#yandere leah
animeyanderelover · 1 year
Who I think would be the least to most difficult Yandere to deal with from the Wolf Pack in Twilight. Let's talk about the worst aspects of them that make them dangerous.
(Yes, I am having a brainrot right now.)
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess, manipulation, guilt-tripping, stalking, agression
Least to most difficult
Embry Call
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Embry is "probably" the most harmless shape-shifter from the entire pack and that is mainly thanks to his shy, reserved and considerate nature. In comparison to most of his fellow wolves at least. He is pretty much the only wolf who is too scared and way too embarrassed to approach you directly after he's imprinted and he gives everything way too much thought. You can't even guess how much thought, care and practice has gone into the moment where he finally dares to start a conversation with you. He wrecks his brain and his nerves even more when he plans to ask you out. Obviously he's still obsessive, possessive and clingy but those traits of his are toned down thanks to his quiet and somewhat flustered personality as he cares about how his darling perceives him. A rejection would be the worst thing that could happen so he's very careful with the way he acts around you and the people you love most. He doesn't want to ruin any meaningful bonds you have with others because of him, wants to be accepted by those people if he could have the best possible scenario.
It is important to mention that he's still a little creep who stalks you for the first few weeks, unable to approach you with his jittery nerves. Whilst this dies down for the most part if you two are a couple and you understand and accept the situation that you're in as his imprint, bad habits hardly die down fully. He's not someone who falls very easily victim to negative and violent thoughts so it's safe to have him with you when you hang out with your friends or fellow family members. He gets jealous after a while sure but surprisingly enough he gives you a while to notice that he's in a slightly uncomfortable position with the lack of attention. Believe me, there are people who have way worse jealous reactions in comparison to Embry's more needy tugs on your clothes all of a sudden as he tenses up when the lack of attention starts affecting him. In general he prefers to not stick out or make a scene. It's within his own comfort and yours too. That results in Embry being able to not come over as a pushover or someone unneccessarily overbearing unless he senses that something is wrong.
The fact that he is somewhat aware that some of the stuff he does stalking isn't something he should do also pays off to him being as considerate as he is. Even if he has a hard time accepting this, Embry knows that personal space matters to you at times too. He could spend every waking second with you but before he risks you growing annoyed and tired of him, he at least makes the effort to leave you alone for a bit. What contributes to him caring so much about your own wishes too is his talent to stay in tune with your own emotions. Embry is very sensitive around you and for that picks up your current mood and it always affects him too. It allows him to be great at comforting you silently when you feel down but on the negative side it also means that you can't keep stuff hidden from him since he senses it when you're lying or are nervous about something. He relies on you, opens up about his own feelings which he normally never tells anyone, and for that reacts very emotional and desperate if he fears that you might leave him. Can you really leave him despite knowing all that?
Seth Clearwater
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Seth is in all honesty such a sweetheart and devotee but there are a few things that play in him not being at the bottom of the list. His young age and the naivety when it comes to imprinting are two major parts in it. He has so much to learn about shape-shifting and about the world in general, has only heard stories about imprinting so that leads to him romanticizing everything about it when he finally finds his other half. You're his entire world the moment you locked eyes with him and ever since that moment, Seth has been unable to leave you alone. I'm not kidding, he follows you everywhere and wants to be always with you as he sees this as sort of normal. You're his imprint, he's supposed to stay with you and protect you. Telling him to leave or asking him for some time alone rarely ever works and the only thing you earn are tears blurring his eyes as the thought of leaving you hurts and scares him as his young age leads him to heightened separation anxiety. There are no bad intention of guilt-tripping you behind those tears but it manages to make you feel bad most of the time anyways.
You often find yourself gullible around Seth as he's so easily emotional. If Embry gets influenced by your emotions, Seth exhibits them even stronger than you. If you're happy, he is too but if you're sad, he's even more so. He's terribly sensitive so if he really notices that you're deeply miserable, he starts crying in most cases as he's unable to hold his emotions in. He never means to do anything harmful by being such an open book but his strong emotions coupled with his need to stay with you all the time can be mentally exhausting at times for you. On a positive side note this is what allows him to handle his jealousy better than some of the more experienced wolves though as he's joyful when you are, even if you're not paying attention to him at the moment. Be careful though, he's still one of the youngest of the pack so in moments where he does get furious, he has more troubles not keeping his emotions under control and channeling all of his negative feelings onto the person who elicited them in the first place. This gets especially out of hand if he has shifted.
Seth finds himself relying on you far more than he should, especially in the relationship since he's younger than most other members of the pack. This means on the one hand that you can manipulate him the easiest but it also means that he greatly panics and doesn't know what to do if you're emotionally hurt besides crying with you and acting overbearing. In the worst case he has a meltdown because he experiences your emotions so much stronger. Something that isn't even directly his fault but also plays into his placement is his sister. Leah has yet to find her imprint and remains incredibly bitter about Sam has imprinted on her cousin so I imagine her being very adamant to not let Seth suffer from any pain now that he has found his imprint. If Seth loves you too much to fully blame you from any pain he goes through because of separation, Leah will blame you and cause you to feel bad. At the same time she also realizes that her brother is a tad bit too obsessive and tries to teach him how to love someone in a more normal fashion if you're too soft for that.
Sam Uley
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Surprisingly enough, Sam ranks fairly low on this list. I think that is mainly because he's very mature for his age and the fact that he was the first one to shift and had to explain and help everyone who shifted after him is a huge attribute to this. He's the alpha of the pact so that automatically forces him to take up more responsibilities than other members as he makes the decisions most of the time and additionally his pack tends to be a rowdy bunch so he has to remind them at times to snap out of it and act their part. With the most experience stocked behind him, it's perhaps unsurprising that Sam is aware about the fact that his imprint bond causes his feelings to dwell on the borderline of being unhealthy. So he makes the effort to control himself in order to not overwhelm and scare you away from him, he's very careful how much of his emotions he exposes around you. Sam has to stay in contact with you though as any distance for too long physically hurts him. He might be considerate but be aware that he won't leave you alone for too long either.
His experience and practice as the first wolf of the current generation enables him to be able to spend time with you around people without feeling all the time jealous or possessive. It's not a safety hazard to go out with Sam in public places as he lets you spend time with friends or interact with random strangers. He actually puts trust in you unless you prove him otherwise and that trust comes with more freedom for you as you know that he won't interfere unless you signal him so or unless he thinks that something is wrong. You're actually able to talk and rationalize with the alpha if something does bother him and both of you can negotiate certain stuff simply because he acknowledges your own feelings and wishes and tries his best to find a middle ground where both of you are comfortable. Sam leans more into the protective than possessive side and since you're his imprint, he sees it as his responsibility to guarantee your safety and happiness. I feel like especially because his father has given him and his mother troubles, he'd be very determined to make you happy.
Now that we've shaded enough positive things about him, let's talk about the bad stuff which is precisely the fact that he's the alpha and feels like it's his responsibility to make you happy. Because this leadership really shows at times in the relationship because especially if his darling isn't someone who speaks up, Sam will take pretty much control over it. He's very dominant and whilst he isn't domineering and only makes decision which he thinks are best for you, if he has set his mind to something it is very difficult to convince him otherwise. Yes, he is negotiating but only if you agree to his conditions or otherwise he won't let you leave. If something is an absolute "no" in his mind, it'll remain that way and there's literally nothing you can do. If you go against him even if he forbids you something, you'll truly experience all the reasons why he's still dangerous. If you go against a rule he has set, you'll lose his trust and not only that, Sam will grow very strict. Restrictions are suddenly interfering with your life as you fully experience him taking full control for a while. Until you've earned his trust back.
Jared Cameron
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We're now entering the zone where things get out of hand, starting with Jared. Now, you might wonder why I've placed him above Sam because on the surface, Jared appears to be rather harmless. He's extroverted and constantly cracks jokes to elicit laughter or a smile out of you. Truthfully speaking though, Jared's problems already start with his perception of the imprint bond. He sees nothing wrong with it and he never questions his thoughts and his actions as a result either. Separation from you is literally one of the worst things you could do to him as he experiences pain and a few of the worst mood swings you'll see. He constantly switches back and forth between moping on the floor in misery to growling at other pack members, irritated and unmotivated. You always have to stay in some sort of contact with him or otherwise he'll ask you immediately why you couldn't come over to him or at least call him or send him a mail. To avoid all potential troubles Jared might experience if you aren't with him, you oftentimes are forced to spend entire days with him. Without a break.
Now, Jared cares about his darling and wants them to be happy with him but if they ever ask him for a short time alone, he'll only end up with a mix of confusion and hurt. He can spend every second with you because you're his imprint, you should feel the same, shouldn't you? The previously mentioned misunderstanding of his view of the imprint bond gives you only more of an headache because Jared is literally unable to understand or accept that you want your privacy at times too and want to spend time without him. Both of you might have gotten into arguments about this a few times already yet you got nowhere as Jared is always too dense to comprehend what you demand from him. What do you know about the imprint bond anyways? He's the shape-shifter, not you. This particular mindset is something that he goes by rather strongly and makes the situation only worse at times. You're human, you don't understand what's going on right now and just like that, Jared has written all your arguments and opinions off as your lack of understanding of his world.
With him around, it's impossible to have a decent conversation with others as he despises it when your attention isn't on him. He starts distracting you and if you try to ignore him or shove him away, he'll only get worse. There are also times where he just doesn't like a person for no rational reason and for that is always very wary and on guard around them. If they get anywhere near you, he'll glare heavily at them. It can or can't go well with him when you're with others he doesn't feel safe around. The moment he pulls you closer to him and you realize the growl vibrating inside his chest, you know it's time to leave though because you're not risking it as soon as you know what he is. Jared is willing to resort to emotional blackmailing if he sees the need for it and once you have him kneeling in front of you, hugging you and sobbing to not be mad at him and to not leave him, you'll find yourself stuck. Once he has realized that something works on you to convince you to not do something, he remembers it and uses it again. Especially arguments are always cut short for that reason as he hates getting in conflicts. Let's just stay happy like this.
Quil Ateara
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Quil is almost similar to Jared in a few ways. Both wouldn't necessarily appear all that dangerous upon the first few glances. Quil himself is a very cheerful and happy individual and that only intensifies upon imprinting on you. He's charming and he's constantly complimenting you and in a few ways he's actually a bit better than Jared is. He is handling his jealousy better as happiness is something that makes you look only more beautiful so he just endures it for a while before he starts making sarcastic jokes, something you'll hopefully realize and turn around to give him the attention he so sorely craves. Quil is often taking you outside too because whilst he also enjoys just being somewhere with you where no people and no other distractions are, the city offers the chance for fun dates which he wants you two to have so there won't be such a big isolation factor. Physical separation from you is not something he can deal with at all though and even if he tries, he's unable to do anything after a while as your absence pains him greatly. You often have to come back to get him back on his feet.
Quil harbors a similar mindset as Jared in which he thinks that you probably react the way you are because you don't understand what's going on but differently from Jared, he tries to sympathize with you. Or at least give you the illusion of doing so, a strategy to appease you in order to not get into an unnecessary argument with you. That's a problem with Quil. He backs off and follows your wishes for a while so you calm down before he goes to break them again and act the same way, trying to justify his behavior by saying that he slipped up and that it isn't that easy for him to stay away from you thanks to the imprint bond. He's much more likely to use manipulation on you and it's frightening to think how much he actually calculates behind his happy grin. Technically speaking Quil's darling experiences more freedom than Jared's darling would but the main reason why Quil is higher is because he's far more unpredictable. Jared is with his behavior very frequent to the point where you can anticipate his reactions, Quil on the other hand is much more sly and frankly spoken, scarier.
This man takes matters into his own hands if he sees the need for it and that is a very frightening aspect. Sure, he won't kill or hurt humans unless he's given a good reason but whilst all the previous shape-shifters wouldn't go necessarily much against humans because it's their job to protect them from vampires, Quil will. He's almost apathetic to someone who has harmed or hurt you in any way or form as in his eyes, only someone truly evil could hurt you. It's difficult for such people to gain any forgiveness from him. Even if you forgive them, even if this is a person you still want in your life, if they fail to convince Quil, it's over. He will cut all ties you have with that person and even if your sadness breaks his heart, he views the connection with such a person only as toxic and as a guarantee to get you hurt again. Better cut ties before it hurts more. He doesn't shy away from using threats and intimidation to get the message across and the worst part about it is that he's lying to you. He tells you that he doesn't know why that person is suddenly avoiding you whilst comforting you all at the same time.
Paul Lahote
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I think it's obvious why he's placed that high but let's jump straight into the mess that is Paul anyways. His temper is already short as it is so just imagine what it's going to be like once he imprints on his s/o. Paul, from the moment his world has shifted upon looking at you, acts incredibly possessive and dominant, jealous and aggressive. Being with you isn't just something he wants, it's something he needs and whether you like it or not, he's from that point on always sticking with you. Partially he might understand your point of view but at the end of the day, he's feeling incredibly entitled and even desperate as he just can't be away from you. He can't! Why can't you understand that? His entitlement is very difficult to handle as he essentially sees himself due to the imprint bond as the only one who is meant to protect you and who can protect you. So instead of being fully grateful if someone else helps you, he's pissed off that they interfered with a bond they couldn't even begin to fathom. You're not a victim to his ire but he's slightly mad when you ask someone else for help since that should be him.
As his possessive and protective obsession spikes his anger issues into space, you see yourself faced with multiple problems once you know what Paul is. His emotions are out of control as even the smallest thing could set him off at any time. One wrong glance from someone, one insult that is whispered behind your back or even a joke from a friend of yours that comes over wrong in his head. He tends to get angry over even the small stuff which you would usually brush off and don't pay too much attention too. He can't just ignore it if someone teases you or says something rude to you, even if it comes from someone you're close to. Not even to mention that his possessive side leads to increased jealousy to the point where he growls even at your close friends. He seems to trust no one with your safety besides himself. His overprotective behavior makes him on top of it all very overbearing as he's constantly hovering around you and makes a big fuss over you as soon as he realizes that you're in any sort of pain. He gives you even less space in such cases as all his instincts scream at him to take care of you.
There's definitely a big isolation factor alongside his limited patience. Paul does practice to control his temper but the amount of times he suffers from a relapse is saddening as much as disappointing for you as his feelings always get the better of him. In order to prevent anything bad from happening, you have to spend most of your time alone with him which Paul doesn't mind but you definitely do. You constantly have to neglect other people as Paul consumes almost all of your time for himself because otherwise he can't be reasoned with. You know he's very sweet and funny if he's alone and has your attention only on himself but the moment anyone else is around you two, he always seems to be on guard. Even his own pack members aren't an exception to that. If you want to do something alone, you need hours to convince Paul who doesn't want to hear any of it. You need to call him though multiple times an hour or otherwise he'll come running after you. Once you've left his field of vision, he's worried sick as his irritation increases every minute.
Leah Clearwater
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We've nearly arrived at the top of the list now and the second place goes to the only female shape-shifter in the pack: Leah Clearwater. But why? Well, I feel like there's one big event that pretty much influenced her life and changed her personality. That's the day where Sam, her ex-boyfriend, imprinted on her cousin Emily and broke up with her. She was happily in love before her heart got torn apart and she hasn't forgiven Sam nor Emily fully for it. Worst is that Sam is now her alpha and she's seeing him and Emily being happy together far too often which only worsens her heartbreak. Even if Emily is his imprint, she can't get over it and it isn't until she locks eyes with you for the first time that she's for the first time able to understand why Sam made the decision he did. You're happiness, you're a cure and an absolute joy in her grim life and Leah knows that she'd do anything to keep you safe and happy. Alongside with the imprint bond comes a feeling of pressure unlike anything she has experienced before though as with the sheer ecstasy comes also stress and an overwhelming tightness in her chest.
Leah is insecure. Insecure and terrified. Whilst she has now gotten over Sam, the pain and the previous heartbreak now shifts into something else. Insecurity, fear and paranoia that somehow she'll lose you too. She doesn't want her heart to be broken again since she knows that she'd never recover if you would reject her and it's this paranoia and fear that turns her into this bitter, possessive and jealous woman. Sam and Emily have shaped her and she'll never recover from those issues throughout her entire life which means that she'll never learn how to deal with her emotions. Worst is that she doesn't even try, differently from some other wolves. I mean, even Paul tries to control his anger issues even if he fails but Leah never seeks treatment to better herself. She has better control over her ability to shift anyways and with the rest of her broken emotions, she doesn't see the need to practice to better herself. Instead she lets her fear guide her to act incredibly possessive and overprotective. She wants to do well but her reactions are always far too extreme as soon as she notices that something is wrong with you.
Her open insecurities are her main problem in the relationship as she's quite often worried that you'll find someone who you like more than her. Believe me, she knows that she is hard to be around but she can hardly reason with herself as her feelings always take control over her. She might not be as openly aggressive as Paul is but she'll definitely scare people away from you too. She gets very easily jealous and that can even apply to family members and closest friends of you, even if she knows herself that you value them only platonically. There's little to no respect she shows someone as soon as they've triggered her as she insults them in a bitter tone, poison seething through her words. She never apologizes to them either as her pride holds her back and she only feels guilty when she realizes that she's hurt you by acting so rude. Leah wants to shield you from feeling even an ounce of the pain she had to go through but that unfortunately leads her to cutting people out of your life as soon as they've made you cry. She doesn't care what their motives are, she'll never forgive them. They just have to stay away from you.
Jacob Black
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Did you see this coming? Jacob and Leah are at the top of my list for the exact same reason. Both used to be very deeply in love with someone but both were rejected because that person loved someone else. I give Jacob the price of being the most difficult one though because I feel like he'll exhibit everything in an even worse way than Leah. Why? Because at this rate Jacob just doesn't care anymore. Paul cares about his darling and tries to control himself, Leah ocassionally cares and feels guilty, but Jacob just doesn't anymore. He's done with being hurt, done with being left behind for someone else. Now he has finally found his imprint, the person most important to him and he decides that he'll never allow history to repeat itself. That's why he's willing to go very far and use very low tricks to manage to get close to you as fast as possible as he's in a desperate rush right now as every person around you is suddenly turned into a potential rival in his eyes. He feels bad about it if he sees that it has a negative effect on you but he shoves it all away as he prioritizes his own needs.
Jacob is sure that if you give it a try with him, you'll soon forget about the sadness you experience. In his mind you two only need each other and no one else is really needed. He definitely lives after this philosophy as he makes you his absolute priority and neglects and ditches everyone else and expects you to do the same. If you don't do the same and actually meet others and prefer to spend time with them instead of spending time with him, he'll hold it against you and even more against the person who has such a bad influence on you. He pushes anyone away from you who hurts you even once or whom he simply dislikes for being close with you and since he's so incredibly clingy and no one really likes him with his sultry and rude attitude he always has around others, your social contacts begin to wither away. He's openly mentally unstable and very toxic to the point where everyone around him notices. Yet no one is able to reason with him and make him listen. Not his pack, not his alpha and not even his own father. If Bella tries to help him? That'll just end in a disaster as he has lost all sympathy for her.
From all shape-shifters, Jacob is also the one who uses guilt-tripping and emotional blackmailing the most without shame. Leah uses emotional blackmail sometimes too but not nearly as much as Jacob does. As soon as you start going against him and question the undeniable control he wants to have over your life to feel a little bit more secure, he's always resorting to it. Whether it's him justifying it all with the imprint bond or blaming Bella for having broken his heart previously and having made him this way, he does everything to take your mind elsewhere and stop you from protesting, stop you from leaving him. He can lose his cool for a moment and start shouting at you if you prove to be stubborn although at this point he has probably already started crying in hopes that tears will tug at your heartstrings. There's a point where he snaps though and that's probably when he's just unnerving as he threatens to hurt himself if you try to leave him. Do you want to risk it? I can tell you that he'll definitely start neglecting taking care of himself until you come back to him.
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reareaotaku · 11 months
Part 3 of Judd headcanons??????????????
More???????? Honestly I don't know what else to add tbh, so I kind of elaborated on her relationship with Leah & Nick too PT1, PT2
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Leah is slowly getting annoyed with her brothers. She was cool with them liking you at first and even thought it was kind of cute, but now it's getting annoying. Sure, she sees why they like you, you're incredible, but that's the issue. You're incredible and you can do way better than anyone in her family. You deserve the best, and although she loves her brothers she knows they are anything but. Also they're taking up all your time that she once occupied
She has to get you back
^And now all of the Birch siblings are fighting for your attention
Leah's going to win almost every time though, because she's your best friend and was with you first
Nick and Judd still go at each others throat
If you're ever in trouble and need help, you can count on Judd to help you, even if he acts annoyed
You make him want to be a better person, which really angers him. You make him nicer, which people around him notice [Only his stupid father pointing it out]
Corruption Kink
He's obsessed with you and keeps a shrine
Judd acts like he's annoyed with your presence, but if you ever get up to leave he'll pull you back down with him
He just doesn't know how to tell you he loves you...
He'll let you sleep on his lap or his shoulder. He thinks it's kind of cute when you fall asleep on his shoulder. He likes to hear your breathing and he can even feel your heart beat echoing in his chest
Nick asks you for rides from school [Mainly because he doesn't want to ride with Judd], but he wants to spend more time with you. He's sad you see him as a little kid/Brother and wants to change your mind [He won't]
Whenever you hang out with Leah, it's usually away from her stupid brothers
^ If you were with her brothers, she makes sure to keep you preoccupied so they can't have a second of your time. Maybe she's selfish, but you're her friend not theirs
^ If Judd talks about asking you out, while Leah had once been on board, she no longer is, because then she won't have your attention like she used to. She had never thought that far ahead before, but now she's slowly seeing it happen before her eyes
Judd has taken you on raccoon dinners because he knows you think raccoons are cute
^ He plays up to your more affectionate side
^ Think of it as a manipulation tactic, but don't call him out on it
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thetwstwildcard · 1 year
The temptation to make Etienne a yandere for Leah and somewhat force a "you chose him last time so choose me this time..!' ideology to Lacie
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Just a ton of pinned butterflies in his dorm room, has one of the lilies that Leah turned into upon death preserved-
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vyllain · 1 year
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i seen a yandere leah and i cant wait to add it on the game also small fanart for her male version.
i collected 9 yandere mods whoohooooo
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psfortune · 5 months
Not over yet. - (1)
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pairing: stalkerexbf!jungkook x female!reader
@ what was leah listening to? : one of the girls - the weeknd
⋆ summary. what do you do if your being stalked? call the police obviously. if you don't and something happens...you cant blame anyone.
⋆ warnings . 18+ mdni... dark/psychotic!jungkook, kidnapping, jk has no morals whatsoever, dirty talk, breeding kink, past relationship mentioned, fluff if you squint, unprotected sex , debatable happy ending , yandere elements, pwp , reader is a big overthinker, major angst dump, jungkook get jealous super easily, misunderstanding, jungkook is mean
Wordcount !!! 846 words ( short chapter )
no smut in this chapter but definitely in the next few. -
༉‧₊˚. this work is pure fiction. no acts performed in this are linked to the charecters that partake in the storyline. please refrain from reading if uncomfortable ༉‧₊˚.
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He's been sitting there for hours now. Just sitting, not using the cracked mobile placed next to him or....even blinking? He is doing something obviously but not the most productive thing to do at all.
Watching you.
If you said that was the most creepy thing you've experienced today, you'd be wrong. Completely fucking wrong. What had you done to deserve this? To be locked in this shitty basement on a mattress that must have been bought in the medieval times, that is if they even had mattresses in those times. You'd been Jeon motherfucking Jungkook's girlfriend. Your stomach let out the most horrifying growl which broke the deafening silence.
A low chuckle echoed around the room as footsteps padded towards you. You held your breath and snapped your eyes shut. Trying your hardest to act like you were sleeping. Too bad you never payed attention in the classes your mother splurged on.
' Oh darling...you've never been the best at acting have you? ' a husky voice said. ' I know you're awake. ' a hand brushed your face, your body shivered involuntarily as it trailed down. hooking your chin and forcing you to look up.
Anyone would say he's a beautiful sight. A fallen angel perhaps. Not you though. To you he's the devil on earth. Fucking satan maybe.
He's a Monster.
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⸻ . ࣪   .  ♪⃝ Flashback....2 years ago
' Morning love, ' Jungkook sighed. ' sorry for waking you up so early, I completely forgot about the meeting '
You smile at him and peck his cheek, ' Thats okay, I needed to wake up anyway ' you mutter while buttering a slice of bread. Jungkook gives you a side-ways glance ' Why's that? ' he says absent-mindedly, picking up his phone you check unread emails from work. ' I'm meeting up with a few friends from high-school, sort of a reunion i guess' you say awkwardly, hoping begging internally he won't ask which friends. ' That's nice....who's gonna be there? ' well, shit. the universe is definitely not on your side today. ' oh......uhm, just Lilya, Ana, maybe Siena and a few others ' it wasn't lying....they were going to be there...you just hadn't listed the names of ' a few others '. Luckily, Jungkook bought it, relief flooded your face as he walked out the door.........after a rather long make-out session. He did love his kisses, you smirk.
Everything was great. You had missed your old friends. As it was shown, so did they. You had especially missed one person in particular. Your best friend...Min Yoongi. You sweared you weren't crying when you pulled away from a bone-crunching hug that probably lasted a few minutes but it felt that a few seconds. That made you realize how long it'd been since you had seen him. You sat next to him when eating,smiled at him as much as you could, making the most out of the day......it was perfect.
until it wasn't
You turned your back for two seconds tops. You heard a low groan and whipped round only to find yoongi lying on the floor face-down a shadow cast across his body.
jungkook's shadow.
He stared at you with bloodshot eyes,his large frame shaking with rage. The room was quiet. deadly silent. then broken by the scared whisper of a worker as she whispered into the telephone, undebatably to the police.
' what do you think your doing huh?! FUCKING LIAR ! ' lilya, ana ....and maybe siena ' ' he says mocking you ' AND NOW I SEE YOU WITH THIS PIECE OF SHIT HUH? ' he let out a low sigh
Jungkook's eyes switched from yours to the workers and anguish washed over his face, he frowned and grabbed your arm.
' Hurry up, love. If we leave now we can get away.....love? ' it was too quick. the change in tone that is. Something bad will happen if you go with him. You just know it. So of course you stay rooted to the spot. he looked at you a questionable look etched on his face as he kept trying to pull you along with him.
You shake him off ' No. ' you state. Jungkook looked bewilderered ' What do you mean no? Babe there's no time hurry up. ' you shake your head ' No. Jungkook. I mean it. I'm done. This, ' you beckon around and point at him then yourself ' is done ' you finish.
In a moment of anger he lunges at you and grips your hair pulling it hard, making you gasp ' you fucking slut. you're leaving me? ha...this is for him isn't it ' he points at yoongi's still unconscious figure on the floor. ' you've been cheating on me haven't you, well listen here you- ' he never finished that sentence as several police officers strode in and manhandled jungkook until the hadcuffs were securely on his wrists. What Jungkook had done was assault. That was 6 months in prison. Minimum. As the officers dragged him out of the place he shouted something that made your blood curdle.
' you wait bitch. i'll come for you. just wait '
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⸻ . ࣪   .  ♪⃝ Present......
You scurry away from him desperately ' JUNGKOOK....PLEASE. ' you sob out ' WE'RE OVER JUST LEAVE ME ALONE !!! '
he chuckles darkly
' but darling we're not over. not yet '
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oh my lord.....i cant believe i just wrote that 😭
this is my first post and it going to be a series so... make sure to read the next few chapters 💗
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snail-migraine · 4 months
ooooh! Could you do something for Elliott from Stardew Valley? Or perhaps Mr. Qi? Elliott’s my favourite character, but Mr. Qi has that “omnipotent stalker with a weird sense of humour” vibe that would fit perfectly.
Thanks in advance!
Ooh, okay! As much as I think Mr. Qi is the most likely out of everyone in the cast to become a yandere, I can't help but that I just wanna cuddle a delusional yandere Eliott. Thanks for the Ask btw!
Anon Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Yandere Elliott
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I feel like Elliott is the delusional stalker type.
Like when he and the farmer (aka you) first meet it's love at first sight for him.
He's been in a creative rut for so long, bored out of his mind and replaying the same words over and over again in his mind.
He heard about the new farmer coming into town from Leah, and thought nothing of it really. It wouldn't effect him and his work.
Oh how wrong he was. From the moment Elliott met you the man became a simp.
He watched you run around town foraging for anything good to sell, he always admired how keen your eye was for the little berries that'd grow in the bushes and the flowers nobody thought to pick.
He looks at you like you hung the stars and the moon in the sky. Like you've moved the heavens and the earth to make space just for him and his little whimsical fantasies. And in a sense you kinda did.
After all, it was you who brought him out of the bored gloom he'd had been living in for the past months.
So it'd only make sense that you'd become his one and only muse.
The man could write thousands of sonnets and haiku's in your name. He hasn't gotten that far yet, but he's getting closer everyday.
He's sickly sweet, that lovey-dovey puppy-dog expression crosses his face whenever he so much as thinks about you. [Which is all the time btw]
He is totally and completely enamored with you, fallen for you like a fish falls for the bait. Which is unfortunate for him as you don't seem to have fallen for him.
But it's fine! Maybe you're just shy, that's okay, he'll just need to be a little more forceful in his affections.
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"Darling! There you are. I have been looking all over for you. Come along now, I have made another poem for you to read. It'll be wonderful."
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Which doesn't work...in fact it seems to make you even more reserved.
But thats okay to! You guys will work on that together.
He just keeps on pushing and pushing and pushing, and it never seems to stop.
It isn't until you blow up on him, calling him a creep, that he backs off. But only for a little bit.
He see's this as just a small argument between you guys, it'll pass over in a few days once you cool down.
But then he see's you talking to Sebastion in the saloon. You twirling your hair between your fingers, laughing at his jokes, blushing when he gets a little too close for comfort, and looking up at him with sweetest expression he's ever seen from you.
For the first time in a long time, Elliott feels rage. And not the normal kind, oh no no no, I mean blinding rage.
The kind that makes you act on your violent thoughts. Which is exactly what Elliott ended up doing.
In a flash he's on Sebastion, beating the poor boy within an inch of his life.
The other people at the Saloon try to stop the raging Elloitt, but all of the get knocked on their ass and get to scared to do anything.
Once Elliott was done with Sebastion, he turned to look at you. No longer did he look at with that sweet puppy-dog face, no instead his eyes were filled with nothing but apathy as he grabbed your chin with his bloody thumb and directed you to look at the dead body of your best friend.
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"Look at what you've caused dear. This is what happens when you try to make me jealous."
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girlwtdragontattoo · 17 days
Painted for me
Stardew Valley Elliott x GN Farmer
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Art by O3tofu on Twitter/X
WARNING: 18+, obsessive and toxic behavior, masturbation, general nsfw
Couple Notes: This is my very first attempt at anything Yandere related. I'm tatted and always wondered how Elliott would react to one on the farmer. Enjoy my indulgence! [:
If you're curious what music I was listening to for inspo, it was mostly Florence and the Machine mixed with Bon Iver and Beyonce lol
Word Count: 2k
The unusual warm breeze on an autumn morning seemed to have whispered across the valley: today was a Beach Day!
Elliott awoke with paper stuck to his face, adhering to the tiny drivel of spit around his mouth. The crumbled-up pages decorated his dusty floor, evidence of another night spent frustratingly giving up mid-sentence. The intense writer’s block wasn’t ceasing.
He could hear people laughing outside his cabin. 
Letting out a huge yawn, the poet stretched his aching body and wandered groggily to the nearest window. 
It can‘t be the Luau again, he deduced, having only sleepily stumbled into that party a few weeks ago.
Peering through the glass, he saw no wild decorations, but most of the villagers in beach clothing taking in the beautiful rays. Elliott scanned the sand for his friends, spotting Leah in a sunhat sketching by the water and found Willy gazing excitedly into the water near the pier.
The writer’s heart skipped a secret beat, when he recognized the back of the farmer’s head, unpacking their gear near his neighbor. They were tying their hair up, the little baby hairs on the back of their nape made the him quiver.
Frantically grabbing his pants and jumping into one leg, Elliott brushed his teeth with fervor. The farmer was always a bit unpredictable with their schedule, so he didn’t want to waste any time. Another chance to talk to them! He could feel the heat of the day seep through the wooden planks of his shack, so he decided against his red overcoat.
Opening his door, he was met with a sweltering wall and was blinded briefly by the blaring sun in his eyes. Blinking to get accustomed to the brightness, he could barely make out the silhouettes of Willy and the farmer, who were moving strangely – what were they doing? The fuzzy movements were unusual for fishing.
Elliott squeezed his lids hard to adjust them quicker to the glare. Once he opened them, his face turned purple.
The farmer was taking off their overalls. So was Willy, but that wasn’t as exciting to him. A flush of hot static overtook Elliott’s entire body and it wasn’t due to the pressing sun above him. He had never seen the farmer with anything other than their work clothes and now…
Th- that’s their underwear!
The writer could see their bare legs emerging from the pants, their skin dotted with little droplets of sweat. And what was that?
Adorning one of the legs of the farmer was an intricate tattoo. The way it curved around their thigh made Elliott moan squeakily. It wasn’t enough that he was seeing parts of them he had been fantasizing about for the past few months. Now, he would give anything to kiss all over that gorgeous painting and work his way up.
The farmer straightened themselves and tucked their T-Shirt up, exposing their stomach.
Oh, sweet Hell, what are you doing to me?
Willy and the farmer were now removing their boots and stepping into the water together, carrying a large net. They chatted loudly, giving instructions on how to hold the net or what to look out for. He could hear a light raspiness in the farmer’s voice, clearly tired from previous work. Their hands were gripping the rope tightly.
“Hey Elliott!”
The way the water caressed their thighs, leaving shadowy marks of it having touched them. How he wished he could leave hand prints all over them.
That gorgeous tattoo was teasing him. What other beautiful things could he discover on them, if they let him explore?
Elliott finally whirled around and was met with Leah staring at him. He had been rooted in front of his door, staring like a mad dog the entire time.
“O-oh, good morning, Leah! Sorry…”, he rubbed the back of his head. His face was crimson, but could be mistaken as the fastest sunburn in history.
“Bad night?”, the artist tilted her head slightly, looking him up and down.
Elliott had to concentrate and not let his eyes continuously slip back to the almost naked body of the farmer. His head felt dizzy. In the corner of his eye, he saw them flip their hair away from their shoulder.
“Just up late”, he mumbled quickly in response, “Seems everyone’s enjoying this lovely day in the ocean breeze!” He tried to pretend he was looking out at the rest of the villagers speckled across the sand, but his eyes were really flittering over to the lower half of the farmer’s soaking wet form.
Leah caught his gaze and grinned to herself: “Yup, everyone’s here…” He pretended not to hear the suggestive intonation in her voice. “Well, if you’re looking for me, I’m over there,” she pointed at her sketchbook lying on a shallow rock near the water, “after you’ve greeted everyone.” She winked and returned to her spot.
Elliott waved at Leah while she walked away and started to come up with a plan.
How can I get closer without being too weird?
The writer scanned the beach. Sam and Sebastian were standing in the shade, deep in conversation. Not a great excuse. They seemed to be bantering about something important. Pam was roasting herself on her towel, occasionally lifting her head to sip from her beer can or burp. She didn’t look like she wanted to talk to anyone, not that he particularly wanted to, either. Emily, Haley, Maru and Penny were sitting together at the far side of the beach, while Jodi read a book serenely behind them. Vincent and Jas were throwing sand at each other.
Too far away. Too much sand in my face.
None of these were the best options for an easy transition to talk to his crush.
What about…
He suddenly showed a particular interest in Alex, who was playing catch with himself. Coincidentally, he was standing close to where Willy and the farmer were working.
Alex! He’s fun to talk to!
Elliott hadn't really talked to him, ever. They just waved at each other, occasionally, when their paths crossed on the beach.
Convinced of his amazing plan, the red-head walked with gusto towards the unassuming gym rat who was too preoccupied with his workout. Before he knew it, Elliott stood near him awkwardly. Alex caught the ball and blinked at him.
“Uh…”, he looked confused, “hi?”
“Hello Alex! Lovely day for stretching and overexerting our muscles, right? You seem to be doing well! Hahaha.” He had no idea what Alex liked to talk about. Probably exercise. The nervous laugh came out involuntarily.
“Oh- uh hi Elliott. Yeah, yeah. I’m getting a good sweat going.” He turned slightly and wanted to continue tossing the ball, but Elliott hadn’t left. He looked him up and down. He clearly wasn’t dressed for a workout.
“Are you alright?” Alex asked.
“Oh yes, of course. Just making conversation!” the writer babbled. His face was still scorching red.
Elliott put his hands on his hips and pretended to stretch, clearly having no clue what to say further. He stole a few glimpses towards the water, where the farmer had stood up straight, still holding the net. Their leg muscles were tense. Their behind peaked out from the short, soaking wet underwear.
Alex watched the writer for a moment, then turned away from him. He resumed tossing the ball and catching it, ignoring the weird stretching sounds Elliott was faking.
Ok I can probably go say hi now, right?
As he gulped, he stopped his pseudo-stretching and slowly made his way towards his goal.
I’ll say hi to Willy first. That’s less obvious.
Inching closer, it took everything in his soul not to continuously stare at the farmer’s ass, while they were bending over and tugging the net.
“G-Good morning, Willy!”, Elliott blurted out when he felt like he was close enough.
Both turned to him. Willy’s wide smile met him as he gave a joking salute. The farmer turned their head at the sound of his voice as well, their face drenched in sweat with a small streak of blush coating their nose and cheeks. Their striking eyes were glittering in the sunlight. Once they smiled, too, Elliott could���ve fainted into the ocean.
“Hi Elliott!”, they said kindly. There were a few pants after they spoke, clearly holding the net against the waves was exhausting.
Oh my God.
“What are you two doing?” He could barely control the shakes in his voice. He was so close to them. The tattoo was so much clearer now. Their whole lower half was so much clearer now.
“We’re catching shrimp! There’s an explosion of ‘em this morning! Farmer Name offered to help me out.”
The farmer nodded in response: “Happy to help!”
In that moment, a giant wave crashed into them. Elliott stepped back a bit to avoid the splash, still wearing his loafers. Willy and the farmer stood their ground, but the might of the current had pulled the farmer’s underwear to the side slightly. It wasn’t exposing too much, but the writer clearly got a brief glimpse at their privates before they readjusted themselves.
“Whoops, sorry!” they laughed, while Willy repositioned his hat.
Elliott’s body froze. His face had now turned a thick shade of maroon and he could feel himself growing against his belt.
“I have to go!”, he spat out and sprinted away with such velocity back towards his shack. Willy and the farmer looked at each other, shrugged and then continued collecting what they had caught in their nets into the whicker baskets beside them. By the state of his face, they could’ve easily deduced he had gotten sun stroke.
The writer slammed his door shut and leaned against it, panting heavily and muffling out the cheerful chatter of the beach.
Elliott stood there, heaving, the bulge in his pants growing larger as he thought about what divine beauty he just glimpsed at. All the things he wanted to do in that moment flooded his senses.
He wanted to tackle them into the water and rip their flimsy underwear off, inserting a finger into them as he kissed them impatiently.  He wanted to caress their salty skin and lick the beautiful artwork etched forever on their upper thigh. Painted for him, to adore and use.
He wanted to tear his pants open and take them right there in the shallow water, in front of everyone, while they moaned and begged for him to go harder. He wanted to feel their narrow walls and hold their face up towards his, as he came.
The sound of his belt buckle hitting the wooden floor echoed through the shack. He couldn’t hold it any longer. Still leaning against his door, Elliott touched himself fiercely, imagining all the things he wanted- no, needed to do to them. All of those filthy thoughts circled frantically within his mind, imagining their face in pure ecstasy: he would be the cause of that. Holding their legs up and seeing the art up close, it was too much.
Painted for me.
That phrase etched itself deep within him. He felt electricity crackle its way from his shaft all the way through his lower body, as he threw his head back and moaned harshly, sinking into the orgasmic sensation.
Elliott felt his knees waver, as he slid down the door and sat on the surprisingly cold floor. His right hand was sticky, so he placed his left palm against his forehead in shame.
He could barely last a whole conversation with the farmer, fully clothed. But this, this had been a true test of Yoba, if he could control himself. Alas, he clearly couldn’t.
One day.
Staring across the room, he caught sight of his quill. Could he craft something worthwhile out of this shameful experience? Having just seen his muse in an unprecedented way, poetry engulfed his being.
Picking himself up, the writer put his pants back on, leaving the belt to hang open on his hips. He slid his feet towards his desk and hunched over it, taking the quill in his hand.
On a piece of scrap paper, he wrote:
Painted for me
A work of art no thief could rip from my grasp
I will keep it safe, here by the sea
My fingers ache to trace its creases
He stared at the words. Proudly. A delicious thought slithered up his spine.
What if he sent the farmer a letter?
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
Clutch || masterlist
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester @belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories
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vampirevatican · 10 months
Heyyyy... I was wondering if you could do something with a yandere judd... maybe like he sends his raccoons to watch and spy on his girlfriend when he can't
oh absolutely... though i don't think judd needs the yandere label bc he's already got the lighter cases but also i don't think he'd go to... extremes, like he knows better.
judd spying on you with his batallion of racoons is a definite though.
he does it as a way to look out for you
you might find a couple at your house but they're very well mannered
or maybe they're trained to be polite to you?
if ever you enter the birch house there's already a couple of their eyes on you
whenever his little brother, or his friends, pulls you away for advice
when leah simply wants to hang or asks you for help with one of her theater things
they're watching, and so is judd
he'd swear it's not an obsessive or territorial thing but it definitely is
he couldn't give a shit what his siblings have going on
what's more important is if you get uncomfortable with those werid ass middle schoolers and finding a way to get you back to him
he's quite possessive but he'd only admit that to you, and probably try to put a spin on it so that it sounds better.
"You know I'm here for you, right?" Your head tucked under his chin, as you were 'rightfully' back in his arms. He just hugged you tighter, and let out his signature grunt. "You're my girlfriend. Is it wrong I want you here." It was a rhetorical question. When you looked up at him there was a kiss placed on your forehead. It was sweet, quite possessive, but sweet.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Request: firstly, id like to request more yanderes of your choice, maybe the newer fandoms, with that prompt i suggested long ago, about darling distancing themselves to plan on how to confess to yanderes.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, stalking, threats, manipulation
Darling distances themselves to plan on how to confess
Heiwajima Shizuo
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🚬 Somehow Shizuo can't bring himself to be surprised by this. He's scared a good couple of people away due to his temper and sheer physical strength, he's probably more surprised that you stayed as long with him as you did. Does that mean that he's any less hurt by your actions? Absolutely not, his poor heart is crushed. He's put so much effort into trying to better himself around you yet it appears to have been in vain. It's just unfair. Poor Tanaka has to deal with the aftermath of Shizuo's broken heart as the man's temper essentially becomes a brooding volcano waiting to explode at any moment and wreck havoc. Shizuo refuses to let anyone know about his feelings but his emotions are out of his own control as everyone can tell that something is wrong. He's vulnerable right now and doesn't know how to cope with it, prays to all gods that Izaya will let him be.
🚬 He nearly crushes his phone when he receives a message from you, asking him to meet you. The whole way to the place where you two are supposed to meet, he already feels like cracking multiple times but his delicate composure shatters finally when he sees you and you give him a shy smile as if nothing has happened. You know, he used to adore that smile but now it almost fills him with pain because how can you smile like that after the stunt you've just pulled? Everything he's stuffed down breaks out of him as he starts shouting at you, confused, hurt and angry all at the same time. You flinch a bit when he starts yelling but you manage to get him to listen to you and finally tell him why you've done what you've done. One might as well have deactivated Shizuo as his mind wents blank and he just looks down at you, frozen. Eventually his face twists into one of still slight anger yet also overwhelming giddiness, his cheeks turn pink as he's flustered and embarrassed at the same time. Ultimately he mutters that he has to go somewhere as this is too much for him at the moment so he sort of runs away. Give him a bit to calm down and then he'll be the happiest man ever.
Takumi Aldini
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🍝 He truly doesn't understand what has happened between the two of you as in his eyes, everything was going quite smoothly. He had finally gotten over his pride and bashfulness and had approached you and you two have grown quite close since then. So why are you avoiding him all of a sudden? Takumi tries to talk with you, wants to ask you what's wrong all of a sudden but you brush him off and always excuse yourself, barely able to look him into his eyes. This just serves to fuel a growing paranoia as he starts looking back on all interactions he's had with you, wondering if he's done something that unintentionally hurt you. He can't figure anything out though and the lack of knowledge drives him up the wall. Soon questions turn to desperate pleads and he relapses into old habits of stalking you. Takumi tries to keep it together but Isami catches him crying when he thinks that he's alone a couple of times.
🍝 Takumi's confidence is shaken and that even shows in his cooking skills so his twin brother and all of his friends try to help him. Eventually you inform Isami that you want him to retrieve Takumi for you since you have a surprise for him. Seldom has he run faster in his life, out of breath when he arrives. He's instantly drowning you with apologies for whatever he's done and pleads to just stop distancing yourself from him before you hush him and point to a plate in front of you and encourage him to lift the lid. He does so and a mouth-watering scent fills the air as an Italian dish is revealed and written on it, in tomate sauce, is a love confession. His brains stops for a moment, his eyes nearly pop out of his head and he looks absolutely flabbergasted. As his brain slowly processes what's going on, a blush starts spreading across his face. It starts from his ears until it covers his entire face. You finally reveal to him that you've practiced to cook Italian Cuisine to surprise him and hearing that you've put so much thought and care into this for him finally makes his heart burst. He probably starts crying a bit, hides his face behind his hands out of sheer embarrassment and happiness. Very much happiness.
Sohma Hatsuharu
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🐮 Hatsuharu is normally always nonchalant, although also quite shameless around you. Yet your sudden ignorance regarding him brings out his worst sides which is Black Haru as he grows aggressive and rude. Deep down Haru is just very hurt because he loves you and thought that you cherished him too yet your sudden absence in his life makes him feel lost and lonely, a feeling he despises and wants to go away. As White Haru he has tried to ask you what has happened but you've never given him an answer, triggering his other side. Worst for him though is that you only ignore him and still interact with others which is only another blow to his fragile heart at the moment. He expresses his hurt with sheer rudeness though. It's quite scary as he suddenly follows you around persistently, threatens your friends and even grabs people by the collar if they annoy him. He's even attempted to drag you somewhere where the two of you are all alone so he can just have you to himself and force an answer out of you.
🐮 He catches you one day clutching a letter to your chest, the hearts drawn on it immediately setting him off and before you can stop him, he yanks you closer to him and rips the letter out of your hands before running away. His heart is pounding against his chest with anger and fear. Is there someone else you like? He's tempted to just rip the letter apart but wants to know which bastard he has to beat up since you're only his so he rips the envelope open and starts reading it's contents. You find him a few moments later and realize with horror that he's reading your letter, deeply immersed. His eyes shoot up when you storm to him and a smirk forms on his lips. Before you can react, he grabs you by your hips and pulls you closer, his own lips smashing against yours. Your thoughts stop as for a short moment you're just in pure shock before your whole face heats up with embarrassment and you try to pull away, a fruitless effort as Haru doesn't allow you to break the kiss. When he finally pulls away, you're out of breath and feel like your head's about to explode, unfortunately the mischievous boy doesn't give you a break as he goes in for the next kiss. You owe him that for what you've put him through.
Leah Clearwater
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Leah is pure spit and bitterness, which in itself isn't anything new. It's so much worse now than it has ever been though because it's her imprint who has started avoiding her all of a sudden. It's just so unfair because Leah felt finally happy again after years of being heartbroken and sad over Sam. She physically can't stay away from you and your sudden avoidance of her drives her crazy and makes her immensely short-tempered and aggressive. It gets to the point where no one from the pack wants to deal with her antics anymore besides Seth who is at that point the only one able to approach her without her snapping at him. Honestly, Leah is pretty bad as she's relentless and unwilling to allow you to leave her. She scares your friends as she's insanely jealous that you still spend time with them but not with her and guilt-trips you.
It's a miracle that you stil pull through with your plan but love is blind after all. So you eventually invite her over to your house for dinner and she jumps greedily at the chance to just be alone with you after you've been avoiding her for so long. That doesn't mean that she's not angry at you though, she's still holding a grudge and so her words are sharp and snarky. A part of her is even a bit sceptical to why you've invited her over all of a sudden but her possessive feelings wouldn't allow her anything else than meeting you. Dinner with her is awkward for a while as you feel her hard gaze on you, at least until you decide to confess to her. Surprise flies over her face before she narrows her eyes and observes you, unwilling to fully believe you just yet even if she really wants to. When she sees nothing but sincerity in your eyes, she feels a fuzzy feeling buzzing inside her chest and head and lets out a small scoff, doing her best to play it coo, although there is a small smile on her facel. She's still a bit mad at you for avoiding her but she'll probably forgive you if you promise to make up for the time where you avoided her and spend from now on much time with her.
Hijikata Toshiro
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🚬 Toshiro officially goes crazy and Okita's comments that he's more surprised that you managed to handle the Vice-Captain as long as you did and that it was bound to happen. Normally Hijikata can ignore Okita's words but this is the first time his words get stuck in his brain as he can't help but consider if he's right. Have you had enough of him? Why? Surely not because of his excessive controlling streak and his overprotective antics. He just wants you to be safe after all, he has only the best intentions. This officer is stubborn and unwilling to slip up during his job and show any weakness but he fails miserably. He's brodding all the time, the slightest things can set him off and he shows higher aggression against anyone who breaks the law as his emotions are a mess. Any attempts to talk to you normally have failed and by now he's that close to breaking your door down, dragging you out and forcing you through an interrogation.
🚬 He snaps when he manages to catch one of your close acquaintances and asks threatens them about what has been going on with you. They stutter out that they suspect that you're in love with someone and plan to confess, words he shortly mulls over in his head before he storms to your house, suddenly having troubles to breathe. That shouldn't be possible, he's sure that he's familiar with every person in your life thanks to his "diligence". He nearly breaks your door down but you open it just in time to see a frenzied Toshiro in front of you, out of breath and slightly twitching as he instantly pushes you inside and asks you with a harsh and slightly betrayed voice if you're in love with someone. Your eyes widen an suddenly he's interrogating you who it is, his mind racing with ideas how to successfully threaten them. Unable to take this anymore, you yell at him with tears in your eyes that he's the person you wanted to confess to. Within seconds his face changes colors from red, to green to a sick-looking grey. Shit, he's messed up. He stumbles out of your house, muttering an apology for the inconvenience before leaving. He comes back the next day with the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, ready to beg for forgiveness for making the wrong assumption.
Seras Victoria
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🩸 Seras has always been a bit odd, brave yet timid, smart yet childish. She's a vampire who has her fair share of battle experience and fights yet this woman is more than often a flustered mess when she's with you. Alucard obviously knows about her massive, and partially unhealthy, crush she has but he isn't discouraging her. However, when you spontanously decide to cut off contact between the two of you, Seras is shocked and shaken as she can't even begin to imagine what has happened. Sure, she is a Draculina but you knew that and it never bothered you before. The poor woman falls into a hole and is often just sitting somewhere all by herself, wallowing in self-pity. She can't even begin to describe how hurt she is and whilst she is scared of approaching you and asking you what has happened, she still ends up stalking you as she stays true to her protective instincts. She doesn't want to lose any more people important to her.
🩸 Eventually you send a letter addressed to her, one she rips more eagerly than anticipated out of Integra's hands when she hands her the envelope. A strange mix of hope and nervousness wells up when it says that you want to meet her in the evening but she appears nevertheless, doing her best to hide her nagging fear. She's constantly looking at her as you begin to chat with her casually, gauging your reaction. She feels like she's on fire, unsure what your big purpose is for inviting her over and eventually you notice that and decide to end her silent torment. Out of your bag you pull out carefully a single red rose adorned with a bow and give it to her, admitting to her your feelings and your reasons for having avoided her for a while now. Seras stares at you, stares at the red rose, blinks a couple of times and then starts going slightly pink, all bashful all of a sudden. She's so relieved and most of all, happy though that you avoided her because you wanted to work on your confession to her. Giddiness starts flodding her body until she can't stop herself anymore and nearly crushs you in a tight and clingy hug. Congratulations, you've earned yourself a clingy and strong vampire girlfriend.
Gokudera Hayato
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🧨Hayato is just such a loyal simp, it's rather cute. If one ignores his aggressive and jealous attitude because oh boy, he can definitely be very obnoxious. He tries to prove a point here though, one can never start showing to his crush that he'd be the best choice. So a long story in short, he does not take well to the fact that his darling suddenly doesn't spend any time with him anymore and straightup avoids him. Initially he thinks it's the fault of someone around you but after a good amount of stalking you and threatening your acquaintances without finding anything suspicious he suddenly starts considering that the problem may be with him. Has he done something that angered or upset you? Have you figured out his obsession? Have you grown tired of him, like Hibari told him once due to his annoying behavior? Gokudera immediately starts overthinking, quickly starts doubting himself and questions everything he's ever done.
🧨Now he's all on you, trying to ask you frantically if he's done something wrong but your shallow reassurances only fuel his paranoia as he's by now convinced that it's his fault. He becomes unbearable to be around to the point where even Tsuna and Yamamoto have troubles calming his flaring temper down. All gets resolved when one day he receives a message from you where you apologize for having treated him so coldly and that Tsuna has informed you out of concern for Hayato. At the bottom of your message is a sentence that Hayato can't help but read over and over again as if the words don't want to enter his head initially. Then his expression transforms from confused to dumbfounded to thrilled until his cheeks are glowing in a pretty pink. His legs begin moving on their own as he starts dashing outside, to your house. He's tripping over his own thoughts, far too flustered and excited to think straight. He runs past a flower shop, jogs back, buys a bouquet and finally reaches your home, ringing one too many times. You've been hoping for him to visit you after you confessed per message and open the door to be greeted by a out of breath but clearly thrilled Hayato.
Usui Takumi
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💚 Now, this here is a man who has made it a hobby to monopolize his darling's time as he's very possessive and easily jealous when seeing them being close to someone else. Honestly, he's acting almost normal when you initially start to avoid him, even if it is unusual considering that you two have been close up until now. He's going to stalk you anyways and for a while Takumi makes it sort of a game to see how long you can ignore him and avoid him until you give up. When he realizes that you're serious though about sort of taking a break from him, this becomes a problem though because you surely can't expect him to just accept that peacefully. He suspects that you're keeping something from him and that is something he can not accept. He doesn't like it when you keep secrets from him. Takumi becomes an utter nuisance as he tries to coax your friends into telling him your secret and follows you around, insisting on you to admit to him what's going on.
💚 It's quite difficult to plan your confession with him quite literally breathing down your neck at times, miraculously you still manage to do so. By now Takumi has become a bit impatient which is a bit of a dangerous game as he starts pulling you aside to drag you to places where no one can see you, traps you between walls and his bodies and towers over you as he questions you why you're avoiding him and what it is that you try to keep a secret from him. Only that this time when he slams you against the wall, you can actually give him an answer. His green-eyed gaze on you is intense as you nervously fumble out the poem you made for him out of your bag and hand it to him, flustered and shy. His eyes go back and forth between reading your letter and making sure that you don't try to run, until he realizes what the poem is about and his eyes hastily fly over every word. Just like that the slightly intimidating demeanor about him is gone and his green eyes shine brighter as he pinches your cheeks slightly, scolding you for making him worry over you like this before leaning down to give you a kiss, a smug grin still present on his face. You poor thing, he's going to tease and embarrass the living daylight out of you.
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Can I please request yandere judd from big mouth headcanons :)
I knew this was coming. I was waiting for the day 😭😭😭😭😭 This is such an old ask Pt 2, Pt 3
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God, he's terrifying
And he knows it
He has a type [Emo girls like him] so he's surprised when he likes an idiot like you
You're his sister's friend which makes it even worse
And to add onto it, his stupid fucking brother, Nick, also has a stupid fucking crush on you
He will threaten to slit his brother's throat if he [Nick] dares to hit on you
"You're to young for her anyway-"
"Well, maybe, but at least she actually likes me and isn't scared of me."
"I'm going to fucking end you"
He's nicer to you than he is to other people
You usually ask him for [illegal] favors, because he's the only criminal you know, but it's always a last resort, because you're scared of him
When he buys alcohol for his sister's, Leah's, dumb parties, he buys a special one for you, because he knows you like it. It's the only 'illegal' thing you do, which he finds funny
"Oh, this is Y/n's favorite!" Leah exclaims excitedly, grabbing a bottle
"I know."
He doesn't want to, but he does end up asking Leah for help, because you're scared of him
"Aww, you have a crush on Y/n? That's actually super cute. It's like those romance movies where the opposites-"
"Shut up. I'm only asking, because she won't talk to me"
"Have you ever tried talk to her?"
"No, I've never tried that. Thank you for opening my eyes-"
"Okay Jackass, calm down or I won't help you."
Leah invites you over more, surprising you, and you learn more about her parents than you'd like to know. In fact you know more about them than you do yourself
"Oh my god, your parents are weird," You whisper to Leah, causing her to softly chuckle
"Yeah, I know. Imagine living with them"
"Aww, Jessi has a crush on Judd. That's cute and creepy" [Leah]
"You're such a fucking dick!" [Nick]
"Your girlfriend is a klepto, that's not my fault." [Judd]
"At least my crush isn't scared of me" [Nick]
Judd looks up from his food, glaring at Nick. Nick is scared but he has to stand his ground. "You better sleep with one eye open tonight. Because I'm going to be your worse nightmare."
Nick uses the fact that you think he's 'cute' against Judd
Whenever you come over, he [Nick] always makes sure to talk to you in front of Judd and be a 'cute kid'
Judd is protective of you and if you're ever thinking of doing something illegal, he'll talk you out of it
[Even though he'd love to do it with you, he doesn't want you getting in trouble. You're a good kid and he doesn't want to ruin that]
You make this man grow a conscious, lucky you
He'll let you have his shirts if you want them [It's kind of a throw back to Jessi stealing his shirts] [You can steal his shirts, he wouldn't mind. He'd find it pretty hot]
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I'm Right Here
Yandere Elliott finding out your pregnant
Elliott x FEM bodied reader
This is based on a scene in the game after you divorce Elliott. Mentions of depression and an attempted suicide.
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Shit. Shit. SHIT.
You looked at the pregnancy test on the sink, the two little lines indicating a whole new world of bullshit. Five months ago you and Elliott had gotten divorced, his obsessive behavior finally becoming too much for you but now...now what you wouldn't give to have him here at least to comfort you.
Three months ago you and him were at the Saloon and you both had one too many drinks and one thing led to another and in the morning you had a familiar ache between your legs and enough energy to run out of his cabin without looking back.
Looking at one of the tests you put one in your pocket and take a deep breath, he's got to know. You have to tell him, you have to tell him a lot of things.
You go outside in the pouring rain, the flag to your letterbox is up, you open it and see a letter from Elliott asking you to come to the beach.
You feel sick to your stomach, so many horrible possibilities run through your brain. You two haven't spoken since that night and you've heard from Leah that he wasn't doing so great, her and Willy keeping an extra sharp eye on him. It made your stomach churn, fear that you'd miss your chance to tell him.
Shoving the thoughts down you decide what must be done, you turn towards your house to grab a jacket finding it locked. You curse, Elliott most likely still has his key. Hopefully you can catch him on time.
By the time you make it to the beach, Elliott's standing in the dock, he looks weakened like he hasn't been taking care of himself, the bags under his eyes are deep and prominent, the he looks thinned out, his muscles looked weak, even his hair looked greasy.
"Elliott?" You call out coming closer to him, you're shivering and when he turns to you he notices.
"What are you doing without a coat?!" Elliott says rushing to meet you in the middle of the dock, he throws off his jacket and puts it in you.
"I locked myself out.." you admit shamefully.
Elliott sighs and pulls out his house key from a chain around his neck, with it his wedding ring.
You don't want him to take it off, it physically pains you to see the chain come off and fall into your hand.
The cold metal of your ring presses against your chest and reminds you that you two are more alike than you think.
"Why did you want to meet here?" You ask clutching the necklace tightly.
Elliott's quiet for a moment, then he walks towards the edge of the dock and speaks:
"Remember the last time we were out at sea? I spent a long time thinking about it after finishing my novel..."
You did, you remembered the entire moment like it just happened and you loved every moment of it.
"I always knew things wouldn't end well between us and deep down I always knew I'd never see the day I'd grow old."
Cold fills your veins, dread fills your heart. You reach forward and hesitate to grab his hand, to pull him off the dock and into his home.
"As it turns out not only are the unsuccessful but the unfortunate are afraid of death.."
"Elliott.." you say.
He turns and smiles at you, he lets out a small chuckle and says;
"Don't worry I'm not going to die I'll probably come back as a fish or something.."
Without thinking you throw yourself at his back wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms over his chest, he stumbled backwards.
"WILLY!" You scream out, hoping that he hears you.
"(y/n)!" Elliott almost yells at you. "Let me go!"
"No!" You scream out. "WILLY GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!"
Thunder roars and Elliott moves swings you around trying to get you off of him.
"If you go, you're going to take the two of us with you!"
Elliott pauses, your weight is doing more to him than you think, without thinking he reaches behind him and presses a hand to your unusually firm stomach.
You're starting to cry the rain thankfully mixing your tears. Finally the door to Willy's place opens and he sees you two.
Willy understands what's happening immediately, and rush to help you. You hop off his back and Willy helps you take Elliott back to his house. He doesn't fight you two.
You three enter and Elliott goes on his bed and sits there unable to look at either of you.
"Keep him inside." Willy says, "I'll go get Harvey."
You nod and sit with him.
For a moment the only sound you two hear is the rain hitting the ceiling, the smell of the rain and sea mixing together in the house.
"You didn't mean Willy up there." Elliott says softly.
"No.." you say, "I didn't.."
"Are you pregnant?" He asks looking over at you, his eyes are red and he looks so broken.
You nod and start to tear up. For a moment he's quiet, and then he looks over and with humor in his voice he asks;
"Is it mine?"
You grab his pillow and make a swing at him, he smiles and puts a hand up to deflect the hit.
"Asshole!" You grunt out, Elliott grabs the pillow and you two struggle with it before the both of you are hanging onto it tightly, you're glaring at him but he's got happy tears going down his face.
"I know I'm just joking."
You let go of the pillow and he puts it beside him.
"I'm keeping it." You state, "I know you don't want to stay but...but if you did and if you wanted to know them..you're more than welcome to."
"I'm gonna be a dad." He breathes out.
"Ellie..." You say, "You can't try and leave like that again..please I can't..I can't- they won't understand and I'd..I'd miss you too much."
"You'd miss me?" He scoffs.
"I wasnt that drunk." You say the tears come easily.
"I miss you, I know how you can get but if we can work together on it so you don't keep me in bed rest just because you're jealous..."
Elliott winced, he isn't proud of his past actions.
"Then I'd welcome you back.."
"Ok." Elliott states, "I'll work on it, I'll get better and I won't leave you, I don't think I'd have it in me after..this."
You press the hand that still holds the necklace and press it back into his hand. Wordlessly he unclips the necklace and puts his ring back on his finger.
"I'll get you a new one." He promises.
"No need." You say pulling your necklace out and unclip it and put your ring back on your ring finger.
Once you're finished you notice Elliott's watching you, for how long you don't know. You stare at each other for a moment before he leans forward and kisses you. You pull yourself more on the bed, Elliott presses himself against you like you're air, like he's trying to make sure you know how much he loves you. His hand goes on your stomach and he breaks for air, his head going into your shoulder. You feel his entire body start to shake and his small cry goes to a sob.
You hang onto him tightly, as his cries continue to grow.
"I'm sorry." He sobs out, "(y/n) I'm so sorry, for everything. I love you. I swear I do I'll get better for you, for us, I swear."
The door opens and Harvey and Willy walk back in.
Elliott and Harvey talk for a long time, Willy stands at the door and you sit beside Elliott holding his hand.
At the end of it, Harvey says he's going to call a friend in the city for Elliott but tonight he shouldn't be alone.
"He can stay with me." Willy states, "Or if (y/n) wishes to keep an eye on 'im."
"I'll go with them." Elliott says, "They locked themselves out and I still have my key.."
Harvey nods and looks over at you for reassurance which you give in the form of a nod.
Once you and Elliott reach your place and he unlocks the door you're both soaking wet.
"I'll go get some spare clothes." You tell him, "I still have some of yours.."
When you come back into the living room Elliott's taken off most of his clothes and set the wet ones in the dryer.
You've seen him naked before, you've seen him fully clothed, but you can never prepare yourself the sight for how beautiful he is to you.
You wish the storm had taken out the power because you're blushing so incredibly hard at the sight of him.
Elliott gives you a soft smile at the notice of your expression. He walks forward and kisses your forehead before taking his clothes into the bathroom.
A few minutes later you're changed and both of your clothes are in the dryer, Elliott comes out holding one of the positive tests in his hand. He looks up at your with tears running down his face and asks:
"Can I frame this?"
You giggled and nod, grabbing his hand you lead him to your bed, hesitantly he puts the test on the nightstand and crawls under the covers with you.
"Are you sure?" He asks
"Yes." You say, "Are you ok with it?"
"Absolutely," Elliott says, he takes your cold hand from under the covers and presses a kiss to it. "I haven't been able to sleep since we divorced."
"You slept pretty well last time I saw you." You grunt out curling towards his chest.
"That's because I had a wonderful work out before then." He says,
You both chuckle at his response and you sneak one of your hands in his, gripping it tightly.
"I'm right here." He says, "I'm right here."
"So am I." You say, "I'm not going anywhere again."
Elliot's hand grips yours and his other sneaks around your waist.
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popawritter12 · 5 months
Amo tus escritos! Estaba buscando algo así desde hace mucho.
Quería preguntarte- ¿A qué yanderes les importaría tu consentimiento y a quienes no?
Si te hace sentir incómodx escribir algo así, puedes ignorarme.
Author's note: Anon, ¿puedo decirte que te amo?
/english: Anon, can I tell you that I love you?
Also, thank you so much for your very original request <3<3<3!!!
So, with your amazing idea, let me open a new series of posts that I have long needed to do.
It will be called
“In each situation, how would this Yandere react?”
In this case, let's start with 5 archetypes: -Is not interested in your consent. -It's important, but in an extreme case may not need it. -Thinks it is important only in sex. -Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick. -Does not understand what consent is
And, since you didn't specify which fandom, I'm going to list some of the ones I'm in! <3
Let's start with the soft.
Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick.
League of Legends
Alistar, Bardo, Blitzcrank, Braum, Ivern, Kalista, Kassadin, Maokai, Nautilus, Rakan, Shen, Soraka, Taric, Wukong, Yone, Karma.
Kengan Ashura
Yoshinari Karo, Haruo Kono, Jun Sekibayashi (<3<3), Mikazuchi Rei, Mokichi Robinson, Suekichi Kaneda, Agito Kanoh.
Stardew Valley
Krobus, Willy, Linus.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Erina, Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon, William Zeppelin.
Part 2: Smokey, Wamu.
Part 3: Joseph Joestar
Part 4: Tonio, Reimi Sugimoto, Koichi,
Part 5: Doppio.
Part 6: Foo Fighters
Part 7:Lucy Steel.
Demon Slayer
Ozaki, Genya, Nezuko, Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Gyutaro, Gyomei, Tamayo and Yushiro
Mikey (<3) April.
Mortal Kombat 1
Liu Kang, Geras, Smoke, Baraka, Asharh,
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Thinks it is important only in sex
League of Legends
Akshan, Aphelios, Camille, Ekko, Ezreal, Darius, Hwei, Illaoi, K'sante, Leona, Nilah, Pantheon, Pyke, Riven, Ryze, Yoeick, Yasuo, Xhin Zhao, Sarah Fortune, Taliyah, Ornn, Tryndamere, Nami, Janna, Kai'sa, Kindred (sheep), Senna, Udyr, Varus, Garen, Lee Sin, Master Yi.
Kengan Ashura
Kaolan Wongsawat, Saw Paing Yoroizuka, Gensai Kuroki, Ryo Inaba, Seishu Akoya, Takeru Kiohzan, Jerry Tyson, Niko Tokita, Adam Dudley, Ren Nikaido, Takeshi Wakatsuki, Ryo Himuro, Marvelous Seki, and Ichiro Nakata.
Stardew Valley
Maru, Emily, Marnie, Sandy, Caroline, Harvey, Robin, Marlon, Rasmodius, Clint.
Team Fortress 2
Heavy, Scout, Soldier and Spy.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Lisa Lisa, Joseph Joestar,
Part 3: Kakyoin, Avdol, N'doul, Mariah, Hol Horse.
Part 4: Shigechi, Jotaro, Okuyasu.
Part 5: Bucciarati, Giorno, Fugo, Risotto Nero, Pesci, Trish Una, Squalo, Tiziano
Part 6: Hermes, Weather Report.
Part 7. Gyro, Hot Pants, Funny Valentine, Pocoloco.
Demon Slayer
Giyu, Yorichi, Kyojuro, Urokodaki, Kanae, Kagaya Ubayashiki, Kanao, Muichiro, Obanai, Akaza, Sabito, Murata.
Leonardo and Donatello.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kung Lao, Raiden, Syzoth, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Sindel, Li Mei,
Metal Gear Rising
Armstrong, Boris, Sam, Raiden, Courtney, Kevin.
It is important, but in an extreme case could “forget” about it
League of Legends
Ahri, Akali, Azir, Caitlyn, Fiora, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Kayle, Kayn, Morgana, Quinn, Rell, Sett, Shyvana, Sona, Swain, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Luxana, Vayne, Victor, Xayah, Zeri, Alune, Olaf, Seraphine, Ashe, Diana, Lucian, Nasus, Sivir, Talon.
Kengan Ashura
Cosmo Imai, Tokita Ohma, Muteba Gizenga, Sen Hatsumi, Naoya Ohkubo, Keizaro Sawada, Julius Reinhold, Sen Hatsumi,
Stardew Valley
Abigail, Alex, Elliot, Gunther, Haley, Leah, Kent, Jody, Penny, Sebastian, Sam and Shane.
Team Fortress 2
Demoman and Sniper.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Straizo.
Part 2: Stroheim, Esidisi. Caesar Zeppelin
Part 3: Polnareff, Jotaro, Vanilla Ice.
Part 4: Josuke, Yuya Fungami, Rohan,
Part 5: Mista, Ghiaccio, Narancia, Abaccio, Prosciutto.
Part 6: Anasui, Jolyne, Pucci.
Part 7: Dio, Jhonny Joestar.
Demon Slayer
Zenitsu, Kokushibo, Sanemi, Uzui, Daki, Shinjuro.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kitana, Mileena, Kuai Liang and Rain.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Sundower, Moonson.
Is not interested in your consent
League of Legends
Aatrox, Bel'veth, Brand, Cassiopeia, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Gangplank, Graves, Jhin, Katarina, KKhartus, Le Blanc, Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Nidalee, Quiyana, Renata Glasc, Renekton, Sejuani, Singed, Syndra, Thresh, Urgot, Vi, Virgo, Vladimir, Xerath, Zyra, Tham Kench, Malzahar.
Kengan Ashura
Karla Kure, Raian Kure, Setsuna Kiryu, Hajime Hanafusa and Yohei Bando.
Stardew Valley
Mr. Qi and Morris.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Dio .
Part 2: Kars.
Part 3: Dio, Mariah, D'Arby,
Part 4: Yoshikage Kira, Yukako, Akira Otoishi,
Part 5: Cioccolata, Melone, Formaggio, Illuso.
Demon Slayer
Douma, Enmu, Muzan, Shinobu, Gyokko, Hantengu, Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Zobakuten, Uzami, Nakime and Kaigaku,
Mortal Kombat 1
Bi Han, Shao Kang, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Nitara, Reiko and Havik.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Don't know the concept of consent
League of Legends
Briar, Dr.Mundo, Galio, Gwen, Hecarim, Jinx, Lillia, Neeko, Orianna, Rek'sai, Rengar, Shaco, Sion, Skarner, Trundle, Vel'koz, Volibear, Warwick, Zac, Aurelion Sol.
Kengan Ashura
Stardew Valley
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Santana.
Part 4: Mikitaka.
Part 5:Secco.
Demon Slayer
Mortal Kombat 1
Fue hermoso, espero que les haya gustado leer esta pequeña lista salida d mi creatividad y del pedido de este anon ;)
/ english
It was beautiful, I hope you liked reading this little list from my creativity and this anon's request ;)
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elysians-adventures · 1 month
My Muse
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Elliott has met the new farmer, and quickly becomes infatuated. He attempts to keep his focus on his writing-- and fails, over and over, rather becoming a lovesick poet.
Pairing: Elliott x Farmer!Fem!Reader
༉‧₊˚. : Elliott, Pierre, Lewis, Marnie, Robin, Leah, Willy
Warnings: NON-CON, NSFW, graphic descriptions of masturbartion, obsessive behaviour, violent thoughts, toxic behaviour.
Tags: yandere, obsessive behaviour, poetry
word count: 10.6k
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐗
𝐈. 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲
𝐈𝐈. 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
𝐈𝐕. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡
𝐕. 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐬
𝐕𝐈. ?
a/n: most of this was written at night, so forgive any grammatical errors
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lea-andres · 6 months
Okay, so, if I could mod, which I can't for multitude of reasons (mainly "my computer is dying" and "I has the dumb"... Also "I cannot art") I would make a horror mod SO FAST-
"Lea SDV is supposed to be cosy, not scary" first of all *points at all the yandere mods*, second of all SCARY IS COSY TO ME-
*coughs* Anyway-
So, the framework would be as follows: On a random night in Fall (ideally a rainy night but idk if that's doable), your spouse would have a nightmare. You would then become the hero of said nightmare and solve whatever horror scenario is happening. With it being just a nightmare it wouldn't permanently alter your game so I COULD KILL WHOEVER AND DESTROY WHATEVER I WANT YAY!
It would work like a festival I suppose? No time actually passes? IDK if that makes sense but it does to me.
You would probably get hearts from this assuming you're not at 14 Hearts with them already even though you technically didn't actually do anything lmao. ✌️
Okay, so, each bachelor and bachelorette nightmare would go something like this maybe (AND REMEMBER: THESE ARE NIGHTMARES THEY ARE HAVING! CANON BEHAVIOR DO NOT APPLY):
-Harvey: OOPS HE INSPIRED THIS WHOLE IDEA LMAO. You know how he's got an... Alarming amount of dialogue regarding losing patient worries? Yeah... His nightmare would essentially be Frankenstein... Except Harvey's Victor. Which would just go SO POORLY... Let's all revel for a bit in how beautifully poorly that would go... 💕
-Maru: Maru makes the Blob, Blob destroys half the town. Pretty cut and dry, honestly. Just... Blob. 💕
-Penny: The children are being replaced during the night by doppelgangers. Wrong, unsettling doppelgangers. You and Penny investigate why, taking you into the sewers (IT WON'T BE KROBUS BEHIND IT, I PROMISE, I WOULDN'T DO THAT TO KROBIE 😭)
-Shane: SO, things are being destroyed in the night, sometimes animals turn up dead, town's getting freaked out, you're tasked with investigating because sorry you're the main character lmao. Turns out Shane's therapist is hypnotizing Shane and he's getting programmed to go do these things during the night YAY! Poor guy.
-Sebastian: Here, have this, we all know you want it! *tosses vampire Sebastian at you*. (I'm not particularly fond of Sebastian, in all honesty, but I'm sure vampire Sebastian would make his fans V Happy lmao. Yes, you'd get to let him drink from you, you freaks. /aff)
-Leah: ...Kel's a slasher now? (Sorry, I don't particularly care for Leah either, but hey. I assume you guys enjoyed punching Kel. You'll probably enjoy killing Kel in a brutal battle of self defense right?)
-Elliott: Ya'll seen Creepshow? (*Everyone starts groaning because I haven't shut up about Creepshow since the green rain*) Okay, there's a story where Leslie Neilsen (Naked Gun, Airplane, THAT Leslie Neilsen) drowns a couple in the ocean and their corpses break into his home to get revenge. It's that except Elliott didn't kill them. Because nightmare, you and Elliott are back in his cabin on the beach, bodies are coming out of the water, and quickly becoming yours and Willy's problem. (No Willy didn't kill them either. Probably.)
-Alex: He's on a gridball team, Coach is having him take some experimental drug so he plays gridball better, something something Werewolf. Let him and Dusty run around together lmao. Except oh no he accidentally spooks the town! :(
-Abigail: LOOK. It's me, I have to reference Evil Dead somewhere. Abigail seems like she'd be the most irresponsible if handed the Necronomicon, so she's getting the Necronomicon.
AND I HAVE NO IDEAS FOR EMILY, HALEY, AND SAM NOOOO. I FAILED THEM 😭 Pretend I have great thought out ideas for them, they deserve them.
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babiebom · 1 year
What Kind of ~dere the bachelorette's would be
A/N:it's the girl's turn<3333 it took me 5ever to finish this for some reason. I'm only writing it now because i'm watching doctor who and need 2 different kinds of stimulation and i have no snacks tbh(doctor who started buffering so now im watching the little mermaid Im not trying to give play by play of me writing this but Im so hyped rn and its 2 in the morning)
TW: maybe some spoilers, maybe some cursing, idk yet nothing that bad! There is some brief mention of childhood trauma and abuse on Penny's part but nothing graphic.
Genre: Headcanons
WC: about 10 bullet points per person
Described as light-hearted and flirtatious, often mischievous and playful on the outside and constantly teases their loved one as a sign of affection.
Would playfully bully you to try and make her crush on you not obvious
Makes it painfully obvious to everyone but you
"This sunset is cool but you know whats cooler?" "What?" "My sword collection"
Probably smacks you when laughing
Smacks you when you do something funny
Laughs extra loud
"Lmao I'll fight you idiot"
You two probably get in trouble to playing around in serious situations
Invites you to the mines with her
Or to the woods past the wizards tower
You two probably get into trouble together and think its funny that you were attacked by slimes
Does make fun of you even when you get together
"Ew you have a crush on me that's so embarrassing"
described as a "yes-man" to their loved one no matter what the consequences are their devotion doesn't allow them to betray their loved one easily and is an extension of the Goudere characterization.
A Kekkondere
Which is described as some who believes in love at first sight and wants to get married right away. They have a deep desire to remain close to the person they meet for better or worse and this can sometimes evolve into them becoming a yandere type
So I could not choose which she fit more so I will try to fit everything within 20
I feel like due to her being a more submissive type in my mind that she would 100 percent be a yes man
Especially with a woman like Pam as her mother.
She has probably learned that disagreeing with her led to consequences that she does not enjoy.
So due to her childhood trauma she is more likely to just agree with whatever you say
And even if you try and get her to actually say her own opinion I don't think she fully grows out of it but it develops into a more shes a yes man because she feels safe.
Does not matter what will happen to her you are her main priority now so it is whatever you say goes because this is her fairy tale ending
On the other hand I think she is on par with us fanfic girlies on how delusional she is
Spends time constantly reading romance novels and imagining herself as the female love interest or heroine
So when she meets you and is immediately attracted to you
It turns into oh yeah this is love at first sight
This is meant to be because look at how i feel
This is like in the books I read
And she wants to get married very quickly
Brings it up maybe once at the beginning of your relationship
If you dont agree she doesnt say anything again
Just tries to manipulate you into marrying her quickly by doing wifey things
She will put it on you and make you wanna marry her
Will have you forever and ever just don't try to leave because she will enter yandere territory
Deredere(explained on Emily's part because I did hers first)
Honesty I thought none of these fit her thoroughly
Shes too....normal I guess?
At least to fit these categories
She's literally just an artsy girl i don't know
Like shes a creative but not delusional like Elliott so yandere is out of the question
Especially because her last relationship moved at a pace she disliked and was going to restrict her and what she wanted to do
So obviously shes not going to be the type of partner to hold you back in any aspect
But shes not going to let you run over her
Shes just a stable adult
Love that for her tbh
Could never be me where can I learn to become a Leah?
Described as someone who is energetic, kind, and caring and while they show their affection to their loved one they can still hold normal relationships with others.
The sanest one here
Would not let herself get swept up in romance to the point of where its her whole life
There are other things she has to worry about
Like her sister, the wellbeing of all of her friends, being the chilliest woman on the planet
Emily tingz
Is the least likely to do something deranged because she knows that your relationship is stable and she doesn't need to do anything special
Because you love her for her and she loves you for you
Like yeah shes a weird(affectionate) person in general
But I also think she's the oldest out of the bachelorettes(hcs maybe?)
So she does have a clear head most of the time.
Amd she has probably been around and knows that she doesn't have to be crazy because trust is a good thing and luckily she has trust in you
Was probably insane in her younger years and its why shes chill now
Tbh overall a green flag
Described as someone shy and nervous around their crush and can socialize with anyone who is not them. Usually blushes or gets flustered at them making the first move
Gives me vibes like she will become super clumsy in front of you
And 100 times more socially awkward
Will stutter and trip over her words
Or drop things
Is the definition if the shy anime girl tbh
"O-oh Farmer! D-did you s-see that?"
I cringed writing that pls
Like it isn't very apparent in the game she just gives me these vibes
Especially because she does sort of go on about her sciencey stuff but i think that's just her being a nerd
I feel like she would be fine before she has a crush
But the second she realizes her feelings it becomes a problem
Obviously you notice but I think you would be too nice to say anything
Unless you're an Abigail type then ofcourse you say something
Becomes dumber the longer you are in her space because you're so attractive and now she cannot breathe
described as someone who is usually the antagonist who switches sides after falling in love with the main character. Usually first appears hostile or intimidating but a change of heart allows them to reveal their true feelings later on
Mostly this because I think she's a butch
But then she becomes cute after getting to know the farmer
Honestly I did not really like her and wanted to fight her up until I actually started gaining hearts with her
So I feel like this fits totally because like
She was the antagonist of my story at least
And she became cute and lovable the second she started feeling feelings
Like with one of her heart events
You literally take pictures with animals
She gets mud in her hair and doesn't even complain like
How she got me on her side Idk
Would probably be the type of girl to be like
Oh farmers here? And then very loudly say things like
"Oh yeah i could TOTALLY grow a few crops no big deal AT ALL"
"Did they hear it? You think they want me to move in yet? Do you think they're in love with me yet? Of course they are i'm Haley duh."
Not quite tsundere because she wouldn't do the whole "its not like I like you" thing
She would make it clear that she likes you but that she's the prize and not you
Sometimes is still hostile before she remembers she can let down her walls.
Its a journey to get her to say what shes actually thinking about certain things but you get there!
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