#yandere jamison fawkes
gone-daddy-gone · 7 months
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rough draft ~
full uncensored pic to be posted to my patreon ❤️❤️❤️
what should he be saying to you in this pic? gimme some ideas! 🤗
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic!Yan Roadhog vs. Romantic!Yan Junkrat with JunkerTown Citizen!Fem Darling (romantic Rivalry/Sharing concept)
I'd love to! Pardon me if I seem self-indulgent, I love these two fools a lot. Wasn't sure how to fit the gender in this so it's mentioned only a few times. This is mostly a general take.
Yandere! Roadhog vs Yandere! Junkrat
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry/Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Intimidation/Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Violence, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Murder, Threats, Forced/Dubious relationship, Kidnapping.
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Them alone as yanderes would be intimidating as all hell.
Why? They're unpredictable, especially in a rivalry.
Roadhog is unpredictable in the sense you can't tell what he's thinking, he's silent and intimidating.
Not to mention ruthless.
Junkrat is similar in the sense you can't tell what he's thinking either, except this time is because he's so erratic and loud.
They're both similar but also contrast one another.
Roadhog would certainly be the type of yandere who intimidates those around him and may even scare you into compliance.
However I imagine he'd actually be softer with you once he has you.
Junkrat is more chaotic with his darling.
He's impulsive, often being clingy and flirty with you.
He wants to be the center of your attention and is honest about his love towards you.
He's just rather... destructive when it comes to justifying his feelings.
Being a citizen of Junkertown you've no doubt heard about Junkrat and Roadhog.
They're an infamous duo who has caused trouble for the Queen.
They aren't someone you really want to be involved with due to them being criminals.
You're simply a woman trying to make a living in a town filled with radiation and insanity.
Being involved with the two is most likely by accident.
Be it you accidentally run into them or accidentally get involved in one of their little heists... you never mean to be involved.
That or there's the classic way of helping one of them with an injury or something, only to attract the other.
Either way, being dragged into their life isn't entirely intentional.
Plus, being involved with them no doubt got you kicked out once the Junkerqueen found out.
But that's okay... because the two criminals will happily take you in!
I also imagine these two get into arguments a lot.
Most of it is petty but when you're in the picture it's often jealousy based.
The two care for each other as business partners and friends.
Yet them fighting over you is almost just as likely as them sharing.
They can both be smothering with affection, Junkrat is more likely though.
In fact, Junkrat being more smothering causes Roadhog jealousy.
Junkrat doesn't give you much personal space, often wrapping himself around you and exclaiming how much he adores you.
Meanwhile Roadhog would be seething at the fact Junkrat can just do that to you.
Roadhog is certainly not very clingy/affectionate as Junkrat... but he is possessive like his friend.
He won't bombard you with "compliments" or erratic behavior, instead he'll silently hover around you.
Maybe, if he feels he can get away with it, he'll pick you up to hold you.
As a result, Junkrat would throw a fit over this.
He wants your attention like that! How dare he!?
They both certainly get jealous over each other, but even more so if others were in the way.
Roadhog is hard to tell if he's jealous.
He silent and even when he stalks you he's hovering close by.
If anyone laid a hand on you, he'd remember it.
Then when you leave the area... he's squashing them into a red paste on the ground.
Afterwards he'll hunt you down again to either watch you or hold you close to him to regain his composure.
Then there's Junkrat, who is going to make his jealousy known.
Junkrat will make his jealousy everyone's problem.
He'll whine and pout when he sees you giving someone else attention.
Then he'll cling to you, asking you to pay attention to him again.
Once he gets you away from others, he'll find the source of his jealousy...
And blow them up into a fine red mist.
Them fighting over you, the girl of their desires, is not as bad as how they are with others.
They're going to argue but overall try to simply win you over instead of killing each other.
Both yanderes are capable of stalking.
Roadhog acts like a bodyguard for you while Junkrat uses the high ground or corners to watch you.
The two no doubt stalked you before they were kicked out, dragging you along with them.
Both yanderes would also give gifts!
Roadhog would offer sharing ice cream and plush toys with you.
Meanwhile Junkrat would offer you gifts he's made himself for you.
Both yanderes would kidnap, sharing or not.
Junkrat helps with with as he can make traps to prevent escape.
Meanwhile Roadhog is intimidating enough to make you reconsider running off.
Then there's when the two decide sharing would benefit them both....
The moment they decide they'll share their cute girlfriend that they've been watching for awhile now... you're never left alone.
Now Roadhog will hold you while Junkrat does.
Now when someone speaks with you they're immediately hunted down.
You're simultaneously very safe yet in danger.
No one gets close to you without Junkrat growling at them and Roadhog already plotting murder.
At least when they fought with each other it gave you time to try and escape.
Now you see them more often because they feel at ease around their greatest prize.
Junkrat is often the one the one who brags about the accomplishments he and Roadhog did for you.
They show you what they stole for you and shower you in gifts in their current hideout.
Junkrat always wants to kiss you while Roadhog nuzzles into you.
You resent them as they took you from your home.
In fact... you're WANTED in your home by the QUEEN now!
All because of them.
The two don't seem to care.
All that matters to them is they have their girlfriend all to themselves.
They won't be letting you go as you're more valuable to them than any sum of gold.
You have nowhere to go now anyways.
"Ohhhh, Roadhog, buddy! Isn't she the cutest? The best part? She's all ours now!"
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falsepirit · 5 months
anything for you 💣 [junkrat]
content warning: yandere, typical junkrat shenanigans.
You weren’t sure why this was happening. You weren’t sure why you didn’t catch on earlier.
Everywhere you went, catastrophe would follow you. You thought you were merely down on your luck, moving to areas often targeted by criminals. You should’ve realized something was off when acts of arson, murder, and thievery would live in your shadows no matter which country you were in.
This leads you to now: curled up, hiding inside a cardboard box in your bedroom that you never bothered unpacking, knowing you were bound to move once again eventually. You just didn’t think you’d ever meet the reason why you’ve had to keep yourself on the run, keep your name from being tied to crimes you never even dreamt of doing.
“C’mon, love. Won’tcha make it easy for a good bloke like me? I’ve been trying real hard to find you!”
His voice is harsh, strident words roaring through your apartment’s thin walls. You’re not sure what’s worse; the sound of uneven footsteps getting louder or the smell of gunpowder and fumes that’s begun to seep into your room. You feel your eyes well up in tears—you can’t tell if it’s from the smoke or sheer fear of your current predicament.
It’s not long before your door is kicked open, the man stomping into your room and bringing the smell of fire with him. “Come on out already, I’m dyin’ to take a gander at that pretty lil’ face of yours again,” you hear him call out, a crazed giggle following—and when you stay quiet and hidden out of sight, you flinch at the sound of him taking out his frustration on your possessions.
“Please, please, please,” he says. Metal clinks and creaks with each word; you wonder what on earth he’s got on him to be making such mechanical noises. “I’ve gotta see ya again. You've got me all out of sorts n’ you're the pick-me-up I swear I need bad.”
You can hear him cursing, crying out incoherent sentences out of desperation, maybe even insanity. No sane man would follow you across the globe, leaving bomb attacks in his wake.
Thud, thud, thud. The sounds of your belongings being thrown left and right, most likely with intentions of looking for any traces of you still in the room. Then goes the sound of your mirror shattering, your wardrobe’s doors being thrown open, your desk being shoved onto the ground, all the items you left on top coming down with it—
—then, there is nothing.
Your panicked heartbeat thrums in your ears. You can vaguely make out the cracking of fire, the man’s heavy breathing. Swallowing hard, you bundle up into yourself, praying that maybe, just maybe, he would give up on you and leave. Then, you’d pack up the remains of your things, move out of the country again, this time somewhere more rural, more off the map. Maybe if you had initially done that, you wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Oh, who were you kidding? This maniac had killed hundreds, set fire to a plentiful number of neighborhoods just to catch your attention. You have a gut feeling that if you tried escaping to the moon, he’d be there, too, bloodthirsty spree and all.
The thought of it—of him sacrificing so many innocent lives, so many homes just for your sake—makes you sick. The more you think about your neighbors all possibly being dead, the more your composure trembles, barely clinging onto a thread. It was too much. Too much responsibility for things you never asked to happen.
Before you realize it, you let out a terrified sob, tears spilling down your cheeks.
A relieved cackle echoes with the fire crackling. In an almost nauseatingly sweet tone, the man coos: “There you are! Been looking everywhere for you, love. I've nearly torn the whole damn place apart.”
You never asked for this. You never asked to be stuck in this situation. You never asked to be dragged out of the box by your arms, you never asked to be pressed against a lean body that belonged to a ruthless murderer.
You want to struggle and push him away, but all you can manage is a weak-hearted jab to his arm, only to hit metal instead of flesh. The sensation of warm metal leaves you confused, blinking away your tears, finally looking up at the man who’s been terrorizing you for the past few years.
He’s tall. Much taller than you. Where your head only reaches his shirtless chest, he has to look down just to get a good look at you; you’re faced with a blond man with sharp features, soot-stained skin, a wicked grin, and hazel eyes filled with a fondness that leaves you sick to your stomach.
“God, fuck, you’re way prettier up close,” the man says, a little breathless. A gloved hand runs up the spine of your back to hold you closer to him, resting at the nape of your neck. His smile grows wider at the way you shudder at his touch. “Can’t believe I’ve finally got ya in me arms. Pinch me if this is all a dream.”
Oh, how badly you wished this were all a dream. You try to pull your body away from his, but he only brings his body closer, his other hand—a prosthetic, but much more old-fashioned than most prosthetics you were familiar with—coming to rest under your thigh. You wiggle around in his grasp in an attempt to shake off the hand on your thigh, shaking your head in fear when he holds on tighter.
With a sudden heave, you squeak as you’re lifted into the air. On instinct, you wrap your legs around his body and cling onto his neck to keep yourself from falling off; the hand on your neck runs through your hair tenderly, almost like a reward for your cooperation.
The man hushes you while he cradles you against his body. “S’alright, babe, Jamison’s got ya. We’re gonna live happily ever after once I get you back home, you and I. Won’t have ta worry yer pretty lil’ head off now that I’m ‘ere.”
Sniffling, you raise your head to peer over this psychopath’s—no, Jamison’s shoulder. Your breath is caught in your throat when you notice the number of explosives strapped onto his body, a stark contrast to the way his hand comfortingly pets you. Any attempt at thrashing about would result in a bang and your limbs missing.
Your eyes flit across your room, from the rubble of your walls to your ruined furniture, until you manage to find the window.
Breath heavy from panic, you break down at the sight outside your apartment complex: almost every building within a nearby vicinity has smoke coming from it, some barely on the verge of standing and some completely collapsed. Smoke rises from the trail of wreckage left behind by Jamison, with corpses of humans and omnics alike following.
It’s all too surreal. This can’t be what he’s been doing continuously for years, stalking you to every place you’ve moved to—no, it can’t be. You couldn’t believe you were the sole reason for all the deaths and destruction Jamison’s caused just to come and claim you as his. It’s too much to comprehend, too much guilt resting heavy on your shoulders.
You don’t know what to do. You’re not sure what you’re capable of doing to save yourself anymore.
Humming, Jamison pulls the both of you away from the window and out of your bedroom. “I like ya so much love, so fucking much,” he says along the way, but it sounds almost sardonic with the devastation surrounding you. “I really do. I've never felt this hot n’ heavy ‘bout anybody else, swear on me dead body.”
He presses his lips against your neck, teeth grazing over your skin. Terrified, you hide your face against his chest, refusing to look at the horror this man could cause. “Need you to know I adore every part of ya, how lucky of a man ya make me feel with you ‘ere in me arms, fuck, darl, I’d do anything for ya, I need you to know that.”
“You’re probably knackered from all the ruckus, arent’cha? Sorry ‘bout that, I wasn’t lyin’ when I said I was dyin’ to meet ya again,” Jamison continues on. He’s right; you’re too exhausted to even sob anymore. “But we’re all good now! All that’s left is to blow this fuckin’ place to smithereens n’ we’ll be on our way to home sweet home!”
Too overwhelmed, too full of guilt—you let him take you to wherever home sweet home is.
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yandereaffections · 5 years
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One things for sure, you’ll never be bored around him
Junk rat would probably run into you while doing some stupid experiments that was sure to fail, having you question him and suggest other stupid things to him, and that’s when he fell for you
He’d drag you along on so many adventures, many which almost got you killed but it was fun all along the way
Roadhog approves of you as well, happy to have another friend to join them
Once junkrat sees where you live, a safe and cushy neighborhood that keeps domestic family and life’s going he was so confused
You live here? But you’re so much like him, outgoing and dangerous how could you also be living in such a domesticated way?
Invite him inside and he just dies cause omg you have air conditioning
From that moment he just fell on the couch you’ll see him truly relax, just laying down doing nothing but figuring out what the decor says about you
Though he won’t stay there for long, of course, it starts to feel stuffy and suffocating
But junkrat will visit you almost every week no matter what, it’ll be like a resting place for them and you never seem to mind when they randomly break in during the middle of the night to steal your matches
If junkrat has the unfortunate timing of running into your house when you have a romantic interest over he’ll just lose it,
A bitter child type like of anger, yelling at you for betraying him and running out dramatically. It takes roadhog to actually send him back and talk about his feeling for you, cause he’s just as oblivious to them as you are
Junkrat is obsessive and slightly protective
Most of his days and nights are full of thoughts about you, how you’re so unique and special, like something he’s never seen before. Junkrat rants Roadhogs ear off about you, the little things you do that drive him insane and what not
You’d have to figure out his really name is Jamison, cause unless you ask he’s just not gonna tell you. Once you start calling him by his name you notice he’s a bit off for the rest of the day, that’s because your making him flustered and weak, so you’ll stop calling him that over time
Junkrat plans little celebrations for you, for birthdays and anniversaries, which all involve fireworks and unplanned explosions. He can’t help it, you deserve only the best and for the next celebration he’s thinking about robbing a jewelry store for you
There’s no way you can run from him, nothing will keep you safe not even armed police, junkrat doesn’t need to hold anyone hostage when he has the open field to just chase you down like the little prey you are if you reject him
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 935
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @yandereaffections & @tonystarkspropertymasterlist (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
*Sorry @tonystarksproperty Tumbler won't let me tag your other profile @tonystarkspropertymasterlist
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damn dude there isnt like anything on junkrat or roadhog on here :((( can you do a short fic on junk kidnapping his s/o
Sorry for such a long wait nonnie, but I hope it has been worth it! This is like a year late I’m so sorry
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Roadhog called it pinning.
 Junkrat could only laugh; Junkrat never pined over anything. He instead would just take whatever he wanted. He was 23 hours into this stakeout, you had to be coming home soon. Jamie was sure of it, you’d left for work 10 hours ago! He was vibrating with anticipation, he hadn’t even set any bombs off today! Like a fuse he was getting impatient, TOCK TOC TICK TOC, his left leg was bouncing feverishly.
Really it was a miracle no one who had noticed him on this park bench actually called the police. Pretending to be inconspicuous was not his strong suit, but his lack of disguise and the upside-down newspaper “hiding” his face didn’t help. The thing was on the verge of ripping. He could feel the beads of sweat roll down his forehead, this man could take the heat but his thin patience was something impossible for him to deal with. When Jamie decided he needed something he NEEDED it. You were like a drug to him, an instant dopamine rush stronger than any treasure he’s ever plundered. He had to have you, the crown jewel of his collection.
Your appearance alone could stop his heart, left him breathless and quaking in his boot. But good things come to those who wait… at least that’s what Roadie always says. Junkrat rolled his eyes. Why wait for anything if you can make it happen now?! Tonight was the night, he was taking you home tonight. Whether it was actually in line with his plan or if he had become too impatient, the world would never know.
 His breath caught, the fidgeting stopped.
 There you were, trotting home after a long day, grocery bags in hand. So that’s where you’d been… Unaware of the eyes boring into your soul you crossed the small lawn in front of your apartment complex to your front door. Setting the bags of food down gently, you loved living on ground level. Didn’t have to lug your food up any stairs, or even had to interact with your neighbors if you didn’t want to. You could sit in the grass any time you pleased. Unlocking the large glass door and swinging it open. You had grabbed some extra goodies for dinner tonight, and you were excited for the weekend. Seeing as it was finally nice enough, you left the glass door open behind you. The home wasn’t very big but despite the cost you loved it. The stale air trapped in from winter could use a change anyway.
Meanwhile, Junkrat was trembling across the street. Your door still open and beckoning him. The warm sun setting against his skin as people filtered out of the street. Joining their families for dinner as the night set in. It was almost too perfect but THE Junkrat was never one to waste an opportunity.
He stood from the bench, dropping the newspaper to the earth. He felt like he was dreaming as he floated across the empty street. Across the turn and onto the patio. His peg leg making tiny thumps against the tile the only indication he was really there. Sure he had looked into your apartment all day but it was different being so close to you. Dumbfounded he slid through the frame and onto the carpet of your living room. He started to chirp happily to himself, he was finally here! Quickly clamping his hands over his mouth, trying to silence his giggling. He can’t let you know he’s here yet. It’s gotta be special, romantic-like. He hobbled father into the home; the living room giving way to the kitchen. Though he was stopped in his tracks, there you were bent over rummaging around in your fridge. Grumbling to yourself about being unable to find a specific sauce. The hum of the cooling machine deafening your ears to the approaching man until he stood directly behind you, his pelvis a hair away from your protruding rump.
 His hands hovering over your frame, curling and uncurling in anticipation. Just pure excitement just to finally touch you; it was finally happening. The scream you let out when he grabbed your waist and forced you against him was ear-shattering but Junkrat was deaf. Your sounds lost within his dream-like state and also the large insulating box that is a refrigerator. He was on cloud nine, frantic and you felt so soft within his grip. Watching you claw at the surfaces around you as you tried to pry yourself away from him in pure primal fear. Still unable to see your assailant being relatively stuck inside of the fridge you could only see a filthy torso and arms but no face. The prospect of a faceless killer was terrifying as you flailed against him. Not exactly begging for your life but trying to scream loud enough to bring safety. He eventually after felt like an eternity of screaming out of the box; his face wide and manic. He looked unhinged and it was impossible to place if it was in adoration of pure unbridled hatred.
Time seemed to stand still, screams dying in your throat as he leaned in, caging you ever further against his chest. His breath was rancid, shaky as his wide imposing eyes bore into you. His snaggletooth grin like that of a movie villain. A chitter of giggles sept from his lips growing into uncontained cackling right in your ear, it hurt with how loud it was.
“Oh look at you!” He exclaimed with a heavy Australian drawl. “You’re a treasure ain’t yah? Ol’ Junkrat has an eye for treasure I do and a right piece you are…”
 He leaned ever closer, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear, sending shivers of disgust down your spine.
 “I’m gonna take such good care of you…”
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elianas-cozycorner · 4 years
𝓜𝓬𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓮, 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓹𝓮𝓻, + 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓴𝓻𝓪𝓽 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭-𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
Author’s Note: Once again, this is a very old request which I decided to fulfill in order to give my blog new material and to honor old promises. I’m quite sentimental as it were, so I hope if the people who requested these see them they enjoy the read. Also, no gif for this head-canon page. I didn’t feel like it would fit in well. 
Please not I do not condone yandere-like behaviors, nor the manipulation of others. This is purely for fictional purposes.
Request: “Alright, just do general yandere hc for McCree, Jamison, and Gabriel. Write whatever is comfortable for you to begin with.” - Anon
Rating: 17+ (Teen+ for Ao3); 3rd person, gender neutral
Warning: Mentions of Violence, possessive & controlling behavior, mention of being held against one’s will, etc. Please proceed with caution or avoid reading if you are sensitive to these things.
Word Count: 718
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Jesse would be the doting and silently dangerous type of yandere. One moment, he’s very caring and catering to his muse’s needs and the next he’s breaking something in anger.
He tries not to upset his “little dove”, as he calls them, but sometimes they push the wrong buttons or get on his nerves.
Jesse is the type of person who, if he were to take someone against their will, would easily become the object of Stockholm syndrome. 
He cannot keep his hand off, always needing that physical contact and reassurance. 
He’s good at getting what he wants, from using a caring, genuine persona to poking at old wounds and antagonizing his muse.
Jesse constantly finds excuses to be near them, if he doesn’t live with them or keep them at home.
He is not the stalker type, being very blunt and obvious about his wishes and presence. He tries to be friendly and approachable as much as possible, genuinely believing his actions to be normal and just.
Never leaves his muse completely alone. Jess would be there when most and least expected, though not always in person. He’s quite good at surveillance techniques.
He doesn’t usually pose much of a threat to anyone, but he will not hesitate to make his anger or distaste known. 
It is not pretty when he starts to break things or cut off his muse’s contacts. He wouldn’t kill anyone, simply break some phones, pay people to delete emails, etc.
Very good at making his muse feel both isolated and alone when he needs to. 
Jesse is very emotionally manipulative.
Unlike Jesse, Gabriel is dangerous in every way.
He would not let his muse roam around, preferring to be the type of yandere who takes control of every and any situation. He would quickly find an excuse for his muse to move in with him and then, soon after, a way to keep them there.
Gabriel is both a physical and emotional threat, easily shifting blame onto his muse even when they are not the guilty party. He doesn’t hesitate to make them feel small and useless, liking their dependence on him.
Physically, he almost never follows through with his threats, but he often makes his muse think that another step out of line will come at the cost of pain.
Prefers the use of softer, less intense methods of punishment on his muse, however. He may have a controlling, manipulative nature but he still believes he cares for his muse.
While he may stalk his muse at first, even leaving notes or gifts of affection, he takes the first opportunity he can to obtain the person of his obsession.
He stalks family members and friends, ensuring everything is in order all hours of the day.
He is discrete in his movements and actions, making sure his muse has daily contact with the outside world and those close to them. He can’t afford someone ruining their connection and relationship, no matter how much he doesn’t like the idea of sharing.
Much more intense about surveillance than Jesse.
While he’s not willing to show love and pure adoration easily, he expects it from his muse.
Jamison is much more distanced than either McCree or Reaper, preferring to observe and love from afar.
He can’t have his muse hurting themself around his projects and explosives, so having them close to him wasn’t an option.
He would be very good at keeping things controlled from afar. Well placed letters of adoration, small gifts, and anonymous food deliveries always kept his muse guessing who he was and drew their attention from the “stalker” possibility.
Equally strategic threats and promises of hurt would ward off an potential threats to his relationship with his muse, including family and friends.
Despite being called a lunatic and an empty-headed fool, Jamison is smarter than most people. He would cover his tracks and plan everything out to the t to avoid mishaps.
Jamison would definitely be the kind of person to stalk out in the open, dressing and acting the part of a normal citizen so he could get closer to and interact with his muse in public. 
In the shadows, he definitely is the type to take photos and create albums of “moments” he’s shared “with” them.
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fandom-go-round · 4 years
Requests are open? Yays!!! I’ve been sitting on the idea of Junkrat going yandere for a hostage (male if you’re comfortable with it) they had to grab as an escape route when one of the duos heists didn’t go as planned. Feel free to ignore this if you’re not comfortable! I also want to say I love everything you write, and hope you’re having a lovely day!
Thank you for the kind words Anon! I really appreciate it! Sorry these are kind of all over the place; I wanted a good snapshot at each ‘stage’ if that makes sense. 
Warnings: Yandere Character, Kidnapping, Forced Interactions (Sexual and Other), Fantasized Living Together
The only reason that you’re with them is because of insurance. Junkrat had grabbed you to keep those damn coppers off them while the him and Hog escaped and now, he doesn’t know what to do with you. Hog suggests that they just kill you and be done with it but Jamie thinks you’re ‘too pretty to just kill’. Whatever that means.
Junkrat pays too much attention to you. Like too much. If you’re in the room his focus is on you like a laser, not moving unless you leave or Hog barks his name more than five times. You try to play it off, figuring that he doesn’t trust you and is making sure that you don’t try anything funny.
You’re forced to stay with Junkrat all hours of the day, your new sleeping place is the end of his bed. You can hear Roadhog arguing about you with Jamie but there isn’t anything you can do, chains keeping you to the bed. He sometimes will force you to get into bed and use you as a spooning partner, elbows digging into your skin as he holds too tight.
You realize that you’re not getting away when Junkrat starts talking about taking you places like you’re going on vacation. The news of your disappearance has died down and people aren’t looking as hard as they used to. He grabs your ass from behind and chats happily about how you’re ‘going away for a romantic weekend’. You turn to Hog with terror in your eyes but he doesn’t acknowledge you, telling Jamie to be careful. Your situation just got a hell of a lot more complicated.
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junkercrush · 4 years
Weird Yandere Junkrat Be Like:
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calico199 · 5 years
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Fast sketch of Junkrat boi wearing some Japanese girl uniform
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yanderejunkrat · 6 years
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crazy = genius
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Hello! Can I please request romantic Junkrat with prompts 1, 34, and 37? Gracias! :)
YES. I will write one of my favorites yet again :)
Yandere! Junkrat Prompts 1, 34, 37
"I'd burn this world and everything in it for you."
"No one else understands me except you!"
"We should get married! It's been long enough, hasn't it?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Post-Kidnapping, Implied forced marriage plans, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Violent thoughts, You're on the verge of mind break, Forced relationship.
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Passion, in a normal relationship, wouldn't be that bad. However, when it came to you and Junkrat... things are different. Jamison Fawkes is a bit too passionate.
Passionate to the point of destruction.
"No one else understands me except you...." The Junker trails off, laying on top of you. Honestly, how long had it been? How long have you seen these exact same walls and been forced to look at this exact same man?
"What about Roadhog?" You find yourself bringing up. You only regret the question when the Junker wraps himself around you tighter.
"Well, he's my pal! You and I are much different... he wouldn't understand me like the way you do." Jamison rambles. "... you don't think I love Mako more, do you?"
Honestly, part of you wishes he did. That way it wouldn't be you kidnapped and trapped in these walls. You were not trying to imply jealousy.
If anything what you said was an impulsive bitter thought.
"Of course not." You sigh, mostly due to the situation. You then try to loosen the grip Jamison has on you by combing through his hair and holding him back on the bed. Even if the affection was just meant to ease him... you still feel disgusted by it.
You feel Jamison snuggle more into you before sighing in a giggle. You find yourself staring harder at the wall when Jamison kisses your skin in a loving manner. If anything you try to focus on the smell of rust and the orange tinged walls.
"Mako and I go way back..." Jamison hums. "However... I feel a better connection with you. I couldn't love anyone more than you...."
You gasp when the Junker nips at your skin just to see your reaction. You hear him laugh in a teasing manner before pulling away and guiding your head to make eye contact.
"I'd burn this world and everything in it for you." Jamison whispers, a much different tone from his usual excited yelling. "You'd just have to say the word and I'd do it in a heartbeat!"
You feel your blood run cold at his tone, earning another laugh before he nuzzles into you again. There was that strange passion of his again. Jamison often admits he'd murder for you to show his love for you.
You fear he has killed when he eventually leaves these walls... something you wished he let you do.
You think the conversation is over after that. With a huff you roll over, Jamison adjusting his own position to hug you from behind. You really wish he wasn't so clingy.
You think maybe you can at least pretend to sleep while he holds you. You've been here long enough... is it really that hard? So... you attempt to close your eyes.
"Hey!" Jamison gasps, shocking you out of your attempted slumber. "I've got an idea!"
You find yourself grumbling... he and ideas never work.
Isn't that why you're here?
You're caught off guard when Jamison spins you around to meet his gaze again. His eyes are so full of excitement and adoration you find yourself panicked. What did that mean?
"We should get married! It's been long enough, hasn't it?"
Any attempt to ignore him is thrown out of your mind at those words. Your eyes are blown wide in a panic and your heart rate increases. Marriage!? To him?
"Oh! You look excited, good! I've been wondering when I should pop the question...." Jamison rambles on and you try to calm yourself.
You don't bother to listen to what he says. He keeps talking about on if you should have it big or small. He's talking about themes and outfits. You say nothing... all you hear is the blood rushing to your ears.
You're snapped from your panic when Junkrat calls out to you.
You want to vomit.
"So what do you think!?" Jamison squeals. "What do you want to do?"
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lunagojo · 3 years
characters I write for / rules! (UPDATED)
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
Loki Laufeyson (MCU)
Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange (MCU)
Wade Wilson / Deadpool (MCU)
Thor Odinson (MCU)
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier (MCU)
Yondu Udonta (MCU)
Quentin Beck / Mysterio (MCU)
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver (MCU)
Logan Howlett / Wolverine (X-Men)
Peter Parker / Amazing Spiderman (Andrew Garfield ver.) (Sony)
Eddie Brock / Venom (Sony)
Thena (MCU)
Sylvie Laufeydottir (MCU)
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch (MCU)
Valkyrie (MCU)
Gamora (MCU)
Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa)
Mondo Oowada (Danganronpa)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)
Rantaro Amami (Danganronpa)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa)
Koga (Inuyasha)
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
Tanjirou Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer)
Sanemi Shinazugawa (Demon Slayer)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer)
Giyu Tomioka (Demon Slayer)
Tengen Uzui (Demon Slayer)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Itadori Yuuji (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Fushiguro Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Ryomen Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Inumaki Toge (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Bakugou Katsuki (BNHA)
Shoto Todoroki (BNHA)
Tenya Iida (BNHA)
Eijiro Kirishima (BNHA)
Dabi (BNHA)
Tomura Shigaraki (BNHA)
Atsuhiro Sako / Mr. Compress (BNHA)
Toga Himiko (BNHA)
Jin Bubaigawara / Twice (BNHA)
Keigo Takami / Hawks (BNHA)
Kai Chisaki / Overhaul (BNHA)
Shoto Aizawa (BNHA)
Video Games:
Gabriel Reyes / Reaper (Overwatch)
Jamison Fawkes / Junkrat (Overwatch)
Mick Mundy / Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Dell Conagher / Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
Jeremy Charleston / Scout (Team Fortress 2)
Dr. Ludwig / Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil 8)
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil 8)
Prince Sidon (LOZ: Breath of the Wild)
Princess Zelda (Mainly Twilight Princess ver.)
Noob Saibot (Mortal Kombat)
Steve Fox (Tekken)
Vega Fabio la Cerda (Street Fighter)
Lor'themar Theron (World of Warcraft)
Grand Magister Rommath (World of Warcraft)
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza (World of Warcraft)
Dragonprincess Lunastrasza Moonstrider (World of Warcraft, my oc! :) )
Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider (World of Warcraft)
Illidan Stormrage (World of Warcraft)
Jun-ho (Squid Game)
King Orm (Aquaman, Patrick Wilson ver.)
Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias (Watchmen)
Dan Dreiberg / Nite Owl II (Watchmen)
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit)
Din Djarin / The Mandalorian (Star Wars)
Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Bruce Wayne / Batman (Battinson, Nolanverse or Arkhamverse)
Selina Kyle / Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz, Nolanverse or Arkhamverse)
Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie or Arkhamverse)
Roman Sionis / Black Mask (Ewan McGregor or Arkhamverse)
Slade Wilson / Deathstroke (Arkhamverse)
Arthur Curry / Aquaman (Jason Momoa ver.)
What I will write:
Mainly headcanons and preferences, _____x reader
Only doing SFW for now (this might change depending on my comfort level) -- I will do suggestive content, however (just not blatant smut)
Please be as clear as possible when sending in a request! This helps me be as accurate as possible!
Please be patient with the time it takes for me to answer! I have a part time job and a life outside of tumblr, plus I get burnout a lot
I will not do: yandere, noncon, p*dophilia, abuse, etc.
I am 25 years old (soooo not a minor, lol)
I will do maximum 3 characters / ask
If the ask does not follow the rules then I will delete / not answer!
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pastel-soda-pop · 4 years
Fandoms and characters I write for
Hamato Yoshi (younger) 
Izuku Midoryia
 Katsuki Bakugo
Eijiro Kirishima
Hanta Sero 
Iida Tenya 
Denki Kaminari 
Shouto Todoroki
Mirio Togata 
Tamaki Amajiki 
Tomura Shigaraki
Inasa  Yaorashi
Shota Aizawa 
Toshinori Yagi
Enji Todoroki
Keigo Takami
Soilder 76/Jack Morison 
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes 
Jesse McCree
Genji Shimada
Hanzo Shimada
D.va/Hana Song 
Lucio Correia dos Santos
Jamison Fawkes/Junkrat 
Jean-Baptiste Augustin/Baptiste
Siebren de Kuiper/Sigma
Reinhardt Wilhelm
Akande Ogundimu/Doomfist
Lena Oxton/Tracer
Amélie Lacroix/Widowmaker
Aleksandra Zaryanova/Zarya
I will not right NSFW for characters I’m not comfortable with, or are not 18+ outside a college AU 
Gore/Yandere content isn’t off the table 
I can write for Trans readers, any size reader, any race, just be sure to put it in your request :)
I have the right to refuse your request, don’t argue with me on this. 
No character shipping requests
Please don’t rush me, I have a life outside of tumblr that my prevent me from writing for periods of time.
I think that’s about it! I hope you stick around! And enjoy, Thank you for reading!
-Sincerely me Soda
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Yanderes of your choice reacting to their s/o being yandere too, please?
Mmmmmmm this is interesting. I’ve seen this prompt. I’m ready.-Yandere Jamison Fawkes:
-What a lovely surprise! You’re just as crazy as he is.
-He’s very pleased with this. Not only have you succumbed to him, you’ll be willing to do the same for him. Expect lots of heist planning and bomb making.
-Both of you are bite covered. Sex is primal and a fight between the other for domination, full of moans and whines and devilish laughter. He always cums on you, because he wants to see it.
-You’re a pair from hell.-Yandere Olivia Colomar (Sombra):
-She’s ecstatic as well. You two are something scary. When she kidnaps you and you say you were planning on the same thing, the air is full of shrieks of laughter.
-You cling to one another in public like children. Buy each other’s clothes and wear each other’s clothes. Not gonna say both of you have a panty sniffing fetish butttttt
-Lots of hacking together. She teaches you. But you can’t get better than her.
-When a Talon agent looks at you or her, they might as well be dead.-Yandere Hanzo Shimada:
-Mmmmno. This is not what he wants.
-He is in control of you. He will make that perfectly clear. He is stronger, better trained, and wants you more. He will make you bend.
-He’s not big on affection already, so if you try to cling to him he will punish you most severely.
-You will have to fight hard to break him. He just doesn’t understand, how much you love him. How willing you are to do anything.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
I'm surprised there wasn't a Junkrat yandere alphabet, can we get that please lmao
I can try! Not fully proofread, expect errors.
Yandere! Junkrat Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Junkrat
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Murder, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Isolation, Forced affection, Slight sadism, Delusional behavior, Blood, Biting, Getting caught in a bear trap, Stalking, Restraints mention, Forced relationship.
Tumblr media
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Junkrat is very intense with his obsession. He's clingy, easily jealous, and possessive when it comes to you. His unhinged attitude heavily affects his yandere behavior... which makes him a volatile yandere.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Junkrat doesn't mind getting a bit messy, especially if it keeps others away from the person making him all fuzzy. He can make their death look like an accident... but he prefers something explosive.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He is incredibly clingy towards you and sets up traps to prevent escape. He is overly affectionate when he has you and doesn't think of mocking you! He never leaves you alone and tries his best to tend to you in whatever way he can.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Probably but he's delusional... so he won't think that.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He is very open with you and doesn't lie to you all that often. He is very vulnerable towards you when he's around you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Upset and may even shed a tear. But he will quickly get annoyed and stop your fighting one way or another.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not really and no.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Getting caught in one of his traps or him being too rough with you. He tends to bite and one of his bear traps can mangle your leg if you're not careful. So... anything that causes you to draw blood.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He isn't sure, he just likes being around you as your "boyfriend"! Any future with you is a good one to him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Very. Jealous to the point he'll insert himself into conversations and maybe even attack/blow up the person you were with. He lashes out... he hates it when others try to have you.
As said before... he's volatile and unpredictable.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Overly affectionate, Clingy, Manipulative, Possessive, Easily jealous, and very unpredictable.
It's hard to get rid of him.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Junkrat tries to be patient by stalking you. However, his obsession speed can be fast so he gets impatient. When he meets you he seems overly excited like you're some idol.
You may think of him as just some unhinged friend... until he kidnaps you or blows someone sky high....
In the middle, for the most part no.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
The traps he puts up punishes any escape attempt on their own. However, restraints may also be something he gravitates towards along with rough affection for punishments.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many until he kidnaps you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Not patient in the slightest.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He most likely would not... you're the first person to give him such a rush... now you're gone.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No and no.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Curiosity most likely.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Upset and he tries to comfort you in anyway he can. He may be sadistic at times... but he doesn't like you like this.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Reciprocating/Playing into his delusions may give you a chance.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
A little but not really on purpose.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Worships you a bit and would do anything to have you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Not very long, a couple of months maybe?
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not intentionally.
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