#yandere gijinka pokemon
fearyandear · 2 years
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Hello internet, a friend of mine asked what pokemon would be the most yandere, so I gave a list of possibilities and Lycanroc was her favorite. Therefore, it has been drawn 😔 ❤️
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spitdrunken · 6 months
Does anyone remember seeing Human!Pokemon/Gijinka!Pokemon x Reader stories around on other websites... I suddenly got hit with a wave of nostalgia for them, haha. I remember reading them on Quotev yeaaars ago, when I was just getting into fanfic. I think they usually framed it as Pokémon turning into pretty (usual male) humans due to some kind of virus? And then plastered a piece of obviously stolen and entirely uncredited fanart above it HAHA
I'd almost want to write one of my own, just to keep the tradition going.
This, and then also those quizzes that would be like "what yandere boy would be attracted to YOU" and then get essentially a fanfic as a response... The answers would always be so obvious, and, again, decorated with obviously stolen and uncredited fanart, lmao.
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Yandere shadowpeach sliktea freenoodles dbk Spider Queen x phantump child reader
So the Reader just become a pokemon ( if you know phantump pokedex you know)
And she sad and crying she been a Pokemon for year's.
but has not she past 5 And running from a pokemon and trainer that wants her cuz she a shiny.
she falls into the lmk world but she is still in Pokemon and not gijinka yet.but the father of the group ( sun tang Hunter mk dbk ) find her and some how know she a child and take her to there family and they love her. But for some how the trainer and the Pokemon found a way into the world
And battled the little reader who now wants to fight to stay with her family. And got away from the mom and dad's and brothers.
But of course the trainer has Pokemon really strong agest her and she fainted
And they cry she made before she fainted got her family to quickly run to them and just see the reader get pulled into a PokeBall and it clicks on the spot cuz it a crit throw. And hear the trainer say I can't wait to trade you for a better pokemon. I can't believe they want you
( I love all Pokemon shiny or none shiny but shiny Pokemon have a good place in my heart and I hate the trade thing so I just hope for wonder trade)
And they go save there kid before they get away
And when they get there PokeBall out after seeing how the trainer did
The reader glows but she not involving
Well she is but in a different way
She truns into gijinka phantump
And she still can't speak human or demon but she can say mama baba brother sister anuty and uncle and Grandpa and grandma ( thought it cute)
Oooh another phantump reader interesting
Warning: noob author, female child reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, freenoodles, waterspider/silktea, Dbk famly, spiderqueen.
You had just died and was turned into a phantump afterwards, not just a regular phantump, but a shiny one. You hand also just bran away from a trainer who wanted to catch you because off it as you could hear them say things that involved you being a shiny and could catch a pretty penny if sold or something.
You had somehow got taken into another world, thoug you don’t know how that was possible or when you did appear in this new world as you passed out right afterwards with how exhausted and the adrenaline from both running and trying to get away from that trainer.
When you met both sun and macaque it was when you had bumped into them as they were visiting their son and daughter. Y’all were close to pigsy’s noodles so they decided to bring your over with them to see if anyone there would know what you’re and if they had seen you anywhere around the city.
Sun decided to adopt you as you’re so small and could get killed (again) by something bigger than you. Macaque and the others thought the same but mostly I trust macaque with you watcher than sun.
When you see the trainer again it was 2 month after and when you had finally come to terms with the things that had happened to you. You had tried to use some of the Pokémon moves that you think a phantump would know but that was stopped with the pokemon that the trainer sent out; which was another ghost type.
You start to get fatigue from the battle before passing out with a cry; which seem to have alerted macaque and the others to go see what is going on and who would feel the wrath for messing with one of his daughters.
They see you getting absorbed into a red and white ball which sent them in a rage with how much damage they saw on you before you had diosapeared into that ball with a click. Macaque and sun made sure to capture and get information on why they had done what they did to you before beating the trainer to almost death if it wasn’t for you getting out of the ball and started to randomly glow which seem to have frighten the trainer for some reason (the trainer thinks you’re evolving. Lol.), then sun and macaque see that you had been given a more human body and started calling out to the two monkeys.
Tang and pigsy both met you when you had literally an into them and bumped into the two; you were running from the trainer when you had bumped into the couple, the trainer somehow appearing with you in this weird new world.
They had seen the trainer coming to them and made the right call and made a run for it away from the treainer to get you and them to safety in case any chaos happened with that trainer.
Pigsy had fed you while tang calmed you down with everything he could think that would calm you down; like, singing a lullaby or humming one, reading you a story, comforting you with cuddles, and lots of other things to make sure you wouldn’t feel scared or something.
After 1 month of staying with the couple and their friends and family it seem the trainer had figured out where you were hidde, though it seem to have taken longer than the time pigsy and tang had tried to estimate and guess on.
The trainer had kidnapped you but good thing everyone was on high alert about your situation and was able to follow the trainer to a open space that was a bit far from where you were kidnapped from.
Though when they finally got there you had passed out with one last cry before disappearing into that red and white ball that was thrown by the trainer.
Tang and pigsy was basically seeing red when they went after the trainer before they could pick up the ball that had you in it. They would fight to get you back in their arms and won’t let this trainer get to you. The couple had gotten the information on how to get you out of the ball and to destroy the ball after getting you out. When they did get you out you seem to have gain a human body as well as freedom; the trainer wasn’t lucky and was sent to the police with their crimes plus some others that weren’t true.
Huntsman had found you all alone in the forest he was in and decided to bring you back to sandy since he’s still learning about how to take care of living being besides himself and sandy.
When huntsman showed you to sandy, he was so sad about what could’ve happened before huntsman had found you and glade that his lovers had found you in the first place; plus it lets sandy know how huntsman had grown before the two met each other.
You’re a bit wary of the cats even though you had been around cat like pokemon before, it’s just in your new phantump instincts to be wary of other beings sept for your evolution, and with the fact that you never seen cat pokemon like these before.
Mo seems to be the one you like the most and with him he seems to comfort you and knows what you could possibly need around this boat/home.
When the same trainer as before had found you in this new world, it was when the four (counting mo) of you had went on a picnic on a hill outside of the big city.
The trainer was crazy and hysterical from not finding you for sometime until they themself had appeared into this new world. It seem that times past differently in both world from what you gathered from their crazy speech.
They somehow distracted sandy and huntsman long enough with their pokemon to kidnap you an flee from the couple which made huntsman rage and almost had sandy break his composure if it weren’t for the fact they got you fast and safely in their arms before the trainer could run away in the ball they hands caught you in. Sandy had released you by pressing the button, both not expecting the very much more human body you now had gained.
Dbk family:
You had escaped the trainers clutches as the two of you had appeared into this world both in different destination thankfully. You had met Redson first who heard the cry’s of a little child and went to see what had happened and what was wrong.
When he had found where you had hidden yourself in he was shocked to see a little whisp like creature with a white/dead(?) wood like head and little antlers scared and shaken up along with crying the same cry he had heard that lead him here to you.
He decided to bring you with him on his way to his boyfriends house like the had planned on doling before finding you. After he had showed you to mk and his family and friends; plus getting a bunch load of kisses from mk for his good deed, which made Redson blush, it was finally off to his parents house to show you and hopefully get you adopted by them and become his new little sister.
When he showed you to his parents, they; even though their demons, were a little off put with how you have a child’s cry, pif had soon given into her motherly instincts again and soon began taking care of you and making sure you’re healthy as can be and well fed as well.
Dbk saw how pif had taken to you already and also decide you shall be part of this a family from now on, plus his son and wife are already on bored with it so he didn’t;t see the harm in falling along with them as they have good judgement.
The trainer had followed Redson when they had spotted you in his arms and didn’t want their little ticket to another good pokemon to get away so they went after him not knowing that their about to get their karma hit right back at them.
Redson had figured out that he was being followed but didn’t want to alert you plus he can most definitely take care of the culprit if need be. Though that soon changed as the trainer had used a Pokémon to swipe you out of redson’s arms and into theirs before the treainer ran away. Soon enough the Dbk family went after the kidnapper who stole their daughter away from the family; when they got you out of the ball you seem to have gain a new body, specifically a human body which make them more overprotective thasn before.
You had subconsciously fled down to her lair after running away from the trainer who also came to this world with you. You ended up meeting her first then her minions who now takes care of you after a week of knowing them all.
Spiderqueen notices you being skittish and decided to just keep you with her so you can get used to her as well. After you got comfortable with her, she then have you get used to her subjects as you’re to be heir to her thrown and she would like you to be at least a little comfortable with your bodyguard.
The trainer had found you through the lair where they had fallen like you had 2 moths ago. They had found you while you were alone in your room that the spiders made for you to use.
Though the spider gang had soon came back from what they were doing; mostly getting supplies for future things along with necessities for you and them as well before they spotted the kidnapper, they got back to the lair with half the stuff they needed when syntax got an alert that someone they didn’t know was in the lair with you and was kidnapping you.
They’d had heard your cry before it went silent with only the trainers voice talking to themself which allowed the spiders to know why the kidnapper had tried taking you away from their queen.
It didn’t take that long to get you away from the trainer either, though it’ll take way longer for the trainer to escape the punishment that will befall them afterwards.
When they opened the ball that you were held in, both them and you were shocked to see that you have gain a human form a bit and had soon called out to spiderqueen; calling her mama which resulted in her crying in happyness and relief for getting you back in her arms again.
(A/n: hoped y’all liked it!!! And omg just 1 more and I’ll be done with all of the requests!! I feel so proud of myself for getting this all done, and with how much i needed to get done, who, it was certainly a challenge that i don’t want to do again lol, that’s why I reduced the request numbers to 10 now rather than 10 to 20. Anyway hope y’all had an amazing Christmas and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Yandere! Pokemon Masterlist
(Human/Gijinka versions of Pokemon. Also includes trainers. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS NOT HUMAN X POKEMON, POKEPHILIA IS NOT WHAT I DO FOR OBVIOUS REASONS P L E A S E- It's just humans with Pokemon traits and powers.)
Multiple Characters/Categories
- Overprotective! Genesect vs Yandere! Ghetsis (Platonic (Genesect)/Romantic (Ghetsis)) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Trainer Gold/Ethan Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Lance Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Lisia with Trainer! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Darach Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Cynthia Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Emmet and Ingo Concept (Poly Implied - Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Colress Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Colress Prompts 1, 4, 7,41 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Colress Prompt 3 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! N Harmonia Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Trainer N with Darling who has overprotective Pokemon (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Lysandre Prompt 1 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Professor Sycamore Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Guzma with Champion's Daughter! Darling HCs (Platonic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Ilima Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Avery Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Kabu Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Professor Laventon Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! PL:A! Ingo with Unova Champion! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Professor Turo Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Arven Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Larry Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic Arven vs Nemona (Platonic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Human! Pokemon
- Yandere! Hypno HCs (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Persian HCs (Platonic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Human! Mewtwo Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Male! Tyranitar with Rival! Darling HCs/Scenario (Romantic) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Female! Milotic with Photographer! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Gallade Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
-Yandere! Tame! Human! Gardevoir vs Wild! Gardevoir Behavior Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Palkia/Dialga/Giratina Concepts (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Male! Lucario Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Male! Infernape Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Unease - Yandere! Human! Lucario Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Garchomp Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Arceus with Clueless! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Serperior with Trainer! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Male! Greninja HCs (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Sylveon HCs (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Pheromosa HCs (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Tapu Lele HCs/Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Alolan! Raichu Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Alolan Ninetales with Trainer! Darling Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Lunala with Trainer! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Decidueye with Ranger! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Eternatus Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Zacian + Zamazenta Concepts (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Inteleon with a Darling Scared of Them (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Not The First - Yandere! Male! Cinderace Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Hisuian! Male! Zoroark Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Ceruledge Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Suicune + Reshiram Concepts (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Human! Zacian + Yandere! Human! Female! Haxorus with Trainer! Darling in a relationship (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Pokemon (Strictly Platonic)
- Overprotective! Meowth vs Persian (Platonic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Mewtwo Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Houndoom Concept (Platonic/Pet/Animal-Like) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Groudon with Trainer! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Absol Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Disaster - Overprotective! Absol Short (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Blaziken with Champion! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Darkrai Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Your Very Own Reality - Yandere! Platonic! Mismagius Short (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Darkrai vs Arceus Concept (Platonic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Lucario Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Overprotective! Garchomp (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Volcarona Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Zoroark Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Tyrantrum Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Silvally Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Zeraora Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Inteleon Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Arceus Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Walking Wake with Trainer! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Miraidon/Koraidon with Trainer! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Overprotective! Iron Valiant with Trainer! Darling (FT. Gardevoir or Gallade) (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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mrpuppett · 6 years
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was requested to do a yandere flabebe so here she is lol
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thestalkerbunny · 6 years
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Doki Doki Lit Club, but Aiko's there and it's like having a fusion of all the girls there and now I just realized why Aiko is absolutely terrible.
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urahanaxorin · 7 years
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Yandere Sylveon!
This came to mind when my sister told me about how a friend of her’s wanted to cosplay a Yandere Sylveon and I just had to draw my own concept of it. I think the idea of a yandere sylveon is perfect, from a pokemon that evolves from love
I tried to make his hair wavy and messy. One ribbon wraps around his right eye and another wraps around his neck. I added a trainer doll because it is the love from a trainer that makes it evolve. I made it trainer Gold cause why not~ he’s my anime husbando O/)v(\O♥
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bluemoondust · 3 years
Random Question but—!
All this talk about Pokemon has made me wonder:
If I were to write yandere Pokemon (not the trainers), would you all prefer gijinkas or... The monster f.ucker route (nagas, harpies, hybrids, all that jazz)? There is the option of both too!
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drunkonmilktea · 3 years
I think I’m ready.
Since I have officially gained 100 followers, I want to do something special.
So I’ll be taking some request!
Fandoms I write for —
Bungou Stray Dogs
Obey Me
Hunter x Hunter (Haven’t finished the anime or manga)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (1 to 6 but I haven’t finished 6)
My Hero Academia
Demon Slayer
Pokémon (I stopped watching the anime in the middle of Sun and Moon, but still play the games.)
What I will accept;
Any Gender Neutral or Male Reader Request
Smut (I’m a beginner, so be specific and say the kinks you want. It would help if it was only three at most.)
Any character (male) x male reader
Poly stuff (so two or three characters)
Au and monster verse stuff (Like turning a character into a naga or have the reader be a monster)
Gijinka (Like Pokemon having a human form, or where the demons in obey me summon an animal but they turn into a human or animal hybrid)
What I won’t write for;
Angst (I suck at Angst)
Hisoka, Solomon, Luke, and Barbatos (Don’t know their personalities well and Hisoka is very hard to write.)
Female Reader
Character x Character unless poly
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blunova · 7 years
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“There comes a time where even the happiest soul is broken by the world.
Although, sometimes, they break the world instead.”
I couldn’t decide on one version so I just did all three.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Fandoms / Originals
About me: ✦ Feel free to call me MC. ✦ I'm over 21 and asking only those 21+ to contact me. ✦ Open to writing more smut based stories/smut with plot. ✦ Only looking to roleplay through email or Google Docs. ✦ I'm fairly open to playing with/against any sexuality or gender (trans/nonbinary/genderfluid+ inclusive). ✦ My preference is typically m/f for my "main" pairing. ✦ Canon x OC // OC x OC (could be convinced for canon x canon) ✦ I have no problem doubling to suit my partner's own cravings. ✦ Hit me up with those AUs and cliches~! ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ Able to write anywhere from 1-10+ paragraphs.
Extra: I expect my partner to put in effort in detail, grammar and punctuation, ideally providing at least 2 paragraphs for me to work with. Please, no text talk -- unless you're writing out actual text conversations. This includes messages inquiring about requests, otherwise I'll likely be turned away from even responding, sorry.
I must add that I need a flexible partner, meaning someone who doesn't demand a response every single day. I'm sorry, if that's what you're looking for then it's unlikely we're a good match. I have my own daily responsibilities, I try my best. Sometimes I can post multiple times a day, sometimes it's only once a week. I try to let any and all partners know if I'm unable to reply after a week if you see nothing new from me. Just putting that out there so there's no surprises. If you read my expectations of sorts, please let me know by a casual mention of the last song you listened to.
Fandoms: ✧ Mob Psycho 101 (ideally wanting older Shigeo and/or Ritsu x OC) ♡ ✧ Star vs the forces of evil (Tom x OC) ♡ ♡ ✧ Miraculous Ladybug (Luka x OC ; Chat Noir x OC) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✧ Aggretsuko (Tadano x OC ; Haida x OC) ♡ ♡ ✧ She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Double Trouble x OC ; Scorpia x OC ; Hordak x OC) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✧ OK K.O! Let's Be Heroes (Professor Venomous x OC ; Raymond x OC) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✧ Fruits Basket (Male Akito x OC ; Kyo x OC ; Hatsuharu x OC) ♡ ✧ Noragami (Canon or original) ♡ ✧ Boku no Hero Academia // My Hero Academia (caught up on manga - male Toga x OC ; Dabi x OC ; Tomura x OC ; Aizawa x OC ; Chisaki x OC ; male Asui x OC have rough ideas for these pairings and other Canon x OC ; craving AUs - ABO, soulmates, werewolf, merfolk, demon ect.) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✧ Attack on Titan (Levi x OC) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ✧ Inuyasha (Koga x OC ; Inuyasha x OC ; Bakotsu x OC) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✧ Yu Yu Hakusho (Hiei x OC ; Yoko x OC ; Touya x OC ; Yusuke x OC) ♡ ♡ ✧ Black Butler // Kuroshitsuji (Adult Ciel x OC) ♡ ♡ ✧ Demon Slayer (caught up on manga - interested in older demon Tanjiro x OC ; older demon Rui x OC ; Obanai x OC ; Akaza x OC ; older Genya x OC) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ✧ Mystic Messenger (Jumin x OC) ♡ ♡ ✧ Disney // DreamWorks (Craving Hiccup and/or Jack Frost x OC (have a basic plot in mind) -- would also be interested in having a "Jack Frost" OC x OC story ; Anthro / Humanoid Toothless x OC ; Tadashi or older Hiro x OC) ♡ ✧ Studio Ghibli // Mamoru Hosoda films (Craving a "Wolf Children" style story ; would love something "A Cat Returns" related Baron x OC) ♡
Themes // prompts: ♡ = craving Bold = preferred role ✦ A/B/O ; Omegaverse setting ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ Soulmates ♡ ♡ ✦ Hybrid AU ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ Darker themes (ex: stalking / "yandere" / possessive character, drugs, kidnap, murder, serial killer etc.) ♡ ♡ ✦ Mafia / Gang (ex: He's Dedicated to Roses) ♡ ♡ ✦ Hades OC x Persephone OC ♡ ♡ ✦ Magical themes (ex: witch x familiar -- rough plots in mind) ♡ ♡ ✦ Split the movie (canon or totally original) ♡ ✦ Maleficent (Diaval x OC) ♡ ♡ ✦ Single parent themes (ex: single dad cop x teacher ; ceo x single mom) ♡ ♡ ✦ Korean Drama // KPOP inspired (Idol x Fan ; Idol x Manager ; Idol x Staff // ex: "Can't Take My Eyes Off You!" ; BTS with AU(s) -- supernatural, soulmate, Disney, ABO, mafia/gang, ghoul, android, college etc.) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ Pokemon // Animal Crossing Gijinka x human ♡ ✦ Ghouls (ex: Tokyo Ghoul ; for fandom AU or original) ♡ ♡ ✦ Robotics // Androids (ex: animated movie Hal; Absolute Boyfriend; Chobits; Detroit: Become Human) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ YouTube related (real or fictional) ♡ ♡ ♡ ✦ Werewolf // shapeshifter x human (ex: Shiver ; I've got the basics of a plot for this / could also be fandom AU based.) ♡  ✦ Vampires (rough idea for modern take, co-existing with humans ; would also be interested in something Servamp based) ♡ ♡ ✦ Self aware // Fiction meets reality (ex: Dramaworld) ♡ ✦ Slice of life ♡ ✦ "Pretty boy" / gang leader / rebel x archery club member ♡ ✦ "Pretty boy" / gang leader / rebel x gamer (ex: couple from "Out of Control" ) ♡ ✦ Gang leader x florist / "innocent target" / lover ♡ ✦ Gang leader / Rebel x Deaf / Mute / Blind character (ex: A Silent Voice ; thinking of possible Hybrid plot) ♡ ✦ "Pretty boy" / Rebel x Chubby character (ex; Pochamani manga ; Sierra Burgess is a loser movie) ♡ ✦ Demon / Dragon / Spirit x Human / Demon / Spirit (ex: Noragami ; Miss Kobayashi's Dragon maid ; Inuyasha ; Demon Slayer) ♡ ♡ 
If interested you can reach me by email: [email protected]
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Yandere shadowpeach sliktea freenoodles dbkx child fem shiny infernape
So like we're one of the most powerful chimchars ever and somehow get to the other world and end up not ONLY becoming gijinka but also the frist child infernape ( we are 10 in human years so level 10 lol) and we bumped into the peaplo and save them and they have to chase us down from being chaotic and also not to burn everything down lol.
( I thought it be funny to have the boys rais a chaotic baby monkey Pokemon especially when that's fully evolved and for sun to taste his own medicine from journey of the West)
I had a chimchar evolution line!reader idea so this works out wonderfully for me, though it’s like my book for lmk on Wattpad anyway let’s get on with the show shall we?
Warning: noob author, platonic yandere characters, dark theme, chaos made from the reader, female!reader, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, silktea/waterspider, free noodles, dbk family.
You were playing with one of you chimchar friends when you had accidentally fell through a portal that suddenly appearing beneath you.
You met them when the two weren’t on ffm and was in the shrine that sun had close to the city. You had saved one of the monkeys that lived there and was bright to them to be given a reward even though you had protested that you were fine without a reward.
When sun saw you he literally had hearts in his eyes as he found a new child to adopt, aka; you. Macaque saw how you looked almost like sun and wondered if you could be a long lost relative or something but dismissed it as you had explained what you were to him when he had asked.
You didn’t have stage fright so you and macaque usually put on plays for sun, mk, and bai he, though sun doesn’t know how you don’t have stage fright until you said that you just picture them with chickens for head or well torchic in this case.
You show them tricks you had learned from your tribe and on how your kind does these things called moves.
Mk one time took you to pigsy and you had accidentally set fire to pigsy’s noodles by sneezing, pigsy was a little mad but know that you couldn’t do anything about randomly sneezing so let it go, so that’s why you only meet pigsy and tang when their outside of their homes plus with the others; you and mk were a little guilty for a few weeks after that had happened but knew it wasn’t both of your fault as sneezes can be unpredictable at a short notice.
Sun will most definitely nuzzle up to you as you’re so adorable and proud of you for not being having stage fright most of the time and will try to use your advice. Macaque absolutely loves doing plays and improve with you with the others. Mk would take you with him for his deliveries and chat with your or listening to music with you. Bai he and you would color and play anytime you can get and sometimes the young monkeys that lives in the area would play with the both of you as well plus with adult monkey supervision.
You saved a noodle bow from crashing on the floor; that bow specifically belonged to tang which he had thanked you for it with a hug before realizing that you looked suspicious like sun and made theories on if you two were related or not.
Tang’s theory’s were ruined when you explained to them that you couldn’t be related to this ‘sun’ he was talking about as you came from another world different from this one and also how you got here in the first place.
They soon adopted you after that as you didn’t have your parents and will be alone and seeing as how you got interested by this world you seem to not want to go back but that was actually part of their plan to make you stay and let them adopt you.
You help pigsy save money by using your fire moves to light up the shop when it’s closed; though sometimes when it’s open then people would come by for a romantic date.
(I’m now just thinking about lady and the tramp scene with the spaghetti noodles lol)
You hang out with mk when he’s not busy and when tang and Piaget are busy, he tells you all about theirs ‘sun’ that’s also a monkey but isn’t the actual sun like you thought he was; though you still would of loved having a friend who was the sun.
Tang also tells you of other stories plus how he and pigsy met and became married which you loved.
(I would love to see how the two met plus how they met mk and when mk met mei along with how pigsy met Sandy like I know it was in the army if I remember correctly but still.)
They made sure that you have a nice loving home that you don’t want to leave from, like never ever leave from.
Dbk family:
Ok I don’t know how but you made your way to their hearts somehow even though you look like one of their enemies; sun wukong, but you did and I give you an applause 👏.
Now how you did it is because you had saved a artifact of theirs that they were going to use for something of course you didn’t know it was going to be used for evil.
And at first they had their guard up as you share the similar looks to this sun wukong you don’t know about and think you’re a spy of his. After ingesting truth serum without knowing and being asked again on then did they know your were telling the truth and redson even made a headset that would make you tell the truth no matter what just to be sure you’re in fact telling the truth.
They let their guard down and finally adopted you after that and made sure that you know that you’re now apart of their family and that you’ll forever be apart of their family; though they made it sound sweeter and innocent than it what it actually meant so you had no idea on the fact that even though you will possibly in the future wouldn’t like to be apart of their family but can’t leave anymore
And now that leads you to being adopted by them and becoming a daughter and sister to them in return. Redson was fascinated by how you use fire powers like him and even thought of a little theory that maybe you were his and mk’s future child but quickly dismissed it as soon as it went into his head but still blushed at the thought of his crush and him possibly having a child together.
Redson makes sure that you’re always with him when he goes out and let’s you meet mk and mei but as long as you stay close to him and don’t wonder off, the only way you’ll get away with wondering off is if you’re kidnapped but that hardly happens as redson makes sure to take care those that oppose him and his family.
Pif treats you like a daughter and have girls day all the time while dbk and you watches his cooking show and make stuff from it or from a cooking recipe, and sometimes you get to make something similar to the things you had in your world.
You had saved one of Sandy’s cats as he had gotten lost and the two were trying to find it only to have found you and the cat underneath a tree looking like a mess.
Sandy saw on how you saved his cat and after a talk decided to adopt you though of course first having a talk about it with huntsman before actually doing it.
Sandy wondered and theorized if you could possibly be one of the monkey’s from ffm that got to the mainland but you explained to him and huntsman that you aren’t from the ‘ffm’ at all but came from another world.
Huntsman trains and play mock fighting with you to pass the time and lose any extra energy that would keep you up at night when it was time for bed. Sandy lets his cats sit around you so you can relax and pet them for stress relief while sipping on the tea he made for all of you.
The three of you watch movies plus with the cats around you and They always make sure to make snacks for it too; like popcorn, pizza, candy sometimes, noodles from pigsy’s, and other snacks like that.
Sandy has lots of arts and crafts and gave some to you so you can busy yourself and not worry about the feeling of homesick sometimes both sandy and huntsman do those arts and crafts with you even Mo would join in and lend a paw.
(I’m now picturing Mo putting paint on his paw and stomping it on a paper with a satisfied look 😂 he would look so accomplished, how adorable 😍lol.)
You like to help sandy when he lights some stress relief candles for all of you and for the group if they come by to visit you guy’s. The two make sure that you feel extra comfortable and happy so you don’t want to leave as you became a big part in their family.
(A/n: so reason why this took so long is because I had thanksgiving early and after that I got sick a little; it wasn’t food poisoning I just know that I got sick the next day, and I got better soon as I was taking the needed medicine for it but I still have a bit of a coughing problem right now and have a bit of a problem with my nose, though my nose is more of the problem than my coughing. Anyway hope y’all like what I did with it and have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
(P.s: I didn’t really mention what part of the line you are and if you’re a shiny because I wanted that to be y’all choice so I hope that’s ok 👍!)
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Hey! Um, I don't know if your requests are open as the header says they are closed but I keep seeing the other posts about requesting so if that is the case please ignore this and I'm so sorry. That being said. I saw your Pokemon Hybrid post and I have a request. I love Bug type pokemon and only one comes to mind for your Yandere work. May I request Yandere Pokemon Hybrid Pheromosa please and thank you.
There's male Gijinka designs for Pheromosa but this one will be female.
(Old request, btw)
Yandere! Human! Female! Pheromosa HCs
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Gijinka Pokemon, Obsession, Implied Kidnapping, Drugging (?).
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- Pheromosa is first not all that interested in you, her trainer.
- The world here feels unclean to her and she wishes she could go home.
- No matter how much resistance she gives when fighting you still encourage her to press on.
- The Bug Fighting type can't really understand her trainer when she first joins you, albeit unwillingly.
- You have so many others similar to her, but she also can't figure out them too.
- You call your other partners by many names...
- One named Walrein, another named Honchkrow...
- You had many partners and she felt confused.
- Why go all the way to another universe and catch her? What was your goal?
- The ultra beast had noticed she spent a lot of time observing you on your trips together.
- Was this what the other ones of your companions felt?
- Even after battle you didn't just shove her back in her ball like she expected, you kept her out and offered he foreign little 'treats'.
- She was hesitant to taste any but reluctantly tried when seeing the other Pokemon you had munching on them.
- They tasted nice....
- You were shown to not enjoy putting all your Pokemon in their Pokeballs, but would if a facility made you.
- This resulted in Pheromosa spending a lot of time with you in person.
- You'd compliment her on how well she did in battle, give her more of those small treats you called "Pokebeans", and just try to speak with her.
- Learning the language here was probably the hardest part....
- But with your help Pheromosa was getting more accustomed to her new home.
- She finally gave you her full attention and listened to what you said.
- You weren't that bad and proved yourself through your time together that you deserved to have her accompany you.
- The partners you had around you she used to be confused about, now she feels familiar with them but also loathes them....
- They may have been here longer but she feels that you resonate with her more than them.
- There is a clear change in her behavior around them.
- Your partners even start to fear she may harm you if you don't keep her in check.
- There is an odd fascination she has with you that you can notice, yes.
- The aggression towards other Pokemon, the way she hovers around you, she even gets restless when she isn't by you.
- She can't bear to even go in the ball anymore, causing it to shake and rattle in your bag once she does go in.
- You find it alarming how attached the intergalactic Pokemon is with you.
- So you try to change your team, to try and place her in the box to calm down.
- The ultra beast raged at this.
- Your senses are quickly overflowed with an odd Pheromone, causing you to slump down and not move.
- You're terrified when the ultra beast you spent so much time training immobilizes you before speeding towards you.
- You begin to regret catching your Pheromosa, the beast kneeling in front of you to stay eye to eye with you.
- "I'm sure I'm not just some partner to cast aside. I'm much more than that, right?"
- She wonders if she can take you back to an Ultra Wormhole, now....
- Then you'll only have her to train, as she'll just get rid of your other partners.
- She's much stronger than them, and much stronger than you.
- What would you do without your dear ultra beast?
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tumblunni · 7 years
okay just to like, prove a point to a friend... reblog if you have seen yandere super dark angsty rotom fanfiction of any sort
I swear I have stumbled upon like five of these over my years in the pokefandom! and i mean like.. versions with people’s ocs or gijinka rotoms, yeah, but also just the regular pokemon. tiny orange tangerine: secret serial killer, the fanfic.
(oh and dont take this as me knocking any of these, the majority of them were VERY GOOD and just proved to me that a talented writer can make anything scary, even my favourite cute pokemon!) (I just wanna post this so i can try and find links to these things again, i cant remember the name of any of them...)
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thestalkerbunny · 7 years
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To help battle my Pre-Con Jitters and sorta get an idea of what I wanna do next year as a Cosplay, behold. Aiko, the Yandere Sylveon-who I designed a year ago on Valentines day based off a little hair ribbon I bought during Halloween.
Aiko literally means 'child of love' (according to Wikipedia at least) and that is exactly what she is. She has a very sweet and sugary personality and is constantly doing nice things for her friends. It's not her fault someone switched out the powdered sugar for rat poison when she makes sugar cookies, or that razor blades show up in people's textbooks or that for some reason their finger prints end up on weapons found at crime scenes.
Aiko has had numerous 'Senpais' since Middle School, but has surprisingly gone thru a lot of them. Usually her vicious tendancies tend to either scare them out of the country or she simply ends up killing them on accident. There are a lucky few who have managed to get away because Aiko found someone else that suited her fancy and began to ignore them. But that's VERY few.
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edwardcrow · 6 years
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Pokemon Gijinka - Musiba the Cofagrigus by Edwardcrow
Hace un mes con unos amigos comenzamos a jugar todos juntos al mismo tempo Pokémon Negro y Blanco. Yo lo había jugado pero ellos no, entonces me pareció buena idea presentárselos, además me dio gusto porque es uno de mis juegos favoritos. Estos chicos suelen dibujara a su equipo cada cierto tiempo y yo también quería hacerlo, pero o quise hacer más diferente, más a mi estilo y desde hace un tiempo he querido dibujar Gijinkas (no sé si sea el nombre más apropiado para este estilo, no me maten plis) Así que iré subiendo paulatinamente mi equipo dibujado como humanos con poderes (bokunoherodónde????) Musiba: Es una chica con la habilidad Momia, que transforma a los rivales en momia si la tocan. Su nombre Musiba (مصيبة) significa "desgracia" en árabe. Sus brazos le ayudan a aguantar los golpes de los enemigos. Digamos que es ... la Yandere del grupo <3 jajaja ENGLISH: A month ago with some friends we started playing all together at the same time Pokémon Black and White. I had played it but they did not, so I thought it was a good idea to introduce the game to them, and I liked it because it is one of my favorite games. These guys usually draw their team every so often and I also wanted to do it, but I wanted to make it more different, more in my style and for some time I've wanted to draw Gijinkas (I do not know if it's the most appropriate name for this style,please don't kill me) So I will gradually upload my team as humans with powers (bokunoherowhere ????) Musiba: It's a girl with the Mummy skill, who transforms the rivals into a mummy whenever they touch her. His name Musiba (مصيبة) means "misfortune" in Arabic. Her arms help her withstand the blows of enemies. Let's say it's ... the Yandere of the group <3 hahaha
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