#yandere lif  x reader
My Emo Girlfriend!
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You met by complete accident
Whether it be in school or the graveyard, it doesn't matter; It's all the same
You were acquainted, barely even friends; Though, that was more on your part, because you were scared of her
She didn't mind you, but you weren't good friends
After you see each other more often, you do get used to her scary appearance
It takes time for you to becomes friends with her
When you do become friends, you become close. In fact, she becomes one of your closest friends
At first you would hang out in school, but it slowly turns into you walking home together and then you both start hanging out
You still think it's creepy that she's so fascinated with dead things, especially rats
But as long as she isn't the one killing them, you're on board
You're her muse and she write love poems about and for you
She's absolutely sweet, the complete opposite of what you had originally thought when first meeting her
^ Though the curtesy is not shared with people who are mean to you
Most people think you are just friends.... Really close friends.... Like really close
She has a dark, twisted mind and loves creepy things, which is why it's so weird that she is dating you
But she loves that you're so different from her
You inspire her, because you make her see a different side of the world
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emotionaldepravity · 1 year
Hi there 😃 may I request something with yandere Ike or Lif from fire emblem? I'm not sure what kind of scenario though 🤔 😅
I gotchu don't worry! I thought I'd do them in a short story style. Hope you enjoy!
You didn't know that getting close to Ike would have been so dangerous. He seems to be one of the most normal people you have ever summoned to Askr. Not being a prince or noble, he had fought with only his own two hands. How could you not admire him? Oddly enough he had felt the same. He would silently stand beside you whenever he had the chance. If you weren't at his side, the moment he saw you, you would be. Most heroes didn't seem to mind your closeness, other than the odd look Ike might receive after being pushed out of the way, but Soren wasn't content watching Ike slip from his grasp. The mage could confront you only once to tell you that you were underserving of such special treatment. After all, you didn't know Ike's journey or his struggles like he did. The conversation had left you quite frazzled, but you had a hard time disagreeing. Once you mentioned it to Ike, he assured you that there was no need to be worried. He was going to take care of it. You had no reason to believe that involved anything other than words.
When you were called to the scene you were sick to your stomach at the sight. You immediately confronted Ike about why he would act so cruelly toward someone who you believed to be his closest friend.
"I told you once that I would walk down this road with you as long as you let me, but... Whether you'll have me or not, I will not let anyone stand in our way. On the battlefield or otherwise..."
Its no wonder that Lif is jealous of others around you: he had seen you die before. Everyday since he watched the light fade from your eyes, he longed for you. Days were long without you in his ruined future. Experiencing the light take him only to be brought back in front of you seemed like a nightmare, but you try so hard to make him feel safe. Your warm lively hands, so gentle, often tap him on the shoulder. You offer him a place at the table you eat at though he no longer needs food. Each time he wants to push you away, you bring him back in. Though your small acts of kindness aren't just for him. You are kind and thoughtful to almost any hero. More specifically you are kind to Alfonse. It drives him mad. He knows that that is technically him, but it isn't the him who understands your value. It isn't the him that gets sick at night wondering if you love someone else. He is the one that keeps careful watch of you on the battlefield and reprimands the idiotic royals that let you out of their sights. That is why he couldn't stay another day in Askr. That is why he steals you away in the night. There aren't many realms that he could hide you in, but with Hel's throne truly empty now, he'd have somewhere to go. He'd carefully sit you on the throne, as you slept, thinking only of how he'd wish it was the one his birthright afforded him.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
Crisis Averted - Part I [Genshin Spoilers 4.1.]
New Genshin Updates always make my thoughts go brrrr. So here's a little something (with modified happenings to fit the story lol) of Wriothesley after he survived the encounter with the Primordial Sea!
Fandom: Genshin Impact Pairings: Yandere!Wriothesley x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Topics of death (Fear of death, Near-death experiences, Fear of loved ones dying), Reader got locked into a closet, Forced Relationship, Dub-Con touches, Long post
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Heavy were his steps as he finally made his way back to his office. 
The stairs seemed to drag on endlessly after exerting more energy in a matter of minutes than Wriothesley had done in months—actually, years. He couldn't even remember when he last needed to drain his vision for just one more blast of ice and then one more. Luckily, Clorinde was neither a talkative fellow nor in much better shape than he was after they both struggled to hold back the Primordial Sea from escaping. They were both tough and hard to take down in a fight, but even they had their bodily limits.
She left him on the floor beneath his office with a short nod, a few words exchanged out of courtesy and thankfulness. Then she was gone, and Wriothesley's heavy boots continued their ascend, disregarding any weariness in his bones and the burning of his muscles. In a way, the Primordial Water was a prisoner of this place, and Wriothesley chuckled at his own thoughts as he came to this conclusion, exhaustion making everything sound a bit more funny in his head. However, despite knowing that the crisis was averted and the seemingly inescapable destruction and ruin had been contained like an unwilling prisoner of the Fortress of Meropide, he didn't feel like he had succeeded in keeping death away from what he treasured.
Muffling the yawn ripping from his throat, how could he not be elated by the thought of returning to you, the feeling giving him back the pep in his step? Even after all that happened—and Wriothesley had thought of many, many ways this could have ended—you were both still here. Alive. 
Unless the ice had frozen you to the core by the time he reached you.
He skipped the last two steps with a jump to avoid this possibility, generating enough energy to jog from the staircase to the closet. Noticing the glistening ice still enveloping the doorknobs, Wriothesley let out a breath of relief before quickly grabbing them, unbothered by the frozen sting ramming into his hands. Not even his body heat would be enough to melt the ice, but he'd be damned if he let his own safety measures keep him from you. 
Bracing his body against one of the doors, Wriothesley made sure to keep the closet standing upright while he pried the other one open. More strength was needed to loosen the ice that had seeped into every crack, an airtight grave keeping him away from you. But even so, it would have been a better death than what the Primordial Sea would have done to you had they not been able to contain it. Wriothesley forced himself to avoid the thoughts of the pain and agony the water would have caused you, the idea of him suffering such a fate enough to rampage his skin with goosebumps. He had put you into an awful position, but at that moment, he had believed it to be more merciful than being dissolved and drowned in the water.
Jerking the door again, he could hear the ice cracking, more relief washing over him. Relief that it would have succeeded in protecting you until the worst was over, and even more relief that it was giving way now, returning you to him. Surely, you must have already been panicking with the cold raking at you and the slow loss of air. He'd have to apologize later for putting you into this position, wipe your tears if necessary, and get someone to smuggle some cake into the Fortress as a well-done treat. But all he wanted to do now was to have you back in his arms. Everything else was a worry for later, like the Primordial Sea threatening to destroy all life around Fontaine.
One more ice-breaking tug and the door finally gave away, revealing a trembling, miserable person. His trembling, miserable person. Your first instinct was to gasp for air, the few minutes locked away having taken its toll on you. You were coughing and gasping, clawing towards the light, more than ready to exit your makeshift coffin. Wriothesley caught you before you fell, your eyes unaccustomed to the brightness after spending so much time in the dark, and he sat you upright again, helping you out of the blanket he had wrapped around you in a hurry when the commotion started. 
More than any ice, your body had cooled down significantly, and other than when he touched the frozen doorknobs, Wriothesley noticed the temperature of your skin even through your clothes. It pained him, yet, it had been necessary. Pulling his trusty coat off his shoulders, he slung it around your violently shivering form, closing the front tightly so the fur collar would warm your cheeks and ears. There was no way he'd let you walk on legs that were fragile from the cold, and he never planned to let you go anywhere on your own in the first place. 
Strong arms wrapped around your body, now engulfed in his coat. His scent was so prevalent, even when it mixed with yours. Wriothesley appreciated how well they worked together. Had scent been enough to mark you as his, he might not have had to do so many things to keep you by his side. You two could have lived pretty normal lives if all it needed was him rubbing off on you, but alas, normalcy wasn't something he had ever been blessed with. Given that there was a very real chance of him dying from being submerged in Primordial Water, not even his death would be able to be claimed as normal. But neither would yours.
But not today. Neither of you died that day, and Wriothesley thanked whatever godly entity he had to thank for that. Even just having the chance to hold you once more was enough to convince him that everything would be okay. At least for now. For one more day. Lifting you out of the closet, he held you, unmoving. Your arms wormed out, desperately holding on to him as if for your dear life, his warmth seeping onto you. Wriothesley felt your nails rake over his chest, panic driving you closer to him. Every shiver, every squirm through the thick material of his coat, and every sob ripping out of your throat, broke his heart more than you'd ever know. 
"Why did you do that?" you asked, your voice so full of hurt and accusation, yet you pressed yourself harder against him, teeth chattering. For all you knew, you two had been drinking tea (albeit reluctantly on your part) when the alarms suddenly began to blare around you, and Wriothesley shoved you into the closet as if he was punishing you.
"I had to," he mumbled back, his words muffled by the fabric, his arms restricting tighter around your body.
"I could have died! It was so hard to breathe! And the cold… the cold…”
More sobs tore out of you, and Wriothesley closed his eyes, knowing he had to endure the blame your shaky, fragile voice rightfully accused him of. You were right, but would you understand? Could you understand that he'd rather allow you to die peacefully and whole than go through the same agony he'd be in at the same time? Wriothesley had laid awake countless nights thinking of the what ifs and what to do if push came to shove, only to still be unprepared and get run over by the events, wrapping you in a blanket and kissing your head before forcing you into a closet and sealing it shut. Your safety, or at least heightened chances of survival, were the only things he could think of at that moment, you being the only component in his plan that could make him panic.
But now you were crying in his arms, the fear of everything—the unknown, the darkness, death—spilling out of you. He wished he could have prevented it, but now he knew that the truth would only make it worse for you. If he told you what was happening, you'd react like most prisoners here would, and he couldn't guilt you. Not telling you and keeping you in the dark, doing whatever he had to do, regardless of the feelings, was the only way to keep you safe. Wriothesley was the only one to protect you from a fate much worse than what awaited him if he failed. But now that the danger had been averted, the least he could do was hold you.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, rubbing your back through the fabric, hoping to give you the comfort he needed almost as much himself. But other than you, he could only dream of being comforted by the person he loved. And even those dreams seemed unrealistic. Worse days awaited you two, your and his fate sealed together with that of the rest of Fontaine. But not now. Now wasn't the time for tears and worries, and if he hadn't been so damn exhausted—with you in his arms doubly, warm and soft—he would have celebrated your survival more. Soon, you'd come to your senses, fighting him again, and this time, he wouldn't stop you. He couldn't. 
So he'd use what little time he had to enjoy this moment. Walking over to his chair, you graciously let him carry you, allowing him this little, intimate gesture of holding you in his arms all throughout the short journey. Even though he sat down abruptly, knees giving out from under him, your body landed softly, enveloped in his while he let out a strained grunt. The feeling of gravity pressing you into him was one he would have liked to treasure for the next few days, and if it had been up to him, you two would have been cooped up for just as long. But beneath his calloused hands, he could feel your body warming up, your breath no longer icy when it brushed his neck and cheeks.
The fight hadn't taken too long, evident by you still being alive, and yet it felt like he'd been gone for weeks, maybe months. Years of absence that made him miss the feeling of your body and the sound of your voice. His mind should have been on the enemy he was fighting, and yet, his only concern had been you. Getting back to you and not dying without seeing you one more time was everything he thought of as he pushed another punch of eyes to that gate that kept the Primordial Sea contained. You gave him the strength to keep going, if only to give you a chance of survival and to not die in pain like anyone else who'd get into contact with the Primordial Sea. To not give up until Neuvillette showed up, releasing him from this duty to society so he could return to the duty of loving you. 
It had been a lot, but when he raised a tired hand to push some of the fur out of your face, witnessing the tears having stopped and the warmth returned to your cheek, it had all been worth it. Wriothesley had to make progress on the project he kept hidden from everyone to ensure that you'd be protected from all the dangers surrounding him. If anyone, then at least you. So even if he couldn't push this tired body of his to do it that day, he knew that from the moment he'd open his eyes after a nap, he'd be back to working on it tirelessly. 
"This face," he sighed, cupping your cheek and snorting softly at the pout crossing your features. Tracing the bridge of your nose, he hummed, satisfied that everything was still right where it belonged and had not fallen off from the cold. 
"These lips," he mused, brushing his thumb over the soft cushions he dreamed about kissing every night. 
"And these eyes." 
His words made your gaze rise to his, beautiful jewels in the moody, damp lighting of his office, glistening from the tears yet raging like the sea in a storm defying his adoring stare. He wouldn't have wanted it any other way. If you had to hate him, then hate him. Despise him, he'd deal with it. Wanted to hurt him, he'd let you. Love him… A man could dream. But seeing a storm of emotions was better than the faded light of death you had when he pulled you out of the closet. That was something he wished to never see again. That he'd fight and strife for to never appear on your face again.
"Don't," he chuckled, grin splitting his lips as he pinched your cheek in a loving reprimand after noticing how you wanted to start arguing. Wriothesley couldn't help but laugh out loud when you let out the most adorable grunt in annoyance, squirming on his lap until you could hide your cheeks into the fur again, away from his touch. He settled for the nape of your neck, holding you there gently and noticing in the back of his head how long your hair had grown since you came to the fortress as he brushed his hand through it.
You glared at him defiantly from the safety of his coat, and Wriothesley couldn't imagine a better place or better look for you. "That's what I'm fighting for," he mumbled, pushing his strained muscles to move so he could kiss your forehead. "It's all worth it as long as I can hold you like this. Just a little longer, alright? I'll get you something nice in return."
Wriothesley wasn't someone who begged, not even for your attention. He'd take it and have it as he pleased, but in that moment, he worried he'd lose you if he let you go—for real this time. The uncertainty and inability to tell you what was happening, left a cold, dark hole inside him, wrenching his gut and bursting his heart with regret. All he had to soothe the pain it caused him was to hold you and feel your soft heartbeat through the layers of clothes around you two. 
It relieved him to know you were safe. He was safe. You both were okay, but mostly you. He never told you that if there was a way to save your life in exchange for his, he'd do it, no question asked. But it was a weird topic to bring up, especially when you considered him to be a heartless, manipulative asshole who used his authority to take advantage of someone less fortunate. So he didn't. Like many things, he kept his thoughts to himself, hoping that, in some miraculous way, you'd come to understand one day. Maybe even like him. 
"I hate you," you reiterated, and Wriothesley managed another chuckle to hide how much that statement hurt him. He fully expected you to jump off his lap now, walk away from him and out of his office, choosing to spend your time wisely instead of indulging him. You were no longer shivering, your teeth calm, and your heartbeat even, and yet, you didn't budge. 
Turning your head to the side, you placed it on his chest, stilling on top of his heart, this small gesture enough to make it threaten to burst out of his ribcage. Maybe he underestimated you. Perhaps you did understand, at least vaguely, that whatever happened had been pretty bad for him. He'd take the pity if it came from you. Wriothesley could only hope you magically understood that whatever he did in his absence, he did it not to harm but to protect you. You never showed him any mercy with your opinions or actions, so this side of you could only be explained by assuming kindness and understanding from you. But whatever it was, he was grateful. So, so grateful. 
This was all he ever wanted: holding you, burying his face in your hair in a moment of vulnerability for him. Where he wasn't stronger, wasn't exuding authority over you. Forcing you to bend to his will. A moment where he could forget the world as all his senses tuned themselves on you. Everything was you, from the softness of your body to the smell surrounding him. Your heartbeat in his ears and his eyes closing as Wriothesley was comforted by your warmth. Even if you'd never appreciate what he was doing, this was enough reward for all the hardships he went through for you daily, but especially on this day. It reminded him of why he was working so hard, even though he never meant to fall in love with you this deeply. Your tiny bit of compliance would satisfy this overpowering need for you for a couple of days until he'd be back on his feet. 
Wriothesley wanted to say more. In fact, he wanted to tell you everything. But it wasn't the right time, nor did he have the strength. Your feelings changed nothing about his, every beat of his heart screaming, "I love you! I love you! I love you!"
He was a little glad you didn't hear it. That would have been embarrassing. 
Grinning to himself, he could feel his conscience being pulled out from under him. His breaths even, despite the extra weight on his chest that he clung to desperately, his chair never feeling more comfortable than in that moment. He wished to stay awake for a little longer, muse about the fact that you were the best blanket he could wish for, feeling just so right. Sleeping while holding you like this would definitely improve his nights, as he wouldn't have to worry about where you were and who you were with. If you were safe or in the process of trying to do something stupid. But he'd take what he could get, even if it was just this one time of you not trying to tear out of his arms and run from him.
After all, this day could have ended very differently. But it didn't. 
He got to hold you again, the crisis averted so he could return to you. He had to be thankful for that, as his life would be worth nothing without you. And even waking up with you gone would be more pleasant than any thought about you dying far away from him. So he'd take this time to rest like he always had wanted, his beloved in his arms, his thoughts and dreams filled with you.
Trying not to be too greedy, now that he knew what it felt like not to lose you.
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yandere-writer-momo · 11 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Childhood Sweethearts
Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Childhood Rival Afab Reader
Tomboy reader consumed me so enjoy this small little taste
Yellow Lenten Roses to symbolize a childhood sweetheart
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“I can’t stand you!” A young Katsumi exclaimed loudly to a young child with (hair color) hair. Their faces were both covered in bruises and dirt.
“Taekwondo is better than karate!” The small child pointed at Katsumi. “When I come back to Japan, I’ll defeat you! I swear! It’ll be on sight!”
“Karate is better than Taekwondo! Your lousy kicks don’t stand a chance against my martial art!” Katsumi was met with another kick in the face from the other ten year old. The two kids brawling on the floor once more.
“Take that back!” (Your name) and Katsumi exchange punches. The two kids rolled around on the ground until (your name) was on top. The smaller child won against Katsumi once again. “See? Taekwondo is better. Do you concede?”
“You cheated!” Katsumi shouted as he tried to escape (your name)’s pin.
“Did not! You just suck!”
“Did too!”
“I hate you, you ugly child!” Katsumi shouted as he flailed from under (your name).
“You’re the one with the caterpillar eyebrows!”
The two children bickered and spat at each other some more until their parents pulled them apart.
(Your name) and Katsumi always fought like cats and dogs… but Katsumi had no clue how much that would change when they reunited.
Fifteen years later and Katsumi waits at his dojo for the challenger that sent him a letter. To think that ornery child from his past wanted to challenge him to a fight as an adult. How laughable.
Katsumi swung his shoulders back as he stretched. This should be cake. They were always so tiny… he bet they were still small. Katsumi scoffed at the memory of that snotty nosed kid he fought on a day to day basis. (Your name) was always such a brat. He doubt the little boy changed into a man.
Katsumi glanced out the window and pulled his arm over to stretch it. He couldn’t wait to wipe the cocky smirk off their face.
“Orochi Katsumi?” Katsumi froze at a feminine voice that entered the room. His whole body went rigid in shock.
Katsumi spun around and saw a pretty, young woman. Their hair was longer and their face was more feminine. And they had such a curvaceous body that there was no denying they were a woman. All this time… his childhood rival was a woman?!
“Y-yes?” Katsumi gulped, his eyebrows raised past his hairline in shock. His throat went dry when she sauntered over to him. No way… this had to be a prank. A dream.
“I’ve come to challenge you.” Katsumi began to sweat from how nervous he was. Her dobok fit her like a glove… no way. He couldn’t do this. “I told you that I’d fight you once I return to Japan.”
(Your name) got into an offensive stance. A cocky smirk crawls on her lips. “Unless you’re scared to fight me?”
Katsumi gets into a defensive stance. He’s prepared to block her kicks but he’s terrified to hit her. It wounds his heart as a martial artist but he doesn’t want to be a man who hits a girl.
And when her side kick lands, Katsumi is surprised to be pushed back a few feet. She has a surprising amount of strength despite her size.
(Your name) keeps attacking, she notices Katsumi’s hesitance and it frustrates her. Katsumi can’t even dodge most of her attacks but he tries to block.
Katsumi decides to attempt a takedown but she easily flipped him onto his back and pinned him to the mat. Their childhood now being re-enacted once more. Katsumi’s mouth is agape as (your name) sits on top of him but this time it’s different.
They were no longer children… they were a man and a woman. And Katsumi now had a beautiful woman above him. Something he never imagined would ever happen.
katsumi has dedicated his entire life this far to karate. He’s never dated. He’s never had any romantic ventures and here she was. The rival from his childhood as the perfect partner for him.
“Do you concede?” (Your name) smirked down at him. A bit of sweat on her face and her hair slightly messy. Katsumi did his best not to get too riled up even though this situation was entirely too much for him.
“Y-yes.” Katsumi turned his red face away which made (your name) furrow her brow. She sighed and rolled off him.
“That was incredibly anticlimactic. Where was the energy? You barely gave me a fight.” (Your name) grumbled. She moved a few stray strands out finger face. “Where is my childhood rival?”
“I… I didn’t know you were a girl.” Katsumi bashfully admitted with a nervous smile. His heart hammered in his chest so loudly that he could hear it in his head. Katsumi knew he was just struck with Cupid’s arrow and he had no intention of letting these new feelings slip through his fingers. “You always wore boy clothes and your hair was short…”
“I was a tomboy!” (Your name) hissed, a vicious glare on her face. “My name isn’t even a boy’s name. Have you always been this stupid?”
“Hey! I’m not stupid!” Katsumi blushed when she jammed her finger in his chest. He has never been this close to a woman before and now he’s all riled up. He shifted a bit to try to hide his attraction.
“All these years and you still haven’t touched those caterpillar brows.” Katsumi’s mouth was agape at her insult. To this day, she still thought his eyebrows looked like a bug? How rude.
“H-hey! And you’re…” Katsumi paused. He couldn’t call her ugly because that would be a lie. In all honesty, she was probably one of the prettiest women he’s ever laid eyes on.
“And I’m what?” (Your name) clicked her tongue at Katsumi. What happened to the snobby kid she used to know? “Cat for your tongue? Your insult game must’ve diminished over the years since you’ve been hit in the head so many times.”
Katsumi’s face only flushed a darker red. Perhaps if she was man, this entire situation would be different. His heart wouldn’t flutter and his palms wouldn’t sweat. Katsumi couldn’t utter a word to her because he was so enthralled by her. Maybe… he should let her join his dojo?
(Your name) waved her hand in front of Katsumi’s face since he was making such a dopey expression. Was he okay?
“Um… hello?” (Your name) jumped when he took her hand in his. His eyes lit up and a soft expression on his face.
“How about you train karate and you can teach me some taekwondo techniques?” Katsumi asked, a twinkle in his obsidian eyes. “What do you say?”
(Your name) furrowed her brow at him in confusion. Perhaps the years apart have made him soft?
“I thought you said karate is superior?”
“I want to make my karate even better so I’m willing to learn whatever you’d like to teach me.” Katsumi smiled warmly at her.
“You’ve matured.” (Your name) gave Katsumi a smile so warm, he swore it was a ray of sunshine. His eyes tried to memorize her smile the best he could. He wanted to burn this expression of hers into his brain so he’d never forget it. “I kind of like this new you.”
Katsumi’s stomach did a little flip. Did she like him? That thought alone thrilled him and filled him with butterflies. He was so happy…
“Then can I see you again tomorrow?”
“Sure. If you promise me a true spar-“
“Of course, if that’s what you want!” (Your name) was surprised by how quick Katsumi agreed. Her hand was still held in his much larger one. His fingers were basically sausages from how muscular they were. His palms were a bit rough and calloused from his years of practicing his craft but she didn’t mind. Katsumi was a man now rather than a young boy she had known so many years ago. He’s grown into himself.
“You’re so eager, are you excited for me to beat you up again?” A loud laugh escaped (your name) but then her face changed when she realized Katsumi still hasn’t released her hands. “You can let me go now. Your palms are gross and sweaty.”
Katsumi quickly retracted himself like he’s been bitten. His cheeks flushed a bright cherry red once again. “Sorry… I never realized how dainty a girl’s hands are.”
(Your name) blinked at him, confusion on her pretty face. “You say that like you’ve never touched a girl… wait. You’ve never touched a girl?!”
Katsumi held his hands in front of him as embarrassment swallowed him whole. He’s never really thought about being with women since he was so busy with karate. There was no time nor thoughts of dating or of anything more.
“I’ve been busy with karate and I’ve taken over the dojo. I don’t… I’ve never… I just haven’t had time for women!” Katsumi admitted with embarrassment. Did this make him a loser in her eyes since he had no experience? He certainly hope it didn’t.
(Your name) immediately halted her teasing when she noticed how embarrassed Katsumi was. She quickly dropped the subject entirely. Sure she was a cat with claws, but unlike a cat, she knew when to stop playing with her food.
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to make fun of you… to completely embarrass you.” (Your name) apologized to Katsumi to try to make him feel better. She didn’t want to destroy his self esteem all in one meeting. (Your name) wanted to do that over time. What can one say, she had standards. “But you took over the dojo? That’s amazing.”
Katsumi gave her a shy smile, which (your name) found slightly endearing. Goodness that was cute.
“Yes… I’ve been running it for a few years now. We’ve grown to over a million members nationwide.” Katsumi proudly boasted. (Your name) swore he looked like one of those colorful tropical birds in this moment. What a goofy guy. “I’ve made quite the name for myself here in Japan.”
“But still no girlfriend.” (Your name) teased which made Katsumi glare a bit at her with his rosy cheeks.
“Again, I haven’t had time to meet anyone. Plus, I want someone who could understand me and my interests.” Katsumi held his finger up while he explained himself. (Your name) crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a smirk.
“Mhmm. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” (Your name) then gathered up her belongings and gave Katsumi a small wave. “I’ll see you tomorrow I guess. Somewhere around noon.”
(Your name) paused at the doorway and gave Katsumi a wink. “And you’ve grown into an attractive young man, eyebrows.”
Katsumi combusted into flames while (your name) left with a giggle. Katsumi stood there for a few moments while her words sunk in. The thought finally processed and now Katsumi wanted to know more.
“W-wait! You think I’m handsome?!” Katsumi tried to trail after her but she was gone.
Katsumi sighed in frustration and sank to the floor in a crouching position. What on earth did she mean by that?! Did she… did she like him?
Katsumi certainly hoped so. He now had the biggest crush on her, despite her mouth.
After all, their reunion had to mean something… it’s like they were made for each other. (Your name) was a martial artist and so was Katsumi. They would be perfect together. It was a no brainer to him.
The reason why he never found a girlfriend was because he was always meant to meet (your name) again. She was his soul mate.
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r4d1c4lw31rd0 · 5 months
Unseen Grave (Yandere!Venture x Reader)
My first post and it's about Venture LOLZ- I've never used tumblr before, I kinda just skim through here on occasion for cool art, writing for some of my favorite characters, and headcanons- Sorry if this is bad- This is also on AO3! I don't mind any requests either, can't promise to get to them quickly though-
CW: Minor Character death, implied/referenced past non/con, dead dove kinda, stalking, non graphic violence, skippable NSFW (This isn't non-con), a kinda abrupt ending, OOC Mauga, No use of Y/N, Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Your POV
Where did all of this go wrong? You only ever wanted to live a normal and happy life. Forced into a world of crime, you made it your mission to get yourself and your comrades out of this hell hole. This slimy, sludgy pit you all had seemed perpetually stuck in, but you knew there was better out there. You could all live that lavish and carefree life you always dreamed of, you just had to claw your way to it. So when Mauga approached you, you saw it as an opportunity. Talon spotted your talent, your knack for creating poisons and toxins capable of killing or simple paralysis. Why they sent this big brute you’d never understand.
He held his hand out to you, that devious smirk on his dashing features captivating you like no other, drawing you in like a fly to a honeypot. You couldn’t see the web just inches from it though, nor could you see the spider eyeing you and waiting patiently for you to get stuck in its home. He gave you an offer you simply couldn’t ignore. A whole new identity and payment beyond what you could fathom, more than petty pocket change for simple side hustles, no you’d be playing in the big leagues. If you impressed Doomfist himself enough that is. All you had to do was complete a rather simple task and the position was all yours.
Despite what you’d heard about Mauga, he was quite tricky and conniving with his words. The smartest? Not by a long shot. He couldn’t quite comprehend the big words you used, but he could read you like an open book, and that was enough for him. The smallest twitch or glance was all he needed to know almost exactly what you were thinking and just how much more persuasion you were going to need. A true predator cornering its prey.
If you knew then what you know now, you never would’ve agreed. Then again, Talon may not have let you off the hook so easily. It may have cost you your life. You agreed to the simple mission, poisoning an important political figure and rendering him desperate enough to turn to Talon for a cure. Your unique little toxins could only be cured by you, considering they were abominations to medical science and were something entirely new and original all together. The mere fact that you only had to change one component to make it cause different effects was something you were proud of.
You didn’t doubt yourself in the slightest, so when word of your success was all over the news you felt your pride and ego swell. Doomfist had introduced you into a new world, one where the pay was greater and the tasks were challenging enough for a brilliant mind like yours. Working alongside Dr. O’deorain was fascinating, considering it was she who had inspired you to push the boundaries of the medical world. At the time, Talon seemed like it would give you everything you needed, but blinded by that desire for more and where it could take you you didn’t see it for what it truly was. Just as much of a hell hole as the rest of the world had been.
They squashed your hopes of getting somewhere, of having peace and calm rather than the hustle and bustle of the streets. No, working for them you never knew any kind of peace. A sense of hate began to form inside of you, alongside resentment. Watching them turn your brilliance into mush and treat it as if it was the common whore was devastating. They had the audacity to demand better from you. Working with Talon, you began to develop the belief that a life of crime and hate was your only option, that staying in this pit was the only option for you. The heinous acts you committed just to gain a lick of fortune was the only thing you’d ever be good for. Of course, you blamed Mauga for all of it. He had gotten you into Talon after all with his stupid face and smug words. 
 You had found yourself in some kind of relationship with him. He never said you two were together but he surely acted like it, getting irritable when others flirted with you or tried to ask you out. The relationship hadn't been the best nor the healthiest, but at the time you were just happy someone wanted you and didn't view you as a monster because of things you couldn't control. He called you so many sweet names, complimented you when Doomfist tried to put you down and offered you a place to run to in any time of need. It was all for his own advantage of course, but you didn’t know that. You just knew you could be vulnerable with him. You were unaware that you’d finally crept too close to the spider's web. No, he wasn’t a spider, he was a wolf. And you were a lamb, strayed too far from the safety of the herd and right into the wolf’s den.
Needless to say, he took advantage of you and your trust in him. The whole time you two were entangled in your complex relationship, he was almost always borderline violent with you and was very hot and cold with you, treating you as if you were some kind of dog that needed to be trained. You complied with almost everything he asked of you, and even when you didn't he forced you to anyway. Countless nights you lay next to him feeling used like some cheap toy for a rabid animal, and yet you stayed. Because Talon was all you had. Because he was all you had. No one was coming to save a monster, especially not one as sneaky and atrocious as you.
In the end, when you finally had enough, Mauga broke you down and ripped your heart to shreds. He called you so many awful names, told you how much he despised you and watched you crumble with disgusting glee. It hurt. Even though  he had treated you so poorly, you were still so distraught by his words and callous behavior. The fact that you were readily available for him was the only reason he kept you around, to be a punching bag and plaything when he felt like it. His betrayal fueled a kind of rage you didn’t know you were capable of feeling, and made you realize for the first time that this world was cruel no matter where you looked at it from and you were stuck in an echo chamber of miserable people. Maybe that's why they let you spiral. Used that rage and hurt against you, and made you numb to everything because it was just easier that way. It kept them from picking at your vulnerability any longer, from seeing you as weak..
You weren’t cared for in the slightest at Talon and you were just fine with that. You didn’t need to be babied or coddled anymore than you had when you were first introduced to this raunchy life, especially not by people who were as disingenuous and callous as your “co-workers”. The only one who showed a hint of sympathy or empathy was Dr. Kuiper and Sombra, probably some of the only people in that place capable of expressing such a thing.You couldn’t complain. You  still made money so long as you did what was asked of you and didn’t retaliate when you were degraded for your progress or your work. You were pretty sure things took a turn when you met Sloane, who at the time was “Venture” to you.
Pesky, annoying, and constantly getting in the way of your mission to find some artifact for Doomfist from some kind of ancient gravesite. The two of you were naturally enemies, being on opposite sides and all. And yet they intrigued you. Their happy-go-lucky manner and their quippy remarks as they effortlessly kicked the asses of your useless “assistants” you didn’t understand why Doomfist bothered sending. Truthfully, you could’ve accomplished the mission just as well on your own. You probably would’ve killed them too if Overwatch hadn’t shown up. Just as annoying as ever, they helped finish off the rest of your shitty squad, leaving you running off to hide like a dog with its tail between its legs. That mission you had been left behind, abandoned like an injured pup and left to fend for yourself. Badly injured, you would have cared less if you died. Sitting and stewing in your own misery had made you indifferent to life or death.
Doomfist didn’t want to lose you as an asset, but your location didn’t provide him any opportunity to send you an escape route, so you were stuck slinking about the Petra ruins, avoiding the ever-watchful eyes of Overwatch and the Wayfinders as you waited for your wounds to take you out. You’d only been caught because that insufferable archaeologist found you. You were dehydrated with infected wounds, and even then you still bared your teeth at their approach. They had been on guard at first, but seeing you in such a pathetic state had made them take pity on you, something you hadn’t been gracious enough to receive since you were a child.
Taken to the on-site medical facility, you were put under watch but nonetheless you were cared for. You were unfit to go to jail and serve for your crimes right away, so you were stuck there with the Wayfinders, under their care until you could be sent off. For whatever reason, Venture had stuck with you whenever they could, offering short conversation that was mostly one-sided. You didn’t talk much and only glared, uncomfortable with the hospitality. You would’ve preferred if they were rude to you. It was what you were used to. Three days was all it took for you to finally crack. Three days of consistent visits and kind words. Naturally, you were hesitant. Last time you had opened yourself up you were burnt terribly, and had been several times before. Kindness was a poison to you, and yet they made it so desirable. Their genuinity with it and the way they handed it out so easily had you craving it.
After about a month you had completely recovered, well enough to finally go serve for your crimes. The last day you and Venture spent together, you had taken their hand, feeling its warmth as you pressed a small kiss to the back of it. Their flustered reaction made you laugh for the first time since becoming what you were, and it was warm and joyous.
“Thank you, Sloane.” You whispered, refusing to look at them. You didn’t want them to see you cry. “You’ve been so kind to me, even though I’m so undeserving of it. I wish things were different. I wish we’d met before . . . everything.”
“Not everyone deserves a second chance.” Their words stung, making you shrink in on yourself slightly. “But, you’re . . . different. I don’t think you ever really wanted to do the things you did.”
You looked up at them. They saw you, truly saw you, what you were beneath the muck that had clung to you and thickly coated your skin. Something about the way they looked at you gently made you want to melt and embrace them, but you didn’t, still too timid to trust completely.
“You’re not a bad guy, you were just forced into a shitty situation. Try not to be so hard on yourself.” Their smile wasn’t as wide as it usually was, but it was still filled with just as much charisma and warmth.
Looking back on it, you believe it was this small interaction that led to the actions after. That simple and innocent act of gratitude. If not that, then you weren’t sure what, but you could recall that new glint in their eyes when they watched you get taken away. The way their gaze lingered far longer than it ever had. The way they subtly caressed the hand you kissed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your time in jail wasn’t bad, made better by the fact that you received letters and small gifts and pictures from Sloane. The letters were innocent to you at the time, but thinking back on it the signs were there. You wrote back, sent small handmade gifts of your own, and kept every picture and ecstatic letter they sent you from each of their journeys that they shared with you. Unfamiliar with the whole concept of having someone truly care about you, you didn’t notice anything weird. You fought a bit with the other inmates who tried their hand at intimidating the newbie, especially with how widespread your reputation had become working with Talon. You had believed yourself doomed to rot there, considering you had attacked several political figures, harmed many innocents, and stolen that much more. You’d also broken Hippocratic Oath and used your research for worse.
 But like some unwanted blessing, you found yourself hightailing it out of there early. Talon had come back for you, after abandoning you for months, and before you would’ve run back to them with open arms. Things were different now though, you had changed for the better and knew going back promised nothing but misery. You ran the second you could, barely escaping but escaping nonetheless. Hiding in a sewer wasn’t ideal but it helped you get away from that prison and away from Talon. The one good thing they could’ve done for you, and probably the last. You knew now though that they would be looking for you. Doomfist would be pissed, knowing he wasted valuable time and resources trying to get you out of prison just for you to run off, but that was his own problem. You never asked for his help, perfectly content with rotting in a cell but now gifted a chance of freedom. With nowhere to go though, you turned to the only person you felt you could trust. The one person who made you feel some sense of normalcy.
Going to Sloane was a huge gamble, considering that you were still a wanted criminal and they were pretty much some kind of vigilante hero type. It took you forever to get to Petra, but you managed, lying in wait until you could talk to Sloane again. In the dead of night, you startled them awake, covering their mouth to prevent them from shouting.
“Shhhh. It’s just me.” You whispered, letting their sleepy eyes adjust to the dark, watching them widen at the sight of you. “Follow.”
The simple command was all they needed as they trailed after you, the two of you finding a quiet little spot away from the dig site to speak freely. Sloane was dressed in a form fitting tank top, allowing you to see the various tattoos that decorated their muscular arms, but you tried not to oogle too much.
“W-What are you doing here? I thought you were in prison? . . .” Sloane spoke slowly, voice still laced with the smallest inklings of sleep as they yawned, pushing stray strands of hair from their face.
“Talon came for me.” You saw them tense, scrambling to finish explaining. “I ran though. They don’t know I’m here, but they are searching for me, and I-” your voice caught in your throat as you swallowed thickly. “I can’t go back.”
You never told Venture the full story of your time at Talon, just that it was awful. They didn’t know about Mauga, didn’t know what was said to you, or any of what you had experienced. It was difficult to bring up. What they did know was that you weren’t treated kindly, and that was enough for them.
“I just need somewhere to hide so I can create a new identity for myself. I just want to live a normal life. That’s all I want.” You stumbled forward, taking a hold of their hands, steady in your trembling ones. “I can’t trust anyone else to keep me hidden. Please, I promise you’ll never have to hear from me, I won’t cause anyone any harm, I just-”
Your desperate ranting was cut off as they pulled you into a tight hug. Their scent was calming, earthy and refreshing. They held you gently, a solid rock amidst the swirling storm of emotion you felt. You weren’t sure how to react, arms shaking as you cautiously hugged them back. You felt safe. Accepted. Warm. You began to hitch as your legs buckled and gave out, taking both of you to the ground as you buried your face into their shoulder. How long has it been since you allowed yourself to cry like this? Ugly sobs wrench their way free from your body as they hold you, rubbing slow and calming circles between your shoulder blades.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid anymore. You’re safe with me, I promise.” They spoke in a hushed tone, accepting you as you were. “You don’t gotta explain anything to me right now, all that can come later.”
They shifted so that they could hold you more comfortably, letting you cry into them without complaint. When you calmed down, you leaned back, their arms slowly falling from you as you stared down at your lap, furiously wiping away tears. You sniffled slightly, before their hands came into view, holding yours.
“You’ll rub your face raw if you keep doing that, it’s okay to be not okay, camarada.” They were gentle with you, scooting closer to you. “I’d be happy to help you out, especially if it’ll bring you some peace. You deserve at least that much, and you’ve more than proven that you deserve it. Apologies won’t make up for much though, there’s only so far words will take you. You gotta make an effort to do better.”
You looked up to meet their gaze, warm brown eyes scanning your face. You didn’t feel judged, and instead could feel that love and care you always so desperately searched for. You did have a long way to go if you even wanted to atone for a fraction of what you had done, but you were aware no amount of repenting would fix anything. You still did what you did, and there was nothing you could do to fix it. And yet, here in Venture’s arms, you felt so sure that things would get better, especially with them at your side. So distracted by your thoughts and their comfort, you barely registered the way they looked at you with a burning possession and the way their smile slightly faltered when you removed yourself from their hold.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Venture POV
Six months. For six, sweet months Venture had you all to themself. It was a miracle of some kind, it had to be. When the two of you had been separated they could hardly stand it, they wanted to go to you and take you from that prison themself. Hide you away from the world where only they could find you. But they had a reputation to uphold, and they wouldn’t be doing anyone much good if they were in prison with you. When you had first arrived all that time ago, Sloane had thought of you as a bad guy working for talon and nothing more, but when they talked to you in the infirmary, they could tell you were different. When you kissed their hand so sweetly, holding back tears, they felt their heart nearly explode.
At first they were scared and confused. These feelings were new and foreign, they’d never felt this way about anyone else before. But you . . . you lit a new fire in them they didn’t know existed, and they wanted more. They wanted you, but you were gone, so they made do with letters and sending you gifts. They remembered when you finally started writing back they could hardly contain themself, not to mention when you sent the little gifts you made by hand. Countless nights Sloane had spent thinking about you, depressed by the thought that they’d never get to touch or hold you. They tossed and turned dreaming about what it would be like to have you next to them instead, but it did nothing to soothe the growing flames of their obsession with you.
And then right out of thin air you appeared, needing them. It had to be fate, the way you came back to them like a lost dog, dependent upon them and their helping hand. Talon had finally done a good thing for them, and that was bringing you two together again. They had been more than willing to do anything for you, but you were so shy and timid. They had to be careful, or else you’d run off and never come back. They had to put on a facade, but was it really a facade when it felt so genuine with you? Because they did care about you, they’d go so far as to say that they loved you. However, they knew you were fragile, knew that this pillar of trust they had built up could be snapped in an instant if you caught a whiff of how they truly felt, because no matter how right this felt to Venture, they knew it was wrong . They had to do this the right way, and that meant keeping their feelings for you a secret.
At first, there wasn’t much to worry about. They had you all to themself by default, considering if anyone saw you they’d send you right back to prison. As they had promised, they kept you hidden away from the prying eyes of everyone at the dig site, whisked away where they wouldn’t find you while they helped you rebuild. They helped you change your appearance, making you look different than what you were before but still vaguely the same. They gave you a place to rest your head, and provided you with food and water. They took care of you, like any good partner would. You probably didn’t see it that way, but Sloane had convinced themself you would with due time. You’d recognize their effort and fall into their arms. You’d let them touch you more, and you’d open up to them and share all your secrets like good partners did. But you didn’t.
No matter what they did, you always seemed to be so far from their reach, withdrawing from their attempts to touch or soothe you when you clearly needed it, and each time they respected that boundary, though patience was wearing thin. You were so close, how could they not want to touch you? They always made due with taking things of yours. Articles of clothing in particular that smelled strongly of you. They loved your smell. It was a unique scent, and they always felt so perverted sniffing your shirts in private. The shame fueled their hunger though, and occasionally they’d get bold enough to take your underwear. Not often, but when they really wanted to.
When you finally cultivated a new identity, they helped you get a job at the Petra site, if only to keep you closer to them. You may have been part of the bio-archaeology team, but you were still theirs. They had been concerned at first, afraid that someone there might catch your eye and take you away from them, but you did wonders in keeping people away. The others might have called you ‘rude’ and ‘scary’, but Venture knew the true you, them and them alone. You kept the rest of the world at bay, and kept them close.
If it wasn’t obvious before, it was now. The two of you were clearly meant for each other, and everyday that passed that you still treated them as a simple friend pained them more and more. Why couldn’t you see what the two of you had? You still tortured them, tempting them to get closer, close enough to touch. Sloane was content playing a well-behaved best friend, but they couldn’t explain that aching desire for more that coiled in their gut as time ticked by.
Despite their own turmoil, you were happy and that was all that mattered. As upsetting as it was seeing you start to open up with others, they couldn’t deny that the look on your face was worth it. Nothing compared to what they could make you feel, but it satisfied them knowing that you were getting what you wanted and what they had promised you’d have. Peace. And they planned on keeping it that way. You believed that Talon couldn’t find you. But the truth was they had, and tried several times to take you away and back into their nasty clutches. But every time, Sloane was there to stop them, dispatching them all with ease. Every time they rammed their drill into a talon goons body, piercing and mangling their flesh, they always thought of you. How this was all for you and only you.
Every bone broken, scream muffled, and skull cracked beneath a boot was all done in your name. These guys wanted to take you back to a place that hurt you, wipe that sweet precious smile off your face forever and undo all of Sloane’s progress. Sloane didn’t feel bad watching their blood stain their clothes because they deserved it, and if they could they would’ve killed every single person working for Talon, but they needed to stay here with you to keep a watchful eye and keep you blissfully unaware. These disgusting bastards wouldn’t ruin you again, not if Venture had anything to say about it.
Tonight was no different as they carelessly tossed more mangled bodies into a ravine, a small smirk of satisfaction evident on their features. How many more would they send before they stopped trying? Then again, it always gave them a rush when they took out these idiots, thinking about how grateful you’d be to them if you knew. Sometimes, when you pulled away they wanted to drag you closer, shake you and confess everything. Confess their love, the things they’d done to those Talon goons who were trying to snag you, maybe then you’d appreciate them. Perhaps you’d even reciprocate their love.
It was becoming too much for them to bear, and as ashamed as they were of the action, they had tried to get closer to you while you were sleeping. They always wanted to consider that it would be the perfect moment to get close to you. They underestimated how light of a sleeper you were though, panicking when you opened your eyes and caught them right in the act. They had to come up with an excuse, one that you surprisingly believed before they excused themself. It wasn’t their proudest moment, but at least they knew not to try it again. You were sleeping now, tired from the day's events, but Sloane lay wide awake in their bed, twitching with anticipation. They hadn’t seen you most of the day, with both of you being busy. As much as they loved what they did, Sloane loved you more.
They wanted to visit you now more than ever, feeling hot and bothered after dispatching those goons, but knowing damn well you wouldn’t allow it. They thought about it several times, coming to you after finishing them off, covered in their blood and giving you a kiss. Your hands roaming them as you praised them for their work. They huffed softly, hands grabbing at their shirt as they flipped over.
They were feeling particularly needy tonight, pulling out a shirt of yours they had recently taken. They pressed it to their nose, inhaling deeply and taking in your delectable scent. It still smelled so strongly of you, and it brought them inexplicable joy. They practically salivated over it, breath coming out in whiny gasps. They sat up slightly, taking their pillow and pushing it beneath their body. They let out a soft growl as their hips grinded against the pillow, imagining it to be you instead as they closed their eyes and sniffed again. They shuddered as they let out a breath, whimpering as they continued to grind some more against the pillow.
They thought about how vocal you could be, imaging your hands roaming over their muscles, massaging them as you went. Your legs wrapping around them as they provided you with pleasure, your face contorting in ways they could only cause. The praise you’d give as they followed your every command. Sloane moaned softly as they humped the pillow faster, rougher, free hand curling into the sheets as they pressed their face further into your shirt.
“Joder querido por favor~ I need you~” They whispered the words in a hushed tone, slowing their pace for a moment. “ He sido tan bueno, lo prometo~”
Gods, they could imagine how you would feel, body pressed against theirs, flesh touching flesh as the sound of your love would reverberate through the room. The two of you could care less who would hear, it would just be the both of you in the moment. The marks they would leave on you, nipping at as much exposed flesh as they could, marking you up and claiming you as theirs. You’d beg them for more and they’d happily oblige, giving you what you wanted. They could be gentle, or they could be rough. They could pin your hands and make you squirm and beg for their touch, or perhaps you’d like to be on top, having them worship every inch of you and beg to touch you. Beg you for relief.
“Dios ya no puedo más, te necesito mucho mi amor por favor~” Their voice was high pitched and whiny, desperation laced in their tone. “Tell me how good I’ve been for you~ Fuck ~ You feel so good mi amor~ Tell me how good I make you feel~”
Their moans gradually got louder the deeper into the fantasies they sank, desperately wishing for the real thing. They could only think about how soon enough it could be you, you just needed a little more coaxing and to realize your feelings that you undoubtedly had for them. They could see it in the way you looked at them, feel it when you touched them. Your words were so gentle with them, and you were so sweet. God they couldn’t wait to have you. They’d take it as slow as you needed if only it meant you’d be closer to them. How would your lips finally feel once you let them get close enough? How would you taste?
“Mine, mine, mine. All mine. Only mine.” Their words were muffled, coming out in short growls, matching the pace they had set for themself. “Eres toda mía, mi amor, toda mía~” The words came out in a chant, laying some unknown claim on you for their own sake and sanity.
Sloane slowed their movement against the pillow, thinking about how whiny you’d get when they went slower than you liked, and then picked up again in the same beat to keep you on your toes. Their thrusts got rougher as they groaned, panting desperately as they approached their climax, their last few thrusts desperate as they let out one last cry, sweat dripping from their body as they relaxed, nuzzling their face into your shirt.
Sloane instantly felt much more relaxed, feeling the tension leave their body. Such a mess they’d made. They thought about laying next to you, giving you soft kisses and praise as they cleaned you up and snuggled close to go to bed. Unfortunately, they weren’t with you and couldn’t sleep while being such a mess. They lifted themself from their bed, tucking your shirt away again for a later date. For now, they needed to clean themself up, grabbing a towel as they headed for the showers. In due time the two of you would be together. You’d recognize your love for them, and they’d be waiting for you with open arms, no matter how long it took. Until then, they were content just being near you, protecting you from afar.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your naga professor keeps you captive
General Plot: You are being held captive by Arion and the two of you try to talk it out.
Word Count: 2.5k
Naga (Arion) x female reader
W: kidnapping, yandere behavior, sfw nakedness, sfw monster fluff, forced bath
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You never got your snack, crying yourself to sleep in Arion’s arms, but woke still wrapped in his coils, your head on his chest. His study was warm from a crackling fireplace and smelled of old books and his heady cologne. 
He was asleep, his tail still tight around you but he looked so sweet with his head lolled to the side on his arm and his glasses creeping down the tip of his nose. This way he didn’t look at all like a psycho. 
You wiggled, trying to see if you could slip loose, but he snapped to attention, his metal frames slipping down his chest and he had to scramble to grab and straighten them. He blinked at you through the lenses and smiled. 
“You’re awake,” he said. 
He looked so incredibly pleased to see you, your heart fluttered. 
“I-uh…” you found yourself at a loss for words looking into his hazel eyes. 
They were soft and gentle, so different from the madness from the night before. 
“I bet you’d like a bath and some food,” he said. 
You stiffened at the bath, but there was no fighting it as he smoothly slid through his house with you wound in his tail, your arms pinned to your sides. 
What you saw of his house was nice but a bit dark, the walls all lined with mahogany stained wood paneling. He collected a lot of things, trinkets and ancient looking art were arranged on shelves on the walls. 
Drawing your brow you watched him fill the bath water in the large bathroom he took you into. His tub was more like a pool with a low tile rim that could fit his entire tail inside. 
He was gentle as he peeled your clothes off of your body, his eyes getting their fill of your bare skin. 
His long fingers were just as strong as you’d imagined them being, deftly unbuttoning your work shirt and unsnapping your bra. He wiggled you out of your panties, blushing himself, even as he couldn’t keep his gaze off of you. You were frozen in shock and a hefty bit of embarrassment. 
You’d had the odd R rated fantasy about the naga, but the idea that the first time he saw your naked body would be as he held you against your will and hungrily stripped you of your clothes was…confusing. Your body tingled and you couldn’t tell if it was from humiliation or arousal. Your wet pussy had taken her stance.  
Arion had enough shame not to molest you, placing you gingerly in the water after it was filled. His eyes were another story, eating you up behind his steaming glasses. 
He lifted them off of his face, probably without thinking, giving you a glimpse of his mossy hazel irises, that reminded you of a spring forest. 
You took to scrubbing yourself nervously with your hands, hoping to end this as soon as possible, but he stayed your wrists. 
“Calm down, let me help you,” he said, his voice low, “you’re going to rub your skin raw like that…You don’t need to be frightened, I would never harm you, (Y/N).” 
For being so strong his hands were gentle as he rubbed a bar of soap and smoothed the lather over your skin. The scent of roses filled the room and all you heard were the gentle splashes of water moving. Your eyelashes fluttered from the sensation, but you tried not to enjoy it. You were his captive, this was not a lover’s bath. 
“Just relax,” he sighed, his hands traveling all over. 
You shivered, wrestling with your confusion. 
“Y-you shouldn’t be doing this,” you whispered in the quietness of the bathroom. 
“That’s society talking through your lips, darling,” he said patiently, cupping your breast innocently with his hand, “doesn’t this feel good? How could something be wrong that feels right?” 
He didn’t push too hard, his hand drifting away from the tender spot to your shoulder, where he rubbed in gentle circles. It did feel nice. His hands were strong, but smooth from a life in academia, his touch firm and soft. 
Moving to your  hair, he carefully watched your eyes as he tipped your head back into the water and scrubbed your scalp. Your lashes fluttered shut and you let him massage the tension away. You were so tired from clenching your jaw, every muscle tight with anxiety. It would be so much easier to just give in, believe him when he said he wasn’t going to hurt you. 
Only…what he’d done was so horrible, such a violation, it was impossible to forget. He’d tied you together for two lifetimes. Your second reincarnation would be pulled to him, lured innocently into his trap again, if this hadn’t already happened before. For all you knew you were stuck in an endless twisted romance with him for eternity. 
“Don’t panic,” he whispered, noticing you stiffening, “I promise it’s not as bad as you are building up in your mind. We love each other, darling.” 
“Do we?” you asked, searching his reptilian eyes. Did he truly believe in love or was it some version of that? Was this passion or obsession? It was starting to get blurry in your mind. 
He gave you a placating smile. 
“How did you feel when you first met me?” he asked, “when you first touched my shoulder that day in the library? You were drawn to me.” 
You blinked, surprised he’d remembered that silly gesture you’d been so anxious about. 
“I…I was curious about you,” you said. 
“And what did you learn about me?” he asked.
You frowned. 
“That you are a kidnapper,” you said blandly, unsure where he was going with this.
He actually chuckled. 
“Before that,” he said, “our spirits were drawn to one another, don’t you think? You kept coming to speak to me. Your eyes followed me across the room. You defended me to that wolf.” 
“Well…yes,” you said, you had to admit you’d been attracted to him. 
“Then at the most base level isn’t that all there is? Mutual attraction?” he went on, “do the details really matter? We are together and we are happier together. It’s very simple math.” 
“But I have a life,” you argued, “you’ve stolen me away from it!” 
“Only temporarily,” he reasoned, “I called HR posing as the hospital. You’re in a coma as far as anyone knows and your job will be there when you get back. I just want to spend some time…bonding. Scrubbing the conditioning you’ve received that makes you want to run from me.” 
You sighed. 
“You’ve bound us for two lifetimes, Arion, don’t you think that’s something you should have asked me about beforehand?” you snapped waving your wrist at him. 
He frowned at you and pulled your smaller wrist into his hand, lovingly caressing the bracelet that bound you to him. 
“You wouldn’t have agreed,” he said, still so annoyingly reasonable, speaking in an even calm tone. He didn’t seem upset or hurt, just patient like a teacher guiding a student. It would have been easier if he were cruel to you or violent. He hadn’t raped you or beaten you. Every argument he had a reasoned answer for. It was maddening. 
“Don’t you see? It was a testament to my devotion to you. The big risk,” he continued, “and will be a token of our love when you surrender.” 
“How do you know I will surrender?” you challenged, “maybe I will just hate you for two lifetimes and you’ll be miserable.” 
His eyes softened and he brushed your bottom lip with his thumb. 
“I can see the love in your eyes,” he said smiling, “you’re frightened, but you love me. It’s only a matter of time and opportunity before you let go of these broken beliefs you’re clinging to.” 
You shook your head. 
“I-I just can’t accept that Arion,” you said, “you say this is love but…I just don’t see it. I’m scared of you.” 
He looked at you a bit apologetically. 
“I know but you will,” he assured you, “just let me take care of you. Don’t fight me. I’m not going to harm you.” 
You refused to agree to his terms, even if you were softening to his argument. You couldn’t reason your way out of captivity and it frustrated you. 
He fished you out of the bath and wrapped you in a fluffy towel, knotting you in his tail again. You wondered if you would ever walk on your own two feet, or if he would just carry you around forever. 
His kitchen was large and modern and he finally put you down on the counter, your legs dangling over the edge. Everything in his house was built just a bit higher than it would be for a human and he didn’t have many chairs. There was no point in running. Even if you got away from him you would just die, so there was nothing to do but glare at him and cross your arms as he cooked. Your new plan was to punish him for every second he kept you captive. 
“I’m never going to love you,” you finally said, just plain angry. 
He glanced at you and smiled to himself. 
“You wound me, darling,” he chuckled, “but I don’t believe your angry little snipes even for a second. The love in your eyes speaks louder than your fleeting anger.” 
You huffed in absolute frustration. He was completely delusional! 
“You’re a mean…manipulative…lying…psycho!” you snapped. 
He slid over and hovered over you, showing his height and strength. 
“And you are a naive, ungrateful, little brat, but we still love each other,” he said looking into your eyes, then turned and continued his cooking, waving a spoon at you over his shoulder, “but go on, what else do you have to say about me? It’s best you get it all out now.” 
His attitude sucked the words from your lips. Your spite couldn’t decide if it wanted to yell obscenities at him or stay silent to make a point. 
“You are so incredibly infuriating!” you snarled, unable to stop yourself, “you’re completely insane and you’re not listening to anything I’m saying!” 
“Because you’re not saying anything you really mean,” he said coolly, without looking up, “you believe you mean it. I know that you really do, but deep down, you’re just verbalizing your anxieties and that’s okay. I don’t mind waiting.” 
“Of course you don’t you smug bastard,” you hissed, “you’ve already tied me to you. I can’t ever escape!” 
He turned around, pointed his spoon at you, and grinned. 
“Bingo,” he said and turned back around to continue what he was doing. 
You collapsed on the counter, putting your head down, beyond tears. Watching his back for a while you couldn’t help noting how wide his shoulders were or how the muscles in them flexed as he moved around the kitchen. His pretty green tail shimmered iridescent colors in the bright kitchen lights, thick and muscular. 
No matter how much you tried to deny it, you were sickly attracted to him. You had wanted him, before all this. He was very clever, you had to give him that. He’d figured out a two thousand year old puzzle no one else could solve just to trap you for two lifetimes. It was a little romantic. If it were in a fantasy novel or something, you assured yourself. 
“Now, don’t pout,” he said, finally passing you a plate of your favorite comfort food. How he knew that you had no idea. 
“I like hearing your voice,” he went on, “even if it is insulting me.” 
You were starving so you didn’t make a fuss about the food, taking the fork he’d offered you and diving in. He was a really good cook. 
“The food in this prison is really delicious,” you commented. 
He laughed, taking a bite of his own food. 
“Maybe the warden wants to spoil you,” he said. 
He drew your brow at him and tried to look difficult, which only made him chuckle at you more. 
“You are so cute,” he said, smiling, “even and especially when you are angry.You’re like the cutest little wet kitten.” 
That spoiled your plan of insulting him. He liked it! But there were other ways to punish someone. You’d have to come up with something more devious. You thought for a moment before giving him a good long look. 
“I hope you’re ready to sleep in this bed, Arion Dernald, because you are so sure I’m trapped here with you, but maybe the truth is you are trapped with me.” 
Your plan to punish Arion was simple enough. Just be silent. Don’t speak. Don’t acknowledge him. Don’t give him anything. 
So the next morning when you woke him, you barely looked at him, focusing your eyes somewhere over his shoulder when he talked to you. You were silent at breakfast and only ate a little. 
He knew something was different, but refused to play your game, chattering with you cheerfully as he settled you down in his office while he did a little work.
There was nothing to do since he couldn’t let you use his laptop or phone, so he handed you a book. Instead of reading it, you left it on your lap and stared out of the window watching the rain fall. It was hard. You got really, really bored trying to look distant and detached, almost giving up a few times. 
Two days went by like this. You counted leaves, books, scales on Arion’s tail to keep your brain occupied during your strike. You let him move you like a doll and vaguely ate a small amount when he fed you, but otherwise you gave him nothing. When he held you in his coils at night to sleep, you laid as limp as you could, like a broken toy. 
On day three he broke. 
“You can’t carry on like this,” he said, when you woke up and refused to return his greeting. He didn’t look angry, only very worried. You refused to acknowledge him, pretending he wasn’t there. 
“I’m sure you’re going mad with boredom,” he went on, “maybe we should go somewhere. It must be miserable cooped up like this.” 
You didn’t take the bait, letting your eyes glaze over. 
He tried to control his worry but panicked thinking he’d gone too far, broken you for good. Your silence had been agonizing. 
“Please say something, (Y/N),” he whimpered, holding your cheek and trying to catch your gaze, “you’re scaring me.” 
You wanted to be smug, you really did. He thought he had all the power, but really he was desperate for your approval. He should be scared. You should break him. Never speak to him ever again, let live the rest of this life in painful silence until it turned him bitter and broke him.
But his beautiful green eyes on the brink of tears were too much for you. 
“Why is it impossible to hate you?” you snarled. 
His smile was like the sun rising. You’d never seen anything more genuine and pure.
“Because you love me, darling,” he said, pulling you into his chest and sniffling into your hair. 
You felt the moisture of his tears dampening your hair and you couldn’t help but lean into his arms, letting your fingers gently graze his waist as he held you giving him the smallest whisper of a hug.
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koiijournal · 1 year
serving you a good time.
Yandere!Male x Host!Male!Reader
Sypnosis : You were a famous member of a host club in a big rich school and it seems like someone enjoyed your service a bit too much..?
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"Welcome Ladies, may I have the pleasure take you to your seat?" A handsome host member offers his hands to the blushing girls. They giggled in delight before taking his hand and walking along with him.
You walk around the host club while serving tea and sweet cookie to multiple tables. You were about to sit down with the girls and boys on the couch, suggested by themselves.
Your attention was caught by a male student standing awkwardly in front of the door. You regonized him, he was the kid that was awfully creepy and weird known by the whole school.
'Well.. Here goes nothing' You erased all your thoughts before greeting him with your captivating smile "Welcome to the host club, Zuo" Your aura sparkles along with your charm. Almost making the whole room blind.
Zuo internally turned red by this action, he felt like someone was holding his heart tightly. He could scream and rambles how you're so perfect in every way! And the way you already knew his name too, oh my gosh is it too late to plan a marriage now?!
You don't know how much courage did Zuo needed to gather in order to walk in this host club, just for you of course. But in the current time, he could only stand still and stare in adoration into your eyes.
You were a bit creeped out by this action, a bit wary on why is he staring at you creepily. You almost came to a conclusion where you think he's planning how to kill you! (Oh if only you knew.. He wouldn't and couldn't hurt his precious darling ever!)
"Do you prefer other types of hosts to lead you for this evening?" You went along with the flow and kept your charm up on the surface. Hoping you can just get rid of him in a matter of time.
Without any warning he slowly take a few steps to you and tug on your shirt while his eyes stares deeply into yours.
"I want you."
"...!" That took you by suprise, but nevertheless shrugs it off and offers him your hand to lead him to his seat. He grab on to your hand the moment you offered it with no hesitation which made you surprised once again.
The whole way to his seat was like a slow motion for Zuo, it felt like eternity when you were leading him like an angel! And you were willing to hold his hand! You?? The most charming and elegant leader of the host club with the creepiest kid? His heart bumps louder and louder inside of him.
You all sit on an empty couch, long table in front of you guys along with drinks and light foods. You wanted to pour tea into his cup before realizing your hand was still Inna death grip with Zuo.
"Uh.. Pardon me, but would you mind letting me go? I won't go anywhere but your side, don't you worry love" Your fanservice lips goes off but it seems like he doesn't want too when he shakes his head but you saw his ears were very red.
Your free hand reaches for the cookie and grabs it in front of his mouth "Say ahh" You teasingly say while laughing a little.
You expected the cookie you were holding would be bitten in a small bite but he immediately eats every part of the cookie including your fingers.
Inside you were panicking, did he want to bite off your fingers so you couldn't use it anymore?? Your thoughts are scattered even more when you felt he was licking the crumbs off your finger!
You retreat your hand sooner than he thought and you covered your messy face on your shoulder where red blushes can be spotted.
Zuo was ecstatic that you were blushing, this is just like what he had been dreaming of! To be with you.. Forever and ever and ever and ever!
Now look what you've done! You're giving him more false hope, he will grip onto his delusional lies and drag you down with him, all he needs is His Host.
"He's my host! DON'T TOUCH HIM YOU DIRTY SCUMS!! NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO TAKE HIM. Know your places ,fucking low lif
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To Love Like This
Pairing: Yandere! Lif x reader
Prompt: “I will protect you from everything” & “Is it so hard to love me?”
Description: Your relationship with Lif was nothing but strange. Despite that, you couldn’t bring yourself to hate it, or him. He was all you had, after all.
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 781
Notes: Here’s the *other* piece I accidentally used the “I will protect you from everything” prompt for lol this is kinda short, apologies. Both of them are but like ehhh idc
He said it so often, but you never believed him. Even if his words were soft, his touch nothing but gentle, and his gaze everything sweet and longing in this world, Lif was wrong. “I will protect you from everything…” It seemed these days, he was trying to convince himself more than you. You knew he was capable of doing so, nothing nor no one yet was able to stop Lif.
“You’ve told me so before, Lif.” You said softly. Even if he had taken you against your will, you couldn’t find it in you to hate him. Not knowing what you knew… You tried so hard to hate him, to be cruel and mean and rude and everything else you could stand but it never had any effect on him. It took it all in stride, eager for anything you deemed him worthy of.
“I know,” He wore no expression on his face as he looked at you. Still, the look in his eyes were haunting; it was obvious he cared for you, loved you in that twisted way only he could. It was probably just as obvious you cared for him too, in a way that you couldn’t ever not. He was Lif, after all. You were the summoner-- practically meant to be. “Still…” He always choose his words carefully, as if one wrong move would scare you away. The two of you were far past that, though. “Sometimes, I need to remind myself of it.” You nod carefully, not entirely sure what he meant by the words. You doubt you could ever get a clear read on him. No matter how long he kept you by his side, part of him would always be a mystery to you. Even if you knew his trauma, knew his secrets and his past and everything he had been though, you didn’t know him well enough. Maybe one day, he wouldn’t be so guarded.
The two of you are quiet for a long moment after that. You know Lif is staring at you but you don’t mind. You’ve grown use to it by now. He often doesn’t have much to stay to you and the silence has grown to be your companion. Idly, you wonder if the two of you will always be like this; so distant, yet so close; you doubted anyone could understand him like you could. In the same way, no one knew you like Lif did… Not even Alfonse.
“Is it so hard to love me?” The question is sudden, breaking you out of your thoughts and violently throwing you into his gaze.
“Pardon?” You had heard him clearly but your brain is having problems processing the question. It was too sudden, too loaded and you feel as if your going to short circuit as you try and think of an answer to it. Should you tell him the truth (as if you could lie to him). Did you even know what the truth was yourself? It was something you hadn’t wanted to ever really think about, that you actively avoided in fact.
“I know… I make it difficult.” He sits next to you. Without struggle, he pulls you into his lip, sighing softly as you comply and turn to face him. “I know being here is difficult for you…” He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “It’s frustrating, isn’t it?”
“It is…” You nod softly. “But as much as I want to resent you… hate what you’ve done to me, I can’t.” You catch his gaze, catch the slight surprise and the guilt shining in them. “As difficult as it is to love you, I can’t help it…” You shake your head, leaning to rest your forehead against his chest. “And I can’t even begin to explain it, Lif. Can’t you tell me why my heart beats for you? Why every touch, every word you say lights a spark in me?” You look into his eyes once more, gripping him tightly hoping he would have some sort of answer.
“I can’t say…” He shakes his head oh so gently. “I know I’m not worthy of your love, but I treasure it so much.” One hand remains on your waist, while another cups your cheek. Despite what he is, his touch is warm, inviting even. “Please, let me indulge…” His eyes flutter close and you find yours do was well. You let Lif kiss you, gentle as fallen snow, knowing that even though everything was strange and new every day you stayed with him, it would be alright.
After all, Lif would protect you from everything. You just couldn’t protect yourself from him… and that was alright.
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Yandere dee and yandere lif sharing a s/o?
📚 Yandere!Dee x Reader x Yandere! Lif headcanons Sharing ☠️
Initially, you and Lif were best friends. You were in the same class, spent almost all the time together. She showed you her drawings. You were the most precious person in her life. However, when you started communicating with Dee, she realized that she was in love with you and did not want to share with anyone else
Dee noticed you pretty quickly. At first it was simple curiosity, which quickly turned into obsession. He perfectly saw what kind of relationship there was between you and Lif, and also saw with what loving eyes she looked at you. He didn't like it. He didn't want her to take you away from him
You didn't know what Lif and Dee felt for you. You didn't see how they looked at you and didn't know that they shared you. They were constantly trying to draw your attention to themselves. You didn't notice how they frowned at each other. Every time they were alone, there were verbal battles between them, but they behaved as usual in front of you
The only reason they were teaming up was because someone was trying to flirt with you. They couldn't let anyone take you away, so they always tried to quickly get rid of other rivals, who were much easier to deal with than each other
They understood perfectly well that you were the only one who could decide who you would be with, but that didn't stop them from wanting to get you completely. They were willing to use a variety of ways to make you look at only one of them. They were obsessed with you and were ready to literally do anything for their goal
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[Yandere] Lif Headcanons
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You met her at the graveyard
You hadn't meant to be, you had accidentally stumbled upon the cemetery. The fog surely wasn't helping you feel comfortable, if anything it gave you the creeps
You had tripped over her feet when stumbling backwards
You yelped and nearly screamed when she yelled at you
"Hey watch it!"
You pushed hair out of your face and looked at the angry girl
"Sorry about that."
She blushed when seeing you and looked you over, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Uh, so what are you doing here?"
And you both began to talk and the cemetery a little less scary
Though, she freaked you out a little more than any graveyard could
You both were the clear embodiment of opposites attract
She posts you on her story and you post her on your story
She sends you pictures of dead animals she sees or pictures before she posts them
She loves walking with you and enjoys just chatting
She gets pretty aggressive if people are mean to you
She's the girlfriend to be like 'They asked for no pickles'
She draws you, but it's not really you, but it's like an abstract version of you [Does that make sense?]
You can imagine that she has you over a lot
She really enjoys your company and hopes you enjoy hers too
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
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————————————————- I posted this too early, Tumblr needs to add an “unpublish” button.
But- boo- If this isn’t the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen then I don’t know what is.
-also, this is my first time typing this on a computer, usually, I do it on a mobile, I can use bold and italics! my eyes have been opened to a new world.
————————————————------------------------------------------you know, the two had never admitted that they'd turned this into something of a contest, but it was just an unspoken agreement, there wasn't any prize, just the feeling of pride that would sweep through them. it was a really simple start, Aizawa was at work helping all day, but hizashi had the day completely off, as the area his hero agency headquarters were in, lost power, and he couldn't do anything about it, so he gave all his workers, and himself, the day off, he was just giddy because he got to spend the day with his little girl.
hed went out early in the morning to get a bunch of your favorites, movies, snacks, hed even gone out and gotten you a new fuzzy blanket with little sheep printed all over it, as your old one had frayed and was slightly disintegrated. that day was written off as a father-daughter lazy day, you were going to sit and cuddle with him while your favorite things ran on the tv (pg 13 and under of course, but that's fine since Disney is amazing). it was just marvelous to see your cute little reaction whenever he surprised you with the little couch fort he's set up, blankets and pillows scattered everywhere, directly framing the large tv they had in the media room.
especially when he pulled out your favorite blanket, just new. you loved that blanket, it was one of the things they'd given you in your first days here, and it's become something you used as personal comfort. it just brings you a sense of contentment, you liked sleeping under it, so much that it had grown to be ratty and frayed. like one of the cats had scratched at it with its little kitty claws.
it made you so smiley and happy, and mic was very happy that he could bring you that, he was the one who brought you happiness, it was him, not anyone else, him, boy did that make him feel like a hero, for once. you were oh so compliant with snuggling up under that blanket with him, watching movies all day, it was so warm and content, like getting a hug, constantly. when Aizawa came home that night, at almost 9;00, just to see both you and his husband fast asleep, under a blanket that he could recognize instantly, you were actually... smiling, huh. that's new.
later, after your tight been tucked tight into bed and given a kiss goodnight, he asked hizashi what the two of you'd done that day, and he explained all about the day you had, the happiness he shared with you about the blanket, and Aizawait's felt,,, oddly jealous like mic was slowly stabbing him with each word. see, he really isn't the jealous type, it's just that, he'dHmmit's done that all, and hadn't even tried to include him? it was just a weird feeling in his heart, slight anger that he hadn't been there to make you happy, he hadn't gotten to be the one who you smiled at. Hmm, I sense some underlying issues.
it was pretty easy to notice the brief annoyance in him the next day, especially when you'd insisted on grabbing the blanket whenever he picked you up out of bed, and seeing hizashis smirk when he carried you down the stairs, as you clutched the fluffy piece of fabric, just furthered it. he was prickly towards his husband, but just softer with you, babying you even more, like it was to make up for the lost time from earlier that week. hed come home with another cat that day, a furry black cat with the greenest eyes you'd ever seen, the loud "awwwwwww" caught both his, and his husband, who was at the time, doing paperwork in the kitchen. hizashi had walked in just to find you sitting in aizawas lap, with the small baby kitten in your lap, you having the time of your life.
nd just a little bit of arrogance, the two males met eyes for a moment, both tearing away their gazes from you, Aizawa gave a knowing smirk, that held a lot of pride, it was not like he was necessarily TRYING to make hizashi jealous, but you know, something inside of him just had to have it happen, in the few seconds that their eyes met, both knew
this means war
in the next month, you were showered with so many gifts, each having its own meaning. the two men had mad each done their own versions of things you liked, you didn't even want to know the price of any of them, as you would probably feighnt hearing them, mic had bought you a pretty golden ring, with his name engraved on it, so Aizawa bought a necklace for you, little red rubies encrusted along the outer edge, spelling his name, you had promised never to take it off unless he helped you, it was just catfight with you in the middle.
they were doing tall for you, they were doing it because it made you happy to have gifts, whoever you smiled at more, or got more excited at, was obviously the favorite, and boy, did these two, REALLY, want to be the favorite. cmon, you didn't expect them to just STOp whenever you said it was too much and that they shouldn't spend all that my on you, and that both of them were your favorite papa's. you were theirs to spoil, and they loved you too much, they both kinda teamed up on you there, shoving away their petty little fight for the sake of reassuring you.
"oh no honey, we want to do this for you! don't worry your pretty little head about the money, you aren't a bother at all"
then the speculation of your birthday came up, and bitch, it skyrocketed. the packages were coming in left to right, and by the time your birthday actually rolled around, you almost had 40 gifts... each, from both parents. every time you would open one, with the help for, them as "you'll get papercuts, we don't want that", you would find some designer clothing object, or some pretty diamond earrings that are with more than your existence,, any, many stuffed animals, a few cats here and there, just so much stuff. every time a gift would make you so much as gasp, one of the men would send a smirk to the other, a silent "ha ha!"
it was almost entertaining to see their little competition play out, for you at least, it almost made you laugh at how extra they were being, acting like a bunch of children playing a game of tag. they still loved each other though, this was just fun, and boy did they sure love you, you loved them too, somehow you did. they knew you did.
in the end, they had both fooled themselves into thinking they were your favorites in the house, when in reality,
you had 27 cats that you would gladly take over them any day
this was too cute, I'm gonna cry.
as you could probably tell by literally any one of my fics, i love cats, tiny little angels, fight me about it.
anywho, thanks for requesting, have a wonderful day today! goodbye!
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Like a fairy tale
Yandere!Diluc x maid!fem!reader
Wordcount: 1921
CW: Yandere and slightly suggestive themes.
You loved reading fairy tales as a child - they were magical and hopeful, a needed retreat for a child of destitute parents. They were a promise that if you were good and kind and beautiful enough, eventually some faraway prince would come by and save you from poverty. And you tried to be good - you were obedient and hardworking and you pushed your hardest in the local school, yet hardship and scarcity still trailed your every step - the meager earnings your parents made weren't enough to buy you nice clothes or let you eat until you were sated, which in turn made social interactions harder: some kids sneered and humiliated you, some tried to help you out of pity. You disliked both groups: whether they were friendly or aggressive towards you, they still looked down on you.
Thus you decided to distance yourself from your peers - there was no knight in shining armour galloping towards you on a snow white steed, yet a good education could be your golden ticket to a better rich life. It was hard at first - to work and to study and to help your parents all while ignoring the demeaning and insulting comments the bullies made, but you gritted your teeth and pushed forward, imagining how wealthy you’ll become in the future and in the end our efforts were rewarded - you graduated as the best student, that led you to receiving a scholarship from Sumeru academy. Sparks and shine appeared in your eyes as you read the letter, barely stopping yourself from outright squealing and jumping from joy.
The moment of happiness didn’t last long though, as a reality again reminded you that there’s no place for fairy tales in the real world - scholarship covered the full cost of apprenticeship, but only it - you still had to spend money on the journey from Mondstadt to Sumeru, a place to rent and food, and if you still could find a job after your arrival in the foreign country and pay off the later two, trip required mora that you never had. At first you had a mad idea to traverse Teyvat on your own two feet - it would be a slow and arduous process, but cheap nonetheless. You later gave up on this plan - archons didn’t give you any vision, nor did you have fighting and travelling experience to aid you on the trail that no doubt would be full of slimes, hilichurls and other dangerous monsters.
And that’s how you started job hunting - you took on any work that promised you a hefty pay, be it some boring reports for guild of adventurers or an exciting yet risky endeavor of getting information for an extravagant cavalry captain, which then led you to Dawn Winery. Head housemaid, Adelinde, posted a job opening for a maid, and the prospect of a stable salary, free food and comfortable bed was enough to lure you in there - two or three years ago the previous owner of the winery died in the accident and his successor left Mond for some reason, leaving the maintenance and management of the winery on the shoulders of the said housemaid.
After a quick interview, the head maid demanded you to show her your cleaning skills, which you effortlessly did, having to look after the house by yourself all your childhood. It seems she was satisfied, as she nodded to you and asked to follow her as she led you to your room. Compared to the other two maids here, Hillie and Moco, who preferred to spend their work time in idle chat, you came off as highly professional and diligent worker. This contrast raised both your position and salary in the winery, as Adelinde started to entrust you with tasks more interesting than simple sweeping and cleaning.
You were outside the winery the day you met Diluc - returning from the city and carrying several stacks of milk and wheat you got chased by the hilichurls. Monsters didn’t leave you, no matter how long and how far you ran. You were ready to drop all the goods and have Adelinde to scold you for wastefulness and dereliction when Ragnvindr appeared and stole a breath from you. He looked just like the prince from your childhood tales, impossibly pretty and strong, arriving just when the creatures caught up with you and then defeating all of them with a single slash of great claymore. And just like a fairytale prince he helped you to get up and collect the scattered baggage and asked if you were okay. Then you two headed for the winery, you didn't know that he was it's owner at the time, chatting and thanking him, as he carried purchases. Adelinde almost fainted when she saw the return of the prodigal master in your company. After hastily taking goods from his hands, she made you apologize for rudeness and insubordination, but Diluc interrupted you saying it was fine.
Ragnvindr heir returned back to the winery and life went on its own, except the unreadable glares Diluc started to send you when you both were in the same room. It started off small: the quick glances that soon grew into intense staring. With his impassive stone face it was impossible to tell why he was glaring at you so much, so you acted as polite and professional as you could in his vicinity - after all you didn’t want to get fired and look for a new job. The key to this riddle presented itself during one day.
It was a bleak windy morning when Adelinde sent you to the city again, and as you walked the sky darkened and rain started. You returned absolutely soaked and shivering, teeth chattering and limbs slightly numb from cold and when Diluc saw you he ordered you to change in a low commanding voice. Frightened by the possible dismissal, you hurried putting on the uniform. Because of the haste you pulled it too tightly, hiking up a maid dress a little. It wasn’t up enough to reveal your hips or thighs, showing just a portion of knees that was usually hidden by the wide skirt.
Diluc’s eyes were glued on the uncovered joints, a subtle blush appearing on his pale cheeks. You continued to work, feeling how he consumed your legs with his eyes alone. He is lusting after me. You didn't know what to do with that revelation back then, embarrassed and slightly scared of attracting master Diluc's attention.
Nonetheless, an answer quickly came on the next day as you found a bonus to your salary, so big that it could be considered a payment for the next month. Diluc, despite his usually impassive face, seemed to be ashamed of the thoughts he had yesterday, with the body language telling you of his true feelings.
A plan came to mind. You hated yourself for it at first - it was low and disgraceful, you felt like a stereotypical manipulative gold digger, yet still decided to realize it in life - you needed mora, as fast and as much as possible. Over the time you spent working at the Dawn winery you noticed that Diluc, despite his obviously high intelligence, wasn't really good at judging one’s character, so he fell for your scheme pretty easily. Design you had in mind was pretty simple - to stir him up with small, innocuous gestures and changes that would slip past the outsider’s eyes.
Sometimes you applied a thin layer of healing lip balm on your lips, that so conveniently happened shine and glitter under the light, sometimes you donned your dress a little bit higher, opening the view of two delicate knees and sometimes after cleaning and working all day you felt so hot that you had to unfasten one or two buttons to cool off. Diluc, despite not showing it on his face, was obviously distracted and aroused, hands clenched into fists and a shaky, barely controlled exhale escaping his nose.
He started to pile you with bonuses and prizes; “for a well done job”, he said one time, averting his gaze and masking the shame in his voice under a huff. He also started to request you to specifically clean the rooms he occupied, his eyes sizing up almost every inch of your body. You felt how the lust and desire radiated off him, how his hands itched to trace your skin and have you at his mercy, yet he stopped every time with his steel strong control and self-discipline. You sensed how it dwindled little by little.
Diluc, in some perverted sense, was that fair prince of your childhood daydreams that would save you from poverty.
You almost had saved up the needed amount of money when you noticed the loss of your most cherished possession - an invitation to the Sumeru academy and scholarship certificate. With heart booming in your chest you started to look for it in the whole winery, without giving out that you were searching for something. It seems that you were unsuccessful in your attempts, as master of the winery soon called you into the office.
Here, he was sitting behind the desk with a familiar paper in his hand - your eyes widened as you saw it and you had an urge to run up to him and snatch the invitation from him. You performed a curtsy instead, closing the door behind you and waiting for him to speak, eyes still on the sheet in Diluc’s hold.
“[First], you are a diligent and skillful employee, Adelinde has a very high opinion of you” he started from afar, a slight rosy blush dusting his cheeks at "skillful employee".
"So as your employer I wouldn't want any harm to befall on your person, and" he shaked the invitation a couple of times, "it came to my attention that you were planning on travelling to Sumeru. I advise you against this nonsensical idea".
You gritted teeth, careful not to insult him with the couple of barbed words at the tip of your tongue. Nonsensical idea? This was your goal, a main reason why you worked so much and allowed yourself so little.
“I am sorry, master Diluc, I am afraid I can’t abandon this idea”, you say, response flat and controlled, a thunderstorm of emotions hidden beneath the faux calm, “It is my goal, and the main reason why I work here”. So I can have a bright and secure future, in which I won’t have to worry about the tomorrow ever again.
“I also learned that you were born into a low income family and you had to struggle in your life because of that ” a sudden mention of your less than glorious origin makes your face burn from the shame you thought you buried a long time ago. You are stunned, so he continues: “I believe this little endeavor of yours is also motivated by your desire for a stable future. Drop it, I travelled all across the Teyvat and there are horrors that can easily destroy you both in body and spirit”.
He stands up from the desk, and gets closer to you: “I can look after and provide for you, just stay there and you won’t have to worry about the future again ”. His hold on the paper gets tighter, pyro vision shining with a dangerous glint. A faint smell of smoke spreads through the room - a warning if you remain stubborn and unyielding.
Who could have known that the fair prince was a greedy dragon all along?
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aitarose · 4 years
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HEAVEN (K.SUGAWARA) pairing: sugawara koushi x fem!reader
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“these are the radiancies of the perfected vision that sees the good and step by step moves nearer what it sees.”
inferno collaboration masterlist
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summary: there was the idea of perfection, total bliss amongst two serene souls in love, soulmates if you will—and then there was desperation, the total need for control and appearance—that of which he so greatly wanted, the idea of a love that would never be real.
word count: 2.0k
genre/warnings: timeskip, established relationship, major angst, borderline yandere!suga, slight nsfw, obsession, possessiveness, dark?, slight mention of corruption kink, mentions of religious themes
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notes: fun fun fun crazy suga!! i definitely could’ve gone a nice and pretty route for heaven, but i wanted to make him absolutely mad—so here it is!
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Perhaps there was a world in which you were happy—another universe where you’d spend your days on the beach, laughing as he skipped rocks, treading behind him in the water as the ocean became too deep for your feet to touch. The sea would caress your back, waves serenading your skin, shriveling the tips of your fingers, and wrinkling them to raisins.
He’d have his arms wrapped around you, tracing light hearts on your waist, peppering sparse kisses to the nape of your neck—showering you in love and affection, the pure emotions that he promised he’d always feel—the very things that he lived by, vowed to, repeated to himself every morning as you’d wake up beside each other under the silk sheets of your king-sized mattress. 
“I love you.” He’d whisper softly, lips ghosting your own, a faint smile gracing his face. The shine of his teeth was blinding, white and radiant in the light of the morning sun—heavenly, if you will. There was no doubt in your mind that he had to have been an angel in another life, one of the heralds in the sky, flying through the clouds—just so happening to touch the same ground you walked.
And it truly was bliss, an Elysium filled with lovestruck gazes, romantic nights in each other’s presence, the same three words spoken across the phone, the metro, the bed. You’d never believed in the concept of a honeymoon stage of a relationship, believing that if it were true and pure love, that stage would never really fade—that it would always be racing, that you’d forever be surfing the wave.
But waves fall, surf settles, and the currents will always inevitably pull back. 
It’d been gradual, the change in behavior. A complete one-eighty from a caring and considerate boyfriend, one of which he’d hold your hand through doorways, wrap warm blankets over your shoulders, make love to you late at night and into the early hours of the morning—all within the privacy of your own home.
The way he’d tower over you, arms holding his own weight, caging your body beneath his, and showering you in endless acts of love. The times where he’d grab your jaw, passionately colliding his lips with yours, taking all of you as if his life depended on it. How he’d trail kisses down your skin, stopping just above your navel, hips rutting to meet yours, quiet grunts and moans escaping the both of you—ecstasy consuming the room.
You shared the kind of love that was envied. The kind that most would spend their whole lives searching for, searching to have just a taste of what it felt like to be so completed by another that it felt as if life was truly complete—like you’d completed the handbook written by the angels above, the unspoken laws of attraction and existence.
However, that love had shriveled, it’d been lost within the tsunami that was Koushi Sugawara. Suga—the man whose peers admired him, asked advice from, trusting with their future—had become corrupt. He was nothing of the man he once was, the boy she’d known in high school through university, the boy she’d spent all those years loving.
He was a shadow of who he once was—his large and giving heart, becoming maniacal and obsessive, freakishly striving for perfection in every aspect of the world—believing that they themselves could become the model couple if they just tried hard enough, if they just kept up the facade that was their sheer wave of love.
There he stood, laughs overtaking his entire face, eyes pinched shut as tears ran down his cheeks at whatever it was that Daichi had just said. He clapped a hand over his best friend’s shoulder, pushing him backwards as if to say that he was being ridiculous, shaking his head in amusement and chuckling once more at Daichi’s exasperated expression. 
It was a lie to say that Suga wasn’t an amazing actor, rather a liar, on the skin-level. He knew how to manipulate a situation, maneuver a discussion so it was only on the subject of you and him, on how perfect and happy you were together—how fantastic you were in the eighth year of your relationship since high school.
His tricks were masterful, a true ace in all aspects of the art of appearances. There was no surprise as to why your friends hadn’t caught on to anything—to how your cheeks would no longer flush at the feeling of his lips pressed against your skin, how you wouldn’t spontaneously pull him into a hug or wrap your arms around his waist—even how neither of you would say those three special words in public, claiming that everyone had grown tired of hearing them.
A chill ran down your spin, shivers vibrating in your bones as his eyes met yours. Pupils dark and gloomy, ravishing you under the LED lights—despite the vibrant colors in the room, cheerful decor, and happiness for Asahi and his new line of clothing—he looked at you as if you were his prey, a shark beneath the mask of a kind smile.
Holding up a finger to his former teammates, Suga made his way towards you, slinking through the crowd easily, managing to push past every single person without coming in contact. A sly grin graced his face, casual and appropriate for the current situation—just as it always was—perfectly appropriate.
“What’re you staring at, beautiful?” He whispered, slinging an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to his body whilst craning his head outwards, watching to make sure that there were at least some eyes on you. It was as if you were a caged animal, a dolphin in a tank as the children came to watch the show at the zoo.
Sighing deeply, glancing up at him and leaning upwards to press a soft kiss against his lips, you replied—you replied with the thing you knew he wanted to hear. “I’m staring at you of course.” As his eyes narrowed, nose touching yours, he smirked, a shit-eating look in his pupils. “You’re all I’m ever looking at, Koushi.”
“Damn, right I am.” Suga scoffed, grabbing your jaw and pulling you upwards into a sweeping embrace—his mouth moving fluidly with yours, devouring your surprise, corrupting the innocence he’d already taken from you so many years ago in the physical sense as well as emotional—encouraging you to continue your show. “Smile for the audience sweetheart.” He said against your lips, biting yours, claiming you in front of his friends.
“We wouldn’t want to let down their expectations, now would we?”
Your high school friends were going wild, laughing at the sight of the two of you wrapped in each other’s arms, showing your displays of love just as you always had at Karasuno—the displays of love that were nothing but an act, a charade that you continued for the sake of your reputation—the reputation you had as the young sweethearts who would undoubtedly live up to their yearbook expectations and get married after graduation. 
“Enough already, Suga!” Daichi dragged his best friend away from your puckered lips, away from the unwanted desperation that you had for him. It wasn’t your fault that he was practically irresistible, despite the many downsides of his obsessions. He’d been your dream man for all of your life, a man that you wouldn’t give up for the world no matter how toxic the relationship had become—your body longed for him, muscle memory inact with the feeling of his skin on yours. 
A sheepish smile grew on your lips, shrugging at the hollers and cat-calls the party had thrown at you, thinking they were laughing along with the wild act—but in reality, it felt as if they were reacting to a comedy show—a show in which you were the star, the only person that was being completely humiliated for pleasure. 
The former captain’s chuckles bubbled from his throat, hands holding his stomach as he became breathless, seeing the situation as all the more humorous, not at all suspicious with the perfection of it all. “You guys really are our little love birds, aren’t you?” He nodded at Suga, giving him a little high-five as if to congratulate him for loving you.
The gleam in your boyfriend’s eyes was one of unmistakable happiness, pure joy at the words he was hearing come from Daichi’s mouth. He looked like a man in love, a man who was so overcome with the unconditional feeling of belonging to another that there was nothing else that mattered—nothing that could surpass how his heart beat for you.
How he’d brush your hair in the morning, gently caressing your face, helping you apply blush and bronzer—making sure that you looked beautiful, beautiful enough to impress your shared friends. How he’d spontaneously buy you clothes, dresses, even shoes—ones that he saw in the latest media posts, knowing that they were exactly in style so you’d be envied for your impeccable fashion sense. 
Or even how he’d continue to make love to you, all on a planned schedule—a poll made by millions that stated the perfect time to be physical—the perfect time for you to become his again and again.
And perhaps this should’ve made you shy away, grow tense at the feeling of his touch, the feeling of his lips on yours. You could’ve been long gone at this point, far away in the arms of another, someone new who would treat you the way you truly deserved to be treated—a person that would value your love above all else, above the opinion on your love by others.
That was your life, your life in another world—another world where you were able to ride his wave, steer your ship away from his raging sea, and into the calm of the sunset. A world where you were miles and miles away from his predetermined coordinates, compass thrown into the depths of the ocean, buried under the tons of black water. 
But this wasn’t that world, and you hadn’t left him—you couldn’t just leave him.
Since there was still a shadow of the man he once was underneath the plastic persona he chose to put on display, the Ken-like reality that he saw through rose-colored glasses. You knew that he was in there somewhere, that if you could just stick around long enough, you could save him from the currents that were drowning him—the currents of obsession and self-doubt.
Which is why it wasn’t your fault when you’d instantaneously fawn at the little looks he’d send your way, or the light kisses pressed to the palms of your hands. When your eyes would roll back as he’d whisper in your ear, telling you how amazing you are, all the things he wanted to do to you as you touched below the belt—hidden beneath the taunting silky white of your bedsheets.
You were victim to the corrupt angel that was Koushi Sugawara, the true demon that’d fallen from heaven—Lucifer, himself, in his most beautiful human form. 
There was no crest to this wave, no tunnel that ended in a bright and blinding light, no still beneath the moonlight with sparse waves rippling in its after-light. All there was was the droplets of love that he held for you, a drought in a desert that would never see rain—a horizon that would be barren of life and love for an eternity.
You’d never leave him, never tread the next surf without him behind you on that board. He was your world, while you were his constant—a single variable that he had complete control over, an equation that he could dictate and solve over and over again, never finding the last solution as there was no real solution to perfection.
There was only the idea of it, the idea of being something equal to that of heaven—equal to that of absolute bliss and serenity. You were stuck in a loop that would go on forever and there was no one to blame but your blind love for a man that would never again feel the same. So, in that moment, in every moment onwards—those three little words, three little lies, would be permanent tattoos on your lips.
“I love you.”
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© aitarose.tumblr 2021. do not copy or claim my writing, works, themes, or headers as your own
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You said you did a Lif drawing right? I was just wondering if we could see it or not. No pressure tho :)
Of course!!
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Masterlist I
Updated: August 14, 2024
Sebastian Schvagenbagen/Glam
Yandere! Sebastian Schvagenbagen - Headcanons for Sebastian Wait 4 Me - Time jumps that show the growing relationship between Sebastian/Glam & Reader from the very beginning You're so Dumb - You and Glam end up alone in a locked room I Hate You, Brat [Pt1]- Sebastian has a crush on the Chive's close friend, his annoyance. Sebastian the Fool - The relationship you have with Sebastion/Glam before and after he meets Chive/Ches
Yandere! Stalker! Bully! Dee Schvagenbagen - Headcanons for Dee being a bully only because he doesn't know to act around you Confused Little Girl - Headcanons for a ditsy reader that Dee has a crush on My Favorite Valentine - Valentine Special [Published June 24] My Brother Loves You - Heavy can never seem to keep his mouth shut when it comes to his brother's secrets Self Aware Dee - Dee becomes aware that the Viewer is watching him [Extra Drabble] I Watch You While You Sleep - Dee talks to you after stalking you for so long Foreign Girls Can't Survive in Russia - You happened to be embarrassed because of a language barrier between you and your history teacher Lovin' You Was Lethal, Guess That Makes Me Evil - Dee never thought he'd see the day where he'd be seething with jealousy over some loser guy who thinks he has a shot with you Band Man - Dee x fem!reader, but the reader is in a band? Injured Baby- Dee w/ a clumsy Reader Shy Love- Dee w/ a shy reader who is new
Yandere [Aged Up] Heavy Headcanons - Headcanons for Heavy Jealous Boy - Heavy when he's jealous My Waterpark - You and Heavy go to the Waterpark Heavy Headcanons- Headcanons for Heavy who got reader in trouble Heavy the Guard Dog- Headcanons for Heavy who's like a protective guard dog Heavy Headcanons- General Headcanons for Heavy
I Love You Regardless - You come out to Chive as Non-Binary Your Sister's Kind of Hot- Chive has a crush on Sebastian's younger sister
Yandere! Lif Headcanons - Headcanons My Emo Girlfriend - More Headcanons
Diana Headcanons- Headcanons
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Can we get Cage With Líf
Pairing: Yandere! Lif x reader
Prompt: “I will protect you from everything”
Description: All you could really remember was a raging storm of white. If not for Lif, you may not have survived it; you’re worried for your allies but it seems Lif is more worried about you...
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 878
Notes: Lmao this is the prompt that I accidentally wrote two pieces for so... happy Lif content! For the second one I’m just gonna find another prompt to put in it too lolol bc I’m just a little bit of a dumb ass. Nothing like a bunch of Lif content to get me back into writing though!
He could hardly believe what he had done but Lif was too far gone to be regretting things now. How soundlessly you slept, sweet and serene in your trust and him. And he betrayed that. But the more he thought about it… this was the only way it could be, the only way he could keep you safe.
“Lif…?” His name was a murmur on your lips as your eyes slowly opened, trying to take in the dark room. Your gaze found Lif, still, confused, and focused solely on his glowing eyes. He didn’t want to speak, lest he ruin this moment. “Where… are we?” All to soon, your eyes left his, going to do a slow scan of your surroundings. “My… head hurts a little… what happened?” You went to sit up but with a gentle push he coaxed you back to where your head lay in his lap.
“Don’t be rash, you’re safe with me.” Seeing you visible calm down at his words softened him, a gentle smile coming to rest on his lips, concealed by his mask. “Don’t you remember? We.. we’re attacked while traveling...” His voice was soft, his hand gently carding through your hair.
“Attacked…?” Your voice was low, the cogs in your head working overtime to try and remember anything. “I… really don’t actually. Where is everyone else…?” You were starting to awaken more now, trying to stay calm since Lif was here. Everything would be alright since he was here with you…
“We got separated from them… It was too dangerous for me to try and take you back to our main force.” How easily the lies flowed through his lips. It was disgusting how easy this was. Why did you trust him so much? Why wouldn’t you question him?
“Oh….” This time, Lif let you sit up fully, trying to act normal as you leaned on him for support. How could things be going so well for him now, when he had done something terribly wrong? “Do you know where we ended up?” You looked around more now, seeing the two of you in a homely little cabin. There was one other room than the one you shared now with Lif. There could have been more beyond it but you weren’t sure, the doors were closed. The supposed bedroom you were in was nice, though.
“I’m… unfamiliar with the area. You’ve been out for a while now… I had to stay and watch over you.” You nodded, sighing then as you sat back against the headboard.
“A while, huh? I must have been a burden on you, sorry Lif…” You shook your head. “Hopefully, now that I’m awake we can make up a game plan. Though.. if I’ve been out for as long as you claim its possible our forces are farther than we may anticipate…” You frowned, already trying to figure how to get the two of you out of this. You wouldn’t, though, not if Lif could help it. Not for a while, anyways… just long enough for you to realize who you belonged with. And perhaps just a little after that… You moved to stand and bring yourself out of bed but as soon as your food hit the ground, pain shot through it and your leg. Lif was instantly there to support you, slowly lowering you to down to the bed again and letting you lean on him for support. “Ow…” You breathed through your teeth, trying to calm down and still your beating heart.
“You need to be careful… While we were attacked you got hurt badly. It’s possible your ankle is even broken.” Lif knew it was broken, actually. It was something he regretted doing but he couldn’t say he hated the outcome-- especially with the way you whimpered softly and looked at your swollen ankle.
“What will we do now? I-I can’t go out in this weather in this condition…” You sighed and shook your head, already leaning further into Lif, appreciating his touch during this troubling moment.
“Shh… it’s alright.” Lif gently carded his fingers though your hair, helping to calm you down more. “I will protect you from everything… you don’t have to worry.” Lif fully moved you into his lap now, wrapping his free hand around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“L-Lif?” Your voice raised in pitch just a little from the fluster you felt. Lif only wished he could see the blush that was one your face. “I um… thank you, for everything.” You tried to calm down, just wanting to enjoy the rare affection he was showing you. “For saving me, taking care of me… even comforting me now. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” Oh, if only you knew… what he’s done, what he’s willing to do for you ____…
“Don’t mention it.” Lif dared to press a soft kiss to the nape of your neck, reveling in the little gasp you let out. “It’s my pleasure…” Loving you, protecting you, seeing you happy and content… Lif would do it all and more. You were the only thing in this new life of his that he cared for-- he would see to it that you stayed by his side no matter what.
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