#yandere kraang
helpfandom · 4 months
I saw the yandere! Plat! Kraang post and I LOVE it!! It’s so well written! Could you do a continuation if you haven’t? Have a good night/day!!
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@yanderefangirl @devilgirl101 @ladydoe8 <--- Sorry about Kevin.
952 words.
Continuing off of the scenario, seeing as it's part headcanons and scenario.
Something feels... wrong. Although the kraang monsters have turned off the lights and, this is new, given you a blanket and soft place to sleep, the ability to sleep is nigh impossible with the feeling of eyes crawling on you. Barely opening your eyes to flip to the other side of your body, the bot that's your current watcher stomps over to you.
"That which is known as 'sleeping' is commenced during that which is known as 'bedtime' or 'night time', an expanse of time in darkness." Groaning, and covering your head, "y'know, you don't need to use so many words just to say 'go back to sleep'." The droid steps back, "I give what is known as apologies." You wave it away. "s'fine. Stop watching me sleep though." He steps away methodically and sits in the corner, his eyes aren't on you anymore, but the feeling is still there. Fully opening your eyes now, you can see several kraang outside of the cell door with something that looks like a camera from your dimension clicking almost constantly.
Quickly flipping back over so you can't face them, clicking still playing outside and inside of your mind. Your stomach turning. They've been watching you, taking pictures and god knows what else. How many months have they been doing this?
Suddenly, a thought pops into your head. How long have you been in the kraang dimension earth time, how long is kraang time? It had been 200 kraang days, but how long is a kraang day? Is it equal to a normal earth day, or is it shorter? You can't trust your biological clock because of the stuff they put into at first, so you can't use that...
Hours go by, or is it really hours? go by trying to equate kraang time and earth time, and the lights within your cell flicker to life. The kraang droid uncrouches from his position, if he were human it would be considered 'springing up from his position', but he's not human. How did you ever once consider this human?
"Human. That which is-" "breakfast is the part of the routine happening now. I GET IT!" You yell the last part of what you said at him, leading to a step back from him being a little shocked at the fact that you yelled. You hadn't done that before. Something happens and the droid twitches and electricity comes out before dropping to the floor, the actual kraang brain coming out and rushing out the door.
You sit down on the floor, knees curling up and resting against your chest. Trying to calm down is an almost fruitless endeavor, but it for some reason works on your breathing. Taking slow, deep breaths and you calm yourself from your anger. A differing droid shows up and it's one of the human looking ones, like Kevin. Kevin was one of the better ones. He would give you extra food and tell you jokes he heard while pretending to be human. "Human. You have upset kraang. This hurts our feelings and as such, no food for the first meal." You glare at him, although nothing changes with his face, facial features wise. A couple of moments and then the droid changes position, putting it's arms behind his back. "But, Kraang sub-prime has informed us that humans don't like being confined, and although those that are-" It seems to struggle to speak, although it is using less words- "autistic do enjoy rigid schedules, it appears as we were informed by Kraang sub-prime, that ours is too rigid for humans. As such, we apologize and shall give more freedom. That shall be tomorrow, however, as you still upset Kraang."
You nod, swallowing thick saliva. "Alright. I understand." He, the droid, nods and then walks out of the room, although positioned right outside of the window to the room. You pout, and then grab the blanket and lay back down. It's been around 3 months that you've been here. Why haven't the turtles come back?
Falling back asleep now that there is no feeling of eyes crawling on your skin, you wake up to the darkness of the room, and the droid still outside the window. Swallowing your spit, your mouth is dry and tastes weird. Going up to the window and knocking on it, he turns around and sees you, then going to the door and entering inside the room.
"The lights are off because it is night time in Kraang world. We did not force you to wake when it was day time." You nod. "Yeah. I noticed." It nods and then waits. "Is there something that Kraang may get you, food or water? You are no longer permitted outside the room for the remainder of the week as punishment." You nod again, makes sense to you, although completely unfair. "Was that a nod of understanding or that you needed something?" You blink forcefully and can hear your eyelids make contact with the other and then answer.
"Water, please." You pause between water and please as you tacked the last word on, only remembering to be more polite as it may get the week over with faster.
He leaves, leaving you alone in the room, and someone else takes his place, a purple mechanical droid in place of a humanoid one. Looking closer, the way that the droid moved was more fluid, more human, so to speak. Kind of like Kevin. The droid looks around and then walks inside, a smile then breaking on the kraang brain's face. He steps closer and the voice that speaks is too similar to simply be a coincidence, too familiar to not be a friend.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Horrortober Day 1- Blood(Yan Kraang Raph x Reader)
A/N, not important: I'm doing something! So, for the month of October, I'm going to attempt to write one fic a day. Most will be dark/yan, so I'm sorry if y'all want fluff this month- Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Blood, Vomit, major character death, kraangified Raph, major injuries, yandere themes, dark themes
Words: 2342
Summary: The infection from the Kraang wasn't completely removed, and now Raph sees everything as a threat.
You watch your boyfriend rub at his eye again, the sclera red and irritated. Concern is evident in your features, making your usually soft expression pinched. Raph meets your gaze and his hand falls, his right eye twitching as he clearly aches to keep rubbing it.
“It’s still bugging you.” You remark softly, your face set in discomfort. Seeing him like this sends worry flooding through you. You knew it was hard for him, especially after the threat of the apocalypse. But seeing him still mess with his eye, the same one that had been the entrance to Raph’s mind? It was incredibly distressing, to say the least.
Raph nods at your words, his eye blinking in rapid succession as he attempts to flush out the pain. You sigh, moving closer and pulling his face down so you can take a look at it. It was veiny, the cornea starting to change from the comforting black to a dark pink. You grimace, rubbing your thumb under his socket. “Do you want to go have Leo and Donnie look at it again?”
“It’s late.” Raph mumbles, nuzzling his cheek into your hand. “Raph can wait until morning. It’s just a bit itchy, doesn’t even hurt much.”
You sigh, nodding as you lean your forehead against him. Your thumbs rubbed his cheeks, trying to soothe his nerves and keep him calm. Knowing he was even in the slightest pain broke your heart, but you knew he would be okay. “Okay. Just promise to get it checked by them soon. I don’t want you to lose an eye, you hear?”
Raph nods before scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to his bed, peppering your face in soft kisses on the way. You chuckle at his affection, leaning into his arms. He was your knight and your protector, the strength that held his family together. While the possibly infected eye was concerning, it was Raph. He would tell you if something was wrong. He was fine. He always was.
Raph situates you on the bed first before curling around you, making sure to keep his spikes and weight off of you lest you get hurt. You cuddle into your boyfriend, kissing his nose as he reaches above you to turn off the lights. The room is plunged into darkness, the weight of your boyfriend's head pinning you down as his arms wrap around you. Feeling his heart beating against your chest was comforting, grounding you and lulling you to a peaceful sleep.
The night moves on, the air still and quiet. You’re lulled awake to the feeling of a wet substance on your arm and chest, your face scrunching up in disgust as you realize Raph had managed to drool all over your chest and arms. You shift under his weight, trying to escape his tight grasp so you could move away and hopefully wash off without him realizing. The world seems to be against you however, as the moment you shift a low grumble erupts from your boyfriend’s throat, sounding almost like a deep growl.
Your face pinches in slight concern, your hand moving to his head in hopes to soothe him a tad. Your hand glides smoothly over his thick, leathery and scaled head, his grumbling turning to a soft breathing. Your hand halts the soft rubbing when you hit a patch of what feels like fleshy slime, your hand sinking into the gooey surface and being encased by it. You pull back, disgust and confusion pinching your features while you desperately try to peer through the darkness to see what you just touched. Your quick retreat seems to have alerted Raph, his head lifting up and his eyes meeting yours. His glowing, mismatched, pink and yellow eyes.
A chill runs down your spine and you gasp, your eyes focused on him and the soft glow from his eyes makes the fleshy goo protruding from his socket more visible. Another growl leaves his throat as you tense up, his body shifting to hover over you. You try to pull away, to push him back and slip away, but he doesn't budge. A small cry leaves your throat, panic rising in your chest as he shifts further onto you, his eyes holding a dark look. It was terrifying, seeing your boyfriend reduced to this state once more. Once was enough, but it happened again. You want to sob, to rub your hands over him and wash the Kraang parasite away, but you knew it wouldn’t work. You couldn’t even tell how far gone he was, with the Kraang being gone and all.
“Raph?” You ask weakly, your voice choked with fear and panic. His eyes hold a small semblance of recognition when you speak, his sharp gaze softening a tad. His eyes aren’t as cloudy as they were when the Kraang were close, the connection clearly not as strong. He nuzzles you with his snout, a gesture that was once innocent and loving now feeling like he was deciding whether you were going to live or die.
“Mine.” He practically rasps, his voice grating and making you feel like your mind is being scratched. You’ve never heard him like this before, tears coming to your eyes as the situation truly dawns on you. He nuzzles against you again, a quiet churr coming from his chest. You wanted to scream, to alert the others, but your voice was caught in your throat. You never wanted to be afraid of Raph, but in this state, you had no idea what he could do.
“Raph, baby, please.” You say quietly, small hiccups interrupting the cadence of your speech. You reach up to cup his cheeks, your arms sticky with the drying drool you were starting to suspect was blood from his repossession. “I need you to get up. You need help.”
He snarls at you, his eyes narrowing as he nips at your fingers. You quickly pull back, not daring to challenge him in this state. He had lost his mind, no longer himself. You hoped dearly his brothers knew how to turn him back, lest he be lost forever. It was terrifying to even consider.
You lay trapped with him for hours as the night goes on, his eyes constantly flickering over your face. He growls every time you move, more pressure added to you if he believes you might try to get up. You shift uncomfortably underneath him, trying to keep your breathing steady. It had been impossible for you to sleep with him like this, the thoughts of everything bad that could happen flooding your brain. It wasn’t until you heard the quiet padding of footsteps outside Raph’s room that you finally allowed yourself to feel a guise of hope.
Raph’s head perks up, hearing it too. From the humming that was joined with it, you knew it was Leo, probably coming to wake you and Raph for breakfast or just to be annoying. The way Raph’s eyes narrow makes you sick to the stomach, a horrible feeling washing over you like a tsunami. Nothing about this seemed good. The side door of the train car starts to open, and Leo’s bright smile is seen. Raph tenses, and you hold back a scream.
In an instant, Raph’s barreling towards his younger brother, his fleshy fist hardening into three thin spikes that sit on his knuckles. Leo dodges the attempted stab, but is too slow to catch the rebound as Raph throws him against the wall. His shell hits the concrete with a sickening crunch, his head loosely hitting the lip of his carapace when he slumps down. Raph looks as if he’s going to charge at his fallen brother once more, but grunts before turning back to you. He scoops you into his arms and starts to carry you off, marching deeper into the lair as you struggle. A painful squeeze makes the air leave your lungs, and you quickly back off the fighting. He navigates the lair perfectly, clearly still holding some form of memory. Whether it is muscle or actual recognition of his home is unclear.
The training room comes into view, Raph quickly lifting up the metal garage-like door just enough to where he could squeeze in. He looks around, his eyes shifting from corner to corner. You shift in his arms, uneasy and uncertain of his plans. It was downright terrifying not knowing what was to come.
Raph seems to make up his mind as he strides across the room, picking a corner and setting you down. He takes your shoulders and pushes you against the wall, holding you firmly for a couple seconds. 
“Must… Stay. Raph protect.” He garbles, his eyes staring firmly into yours. The reflection of your terrified face in his sclera was downright awful, the pink and yellow eyes making you nauseous. You can do nothing but nod, not willing to find out what would happen if you were to defy what he wanted.
Raph stands up, moving quickly as he leaves the garage and starts to head off into the lair. You curl up in the corner he had set you, breathing heavily as you start to panic. Was Leo okay? Have Mikey and Donnie found him yet? As every second passes, more weight is added to your chest and you start to cry, tears rolling down your face from shock and fear. You really hoped Leo was okay.
A quiet electric buzz to your left makes your hair stand on end, your body shifting away from the offending sound. A light blue portal sits in the room, Donnie’s worried face poking through before both him and Mikey fall in. Leo enters a second after, his shoulders stopped and movements slow. You feel more tears sprig at the corners of your eyes, a small burst of laughter escaping you as you see him in front of you.
“You’re okay.” You murmur quietly, more laughter leaving your chest as your mind desperately tries to process everything happening.
Mikey squats down to meet your eyes, his face holding a quiet worry. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head, letting it thud against the wall. “No. No, the only thing he’s done thus far is hold me too tight.”
The three sigh in relief, Mikey offering you a hand to let you stand. He helps dust you off, rattling off the plan as he does. “Donnie has a tranq gun we’re hoping will stop him. Leo and Donnie are going to try and remove the infection again without hurting him. It was done once, it can be done again.”
You all don’t address the way there was no guarantee it would even work, let alone stop it from happening again. It was better to remain ignorant and positive, only hoping for the best. Even Donnie was keeping quiet, letting logic and facts sit this one out. The door to the training room rumbles, and you all step back, Leo leaning heavily on one of his katana’s. 
Raph re-enters the room, his arms piled high with different soft, plush materials. Blankets and pillows spill from his arms, a trail of plushies behind him. He stares at you for a moment before zoning in on his brothers. Donnie holds the dart gun in his hands, shaking slightly from the pressure. He aims it at his oldest brother, taking a deep breath. He fires.
You barely blinked in the time it took for the dart to hit Raph, his arm raised to meet the dart before it harmlessly fell to the ground. A beat passes in heavy silence, everyone’s minds trying to weigh in on what had just occurred. Raph doesn’t give his brothers the opportunity to replan or try again, quickly charging at them with a ferocity you’d never seen. In an instant, Donnie’s flying across the room after Raph throws him, and Mikey is desperately trying to hold him back from attacking poor Leo once more.
You watch in horror as Raph grabs his youngest brother by the ankle, slamming him into the ground over and over until his shell is in pieces and he’s no longer moving. Blood is splattered all over and his fleshy back is exposed, Leo staring in shock and horror at his broken baby brother now sprawled across the floor. His body is spasming and Raph simply walks around him, as if that isn’t his own sibling.
The coppery smell fills the air, choking you and Leo and vomit climbs its way up your esophagus and spilling onto the floor as you dry heave. Leo and Donnie are screaming, your own voice mixed in through sobs. Mikey is ever silent, his eyes glazed and flickering wildly. You didn’t even see when Raph got to Leo, the wounded slider quickly overpowered when the older’s jaw latches around his arm and rips it off. The scream that follows is blood curdling, Leo’s own blood painting the walls red and mixing with Mikey’s. Leo scrambles for a moment, his eyes glossy and unclear while adrenaline is pumping through and making him act on instinct alone.
It’s not enough. Raph grabs him by the head, crushing his skull against the ground in quick succession. Donnie staggers to his feet, sobs and screams making his body shake. You fall to your knees, puking once more at the sight. It smelled so badly of blood, so badly of pain and suffering. You felt your airway close, unable to look as you hear Donnie’s body hit the ground and join his brothers.
Raph’s heavy footsteps coming closer aren’t enough to pull you from your stupor, sobs wracking your body and your friend's blood smeared over your body. The warm liquid dripped from your hands and face, diluting with your tears into a disgusting puddle at your feet. Raph picks you up, his hands gentle. He nuzzles his face against yours once more, more blood being smeared as he touches you. “Mine. Raph protect.”
All you could do was cry.
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yanteetle · 1 year
Ok I'm asking because a lot of people have different opinions on this and I wanna know yours
How do you think kraangifaction (I have no idea if I spelled that right) works?
Do you think it turns people into mindless zombies
Do you think it manipulates people into wanting it?
Do you think people are still conscious but can't control their bodies?
Or do you have another kraangifaction (still not sure if thats right) headcannon?
Oh god. Someone finally asked me.
Okay okay hear me out. There's this yandere Raph au that involves the Kraang, I call it the 'fucked UP' au (because I'm terrible at names) and well, ai can't give spoilers because It's a work in progress for my 900 follower's special! I'm almost there, and I've even got some sketches prepared and I need the time to finish them.
But to answer your question, my idea of kraangification is that depending on how you're infected, it can range from turning people to zombies, to keeping the person conscious and removing all control over their body. When infected directly by the kraang, eg: like how the foot clan was turned, they simply turn mindless, mostly because their bodies change so drastically from the kraang that their insides could be ripped open and they'd still be moving as the Kraang controls them remotely. So in my mind, when someone is directly infected, they'll die from the transformation.
Raph however, is a special case. Raph was trapped in a special 'Containment bubble' of sorts, and although we don't know how it works exactly, it can infer that his kraangification process has had time to lets say... cook. And from the climax of the movie, we can infer that he can hear Leo and the others, and this could show that Raph having more time to settle in the infection process allowed him to stay alive, but also forced him to give up bodily autonomy to the Kraang's will. And if I were you, I wouldn't think that ripping out the Kraang off his eye would really make his infection disappear. Because if the Kraang let him sit in the infection for so long, who knows how deeply ingrained this infection truly is..
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ninjaneonleon · 1 year
Episode Synopsis: While dealing with one of his episodes, Donnie unwittingly and accidentally makes a love potion. Unfortunately, Leo drinks it and Yuichi is his focus.
Edit: turns out I'm a dumdum who posted the wrong link. Fixed it now!
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oozedninjas · 9 months
Blame the Chemicals in the Mind
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Summary: Mad scientist!Donnie discovers he has developed twisted, unwanted feelings toward his best experimentation specimen.
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A/N: General verses, but I placed something about each version of Donnie, let's see if you can find it! Also, I heavily kept in mind 2012verse and Bayverse for some reason? Anyway, this will have multiple parts but it can be read as a one-chapter thing too :)
Please do not spam like. Reblogs are appreciated! ♡
Warnings: NSFW / DARK CONTENT/ smut/fem!Reader/ after the kraang apocalypse/Donatello and reader are both mid to late twenties /dub-con/eventual Yandere topics/experimentation/torture/blood and violence/trauma bonding/Stockholm syndrome/blood extraction/panic attack (reader's)/twisted hurt-comfort/between-the-lines humiliation/ mentions of the use of a feeding probe/sensorial overstimulation and deprivation/ Regarding smut: humping/creampie/DUB-CON/ dead dove do not eat
This is 18+ dark content. If you click on keep reading you have agreed you want to read this content.
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His ever-present gaze penetrated the tank's glass, fixating on your orbs. It was a constant company, greeting you upon waking— whether immersed in the computer's screen a few paces ahead or absorbed in a stress ball he kept in hand to stimulate his thoughts. He consistently stared, as if that alone could propel him closer to a cure for the three monstrous things that so closely resembled him. 
Donatello observed them through the fortified cells he constructed, initially intended as a security measure. He sighed deeply. The laboratory never felt as desolate as it did now, as if hopelessness swept through, resonating through his body. Gradually, despair eroded small fragments of his sanity, leaving nothing more than a faint echo of who he used to be.
He needed to find a cure soon. And so he pinched, tugged, injected, and inflicted upon your body a distinct form of torment every day. Each one an inch closer. However, despite your best judgment, you lacked the strength to keep on resenting him.
Exhausted from enduring numerous stings and side effects, your brain, perhaps as a survival mechanism, clung to words of reaffirmation. Praise. Approbation. Plaudits. They seemed to breathe sanity back into your inner self, preventing your poor state of mind from sinking deeper into the dark.
Such an exquisite test subject!
So remarkably compliant and subdued, aren't you?
I'll create an antidote, and they'll be back, and it'll be thanks to you.
You seem unwell today.
His voice was distant from under the water but he sounded somehow concerned. "Let's take the day off. You can't die just yet. Finding others like you is proving increasingly challenging."
You didn't want him to ignore you for the rest of the day. You wished he wouldn't. You could endure a slight pinch if it meant feeling something. Lately, the increasing sensory isolation was becoming more and more nerve-wracking. You must have wished too fervently, for just as he had not entirely turned away, the power abruptly ran out.
Donatello gasped. The blue light of your tank framed his face. A menace, yet fixable. The hitch: replacing the lab's battery required using the one in your tank. Both were designed with separate energies after an incident— an unfortunate electrocution during a short-circuit caused by an electric storm. Test subject 83q1q didn’t make it.
The wisest course of action was to empty the tank, replace the battery, and secure you elsewhere until he could find a new one. Your body throbbed with tickles of anxiety and anticipation upon noticing his intent.
As it drained, you descended to the bottom of it. He opened its side, causing all the tubes to tilt down. Donatello pulled them off. You inhaled as soon as he unplugged them from your throat. A coughing fit almost broke your rib cage right after a sharp, reckless gasp for air.
An overwhelming sensation hovered over you. Abruptly, everything was too much. Too much air, too rough floor, too much pressure on your skull, too loud— You can't breathe. You're choking. Your ears are beeping. Someone's screaming. You can't breathe, you can't breathe, you can’t— He's touching you. You tensed. Would he return you to the tank? Where's the needle? The last time he touched you, there was a needle, or something sharp, and it hurt. You brace yourself. 
Donatello began making even circles over your bare back.
"Deep breaths," he said. His voice sounded different. Steadier, warmer. "Follow my own, here," he pressed your hand to his plastron. His inhalations were even, soothing.
"That's right, you're doing well—maintain your focus right here."
Your view briefly smeared your palm over his chest before properly adjusting. Your head pulsed as if your skull rejected your brain. Your mind was a jumble of many things barely held together. But you’re breathing, you’re alive, nothing hurts.
"Well done. Now, tell me five things about yourself," he asked.
The piercing cold scraped your bones like long-stirred claws. Nothing hurts, not quite much.
"My name is Donatello,” he began to set an example. “I am a scientist. I aim to fix the Kraang predicament. I like purple,” he paused, realizing there was nothing more about him worth mentioning. Then, against logical reasoning, he added: “I miss my brothers.”
Squatting, embracing your naked, soaked silhouette in a failed attempt to stop shivering, you listened; forcing yourself to clutch onto his voice, scarcely discerning his words but making the effort. On the verge of giving up on obtaining an answer, Donatello motioned back. Your nails dug into his plastron just then. He tensed.
“My name is—” your voice quivered, mind spinning, searching. You told him. “Chest… hurts. Head, hurts. I’m cold.” Your weakling tone disturbed you, hoarse, broken, reduced to a raspy mutter. “I’m… alone.”
You were unexpectedly a jarring mirror he reflected in. Donatello tilted his head, musing.
"Well done. It wasn't so hard, was it?" he articulated, displacing your hand. "Now come here, you ought to wait inside the cell until the battery is efficiently substituted and operational—I still need to find another to power the tank, though.” he added between his teeth, more to himself than to you. “Anyway, be glad, you'll rest," he finished, offering you a towel.
You took it, hesitantly. Soft, cold fingers brushing with rough, calloused ones. Donatello retracted his hand upon the brief contact. For half a second, he seemed misplaced. Something shifted thereafter. As if the lab’s loneliness somehow extinguished just by having another breath residing there. As days elapsed, he worked diligently to replace the burnt pieces and connect the battery. This task, which would have taken only a few hours with all the needed resources, was now hindered by the aftermath of the world nearly ending. 
You braced yourself every time he approached your space, yet, pain never came with him. Instead, there was something, something more, something close to a kindle glimpse of a strange fascination. Donatello couldn't grasp why, but he started bringing you food instead of using the feeding probe.
“I help bring them back,” you said one fine day, after long contemplating the scattered photographs of four turtles attired in different colors, enjoying life before the apocalypse.
The sound of the welder stopped, as did the sparks that created different patterns of light around. He looked at you, understanding that it was not a reiteration of your role; it was an express wish, a genuine interest, as if you actually had a saying on the matter. It was, in a way, touching.
“Yes, you will,” he paused briefly, contemplating for the first time going slightly out of his way to give you something. But what? Perhaps something to wear? No, keeping you naked meant you wouldn't dare to set foot outside. It had to be something else, something more.
Donatello pondered for half a heartbeat before pulling the protective lenses up.  “Hey, on a scale of one to ten, how cold would you rate your cell?”
The day came when he finished fixing the lights. The sudden brightness forced a hiss out of you, too sharp. He adjusted it, toning it down to a level you could bare. He found an extra battery as well, which meant you would return to the tank. You would hurt again, but it’s fine; he gave you purpose. He fed and warmed you, and listened to you. He gave you gentle head pats— 
He’s good. 
He doesn’t care if he hurts you.
It’s alright. He gave you purpose. 
He doesn’t care if you cry.
He keeps you warm.
Donatello took some blood samples, followed by platelets, in between a couple more tests. You felt dizzy jumping off the chair, narrowly holding on to the edge of the table so as not to slam against the floor. The tank light loomed over you. Bit by bit, you gestured towards the two-meter cylindrical vessel, your heart rate suddenly plummeting. The dreadful prospect of sensory deprivation gnawed at your insides. Your breaths became erratic, resonating loudly in your ears, and the sensation of blood swirling in the pit of your stomach heightened. You won't feel, you won't eat, you will hurt. You can't breathe. You gasp for air. It’s alright, it’s alright-
"I was thinking..." Donatello's voice cut through the oppressive atmosphere, and you clung to the sound as if it were a lifeline. "Since you've behaved— what if I don't send you back in the tank? What if you stay here a bit longer?"
You turned, your eyes widening in astonishment. 
"Would you like that?" he asked, not facing you, an awkwardness in his demeanor, as if it were the first time in his life he had asked for company.
"Yes," you gasped.
You couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but it didn't matter. You lay on his lap, resting as he worked, your body bare, absorbing the warmth of the room he had carefully heated for you. You cherished the rare moments he allowed you this close to him, savoring the seconds of feeling human once again through simple acts like cuddling. It made the aching in your body subside a smidgen.
The embrace elicited subtle signs of contentment, slowly fading into gasps, later morphing into moaning. His breath hitched upon hearing them. Donatello wasn't the best at navigating feelings. But these sensations were not exactly that. They couldn’t be. No, it was more like a palpitation triggering a primal response to your scent, your warmth, and the gentle quiver in your voice.
He scoffed. Deep thought on the matter didn’t change that his cock throbbed with each breath rolling off your mouth. He tried to shake the heat of his head, but why? Why should he resist? There was no purpose for not indulging. In fact, it could be beneficial.
He let his hand travel across your back. His touch made you shudder. He puffed, a nerdy sound he hadn’t heard himself make since the first time he watched a porn video. 
“Come,” he said, tugging you to sit upright.
You raised your head from the crook on his neck to face him. “To the operating room?”
“No, just here,” he muttered.
Donatello adjusted you over the lower half of his plastron before reclining the chair back. Your nude pussy pressed upon its wetness. He groaned. Warm fingertips clung to the upper sides of his shell, seeking balance. He stroked your hair. You waited. Nothing hurt.
Donatello placed both hands over your love handles, moving you back and forth so your cunt rubbed over his needy slit. It throbbed, his hard cock soon to emerge from it. He whimpered, breath hitching when you followed his lead, hypnotized by the exquisite friction over your clit. A few more humps and it came out, pulling a deep growl from him. You looked in astonishment as it rose against your abdomen. tick, long and glistening in a creamy transparent liquid. Your inner thighs soon soaked in it. Nothing hurts, no…, in fact- it’s good. Fuck, so good. You sighed, unable to stop grinding over his newly released member, absolutely thriving in the delicious way it numbed everything into bliss. 
Donatello’s head fell backward. His mouth curved slightly at the corners in a somewhat twisted smile of enjoyment. His earnest, soft moaning mingled with yours feverishly. 
“That’s so hot— I want more, I want to be in you, I know you’re so warm inside,” his voice was desperate, drunken-like. 
In one motion, Donatello pulled you up. Your back hit the cold desk. You sensed the keyboard under your head. It hurt. You snap back, eyes open wide. He grabbed your waist. Six strong fingers kept you in place as he lined with you. You puff, suddenly tensing.
"You want it too, right? In theory, it should feel good. You're too wet for it not to, don't worry, you've been good. It won't hurt." 
The question lingered. You don't know. You don't want to hurt. Would he be angry if you forced him to stop? Could you do that? Would he put you back in the tank? You're dizzy. 
He moved the tip of his cock along your soaked cunt, focusing on your soft nub, making circles over it. Your legs opened wider in response. His voice quivered as he whimpered, yours followed. You clenched around nothing. 
"You're not saying no, are you?" he panted. "So I assume you must want to, right?" 
Your hole stretches with his size sliding in. You groan, dragging your nails over the desk. 
"Ah— it hurts! It hurts!" you blurt out. 
"Bear it. The ache isn't supposed to- last too long. It'll feel good once you get used to it. You're good, you can bear it, you ca-nm,"
His body steamed, and his mind burnt with it, slowly melting the last drops of rational thinking. "You're so tight," he thrust once, twice, and thrice. 
You reached for him, clinging to his quivering voice, his praise, his— fuck he's so deep in you. his pace knocks your breath out. It hurts. It fills you so well. It hurts. Feels hot. His moves are steady, building heat in your belly. Pain's giving out. You clench around him, sucking him deeper. 
Donatello jerked forward, mouth gaping, eyes shutting. Both forearms held him up over the desk. He was now close enough for you to embrace him, so you clamped one hand to his shell and the other to his shoulder. Both legs hugged him near. With each new thrust your clit rubbed to his plastron sending waves of volts through your veins. 
"Yes," you breathed, barely above your own moaning.
Donatello grinned, "I knew you liked it,”
“Yeah—ah, faster, harder,” you pleaded, head thrown back as he fucked you.
He granted. Making his pace even crueler. His content smile never faded. 
“Your little cunt loves this so much! I can feel you squeezing me so tight, fuck, such a good testing subject, about to be my favorite cumdump.” 
Your muscles tensed in anticipation, the heat in your core about to burst. The sound of wet skin slapping reached your ears as your toes curled. 
His breath staggered as he spoke. "Ah- I can't stop. I'm coming, fuck, yes, yes-mnn," 
The hot loads filled you all the way to your womb. You embraced him, his ragged breath right in your ear. He enjoyed it, you did good, all feels right, more, more— You came with a loud moan, sweet pulsations carried the bliss from your belly through your temples, melting you.
He stayed still for a while, holding you in his arms, absorbing the warmth from your body. You both descended from the high together. Your scent mingled with his own, and for a fleeting moment, something tingled within him—the creeping onset of a feeling. He scoffed. It meant nothing. What are feelings if not chemicals in the mind, fueling instincts? 
"Go clean yourself up," he instructed, letting off your legs. "We still have some tests for the day."
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Hi would it be alright if I request yandere Leo (Rottmnt ) with a reader who got sucked into the show /movie and tries to help the gang deal with villains/kraangs please if that’s alright with you please 💗
also good luck with your request and make sure you take breaks ! 💗💗
short story or hcs please (can reader be female please if possible ) I’m fine with platonic or romantic 🥰
I haven't done much Isekai stuff but... let me spill my thoughts ^^; I'll try to do female for you.
Yandere! ROTTMNT! Leonardo with Isekai! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Stalking, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Forced companionship/relationship.
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The whole experience would be... disorienting for you.
Especially if you're isekai'd into the world as you are.
No training, no powers, you'd be so damn vulnerable.
You're in a world of mutants and crime with no real way to defend yourself.
I imagine by the time you get in the world, it's after the movie.
They're all older now, still playing hero to defeat enemy mutants and keeping order in the city.
At first you wander this fictional version of New York... confused.
You aren't quite sure where to go—?
You're not only trying to find out why you're here, but what to do to survive.
Somewhere during your journey you no doubt meet the turtles.
Or if not all of them, at least Leo.
Leo, now a little less cocky and bratty than his younger self, encounters you when rounding up some criminals.
At first he thinks you're someone who was being attacked by said criminals, just a young woman in New York whom he just saved.
So, with a charming yet playful smile, he comes over to you while leaning on his sword.
"Hey! You're welcome, by the way? I just saved your butt. Feel free to call me your hero~!"
Seeing one of your favorite characters up close... intimidates you a bit, actually.
Leo no doubt notices your stare, chuckling.
"Sheesh, lady... you act like you've never seen a Mutant before. Do you even know how often we've saved the city—? You from here?"
Leo then pauses, grinning more as he leans forward.
"Ohhh~ Or maybe you like what you see, huh?"
Leo just means to be playful, still having a bit of an ego even now.
This is your first encounter with Leo, who offered you help upon seeing how lost you looked.
Leo no doubt wants to help since you lack fighting skills.
Since, let's be honest, unless you took fighting classes in real life... you're defenseless here.
So, the good news is Leo is eager to help.
The bad news about having Leo be so close comes up later when he starts acting weird.
Leo would no doubt suggest you take a hotel room, although hesitates when he sees you have no money.
Your lack of personal belongings confuses him, he may even feel a bit bad.
Explaining your situation is a whole different story.
He struggles to believe you for a moment.
But... he and his brothers have their experience with other dimensions, aliens, mutants...
He most likely accepts your origin as it isn't too far-fetched.
"Wow... you really are lost. Seems like you need help... good thing I'm here, yeah?"
Leo doesn't focus on getting to know you until he knows you have somewhere to stay.
He can't let a mysterious woman like you just roam, right?
It most likely starts as a hotel room, then he allows you to meet his family later.
When he sees you situated, Leo then starts asking more about you.
You struggle but tell him how his world is a TV show in your world, that you've been invested in his journey.
He finds it odd at first... yet you inflate his ego when you say he was one of your favorites.
"Ohh, so you like me, huh? How sweet... even if it is a little bit odd."
What he says is ironic considering what he ends up doing later.
You start your time in this world relatively defenseless.
But as you get to know Leo, perhaps even meet his family, you learn to adapt.
You're taught self-defense with the others and even make friends.
In return for somewhere to stay, you promise to help them take on villains.
It's... fun when you get used to it.
Yet you know you want to get home soon... this isn't a dream... you really did come here somehow.
Leo, the first to know your past, forgets about this too.
He was actually quite... used to you.
Attached, even.
Throughout the months he felt you belonged here.
He loves to hang out with you... He likes impressing you.
The idea that he's your favorite makes him happy.
You're well protected by him and his brothers... even when you're taught to defend yourself he follows you everywhere...
Both in sight and out of sight.
He's only snapped out of his fantasies when Raphael or Donatello remind him that you do have a home, right?
You can't stay here forever....
Even April suggests they all find a way to get you home, after all, you must miss your own family....
The thought makes Leo clench his fists.
He... doesn't like the thought of you leaving.
When you leave... Will he forget about you...?
Will... Will they all forget about you?
Regardless of the type of feelings, Leo is devastated at the thought of losing you like this.
You miss your family...?
Aren't... Aren't they your family now?
Do you even want to leave?
In theory, if you could get to their world somehow, there's a way back.
The others are willing to help you out.
But, surprisingly to you, Leo keeps looking for ways to keep you all off track.
Even though he's older now, he still acts like an entitled brat at times.
He's willing to sabotage your attempts to go home if it means you stay with him.
There's countless times he tries to convince you to stay.
"Hey... are you sure you want to go home...? You... may not see us again, y'know... well... like this, I mean—"
You're always adamant on going home.
You liked your time here, but you'd rather go home.
It's way less dangerous there, anyways.
I don't doubt Leo would drop his maturity to go to extreme measures.
Perhaps he realizes he can't keep you willingly.
He hates to do it... but force may be necessary now....
His own family don't believe his reasons.
The young woman should go home... not be kept in a dimension where she could be in danger.
Leo is alone in his endeavors, sneaking up on you during your journey before dragging you away.
He's careful when knocking you out before running off to find somewhere to hide you.
Once he does, he restrains you and waits.
His family doesn't care what he thinks... that's fine... he doesn't want to share anyways.
When you wake up, he's sitting beside you cross-legged in some abandoned warehouse within New York.
He explains to you his reasons for not letting you go when you wake.
He loves you, he's attached, he's scared to lose you...
The confession no doubt scares you into shock.
He expresses distaste that his family was so determined to make you leave.
They must've wanted you gone... but he doesn't.
Now you'll never leave him...
Now you'll always need him... after all, isn't he your favorite?
"You're better off here, right? Now you'll never leave me.... I'm still your favorite, right? I think you're my favorite...."
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faetaiity · 1 year
As much as I adore yan/turtles, Casey doesn't get as much love as he should. So may I kindly request a yandere casey one shot?
<3 anon
HELLOOOOO I AM BACK (hopefully) FROM THE UNDERWORLD CALLED BURNOUT I wasn't truly able to make a one-shot bc I actually haven't thought about what kind of Yan Casey is, so I think this'll prolly be a Headcanon post with a small story at the end kjgfjlklkgt, sorry :')
✩ Yan! Casey Jones Jr x Gender-Neutral! Reader ✩
Story Format: Mostly Headcanons
TW: Manipulation, Guilt-Tripping, Panic Attacks, Yandere (Obv-) and Mentions of Trauma for Casey
I feel like Casey would be an (Unintentional) Manipulative, Isolating, and Paranoid Yan
He's heard so much about you from Future! Leo and Mikey in the bad timeline...
You probably let him stay at your apartment while the Turtles set up a room for him
I also feel like the first signs that he's slowly downwardly spiraling into toxic love is when you try to leave the apartment for work/school/errands
He flips his shit, still in the Apocalypse mindset of 'Don't go alone, you'll fucking die via the Kraang'
He has a panic attack, and you have to stay to help him because he is sobbing and begging you not to leave
He calms down after a bit, clinging to you as he begs you to stay for a bit more, or take him with you
He can keep you safe, you say you can defend yourself but he's adamant
He doesn't tell you why he freaks out when you leave specifically, but it's traumatic for him knowing you died in his timeline
If you end up staying, it's kind of like when you reinforce a dog's bad behavior, they'll do it more, thinking you will comply
Anytime you try to leave without him now, he sobs crocodile tears and begs you not to, it's gotten so bad that he doesn't even have the panic attacks anymore, he's faking it knowing you'll stay if he makes you believe he is.
He finds you trying to comfort him a euphoric situation, furthering his "love"
If you call his bluff, he'll immediately go back to actual panic attacks though
He gets defensive if you have any friends over that aren't April or the Turtles
He doesn't trust them, his memories of the Apocalypse made him wary of almost everyone, he's seen other survivors kill those he loves or knew from the Resistance
He can't let you meet a similar fate in this timeline
If you're a push-over, this can boil over into him being wary of everyone except Michelangelo and Leonardo
It's awful at that point, he has bad panic attacks (Both real and Faked) if anyone comes into the house that isn't Leo or Mikey
Once his room at the Lair is ready, he refuses to go, freaking out that he won't be with you and you will be alone
at this point, it's clear to everyone that he's extremely dependent and attached to you, almost to the hip at this point
He didn't have time for relationships in the Apocalypse, this can both be an Advantage and a Disadvantage
He doesn't know what's the "right" way to love someone romantically and is immediately overbearing and panicky
But he also doesn't have the belief that you would lie to him, you're someone who can be trusted, why would you lie to him?
You'd have to come up with a good lie, like needing to take a shower alone (This is especially good if you have issues with sensory input regarding showers)
Better hope your Bathroom has a window if you use that lie.
If he finds out you lied to him, game over, he's throwing an absolute FIT
Sobbing, screaming, hyperventilating
The whole nine yards man
He won't believe you ever again, even if what you're saying is true
Goodluck, bro is gonna be watching you pee or something, yuck.
You had lied to Casey, you don't know how he didn't deny your request, but you aren't complaining
You see yourself as one lucky bastard right now.
Turning on the cold water as a distraction, you stare at the tiny window, also known as your ticket to getting the fuck out of here,
Climbing on top of the toilet, you part the small private curtains blocking creeps from seeing you do your business, opening the window you try to find a good way to fit through it while making as little noise as possible
Hard task when you're trying to fit through a window the size of two desk drawers.
You fit your head through the window, eagerly pulling your body through until you hear Casey knocking on the door
"{Y/N}? Are you alright?" He asked, his voice sounded concerned and mildly bored, like he wanted to be in there with you.
You don't know what to say, as a heave of air would give away what you're doing.
Trying to get through the window quicker, his knocks become more frantic, as he attempted to turn the doorknob, but was stopped halfway due to the lock
Halfway through the window, you hear him trying to beat the door down, you panic and try to hurry up your pace, abandoning the attempt at being quiet
As you get your knees on the hard steel of the fire escape, you scream as you feel him yank you back into the bathroom, you didn't realize quick enough, and were dragged onto the hard tile floor within seconds before you could attempt to resist
Crying from the stinging pain of hitting the tile floor, you look up and see Casey, his face red with anger and tears streaming down his face
"Why?! Why were you trying to run?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED?!" he screeched, he's shaking from the anger and hysteria he's feeling
You flinch from his loud voice, unsure of what to do now, he's staring at you before grabbing your hand and trying to gently get you up, which seems out of character as he's literally crying in anger
You don't get up willingly, which makes him resort to just picking you up and walking into your bedroom, setting you on the bed as he pulled out a pair of cuffs, panic jolts through your body as he cuffs you to the bedpost, he heaves a sigh
"Now think about what you've done, what you've done to damage our relationship.... I need to go cool off...."
He walks out of the bedroom, leaving you there for what will feel like hours.
You just had to listen to him, and would've been happier, now look at what you've done
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Celina please with a cherry on top can I please request some HCs on Yandere Donnie x villain reader that likes to flirt with him ?
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Why am I so happy when my name is used??? I literally hear it every day???
Enemies to lovers except make it unhinged and terrifying
Tw: stalking, implied kidnapping, MC gets tranquilized, Donnie you don't need to be like Mikey
Yandere D'Nello with Villain MC who Flirts a lot
I think his reaction can depend on what precisely the flirting is.
Like if it was your more typical romantic flirting, then his reaction is indifferent. He might act cocky/confident but isn't affected in a sense it is supposed to be.
However, if it's more praise/compliments (specifically over his gadgets or the intellectual aspects about him), he will be both happy and flustered.
If you're in the middle of a fight then it'll distract him slightly, unless you're like the Kraang or something that's offended him greatly before.
When he goes back to the lair, he'll immediately scour for information about you. Whether it's your past life or the list of crimes you've committed; in other words, he wants to know everything about you.
Over time, he'll try to purposefully bump into you somehow. Most likely from observing your habits through cameras/trackers/records. He wants to hear more, hear more of your words. Your lovely voice, the terrifying laugh, he wants to be consumed by your everything.
If his brothers are sane, then they'll obviously notice how he's antsy to go to the same place every night. So, like a normal person, they'll follow him and the sight they see makes them want to pluck their eyes out (except for Mikey).
Their brother, Donatello, the guy who is the most lucid of them all, is crushing over an enemy? With a friend, it would make sense but fighting someone every day to meet up with them? Quite the wonder.
Raph is going to rush in, defeat the villain then get Donnie out of there as quick as possible. Leo, could either go two ways, help Raph, or go up to Donnie and either laugh at him or question whatever the fuck he is doing.
Mikey just cheering Donnie on. He sees no wrong over him crushing over an enemy and plus it's not like he's any better with all the unhinged things he does on the regular.
During the fight, Donnie is going to ask questions about you and in general, try to get closer. Don't mind his brothers, continue your behaviour, please!
Let's say the next fight after his brothers fail to stop him, he meets you again. But this time, he holds a launcher. You obviously know it's a weapon so you keep an eye on it, already knowing its intentions.
Meanwhile, Donnie's grinning in joy. Finally, the day has come!
As you battle, he dodges your attacks, not attacking once. He just clutches the launcher and gets too close for comfort.
Unaware there's an opening for him, he launches his weapon, hitting right at your neck. What your thought was a bullet or rocket of some kind, turns out to be a tranquilizer.
Usually, it would take a few minutes for it to kick in, but with his engineering, it's much more potent. Within seconds you're becoming drowsy, your vision blurring.
And in the final moments your awake, he kneels in front of you (as you've fallen down because of the drugs) his obsessive thoughts leaking out.
"Hah...Haha. Fi-Finally, I can take you home and you can talk to me whenever! I can't wait to show you all the things I've made for you!"
Bro's parental issues...Like Splinter no need to give the Asian parent treatment.
- Celina
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yanyanderes · 1 year
So I don't know if you do platonic yandere.. But I just wanna share if you don't mind 🥲
So.. the platonic yandere future Leo meeting a preteen gn! reader that's about 14 yrs old that acts chaotic and almost acts like him when he was younger, and mostly can defeat a kraang 1 or 2, and Leo them as his child- as time goes on (I'm sorry I can't handle it) and Leo is pretty convinced that he should protect them almost everytime and sometimes not never leaving their side.. which sometimes suffocate or irritate gn! Reader, causing them to stay away from him or doing missions by themselves without any help just to prove they could protect themselves and for other reasons as well, causing Leo to be a bit scared of their own safety and became overprotective so on, and then Leo trying to manipulate or doing anything to keep gn!Reader safe or to never do something like that again.. I wonder what's your interpretation of how it would all go? 🧍🧍🧍
if there’s ever a time leo has appreciated his brothers and splinter for putting up with his younger self, it’s now.
he really does see his younger self in (y/n). which is both great and terrifying. great because he knows his younger self better than anyone, so he’ll most likely know how to deal with (y/n)’s shenanigans. but also terrifying because, well… he knows his younger self better than anyone and knows about all the terrifying situations (y/n) could get themselves into for the sake of the thrill.
now, he doesn’t care if (y/n) is strong enough, he doesn’t care if they can throw hands with the shredder himself, he’s not leaving them alone. and if he needs to, he’s not afraid to lock them up in a bunker to keep them safe.
now, this doesn’t come without its guilt. unlike (y/n), he got to experience a childhood free of the kraang. of course, it wasn’t without its problems and what little peace he had was cut short, but at least he had a bit of peace, and that interruption was through his actions. he acted recklessly, and now (y/n) is paying the price.
despite that, he views locking them up as necessary. they might yell and scream at him now, but one day, they’ll thank him for not letting them get themselves killed.
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helpfandom · 1 year
Platonic! Yandere! 2012 Kraang x platonic reader HCs + bonus.
Tribute to @yanderes-galore . They did this first and better! Read their's first!!
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Hc's under the cut.
[By the by, I will try my best to keep with the kraang speech. And these HCs run under the assumption you are a friend of the turtles with low - moderate fighting skills. Oh! and April has the favoritism from the turtles. Honestly, I'm sorry but I kinda slander Donnie.]
Tw: Dehumanizing.
What even made them want to keep you as a little pet? You didn't have main character powers like April, but you also didn't care. You didn't care that they all looked alike, it probably happened because you were chill and Kraang Prime took notice and went: "That one." While pointing at you. You found no problems with them as long as they weren't bad people, up until the Turtles tell you about them.
Now, would they mutate you? No. Likely not, I have a feeling that Kraang like you better human. Besides, keeping a full intact human means that they can monitor and track your behaviors to become more human-like, as well as keep said human under constant vigilance! "This is what a phrase known by those we call the humans is said: killing two birds with one stone."
Once Donnie figures out the Kraang have taken a liking to you AND April, and he tells the rest of the team, Splinter askes both of you to stay in the sewers, but neither of you do. Because April being kidnapped would cause the Earth to end, the turtles [mostly Donnie though, because he doesn't care for you as much. Sorry.] decide to watch over April, instead of you.
This is likely when the Kraang kidnap you and bring you back, since the turtles are too busy watching April, the Kraang are free to kidnap you. Of course, the turtles care, but sadly not enough to save you first instead of April.
If the turtles fail to save you, but they save April, they'll retreat back and while Raph and Mikey desperately want to go back and save you because you're stuck there, Donnie and Leo stop them by saying that the time isn't right. Leo cares, Donnie not so much.
The turtles saving April first and then you would be a point of manipulation from the Kraang. "Those that are called the turtles have abandoned the one we call [Your name but in leet speak]. (Like how April = 4PR1L.)The ones called the turtles have been shown to be in favour of the one called April. Why not let the Kraang show you what the humans call "love?"
They definitely forget to feed you and give you water a little bit. I'm sorry, but they don't know how to take care of their own experiments, much less someone they see as a pet. Although once they found out they were starving their little pet / kid, they felt bad and put at least one Kraang in charge of keeping you well-fed and watered.
Oh, the Kraang see you as a little pet, just a nice little human pet that they need to take care of [order from Kraang Prime and their own Yandere instincts tell them to take care of you.] Since Reader can't do much or fight well, this definitely causes the Kraang to see them as weak and frail. Because of this, reader is dehumanized and belittled without the Kraang realizing since... they don't know better, they don't know that this makes you hate them more.
The fact that they have a hive mind makes them actually scarier, because you'll start realizing, what you tell one Kraang, gets shared with all of them. They all 'love' you, and so when you interact with one, it's like you interact with all of Kraang!
Think of it kind of like the Truman show, except you [Truman, in this scenario] know and can't escape.
The Kraang love watching you and always watch you no matter what, partially because they don't understand that you feel uncomfortable being watched, and because of their odd fascination with you.
I feel like at least one of them would start collecting things about you, and then the rest of them would start doing the same, like Kraang 3 will have a picture of you sleeping, and so then one day... you wake up to at least 10 of them taking photos of you sleeping.
If you ever give one Kraang a nickname, the other Kraang will be jealous. They will also want a nickname, and when it's their turn to take care of the human, they will do a lot to get your attention and call them something. Even if it's a curse word that they don't understand; it's something you called them personally.
You woke up one day, still stuck in the stupid Kraang prison cell with nothing but a stuffed animal they gave you one month after you were brought here as a 'celebration for you coming home.' Like this place could be home.
You flipped over onto your other side to be meet with a shock. There was Kraang designation 314133KurezenAlpha. Or as you nicknamed him because of the 'humanoid' body they chose: Steve.
You sighed, then massaged your nose slightly before greeting him. "Heya Steve." The Kraang Droid stepped back from in front of you to a few feet in front of where you laid on the floor. "Kraang 626Alpha is not the one you have designated 'Steve.'" You squinted slightly at him. "My bad, you looked like him." The droid stood a little stiffer at your response. "Kraang 626Alpha accepts the human apology. Kraang is here to give what is called 'food.'"
You looked at what the Kraang Droid was offering you. It didn't look appetizing and looked more like a big slop of mess than anything else, but it was food. Well... pretty much food. "Thanks, I guess. You going to be the watcher for a while?" You asked the Kraang Droid, although it was already standing stiff, it seems to stand straighter when you talk to it, as if trying to be the biggest, or trying to show off.
"Yes, human. Kraang 626Alpha will be what you call the 'Watcher.'" You ate the food, deciding what to call it in order to find a semblance of happiness. "Do you mind if I call you.... Kevin?" With that, the little brain in the middle of the torso smiled. "Kraang 626Alpha doesn't mind being called Kevin by you. That would be known as 'awesome.-"
A few months later, you woke up one day, still stuck in the stupid Kraang prison cell with nothing but a stuffed animal they gave you one month after you were brought here as a 'celebration for you coming home.'
You flipped over onto your other side to be meet with a shock. There was Kraang designation 626Alpha. Or as you nicknamed him because of the 'humanoid' body they chose: Kevin.
"Good Morning Kevin." You smiled at him. Kevin was actually pretty entertaining, and you liked him the most out of the watchers in the past.
"The one you have nicknamed as Kevin has been reassigned. I am Kraang 31417888930."
Well, as you started talking to the new Kraang Droid that was now your watcher, you wondered where Kevin went.
Little did you know, Kevin was being decommissioned, and shoved in the trash disposal to make a new Kraang Droid.
He pulled out a picture as they took him out of his body, it was you. The last thing he saw was you.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Horrortober Day 5- Liar(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)
A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Demonized self imagery, mirrors, kidnapping, mental breakdown, manipulation, lying, borderline isolation
Words: 1312
Summary: Leo promised he would take care of you. He said it wasn't safe anymore, and you believed him. Hook, line, and sinker.
The room is quiet. It always was once Leo was gone. The comic books he’d brought for this week were piled high in the corner, each having already been read. You shift in the bed, considering reading them all again. It had taken two days last time, but you weren’t sure you could. The words and colors blend together after so long, each character seeming the same as the last.
It also didn’t help with how jealous you were of them, seeing their adventures and travels making your stomach coil in knots. It had been eight months since the Kraang invasion, three months since Leo insisted the world was still rebuilding, still too dangerous for you to return. You shift the sheets over your body more, covering your entire person despite not being cold. The blanket was better than nothing while Leo was gone, his touch being the only interaction you’ve had since. Even his brothers had stayed away from you, leaving the room when you entered until you stopped leaving yourself. You could sometimes hear their whispers outside the subway car, muffled concerns and arguments being held just beyond your reach.
You were getting tired of Leo’s voice being the only one in your head. He had taken over your thoughts, your vision, your mind. He was all you thought of day in, day out. He was all you had.
Three months ago you would’ve gone on a walk in the park on a day like this. A day like this, where you feel so gloomy and down you can barely breathe. The outside may be bitter, but it was nice to hear the life around you and see the clouds in the sky. Was it raining? Snowing? Sunny? You weren’t sure. Leo didn’t talk about such things with you anymore. After all, it’s not like you would know.
The feeling of the sun on your skin and the smell of fresh rain had been forgotten, only small wisps of memory remained. You sometimes didn’t believe yourself when you tried to imagine it. Maybe the rain never smelled, and the sun never truly warmed your skin like you imagined. For all you knew, they were only dreams.
You missed going out with your friends or joining the boys down at Heuso’s. It was nicer then, simpler. Everything has its place, including you. You fit neatly into the slot of Leo’s best friend, and eventually his partner. It was a nice world to be in, nicer than the room you stayed in now.
You used to clean it everytime Leo left, trying to tidy up the space so Leo would have something nice to come back to. You still do sometimes, when you can get out of bed. It never was the same though. The metal walls never showed your reflection, and there was always a small damp smell in the air. You suspected there was a leak somewhere, or one of you had spilled something that had embedded itself into the train’s memory, but you weren’t sure. You could probably find it if you looked hard enough, but that was a job for another day. Or another week. Another month even. Just not today.
The airflow from the vent causes a slight ruffle from a blanket behind you, your dulled eyes peering over your shoulder. The blanket sways in the flow, a small flapping from the edges that reminds you of a bird. Or, well, you think it reminds you of a bird. You never could tell anymore.
You slowly peel the blankets off yourself, letting your feet press against the cold floor. A chill runs up your spine as you slowly stand, goosebumps appearing on the flesh of your arms and legs. You slowly creep towards the bird-like blanket, your fingers securing themselves around the soft material. It was a nice blanket, smooth under your fingers and cool to the touch. It was no wonder for its unusual coldness, as the vent was directly above it, a constant stream of air exhaled by the system.
You pull gently on the blanket, unsure what it covers. You were confident you once knew. Leo never messed with anything in the room, not unless he had you nodding along. It was nice, the way he let you do as you pleased despite it being his room. He was so kind to you, keeping you safe and warm and comfortable.
The blanket falls, revealing the liquidy glass of a mirror. You stare into it for a moment, your brain processing what it does but not who you were looking at. That couldn’t be you. Your face was deeply set, as if it had sunken in. Your skin looked sickly and had a soft sheen over the surface, like you had been preserved in wax. Your hands automatically reach to scratch at the  surface, disappointment shining in your eyes when it stays put. Your gaze continues to lower, horror and despair flooding your veins.
You had lost at least ten pounds, and looked like a complete mess. Your hair is brittle and no matter how much you quickly try to run your hands through it, it stays firmly knotted. Your face is creased and your clothes sag on you, even though you can clearly remember this exact pair being decently well fitted. You couldn’t take your eyes off the creases in your face, the bags under your eyes seeming deep enough to swim in.
A stark sob leaves you, the image breaking everything you had known. It was no wonder you had it covered. The thing it showed, the monster it held, it certainly wasn’t you. It couldn’t be. Right?
A loud crash sounds through the room and your fist stings as the blood drips down your arm. The mirror is shattered, but instead of taking the monster away, it only amplifies it. Millions of small images of the horror that was once you. Small cries turn into wails as you crumple to your knees. A door opens behind you, worried calls and shouts sounding just a few feet away, but you can’t hear them through your cries. The world had broken, and so had you.
Leo’s arms wrap around your shoulders, holding you gently as he starts to attempt at calming you down. Your body acts on reflex, clinging to the one thing you knew, the one solid in your sinking life.
“Please,” You sob, clinging onto him. Your hands can barely grip his shoulders, fingers slipping as you lean against him. You didn’t want to die, the image of yourself blowing away like dust in the wind. You were sure this meant the worst, that whatever infected the city Leo spoke so down on had gotten to you too. “Please, just let me go outside. Just once. I’m dying. Please. Can’t you see I’m dying?”
“You’re not dying honey,” He murmurs, kissing the crown of your head. His chin rests on your head as he pulls you into his lap, rocking you back and forth in his arms. “And you know I can’t do that. The invasion caused a lot of damage to the city. Once it’s repaired, I swear I’ll let you out. I don’t want you hurt, so you just gotta wait. It’s okay. I promise, it’ll be soon. I’ll take you out on a nice picnic and show you the stars. You just have to be patient.”
You nod, still crying as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. Leo smiles above you, his eyes twinkling with a malicious deviation. You bought it again, you always did. There was never an ounce of mistrust between the two of you. He sighs, sitting back as he continues to comfort you. You were too gullible, not to your own fault of course. Leo was always such a wonderful liar.
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yanteetle · 2 years
Btw is it me or is it really difficult to picture rottmnt raph as yandere? Like, I can't imagine him doing anything wrong. He is an adorable gentle giant😭😭
....OR what if he uses this opinion of him against y/n and subtly manipulates them and they don't realize it🤔
The moment I saw this ask pop up in my inbox, I took it as a challenge. A challenge on how many ways can I possibly fuck our beloved Raph up. So far, it has been going swimmingly and I have around three to four-ish solid ways to do so. I like you blue, you make me more motivated to fuck these guys up <3 /pos. of course, he'll still remain a pretty tolerable yandere in nature, except with more potential for angst. I probably won't elaborate on said ideas unless people are really interested in them, but for now let's say that one of them include the kraang :)
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hello! I seriously love your writing, man! It hits the spot. I especially love how forceful you make 12 Raph (he's canonically a forceful character anyway). Do you think maybe you could write a yandere 2012 Raphael?? 👉👈 I'm perfectly fine with a gender neutral reader!!
Nightly Watch
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author’s note: i definitely think i can write some yandere raph c: you didn’t specify hc’s or oneshot so I went with oneshot ;3 I hope you enjoy <333 thanks for requesting
warnings: yandere raphael, yandere tendencies, emotional manipulation, violence, angst, cursing, domestic abuse, stalking, dark au, unedited
Raph came to know you after he and his brothers had saved you from the kraang. April wasn’t the only one they were after it seemed. Unlike April though, the rest of your family was safe, so once you were rescued, they didn’t really see you again. Well… his brothers didn’t. Raph couldn’t seem to get you out of his thoughts.
He told himself he’d just check in, make sure you were alright this one time. April had been recaptured plenty of times.. maybe that was the case for you too. Raph remembered where you lived. He remembered where he had dropped you off, your window was on the third floor. Maybe he was so attached because you had trusted him enough to carry you all the way there. You were human and couldn’t keep up with mutant ninja turtles who were on the run from the kraang prison. You hadn’t chosen Leo or any of his others brothers. That meant more to him than you could ever know.
Whatever the reason he remembered everything clearly. So when he saw your figure moving around in your bedroom he held his breath. You were as beautiful as he remembered. His heart couldn’t help but skip a beat, he hadn’t left your window til the sun started to rise. And that hadn’t been the only time either, he came back to check on you anytime he could, after patrols or on the nights where they weren’t even supposed to go out on the surface. He’d sneak out for you, for your protection.
He imagined you in April’s place plenty of times. If you didn’t have anywhere else to go, if your family was taken by the kraang, you could stay with him, in the lair. He’d give you the full tour, make sure his room was more presentable in hopes to keep you there. He’d totally offer up his own bed to you. Raph sighed, unable to stop himself from wishing all of it to be true even if it did mean your family would be in trouble. Raph would make sure you were happy, he could care for you better than anyone.
Nights turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Months of him getting more attached outside of your bedroom window. You were safe with him protecting you every night. Well he had thought he was doing a great job until one night he swooped down from the rooftop only to see you crying. You were wiping away your tears furiously, as if the last thing you wanted to do was cry. Then he saw it, the mark on your face that was turning a darker shade of pink, blossoming into red.
He didn’t like the color on you. Not in these circumstances. His vision flooded, images of someone hitting you. It had Raphael seeing only that color, red. The window came up with little resistance as he barged into your room, he had little regard for keeping quiet. “Who fucking touched you?” He snarled. You jumped off of your bed in surprise, the tears subsiding as you recognized him. Raph liked to think you thought of him just as often as he did you, but when you said, “M-mikey?!” He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and tried his best not to yell. “Wrong. Just tell me who and I’ll be outta here.” He griped.
“It’s none of your concern.” You said, backing away from him like he was a wild animal about to snap. “I’m not gonna hurt you. But whoever did that,” he pointed towards your cheek, “deserves a good beating.” Maybe even more than that.. You looked at him, exasperated. “Look I appreciate all you did saving me from the kraang, but I can take care of myself.” You took a moment, then your eyes sharpened, “Why are you even here? And how—“
Raphael stalked forward causing you to shut up and fumble backwards, your eyes darting around. “What’re you gonna do, fight me?” He mused, finding that thought entertaining despite his terrible mood. “Just leave me alone. Please.” You said losing a bit of your cool composure as you came to a realization. He had been outside of your window, watching you. “I’ll go, just answer my question first.” His hand went up, you flinched as he grazed your wound gently. It seemed you regained your senses, batting his hand away, he let it fall to his side. “Raph.” You took another stab at his name and he gave himself away completely, eyes widening.
“Please, just go. You can’t do anything about this.” You pleaded, going for a softer approach since he wouldn’t listen to your earlier demands. “But I can, I can protect you Y/n, just let me. I’ll find out regardless if you tell me now or later.” He liked saying your name. He liked hearing you say his. He’d have paid more attention to that if your dad hadn’t slammed the door open. “The fuck Y/n! How’d this piece of shit get in??? You sneaking.. boys in now?” The man was slurring and stumbling, a drink in his left hand.
“Dad! Please I can explain, just—“ the man’s hand went up and it clicked into place. He was the one hitting you. Your dad. Raphael acted on instinct, easily putting himself in between you and your father, grabbing the raised arm and shoving the fucker back. He stumbled onto his ass. “Oh-ho lookie here you got a fighter huh Y/n?” Your dad barked out in laughter as he slowly pushed back to stand. “Take another step and you’ll be back on your ass.” Raphael warned. With that he turned his back to check you on. You were trembling, and his eyes softened, “Y/n you don’t have to put up with him,” he jerked a thumb back at your father. “I could take care of you! I could protect you!”
Your eyes widened with fear. “Raphael!” You screamed. Raph hadn’t realized his warning had fallen on deaf ears as the man lunged, this time he swung the bottle aiming to hit it over Raph’s head. The sound of breaking glass rang in your ears as you watched in horror. Raph jerked forward almost falling onto you, but he was quick to plant his feet and turned back swinging. One second he was talking to you, then the next his was on top of your father, beating him senseless.
“Raph!” “Stop!!” “Please you’ll kill him!” Your hands grabbed his shoulders, pulling him backwards. It did the trick as Raph turned to you, fists raised and ready to fight. “It’s me Raph, it’s Y/n” you said shakily raising your hands in surrender. He was bleeding from the side of his head. “Come on, you’ve gotta get out of here,” you said quickly, offering your hand, palm open. He blew out a breath and took your hand. He led, pulling you to the window. He was getting out of here and he was taking you with him. He wasn’t in the right state of mind to talk, he was a turtle of action right now. And all he wanted was to get you to safety.
A couple of hours later, his head bandaged and you in the lair. It was like his fantasy had finally come true, you were here, in his room no less! And all he had to do was let that stupid prick smash that glass bottle over his head. He’d do it all over again if it meant Raph got to keep you. And now that you were here, he surely wasn’t letting go. Promises of just staying the night, and that you had to go would be falsely made. He’d let you think what you want. You’d see, sooner or later, you wouldn’t be safe unless you were be his side.
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saltybelieverpeanut · 7 months
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EMD ROTTMNT AU and EMD! Two/Donnie by @evenmoreofadisaster and OC Lillian by me! Still ongoing draft of art that's finishing soon!
Some facts about my oc + abt her in this AU:
-Full name: Lillian Jevika "Hellburn" Banner
-Height: 5'7"[in my own interpretation I view Two to be at least 5'8"-5'9"]
-She/Her+ Female
-Cannibalistic. 'Demon born in human form'--- has royalty blood
-Leader of "Hellburn Riot", a tight-knit villain team consisting of 4 girls: Lillian, Zayna, Merlin and Tanya
•In this AU(just like the og one I created), Lillian comes from a parallel world where her mother was a queen named Alista, Entity of Harmony and Peace. In this timeline, the Kraang attacked her world, and during this time Lillian was only a toddler. So while Queen Alista fought off the Kraang, her father Flama sent her through a portal to another world before getting blasted by a laser beam. Throughout this time, Lillian experienced cruelty from the humans of the new universe she arrived in but was saved by Zayna's father and her, taking her in before he died of lung cancer a couple of years later, leaving Lillian under Zayna's care till now.
•But unlike in my AU where Lillian and her team knew all the Hamato brothers altogether, Hellburn Riot instead has ties with One and Two, along with Draxum of course. And as for Lillian's relationship with Two.....let's just say they are f*cking deranged. With Lillian being a yandere and Two seeing her as a way to prove himself to Draxum- since not only was Lillian INCREDIBLY powerful but she was also (secret) royalty- the two of them developed a twisted kind of love but still respects one another.
If you have any questions regarding this or anything else related, ask me in the comments section below! I'm sorry if I don't reply cos well, school, but I'll do my best to post more! ♥️
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faetaiity · 2 years
my brain somehow decided that I need to use the rest of my active braincells to do this, Hyperfixations are wild when you write, man. I also feel like I need to explain this because I overthink
Basically, what's about to go down in this post: Adult! Platonic/Familial Yandere! 1987, 2003, 2012, Bayverse and Last ronin! TMNT x Male! ROTTMNT! Reader (With slight Familial Yandere! from them for the Rise! Turtles)
the ages are mostly bullshit/made up in this ig except for Ronin! Michelangelo because he's canonically 31 or older
Reader is the same age as ROTTMNT! Michelangelo (Birthyear: 2005)
This is set during 2020, a few months after the Kraang Invasion. (The ROTTMNT ages are color-coded: 17, 16, 16, 15 and 15. every other iteration of the TMNT are implied to be 20-26, with an exception for Ronin! Michelangelo)
Why did I explain the premise? Because I want to make sure you guys understand. THIS. IS. NOT. ROMANTIC. and If I see anyone who adds more to this story or makes jokes about the OLDER turtles being attracted to the reader (Illegal due to Reader being a Minor.) or the ROTTMNT turtles (Illegal due to the Rise! Turtles being minors and being related to them.), you're getting blocked. no questions.
Minor Notes: While this is platonic, I understand if someone misinterprets some of the HC's due to the fact that each family is different with affection, some (like mine) make me feel guilty if I don't cuddle/hug them, some of this is inspired by my own family, Familial yandere writers (or at least me lol) tend to make stories relate to their own experiences with their family, If you read this and complain that it has 'romantic' aspects (which, affection isn't even exclusively romantic what??), I'm going to get a little mad since this is my experience with family, lol.
TW/CW: minor(?) Spoilers for The Last Ronin, Kidnapping, Abuse (Physically and mentally from 'Punishments'), manipulation, guilt tripping, possible gaslighting(?), Implied Murder, Infantilization, Stalking, Mentions of Panic attacks, stress tics (scratching/clawing at the skin), Yandere Behavior, Obsessive/Possessive Behavior, Extreme Overprotective behavior, OOC Older TMNT Iterations (Specifically 1987! and Bayverse!), Forced Affection, Surprise Adoption from the older versions of your best friends, mentions of Scars, missing limbs and Trauma from Rise! Shredder and Rise! Kraang (reader is mentioned to have scars and a missing eye) (Yeah that's long as shit because this post is probably gonna be long as shit)
On a scale from 1 to 10 my friends, you're FUCKED /ref
Now I'm gonna start off with you meeting them a specific way and branch out to more options down the line.
Donnie ended up making a machine that COULD send someone or an object across to a separate universe if he was correct.
Unfortunately, you ended up getting sucked up into the Machine-Made portal due to being close to it
To make this easier on my brain, let's say the other iterations of the turtles are already together, through a similar device that was used by the Kraang/Utroms
And your dumbass landed right in the middle of a huge argument between Ronin! Michelangelo and 2003! Raphael
Everyone freezes, including you, they LOOK like your best friends but are clearly not, there's differences between them and your friends, height is a big noticeable difference that tips you off.
Weapons are drawn almost instantaneously, multiple different sets of Katanas, Nun chucks, and Sai's are pointed at you
And oddly, just as quickly as they raised their weapons, they put them back down
In their minds, they quickly draw together than you're unarmed and a lot younger than they are
You get up on your legs, unsure of how to respond to them, you remember the photos of you and your turtles on your phone
You slowly pull out your phone, knowing they could mistake it for a weapon, you scroll through your phone until you find the photo of you, Donnie and Leo in Run of the Mill Pizza, they calm down at the sight of it
They sheathed their weapons, studying your body warily, you feel weirded out at the fact that they haven't said anything; you could understand that behavior from Donnie or Raph, but not the other two
You swallow your nervousness and shakily say "I'm [Y/N]"
You notice one of the Michelangelo's runs right up to you, clearly excited at the Idea of someone from another universe that isn't in theirs
He noticed your eyepatch as soon as he gets up to your face and winces "Jeez, what happened to your eye?" he blurts out, Surprisingly, Leo smacks upside the head, Mikey mutters out a small apology, you laugh softly, not taking offense to it
They all introduce themselves with the year they're from and their age, you immediately notice all of them are adults
They're already wincing at your scars from life-threatening injuries and clearly injured or missing eye, but they just kind of.... freeze when you say "Wow! You guys are a lot older than My versions of y'all!"
They stay quiet for a second before you embarrassedly mumble out: "Oh... I'm sorry, that was rude of me" you avert your eyes
2012! Leo is the first one to speak "No... Offense taken; we were just caught off guard.... how old are you and your versions of us?" "Oh! Well Raph's 17, Leo and Donnie are 16, Me and Mikey are 15"
Silence, before Bayverse! Raphael bursts out laughing "I'M THE OLDEST?!" clearly, he's happy at that, and so are the other Raphs, apparently, since you can see their smirks at their respective Leos, who frown
You nod nervously, his volume scaring you slightly, He noticed you flinching and quiets down
Your age kind of takes a minute for them to process, considering your scars made them assume you're a little older, they end up asking you when you got the scars
"Oh! The giant scar is from the Shredder, the missing eye and the other smaller scars are from the kraang!" you breathed out for a few seconds, calming yourself down from remembering those unhappy situations "I got the big one when I was 13, everything else happened a few months ago."
They all.... look at you in a weird manner, it was a mix of pure anger, pity, and.... self-loathing, oddly enough? "Ah, I'm sorry if I reminded you guys of any..... unhappy situations..." you shyly said, they stayed quiet, feeling uncomfortable with the stares, you changed the subject "I need to be able to get back home! Donnie's probably freaking the absolute fuck out by now"
Ronin! Michelangelo takes initiative to tell you that you are welcome here as long as it takes, the others nod, you thank them all profusely
It scares all of them over the next few weeks when you'd tell them stories about your adventures, they've come to understand that, well, in a blunt way, you and their younger counterparts clearly aren't able to take care of yourselves
And they've actually come to loathe Rise! Splinter, they've come to understand that their dad wasn't the best, but it makes their blood boil at how badly it can be for you and the Rise! Turtles.
Even they didn't fight the Shredder at that age!
However, they do feel a little better knowing you five defeated him, but not by much considering how close you all were to dying
especially you.
I'm gonna be honest, there is three ways it can go when your friends come to bring you back to your Universe
1: The other iterations come back with you guys, being delusional in the fact that you guys can't take care of yourselves
2: They don't let you go back with them, and they tell the Rise! Turtles to leave (This would be most likely if you share unfavorable stories of the Turtles, while forgetting to add where you guys talk it out or the reason why it happened, they become very attached to you specifically in the few weeks they've known you!)
3: (This is the one we will be explaining in this Post) They keep all of you in the Universe that you fell into. (This is the one most likely to occur due to ROTTMNT! Reader and Turtles are injured severely from the Kraang Invasion)
It is not a good time for the first few weeks, You and your best friends fight tooth and nail at every point through them keeping you guys
They're beyond delusional, chalking it up to teenage rebellion and the nature of the Rise! Turtles
You five end up being locked up in a room, a few hidden cameras being placed in there
y'all aren't allowed out usually (and NEVER out of the lair) since to the Older! Turtles, you five are ungrateful brats who can't think for themselves
You and Mikey are babied, you two are the youngest and have been through so much!
It's suffocating
They always want to be near you, because in their words "You're the one who needs protection the most"
Donnie is allowed keep his battle shell due to the nature of his species (Also because they don't know about all the weaponry in it)
There isn't much room for escape, almost none, actually
17 Adult Mutant Ninja Turtles guarding the lair, at least 2 home at all times?
yeah, good luck, even Rise! Donnie is stumped.
In order of Importance (Most to Least) It's You and Mikey, Leo, Donnie and then Raph
Donnie and Raph are mostly ignored because they suffered the least number of injuries, and they're the oldest.
Previous Leos don't approve of yours, saying he's not Mature or Serious enough, often taking him for training/sparring
Don't let that fool you, your Leo has come back in worse shape than he was to begin with, often coming back trying to hide his tears, you guys stopped letting him go with them once it was found that his shell was starting to crack more. I wonder why
Donnie comes up with a plan to escape with Raph to regroup and find out how to get back home
and, to their credit, they manage to leave the lair, about 15 minutes later, Ronin! Mikey comes in, once he sees they're gone, he starts breaking objects in the room and yells at You, Mikey and Leo.
The others quickly come in and try to pull Ronin! Mikey away, which he resists until he sees you having a panic attack, Rise! Mikey trying to console you and Rise! Leo in a defensive position, around you
He leaves the room and announces that he's going to find them, some of the other turtles try to get near you to comfort you but Leo isn't letting it happen, he actually tries to attack one of them, making them back off
Oh, Raph and Donnie are fucked, by the way.
Now, Lemme tell you WHY you never want a Yandere! Ronin! Mikey hunting you down
He's the oldest, the most skilled and canonically in the books, the mutagen that is still in his system makes him stronger, bigger and more durable, plus the trauma of losing his brothers has made this situation strike a nerve with him.
he could probably break Rise! Raph's leg
Which he does.
About an hour or two later, he comes back with them, they're both knocked out, Raph's leg is bent unnaturally, and Donnie's Battle shell is ripped to shreds and he has bruises all over him.
Ronin! Mikey comes in and throws them back into the room, Donnie's battle shell in his hands "Found out the main reason why he wanted that damn thing to stay on his back." he stated bluntly, pointing at the drone wings and the spider-like claws, giving it to 2003! Donnie, who marvels at it
You're picked up by one of them, Rise! Leo starts freaking out and trying to get you away from them, until someone else enters the room and keeps him away until you're out
You're placed in a separate room, fearing that they're going to hurt you, you try to cover your head, curling into a fetal position, separation anxiety already kicking in due to the circumstances.
You feel someone rub your back reassuringly, making you cry and hyperventilate more.
"Hey, hey, you're okay, nobody's going to do anything to you" you whimper as you hear 1987! Raph attempt to calm you down
he tells you that you being taken away is the Rise! Turtles' punishment, and that nothing is going to happen to you
"What about My friends?" you sob out, he doesn't respond, he just pulls you close to him and hugs you; you try to pull away only to hear him say "I'm trying to make you feel BETTER, stop resisting! don't you know how much effort we're putting in to help you five out?! To take care of you guys?!" his yelling makes you stiffen, allowing him to pull you back closer to him.
I'm gonna be honest, you get the least severe punishments compared to your turtle friends, you're weak, regardless of if you're human or mutated (Mostly because the mutagen hasn't improved your strength as much as it did theirs yet.), you're WEAK.
They could, especially Ronin! Mikey, end up KILLING you if they gave you the same punishments.
Very few mutations would even get the harsher punishments anyways, all of them being Reptilian or large Mammalians.
Humans, Insect mutants, Bird Mutants and other mutants that could get hurt easier due to their physiology get special treatment.
At worst your punishments leave you with shallow claw marks, maybe a fractured bone or two (This one was unintentional, though, just a testament to how much stronger they are compared to you.), bruises and panic attacks from separation.
Awfully enough, they try to separate you from your friends on a regular basis
Saying your Raph might get a rage fit and hurt you, or your Mikey accidentally getting too excited and hurting you
Any excuse they can pull out of their ass to keep you away from them
They don't tell them where they keep you, of course
It's mostly in Donnie's lab though, where you spend time with them
Rise! Donnie isn't allowed in there because that's where they keep the Rise! Turtles' mystic weapons (Mainly studying them)
The only reason why you're never permanently kept from the Rise! Turtles is because you have panic attacks from being away from them, the Turtles also get hyper confrontational, even more so than usual when you're gone.
You always get returned by the end of the day.
Now, let's go onto say that you guys ACTUALLY managed to escape back to your universe through a sheer stroke of luck.
Staying that way is gonna be hard.
Donnie immediately destroys the portal, but that doesn't mean the others can't build their own
Depending on if you move to another part of the sewer again, is how likely you are to stay uncaptured
If you guys stay at the same spot, they'll find y'all in another few months
if y'all move maybe they won't find you guys.
Staying? They're going to find you guys in as little as a few weeks, but they won't immediately grab you guys
They stalk you five, they're delusional and try to rationalize why you five left.
Staying might be the initial response, you five come back down, hoping to see Splinter, but you just see those 17 figures, some covered in blood
"What did you do, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" your Leo would sob out, assuming the worst
All you five get back are cold stares
Instead of taking you back to the other universe, they stay here and keep you locked in your own home.
But they make sure that y'all can't leave for a while.
The turtles get broken bones, and you get a shock collar
If you think they were bad before, you haven't seen shit
They're always around you five now, never letting any of you out of their sight.
It's hell.
It's pure torture.
and they're never letting you guys go.
I didn't go into as much detail as I would've liked, maybe this will be like a series idk??
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pianocat939 · 1 year
I'm jsut gonna say this:
The worst and yet funniest yandere to wind up with... is Yan Rise Kraang. Imagine a damn chewed piece of gum going like "come here babagrill"
Tw: You are going to visibly cringe I tell you-
"C'mere babygirl~ Let papa Kraang give you some smooches~"
"Don't you dare touch me with your wet bubblegum looking tentacles you wrinkled ass raisin-"
"Oh come on~ fellow Kraang say I'm a great lover~"
"Not with your soggy fucking brain and plus you got no eyebrows-"
(I hate this. And I rarely say that.)
- Celina
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