected you while he stroked your hair, quite pleased with himself, “I did what I had to do to make sure we could be together. My parents were horrible people…the world won’t miss them.” 
“B-but…” you stuttered. 
“None of that,” he chided, silencing you with a heavy kiss. 
You froze against him, letting his mouth move over yours. His lips were warm, supple and you wanted so badly to give in. He was doing something to you, your body relaxing and your eyes fluttering as you tasted the mint of his mouth on your tongue. 
“You’re going to be a good little mate, aren’t you?” he asked, pulling away, “I won't have to lock you in the basement, will I?” 
You quickly shook your head, you didn’t want to be locked anywhere. 
He twisted his mouth at you. 
“Say, ‘No, my love.’” he ordered, his voice firm and with a bit more gravel than his usual tone. 
“Um…no…my love,” you repeated quietly. 
He rewarded you with a big smile. 
“You are a good little mate!” he beamed. 
You couldn’t stop your body from trembling in his arms. Would he kill you too if you didn’t behave? 
“Poor thing, you’re cold,” he pouted, “don’t worry I’ll keep you warm!”��
He carried you back to his bedroom, deciding to deal with the corpses in his pool later and set you down. Manipulating your stunned body like a doll, he unzipped your dress, letting the silky fabric pool at your feet. Pulling you back into his arms he tucked you under the large, warm comforter sliding in after you. His strong fingers made their way all over your body, greedily groping the bare flesh. He lay behind you, spooning you next to his larger form, while he sprinkled dappled kisses over your shoulders and neck. 
“That feels nice, doesn’t it?” he asked, lightly nibbling your shoulder. 
Terrified, you could only hum in agreement. 
“We’re going to have a long, perfect life together, aren’t we little mate?” he asked, his breath stirring the bits of loose hair tucked behind your ear and making tingles shoot up your spine.
You gasped on your words, scared and unsure what to say. 
“Just say ‘yes, my love’,” he whispered. 
“Yes, my love,” you finally agreed after a moment. 
“Good, little mate,” he purred, “you’re so obedient…we’re going to get along just fine.”
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ciciyup · 3 months
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🏹 Hii, thank you for stopping by my blog, this is a safe space, feel comfortable here please. You can call me Cici, I'm new to all this so I hope you can be patient with me (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
🏹 English is not my first language, I usually use Google Translate so I'm sorry for any grammar or other errors.
🏹 I don't have an exact day and time to update, I really do it when I have imagination and time. I can upload three stories at a time and then disappear for six months lol.
🏹 This post will be updated as I have more things to add.
🏹 I'll start by writing headcanons and drabbles since I'm pretty rusty. I will write longer stories from time to time if I have enough inspiration.
🏹 Here will be my rules and the fandoms I will write for, feel free to ask if you have any questions, I will answer them as soon as I can.
🏹 None of the images I use are my own, they are all from Pinterest. All rights go to their respective authors.
🏹 I don't support cheating, yandere, or anything that follows that line in real life. I can write it, but beyond that, I don't agree with it happening in reality.
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I write only for the fandoms that are here. If there is a character I didn't name, I may not write for this one.
I write only for the female reader or neutral reader.
I don't write character x oc or character x character.
I accept suggestions, maybe I could end up writing them if I like them but I don't guarantee anything.
I write anything except: self-harm, au's, polyamorous relationships (If necessary for the story I can give a brief description of the matter of these first three things, but I will not go into too much detail), zoofilia, anything involving urine, feces, foot fetish, drugs.
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Black Butler
Record Of Ragnarok
My Hero Academia
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Characters I write for
✞ Black Butler:
Ciel Phantomhive (only platonically)
Vincent Phantomhive
Sebastian Michaelis
Finnian (only platonically)
Alois Trancy (only platonically)
Gregory Violet
Edgar Redmond
Edward Midford
Charles Grey
Drocell Keinz
❦ Record Of Ragnarok:
Zerofuku (only platonically)
Nikola Tesla
Goll (only platonically)
✰ My Hero Academia:
Monoma Neito
Shinso Hitoshi
Yuga Aoyama
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Cathleen Bate
Melissa Shield
Itsuka Kendo
☾ Twilight:
Demetri Volturi
Felix Volturi
Aro Volturi
Jane Volturi (only platonically)
Alec Volturi (only platonically)
Carlisle Cullen
Seth Clearwater
Embry Call
Paul Lahote
Jared Cameron
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Lastly, please don't forget to be nice here. I would like us all to be able to interact with respect and kindness. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a nice day and stay healthy (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
In ‘Rule One Don’t Be Afraid’ chapter 12, Sadie’s having a conversation with the wolves on “Werewolf Sunday” and Embry mentions that of all the Cullens to be stuck with as vamp-stalkers Alice and Jasper are the worst because of their gifts. Then he says that his clear choice would be Rose and Emmett in this situation, and Leah begrudgingly agrees. Is it do to their lack of manipulative gifts, i.e empath and seer? Or because they seemed to be the most chill/blasé about the whole Edward & Bella situation as well as Sadie’s?
Also, is this something that you’re incorporating or considering with Emmett and Rose’s story? Will they have a more laidback approach to courting Jacqueline that aligns with how they’re perceived by the other characters of Rule One? Or will you expand on their personalities a bit more to amp up the possessive and obsessive tendencies of the mating bond like we saw from Alice and Jasper?
Hope this all made sense, sorry for any typos. <3
That's a great question. Embry was taking everything into account, so basically, he did the mental calculus of their personalities, abilities, appearance, etc. to arrive at his conclusion.
And definitely, "Lay Me Down..." is going to be looking at the ways in which their comparative chillness does and doesn't manifest, when it's them infatuated with a human. It'll be very different, but I still fully intend for it to be yandere. I'm trying not to say too much about it because I know my plans tend to change as I get to know the characters by writing them more; a lot of my initial plans for Rule One ended up getting gradually reworked, so if you had asked me any questions about my plans for that fic when I was writing the first two chapters, my answers would not still be true today.
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snowboyclarkov · 2 years
Personality Comparison For No Reason
My personality typing, as stated in my profile description, is ISTJ 5w4. It may actually be INTP 5w4, though I'm not truly sure between the two. Using that, and other methods, this is an extensive list of characters from different series whose personalities I am closest to, based on their cognitive functions, enneagram and general similar behaviours between themselves and myself. Pictures of each one will be below the list.
Since I made this, a second has been done after analysing Beyblade Burst some more and deciding that my personality is more akin to Gwyn Reynolds instead of Naoki Minamo, and to Brooklyn Masefield instead of Garland Siebald. That same adjustment has been made to this post as well.
Crowscare -> Ingram
Cookie Run -> Frost Queen Cookie
Cuphead -> Chinook Pilot Saluki
Doki Doki Literature Club! -> Yuri
Grand Theft Auto -> Eddie Toh
The Grand Tour -> James May
Inazuma Eleven -> Fuusuke Suzuno
Beyblade -> Brooklyn Masefield
Katawa Shoujo -> Rin Tezuka
Beyblade Burst -> Gwyn Reynolds
Made In Abyss -> Ozen
Monster Girl Encyclopedia -> Soldier Beetle
Mix Ore -> Nagisa Ichigaulait
Fire Emblem -> Idunn
Undertale -> Woshua
Gakuen Babysitters -> Keigo Saikawa
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure -> Leone Abbacchio
Touhou Project -> Ran Yakumo
Ace Attorney -> Sorin Sprocket
Beyblade: Metal Saga -> Faust
The Loud House -> Maggie
Jelly Jamm -> Ongo
Rosario + Vampire -> Mizore Shirayuki
Corpse Party -> Naho Saenoki
Danganronpa -> Mukuro Ikusaba
Sonic The Hedgehog -> Sage Robotnik
Land of the Lustrous -> Rutile
Dragon Ball -> Jimmy Firecracker
Inazuma Eleven: Ares -> Yuuichirou Mansaku
Initial D -> Satoshi Omiya
Shimoneta -> Hyouka Fuwa
Pirates of the Caribbean -> Murtogg
Pokémon -> Calem
Kid Icarus -> Poseidon
Monster Girl Quest -> Gnome
Yandere Simulator -> Horo Goramu
Joshiraku -> Gankyou Kuurubiyuutei
Monogatari -> Sodachi Oikura
Professor Layton -> Ridelle Mystere
Game of Thrones -> Archmaester Ebrose
The Binding of Isaac -> Apollyon
Date A Live -> Yuzuru Yamai
Star Fox -> General Pepper
Zero Escape -> Sigma Klim
Super Smash Bros. -> Galeem
Puyo Puyo -> Legamünt
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX -> Ryo Marufuji
Ninjago -> Milton Dyer
Bakugan -> Fabia Sheen
Codename: Kids Next Door -> Nigel Uno
Glitch -> E. Gadd
Kirby -> Claycia
Saw -> Daniel Matthews
Dead Rising -> Carl Schliff
Omori -> Sunny
The Amazing World of Gumball -> Clipboard Men
Monster Musume -> Lala
Paper Mario -> Professor Toad
Trauma Center -> Victor Niguel
Driver -> Bishop
Nagasarete Airanto -> Chikage
Inspector Morse -> Endeavour Morse
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective -> Jowd
God of War -> Helios
Saiko no Sutoka -> Akira
Cells At Work! -> NT4201
Total Drama -> MK
Hetalia -> Iceland
Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil -> Ronaldo
Hotel Dusk -> Kevin Woodward
Papers, Please -> M. Vonel
Oggy & the Cockroaches -> Marky
It's Not Me, It's My Basement -> Embry Oliver
Chainsaw Man -> Asa Mitaka
Inazuma Eleven GO -> Alpha
Azur Lane -> Admiral Graf Spee
Heaven's Lost Property -> Nymph
My Hero Academia -> Yui Kodai (Rule)
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Bonus: My main OC's MHA variant, basic details
Occupation = U.A. Student
Hero Name = Mysurarni (formerly a neutral/arc main antagonist a la Pax Forsythe, currently part of Class 1-A) | Alternatively known as Absolute Zero
Appearance = See the bottom of the post, can turn hands into ice claws, hair gains gem-like appearance a la Land of the Lustrous when quirk is in effect, also a biological hermaphrodite
Quirk = Snow Sage [Yuki-onna physiology/powers, has cold-powered artillery that is part of their body and can be vanished at any time for convenience.]
Extra = Capable of combining quirk and learned skill to perform Touhou-style danmaku based on formulae & equations.
More Extra = Black light powers (similar to Glory Regnar's powers, taught by mother who has a quirk that grants 4 disembodied wings that are said to be impervious [they aren't] and light-based powers. Galeem as a quirk, basically.)
Costume = Imagine the spirit/avatar of Greatest Raphael/Glory Regnar as clothing/armour minus the head, tail and shimenawa parts (Colour scheme switched to white, lavender purple, dark purple, black, teal, ice-blue & ice-white.)] Alternate outfits exist too, because I'm indecisive. Outfits made from special material, protective but soft and flexible.
They call their moves 'Genesis Crown', etc. as opposed to 'Glory Crown' seen in the Beyblade Burst series.
Naturally maintains a chilled air around their body constantly to prevent overheating, sometimes faint cold air is made visible surrounding the space directly around their body. Does best in cold environments especially those filled with ice and/or snow.
*What the outfit would be based on: da3d992e9ba23709a6cfc78dcf8d39 b959d086e59b47a9eec8d597566617 08e07cb1f7c8df62cc2f1a93031eb3 670964123039ae7bc75b881fc1c648
**Appearance (Extra): Light grey skin, nigh-impervious exoskeleton covering entire body, 6 legs (2 fore + 4 normal), ice-based wings inside carapace, ship-esque cold-powered artillery When Quirk in Effect = Pupils turn roughly the same colour as irises (light gold), ice claws, hair turns lavender purple and gains a gem-esque appearance a la Land of the Lustrous, can turn arms into any item desired (all made of pure ice) Basically the entire body = File:Soldier_Beetle_0 Thanks to studies together with mother, capable of causing exoskeleton to fade away and lower half of body to change to normal legs for convenience, similar to the artillery mutation.
***The artillery looks just like the sort that Admiral Graf Spee has. AGS used as basis due to personality and colour scheme reasons. The red is exchanged for lavender and the black primarily for ice-white.
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****Things like swords, chainsaws and other quirks have no effect if they strike the exoskeleton. Unless the attacking force is heat-based, in which case it very much can as long as the heat in question is further above normal body temperature than Clarkov's coldness is below 10C.
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1c3d-choco · 2 years
Ahem, anyways, more Indie Cross trio headcannoning time because I'm bored+
(Image is not mine)
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Cuphead is a "kidult". Well, I heard that both Mugman and Cuphead are 18 or above but I prefer headcannoning them as 17 year old siblings.
Cuphead is asexual, although he didn't know what the fuck does "gay" and "queer" means.
He is still looking forward for a broadcasting job.
Although Cuphead is a kid, he still knows what porn means and he doesn't like it.
He is friends with Knuckles due to the fact that both of their hands are actually weapons.
He is also friends with Sunky the game, Samantha Coleman, Kel, Hero, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, WI!Boyfriend, Mickey Mouse, Cartoon Cat, Sunny, Herb cookie, Latte cookie and Micheal Holden
Cuphead has only one best friend... and it's Sayori.
He listens to JTmusic and DAGAMES music
He will definitely become suicidal and run to get in the nearby chruch when he sees his fangirls.
Sans uses either he/him or they/them pronouns as I hc him as demi-boy
Yes, I also hc him as asexual too.
He probably summons the bones out of his hands to bonk his head as a melody for music. No reason, just a Indie Cross reference.
They are fine with being a Tumblr Sexymen.
He is best friends with the Berserk Skeletons, Jonah Marshall, Nick Nelson, Tao Xu, Sunky the game, Dark Choco cookie, Sonic the hedgehog, Eteled and Boyfriend himself.
Bro is a simp over ketchup 👁👄👁
They dislikes their fangirls except the others that are not yandere and cringe.
Despite Sans being enemies with Ink Bendy in Morø Nighteye's animations, their unexpectedly frenemies according to my headcannon.
I forgot to say that both Garcello and Nagito are Sans's close friends; Despite Nagito being almost close to Sans, Garcello is the closest to them
He's an anti-monarch, which can explain why the queen died the same date as Sans becoming the no.1 Tumblr Sexyman
Lord X is mostly likely Sans's enemy. No reason, just felt like it.
They don't care about gender.
Ink Bendy
*Breathe* He's transgender, which is the reason why his vagina appears. However, it was covered by ink, making it appear seldomly.
Ink Bendy is also asexual. However, he is still waiting to be in a relationship(and still preventing sexual ones) due to him being sex-repulsed.
He uses he/it pronouns.
Just like Sans, Ink Bendy dislikes its fangirls but this time the "dislikes" is stronger.
Ink Bendy used to always crave for Bacon Soup although it expired. Now, he don't like it anymore.
Wednesday Infidelity Satan, Selever the demon, Sky the fangirl, Shadow the Hedgehog, Embry, Omori, Squid Ink cookie, Espresso cookie, Licorice cookie, Chira, Cartoon cat, Fatal Error, Yuri, Charlie Spring and Tori Spring are Ink Bendy's close friends.
Despite the last hc above, both Sonic.EXE and Trollge Girlfriend are Ink Bendy's best friends.
Both Boyfriend and Bendy are frenemies due to Iced Choco herself having a soft spot of them. Same goes to Sans.
He's alcohol intolerance as his inky body can't take most of the drugs except for cigarettes.
He also don't care about gender.
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im-ovulating · 3 years
The Wolfpack Masterlist
Masterlist is subject to change! To keep track of posts, check in on the list every once in a while..
🫥=dark content (yandere, noncon/dubcon)
Sam Uley
Jacob Black
Jacob x GN! Reader x Edward 😊
Fluff Prompts 12 and 17 😊
Jacob and Edward x GN! Reader: Jealousy😊
Paul Lahote
Alec, Paul, Embry (separate) x Fem! Reader: Tradition ��️
Embry Call
Jasper, Embry, and Emmett x AFAB! Enby! Reader😊
Alec, Paul, Embry (separate) x Fem! Reader: Tradition ☺️
Seth Clearwater
Not Available Yet
Leah Clearwater
Leah x Fem! Reader 🥵
Jared Cameron
Not Available Yet
Quil Ateara
Not Available Yet
Full Masterlist:
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volturiwolf · 3 years
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Ker si en delček vzela s seboj - Bojan x fem!musician!reader - part 1, 2, part 3 (from AO3)
Ona - Bojan Cvjetićanin x fem!reader
Boys Kissing Behind Closed Doors - Jan Peteh x Nace Jordan
1973 - Kris Guštin x fem!Reader
Soulmates - A Demetri Volturi x Reader Imagine
It's All Greek To Me - A Demetri Volturi x fem!Reader Imagine
Stuck With You - A Demetri Volturi x fem!Reader Imagine (A Sequel to 'It’s All Greek To Me')
When the Mate Bond Fails - A yandere!Felix x vampire!fem!reader x yandere!Demetri Imagine
Siren - An Alec Volturi x Vampire!GN!Reader Imagine - Part 1, Part 2 (final)
When the Mate Bond Fails - A yandere!Felix x vampire!fem!reader x yandere!Demetri Imagine
Exiles - A Felix Volturi x vampire!fem!reader - Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
The Volturi Princess - A Felix Volturi x fem!Reader Story - SERIES (ongoing) Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11
Unorthodox - An Embry Call x vampire!fem!Reader Story - SERIES (finished) Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 (final)
Redemption - An Embry Call x vampire!fem!Reader Story (A Sequel to 'Unorthodox') - SERIES (ongoing) Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 (HUGE WARNING) // Part 5 // Part 6 //
Heavy Cart - Jared Cameron x GN!Reader Imagine
Road trip to Fate - Paul Lahote x fem!Reader Imagine - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (final)
Last Christmas - A Paul Lahote x GN!Reader Story
Headcanon of being Paul Lahote’s Human Imprint (GN)
Road Rage - A Paul Lahote x fem!Reader Imagine
Supergirl - A Paul Lahote x fem!Reader
Dandelions - A Paul Lahote x fem!reader Story - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (final)
We Belong Together - A Sam Uley x fem!Reader Imagine
Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught - A Quil Ateara x fem!Reader Imagine
The Dance Off - OCs x fem!Reader Twilight story
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mbruben-stein · 4 years
list of things I write and take requests for.
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list of things I will write:
Headcanons / HC (I only do four to seven characters.)
Boyfriend Scenarios.
Girlfriend Scenarios.
Dating would Include.
Love stories
X Reader.
x pregnant character or reader.
Character X Character.
X They/Them reader.
X Male Reader
X Female Reader
Girl x Boy.
Boy x Boy.
Girl X Girl.
Yandere Alphabet
S/O Headcanons.
SFW Alphabet.
NSFW Alphabet 18+.
list of prompts writing request ideas and request:
Main Paige/list.
List of animes and characters that I write.
Snow White With Red Hair:
Zen Wisteria
Kiki Seiran
Mitsuhide Louen
Raji Shenazard
Black Butler:
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive
Grell Sutcliff
Soma Asman Kadar
William T. Spears
Ronald Knox
Alois Trancy
Claude Faustus
Hannah Annafellows
My Hero Academia:
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji
Denki Kaminari
Hanta Sero
Kyoka Jiro
Dabi / Touya Todoroki
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Ochaco Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Himiko Toga
Tenya Ida
Toru Hagakure
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Hitoshi Shinso
Melissa Shield
Hawks / Keigo Takami
Eraser Head / Shota Aizawa
All Might / Toshinori Yagi
Midnight / Nemuri Kayama
Mr. Principal / Nezu
Ingenium / Tensei Ida
Tomura Shigaraki
One piece:
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Nico Robin
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Portgas D. Ace
Dracule Mihawk
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts:
Death Note:
l lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda
Misa Amane
Vampire Knight:
Zero Kiryu
Hanabusa Aido
Yuki Cross
Kaname Kuran
Senri Shiki
Takuma Ichijo
Akatsuki Kain
Kaien Cross
Ruka Souen
Toga Yagari
Ichiru Kiryu
Rido Kuran
Attack On Titans:
Eren Yeager
Levi Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Historia Reiss
Jean Kirschtein
Connie Springer
Hange zoe
Erwin Smith
Annie Leonhart
Sasha Braus
Moblit Berner
Reiner Braun
Marco Bodt
Bertolt Hoover
Yugi Muto
Seto Kaiba
Yami Yugi / Adam Moto
Téa Gardner
Joey Wheeler
Tristan Taylor
Mokuba Kaiba
Avatar the Last Airbender. (Yes, I count this as an anime. This is because I really like it and love it. Sorry for the people who don't think it's an anime, but you can't change my mind.):
Ty Lee
Diabolical lovers:
Yui Komori
Reiji Sakamaki
Ayato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Subaru Sakamaki
Shu Sakamaki
Yui Komori
Kou Mukami
Ouran High School Host Club:
Tamaki Suoh
Kyoya Ootori
Kaoru Hitachiin
Hitachiin Hikaru
Haruhi Fujioka
Ritsu Kasanoda
Takashi Morinozuka
Violet Evergarden:
Gilbert Bougainvillea
Benedict Blue
violet Evergarden
Cattleya Baudelaire
Claudia Hodgins
Iris Cannary 
 The Ancient Magus’ Bride:
Chise Hatori
Elias Ainsworth
Assassination Classroom:
Nagisa Shiota
Karma Akabane
Hinano Kurahashi
Hinata Okano
Tadaomi Karasuma
Yuri on ice:
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuri Plisetsky
Victor Nikiforov
Mila Babicheva
Otabek Altin
Phichit Chulanont
Ben 10:
Rook Blonko
Ruby Rose
Yang Xiao Long
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Pyrrha Nikos
Lie Ren
Jaune Arc
Oscar Pine
Sun Wukong
Crow / Qrow Branwen
Tokyo Revengers:
Takemichi Hanagaki
Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Draken/Ken Ryūgūji
Takashi Mitsuya
Keisuke Baji
Chifuyu Matsuno
Hinata Tachibana
Kazutora Hanemiya
Akkun/Atsushi Sendo
Smiley/Nahoya Kawata
Angry/souya kawata
Emma Sano
Ran Haitani
Rindo Haitani
Shuji Hanma
Izana Kurokawa
list of movies and characters that I write.
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Rubeus Hagrid
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Remus Lupin
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Charlie Weasley
Sirius Black
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Hocus Pocus:
Thackery Binx
Max Dennison
Rise of the Guardians:
Jack Frost
Nicholas St. North
Tooth Fairy
Pitch Black
The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings:
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
Samwise Gamgee
Frodo Baggins
list of Marvel movies / comics and characters that I write.
The Avengers:
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Clint Barton
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T'Challa / Black Panther
Miles Morales / Spinn Spider-Man / Kid-Arachnid
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Rocket Raccoon
list of DC movie / Comics and characters that I write.
Bruce Wayne / Bat-Man
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Jon Lane Kent
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Zatanna Zatara
Tim Drake
Kara Zor-El / Supergirl
Suicide Squad:
Harley Quinn
Chato Santana
Tatsu Yamashiro
Teen Titans:
Damian Wayne / Robin
Koriand'r / Starfire
Victor Stone / Cyborg
Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle
list of shows and characters that I write.
Secrets Of Unfortunate Events:
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Quigley Quagmire
Isadora Quagmire
Lemony Snicket
Fiona Widdershins
Duncan Quagmire
Gravity Falls:
The owl house:
Luz Noceda
Edalyn Clawthorne/ the owl lady
Willow Park
Lilith Clawthorne
Gus Porter
Amity Blight
Emira Blight
Edric Blight
Hunter/ the golden guard
Milo Murphy's Law:
Milo Murphy
Melissa Chase
Zack Underwood
Sara Murphy
Amanda Lopez 
Balthazar Cavendish
TMNT/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012:
Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
April O'nell
Cassey Jones
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Alright, I’ll yield. Let’s do this with confidence and add Twilight to the things I write for! I’ll start with the werewolves. I’m sorry, more obsessed with them than with the vampires. Also, those books and novels really do give a deeper look into the backstories of the shape-shifters.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, manipulation, jealousy, guilt-tripping, stalking, aggression, violence
Shape-shifter Hc’s
Sam Uley
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As a shape-shifter he imprints on his darling and in that one moment that feels like a small eternity, the world seems to stop and all that matters is his darling. Imprinting on someone is literally the best excuse to justify any uncanny obsession, I still feel like it dawns Sam that even with his darling being his imprintee his feelings are out of bound. With him being because of this aware, he’s still being forced to be near his darling because being away from them is physically painful for him. Sam has to be quite careful with how he approaches his darling because he’s a Shape-shifter. His temper isn’t the worst yet if he loses control, the dangers of phasing and accidentally hurting you is realistic and he has to tell you sooner or later his secrets.
Very protective and possessive. He’s more protective than he is possessive because by god, if something would happen to you he’d never be able to forgive himself. Whilst overly protective, Sam isn’t all deaf either. His darling can make a deal with him until a certain limit where he believes something to be too dangerous. He still imprinted on you so the wish to start a relationship with you is strong and even if your happiness ends up being the priority of him, losing you to someone else would be far too unbearable and painful. Sam can be sometimes a tough lover because his protective side sometimes makes him a bit too controlling, born out of sheer worries for you.
He isn’t a jealous mess but he still has to be so careful to not lose his control and this is a problem with every Shape-shifter. Sam is probably one of the best ones simply because he was the first one from the current generation of wolves to turn and has the most experience. He can become more aggressive which is most of the time out of protective reasons than jealous ones because he has to stay calm or otherwise a catastrophe will happen. His pack knows and respects the fact that you are his imprintee so they don’t try anything with you and Sam puts his trust into them. But he’s warily even around them simply because some have a terrible temper whilst others are still new and haven’t learned how to properly control themselves.
I don’t think I’ve heard of a shape-shifter killing a human so far. They’re protectors of La Push and are commonly known to kill vampires who run into their territory, the Cullens are sort of an exception since their ancestors made a deal with them. The mix of imprinting and Yandere might change that all a bit though, even if Sam tries his best to not to resort to killing a human. He’s naturally intimidating and that means the average person won’t try something funny. I see his darling ending up in Emily’s position. Or, if we’re considering Emily in here as well, only that she isn’t Sam’s imprint, they’re just going to end up hanging out a lot with her. It means that Sam can feel more at ease knowing that his darling is in the territory of his people.
It’s literally not really possible for him to be away from you for too long, the mate bond pulls him always back since it’s painful to be without you. You might find it strange at first how he constantly seems to want to hang out with you, as soon as he’s explained his secret and just how important you are to him, it will become more understandable. Whether you freak out at first by the revelation of what he really is or digest it more quicker is another factor. Sam would be willing to step back and give you space because it would be completely understandable if you would need some time to accept the new piece of information. Even if it is hurting him, he can wait. It affects him after some while in his effectiveness as the Alpha though and the other members of the pack are probably getting involved if their leader should be rendered to a lonely mess.
Despite his stricter moments, he’s quite soft. Protective and big hugs. Leah…is initially just some sort of angry with you, even if she knows that you’re not to blame. With time she grows to like you in her own way and that’s a small relief for Sam. You’re close to Emily as well and since she’s quite used to the antics of the whole pack, she helps you getting used to it as well. He really does trust the other Shape-shifters, knows that they’re a rowdy and playful bunch though so it is possible that they earn the one or other growl from him if they make you uncomfortable or their games get too serious and might end up harming you.
Jared Cameron
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He looks at you once and he never looks away again. Sam is quite mature and you’d expect Jared as the Beta of the pack to be a little bit more adult-like as well. He is not at all though. He acts exactly like the lovesick puppy you perceive him as, he follows you everywhere and if you attend the same school and classes as him, he constantly attempts to sit next to you and team up with you for school projects. What Sam doesn’t do, Jared does. He justifies his whole obsession by wholeheartedly believing that this is how the imprint bond is supposed to feel. Extremely clingy, he has a harder time leaving you alone for too long and unlike Sam doesn’t really attempt to stay away for too long out of some sort of respect because he never questions his feelings and doesn’t shy away as a result.
Even if he isn’t with you physically, he texts you very often. As a shape-shifter, Jared ends up being possessive and protective in his own rights. The true intensity of it is never shown unless he really has a reason to snap though. Blame it on his light-hearted and joking personality that he never appears as threatening and intimidating as he can really be. It’s maybe due to this extroverted and nice personality of his that he is most of the time able to talk his s/o into letting him do favors out of his protective feelings. He has still some boundaries so his obsessive side never extends to stealing things from you…probably. Not unless you gift or borrow him something is it that he’ll keep it for himself and tell you that he lost it. He’ll buy you something new though, he can’t stand to upset you.
He’s manchild no.1, he gets so upset when you don’t pay attention to him. Jared is one to get quickly jealous when he realizes that his darling is paying attention to someone or something else, keeps it at a harmless level though. The man is just utterly annoying when he starts whining or complaining about the lack of attention. It becomes unfunny when he catches someone flirting with you because, what a surprise, just because he’s usually goofy around you doesn’t mean that his possessive side won’t get the better of him either.
He sorts people you are involved with into three categories. He has people he trusts, people he is more warily around because he doesn’t know them and for that doesn’t know whether or not they might be a threat for you and people he doesn’t trust or knows that they mean trouble for you. He reacts accordingly to each one of them. Humans are a risky topic and even if Jared is delusional, he knows that killing a human out of jealousy and possessiveness is still wrong. He has exceptions though when someone hurts you enough so that you end up in the hospital or is the reason behind a trauma of yours from the past. He literally can’t control himself then and loses it.
He ends up guilt-tripping his darling into staying with him, especially after they know what it means for him when they’re away from him for too long. He has terrible mood swings and literally needs to be forced to go on a patrol with the other members of the pack because otherwise he’ll just spend his time grieving. The situation is strange and unfamiliar for you, you have to get used to it one way or another though because he’s part of the pack which means, once again, they will probably seek you out as well if you hesitate too long. Sam and Emily are probably the most convincing and calm ones, especially Emily since she’s in a similar position as you. Jared will run back to you as well if he finds out that he scares you by telling you his secret, about ready to burst out in tears.
The pack welcomes you quickly since you’re Jared’s imprintee and chances are good that you spend a lot of time with Emily, caring for the boys by providing food and clothes. She has some funny stories to tell about Jared and the other shape-shifters have to tell you the one or other thing as well. They complain to you about him most of the time because Jared…his thoughts are mainly about you and he literally can’t stop gushing about you which is annoying, doesn’t matter whether if it’s via the telepathic link between them or if he’s personally talking about you. He’s so affectionate as well, you’re like a teddy bear for him.
Paul Lahote
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He’s incredibly dominating and possessive and coupled with his short temper, it’s terrible for everyone who isn’t his darling to be around him since where he is, his s/o is as well. He’s always around his darling whether they want him to be or not because he can’t leave them for the sake of the imprint bond. Stalking is never an option because he refuses to stay away and he’s additionally not the best in stalking because of his possessive and protective nature. He’ll step in as soon as someone gets too close. Extremely overprotective to the point where he starts carrying his darling if they complain just once that they’re tired or that they’re in any sort of pain or turns aggressive as soon as someone said something hurtful jokingly, even if it’s from your own family or friend circle. You’re his sun and his moon and he gets just too upset and mad when someone says something to you that sounds in his ears like an insult.
Rooting from his rather possessive and dominating personality yet also coming from his pure love for you is Paul’s awfully touchy nature. He has to always touch you in some way to feel more at ease and if he is in the process of losing his temper, touching him can greatly help to snap him out of his emotions and help him to cool off. Since he’s so incredibly time-consuming and always wants to know where you were and with whom you were when he can’t be with you, the shape-shifter is also rather monopolizing. Paul has a huge soft spot for you though despite his cocky appearance, if we have to be completely honest he’s the biggest sucker for you. He’s absolutely willing to do anything for you.
Nope! Just stop it because he has to be the worst when it comes to the topic of jealousy. He quite literally is willing to bare his teeth against everyone who he doesn’t trust and even his own pack can elicit jealous reactions when they step too close or touch you. To his defense, he does practice to not lose control and shift by accident, a flaring temper like his isn’t one to get tamed over night though. Paul needs time to start regulating his feelings better and until that is done, you just have to be very careful.
Leeches/vampires are never a problem and he rips them apart with a newfound passion now that you are his imprintee. Due to the typhoon called Paul’s emotions he’s able to turn violent and aggressive against anyone though. He practices for the sake of his s/o but as I already mentioned, he still has a long way to go until he’s turned serene enough to stay in control. If he has to be honest with himself though, he wholeheartedly believes that some people don’t deserve him staying calm around them. Paul shows some delusional attributes himself since he is willing to justify violence against humans and severe injuries and trauma caused by him with his love for you.
I mean, good luck getting rid off him as the clingy guy he is already. Paul forces himself into your life if he has to do that and after he has explained himself and the concept of shape-shifters and imprints, he won’t leave you much of a choice. His patience is thin and even if he’d rather break all of his limbs than hurt you, he turns emotional and upset if you start avoiding him out of pure shock and the feeling of being overwhelmed. It means the worst mood swings for him and like this suffering for the other wolves since it’s impossible to talk with him normally anymore. It’s either dealing with him being overly confident, cocky and a show-off when he’s with you or dealing with a moody and overly frustrated and angry Paul who constantly gets into fights, doesn’t want to patrol anymore and still follows you around. You can probably guess what the smaller nuisance is.
Returning for a moment to the point of him being a show-off, he constantly tries to impress you and boosts especially about his strengths as a shape-shifter after you are aware of him and his people. Jared and the others sort of ruin his plans sometimes by spilling some embarrassing moments he had only to end up being chased away by him. Big spoon. Kisses all over your face. All the shape-shifters are passionate lovers, but he is especially passionate when it comes to his imprintee. If he’s alone with you, you’re going to discover that he can be quite childish and fun-loving if he doesn’t have to feel threatened by the presence of others.
Embry Call
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Embry is in comparison to some of his fellow shape-shifters more quiet, shy and thoughtful. So I’d actually credit him as being more or less semi-aware. He’s probably able to tell the difference between genuine love or a genuine lovesick obsession and in his case it is definitely the latter one. Yet the fact that he is such a lovestruck guy and the fact that the whole imprint thing is just so beautifully convincing enables him to push the growing guilt and shame most of the time away. Like all of the wolves he has a hard time staying away from you yet he lacks initially the courage to talk to you. He’s a bashful mess and when you two glance at each other, his heart feels like it’s performing somersaults.
He’s actually quite decent in stalking since he has a better grip on his emotions than some others have, prefers it to be directly with you though. He gains some courage after your first date together and after that day he had a easier time approaching you and once you two have grown comfortable enough with each other, he transform completely into a clingy and affectionate guy. Not in a possessive way like Paul tends to do, more in a sweet and maybe even needy way. Being a shape-shifter means that Embry contains still some traditional possessive and protective attributes. His protective side is more obvious than his possessive side since he is more of a reversed guy.
Man child no.2. It’s hard to surpass Paul’s intensity, even if Embry can be unsettling in his own rights when someone pushes his patience too much. Most of the time he acts more like a little attention-seeker and whilst he is caring enough to wait for a bit, after a certain time has passed on and you still seem to be adamant on not focusing completely on him, he starts becoming grumpy. He isn’t exactly eager to throw a scene when people are nearby since he has to be more careful and since he’s also more shy and embarrassed to start whining for attention. It doesn’t stop him completely though and you have to wait until the two of you are alone.
We’re talking about a shape-shifter who has imprinted and is turned into a Yandere as well so the possibility is there. Embry isn’t one to get lost in negative emotions and hate so he isn’t prone to lashing out easily and using violence. He’s a fine observer and based on his observations and instincts he is either more guarded around people or able to relax. He’s fiercely protective over his imprintee though so he won’t hesitate to use intimidation and threats against someone and since his gang is known as a bunch of rowdies and troublemakers, that’s only another point as well.
Jealousy is one thing, being completely left alone with the lack of your presence is another story though. He’ll blow your phone up with texts and messages, calls you and tries to talk with you as long as possible and as soon as you’re unavailable he turns into a moping mess. The pack has to deal with the incessant wails of a lovesick boy and after a while he is rendered almost completely useless and then it is your job to pick your man up from the floor. Embry is quite good in talking his darling into spending almost every hour with him though, he’s more talented in manipulating and guilt-tripping you than you might think.
Embry is clingy and hangs all the time around with you yet he also cares a lot about you so he’s next to Sam one who is more willing to leave you alone from time to time even if it kills him on the inside a bit and even if he comes to regret that decision after a while. He’s on the more obsessive side and whilst he doesn’t have a shrine of the things you have borrowed or gifted him, he treasures all of them dearly. He’s all up to being very openly with his lovesick behavior when he’s alone with you or with the pack and he’d love to be his darling’s personal teddy bear.
Quil Ateara
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Quil has always been a cheerful person but the day he imprinted on his s/o was the day he officially set a new record. He came back to the pack with the biggest grin on his face and hasn’t stopped thinking and talking about you ever since. Joins the part of the wolves that justify their behavior and more obsessive thoughts with the imprint bond, he believes his feelings to be only genuine love and you are his damn soulmate after all. Grows extremely clingy after he has imprinted, he starts actively searching for connections with you and lets his instincts guide him to bump more than just into you and acts as if it is a coincidence.
Quil is actually a little beast since he is, despite his easygoing personality, very sly and quite manipulative when he feels the need to be. It is exactly because he is always such a cheerful person and flatters his darling constantly because he pays even attention to the little things that he can coax them into doing something with him. Guilt-tripping isn’t out of option for him either and whilst manipulation definitely is more of a sensitive topic for him, in the end he once again justifies it by telling himself that it’ll only speed up the whole bond between him and you. It’s needless to say though that he is still possessive and protective, is able to hide it behind his impish grin though.
It’s a good thing that he is so easygoing because Quil deals quite good with jealousy. Well, as good as a shape-shifter can deal with it that is. He can hold back and be happy for you when it seems to bring you joy interacting and talking with someone, he draws the line at a specific amount of affection though. If he’s jealous, he tries to cope with the feeling by being humorous. He starts joking about it lightly to hopefully hint that he is starting to feel this itchy feeling called jealousy, starts turning more sarcastic and rude when someone grows to pushy though. His grin is at this point awfully strained and the moment he drops that smile, you know the situation has turned serious.
This might sound a bit uncanny, but Quil feels oddly proud of himself when he scares someone away that hurt you and terrified them to not belief. He can’t be quite sympathetic to those who have wronged you and made you cry and he doesn’t really want to be either. It isn’t easy to push him over the edge to the point where he loses control and wants to hurt someone that isn’t a vampire, that makes it all the scarier once he’s reached that point and snapped though. He makes it a point to not hurt those who you love if they make you happy even if they messed up once but only under the condition that they apologized and never do it again. He really tries to forgive them if they show regret themselves.
He’s one of the worst when it comes to a separation because he starts nagging and wailing for you after a certain time as well. Trying to cope with the pain via humor and jokes only works that long until he really feels the hole in his chest hurting, he is literally hurting. Knowing that telling you his secret might end up forcing you a bit to be with him has him feeling guilty and at the same time relieved about that.
He’s overall sweet boyfriend if one ignores his manipulative side. He enjoys being a wolf and really hopes that you will accept him quickly for his inheritance as well. He wants to show off a bit as well and would probably be one of the most willing ones to be with you even in his wolf form since others might tend to be scared that they’ll accidentally hurt you. He even lets you ride on his back now and then. More of a social and fun guy so he often takes you out on dates in the city which doesn’t mean that he is missing out on cuddle sessions though.
Jacob Black
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Jacob…is more obnoxious than I’d like you to tell and that is because he has gone through a heartbreak already once with Bella. His heart was broken into pieces so you’d think that finally imprinting on someone would help, in fact it only worsens him. Jacob is paranoid, he’s insecure because he was already once ditched for another one and is terrified the same thing will happen again and it is this paranoia that turns him into this sultry, obsessive and possessive man once he has finally found his imprintee. He won’t let anyone near you, turns quite aggressive against someone who stands between your and his love and glues himself to your side all of the time.
If his pack already thought that his obsessive rants about Bella were bad, just listen to his obsessive rants about his s/o because he has managed to beat himself in that game. It’s honestly uncanny to hear his thoughts which are literally coated in his obsessive, lovesick and possessive nature. Jacob is rather delusional himself as he is willing to go as far as using emotional blackmail and guilt-trip to have you spending time with him. He uses trickery to have you love him as well and he is more than ready to tell himself that this is what he has to do. He has some aware moments, but he shoves them down because he knows that he’ll completely lose his heart if he loses you to someone else.
He’s such a salty man, it is either ridiculous or worrying. He’s close to Paul, not because he loses his temper as quickly, but rather because he is incredibly rude to anyone who gets between you two. The face he shows the person already is one of pure dislike and if they try to talk with him even worse because he won’t hold back. He literally scares people away who get too close more and once and your closest family is pretty much the only exception you’ll get as long as they don’t interfere either that is.
Incredibly protective, typical for a shape-shifter, but Jacob has something else that only fuels his protective nature. He wants to prove himself to be a good boyfriend, the best man for you and so it isn’t rare for him to feel the need to do everything and anything for you. Sounds positive at first, but it isn’t once you realize that if someone upset you once, he already labels them as a bad influence and shoos them away. Potential love rivals are quickly scared off as well and since he can be quick to anger when it comes to you and is scarily determined to use this time any means possible to keep you, he is ready to use violence.
Jacob is in a rush, it is sort of sad if you stop for a moment and realize that the fear that is engraved in his bones is the reason for this. This whole relationship from the moment Jacob imprinted will be a fast process because the sooner he is your boyfriend, the quicker he can be completely yours and you can be completely his. He’s desperate, wants you constantly near him and shows even trust issues when he finds out that you’ve spent time with someone that isn’t him and that he didn’t approve of. He’s controlling and feels the need to be so literately no one can even attempt anything and if you get mad he uses the cheap weapon called the “Bella card”. He can play the heartbroken guy who is horrified to be left by you as well since you have truly become his world by now. He only needs you and he wants you to only need him as well.
Call him hypocritical because he most definitely is. He claims to keep away what can hurt and upset you but only ends up isolating and upsetting you in the process. Due to his knowledge that you are truly the one for him, he will throw all caution and morals away though. This time it’ll work out for sure. Bella and Edward might be made aware of Jacob’s new obsession and Edward can literally hear his thoughts but Jacob won’t even let both of them near you because he holds a huge grudge and dislike against both of them at this point and it’ll worsen if they try to talk badly about him in front of you. It’s all lies, darling! He can be different from his stiff and mistrusting self though if he is truly left alone with you because that is when he returns to his cheerful and playful side and tries in a more genuine attempt to make you happy.
Leah Clearwater
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She had taken already one heartbreak into account as well when Sam imprinted on her cousin and she kept angry and resentful feelings inside her heart for so long. Until she met your gaze…and all the joy of the world hit her in a couple of seconds. Her first reaction to it is a mixture of excitement and horror since she isn’t eager for another broken heart and at first she is quite overwhelmed with the knowledge that she has an imprint now as well. Similar to Jacob her previous bad experience in love turns her very possessive, she clarifies to anyone what your relationship with her is and doesn’t allow anyone except her and maybe family and closest friends to touch you.
Heartbroken and mad thoughts are replaced with happy and lovesick ones and even the pack isn’t sure if this change is for the better or the worse. Leah, feeling more openly insecure than most other wolves, feels a great need to constantly prove herself and show off. It reflects on her protectiveness since she tends to overreact and reply with too eager and paranoid reactions as soon as she notices a slight sign of you being uncomfortable or scared. The fact that she is so paranoid and doesn’t trust anyone with you either makes it worse. She’s afraid that someone will hurt you the same way she was hurt or that someone will hurt you in any way for that matter.
Next to Paul and Jacob one of the quickest to get jealous and even family members will not be spared. She tends to feel jealous so fast and especially when someone impresses you since it tugs on her nervous side that she isn’t good enough for you. Leah is purely bitter to anyone who makes her jealous, highly annoyed and willing to become even waspish if someone provokes her. She tends to become touchy awfully lot which is funny since she was a bit insecure about physical affection. Has a sharp and hard glare which she gives everyone who triggers jealousy inside of her.
Leah has tried so far to swallow her emotions in order to look strong but she is fuming with rage when somebody hurts you or had you shedding a tear. If she could, she would like to protect you from all the harm in the goddamn world since she just loves you that much. She knows that this isn’t a realistic goal but it hurts deep to see you sad and disappointed with something and she always ends up feeling like she could have done something better to prevent you from feeling like this. It makes her ruthless against the culprit who made you so sad and angry and it is common that she lashes out on them, she almost spits literal poison and her temper isn’t to be underestimated either. She lets off a good amount of steam and just because she is the first known female shape-shifter, it doesn’t mean she turns away from violence.
The woman is sort of desperate due to her insecurities so she won’t feel a bit more safe in the relationship until you two have at least moved in together. Leah is extremely pushy with this topic as well and if you refuse to move in with her, she’ll be incredibly hurt. She’ll try to hide her pain behind her bitter words though, not afraid to use her failed relationship with Sam to guilt-trip you. She’s easily paranoid when she isn’t with you, constantly interrogates you about with whom you have been.
Always wants to spend time with you and she always needs to know where you are. It isn’t like she exactly distrusts you to leave her just like that after she’s known you and you’ve proven to appreciate her and like her despite her true nature. She just fears that someone better might be out there, one who isn’t quite as sour and hurt as her. Of course the imprint bond renders her unable to leave you alone for a long time as well, even if that wouldn’t be the case she’d probably end up begging you to try to be as often with her as possible. You heard that right, she is ready to swallow her own pride and beg you to be with her if that is what it takes. She’ll give up everything if she can be with you.
Seth Clearwater
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He feels pure bliss and jovial giddiness washing over him when he imprints on his darling because he always wanted to feel this love that is described like gravity just pulls you to that person. He tells his sister instantly and he’s already having a huge and happy grin on his face. Seth is quite young and quite naive so he isn’t able to really tell the difference between a healthy love and a obsessive and infatuated love so he is definitely delusional. A small worshiper to top it as well because he appreciates everything his darling appreciates and worships everything they do. Try to shake this lovesick puppy off your tracks, I’ll tell you already that it won’t work.
He remembers everything his s/o ever tells him about themselves and he builds a small shrine with things that they give him. They could really just give him a stone and he’d treasure it like some others would treasure gold or diamonds. Everything you give him is special, everything you touch is special. So he’s definitely obsessive as well and differently from pretty much all the other shape-shifters Seth is rather submissive. Sure, he is still possessive and protective. But since he orients himself so much after you, he pretty much wants you to lead this relationship and lets you make most decisions. He just adores and agrees obediently.
He is a young boy madly in love and since he is one of the younger shape-shifter, he still has to learn how to control his own emotions, especially in regard of strong ones like when he is with you. Seth can feel jealous rather fast himself, is able to calm down just as quickly when you just soothe him a bit. Your happiness and enjoyment is quite high on his list and your smile and laughter is heaven to witness, even if he might be only lightly salty that it is directed at someone else. It’s fine though, you two are soulmates. He steps in the moment someone has clear romantic intentions and won’t leave the two of you alone.
I dare to say that he is one of the most harmless ones among the entire bunch of wolves in here. His darling is able to manipulate and influence him quite easily and he isn’t one to hold grudges long unless he has a good reason to do so. If you forgive someone and are happy and are treated good, he is quick to follow your example and forgive the person again and he’s even willing to mend a fragile friendship after an argument if he knows that you will be greatly sad and lonely if you would lose all contact. He’s so sweet and forgiving until he isn’t anymore but if he really thinks that negatively about someone, that person is almost always a certified scumbag.
It’s a bit difficult for him to sometimes manage between his training as a shape-shifter since he is one of the most inexperienced and between his time with you. The pack lets him off the hook quite often though because at one point his brain isn’t able to process anything anymore since he only wants to see you. He’s clingy so he spends every second with you that he is awake and isn’t awake and even if his sister calls him a lovesick fool, she supports Seth wherever she can since she doesn’t want him to experience pain like she did. He’s a open person, knows that he has to tell you at one point his secret and is patient and willing enough to give you time to think if you need it. His sister isn’t quite as patient as soon as she notices that he is suffering and from the whole lack you’ll get the most pressure from her since she’s worried sick for her little bro.
Seth is a cute boy though, it takes effort to really leave him when he is so incredibly dependent and stares at you as if you’re his answer to everything, which you are by the way for him. As someone who has never really put much serious thought into the whole dating thing, he goes with pretty much everything he knows from stories and movies, uses cheesy pick-up lines and goes above and beyond to let you have a good time. Leah sooner or later ends up trying to help him a bit since he can’t constantly do what he’s seen in a movie.
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bangtanmix73 · 3 years
I’ve finally decided to open requests. Please be specific whether you want a fanfic, drabble, or a head cannon!
I write for:
-Twilight: Bella Swan, Alice Cullen, Jasper Hale, Rosalie Hale, Emmet Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Culen, Embry Call, Paul Lahote, Sam Uley, Leah Clearwater, Emily Young, Seth Clearwater, Jared Cameron, Quil Ateara
-Riverdale: Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs, FP, Alice
-IT: Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris, Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor Criss, Reginald “Belch” Huggins
- Kpop: Stray Kids, Mamamoo
-Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Lucifer, Gabriel, Crowley
-The Walking Dead: Brandon Carver, Maggie Rhee, Leah Shaw
-Alice in Borderland: Chishiya, Usagi, Kuina, An, Heiya,
No longer write for:
-The Lost Boys
-The Black Phone
I will write:
-nsfw (no minors please)
-age gaps (as long as everyone is above 18)
-polyamory relationships
-murder, death, gore, anything alone those lines
I do write Lgbtq+, but there are some areas I’m not confident in and I’m afraid to offend someone.
I will NOT write: Scat/Urine/Vomit play/kink, p*dophilia, inc*st, cannibalism, r*pe, some mental illnesses, I also may add more later on.
Thank you!
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im-ovulating · 3 years
The Volturi Masterlist
Masterlist is subject to change! To keep track of posts, check in on the list every once in a while..
🫥=dark content (yandere, noncon/dubcon)
Aro Volturi
Volturi Kings x "Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm?" GN! Reader😊
Kingdom Dance: Volturi Kings x Fem! Reader 😊
Caius Volturi
Volturi Kings x "Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm?" GN! Reader😊
Kingdom Dance: Volturi Kings x Fem! Reader 😊
Marcus Volturi
Volturi Kings x "Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm?" GN! Reader😊
Kingdom Dance: Volturi Kings x Fem! Reader 😊
Alec Volturi
Dom! Alec x Fem! Brat! Reader 🥵
Volturi Guards x Head Scratches 😊
Possessive! Alec x Vampire! Reader 🫠🫥
Alec Bike Blurb ☺️
Alec, Paul, Embry (separate) x Fem! Reader: Tradition ☺️
Alec x Collars/Leashes Drabble 🥵
Jane Volturi
Volturi Guards x Head Scratches 😊
Felix Volturi
Volturi Guards x Head Scratches 😊
Demetri Volturi
Demetri x GN! Reader: Tension Relief 🥵
Volturi Guards x Head Scratches 😊
Demetri Volturi x Fem! Reader: Sunday Loving 🥵
Full Masterlist:
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volturiwolf · 3 years
I may have not uploaded anything for quite some time now, but here are my latest works all together, 'cause why not:
Road trip to Fate - Paul Lahote x fem!Reader Imagine - part 3 (final part)
Stuck With You - A Demetri Volturi x fem!Reader Imagine (A Sequel to 'It’s All Greek To Me')
The Volturi Princess - A Felix Volturi x fem!Reader Story (part 8)
Unorthodox - An Embry Call x vampire!fem!Reader Story - Part 10
When the Mate Bond Fails - A yandere!Felix x vampire!fem!reader x yandere!Demetri Imagine
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