#yandere ichiji vinsmoke
Hey, what are the Vinsmoke boys like in the Pages au?
Ok so I’m pretty sure that I know who is sending me this but I’m not going to say anything just in case my memory is playing tricks on me
But seeing as how I personally feel about the Vinsmokes, I’m going to do Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji.
Also I’m sorry that it took me so long to get to this as I have to be directly in the mood to write this sort of thing
Anywho let’s get into it, shall we?
!-Trigger Warnings-!
Delusions, Kidnapping, Raiding, the Vinsmoke Boys being the Vinsmoke Boys, S*xual Punishments, Overstimulation, Masturbation, Yandere
!-Trigger Warnings-!
So we all know the Vinsmoke Brothers. They’re big, scary, and tough as nails with little to seemingly no capacity for any kind of emotion so it’s really a wonder that they picked up your books in the first place.
I’m going to say that Yonji was the first one to take a look simply because of the hot girl on the cover who was making a rather sexy looking expression as her love interest loomed over her from behind.
In actuality, that sexy expression was the MC looking somewhat terrified of her new partner but it’s not killing his interest any time soon.
He buys it while probably finishing up some kind of work somewhere or just takes it because it’s likely that he doesn’t care then once he’s finished up with his princely paperwork for the day. He heads to his room and starts reading the story.
The man almost put it down at first as he found himself bored by the mutual pining but then the “third love interest” walks onto the scene, a prince whose described as wearing green, red, and blue. He is instantly more interested especially after the prince nearly forces the MC into a relationship with him after kidnapping her.
He is completely rooting for this prince character so much that he practically shouts in happiness whenever the guy enters into a scene although if Yonji had paid attention then he would realize that the prince is the villain of the story who kidnapped the MC.
But of course, he can’t just spend the entire day reading so eventually he has to get up and take care of things but once he’s done. He is rushing back to his room to continue reading and don’t think that Ichiji and Niji haven’t noticed because they do.
Yonji has no reason to want to keep this for himself at the moment so he shows his brothers what he’s been looking at and practically info dumps to them about the contents of the book. He’s of course describing it in his own distorted way so ”The prince is the guy that the MC is going to marry, he’s the best choice! Because she loves him!”
After a while of info dumping, they start to get a bit curious so they decide to steal Yonji’s copy from him and take a look until the servant that they sent out to get copies for them returns.
It’s safe enough to say that in that amount of time, they’ve wound up completely hooked on the story albeit only to watch as the marine and pirate love interest are absolutely wrecked by the prince so he can have what’s rightfully his.
To say that they’re invested too is an understatement as Niji is commonly speeding through his princely duties to get back to reading the story while Ichiji is just bringing the book everywhere with him to take quick looks at it throughout the day whether it be during meal times, during princely duties, or even while training.
Also I hope that you didn’t write any sort of steamy scene between the prince and the MC because lord knows that Niji is going to shamelessly start rubbing to the thought of it like one hand is turning the pages to continue while the other is stroking his cock.
Ichiji and Yonji would never stoop to that level though... They’ll go to their rooms and masturbate to the idea of the MC being ruthlessly fucked by the prince even if you didn’t write the MC being fucked and it was simply a close call...
Also I’d say that chances are that all three of them during their fun will probably start to imagine themselves in the places of the princes in the stories. Pushing the MC into the mattress and fucking her in all sorts of positions as she screams out their name specifically and covers their cock in her slick.
Niji imagines holding the MC up by her thighs and thrusting up into her, he imagines her crying out his name with tears in his eyes and pleading him to go slower but him grinning to himself and going much faster instead. Probably teasingly asking “This is what you wanted, right? Don’t complain when you wanted this~” Maybe throw in a few shocks here and there to make her walls spasm a little around him until he finally cums deep inside of her but lord knows that he’s not stopping there as he’s going to keep fucking her until he finally decides that he’s been satisfied.
Ichiji imagines taking the MC to his bed chambers and putting her into a mating press where she would cling to him and leave scratches down his back that would only encourage him to go harder and deeper. He imagines himself talking about how he wants to fill her and watch her belly swell up with his children only for her to beg him to pull out but he doesn’t listen and instead with one last big thrust, he cums deep inside of her and spends the rest of the night plugging her up with his cock.
Yonji personally imagines saying that he isn’t hungry at dinner time and going to his room where he had tied up the MC, he licks his lips at the sight of her and tells her that he skipped dinner so now she has to feed him. He would eat her out for hours on end making her orgasm over and over again on his tongue until she’s crying from the overstimulation that she’s feeling. But he isn’t entirely cruel as once he’s had his dinner in the form of eating her out then he plans to give her a proper thank you... A thank you that involves even more overstimulation as he leans over her and fucks into her in the doggy style position...
Yeah, their mid masturbation fantasies are detailed and they have no shame about it at all...
But as nice as the story is, all good things have to come to an end at some point because at the end of the day... The prince was the villain of the story and no delusion can change the source material...
So when the MC is rescued from the wedding just before she can say “I Do”, the three of them feel the anger coursing through their veins but nonetheless they stay hopeful... The prince will come out on top and wreck the Marine and Pirate, right?
Wrong! And now there are three very angry princes who just witnessed the worst possible outcome in the story!
They hope to see the prince again that he would come back at the last second but in all of the books after that, he’s completely disappeared with no signs of ever reappearing and not only that but they find that in the last book, the MC gets with the Pirate/Marine!
It is absolutely safe enough to say that all three of them are absolutely pissed about this…
They can't believe that the MC not only completely abandoned the Prince for those two low life’s but she even had the nerve to act like the Prince never even existed in this first place in the ending!
It was unacceptable, horrible, downright disgusting! And most importantly completely unforgivable as well…
Ichiji thinks about finding the author and forcing you to change the story so the Prince who was clearly the best option would win and his brothers agreed with these terms as they nodded along deciding that this was clearly the best course of action
They looked at your books and found not only your full name on the cover but your mailing address as well on the back of the book, it didn’t tell them exactly where you were but it was good enough as it did tell them what island you were on
All that was left to do was go and find you
Their arrival on the island was met with quite a lot of shock as “Holy shit, it’s Germa 66!” and everyone quickly getting out of their way
They might be here for one thing but I feel that they are impatient so if you’re island has some kind of problem like it has a corrupt ruler, maybe there are pirates, bandits, or whatever then they might deal with that real quick so they can demand you as payment for their help
And if there isn’t then they can always have some soldiers raid the island to look for you and bring you to them or they could just look for you themselves and drag you back to Germa before you even knew what hit you
No matter what they decide to do though, it all remains the same and you’re dragged to Germa and made to stand before the three of them like you’re some criminal who fucked up big time
Your heart is pounding in your chest and you just plead for them to not hurt you and to please let you go home as you don’t know what you did and they say that they’ll allow you to go home if you write a new story for them, one where the Prince wins the MC
Very understandably, you’re incredibly confused but there’s not much that you can do so you agree to it then proceed to be locked inside of a room with little else other than a bed, bathroom, a closet, and a desk with writing supplies
You’re there for weeks with routine visits from the prince’s usually separate with occasionally two of them showing up at once and very rarely all three of them showing up at once
Ichiji typically forcing you to sit in his lap as you write which wouldn’t be that much of a problem if he didn’t somewhat try to cop a feel on you when he did by letting his hands drift to the insides of your thighs then refusing to move them
Niji would usually show up before you woke up as sometimes you would wake up staring at his chest which was sometimes clothed and sometimes not, he sometimes had his arm over you and it always hard to tell if he was actually asleep or not because of his sunglasses
Yonji only really would show up during times when you were brought food as he would want to eat with you, he would sometimes try to talk with you and would get visibly upset if you ignored him especially if he was trying to ask you a question
As the days passed on and the book neared completion, you found that they were starting to become more daring with you like Ichiji attempting to rub at you through your clothing as you sat on his lap or waking up to Niji attempting to slip your clothes off while you slept in preparation for something you didn’t even want to think about or even Yonji completely shamelessly asking to eat food off of your body which usually entailed him licking things off of your private areas
Their visits were starting to become more and more frequent as well so you feared what they might do and attempted to ask the King himself, Judge Vinsmoke to be let go early but he refused and you knew that he had would tell the three of them when they were finished with their Prince duties
You rushed as fast as you could to complete the book but just as you finished writing the “D” on The End, all three of them entered into the room at once clearly having been told what you tried to ask Judge for
To prevent suffering a punishment from them, you attempted to tell them that you had finished the story and you could leave but they didn’t listen as they took one look at the story and pulled you out of your chair
You were thrown onto the bed and bounced a little from the collision, they surrounded you on all sides with Ichiji being at your right, Niji at the left, and Yonji standing at the foot of the bed. You were terrified to say the least
You attempted to stutter out that you had a deal and it was time for them to let you go only for them to laugh at you
“Why would we ever let you go after you tried to back out of the deal early?”
“I think she deserves a bit of a punishment for trying to go behind our backs… What do you think?”
“I think that sounds great but she had better do everything that her princes tell her…”
It was after that is when they pounced on you, clothes were quickly discarded and thrown about the room as you were viciously fucked by all three of them for the entire night
Your body covered in sweat, tears, and cum as they took turns abusing your holes alternating cumming deep inside of you and on you
The overstimulation from them was far too great to the point where you couldn’t even hear them refer to you as the name of the books MC instead of your actual name
You had no clue how long they planned on fucking you for but with you placed onto your hands and knees with Yonji underneath you thrusted into you with his cock while his mouth played with your nipples while Ichiji was leaned over from behind biting at your neck as he thrusted into you as well making it double penetration and Niji sat on his knees in front of you thrusting into your mouth making you give him a blowjob
Even with all of this, you knew without a doubt that you were never getting away from them
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unicreamuwu · 1 year
Some idea for the vinsmokes:
So they all had a childhood friend which they had a crush on and she was always hanging around with sanji
And since sanji left she left too (like a lost princess who they searched for forever)
Then they see her again in the germa kingdom after so many years because she is furious that they are using sanji for their advantages (and she sticks to sanjis side all the time because she also found out just now that he is still alive)
And yes i hope you like the idea! Keep going! :)
Sure. I love these types of things. I kinda got the writing idea from this lovely person @myonepiece who did the same thing as you requested.
Ichiji Vinsmoke
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Ichiji has to be the nicest out of the three.
Why? Well, because he treats you with respect and doesn't push you down random steps of stairs. (Niji...)
Sometimes, he would teach her how to fight and many sorts of other techniques to help her defend herself from any sort of harm.
If his brothers teased you, he would defend you.
One day, you accidentally saw him and his brothers beating up their other brother, Sanji.
You were so shocked that your friend was actually doing this.
He told you that he had a great relationship with all of his younger brothers.
Of course, this made you angry, but for now, you didn't confront him about it.
Instead, you went to Sanji and told him to explain everything that's been going on.
When he did, you made the decision that he should run away.
However, what you didn't expect is that he wanted to run away with you.
His reasoning is that you were basically one of the few people to actually care about him and his well-being.
At first, you were a bit hesitant because you didn't want to leave Ichiji, but you learned the dark truth about him abusing his own brother.
So, you ran away with Sanji.
And it was not a good moment for Ichiji.
When he came back, he saw you gone at the spot where he would always tell you to wait.
He searched for you everywhere in the castle and the kingdom.
It was then that he noticed that you were gone.
Ever since then, he has pretty much been isolated from almost everyone around him.
After many years, Ichiji heard about the news of you returning from his sister, Reiju.
When he sees you for the first time in a long time, the first thing that happened before he tried to interact with you is a hand colliding with his.
He was slightly taken aback, but he narrowed his eyes to see Sanji standing in front of you.
"Stay away from my wife."
He tells him coldly.
Then, Sanji took you away from him and brings you somewhere.
Ichiji was a bit shaking in anger as he watches the two of them leave.
He WAS going to get you back away from that failure.
Niji Vinsmoke
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Even though you were Niji's first friend, he treats you like shit.
If you ask, "Oh, well, he can't be THAT bad to us!", um, yes, he will.
When you wear something, he would make at least one critical comment about your appearance.
If you bring him some food, he would say that it tastes disgusting and throws them at you before he requested you to bring him some chocolate.
Of course, he will take any chances to push you down the stairs cause that's his habit.
There will be a VERY few moments when he's nice to you.
For example, he would give you some of his chocolate, so be thankful that he's being very nice to you.
However, what he didn't know is your crush on Sanji.
For you, you kinda hated Niji when you were around him.
He's nothing, but a bully to you.
So, when you met Sanji for the very first time as you were walking around the castle, he was nothing like your "friend".
The two of you would spend time together almost all the time whenever Niji goes out to train or do some other things with his brothers.
On the day Sanji decided to escape, he took you with him.
When Niji found out, he was not happy about it.
Ever since your disappearance, his attitude turned worse.
It was at the point where he started to physically abuse the servants.
The news of you coming back to Germa made him stop doing whatever he was doing and quickly ran to the spot you were currently standing at.
However, he notices you pushing him away which made him slightly shocked.
"Stay away from me! I don't want anything to do with you anymore!"
With that, you walked away from him.
Niji was livid.
Not because you pushed him away.
It's because of the engagement ring on your ring finger that is given by his useless brother.
Yonji Vinsmoke
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Just like Niji, Yonji does tease you a lot.
After he does his daily training, he would get terrible damage to his body because he's basically a robot.
So, he would make you patch him up.
If you ask him if you could help him with training, he would just laugh at your face, saying that women can't fight.
Whenever you come over, he would request you to bring at least some food only for him because your family owns a bakery.
What he didn't know is that you also bring food, that is for him, for his brother, Sanji.
Sanji would always appreciate the treats you give him and it makes him smile.
So, when he asked you to run away with him, you accepted.
However, Yonji wasn't pleased at all when he heard the news.
From then on, he tried to move on, but he couldn't.
He couldn't stop thinking about you.
When he heard about you coming back to the kingdom, he came to see you with Sanji, holding him by the arm.
As you and Sanji were walking down the halls of the castle, Yonji came over to the two of you.
He started to make snarky remarks to his brother which he was to back off.
Then, he started to make harsh remarks to you because of you leaving him and Sanji defended you.
The words that Sanji said about you now married to him made him shake up with rage.
Yonji tells his brother that he will take you back after he takes his chance to kill him before he walks off, fuming with rage.
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Niji would be the type to not realize what he has until it's gone
That's exactly how it goes down, and he gets zero sympathy
Judge doesn't understand why Niji would care. Sure, he's a little miffed about no longer having grandchildren to experiment on in the near future, but he's kind of glad that Cara revealed her true colors now rather than later. She probably would have been trouble and "ruined" her children like Sora did.
Ichiji just straight up doesn't want to hear it. Go whine to someone else, he's busy.
Yonji is the worst because he's openly antagonizing Niji over it. Like "Wow that's super embarrassing that you suck so bad at being a fiancé that Cara ran off with Sanji. She'd probably still be here if she was engaged to me" type shit.
Reiju will tell it how it is. She points out that he treated Cara like shit, so he really can't be that surprised that she eloped with someone else.
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risenwrites · 9 months
Ah, yandere royalty, my ultimate vice.
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declawed2 · 1 year
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Nobody asked for it but I finished the piece I was working on before!
A scene in the future of my One Piece fanfiction The Collector, technically it counts as spoilers but making this has motivated me somewhat to keep writing despite being busy with other things and that’s always a good thing! 
If you write, but you haven’t in a while, take 15 minutes to just stop, write about something, anything, and have fun!
More details about the story/choices about the image below the cut
This is still our Angel, I promise, but here they look different. 
For those of you that this woman doesn’t seem familiar to, I chose the body/hair colours from Sora Vinsmoke, hero of Sora, Warrior of the Sea, and proud mother of the Vinsmoke children. A wonderful and strong lady who unfortunately died many years ago in the story, but is remembered fondly by her family.
Despite it all, the positive and loving memories he’s attached to her make the usually unfazed and uncaring Judge freeze, faced with a near carbon-copy of his deceased wife standing in front of him. Unfortunately for him, this ghost of his is just the 'help’ Doflamingo sent to deal with the issues his children have been facing recently.
Nobody can bring back the dead.
Ichiji knows that, and so, with the last images of his mother so hazy in his mind, he can only feel a strange bitterness upon reaching the door and hearing their question to his father. Aside from this being a rare happening with Judge, one question rings in his mind.
They were supposed to be his, weren’t they?
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snowywolf1005 · 1 month
hi......I'm just a bit nervous to ask you this, is it okay if you can do yandere vinsmoke family x reader, and can you also add Sanji too? If your okay with that
But if your uncomfortable with that then it's okay for you to do yandere Luffy if that's okay with you, *sorry for sending this really late*
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Sure, thing!
I'll do ichiji, niji, and yonji, if that okay.
Sanji brothers was obsessed with you. They couldn't even hold it, and they wanted to attract you.
Like your outfit.
Try to impress you.
Ichiji hate when you with sanij.
Take you on dates.
Love how you dress.
Ichiji likes how you fight.
Ichiji can be very jealous.
Forces you to be his wife.
A show off.
Bring you jewelry.
Make funny jokes that really mean that you don't like.
Make fun of sanji.
Try to touch you.
Like your mood.
He can be very jealous.
Kill someone for you.
A bully.
Like to stalk you.
Like your moods.
He loves your fighting.
Kill someone if they get close to you.
Show off.
He wants you to be his wife.
Following where you go.
Very, very, jealous person.
Judge wants you to marry one of his sons so you can have powerful grandkids, but you only love sanji, and you hate sanji brothers.
They're so annoying.
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hannahbarberra162 · 6 days
Angel, curiosity! Are you interested in writing about any/all of the Vinsmoke brothers?? They're so perfect for the yandere trop (and not only that one, in my humble opinion, but I know you like it), the fact that they're "emotionless" and assumed assholes brings a new full dynamic, quite different from most of WB's pirates and Sabo's one 👀🤍
Hi @luarsunny! Yes, I love the Vinsmoke brothers, especially Ichiji. I've read a few Vinsmoke yandere stories and loved them. I have no objections to writing them, I would just have to think of a good storyline. I think Sanji in general is a very interesting character, more so than some of the other Strawhats and I would love to explore him and his brothers more.
What tropes do you think fit them? I would thing they would fit into (I'll add more as I think of em):
Fated mates (as versus who Judge picks for them)
Riches to rags (either in $$$ or if they lose their Germa healing or sth)
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soleilnomoon · 7 months
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feels like summer™ 06 — magna swing x y/n (tipsy shenanigans, nsfw)
feels like summer™ 07 — doflamingo x y/n (just doffy being obsessive & the absolute worst, nsfw)
feels like summer™ 08 — gojo x y/n (he’s not that into her, except he rly is; nsfw)
feels like summer™ 09 — killer x y/n (a lil fluff, a lil angst, a lil smut)
feels like summer™ 10 — rayleigh x y/n (rayleigh standing on business, nsfw)
feels like summer™ 11 — nami x y/n (hurt/comfort, nsfw)
feels like summer™ 12 — crocodile x y/n (soft smut™/fluff)
feels like summer™ 13 — law x y/n (romanz, hurt/comfort)
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mudano naito x y/n — spoiled heiress & household manager au (angst/nsfw, request)
zoro x y/n — edgelord shenanigans (nsfw, request)
katakuri x y/n — finally reveals his face to y/n (angst/fluff???, request)
law x y/n — pregnancy (nsfw/fluff if u squint, request)
law x y/n — getting caught™ (slight angst/nsfw, request)
lucifer x y/n — just one big angst fest 💛 (angst angst babey, request)
nobara x y/n — frenemy lovers & pumpkin patch shenanigans (angst/fluff, request)
law x y/n, zoro x y/n— firsts™ headcannons (nsfw, request)
law x y/n — princess bubblegum/yandere vibes (angst, request)
zoro x y/n — jealousy pt 2, zoro’s turn (nsfw, request)
zoro x y/n — aphrodisiac pt 2 (nsfw, request)
zoro x y/n – exes angst fest to the max (angst, hurt/eventual comfort, request)
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ch. 2 for all the devils are here (arranged marriage au, aki x y/n)
ch. 4 for enfin, je me revéille (college au, eren x y/n)
izou x y/n — cursed mirror au (angst, hurt/comfort, a lil horror maybe)
smoker x y/n — brat tamer (one-shot, nsfw/angst)
lady(bug) killer pt 2 — benn beckman x y/n (angst, hurt/comfort, nsfw)
vinsmoke ichiji x y/n — ficlets
nanami x y/n — modern au, mutual “unrequited” pining; estranged hs friends 2 eventual lovers (slow burn, angst, hurt/comfort, romanz).
ch 2. for papillon (yamato x y/n — enemies 2 lovers)
robin x y/n — lament pt 2
levi x erwin — misdirection pt 2
jean kirschtein x y/n — best friend’s sister au (short series)
snk/aot street racer/drrr vibez au
gojo x y/n — reality tv/competition au pt 2 (angst)
rayleigh x y/n — angst, nsfw, maybe fluff, hurt (no comfort bc i said so) series
erwin x y/n x levi — angel/demon au
sanji x y/n — rival kingdoms au
wolfwood x y/n — priest au, but make it fashion *tyra*
howl x y/n — art world au
nanami x y/n — detective/thief au (lights, camera, action); (angst angst babey, mordor, enemies 2 lovers)
niji x y/n — island gyal/city boi au
doflamingo x y/n — pastries & blue skies pt 2.
eren, jean, erwin, levi, etc. & y/n — heist au
kyouya x y/n x mudano — modern au/new neighbor, old childhood friends (but only one remembers the other)
fuegoleon x y/n, nozel x y/n — academic rivals au
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Requesting Rules
Just things I'm comfortable or uncomfortable writing:
Uncomfortable with (topics):
Incest / incest play (I include ASL brothers together)
Non-con / rape / coercing / manipulating reader into sex/ dub-con (CNC depends on the request. Consent is huge for me)
Scat / piss play
Pregnancy sexual situations (I'll do fluffy headcanons of x reader when pregnant, and breeding kinks)
ignoring safewords
dystopian au (nothing against it personally, just not my thing)
Manipulative character pairings (like purposely manipulative psychos in a relationship)
BIG age gaps (e.g. Garp x reader in 20's)
Father figures x characters
Comfortable with:
Smut (except for the stuff listed above) including multiple person scenarios, M/M!reader, F/F!reader, BDSM
Miscommunication / jealousy
Tropes (you can pry the one bed trope and the "creepy guy won't leave _ alone so _ helps" trope from my cold, dead hands)
other au's (yesss gimme a challenge, let my imagination go wild)
Angst (either between characters or if reader/character is suffering mentally)
Angst and fluff
Fluff and smut (my FAVE)
Humor (I'll try, okay? I think I'm HILARIOUS but some other people don't)
Holiday centric pieces (I am pagan, but am familiar with Christian holidays and comfortable writing about it. I would love to write about introducing characters to pagan holidays :). Also like Valentines day, St. Patricks, etc.)
Dialogue prompts
Action/fight scenes
Uncomfortable with (Characters/pairings):
Doflamingo and his family (EXCEPT Corazon<3)
Gecko Moria
Marine admirals/Garp (all but specified marines below)
Most of the supernova (EXCEPT. Kid, Luffy, Law)
Yamato (just haven’t met him yet)
Vinsmoke Judge
Gol D Roger (haven’t met him much yet)
Comfortable with (Characters)
For anything (Including smut)
Monster Trio (foursome, threesome, or single pairings x reader)
Reiju Vinsmoke
Ichiji, niji, yonji vinsmoke (pure smut only)
Fluff only (includes romantic fluff unless stared otherwise)
Straw hats:
Garp (same ish age romance scenarios only)
Any of the mink tribe (including Bepo)
Boa Hancock
Any characters that are not in this list you can ask about, even when my requests are closed :)
Note: I always try to write my pieces to where the reader is described as vaguely as possible to reach the widest audience. Chubby? Amazing, and easy to imagine (stronk anime men). Black? Yes please, and no description of skin color (why I always use ‘heat’ or 'flush’ instead of 'turning red’). Small titties on a fem reader? Love it, and the size isn’t described. The only thing that might not be applicable is that I have characters touching your hair, which doesn’t apply to my badass bald bitches or to anyone who covers their hair as part of their religion. HOWEVER if people want, I can change/remove those parts for any fics they request or add any traits.
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Just read your Yandere Vinsmoke boys , and 10/10 it was really good !
Now I’m wonder what would happen if Sanji meets his brother darling or what if Sanji already has a darling who meets the Vinsmoke daring ~
I wonder how does Reiju feel all about this 🤔
I’m not entirely sure how Reiju would feel about her brothers dating someone but I feel like she would worry about their well-being when it comes to dating not just Ichiji but Yonji and Niji as well
If this is the same universe as the Pages AU then I feel like Sanji would never even get the chance to meet the person that his brothers are calling their SO as they would likely keep her under tight lock and key like he probably doesn’t even know that she exists
However if that isn’t the case and this isn’t the Pages AU then I feel like Sanji might get brief glimpses of the SO from time to time like he can probably never get close enough to actually speak with her especially if the brothers are Yandere’s as one of them is always nearby
Like imagine Sanji trying to just say hello to her only for all three of the brothers to appear like all of them are holding tightly onto her and just glaring at Sanji as the SO just looks so uncomfortable
Sanji wants to rock the absolute shit out his brothers and save the SO but it’s likely he’ll never be allowed to get close enough
As for Sanji’s SO meeting the brothers though…? It’d probably be the same thing where Sanji doesn’t allow her to meet them like he probably wouldn’t even let her meet Reiju just to prevent any potential information about his SO’s existence getting to Germa
Let’s say though that the SO did manage to come into contact with Sanji’s brothers who knew, I feel like they would be very pushy towards her like they are trying to convince her to leave Sanji for them because they can make her feel so much better than him
Cue Sanji coming out of nowhere with more rage than you’ve ever seen from him and ready to absolutely rock the shit out of his brothers
Now that Germa knows though about you, I feel like Sanji would restrict a lot of your freedoms for the sole purpose of keeping you safe like if Germa found out about you. Prepare to be all but tied to Sanji
And if the SO’s were to meet? They would probably be glad that they would have someone to talk to about everything that’s going on like sharing tips on how to deal with things like “Sanji’s been fucking you too hard? Oh try this thing, it clears soreness right up”
It’s not like either of them can escape even if they work together as I have no doubts that the brothers put a tracking device in their SO so at least they can simply exchange information and have someone to talk to that isn’t their partners
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Yandere Vinsmoke Siblings x F!Reader Headcanons (SFW & Not SFW)
Feat: Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji
Kinks: Breeding, Aphrodisiacs, Biting, Spanking, Mating Press Position, Facesitting, Skirt Flipping, Cockwarming, Overstimulation, Sex Toys, Multiple Orgasms
Tw: Scummy behavior, Emotional manipulation, Pregnancy mentioned, Standard Mommy/Daddy Issues of the Vinsmokes
Reiju (0) Vinsmoke
She’s one of the worst out of the siblings
Possessive, controlling, but so sweet too.
She loves drugging you delirious with aphrodisiacs almost as much as she loves cuddling you.
She fingers you slowly, pressing kisses to your neck. 
She adores and laughs at all the squeals and moans she can pull from you, especially when she teases your clit.
Reiju loves having you licking her fingers off for her after she makes you cum at least 3 times. 
She loves kissing you so sweetly during aftercare.
Her pillowtalk normally contains praises and begging you not to leave her.
“I don’t want to be alone here... Just please stay by my side... I love you, darling.”
She never lets Judge around you. She does everything in her power to keep him away from you.
Ichiji (1) Vinsmoke
Ichiji showers you in all types of physical gifts. Fancy dresses, lingerie, sex toys, and more.
He despises when you try to escape. He treats you so well and this is how you thank him?
He punishes you for even the smallest amount of disobedience. 
His main punishment is spanking you raw before fucking you hard.
He loves making you cum on his cock until you’re sobbing and whining from oversensitivity and pain. 
No matter what he always makes it his goal to cum inside you.
Afterwards he’s normally quiet and just rubbing your belly slowly.
Sometimes though he’ll speak and ask one of three questions.
“You won’t give me failures, right?”
“You’re going to love our quadruplets no matter what, right?”
“We’re going to be happy as king and queen, just like how father and mother used to be, right?”
He’ll never tell you, but he really needs the praise and reassurance from you.
Niji (2) Vinsmoke
Niji treats you awfully and he knows he is.
He will make you wear skirts just to flip them up and comment on your underwear. 
He’s just as picky about other things as he is his food. Therefore, if he decides he doesn’t like something you’re wearing, he’ll just rip it off. 
He gets pissed when you disobey him or try to escape. He just doesn’t understand why you act that way.
He’s never gentle when he fucks you and loves to use sex toys.
Sometimes he even uses toys as punishment, putting as many in and on you as he can manage and putting them on their highest setting then watching you fall apart into overstimulation.
His aftercare is always the same though, holding you close and pressing himself as close to you as he can.
On days that are particular rough on him you can hear him mumble words of love against you.
Yonji (4) Vinsmoke
Yonji is the nicest of his siblings which isn’t saying a lot.
He loves biting your neck and leaving all the marks he can as a sign of affection.
He’s shameless about when he wants you, even more so than his siblings. 
He adores taking you anywhere and everywhere. 
He personally loves dragging you into his office and making you cockwarm him until he gets his princely paperwork done. 
He also adores eating you out wherever he wants. But he finds it especially enjoyable to just lay back and place you right on his face. 
When he comes back from missions, 9 times out of 10 he’ll putting you in the mating press position and uses his remaining energy and adrenaline to fuck you hard.
Afterwards he pulls you close and cuddles you. Most days he just lazily falls asleep against you.
However somedays he will cry against you.
“Please don’t look away from me... Please say you love me... Tell me I’m your favorite...”
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hyu8io · 3 years
Yandere Vinsmoke brothers headcanons
A/N: My terrible ideas keep getting worse.
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He is an absolute jerk to you, but does make sure to not cross certain boundaries.
Due to his pride, he will show off to you, which can cause problems between him and Niji.
He will let you touch his hair, styled or not.
If he ever catches you wearing his raid suit, please be careful, he might get horny.
Time to time, you might find him in your bed, sleeping peacefully next to you.
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Bullies you affectionately, but tries to actually be nice.
If you can cook, he will want you to cook for him, even if he denies it when you ask.
Just like Ichiji, he will become putty in your hands if you touch his hair.
Might make comments about you wearing his raid suit, which can be taken as insults.
Acts like a tsundere most of the time, but all he really wants is your attention.
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He will openly admit that you look good in his raid suit, he literally doesn’t care if his brothers heard him or not.
Purposely angers you to see your reaction, he unfortunately likes your angered face.
Don’t be fooled though, he loves you just as much as Ichiji and Niji do.
Give this man any kind of affection and he’ll probably stop trying to anger you.
Gets jealous of his own brothers, he is the youngest after all😔
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unicreamuwu · 3 years
Not really a request but more an headcanon on the vinsmoke brothers.
Ichiji, Niji and Yonji in reality can feel emotions but they are twisted so they percieve thing differently from any normal human and, when they do feel things like any one else, they just fake it by being extremely mean and shows zero emotions because of their father that considers them failures.
This being said, i picture them being extremely mean with their crush / s/o mostly because they don't know how to show proper emotions and also, they can be quite dangerous for this since they can feel emotion and being jealous is a pretty strong one.
This is a really good one. Sorry if this didn't turn out how you liked it to be. Congratulations on being the first person to request the yandere Vinsmoke.
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Ichiji Vinsmoke
Judge made you be the young maid for his first son, Ichiji.
So, when Ichiji was young, he threw a lot of insults at you.
He didn't hit or injured in any way, he just threw insults at you.
He said stuff like "Your outfit looks ugly, you should change it." or "You know, you should change your body. Oh wait, you can't cause you already ruined it yourself."
He knows that you get hurt by this, and he likes it.
Then one day, you've been ignoring and avoiding him.
This happened for the past couple of years.
Never taken one order from him, or do anything for him.
He hates it when you hang out with other people, especially Sanji.
He went to his mother, Sora, to tell her about this.
She tells him to apologize to you and he did.
But, you saw that as a joke and completely ignored it.
When he was finally an adult, Judge said something that'll shock everyone, including you.
"Ichiji, my son. I've noticed how you look at Y/N a lot, so I've decided that you should marry her."
And so, it happened.
You were married to him. Under his mercy.
You hated this and he knew.
But he loves it.
He finally got you to notice him.
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Niji Vinsmoke
Being a young maid for the second Vinsmoke son is similar to hell, but much worse.
Unlike Ichiji, not only does he throw insults at you, but he also beat you up.
He would trip you while going down the stairs, hit you "on purpose", and throw his plate of food at you.
One day, you had enough and said something.
"You know what, if you don't treat me with respect, then I won't serve you anymore!"
He was silent, then laughed thinking it was just a joke.
But, turns out he was wrong.
You actually stopped serving him.
He started to get annoyed by this, but started to is develop some strange feelings.
He was pissed off when he saw you hanging out with Sanji in his cell.
This went on after Sanji ran off after years.
When he finally became a germa, he went to his father.
"Father, may I ask you something?"
His father looked up at him.
"Can I have your permission to marry Y/N?"
Judge looked at him for a moment before nodding.
"Well, I suppose so. You will make children with her."
And it was settled.
You were under his mercy.
There will be no ignoring or avoiding.
Unless you want a punishment from him.
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Yonji Vinsmoke
Yonji didn't want a young maid at first, but when he saw you.
He knew he was going to have a lot of fun.
Like a lot.
He's better than Niji but worse than Ichiji.
He would throw insults at you, but he doesn't do anything harmful.
Other than tripping you over.
After months of being stuck next to him, you had enough.
You told him to stop multiple times, but he saw that as a joke.
It was until you started to ignore him.
He tried everything to get your attention, but it was like dust blowing away from the wind.
Yonji barks at people when they just spoke one word to you.
Even his brothers.
He doesn't know what this is, but he kinda liked it.
He asked his mother about it, and she told him that it was some twisted way of love.
And oh boy, he loved it.
Finally, after years, he started to get more possessive each time.
Until one day, he pinned your arms against a wall nearby.
He watched as you struggle to get out of his grasp until you stopped after hearing his line.
"You'll get married to me in a couple of weeks. You better not think about escaping this kingdom."
His voice sounded threatening and you were scared.
And you shakily nodded your head.
After the agreement, you were glued to the man you never had affection for.
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Could i get some headcanons of what kind of yanderes the vinsmoke brothers would be ? ☺️
Sure thing love! And, uhm, I’m going towarn y'all now. This is one of the darkest things I have everwritten, but since the Vinsmokes have been requested I decided to goall out because we know how cruel they are. So yeah, this stuff is dark buthopefully won’t upset anyone.
Yandere!Vinsmoke Ichiji
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the manipulative one
Ichiji never wastes his time, so hewouldn’t even try to impress you or win over your favor. He is aprince with power. It’s obvious that only a fool would say no.
but just in case you might be stupidenough to decline his offer, he’s going to be ‘nice’ and give you achoice. Be his, or lose everything and everyone you love.
…what? You don’t believe him and refuse?Oh love, you poor, poor soul- even before the clock strikes midnighton the same day you will already find liveless corpses of your lovedones piling up in front of your house
of course he won’t deny his involvementwhen you confront him about the murders- he gave you a choicebut you decided to refuse him. Clearly, it is your fault that they’redead now!
even when you break down in front ofhim with tears streaming down your face, Ichiji is untouched and willeven promise you that more and more people you care about willdisappear from your life until you agree to be his
day after day, you will lose more andmore, even if you decide to give yourself to him in the end- I mean, haveyou forgotten how you humiliated him by refusing to obey him in thefirst place? This is your punishment. It’s what you deserve.
in the future he is goingto put the blame on you for all kinds of misfortunes until youfinally break and start believing his words. Remember- You. Are. Nothing.Without him.
in fact, you should actually begrateful to him for getting rid of everyone who saw something in youthat wasn’t there in the first place. Love? You don’t deserve it. What did you ever doto earn something like that? Or better yet, why did you ever decide to love inthe first place? It’s such an useless emotion after all
…but hey, as long as you have him it’sfine. You don’t need these feelings. Cast them all aside, he’ll helpyou with it- and just be utterly devoted to your one and only prince,Ichiji.
Yandere!Vinsmoke Niji
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the violent one
.. for your own sake- the sooneryou’ll agree to stay with him the longer you’ll get to live
Niji makes it even simpler than hisolder brother. Be his, or he’ll beat you to death. …And killeveryone you know afterwards as well
but even after agreeing with hisdemand, things won’t be any easier for you or the people around you.He is a twisted and brutal man, and soon enough you will rather wishto die than spend another day by his side
anyone who dares to come too close toyou, no matter if friend or foe, will get beaten up until you won’teven be able to recognize their faces anymore. Sometimes, they mighteven end up dying.
…and if you think you’re safe and hewouldn’t lay a finger on you then I’ll have to disappoint you
never forget your place and what youare to him- not a lover. Not a girlfriend. But a toy. A slave. He cando with you whatever he wants. Even kill you, if he feels the urge.
and more than once will you reach thethin line between life and death. His violence against you comes froma twisted desire to see how for he can go until you break, withoutactually killing you
…but unfortunately, a human being canonly take so much and the day will come when Niji wakes up next toyou but your body will be cold and dead, due to you finally havingsuccumbed to your multiple injuries
oddly enough, he will actually be sadand mourn you for a while- after all, you brought him so much joy andentertainment. Where could he ever find another toy as good as you?
Yandere!Vinsmoke Yonji
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the obsessive one
from the moment he laid eyes on you itwas clear to him that he needs you to be his
he is probably the least violent out ofhis brothers, but that doesn’t mean that he treats you- and thepeople around you- good
there will be no immediate threatfrom him upon your first encounter, and as a fact, Yonji mightactually try to appear somewhat 'decent’ and win you over with hisoutstanding 'personality’ and wealth and terrible flirting
but if that isn’t working he’ll getpissed. Really pissed. He won’t let it out on you though- but rather someinnocent bystander unfortunate enough to cross his path right now
Yonji simply does this to show you howeasily he could smash your head in if he wanted to, and that you wouldnever stand a chance against him and his power
so, once again, accepting his offerwould be the wisest thing to do right now
and suprisingly, he’ll actually treatyou… somewhat decent. Yeah, he is still a pompous asshole, but yourbody mean something to him. So he isn’t going to hurt you. physically.
sadly, the same thing can’t be saidabout whoever you decide to have a talk with. Didn’t he make it clearto you that the moment you agreed to be his and his alone no outsideris allowed to touch you?! (same goes for your family as well)
look, there is a limit to his kindness. Andif you dare to break his iron rule again, Yonji is simply going tolock you up somewhere and his face will be the only one you’ll be seeing for the rest of your life
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Best One Piece Yanderes
Donquixote Doflamingo
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The man screams yandere in the show and he screams yandere in the fanon too. Literally a manipulative, isolating and eliminating yandere all in one. Would take his s/o and lock them up, make them only rely on him (because he’s so godly), and if that doesn’t work he has no problem killing them so no one else can have them. 
If s/o was feeling miserable or crying he would coo at them and offer them whatever they desired (just not freedom of course~). Best clothes, finest jewelry, you name it he gets it. Would also put them in his lap and snicker at how they are being a crybaby.
Would only allow the family to see s/o; but if s/o gets too much attention or might have an attitude be prepared for isolation, even from him. The guy would leave you in a room for a week until he decides you are worthy enough to see him.
Would probably end up giving s/o Stockholm Syndrome and wouldn’t feel an ounce of guilt
10/10 for like hitting all the yandere marks, but honestly s/o might not mentally (or physically) survive
Trafalgar D. Water Law 
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My boy! Doffy said it himself, there is some of him in Law, and that also goes with yandere tendencies! Law would definitely be a manipulative and isolated type of yandere. Boy is so stressed he just wants to protect his s/o from everything. But he also still has to act tough and play the pirate part, so be prepared for threats about being sliced in half if you think about leaving.
He’s probably the chillest in terms of letting s/o do their own thing/hobbies unless it involves them getting hurt, then forget it, find a new hobby. 
If s/o was sad/crying/upset he wouldn’t know what to do, but just stares at them. Part of him blames himself which leads to him not wanting to comfort them because who would want him? And the other half is angry at s/o or the individual for allowing the person to make s/o that upset. So definitely a quiet watcher as s/o lets the emotions out, afterwards he might ask if you want to talk about it, depending on the situation.
The crew can hang out with s/o since Law isn’t a huge jealous type, but don’t expect the Straw Hat gang to be chummy with them, they are his, get your own. 
9/10 cause boy needs to calm down and take some melatonin 
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We all see how he obsesses over the Straw Hat gang (especially Luffy); boy would lose his mind over a s/o. The submissive type yandere, one who gives all his love and honestly doesn’t expect much back. Probably would just stalk his s/o and make sure they always get home safe and maybe sometimes will leave them small gifts at their door.
Would literally break down if he saw s/o crying or upset and would ruin his stalking just to run out and comfort them (which might confuse/weird out s/o-)
Knows everything about s/o, from favorite food to that one time in grade school where s/o got pantsed.
8/10 for caring, but doesn’t initiate unless really needing to. Really just wants s/o to live their best life (while he watches from afar).
Boa Hancock
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If Doffy is King of Yanderes in One Piece, Hancock is the Queen. She’s definitely another submissive type yandere who will follow whatever s/o tells her to do. 
“Hancock, you need to pay attention to the meeting.”
“Yes s/o-sama~!! Kyaa~!!”
She’s also the delusional type of yandere so sometimes s/o has to remind her, they are indeed not dating/married. 
If s/o were to get upset/sad/cry Hancock will definitely be the type to ask “who did it?”, whether it’s from her own trauma growing up or just not wanting to see her s/o so upset she doesn’t know, either way whatever happened she is going to change it!
10/10 for yandere tendencies and honestly who wouldn’t want to have her as their yandere lover.
Baby 5
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Baby 5 just wants people to accept and love her (honestly same). So when s/o was kind to her and thanked her, she couldn’t look away. Were they meant to be? Are the stars in line? 
Definitely a submissive yandere; I wouldn’t put her as fully delusional like Hancock, but she can get up there at times! 
She tries to act tough and not wanting s/o’s attention, but God when she gets it the girl is gone. Will literally get beet red when s/o compliments her on something random/small, lord be with her when it’s something big.
Would remember every anniversary and special day of s/o’s and wouldn’t even get mad if s/o happens to forget or says they are too busy for a big event she planned. As long as s/o continues to want her, she’s happy!
She would be in the mixture of Hancock and Bartolomeo on seeing her s/o distraught. She doesn’t know if she should comfort them, cry with them, solve the problem or do all three.
9/10 but baby needs to learn to love herself :(
Runner Ups:
Eustass Kid
Vinsmoke Ichiji
Vinsmoke Niji
Vinsmoke Yonji
Charlotte Pudding
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Straw Hats Masterlist
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Monkey D. Luffy
Drunk s/o screaming
Introducing Ichiji as fiancé
Reaction to Sanji flirting with chubby girlfriend
Thank you for the meal (NSFW)
S/o getting injured on battlefield
S/o getting kidnapped and tortured
Introducing s/o to “father”
Reader acts like Satou Matsuzaka (yandere)
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Nico Robin
Merry Christmas!
Roronoa Zoro
Drunk s/o screaming
Devine Juice (NSFW)
NSFW Headcanons
Establishing Dominance (NSFW)
Reaction to Sanji flirting with chubby girlfriend (NSFW)
Law x Reader x Zoro (NSFW)
With s/o with a huge sexual appetite (NSFW)
Merry Christmas!
Vinsmoke Sanji
Drunk s/o screaming
Finally (NSFW)
S/o wanting to see Sora’s grave
"Is it normal to loose feelings on a whim out of nowhere?"
Reader acts like Satou Matsuzaka (yandere)
Merry Christmas!
Drunk s/o screaming
Reading a letter
Merry Christmas!
Yamato x female reader
Merry Christmas!
Monster Trio
With silent male reader 
Reaction to s/o wearing their shirt
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